Samsung SGH-D500 service manual
GPRS TELEPHONE SGH-D500 GPRS TELEPHONE CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Circuit Description 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 7. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. ⓒ Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Nov. 2004 Printed in South Korea. Code No.: GH68-05955A BASIC. 1. SGH-D500 Specification 1. GSM General Specification GS M9 0 0 Ph a se 1 E GS M 9 0 0 Ph a se 2 DC S 1 8 0 0 P h as e 1 PC S1 9 0 0 F r eq . B a n d [M Hz ] Up l in k / Do w n li n k 8 9 0 ~9 1 5 9 3 5 ~9 6 0 8 8 0 ~9 1 5 9 2 5 ~9 6 0 1 7 1 0 ~1 7 8 5 1 8 0 5 ~1 8 8 0 1 8 5 0 ~1 9 1 0 1 9 3 0 ~1 9 9 0 A RF C N r a n g e 1 ~1 2 4 0~124 & 9 7 5 ~1 0 2 3 5 1 2 ~8 8 5 5 1 2 ~8 1 0 T x /R x s p ac in g 4 5 MHz 4 5 MHz 9 5 M Hz 8 0 MH z Mod. Bit rate / Bi t Pe r i o d 270.833kbps 3.692us 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 270.833kbps 3.692us 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s Ti me Sl o t Pe r i o d / F r am e P er io d 576.9us 4 .6 1 5 m s 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 m s 576.9us 4 .6 1 5 m s 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 ms Mo d u l a ti o n 0 .3 G MS K 0 .3 G MS K 0 .3 GM SK 0 .3 GM SK M S P o we r 3 3 d Bm ~5 d B m 3 3 d Bm ~5 d B m 3 0 d B m ~0 d B m 3 0 d B m~0 d B m Po w er C l as s 5 p cl ~ 1 9 p c l 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Se n si t iv i t y -102dBm - 1 0 2 d Bm -100dBm -100dBm TDM A M u x 8 8 8 8 C el l Ra d iu s 3 5 Km 3 5 Km 2 Km - 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level GSM900 TX Power DCS1800 control level TX Power control level PCS1900 5 33±3 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 6 31±3 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±3 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±3 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±3 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±3 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±3 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±3 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±3 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±3 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±3 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 16 11±5 dBm 11 8±4dBm 11 8±4dBm 17 9±5 dBm 12 6±4 dBm 12 6±4 dBm 18 7±5 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 19 5±5 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-D500 Circuit Description 1. SGH-D500 RF Circuit Description 1) RX PART 1. ANTENNA SWITCH (U100 SWICHPLEXER) → Switching Tx, Rx path for GSM900, DCS1800 and PCS1900 by logic controlling. 2. ANTENNA SWITCH Control Losic (U100) → Truth Table VC1 VC2 VC3 L H L L(H) L H Rx Mode (GSM900) L L L Rx Mode (DCS1800) L L L Rx Mode (PCS1900) H L L Tx Mode (GSM900) Tx Mode (DCS1800/1900) 3. FILTER To convert Electromagnetic Field Wave to Acoustic Wave and then pass the specific frequency band. - GSM FILTER (F100) → For filtering the frequency band between 925 and 960 MHz - DCS FILTER (F102) → For filtering the frequency band between 1805 and 1880 MHz. - PCS FILTER (F101) → For filtering the frequency band between 1930 and 1990 MHz. 4. VC-TCXO (U101) This module generates the 26MHz reference clock to drive the logic and RF. It is turned on when the supply voltage Vcc(SYN) is applied. After buffering a reference clock of 26MHz is supplied to the other parts of the system through the transceiver pin CLKOUT. 5. TRANSCEIVER (U102) This chip is fully integrated GSM GPRS quad-band transceiver with transmit baluns, loop filters and most of the passive component in it. And also fully integrated fractional N RF synthesizer with AFC control possibility, RF VCO with integrated supply regulator. Semi integrated reference oscillator with integrated supply regulator. RF Receiver front-end amplifies the E-GSM900, DCS1800 and PCS1900 aerial signal, convert the chosen channel down to a low IF of 100kHz. In IF section, further amplifies the wanted channel output level to the desired value and rejects DC. 2) TX PART The transmitter is fully differential using a direct up conversion architecture. It consists of a signal side band power up mixer. Gain is controlled by 6 dB via 3-wire serial bus programing. The fully integrated VCO and power mixer achieve LO suppression, quadrature phase error, quadrature amplitude balance and low noise floor specification. Output matching/balun components drive a standard 50 ohms single ended load. 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-D500 1. PCF50603 (U400) 1.1. Power Management Eight low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power the terminal and help ensure optimal system performance and long battery life. A programmable boost converter provides support for 1.8V, 3.0V SIMs, while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories. Ancillary support functions, such as RTC module and High Voltage Charge pump, Clock generator, aid in reducing both board area and system complexity. I2C BUS serial interface provides access to control and configuration registers. This interface gives a microprocessor full control of the PCF50603 and enables system designers to maximize both standby and talk times. Supervisory functions. including a reset generator, an input voltage monitor, and a temperature sensor, support reliable system design. These functions work together to ensure proper system behavior during start-up or in the event of a fault condition(low microprocessor voltage, insufficient battery energy, or excessive die temperature). 