EFrom Good to Great - Florida Memorial University


EFrom Good to Great - Florida Memorial University
From Good to Great
Florida Memorial University
President’s Report
able of
Financial Highlights
Board of Trustees
2010 Donor List Contributions
2011 Donor List Contributions
Table of Contents
Credits: Produced by the Office of Public Affairs, Designed by Sonshine Communications, Photographs: Mark Hill Photography, Damien Alexander, Russell Motley, and Sharhonda Ford and the
Student Publications Photography Team
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
(ex·cep·tion·al) n.
It’s the dawn of a new era at Florida Memorial University, and
we have an array of exceptional students, faculty, administration
and services that are second to none.
president’s timeline. It showcases where we’ve been and
where we’re headed as we strategically navigate this exceptional
institution toward its higher purpose and calling in life.
From developing an industry cluster program to establishing
research partnerships with government agencies and much more,
Florida Memorial University is poised and ready to elevate our
institution from “Good” to “Great.”
I invite you - our esteemed colleagues, associates, supporters
and friends - to journey with us on this journey as we soar to
new heights and raise the standard of excellence as we venture
forward and go from good to great!
As the 12th president of this historic and prestigious University,
I am delighted to present the President’s Report for 2009 –
2011. This Report covers parts of my predecessor, the interim
Dr. Henry Lewis III
Florida Memorial University
About Florida Memorial University
Florida Memorial University is a private,
accredited higher learning educational
institution on Miami Gardens, Florida.
Conferring both undergraduate and
graduate degrees, Florida Memorial’s history
and traditions date back to 1879, and it is
the ONLY historically black university in
south Florida.
About this Publication
Offering 41 undergraduate degree programs
and four graduate degree programs, Florida
Memorial is a culturally diverse institution. It is
widely recognized as the birthplace of the Negro
National Anthem, “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,”
and the home of Barrington Irving, Jr., the first
and youngest pilot of African descent to fly solo
around the world.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Elevation From Good to Great is a publication produced
by Florida Memorial University, Office of Institutional
Advancement, Department of Public Affairs and
Communications. The President’s Report provides the
financial overview and highlights for the 2010-2011 fiscal
years. The E-theme is indicative of multiple components
of the President’s 20/20 Vision Plan: exceptional, elevation,
education, enterprise, engagement, efficiency, and excellence.
(el·e·va·tion) n.
1. The height to which something is elevated above a point of reference such as the ground.
2. Loftiness of thought or feeling.
3. The height of a thing above a reference level; altitude.
It is said your attitude, not your aptitude, affects your altitude
in life. At Florida Memorial University (FMU), we believe
the adage is filled with truth. When Dr. Henry Lewis III, the
12th university president, set his sights on moving FMU “from
good to great,” it was clear that nothing less than the stars and
the moon would do for South Florida’s only historically black
President Lewis has remarked on numerous occasions that
his 20/20 Vision Plan encompasses a move that not only will
increase enrollment, but also increase the quality of the students
who enroll at FMU. The plan means that FMU will not simply
be located in Miami Gardens, but, also, will be a partner in and
supporter of Miami Gardens, and surrounding communities.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
His vision is to have a global connection to cities and nations
throughout the world in the form of quality experiences,
community service projects and academic exchanges for FMU
students, faculty and staff. He also sees nothing but blue skies
for Florida Memorial’s future as he fully embraces and executes
the bold vision that he has put forth.
Without a doubt, FMU has a new attitude. President Lewis has
conceived it -- and Florida Memorial University believes that it
can achieve it.
Yes, we believe we can soar. . . to even greater heights: From
Good to Great.
(ed·u·ca·tion) n.
1. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, esp. at a school or university.
2. The theory and practice of teaching.
A very wise man, Benjamin Elijah Mays – educator, scholar,
minister, social activist, president emeritus of Morehouse College
and mentor to the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – once
said: “It isn’t a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace
to have no stars to reach for.’’
At Florida Memorial University, it is all about the bright stars in
the classroom, on the faculty and staff, academic competitions as
we endeavor to guide those who are in intellectual darkness and
bring them into intellectual light. President Lewis believes that
every young person should have an opportunity to earn a higher
education, which can help to improve that young person’s life,
his family’s life and the quality of life in his or her community.
