August 2015
August 2015
Page 1 of 9 CreatingPermanency,EmpoweringFamilies ZeroKidsWaitingNewsletter,August2015 IN THIS ISSUE... Meet Jaheim MN ADOPT Events Research Opportunity Local Adoption Play Prizes Needed for Circus of the Heart MN ADOPT Trainings FEATUREDWAITINGCHILD Jaheim,13,AthleticandFun 9/30/2015 Page 2 of 9 Jaheim describes himself as "fun, athletic, and nice." Jaheim enjoys playing basketball, football, running track, playing with dogs, and playing video games/playing on his iPhone. Jaheim is in junior high and his favorite subjects are math and gym. Jaheim has dreams of being in the NBA when he grows up. Jaheim states that he would prefer to be parented by a mom and a dad. He is open to having siblings and would love to have a dog. Following adoption, Jaheim will need to maintain contact with birth siblings, all of whom are located in the Twin Cities. View Jaheim's Kid Connection feature on Twin Cities Live FormoreinformationaboutJaheim,pleasecontact: Amy Fogel Adoption Worker and Child Specific Recruiter The Adoption Programs of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota & Children's Home Society of Minnesota Phone: 651.255.2425 9/30/2015 Page 3 of 9 [email protected] Mike Vogel Adoption Resource Worker Hennepin County Phone: 612.596.6542 [email protected]. MNADOPTNEWS AdopteeNightwithTheTwins MNADOPTandtheMinnesotaLynx OnFriday,July31over200people attendedtheMinnesotaTwinsgamefor "AdopteeNightwiththeTwins".Itwasa funnightforfamily,celebrationand connection.Theweatherwasperfectand manyattendeeshadanopportunityto Peas.ThankstotheMixedRoots foundationformakingthisevening possible! MNADOPThasanotherlocalsporting opportunityavailableforfosterand adoptedyouth,withanupcomingMN ADOPTeveningwiththeMinnesotaLynxon Sunday,August30.Inadditiontohaving ticketsavailableforthegame,wewillbe honoringafamilyathalftimeanddebuting ourmostrecentMNADOPTPublicService Announcementfeaturingtwofosteryouth andMayaMooreoftheMinnesotaLynx. MNADOPTCelebratesNew LocationwithOpenHouse A special thanks for everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend our open house on July 20th. It was fun to show off our new office and all the 9/30/2015 Page 4 of 9 exciting things we have planned. We enjoyed connecting with community members, colleagues, professionals, families and people interested in learning more about our work. And the tacos were great!! Our new address is listed below. All phone numbers remain the same. MN ADOPT 777 Raymond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 NEWSANDINFORMATION IncreasedFundingforChildProtective Services CASEAnnouncesNewWebinarSeries AstheStatebeginsanewfiscalyear,more than$23millioninadditionalfundingis beingdirectedtowardimprovingchild protectiveservicesthroughoutthestate. Thegoalofthisfundingistoimprove outcomesforchildrenbyincreasethe numberofworkers,reducingcaseloadsand improvingconsistencyinchildprotection servicesthroughoutthestate. TheCenterforAdoptionSupportand Education(CASE)hasannouncedtheir scheduleforSTRENGTHENINGYOUR FAMILY:anempoweringandinspiring webinarseries.Thisseriesbeginsin Augustwithonewebinarmostmonths throughJuneof2016.CASEdoesagreat jobofferingrelevantandhighquality webinarsataffordablerates. ReadMore Learn More Opportunitytoparticipateinastudyonadoptionandeducational outcomes* If you would like to participate in an adoption-related study, the survey linked below may be of interest to you. The study is being conducted by a social work professor at the University of St. Thomas, and the goal of is to examine the impact of being adopted and finding a permanent home on young people's health and emotional well-being, academic adjustment and performance, and community connections. The survey is geared toward parents of older youth who were in the public child welfare system. Specifically, parents are eligible to participate if they meet the following criteria: • They are an adoptive parent or permanent guardian of an older youth • Their child came to live with you when they were ten years old or older 9/30/2015 Page 5 of 9 • Their child was in public child welfare ("foster care") before they were adopted If interested, The survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the survey they can be directed to Katharine Hill at [email protected] Take Survey *Note-this