Visualizar - Dedini S/A Indústrias de Base
Visualizar - Dedini S/A Indústrias de Base
+1 Agenda 1. Caracterização da cana de açúcar 2. Projeções de produção de cana de açúcar no Brasil 3. Evolução das impurezas minerais 4. Evolução das impurezas vegetais 5. Evolução da demanda de energia elétrica 6. Participação do bagaço da cana de açúcar na matrix energética nacional 7. Ponderações A Energia da Cana de Açúcar 608 x Mcal/tc IMPUREZAS => VEGETAIS • Ponteiro Etanol Bagaço com 50% umid. 598 x Mcal/tc Colmos + Palha com 15% 512 Mcal/tc ELETRICIDADE • Folhas Secas Açúcar => • Folhas Verdes + Projeção de Processamento 853 898 990 1.037 Milhões tc 763 808 719 634 676 944 Fonte: Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento Impurezas Minerais Impurezas Minerais (Kg/tc) 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Média safras Safras 06;07 06, 07ee08 08 Méida Setembro Safra 09 Outubro Novembro Dezembro Safra 10 Fonte: GEGIS - Grupo de Estudos em Gestão Industrial do Setor Sucroalcooleiro Impurezas Minerais Média Usinas Brasileiras (GEGIS): 10 kg/tc Safra de 632 Mtc => 6,32 Mt IM base seca Densidade Média IM: 1,75 t/m³ Volume IM: 3,61 Mm³/ano 1,4 Pirâmides de Quéops ao ano Pirâmide de Quéops Volume Pirâmide ... 2,57 Mm3 Impurezas Vegetais Impurezas Vegetais (Kg/tc) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Médiasafras Safras06;07 06, 07e e0808 Méida Setembro Safra 09 Outubro Novembro Dezembro Safra 10 Fonte: GEGIS - Grupo de Estudos em Gestão Industrial do Setor Sucroalcooleiro Matriz Energética Brasileira PARTICIPAÇÃO EFETIVA DAS FONTES DE ENERGIA NA MATRIZ Bagaço de Cana 18.516 GWh 4% 9% 1% 7% 80% 2010: Geração de 18.500 GWh, proveniente do bagaço da cana de açúcar - 2,1 GWm (8.760 h) Fonte: ANEEL - Banco de Informações de Geração 2% 1% 3% PARTICIPAÇÃO DA BIOMASSA DA CANA EVOLUÇÃO DA OFERTA DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA PARTICIPAÇÃO % Histórico Geração de Energia Elétrica no Brasil 504 TWh 349 TWh 3,7 TWh 100% 403 TWh 1% 18,5 TWh 2% 7,7 TWh 87% 84% Hidroelétricas 4% 80% 76% 2000 2005 Outros Nuclear Bagaço de Cana Óleo & Gás Hidro Fonte: MME – Ministério de Minas e Energia – Séries Históricas 2010 Premissas – Projeção da Bioeletricidade 100% Bagaço voltado a produção de energia termelétrica Processamento de 33% palha da cana de açúcar para energia Garantias físicas concedidas Potência equivalente c/200 dias efetivos de safra Caldeiras 67 bar x 520oC Combinação de turbinas de Contra Pressão e Condensação Processamento de cana de açúcar: Moagem safra 2015/16 ... 808 Mtc Moagem safra 2020/21 ... 1.037 Mtc Hidroelétricas Potencial Energético da Cana de Açúcar Ponderações Fim das queimadas, no estado de São Paulo Evolução da mecanização agrícola Processo de difusão na extração Alongamento do período de safra Operação durante o período de entressafra Aumento das impurezas minerais Aumento das impurezas (?) vegetais Aumento da demanda de energia elétrica no Brasil Forte tendência de utilização de fontes renováveis de energia Crescimento do setor sucroenergético: • Novas fronteiras • Formação da mão de obra • Formação dos canaviais Fontes MME - Ministério de Minas e Energia - Séries Históricas MME/EPE – Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia 2020 ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - Banco de Informação de Geração CONAB – A Geração Termoelétrica com a Queima do Bagaço de Cana de Açúcar no Brasil CTC – Biomass Power Generation, Sugar Cane Bagasse and Trash GEGIS – Grupo de Estudos em Gestão Industrial Sucroalcooleira Monografia/ESALQ – Aproveitamento Agroindustrial do Palhiço da Cana de Açúcar Histórico das Caldeiras Dedini Licença Zurn p/ Fab. Caldeiras M. DEDINI Metalúrgica DEDINI D.Z. ZANINI ZANINI Licença Foster Wheeler Fornecimentos Caldeiras a Bagaço ......................................... 