2015 Annual Report - South Dakota Community Foundation


2015 Annual Report - South Dakota Community Foundation
For Donors
Leadership Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
We simplify the charitable
giving process with
straightforward fund
establishment and
charitable gift management.
Fund Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Funds Established in 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Nonprofit Spotlight:
SDCF Challenges Nonprofits to Build Endowments. . . . . . . . . . 8
For Advisors
We partner with financial
and legal advisors to help
individuals incorporate
philanthropic goals in
their estate plans.
Donor Spotlight:
Donors in Day County Shine Bright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
South Dakota Fund Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A Foundation for Progress
Roots are unsung heroes.
They run deep.
They give us strength.
But they’re rarely seen and seldom celebrated. The South Dakota
Community Foundation plays a significant part in helping the state grow.
We have a long history of helping out our neighbors – we’ve worked
to simplify and maximize South Dakotans’ contributions since 1987.
Investments made with us deepen the roots within our communities – donors
receive the maximum tax benefit, and they’re rewarded with the knowledge
that their gifts will be lasting and effective.
Our mission is to share our resources to help donors and nonprofit
organizations in our state get the most out of their efforts.
To help South Dakotans. Because that’s who we are.
For Nonprofits
We support charitable and
nonprofit organizations
throughout the state by
offering grant opportunities,
establishing agency
endowment funds
and providing related
administrative support.
Community Innovation Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Grant Recipient Spotlight:
Sanford Lab Investment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
$1 Million Grant Threshold Exceeded in Pennington Co. . . . . . 30
Foundation Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CSA Spotlight:
First Fidelity Bank &
Tripp County Commmunity Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
For Communities
We help communities
of all sizes achieve their
goals through permanently
endowed funds called
Community Savings
Accounts, which are
invested with the SDCF
and managed by a local
board of directors.
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Legacy Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Table of Contents
Leadership Report
“Civilization flourishes when people plant
trees under which they will never sit.”
— Greek Proverb
A tree stands in the front yard of my family farm. Growing up, I could look over
the top of that oak tree from the picture window and see for miles. Today, that
tree towers over the farm house. Its branches spreading out over the yard. It has
survived blistering heat, gusting winds, early frosts and even a lightning strike.
I can sit under that tree today, enjoying its shade, because since it was planted
that tree has been quietly spreading it roots. Its strong root system has kept it
steadfast and will ensure it thrives for decades to come.
Leaders who believed in providing for South Dakota’s future planted
a seedling of their own when they established the South Dakota
Community Foundation (SDCF). Throughout the last twenty-eight
years, generous donors like you have nurtured and cared for that little
tree. With your support, the tree has grown, its roots have spread and
every day, South Dakotans are benefiting from all it provides.
The benefits of its shade are stretching to cover more South Dakotans each
year. For instance, the SDCF expanded giving options for donors by launching
Growing for Good, our land management program. This program allows
farm and ranch land to stay in production and provide a legacy of support
for generations to come. The Growing for Good program complements
our existing giving options which include both cash and noncash gifts.
The SDCF’s grantmaking strategies have branched out to strengthen
nonprofit organizations. In 2015, we established the Nonprofit Savings
Account (NSA) program to help organizations develop a broader base of
support and build endowed assets to help fund their missions, now and
long into the future. We also began a partnership with the Grantmakers in
Aging organization to provide grants aimed at keeping older, rural South
Dakotans in their homes. Along with our South Dakota Fund Grants and
the Community Innovation Grant partnership with the Bush Foundation,
we have expanded the grantmaking opportunities across the state.
Thank you for being a part of this stewardship effort. We appreciate your
investment in nonprofit causes. Your generosity enriches the soil and allows us
to continue spreading our roots. As a result, our organization stands strong and
promises to shade not only us, but also our children and grandchildren, who will
plant trees of their own.
Stephanie Judson
Leadership Report
Jim Hart
Board Chairman
Our History
The South Dakota
Community Foundation
(SDCF) was created as a
public, nonprofit corporation
on November 11, 1987, as
part of the late Governor
George S. Mickelson’s
vision for South Dakota’s
second century.
To establish the SDCF, the
McKnight Foundation and
3M Corporation issued a $5
million challenge grant to
the state of South Dakota.
The grant memorialized the
life of South Dakota native
William L. McKnight, a former
CEO of the 3M Corporation
and founder of the McKnight
Foundation. The state of
South Dakota committed $2
million, and within twelve
months, SDCF leadership
raised the additional $3
million from private donors
to fulfill the challenge grant.
Today, the SDCF, a public,
nonprofit organization, holds
approximately $219 million
in total assets and manages
760 endowed funds. The
earning from those funds
support charitable needs
and causes throughout the
state. With the continued
generosity of South Dakotans
and solid investment returns,
the SDCF will continue to
serve individuals, families and
communities across the state
for generations to come.
Investing in South Dakota’s Future
The South Dakota Community Foundation’s Objective
The aim of the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) is to make giving back simple and
effective by providing trustworthy guidance and investment management to South Dakotans
who want to benefit communities and charitable organizations.
How the giving process works:
Where your donations can go:
When you establish a fund at the SDCF, the
principal of your charitable donation is invested.
Each year, a percentage of your fund’s value
is made available for distribution through
grants to charitable causes. As investment
returns accumulate, the fund can continue to
impact South Dakotans forever. We put the
power of endowment to work for good.
We work with you, your family and/or your financial
advisor to make giving to causes you care about a
seamless process. We offer a variety of fund types
to meet your charitable goals. For example, you
can designate specific charitable organizations,
set up a scholarship for local students, support
your local community savings account or make a
broad impact on culture, economic development,
education, health and human services.
What you can give:
Who we serve in addition to donors:
You can donate a variety of assets
to benefit others. We accept:
Nonprofit Organizations: In 2015, nonprofits received
more than $860,000 from the SDCF through the
South Dakota Fund and Community Innovation
grant programs. In addition, more than $11 million is
distributed to nonprofits through the funds the SDCF
manages for donors. The SDCF also offers agency
endowment funds and Nonprofit Savings Accounts to
help nonprofits create long-term funding sources.
Cash Gifts
Cash, Check or Credit Card
Non-Cash Gifts
Stocks & Bonds, Land, Commodities
and Personal Property
Planned Gifts
Bequests, Life Insurance, Charitable
Trusts and Gift Annuities
Communities: The SDCF has a fund type tailored
specifically for communities called Community Savings
Accounts (CSA). A CSA will help support basic needs
and enhance the quality of life within a community
through grant awards to local organizations for years
to come. Today, there are 72 CSAs across the state.
Advisors: We partner with professional
advisors to help clients accomplish their
charitable wishes through estate planning.
Investing In South Dakota’s Future
Fund Types
Fund Types
The South Dakota Community Foundation
is made up of more than 760 funds that hold
approximately $219 million dollars. Each
fund type allows a donor to accomplish
different goals. See which fund type best fits
your charitable intentions. The percentages
listed reflect the portion of total SDCF
assets each fund type represents.
New Funds Established in 2015
Designated Funds (34%)
Benefit specific charitable organizations
selected by the donor. With a
designated fund, you can support
organizations that are important to
you for generations. A designated
fund was established to benefit Teen
Challenge of the Dakotas and will
help the organization meet a SDCF
challenge grant. Learn more on page 8.
In 2015, donors and organizations established 67 new funds at the South Dakota Community
Foundation to benefit charitable causes across the state. To browse all 760 funds held by the SDCF,
visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Funds and use our Find a Fund tool. For a printed copy of our
fund list, please call 800.888.1842.
Bruce & Darleen Bakken
Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates
of Platte-Geddes High School pursuing a
degree in agriculture.
Donna Bauer Abbott House Fund To provide financial support to Abbott
House as designated by the donor.
Agency Endowment Funds (19%)
Community Savings Accounts (15%)
Established by a nonprofit to
create a long-term funding source
to support the organization.
Give community members a way to
support basic needs and enhance the
quality of life in their hometown. A local
board of directors raises funds and
distributes grants in the community.
Learn more about the success of the
First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County
Community Foundation on pages 41-42.
Bruce Brandner Family Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the donor.
Roger Butters Band Scholarship Fund
To provide financial support to graduates
of Oldham-Ramona and Rutland
continuing their education in music.
Christen Dakotas Conference United
Methodist Church Fund To provide financial support to Dakotas
Conference United Methodist Church as
designated by the donor.
Christen Pohlad Ramstad Northern
Star Council Fund Donor Advised Funds (12%)
Allow donors maximum flexibility
with their giving. Each year, donors
recommend nonprofit organizations
to receive grants. Donors can also
name successor advisors to continue
the giving tradition or designate the
organizations they would like to receive
benefits beyond their lifetimes.
Harry and Denise Knapp established
a donor advised fund under the Day
County Community Foundation
to broaden their philanthropic
impact. Learn more on pages 9-10.
South Dakota Fund (12%)
Helps to meet the diverse and vital needs
of people across the state in the areas of
culture, economic development, education,
health and human services. Donors can
establish a named fund within the South
Dakota Fund to honor their family’s name
forever. The SDCF Board of Directors selects
grant recipients throughout the year based
on a competitive grant selection process.
The SDCF celebrated $1 million
in grants awarded from the South
Dakota Fund to Pennington County
nonprofits. Read more on page 30.
To provide financial support to Northern
Star Council Boy Scouts of America as
designated by the donor.
Constance D. Borlaug
Cleveland Fund To provide financial support to
charitable and nonprofit purposes at
the recommendation of the donor.
CRST Wicozani Wiwokiaye Oyate
Scholarship for Nursing Fund To provide financial support to Native
American students pursuing a registered
nursing degree.
Daschle Center for Public Policy
& Leadership Fund To provide financial support to Daschle
Center for Public Policy at South Dakota
State University as designated by the donor.
Day County Online Education
Assistance Fund To provide financial support to Webster
High School as designated by the donor.
Scholarship Funds (7%)
Field of Interest Funds (1%)
Benefit South Dakota high school
graduates pursuing higher education.
As a scholarship fund holder, you will
set the focus of the scholarship and
application parameters. The SDCF will
handle all the paperwork necessary
to comply with federal regulations
and issue the scholarship checks.
Support broad areas of interest, specific
issues, people groups or geographic
areas. Donors can choose to support
causes represented by existing field
of interest funds or start their own. The
SDCF Board of Directors awards the
grants from these funds each year.
F U N D S | Fund Types
Doland Community Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and
nonprofit purposes in the Doland area at the
recommendation of a local Board of Directors.
Douglas County Historical
Society II Fund To provide financial support to Douglas
County Historical Society II.
Field of Dreams Fund To offer challenge grants to nonprofit and
charitable organizations within South Dakota.
Franssens Family Cemetery Fund To provide financial support to
cemeteries in the Platte area as
designated by the donor.
Fred and Luella Cozad of Martin, SD, issued an $80,000 challenge
gift to help start the Rural Lawyer Recruitment Program.
Julian Freitag Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships
as recommended by the Madison Central
School Educational Foundation.
Friends of the North Sioux
City Community Library Fund To provide financial support to Friends of
the North Sioux City Community Library.
Giving Day Research Project Fund Researching the feasibility of
a statewide giving day.
Grossenburg Implement Bloomfield,
NE Community Support Fund
To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the Grossenburg
Implement store manager.
Grossenburg Implement Hartington,
NE Community Support Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the Grossenburg
Implement store manager.
Grossenburg Implement Laurel,
NE Community Support Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the Grossenburg
Implement store manager.
Grossenburg Implement Wayne,
NE Community Support Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the Grossenburg
Implement store manager.
Marcia K. (Pranger) Hall Memorial
Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to one graduate
of Wagner Community High School and one
graduate from Platte-Geddes High School.
Harrisburg Community Foundation To provide financial support to
Harrisburg Community Foundation.
Heartland Psychological Help Fund To provide financial support to Servant
Hearts Clinic as designated by the donor.
Dr. Ben & Audrey Henderson Medical Health
Professions Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates
and alumni of Mobridge, SD.
Hoven High School Foundation To provide financial support to Hoven High
School as designated by the donor.
Kenneth R. Huse Memorial Fund To provide financial support to Oahe YMCA
of Pierre, SD as designated by the donor.
Elmer & Kay Karl Foundation To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the donor.
Lakota Code Talkers Memorial Fund To provide financial support for the creation
of a memorial on the State Capitol grounds to
honor the Lakota Code Talkers.
Patricia M. Larson Excellence in
Education Award Fund To provide financial support to elementary
education as designated by the donor.
Leadership Endowment Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes as recommended
by the South Dakota Community
Foundation Board of Directors.
Lower Brule Pow Wow Fund To provide financial support to
charitable and nonprofit purposes as
recommended by the Lower Brule
Sioux Tribal Pow Wow Committee.
New Funds Established in 2015
New Funds Established in 2015 - Continued
Larry & Beverly Meyer
Scholarship Fund In 2015, the South Dakota Community Foundation launched the Nonprofit
Savings Account (NSA) program. The program is a new way for nonprofit
organizations to mobilize their donor bases to build sustainable revenue
streams. The program aims to spark the growth of endowed funds
that can help support nonprofits now and long into the future.
MHS STEM Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships
as recommended by the Madison Central
School Educational Foundation.
Missouri Shores Domestic
Violence Center Fund To provide financial support to Missouri
Shores Domestic Violence Center.
Jeff & Trudi Nelson Madison High
School Forensics Endowment Fund A variety of events during Harrisburg Days raise money
for the Harrisburg Community Foundation.
Oahe Family YMCA Foundation Rotary/Don E. Gross Memorial
Scholarship Fund Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
Vermillion Boy Scouts Fund Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund To provide financial support
to Oahe Family YMCA.
To provide financial support to UCC
Vermillion Boy Scouts Troop 66
as designated by the donor.
To provide financial support for scholarships
as recommended by the Madison Central
School Educational Foundation.
To provide financial support to the Rural
Lawyer Recruitment project of the South
Dakota Bar Foundation.
Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
Vermillion Girl Scouts Fund Glenn & Alta Schnell Memorial
Scholarship Fund Kris & Evelyn Paulson
Scholarship Fund Norbert & Jane Sebade Children’s
Home Society Fund Ab & Bev Penn Memorial
Scholarship Fund Norbert & Jane Sebade Greater
Wall Area Fund To provide financial support to Vermillion
Girl Scouts as designated by the donor.
To provide financial support to
graduates of Philip High School.
To provide financial support to graduates
of Harding County High School.
The Performing & Fine Arts Fund To provide financial support for the
performing arts program within the
Madison Central School District
as designated by the donor.
Pheasants Forever Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the donor.
Philip Area Community Foundation To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes in the Philip area
at the recommendation of a
local Board of Directors.
Jesse Root Memorial Fund To provide financial support to Winner High
School at the recommendation of the
Winner Quarterback Club as
designated by the donor.
Charles & Lois Ann Rose Foundation To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the donor.
Charles & Edith Rose Memorial
Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to
graduates of Lemmon High School.
To provide financial support to Children’s
Home Society as designated by the donor.
To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes in the Wall area
as recommended by the First Interstate
Greater Wall Area Board of Directors.
Gerald M. & Mary Sletten Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes in the Bristol area
at the recommendation of a
local Board of Directors.
South Dakota Conservation Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit purposes at the
recommendation of the South Dakota Habitat
Conservation Fund Advisory Committee.
South Dakota Livestock Industry
4-H Trust Fund To provide financial support to 4-H youth
programs as designated by the South
Dakota Livestock Industry Advisory Board.
Submarine USS South Dakota
(SSN 790) Endowment Fund To provide financial support for the upkeep
of the USS South Dakota (SSN 790)
memorial and other projects as designated
by the USS South Dakota Committee.
Terhuly Foundation Donor
Advised Fund To provide financial support to
charitable and nonprofit purposes at
the recommendation of the donor.
USS South Dakota (SSN 790)
Commissioning Committee Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit causes as recommended by
the USS South Dakota (SSN 790)
Commissioning Committee.
Red Wagner Memorial Fund To provide financial support to charitable
and nonprofit organizations for youth
pheasant hunting at the
recommendation of the donor.
Webster Class of 1989 Fund To provide financial support to
Webster Alumni Foundation as
designated by the donor.
June Wilkinson Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of
Hot Springs High School who have excelled
as a musician either instrumental or vocal.
Marvin Wilkinson Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to
graduates of Hot Springs High School
who excelled in the sciences.
Missy Wunder Memorial
Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to
graduates of Wagner School District.
St. Pauli Cemetery Association
Fund - Wallace, SD Yankton Kiwanis/Don Modereger Yankton
High School Math & Science Fund Stanley County Wrestling
Facility Fund John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to St.
Pauli Cemetery Association.
To provide financial support to Stanley
County Wrestling Facility project.
To provide financial support to
graduates of Sturgis High School.
SDCF Challenges Nonprofits
to Build Endowments
A New Way to Help Nonprofits
To provide financial support for scholarships
as recommended by the Board of Directors
of the Castlewood Education Foundation.
To provide financial support for the forensics
program within the Madison Central School
District as designated by the donor.
F U N D S | New Funds Established in 2015
To provide financial support to Yankton High
School math and science department
as designated by the donor.
To provide financial support to
graduates of Hyde County.
Nonprofits apply to the program, and if accepted, the organization will
receive a $20,000 challenge grant from the SDCF after successfully
fundraising $80,000 in endowed funds from donors. The grand total
of $100,000 is added to a designated fund at the SDCF and provides
perpetual funding to further each organization’s mission.
The program also removes administrative burdens from nonprofits. The
SDCF handles all donor contribution receipts, commingles contributions for
investment purposes and completes all necessary tax filings and audits. Allied Arts provides financial and promotional
support to fourteen arts agencies in
order to enrich the lives of people in
Rapid City and the Black Hills region.
Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area
members volunteer at a pancake feed. The
organization aims to enable all young people
to reach their full potential as productive,
caring and responsible citizens.
2015 Nonprofit Savings Account Challenge Recipients
• Allied Arts
• Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area
• Sioux YMCA in Dupree
• South Dakota Humanities Council
• Teen Challenge of the Dakotas
A Nonprofit Savings Account Grant at Work
The Sioux YMCA in Dupree provides a fun,
safe and supportive environment for youth.
Teen Challenge of the Dakotas (TCD), one of our NSA partners, believes
a person with life-controlling problems can change, IF that person wants
to change. TCD offers a residential program for adult males over 18 years
of age. The 16-month program assists men in overcoming addiction
and transitioning back into the “real” world. After 50 years of helping
drug and criminal offenders, Teen Challenge has earned a reputation
as one of America’s most successful rehabilitation programs.
Over the past five years, TCD significantly enhanced its infrastructure
and capacity through the construction of its new campus and the
renovation of its former facility. Upon successful completion of the
NSA Challenge Grant, the TCD endowment will extend these efforts
to ensure maximum mission impact now and into the future.
The South Dakota Humanities Council supports
the Young Readers Initiative, which puts high
quality books in the hands of elementary students
and brings them face-to-face with authors
at the Young Readers Festival of Books.
Reverend Mike Gilmartin, a past graduate and executive director of TCD,
understands the importance of an endowment in continuing to provide quality
programming to men from communities throughout the region. Key donors have
already expressed interest in helping Mike and TCD build an endowment, so
he is thankful for the encouragement from the SDCF to solicit endowed gifts.
“Working with the staff at the South Dakota Community Foundation has
been absolutely great. Since I walked into the SDCF offices, out of the blue, a
number of years ago; they have done nothing except encourage and help to
empower myself and TCD for success. I am truly grateful for the relationship.”
— Reverend Mike Gilmartin
Reverend Mike Gilmartin, executive director of
Teen Challenge of the Dakotas, congratulates
a recent graduate of the program.
Spark Change
Nonprofits can visit
to find out how to apply for a Nonprofit
Savings Account grant in 2016.
SDCF Challenges Nonprofits
greater good. We talk about trying to help the less
fortunate, trying to make the world a better place.”
An Expanding Vision
Harry Knapp was another early believer in the CSA
concept in Day County. He challenged community
leaders to establish the Day County Community
Foundation with an anonymous matching gift.
Harry and his wife Denice were also the first Day County
residents to start a SDCF donor advised fund. Their family
fund began by giving grants to students attending the
SDSU College of Engineering. Then, the Knapps realized
their impact could be greater than just one school.
“The more involved you get, the more needs you will find
you can partially or wholly meet through grants,” said
Denice. “We had decided that we wanted to include
other causes within the communities of Day County.”
(Top left) Harry and Denice Knapp established a fund with the Day County Community Foundation to impact the area for years to come. (Bottom left)
Tom Sannes, a Day County Community Foundation board member, awards a $2,500 grant to the City of Waubay for new playground equipment. Photo
credit: Amanda Fanger, Reporter & Farmer (Top right) The Webster Aquatic Venture for Excellence (W.A.V.E.) led a campaign to raise $1 million for a
new aquatic center. W.A.V.E. Committee Chairman Tom Sannes greeted visitors during the facility’s grand opening in 2013. The Day County Community
Foundation committed $100,000 to the effort over 20 years. (Bottom right) Through the generous support of donors in the area, the Day County
Community Foundation has awarded $155,000 to area nonprofits over the last 14 years. The group will continue to build a bright future for the county
through grant awards. Photo credit: SD Department of Tourism.
Donors in Day County Shine Bright
Individuals Come Together to Benefit All
Shortly after Tom Sannes moved back to Webster in
2001 to start a career as an attorney, he was invited to
a meeting with Bernie Christenson, the SDCF president
at the time, and area leaders to discuss the possibility
of starting a Community Savings Account (CSA). At
the meeting, when Tom heard the SDCF would offer a
$25,000 grant if the community could raise $75,000, he
was the first to speak: “Hey, that’s a no brainer. Let’s do it!”
Little did he know, that proclamation and the creation
of the CSA would propel him, and the communities
of Day County, into the start of something great.
A Homegrown Volunteer
Born and raised in Webster, Tom Sannes graduated
from Webster High School in 1989. Service
was a key part of his life, whether as a member
of the Boy Scouts or a legislative page.
D O N O R S | Donors in Day County Shine Bright
“Public service just fits for me. I can’t say when I
came up with that idea, but it’s just something I
firmly believe in. A service-minded attitude for the
greater good. That’s my philosophy,” said Tom.
Tom is associated with most of the service groups
and nonprofit organizations in and around Webster.
In addition to being the president of the Day County
Community Foundation, he is a member of the
Webster Alumni Association, vice president of the
Webster Area Development Corporation and president
of the United Methodist Church in Webster. He was
also chairman of the Webster Aquatic Venture for
Excellence and was selected as the 2014 Citizen of the
Year by the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce.
“Every time I sit down to chat with a client about
their estate plan, or a board of directors about the
future of the group, we talk about ideas that are
more than just the law,” said Tom. “We talk about the
“We started our giving focused on one area, and then
expanded what we do,” added Harry. “It was nice to have
that flexibility.”
They expanded their focus by partnering with the Day
County Community Foundation. This partnership allows
them to make grant recommendations during their
lifetimes. Upon their passing, their daughters, followed
by their grandchildren, will make grant recommendations.
Then, the Day County Community Foundation’s local
board of directors will take over administration of the fund.
“We appreciate the fact that investment management
and administrative tasks are handled by the
SDCF. We can focus on the needs that exist
and causes we care about,” Harry said.
A Plan for Giving
As time went on, Tom Sannes recognized that the
desire of donors like the Knapps to give back to Day
County communities through subfunds would not only
meet the needs of donors, but also create future assets
for the county’s nonprofit projects and programs.
“The first part is to determine if an individual has the
interest in leaving something to charity,” said Tom. “Once
they decide they want to do so, they are then looking
for a vehicle. That’s where the SDCF comes into play.”
Tom acknowledges that many people know what they
would like their money to do, but need to be given
some direction about the available giving vehicles.
For example, when Tom sat down with Gerald Sletten
to discuss his estate plan, Tom found a very savvy
individual with big ideas for his hometown. Gerald
wanted his money to be available long after he
was gone, so a partnership with the Day County
Community Foundation made sense for Gerald.
Won over by the low cost of administration and
the long-term outlook, Gerald started the Gerald
M. and Mary Sletten Fund through an estate gift.
The fund is now dedicated to giving grants to the
Bristol area at the recommendation of the Day
County Community Foundation board of directors.
“The low 1% administration fee is a huge selling
point for many people I talk to,” said Tom. “The staff
and board at the SDCF are also a big factor. They
lend a lot of credibility and trust to the organization.
And finally, the success of funds already held with
the SDCF and diversity of partnership options
that exist really makes a difference. People can
make a connection with so many of the funds
held there, be it scholarship funds or CSAs.
They can pick many areas to be involved.”
Today, the partnership between the South Dakota
Community Foundation, the Day County Community
Foundation and local donors is working to improve
the lives of area residents. Day County has 21 funds
totaling $1.35 million working for local nonprofit
organizations, communities and students. Over
the past 14 years, these funds have awarded
$155,000 to area nonprofit organizations. Area
residents have come together to ensure that Day
County continues to thrive for future generations.
“If we put aside any rivalry between
towns and pull together, the future is
very bright for Day County. Whether
you have a general desire to support the
community at large or a more specific
goal, the Day County Community
Foundation and the South Dakota
Community Foundation is a natural fit.”
— Harry Knapp
Donors in Day County Shine Bright
Cozad Scholarship Fund
2015 Donor List
Behind each and every fund at the South Dakota
Community Foundation there is an individual,
family or community that has a strong desire to
help others. We are inspired by the generosity of
South Dakotans who gave 3,530 gifts through the
SDCF in 2015. We hope you will be as well.
Aberdeen Area Community
Derrick Dinger
Robert & Erin Fouberg
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg
Harr Motors, Inc.
Glenn & Sharon Jakober
Donald & Renita Kainz
Shelly Luond
Gerald & Galynn Nichols
Carl & Sheryl Perry
Stacy Sandvig
Thomas Seyer
James Smith
US Bank
Lealan & Brenda Punt
Van Spease
Ronald & Carol Voss
Werk Weld, Inc.
Victor & Tina Westendorf
Carter & Sharon Wiese
Larry & Ronda Wilson
Larry & Lea Ymker
Ken Austin Memorial
Education Fund
Lund Implement Company
David & Wally Baas Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Laura Baas
Bennett County School District 3-1
Knight I Scholarship FundBennett County
Bennett County School District 3-1
Knight II Scholarship FundBennett County
Bennett County School District 3-1
June Anderson Sommer & Robert
Sommer Scholarship Fund
Bennett County School District 3-1
Sullens I Scholarship FundBennett County
Bennett County School District 3-1
Sullens II Scholarship FundBennett County
Bennett County School District 3-1
Beresford Community Foundation
Ameriprise Financial - Gift
Matching Program
Mark & Norma Brunick
Marvin & Delores Carlson
Keel Coddington
Mary Jane Fenn
Brian Field
Virginia Finger
Thomas & Jill Frieberg
Helen K. Grace
John D. Gubbrud
Jerry & Kathleen Hill
Jensen Insurance & Real Estate
Ronald Johnson
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
AIA South Dakota
Scholarship Fund
Armour Fire Department
Blue Moon
Wanda Dally
Dean’s Auto Body
Fairway Seed
Mark & Jennifer Fuoss
Chris & Chareen Gerber
Terry & Arlene Hinckley
Jim Holderby
Larry & Rose Hornstra
Dot Hoxeng
Gary & Phyllis Hrdlicka
Terry Hrdlicka
David & Melissa Kriz
Russell & Barbara Ledeboer
Booth Society, Inc. Fund
Barrie Austin
Joan Mcinally
Boys & Girls Club of
Brookings Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings
Boys & Girls Club of
Moody County Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings
Boys & Girls Club of the
Capital Area Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings
Bruce Brandner Family Fund
Bruce Brandner
Anderson Pharmacy, Inc.
John D. Gubbrud
Gary & Deb McKellips
John & Christi Wegh
Armour Community Foundation
Beresford School District 61-2
David & Susan Christensen
Jacqueline Hrstka
Boys & Girls Club of
Yankton Fund
Alcester Community Foundation
Dale & Anita Remund
Dennis & Heidi Sweeney
Shanna Rae Christensen
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund
Dan & Shane DeWald
Foster Rentals, Inc.
Larry & Gail Nelson
Todd & Zahra Pfeifer
Matthew & April Smart
AIA South Dakota
Jordan & Allison Dvorak
Fennell Design, Inc.
Michelle Klobassa
Bradley & Colleen Kurtz
Dean & Marion Marske
Robert Rysavy, LLC
Smartt Interior Construction, LLC
Loren J. Ammann Foundation
Ameriprise Financial - Gift
Matching Program
Beresford School District 61-2
David & Susan Christensen
Joyce Clay
Gerald & Peggy Dahlin
Brian Field
Helen K. Grace
Margaret B. Haugan Living Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
James Nelson
Kevin & Dyan Nelson
Melvin & Dorthy Nothdurft
Jared & Emily Olson
Gary & Amy Schaap
Mike & Ann Tornberg
Judy Travis
School Foundation
DeMaris Nesheim (on left with SDCF West River Development and Program
Officer Beth Massa) was a catalyst in starting the Philip Area Community
Foundation. She matched cash contributions from the community up to
$100,000. The community raised the funds within a few short weeks. Overall,
the Philip community now has $325,000 in its Community Savings Account.
Bruce & Darleen Bakken
Scholarship Fund
Bruce & Darleen Bakken
Virginia C. Barry Family Fund
Thomas & Angela Sannes
Donna Bauer Abbott House Fund
Donna M. Bauer Gift Annuity
Bennett County High
School Scholarship Fund
Anderson Scholarship Fund
Bennett County School District 3-1
2015 Donor List
Raymond Kennedy & Karen
Michael & Pamela McGill
Jeff & Jane Norling
Dorthy Nothdurft
Joan P. Nygaard
Delmer & Ferne Olson
Allen & LaDonna Reit
Gary & Amy Schaap
William & Betty Shubeck
Shirley Strand
Watchdog Education Foundation
Wayne & Sharon Akland
Dean & Shirlyn Christensen
Mindy Dold
Angela Mahlander
Britton Area Foundation
Doris Alberts
Dick Allen & Mary Rabenberg
Aaron & Joan Anderson
Tom & Edna Anderson
Dave & Brenda Andrews
Dennis Beck & Bev Fiedler
Chan & Carol Benda
Neil & Muriel Bien
Rick & Cheryl Bosse
Joni Bush
Charles & Karyl Card
David & Gretchen Christenson
Richard & Nancy Curran
Don & Mary Cusick
Myles & Karen DeVine
Dennis & Vicki Didreckson
Family & Friends of Alma Anderson
Family & Friends of Cindy Olson
Tony & Connie Geist
Yvonne Gibbs
John D. Gubbrud
Lylas & Mavis Gunderson
Emelie Haigh
Charles & Cherry Hall
Sherman & Coleen Halverson
Bob & Sandy Hastings
Douglas & Lynne Haugstad
Burke Henehan
Theresa Henehan
Doug & Shelly Henley
Mark & Faye Hoines
Horton Holding, Inc.
Ronald R. Jarrett
Lee Johnson
David Jones
Steve & Paulette Kelsey
David & Brenda Koeppe
Mike & Rose Kraft
Pete & Mavis Krista
Barbara Kuske
Dale & Bonnie Larson
James & Leah Luitjens
Michael McCranie
Bill & Jodi Meyer
Larry & Durelle Meyers
Marty & Julie Micko
Denis & Karen Mikkelson
David & Diane Mitchell
Clark & Pamela Moeckly
Mark, Mike & Marlene Nelson
Pete & Melinda Nelson
Dan & Bonnie Olson
Marilyn Peters
Harland & Jane Peterson
Walt & Patty Roehr
Greg & Virgie Schaaf
Eugene & Norma Schlekeway
Schott family
Schuller family
Curtis & Bonnie Sheldon
Al & Marlene Sime
Ralph & Darlene Skare
Nyla Slater
Charles & Donna Stehly
Connie Steiner
Howard Stocking
Steven & Michelle Swanson
Paul & Faye Symens
Bryce & Marge Thoelke
Kent & Debra Thoelke
Donald & Sharon Tisher
Jennings & Ruth Tobin
Reuben Tom
Arvin & Bonita Tory
Delmar & Mary Ann Wahl
Olive White
Maris & Connie Williams
Vollie Ann Williams
Charles & Colleen Wismer
Roger & Mary Zuehlke/Ryan & Sara
Reinke/Jason & Sheri Scheid
Kent & Cindy Zuehlke
Kurt Zuehlke
Britton-Hecla School Foundation
Britton-Hecla High School
Scholarship Fund
Julia (Anderson) Bauer
Buffalo Foundation
Eileen Fischer
Chad & Suzette (Sandal) Hohwieler
Lois Marshall
South Dakota Dept. of
Transportation Materials &
Stanley County School Foundation
Mack & Karen Wyly
Build Dakota Scholarship
Endowment Fund
State of South Dakota
Burke Community
Memorial Hospital Fund
Inez Jones
Burke School District Scholarships
Jon Glover Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Family Practice Associates, P.C.
Dave & Judy Glover
Tom’s Wild Game Processing, LLC
Bush Foundation Community
Innovation Grant Program
Bush Foundation
Bush Foundation Fund
Bush Foundation
Roger Butters Band
Scholarship Fund
Alan Dooley
Canistota Community Foundation
Alvin & Carolyn Scott
Canistota School Foundation
Alvin & Carolyn Scott
John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund
Estate of Ruth D. Cannon
Canton Public Schools
K-12 Foundation
Donald & Sarah Abbas
Academic Banquet - Canton
David Amundson
O. Larry Anderson & Marilyn Pruitt
Anderson Pharmacy-Canton
Arne Anderson
David & Karen Anderson
A-OK Sanitary Service
Keith Beachler & Susan Irons
Lance & Peggy Beard
Alicia Bergren
Erin J. Beyke Agency, Inc.
Kevin & Nancy Bitterman
Richard & Constance Bogue
Mike & Lois Broderick
Lori Broesder
Jerin & Tara Burmeister
Canton Dental Clinic
Canton Home & Farm Supply, LLC
Canton Rotary Club
Casey’s General Stores
Jerry & Elline Chaon
Companion Animal Clinic
Curb Appeal Landscapes, LLC
Sharon Dailey
Timothy & Kelli DeJong
Dragonfly Arts
Jim Dunham & Associates
Eastern Farmers
Leon & Michelle Eich
Jim & Kari Elling
Phyllis Ellis
Mark & Rose Marie Esche
Todd & Debra Esche
Mark Everhart
First Bank & Trust
The First National Bank - Sioux
Perry & Barb Fossum
Jon & Jill Frick
Frislie Construction
David & Pam Gillespie
Haisch Pharmacy
Maureen Haisch
Daniel & Catherine Heinemann
Mark & Cathy Hennies
Hoffman Oil Company
Mona Hohmann
Hot Steel Custom Fabrication, LLC
David & Marlys Huber
Michelle Ingebrightson
Jeanie Jacobsen
James & Jane Jibben
James & Jennifer Kolvek
Larson Drapery, LLC
Elden Lasley
Gaylon & Karla Lems
Lewis Family Drug
Lincoln Conservation District
F.B. & Carol McEntee
Robert & Brenda Miller
Mark & Amy Nelson
John & Sandra Ostraat
Bradley & Karren Peterson
Kari Ranschau
Dan & Mary (Watson) Rath
Robert & Lenora Raymon
Theresa Roberts
Murray & Helen Rowe
Rutten Structures, Inc.
Sanford Health
Rodney & Lori Schneller
John & Melissa Schutte
Lyle & Sharon Schwartz
Security Savings Bank
Eric & Debra Springer
Martin & Sandra Stofferan
Sunnyside Laundromat
Swenson Chiropractic Center
CMI Bid-Well
J.L. & Mary Toso
Dorothy Trumm
Linda Tuntland
Wilmer & Linda Van Engen
Henry Van Voorst Concrete, Inc.
Pete & Cami Van Wyhe
Douglas & Brenda Van Zee
Eric & Tali Vander Stouwe
Douglas & Julie Verley
Justin & Amanda Wallner
Tom & Patty Wallner
Douglas & Cori Wersal
Jeffrey & Lynn White
Woods Roofing, Inc.
James & Laura Woods
Ronald & Tracey Zylstra
Castlewood Education
Foundation Endowment Fund
Castlewood Education Foundation
Roxann Bruinsma Kemink
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Castlewood Education Foundation
Larry & Beverly Meyer
Scholarship Fund
Castlewood Education Foundation
Centerville Foundation
James & Glenda Carlson
Centerville 4th Grade Class
Patti (Merritt) Drui
Don & Judy Hookie
Ivy Chapter #25 OES
Ronald Johnson
Todd & Shawn Johnson
Thomas & Jean Kenyon
Curtis & Nancy Kludt
Knudson family
Gerald & Eleanor Knutson
Dorthy Nothdurft
Tom & Michele Olsen
Larry & Susan Overgaard
Mavis Overgaard
Holly Stotz
John Thomson
Children’s Home Society Fund
Norbert & Jane Sebade Children’s
Home Society Fund
Norbert & Jane Sebade
Christen Dakotas Conference
United Methodist Church Fund
Paul & Donna Christen
Paul & Muffy Christen
Legacy Fund
Scott & Julia Jones Fund
Trust for the Future Fund
Christen Pohlad Ramstad
Northern Star Council Fund
Paul & Donna Christen
Christensen Family Fund
Dean & Shirlyn Christensen
Kim Christensen
Sheila Christensen
Ken & Brittany Hubbart
Citibank (South Dakota)
N.A. Fund
South Dakota Bankers Foundation,
Clark High School Class of
1953 Scholarship Fund
Alice Heim
William & L. Jane Leek
Viola Linngren
Derald & M. Alta McElroy
David & Patricia Seefeldt
Kenneth & Marlene Stacey
Russ & Charlene Wilkins
Clay-Union Foundation Fund
Clay-Union Foundation
2015 Donor List
C, continued
Constance D. Borlaug
Cleveland Fund
Herbert B. Cleveland
Mark & Beth Massa
South Dakota Community
Dick & Jan Cone Pheasants
for Kids Fund
Red Wagner Memorial Fund
Harold & Margaret Brown
Dick & Jan Cone
Bill Covault
Ralph & Cheryl Feriani
Roger Moody Donor Advised
Fund, of Renaissance Charitable
SAH Enterprises, LLC
John & Adele Virden
Charles Ward
Philip & Marilyn Ware
Congregational Cemetery
Maintenance Fund
Peace Lutheran Church
Major General Duane L. ‘Duke’
Corning Scholarship Fund
Black Hills Federal Credit Union
Corsica Area Foundation
Norman Ligtenberg
Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants
Forever Scholarship Fund
Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Cribs for Kids, South Dakota Fund
Auxiliary Yankton 8th District
Medical Society
Mark & Jean Bubak
David & Tina Melanson
Lawrence & Grace Wellman
CRST Wicozani Wiwokiaye Oyate
Scholarship for Nursing Fund
Kasey & Karla Abbott
Clay & Karen Cudmore Fund
Clay & Karen Cudmore
South Dakota Community
Dakota Discovery
Endowment Fund
Joseph & Jamie Bartmann
Paul & Donna Christen
Stephanie Miller Davis
Memorial Fund
Cara Lee Davis
John Davis
Andrea Sheehan
Ann L. Wilson
Thomas & Angela Sannes
Day County Community
Nita Aadland
Stephen Foley
Ty Eschenbaum Foundation
Greg & Bonita Albrecht
Arlington-Lake Preston Youth
Wrestling Club
Glenda Bakken
Stu & Brooke Betsworth family
Citizens State Bank & Arlington
Insurance Agency
CorTrust Bank-Mitchell
Ty Eschenbaum
Daniel & JoAnne Hasche
Randall & Karen Jencks
Joe Jensen Insurance Agency
LP Lutheran Quilters
Winfred Noem
Prairie Ag Partners
Jerry & Carol Raap
Blake & Amy Sandnes
Tri State Battery Company
Kari Westlund
Brian & Amy Wienk
Family of Leroy & Francis Wienk
Estelline Alumni Association
Scholarship Fund
Estelline Alumni Gail Harrenga
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Estelline Alumni Association
James Harrenga
Perry & Doreen Evans
Scholarship Fund
Perry Evans Estate
Gerald M. & Mary Sletten Fund
Fairy Godmother’s Fund
Estate of Gerald M. Sletten
Deadwood Days of 76, Inc. Fund
Days of ‘76, Inc.
Deuel County Community
Verdelle Anderson
Gary & Susan DeJong
Deuel County Community
DJO Global
Darold & Mary Hunt
Pamela Lynde
Deuel Public School Foundation
Day County Arts Council Fund
Glenn & Kathryn Duncan
Scholarship Fund
Dennis Dolney
Lower James RC & D
Daschle Center for Public
Policy & Leadership Fund
Douglas County Historical Society
Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund
Dale & LeAnn Suhn
Dakota Resources Fund
Day County Online Education
Assistance Fund
John Deppe’s Lower James
RC&D Memorial Fund
Garwan Hargens
Douglas County Historical
Society II Fund
Day County Legacy Fund
Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Marla Althoff
William, Jr. & Nancy Barry
Mary Bloom
Kelli Bullert
Beth Chambers
Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen
Shelley Deutsch
Sharon Dolney
Robert & Beth Duerre
Ellen Ellis
Ashley Ewalt
Jill Gaikowski
G. Todd & Angie Garry
Elizabeth Gravley
Kelly Hanson
Gerald & Carol Hanten
Darlys Kwasniewski
Donna Kwasniewski
Scott Langager
Debbie Lee
Natalie Lesnar
Dan Menking
James Mumford & Rita Johnson
David Rogers
Kathryn L. Sannes
Thomas & Angela Sannes
Alyssa Shoemaker
Kim Snell
Richard Solberg
Norma Tol
Nora Tollefson
Jenna Wik
Judy Williams
David Wyman
Dean & Shirlyn Christensen
Doland Community Foundation
Daniel & LeAnne Bawek
Boyd-Wagner Agency
Doland School District 56-2
2015 Donor List
Jim & Colette Abbott
Rodney & Sandi Ackerman family
Patricia Adam
Joel & Jane Albrecht
Carl & Barbara Anderson
Shari Budahl Avery
Dr. James & Claudia Bain
Jim & Beth Benning
Victor & Patty Beringer
Tim & Bonnie Bjork
Jim & Donna Boekelheide
Bruce Brandner
Chapter AX P.E.O.
Bernie & Sally Christenson Family
Citibank (South Dakota)
Citibank-McKnight Fund
Patricia (Reede) Couser
Janet B. Cronin
Barb Cutler
Dennis & Linda Daugaard
Loel & Mary Davis
Jan DeBerg
Dana & LaDawn Dykhouse
Kris & Steve Egger Charitable Fund
Douglas & Anita Eilers
S. Francene Evans
The Evens’ Girls
Cy & Sandy Farner
Robert & Erin Fouberg
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg
Theodore & Carol Fowler
Todd Fulmer
Sue Gates
Kenneth & Andrea Giedt
Leah Graham
Linda Mickelson Graham
Janet Grasse
Barry & Marilyn Grossenburg
Emily Guhin
William & Patricia Haigh
Nini Hart
Theresa Henehan
Jon & Carla Hoffman
Joan Hogan
Dody Hopkins
Marilyn Hoyt
Margaret Huber
Ardelle Johnson
Bradley & Carol Johnson
Deb Jorgensen
T. & Karen Kellen
Jaci Casanova- Keller
Jean A. Koehler
Charles & Caroline Kornmann
Mary Lamont
Carson & Julie Larson
Ray & Cyndy Larson
Dolores Lauinger
Thomas & Ellen Lee
Jim & Vicki Lust
Mark & Beth Massa
Robert & Donna Masters
Steven & Julie Mathiesen
Nancy McCahren
Claudia Merthan
Carmen Meyer
Rees & Bonnie Mielke
Brad & Kathy Moore
Anthony & Kelly Nelson
Gerald & Galynn Nichols
Dan & Ginger Niemann
NorthWestern Energy
Dorothy O’Keefe
M.E. & Ann Paradise
Carl & Sheryl Perry
Patti Petersen
John & Penny Porter
Georgia Ramos
LaVern Rasmussen
Barbara Reed Harms
Eldon & Donna Reich
Sheila Richards
Robert & Roberta Rohl
Tona Rozum
Ilene Schmidt
Melody Schopp
Norbert & Jane Sebade
Margaret A. Seljeskog
Joe & Cindy Senger
Scott & Debra Shephard
Ann Sigelman
Jacqueline Sly
Connie Ruhl - Smith
Laura Snow
Local students benefit from the generosity of donors through the Madison Central Education Foundation Scholarship Fund.