1.2. Backlight Brightness Modulator The Backlight Brightness Modulator (BBM) contains a programmable Pulse-width modulator (PWM) and FET to modulate the intensity of a series of LED’s or to control a DC/DC converter that drives LCD backlight. This phone (SGH-D500) use PWM control to contrast the backlight brightness. 1.3. Clock Generator The Clock Generator (CG) generates all clocks for internal and external usage. The 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator provides an accurate low clock frequency for the PCF50603 and other circuitry. 2. LCD Connector LCD is consisted of main LCD(color 26K TFT LCD). Chip select signals in the U305, LCD_CS, can enable LCD. BACKLIGHT signal enables white LED of main LCD. These signal is from U400. 16-bit data lines(LD(0)~LD(15)) transfers data and commands to LCD. Data and commands use "RS" signal. If this signal is high, Inputs to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signal which informs the input or output state to LCD, is required. But this system is not necessary this signal. So "L_WR" signal is used to write data or commands to LCD. Power signals for LCD are "VDD_IO_HIGH". 3. IRDA This system uses IRDA module, HSDL_3209, Agilent's. This has signals, "IRDA_EN"(enable signal), "IRDA_RXD"(input data) and "IRDA_TXD"(output data). These signals are connected to PCF5213EL1 through BT Module. 2-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 4. Key This is consisted of key interface pins KEY_ROW(0:4) and KEY_COL(0:4) in PCF5213EL1. These signals compose the matrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the PCF5213EL1. Power on/off key is seperated from the matrix. So power on/off signal is connected with PCF50603 to enable PCF50603. Key LED is consisted of six white LEDs for sub key and twelve white LEDs for main key. White LED for sub key use the VBAT voltage. "SLIDER_KEY_ON" signal enables Transistor for sub key backlight. Main key LED use the 3.3V LDO for a supply voltage. KEY_LED_ON signal enables eight white LED. "FLIP" informs the status of slide (open or closed) to the PCF5213EL1. This uses the hall effect IC, A3212ELH. A magnet under LCD enables A3212ELH. 5. EMI ESD Filter This system uses the EMI ESD filter, U500 to protect noise from IF CONNECTOR part. 6. IF connetor It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use VBAT, V_EXT_CHARGE, USB_D+, +VBUS, USB_D-, TXD1, RXD1, AUX_ON, EXT1, EXT2, HFK_SPK, HFK_MIC and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC. 7. Battery Charge Management A complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries. If TA connected to phone, "V_EXT_CHARGE" enable charger IC and supply current to battery. When fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process. 8. Audio HFR_P and HFR_N from PCF5213El1 are connected to the main speaker via analog switches. MIC_P and MIC_N are connected to the main MIC as well. EAR1 is the source of External Speaker. YMU765 is a synthesizer LSI for mobile phones. This LSI has a built-in speaker amplifier for outputting sounds that are used by mobile phones in addition to game sounds and ringing melodies that are replayed by a synthesizer. The synthesizer section adopts “stereophonic hybrid synthesizer system”that are given advantages of both FM synthesizers and Wave Table synthesizers to allow simultaneous generation of up to 32 FM voices and 32 Wave Table voices. It provides simultaneous generation of up to 64 tones by stereophonic hybrid synthesizer. YMU765 has built a speaker amplifier of which maximum out is 580 mW at SPVDD=3.6V in this device. There is Stereophonic analog output for Headphone. 9. Memory This system uses Samsung's memory, KBJ10KB00M. The KBJ10KB00M is a Multi Chip Package Memory which combines 256Mbit Synchronous Burst Multi Bank NOR Flash Memory and two 512Mbit OneNAND Flash and 128Mbit Synchronous Burst U tRAM. It has 16 bit data line, HD[1~16] which is connected to PCF5213 and MV319, also has 24 bit address lines, HA[1~24]. There are 3 chip select signals, CS0n_FLASH, CS4n_NAND, and CS1n_RAM. In the Wrting process, WEn is fallen to low and it enables writing process to operate. During reading process, OEn is fallen to low and it enables reading process to operate. Each chip select signals in the PCF5213 choose different memories. 2-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 10. PCF5213EL1 The PCF5213EL1 is mainly composed of embeded DSP and ARM core. The DSP subsystem includes the Saturn DSP core with embedded RAM and ROM, and a set of peripherals. It has 24kx16 bits PRAM, 104k*16 bits, 32k*16 XYRAM and 63k*16 XYROM in the DSP. The ARM946E-S consists of an ARM9E-S processor core, 8 kbyte instruction cache and 8 kbyte data cache, tghtly-coupled ITCM(Instruction Tightly Coupled Memory) and DTCM(Data Tightly Coupled Memory) memories, a memory protection unit, and an AMBA(Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture) AHB(Advanced High-performance Bus) bus interface with a write buffer. HD(0:15), data lines and HA(0:23), address lines are connected to KBJ10KB00M (memory), MV319DNQ (image dsp) and YMU765 (melody IC). It has 64 kbyte SC RAM (0.5 Mbit) and 32 kbyte SC program ROM for bootstrap loader in the ARM core. HD(0:15), data lines and HA(0:23), address lines are connected to memory and YMU765 to communicate. MV319DNQ(Camera DSP Chip) controls the communication between ARM core and DSP core. OEn, WEn control the access of memory. KROW, and KCOL recognize the key string input status. The system communicates with IrDA via IrDA_TXD, IrDA_RXD. It has J-TAG control pins (TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM and DSP core. J-SEL signal controls different access to ARM and DSP core. ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) receives the condition of temperature, battery type and battery voltage. 11. TCO-5871U(26MHz) This system uses the 26MHz TCXO, TCO-5871U, Toyocom. AFC control signal form PCF5213 controls frequency from 26MHz x-tal. It generates the clock frequency. This clock is connected to PCF5213, YMU765 and UAA3587. 12. Camera DSP(MV319DNQ) MV319DNQ provides rich video functions up to 30-frame display with minimized tasks in the handset main processor as well as hardware based real-time JPEG compression and decompression. MV319DNQ directly transmits and previews the RGB data to the LCD graphic memory by processing the sensor output data according to the handset's command. It can save the raw RGB data up to VGA resoultion into its image buffer and allows the host processor to download with scalable sized compressed data. It utilizes 16 bit data bus for communication with the main processor, including bus interface types. 2-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 3. SGH-D500 Exploded View and its Parts list 1. Cellular phone Exploded View-1 QFU01 QKP02 QCA01 QSP01 QLC01 QCK01 QMP02 QME02 QPC01 QVO01 QIF01 QCR08 QKP01 QCR16 QMO01 QFL01 QMP01 QMI01 QME01 QCR11 QCR11 QSC18 QAN02 QSC16 QCR16 QRE01 QCR11 QBA19 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Exploded view and its Part list 2. Cellular phone Parts list Location Description NO. SEC CODE QBA19 BATTERY GH43-01534D QMP01 MAIN PBA GH92-01852A QMO01 MOTOR 3101-001411 QMI01 MICROPHONE ASSY GH30-00149A QME01 UNIT METAL DOME GH59-01697A QSP01 SPEAKER 3001-001636 QCR08 SCREW 6001-001456 QCR11 SCREW 6001-001654 QCR16 SCREW 6001-001878 QLC01 LCD GH07-00611A QPC01 PCB FPCB GH41-00700A QCA01 UNIT CAMERA GH59-01635A QSC16 PMO-S/L SCREW CAP(L) GH72-17899A QSC18 PMO-S/L SCREW CAP(R) GH72-17900A QFU01 SLIDE UPPER GH75-05621A QFR01 FONT COVER GH75-05622A QVO01 KEY VOL GH75-05626A QCK01 CAM GH75-05627A SLIDE LOWER GH75-05623A SCREW 6001-001823 QKP01 KEYPAD MAIN GH75-05624A QKP02 KEYPAD SUB GH75-05625A QMP02 SUB PBA GH92-01853A QME02 UNIT METAL DOME GH59-01698A QCR11 SCREW 6001-001654 QAN02 INTENNA GH42-00479A QRE01 REAR COVER GH75-05642A QCR11 SCREW 6001-001654 QIF01 IF COVER GH72-17901A QFL01 QCR16 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Remark Exploded view and its Part list 3. Test Jig (GH80-01909A) 3-1. RF Test Cable 3-2. Test Cable (GH39-00283A) 3-3. Serial Cable (GH39-00337C) 3-4. Power Supply Cable 3-5. DATA CABLE (GH39-00331A] 3-6. TA (GH44-00482A) 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 1203-002837 1203-003079 1203-003079 1203-003079 1203-003568 1203-003577 1204-002138 1205-002633 1205-002636 1404-001221 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 2007-000137 2007-000138 2007-000140 2007-000140 2007-000143 2007-000143 2007-000143 2007-000147 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000148 2007-000151 2007-000152 2007-000160 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 MAIN SEC CODE Design LOC 0403-001387 ZD500 0403-001427 ZD501 0404-001172 D400 0404-001172 D401 0406-001104 ZD601 0406-001188 U500 0406-001190 ZD600 0407-001002 D600 0504-001113 Q500 0504-001113 Q505 0504-001113 Q506 0504-001151 U506 0505-001332 U306 0505-001518 Q200 0505-001938 U505 0601-001819 LED600 0601-001819 LED601 0601-001819 LED602 0601-001819 LED603 0601-001819 LED604 0601-001819 LED605 0601-001819 LED606 0601-001819 LED607 0601-001819 LED610 0601-001819 LED611 0604-001291 U301 0801-002237 U302 0801-002237 U308 0801-002294 U401 1001-001231 U601 1001-001231 U602 1001-001231 U604 1001-001231 U661 1001-001253 U662 1009-001010 U600 1109-001322 U307 1201-002213 PAM100 1202-001068 U663 U402 U403 U610 U665 U400 U503 U300 U102 U200 V500 TH600 TH601 V300 V301 V302 V303 V400 R510 R622 R602 R604 R210 R315 R316 R216 R101 R111 R201 R212 R300 R304 R312 R504 R314 C500 R515 R206 R207 R208 R209 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000170 2007-000170 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000172 2007-000242 2007-000242 2007-000566 2007-000566 2007-000758 2007-000758 R308 R321 R323 R324 R406 R420 R421 R501 R503 R508 R509 R520 R600 R608 R621 R627 R516 R517 L200 R100 R112 R113 R114 R115 R120 R202 R310 R318 R320 R325 R404 R411 R412 R103 R204 R205 R102 R104 R500 R502 2007-000831 2007-000831 2007-000932 2007-000932 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001217 2007-001288 2007-001303 2007-001313 2007-001313 2007-001325 2007-001333 2007-001339 2007-002796 2007-002796 2007-003001 2007-007009 2007-007009 2007-007014 2007-007014 2007-007090 2007-007100 2007-007107 2007-007136 2007-007193 2007-007318 2007-007334 2007-007480 2007-007573 2007-007592 2007-007861 2007-008117 R313 R620 R116 R118 R610 R611 R612 R613 R616 R617 R623 R624 R625 R626 R106 R305 R107 R108 R307 R511 R609 R413 R605 R117 R328 R329 R303 R326 R409 R403 R506 R512 R327 R514 R402 R619 R618 R401 R507 R513 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000233 2203-000254 2203-000254 2203-000254 2203-000254 2203-000254 2203-000254 2203-000278 2203-000278 2203-000278 2203-000330 2203-000425 2203-000425 2203-000425 2203-000425 2203-000438 2203-000438 2203-000438 2203-000438 2203-000466 2203-000585 2203-000628 2203-000628 2203-000654 2203-000679 2203-000679 2203-000679 2203-000679 2203-000725 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 C108 C113 C114 C129 C151 C300 C428 C140 C148 C201 C323 C625 C626 C600 C611 C622 R603 C120 C122 C633 C634 C304 C623 C710 C711 C138 C143 C135 C404 C144 C133 C301 C317 C607 C326 C102 C112 C119 C124 