- Aplisens
- Aplisens
i{ń Fl) Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostraVa-Radvanice EC-Type Examination Ceńificate (1) Equipment or Protective systems lnt€nded for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheaes Directive 94/9/Ec l2') (3) Ec-Type Examination Ceńficate Number rrzU oe ATEX oo20 (4) Equipment ol protective system: Pressur€ Trinśmitter type APC-2000ALwxx, Diff€rentia| Ple§s re Trallsmitt€rs t"Ype APR-2000ALwĄ(x, APR-2200ALwxx, APR-2000GALwĄ(x and APR-2000YALWxx (5) Il4anufacturer] APLISENS s.A. (6) Address: ul. Morelo$a 7,03-192 War§zawaj Poland (7) Ths equpment or protectve §ystem and any of acceptable Variaton therelo is specifed in ihe schedule to this certifcate and the docurnents therein referred to jnstitute, notfied body number 1026 n accordance Wth Ańice 9 of the co|]nci Direclive 94/9/Ec of 23 lvlalch T994 certiies thai this equipment or protective system has been found to comp y With the Essent a Healh and safety Reqlilernents relat]ng to the des 9n ancl construction of equipnrent and protective systerns intended lor use in poientia ly explosive atmospheres g Ven in Annex ltotheDirectVe (8) The Physica Technica Testing The examination and test resu ts are recorded in confidentra Repoń N' 08/0020 datcd 31.m.2008 (9) compliance With Essenta HealthandsafetylequirementshasbeenassuTedbycoanpianceWth: EN 60079-0:2006l E\ 60079-1l | 2007; EN60079-26 | 2004 (10) iihesign,,X is placed aftel the certifcate number t indcatesthathe equipment or proteclive system ]s s!b]ect to special cond tions for safe use specified nthescheduetothisceńifcate. (11) This EC,TYPE EXA|\,1lNATLON cERT]FloATE re ates only to the des gn, examinaiion and testing of the specif ed equ pment or protectVe system n accordance tothe directive 94/9/Ec FUTther requ]rernents of the Directve apply to the manufactuTng process and suppy oi ths equipment or protective system These are not covered by th s certificate, (12) The marking of the equ prnent or protective sysiem sha l jnclude follow ng: ThsEcTypeEXamna,"P,.,::,:,':,,,']," Respons ble person: < ":,:11l;. ;ffi i":sFry&ą,i \ ł Date of issue: 31 o32o0 /)-rr.śKffii%$ I yż Jarosla" .YŁĘ§}p§ Head of ceńification body 'i __,r}i,',]Ł ./ Dipl lng Ś ndIer Nlmber of pagesp Page 1l3 Thiścenifcale is aranied śUbl""''o'n" n"n","'"i#ńon" olthe Plrys calTechn calTeśt n9 lnsl iuie Thrs @riiJcate may only be Ęprcduced n its enIirely and Withó!i any ch.ńge śchedue ncluded l;lilt].Pikartskń7.7]607oslralaRadlanice,Le,1]059ó]]27l5 h\ +]20 59ó 2]2 ó?2, . n]ail l]/tl,liż!,cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostrava-RadVanice Schedule (l3) 1lł; EC-Type Examination Certificate N' FTZÓ 08 ATEx 0020 (15) Description of Equiprnent ol Protective systern The lressure Transmittcr Ęvpe APC-2000ALW/Xx. Diifer9nlial Prcssure Transmitters typc APR 2000ALW/XX. APR 2200ALWXX. APR-2000GALWXX and APR 2000YALWD{X Plęssure TraDsfiittcrs aIe designęd to con,veń pfocess PIessure nreasurements iDto a 4 to 20 mA current signal, Tlrc apparatus comprises sevcral printęd oirc ii boards and an optiooal liquid crystal display all housed in a light alloy elclosrrre, Wllen the optional display is includcd, thc housillg oover contains a g]ass *,indo\ł, Exlernal connections are madc via an integral tcrminal block, Thc tlansmitters are allowcd to bc installed into thc partitioD betwecn tbe haz2rdous arcas of categoly lG and category 2G, IltDul Dftrumeters: Lincat po*,er supply output characteristic: U:28VlIi=0.1 Al P,:0.7 W: C, = 20Ill'l L, = ].l mH.lenperature class l'5 Range olpeflnissible alnbie|t ic1npcmtule: T,, = 40'C to + 70"c |'aIezraI rle, .upol) ^Ulpl|, cllPr.lel|.lic (], = 24 V; I, = 50 mA; Pi = 0,7 W; C, = 20 nF; L, = l. l nH, tempdature class T5 Range oIpemlissible ambiel)l tempelature: T": - 40'C to + 80'C Rectangu]ar power supp]y output chalacteristic: Ui = 2,1 V; Ii :25m.