St. William - Amazon Web Services
St. William - Amazon Web Services
St. William 2600 N. Sayre Avenue, Chicago, IL 60707 Phone: 773/637-6565 Fax: 773/637-7042 RECTORY STAFF Rev. Robert J. Lojek, Pastor - ext. 102 Fr. Stanislaw Czarnecki, S.J. - ext. 112 Fr. Jarek Maciejewski, Assoc.-ext. 114 Deacon Edward Simola Deacon John Ponce De Leon Peggy Forgione, Principal - School-102 Monika Wawrzyniak, Bus Mgr.- ext 103 Julie Gorski, Rel Ed. - 630/697-7294 Sister Patrycja, Night Reception ext 101 Kamil Duda—847/313-5896 Kathy Rudy, Secretary-ext. 0 email: [email protected] \ RECTORY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday morning until 12:00) (Closed daily 1:00—2:00pm -Lunch) Evening Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed Thursday) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565 RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042 SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130 SCHOOL HOURS: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208 SCHOOL WEB: *** EW PARISH WEB SITE: Gal Dariusz Gałuszka Allan Grzebyk Paula Józefko Eryk Łowisz Patryk Małkowski Mikołaj Matuszelanski Mateusz May 15, 2016 *** Marchwiany Adrian Marczyk Filip Michalski Philip Molledi Gabriel Pięta icole Waśniewski Kacper Pentecost Sunday St. William May 15, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MAY 15 –PENTECOST SUNDAY 7:30am Isabel Thomas Frances Penda Forlano In Thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit Christopher Kmiecik –Birthday Blessings God Bless All Mother’s 9:00am Antonio & Francesca Lupo –Birth Rem. Rosita Pongasi Ludinea Chua –Good Health Blessings God Bless All Mother’s 10:30am Zofia Modla Stanislaw Muklewicz Zdzislaw Gzyl –21st Death Anniv. 12:00pm Daniel Storto Jenny/Ruperta/Jose/Romeo/Oscar Arceo Ludinea Chua –Good Health Blessings God Bless All Mother’s 2:00pm Jozef Koszut & Zofia Modla Maria Kubicka Julianna Janus Antoni Kawala Emilia & Marian Janus Jozef Czyz Michal Magiera –6th Death Anniv. Czeslaw Tadeusz Czerniawski –10th Death Anniv. Maria’s Helpers –God bless you all! MONDAY, MAY 16 8:15am Angie Ricchio –Birth Rem. Angie Ricchio –Birth Rem. God Bless All Mother’s 7:00pm Polish Marianna Maka TUESDAY, MAY 17 8:15am St. William Parishioners & Benefactors God Bless All Mother’s WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 –St. John I 8:15am Casey Pietrzyk God Bless All Mother’s 7:00pm Ks. Antoni –Good Health Blessings THURSDAY, MAY 19 8:15am God Bless All Mother’s 12:00pm Regi Daren God Bless All Mother’s FRIDAY, MAY 20 –St. Bernardine of Siena 8:15am Rosemary Carluccio –Birth Rem. Rosemary Carluccio –Birth Rem. Anthony & Priscilla Panico –44th Wed Ann. God Bless All Mother’s 7:00pm Jozef & Anna Matoniak & Family SATURDAY, MAY 21 –St. Christopher of Magallanes 8:15am Enrico & Joseph Castellano John & Bernadine Janicek & Family God Bless All Mother’s 4:30pm Irene Gruszka Natalina Morotti Ann Varner Harry Nicolini Joseph & Theresa Brumann & Sons God Bless All Mother’s LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm & Polish at 10:30am & 2:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Polish Mass: Wednesday & Friday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 8:15 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday: (Noon Mass), Noon—4:15p.m. 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-Polish 5:15 Chaplet of Divine Mercy-English followed by Benediction SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Call the Rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you would like to receive Communion, call the rectory to make arrangements. 773/637-6565 RECTORY HOURS: Daytime: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am—4:30pm. Rectory Closed EVERY TUESDAY MOR I G Tuesday open from oon-1:00 & 2:00-4:30pm Mon.