Templin-Darley Test of Articulation
Templin-Darley Test of Articulation
l' a I m r o w A TEMPLIN.DARLEY TESTSOF ARTICULATION ArficulafionTest Form Copyrlght 1968 by The Universityof lowa. All rights reserved. The Universityof lowa, lowa City, lowa52242 DateExaminer Age- sex Consonant Singles Initial Screening Test 4 g Final Non.Syllabic Syllabic Other Clusters 1 . 3 26. br- 51.m 52. m 84. -In€r 94. -a,m 120.-6k 2. Ju 27. tr_ 53. n 54. n 85. -nq 95. -en l2l. -mp :. r(f ) 28. dr - s s .I 86. -po 96.-ep 122.-nL +. r (m) D. kr- 56. p s7.p 87. -50' 97. -Et 1 2 3 .- n d s .l ( r ) 30. gr _ 58. b se.b 88. -ts 98.-ed r24. -kt e .v ( l ) 3l.fr- 60. t 6 1 .t 89. -de 99.-ek l 2 s .- p t z .e ( r ) 32' or- 62. d es. d 90. -ker t00. -sf e.0(m) 33. gr_ 64. k 6s.k el. -ga lol.-st! _ e .e ( f ) 34. pl _ 66. g 67. g gz. -6e -edg 102. r o .6 ( t ) 3 s .k l - 68. I 93. - t€r rr.6(m) 3 6 .g l - r z .6 ( r ) 3 7 .f r - r s .z ( t ) 3 8 .s m - 1 4 t. ( t ) 39.sn- r s .t ( m ) og.sp_ 1 6 .t ( f ) 4 1 .s t - 17.3(m) 42. sk- r8.J(r) 4 3 .s l - le.J(m) 4 4 .s w - 20.tt(t)_ 45.rw- zt.t!(m)- 46.kw- 2 2 . t \ ( f) _ 69. f 72. s _ Additional Vowels r 2 7 .I 128.I 70. f 129.e Additional I clusters 7 1 .v 1 2 6 .- t t -- 130.e ?3. s r 0 3 .b l - 74. z l 0 a .- p t 7s.3 l o s .- b t _ l12.-lk 76. h 1 0 6 -. t t _ l 1 3 -. l f 77. w 1 0 7 .- k l - rr4.-lg l l 0 .- l p l3l.A ll1.-1t 132.e 133a . 134.c 1 3 5 u. 73. d3 Other Pressure Consonants 1 0 8 .- q I _ 10e.-s I - 136u . 7e. k(m) _ Additional s clusters I 1 5 .- s m 137.ov 4 7 .s P t - _ 80. g(m) _ 16.-st 138.au 2 3 . d O ( i )_ 48.spr 81.f (m) _ I17.-Sl'. 139.e I 24.d5(m) _ 4e.s tr - 82. s (m) - I 1 8 .- k s 1 4 0 o. r - 25.p r - 5 0 .skr - 83. z(m) -- 1 1 9 -. m p s - - l 4 l .c t - _ Diphthongs ANALYSISSHEET l. Comparisonwith Norms Score Norm l-a. DiagnosticTest (Table l): l-b. ScreeningTest (Table 2): Cut-off Score(Table 3): l{. Initial and Final ConsonantSingles(Table 4): Initial Consonants(Table 5): Final Consonants(Table 6): How many of the 24 consonantswere defectivein at leastone position? ld. Iowa PressureArticulation Test (Table 8): l*. lrl and./a/ Clusters(Table 9): l-f. lll and/l/ Clusters(Table l0): l-g. /s/ Clusters(Table I l): l-h. Miscellaneous Clusters(Table l2): l-i. Vowels(Table l3): l-j. Diphthongs(Table l4): 2. Analysis of Misarticulations Analyze the subject's production of the phonemeslisted as singles(OverlayA. Initial and Final ConsonantSingles; OverlayG, Vowels; Overlay H, Diphthongs). 2-a. List all error sounds,indicating position of error (I or F) Omissions Substitulions Distortions 2-b. Which of these phonemes, incorrectly articulated as singles in the initial or final positions as indicated above, were correctly articulatedas singlesin at leastone position? 2'c. Which of thesephonemes,incorrectly articulated as singlesin any position, were correctly producedin any of the clusters in which thev were further tested? 2d. Which phonemes,not correctly producedas singlesin any position or subsequentlyin clusters,were correctly produced following stimulation as describedbelow? As a Single I4$sl4!ien 2+. In a svllable In a Cluster In a word In a word The following phonemeswere neverarticulatedcorrectly anywherein the test or following any type of stimulation: 3. Facton PossiblyRelatedto Patternsof Misarticulation ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS Descriptionof distortionerrorsnotedon recordsheet: Rating of intelligibility of contextual speech: Readily intelligible Intelligible if listener knows topic Words intelligible now and then Completely unintelligible Errors noted in contextual speechnot noted on articulation test: Description of testing situation: