Kupcsik Adrián
Kupcsik Adrián
Kupcsik Adrián ___________ CV Statement p o r t fo l i o Born Miskolc, Hungary | lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany Educations: 1996 - 2001 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, painting department 2006 - 2009 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, DLA course Solo Exhibitions: 2016 - Solo, Chimera-Project, Budapest 2014 - Thightrope Walk (with Géza Perneczky and Borsos Lőrinc), Chimera-Project, Budapest 2011 - Flood, Institute of Contemporary Art, Miskolc, Hungary 2010 - Good, Municipal Gallery, Kiscelli Museum, Budapest 2009 - Functioning of the heart, Deák Erika Gallery 2008 - Adult portrait, Liget Gallery 2004 - Message, Ron Mandos Gallery, Rotterdam Group Shows: 2015 - Postcontemporary, Chimera-Project, Budapest - +45 +55 +95, Österreichisches Kulturforum 2014 - Freehand, Modem, Debrecen - Turning Points, National Gallery, Budapest 2012 - A la cARTe, George Kepes Institute, Eger - What Is Hungarian? Contemporary Answers, Kunsthalle, Budapest 2011 - Giovanni artisti, Potenza, Italy - Joy and disaster, SMAK, Gent, Belgium 2010 - Relationships, Deák Collection, Székesfehérvár - Donumenta, Regensburg, Germany 2009 - VOLTA 5, Basel 2008 -Lenmechanics, Ernst museum, Budapest 2007 - Summer Jewish Festival, Budapest 2005 - Space Art, Millenáris”D” hall, Budapest 2004 - EU-Positive, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Germany) 2003 - Aura, After the era of technical reproducibility, Millenáris Park,Budapest - Madrid, Communidad De Madrid, Cruising Danubio, (Spain) 2002 - Systematica, SAIC, Chichago (USA) - Ludwig Museum Budapest, Strabag exhibition - ArtPrimeur 2002, Dordrecht (Netherlands) 2001 - Short stories, Budapest Gallery Exhibition Hall, Budapest - Klimate, Kunsthalle, Budapest - Contemporary Hungarian Painters, Lewerkusen (Germany) - „Je regretterais beaucoup ...”, FRAC Basse-Normandie, Caen (France) Awards & Grants: 1998 CW Bank Austria, International fine art competition 1999 Ludwig, Foundation prize 2000 Deutche Telekom, , fine art competition 2002 Strabag, painting competition Kupcsik is a mid-career artist with Hungarian origin living and working currently in Düsseldorf, Germany. Kupcsik graduated from the University of Fine Art in Budapest in 2001, where he also earned his DLA in 2009. He developed a highly conceptual pictorial language and multimedial artistic practice, which brought him many acknowledgements: Kupcsik won the STRABAG International Art Award (2002), the Ludwig Foundation Prize (1999) and the Deutsche Telekom Fine Art Award (2000). Kupcsik’s endeavour lies in the deconstruction of iconic images throughout a series of transformation processes, crossing different medias, such as painting, photography, drawing and modelling. By destroying power-representing icons he puts a critical comment to the contemporary fetishisation of power, either in politics, sexuality or in the artistic canon. He chooses iconic figurative references (let this be a press image of Salma Hajek or Braques Woman with Easel or popular pornographic scenarios). He builds this reference-material into a 3D model made from leftovers found in his studio, and after immediately starts to manually decompose it. This step by step process is documented with photos and can be described as constant transformation of the figurative into a more and more abstract language. The final artwork captures the last stadium of deconstruction, either as photography, painted on canvas or as drawing. Since the destroyed 3D models are built of leftovers from former painting processes the sampling of Kupcsik becomes not only a reinterpretation of the iconic images but always includes a direct reflection of his own personal practice as a painter alike. With references to the Cubists the deconstruction process Kupcsik radically rewrites the historical genre of painting and the still – and again – very prominently present Hungarian painting tradition is turned into a multimedial artistic practice. paintings, drawings, photo works 2008-2016 „Salma as the wife”, 2016, graphite/paper, 42x29,7 cm „Joseph the artist”, 2016, graphite/paper, 42x29,7 cm „10.000 Forint”, 2016, graphite/paper, 42x29,7 cm „In the gym II.” 2016, graphite/paper, 42x29,7 cm “Installation” , 2016, graphite/paper, 42x29,7 cm „Landscape 01”, 2016, giclée print, 90x70 cm „In the gym”, 2016, giclée print, 70x50 cm „Joseph the artist” 2016, giclée print 70x50 cm Michel the author, 2016, giclée print, 70x50 cm „Michel at the Event”, 2016, giclée print, 70x50 cm „Cut Paste VII”, 2016, giclée print, 50x70 cm „The proper version - 1 schilling” , 2015, oil on canvas, 120 cm diameter Avignon people, 2015, o/c, 120x130 cm “Cut, Paste” 2015, o/c, 110x78 cm Luc the Painter, 2015, oil on canvas, 120x86 cm Les Messieurs et Demoiselles d’Avignon III., 2015, szén/papír, charcoal/paper, 100x70 cm Luc the Painter, 2015, szén/papír, 100x70 cm Luc the Painter, 2015, charcoal/paper, 100x70 cm People from Avignon, 2015, o/v, 130x115 cm People from Avignon., 2015, oil/canvas, 130x115 cm Cut, Paste III., 2015, o/v, 115x80 cm Cut, Paste III., 2015, oil/canvas, 115x80 cm Meanwhile in Avignon, 2015, o/v, 150x110 cm Meanwhile in Avignon, 2015, oli/canvas, 150x110 cm Monsieur et Mademoiselle Avignon, 2015, o/v, 140x96 cm Monsieur et Mademoiselle Avignon, 2015. oil/canvas, 140x96 cm Miss Avignon, 2015, olaj/vászon, 140x100 cm Miss Avignon, 2015, oil/canvas, 140x100 cm Francesco Maria the painter, 2015, olaj/vászon, 90x90 cm Francesco Maria the painter, 2015, oil/canvas, 90x90 cm Mikhail the politician, 2015, olaj/vászon, 70x45 cm Mikhail the politician, 2015, oil/canvas, 70x45 cm Sir Nicholas the powerful 2015, olaj/vászon, 100x70 cm Sir Nicholas the powerful 2015, oil/canvas, 100x70 cm A Pápa formája, 2014, olaj/vászon, 150x150 cm Pope’s Shape 2014, oil/canvas, 150x150 cm Cut, Paste II., 2014, o/v, 90x80 cm Cut, Paste II., 2014, o/c, 90x80 cm Maggie a rádiós, 2014, o/v, 72x85 cm Maggie the Operator, 2014, o/c, 72x85 cm Szergej az űrjhajós, 2014, o/v 85x120 cm Sergey the Astronaut, 2014, o/c, 85x120 cm Cut, Paste, 2014, o/v, 120x80 cm Cut, Paste, 2014, o/c, 120x80 cm Angela und Viktor, 2014, o/v, 70x50 cm Angela und Viktor, 2014, o/c, 70x50 cm Hans-Ulrich a kurátor, 2014, o/v, 90x77 cm Hans-Ulrich the Curator, 2014, o/c, 90x77 cm Giovanni e Giovanna, 2014, o/v, 120x160 cm Giovanni e Giovanna, 2014, o/c, 120x160 cm Dekonstruált reggeli, 2014, o/v, 140x110 cm Deconstructed Breakfast, 2014, o/c, 140x110 cm A festészet hanyatlása, 2014, olaj/vászon, 120x110 cm Decay of Painting, 2014, oil/canvas, 120x110 cm Makett, 2013, olaj/vászon, 72x100 cm Mock-Up, 2013, oil/canvas, 72x100 cm Vidám panelház II., 2012, szén/papír, 100x70 cm Happy Bolcks II., 2012, charcoal/paper, 100x70 cm Magasles , 2012, szén/papír, 100x70 cm Raised hide, 2012, charcoal/paper, 100x70 cm Közösségi erdő , 2012, szén/papír, 70x100 cm Community forest, 2012, charcoal/paper, 70x100 cm Panellakások rakétaplatformon , 2012, szén/papír, 100x70 cm Blocks on launcpad, 2012, charcoal/paper, 100x70 cm Háromemeletes ház , 2011, olaj/fatábla, 100x70 cm 3-Storey house, 2011, oil/wood panel, 100x70 cm Úszó templom , 2011, olaj/fatábla, 70x100 cm Floating church, 2011, oil/wood panel, 70x100 cm Disznóól pilléreken , 2011, olaj/fatábla, 70x100 cm Piggery on pillars, 2011, oil/wood panel, 70x100 cm Árvízkárosultak 1-12 , 2011, olaj/fatábla, 30x40 cm egyenként Flood victims 1-12, 2011, oil/wood panel, 30x40 cm each Parasztház fejjel lefelé , 2011, papir/vegyes technika, 70x100 cm Floating farmhouse upside down, 2011, paper/ mixed technic, 70x100 cm Lebegő konténerházak , 2011, papir/vegyes technika, 70x100 cm Floating container houses, 2011, paper/mixed technic, 70x100 cm Empátia csendélet, 2009, olaj/fatábla, 70x50 cm Empathic still life, 2009, oil/wood, 70x50 cm Csendélet E.M. számára, 2008, olaj/fatábla, 100x150 cm Still life for E.M., 2008, oil/wood, 100x150 cm Cigány-, Zsidó-, Kínai önarckép, 2008, olaj/vászon, 100x75 cm Gipsy-, Jewish-, Chinese selfportrait, 2008, oil/wood, 100x75 cm Afgán-, Afrikai-, Indiai-, Tatár-, Tibeti-, Török önarckép, 2008, papír, 100x70 cm Afghan-, African-, Indian-, Tataric-, Tibetan-, Turkish selfportrait, 2008, paper, 100x70 cm