Ą, P, = 0,6 W: C, = 20 nF: L, = ] . ] mH. tenperaturę class 'I5 V, I' 50rlA, P, = 1,2 W; C, = 20 nF| L, = 1.1 mII. temp€raturc class T4 '1'" = -,lo"c 10 + 80'C Range ol'permissible ambienl tempęrature: l]l= 2,t (16) Repoń No : 08/0020 (17) Specia condltions fol safe use: none (18) EssentiaI Health and safety Requirements: Essęntial healtlr and safety rcquircmcDts of Dircctive 94/91EC] are colcrcd bv standards meDtioncd in (9). according which the ploduc1 was Veritled and in manufacturer's inslnlction fbr llse, Reśponslble person Date of P issue 31,03 2008 age 2l3 Th s ceńiiicaie is qranied subjecl io the d€ńial condiiionś ofthe Physicż Technica Teśting nstilule Th s c€r(icate ńay ońly be rcpróduced n its e.iirely ańd without any chang€ schedule ińclded FTZU. P]k.ltskó 7,7ló 07 ośrala Radva|jcc rcl+42059ó232]lj.l'ax+,l2059ó2]2ó72,emai]:tt^,lij'l'ucl Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostrava-RadVanice ( Schedule l:]) (l4) Ec-TYpe Examination Certificate N" FTZÓ 08 ATEX 0020 LIST OF DOCUMENTATtON (]o) Dlle: 1. Tcchnica] documcnlation l2]2007 Drawing§ 12/2001 No,: APC2000-A610-00 (] shccts) APC2000-A6l0-0l (3 Sheets) APC2000-A6l0-02 (l §hccl) APc2000,C6l 1-TA (3 sheets) APC2000-s6l ]-0] (4 §hccts) APC2000-8ól t-0l (] sheets) 12|2001 12/2007 |żi2Oa1 12i2la1 l2]2007 APC2000_B6]2_0l (8 shcct§) 12,200,7 APC2000-B6l4-0l (3 sheels) APC2000-B615-0l (l sbcc0 APC2000-B616-0l (l sheer) APR2000"B6I7-01 (l slrcco l2i200,| APC2000-B623-00 (2 Sheets) APIu000_B624,00 (2 shec!s) APC2000-A6] ]-TA (2 sheets) 12|2a0,7 l2,2007 12i2ao,1 12i2a01 I2i200,7 )żi1001 APR2000-A6l l-TA (2 sheels) ApR2000-A6l2-TA (j shcct' 12i2007 APC2000-A6l2-TA (l Sheet) ,ĄPR2000"A6l1-TA (1 śhc.i) ]2r2007 I2lżOa"] 12/20a7 APR2000-A6l j-TA (2 §heers) l212007 ZA-O]]-04 (l sheei) ]2|2007 l2i200,7 l2]2007 APC2000-Bó]8-TA (2 sheeLs) APR2000,B6l9-TA (] shcct§) APR2000-B620-0l (2 sheers) 12|2a0,1 APR2000-Bó21,01 (2 Slreels) 12Da0,7 12|2a01 APc2000-8ó22-00 (1 ślrcc0 APC2000-C6l2-00 rl Sheer] ZA-053-0l (l Sheet) ZG-002-TA (] A Sheet) ZG-O0ó-TA (lA Gc1-007-TA (3 I?.|2007 12i2ja7 12l20a,7 l2|2lJ07 ]2i2007 sheel) Sheets) l212007 GC3-001_TA (3 sheets) Gc3-003-TA (2 shccś) CC4-00l-TA (j 12l200,7 12|2ao,1 sheers) GC4-005_TA (] sheei§) GR40-00l-TA (2B shccts) GR40-002-TA (] sheeo GR40-00]-TA (LB sheet) ], Analysis ofEN rcquirements No.: AN,APc,]00oALw,Ex,0l Irśnjclion manual No, DTR,APC,APR,ALW.01 Respons b]e person: (t3 pagcs and i*ł@?."\ ] 5 aluexes) 1ż|2001 I2/2001 12/2007 12/2007 12i2Oa1 03/200Il Date of ]ssue 31 03 2008 >,ry-ł? i \\^ż Dlpl ln9, s ndler Jaroslav Head of ceńifcation body This ceńif.ate is olanled subjecl to This ćeńifcate may only be reprodu Page] 3/3 Physical Techn ca Testińg nslilute, oUt any chan9e. s.hedUle incuded. 1,]'lLl,Pikańskń].7]ó07osh,avaRadlnnicc1.1+.l2059ó232]]5.in\+12059ó232672,email:l)7uŹjftżu.cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostraVa-Radvanice (1) Supplement No. 1 to EC-Type Examination Certificate Equipment or Protective systems lntended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/Ec (2) (3) Ec,Type Examination ceńifcale Number FTzu 08 ATEX o02o (4) Equipment or protectjve system: PreśsuleTran§mittel type APc-2000ALwyix, Diller€ntial Pressure Transmitter§ Ępe APR-2o0oALwxx, APR-2200ALWD(X, APR-2o0oGALw/xx (5) A!R-2000YALWDLX Manufacturer: APLISENSs.A- (6) u|. More|owa 7,03_192 warsrłrra, Poland (7)This supplement ofceńifcate is Valid (8) and for: - modlfication ofcertfied apparatus Mod fication of ceńified apparatus (protectjve system) and any of ts approved Var]ants are specifed in documentation, llst ofwhich s mentioned in schedule oł this certif]cate (9) This supp]ement to type examination certif cate is Vald only fol iype e}amination of design and construction of prcduct sample in accoTdance w]th Annex 3 P}raglaph 6) of D rective No gLtgEc D rectVe contains another requ rements, Which manufacturel shallfU fi market or introduce in seNice, (10) Safeiy req!irements of modified pańs Were fL]lfiled by satisfying the following standards EN 60079_0 ;2006; EN60079-11 :200?; DN 60079-26:200.