study is not specifically endorsed by MN ADOPT and we are not participating in the study in any way. We are sharing this link in order to give people the opportunity to decide if they would like to participate. STORIESANDEXPERIENCES LocalArtistPerformsAdoptionPlayatFringeFest Minneostan Leif Walling is performing his one-man play, "Baby Lost; Family Found" during this year's Fringe Festival. This lays explores the journey of Wallin connecting with his birth family. Remaining show times are Aug. 3 at 7pm; Aug. 7 at 10pm and Aug. 8 at 8:30pm. Tickets and Show Times Interview with Wallin TheJourneyofOpenAdoption The brief article linked below from Huffington Post shares an adoptive mother's perspective on her journey in connecting with her children's birth mother and the evolving openness in their relationship. It does a good job highlighting their journey toward openness and the level of respect shown to each other throughout their process. Bound By Children, Two Mothers Navigate Open Adoption Across Racial Lines GETINVOLVED PrizesNeedforCircusoftheHeart 9/30/2015 Page 6 of 9 Anyone who has attended Circus of the Heart knows that the family and teen prizes are a huge hit at the event every year! Contributing to the prizes for the event is a great way to make a difference for families and kids and help make this event truly special. Prizes are often contributed by organizations, business, individuals, and groups of people who want to pool their resources. Below are some ideas of prizes you can contribute. • • • • • • • Gift baskets Gift cards (restaurants, iTunes, entertainment venues, etc.) Sports memorabilia Games Electronics Hotel packages Family outings (movie, golf, waterpark, etc.) To donate a prize, contact Rachel Walstad at [email protected]/612.746.5127 or mail to Rachel's attention to MN ADOPT, 777 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55114. EDUCATIONALOPPORTUNITIES BelowarecurrenteducationalopportunitiesbeingofferedbyMNADOPT throughOctober.TolearnmoreaboutMNADOPTtrainingsortoregisterfora training,pleasevisitthetrainingpageofourwebsite. WEBINAR:HandlingTouchwithTouchyAdoptedTeens PresentedbyTinaFeigal,M.S.,Ed. Wednesday August 19, 2015 (12:00pm - 1:30pm) - Online Some teens are not open to touch, even if you do everything right. With adopted teens, how do you know when to touch and how do you respond when the touch is re-buffed? Join Tina Feigal, Director of Family Engagement and Parent Coach at Anu Family Services, Inc. as she offers suggestions that help teens accept appropriate touch and discover ways to build positive physical relationships. WEBINAR:90-minuteOnlineConsultationonSelf-Injurious BehaviorsAmongAdoptedAdolescents PresentedbyBrendaBenning,MSW,LICSW 9/30/2015 Page 7 of 9 Monday, September 14, 2015 (7:30pm-9:00pm) - Online This 90-minute webinar is available to families who are parenting children with trauma or attachment histories. Brenda Benning, licensed therapist and adoptive parent, will be providing ninety-minutes of live online consultation. Participants are encouraged to bring questions that target the self-injurious behaviors among adopted and foster adolescents. WORKSHOP:Attachment-EmotionalandBehavioralRegulationfor Adopted&FosterAdolescents PresentedbyDr.NancyFoster Thursday, September 17, 2015 (7:30pm-8:30pm) - The Institute for Brain-Behavior Integration at Partners in Healing, Minnetonka Children's sense of self, their "I"dentity, develops in the context of social relationships. Early childhood interactions with primary caregivers have a significant impact on how a child's brain develops. Join Dr. Nancy Foster of the Institute for Brain-Behavior Integration as she discusses how neglect, emotional, physical and sexual abuse leave a lasting impression on children and can impact their ability to self-regulate and empathize. This training will address the neurobiology of the social engagement system and the impact trauma has on a child's ability to learn to relate to others in an empathic manner. WORKSHOPSERIES:ReactiveAttachmentDisorder:HowtoThrive& SurviveBeyondtheDiagnosis(RADLABS) PresentedbyDeenaMcMahon,MSW,LICSW&KristaNelson,LICSW,LMFT 5 Session Series - Wilder Foundation, St. Paul Monday, September 21, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Monday, September 28, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Monday, October 12, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Monday, October 19, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Monday, October 26, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Join Deena McMahon and Krista Nelson during this 5 session LABS Series (Learning Alternative Behavioral Strategies). This training is specifically designed to address the support and education needs of those parenting children with significant impairments and/or trauma issues with an emphasis on good self-care and humor! This training explores the unique experiences going on in your home and implements role play scenarios and class participation. WEBINAR:"What'stheMeaningofThis?"GettingaNewPerspective onYourChild'sBehavior PresentedbyBonnieHarris,M.S.,Ed. Thursday, October 8, 2015 (12:00pm - 1:30pm) - OnlineEver wonder where your child came up with their behavior or those words? Does it seem like nothing you do stops the behavior you hate? Does the behavior exhaust you? If so, then your child is trying to tell you something but does not know how to express themselves outside of their behavior. When children think that you "just don't get it," their behavior often becomes louder and more dramatic for you to pay attention. This workshop will teach you the meaning of Childology and how to shift your perspective and find the words so that you can connect instead of react. You will learn the steps of Connective Communication so your child learns how to use their words instead of reacting dramatically and so peace can be restored in your family. 9/30/2015 Page 8 of 9 WORKSHOPSERIES:BeyondConsequencesTraining&Support PresentedbyBrendaBenning,MSW,LICSW 4 Session Series - Sawmill Inn, Grand Rapids, MN: Friday October 9, 6:30pm-9:30pm; Saturday October 10, 8:30am-3:30pm; Friday October 23, 6:30pm-9:30pm; Saturday October 24, 8:30am-3:30pm Please join adoptive mother and skilled trainer, Brenda Benning, as she offers new perspectives into your child's behaviors, while offering real life techniques that can help regulate these same behaviors. This is a specialized training for families who are or may be parenting children with traumatic histories and/or attachment issues. This 20 hour series follows the model and book by Heather T. Forbes, "Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control." Parents and caregivers will have the opportunity to safely share their own experiences and build a support system with other families who are living with the same unique experiences often found in adoptive, foster, and kinship families. WORKSHOP:HealingTrauma:AGuideforParents PresentedbyChristinaCorwin,LMFT Thursday, October 22, 2015 (7:30pm-8:30pm) - Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN Join Christina Corwin, co-owner of Cedar Valley Center for Child & Family Therapy as she provides participants with information about how trauma impacts a child's development. This training will focus on how parents can understand a child's behaviors as a form of communication and why traditional parenting strategies may not work. This workshop will also provide tools and techniques in handling behaviors through a trauma-informed lens and give participants specific activities to reinforce healthy attachment relationships. Formoreinformationonanyofthesetrainingsortoregister,go here MN ADOPT (formerly know as Minnesota Adoption Resource Network or MARN) was founded in 1980 by a group of adoptive and foster parents. Their mission was focused on advocating for the rights of every child to ensure they find permanent and nurturing families. Today, MN ADOPT continues to fulfil this mission, while also providing ongoing support and education to all Minnesota adoptive families. 9/30/2015 Page 9 of 9 MN ADOPT welcomes inquiries about how to begin and prepare for the adoption process, adoption assistance, expenses and how agencies and counties facilitate adoption of Minnesota Waiting Children. Contact us at 1.866.303.6276 or email us. © 2014 MN ADOPT. All Rights Reserved. Forward this email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | About our service provider. Minnesota Adoption Resource Network | 1221 Nicollet Mall | Suite 501 | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 9/30/2015