A rigorous education, with opportunities for nurturing and
partnerships with the university’s corporate sponsors and
community leaders is at the top of the president’s list. Quality,
not quantity is a part of his vision.
The institution is a private, undergraduate and graduate
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
degree-granting institution located in Miami Gardens, Florida.
Its history and traditions date back to 1879. This legacy of
determination and accomplishment has made it one of Florida’s
longest surviving centers of academic excellence. Offering over
40 undergraduate degree programs and four graduate degree
programs, Florida Memorial is a culturally diverse institution
that is committed to transforming lives and helping to create
a future for people from many races, ethnicities, countries,
religions and socio-economic backgrounds. The university offers
its students a promise and a future, and has opened doors to
educational opportunities that may have been previously closed
for many students.
More than 80 percent of the FMU faculty and staff hold
doctorates and terminal degrees.
More than 30 percent of our students are on either the honor
roll or dean’s list.
(en·ter·prise) n.
1. An undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk.
2. A business organization.
3. Willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative.
At first glance, it may not be recognizable that Florida Memorial
University is a major contributor to South Florida’s economic
imprint. The institution, however, is one of the regions’ largest
purchasers of goods and services and employs nearly 300
residents from the tri-county area. All told, FMU has an impact
on the local economy of approximately $100 million.
Our employees and students live and invest in South Florida.
Nearly 70 percent of FMU students reside in Miami-Dade,
Broward and Palm Beach counties. Moreover, the majority of
our graduates remain in South Florida after completing their
studies, further contributing to the local tax base and workforce.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
The university offers high quality venue, procurement, vending
and rental space opportunities for community organizations and
businesses. These developments helped the Lewis Administration
deliver an impressive, robust suite of services including brand
new netbooks for all students, a newly renovated FMU
Bookstore operated by Barnes and Nobles Booksellers; FMUbranded student debit cards, at no additional cost to students.
Our procurement and capital-improvement activities continually
stimulate the local economy. With a cooperative spirit and a
willing heart, Florida Memorial will enthusiastically continue to
“plant trees under whose shade we many never sit.”
(en·gage·ment) n.
1. a formal arrangement to meet someone or to do something, especially as part of your public duties
2. an arrangement to employ someone or to use their services
3. the action of parts of a machine when they connect with each other
4. the feeling of being involved in a particular activity
Florida Memorial is committed to contributing a lasting
impact that transcends bricks and mortar. The institution is
a cultural powerhouse that hosts stellar events catered to the
cultural, intellectual and spiritual development of the university
and greater communities. President Lewis’ newly christened
“communiversity” philosophy promotes the idea of tearing
down the figurative walls of the institution and engaging the
community to collaboratively create a meaningful life enriching
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Among other events, FMU hosted or produced a public
reception and student close-up with the Honorable Ebrahim
Rasool, the Republic of South Africa’s Ambassador to the United
States; the 2012 Inauguration and Investiture of Dr. Henry
Lewis III; and the Royal Coronation of Mr. DeSean Peterson
and Miss Nathalia Theogene as Mr. & Miss FMU for the 201112 academic year.
(ef·fi·cien·cy) n.
1. the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance.
2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.
3. the ratio of the work done or energy developed by a machine, engine, etc., to the energy supplied to it, usually expressed
as a percentage.
Just getting the job done is never enough. At Florida Memorial,
the goal is to get the job done exceptionally well.
State-of-the-art technology, accurate financial statements,
up-to-date equipment, clear vision and good leadership all
play a significant role in the university’s efficiency. Overall,
the university’s financial standing is sound. Two consecutive
external audits for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 audits resulted
in unqualified opinions, with no findings and zero audit
adjustments. Moreover, the number of hours spent by external
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
auditors decreased from Fiscal Year 2009 to Fiscal Year 2010
from 1,300 to 883 hours, which directly yielded a major
decrease in audit fees – generating a net savings of more than
$70,000 -- over two years. For 2009-2010, all internal audit
findings related to the Controller’s Office have been cleared.
As of June 30, 2011, the university had a robust surplus of $3.2
million. A new campus Chiller System has been constructed that
will save the university $300,000 annually.
