
This tour is ideal for spontaneous uncomplicated travelers. You put the program together day by day with below recommendations. If the weather
is nice you go hiking if not you go fishing and so on. Reykjavík is not so far away for a shopping tour or you try to relax. It is all in the open just as
you wish.
By the way nearby are three golf courses and Glanni is supposed to be one of the most beautiful golf courses in Iceland.
DAY 1 Reykjavík – Norðurárdalur
Arrival at the international airport Keflavík. Pick up of
the rented car (we recommend a overnight stay at our
Nordic B&B in Keflavik). If there is time you could visit
the Blue Lagoon or the wonderful swimming pool of
DAY 2 Crater Grábrók
Drive in direction to Reykjavík and from there you follow
the signs Borgarnes/Akureyri. It is your choice to drive
along the Whalefjord or through the tunnel below it.
After reaching Borgarnes you drive in direction to
Akureyri. After about half an hour you will find the
Grábrók Hotel on the left side after the Bifröst
university. You will move into your room for the next
Hike to the two Grábrók craters that belong to the
volcanic system of Ljósufjöll. It reaches from
Berserkjahraun in the North of the Snæfellsnes
peninsula close to Stykkishólmur over the actual
Ljósufjöll and Hnappadalur all the way to the Grábrók
craters. It extends over a distance of 90 km and is one
of the longest in Iceland. The last eruption took place
about thousand years ago at Hnappadalur. The Grábrók
craters are interesting geologically because of the way
the volcanoes have shaped the rock on the ground. The
lava is supposed to be about 3000 years old. The view
from the top over the valley is fantastic.
DAY 3 Hreðavatn
Vatn means lake. It is situated near Grábrók lodge and
well accessible by foot. The surface of the lake is 1.3
km. It is located 56 m above sea level. Its length is
about 5 km and its greatest depth 20. On the east side
of the bank you will find the lava of the Grábrók craters.
There is also heathland and moors to be found and
small birch woods.
Trout fishing is possible. Fishing permits can be
obtained at Hreðavatnsskáli where you are staying.
DAY 4 Glanni, Paradies Oase, Hraunfossar
The river Norðurá has its origin from the highland
Holtavörðuheiði and it runs through the Norðurárdalur
before it reaches Hvitá river. It is one of the best salmon
rivers in Iceland. Easy to reach by foot or car from the
Grábrók lodge is the waterfall Glanni. It is surrounded
by a small wood where mushroom grow just as well as
blueberries. Paradísarlaut, the oasis of paradise lies
hidden in the lava banks of Norðurá close to Glanni. It is
a great place of piece, quietness and serenity.
The Hraunfossar are situated on the other side of the
valley. It is a series of waterfalls formed by rivulets
streaming over a distance of about 700 metres out of
Hallmundarhraun. The waterfalls pour into the Hvitáriver
from ledges of less porous rock in the lava. A small
bridge crosses the river Hvitá. From there the view is
great to the Hraunfossar and Barnafoss.
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
DAY 5 Snæfellsnes peninsula
The Snæfellsnes peninsula is also called „Iceland in
miniature“ because many beautiful sights can be found
in the area. The Eldborg crater came from another of
the many craters of the valley Hnappadalur which are
part of the volcanic system Ljósufjöll. Its last eruption
was about 5000 years ago. It is easiest to approach
Eldborg from the farm Snorrastaðir. It is possible to
walk all the way around the crater as well as up it. Very
special are the white sandy beach in Búðir and the
colourful mountains in the surrounding. The volcano
covered with a glacier, Snæfellsjökull, is an iconic strato
volcano. Its peak reaches 1446 m (4745 ft). Arnarstapi
offers a lot of nice seascape. It has countless basalt
seastacks, arches and deep coves. It is also a popular
nesting site for the arctic tern, the great black backed
gull and the fulmar. Stykkishólmur is the largest town on
the peninsula.
DAY 6 Vatnsnes peninsula
There is a seal museum at Hvammstangi. The Vatnsnes
peninsula is a unique, wild and uninhabited area. The
ringed seal and the common seal can be watched from
Illugastaðir. Ósar is the location of the 15m high
Hvitserkur, a rock formation. It is a striking landmark
just offshore which looks like an elephant or a sea
monster depending on how one looks at it. Drive along
Viðidalur and you will reach the farm Kolugil which
stands beside the river Viðidalsá. Below the farm the
water falls into a deep, rugged gorge called Kolugljúfur.