Jerry & Deb Soholt
South Dakota Community
James & JoAnn Sperry
Sharon Stroschein
Jeff & Marcia Sveen
Linda Theobald
Ronald & Joyce Wagner
Dr. Victoria Walker
Larry & Marles Wilson
Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier
Steven & Sandra Zinter
Faulkton Area Foundation
Tom & Linda Bartholomew
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bowar
Deiter Farms
Down Under Dinner
Faulk County Record
Faulkton Area Lions Club
Robert & Marilyn Hardrick
David Hedt
Kevin & Tiffany Hofer
Grady & Hanne Jolley
Kevin Kalkman
Luce, Luze & Reck Funeral Homes
Dale & JoAnne Melius
Orin & Phylis Melius
Steve Miller
Mueller Therapeutic Massage
North Central Farmers Elevator
Betty Stammer
Bernie Vogel Tractor Run
Field of Dreams Fund
Greater Clark Area Foundation
Challenge Grant
First Fidelity Bank & Burke
Community Foundation
Jack Broome
Myrna Lea Brunz
Harold & Marian Finnern
First Fidelity Bank-Burke
Inez Jones
Melvin & Charlene Juran
Terry & Kass Witt
First Fidelity Bank & Gregory
Community Foundation
Gordon Horgen Memorial
Scholarship Fund
First Fidelity Bank & Jones
County Community Foundation
George & Elizabeth LaCompte Fund
First Fidelity Bank-Gregory
Gregory Rotary Club
Jim & Marilyn Pochop
Jerald Applebee
Roland Barton
Jewell Bork
Veldon Brown family
Jim & Bernie Butt
Jack Dugan
First Fidelity Bank-Murdo
Dave Geisler
Dan Iverson
Deloris Iverson
John & Jeanette Lee
Ardith Helene Miller
Richard & June Nix
Brian O’Reilly
Paul & Katherine Patterson
Chip & Phyliss Peters
Rankin & Sons, Inc.
South Central RC & D
Marjorie Strait
David & Nancy Thomas
Paul E. Thomas
Donald Volmer
First Fidelity Bank & Platte
Area Foundation
First Fidelity Bank-Platte
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
First Fidelity Bank & Tripp
County Community Foundation
Charles & Beverly Axtell
Dr. Tony & Kay Berg
Craig & Dawn Covey
First Fidelity Bank-Winner
Keith & Gracia Goodhope
Chuck & Norma Keiser
Brian & Tari London
James & LaVonne Randall
Grossenburg Family &
Employees Fund
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
Dianne Hancock
Joyce Horgen
Jerome & Virginia Laurent
Colby & MaryAnn LaCompte
Matousek Family Fund
William J. Matousek
Ray & Grace Neyens Family
Scholarship Fund
Family of Ray & Grace Neyens
Tripp County Water User
District - Martin & Mary
Jorgensen Scholarship Fund
Tripp County Water User District
Winner Class of 1974
Scholarship Fund
Patrick & Rita Steele
First Interstate Custer Area Fund
Claude & Dorothy Vershure
First Interstate Fall
River Area Fund
June Wilkinson Estate
First Interstate Greater
Belle Fourche Fund
Collins Cleaning Systems, LLC
First Interstate Greater
Sturgis Area Fund
Festival of Trees fundraiser
First Interstate Greater
Wall Area Fund
Dawn Hilgenkamp
Wayne & Melanie Shull
Norbert & Jane Sebade
Greater Wall Area Fund
Norbert & Jane Sebade
First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund
Amundson family
Gerald & Martyann Apa
Shane & Marta Artz
Black Hills Central Reservations
Black Hills Pioneer
Century of Pride
Deadwood Lodge Elks
City of Deadwood
James & Elizabeth Dunn
First Interstate Bank
Terry & Lori Frederick
Jacqualyn Fuller
Historic Homestake Opera House
Homestake Mining Company
Homestake Mining Company of
Timothy Johns
Keene Realtors, Inc.
John & Terry Keene
Matthew & Kayla Klein
Lead Area Chamber of Commerce
Lead-Deadwood Community
Dan Leikvold
Alexis Lemmel
Diana Mathisrud
James & Ruth Nelson
Peterson CPA, PC
Steven Rice
Les & Cheryl Roselles
Michael Steinmeyer & Kalli
Richard & Romona Tinker
Francis & Kathy Toscana
TRL Properties, LLC
Constance Walter
James Wefso & Cameon Jacobson
Wharf Resources, Inc.
Michael J. Fitzmaurice State
Veterans Home Endowment Fund
American Legion Post 88
David & Karen Bangasser
Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen
Alvin Erpenbach Post 261
First Congregational Church-UCC
Knights of Columbus
Pierre Elks Lodge 1953
Pioneer Bank & Trust
Audry Ricketts
South Dakota Department of
Veterans Affairs
Franssens Family Cemetery Fund
Randall F. Franssens
2015 Donor List
F, continued
Freeman Community Foundation
Jason & Jill Aanenson
John & DeeAnn Alverez
American Bank & Trust
Nathan Baker
Hugh Bartels
Mark Blake
Scott & Teresa Campbell
Commercial State Bank-Wagner
DNB National Bank
Dean & Joan Dreessen
David & Rochelle Ebbers
Edward & Kari Eckhardt
Farmers & Merchants State Bank Employees & Board
Farmers State Bank Marion-Parker
First State Bank of Roscoe Officers & Employees
Delayne & Rita Graber
Ted Hofer family
Ted Hofer memorial
Emily Hofer
Kevin & Tiffany Hofer
Stewart Hofer
Josh & Emily Hogue family
Kevin & Ashley Holzwarth
Home Federal Bank-Freeman
Jack & Gina Hopkins
Darrell & Joanne Hora
Independent Community Bankers
of South Dakota
LeRoy Kaufman
Kenneth & Susan Kessler
John & Cheryl Koch
Robert & Cheryl Korn
Bob & Jill Laird
Troy & Amy (Sorlien) Lee
Frederich Mayer Estate
Greg & Micki McCurry
Menno State Bank
Modern Woodmen
Kelly & Colette Mutchelknaus
Dennis & Constance Nelsen
Ted, Jr. & Marlene Pidde
Rainmaker Advisors
Diana Randall
Mary Ann “Stormy” Reilly
Reliabank Bank
Becky Sayler
Barbara Schmeichel
Travis & Diane Schnabel
Dennis & Linda Schrag
John Schultz & Jeff Schultz families
Debra Schultz & Lon Lemme
Mike & Vicki Schultz
Ray & Donna Smith
Todd & Marcia Smith
LaMont & Sheila Sohler family
South Dakota Community
Steve & LaDonna Speirs
Dale L. Strasser, PC
Dale & Ruth Strasser
Sunrise Bank Dakota
Terry & Cindy Torgerson
Barry & Lori Uecker
Shane Vetch
Vining Sparks
Carroll & Mary Anne Vizecky
Walter Brothers’ Vending, LLC
Nathan Walter
Orville A. Waltner Estate
Shirley Waltner
Timothy & Mary Waltner
Brian & Ruth Weier
Harlan & Fae Wiebesiek
Friedens-Heinz Cemetery Fund
Steven Ochsner
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
Friends of SD Public
Broadcasting Fund
Friends of SD Public Broadcasting
Friends of SD Public Broadcasting
Designated Fund
Helen M. Tronek Estate
Marion Van Zante Fund with
Renaissance Charitable
Friends of the North Sioux City
Community Library Fund
Friends of the North Sioux City
Community Library
The Frontier Fund
State Street Foundation, Inc.
Matching Gift Program
Frank F. Fukuda Fund
Community Foundation of
Henderson County
Gettysburg Area
Community Foundation
Victor & Patty Beringer
Benedict & Barbara Boyer
Bridge City Publisihing, Inc.
Mary Lynn Collins
Janet B. Cronin
Dean Goebel Farms, Inc.
Mrs. Robert Hause
Bobby Jenner
Galen & Ann Jordre
Hazel Langer & Lora Hazelrigg
Kent & Linda Meyer
Paul & Cheryl Nelson
Daniel Sheldon
Craig & Monie Smith
South Dakota Community
Marilyn Tounsley
Bruce & Peggy Williams
Giving Day Research Project Fund
Bush Foundation
John T. Vucurevich Foundation
Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable
Prosperity Fund
Wharf Resources, Inc.
Grantmakers in Aging Fund
Grantmakers in Aging
Greater Clark Area Foundation
Dala Albright
Wayne & Sandra Altfillisch
Ronald & Peggy Bastian
Robert & Joan Bierscheid
Joseph & Sharon Bjerke
David & Annette Boehnke
Bruce & Peggy Brekke
2015 Donor List
John, Jr. & Robin Brown
Cathy Bugarin, Mindy Seagraves &
Mary Hartley
Diane Burns
Jim & Marise Caster
Roger & Jeanette Chapin
Dale Christenson
Clark Farm Mutual Insurance
City of Clark
Clark High School
Greg & Julie Cluts
Darwin & Wanda Clyde
Dakota Butcher
Barbara Desnoyers
Larry & Vickie Dreher
Charles & JoAnn Durishin
John & Maureen Fischer
D. Kelly & Paula Fitts
Chad G. Fjelland
Marlin & Joyce Fjelland
Todd & Bonnie Fjelland
Todd & Susan Fjelland
Paul & Kirsten Florey
Claryce Foster
Lee & Dorothy Fuller
Gene Furness memorial
Thomas & Lynda Gerhardt
Craig & Becky Goens
Golf Tournament
Delores Graver
Randy & Karen Gruenwald
John & Janet Guest
Brian & Linda Haan
Charlotte Haight & Julie De Lao
Jerry & Robin Hartley
Family & Friends of Treva Headley
Alice Heim
Joyce Helkenn
Norm & Joyce Helkenn
Colleen Hoefert
Dale & Karen Hoffman
D.M. Holmquist-Holida
Joseph & Sharon Hulscher
Todd & Brenda Jenkins
Olleen Kirkeby
Carmen Kloster
Col. Martin & Gloria Kloster
Terry & Bonnie Kloster
Gary & Betsy Kolden
Milo (Mike) Kolden
Gary & Linda Kruthoff
Bradley & Desiree Lamb
Chris & Fawn Lamb
Harley & Joan Lamb
Sharon Larson
Licensed Beverage Dealers of
South Dakota
Lookout Bar & Grill
Angie Lorenz
Bill & Sandy Luke
S & S Mack, LLC
JoLynne Mack
Kay Mahlen
William & Sharon Malcom
Janet Martin
Timothy & Michelle Mehlberg
Ray & Barbara Miller
David & Marlys Moritz
Mrs. Donald W. (Jeanette) Nelson
Gordon Nesheim
Dolores Ness
Margaret Nordhus
Marjorie Paddock
Grace Paulson
Duane & Charlene Peterson
Pivotal Health Solutions, Inc.
Romagene Rawlins
Rodger & Diann Redmond
Dennis & Nancy Schuchhardt
Pamela Seefeldt
Jan Solum
James & Karyl Somers
South Dakota Funeral Directors
Gerald & Linda Stangl
Harlan & Sharon Stanley
Sandra Steen
Robert & Joie Steffen
Keith & Carol Stobbs
Harlan & Jean Sundvold
UBS Matching Gift Program
Shana Vander Grift
Kenneth & Bonnie Vrondran
Tom & Lori Wagner
Lowell & Norma Wahl
David Warkenthien & Carolyn
David & Carol Warkenthien
Skylar Welk & Juie Bjerke
Gale Wiedow & Laura Horton
Steve & Rita Wishard
Fay Wookey Memorial
Brent & Chris Wookey
Gayle Wookey
Joy Wookey
Tom & Kathleen Wookey
Dale Peckham Memorial
Award Fund
Oculofacial Plastic Surgery, PLLC
Greater Lyman Foundation
Michael & Nola Rae Ambur
Katherine Berg
Blum Brothers Ranches
Charles & Gloria Bowar
Norman & Penny Bower
Thomas & Joyce Bowman
Jean Ann Brakke
Dallas & Judith Brost
Jim & Bernie Butt
Jerry & Melody Christensen
Jon & Marian Davenport
Richard & Sandra Dyson
Angela Ehlers
R.C. England & Sons Construction,
Family & Friends of Lee Steacy
James A. Fulwider
Owen & Sally Garnos
L.E. & Esther Gerard
Gary & Connie Grittner
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Hair West
Harlan & June Halverson
R. Kim & Lucy Halverson
Curt Halvorson family
Gene & Margie Halvorson
Kent & Mildred Hamiel
Noel & Janet Hamiel
Wade & Chyree Hamiel
Eddie & Christine Hamilton
Trent & Teresa Hanson
Jerry & Donna Hendryx
Ronald & Betty Herron
Michael & Paula Hildebrandt
Jason & Michelle (Sundall)
Dale L. Hofwolt
Randal Holmquist
Marie Houchin
Virginia Hullinger
Ryan & Lorlen Husman
Hutch’s Café & Lounge
Joyce Jessop
Justin & Lisa Jessop
Beverly Johnson
Dennis & Joan Kenzy
James P. Kineen
Lela Knudson
Greta Langdeau
Darrel Lintvedt
Margaret Loyo
Dale & Sherry Lulf
Donald & Melinda McManus
Ruth Ann McManus
Eugene & Betty Jean Mertens
Eva Miller
Francis Milnar
Richard & Mary Mishler
Gayle Mohr
Wayne & Dorothy Monson
Raymond & Jean Moore
Kathleen Moran
Steven & Deb Mowry
Town of Oacoma
Paul & LaVerne Olson
Cody Palmer, Inc.
Clint & Beverly Roberts
Rosebud Concrete, Inc.
Rodney J. Sather
Schaefer Farming Corporation
Don Schindler
Kenneth Schindler
Cordie & Marlys Schlomer
Willard & Josephine Schoenfelder
Ralph & Marlene Schuiling
South Dakota Community
Mike Sprenger & Carol E. Birgen
Stanley Grain, Inc.
Nancy Strait, Lola Harens & Neva
Herb & Deanna Sundall
James & Carol Sundall
Wanda Lee Sweeney
Steve & Barbara Taylor
Jeffery & Stacey Tviet
Daryl & Betty Walters
Lonis & Lois Wendt
James Woster
John & Elsie Griffin
Memorial Fund
Griffin Family Endowed Fund
Gary & Connie Grittner Fund
Gary & Connie Grittner
Grossenburg Implement &
Employees 4-H Support Fund
- Hughes & Stanley Counties
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Grossenburg Implement
Bloomfield, NE Community
Support Fund
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Kuecker Kountry Farms
Northeast South Dakota
Community Action Program
Northeast South Dakota
Economic Corporation
GROW South Dakota
Designated Fund
Robert & Marcia Erickson
Lori Finnesand
Michelle D. Mueller
Mark Nelson
South Dakota Community
Harvey Gunderson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Deuel School District No. 19-4
Clark Gunderson
Marcia K. (Pranger) Hall
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dale E. Hall
Harrisburg Community
Harrisburg Community Foundation
Grossenburg Implement
Hartington, NE Community
Support Fund
Heartland Psychological
Help Fund
Grossenburg Implement Laurel,
NE Community Support Fund
John & Cora Heckenlaible
Family Fund
Grossenburg Implement Wayne,
NE Community Support Fund
Herreid Community Foundation
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Groton High School Class
of 1969 Scholarship Fund
Glenn & Wendy Cooper
Larry & Valerie Fliehs
Tom & Jane Heinz
Tom & Alesa Mahan
Marsha McAlister
David L. Pigors
Robert & Valerie Wegner
GROW South Dakota Foundation
G T Properties, Inc.
GROW South Dakota
Donor Gary Grittner helps a student
with his reading skills in Fort Pierre.
Joseph & Sheryl Blackinton
Arline Heckenlaible
Rodney & Sandra Ackerman
JoAnne Bauer
Corrina Beck Photography
Floyd & Gladys Beck
Eleanor Berndt
Steven & Wanda Berndt
Brandner Brothers
Bruce Brandner
Dorothy Brandner
William & Julie Brandner
Kenneth & Marilyn Brockel
Campbell County Bank
Kent Cutler
Nathan & Mary Dally
Delmar & Matilda Droog
James & Faye Dupper
Rick Entwistle
Dennis & Wendy Feist
Earl & Judy Fjeldheim
Troy Fuehrer
Goehring Construction
A. & Dana Goehring
Good Samaritan Society-Herreid
J. Tyler & Michelle Haahr
Peggy Hasper
Heartland Publishing, Inc.
Donna Heisler Revocable Trust
Herreid Bingo Fundraiser
Herreid Community Foundation
Herreid Economic Development
Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc.
Herreid Lumber, Inc.
Herreid Super Stop
City of Herreid
Chris & Colleen Huizenga
Kroontje Law Office
Erika Larson
Gary & Brenda Larson
Penny & Aldine Mittleider
Ron & Diana Mittleider
Mitzel & Sons, Inc.
Virginia Mitzel
Maebel Nieuwsma
Clara M. Nolz
Bruce & Mardel Ochsner
Vern & Ethel Ochsner
Richard & Holly Pudwill
Tim Pudwill
Todd & Colette Pudwill
Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick
Kirk Quaschnick
Rieker Electric
Laurance & Reta Rossow
Roger & Naomi Rossow
S & S Realty, Inc.
Mark Sanderson & Susan Randall
Sayler Farms/Sayler Seeds
Sayler Harvesting, Inc.
Chester & Carol Sayler
Ronald & Patricia Schauer
Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle
David & Stacy Schumacher
Sons of the Legion
South Dakota Community
Town’n Country Gals
Trail Café
Richard & Judith Volzke
Weisbeck & Sons, Inc.
Weisbeck Precision Ag Solutions
J. & Melissa Weisbeck
Brian Weismantel
Gary & Sandra Weismantel
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier
Elton & Willetta Hess
Endowment Fund
Elton H. Hess, Jr.
Willetta Holt Hess
Endowment Fund
Elton H. Hess, Jr.
Hetland & Old Nordland
Cemeteries Support Fund
Thomas & Sharon Delzer
Judy Jongeling
Curtis & Bonnie Ulvestad
Hill City Scholarship
Foundation Fund
1880 Train
Black Hills Central Railroad
EMH Consulting, Inc.
James Florian
Granite Sports, Inc.
Ellen Jenter
Med5 Federal Credit Union
Neiman Timber Company
Nelson’s Oil & Gas, Inc.
Jason & Stacia Peters
Detlev & Connie Prautzsch
Premier Home Mortgage, Inc.
Recreational Adventures Company
John Rozell
2015 Donor List
H, continued
Howard R. Schrier
Bob & Lori Sutton
Meg Warder
Mike & Erica Welu
Owen & Carol Wiederhold
RAC Scholarship Fund
Recreational Adventures
Agsense, LLC
American Bank & Trust
Anderson Furniture
Avail Wealth Management, LLC
Owen & Jacki Bain
Barti Metal Processing, Inc.
Barton’s Heating & Cooling
Garret Bischoff
Robert & Kathleen Bothwell
Carlson’s Northside Service, Inc.
The Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Fund provides annual
support for the Make-A-Wish organization, which
makes dreams a reality for South Dakotans.
Curtis Marvin Hohn
Endowment Fund
Jeremiah Davis
Schuller family
Horton Holding, Inc.
Charitable Giving Fund
Horton Holding, Inc.
Hoven Community Foundation
Potter County Farmers Union
William, Alice & Evelyn Rausch
Family Memorial Fund
Michael Garrity
Laurie Goodchild
Joe & Gina Gruman
Jack Ihle
Renee Ihle
James & Stephanie Martin
Beth McDonnell
Stephen & Trudy Morgan
Daniel & Michelle Rausch
Jerry & Vicki Rausch
Vernon & Sharon Rausch
Hoven High School Foundation
Hoven School District
Hoven High School Fund
Give Change to Make Change
Delyle L. Huber Memorial Fund
Courtney & Deanna Clayborne
Joan M. Huber
Orville & Dorothy Huber
Huron Community Foundation
ACE Realty, LLP
Carpet Center, Inc.
Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt,
Shelton & Burns, LLP
The Clothing Company
Cornerstone Financial Solutions,
Creative Printing, Inc.
Curt’s Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Eldon & Doris Dahl
Dakota Environmental, Inc.
Dakota Family Dentistry
Dakota Promotions, Inc.
Dakota Provisions
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union
Brian J. Davidson Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Robert & Kathy DeBoer
Darold & Jill Dornbush
Dramstad Refrigeration & Electric,
Ellwein Brothers, Inc.
Farm Credit Services of America
Farmers Cashway
First National Bank-Nebraska
First National Bank-Pierre
First Premier Bank
First Presbyterian Church
Friends of the Library-Huron
Fuchs Orthodontics
Michael & Mary Fuchs
Fullerton Furniture, Inc.
Panda Garden
Brian & Roshelle Goertz
Steven & Kristin Gohn
Kevin & Darcy Haber
2015 Donor List
Heartland Pork, LLC
Dennis & Peggy Heinz
Philip & Betty Heisel
David & Deborah (Langenfeld)
Snow Huether & Coyle
Huron Clinic Foundation, LTD
Huron High Twelve Club 145
Huron Laboratory Services
Huron Regional Medical Center
Huron Sertoma Club
Huron Title Company
Huron Veterinary Hospital P.A.