(ex·cel·lence) n.
1. The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority.
2. Something in which one excels.
3. Excellency.
“We are pursuing exceptional excellence, every time in everything we do. E to the third (E3) power,
this is our modus operandi. This is our truth. This is Florida Memorial University!”
-Dr. Henry Lewis III
Without a doubt, this has been the season that captures Florida Memorial soaring to new heights of excellence -- as it endeavors to
showcase its best and brightest students, faculty, staff, practices and activities. The university has dared to be great, a goal that extends
beyond the classroom and is already resulting in superior efforts and performances in such areas as athletics, international relations and
public relations.
In the end, excellence is definitely not a destination, it is a journey. The new Lewis Administration has made it clear: The time is now for
Florida Memorial University to accelerate the move toward our destiny, from Good to Great.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
FMU Goes Back to
the Future
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
The FMU family travelled more than 300 miles back to
our former hometown of St. Augustine to dedicate the
school’s historic A. L. Lewis Archway Plaza. Held July
14, 2011, in St. Augustine’s Collier-Blocker-Puryear
Park, the event attracted more than 100 community and
university supporters from across Florida. The recently
restored A. L. Lewis Archway, named for the state’s first
black millionaire and university donor, served as the
school’s former entrance. It will now be the centerpiece as
FMU redevelops grounds surrounding the archway. Racial
tension caused FMU to leave the city in 1968. Now, the
FMU-owned 300-acre former campus is one of the largest
institutionally-owned parcels of land in St. John’s County.
Cash Equivalents
Investments including Endowments
Other Assets
Land, Buildings and Equipment (Net of Accumulated Depreciation)
Service & Operating Expense-Related
Bonds and Notes Payable
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
(Amounts in millions of dollars)
(Amounts are expressed in millions of dollars) This data was taken from annual audited financial
statements prepared by Deloitte &Touche, L.L.P. (Amounts are expressed in millions of dollars) This
data was taken from annual audited financial statements prepared by Deloitte &Touche, L.L.P.
• This data has been extracted from annual audited financial statements as reported by Deloitte & Touche, LLP (Amounts in millions of dollars)
• This data has been extracted from annual audited financial statements as reported by Deloitte & Touche, LLP
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Henry Lewis III, Pharm.D.
The 12th President
Makola M. Abdullah, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Harold R. Clarke, Jr. Ph.D.
Vice President for
Danneal L. Jones, M.S.
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Mary A. O’Banner, Ph.D.
Chief of Staff
Tony R. Valentine, M.BM.
Vice President for
Business & Fiscal Affairs
Adriene B. Wright, Ph.D.
Vice President for
Institutional Advancement
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
From Good to Great
Mr. Charles W. George
oard of
Mr. John W. Ruffin, Jr.
Vice Chairman
Chairman & CEO
J.D. Ruffin & Associates, Inc.
Rev. Dr. Henry T. Rhim
Pastor, St. Joseph
Missionary Baptist Church
Min. Horace C. Hord, Jr.
Sr.Vice President
ICABA Media Holdings, LLC.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Rev. Bartholomew
Banks, Sr.
President, Progressive
M&E Baptist Convention
of Florida, Inc.
Pastor, St. John Progressive
M.B. Church, Tampa, FL
Bishop Billy Baskin
New Way Fellowship
Praise & Worship Center
Miami Gardens, FL
Gershwin T. Blyden,
M.D., Ph.D., FCE,
Private Practitioner
Miami Shores, FL
Dr. Gwendolyn V. Boyd
Professor of Criminal
Justice Broward College
Rev. Dr. Kelly E. Brown,
Jr. Pastor, 3rd Vice-President
of the Progressive M&E
State Baptist Convention
of Florida, Moderator of
the East Florida & Bethany
Baptist Association
Jacksonville, FL
Rev. Dr. Mack King
Pastor Emeritus
New Mt. Olive
Missionary Baptist
Mrs. Patricia Carter
Women’s Auxiliary
Florida General Baptist
Convention, Inc.
Mr. Julian Coakley
Florida Memorial
University Student
Government Association
Mr. Kareem Coney
Florida Memorial
University National
Alumni Association
Bishop Victor T.