It cascades over many waterfalls called Kolufossar. The
gorge got its name from the lady troll called Kola. She
was supposed to have dug up the gorge and stayed
DAY 7 Keflavík
Enjoy the last day in Iceland “for the moment.” Sleep
out and then travel back to Keflavík. The Nordic B&B is
waiting for your arrival. There is much to see on the way
DAY 8 Departure
After a good night sleep at the Nordic B&B you will find
the airport in just 5 minutes (by taxi).
More or less time?
This wonderful trip was designed for a week trip. It
can be shortened and most certainly we can add
nights to it. The area you will visit has much more to
see and do if you have the time.
Family special
We also offer summer houses in the west. If you are
travelling with your family this is a wonderful option.
Each summer house has its own hot put where you
can relax your muscles. The kitchenette allows you to
cook your own food and our Restaurant & Bar is just
100 meters away.
Grábrók Crater
B&B Keflavík
7 Nights (2x shared, 5x private
Rental Car
Day Tours, Entrance Fee etc.
1 Week, incl breakfast
from. 470,- €/person
Book before 31.01.2013
10% Discount
October - May
40% Discount
Page 6
Extend your stay in Iceland and visit most of the icelandic pearls.
This wonderful tour is a perfect combination between the West and South of Iceland. The capital area and the Reykjanes peninsula are also part of
this tour. Day one til day 6 are identical to the west tour. Imagine adding the famous golden circle (Geysir & Gullfoss) and all the waterfalls of the
South. On your way to Kirkjubæjarklaustur you will pass both Fimmvörðuháls and Eyjafjallajökull. Both of these volcanoes became famous a few
years ago. The glacier lagoon, the puffins in Vík and the nature park are an absolute must when visiting the south.
DAY 7 Adventure
It’s time for adventure. On this day you can book a
snowmobile tour. Drift over an Icelandic glacier. with the
wind in your hair. Have you ever combined a snow
mobile tour with a quad tours. The possibilities are
almost endless. A Super Jeep tour is also available.
DAY 8 History and Fun
Drive to Borgarnes and visit the Settlement Center to
learn about the saga of the Viking heritage. Don’t forget
to take your bathing suit along as it’s time to go
swimming and relaxing. Borgarnes offers a wonderful
swimming pool and there is also one in Varmaland.
Drive back to Hreðavatnsskáli for a relaxing evening of
playing dart and games.
DAY 9 Travelling day
Today is a “travelling day” to Kirkjubæjarklaustur. You
can travel to Þingvellir in two ways depending whether
you rent a 4x4 or a regular car. The 4x4 route takes you
through the valley “Kaldidalur” or Uxahryggir and the
regular route would be through Mosfellsbær. Þingvellir
is famous for the yearly get together of the norwegian
Vikings. From here you can drive straight to
Kirkjubæjarklaustur or visit the pearls of the South on
your way.
DAY 10 Relaxation
After the long drive yesterday it is okay to relax a little
bit. Visit the village of Kirkjubæjarklaustur and have a
swim. If you are up for a short trip you could visit the
Volcano Museum at Þorvaldseyri and have a look at the
video of the volcanic eruption taken by the farmer
himself. His farm was covered in ash during the
eruption of Eyjafjallajökull. The area around the
Eldhraun B&B is astonishing. A short walk to the lake
will be very relaxing.
DAY 11 National Park Skaftafell
At the reception of the national park you can get a lot of
information about the area. A short walk or a quick hike
to the famous basalt waterfall “Svartifoss” is a “must” in
our opinion. Along the glacier “Vatnajökull” the ever so
beautiful glacial lagoon can be visited. Seals and birds
play around the swimming ice cubes. The water is so
clear that you can see the blue color even in the
swimming cubes. A boat tour perhaps or just a walk
around the area. At the beach you will observe the
melting ice cubes that drift back to the shore in ever so
many shapes. Drift away in your fantasies and see if
you can see characters out of the shapes.
DAY 12 Daytrips from Skaftafell
At Skaftafell you can book a lot of nice tours. One of
them is a Quad Tour. You could also book a bus tour to
the highland. Landmannalaugar has become very
popular. Many hiking trails are available or you could
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
relax in the natural spring before getting back to
DAY 13 Travel to Reykjanes
The drive from Kirkjubæjarklaustur to Keflavík is yet a
again full of natures pearls. Wonderful waterfalls will
appear on the right side of the road all the way to
Hvolsvöllur. Don’t forget to stop in Vik to visit the
famous souvenir shop. Later today you can see the
famous Gullfoss and Geysir “Strokkur”. Then drive to
the new route along the sea directly to Reykjanes.
DAY 14 Good bye Reykjanes
The many lighthouses and the bridge between the
continental plates are on our program today. From
Keflavik you can go whale watching or maybe you are
up for another visit at the blue lagoon.