| (11) Marking of equipment shall contain symbo]s: ęIż ll 1/2G Ex (12) This type examinat on certif cate is Va id t l: ia llC T4iT5 31,03.2013 t #\ Responsible person: 10 .2 . ,/t, Dipl lng Ślndler Jaros aV &rp.ti lr'"+ i. E-i"ź NumbĆ of pages: Page: 1/3 Head of ceńification body s This supplementto ceftificate is glanled sub]ectio ihe genera @ndiionsofthePhys].alTe.hncalTestińg nstjlute. This supplement to c€rilicaie may on y be reploduced n its eńl rety and w holt any change, schedu e incuded. FTZÓ, Pikanski 7, 7l6 07 ostrara Redlanice, tcl+420 596 232 7l5,1i rhe before products are p]ace on +420 596 232 6]2. ęrnai]:ftzutaftżu.cż -\ Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostrava-RadVanice Schedule (13) Supp|ement No. 1 to (14) EC-Type Examination Certificate N' FTZÓ 08 ATEX 0020 (15) Description of Equipment or Proteciive system: Variation on€, to permit| Nlrmber of changes conceming both ńe mechanical construction and e]ectronic design as described in updated drawings - see below. None ofthe changes affects intrinsic safety level. Technical pammetels remain unchanged. (16) Repoń No,: 08/0020/] (17) specialconditions for safe u§e: (18) Essential Health and safety Requirements] Covered by standards mentioned in (l0), Responsible person: Date of issue: 10,03,2010 Dip|, lng, sindler Jaroslav Page:2l3 Head of ceńification body ThissLrpplemenltoceńificateisgantedsubjecltoth6geńela]conditonsoithePhysicaTechnicaTesiinglnsiitlte, Thi§ sLrpplement to @ńificaie may onjy be €ploduced FTZU, Pik.JtSkź 7, 7 l 6 07 ostrava in its ent rety and Wiihout any Radveice. tel +420 596 232 7 ] 5. ifi +420 596 chang€ 23 2 672. schedule ncluded, e-ńdil łż[email protected] Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava-Radvanice (t3) Schedule (l4) Supplement No. 1 to EC-Type Examination Certificate N' FTZÓ 08 ATEX 0020 LIST OF DOCI]MENTATION (19) . Documehtalion: Drawings No,: Date: 0l/20l0 APC2000-A6]0-02 (2 sheets) APC2000-A6 0-00 (2 sheets) APC2000-A6] 0-01 (sh§et 3A) APC2000-C61] -01 (sheet 4A) APC2000-B612-01 (sheęts 1A, 3A, 6.Ą, 7A) APC2000-B6l3-01 (sheet 3A) APC2000-B614-01 (sheet 3A) APC2000-B617_01 (sheet lA) APC2000-B627-01 (2 sheets) PC29-B012-01 (l sheet) PC29_B013-0l (1 shget) PC29_B014-0l (1 sheet) APC2000-B624-00 (sheet 1A) APC2000-A6] 1-TA (3 sheets, 1A, 24, 3A) APR2000-A6] 1-TA (3 sheets, 1A, 24, 3A) APR2000-A6I2-TA (3 sheets, 1A, 24, 3A) APR2000-A613_TA (3 sheets) APC2000-A6] 8-TA (3 sheets) APR2000-B6 1 9-TA (4 sheets) APR2000-B620-TA (3 she€ts) APR2000-B62l-TA (3 sheets) GC1-007-TA (3 sheets, 1A,24,3A) GC3-001-TA (3 sheets, 1A,24.3A) 0 01/2010 01/2010 01/2010 01/20 1 0l/20I0 0 t/20l0 01/2010 0912009 0912009 10/2009 10/2009 0,712009 0l l20|0 01/20l0 0] 01/2010 01/2010 01/2010 01/2010 0l/2010 10/2009 (2 sheets, lA,2'Ą) (3 sheets, 1A,2A,3A) GC4-005_TA (3 sheets, lA, 2A, 3'Ą) GR40-00l-TA (2 sheets, 1C,2C) GR40_003-TA (1 sheet, lC) /, /,,tąz-ZLz. 01/2010 0Il20I0 0l/20l0 0l/20l0 1212009 Date of issue: 10 03 2010 <:- Dipl, lng- slndler JaloslaV Head of ceńification body /20l0 01/2010 cc3-003-TA Cc4-001-TA Responsible pelson: ] FTz§ - This suppleme.ilo ceńifcato isgEnted s This supplementlo ceftifcate mayonly be € \E}.l Page: 3/3 ditions of the Phys calTechi calTest no lnsitute and Wthoul any change, sched! e inc 0ded enti€iy FTZU, Pikan§kó 7. 7l6 07 ostrava Radvanice. tel +420 596 232'715, tN +420 596 232 6']2. e-frai| flz|/@n^.cz, Physical Technical Testing lnstitute \Fx/ - ] Ostrava-Radvan ice Supplement No. 2 to EC_Type Examination Ceńificate (1) Equipment or Protective systems lntended fol use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/Ec 12) (3) Ec-Type Exam]nation ceńifcate Number. FTZU 08 ATEX oo2o (4) Equipment or protective system: Pressure Transmitter łpe APc-200oALwDax, Diffelential Pressure Tranśmitt€r§ tvp€ APR-200oALw,D(x, APR-2200ALwi5lx, APR-2000GALw,Ą(x and APR-2000YALwxx (5) Manufacturer APLIsf,Ns (6) Addr_.ss s,A. ul, Nlorelowa 7,03_192 Wtrśzarł,a,PoIAnd (7) This supplement ofceń]ficate is Valid for: , _ - modifcation ofceńifed apparatus modif]caton of apparatus mark ng new mode (Va-ali) - extensol ot selies (8) Mod ficaiion of ceńfied apparatus (protective system) and any of its approved Variant§ are speciiied in docLJmentation, ist ofwhich is rnentioned n schedu|e ofthis ceńiicate, (9) This