Pastor, New Birth
Baptist Church
Miami, FL
Rev. Dr. Marcus D.
Davidson, Sr.
Pastor, New Mount
Olive Baptist Church
Designee for National
Baptist Convention
Ms. Lynn Fenster
Community Activist
Mr. Marc T. Henderson
Media Relations Manager,
Metro-Dade Aviation
Ms. JoLinda L.
Herring, Esq.
Bryant Miller Olive
Miami, FL
Rev. Dr. R.B. Holmes, Jr.
Bethel Missionary
Baptist Church
Tallahassee, FL
Mr. Frederick (Fred)
Ms. Sharon
Senior Vice President Enterprise Communications
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Ms. Roberta R. Kressel
Sr. Vice President
Human Resources Team
Leader TD Bank
Coral Gables, FL
Pastor Wayne B. Lomax
The Fountain of
New Life
Miami Gardens, FL
Rev. Dr. James B. Sampson Mr. E. Ray Smith
President, Florida General
Compliance Supervisor
Baptist Convention
United Parcel Services
Pastor, First New Zion
Missionary B.C.
Jacksonville, FL
Mr. Michael B. Smith
Miami Skyline
Consulting Company
Coconut Grove, FL
Rev. Stephen John
President, National Baptist
Convention of America
Pastor, New Covenant
Missionary B.C.
Chicago, IL
Mr. Raul Valdes-Fauli,
Managing Partner
Fowler Rodriguez
Coral Gables, FL
Ms. Sharon Wilson,
Sharon Wilson & Co.
Nassau, Bahamas
Mrs. Barbara Wright
President, Women’s
Auxiliary Progressive
M&E Baptist
Convention of Florida,
Dr. Richard Yaklich
Faculty Senate
Florida Memorial
Mr. Garth C. Reeves, Sr.
Publisher Emeritus
The Miami Times
Mr. I.W. Williams, Esq.
St. Petersburg, FL
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
onor LIST
Founder’s Circle
($100,000 - $999,999)
Leadership Circle
($1000 - $4,999)
United Negro College Fund Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Florida
New Birth Baptist Church of North Miami
State Farm Companies Foundation
Albert Smith
Black History Educational Network
American Airlines, Inc.
Cisco Systems
JM Family Enterprise Inc.
Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates
Stephen H. Greenberg & Associates
Brenda Jackson
Nike Inc. and Affiliates
Charles George
Mary Williams
Albert Leroy Brown Foundation Inc.
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Tampa
Bank of America
Bank United
Baptist Health South Florida
Bethel Baptist Institutional Baptist Church
Arch Club ($25,000 - $99,999)
The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc.
Darden Restaurants Foundation
Have It Your Way Foundation
Orange Bowl Committee, Inc.
Daniel McNeill
Aramark Management Services
Auto Nation
AT & T Foundation
Geico Direct
Paul Bateman Foundation
St. Matthew Baptist Church
Allied Barton Security Services
Ryder Charitable Foundation, Inc.
City of Miami Garden
Coleman Technologies, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Josiephine Threatt Scholarship Fund
Miami Chapter Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.
Northern Trust, NA
Ocean Bank
Paradies Broward
The Links Incorporated Fort Lauderdale Chapter
UPS Foundation
Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza & Guedes
Frederick Jackson
Michael Smith
IBM Corporation
Anthony Borel
Wayne Lomax
Becker & Poliakoff P.A.
Tammi Henry
Jolinda Herring
St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church of Jacks
Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church Of Miami
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation
Airstron, Inc.
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Orange & Blue Club
($500 - $999)
Mildred Berry
Nyarko Architectural Group Inc.
Estelle Taylor
St. Gabriel Episcopal Church
The Tom Joyner Foundation Inc.
NBCA, Inc. Education Board
Jay Hale
Larechia Bell
The Weinbach Group Inc.
Ascension Peace Presbyterian Church Inc.
Black PR Wire, Inc.
L.A.B. Production, Inc.
National Black Caucus of State Legislators
St. John First Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.