DAY 15 Departure
After a good night sleep at the Nordic B&B you will find
the airport in just 5 minutes (by taxi).
More or less time?
This tour is the continuation of the West Tour if you
choose to stay longer in Iceland and want to see
another region as well.
Family special
We also offer summer houses in the west. If you are
travelling with your family this is a wonderful option.
Each summer house has an own hot put where you
can relax your muscles. The kitchenette allows you to
cook your own food and our Restaurant & Bar is just
100 meters away.
14 Nights (3x shared, 7x private
facilities, 4x private facilities/shared
Rental Car
Day Tours, Entrance Fee etc.
Book before 31.01.2013
10% Discount
2 weeks, incl. breakfast
from. 910,- €/person
October - May
40% Discount
Page 7
Imagine playing golf at midnight wi! " sun #ill %ining.
Imagine a combination of spectacular landscape, Iceland’s nature, sightseeing and golfing. We operate the Bistro at one of the most beautiful golf
courses in Iceland called Glanni. The golf course is only 1 Km away from our Restaurant & Bar Hreðavatnsskáli and the Grábrók Hotel.
General information
The population of Iceland is 319.756 as of 1st of December 2008, whereas the population of Greater
Reykjavík area is 201.585 or 63 %.
Golf courses
There are 65 golf courses throughout the country
whereas 17 of them are 18 hole golf courses and 50 are
9 hole golf course, all of them are available to visitors.
In Greater Reykjavík area there are 10 golf courses
whereas 5 of them are 18 hole courses and 5 are 9 hole
Golf players
There are 15.000 golfers registered in golf clubs in
Iceland. According to public surveys from Capacent Research about 35.000 individuals play golf every year
or about 10 % of the population in Iceland.
are available at the courses in Greater Reykjavík area
but less common out in the country. At
Meals at the golf courses
Restaurants or cafés are on all the 18 holes golf
courses but to less extent on the 9 holes courses. Restaurants are usually open from 9:00 o´clock in the
morning to 22:00 in the evening except when the golf
course is open for midnight golf, then the restaurant is
usually open longer.
Transportation is very easy in Iceland i.e. flights,
coaches, taxes or private cars as rental cars. All
information about transport is on our website.
Length of the golf season
The golf season in Iceland generally runs from late May
to early September.
Midnight golf
Midnight golf is generally playable between early June
and later part of July.
Handicap according to EGA (European Golf
Association) regulation is required by some of the 18
hole golf courses, usually 36 for men and 36 for ladies. See further information about those requirements on
the individual pages of the golf courses.
Dress code
Dress code on golf courses in Iceland are the same as
all over the world. No jeans and T-shirts without a
collar are allowed.
Booking tee time
Tee time is available with some advance booking at
most of the golf courses. See further information on
the page booking tee time on this website. See also
information about those requirements on the clubs‘
individual pages on this website.
Our Green Fees
In 2010 the green fees in Iceland for 18 hole golf
courses generally
€ 55.- Greater Reykjavik area on weekends and after
14:00. Green fees outside Greater Reykjavík area
ranged from 25.- and 40€ on weekends and after 14:00.
Equipment hire
Golf equipments such as trollies are usually for hire at
the 18 hole golf courses. Golf carts and clubs for hire
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
Self driving
This method is ideal for spontaneous uncomplicated
travellers. You put the program together day by day. If
the weather is nice you go golfing if not you go fishing
or hiking.
Personal driver
If you prefer a pick up at the airport or a shuttle
service from the Hotel to the Golf Course our team is
at your service.
Full service
The best thing about our Golf Tour is the service. You
have a Restaurant & Bar next to the Hotel. The
Restaurant has a small shop offering vegetables and
fresh fruits. Should you prefer to stay at the golf
course all day the Restaurant can prepare a lunch
pack. Our Restaurant also operates a small Bistro at
the Golf Course Glanni. To make a long story short
everything you need is available on the spot.
The West of Iceland is full of surprises. Next to the
Hotel you will find the 3000 year old volcano Grábrók.
The waterfall Glanni is next to the Golf Course and a
bit further down you will find paradísarlaut. Hraun and
Barnafossar, Reykholt, Bifröst, Borgarnes are just
around the corner.
During your Golf Tour you can visit all these
spectacular sites. In addition to our “natures pearls”
there are many activities available. Horseback riding,
fishing, Snowmobile Tours, Quad bike Tours and much
Page 8
Golfing & what we do best
Self driving Tour
This Tour is special. You can go golfing each day and
combine it with activities around our Golf Course. The
below sample shows some possibilities of putting
together a day by day program.