supplemeni to type examinat]on ceńificate is Valid only for type exam nation oi design and con§trL]ction of product sample in accoTdance With Annex 3 Paragraph 6) of Directive No 94/9/Ec. The Directive contains anoiher requilements which rnanufact!rer shall fulfil before products are place on market or introduce in servce. (10) safety lequirements of modified pańs Were fulfi led by satisfy ng the following standards: EN 60079-0:2009; EN 60079-11:2007i EN 60079_26:2007, EN 612,11_11:2006. EN 50303:2000 (11) Markin9 of equipment shail contain symbo s /.::\ §y @ @ ll 'll2G Ex ia llC T4iT5 Ga/Gb l ll M1 Ex ia l Ma 1 D Ex (12) Th]s type exam]naiion ce.tificate is Val]d ia lllC T105"C Da ti]l] { Responsible pe Dipl, ]ńg śinder 1version with enclosure ss316) Date of issue: 21,07 2011 Jarośń Number of pages: 3 Head of ceńif cation body This slpplementto ceńiicate is granteo suoleci Th is supp emeni io ceńif caie may only be rcpmdu€d Page: 1/3 condjion9 oflhe Physlcż TeChnlca Te9t n9lnsntuF nt €iy and W thod ; ńy cha|ge sched ub ];cluded |TZl], Pikaltskd 7. 7t6 07 ostrala Radvaiice, t.l +.120 59{j 232 ?]5. far +.120 596 23? ó72. e,nail: fiżuadlizu,cż in ts e Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava-Radvanice (l]) Schedule Supplement No. 2 to EC-Type Examination Certificate N" FTZÓ 08 (]4) ATEX 0020 (15) Description of Equipment or Prctective system: variation two, to permit: a) version Ci b) Added c) oftransmittel is added wiń thę revisęd filter PCB and changed values of Li = 0,75 mH, and ambient tempęrature -25"CśTaś55"C, = 30nF, versions of t.ansmittel of Group III and Group I Added new cover velsion With a window made of polycarbonate with increased lightpermeable surface. d) Matę al ofhousing expanded for two light alloys and stainless steel s§316. e) The transmitters with light alloy casing can be used in gas, and combustible dust atmospheres in Group II and III, but only with stainless stęel housing in Group I applications. D Replacęment of electonic components with equivalents, mechanical change§ dę§cribed in updated docurnęntation g) Thę celtified in (10). h) i) apparatus complie§ with requiręments ofupgraded standards listed other changes not affect the intdnsic safety. othęr tęchnical palametęrs remain unchanged. (16) Repoń No,: 08/0020/2 (17) specialconditions for safe Use: (18) Es§ential Health and safety Requirements| covercd by standards mentioned in (10), Responsible person: Date of issue: 21.07,2011 olp'1n/Mak-_ Page:2l3 Head of certiflcation body This supplement to @ń]ncale s gEnted subject lo the genolal cond tions of the Phys @l Techn]@l Tesljng lnstilule, This supplemenl to cen]ncate may ony be reproduced n ils enftety andwilhout any change, schedulg included, FTZU, PikaJtskź 7. 7 l6 07 oshava Radvanic€. tel +420 5 96 23z 715, ts +420 596 232 6'12. e-frai].: ft^@ftzu.cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava-Radvanice Schedule (t3) Supp|ement No. 2 to (l4) EC-Type Examination Certificate No F'TZU 08 ATEX 0020 LIST OF DOCUMENTATION (19) 1. Docu refitalion: DmwingsNo,I Dale: APC2000-A610-00 (sheets 1B, 28) APC2000-A6l0-0l (sheet lA, 2A, 38) APc2000-c611-TA (4 sheets ) APC2000-C671-0] (] sheet) APC2000-C671-02 (i sheet) APC2000-C671-03 (1 sheęt) APC2000-S671-01 (1 sheet ) APC2000-B671-01 (2 sheęts) APC2000_B612-01 (sheet 68) Pc29-B012-02 (1 sheet) APC2000-B624-00 (sheet 1B) APC2000-A611-TA (she€ts 1B, 28, 3B) APR2000-A611-TA (sheets 1B, 28, 38) APR2000-A612-TA (sheets 1B, 3B) APR2000-A613-TA (sheets 1A, 24, 3A) A!C2000-B6l8-TA (sheet 3A) ZA-027-TA (1 sheet) EP-232-01 (1 sheet) APC2000-A671-00 ( 2 sheets) GR40-001-TA (shęet§ 1D, 2D) 03/2011 03/2011 03/2011 03/20l1 03/2011 03l2011 0312011 0ż12011 03/20l1 1212010 03l2011 03l2011 0312011 0312011 0312011 031201,1 03l20I1 021201,I 10/20l0 09/20l0 Suppl€ment ofanalysis of EN requirements No.: U l-AN,APC-2000A]-W,Ex.0] 03/20I). Instruction manual No,: DTR.APC.APR,ALW-o] Responsible perso\ Dipl, lng. Śindler Jaroslav Head of ceńification body pages and 3 annexes) 03l2011 Date of issue: 21,07,2011 Page: 3/3 This supplemeni lo cefincate i§ 9.ańted subjecl io the geneEl conditions of ths Physical Techniel Te§ting lnstilule. This supplementto ceftificate may only be reploduced in i|s enlirctyand wilhouiany chang6, schedule included, FIZU, Pikźrlskó 7, 716 07 osirava Radveice. tel +420 5 96 232 7'l5, fd\ +420 596 232 672, ę-mai].