St. John Progressive Missionary Baptist Church
St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church of Miami
Alphonso Sutton
Andel Mickins
Benjamin Hazelton
Edward Robinson
Herbert Nixon
Johnny Campbell
Joseph Pete
Larry A. & Cheryl J. Smith
Maurice Blumenthal
Thelma Troy
William Lehman
William White
Orange & Blue Club
($0 - $499)
Valdosta Lowndes County Chapter
Dayspring Baptist Church
Eta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
Houston Independent School
Jacksonville Port Authority
Barbara Singleton
Mt. Sinai Women’s Convention
Hopewell Baptist Church of Lowell
Faith Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
Dawn Batson
Public Relations Society of America Scholarship
Langston Coleman
Corey Wilson
AA Acquisitions LLC
KOPF Equipment, LLC
Memorial Heathcare System
South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The Family Christian Association of America
Harriet Silverglate
Richard Strachan
Willie Kemp
Crossing Jordan Baptist Church
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Travelers Rest Baptist Church
Caretha Everett
Freddie Patterson
Herman White
Moses Alade
Sylvester Harris
Willie Mae Patterson
Eugenia Russell
Priscilla Dobbs
Rosemary Stiffin
Gladys Gonzalez
Memorial Temple Baptist Church
Charles McCoy
Denise Brathwaite
Edith Hays
Ida Shellman-Harris
Janett McKenzie
Judith Franklin
Laban Conner
Mary Variance
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Alphonso Brewster
Bernice Smith
Brian Phillip
Franklin Coronado
Gwendolyn Howard
Harold Clarke
Keith Allen
Michael Hudson
Rachel Turner
Susie Robinson
First Baptist Church of Oakland
Charles Mobley
Joe Reddick
L. Blatche Brooks
Broward Black Elected Officials, Inc.
C & M Systems, Inc.
Florida Council of Deliberation
Global Impact
The Graham Foundation
Glennette Turner
Henry Rhim
Ivan George
Maurice Forbes
Nelson Hall
Paul Joseph
Theatrice Patterson
Lewis Brunner
Nikita Lawrence
Shelia Powell-Cohen
Syerenees Baker
First Baptist Church of Greater Miami
Dinah Stephenson
Falcon Music Society, Inc.
Miami-Dade County Norland Middle Community
Harold Hankerson
Lucille Stirrup
J. D. Ruffin Associates, Inc.
Debra Schultz
Dolores Washington
Geneva Woodard
Herman Dorsett
Lisa McGill
Marsha Mallett
Mary Raines
Millicent Wanzo
Robert Perkins
Shirley Archie
Thamiah Tutt
William Atkins
Sastrose Events Planning
Jesse Martin
W. M. Weathers
Alpha Blinds Inc.
Brames Realty Ventures LLC
In The Word Ministry
New Way Fellowship Baptist Church
Stanley Tate
Adela Fontana
Ayivi Huisso
Barbara Freeman
Beatrice Boston
Betty White
Bragg Turner
Carol Mitchell-James
Dirk Williams
E. Randy Dupree
Edith Dixon
Evelyn Bethune
Jacqueline Johnson
James Thompson
Johnny Johnson
Lavert Combs
Llewellyn Montrichard
Lloyd Lagrange
Loomus Rollins
Lorene Broxton
Lorene Melvin
Malcolm Roberts
Mary Lamb
Michele Raymond
Naomi Bentley
Naomi Evans
Nathaniel Washington
Patricia Carter
R. Thompson
Rafael Crespo
Rosetta Vickers
Ruby Williams
Sam Love
Sara Cason
Stephen Burt
Vincent (Vince) Jackson
Virginia Morse
Walter Richardson
William Lyons
Willie Epps
D. Moss & Associates, LLC
Abbas Zadegan
Abbass Entessari
Barbara Edwards
Calvin Thomas
Carrol Christian
Debra Perkins
Denise Callwood-Brathwaite
Edward Williams
Henry Cliff
John Williams
Keshia Abraham
Lelia Allen-Efford
M. Koyame
Olivia Jackson
Priye Torulagha
Randy James
Rosalind Castle
Sumner Hutcheson
Tamar Riley
Thelma Lawton
William Jong-Ebot
William Perry
Kara Thompson
Vedra’s Apartments
Bonnie Sims
Ellise Cox
Rudolph Daniels
Willie L. Cunigan
Gloria Scull
Auntie Trish’s Gift Shop
C. Brian Hart Insurance Corp.
D. Abeckjerr, D.C. P.A.
Vebann, Inc.