DAY 1 Arrival day
Arrival at the international airport Keflavík. Pick up of
the rented car (we recommend a overnight stay at our
Nordic B&B in Keflavik). If there is time you could visit
the Blue Lagoon or the wonderful swimming pool of
Day 2 Reykjavík – Norðurárdalur
Your rental car takes you to Borgarnes, a small town
located on a peninsula at the shore of Borgarfjörður.
The Hotel Grábrók (ca. 23 km from Borgarnes and 1 km
away from the Golf Course), offers an ideal
accommodation. The Hreðavatnsskáli restaurant and
bar are close by. The team will be at your service during
your whole stay.
Day 3 Nature and History
You explore the region around Borgarnes today.
Hraunfossar is a series of waterfalls formed by rivulets
streaming over a distance of about 900 meters out of
the Hallmundarhraun, a lava field which flowed from an
eruption of one of the volcanoes lying under the glacier
Langjökull. The name hraun comes from the Icelandic
word for lava. The Hraunfossar are situated near
Húsafell and Reykholt. Reykholt is one of Iceland's
most renowned historical sites where some of the finest
works of old Icelandic literature were written.
Day 4 Snæfellsnes
Iceland in miniature is the name for the Snæfellsnes
peninsula. The volcano Snæfellsjökull is with its 1446m
the highest mountain in the area covered with a glacier
at its peak. We drive around the peninsula and look at
the nicest places like Búðir with the very old small
church and the white sandy beach with the impressive
black lava formations. Arnarstapi is a good place for
birdwatching. You will see kittiwakes, fulmar and
razorbills and many others in the area.
Day 5 Baula, Grábrók and Glanni
The Borgarfjörður area will be explored even more
today. The mountain Baula with its reddish or orange
color caused by rhyolite rock composition, is close to
the picturesque craters of Grábrók. Baula is
characterized by its almost perfect cone and by its little
sister nearby, Litla Baula. The Glanni Waterfall is said to
be the dwelling place of elves and trolls. We take a
further walk to Paradise Oase.
DAY 6 Hreðavatn
Vatn means lake. It is situated near Grábrók lodge and
well accessible by foot. The surface of the lake is 1.3
km. It is located 56 m above sea level. Its length is
about 5 km and its greatest depth 20. On the east side
of the bank you will find the lava of the Grábrók craters.
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
There is also heathland and moors to be found and
small birch woods.
Trout fishing is possible. Fishing permits can be
obtained at Hreðavatnsskáli where you are staying.
DAY 7 Vatnsnes peninsula
There is a seal museum at Hvammstangi. The Vatnsnes
peninsula is a unique, wild and uninhabited area. The
ringed seal and the common seal can be watched from
Illugastaðir. Ósar is the location of the 15m high
Hvitserkur, a rock formation. It is a striking landmark
just offshore which looks like an elephant or a sea
monster depending on how one looks at it. Drive along
Viðidalur and you will reach the farm Kolugil which
stands beside the river Viðidalsá. Below the farm the
water falls into a deep, rugged gorge called Kolugljúfur.
It cascades over many waterfalls called Kolufossar. The
gorge got its name from the lady troll called Kola. She
was supposed to have dug up the gorge and stayed
DAY 8 Departure
After a good night sleep at the Grábrók Hotel your
rental car will take you to the international Airport.
First and last day
The first and last day will be planned according to your
flight schedule.
More or less time?
This wonderful trip was designed for a week trip. It
can be shortened and most certainly we can add
nights to it. The area you will visit has much more to
see and do if you have the time.
Family special
We also offer summer houses in the west. If you are
travelling with your family this is a wonderful option.
Each summer house has an own hot put where you
can relax your muscles. The kitchenette allows you to
cook your own food and our Restaurant & Bar is just
100 meters away.
7 Nights (2x shared, 5x private
Golfing at Glanni
Rental Car
Day Tours, Entrance Fee etc.
Book before 31.01.2013
10% Discount
October - May
40% Discount
1 Week, incl breakfast
from. 590,- €/person
Page 9
Meet Sw&s people !at live in Iceland and pa(y wi! us
The Swiss couple operating the famous road house Hreðavatnsskáli prepare Swiss dishes and play Swiss music. The Swiss living in Iceland come
together and talk about the culture and past. A nice opportunity to get to know Iceland from a different angle. Everybody is welcome to get to
know the Restaurant and Swiss culture.
Schweizer Bundesfeier
The date is inspired by the date of the Federal
Charter of 1291, placed in "early August" (primo
incipiente mense Augusto). The document is one
of several dozen pacts attested for the territory
of Switzerland in the period of the mid-13th to
mid-14th century. The foundation of the Old
Swiss Confederacy had been mostly associated
with the Bund of Brunnen of 1315, or with the
Rütlischwur, dated to 1307 by Aegidius Tschudi.
