SLHA Fact Sheet - The St. Louis Housing Authority


SLHA Fact Sheet - The St. Louis Housing Authority
The St. Louis Housing Authority (SLHA) is a municipal
corporation created by state statute, formed in 1939.
SLHA is governed by a seven member Board of
Commissioners. Five are appointed by the Mayor and
two are elected by the public housing residents. SLHA
is funded entirely by federal sources from the U.S.
Department of Housing & Urban Development. SLHA
has approximately 61 employees and an annual
operating budget of approximately $70 million.
We operate 2898 units and administer Section 8
vouchers for more than 16,000 family members
throughout St. Louis.
Public Housing
• 31 developments in 46 locations with 2898 units
• 1,705 units in family developments and 1,193 in
elderly/disabled developments
• serving approximately 5665 residents
• average family size is 2.2 people
• 44% below 18 years of age
• 45% between 18 and 61 years of age
• 11% over 62 years of age
We operate two major housing programs, Public
• average annual income is $11,145
Housing and Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher).
• income sources - 34% social security, 30%
Public Housing units are owned by SLHA and rented to
employment, 24% SSI, 6% TANF, 6% pensions
qualified applicants. Section 8 provides rental
assistance to qualified applicants to facilitate rental of Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher)
privately owned units. In both programs, participants
• 6,710 leased vouchers
pay 30% of their income for rent. We serve
• serving approximately 17,736 residents
approximately 22,000 clients and partners, including
• average family size is 2.6 people
Public Housing residents and applicants, Section 8
• 52% below 18 years of age
voucher holders and applicants, landlords, developers,
• 43% between 18 and 61 years of age
contractors, elected officials and management staff.
• 5% over 62 years of age
The St. Louis Housing Authority commits to efficiently
build and maintain desirable, affordable housing for
residents of the St. Louis area through forthright
leadership, innovative partnerships, progressive
technology, and expansion of new resources. We seek
to improve quality of life for our employees, residents,
and the community by providing employment
opportunities, education, training, and ethical,
professional services.
3520 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, Missouri 63106
p 314.531.4770
f 314.531.0184
• average annual income is $11,738
• income sources - 37% employment, 27%
social security, 26% SSI, 7% TANF, 3% pensions
Partnerships with private entities has led to development of 20 mixed-finance developments with over
2,200 new rental units, 1,007 of which are public
housing, a central office headquarters and an early
learning center.
At the corner of Family and Future.