Alexander Lawrence
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Frances Addison
Franciel Tooks
Frankie Harrell
George Brown
Gwendolyn Johnson
Jeffrey Ingraham
Jere Spearman
Jessie Newman
Joe Holley
Johnitha Simmons
Judy Harris
Jullian Mitchell
Latrone Bailey
Leofric Thomas
Leola Brooks
Leon Toussaint
Leona Sumpter
Libby Bryant
Louise Washington
Lucy Osemota
Margaret Mathis
Maude Storr
Nadine Goff
Octavia Cohen
Pearlia Derrick
Pericles Strickland
R. Braithwaite
Refroe Long
Regine Beauboeuf
Reylius Thompson
Rhonda Turner
Robert Johnson
Rodney Sobelson
Rose Whearry
Sammie Stewart
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Sandra James
Seretha Robinson
Sharon Miller
Sharon Wharwood
Sherry Smith-Thomas
Shirley Watson
Stephen Satterfield
Sylvester Smith
Thomas Wright
Virginia Willis
Walter Robinson
William Cotton
William Jones
William Bass
Wendy Banks
Jason Gibson
Mercy Rivas
Ana Guthrie
D. Davis
Evelyn Ates
Josephine Anderson
Luther Johnson
Minnie Dorsett
Naomi Stewart
Ossie Banks
Willie Sims
Earnestine Kittler
Alicia McGee
Blondell Wilcher
Carmen Esteva
Charlene Ratcliffe
Cornelius Smith
Denise Brown
Erma Bell
Essie Wilson
Hayden Davis
Jordan Fickess
Lillian Cason
Mary McClatcher
Nelda Nunez-Cortes
Rosalind Smith
Samuel Davis
Sandra Pelham
Sherrye Troy
Theodore Desravines
Waulene Eleby
Zelma Jenkins
Zina Jones
The 91st Street Crew
Alheia Edmonson
Clifford Johnson
Curtis Bradshaw
Dana Seymour-Sheffield
Desmond King
Hulbert James
Mary Mulligan
Nerissa Lewis
Rosemary Brathwaite
Thelma Mosley
Frances Ba
June Boehm
Fred Charles
Marie Ramdhan
Shamona McFadden
Willie Hines
Alice Branch
Althea Duren
Annette Brantley
Annie Thomas
Audrey Josy
Barbara Burt
Barbara Fletcher
Benjamin Addison
Bennie White
Bernice Chestang
Betty Johnson
Beverly Oglesby
Bill Kraynek
C. Geneva Price
Caletha Sheffield
Carolyn Mosley
Carolyn Townsend
Catherine Morrison
Charles Collier
Clarence Lawrence
Clevin Weekes
Cynthia Moore
Deborah Sneed
Denise Moore
Donnie Roulhac
Dorothy Moore
Earnestine Black
Eddie Brown
Elaine McGahee (Smith)
Estelle Chapman
Ethel Johnson
Eugene Anderson
Fannie Thomas
Fay Wilson
Florence Edgecombe
onor LIST
Founder’s Circle
($100,000 - $999,999)
United Negro College Fund Inc.
Arch Club
($25,000 - $99,999)
Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates
The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc.
Lion’s Club
($5,000 - $24,999)
Buehler Aviation Research Foundation
Burger King Corporation
Darden Restaurants Foundation
Scholarship America
Educational Training Voucher Program
Geico Direct
D. Stephenson Construction, Inc.
Aramark Management Services
Daniel McNeill
DC College Success Foundation
New Mount Olive Baptist Church
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle
AT & T - Florida
Stephen H. Greenberg & Associates
The Central Bank of Bahamas
Estelle Taylor
Florida International University
National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Florida
Allied Barton Security Services
Black History Committee of Orange County, Inc.
Gasper & Irene Lazzara Charitable Foundation
Ryder Charitable Foundation Inc.
