March 2016 Newsletter - Parkway Elementary School
March 2016 Newsletter - Parkway Elementary School
The Parkway Eagle 225 Kinney Avenue, Penticton, B.C. V2A 3P2 Phone: 250-770-7686 Fax: 250-492-7226 email: [email protected] web page: March 2016 PAC MEETING Our monthly PAC Meeting is Monday, March 7th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in our library. Please come out to support the school and find out what is happening at Parkway. We look forward to seeing you there! Our executive is: President: Leslie Silvius Vice President: Laura Burroughs Treasurer Liz Harmon Secretary Michael Schutz House team points are given out to everyone that attends the meeting. REPORT CARDS Report cards will go home with all of our students by Friday, March 11th. Please read the reports carefully and then sign the envelope and return it to the classroom teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. Thanks. ADDITIONAL NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS TO SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REDESIGNED CURRICULUM Earlier this school year the Ministry of Education announced 10 hours of noninstructional time to help prepare teachers for the implementation of the revised curriculum. As schools will be closed to students for two days to facilitate this process, changes have been made to school and district calendars throughout the Province. At the February 1st, 2016 Public Board Meeting, the Board of Education passed a motion that approved the following two dates as the additional non-instructional days: 1. Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 2. Tuesday, May 24th, 2016 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME – MARCH 13th Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour and remember to check those smoke alarm batteries as well! DOGS The Parkway playground is a dog-free zone for obvious reasons. Please do not bring your dog onto the school property without a leash. We take this stance for the safety of our students and their shoes. Please do not bring dogs into the school. Thanks for your support. School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Children born in 2011 are eligible to enter kindergarten in September 2016. Parents who feel their child is not yet ready for kindergarten may defer enrollment for one year. Please contact Wendy Hyer (250770-7700) at the School Board Office for information on this. Placement in your neighborhood school kindergarten is based on your address and registration date. The earlier you register, the more likely your child will attend a school close to your home. Register at your neighborhood school during regular school hours. A birth certificate will be required as well as your child’s BC Care Card or BC Services Card, parental BC Care Card or BC Services Card and proof of address (i.e. driver’s license, utility bill, lease agreement). TRANSFER REQUESTS FOR SEPTEMBER The window for students requesting transfers from their catchment / current school to another school in SchoolDistrictNo.67fortheSeptember2016/2017schoolyearis8:00am,February1,2016to4:00pm,April 15,2016.TransferrequestsreceivedpriortoFebruary1willbedate/timestampedas“February1,2016, 8:00am”andtransferrequestsreceivedafterApril15maynotbeconsidereduntilSeptember2016.Although asibling’sattendanceataschoolwillbegivenpriorityasperChoiceandFlexibilityPolicy#305,itshouldnot beassumedthatthetransferisapproved.Atransferrequeststillneedstobecompletedandmustgothrough thetransferprocess.Ifyouareunsure,pleasecheckwithyourschoolsecretary. HOUSE TEAM TOTALS Red Hawk Eagles: 27570 Blue Sea Eagles: 28140 Yellow Golden Eagles: Green Bald Eagles: 26960 27700 ABSENCES AND LATES As you know, it is very important that your children are at school every day possible and just as important that they are here on time. Students should be arriving at school by 8:30 a.m. every morning to ensure they have time to get their boots, etc., off and be in class before the last bell at 8:45 a.m. Our records show that too many students are missing too much valuable time in the mornings as a result of being late. We do appreciate your support in getting your children to school on time. The Safe Arrival phone number is 250-492-3976. GRADE 4 & 5 BASKETBALL Basketball Season Highlights: Our team had an excellent turnout with 40 Grade 4 & 5 basketball players. Our students showed enthusiasm and a strong commitment to the team. The team played games with four other schools (West Bench, Queen’s Park, Carmi and Kaleden). The students will be recognized at an assembly with certificates. We had excellent support from our parents at the games. Thank you to our wonderful coaches: Mr. LaPointe, Mr. McIntosh, Mrs. Raitt, Ms. Navrot and Mrs. Dech. CHEERLEADING Thank you to our great girls’ cheerleading team! Thanks for all of your hard work this season, girls! We are looking forward to your upcoming performance. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS PROJECT Our Grade 4/5 Random Acts of Kindness project in Mrs. Raitt/Ms. Wiens’ class was a HUGE success! We exceeded our goal. Our Parkway students brought in a total of 475 items. The food was delivered to the local Food Bank and Soupateria. The Soupateria served 152 people on Thursday and the food donations from our school were really appreciated. Kindness letters were also delivered to the Food Bank to make Valentine’s special. The class who donated the most food items (besides Mrs. Raitt/Wiens’ class) was Mrs. Byrnes’ grade 1 class. They received McDonalds gift certificates. Thank you to all the parents and students who supported our Random Acts of Kindness initiative. LIBRARY NEWS Parkway Elementary School hosted a Scholastic Book Fair during the early dismissal day in February. Parkway will receive $1,900 in new books for the school library. Thank you, Mrs. Openshaw. And thank you Parkway families for supporting the Book Fair! BREAKFAST PROGRAM DONATION Track owner Johnny Aantjes presented a cheque for $817 to Parkway Elementary School Principal, Kelly Jones, for Parkway’s amazing breakfast program! Thank you race fans for supporting our community through the Penticton Speedway 50-50 raffles! Ready Set Learn Do you have a 3 or 4 year old? You are invited to a special event in the Kindergarten Room on Thursday, April 7th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Please phone the school at 250-770-7686 to register Why should you and your child come? 1. We’ll have drinks and goodies! 2. You can meet the Kindergarten teachers. 3. You can expose your child to wonderful educational toys. 4. You can help your preschooler become comfortable in the classroom and with the teacher. 5. The Public Health Nurse will be there to answer questions. PLAYGROUND EXPECTATIONS With Spring right around the corner, it seems an excellent idea to review these playground expectations with your children! Rights • • • • • know and obey the out-of-bound areas (parking lot, creek, front of the school, outside fence, behind portables) hands/feet off play safely; know the rules of games and play fairly use equipment safely – slide down, take turns/wait patiently, play tag away from the adventure playground if you have a problem you can’t solve, get adult help. Use your WITS Respect • • • • • care for and support others in play work out problems in a peaceful way share equipment (return it to the classroom or equipment bin afterwards) throw garbage away; keep grounds litter free listen to supervisors when they speak to you, and treat them with respect Responsibility – teaching children to be socially responsible • • • • • learn new games and activities if indoors, work/play quietly have a plan during breaks – Who will I meet? What will I do? share, cooperate and include others play together and create a respectful, safe place SUMMER SWIM CLUB Interested in joining a Summer Swim Club? The Penticton Pikes Summer Swim Club is an excellent opportunity for your child to learn swimming skills in a fun, encouraging way while promoting personal development and team spirit in an atmosphere of family involvement. Opportunities to attend swim meets are offered to all participants. Our season begins May 2nd. Registration is on Sun., April 17th from 4:30-6:30pm at Penticton Community Centre. Find out more at School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Requires HOMESTAY FAMILIES FOR 2016 / 2017 FAMILIES COMPENSATED $750/MONTH School District No. 67 is looking for prospective homestay families in Penticton and Summerland to host international students for one year, one semester, three months, one month and/or on a short term (respite) basis. Placements are needed for both male and female students from Germany, Japan and Korea who will be attending one of our local secondary schools. Host families must be English-speaking and have a desire to welcome the student into their home as part of the family. Close proximity to a secondary school is an asset. Host families are expected to provide: o a fully furnished private bedroom for each student; o a clean, safe, caring environment conducive to student studies; o meals; o the opportunity to participate in Canadian family life; and o a completed criminal record search for all adult members residing in the home. School District No. 67 will provide: o support and guidance by a homestay coordinator who will monitor the student/homestay experience; o monthly compensation of $750; and o temporaryplacement/respite homes for host families, if required, for holidays and emergencies. If you are interested in this great opportunity to exchange cultural experiences with an international student, please pick up an application form at the School Board Office, 425 Jermyn Avenue in Penticton, download the form off the District website at, or contact Ms. Brenda Kotzian, Homestay Coordinator at (250) 490-0422, or by email [email protected] PEER CONFLICT, MEAN BEHAVIOUR AND BULLYING What’s the difference? Whenachildishavingaproblemwithherorhispeers,itcanbehardforparentstoknowwhatisreallyhappening–isit bullying?Orisitsomethingelse? Eachtypeofbehaviourmustbehandleddifferently,tokeepchildrensafeandhelpthemlearnhowtogetalongwith others. PeerConflict