C150 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000812 2203-000854 2203-000854 2203-000854 2203-000854 2203-000854 2203-000995 2203-000995 2203-000995 2203-001153 2203-001178 2203-001201 2203-001201 2203-001259 2203-001437 2203-001437 2203-002443 2203-002525 2203-003054 2203-003054 2203-003054 2203-003054 2203-005050 2203-005057 2203-005061 2203-005446 2203-005480 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 C204 C210 C411 C705 C716 C717 C718 C719 C755 C756 C104 C115 C121 C137 C141 C103 C105 C619 C608 L108 C109 C319 C618 C628 C629 C604 C313 C407 C409 C630 C635 C606 C110 C715 C131 C315 C111 C117 C118 C202 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005509 2203-005512 2203-006053 2203-006053 2203-006053 2203-006090 2203-006190 2203-006208 2203-006208 C203 C205 C207 C208 C211 C212 C213 C214 C216 C302 C305 C308 C309 C312 C314 C316 C321 C322 C324 C325 C327 C405 C420 C503 C603 C605 C609 C613 C621 C624 C631 C501 C311 C310 C400 C401 C402 C123 C200 C413 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006257 2203-006474 2203-006474 2404-001268 2404-001281 2404-001281 2404-001348 2404-001386 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2503-001053 2703-001722 2703-001723 2703-001723 2703-001723 2703-001724 2703-001749 C416 C419 C424 C425 C615 C616 C620 C720 C721 C306 C307 C406 C414 C417 C418 C426 C427 V700 C429 C430 C502 C410 C601 C125 C303 C766 C767 C768 C769 C770 C771 C772 C773 C774 L101 L103 L116 R405 L301 L100 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 2703-001752 2703-001913 2703-001913 2703-002199 2703-002199 2703-002199 2703-002204 2703-002268 2703-002281 2703-002281 2703-002320 2703-002346 2703-002636 2801-003856 2809-001294 2901-001254 2901-001315 2904-001537 2904-001540 2904-001552 2904-001553 2909-001269 3301-001120 3301-001534 3301-001729 3404-001152 3404-001152 3404-001152 3705-001347 3708-002054 3709-001355 3710-001611 3711-005829 3722-002269 4202-001031 4302-001180 4709-001349 GH13-00025A GH71-04302A GH71-04302A L300 L600 L601 C149 L105 L107 L102 L110 L104 L117 L118 L401 L106 OSC400 U101 U103 U501 F101 F102 F100 F103 U100 L400 F600 R119 SW700 SW701 SW702 RFS100 CN701 SIM400 IFC500 BTC500 CN600 ANT300 C408 U304 U305 ANT104 ANT105 SUB SEC CODE 0404-001262 0501-002440 0504-001140 0505-001889 0601-001819 0601-001819 0601-001819 0601-001819 0601-001819 0601-001819 0601-001990 1203-003328 1203-003564 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001082 1405-001128 1405-001128 2007-000140 2007-000151 2007-000162 2007-000162 2007-000170 2007-000171 2007-000171 2007-000172 2007-003029 2007-003030 2007-003030 2007-003030 2007-003030 2007-003030 2007-003030 2007-007200 2007-007200 2007-007529 Design LOC ZD801 Q802 Q801 U804 LED801 LED805 LED806 LED807 LED808 LED810 LED811 U802 U803 R829 V800 V801 V802 V803 V804 V805 R826 R812 R814 R824 R825 R811 R822 R819 R828 R800 R801 R802 R803 R806 R807 R820 R821 R827 4-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-D500 Electrical Parts List 2007-007538 2203-000812 2203-005481 2203-005482 2203-005482 2203-005512 2203-006108 2203-006208 2203-006208 2203-006364 2203-006457 2404-001105 2404-001239 2703-001174 2703-001174 2703-002313 2703-002714 2703-002803 3708-001862 3708-002054 3711-005801 R818 C812 C811 C806 C814 C813 C810 C808 C809 C801 C803 C805 C807 L804 L805 L802 L800 L806 CN800 HDC800 CN802 4-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 5. SGH-D500 Block Diagrams 1. RF Solution Block Diagram 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Block Diagrams 2. Base Band Solution Block Diagram MIC BB INTERFACE Serial Data Interface RECEIVER SPEAKER Ext. SPEAKER VIBRATOR PCF5213EL1 Battery Type Battery Voltage I/O Interface Battery Temperature A/D Interface D1VDD D2VDD MELODY IC (64 Poly) D3VDD RF INTERFACE AVDD SYSTEM CLOCK (26MHz) AFC VINT IOVDD MV319DNQ RAMP VDD_RX_TX VCC_SYN 1G OneNAND MEMORY MIC_BIAS Li-Ion Battery (Slim,Standard) CPVDD PMU SIMEN KEY_BOARD GPO LCD Charging Circuit RTC_CLOCK (32.768KHz) VCHG SIM CARD VSAVE 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 6. SGH-D500 PCB Diagrams 1. Main PCB Top Diagram 6-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bottom Diagram 6-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization PCB Diagrams 3. Sub PCB Top Diagram 6-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 7. SGH-D500 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 1. Power On ' Power On ' does not work Yes Check the Battery Voltage No Change the Battery is more than 3.4V Yes No C406(VINT) = 2.7V? Check the PMU related to VINT Yes Check the Clock at No Resolder OSC400 R403=32KHZ Yes C427(+VDD_IO_LOW) & C426(+VDD_IO_HIGH) = "H"? No Check the related circuit Yes C403(+VDD_GSM_CORE) No Check the +VDD_GSM_CORE circuit = 1.8V? Yes Check for the clock at C129 No Check the clock generation circuit (related to U101) = 26MHz Yes Check the initial operation Yes END 7-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting C405 100NF ONKEYN C406 470nF C407 9PF OSC400 MC-146(32.768KHz,20ppm ) ML-414RM/F9ME C409 9PF R403 10M 4 3 1 2 C408 C428 100PF VBAT V400 VC040205X150R C410 22UF C411 33PF F95OJ226MPAAQ2 R404 0 +VDD_RX_TX C413 4.7UF VDD_SLEE P R405 33nH C414 470nF +VCC_SYN 22 C417 470nF 21 20 19 18 +AVDD 17 C418 470nF 16 15 33 VCHG RF2VDD 34 35 36 CPVBAT 32 CPVD D 31 CHGDRV VINT 30 VBAT 29 VSAVE OSCI 28 CHGCUR/BATMA X 23 27 REFC OSCO 24 +VDD_IMAGE 26 _ONKEY 25 C416 4.7UF SCP SCN R406 100K +VDD_IO_LOW SIMD3VBAT40 RF1VDD SIM_VCC 41 SIMVCC D1VDD SIM_IO 42 SIMIOCD LPD1VBAT PCF50603HN/11 SIMEN HCVDD GPO3 D2VDD GPO2 IOD2VBAT GPO1 GND GND GND GND NC NC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 _REC1 SCL SDA CLK32K PWREN 2 PWREN 1 _SIMRSH C SIMCKH C SIMIOHC _IRQ _RSTH C MICBIAS 13 _REC 2 11 SIM_RST 44 _SIMRSCD HCVBAT 12 SIM_CLK 43 SIMCKCD U400 LPVDD C424 4.7UF 38 D3VDD 39 RF12VBAT 14 IOVDD +AVDD_HFA 37 3 R411 0 2 +VDD_IO_HIGH 45 +VDD_IO_HIGH SIM400 6 6 5 5 4 4 G G G G 10 9 8 7 46 47 SCV_LED_ON C419 R409 11K 5 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 C420 4.7UFN 100NF C421 NC C422 ENG-CD-292292-9-OLD 2 C 1 4 2 LCD_BL_ON R421 100K BACKLIGHT 3 U401 TC7SH08FU-TE85L 1 T400 +VDD_IO_HIGH 11 2 2 33 C425 4.7UF AUX_ON SCL C426 470nF SDA 32KHz_DIGIT R412 0 PON_TX +VDD_IO_LOW REF_O N C427 470nF SIMRST SIMCLK R413 510 MIC_BIAS RSTON IT_PMU SIMIO 7-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 2. Initial Initial Failure Yes No Q200 pin 2 (RSTON) ="H"? Check the circuit related to reset Yes No Is U308 pin 4 Check the U308 OK? Yes Check the 16bit data signal & memory CE Yes END 7-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting +AVDD_HFA +VDD_IO_LOW +VDD_GSM_CORE +VDD_IO_HIGH +AVDD +AVDD C200 4.7UF +AVDD +VDD_IO_LOW BT_RST TXD1 TP200 BB_PW R +VDD_USB L200 2S RSTEXTn HD(0:15) TP209 TP210 TP211 TP212 TP213 TP215 H15 VDDE3 H12 VDDE4 R10 VDDRE F V13 VDDVB G18 VDDVBO G5 BE3 N5 TXD1 N2 VDDE2 N4 VDDE2 T17 VDDE2 T18 VDDE2 U2 VDDE2 U11 VDDE2 C2 VDDE1 D6 VDDE1 E9 VDDE1 E14 VDDE1 G15 VDDE1 H2 VDDE1 H9 VDDE1 J12 VDDE1 M9 VDDE1 U6 VDDBB B11 VDDC M4 VDDC M15 VDDC P12 VDDC R7 VDDC U10 VDDCLK E13 H17 BBPW R IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 IO8 IO9 IO10 IO11 IO12 IO13 IO14 IO15 ADD0_BE0 ADD1_BE2 IO16 IO17 IO18 IO19 IO20 IO21 IO22 IO23 IO24 IO25 IO26 IO27 IO28 IO29 IO30 IO31 ADD18 ADD19 ADD20 ADD21 ADD21 ADD23 WE_E OE_R_W CS3 CS1 CS0 BE1 GPIOA8 ADV R206 RESET MCLK U200 QN QP IN IP AUXADC1 AUXADC2 AUXADC3 AUXADC4 AUXADC5 R207 100K R209 100K R208 100K KEY_ROW(0:4) KROW 0 KROW 1 KROW 2 KROW 3 KROW 4 KCOL0 KCOL1 KCOL2 KCOL3 KCOL4 PIPESTAT(0:2) TRCPKT(0:7) C215 NC RF_EN RSTEXTn V10 D_REF_CLK EDGE1_P A AFC RAMP C216 100NF MIC_BIAS_B B V8 V7 U8 U7 J1 K1 K2 L1 L2 RX_TX_QN RX_TX_QP RX_TX_IN RX_TX_IP MES_BATT VF TEMP_PRODUCT EAR_ADC J17 HFR1 H18 HFR2 K15 EAR1 J15 EAR2 HFR_P HFR_N EAR1 EAR2 M18 MICN N18 MICP L17 AUXMICN M17 AUXMICP K18 ANL L18 ANR MIC_N MIC_P AUXMICN AUXMICP ANL ANR D13 FSC E11 DCL B13 DD B14 DU FSC DCL R203 DD NC DU SLIDER_KEY_ON MELODY_SEL JACK_EN DAI & Bluetooth data Interface R205 1.5K SDA HFK_SPK_EN END_OF_CHG FLASH_EN G17 SIMCLK D15 SIMIO N14 SIMPWR F17 SIMRST V2 GPIOA17 V3 GPIOA29 V4 GPIOA31 SIMCLK SIMIO TP222 SIMRST EXT1 LCD_BL_ON CHG_ON F14 USBCN G14 USBDM H11 USBDP USBCN USBDM USBDP USB Interface RTCK +VDD_IO_LOW +VDD_GSM_CORE R217 NC R210 4.7K TRCSYN C TRCCLK J_SE L JTAG TP225 TP226 TP227 TP228 TP229 TRSTn TDO TDI TCK TMS TP230 R212 0 TP232 R204 1.5K SCL P8 GPIOA30 P6 GPIOA27 R6 GPIOA28 TP231 +VDD_IO_HIGH +VDD_IO_LOW U17 SCL M14 SDA F2 GPIOB2 J4 GPIOA7 U4 GPIOA6 A16 A18 C17 B17 A17 D18 C18 D17 E17 B18 RF_CLK RF_DATA N1 GPIOA24 T1 GPIOA25 L9 GPIOA26 U15 P15 V17 N17 L12 P18 J14 R14 R15 P14 V15 V14 N15 K5 L4 G10 L5 G11 F18 K12 KEY_COL(0:4) KEY_ROW(0) KEY_ROW(1) KEY_ROW(2) KEY_ROW(3) KEY_ROW(4) KEY_COL(0) KEY_COL(1) KEY_COL(2) KEY_COL(3) KEY_COL(4) CLKBURS T TP206 TP207 TP208 VSSBB VSSVB VSSA4 VSSA5 VSSVBO VSSCLK VSSREF +VDD_IO_LOW R202 0 V6 H14 V9 P13 K17 U9 U13 TP220 TP221 HA(24) CS2n_FLASH CS5n_MELODY IT_PMU H1 U14 VREF V12 MICBIAS PCF5213EL1/044/3 TP205 M_INT R9 AUXDAC1 R8 AUXDAC2 V11 AUXDAC3 M5 GPIOA0 U1 GPIOA13 K7 GPIOA14 L8 GPIOA15 K11 GPIOA20 TP219 USB_IN FLIP MODE_SELECT PON_SW PON_PA BT_INT PON_TX PON_3587_SYNTH EXT2 DCS KEY_LED_ON U18 RFCLK1 R17 RFDO1 G1 GPIOA9 V18 RFEN0 P7 GPIOB8 R4 GPIOB9 V1 GPIOB10 100K +VDD_IO_LOW CS4n_NAND REF_ON GPON1 R13 RFSIG0 M12 RFSIG1 M11 RFSIG2 V5 GPIOA3 P9 GPIOA4 L11 GPIOA5 R11 RFSIG6 P11 RFSIG7 T2 GPIOA21 R2 GPIOA22 R5 GPIOA23 L7 GPIOA18 J11 GPIOA12 R1 GPIOB5 P1 GPIOA16 P5 GPIOA19 TP216 TP217 TXD2 RXD2 IMAGE_IN T IMAGE_RESET TP202 TP203 GNDC GNDC GNDC GNDC GNDC GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE GNDE USB_CHG_O N JACK_IN EAR_SWITCH A10 A11 B8 D9 E7 D10 B7 E8 G8 G7 A8 D8 A7 B9 A6 B6 J7 J8 A9 A3 A2 D1 A1 B2 A4 B5 D4 D5 B4 C1 E4 E5 B3 E6 A5 B1 F1 E1 F4 F5 G4 E2 K4 H5 G2 J5 H4 H7 M8 GPIOA11 M7 GPIOA1 P10 GPIOA2 L10 GPIOA10 H8 GPON0 M1 GPON1 TP204 HD(0) HD(1) HD(2) HD(3) HD(4) HD(5) HD(6) HD(7) HD(8) HD(9) HD(10) HD(11) HD(12) HD(13) HD(14) HD(15) HA(0) HA(1) HA(2) HA(3) HA(4) HA(5) HA(6) HA(7) HA(8) HA(9) HA(10) HA(11) HA(12) HA(13) HA(14) HA(15) HA(16) HA(17) HA(18) HA(19) HA(20) HA(22) HA(21) HA(23) HA(0:23) RXD1 CKI MCLKSEL XIN32K CLK32O GPIOB11 XOUT32K G12 RSTBB U16 RSTEXT RSTO N WEn OEn CS3n_IMAG E CS1n_RAM CS0n_FLASH BE1n WAITn ADVn RSTRTC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC A14 L15 B16 V16 L14 B15 32KHz_DIGIT LOUD_EN EXTSPK_EN B12 K14 M2 R12 U5 A12 D2 D7 D11 D12 E15 F15 G9 H10 J2 M10 P2 P4 P17 R18 U3 U12 1G 3D HDP0 HDP1 HDP2 HDP3 HDP4 HDP5 HDP6 HDP7 HDP8 HDP9 HDP10 HDP11 HDP12 TMS TCK TDI TDO TRST RTCK JSEL Q200 SI1012R LCD_RESET A13 VDDA2 A15 VDDRTC 10K +VDD_IO_LOW PIPESTAT(0) PIPESTAT(1) PIPESTAT(2) TRCPKT(0) TRCPKT(1) TRCPKT(2) TRCPKT(3) TRCPKT(4) TRCPKT(5) TRCPKT(6) TRCPKT(7) R216 8.2K 2 1 B10 D14 E10 E12 E18 J18 K8 TP201 R201 +VDD_IO_HIGH RSTON RTCK 7-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. Charging Part Abnormal charging part Yes No Check the U503 pin 6 > 4.9V Check the circuit related to V_EXT_CHARGE Yes No U503 pin 8 = "L"? Resolder or replace U503 Yes No Q201 pin 1(AUX_ON) = "L"? Check the circuit related to AUX_ON signal Yes Check the U503 pin 2 No Resolder or replace U503 ≒ 4.2V Yes END 7-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting R508 100K VBAT U505 R506 100K,1% 6 MES_BATT 5 C501 R507 62K,1% ZD500 UDZS5.1B 4 330NF +VDD_IO_HIGH U503 LT4068EDD-4. 