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Leadership Circle
($1000 - $4,999)
Albert Smith
District Of Columbia
St. Matthew Baptist Church
The Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
UPS Foundation
New Birth Baptist Church of North Miami
St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church of Jacksonville
Northern Trust Bank, NA
Albert Leroy Brown Foundation Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation
Brenda Jackson
Jolinda Herring
Urban Youth Impact, Inc.
Mercy First
Baptist Health South Florida
Bayview Foundation, Inc.
Bethesda Baptist Church of New Rochelle
Bethlehem Baptist Church of Sarasota
Florida Power Light
Magnet Educational Choice Association
McKinley Financial Service Inc.
Paradies Broward
Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza & Guedes
Michael Smith
Raul Valdes-Fauli
Wells Fargo
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Glennette Turner
Ivan George
Sollie Mitchell
Thelma Troy
Orange & Blue Club
($500 - $999)
Grace Baptist Church
St. Luke Baptist Church
United States Treasury
John Collins
FMU Student Government Association
Lakeland Choral Society Inc.
The Family Christian Association of America
Ella Ravnell
James & Mary Singleton
Pleasant View Baptist Church, Inc.
Dade Community Foundation
Harold Clarke
Ascension Peace Presbyterian Church Inc.
Paul Joseph
ACT Horatio Alger Associates Scholarship
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Carol City
Beta Tau Zeta Royal Association, Inc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County
Community Action Agency Foundation
Dayspring Baptist Church, Inc.
Gary Insurance Agency & Associates Inc.
Greater Hopewell Baptist Church
Orion Jet Center
Southwest Direct, Inc.
Charles George
Edward Williams
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Elbert Smith
Maurice Blumenthal
Naritha Thompson
Talmadge Fair
Theatrice Patterson
($1 - $499)
Beta Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha
Charles Mobley
Gershwin Blyden
Terrance & Ann Marie Griffith
United Way of Miami Dade
Mount Olive Baptist Church
Mt. Tabor A.M.E. Church
Laban Conner
Joe Reddick
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Hopewell Baptist Church of Lowell
City of Miami Gardens
Conference of Minority Transportation Official
Educational Leadership Training Inc.
Eta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
Faith Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
Herrington Bradley Construction, Inc.
Juliana Enterprises Inc.
Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Public Relations Society of America Scholarship
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church of Homestead
Bragg Turner
Pamela Burns
Sybel Lee
93rd Street Community Missionary Baptist Church
Crossing Jordan Baptist Church
Westchester Golf Association Caddie Scholarship
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Tampa
Airport Minority Advisory Council
City of South Miami
Florida Fund For Minority Teachers, Inc.
Joan Koo Lee Sole Prop
Josiephine Threatt Scholarship Fund
Philadelphia Education Fund
Mary Williams
Vincent (Vince) Jackson
Royal Poinciana Chapel, Inc.
Becker & Poliakoff P.A.
Nyarko Architectural Group Inc.
Frederick Jackson
Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Lynn Fenster
Clarence Lawrence
Syerenees Baker
St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church of Miami
Linda Williams-Scott
Alpha Eta Rho
Auto Nation
Center For Scholarship Administration, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Joe Lee Scholarship Foundation Inc.
Oasis Temple # 18
Orlando Community & Youth Trust Inc.
The Graham Foundation
The Links Incorporated Fort Lauderdale Chapter
Twinestones, LLC
Walker Memorial Baptist Church, Inc.
Art Patterson
Greater Caribbean American Cultural Coalition
Lindsey Hopkins Education Center
Jacqueline Johnson
Margaret Porter-Hall
Leona Burns
West Chester Bethel AME Church
The Tom Joyner Foundation Inc.
Emma Effend
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Gamma Rho Omega
Alpha Kappa Alpha Demic Foundation, Inc.
Florida Memorial University Alumni Orlando Chapter
Greater Mount Zion African Methodist
Memorial Temple Baptist Church
Barbara Edwards
Betty Howard
Chester Gant
Eddie Smith
Elnora Williams
Freddie Patterson
Gladys Weekes
James Mitchell
Johnny Campbell
Lewis Brunner
Malcolm Roberts
Mary Variance
Moses Alade
Rockline Rock-Mickins
Willie Mae Patterson
The Florida General Baptist Convention
Annamaria Jerome
First Bethlehem Women’s Convention
NBC Universal Media, LLC
Bernice Smith
Beth Williams
Gwendolyn Howard
Joan Gitelis
Mary Raines
Mildred Berry
Robert Clarke
Yvokia Davidson
Miami Vikings Band Parents Association
Lucille Stirrup
Paul Wiggins
Gloria Oswald
Talithia Carter
Jesse Martin
W. M. Weathers
Carolyn Brown
Able Business Service Inc.