James Valley Veterinary Clinic
Michael & Bobbi Johnson
Veronica Johnson
Kuhler Funeral Home
Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation
Larson Cable Trailers, Inc.
Edmund & Dolores Leroux
Thomas Light
S.J. Marnance, Inc.
Robert & Donell Mayfield
David & Linda McGirr
Midcontinent Communications
Mid-Dakota Rural Water System
M-O Federal Credit Union
David & Matt Niederbaumer
Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc.
NorthWestern Energy
Mary Pearson
Troy Person
Picek Construction Company, Inc.
Larry & Beth Picek
Pierce & Harris Engineering
Company, Inc.
Premier Equipment, LLC
Prostrollo Motor Sales, Inc.
Paul Rann & Nicolle Dirksen
Robert & Kim Rieger
Donald & Lesley Schoenhard, Jr.
Jennifer Schroder
Ryan & Terra Schuchhardt
Richard & Ruth Sievert
Signature Plus
John & Sherrie Single
South Dakota Wheat Growers
Marla Ann Starr
Thunderbird Liquor, Inc.
Tritech, Inc.
True North Steel
Trussbilt, LLC
Tschetter & Hohm Clinic, Inc.
Clayton & Carla Voegele
Wells Fargo Bank
Welter Funeral Home
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Darrell & Jean Wharton
Wheeler, Erickson, & Wheeler, LLP
Wiedenman Construction, Inc.
Wilbur-Ellis Company
W. Ron & Mary Helen Wipf
Huron Event Center
Endowment Fund
American Bank & Trust
Huron Crossroads, Inc.
Kenneth R. Huse Memorial Fund
Estate of Kenneth R. Huse
Ipswich Area Foundation
David & Kristeen Williams
Irene Area Community
David & Linda Bak
Scot & Vickie Brockmueller
Brendon & Sarah Hansen
Robert & Carol Hansen
Irene Class of 1957
George & LoAnn Kjeldseth
Deborah Lamb
Miriam Nelson
Robert & Barbara Satter
Sherman & Kimiko Petersen
Promise Fund
Sherman Petersen
Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Fund
Family & Friends
Deborah Grund
Robert & Karen Jaskulka
Jeanne Kohlhaas
Paul Kohlhaas
Brian & Julie Sampson
Leslie & Judy Sampson
James Howard Jenssen
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shirley Jenssen
Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee
and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp
Memorial Fund
Kristin Birkenkamp
Matt & Stephanie Judson
Family Fund
Matt & Stephanie Judson
Anthony & Kelly Nelson
South Dakota Community
Jafar & Zahra Karim
Endowment Fund
Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund
Foster Rentals, Inc.
Mansour Karim
Elmer & Kay Karl Foundation
Elmer Karl
Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation
Marty Kranz Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Deuel School District No. 19-4
Kim Eggers
Harlan Olerud
Lakota Code Talkers
Memorial Fund
George & Constance Adam
Dennis Reuss
Lamport Family Foundation
Steve C. Lamport Estate
Langford Area Community
Lori Albrecht memorial
Eleanor Anderson & Marlene
Harlan & Sandra Bistodeau
Dave & Lisa Carson
Raymond & JoAnne Carson
Terry & Bonnie Cole
Doug & Bonnie Cole
Claudia (Likness) Dempsey
Donald & Dorothy Erickson
Douglas & Shirley Erickson
Imogene Erickson
Joel & Karen Erickson
Robert & Marcia Erickson
Ralph & Anna Jean Foote
Yvonne Gibbs
Chad & Jakelle Hardy
Blair & Yvonne Healy
Diane Hoines
Mark & Faye Hoines
Douglas & Janet Hupke
Daren & Paula Jensen
Audrey Johnson & Vollie Ann
Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann
Audery Johnson
Donnell J. Johnson
Robert Johnson
Richard & Diane Kristofferson
Dale & Bonnie Larson
Dennis & Shirley Larson
Douglas & Brenda Lesher
Marjorie Likness
Ryan Likness
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Mathiason
Martin & Julene Micko
Mark Nelson
Michael & Marlene Nelson
Wayne & Jean Nelson
Donnell & Suzanne Ogren
Joyce Ogren
Keith & Patty Ogren
Donald & Jane Olson
Milo & Connie Olson
Norman Olson
Evelyn Reints
Paul & Marcia Reints
William & Jeanne Reints
Schuller family
South Dakota Wheat Growers
Wayne Suther
Jeannie Swanson
Steven & Michelle Swanson
Donald & Sharon Tisher
Jennings & Ruth Tobin
Rodney & Evelyn Tobin
Scott & Kris Tobin
Wayne & Karen Wegleitner
Larry & Nancy West
Maris & Connie Williams
Robert & Regina Williams
Vollie Ann Williams
Patricia M. Larson Excellence
in Education Award Fund
Maree Larson
Marles G. Lea Marshall County
Ambulance Support Fund
Estate of Marles G. Lea
Leadership Endowment Fund
Leadership South Dakota
Leadership South Dakota Fund
Black Hills Power, Inc.
Daktronics, Inc.
First Interstate Bancsystem
Foundation, Inc.
First National Bank-Pierre
First Premier Bank
First Savings Bank-Beresford
Frank M. Fukuda Fund
Rapid City Regional Hospital
Raven Industries, Inc.
Sanford Health
South Dakota Network, LLC
South Dakota Trust Company
Charitable Fund
Lucille McCright Leischner
Scholarship Fund
Stanley McCright
Lewis & Clark Children’s
Assistance Fund
Lois Halbur
Bruce H. & Deanna Lien
Endowment Fund
Deanna Lien
Norman & Irene Lien Memorial
Scholarship Fund - Corsica
Steve & Julie Vanderboom
Norman & Irene Lien Memorial
Scholarship Fund - Platte-Geddes
Leighton & Sue Lien
Steve & Julie Vanderboom
Bruce H. & Deanna Lien
Scholarship Fund
Deanna Lien
Lower Brule Pow Wow Fund
Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship Fund
Lyle Signs, Inc.
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation Fund
Julian Freitag Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School District
Dennis Hegg Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School District
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation
Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School District
MHS STEM Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School District
Jeff & Trudi Nelson Madison High
School Forensics Endowment Fund
Madison Central School District
The Performing & Fine Arts Fund
Madison Central School District
Rotary/Don E. Gross Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School District
Paul Madison Family Foundation
Sally Madison
Darren R. Mallow Fund
Black Hills Federal Credit Union
Mellette County Community
William & Donna Adrian
Theresa, Tony & Carole Benda
Richard Jans & Bernice Jans
Kathryn Jensen
Colette Kessler
Mellette County Community
Mellette County Grossenburg
Family Fund
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Midland Community Foundation
Anthony & Kelly Nelson
Miller Area Foundation
Terry & Valerie Augspurger
Warren & Alta Case
Coss Agency, Inc.
Lawrence & Virginia Coss
Leon D. Crossman
Mike & Nanette Donlin
Helen Fawcett
Jim & Nini Hart
Kevin & Tiffany Hofer
Richard Joy Fund
Joy Lodge
Allen & Dawn Joy
Richard Joy
Harriet Kopplin
Land O’ Lakes Foundation
Dora Mowry
Dave & Kim Nelson
Glenn & Darlene Puncochar
Donald & Norma Reimann
Donald & Luella Schultz
South Dakota Community
Donald & Eleanor Steptoe
Neil & Sandra Stevens
Joanne Tucker
John & Eleanor Urenos
Kristal Volquardsen Agency, Inc.
Michael & Anne Weaver
Ron & Betty Jo Welch
Kenneth & Sandra Werdel
Donald Wharton
Miller Class of 1952 Fund
JoDean Joy
Missouri Shores Domestic
Violence Center Fund
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence
Mitchell Christian Education
Association Endowment Fund
Mitchell Christian Education
Mitchell Technical Institute
Foundation Fund
Mitchell Technical Institute
Montrose Area Foundation
Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann
Daktronics, Inc.
Judith Donelan
Mary Jane Donelan
Garrett family
Gerald & Mary Ellen Garrett
Tara Halbritter
Jim, Ellen & Nancy Head
Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home,
Mary Jacobsen
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith
Marcella Struck Irrevocable Trust
Patricia Waechter
Florence Wheeler
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Montrose Area Scholarship Fund
Garrett family
Jim, Ellen & Nancy Head
Lonny & Nancy Johnson
Dean & Tracy Kueter
Dan & Terri Smith
William & Connie Smith
Patricia Waechter
Lawrence & Constance Zimmer
Coach Russ Morrell Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Kenneth & Delores Deardoff
Nick Kortan
Louis & Eleanore Larocco
Richard Morrell
Sue Morrell
Lillian Myers Memorial Fund
Stephen R. & Mary Lynn Myers
Family Fund
Dean Nachtigall Memorial Fund
Nachtigall Ranch Family Limited
Donald Naddy Fund
Donald Naddy
NAMI South Dakota Fund
South Dakota Community
NAMI South Dakota - Ken
Heeren Memorial Fund
Harriet Heeren
Jerome & Juanita Nolz/Deuel
Faculty Scholarship Fund
Joyce Bergan
Dean & Shirlyn Christensen
Class of 1955
Sheila Heiberger
Steven Johnson
Ramona Lundberg
Kari Nolte
Jerome & Juanita Nolz
Jayda Swenson
Bonnie TeKrony
D. & Karla Trautman
Ronald Noren Memorial Fund
Oahe Family YMCA Foundation
Oahe Family YMCA
2015 Donor List
O, continued
Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
Vermillion Boy Scouts Fund
Estate of Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
Vermillion Girl Scouts Fund
Estate of Tom & Colleen Odenbrett
OEF/OIF Operation New
Dawn Fallen Heroes of
South Dakota Fund
American Legion Post 138
David & Deborah Daughters
Dr. Lynn M. Paege Charitable Lead
Parker Area Community
Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home,
James & Lori Jones
Parkston Area Foundation
Norman & Anita Beiswanger
Tim & Bonnie Bjork
Parkston High School of 1994
Larry & Colleen Weiss
Kris & Evelyn Paulson
Scholarship Fund
Mack & Karen Wyly
Pollock Community Foundation
Virgil & Darlene Binfet
Delores Kluckman
Glenn & Elaine Pommer
Scholarship Fund
Deborah Greenwell
Ron & Sharon Peterson
Dale & Mary Pommer
John & Penny Porter
Professional Soil Scientists
Association of South Dakota Fund
Professional Soil Scientist
Association of South Dakota
Martha Rankin Scholarship Fund
James & Wendy Rankin
Ravinia School Memorial
Alumni Fund
Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer
Dale E. Hall
David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund
Helen A. Reetz
First Lutheran Church
DeMaris Nesheim
Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund
Ab & Bev Penn Memorial
Scholarship Fund
John Deneen
Charity Penn
Jeremiah & Siri Penn
Jerald W. Peterson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
C. James & Alice Jean Peterson
Philip Area Community
Helen A. Reetz
Godfrey Roberts Hockey
Support Fund
Verne & Debra Brakke
Oahe Hockey Association
Richard Tieszen
West River Foundation
Jesse Root Memorial Fund
Barry & Marilyn Grossenburg
Grady & Bernice Crew
Dakota Country Pharmacy, Inc.
Mickey Daly
First National Bank Philip
Dean & Janice Fitzgerald
Hoag Enterprises, Inc.
Kennedy Implement & Auto
Jerry & Karen Kroetch
Robert McDaniel
DeMaris Nesheim
The Pioneer Review
Roger & Lois Porch
Gerald & Barbara Rislov
Slade & Britni Ross
Rush Funeral Home, Inc.
Ray & Donna Smith
South Dakota Community
West Central Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
West River Foundation
Grossenburg Implement, Inc.
Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area
Community Foundation
John T. & Penny L.
Porter Family Fund
Dr. Lynn Merton Paege
Charitable Fund
Grossenburg Implement &
Employees Philip Area Fund
Charles & Lois Ann
Rose Foundation
Charles & Lois Ann Rose
Charles & Edith Rose
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles & Lois Ann Rose
Salem Area Foundation
Steven Johnson
Janet Karel
Sharon Kinzley
Salem Pool Fund
Salem Area Foundation
Salem Pool Fund
Sanborn Central Foundation
Boyd & Dody Hopkins
Sanborn Central Scholarship
Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S.
Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund
Kory & Jocelyn Davis Charitable
Steven & Kristi Johnson
2015 Donor List
Steven Maciejewski
Dawn Wagner
Hugh K. & Margaret S.
Schilling Family Fund
Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling
Glenn & Alta Schnell
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles & Lois Ann Rose
Schwanke Family
Scholarship Fund
Richard Schwanke
SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund
Alliance Communications
Venture Communications
SESDAC Foundation
SESDAC Foundation, Inc.
Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund
Ann Sigelman
Sisseton Area Foundation
John A. “Jack” & Marcella C.
Adams Fund
Roderick Anderson
Marjorie Eide
Robert & Colette Hull
Terry & Sandi Jaspers
Pattricia Miller
Sisseton Area Community
Six Points, Inc. - Cheyenne
River Youth Project Fund
Active Network, LLC
Scott & Sandra Davis
Minnesota Community Foundation
Six Points, Inc. - Cheyenne River
Youth Project Fund
Smart Software Solutions,
Inc. Scholarship Fund
Smart Software Solutions
South Dakota 125th
Celebration Fund
Maximum Promotions
S & S Promotional Group, Inc.
South Dakota Heritage Store
Symbol Arts, LLC
Yankton Area Chamber of
South Dakota Ag & Rural
Leadership Legacy Fund
Raymon & Pamela Epp
Terry & Kevin Jaspers
Eric & Roxanne Knock
Tim & Karla Pazour
Haven & Terri Stuck
Todd & Jean Wilkinson
South Dakota American
Legion Foundation
Donald Ackerman, Sr.
Mary Ann Ackerman
American Legion Department of
SD State Headquarters Remodel
American Legion Hudson Post 128
American Legion Pierre Post 8
American Legion Post 129 - Brady
American Legion Post 7
American Legion Post 88
American Legion Potter Post 3
Darrel Barry
Bergstrom Bodeen Post 128
Edward & Louise Blank
David Bond
Jon & Gloria Bonjour
Kevin Brist
Byron & Kaelyn Callies
Charles Mix County American
Legion Association
Delores Christianson
Dean Christie
Cook-Olson Post 217
John Darcy
Department of South Dakota
American Legion
Charles R. Doman Post 131
Chuck Dubbe
Dave Durfee
Russel & Carol Edwards
Rich & Elaine Ekle
Dennis & Jane Evenson
Paul & Kathy Evenson
Chris Forster
G. Dale “Hoot” Gibson
Scott Hansen
Herrick American Legion Post 220
Hershman-Gordon Legion Post 59
Bob & Marlene Hintz
Blaine & Margie Hoff
Hoffman Townsend Post 74
Dale & Marla Holm
Hugh & Linda Holmes
Daniel Hotzler
James Huls
Robert Hutt
Johnson Peterson Post 179
Benjamin & Lois Jones
Leon Josephsen
Timothy & Donna Jurgens
Gena Keller
Jerry Kerkhove
Lloyd & Margaret Kraft
Mike & Rose Kraft
Robert & Beverly Krull
James & Ethel Kurtz
Fred & Carol Lee
Melvin Lee
Larry & Judy Lindhorst
Gary & Cheryl Lyngen
Richard & Debra MacDonald
Gary & Jeannie Madsen
LeRoy & Patsy Madsen
Randall & Theresa Maeschen
Jerry & Sandra Mencke
Wayne & Dorothy Monson
Hans & Laurie Nelson
Nels & Dorothy Olsen
Kenneth Orrock
Marvin Palmer
J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc.
Larry & Rita Price
Don & Rosemary Rounds
Tom Scoblic
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sealey
Sidney L. Smith Post 24
Rodney & Joyce Smith
South Dakota American Legion
Ken & Joan Spears
Merle Stone
Harlowe & Lavane Sundem
Norm Tapken
T. Merle & Eleanor Tayne
Kenneth & Sharon Teunissen
Edwin Thompson
Terry Towns
Alice Upshaw
Valley Springs Post 731
Betty Vaughn
Harold Warner
Mark & Julie Weinmann
Judy Winegar
Clinton & Diane Wipf
Ellen Young
South Dakota Auto Dealers
Association Fund
Bob Beadle Leasing
Prostrollo Motor Company
SDADA Services, Inc.
South Dakota Auto Dealers
South Dakota Bar Foundation
Robert & Carolyn Riter
South Dakota Bar Foundation
Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund
Bernie & Sally Christenson Family
Fred & Luella Cozad
Robert Martin
South Dakota Bar Foundation
South Dakota Beadle
Club Foundation
Jack Broome
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg
South Dakota Beadle Club
South Dakota Bureau of
Administration Memorial
Maintenance Fund
South Dakota 125th Celebration
Gary Vetter
South Dakota Coaches Foundation
South Dakota Coaches
Against Cancer Fund
South Dakota Coaches
South Dakota High School
Coaches Association
South Dakota Engineering
Society Fund
Stephen Bareis
Mark & Gail Boddicker
Dennis & Tami Clark
Thomas Gilsrud
James & Jeanne Goodman
Jody & Tracy Page
South Dakota Engineering Society
Aaron & Sarah Storm
South Dakota Farm Bureau
Scholarship Fund
FBL Financial Group, Inc.
Michael & Beryl Held
Wayne & Jane Smith
South Dakota Farm Bureau
Donations to the Special Olympics South Dakota Fund help the organization offer events for area athletes.
Scott & Michelle VanderWal
South Dakota Fund
Tracy Anderson
Costello, Porter, Hill, Heisterkamp,
Bushnell & Carpenter, LLP
Clay & Karen Cudmore
Kris & Steve Egger Charitable Fund
Frontier Fund
Brett Koenecke
G. Mark & Cynthia Mickelson
Anthony & Kelly Nelson
Dan & Ginger Niemann
Tom & Michele Olsen
Lance Russell, Attorney at Law
South Dakota Community
Charles Stoneback
Charles M. Thompson
Dean Tollefson
South Dakota Habitat
Conservation Fund
C. Douglas & Marlas Balvin
Izaak Walton Leauge of America,
Tim Kessler
Scott T. Kuck
National Wild Turkey Federation,
Nature Conservancy
Pheasants Forever Fund
Pheasants Forever, Inc.
South Dakota Hall of Fame
Charitable Perpetual Fund
MLAEA Charitable Fund
South Dakota Head Start
Association Fund
South Dakota Head Start
South Dakota High School
Activities Association Fund
South Dakota High School
Activities Association
South Dakota Highway
Patrol Fund
Darlene Busse
Clark & Deborah Christensen
Dennis & Shirley Eisnach
Joan English
Heartland Funeral Home
Donald & Donna Henle
Arda Hoffman
Linda Hoines
Sharon Ivarsen
Leighton & Nila Knight
Vincent & Marcia Kruse
Mike & Kathy Manning
Glenda Morton
Lisa Rothschadl
South Dakota Public Assurance
Leslie Sterling
Ernest & Marilyn Stolz
William & Mary Sue Waxler
South Dakota Highway
Superintendents Association Fund
South Dakota Association of
County Highway Superintendents
South Dakota Livestock
Industry 4-H Trust Fund
South Dakota 4-H Foundation
South Dakota National
Guard Minuteman Fund
Terry & Susan Beckler
Trent & Nicole Bruce
Alton Cornella
Robert Funk
Kevin Griese
Joseph & Dawn Hardin
Tracy Heiser
Andrew & Kayleen Meyers
Minuteman Federal Credit Union
Adam & Brittni Punt
Todd & Sheila Rose
South Dakota National Guard
Minuteman Fund
South Dakota Newspaper
Foundation Fund
Black Hills Pioneer
Hamlin County Publishing, Inc.
North Dakota Newspaper
Association Education Foundation
Mark & Ronda Roby
South Dakota Nurses Foundation
Linda Barck
Gary & Mary Brendtro
Carrie Clausen Hansen
Dr. Kay Foland
William & Gail Fuller
Thomas & Barbara Goehring
Ronald & Margaret Hegge
Mary Ingram
M. Kay M. Judge
Susan Kelts
Ardelle Kleinsasser
Carrie Mikkonen
Janice Noonan
Carol Jean Peterson
Christina Plemmons
Greg & Esther Preszler
Susan Rooks
Pat Sechser
Craig & Patricia Shaver
Dale & Margie Washnok
George & Lenore Whaley
South Dakota Nurses
Association Undergraduate
Nursing Scholarship Fund
William & Gail Fuller
John Jacoway & Linda Kropenske
Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Deb Fischer Clemens
Joe & Mary Edelen
Cynthia Elverson
Marlin & Joyce Fjelland
Mary Ingram
Darcy Sherman Justice
Janet Lord
Thomas E. Stenvig
Gary & Audrey Stevens
Kathryn Vigen
Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund
Mike & Julia Dangel
Paul & Kimberly Devenny
2015 Donor List
Erwin A. & Georgiabelle
M. Stainbrook Fund
S, continued
Abbott House, Inc. of MitchellStainbrook Fund
David Nichols
William & Carla Texel
Joanne Tieman
John Walsh
Stanley County Wrestling
Facility Fund
South Dakota Trucking
Association Fund
Ted & Carol Bultsma
Morrison/Southwick Family
SDTA Services, Inc.