1.255 Caldeiras Industriais ................................... 393 Caldeiras a biomassa, exceto bagaço ....... 3 Plantas de Cogeração ................................... 114 Total de Caldeiras ...................... 1.651 Obs.: dados até dez/2010 Histórico das Caldeiras Dedini 1920 - FUNDAÇÃO “OFFICINAS DEDINI” 1930 - CALDEIRA DEDINI VERTICAL E FOGOTUBULAR 1940 - CALDEIRA AQUATUBULAR TIPO BABCOCK E STIRLING 1945 - CONTRATO COM COMBUSTION ENGINEERING 1951 - CALDEIRA ZANINI 1960 - PROJETOS DEDINI (V 2/4, V 2/5) 1977 - CONTRATO COM FOSTER WHEELER 1979 – CONTRATO COM ZURN – GRELHA ROTATIVA 1981 - CALDEIRA DEDINI - BMP E AT 1985 – CALDEIRA ZANINI - AZ/ZANITEC 1989 - SELO ASME - FABRICAÇÃO E MONTAGEM (S, U, PP) 2000 – CALDEIRA COGEMAX MULTICOMBUSTÍVEL PARA COGERAÇÃO 2001 – CALDEIRA AT E AZ ATÉ 250 t/h E GRELHA FLAT PIN HOLE 2005 – CALDEIRA AT-SINGLE DRUM ATÉ 400 t/h E 120 bar ENVIROTHERM Envirotherm in General ENVIROTHERM → an experienced and qualified engineering partner → with an extensive list of references and → strong growth based on a portfolio of proprietary technologies acquired from LURGI CLEAN ENERGY Modern 1 CLEAN AIR (Air Pollution Control - APC) Highly Efficient Gasification Technologies Flue Gas Cleaning Technologies Multi-Purpose Production and Application of Combustion Technologies Honeycomb SCR Catalysts Professional Competence Cooperation and License Agreements Clean Energy FB/CFB – Power Plants ENVIROTHERM • Cooperation with the Slovak Boiler Manufacturer SES, Tlmače • DEDINI, Brazil, for fluid bed technologies • Shriram epc, India, fluid bed (CFB) and fixed bed (BGL) gasification Gasification • Collaboration with CEMEX on CFB gasification in the Cement Industry (industrial know-how from Ruedersdorf facility) • University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany • CUTEC Institute – R&D in CFB gasification Clean Air SCR Catalysts Production SCR-Process • Joint Venture with Dongfang Boiler Group, Chengdu, Sichuan, China • Dongfang, SSEP for SCR process in China • Cooperation with ERC GmbH, Germany • Jeongwoo, for ESP in Korea Clean Air Activities • Longking, SSEP, TFEN, DATANG Group for fabric filter in China • VT Corp for ESP in India 2 Professional Competence ENVIROTHERM Clean Combustion Technologies: BFB and CFB 3 Professional Competence Fluidized Bed Combustion: Available Technologies ENVIROTHERM • Bubbling and Circulating Fluidized Bed Technologies are a highly accepted base technologies in utility and other industries for combustion of coal, (high/low rank), biomass and various residual materials (sludges, RDF). • Fluidized Beds represent proven and reliable technologies with numerous reference plants and excellent emission values. • Downstream technologies for dry dedusting (Electrostatic Precipitator and Fabric Filter) are available with Envirotherm and are designed in accordance with the latest environmental laws/directives. • BFBs cover the lower capacity range of steam production, CFBs are available for larger units. • Both Fluidized Bed Technologies offer their specific advantages for their specific range of application. 4 Professional Competence New Bagasse = New Challenge ENVIROTHERM • Increase in moisture content (up to 65%): lower heating value, resulting in higher amount of flue gas • Increase in chlorine content (up to 0,05%): high potential for „High Temperature Chlorine Corrosion“ in boilers without appropriate design • Increase in content of impurities/ash (up to 10%): to be considered in boiler and equipment design • Increase in sulphur content (up to 0,05%): use of limestone required in order to meet legal SO2 emission limits All future challenges mentioned will be met by our BFBs and CFBs 5 Professional Competence Bubbling Fluidized Bed (1) ENVIROTHERM • Use of primary air for fluidization and of secondary air for complete