| Rz\[email protected] Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava-Radvan ice Supplement No. 3 to EC-Type Examination Certificate (1) Equipment or Protective systems lntended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/Ec (2) (3) Ec-Type Examinaton ceńificate Number: FTzó 08 ATEX 0o2o (4) Equipment or protective system: Pre§§ure Transmitt€r łpe APc-2000ALWxx, Dillerentirl Pre§§ure Tranśmitt€r§ typ€ APR-2000ALw/xx. APR-2200ALwxx. APR-2000GALWxx and APR-20ooYALwD(x (5) lt/anufacturer APLISEN§ s.A. (6) Address: (7) This supplement of (8) ul. Morelolr a 7,0J-l9ź W!r§zasa. Po|and ceńifcate is Va id for: , prolongation of ceńlficate Validity Modificat]on of ceńifled apparatus (plotective system) and any of its approved variants are specfied in documentation, list of which is mentioned in schedule ofthis ceńificate, (9) Th s supplement to type examlnaton ceńlficate is Valid on y for type examlnation of design and conskuction of product sample ln accordance With Annex 3 Paragraph 6) of DirectVe No, 94/9/Ec, The Directive contains another requirements Which manufacturel shaLl fulfl before products are place on market or introduce n seruice, (10) saiety requirements of rnodified pańs Were fu|filled by satisfy]ng the following standards: EN 60079-0:2009; EN 60079-11:2007; EN 60079-26:2007, EN 61241-11:2006, EN 50303:2000 (11) Marking of equipmentsha]l contain symbos: @ ll 1l2G Ex ia llC T4lT5 Ga/Gb E\ \§y l M1 Ex ia l Ma @ (12) ll '1 D Ex Ths type examjnation ceńificaie is Valid (version with enclosure ss316) ia lllC T105'C til|: Da li. \ 30.0,1.20 Tcs,:.. Responsibeperson, Dipl, lńg, sind er Jaloslai Head of certflcation body b.łą ł.lł&F''{łX"o' 6ffi 7ż Date of issue: 30,qPo12 .\ Number of pages: 2 Page:1l2 Thisslpplemenitocertifcateis9rantedsubjectiothegene.aconditonsolthePhysicaTechnicaTestn9lnśttlte This slpplemenito ceńjficate may on]y be rcprcduced in ts entrely and Wiihoul any change schedue nclud€d, FTZU. Pikaltśkó 7, 716 07 oś.a!a Radlanice. iel+,120 596 2]2 7l5. ia\ +420 59ó 232 612. e-n^i|: frz!@n^.cz ! Physical Technical Testing lnstitute ostrava-Radvanice Schedule (l3) Supplement No. 3 to EC-Type Examination Certificate N" FTZÓ 08 (l4) ATEX 0020 (15) Description of Equipment ol Prctective systemI Va ation three, to permit: Thę validity ofthe certificate is prolonged till 30.01.2017, Tecbnical data ręmain rrnchanged. Thę ceńified apparatus is manufactured according to the the ba§ic cęItificatę, the supplements ('I6) Repoń No,| No. 1 to ve fied documentation shown in No. 2 and in thi§ Supplement. 08/0020/3 (17) special conditions for safe use: (18) Essential Hea|th and safeł ReqUirements: covered by standald§ mentioned in (10). (19) List of Documentation: Responsible person: ffią ź ź-ź--ZZ--_ śHąluB"g "q,B B.§"i Dipl, lng, Śindler Jaroslav Head of ceń]fication body ęW/ łB 1029 ,/. Date of issue: 30.01,2012 page|2t2 This suppementto certili.ate is qranted subjeci to lhe geneEl conditions ofthe Phys]cal Technical T€§ting ln§tilule This suppementio erlili€le may only b€ leploducad n ils enti€ty aid Without any change, schedule included, FTZU,Pikartski?,?1607ostńvaRadvanice,tel+420596232115,laa+4203962326'12,e-n:ft^@&z|..z Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Supplement No. 4 to EC-Type Examination Gertificate (1) Equipment or ProtectiVe Systems lntended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (Directive 94/9/Ec) (2) (3) EC-Type Examination ceńificate Number: FTZU 08 ATEX 0020x (4) Equipment or protective system: Pressure Transmitter type APc_2000ALWxx, Differential Pressure Transmitters type APR-2o00ALWXX, APR-2200ALWXX, APR-2000GALWXX and APR_2000YALWXX (5) Manufacturer: APL|SENS S.A, (6) Address: ul. Morelowa 7,03_192 Warszawa, Poland (7) (8) This supplement of