South Dakota Wheat, Inc. Fund
South Dakota Wheat Growers
James Fischer
Leon Haskins
Steve Hoffman
Ron Hutcheson
Jeff & Dona Mae Johnson
Anthony & Kelly Nelson
Blake & Randi Norman
Ty Norman
Terhuly Foundation
Donor Advised Fund
Terhuly Foundation
Tiger Educational
Foundation Fund
LeRoy & Linda DuBray
Family Scholarship Fund
Tiger Educational Foundation
Linda DuBray Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Tiger Educational Foundation
Grange Family Scholarship Fund
Tiger Educational Foundation
Dr. Ben & Audrey Henderson
Medical Health Professions
Scholarship Fund
Tiger Educational Foundation
Tokata Foundation
Emil & Eugenia Chivu
Aaron & Cricket Vaughn
Tour de Oahe Fund
Delta Dental of South Dakota
Get Me Registered.Com, LLC
Timothy & Julie Missal
Trail of Governors
Endowment Fund
Governor Dennis Daugaard presented Earl Nordby of Huron
with the 2015 Philanthropist of the Year Award. Nordby’s donor
advised fund awarded more than $600,000 to South Dakota
nonprofits in 2015. Nordby passed away in March 2016.
Spearfish Community Foundation
Jeremy & Melissa Barnett
Special Olympics South
Dakota Fund
South Dakota Community
Special Olympics South Dakota
St. Michael’s Cemetery
Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD
Revi Pexa
Carl & Lorri Rathbun
Clifford & Christine Reuer
Stanley County Wrestling Facilty
Clayton & Bev Stoeser family
Jason Stoeser
Karen Tufnell
Brian Wieczorek
Evelyn Brandner
Florence Brandner
James & Kimberly Kanable
Genevieve Kightlinger
Dennis Mitzel
Dean & Judy Seiler
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
Dean & Linda Wittmeier
State of South Dakota
Endowment Fund
St. Pauli Cemetery Association
Fund - Wallace, SD
Thomas J. Muenster
Todd Fulmer
Steele Family Faulkton High
School Scholarship Fund
Daniel Steele
Submarine USS South Dakota
(SSN 790) Endowment Fund
St. Pauli Cemetery Association
2015 Donor List
Bankwest Foundation
Brent & Lynette Berry
Douglas & Merri Brueske
Lance & Julie Burma
Dallerie Davis
Mike & Gail Ferris
Linda Mickelson Graham
Arlene Ham
Harrold Steakettes Cowbells
Rick & Ana Jensen
JLB & Company, LLC
Steve & Cindy Kidrowski
Katherine Kinsman
Frank & Betty Klosterman
Donald & Roberta Kramlich
Mike & Jackie Kunz
Dr. Edward McLaughlin & Doris
G. Mark & Cynthia Mickelson
Randall & Janet Miller
Pat Monson
Garry Neiderworder
Allen & Dianne Nelson
John & Deann Nystrom
City of Pierre
Jim & Cara Porter
Don & Rosemary Rounds
Charles & Bonny Schroyer
James & Karen Stein
Joyce Tidball
Charles & Patricia Van Gerpen
Steven & Sandra Zinter
Trail of Governors
Foundation Fund
Acorn Trust Company
Karlton & Joan Adam
Sen. Stanford & Mrs. Lynda
Al & Pat Akerson
Harold & Lois Arnold
BankWest Foundation
Mike & Stacy Bartlett
Bob & Jodie Beadle
Keith Bergh
Mary Lou Bethke
Walt & Lynn Bixler
Eric & Cheryl Bogue
Jean Ann Brakke
Brokaw Family Foundation
Arne & Doris Brown
Lance & Julie Burma
Jan Busse
Duane & Barbara Butt
John & Prudy Calvin
Campbell County Bank
Jerry L. Cozad
Janet B. Cronin
Scott & Brenda Currier
Dakota State Bank
Doug Decker
Frank & Sue Denton
Dana & LaDawn Dykhouse
Marcella Effertz
Dennis & Shirley Eisnach
Larry Eliason
Stephen Ellwein
Jerry & Lois Erbe
Farm Credit Services of America
Mary Joe Finke
Karl & Eileen Fischer
Ethan J. Fish
Dr. Frank & Pamela Foss
Foster Hospitality, Inc.
Leroy & Charlene Foster
Clyde & Sharon Fredrickson
Neil & Molly Fulton
Harley Furrey
David & Karen Gerdes
Dr. Paul Gnirk
Gustafson Builders
Otto & Linda Hagedorn
Dora Hansen
Roger Haugo
Ken & Diane Headrick
Shirley Helgesen
John & Judi Hostler
Richard & Carol Howard
George A. Huff, IV
Richard Huff
Jamie & Paula Huizenga
Chris & Melissa Hull
Infotech Solutions, LLC
Steve & Sheila Ingram
Donald O. Jacobs
Rick & Ana Jensen
Dustin & Jacquelyn Johnson
Pamela Best Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph “Shorty” Jones
Glenn & Phyllis Jorgenson
Mansour Karim
Dan & Arlene Kirby
Michelle Kneip & Brad Bourgeois
Daniel & Connie Kneip family
Marilyn Koch
Doug & Karen Kroeplin
Mary Lamont
Jo LaRoche
Loren & Sophie Leitzke
Michael & Barbara Lewis
Chuck & Barbara Lien
Ed & Kathy Mallett
Dennis & Marlene Marso
Jim & Annie Mehlhaff
Claudia B. Merthan
Paul & Wendy Meyers
Mary B. Nafus
David & Jamie Nemmers
Roger & Nila Novotny
Gary & Linda Pashby
Steven M. Pirner
Dana & Rebecca Randall
Jan Rasmussen
Darold & Cindy Rounds
Murray & Helen Rowe
Lyle & Rhonda Rowen
Rodney J. Sather
Dr. Ernest & Linda Schabauer
Charles & Bonny Schroyer
Scott Schuetzle
Brad & Laurie Schultz
Showplace Wood Products, Inc.
William & Sochae Sinclair
R.T. Skjonsberg
John & Vicki Sleger
Matthew & April Smart
V.J. & Julie Smith
Gary & Shirley Spilde
George & Valois Strandell
M.D. Sullivan
Linda Theobald
Charles M. Thompson
Norman & Bette Thompson
Robert Trader
Alec & Helen Vedvei
Keith & Nan Venhuizen
Tonnis & Sara Venhuizen
Wayne Viessman
Gale & Jan Walker
Randolph Walling
Wells Fargo Bank
Ken Wetz
Dennis & Joyce Williams
Ted & Shannon Williams
Tripp Area Community
Betty Bradley
Idle Hour Theatre
Kramer Chiropractic Clinic, PC
Marlene Nuss
James & Myra Weber
Trust for the Future Fund
Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company,
FNN Trust Company
South Dakota Trust Company
Charitable Fund
Way Trust Operating
Trustee & Staff Fund
Irving Hinderaker
Turner Foundation-Murdo
Turner Foundation, Inc.
Turner FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre
Turner Foundation, Inc.
Tyndall Community Foundation
Thomas & Donna Alberts
Lila Bambas
Dennis Becvar
Richard Beringer
Donna Bohlmann
Michael & Rebecca Elsberry
Stephen Foley
Good Samaritan Society-Tyndall
Norman & Martha Grimme
Audrey Hajek
Thomas J. & Jean Hajek
Dennis & Conni Hovorka
Leonard & JoLane Huber
Douglas & Gail Johnson
Sheryl Johnson
JoAnn Jonas
Maxine K. Schuurmans Kinsley
Edward & Constance Kniffen
Royal & Coleta Koch
Daniel Koebel
Joe & Darlene Kostal
Rodney & Judith Mace
Larry & Anne Meyer
Roger Meyer
Eleanor Mikolash
Susan (Holmes) Paul
Jeff & Jolene Pravecek
Bernard & Mary Rhomberg
Daniel & Lisa Rothschadl
Robert & Patricia Schmidt
Schmucker, Paul, Nohr &
P. Stephen & Mary Schnitker
LeRoy Sorenson
Souhrada Manufacturing, Inc.
Dr. R.W. & Diane Tiahrt
City of Tyndall “Round up Utilities”
Allen Vacknitz
Bill & Karen Van Gerpen
John & Lois Varvel
Ronald & Janet Wagner
Doyle & Barbara Young
Zieser & Rothschadl
Marlene Zieser
USS South Dakota (SSN 790)
Commissioning Committee Fund
Thomas J. Muenster
Vermillion Area Community
Jim & Colette Abbott
Bank of the West
Steve Brown & Anna Christensen
Clark & Deborah Christensen
CorTrust Bank
Dakota Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Charles & Sandra Dickenson
Joe & Mary Edelen
First Bank & Trust
John & Patricia Gors
Kurt & Susan Hackemer
Gerald & Mary Lea Hennies
Michael & Paula Keller
Ted & Karen Muenster
David & Janice Olson
John Powell
Paul & Jessica Preister
Richard & Lynn Rognstad
Richard & Sharon Ross
Arthur & Lana Rusch
Thomas & Peggy Schaack
Simmons Law, PC
Dean Spader & Vikki Fix
Keith & Debra Thomas
Craig K. Thompson Attorney at Law
City of Vermillion “Round up
Utilities” Program
Lanny & Vicki Walker
Steven & Mary Waller
Patrick & Theresa Wingen
Charles & Barbara Yelverton
Roger L. Kozak Education Fund
Patricia Kozak
Roger L. & Patricia A. Kozak
Endowment Fund
Patricia Kozak
Viborg Community Foundation
LuVerne Christensen
Arlen Jensen
Thomas & Linda Jones
Troy & Amy (Sorlien) Lee
Terry & Verna Nelson
John Overby
Jay W. & Melanie Parsons
Gladys Paulsen
Christopher Peterson
Kevin Smith
Viborg Community Foundation
Gary & Nancy Ward
Gary B. Ward
Wagner Area Foundation
Patrick & Becky Breen
Mike & Rebecca Brunsing
G.F. Buche Company
Dan & Kelli Cimpl
Commercial State Bank-Wagner
Duane & Patricia Deurmier
Jeff & Julie Doom
Sandy Fechner
Michael & Kara Frei
Robert & Patricia Frei
David & Marcia Honomichl
David & Ericka Kotab
Arlo Miller
Wayne & Candyce Scherr
Roger & Beth Schroeder
Thomas & Linda Soukup
Tom & Vicki Studelska
Richard & Cheryl Thaler
Mary Louise Wipf
Al Pirner Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Jean Pirner
Missy Wunder Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Commercial State Bank-Wagner
Webster Alumni Foundation Fund
Webster Alumni Foundation
Webster Class of 1989 Fund
John & Angela Shoemaker
Rick & Tami Sundvold
Webster High School Class of 1989
Wilmer & Esther Werner
Family Scholarship Fund
Dick & Suzanne Werner
Wessington Springs Area
Community Foundation
Gail & Susan Arnott
Mary Jane Belz
Garry & Gaea Blue
Chuck & Kendra Brandenburg
Bridgman & Anderson Law Firm
Casey & Valinda Bridgman
Jeff & Kim Burg
Thomas & Kathryn Dean
Cindy Eilers
Hatch Farms, Inc.
Myron Hinrichs
Verle & Lila Hoffman
Lee & Jackie Johnson
Jeff & Laura Kieser
Kirk & Lynda Luymes
Tom & Michele Olsen
Larry & Ann Olson
Melvin & Evelyn Roduner Trust
Springs Area Community Club
June Wilkinson Scholarship Fund
Kay Crawford
Marvin Wilkinson
Scholarship Fund
Kay Crawford
Willow Lake Public Garden
& Arboretum Fund
N. Idaho Unitarian Universalists
Yankton Area Foundation
Avera Health
Mary McClure Bibby
Mike, Cindy & Kylie Huether Family
James & Mary Ann Kohoutek
Mary Mitchell
Ambur/Means Family Fund
Tate Johnson
Yankton Kiwanis/Don
Modereger Yankton High
School Math & Science Fund
Daniel Rafferty
Yankton Kiwanis Club
YBA Educational
Endowment Fund
Amanda Scott
Showplace Wood Products, Inc.
Youth Business Adventure
John Zilverberg Family
John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund
Kevin McDermott
John Zilverberg Family
Aaron Johnson
Thomas & Angela Sannes
2015 Donor List
South Dakota Fund Grants
Nonprofits are important to South Dakota’s individuals and families. That is why the SDCF offers a variety of grants to
support the work of nonprofits across the state. Each grant program has a different focus and application procedure.
In 2015, the South Dakota Community Foundation awarded 67 grants, totaling more than
$467,000 from the South Dakota Fund. The grants ranged in size from $2,000 to $20,000
and were distributed to nonprofits across the state. The SDCF received 93 applications with
requests totaling over $1 million during 2015.
Nonprofits can visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Grants
to view guidelines and application instructions for each grant program.
South Dakota Fund Grant Distribution
Grants Awarded 1987-2015
South Dakota Fund Grants
Since 1987, the South Dakota Fund has awarded 1,043 grants including challenge
grants to Community Savings Accounts for a total of $12.2 million.
The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted
fund that makes grants in support of culture,
economic development, education, health
and human services. The SDCF Board
of Directors awards grants throughout
the year to nonprofits that meet vital
and diverse needs across the state.
N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 67
Map Area
Innovation Grants
N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 42
The SDCF has partnered with the Bush
Foundation to offer Community Innovation
Grants. These grants support communities using
problem-solving processes that lead to more
effective, equitable and sustainable solutions.
The SDCF’s Board of Directors selects recipients
in three rounds each year.
Children at Tokata Youth Center take part in the
“Healthy Lifestyles for Life Initiative,” an afterschool and summer youth program.
Aurora Davison Hanson McCook
Fall River
Oglala Lakota
With the help of a Community Innovation Grant, Sunshine Bible
Academy’s Blue Collar Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Lab will allow students and faculty to
research problems, produce solutions and educate others.
Charles Mix
$0 – $24,999
$50,000 – $99,999
$300,000 – $999,999
$25,000 – $49,999
$100,000 – $299,999
$1 Million +
Foundation Grants
Foundation Grants encompass all grants
and scholarships distributed by individual
funds administered by the SDCF. Fund
holders, scholarship commitees and local
Community Savings Account boards
recommend grant recipients to the SDCF,
which then distributes checks to nonprofits.
N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 1 , 526
G R A N T S | Grant Program Introduction
Areas of Focus
The South Dakota Community Foundation’s grantmaking committee members review applications and award grants
to nonprofits in five areas of focus.
The Montrose Area Foundation selected the city swimming
pool to receive a grant to purchase a solar blanket,
which is a cost-efficient alternative to a pool heater.
South Dakota Fund Grants
South Dakota
Fund Grants
Aberdeen Area Boys
& Girls Club
Aberdeen – $15,000
ADA Compliance
Ability Building Services
Yankton – $5,000
Technology Upgrades
The Advocates for
Human Rights
Sioux Falls – $5,000
Legal Services Training
Alcester Health Services
Foundation, Inc.
Alcester – $5,000
Food Pantry Upgrades
Bartlett Community Visions
Parmelee – $10,000
Equipment Upgrades
Black Hills Special
Services Cooperative
Sturgis – $10,000
South Dakota Online
Textbook Project
Boys & Girls Club
of Rosebud
Mission – $10,000
After-School Mentoring
Boys and Girls Club
of the Sioux Empire
Sioux Falls – $5,000
Window Upgrades
Brookings County Youth
Mentoring Program
Brookings – $3,500
Launch Forward Initiative
Community Organized
Resources for
Educating Youth
Statewide – $10,000
Freshman Impact Program
Dakota Resources
Renner – $15,000
Loan Loss Reserve Program
Sioux Falls – $5,000
Longfellow Center
Diamond Willow Ministries
Ft. Thompson – $10,000
Tokata Youth Center
Feeding South Dakota
Central SD – $20,000
Food Pantry Expansion
Fitness on Main, Inc.
Burke – $7,500
Matching Funds for
Community Health
Grant Program
Friends of Levitt
Shell Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls – $2,000
Feasibility Study
Friends of South Dakota
Public Broadcasting
Statewide – $10,000
Mobile Production Unit
Hot Springs School District received a $3,340 grant
to obtain Lakota linguistic study materials.
Aliive-Roberts County
Sisseton – $5,000
Child Care Center
Program Materials
Arrow Education
Watertown – $5,000
Up With People Program
Baltic Athletic Association
Baltic – $5,000
Baseball Field Upgrades
Casey Tibbs SD
Rodeo Center
Fort Pierre – $2,000
Steel Western Silhouettes
Children’s Home Society
of South Dakota
Sioux Falls – $10,000
“What If” Card Project
Colton Library
Colton – $3,000
Library Upgrades
G R A N T S | 2015 South Dakota Fund Grants
Garretson Area
Historical Society
Garretson – $5,000
Historical Preservation
of Windows
Girl Scouts-Dakota
Statewide – $5,000
Girl Scout Leadership
Experience Program
Good Shepherd Clinic, Inc.
Spearfish – $5,000
Emergency Dental Care
Goodthinking 4 All
Our Relations
St. Francis – $10,000
A Brighter Future Program
We invite your nonprofit to
apply for a South Dakota
Fund grant. Letters of Inquiry
are accepted anytime at
org/SDFund. If invited
to submit a full proposal,
applicants will complete
an application online.
South Dakota Guardianship
Program, Inc.
The Wholeness Center
South Dakota STARBASE
Thunder Valley Community
Development Corporation
Statewide – $10,000
Guardianship Services for
Citizens with Disabilities
Statewide – $5,000
For more information,
visit our website or
call 800.888.1842.
Porcupine – $10,000
Sustainable Agriculture
Demonstration Farm
& Education Center
Spearfish Community
United Way of Northeastern
South Dakota
Spearfish – $2,000
Youth Leadership Summit
Gregory Community
Services, Inc.
Gregory – $10,000
Wear ‘N Wares Thrift
Store & Food Bank
Harrisburg Baseball
Harrisburg – $5,000
Baseball Fields Upgrades
Herreid Senior Citizens
Herreid – $4,116
Center Upgrades
Hope Reins Equestrian
Baltic – $2,100
Therapeutic Horsemanship
Sioux Falls – $5,000
Therapeutic Riding
Scholarship Program
Hot Springs School District
Hot Springs – $3,340
Lakota Language
Study Materials
Izaak Walton League of
America - Sunshine Chapter
Pierre – $10,000
Trap Range Upgrades
Jelkin-Harms American
Legion Post #142
Tripp – $2,000
Legion Hall Upgrades
Lakota Language
Statewide – $5,000
Lakota Language Handbook
HorsePower received a $5,000 grant to help fund its scholarship
program for therapeutic riding in the Sioux Falls area.
Lower Brule
Community College
Lower Brule – $10,000
Technology Upgrades
Mary Jo Wegner
Arboretum & East Sioux
Falls Historic Site
Sioux Falls – $10,000
Pond Garden
Matson Halversen
Christiansen Hamilton
Chamberlain – $5,000
Rural Health Care Early
Scholars Program
McCrossan Boys Ranch
Sioux Falls – $10,000
Lodmell Renovation Project
Mitchell Prehistoric Indian
Village Preservation Society
Mitchell – $5,000
Boehnen Memorial
Museum Upgrades
North Middle School
Student Council
Rapid City – $10,000
World Strides Education
Northeast South Dakota
Head Start Program, Inc.
Aberdeen – $2,500
Head Start Programs
OAHE, Inc.
Pierre – $10,000
Childcare Center Equipment
Partnership Rapid City
Rapid City – $10,000
Teen Up Program
People’s Transit
Flandreau – $3,000
Unexpected Needs
of Clients
Aberdeen – $5,000
Rachel’s Challenge Program
Special Olympics
South Dakota
Warriors Never Give Up
Statewide – $10,000
UNIFY Project
Brandon – $2,500
Hunting Adventures
Spirit of the Hills
Wildlife Sanctuary
Western Resources for
Independent Living
Spearfish – $5,000
Community Fun
Day Fundraiser
Rapid City – $5,000
Home Modification Program
Huron – $6,000
Surveillance System
Pierre Area Youth Skating
Association Foundation
Pierre – $7,000
Compressor Upgrades
REALTORS® for Kids, Inc.
Spearfish – $3,000
Medical Needs for Children
Red Cloud Indian
School, Inc.
Pine Ridge – $10,000
Lakota Culture OutOf-School Activities
Sertoma Butterfly House
& Marine Cove
Sioux Falls – $6,000
Capacity Building Plan
Sioux Falls Stockyards
Heritage Center
Sioux Falls – $6,000
Feasibility Study
Sioux YMCA
Dupree – $10,000
Community Garden &
Long-Term Volunteer
The South Dakota Historical Society Foundation received
a $15,000 grant in support of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s
“Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography.”
Summit Area
Economic Growth
Yankton Baseball
Teen Challenge of
the Dakotas
Yankton County
Historical Society
Summit – $5,000
Weights for Wellness Project
Brookings – $15,000
Recovery Program
Yankton – $5,000
Baseball Field Upgrades
Yankton – $10,000
Dakota Territorial
Museum Upgrades
The Mammoth Site of Hot
Springs, South Dakota, Inc.
Hot Springs – $5,000
Atlatl Throwing
Experience Program
2015 South Dakota Fund Grants
Community Innovation Grants
Today’s changing community needs and complex challenges require creative
thinking and new approaches. That is why the Bush Foundation partnered with the
SDCF to support nonprofits that are leading the way in community innovation in
South Dakota.
The grants help nonprofits address a need in a community by increasing collective understanding
of the issue, generating ideas and implementing solutions. These steps, which may be repeated,
eventually lead to a breakthrough in addressing a community need that is more effective, equitable
or sustainable than existing approaches.
In 2015, the SDCF awarded $400,000 in Community Innovation Grants to 42 nonprofit and charitable
organizations to carry out inclusive, collaborative and sustainable solutions. The SDCF received 102
applications with requests totaling more than $940,000.