2 1 ITERM R510 2K END_OF_CHG S1/S2 VIN 1 VOUT GND +VBUS ON/OFF 2 G1/G2 3 USB_CHG_ON R520 100K PEMD10 FDC6332L +VDD_IO_HIGH _EN 8 2 BAT _ACPR 7 3 _CHRG VCC 4 GND PROG 5 4 E2 C2 3 B2 B1 2 USB_IN R509 100K CHG_ON 5 AUX_ON 6 6 C1 E1 1 U506 GG GG 3 9 10 11 12 R513 2.7K 1% R512 4.7K,1% 2 R514 1K,1% R511 18K 1 C503 100NF +VBUS Q500 DTC144EM C502 V_EXT_CHARGE F951A106MPAAQ 2 +VDD_IO_HIGH R515 68K 3 BATTERY CHARGING 1 2 Q505 DTC144EM 3 1 ZD501 UDZS8.2B USB_CHG_O N 2 Q506 DTC144EM 7-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization +VBUS Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 4. Sim Part Phone can't access SIM Card Yes No SIM400 pin 1,5 = "H"? Check the sim charge pump Yes After Power ON, No Check SIMCLK Signal on Check the Clock pin3 of SIM400 in a few second Yes No After SIM card insert, Replace PBA SIM400 pin 2 = "H(SIM_RST)"? Yes Check the SIM Card Yes END 7-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting C405 100NF ONKEYN C406 470nF C407 9PF OSC400 MC-146(32.768KHz,20ppm ) ML-414RM/F9M E C409 9PF R403 10M 4 3 1 2 C408 C428 100PF VBAT V400 VC040205X150R C410 22UF C411 33PF F95OJ226MPAAQ2 R404 0 +VDD_RX_TX C413 4.7UF VDD_SLEE P R405 33nH C414 470nF +VCC_SYN C417 470nF 21 20 19 18 +AVDD 17 C418 470nF 16 15 33 34 RF2VDD CPVD D 35 36 CPVBAT 32 CHGDRV VINT 31 VBAT 30 VCHG 29 VSAVE OSCI 28 CHGCUR/BATMA X 23 22 27 REFC OSCO 24 +VDD_IMAGE 26 _ONKEY 25 C416 4.7UF SCP SCN R406 100K +VDD_IO_LOW SIMD3VBAT40 RF1VDD SIM_VCC 41 SIMVCC D1VDD LPD1VBAT U400 LPVDD PCF50603HN/11 42 SIMIOCD SIM_IO 43 SIMCKCD SIM_CLK 44 _SIMRSCD SIM_RST HCVBAT +VDD_IO_HIGH 45 SIMEN HCVDD GPO3 D2VDD GPO2 IOD2VBAT GPO1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 _REC1 SCL SDA CLK32K PWREN 2 PWREN 1 _SIMRSH C SIMCKH C SIMIOHC _IRQ _RSTH C MICBIAS 12 3 R411 0 2 +VDD_IO_HIGH 47 SCV_LED_ON C419 R409 11K 5 48 SIM400 6 6 5 5 4 4 G G G G 10 9 8 7 C420 4.7UFN 100NF C421 NC C422 ENG-CD-292292-9-OLD 2 C 1 4 2 LCD_BL_ON R421 100K BACKLIGHT 3 U401 TC7SH08FU-TE85L 1 T400 +VDD_IO_HIGH 11 2 2 33 46 GND 49 GND 50 GND 51 GND 52 NC 53 NC 54 13 _REC 2 C424 4.7UF 38 D3VDD 39 RF12VBAT 14 IOVDD +AVDD_HFA 37 C425 4.7UF AUX_ON SCL C426 470nF SDA 32KHz_DIGIT R412 0 PON_TX +VDD_IO_LOW REF_O N C427 470nF SIMRST SIMCLK R413 510 MIC_BIAS RSTON IT_PMU SIMIO 7-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 5. Microphone Part Microphone does not work Yes No Check the connection Resolder MIC from MIC Yes Check the circuit No Resolder the C603, C609, R602, R604, R605 from U200 to MIC Yes Check U601, U602 PIN 1 = ' H' ? No Check the JACK_EN signal Yes Check the MIC No Replace the MIC Yes END 7-9 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting MIC_BIAS MIC_BIAS_B B MIC_BIAS Close to microphone Close to MCP C600 C601 22UF 6.3V U601 10PF 1 MIC600 2 MIC_CP 3 C607 C606 1.8PF IN NO V+ COM GND NC 6 R602 1K R601 NC C602 MIC_P 4 C608 R603 12PF C609 100NF DG2011 27PF NC C603 100NF 5 68PF U602 1 6 5 4 C611 2 NO V+ COM 6 R604 1K 3 GND 78 NC NC 4 R605 510 DG2011 2 C610 5 MIC_BIAS 10PF 1 MIC_N IN R620 39K 3 JACK_EN ZD600 GMF05C-HS 3 R621 100K U661 MICROPHONE 1 LOUD_EN 2 R622 +AVDD_HFA NO V+ COM GND NC 6 5 EARP_HF EAR1 4 EARSPK_ L C633 C628 5PF EARPIEC E 3 TH600 VC040205X150R DG2011 +VDD_IO_HIG H 18PF U604 8PF EARSPK_R EARSPK_COM EARSPK_L HFK_SPK_EN C619 C618 1747124-1 1 1 22 3 3 44 5 5 6 6 7 7 88 9 9 10 10 G G G G 1 47PF C629 R608 100K R609 180K 2 3 5PF C634 18PF IN NO V+ COM GND NC 6 5 HFK_SP K EAR2 4 EAR_P TH601 VC040205X150R DG2011 JACK_IN EAR_ADC C625 14 13 12 11 6 5 4 +VDD_IO_HIG H C635 10NF +VDD_IO_HIG H C630 9PF 9PF R618 330K,1% 1 3 SPK_P EAR_SWITC H 4 3 U663 TC75S56F E 2 AMP_P 5 VBAT C626 R619 130K,1% 10NF C631 HFR_N 100NF 4 4S2 V+ D1 D4 1S2 4S1 U662 3-4IN 1-2IN 12 11 10 EARSPK_COM AMP_N EXTSPK_E N STG3699 9 2S1 3S2 D2 5 6 7 D3 SPK_ N 3 NC NC 8 EARSPK_R AMP_N 2 13 3S1 MELODY_SEL 1 14 AMP_P HFR_P 15 GND 21 22 16 1S1 GND 17 HFR_N 1 2 ZD601 ESDA6V1-5W 6 2S2 CN600 100 IN 7-10 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization EAR_ P Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 6. Speaker Part(Melody) Speaker does not work Yes No U302 pin 5 = 2.9V? Resolder or replace U303 Yes No Check the Clock signal at Pin 1 of U300 (26MHz) Check the clock generation circuit (related to U101and U300) Yes No U300 pin 17,18 ≒ 1.8V? Resolder U300 (When U300 operate) Yes No CN701 pin 51,53 ≒ 1.8V? Resolder CN701 (When U300 operate) Yes No HDC800 pin 3,5 ≒ 1.8V? Change the board to board FPCB (When U300 operate) Yes No Change the Speaker Is Speaker working? Yes END 7-11 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting OEn +VDD_IO_LOW +VDD_IO_HIG H HA(1) CS5n_MELODY WEn HD(0) 33 G 26 D1 28 27 D0 /CS A0 /RD 31 29 D2 M_INT LED C305 100NF 3.9NF C325 100NF HD(7) 19 C302 100NF 10 SPOUT2 AMP_N 11 12 13 14 15 16 C301 27PF G SPVSS SPOUT1 17 SPVDD VREF VIB 18 EQ3 VSS MTR EQ2 VDD AMP_P 36 C304 1NF HD(6) D6 D7 EQ1 C326 21 PLLC G 9 HD(5) D5 20 HPOUT-R 8 NC 35 R307 3.3K 22 U300 YMU765 HPOUT-L/MONO 7 HD(4) D4 4 6 HD(3) 23 /RST 5 HD(2) D3 /IRQ RSTON 25 24 3 2 CLKI 30 /WR 1 26M_DIGIT IOVDD G 34 HD(1) 32 C308 VBAT 100NF C312 100NF R312 C314 100NF 10K C310 1UF 10V R313 ANL 39K C311 39NF C313 560PF ANR CODEC R314 15K C315 33NF EARP_H F MELODY IC 7-12 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 7. Key Data Input Check Initial Operation Yes When one of the keys is No Check the Dome sheet & Key Pad pushed, is it displayed on LCD? Yes When one of the keys is No Replace the PBA pushed, KBIO signal is OK? Yes END 7-13 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting KEY_COL(0:4) KEY_ROW(0:2) KEY_COL(4) KEY_COL(3) KEY_COL(2) KEY_COL(1) KEY_COL(0) 12 KEY_ROW(0) 12 STAR1 DIGIT7 12 KEY_ROW(1) 12 DIGIT10 DIGIT9 12 KEY_ROW(2) 12 12 DIGIT4 1 DIGIT1 12 12 DIGIT6 2 DIGIT2 12 DIGIT3 DIGIT5 12 SHARP1 DIGIT8 KEY_MAP KEY_COL(2:4 ) KEY_COL(4 ) KEY_COL(3 ) KEY_COL(2 ) KEY_ROW(2:4) 12 KEY_ROW(4) 12 SOFT1 2 12 SEND 1 2 CLR 1 2 KEY_ROW(3) DOWN 2 UP 1 2 1 KEY_ROW(2) LEFT 1 SOFT2 RIGHT KEY_MAP 7-14 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2 1 INT Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 8. Receiver Part Receiver does not work Yes No Resolder U200 or change PBA U662 pin 2,10 = 1.5V? Yes No Resolder or replace U662 U662 pin 4,16 = 1.5V? Yes No change U200 CN701 pin 51, 53= 1.5V? Yes No HDC200 pin 3, 5 = 1.5V? Change the board to board FPCB Yes No Change the Slide board SPK +,- PAD = 1.5V? Yes No Check the soldering of the Modify the speaker wire soldering spaeaker wire Yes No Replace the Speaker Is Receiver working? Yes END 7-15 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting +VDD_IO_HIG H AMP_P SPK_P R618 330K,1% VBAT C626 R619 130K,1% 10NF HFR_N 4S2 V+ 1S1 U662 3-4IN 1-2IN 12 11 10 EARSPK_COM AMP_N EXTSPK_E N STG3699 9 2S1 3S2 5 6 7 D3 D2 8 EARSPK_R 4 4S1 3S1 SPK_ N 3 1S2 AMP_P AMP_N 2 13 D4 GND MELODY_SEL 1 14 NC NC HFR_N HFR_P 15 2S2 21 22 16 D1 GND 17 7-16 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization EAR_P Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9. Back Light (for Color Main LCD) Backlight does not work Yes No Is LCD Contrast set on high Set LCD Contrast on high level level in the Menu? Yes No HDC800 pin 10 = H ? Change the board to board FPCB Yes No Check the U601 & the related circuit U802 PIN 1 = 12V ? Yes Replace the LCD Module Yes END 7-17 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting VBAT LED800 L800 22uH C804 C812 NC 33PF C803 220nF 50V U802 6 5 4 BACKLIGHT SW VOUT VIN GND CTRL FB 1 2 3 C813 R819 LT3465AES6 39NF 10 LCD BACKLIGHT 7-18 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization R823 NC Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 10. Key Back Light 1) Main Key Part Main Key LED does not work Yes No Check the U200 related to "VDD_KEY" U610 pin1 = "H"? Yes END 2) Sub Key Part Sub Key LED does not work Yes No Check the CN701 or Replace PBA C770 pin5 (CN701 pin 47) = "H"? Yes No Change the board to board FPCB CN800 PIN1 = "H"? Yes No Check the Q800 Q800 pin 3 = "L"? Yes END 7-19 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting MOTOR VBAT U610 LMS5214IMG-3. 3 5 4 VIN VOUT C620 VEN N/C GND 1 2 R610 82 4.7UF R611 82 R612 82 R613 82 R616 82 R617 82 R623 82 R624 82 R625 82 R626 82 3 KEY_LED_ON LED610 LED611 LED604 LED600 LED605 LED606 LED607 LED602 LED603 LED601 R627 100K R801 91 91 R802 R800 91 91 R803 91 LED808 R807 LED806 LED805 LED810 91 LED807 R806 LED801 VBAT Q802 2SC5658T2LR R812 15K SLIDER_KEY_O N R829 R814 100K V803 VC040205X150R V802 VC040205X150R KEY_LED 7-20 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 11. Camera part "Camera" function does not work Yes No Check the Camera Reconnect the camera module connector on Slide PCB Yes No R822 = 1.9V? Check the HDC800 ( or C809) Yes No C320 = 26MHz? Check U302(pin2, pin4) related to 26Mhz and R318 Yes Is there another problem? Yes Replace the camera module END 7-21 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting CN802 AXK8L24115S 25 26 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 FVALID LVALID Y(7) Y(6) Y(5) Y(4) Y(3) Y(2) Y(1) Y(0) NC NC 23 24 21 22 19 20 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 R822 0 +VDD_IMAGE 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 PCLK +VDD_IMAGE M_CLK M_SCL M_SDA +VDD_IMAGE L802 100nH CIH05TR10JNC S_RST_IMAGE C807 100UF 1M CAM LD(0:15) U305 D2 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G1 G2 H1 H2 H3 J1 J2 J3 K1 K3 HD(0) HD(1) HD(2) HD(3) HD(4) HD(5) HD(6) HD(7) HD(8) HD(9) HD(10) HD(11) HD(12) HD(13) HD(14) HD(15) M4 B1 B2 C2 C4 C5 C7 D8 D10 E9 STROBE S_RST K5 K6 L6 M6 M7 RS LCD_MAIN_CS L_RD L_WR Y(0:7) Y(0) Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) A3 B4 A4 B5 A5 B6 A6 B7 MD0 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 MD5 MD6 MD7 MD8 MD9 MD10 MD11 MD12 MD13 MD14 MD15 MINT MWEN MREN MCS MA0 MA1 GPIO9 GPIO8 GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 STROBE/GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 LRS LCS1 LCS2 LREN LWEN LD(0) LD(1) LD(2) LD(3) LD(4) LD(5) LD(6) LD(7) LD(8) LD(9) LD(10) LD(11) LD(12) LD(13) LD(14) LD(15) +VDD_IMAG E R315 4.7K L2 M2 M1 L1 D1 C1 IMAGE_INT WEn OEn CS3n_IMAG E HA(1) HA(2) G10 CLKI H10 CLKO C10 SMCLK A8 PCLK A9 HREF B9 VSYNC A10 SDA B10 SCL M3 APPCLK A1 RESET R318 26M_DIGIT T7 IMAGE_RESET +VDD_IO_LOW MVDD L3 MVDD C3 RVDD G3 RVDD E8 LVDD K4 LVDD D9 SVDD B8 SVDD A2 CVDD L4 CVDD C6 NC NC 0 M_CLK PCLK LVALID FVALID M_SDA M_SCL +VDD_IO_HIGH R321 100K V301 +VDD_IO_HIGH C320 20PF C321 100NF VC040205X150R CVDD L7 CVDD E10 DI0 DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DI7 R316 4.7K +VDD_GSM_CORE 1 2 V303 VC040205X150R HD(0:15) M10 LD0 M9 LD1 L10 LD2 L9 LD3 L8 LD4 K10 LD5 K9 LD6 K8 LD7 K7 LD8 J9 LD9 J8 LD10 H8 LD11 G9 LD12 G8 LD13 F9 LD14 F8 LD15 DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS2 DVSS DVSS AVSS VC040205X150R M8 M5 L5 K2 J10 H9 F3 D3 C9 C8 B3 A7 F10 C322 100NF MV319DNQ IMAGE_DSP 7-22 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization V300 VC040205X150R Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 12. GSM Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No U100 Pin7 >= -65dBm Resolder RFS100, C102 Yes No U100 pin5 >= -65dBm Check