certificate is Valid for: application of new standards - modification of apparatus marking - modificatjon of ceńified apparatus - neW model (Variant)-extension of series _ APc_2000ALWLXX lv]odification of certified apparatus (protective system) and any of its approved Variants are specified in documentation, ]ist of which is mentioned in schedule of this ceńificate. (9) This supplement to type examination ceńificate is VaIid only for type examination of design and construction of product sample in accordance With Annex 3 Paragraph 6) of Directive No, 94/9/EC. The Directive contains another requirements, Which manufacturer §hall fulfil before products are place on market or introduce in service. (10) Safety requirements of modified pańs Were fulfilled by satisfying the following standards: EN 60079-0:2009, EN 60079_11:20,12, EN 60079-26:2007, EN 50303:2000 (11) l\łarking of equ.]pment shall contain symbols: @ I u2G Ex ia llc T4lT5 Ga/Gb @ |l1l2G Ex ia llB T4lT5 @ ll 1D Ex ia lllC €E lM1 ExialMa (12) This type examination ceńificate is Valid person: 4/ z_-<--,/ ,./ b version wlth teflon_shilelded cable With enclosure ss316 \ till: t- Responsible Dipl, Ga/G Date of issueł97.03,2013 " ńg, LUkóś Mańinak , Page: ,1/3 Head of Ceńification Body This supplement to certificate is 9ranted subject to the general conditions of the FTZLJ, s,p, This supplernent to certificate may on]y be reproduced in iis ent]rety and Without any change, schedule included, rtzu, s,p,, Pikańskź 133717,716 07 ostrava-Radvanice, czech Republic, |el +42o 595 223 111 , lax +420 596 232 672, ftzu@ftźu,cż, Www,ftzu.cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Schedule (13) Supplement No. 4 to EC-Type Examination Geńificate No FTZU 08 ATEX 0020X (14) (15) Description of Equipment or Protective System: Added Version of transmitter With revised filter PcB and changed VaIues Ci on the |abel as version 'SC". Added new printed circuit board PCB lntroduces transmitters marked = 2,5nF, Li = ,l8 pH, marked ĄD MPc5-AD-reV4. APc-200oALWLxx With Sensor on the cable. Minor changes with no influnce to intrinsic safety, other technical parameters and construction of apparatus remain unchanged. (16) Repoń No.: 08/0020/4 (17) Special conditions for safe use: 17.1 Version of transmitter with surge arrester marked on plate 'SC, SA", does not meet the requirements of Section 10,3 of the standard EN 60079-11:20,12 (500Vrms). This must be taken into account when installing the equipment, ('l8) Essential Health and safety Requirements: Essential health and safety requirement of Directive 94/9/EC are covered by the standards mentioned in cłause (10) of this supplement according Which the new model Was verified and in the manufacturer,s lnstruction for Using. Responsible person: Dip|, lÓLukóś Date of issue: 07.03.2013 Mańinók Page: 2l3 This supplement to ceńificate _. This supplement to ceńificate may is granted subject to the genera| conditions ofthe FTZU, s.p. only be ńproduced in its entireiy and without any change, schedule included. FTZU, s.p,, Pikańskć 1337/7, 716 07 ostrava-Radvanice, czech Republic, tel +420 595 223 111 , tax +42o 596 232 672, ftzu@ftzu,cz, www,llzlJ.cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Schedule (13) Supplement No. 4 to EC-Type Examination Geńificate No FTZU 08 ATEX 0020X (14) (19) List of Documentation: DocumenuDnWing3: APC2000-A6,10-02 APC2000-A610-00 APc2000-A610-01 APc2000-C61 1_TA APc2000_S6,1 ,l APc2000-S6,1 Type of sheet: 1 1c,2c 1B, 28, ,1A, ,1A, -0,1 4c 1-0,1 APc2000-B621-TA APc2000-861 1-01 APc2000-8612-01 APc2000-8627-01 APc2000-8628_01 48 1A, 2A Ł,U 2A 1,2 1C,2C,3c, 4 1C,2c,3c, 4 APR2000-A612-TA APR2000-A613-TA APc2000-A620-TA 1c, 28, 3C, 4 1B, 28, 38, 4 1,2,3, 4 ZA_033-05 1 ,lA, APC2000_8618-TA APR2000-B619-TA APR2000_8619-TA APR2000-8620-TA APR2000-8620-TA APR2000-8621-TA APc2000-8619-TA APc2000-B630-TA U2-AN.APC-2000ALW. DTR,APC,APR.ALW.03 2A, 38 1A,2^ 3A 1A,2^, 4 3A 1A,2A, 3A 1,2, EX.0,1 3, 1,1.2012 11.2012 11.2012 11.2012 01.2008 11.201? 11.2012 09.2012 11,201? 