Allied Arts Fund
Rapid City – $10,000
Arts Education Initiative
Badlands/Bad River
Economic Development
Philip – $10,000
Stronger Economies
Together Plan
Bartlett Community Visions
Mission – $9,866
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Belle Fourche Development
Belle Fourche – $9,866
Marketing Plan
Black Hills Special
Services Cooperative
Sturgis – $9,866
Foster Grandparent Program
Tallgrass Recovery & Sober Living Homes: $2,000
South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition: $10,000
Black Hills Works
Rapid City – $9,866
Greenhouse Project
2015 Community Innovation Grants
Dakota Resources
Statewide – $9,866
Rural Economic Development
Accelerator Program
Sioux Falls – $10,000
Childcare Workforce
Development Alliance
Frederick Forward
Frederick – $9,866
Community Engagement
Goodthinking 4 All
Our Relations
St. Francis – $10,000
A Brighter Future Project
Great Plains Tribal
Water Alliance
Statewide – $9,487
Tribal Water Resources
Greening Vermillion
Vermillion – $9,250
Sustainable & Desirable
Vermillion Project
Statewide – $5,000
South Dakota One
Health Meeting
Northern Hills Area
CASA Program
Spearfish – $9,866
Parent-Mentor Program
Pierre – $10,000
Community Child Care
Parents Matter Coalition
of Pierre/Fort Pierre
Pierre – $8,000
Anti-Bullying Program
Cheyenne River
Youth Project
Eagle Butte – $10,000
Teen Internship Program
Lutheran Social Services
of South Dakota
Statewide – $10,000
Functional Family
Therapy Pilot Program
NAMI South Dakota
Rapid City Arts Council
Rapid City – $10,000
Art Focused Diversion Program
South Dakota Diabetes
Statewide – $10,000
Virtual Nurse Program
Statewide – $9,866
Rural & Reservation
Capacity Project
Statewide – $10,000
UNIFY Project
St. Francis Mission
St. Francis – $10,000
Sapa Un Academy
Tallgrass Recovery &
Sober Living Homes
South Dakota
Discovery Center
Statewide – $9,866
STEMEE (Stem Ecosystem
for Educators)
Statewide – $10,000
Challenges Facing SD
Education Workshop
Sioux Falls – $2,000
Joe Foss Art Show Project
University of South Dakota
Sioux Falls – $10,000
Portable Crib Project
Vermillion Downtown
Cultural Association, Inc.
Statewide – $10,000
Native American
Community Site Visit
Vermillion – $10,000
Saving the Theaters
Focus Groups
Wagner Area Growth
South Dakota Symphony
Sioux Falls – $9,866
Music as Medicine Program
South Dakota Youth
Hot Springs – $10,000
Community Engagement Effort
Special Olympics
South Dakota
South Dakota Native
Homeownership Coalition
Lead – $10,000
United Brand/Image
Campaign for Lead
Visit SDCommunity
to review grant
guidelines and to
fill out an application.
Southern Hills Economic
Development Corporation
Lead Area Chamber
of Commerce
Hoven – $10,000
Community Study
Does your nonprofit have
a creative solution to solve
a community problem? We
invite your organization
to apply for part of the
$400,000 available
through Community
Innovation Grants in 2016.
OAHE, Inc.
Bridge Flandreau
Statewide – $9,871
Climate Discussion Panels and
Community Conversations
Sturgis – $10,000
Crisis Focus Groups
Northeast South Dakota Area
Health Education Center
South Dakota Innovation Lab
Center for Rural Affairs
Crisis Intervention
Shelter Service, Inc.
Statewide – $10,000
Fellowship Program
Hoven Area Community
Flandreau – $8,000
Series of Guided Discussions
Northeast South Dakota Area Health Education Center: $5,000
Huron – $10,000
Workforce Development
Native Youth
Leadership Alliance
Boys & Girls Club
of Watertown
Watertown – $9,866
Teens 2020 Strategic Plan
Greening Vermillion: $9,250
Community Development
Wagner – $9,866
Community Engagement
West River Foundation
Sturgis – $10,000
Community & Economic
Engagement Plan
Statewide – $10,000
Healthy Living Program
2015 Community Innovation Grants
the original investment will be repaid at the end of
11 years. The $2 million program-related investment
is also the largest one-time funding outflow for a
single project in the SDCF’s 28-year history. The
SDCF’s leadership saw this opportunity as a way
to leverage the foundation’s resources to support
significant economic development in the state.
Pictured are (left to right): Jim Hart, chair of the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) Board of Directors; Stephanie Judson, president of the SDCF;
Mike Headley, executive director of the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA); Casey Peterson, chair of the SDSTA Board of Directors;
and Ron Wheeler, vice chair of the SDSTA Board of Directors.
Sanford Lab: A $2 Million Investment
in South Dakota’s Future
SDCF Investment Supports Economic Development
In September 2015, the South Dakota Community
Foundation (SDCF) Board of Directors decided to
take an unprecedented step to support economic
development in the state. The SDCF responded
to the South Dakota Science and Technology
Authority’s (SDSTA) request for a $2 million programrelated investment to help kick start LUX-ZEPLIN
(LZ), the next-generation dark matter detector.
of liquid xenon and will increase the opportunity to
discover dark matter by a magnitude of 30. The LZ
experiment is estimated to run from 2018 to 2026.
“The foundation’s investment in this project will
help the U.S. keep a science-leadership role in
the global competition to detect dark matter,” said
Mike Headley, executive director of the SDSTA.
The LZ experiment is the successor dark matter
experiment to LUX (Large Underground Xenon),
which is currently operating on the 4850 Level of
the Sanford Lab. LUX, which has a third of a ton of
liquid xenon at its core, is the most sensitive dark
matter detector in the world today. LZ, the nextgeneration dark matter detector, will have 10 tons
Grant Recipient Spotlight: Sanford Lab
LUX was installed inside a 72,000 gallon water tank.
This tank will also be used for the LZ detector.
A Pioneering Investment
The program-related investment works differently than the
grants the SDCF typically distributes to nonprofits, because
“The program-related investment is a new way
to carry out the original mission set in 1987 by
the late Governor Mickelson, myself and fellow
members of the first South Dakota Community
Foundation Board of Directors,” said Jim Hart,
current SDCF board chairman. “The South Dakota
Community Foundation has been tasked with
investing in programs that benefit the social and
economic well-being of the people of South
Dakota, and helping to launch the LUX-ZEPLIN
experiment at Sanford Lab will do just that.”
The SDCF is providing critical funding to the
SDSTA to help ensure that the next phase of
research, already approved by the Department
of Energy and the National Science Foundation,
happens here in South Dakota and brings millions
of dollars in positive economic impact with it.
A Newsworthy Event
The public announcement of the partnership
was made at the SDSTA’s board meeting
in Lead on September 17, 2015. The event
drew widespread attention from the local
media. SDCF President Stephanie Judson
was interviewed by KEVN, KNBN and KOTA
television. The Rapid City Journal and other area
newspapers also reported on the partnership.
Although the program-related investment
was non-traditional, the South Dakota
Community Foundation offers a variety of grant
opportunities to South Dakota nonprofits each
year. Grants support community innovation,
education programs, health services and more.
$1 Million Grant
Threshold Exceeded
in Pennington County
At the close of 2015, the South Dakota Community
Foundation paused to celebrate the great work
Pennington County charitable organizations
accomplished with the help of the SDCF’s
South Dakota Fund. The South Dakota Fund has
addressed ever-changing needs in the area through
108 grants totaling $1.1 million.
The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted grant
program, which supports culture, economic
development, education, health and human services.
The endowed assets of the South Dakota Fund are
invested in perpetuity and provide approximately
$500,000 in annual support to nonprofits across
the state. Throughout the SDCF’s history, every
county in the state has received at least one South
Dakota Fund grant. Pennington County is the second
county to exceed the $1 million grant threshold.
The SDCF’s impact on Pennington County goes beyond
South Dakota Fund grants. The SDCF also administers 36
funds for Pennington County residents and organizations
totaling more than $10 million. Distributions from
these funds have accounted for another $1.6 million
in grants to nonprofit causes in Pennington county.
The SDCF applauds the work of Pennington
County nonprofits and looks forward to
supporting them for years to come.
“The South Dakota Community Foundation helped
fund the startup of the Rapid City Crisis Care
Center that now helps nearly 2,000 people per
year experiencing a mental health or substance
abuse crisis. We are fortunate to have as a partner,
the South Dakota Community Foundation,
as together we build positive change in the
communities in which we live, work and play.”
– Alan Solano, CEO of Rapid City Crisis Care Center.
Learn more about available SDCF
grants on page 23 or online at
Grant Recipient Spotlight
Foundation Grants
Farrar Family Scholarship Fund
Alexandra Farber
Foundation Grants are awarded at the recommendation of donors who
have established funds at the South Dakota Community Foundation.
These grants include distributions from each of the fund types the SDCF
administers, including donor advised, designated, agency endowment, scholarship,
field of interest and community savings accounts. In 2015, $11,086,000 was
distributed to nonprofit organizations through 1,526 Foundation Grants.
Loren J. Ammann Foundation
ARC South Dakota Fund
Grant County ARC
Oahe Chapter ARC
Aberdeen Area Community
Aberdeen Area Community
City of Delmont
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons
Northern State University
United Way of Northeastern South
Armour Community Foundation
Armour School District 21-1
Armour Senior Citizens Center
City of Armour
First Circuit CASA
John Around Him
Scholarship Fund
Oglala Lakota College
Reuben & Marlowe
Bareis Family Fund
Black Hills Community Theatre
Black Hills Playhouse, Inc.
Clarkson HealthCare Foundation
Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
Nature Conservancy
South Dakota School of Mines &
Technology Foundation
University of Colorado Foundation
Westhills Village Foundation
Virginia C. Barry Book of
Golden Memories Fund
Webster United Methodist Church
Bennett County High
School Scholarship Fund
Anderson Scholarship Fund
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family
- Northern State University Fund
Associated General Contractors
of South Dakota, Inc.
Building Chapter Fund
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family
- Presentation College Fund
Lake Area Technical Institute
South Dakota School of Mines &
Technology Foundation
Knight I Scholarship FundBennett County
Aurora County Historical
Acquisition & Preservation Fund
Knight II Scholarship FundBennett County
Northern State University
Presentation College
Hospital Patient
Transportation Fund
Shriners Hospitals for Children
John A. “Jack” & Marcella
C. Adams Fund
Gethsemane Episcopal Church
Masonic Lodge #131
Sisseton Area Community
South Dakota Parks & Wildlife
St. Peter’s Catholic ChurchSisseton
Alcester Community Foundation
City of Alcester
Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1
allPOINTS Health Services
ALM Fund
South Dakota Coalition of Citizens
with Disabilities
Alpena Community Foundation
Alpena United Parish Church
American Baptist Churches
of the Dakotas Fund
ABCD-Camp Judson
Central United Methodist Church
Wilmot Care Center
Wilmot Community Club
Wilmot Community Foundation
Wilmot School District 54-7
Zion Community Church
Wesley VanderPol
Luke Williams
Miller Family Homestead Fund
Aurora County Historical Society
Ken Austin Memorial
Education Fund
Hennepin Technical College
David & Wally Baas
Memorial Fund
David & Wally Baas Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Ellie Bleeker
Austin Bormann
Cody Gromer
Jessica Karhoff
Levi Knight
Aaron Lemon
Heidi Mueller
Adam Rasmussen
Katie Reynan
Ashley Schmit
Emily Schrag
Lindsay Thompson
2015 Foundation Grants
Josie Drobny
Cozad Scholarship Fund
Sam Ireland
Adam Good
Derek Vander May
June Anderson Sommer & Robert
Sommer Scholarship Fund
Rachel Winters
Sullens I Scholarship FundBennett County
Taylor Amiotte
Sullens II Scholarship FundBennett County
Brady Hicks
Beresford Community Foundation
Beresford Area Arts Council
Beresford Public School District
Beresford Zion United Methodist
Watchdog Education Foundation
Beresford School District 61-2
Bethany Cemetery of
Hosmer, SD Fund
Bethany Cemetery Association
Charles Bingham Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Jennifer Mueller
Kali Trautman
Marlin Bjerke Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Austin Anderson
Timothy & Carol Kay
Bjorkman Foundation
World Vision
Elliott & Eileen Bouchie
Scholarship Fund
Conner Archer
Boy Scout Troop #133 Fund
Boy Scout Troop #133
Boys & Girls Club
Corporation Fund
Boys & Girls Club Corporation, Inc.
Boys & Girls Club of
Brookings Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings
Boys & Girls Club of
Moody County Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Moody County
Boys & Girls Club of
Yankton Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Yankton
Britton Area Foundation
City of Britton
Britton-Hecla School District 45-4
Glacial Lakes Area Development
Hecla Area Fire Protection District
Nathan Jones
North Marshall Fire Department
Northern Fort Playhouse
Steven Wegleitner
Bertha Gronseth Pool Fund
City of Britton
Britton-Hecla School Foundation
Britton PTA Scholarship Fund
Hailey Aldentaler
Britton Student Council
Scholarship Fund
Hailey Aldentaler
Britton-Hecla High School
Scholarship Fund
Hailey Aldentaler
Anna Bushby Scholarship Fund
Baily Olson
Philip & Gladys (Haverly)
Doyle Scholarship Fund
Aimee Allcock
Elizabeth Sorensen
Olivianne Stavick
Dena Kilker Scholarship Fund
Mason Kilker
Alfred & Julia Bucher
Education Trust Fund
Ashley Aymar
Cassie Beckett
Drew Beilke
Sydney Cowan
Jordan DeBoer
Chloe Edgar
Macee Fanning
Mallory Fischer
Annie Fulton
Lexy Gimbel
Courtney Heezen
Kari Huber
Stephanie Huber
Jansen Hunter
Brooke Joy
Danielle Knox
Brady LaMont
Kacie McCauley
Nicholas Ortmeier
Taylor Pekarek
Bennett Peterson
Samuel Simons
Emma Steers
Kristi Steptoe
Elizabeth Welk
Build Dakota Scholarship
Program Fund
Lake Area Technical Institute
Mitchell Technical Institute
Southeast Technical Institute
State of South Dakota Department of Education
State of South Dakota-Build Dakota
Scholarship Program
Western Dakota Technical Institute
Burke School District Scholarships
Burke High School Class
of 1963 Fund
Jennifer Higgins
KayDee Kirwan
Lanning Norberg
Christian Schweigert
Josh Tuttle
Hampl Scholarship Fund
Mindy Kerner
Mr. & Mrs. August Steffen
Sr. Scholarship Fund
Ashlyn McCarthy
Bush Foundation
Bush Foundation Community
Innovation Grant Program
John P. Bushfield Scouting Fund
Sioux Council Boy Scouts of
Butler Cemetery Foundation
Butler Cemetery
Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-Sioux
Council BSA Camping Endowment
Canistota Community Foundation
Canistota School District 43-1
City of Canistota
Canton Public Schools
K-12 Foundation
Canton School District 41-1
Glen T. & Anna May
Carlis Family Fund
Jobi McCreary
Castlewood Education
Foundation Endowment Fund
Roxann Bruinsma Kemink
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kendra Mack
Centerville Foundation
Centerville Community Arts
Council, Inc.
Centerville Rotary Club
Adrienn Peterson
Marisa Poll
Nicholas Wixon
Richard & Edith Lindvall
Scholarship Fund
Kristina Laska
Children’s Home Society Fund
Children’s Home Society of South
Children’s Home SocietyChild Advocacy Center of
the Black Hills Fund
Sioux Council BSA Camping
Ken & Lois Borecky FundUnited Way of Huron
United Way of Huron
Paul & Carol Hohm Fund
Central Prairie Red Cross
Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter
First Presbyterian Church
Huron Area Boy Scouts
Huron Hockey Association
James Valley Christian School
Nordby Center for Recreation
Pyle House Museum
The Salvation Army
United Way of Huron
Violet Tschetter Memorial Home
Huron Little League Baseball Fund
Huron Area Baseball Association
Bernie & Sally Christenson
Family Fund
Fairy Godmother’s Fund
Junior Achievement of South
Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund
South Dakota Hall of Fame
Russ & Marilyn Christiansen
Family Fund
Nic McGlothlen
Children’s Home SocietyChild’s Voice Fund
Children’s Home Society-Child’s
Voice Fund
Christen Hohm Lusk Greater
Huron Area Foundation
Ken & Lois Borecky FundFirst United Methodist of
Huron Foundation
First United Methodist of Huron
Ken & Lois Borecky FundHuron Area Senior Center
Huron Area Senior Center
Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-National
Jewish Center for Immunology
National Jewish Health
Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-Nyoda
Girl Scouts-Huron Chapter
Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter
Ken & Lois Borecky FundSalvation Army Foundation
The Salvation Army
Ken & Lois Borecky FundSD 4-H Foundation
South Dakota 4-H Foundation
Clark High School Class of
1953 Scholarship Fund
Kandace Kolden
Jill Warkenthien
Major General Duane L. ‘Duke’
Corning Scholarship Fund
Amanda Farr
Corsica Area Foundation
Hoekstra Beukelman
Scholarship Fund
Micayla Bamberg
Lane Johnson
CorTrust Bank ALM
Community Foundation
Hard to Beat Green Valley 4-H Club
Letcher Summer Youth
Mt. Vernon Senior Citizens
Sanborn Central School
Sanborn County 4-H
Coss Family Foundation
Coss Family Scholarship Fund
Cassie Beckett
Mason Breitling
Heather Deal
Macee Fanning
Jamie Mentzer
Denae Schlechter
Kristi Steptoe
Elizabeth Welk
Sylvia Wieseler
Children’s Home Society-Child
Advocacy Center
Huron Area Center for
Junior Achievement of South
Splash Central
Sisters of the Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
South Dakota 4-H Foundation
South Dakota FFA Foundation
South Dakota Law Enforcement
South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University
Starbase of South Dakota, Inc.
Coss Family Miller Area
Challenge Fund
Miller Area Foundation
Pollock Giving Tree
recognizes donors.
Citibank (South Dakota)
N.A. Fund
Associated School Boards of South
The Banquet
Compassion Song
Fairy Godmother’s Fund
Howard Wood Dakota Relays
Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum & East
Sioux Falls Historic Site
Minnehaha County Pheasants
President’s Bowl
Sculpturewalk, Inc.
Sioux Falls Area Community
Sioux Falls Catholic School
Sioux Falls Tennis Association
Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants
Forever Scholarship Fund
Cooper Gates
Crazy Horse Centennial Fund
Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
Alden Cutler Scholarship Fund
Shyanne Kopfmann
Richard “Rich” & Sharon
Cutler Family Fund
University of South Dakota
Lloyd E. Dahley Fund
Anne Carlsen Center for
Children Fund
Anne Carlsen Center for Children
Children’s Care - Lloyd Dahley Fund
2015 Foundaton Grants
Rivendell Institute at Yale University
D, continued
Glenn & Kathryn Duncan
Scholarship Fund
Jamestown College Fund
Jamestown College
Village Family Service Center Fund
The Village Family Service Center
Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund
Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship
Preston Oschner
Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship FundJames Valley Christian School
Julianne Loewen
Duncan Stoebner
Clinton W. Dykstra
Scholarship Fund
Lexy Whitley
Darlene J. Dykstra
Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Esser
William H. Edwards
Scouting Fund
Dakota Discovery
Endowment Fund
Friends of the Middle Border, Inc.
Leland D. & Josephine A.
Case Memorial Fund
Friends of the Middle Border, Inc.
Dakota Wesleyan University
- Kelley Center for
Entrepreneurship Fund
Dakota Wesleyan University
Helen Davis Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Geena Carlson
Day County Community
Sioux Council Boy Scouts of
Bob & Marcia Erickson
City of Delmont
Ty Eschenbaum Foundation
South Dakota State University
Waubay Fire Department
Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund
Chandler Holland
Jeremy Hoven
Jordan Juhnke
Katie Kampa
Corey Schlotte
Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Olivia Edoff
Shawnee Flint
Dr. Roscoe E. Dean, Jr. & Helen
Hoy Dean Memorial Fund
Shakespeare Garden Society
Deuel County Community
Deuel County Shooting Sports
Pheasants Forever Coteau Chapter
Sarah N. Dipity Fund
Eureka Ambassadors
Eureka Community Development
Eureka Pioneer Museum
Eureka Banner Settlement Fund
Avera Eureka Health Care Center
Eureka School District 44-1
Zion American Lutheran Church
Fairy Godmother’s Fund
Children’s Inn
Grants to Individuals (9)
Fellowship of Christian
Athletes Fund
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel
Community Foundation
Cougar Club
Fairfax Community Development
Fairfax Fire Department
Listen & Learn Club
Pike Burke Legion Post 187
First Fidelity Bank & Burke
Community Foundation
Custer County Library
Hailey Eliason
Hannah Pinkerton
Burke Volunteer Fire Department
Community Memorial Hospital, Inc.
Roland Dolly Loyalty
Scholarship Fund
Abbott House
Black Hills State University
Clayton Evans
Kalli Hespe
Wyatt Hespe
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Jones County School District 37-3
Jones County Senior Center
Jones County Turner Youth
Messiah Lutheran Church
Murdo Ranch Rodeo
Wyatt Weber
First Fidelity Bank & Platte
Area Foundation
Clarence & Bettye Mason
Family Fund
West River Foundation
American Legion Post 40
South Dakota State University
Webster United Methodist Church
First Fidelity Bank & Jones
County Community Foundation
Estelline Alumni Gail Harrenga
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Excellence in Economic
Development Fund
Harry & Denice Knapp
Family Fund
Gregory Community Wellness
Gregory Youth Wrestling Team
City of Gregory
Ben Shay
Eureka Community Foundation
Bill & Rosanne Bisgard Family Fund
Gregory Youth Activities Fund
Helping Hands Pantry
Platte Area Pool Foundation, Inc.
Platte-Geddes School District
Estelline Alumni Association
Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Bjorklund
City of Waubay
Webster Diamond Club
First Fidelity Bank & Gregory
Community Foundation
2015 Foundation Grants
Platte Community Development
Ralph & Frances Mitchell Fund
Catia Bok
Brigitte Byrd
Zachariah Kenobbie
Kelli Nelson
Haley Pazour
Claire Raders
Matthew Randall
Lisa Smith
Platte Health Center Fund
Platte Health Center
First Fidelity Bank &
Tripp County Community
Sean Bice
Brendan Harter
Sara Husher
Sydney Schuyler
Tripp County Ambulance
Tripp County Summer Youth
Winner Avenue Flags
Winner Country Club, Inc.