Conflictbetweenandamongpeersisanaturalpartofgrowingup.Childrenwillhavetimeswhentheydisagreeandcan’t solvetheirownproblems.Theymayevenbecomesofrustratedthattheysaymeanthingsoractoutphysicallyby hitting,kickingortryingtohurt. Ifit’speerconflictyouwillbeawarethatthesechildren: • usuallychoosetoplayorhangouttogether; • haveequalpower(similarage,size,socialstatus,etc.); • areequallyupset; • arebothinterestedintheoutcome;and • willbeabletoworkthingsoutwithadulthelp(aftercalmingdown). Adultscanrespondbyhelpingthechildrentalkitout,andseeeachother’sperspective.Thisisoftenreferredtoas “conflictresolution”. MeanBehaviour Childrenmaytryoutbehaviourstoassertthemselves–sometimessayingordoingmeanthings–suchasmakingfunof others,usingahurtfulname,takingsomethingwithoutpermission,leavingachildout,or“budging”inline. Ifitismeanbehavior,usually: • itisnotplannedandseemstohappenspontaneouslyorbychance; • itmaybeaimedatanychildnearby; • thechildbeingmeanmayfeelbadlywhenanadultpointsouttheharmthey’vecaused. Whenadultsseemeanbehaviortheyshouldnotignoreit.Adultsshouldrespondquickly,firmlyandrespectfullytostop thebehavior,toletkidsknowthattheiractionsarehurtfulandtore-directchildrentomorepositivebehaviour. Thisquickresponsestopschildrenfromdevelopingapatternofmeanbehaviourastheirwayofinteractingwithpeers, andpreventsmeanbehaviorfromescalatingintobullying.Itisaloteasiertocorrectachildforonenastycommentthan tochangeapatternofcrueltythatgrowsovertime. BullyingBehaviour Bullyingisseriousbehaviorthathasthreekeyfeatures–allthreemustbepresentforthesituationtobeconsidered bullying: • Powerimbalance--Onechildclearlyhaspowerovertheother(s),whichmaybeduetoage,size,socialstatus, andsoon. • Intentiontoharm--Thepurposeofthebullyingbehaviouristoharmorhurtother(s)–it’sintendedtobemean andisclearlynotaccidental. • Repeatedovertime--bullyingbehaviourcontinuesovertime,andgetsworsewithrepetition.Thereisarealor impliedthreatthatthebehaviourwillnotstop,andinfactwillbecomeevenmoreserious.Theeffectonthe childwhoisbeingbulliedisincreasedfear,apprehension,anddistress.Oftenbythetimeadultsfindoutabout whatishappening,thechildhastriedmanywaystostopthebullyingbutcannotdosoontheirown. Adultsmustaddressthebullyingbehaviourandensurethesafetyofthestudentwhohasbeentargeted.Theyalsoneed toreassurethechildrenwhomayhavewitnessedthebehaviourthatadultsaretakingcareofit. Whenschoolsrespondtobullying,staffwillalsohelpthechildwhohasbeenbullyingotherstotakeresponsibilityfor theiractions,andchangetheirbehaviour.Theywillmonitorthesituationtoensurethebullyingstops,andwillsupport thechildwhohasbeenbulliedtoregainconfidenceandasenseofsafety.Staffmayfollow-upwiththestudentswho observedthebehaviourtohelpthemlearnwhattodowhentheyseebullying. The“conflictresolution”styleofbringingthechildrentogetherisnotrecommendedinbullyingsituations,until considerabletimehasgonebyandallchildrenarefeelingsafeenoughtotalkaboutwhathappenedsothatrelationships canbehealed. UPCOMING DATES PAC Meeting School Closure Decision Day April Hot Lunch Ordering Closes Report Cards Go Home Schools Close for Spring Break Good Friday – Schools Closed Easter Monday – Schools Closed Schools Reopen Ready, Set, Learn Talent Shows Transfer Request Deadline Curriculum Implementation Days – No School Professional Development Day – No School Victoria Day – Schools Closed Last Day of School for Students Administrative Day (students not in attendance) March 7 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 11 (last day of school) March 25 March 28 March 29 April 7 April 8 & 15 April 15 April 27 & May 24 May 6 May 23 June 29 June 30 PARKWAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MARCH 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Breakfast Club @ 8:00 Choir Practice – Lunch 6 Daylight Savings 7 8 Breakfast Club @ 8:00 1:00 – Assembly Bricks 4 Kidz Choir Practice – Lunch PAC Mtg 7:00 pm Concorde Readers Gr. 4 After School Gym Program 4 5 Hot Lunch – Panago Multicultural Club – Lunch 10 April Hot Lunch Ordering Closes 11 Green Day – School Spirit Day Gr. 4 After School Gym Program School Closure Decision Day Saturday 3 9 Breakfast Club @ 8:00 ♫ Choir to Music Festival Friday 2 Hot Lunch – Booster Juice Multicultural Club – lunch 12 Food Forestry Book Launch and Keynote Speaker @ Parkway 1 – 4 pm Report Cards Home 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Good Friday 27 28 Easter Monday No School 29 First Day Back to School 30 31 Super Hero School Spirit Day ***Please call SAFE ARRIVAL before 9:00 at 250-492-3976 if your child will be late or absent*** After you have read the newsletter, please complete the portion below. Then return it to the school with your child(ren) and they will have their name(s) put into a draw at the end of the month! Parent Signature: ONLY if you are not already receiving school emails: Please supply your email address: Classroom House Team Student Name: Student Name: Student Name: Ten house team points will also be awarded for returning this form! If you have any comments, questions, compliments or concerns about Parkway School, please write them below. We are always looking for input. Kelly Jones, Principal o Yes, I would like you to get back to me. Phone #