08.201? of pages: 1 2 J 2 1 2 a 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 J 2 1 o 1 11.2012 11.2012 11.2012 11 o1 Responsible person: a/ 2A, 3A, 4A, 5 1,2 APc2000-A6,1 1_TA APR2000_A61 1-TA /ł,.,4-,,1 3c Date: 11.2012 11.2012 11.2012 11.2012 11.2012 10.2012 11.2012 09,2011 11.2012 01 .2012 1o.2012 11.2012 .2012 .2013 2 62 Date of issue: 07,03.2013 -6 Dipl, lng. Lukóś Mańinók Head of ceńification Body Page: 3/3 This supplement to ceńificate is 9ranted subject to the general conditions of the FTZU, s.p, This supplement to ceńificate may only be reprodUced in its entirety and Without any change, §chedule included, FTZ0, s.p., Pikańskó 133717,716 07 ostava-Radvanice, czech Republic, El +420 595 223 111 , tax +Ą2o 596 232 672, [email protected], www ,flzu.cz Physical Technica! Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Supplement No. 5 to EC-Type Examination Certificate (1) Equipment or Protective Systems lntended for Use in Potentia!ly Explosive Atmospheres (Directive 94/9/EC) (2) (3) EC-Type Examination Ceńificate Number: FTZU 08 ATEX 0020x (4) Equipment or protective system: Pressure Transmitter type APC-2OOOALWXX, Differential Pressure Transmitters type APR-2000ALWXX, APR-2200ALWXX, APR_2000GALWXX and AP R_20OOYALWXX (5) Manufacturer: APL|SENS S.A. (6) Address: uI.Moretowa7,03-192Warszawa,Potand (7) This supplement of certificate is valid for: '. - application of new standards -' inodification of apparatus marking - ńodification of ceńified apparatus ,,. - new,model (variant)-extension of (8) series APR-2000ALWLXX APR-2200ALWLXX Modification of ceńified apparatus (protective system),and any of its approved variants are specified in documentation, list of which is mentioned in schedule of this ceńificate. (9) This supplement to type examination ceńificate is valid only for type examination of design and construction of product sample in accordance with Annex 3 Paragraph 6) of Directive No. 94/9/EC. The Directive contains another requirements, which manufacturer shall fulfil before products are place on market or introduce in service. (10) Safety requirements of modified pańs were fulfilled by satisfying the following standards: EN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-1 1:2012, EN 60079-26:2007, EN 50303:2000 (1 1) Marking of eoujplnent shall contain symbols: (ł) ll 1l2G Ex ia llc T5/T6 Ga/Gb ll 1l2G Ex ia llB T5/T6 Ga/Gb version with teflon:śhilelded cable !M1 Exia!Ma version&uith enclosure ss31 6 Il :. !* &Ł ,"%,- 1D Ex ia lllC T105oC Da ,§ (12) This type examination ceńificate is valid till: 30,01.2017 'l . . .16t, Responsi L "o.1l'_46ąę"' /n ";;"§;- ''f) Date of , O'- OZ,Y,aaŁ, ] Ę,.Ę issue;b.ot t ./ Dipl. lng. Lukóś Mańinók Head of Ceńification Body -ĘE Page:1l4 zo& ł§ This supplement to ceńificate ls granted subject to the general conditions of the FTZU, s.p. This supplement to ceńificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. rtZ0, s,p., Pikańskó 1337t7,716 07 Ostrava-Radvanice, Czech Republic, tel +420 595 223 ,1 1 1, fax +420 596 232 672, ftzu@flzu,cz, www.ftzu.cz ,,ii, \ Physical Technical Testing Institute Ostrava - Radvanice Schedule (13) (14) Supplement No. 5 to EC-Type Examination Ceńificate No FTZU 08 ATEX 0020X (15) Description of Equipment or Protective System: Added versions of transmitter with the revised main PCB MPCS-rev3, with the amended marking and input parameters, Versions of transmitter with PCB MPC5-rev3 replace versions of transmitter with main PCB MPCS-rev1 exceptforversions marked on the plate,,SC", ,,SC, SA" and versions in accordancewith EN 12405-1. These versions of transmitters have the marking and the parameter values as specified in the basic ceńificate and supplements to No. 1, 2, 3, 4. Added a new type of rotary cover of main PCB MPCS-rev3. Added new printed circuit board A / D MPC5-AD-rev5. lntroduced the housing side cover with the glued glass panel. Added new types of pressure and differential pressure sensors. lntroduced minor other changes do not affect the intrinsic safety, Other technical parameters and construction of apparatus remain unchanged, lntrinsicallv safe input