Winner Youth Cabin
Antes Family Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Nickales Hossle
Samantha Stickland
Grossenburg Family &
Employees Fund
Friends of Tripp County Library
Winner Rotary Club
Gordon Horgen Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Tawny Sherman
Donald & Fern Jorgensen
Scholarship Fund
Hannah Covey
Lesley Soles
Ray & Grace Neyens Family
Scholarship Fund
Halley Shippy
James & Lawrence Neyens
Scholarship Fund
Bailey Baker
Dusti Littau
Katie Mathis
Kennede Mathis
Pauli Family Memorial Fund
Friends of Tripp County Library
Tripp County Historical Society
Harold E. Smith Scholarship Fund
Even Hagenlock
Darbi Nelson
Tripp County Water User
District - Lawrence Wagner
Scholarship Fund
Nickales Hossle
Tripp County Water User
District - Martin & Mary
Jorgensen Scholarship Fund
Mackenzie Feyereisen
Winner Class of 1974
Scholarship Fund
Casey Norrid
First Interstate Custer Area Fund
American Legion Post 303
Black Hill Playhouse
Custer Area Veterans Memorial
Custer County Historical Society
Custer County Senior Citzens
Custer Youth & Alumni Foundation
The Storehouse
West River Transit Authority
Western South Dakota Senior
Services, Inc.
First Interstate Fall
River Area Fund
Battle Mountain Humane Society
Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills
Edgemont Area Historical Society, Inc.
Edgemont School District
Fall River County Historical Society
Hot Springs Bills Youth Football &
Cheerleading Association
Sandstone Singers
Smithwick Cemetery
West River Transit Authority
First Interstate Greater
Belle Fourche Fund
Beaver Creek Rendezvous, Inc.
Belle Baseball Association
Belle Fourche Area Community
Belle Fourche Bronc Booster Club
Belle Fourche Parents Who Care
Belle Fourche School District 9-1
Belle Fourche Senior Citizens Center
Belle Fourche Soccer Association
Black Hills Roundup Chutes for
Center of the Nation Concert
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons
Hometown Thursday Nights
Loyal Order of Moose
Newell Community Club
Northern Hills Area CASA Program
REALTORS® for Kids, Inc.
St. James Episcopal Church
Suncatcher Therapeutic Riding
West River Transit Authority
Belle Fourche Banner
Settlement Fund
Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire
Good Shepherd Clinic
St. James Episcopal Church
First Interstate Greater
Sturgis Area Fund
Downtown Sturgis Foundation
First Interstate Greater
Wall Area Fund
Lane Blasius
Ridge Sandal
Wall Rodeo Booster Club
Les Williams
First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund
Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills
Deadwood History, Inc.
Friends of the Twin City Animal
Historic Homestake Opera House
Homestake Visitors Center
Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1
Northern Hills Alliance for Children
Northern Hills Community Band
Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship
Kyle Litzel
Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship
Fund-Hot Springs
Wyatt Roda
Bill & Mary Fisher
Scholarship Fund-Oelrichs
Chase Clifford
Frank Fools Crow
Scholarship Fund
Oglala Lakota College
Clarence & Ruth Forman
Family Scholarship Fund
Mikayla Wendland
Freeman Community Foundation
Freeman Academy
Freeman Academy Prairie
Freeman Community Development
Freeman Regional Health Services
Freeman School District 33-1
Freeman Volunteer Fire
Growing Dreams Learning Center
Ruth D. Frick Ames Fund
Cassie Clement
Kirstyn Fiala
Desirae VanZee
Friends of SD Public
Broadcasting Fund
Friends of South Dakota Public
The Frontier Fund
South Dakota Fund
Frank F. Fukuda Fund
Leadership South Dakota
Adeline Gassen Fund
American Legion Auxiliary - Gregory
Gregory Community Services, Inc.
Gregory Public Library
Briana Leber
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Gettysburg Area
Community Foundation
Gettysburg Community Playground
Gettysburg Country Club
Girl Scouts of the Black
Hills Council, Inc. Fund
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons
Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable
Prosperity Fund
Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills
Friends of the Twin City Animal
Historic Homestake Opera House
Homestake Visitors Center
Lead Deadwood Arts Center
Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1
Northern Hills Alliance for Children
Northern Hills Family Recreation
South Dakota Center for Enterprise
Granary Rural Cultural
Center Fund
Brown County
Greater Clark Area Foundation
Clark Development Corporation
City of Clark
Cyclone Athletic Booster Club
MacKenzie Huber
Tyson Jenkins
Cody Nelson
Rawson Yost
Greater Lyman Foundation
Kennebec Cemetery Association
Lower Brule Community College
Thrift Store & More
Greater Lyman Scholarship Fund
Grayson Mitchell
Greater South Dakota Education
& Research Foundation
Youth Business Adventure
Greater Sturgis Lifecare
Greater Sturgis Lifecare
Gregory Area Health
Care System Fund
Gregory Avera Hospital
Gregory County Child Protection
Team Scholarship Fund
Cullen Davis
Rain Liewer
Kendall Roeder
Gregory Masonic Lodge
#158 Scholarship Fund
Cody Kafka
Allison Sundquist
Brandon Warnke
Samantha York
William Mibra & Byrne Smith
Griffith Foundation - Huron Area
Community Development
Huron Regional Medical Center
William Mibra & Byrne Smith
Griffith Foundation- SDSU Fund
South Dakota State University
Gary & Connie Grittner Fund
Greater Lyman Foundation
Grossenburg Implement &
Employees 4-H Support Fund
- Hughes & Stanley Counties
Prairie Winds 4-H Council
Sully County 4-H Council
Groton High School Class
of 1969 Scholarship Fund
Natalia Dohman
Maryn Howard
Harvey Gunderson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Natasha Martinmaas
Wayne & Jacque Gustafson
Family Fund
Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family
Fund-Make A Wish Foundation
Make A Wish Foundation of South
Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family
Fund-Sioux YMCA-Dupree
Sioux YMCA
Hollis “Curley” & Rose Haisch
Charitable Endowment Fund
Bonesteel Ambulance
Bonesteel Area Community
Development Corporation
Bonesteel Fire Department
City of Bonesteel
Burke Riding Club
Fairfax Fire Department
Gregory County 4-H
Gregory County Historical Society
Gregory County Hope Society
Gregory County Shelter
Gregory Public Library
Mayo Foundation
South Central School District 26-5
St. Ann Catholic Church
Alfred A. Halsted Educational
& Scholarship Fund
Maggie Wallis
Cyril Hastings Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Alex Hardina
Heartland Area United Way Fund
Heartland Area United Way Fund
Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship
Fund - Bonesteel/Fairfax
Micaela Frank
Ray & Lillian Hebert
Scholarship Fund - Burke
Jordan Jones
Helmuth Hoff Scholarship Fund
Morgan Ziegler
Herreid Community Foundation
Campbell County Clinic
Community Action Group
Herreid Development Corporation
Herreid School District 10-1
Herreid Senior Citizens
Herreid Youth Center
Elton & Willetta Hess
Endowment Fund
Takini School
Willetta Holt Hess
Endowment Fund
Wiconi Wakan Health & Healing
Hill City Scholarship
Foundation Fund
Brianna Clemetson
Allison Henderson
Mitchell Peterson
RAC Scholarship Fund
Christopher Blumer
Caiden Merritt
Craig M. Hilton Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Conner Archer
Hinrichs Family Scholarship Fund
Austin Messmer
Hoch Drug Foundation
Bon Homme County Food Pantry
Bon Homme School District 4-2
Cavalier Corner
Friends of South Dakota Public
Megan Langley
Elizabeth Mitzel
Jadyn Rothschadl
2015 Foundaton Grants
Huron School District 2-2
Pheasants Forever
Preschool Partnership
H, continued
Duncan Stoebner
Hunter Young
Blake & Marcia Hoffman
Family Fund
Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.
Community Outreach
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lifelight Communications, Inc.
Sioux Falls Area CASA Program
Harley & Sharlene
Hoffman Family Fund
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Salvation Army - Aberdeen
Curtis Marvin Hohn
Endowment Fund
Kenneth R. Huse Memorial Fund
City of Onida
Ipswich Area Foundation
Aberdeen Aqua Addicts Ski Team
Edmunds County 4-H Shooting
Ipswich Public School 22-6
Ipswich Trail Days
Tory Makela
Cassius Pond
Shelby Retzer
Rachel Bruening
Tyler Cleveland
Jon Garrett
Brianna Painter
Andrew Raap
G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson
Memorial Scholarship Fund-Pierre
Michael Buhl
Benjamin Deis
Jamie Hyde
Chantal Lewis
Alexis MaComb
Mariah Madsen
Dagne Ode
Sarah Polak
Wyatt Trautman
Dustin VanHunnik
Marie Zander
Irene-Wakonda School District 13-3
Sherman & Kimiko Petersen
Promise Fund
Boyd & Dody Hopkins
Family Foundation
Garrett Anderson
Pearl Gaidelis
Allyson Gartner
Trevor Hansen
Calla Harper
Stephanie Hauger
Bailey Hinseth
Trisha Kathol
Morgan Lee
Alexis Logue
Amy Morman
Matthew Nelson
Ashley Oien
Lexy Schenk
Ashleigh Schroeder
Luke Schroeder
Augustana University
Dakota Wesleyan University
Hoven Community Foundation
Blue Blanket Valley Senior Citizens
Hoven Summer Recreation
Leo & Rose Arbach Memorial Fund
Hoven Community Pool
Hoven PTA
Hoven High School Fund
Hoven AAU Wrestling
Hoven High School Foundation
Delyle L. Huber Memorial Fund
Family Service, Inc.
Clinton, Dorothy & Elaine
Hurlbut Foundation
United Presbyterian Methodist
Huron Community Foundation
Community Development
Cornerstones Career Learning
Center, Inc.
Dakotaland Museum
Huron Area Senior Center
Huron Community Campus
Huron Hockey Association
Huron School District 2-2
South Dakota State Fair
Wheeler Family Fund
American Legion Auxiliary
Huron School District 2-2
Huron University Foundation
Huron University Foundation
Huron Youth Advisory
Council Fund
Community Counseling Services
HOPE Therapeutic Riding Center
Huron Backpack Program
Huron Post Prom Party
Huron Public Library
G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson
Memorial Scholarship
Irene Area Community
Kallen Rittberger
Elizabeth Welk
Danielle Henkel
Sierra Iversen
Tucker Jones
Daulton Mercer
Derrick Smith
Iroquois-Carthage Area
Community Foundation
Carthage Improvement Association
Iroquois Heritage Museum
Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Fund
Kelsey Barrett
Ron & Jean Jennings
Scholarship Fund
Jamie Mentzer
James Howard Jenssen
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Nicholas Gillen
Cole Hoelscher
Justin Kepler
Jamie Smith
G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson
Memorial Scholarship Fund
G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson
Memorial Scholarship
Fund-Ft. Pierre
Megan Arhart
Austin Brown
Cooper Carter
Lilly Cook
Jose Cota
2015 Foundation Grants
Johnson Motor Co. - Howard
B. Johnson Scholarship Fund
Delayna LaBelle
Anna Nelson Johnson
Scholarship Fund
Cassie Beckett
Richard Joy Family Fund
Hand County Health Wellness &
Community Foundation
Hands of Hope
Trinity Lutheran Church
Richard Joy Fund
Miller Area Foundation
The Salvation Army
Trinity Lutheran Church
Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee
and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp
Memorial Fund
Palace City Pedalers Tour
De Corn, Inc.
Bill Kadoun Scholarship Fund
Evan Carlson
Klein Foundation Fund
Calvin & Bernice Anderson Fund
Klein Foundation, Inc.
Knight Foundation
Northern State University
David Kranz - Argus
Leader Media Journalism
Scholarship Fund
Matthew Housiaux
Heidi Kronaizl
Marty Kranz Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Hailey Benson
Lance Eide
Brett Knutson
Evelyn C. Kuhrt Exemplary
Educator Award Fund
Carmen Miller
Bill & Evelyn Kuhrt Scholarship
Clayton Evans
Skyler Miller
Mikayla Waldron
Gertrude Lampe Fund
Lampe-Dakotaland Museum
Dakotaland Museum
Lampe-Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Lampe-Salvation Army
The Salvation Army
Lamport Family Foundation
Hailey Aldentaler
Aimee Allcock
Jessie Allcock
Andres Andresen
Daniel Barker
Brandon Barrett
Kelsey Barrett
Harley Beck
Emily Bremmon
Brittany Bush
Evan Carlson
Madeline Carlson
Olivia Carlson
Spencer Carlson
Annie Christenson
Zachery Crandall
Autumn Deutsch
Shelby Elsen
Hattie Erickson
Kristen Erickson
Evangelical Langford Lutheran
Alexandra Farber
First Lutheran Church
Sydney Fosness
Drew Freeman
Bo Fries
Amanda Greenmyer
Samantha Groom
Ramy Hagen
Alex Hardina
Bryanna Haug
Aaron Henricks
Carley Hill
Preston Holland
Tate Jensen
Blaze Jones
Karli Jones
Nathan Jones
Tomi Jones
Jared Lentsch
Taylor Lynde
Aria Meyer
Alec Moeckly
Matthew Muth
Preston Ochsner
Amber Ogren
Brent Ogren
Shayla Olson
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Betsy (Elizabeth) Price
Zach Punt
Mallori Rabenberg
Rose Hill Evangelical Free Church
Elizabeth Sorensen
St. John DeBritto Catholic Church
Olivianne Stavick
Nicole Svatos
Carrie Wegleitner
Katie Wegleitner
Steven Wegleitner
Caleb Wenz
Cara Werner
Zion Lutheran Church
Langford Area Community
First United Methodist Church
Glacial Lakes Area Development
GROW South Dakota
Hillside Cemetery
Langford Development
Langford School District
Langford Summer Fest
City of Pierpont
Clark Larson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Bo Fries
Langford Scholarship Fund
Brent Ogren
Larson Family Foundation
Childcare Fund - United
Retirement Center
Children’s Museum of South
United Retirement Center-Child
Development Center
Larson Foundation Advised Fund
Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village
Marles G. Lea Marshall County
Ambulance Support Fund
Marshall County
Leadership South Dakota Fund
Leadership Endowment Fund
Lucille McCright Leischner
Scholarship Fund
Katie Murtha
Tanna Waltman
Lewis & Clark Children’s
Assistance Fund
Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health
Services, Inc.
Norman & Irene Lien Memorial
Scholarship Fund - Corsica
Jamie Van Zee
Norman & Irene Lien Memorial
Scholarship Fund - Platte-Geddes
Josiah Brink
Bruce H. & Deanna Lien
Scholarship Fund
South Dakota School of Mines &
Technology Foundation
Milton & Leona Lindell
Scholarship Fund
Carley Hill
Morgan Janisch
Jared Lentsch
Evelyn & Bill Lohmann
Conservation Fund
South Dakota Wildlife Federation
WM Looby Bennett County
Scholarship Fund
Sabrina Fanning
Brady Hicks
Sam Ireland
Tamee Livermont
Maria Risse
Tania Risse
Alexander Rous
Derek Vander May
Rachel Winters
Lower Brule Pow Wow Fund
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
Jim & Vicki Lust First Foundation
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship Fund
Kayli Buchholz
Sierra Crater
Ashley Flood
Colton Hageman
Janae Sampson
Taylor Schoenfelder
Cole Brown
Ashley McClatchey
Austin Spilde
Joshua Thurow
Marsh Family Advised Fund
First Presbyterian Church
Marsh Family Scholarship Fund
Reed Feller
Martin Cemetery
Association Fund
Martin Cemetery Association, Inc.
Mellette County Community
American Legion Post 94
Concerned Citizens for the
Beautification of Wood
Wood Alumni
Wood Community Ladies
Jason Mendel Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Shayla Dunlavy
Norm & Margo Meriweather
Veterinarian Scholarship Fund
Alex Cermak
Casey Kaltenbach
Duane Mertes Memorial
Pheasant Restoration Fund
Tate Jensen
Jared Lentsch
Brian Meyer Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Matthew Randall
Caleb Wenz
Mickelson Family Fund
Sioux Falls Firefighters Benevolent
South Dakota Historical Society
Teen Challenge of the Dakotas
Midland Community
Scholarship Fund
Madison Hand
Chauncey Trapp
Miller Area Foundation
Backpack Buddies
Brooke Fawcett
Alexandra Gimbel
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons
Hand County Angel Tree
Hand County Health Wellness &
Community Foundation
Hand County Historical Society
Hand in Hand Community Day Care
Hands of Hope
Helping Hands
Meals on Wheels
Miller Ball Association
Miller School District 29-4
Miller Swim Club
Miller Youth Football
Miller Youth Golf
City of Miller
Nicholas Ortmeier
Ree Heights Fire Department
St. Liborius Altar Society
Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand
County Youth Development Fund
Hand County 4-H Leaders
Miller Class of 1952 Fund
Miller Elementary School
Delores Miller Student
Support Fund
Capital University Center
Mitchell Area Charitable
Foundation Endowed Fund
Mitchell Area Charitable
Mitchell Christian Education
Association Endowment Fund
Mitchell Christian Education
Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059 Fund
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation Fund
Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059
Mitchell Technical Institute
Foundation Fund
Norm Johnson Educator
Endowment Fund
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation, Inc.
Mitchell Technical Institute
Evelyn Jones Scholarship Fund
Montrose Area Foundation
Isabel Brandenburger
Rachel Froehlich
Carter Kasuske
Johnny Monroe
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation
Scholarship Fund
Madison Central School
Educational Foundation, Inc.
Darren R. Mallow Fund
Megan Vaughn
Francis T. Malone
Scholarship Fund
Dawson Beyer
Madison Central Education
Foundation supported a
field trip for local students.
Governor George S. Mickelson
Leadership Endowment Fund
Tiffany Sanderson
Kelsey Smith
Tiffany Stoeser
Midland Community Foundation
Midland American Legion Post 143
Midland Community Library
Midland School Booster Club
Montrose Vacation Bible School
City of Montrose
Montrose Area Scholarship Fund
Rachel Bruening
Tyler Cleveland
Trent Lunders
Taylor Miles
Brianna Painter
Andrew Raap
Morgan-Naslund Fund
Faith Public Library
2015 Foundaton Grants
M, continued
Coach Russ Morrell Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Kathleen Winckler
Oglala Lakota College Calvin
Jumping Bull Scholarship Fund
Oglala Lakota College
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Fund-Artesian, SD
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association
James & Gertrude Mueller Jones
County Scholarship Fund
Kaylen Larsen
Mikayla Waldron
Melvin ‘Bud’ & Jo Ohlson
Scholarship Fund
Hadley Cropsey
LaTrisha Schindler
Harlan & Evelyn Olson
Family Scholarship Fund
Haley Holzwarth
Ryan Olson
Tristan Tupy
Judge F. E. Mullen
Scholarship Fund
Hadley Cropsey
Murdo Cemetery
Association Fund
Murdo Cemetery Association
Donald Naddy Fund
North Olympic Land Trust
Olympic Community Action
Peninsula College Foundation
Port Angeles Education Foundation
Port Angeles Public Library
Voices for Veterans
Eleanor Naddy Fund
Clallam County Historical Society
Peninsula College Foundation
Dr. Lynn Merton Paege
Charitable Fund
Cole Carter
Mackenzie Feyereisen
Mason Juracek
Dowain Kerner
Bailey Mathis
Haylee Siefken
Christian Stastny
Morgan Von Seggern
Rion Wisniewski
Parks & Wildlife Foundation’s,
Adams Nature Preserve Fund
South Dakota Parks & Wildlife
Parkston Area Foundation
National Music
Museum, Inc. Fund
National Music Museum
Native American Education Fund
Lakota Immersion Childcare
Red Cloud Indian School, Inc.
Margaret “Maggie” Nelson/
Bertha & Francis Moran
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michele Carda
Mattie Newcombe/Maynard
Newcombe Fund
Casey Tibbs Foundation
Joseph N. Nicollet Tower &
Interpretive Center Fund
Heritage Museums of Coteau Des
Nordby Family Fund
Dakota Wesleyan UniversityFootball
City of Huron
Minnesota Concert Opera
Mitchell Technical Institute
Planned Parenthood Minnesota,
North Dakota, South Dakota
Polaris Project
South Dakota Hall of Fame
South Dakota Public TV
South Dakota State Fair
Ronald Noren Memorial Fund
Danielle Buchmann
Dimock Community Park
East Park Upgrade
First Circuit CASA
Ty Kinneberg
Milltown Cemetery Association
Milltown Island Park Association
Parkston Area Development
Parkston Community Food Bank
VFW Memorial
VFW Post 3298
Darrell D. Simmons
Scholarship Fund
Dillon Stadlman
Joshua Zwinger
Sherman Parrott Fund
Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of South
Masonic Lodge #164
Pierre Masonic Lodge #27
Spring Valley Cemetery
Yelduz Shrine Temple
George & Ellen Penn, Earl &
Lempi Penn, & Audrey Penn
Anderson Scholarship Fund
Alicia Absher
Jacob Butler
Kayla Foos
Janie McAmis
Watonwan Game & Fish
2015 Foundation Grants
George & Ellen Penn, Earl &
Lempi Penn, & Dave & Bev
Penn Scholarship Fund
Dalton Jenkins
Harley Mollman
Krystyna Nible
Jerald W. Peterson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Sheldon Herr
Karie Lone
Alec Voss
Jerald W. Peterson Stanley County
High School Scholarship Fund
Kiyana Martin
Derrick Smith
Philip Area Community
Grossenburg Implement &
Employees Philip Area Fund
Haakon/Jackson County 4-H Club
Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area
Community Foundation
Avera St. Mary’s Hospital
Boy Scout Troop #173
Casey Tibbs Foundation
Dakota Horse Stars Therapeutic
Riding Center
Dakota Western Heritage Festival
Izaak Walton League of America Sunshine Chapter
Junior Achievement of South
OAHE, Inc.
Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Humane
Pierre/Ft. Pierre Head Start
Short Grass Arts Council
The Right Turn, Inc.