D. Moss & Associates, LLC
MCO Construction & Service Inc.
W. Family Enterprises, Inc.
Yarling Music, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Alena Watson
Alphonso Burnside
Ben Wongsaroj
Benjamin Addison
Bernard McGriff
Bertha Milton
Beverly Braxton
Carlos Canas
Charles Martin
Dwanyetta White
Evelyn Mosley
Hettie Burroughs
Ida Shellman-Harris
Inanthia Woolfork
J.B. Derrick
James Colbert
James Fillmore
Janett Greene
Janett McKenzie
Josephine Harrison
Josephine Howard
Katie Cozart
Keith Baker
Larry Mills
Leatrice Damus
Lizzie Jenkins
Loomus Rollins
Louise Washington
Margaret Larose-Pierre
Marva Belser
Mary Lamb
Mary Seals
Maude Storr
Naomi Evans
Patricia Mickens
R. Frazier
Refroe Long
Richard Cook
Roberta Kressel
Sammie Stewart
Velma Arnold
Versie Turner
Virginia Hansberry-Moore
William Berry
Zoya Phillips
Ada Stevens
Channapatna Shalinin
Debra Perkins
Denise Brathwaite
Eugenia Russell
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Hilda Gasca
Jacqueline Walton
James Thompson
Jere Spearman
Jerry Rich
Joanne Holton
John Williams
Katherell Morrison
La Shanda West
Leofric Thomas
Leola Brooks
Leola Davis
Mary Wallace
Maryam A Bhatti
Mattie Streeter
Merlisa Sheppard
Myrtle Mitchell
Nadine Goff
Pericles Strickland
Rhonda Turner
Rose Cadenhead
Roseline Lauriston
Sharon Heath
Sharon Miller
Shelia Powell-Cohen
Teresa Nelson
Traci Stroman
Vera Selmore
Virginia Willis
William Dudley
William Flowers
Barbara Connor
Elmore Bryant
Jordon Grove Baptist Church
President’s Report 2010-2011 | From Good to Great
Pacesetters Club Inc.
Ana Guthrie
Dorothy Fields
Earnestine Kittler
Josephine Anderson
Naomi Stewart
Susie Robinson
Lucille Samuels
Abraham Gordon
April Nichols
Barbara Salahuddin-Grant
Beverlyn Franklin
Denise Brown
Gloria Scull
Jo Ann Bonilla
Julie Driger
Jullian Mitchell
Loretta Terry-Davis
Marjorie Haley
Nicole Lucio
Ruby Butler
Sonja Ingraham
Walter Robinson
Zelma Jenkins
Caiphia Rolle
Clydine Hope
Deja Wallace
Jahmal Fagan
Pedro Amador
Betty Robinson
Juanita Harris
Patricia Aldridg
Argerine Williams
Margaret Ellis
Mary Williams
Mary Lee Green
Nicolas Diogo
Norwyn Phillips
Priscilla Dobbs
Robert Steinhoff
Sumner Hutcheson
Tamar Riley
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
Gregg L. Mason Funeral Home LLC
Range Funeral Home
Anonymous Donation
Bonnie Sims
Minnie Dorsett
Rudolph Daniels
Willie Cox
The Fountain of Pembroke Pines
Kara Thompson
C & C Internation Computers & Consultants, Inc.
Escrap Computers and Electronic Recycles
Jerusalem Baptist Association
Tabernacle Baptist Church
The Weinbach Group Inc.
Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Alexander Lawrence
Alvin Harold
Barbara Freeman
Benjamin Hazelton
C. Geneva Price
Dirk Williams
Eddie Brown
Edward McClain
Erma Campbell-Boateng
Ethelyn McCalla
15800 N.W. 42nd Avenue
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
Florida Memorial University
(305) 626-3600
President’s Report | 2010-2011
Catch the Vision
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