combustion as well as for enhanced temperature and emission control • Injection of fuel directly into the bed via several feeding points in order to support a homogeneous energy input across the combustor cross section • Proven fluidizing nozzles with low pressure drop, but even air distribution 6 Professional Competence Bubbling Fluidized Bed (2) ENVIROTHERM • Flue gas recirculation for temperature control in case of varying fuel qualities (e.g. season / off-season) • Bottom ash discharge via multiple openings in the fluidization nozzle grate or via an „open“ nozzle grate in case of high impurities / tramp material content • Co-combustion of various fuels is possible, when considered during boiler design 7 Professional Competence Bubbling Fluidized Bed (3) ENVIROTHERM • Coarse ash classification and re-feed into the BFB combustor in case of • high amount of ash in the fuel and • low amount of alkalines in the fuel ash • Desulphurization is possible via limestone injection • Operable load range between 50 and 100% • Application in the lower capacity range • High reliability due to • simple and robust design • good temperature control: avoids agglomerations • design of coarse ash discharge with sufficient margins 8 Professional Competence Circulating Fluidized Bed (1) ENVIROTHERM Basic Principles of CFB Combustion • Intense and turbulent mixing of solid fuel, air and flue gas • Uniform system temperature: no peaks, no agglomerations • No HP-steam bundles in the ash stream: no bundle erosion • Low and controlled combustion temperature due to Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger technology • Generous residence time: excellent carbon conversion • Optimum conditions for multiple fuels; variation of fuel shares feasible during operation 9 Professional Competence Circulating Fluidized Bed (2) ENVIROTHERM Basic Flow Sheet of a CFB Boiler 10 Professional Competence Circulating Fluidized Bed (3) ENVIROTHERM Emissions and Efficiency • Optimum and stable combustion conditions for lowest emissions • Efficient sulphur capture in the CFB combustor by limestone injection • Low NOx emissions due to • low combustion temperature • low excess air ratio • staged combustion • Partial capture of chlorine and fluorine in the CFB combustor • High boiler efficiency due to • low excess air • high carbon burnout • no flue gas recirculation 11 Professional Competence ENVIROTHERM Fluidized Beds: Comparison Bubbling Fluidized Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed NOx CO min. Part Load Capabilty Boiler Efficiency Ability of Firing Varying Fuel Qualities Ability to Cope with "New Bagasse" Feature Emissions Dust SO2 Capture HCl and HF Capture Combustor Cross Section Complexity of Combustion System Particle Residence Time Uniformity of Combustion Temperature CAPEX OPEX Status of Technology Clean and reliable combustion technologies showing excellent features with respect to emissions, efficiency and future bagasse 12 Professional Competence ENVIROTHERM “As a participant in Simtec 2011 ENVIROTHERM is very pleased with the introduction of our technologies into the Brazilian market, and we reaffirm our complete confidence in the potential and performance of the Fluidized Bed Boilers.” “Our partnership with DEDINI reinforces this confidence, and guarantees that all the advantages of the Fluidized Bed Boilers will be fully exploited to the benefit of the Brazilian sugar, ethanol and bioelectricity market.” Werner-Fr. Staab, ENVIROTHERM GmbH 13 Professional Competence ENVIROTHERM Obrigado! for your attention Envirotherm GmbH Werner-Fr. Staab Head of Sales (Thermal Processes) Ruhrallee 185 D–45136 Essen Germany [email protected] 14 Professional Competence Lançamento 2011 LANÇAMENTO DAS CALDEIRAS COM LEITO FLUIDIZADO &
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