Verendrye Museum
Pierre/Ft. Pierre Youth
Philanthropy Fund
Pierre Junior Shooting Club
Pierre School District 32-2
Glenn & Elaine Pommer
Scholarship Fund
Mikayla Prouty
Producers Beef Bank, Inc.
Donald & Monica Qualm
Scholarship Fund
Cullen Davis
Kathryn Christen Mitchell
Ramstad Foundation
Hope Academy, Inc.
Sioux YMCA
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
Rasmussen Family Fund
Shakespeare Garden Society
Springs Area Bus, Inc.
Wessington Springs Fire
Wessington Springs Opera House
Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund
Megan Knutson
Karie Lone
Riter Family Fund
Feeding South Dakota
James & Zelda Ruddy Foundation
Jamie Brockhoft
Breanna Busch
Amber Deming
Matt Fouberg
Shayna Frost
Kristen Holland
Heather Hulls
Tara Palmer
Hiliary Ryan
Haleigh Tringale
Desirae VanZee
Sara Watson
Salem Area Foundation
Salem Pool Fund
Scheier Family Scholarship Fund
Amelia Morris
John Stiefvater Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Wade Weber
Sanborn Central Foundation
Leah Baysinger
Jarid Bechen
Allysha Duffel
Isaiah Kruger
Michael Mann
Shane Nelson
Morgan Selland
Dylan Senska
Amberiah Smith
Kasey Voorhees
Cole Wormstadt
Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S.
Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund
Cheyenne Hinrichs
Kristine H. Sanders
Scholarship Fund
South Dakota School of Mines &
Technology Foundation
South Dakota State University
Sandvig Family Fund
Aberdeen Area Boys & Girls Club
ACT 2, Inc.
Christian Worship Hour
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, LCMC
Kids Against Hunger-Aberdeen
Safe Harbor
Salvation Army - Aberdeen
United Way of Northeastern South
Donald C. Sattler Fund
Avon American Legion & Auxiliary
Avon City Library
Avon Development Corporation
Avon High School
Avon Historical Museum
Avon Lions Club
Avon Volunteer Ambulance
Avon Volunteer Fire Department
First Baptist Church
Friedenburg Church
Amanda Reiff
Devin Tolsma
Zion Lutheran Church
Schoenhard Community
Brule County 4-H
Chamberlain Fire Department
Cozard Memorial Library
Highmore-Harrold School District
Kimball Fire Department
Kimball School District
Learning Disabilities Association
of SD
Missouri Valley Crisis Center
City of Presho
St. Joseph’s Indian School
South Dakota American
Legion Foundation
South Dakota American Legion
South Dakota Auto Dealers
Association Fund
University of South Dakota
South Dakota Bar Foundation
South Dakota Bar Foundation
Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund
South Dakota Bar Foundation
South Dakota Beadle
Club Foundation
Carrie Gutierrez
Scoular Family Fund
RV/MH Hall of Fame
SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund
Austin Bruning
Charles Kobes
Seljeskog Family Fund
American College of Surgeons
Jerome A. Serocki Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Browns Valley Public School
Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund
Prairie Lakes Health Care
Watertown Community Foundation
Sioux Council Boy Scouts
of America Fund
Sioux Council Boy Scouts of
Sioux YMCA Foundation Fund
Sioux YMCA
Sisseton Area Foundation
Otto Quande-Renville Unit No. 50
VFW #3342 Auxiliary
Chris & Gene Smith “Get an
Education” Memorial Fund
Sylvia Wieseler
South Dakota 125th
Celebration Fund
South Dakota Bureau of
Administration Memorial
Maintenance Fund
South Dakota Historical Society
South Dakota Highway
Patrol Fund
Dakota Wesleyan University
Northern State University
South Dakota Law Enforcement
South Dakota Humanities
Council Endowment Fund
South Dakota Humanities Council
South Dakota Junior
Golf Foundation
South Dakota Junior Golf
South Dakota Junior Hereford
Association Fund
Eric Tesch
South Dakota Lions Eye
Bank, Inc. Fund
South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc.
South Dakota Nurses Foundation
Rhonda Stangl
Schwanke Family
Scholarship Fund
Arica Mack
Kendra Mack
South Dakota Heritage
Endowment Fund
The National Music Museum, an
agency endowment fund holder,
preserves musical history.
South Dakota Coaches Foundation
South Dakota Coaches Foundation
South Dakota Coaches
Against Cancer Fund
Abbigail Boner
Taylor Flanery
Rachel Gauger
Paula Kowitz
Cylie Pastian
South Dakota Engineering
Society Fund
Keagan Peters
Bennett Peterson
Cody Schellinger
South Dakota Farm Bureau
Scholarship Fund
Ali Haines
Katherine Knight
Callie Sleep
South Dakota FFA
Foundation, Inc. Fund
South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.
South Dakota Guardianship
Program Fund
South Dakota Guardianship
Program, Inc.
South Dakota Habitat
Conservation Fund
South Dakota Conservation Pass
Through Fund
South Dakota Hall of Fame
Charitable Perpetual Fund
South Dakota Hall of Fame
Dr. Carl & Leona Stadler
Scholarship Fund
Steven Zehms
Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund
Melissa Coull
Anne Simonsick
South Dakota Symphony
Orchestra Fund
South Dakota Symphony Orchestra
David Elder Violin Chair Fund
South Dakota Symphony
Nicole Keirnes Fund
Spearfish Community Foundation
Lutheran Social Services, Canyon
Hills Center
High Plains Heritage Society Fund
High Plains Heritage Society
Justin & Ardis Speer Foundation
Club for Boys
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Justin & Ardis Speer
Scholarship Fund
Jessy Bale
Shyanna Bintliff
Taylor Brindley
Autumn Cogdill
Olivia Edoff
Jhett Finkbeiner
Shawnee Flint
Catherine Heinrich
Brandon Koch
Abbigayle Maciejewski
Ryan Nelson
Jordon Silbernagel
Savanah Trullinger
Erica Venhuizen
Springfield College Museum Fund
Springfield Historical Society/
Springfield College Museum
St. Michael’s Cemetery
Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD
St. Michaels Church Cemetery Fund
St. Wilfrid’s Parish FundWoonsocket, SD
St. Wilfrid Catholic Church
Erwin A. & Georgiabelle
M. Stainbrook Fund
Avera St. Benedict FoundationStainbrook Fund
Avera St. Benedict Health Center
South Dakota Symphony
Lion’s Club of ParkstonStainbrook Fund
Hugo & Mabel Koerner Fund
Parkston Lions Club
South Dakota Symphony
Life Celebrations Fund
South Dakota Symphony
McDonald Grandchildren
Flute Chair Fund
South Dakota Symphony
South Dakota Trucking
Association Fund
Dakota State University
Dordt College
Minnesota State University
South Dakota State University
University of South Dakota
Spearfish Community
Food Pantry Kathryn
Groff Memorial Fund
Spearfish Community Food Pantry
Mitchell Area Adjustment Training
Center-Stainbrook Fund
Lifequest Foundation
Our Home, Inc.-Stainbrook Fund
Our Home, Inc. of Huron Fund
Shriner’s Hospitals for
Children-Stainbrook Fund
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Steele Family Faulkton High
School Scholarship Fund
Madeline Aesoph
Megan Haberling
Josie A. Stewart Scholarship Fund
Katie Sackmann
Dakota Sturges Fund
Friends of South Dakota Public
John S. Sturges Memorial Fund
American Legion 169-Clem
Mortenson Post of Winner
VFW Post 4674 of Winner
Winner American Legion Auxiliary
2015 Foundaton Grants
S, continued
Austin Fischer
Dustin Fischer
Patricia Fischer
LaNae Fuerst
Hannah Just
Rachel Mora
Michelle Nuss
Tanner Nuss
Jessica Sandau
Payton Schafers
Aaron Torres
April Torres
Morgan Ziegler
W.H. Sturges Family
Scholarship Fund
Jayce Assman
Nathan Galbraith
Del Swenumson Sisseton
High School Class of 1951
Scholarship Fund
Nicholas Peterson
Oliver & Vi Swenumson
Family Fund
Heritage Museum of Roberts
Oliver & Vi Swenumson Sisseton
Memorial Library Fund
Sisseton Memorial Library
Capital Area United Way
Turner Foundation-Midland
Kadoka School District 35-2
Turner FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre
Tiger Educational
Foundation Fund
Avera St. Mary’s Foundation
Abigail Fred
Alexis Frey
Christina Gonzales
Joey Heil
Kenneth Helm
Michael Keller
Justin Nobles
Chase Schoenhard
Maranda Wagner
Tyndall Community Foundation
4-H Junior Garden Club
Bon Homme County 4-H Leaders
St. Michael’s Hosiptal
Charles C. Van Loan
Scholarship Fund
LeRoy & Linda DuBray
Family Scholarship Fund
Reece Wientjes
Linda DuBray Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Aundrea Kramer
Grange Family Scholarship Fund
Chelsy Hoffman
Harold & Mary Torness
Family Fund
Augustana College Center for
Western Studies
Friends of South Dakota Public
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church-Goodwill
GROW South Dakota
Heritage Museum of Roberts
Lutheran Outdoors in South Dakota
Sisseton Swimming Pool
Tekakwitha Living Center
Tripp Area Community
Donald Kennedy Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Kelli Batterman
Austin Bitterman
Elizabeth Bitterman
Andrew Caery
Nyssa Fechner
Cara Finck
Olivia Edoff
Vermillion Area Community
Center for Children & Families
Integrated Community Action Plan
Vermillion Community Theatre
Vermillion Downtown Cultural
Association, Inc.
Vermillion Public Schools
Welcome Table, Inc.
Roger L. Kozak Education Fund
Audry Miiller
Viborg Community Foundation
Daneville Heritage Association
Danish Brotherhood Society
Historic Lund Theatre
Viborg American Legion Post 117
Viborg Area Ministerial Association
City of Viborg
Viborg-Centerville Area Transit
Wagner Area Foundation
City of Tripp
Trustee & Staff Fund
Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri
River Area
PeeWee & Midget Baseball/B&G
South Central Child Development,
Wagner Food Pantry
Wagner Girls Softball/B&G Club
Wagner Spring Baseball
Wagner Walk/Cancer Program
2015 Foundation Grants
Wagner Wave Swim Team
Al Pirner Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Jamie Anderson
Wagner-Woodward Family
Endowment Fund
Black Hills State University
Webster Alumni Foundation Fund
Webster Alumni Foundation
Webster Class of 1989 Fund
Webster Alumni Foundation
Wilmer & Esther Werner
Family Scholarship Fund
Ethan Deibert
Paige Feist
Abbey Fjeldheim
Kayla Mitzel
Jordan Nieuwsma
Sydney Schick
Ty Sjomeling
Wessington Springs Area
Community Foundation
Jerauld/Buffalo County 4-H
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Quilts for Veterans
Shakespeare Garden Society
Weskota Manor/Avera
Wessington Springs Fire
Wessington Springs School District
City of Wessington Springs
Peter Havard, Sr. Memorial Fund
Ryan Pearson
Wessington Springs
School Foundation
Kleppin Scholarship Fund
Sheyanne Brodkorb
Bethany Shroeder
Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Josie Drobny
Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind
Horse Scholarship Fund
Taylor Amiotte
Tamee Livermont
M.L. Wilhelm Education
Fund - Custer
Ryan Jorgensen
Yankton Area Foundation
Ability Building Services
American Red Cross
Big Friend Little Friend
Boys & Girls Club of Yankton
Emergency Medical Service of
Junior Achievement of South
National Field Archery Association
National History Day-Team Yankton
Yankton Community Library
Foundation, Inc.
Yankton County 4-H
Yankton County Historical Society
Yankton County Parents as
Teachers, Inc.
Yankton Fire Department
YBA Educational
Endowment Fund
Greater South Dakota Education &
Research Foundation
John Zilverberg Family
American Legion
American Legion Auxiliary
Catholic Daughters of America
Central South Dakota 4-H Rodeo
Church of Christ
Harrold Cemetery Association
Highmore Booster Club
Highmore Catholic Cemetery
Highmore Catholic Daughters
Highmore Cemetery Association
Highmore Golf Course
Highmore Health
Highmore Historical Society
Highmore Volunteer Fire
City of Highmore
Highmore-Harrold School District
Hosanna Restoration Church
Hyde County
Hyde County 4-H Association
Hyde County Food Pantry
Hyde County Historical Society
Hyde County Meals on Wheels
Hyde County Senior Citizens
Hyde County Thrift Store
Hyde County Treasurer
Knights of Columbus
New Horizons for Hyde County
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Sedgwick Church
South Dakota State University
Spring Lake Pleasant View
Cemetery Association
Steps of Hope
United Methodist Church
Women’s Civic League
John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund
Jaxson Brueggeman
Sydney Cowan
Brittany Hinkle
Bennett Peterson
McKenzee Zilverberg
Community Savings Accounts
The SDCF has partnered with 72 communities across South Dakota to form Community Savings
Accounts (CSA). A CSA provides current, past and future residents with the opportunity to give back
to the town they call home.
These funds are invested with the SDCF and as the fund grows, so does the amount available to give back. A local board
of directors distributes available funds to nonprofits through grants to meet the needs of the community. As a result, the
money raised in the community stays in the community.
Community Savings Accounts Fund Values*
North Brown
Day County
Belle Fourche
Deuel County
CHL (Huron)
Pierre/Ft. Pierre
Willow Lake
Wessington Springs
Jones County
Artesian/Letcher/Mt. Vernon
Lyman County
Mellette County
Tripp County
Fall River County
Scotland Viborg
$0 - $99,999
$100,000 - $499,999
$500,000 - $999,999
$1 Million+
* Full CSA fund names can be found at SDCommunityFoundation.org/CSA.
2015 Accomplishments
Two New CSAs
Philip Area Community Foundation
Doland Community Foundation
CSAs awarded over
through grants to
Greater Lyman Foundation
Miller Area Community Foundation
Philip Area Community Foundation
supporting South Dakota
communities surpassed
$25.4 million.
to CSAs exceeded
$1.29 MILLION.
SDCF has contributed
in challenge grants
C O M M U N I T I E S | Community Savings Accounts
How has your board utilized subfunds to increase
the impact of your Community Savings Account?
We have 17 separate funds under the First Fidelity
Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation
umbrella. Our donors appreciate the fact that these
will be perpetual funds. Their money will benefit
a project, organization or scholarship near and
dear to their heart for many years to come.
Foundation while doing estate planning, tax planning,
memorializing a loved one or just looking for a good place
to give. We think a good motto is “Give till it feels good!”
A donation to the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County
Community Foundation is a gift that keeps on giving.
What are some of the board of directors’
favorite moments in First Fidelity Bank & Tripp
County Community Foundation’s history?
First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation Board Members. Pictured are front row (left to right): Chuck
Keiser, Bill Matousek, Judy Benson, Rita Neyens, Dawn Covey, Lynnelle Anderson, and Gary Fenenga. Back row: Brian
London, Jeff Schramm, Charles Axtell, Joel Leyden, and Barry Grossenburg. Not pictured: Orville Lund.
A Conversation with a Community
Savings Account Leader
First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation
Dawn Covey joined the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation Board of Directors
in 2009. Since moving to Tripp County from northeast South Dakota in 1985, Dawn has developed a
great appreciation for the area, its communities and its residents. She shared with us how the work of
the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation, one of the South Dakota Community
Foundation’s Community Savings Accounts (CSA), is influencing Tripp County communities.
Why do you enjoy living in Tripp County and
volunteering with the First Fidelity Bank &
Tripp County Community Foundation?
I have lived in Tripp County longer than any place in my
life and am proud to call it home. I appreciate this area
for its wide-open space, mild climate and especially
the great community-minded people that live here.
I am starting my 30th year with First Fidelity Bank in
Winner. The Lillibridge family started seven branches
of First Fidelity Banks in south-central South Dakota
and established a Community Savings Account in each
of them. I appreciate the commitment to community
expressed by the Lillibridge family and the encouragement
they give their employees to be active in our communities.
Because of my work with the First Fidelity Bank
& Tripp County Community Foundation, I have
experienced, firsthand, the generosity of area
residents. I have observed unselfish donations of
time and resources. These experiences fuel my
desire to see our foundation’s growth continue.
The First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation
helped to finance the development of the Winner Community Pool.
Why do you feel community members choose to support
the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community
Foundation with their hard-earned dollars?
The visual results of projects supported by First Fidelity
Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation are our best
promotion. Families have witnessed others memorialized
by scholarships administered through our foundation,
which has triggered them to do the same for their loved
ones. You can also look around the community and see
where grant funds have been put to use and this creates
a desire for others to contribute to the foundation.
C O M M U N I T I E S | A Conversation with a Community Savings Account Leader
Board member Chuck Keiser remembers when Ray
Petersek came to the board with a vision of making
a Veterans Memorial in front of the Tripp County
Courthouse in Winner. His vision included a memorial
naming all of the past, present and future veterans on
granite pillars.
Tripp County Courthouse Veterans Memorial
The cost of the project was estimated to be
approximately $95,000. The board indicated it
would fund $10,000 of the project if he was able to
raise the balance. Ray went to work and with the
assistance of longtime foundation chairman, Bill
Matousek, came up with the necessary funds. We
now have a beautiful and very patriotic Veterans
Memorial in front of the Tripp County Courthouse.
What should Tripp County residents
know about this CSA?
Past chairpersons Keith Goodhope and Bill Matousek,
especially, deserve so much credit for the success
of the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community
Foundation today. They gave our community something
to build on, and few surpass the dedication that
these two men have for their home county. We are
fortunate that we have five of the founding board
members still serving today — Chuck Keiser, Gary
Fenenga, Barry Grossenburg, Bill Matousek and Judy
Benson. We are grateful for their 21 years of service.
I would also like them to know that the First Fidelity
Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation, and
our 17 affiliated funds, have given in excess of
$331,000 to community groups since 1995. Our board
members are committed to being good stewards
of these funds and have a strong desire to make
Tripp County a better place to live, work and play.
What Challenges exist for the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp
County Community Foundation moving forward?
We need to be sure that potential donors think about
the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community
Ray Neyens Jr. and Grace Neyens present the Ray & Grace
Neyens scholarship to student Ashley Meiners.
Pictured are (left to right): Barry Grossenburg, Bill Matousek, Gene
Grossenburg and Charlie Grossenburg. The Grossenburg family is a
strong supporter of the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community
Foundation. Recently, the Grossenburg Family & Employees Fund
set up a challenge grant of $30,000 a year over five years. The
Grossenburg family contributed an additional $10,000 at the end
of each year when the goal was met. Overall, the Grossenburg
family contributed $100,000 as part of the five-year challenge.
A Conversation with a Community Savings Account Leader
Giving Back Forever
The ebbs and flows of the market require diligent analysis and constant oversight. The SDCF’s investment
committee meets regularly to ensure investments are being managed prudently for long-term results.
Investment Committee Goals
a donor’s initial
a steady stream of
income to support
charitable causes.
growth in the
fund over time.
Benefits of Our Investment Structure
Key Stats
What is the Legacy Society?
Partnering with the SDCF gives
donors the maximum tax benefit.
Our public charity status allows
for tax-free investment income,
so your charitable gifts can make
the largest possible impact.
We are the largest and only statewide
community foundation in South Dakota
with $219 million in total assets. Our
pooled endowment allows us to
access investments at a lower cost,
which leads to higher net returns.
Investment committee members
are experienced business leaders
who meet regularly to guide the
SDCF’s investment strategy.
Our administration fee is an
industry low. Our staff files all
grant, auditing and government
reports. We also provide quarterly
statements to update fund holders.
Complete audited financial statements are available for review.
Please call 800.888.1842.
Join the Legacy Society at the
South Dakota Community Foundation
F I N A N C I A L S | Giving Back Forever
The Legacy Society honors those who have made
arrangements for future, end-of-life gifts to the SDCF.
What types of gifts can I make?
Through a bequest in your will, you can establish a
new fund honoring your family’s legacy or make your
gift to the South Dakota Fund, which awards grants to
charitable and nonprofit causes across South Dakota.
Establishing a charitable gift annuity, a charitable lead
trust or a charitable remainder trust allows you to receive
income for life and provides a future gift to the SDCF.
Not only will you receive a stream of income for life,
but you can also generally bypass capital gains on the
sale of property and receive a charitable deduction.
Land or other property you own that has a very low
cost basis often generates significant capital gains
tax when sold or transferred. Gifting all or a portion
of property to charitable interests through the SDCF
allows you to reduce or effectively eliminate capital
gains and estate tax. A variety of giving options exist,
including retaining a life estate in the property gifted,
allowing the SDCF to sell your property and add the
proceeds to your endowed fund, or choosing to have
the SDCF hold and manage your property and distribute
a portion of the net income annually to charities.
Life insurance policies can be used to make sizable gifts
to benefit your favorite charities. By making the SDCF the
owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, the policy
will be kept out of your estate for tax purposes and you
can receive a current charitable deduction for your gift.
If you have made provisions in your estate plan
to make a gift through the SDCF or would like to
discuss the benefits of making a planned gift, please
let us know by calling 800.888.1842 or visiting
We would like the opportunity to recognize
you today, in appreciation of your gift for
tomorrow. You may also choose to join the
Legacy Society as an anonymous member.
Join the Legacy Society
Karl Adam
David Anderson
Beth Benning
Bruce Brandner
Muffy Christen
Janet B. Cronin
Jeff Erickson
Kathy Gunderson
Charles Hart
Jim Hart
Marilyn Hoyt
Al Kurtenbach
Deanna Lien
Keith Moore
Trudy Morgan
Steve Myers
Anita Nachtigal
Stanley Porch
John Porter
Norbert Sebade
Douglas Sharp
Curt Wischmeier
Stephanie Judson
Clay Cudmore
Ginger Niemann
Kelly Nelson
Chief Financial Officer,
Program Officer
Program Accountant
Jeff Veltkamp
Buddy Seiner
Beth Massa
Director of Development,
Community Development
West River Development
& Program Officer