—Fri. closed from 1:00—2:00pm for lunch Evening Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. from 6—8pm, and Saturday 10am—12 (Noon). St. William Page Three WEEK AT A GLANCE NEW amount needed weekly to cover our budgeted expenses is: $7,000 Budget for Weekly Collection ……….....………...$7,000 Weekend Collection……...……………………......$6,850 Under $ ( -150) Please Remember your Parish in your Will! Sunday, May 15 PPP/Manna Gift Card Sale After All Masses –Church 10:45am-1:00pm Religious Ed –302/303/310/312/Library 1:00 –1:30pm May Crowning –Church Monday, May 16 10:00am –1:00pm Seniors Group –Liebrich Hall Tuesday, May 17 7:00 –8:30pm Coin Club –Room 316 Wednesday, May 18 Parish scheduling meeting All organizations, committees, groups, school parents, teachers, priests, PPC, Athletic group, Seniors and basically anyone who uses the school, rectory, church, convent or parking lot for ANYTHING, please come to the Scheduling meeting on Thursday, June 2nd at 2:00pm in the Rectory Hall. Be prepared to fill out the scheduling form with your event calendar for 2016-2017. Thursday, May 19 Noon—5:30pm Mass/Eucharistic Adoration –Church 6:30 –9:00pm Girl Scouts –Rm 315 & 316 7:30—9:00pm Boy Scout Troop 49 –Liebrich Hall Friday, May 20 8:15am All School Mass –Church 6:00—9:30pm Cub Scout Pk 3049 –Liebrich Hall Saturday, May 21 Stop by the rectory to fill out a Facility Scheduling Form to reserve a room or a Cancellation/Change Form. WEDDING BANNS Gregory Wasniowski & Paulina Potepa TABERNACLE LIGHTS Katia & Casey Pietrzyk FROM DEACON ED: Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop it. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK atalina Kass Elzbieta Mital Mary Targosz Maria Hinojosa Dana Oades orma Bode Jinger Rush Donna Ricchio Virginia Goggin Amanda Bert Leila Bandy Dolores Piccoli Ruthanne Gowin Marilyn Berry Joe & Rose Cernick Anna Rolka Phil Parker Caleb Fisher PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Pardo Vaccaro Dorothy Groh ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: FIRST SECURITY TRUST & SAVINGS Thanks for your sponsorship! See ad in the back of the bulletin. Page Four St. William 1ST HOLY COMMUNION On Saturday, April 30, second grade made their First Holy Communion. Students were very excited to receive Jesus’ Body for the first time! It was a very beautiful and special day for these happy second graders! SAINT WILLIAM SCHOOL NEWS Attention: Healthcare Professionals Help Us Keep Our Kids Healthy This year’s Kids Fitness Challenge/Keeping Kids Healthy event is planned for Thursday, May 26th. On this day, students participate in athletic activities and brief lessons that teach students how to keep healthy through diet choices, regular exercise, personal and dental hygiene. Parish and school family healthcare professionals are invited to be part of our Keeping Kids Healthy program. If you are interested in sharing your healthcare knowledge with our students, please contact Mrs. Potempa at [email protected] before May 20th. St. William Page Five Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, MAY CROWNING-TODAY! At its heart, Renew My Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago is a spiritual initiative. We seek to be more and more attuned to the directions in which the Lord is leading us as a community of faith. There are many activities that belong to the process of Renew My Church, for example, gathering and analyzing data, meeting to discuss choices that are to be made, and working to implement decisions. Above all, however, the Lord summons us to prayer. We are called to pray for wisdom, discernment, and courage as we move forward. We are called to pray for persevering fidelity to accomplish what the Lord wants of us. This prayer will help us as a local Church to pray with a common voice as we face a common challenge of moving into the future with faith, hope, and love. I encourage individuals and families to pray this prayer at home. I encourage the sick and those who are homebound to pray for Renew My Church. Their intercessory prayer is powerful in the life of the Church. As we encourage all of God’s people to join in prayer for the renewal of the Church, may the good Lord continue to accompany us on our journey. Catholics have long honored the Blessed Mother by placing a crown on her image. Crowning a statue of the Lord's Mother is symbolic of the honor we give her as the one chosen by God to bear His Son, our Salvation. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago PRAYER FOR “RE EW MY CHURCH” Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women who have gone before us. In every age and in our own time, you call us to say: “Renew My Church.” Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you clearly To listen to each other attentively To imagine our future boldly To discern your direction wisely To persevere in your holy will courageously To stay together in charity To surrender our own plans readily To embrace the greater good To hand on your gifts to future generations May we remain in the holy company of the blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with patient confidence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen We will crown Our Blessed Mother in song and prayer on Sunday, May 15 immediately following the 12:00 mass. Please join us as we process through and around the Church in song and prayer and Crown our Lady to celebrate this beautiful tradition. CORPUS CHRISTI: The Body and Blood of Christ The feast of Corpus Christi is one time when our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed not just to faithful Catholics but to all the world. This is a time when Catholics can show their love for Christ in the Real Presence by honoring Him in a very public way. It is also a wonderful way in which we can show our love for our neighbors by bringing Our Lord and Savior closer to them. So many conversions are a result of Eucharistic Adoration experienced from inside the Church. How many more there would be if we could reach those who only drive by the church in worldly pursuits. After the last Mass on this feast day Our Lord is placed in the monstrance. The priest then carries Him to four different altars representing the four corners of the earth. While processing, the congregation follows and sings. At each altar there are readings, prayers, and benediction. Show your love for Christ and join us for a Corpus Christi procession to four altars on Sunday, May 29th after 1:30PM Bilingual Mass ATTENTION SENIORS! St. William Seniors will meet Monday, May 16th at 10:00am in Liebrich Hall. Along with our regular features of coffee, rolls and bingo, we will be observing Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. All seniors are invited. Page Six St. William Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of May 21 & 22, 2016 Priest Saturday 4:30pm 5/21/16 Sunday 7:30am 5/22/16 Sunday 9:00am 5/22/16 Sunday-Polish 10:30am 5/22/16 Sunday 12:00pm 5/22/16 Sunday-Polish 2:00pm 5/22/16 Fr. Jarek Fr. Stan Fr. Jarek Fr. Stan Fr. Jarek Fr. Stan Deacon J. Ponce de Leon Lectors L. Steppan A. Rodriguez School Eucharistic Ministers C. Burke L. Catalano Priest D. McGowan E. Rivera G. Fidanzia M. Oliver Priest P. Peraino J. Gorski School Altar Servers Y. Garcia R. Aguilar C. Budimir I. Armenta L. Ruiz L. Ruiz O. Cardona S. Chora J. Gomez PRZY ALEŻ OŚĆ DO ASZEJ PARAFII Wszyscy, którzy chcą oficjalnie należeć do naszej parafii muszą sie zapisać. Mogą to uczynić w biurze parafialnym, lub prościej wypełniając formę rejestracyjną, która znajduje się przy wszystkich drzwiach wyjściowych z naszej świątyni. Formę tę można zwrócic wraz z niedzielną kolektą lub wysłać na parafie pocztą. Ci wszyscy, którzy są zapisani do naszej parafii, a nie otrzymali kopertek bardzo prosimy, aby