U100 pin2,pin4,pin8 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resolder U100 No F100 pin1 >= -67dBm Resolder F100, C104, L102 Yes U102 pin29 >= -70dBm pin30 >= -70dBm No Resolder C103, C105, L101 Yes U102 pin7, 8, 9, 10 >= 1V No No Check U102 pin 23,26,31 >=2.7V Check & Resolder U102, R103, R104 RF26MHz, RF PSU Part Yes Yes Resolder U102 R112, R113, R114, R115 >= 1V Yes Check U200 END 7-23 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 13. GSM Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes No U100 Pin7 >= 20dBm Resolder RFS100, C102, L106 Yes No U100 pin10 >= 18dBm Check U100 pin4 = H (2.68V), pin2,8 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Change or Resolder U100 PAM100 pin16 >= 18dBm No Resolder C134, L108, C149 Yes No PAM100 pin5 >= -11dBm Check PAM100 +VBAT, pin2,3,13,14 OK? No Resolder or Change PAM100 Yes Check +VBAT or PAM control signal Yes No OSC100 pin1 >= -15dBm Resolder R114, R116, R117 Yes U102 pin6, 7, 8, 9 >= 1V No Check U102 pin23, 26, 31 >=2.7V No Check & Resolder RFLO signal, RF13MHz, RF PSU Part Yes Yes Check U205 END 7-24 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Resolder U102 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 14. DCS Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No U100 Pin7 >= -65dBm Resolder RFS100, C102, L602 Yes No U100 pin1 >= -65dBm Check U100 pin2, pin4, pin8 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resolder U100 No F102 pin1 >= -67dBm Resolder F102, C121, L107 Yes U102 pin35 >= -70dBm pin36 >= -70dBm No Resolder C120, C122, L106 Yes U102 pin7, 8, 9, 10 >= 1V No Check U102 pin23, 26, 31 >= 2.7V Yes No Yes R112, R113, R114, R115 >= 1V Yes Check U200 END 7-25 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Check & Resolder U102, R103, R104 RF26MHz, RF PSU Part Resolder U102 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 15. DCS Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes No U100 Pin7 >= 20dBm Resolder RFS100, C102, L106 Yes No U100 pin9 >=18dBm No Check U100 pin2, pin4 = L, pin8 = H Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Change or Resolder U100 PAM100 pin18 >= 18dBm No Resolder L115, C135 Yes No PAM100 pin5 >= -11dBm Check PAM100 +VBAT, pin2,3,13,14 OK? No Resolder or Change PAM100 Yes Check +VBAT or PAM control signal Yes No U102 pin2 >= -15dBm Resolder R116, R117, R118, C147, L117, C138, C132 Yes U102 pin7, 8, 9, 10 >= 1V No Check U102 pin23, 26, 31 >= 2.7V No Yes Yes Check U200 END 7-26 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Check & Resolder RFLO signal, RF26MHz, RF PSU Part Resolder U102 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 16. PCS Receiver RX ON RF input : CH center freq : +67.7kHz Amp : -50dBm Yes No U100 Pin7 >= -65dBm Resolder RFS100, C102, L602 Yes No U100 pin3 >= -65dBm Check U100 pin2 = H, pin4, pin8 = L No Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Resolder U100 No F101 pin1 >= -67dBm Resolder F101, C115, L105 Yes U102 pin32 >= -70dBm pin33 >= -70dBm No Resolder C112, C119, L104 Yes U102 pin7, 8, 9, 10 >= 1V No Check U102 pin23, 26, 31 >= 2.7V Yes No Yes R112, R113, R114, R115 >= 1V Yes Check U200 END 7-27 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Check & Resolder U102, R103, R104 RF26MHz, RF PSU Part Resolder U102 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 17. PCS Transmitter TX ON (5Level) Yes No U100 Pin7 >= 20dBm Resolder RFS100, C102, L106 Yes No U100 pin9 >=18dBm No Check U100 pin2, pin8 = H, pin4 = L Check ANT Switch control circuit Yes Yes Change or Resolder U100 PAM100 pin18 >= 18dBm No Resolder L115, C135 Yes No PAM100 pin5 >= -11dBm Check PAM100 +VBAT, pin2,3,13,14 OK? No Resolder or Change PAM100 Yes Check +VBAT or PAM control signal Yes No U102 pin2 >= -15dBm Resolder R116, R117, R118, C147, L117, C138, C132 Yes U102 pin7, 8, 9, 10 >= 1V No Check U102 pin23, 26, 31 >= 2.7V No Yes Yes Check U200 END 7-28 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Check & Resolder RFLO signal, RF26MHz, RF PSU Part Resolder U102 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting +VCC_SYN L100 1.0nH +VCC_SYN C100 NC C101 NC L118 100nH C151 100PF C103 47PF GSM900 RX C104 2 5 GG 39PF OUT 4 L101 1 IN C105 47PF OUT 3 FAR-F5EB-942M50-B28EH F100 L102 22nH 18nH L103 33nH +VCC_SYN PON_3587_SYNTH C110 8.2PF +VCC_SYN U101 C112 33PF 4 C119 33PF 3 22 23 25 26 21 REFIN GNDREF VCCSYN LBIB 20 CLKFDBX SWBI B D_REF_CLK 18 VDDL UAA3587GHN +VDD_IO_LO W GNDL 15 GNFRF2 LBO RF_EN EN TXVCC SWON RF_DATA GND1 QA 10 NC +VDD_RX_TX C136 NC 41 QB 9 IB 8 IA 7 FESW 3 6 FESW 2 5 FESW 1 GNDRF4 HBO RF_CLK L109 VCCI F 4 3 GNDRF3 DATA GND2 GND3 GND4 NC1 NC2 2 C133 27PF 100PF 17 HBIB PGMDIV 16 U102 1 +VDD_RX_TX C129 CLKOUT HBIA CLK PON_SW 26M_CLK 19 REFVCC GNDRF1 14 36 37 38 39 AFC C123 220NF 13 R107 330 R108 330 SWBI A 12 34 R106 18 C137 39PF R102 220K 11 33 32 31 VCCRF GSM_TX R101 10K C114 100PF L106 6.2nH 30 C122 18PF CTRL 24 F102 FAR-F6EB-1G8425-B2BG L107 12nH R104 220K 2 3 RFTUNE OUT R103 10 28 IN VCC C120 18PF 4 OUT VCCCP 2 5 GG GND 4 C118 100NF C117 100NF 29 1 39PF L104 5.6nH 40 C121 OUT F101 FAR-F6EB-1G9600-B2BE L105 12nH DCS RX IN 27 EXTRES 1 LBIA 39PF 35 C115 3 OUT OUT 46 45 44 43 42 PCS RX TCO-5871U 26MHz C113 100PF R100 0 5 GG VCCRFL O 2 C109 7PF VCON 1 C111 100NF C141 39PF C140 10NF DCS_TX R112 0 RX_TX_Q P C145 NC R113 0 RX_TX_Q N R114 0 FESW 1 RX_TX_I P C146 NC FESW 2 R115 0 RX_TX_I N FESW 3 C150 33PF 7-29 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization PCB Diagrams 4. Sub PCB Bottom Diagram 6-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization
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