The Federal Charter of 1291 first assumed great
importance in a report by the Federal
Department of Home Affairs of November 21,
1889, suggesting a celebration in Bern in 1891
that would combine the city's 700th anniversary
with the Confederacy's 600th anniversary.
The date of the Federal Charter came to replace
the formerly more prominent, traditional date of
November 8 Rütlischwur, 1307 in popular
consciousness in the 20th century, specifically
after the 650th anniversary celebrations of 1941.
Typical Swiss
1st August is celebrated each year with paper
lantern, hanging strings of Swiss flags and
traditional music. Each year the couple of
Hreðavatnsskáli prepare typical Swiss dishes.
F.e. in 2013 you could order G’hackets und
Hörnli (minced beef and pasta dish) or
Älplermakkaroni (pasta with potato pieces,
bacon and cheese). The traditional carrot cake
from the district of Aargau was chosen as
appreciate all inputs. Do you play a Swiss
instrument? Please bring it along and let’s sing.
Swiss in Iceland
Over 110 Swiss live in Iceland according to
statistics. The Swiss have their own Facebook
page (facebook.com/pages/Schweizer-inIsland). Every now and then they get together.
More or less time?
This special celebration was designed
as a day trip. Add as many nights to it
as you wish and get to know our
region. The area you will visit has
much more to offer if you have the
Accomodation 01-02.08.2014
50% Discount
Single Room
€ 125
Twin Room
€ 140
€ 200
Bus from Reykjavik
For 2014 we will organize a bus leaving from
Reykjavik but flexible enough to pick you up on
the way to Hreðavatnsskáli. After the celebration
the bus takes you back to Reykjavik.
Large Room 6
Stay at Hreðavatnsskáli
On this special day we offer a 50% discount on
all our lodging possibilities. Stay at the Grábrók
hotel or rent a summer house. The camping site
offers both space for tents or motor homes.
Hot Pot one time fee
Join the team
If you want to make a “SWISS” contribution to
this wonderful event please contact us. We
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
Swiss Dish 1800 ISK
Swiss Cake slice 300 ISK
Happy Hour 17:00 - 19:00
Based on request
Page 10
A relaxing Ch)#mas and / or New Years Eve in " c*ntryside of Iceland
Christmas and New Years Eve under dancing Northern Lights
Christmas and New Year’s Eve will have unique allure and Icelandic tradition. Travel to the country of Nonni and Manni
and experience how all Icelanders spend their holidays. The mixture of religious practice and traditional folklore is really
special in Iceland. Children are fortunate enough to have 13 Yule Lads and of course Santa Clause to come and visit
them with gifts. We Icelanders have our own Christmas songs that will fill the Fairytale-made sceneries in the Restaurant.
Enjoy Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays in a relaxing atmosphere at the famous road house Hreðavatnsskála. You
deserve it! If we are in luck the Northern Lights will dance in the skies like a natural firework. The West of Iceland is know
for very intense Northern Lights.
The Swiss-Icelandic owners of Hreðavatnsskáli will prepare specialities every day and invite you to get to know both
them and the life in Iceland. Relax at the estate and enjoy their daily tours. If you would rather stay at the Restaurant
there are many things to do. Play game, sing a song, watch some television or how about baking some cookies?
The day tours take you to the nearby “pearls of nature”, museums and activities. Relax at the swimming pool or enjoy
the pleasure of sitting in a typical Icelandic hot pot disregarding the weather.
Northern lights wake up service
Traditional Kitchen
Day Tours
Christmas Highlights on the 24th and 25th
New Years Eve exclusive gourmet dinner
New Years Eve firework
Restaurant and Bar
Large television with sport channel
Games like dart, Chess, scrabble, etc
Daily Happy Hour
Outside area
Christmas tree
Day Tours
English and German speaking guide
Flexible program according to the weather
Hotel Grábrók
Private facilities
Twin, Triple, Quadruples and 6 bed possible
Summer Houses with private Hot Pot
Free parking
Accommodation and Half Board
Daily rate per person
20.12-30.12; 01.01-04.01
€ 99
€ 199
Day Tour min 4 / max 10 persons (entrance fee not included)
€ 80 per person
Airport Taxi
€ 250 per way
Rental Car
Based on request
0-2 years
Brochure 2013 - 2014 !
free shuttle
pay 6 nights
20.12. - 04.01.
Book 4 nights and more
Book 7 nights
Page 11