power supplv parameters: Linear power supply output characteristic: Ui =30V; li =0,1 A; Pi =0,75W; Ta<+40'C-temperatureclassT6,Taś+BO"c-temperatureclassT5 Range of permissible ambient temperature: Ta = -40'C to +40/80'C Trapezoidal power supply output characteristic: Ui = 24 V; li = 50 mA; Pi = 0,7 Wi temperature class T5 Range of permissible ambient temperature: Ta = -40'C to +80"C Rectang u lar power su pply output characteristic: |Ji=24V, li=25mA,Pi=0,6W; Taś+40"c_temperatureclassT6,Taś+80'c-temperatureclassT5 Range of permissible ambient temperature: Ta = -40'C to +40/80"C Ui = 24 V; li = 50mA, Pi = 1,2 W; temperature class T5 Range of permissible ambient temperature: Ta = -40"C to +70'C lntrinsicallv safe Ci = 2,5 nF; Li = 1B pH, ,q,;-l- i Responsib 5 Date of issue: 27.01.2015 person: e(, ipl. lng. Lukóś Martinók Head of Ceńification Body Page:2lĄ This supplement to certificate is granted subject to the general conditions of the FTZU, s.p. This supplement to ceńificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. FTZU, s.p,, Pikańskó 133717,716 07 Ostrava-Radvanice, Czech Republic, fę| +420 595223 11'1 , fax +420 596 232672,[email protected], www.ftzu,cz Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Schedule (13) Supplement No. 5 to EC-Type Examination Geńificate No FTZU 08 ATEX 0020X (14) (16) Report No,: 08/0020/5 (17) Special conditions for safe use: 17.1 Versions of transmitter with surge arrester marked on plate ,,SC, SA" or "SA", do not rneet the requirements of Section 10.3 of the standard EN 60079-11:2012 (500Vrms). This must be taken into account when installing the equipment. (18) Essential Health and Safety Requirements: Essential health and safety requirements of Directive 94l9lEC are covered by the standards mentioned in clause (10) of this supplement according which the new modelwas verified and in the manufacturer's lnstruction for Using. 'Oźr/ź/a/Dipl. lng. Lukóś Mańinók Head of Certification Body Date of issue: 27.01,2015 Page:3l4 This supplement to ceńificate is granted subject to the general conditions of the FTZU, s.P. This supplement to ceńificate may only be Óproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. s.p., Pikańskó 133717,716 07 ostrava-Radvanice, Czech Republic, +42O 595 223 111, tax +420 596 232 672, [email protected], www,ftzu,cz rtzO, 1ę1 Physical Technical Testing lnstitute Ostrava - Radvanice Schedule (13) Supplement No. 5 to EG_Type Examination Ceńificate No FTZU 08 ATEX 0020X (14) (19) List of Documentation: DocumenUDrawings: APC2000-A610-00 APc2000_A610-01 APc2000_c611-TA APc2000_S602-01 APc2000-s611-01 APc2000_s605-01 APcz000_B621-TA APc2000-8602-01 APc2000_8603-TA APc2000-8605_01 APc2000-A611-TA APR2000-A611-TA APR2000-A612-TA APR2000-A613-TA APc2000-A620-TA APR2000_A620-TA APR2000-A621-TA APc2000-A611-U ZA-033-04 ZA-033-05 APc2000-86lB-TA APc2000-B604_TA APR2000-8619_TA APR2000_8620-TA APR2000-8621-TA APc2000-8619_TA APc2000-8600-TA APR2000-B627-TA APc2000-8606-01 ZA-065-TA ZA-068-TA GR40-002_TA GR40-003_TA AN:APC2000ALW.Ex,02 Type of sheet: 1D,2D,3 1c,2c,3D 1B_4B, 5A 1 1B 1 1A,2A 1-9 Date: 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 02.2013 02.2014 02.2014 02.2014 02.2014 03.2013 1 1,2 1D-3D, 4A, 5 1D-3D, 4A, 5 1D, 2c, 3D, 4A,5-7 1c_3c,4A, 5 1A_4A,5 1-5 1 1 1A 1A 18,28 1,2 18,28 1B-3B, 4A, 5 18,28 1A-3A 1_3 1,2 1 1A 1A 02,2014 02.2014 04.2014 1E,2E 1-17 3 5 1 1 1 2 9 1 02.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 02,2014 04.2014 03.2014 03,2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 03.2014 06,2013 06.2013 1 Nr. of pages: 3 2 5 5 7 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 17 Date of issue: 27.01.2015 Respon PtrffiJt§ iffiel Dipl. lng. Lukóś Mańinók XĘF; _ Page:4l4 Head of Certification Body This supplement to ceńificate is granted subject to the general conditions of the FTZU, s.P. This supplement to ceńificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. rtZU, s.p., Pikańskó 133717,716 07 Ostrava-Radvanice, Czech Republic, tel +420 595 223 1 11, fax +420 596 232 672, [email protected], www.ftzu,cz