sie skontaktowali z biurem parafialnym w tej sprawie, tak samo ci wszyscy, którzy zmienili adres zamieszkania. PIELGRZYMKA ŚLADAMI PAPIEŻA FRA CISZKA Serdecznie zapraszamy na 11-dniową pielgrzymkę śladami papieża Franciszka do Ameryki Południowej, w dniach 6-16 listopada 2016, pod duchową opieką O. Stanisława Czarneckiego SJ, z Parafii św. Williama. W programie: zwiedzanie miejsc, gdzie żył i posługiwał papież Franciszek w Buenos Aires, Sanktuarium Narodowe Argentyny w Lujan, cud natury – wodospady Iguazu, rejs do Urugwaju na promie Franciszek, tango show, gaucho ranczo i wiele innych... Więcej informacji na ulotkach w kościele oraz w Blue Amber Travel: 847/630-3777. Polish School M. Konrath T. Supergan T. Zejer B. Hosek L. Consolino T. Klinicki D. Marquez B. Kieta K. Kowalkowski K. Lygan N. Marquez J. Lazalde S. Munoz A. Glowacki D. Chudy G. Skorski 21 MAJA POLSKA SZKOŁA OGŁASZA ZAPISY Rozpoczynamy zapisy na rok szkolny 2016/2017. Zapisy w każdą sobotę w budynku szkoły w godz. 10.00-2.00. POLSKIE PRZEDSZKOLE HOUSE OF KIDS ZAPRASZA DZIECI OD 2-5 LAT TEL.773 286-6405 7158 W ADDISON ST. / NEVA CHICAGO, IL 60634 SPOTKA IA BIBLIJ E Obecność Słowa Bożego w moim życiu: czyli: Czy rozumiesz Słowo, które czytasz i słyszysz w liturgii? Zapraszamy na żywy dialog ze Słowem Bożym. Spotkania odbywają się w piątki, po Mszy św. Program spotkań: wprowadzenie historyczno– egzegetyczne, dzielenie się Słowem Bożym, modlitwa, śpiew. ajbliższe spotkanie: piątek, 20 maja 2016, godz. 20:00. MEDYTACJA AD IEDZIEL Ą EWA GELIĄ Zesłanie Ducha Świętego – Przybądź, Duchu Święty! 1. Drzwi uczniów zamknięte. Czytając Ewangelię na Zesłanie dostrzegamy jak wydarzenie krzyża obnażyło słabość uczniów. Oni nie rozumieją tego, co się stało. Trwają zalęknieni i nie wiedzą, co z nimi teraz będzie. Okazuje się, że do takich właśnie uczniów przychodzi Zmartwychwstały Pan i to nie z wyrzutami, choć po ludzku tak bardzo zawiedli. Jezus przychodzi ze słowami: Pokój wam! Powtarza to dwa razy, aby prawdziwie usłyszeli. Wpatrujmy się w to, co czyni Jezus. Choć oni zawiedli, to On z nich nie rezygnuje. 2. A drzwi naszego serca? Tak samo Jezus nie rezygnuje z nas. Jak to dobrze, że Ewangelia tak bezpośrednio mówi o słabości człowieka. Do takich Pan przychodzi, aby ich przemieniać. Przyjmijmy dar Jego pokoju, znak Jego miłości, znak tego, że nas nie odrzuca nawet wtedy, gdy nie dorastamy do powierzonego nam zadania i gdy jesteśmy zamknięci, skupieni na naszych obawach. Pokój wam! W jakich wymiarach mojego życia szczególnie potrzebuję Bożego pokoju? 3. Weźmijcie Ducha Świętego. Jezus nie tylko nie rezygnuje z uczniów, ale nadal ma do nich zaufanie i posyła ich z misją. Wyposaża ich i nas w dar Ducha Świętego. To Pocieszyciel przemieni tych zalęknionych w odważnych świadków. Kiedy przyjmą Ducha, wtedy już nie zawiodą. Przypominając sobie tę ewangeliczną scenę, nie potrzebujemy zazdrościć apostołom przemiany, jakiej doświadczają. Podobna przemiana może dokonywać się w nas. Jeśli liczę na moje siły i możliwości, to zawiodę Jezusa i siebie. Jeśli natomiast każdego dnia otwieram się prawdziwie na Ducha Świętego, to On uzdalnia mnie do wielkich rzeczy, do bycia świadkiem i do życia w miłości. To Duch Święty rozpala, rozgrzewa, ożywia i oświeca. Wołajmy zatem dzisiaj: Duchu Święty, wyznaję, że bardzo Cię potrzebuję. Dzięki Twojej mocy moje chrześcijaństwo ożywa. Potrzebuję Twoich darów i Twojego ognia Miłości. Przybądź, Duchu Święty! CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. William Church #947950 2600 N. Sayre Avenue Chicago, IL 60707 TELEPHONE 773 637-6565 EXT. 100 or 0 CONTACT PERSON Kathy Rudy EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Ricoh Aficio MP 161 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 3:00PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION MAY 15, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS