GOP Presidential Debates - Golden Corridor Republican Women


GOP Presidential Debates - Golden Corridor Republican Women
January 2016
Jan 7
Jan 9
Jan 14
Jan 15
Jan 16
Jan 18
Jan 21
Jan 28
Jan 30
Feb 1
Feb 6
Feb 27
Mar 1
Mar 5
This Month
General Meeting
Board Retreat (p. 10)
Presidential Debate (p. 1)
13 Hours, The Secret Soldiers of
Benghazi (p. 4)
North Texas March for Life (p. 4)
Prayer to End Abortion (p. 4)
Presidential Debate (p. 1)
Lincoln Day Dinner (p. 4)
Next Month
Last Day to Register to Vote
Candidate Forum (p. 4)
Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner (p. 4)
Reagan Day Dinner
Save the Date
Texas Primary/Super Tuesday
Precinct Convention (Dallas/Denton)
Precinct Convention (Collin)
More at
President’s Pen
Legislative Update
Campaign Activities
Christmas Gala/Installation
Committee Reports
We Care
GCRW Board Roster
GOP Presidential Debates
(as reported at
January 14: North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston SC (to air on Fox Business)
January 28: Iowa Events Center, Des Moines IA (to air on Fox News)
February 6: St. Anselm College, Manchester NH (to air on ABC)
February 13: The Peace Center, Greenville SC (to air on CBS)
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p. 2
p. 4
p. 6-7
p. 8-9
p. 10
p. 10
p. 11
p. 11
[W]hen you come back to it, there is just
one thing…man is worthwhile because he
was born in the image of his God.
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th President of the United States
President’s Pen
Stronger Together – Building the Team for 2016
As we look to 2016, I’m reminded of what
an incredible legacy of women and men that
have built this club for the past twenty-five
years. I consider it an absolute honor and
privilege to serve as President in such an important election year.
Under the outstanding leadership of
D’rinda Randall in 2015, we focused on local
elections and the power of one person to
make a difference. This year our focus is on
the strength that comes when we work together as a team to make a difference. We
have started by building a fantastic team on
our board of directors.
Jennifer Edgeworth
2016 GCRW President
We have many contested primary races, and our campaign chairpersons
will be working hard this year to keep you informed and engaged. They
are: Lene’ Alley DeRudder, Campaigns Collin County; Jan Burke, Campaigns Dallas County; and Jackie Pisanich, Campaigns Denton County.
Our webmaster Mel Pokorny, will keep you updated on our website at with candidate and voting information under “Vote 2016.”
Our PAC Chairperson Joline Tate will be leading a team to vet candidates.
Newsletter editor Cynthia Tari will keep you informed in the Trumpet.
Election years elicit passionate discussion, but we know the importance
of coming together and working as a party with a common goal. The
GCRW team is dedicated to providing you with fantastic programs, helpful
information, and great opportunities to elect the best leaders.
We look forward to joining together with you in prayer and hard work
on this journey!
Jennifer Edgeworth
[email protected]
Congratulations to our 2016 GCRW Board of Directors!
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Shirley Melton Johnson (1930-2015)
In Memorium
On Thursday [December 3], Collin County lost a great lady.
Shirley Melton Johnson, wife of Congressman Sam Johnson, passed
away at age 85. In a public announcement, Congressman Johnson
described Shirley as "a devoted wife, selfless mother, loving grandmother and dutiful patriot."
How especially fitting is the word "patriot” to describe this
largely unsung heroine of the Vietnam conflict. Her work continues
to bless our veterans today.
After her husband was famously shot down and captured in
North Vietnam in 1966, Shirley spent seven long years patiently
waiting for his return. For seven years, she was not only faithful
when others might have given up hope, but she also did everything
in her power to bring him home and to help other families braving a
similar plight.
During Sam's imprisonment, Shirley was involved with many
POW family support groups and programs. As a founder of the
League of Families of American Prisoners of War and Missing in
Southeast Asia, Shirley joined forces with other wives and families of
POWs, traveling to Washington to focus attention on the situation
they faced. Her aim was to ensure the decent treatment of American
POWs and, ultimately, to bring them home. She and a small group of
wives literally forced our nation to change the way they approached
our POWs.
Shirley served as a member of the league's first Board of Directors and as the North Texas State coordinator. In 1971, she helped
establish Dallas Cares, a local group that assisted wives and families
in the Dallas area with petitions, speeches, and other public events.
After seven years of prayer, hope, and hard work, the Johnsons
were happily reunited. As Sam continued his Air Force career,
Shirley took on new responsibilities with many Air Force spouse organizations. Later, Shirley continued to work alongside her husband
as he ran for Congress and served the people of Texas' Third Congressional District.
Those who knew Shirley will miss her dearly. And the story of
her exemplary life should be an inspiration to every American.
This tribute to Shirley Melton Johnson was first published by Collin County Judge
Keith Self on December 6 at, and is reprinted here
with permission.
Thank you, Judge Self, for allowing Golden Corridor Republican Women to republish your moving memorial to our longtime friend and member Shirley. We join
you in mourning her passing.
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So Proud of You
Shout outs to GCRW members making an impact in our communities:
Derek Baker was one of 10 Texans recognized by Empower
Texans as a Conservative Leader at the 2015 Conservative
Leaders Gala, held at Grapevine’s Gaylord Texan Resort on
December 5.
On the Horizon
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi opens in theaters nationwide on
January 15. To see the trailers, go to
North Texas March for Life is January 16. At 1 p.m. there will be a Roe Memorial Mass (Arena) and a Praise and Worship Service (Ballroom A) at Dallas’ KBH Convention Center (650 S. Griffin). At 3 p.m. the march will proceed from the Convention Center to the steps of the Earle Cabell Federal
Courthouse, where Roe v. Wade was first filed in 1970. For more information
go to
Dallas Eagle Forum will meet on Thursday January 21 at the Museum of
Biblical Art (7500 Park Lane, Dallas 75225). Frank Gaffney, President of the
Center for Security Policy and host of Secure Freedom Radio, will speak on
the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Snacks at 6:30 p.m.; program at 7 p.m.
Prayer to End Abortion is January 21 from 7-8:30 p.m. at The Venue at 400
N. Ervay, Dallas TX. Now a private residence, this is the location of the
courtroom in which Roe v. Wade was first heard. Sponsored by Concerned
Women for America & The Heidi Group, the event is free; however, preregistration is required. For more info, e-mail [email protected].
Lincoln Day Dinner, Collin County GOP’s annual fundraiser, will be January 30 at the Plano Centre, 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway. For more info, go
to Dinesh D’Souza will be the keynote speaker!
Candidate Forum is in the works for February 1. Details to come.
Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner, Denton County GOP’s annual fundraiser, will
be February 6 at the Hyatt Regency/DFW Airport. Ambassador John Bolton
will be the keynote speaker! For more info, go to
Capitol Switchboard: 202.224.2122
Senator: John Cornyn: 972.239.1310
Ted Cruz: 214.599.8749
House: find your Reporesentative at
Capitol Switchboard: 512.463.4630
[email protected]
[email protected]
The U.S. House is in recess until January 5. The U.S. Senate is in recess
until January 11. The 85th Texas Legislature convenes in January 2017.
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On December 8, Rep. Jeff and Becky Leach (HD-67) opened their lovely home for fellowship and
a toy drive benefitting the children and families served by Collin County CASA. Coming from as far
as Aubrey, guests packed the Leaches’ front staircase with a bounty of delights!
Many GCRWers dropped by, including (pictured above) Karl Voigtsberger, Glenna Slavens,
Sharron Albertson, John Slavens, Becky, Jeff, Lynn Chupp Finley, Carol Sewell, Andrea
Bouressa, Karin Tucker, Mary McClure and Susan Fletcher. Brady and Charlotte Leach were
awesome leading the energetic Display Team—how long ‘til these two go-getters turn 13 and can join
GCRW as Youth Members?
Above Left: Candy Noble, Myrna Acklin, Penna Dexter, Holly Podkowa and Sharron Albertson admire the Hope Center Christmas tree during Liberty Institute’s Christmas Open House on
December 10. Also spotted there were Ed Acklin, Phil Blackstone and Andrea Stroh Thompson.
Above Right: “Toys go here!’ says a cute little sock monkey greeting Liberty Institute’s guests.
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On The Ballot March 1
“(I)” indicates incumbent; where none indicated, seat is open or currently held by a Democrat. GCRW members’ names in bold italics, for informational purposes only. The following is based on information available as of the date of publication.
Contested Races—Congress
U.S. Congress, District 3
David Cornette
Sam Johnson (I)
John Calvin Slavens
Keith L. Thurgood
U.S. Congress, District 4
Lou Gigliotti
Ray Hall
John Ratcliffe (I)
U.S. Congress, District 26
Micah Beebe
Michael C. Burgess (I)
Joel A. Krause
U.S. Congress, District 32
Paul Brown
Russ Ramsland
U.S. Congress, District 33
Cheri Myint Roughneen
Pete Sessions (I)
Bruce Chadwick
M. Mark Mitchell
Contested Races—Statewide
TX Railroad Commissioner
Lance N. Christian
Wayne Christian
Gary Gates
John Greytok
Doug Jeffrey
Ron Hale
Weston Martinez
Supreme Court of Texas, Pl. 3
Debra Lehrmann (I)
Michael Massengale
Supreme Court of Texas, Pl. 5
Paul Green (I)
Rick Green
Supreme Court of Texas, Pl. 9
Eva Guzman (I)
Joe Pool
Court of Criminal Appeals, Pl. 2
Mary Lou Keel
Chris Oldner
Ray Wheless
Court of Criminal Appeals, Pl. 5
Sid Harle
Steve Smith
Scott Walker
Brent Webster
Court of Criminal Appeals, Pl. 6
Richard Davis
Michael E. Keasler (I)
Contested Races—Other Appellate & District Courts
Second District Court of Appeals, Pl. 3
Dabney Bassel
Mary Colchin Johndroe
Elizabeth Kerr
William Anthony “Andy” Porter
Bill Ray
Fifth District Court of Appeals, Pl. 7
David James Hanschen
David John Schenck (I)
Texas District Court, 401st
Jim Pikl
Mark Rusch (I)
Texas District Court, 416th
Texas District Court, 431st
Andrea Kelly Bouressa
Lon L. Garner
Michael Puhl
Andrea Thompson
Jonathan M. Bailey (I)
Steven “Wayne” Weinstein
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Contested Races—State Legislature
State Representative District 33
Justin Holland
John Keating
Lorne Liechty
State Representative District 64
Rick Hagen
Read King
Lynn Stucky
State Representative District 65
Ben Kissling
Ron Simmons (I)
State Representative District 89
Jodie Laubenberg (I)
Dalton Lytle
State Representative District 106
Pat Fallon (I)
Trent Trubenbach
State Representative District 112
Angie Chen Button (I)
Chris DeHart
State Representative District 113
Cindy Burkett (I)
Jonathan Boos
State Representative District 114
Dan Morenoff
Jason Villalba (I)
State Representative District 115
Bennett Ratliff
Matt Rinaldi (I)
Co. Commissioner, Pl. 3
Contested Races:
Collin County
Jon Cocks
Chris Hill (I)
County Court at Law #7
James Angelino
Melvin Thathiah
David Waddill
District Clerk
Lynn Chupp Finley
Yoon Kim (I)
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Pl.1 Thomas Hayden
Chuck Ruckel (I)
Andrew E. White
Constable, Pct. 1
Mike “Mookey” Vance
Shane Williams (I)
Also contested: 4 precinct chairs (6, 36, 120, and 149)
Co. Commissioner, Pct. 3
Kinney Lee Fields
S.T. Russell
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2 Pl.1 Brian Hutcheson
John Sholden
Kirk Launius
Aaron Meek
Susan Welch Rodriguez
Also contested: County Chair & 7 precinct chairs (1013, 1060, 1300,
2031, 2041, 2514 & 2808)
Contested Races:
Denton County
Contested Races:
Dallas County
Co. Commissioner No. 1
Hugh Coleman
Brett Larson
Tracy Murphree
William Barrett Travis (I)
Constable Precinct 2
Hal Grant
Michael A. Truitt (I)
Constable Precinct 6
Edward Hall
Richard Bachus
Also contested: County Chair & 7 precinct chairs (1000, 1034, 2017, 2020, 2028, 3002 & 3030)
Nothing in the Trumpet is an endorsement of Golden Corridor Republican Women, its
President, or any of its Campaign Activities Chairmen, only candidate information to help
you make an informed decision and get involved with the candidate of your choice.
Follow us on Twitter @GoldenCorridor
Christmas Gala
GCRW Honorees
Left: 2015 President
D’rinda Randall leads
her last program.
Above: David Randall was honored
as Husband of the Year
Above: Rep. Scott Turner garnered the White
Hat Award—GCRW’s hightest honor—for his
exemplary public service, including a run for
Texas Speaker of the House.
Below: The Gold Hat Award went to Rep. Matt
Rinaldi, who was scored the most conservative
member of the 84th Legislature by Rice University.
Above: The Power of One
Award was given to Suzanne Blackstone for her
galvanizing work to hold
local government accountable.
Left: Anna Janis and Irene
Wright—the quintessential
GCRW ladies!
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Above: Jennifer Edgeworth was
recognized as GCRW’s 2015 Volunteer of the Year.
Center: D’rinda named Mel Porkorny as our Unsung Hero, for
her Board, Webmaster and Wild
Apricot performance under extraordinary circumstances.
Edgeworth Takes Helm
The tables were beautiful
and festive, and the food
was great.
2016 President Jennifer Edgeworth
receives her gavel.
Two Marines join us for our celebration
and to receive donations for the Toys for
Tots drive.
State Representative Scott Turner administers the oath of office to the 2016 GCRW Board.
[All photos from Christmas Gala courtesy of Images by Zodie]
At the new board tea on December 12, President
Jennifer Edgeworth had these words to share,
“Enjoying tea and tiny sandwiches with our new
2016 GCRW Board. Love these ladies!”
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Caring for America
Coffee, Tots & Vets
GCRW’s Caring for America
initiative finished the year strong,
with a coffee supporting Refuge
City’s ministry to young people
rescued from the sex trafficking
industry. We also held drives for
Toys for Tots and Sweats for Vets.
The Caring for America committee is
chaired by Sonja Baumgarten.
(L to R): Peggy Stodola, Myrna Acklin, Refuge
City’s Barbara Rodriguez, Sonya Baumgarten
and Sharron Albertson at the Kairos Coffee for
Refuge City. [Photo courtesy Peggy Stodola]
Thankful For Our Patrons!
As we begin the new year, we
are reminded of how thankful we
are for the support of our Patrons.
GCRW wants to welcome our
newest Diamond Patron, Yoon
If you are interested in learning
more about our Patron program,
contact Sharron Albertson.
2016 Board Retreat
[For Board Members Only]
The 2016 Board will have their Annual Retreat on January 9. The Retreat
will be held at Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve. Please contact Jennifer
Edgeworth by January 2 if you are on the 2016 Board but will not be able to
We Honor Their Memory
By Linda Block, We Care Chair
At our GCRW meeting on Thursday, January 7, we will be remembering
our dear members who have passed on to the LORD in 2015: Jim West,
Mary Dell Lorenz, Leona McKown, Nelda Jones and Shirley Johnson.
GCRW will honor their memory by making a donation to Patriot Pawsan organization in Rockwall, Texas that trains and provides service dogs for
our Veterans, and to Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, that helps pregnant
woman keep and have their baby and provide guidance and resources so
they can begin a life with their child.
If you would like for us to pray for you or a family member please let us
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It’s Time to Renew!
Annual dues are now due! The 2016 rate is:
Active (women whose primary club is GCRW): $25
Associate Women (primary club is another TFRW club): $25
Associate Men: $20
Youth Affiliate (teenagers 17 and under): $10
Three ways to renew:
Online at log in with your e-mail and password. (If you
don't know your password, click on "forgot password" next to the login on the
homepage and a password will be emailed to you.)
In person at our January meeting, or
Mail check to:
Golden Corridor Republican Women
Attn: Hope Fobes
3100 Independence Pkwy., Suite 311
Box #248
Plano, Texas 75075
If you have any questions about your membership status, please contact
Cathie Alexander, VP Membership.
2016 GCRW Board of Directors
President ............................................... Jennifer Edgeworth
Executive Vice President .............................. Ellen Skinner
Corresponding Secretary.................................. Lynn Baade
Dallas County Reagan Day ............................ Bonnie Wells
VP Membership ....................................... Cathie Alexander
Denton County Lincoln/Reagan Day ..... Camille Johnson
Education ....................................................... Piper McCraw
Greeting .......................... Vickie Costa and Tammy Hawks
VP Legislation ........................................ Mary Kaye Adams
Historian .................................................... Zodie Christakos
VP Awards ......................................................... Diann Jones
Homeland Security ........................................ Cindi Castilla
VP Community Impact ………...….Lene’ Alley DeRudder
Hospitality .......................................................... Brook Fulks
Internal Review ..................................................... Pat Greer
Literacy ............................................................. Emily Miskel
National Liaison .................................... Mary Kaye Adams
VP Programs …………………………….....D’rinda Randall
VP IT ………………………………….……….. Mel Pokorny
Recording Secretary ............................................. Lola Hurt
Treasurer ............................................................. Hope Fobes
Parliamentarian .............................................. Candy Noble
Americanism .................................................... Gala Partlow
Bylaws …………………….…………………. Angela Tucker
Campaigns Collin County ............. Lene’ Alley DeRudder
Campaigns Dallas County .................................. Jan Burke
Campaigns Denton County ........................ Jackie Pisanich
Caring for America ................................. Sonja Baumgarten
Chaplain............................................................ Irene Wright
Christmas Party.................................... Suzanne Blackstone
Collin County Lincoln Day ...…………… Cyndi Wheless
Newsletter Editor ............................................ Cynthia Tari
Outreach …………………………………...Andrea Bouressa
PAC........................................................................ Joline Tate
Public Relations.............................................. Gloria Martin
RNC for Life ............................................ Elizabeth Muzyka
Scholarship ......................................................... Chris Davis
Social Media …………………………………Gael Mounger
State Liaison ............................................................ Jill Willis
Summer Socials ................................................. Linda Block
Telephone ..................................................... Kathy Morgan
Ways and Means/Directory .................. Sharron Albertson
Website/Wild Apricot ..................................... Mel Pokorny
We Care ………………………………….………Linda Block
Note from the Editor
The Trumpet is published monthly from August through May. Links are highlighted in Pro-Life
Blue. Names of GCRW members are printed in bold type. To contact a member mentioned in the
Trumpet, check your personal directory or the online directory at
We thank our Newsletter Patrons (whose cards appear on the right sidebar of pages 2 through 11 and
on page 12) for their support. We also acknowledge with gratitude the assistance of everyone who
contributed articles, photos, leads and other information to this month’s edition.
Follow us on Twitter @GoldenCorridor
Jennifer Edgeworth, President
3100 Independence Pkwy., Suite 311
Box #248
Plano, Texas 75075
Help us keep Texas Bold Red!
Go to and join our team!
We are stronger together!
Political Advertising paid for by GCRW PAC.