Interface Documentation with SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Interface Documentation with SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Interface Documentation with SAP Solution Manager 7.1 Setup and End User Guideline Document Version 1.0 (October 2012) INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Technical Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. 4 Naming Conventions ................................................................................................................................. 5 SETUP PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 6 Create Interface Scenarios and Interfaces................................................................................................ 7 Maintain Interface Attributes ....................................................................................................................10 Create Referenced Interfaces ...................................................................................................................13 Resolve External Interfaces......................................................................................................................16 MAINTENANCE OF CUSTOMER-DEFINED ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................19 Define Customer Attributes ......................................................................................................................19 Assign Customer Attributes to Interface Technologies ..........................................................................20 INTEGRATION OF ESR PROCESS INTEGRATION SCENARIOS.............................................................22 Background Information...........................................................................................................................22 Technical Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................22 Establish Connection to ESR ...................................................................................................................23 Integrate Process Integration Scenarios into Solution Directory ...........................................................25 Import Action Connections in Section “Business Scenarios” ........................................................................26 Import Interfaces into Section “Interface Scenarios”.....................................................................................30 Check Status of ESR Objects......................................................................................................................31 INTEGRATION WITH BUSINESS PROCESS MONITORING .....................................................................33 Use Get Default Values Function in Business Process Monitoring Setup .............................................33 IMPORTANT SAP NOTES .........................................................................................................................37 APPENDIX: AVAILABLE ATTRIBUTES PER INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY ..............................................38 General Attributes.....................................................................................................................................38 “ALE” and “EDI” Technologies ................................................................................................................38 “Batch Input” Technology ........................................................................................................................39 “BDoc” Technology ..................................................................................................................................40 “Direct Input” Technology........................................................................................................................40 “File” Technology .....................................................................................................................................40 “HTTP – ABAP WebService (ICM)” Technology ......................................................................................41 “HTTP – General WebService” and “HTTP – JAVA Webservice (J2EE)” Technologies ........................41 “JMS” Technology ....................................................................................................................................41 “Manual” Technology ...............................................................................................................................41 “Others” Technology ................................................................................................................................42 “RFC - asynchronous (aRFC)” Technology.............................................................................................42 “RFC - background, queued units (bgRFC)” and “RFC - background, transactional units (bgRFC)” Technologies ............................................................................................................................................42 “RFC - queued (qRFC)” Technology ........................................................................................................43 “RFC - synchronous (sRFC)” Technology...............................................................................................43 “RFC - transactional (tRFC)” Technology................................................................................................44 “SAP Workflow” Technology ...................................................................................................................44 “SQL – ADBC” Technology ......................................................................................................................44 “SQL – JDBC” Technology.......................................................................................................................45 “XI Adapter – 3rd Party” Technology ........................................................................................................45 “XI Adapter – BC” Technology.................................................................................................................46 “XI Adapter – CIDX” Technology .............................................................................................................46 “XI Adapter – File” Technology ................................................................................................................47 2 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “XI Adapter – http” Technology ...............................................................................................................48 “XI Adapter – IDoc” Technology ..............................................................................................................49 “XI Adapter – JDBC” Technology ............................................................................................................50 “XI Adapter – JMS” Technology...............................................................................................................50 “XI Adapter – Mail” Technology ...............................................................................................................51 “XI Adapter – Marketplace” Technology..................................................................................................52 “XI Adapter – RFC” Technology...............................................................................................................53 “XI Adapter – RNIF” Technology..............................................................................................................54 “XI Adapter – RNIF11” Technology ..........................................................................................................54 “XI Adapter – SOAP” Technology ............................................................................................................55 “XI Adapter – XI” Technology ..................................................................................................................56 “XI Proxy – ABAP” and “XI Proxy – JAVA” Technologies ......................................................................57 3 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 INTRODUCTION With the Interface Documentation function the SAP Solution Manager provides the possibility to centrally document Interface Scenarios and Interfaces of your solution landscape. Basically all types of Interfaces – referred to as interface technologies – which exist in an SAP landscape are available, including SAP PI interfaces where the processing is typically done through different kinds of adapters. Each Interface can be specified individually, as every interface technology provides a set of so-called interface attributes which come out-of-the-box. In case further attributes are needed it is possible to create customer-defined attributes and use them in the same way as the attributes predefined by SAP. The present guideline explains how the Interfaces can be documented in the SAP Solution Manager system, and which possibilities exist to leverage the interface data maintained by using the integrated features in SAP Solution Manager. The advantage of having a central place to document your interfaces lies at hand. Especially in today’s distributed solution landscapes it is essential to have a central view on the existing interfaces and its technical details. Different tools may exist in various places which all take over the task of documenting single parts of interfaces, or only small portions of the interface set available in your landscape. Concentrating all this information centrally in SAP Solution Manager increases the visibility and helps avoiding double maintenance of such interface data in different tools. In addition, the effect of planned downtimes in your solution landscape can be judged more easily, especially if you have assigned the Interfaces to business processes. Then it is directly clear which business processes will be affected once a system is shut down for maintenance, and the corresponding measures can be taken in advance. Even more, if there is a critical situation in your landscape, like a system has stopped unforeseenly, or a certain Interface got stuck due to technical errors, you can identify the affected business processes directly in SAP Solution Manager without having the need to access the managed systems and laboriously search for the necessary information. Moreover, many customers still use offline documents like spreadsheets to list their interfaces. This is cumbersome to handle and often poses the risk that data gets lost or outdated information is used due to improper document management. The Interface Documentation function in SAP Solution Manager may replace such kind of maintenance mode. Although it will cause some initial effort to transfer the offline documentation into the SAP system it is worthwhile to do so as several additional features in SAP Solution Manager exist which enable you to re-use the interface data. The most prominent feature is the integration with the Business Process Monitoring tool: Interfaces can be assigned to Connection Lines in business processes, which enables you to configure monitoring within the Business Process Monitoring tool using the attribute data of the Referenced Interfaces. In general, the Interface Documentation can take place in two different contexts: You may either run a project e.g. to implement a new business process or to change and improve an already existing business process in your landscape. This part is based on the functions offered in the Work Center Implementation / Upgrade in SAP Solution Manager, with its underlying transactions like SOLAR01 / SOLAR02. In contrast, you can also access and document Interfaces in the operational phase of your business process. The Interfaces are then maintained in Solution Directory which you can access e.g. from Work Center Business Process Operations or directly via transaction SOLMAN_DIRECTORY. Both contexts are integrated with each other, which means you can take over the configuration you did in the project phase into the operational phase, when you work in a solution. The configuration and handling of the functionality basically is perfomed in the same way in both contexts. This guide only focuses on the handling of Interfaces in the operational phase as here also the integration with other operational tools such as Business Process Monitoring can be described more easily. Still the basic steps apply to the project context, too. Technical Prerequisites Interface Documentation in Solution Directory was first introduced with SAP Solution Manager 4.0, Support Package Stack SP15. Since then it was continuously improved and enhanced. This guideline describes the functions and configuration steps as available in new SAP Solution Manager Release 7.1, as of Support Package Stack SP05. Nevertheless most of the functions are also available in lower Solution Manager releases and the basic navigation and configuration works as described in the following sections. This 4 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 applies especially to SAP Solution Manager 7.0 systems for which it is recommended to work with the latest Support Package Stack available. Whenever functions are not available for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 release this is marked in the corresponding section of this guideline. Special technical prerequisites apply to the integration of PI-related content as available in Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) of the PI system. These prerequisites are discussed in the corresponding chapter. Naming Conventions The following entities exist in regard to Interface Documentation in SAP Solution Manager: Interface: Connection between two different or the same logical component(s) as maintained in the Interface Scenarios section. Interface Scenario: Interfaces that logically belong together (e.g. by means of their technology, by application etc.) can be grouped into Interface Scenarios. Connection Line: Arrow in the business process graphic which is drawn between two business process steps situated on different logical components. Referenced Interface: Interface assigned to a Connection Line as defined above. External Interface: Referenced Interface in a business process from another solution 5 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 SETUP PROCEDURE In order to maintain interfaces in the Solution Directory typically you start Solution Manager Work Centers via transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER. Navigate to tab Business Process Operations and click on Maintain Solution in the Common Tasks section. You are then asked to select the solution you like to document your Interfaces in, and the Solution Directory (transaction SOLMAN_DIRECTORY) is started for it. Figure 1: Access to Solution Directory As a general prerequisite all Logical Components for which you like to document Interfaces have to be available in your solution. You can add and change the Logical Components on header level of the solution (first entry in the navigation structure on the left-hand side). Figure 2: Maintenance of Logical Components in Solution Directory Interfaces are documented in navigation node Interface Scenarios. The following hierarchy applies within this section: Interface Scenario 1 Interface 1…n (with attributes) o Interface steps 1…n (with attributes) Interface Scenario 2 … 6 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Create Interface Scenarios and Interfaces As a starting point you first have to create at least one Interface Scenario. An Interface Scenario subsumes all Interfaces which logically belong together. For example, you can group all Interfaces by the used technology (like ALE, RFC, or PI), you can group Interfaces by their business area (like logistics, financials, etc), or you may put together all interfaces of the same business section (like all Interfaces assigned to the same plant). Navigate to the Interface Scenarios structure node and create as many Interface Scenarios as necessary in the Structure tab on the right-hand side of the screen. If you do not like to create the Interface Scenarios from scratch, but re-use the information already maintained elsewhere you can copy Interface Scenarios from another data source. Although four different types of data sources exist in the drop-down menu for Source only two of them can be used to retrieve Interface Scenarios: Solution: displays all Interface Scenarios maintained in a different or in the same solution Project: displays all Interface Scenarios maintained in a project Figure 3: Use Source field for Interface Scenario creation Once the right data source is selected you can use the value help in field Interface Scenario. A pop-up window opens which displays all available Interface Scenarios, and lets you select the ones you like to integrate into your solution. Figure 4: Selection screen for Interfaces Next, Interfaces can be defined within each Interface Scenario. Navigate into the next structure node on the left-hand side (named after the Interface Scenario), and maintain the Interfaces for this Interface Scenario. Again, the Source function is available to copy Interfaces from another data source into your solution. 7 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 5: Maintenance screen for Interfaces The minimum information to be provided for each interface (can be referred to as header data of the Interface) is the following: Interface name Sending and receiving Logical Component Interface technology Processing type Whereas the Interface name is manual input, the other fields provide input helps. Sending and receiving Logical Components can be retrieved from the drop-down menu. Only the Logical Components defined on header level of the solution are available. The interface technology can be selected from a value help. With SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 the following interface technologies are provided: Figure 6: List of available Interface technologies as of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 8 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 The processing type defines in which way data is processed – in synchronous or asynchronous manner. You can set the processing type manually. If no value is maintained the default value per interface technology is taken (see Figure 6). On header level of the Interface it is possible to navigate to the maintenance screen for interface attributes via the Attribute button. Refer to next section Maintain Interface Attributes to find more details on this function. Figure 7: Attribute maintenance button As an (optional) next step, per Interface it is possible to define one or more interface steps. The interface steps can only be defined on either the sending or receiving Logical Component of the Interface. In order to maintain interface steps enter the node of the relevant Interface in the navigation structure on the left-hand side of the screen. On the right-hand side you are then able to enter the interface steps together with the Logical Component they run in. A drop-down menu offers you the sending and the receiving Logical Component of the Interface. Figure 8: Maintenance screen for Interface steps It is possible to define interface attributes per interface step – however, only in a restricted mode compared to the attribute maintenance on Interface level. Again refer to section Maintain Interface Attributes to find more details on the maintenance possibilities. Note: Often, the Interfaces to be documented are complex in a way that not only the sending and the receiving Logical Components are involved, but also one or more middleware components which transfer the data between the two end points. A prominent example is an Interface running via SAP PI, connecting two business systems. If you maintain the Interface from Business System 1 (sender) to Business System 2 (receiver) you are not able to maintain interface steps for the Logical Component of the PI system. To overcome this problem it is recommended to maintain ‘sub-interfaces’ for one end-to-end Interface. Subinterface 1 would then be running between Business System 1 and SAP PI, and sub-interface 2 would be configured between SAP PI and Business System 2. 9 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Maintain Interface Attributes A vital part of the Interface Documentation function is the possibility to maintain interface attributes per single Interface. By providing detailed technical data and volume information the Interface is characterized exactly in the system. Moreover, the data maintained here is the basis for further re-use e.g. in Business Process Monitoring tool (see chapter Integration with Business Process Monitoring). You open the attribute maintenance by selecting a single line in the Interface list and clicking on button Attribute. Figure 9: Call the attribute maintenance A maintenance screen opens which provides several tabs to enter interface-specific data: 1. Tab SAP Attributes: This is the main attribute maintenance tab. The available fields are delivered by SAP. Each interface technology offers its own (technology-specific) fields. The screen is divided into two sections: the upper part represents the header data of the Interface. It is already prefilled with the data you entered in the main Interface Documentation screen: Figure 10: Header Interface attributes 10 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Besides the attributes that are already prefilled you can maintain two further attributes on header level: Quality of Service: delivery mode for the interface data. Possible options are “Best Effort” (corresponds to synchronous processing mode), “Exactly Once” (asynchronous processing), and “Exactly Once in Order” (serialized processing). Responsible Person (in free text format) In the lower part of the screen four different tabs can be called to fill in interface-specific data: Technical Attributes: basic technical data of the interface Figure 11: Maintenance of technical attributes Routing: any data referring to the data transfer (like partner information, destinations etc.) Figure 12: Maintenance of routing attributes Document Volume: expected volume and main processing times of the interface 11 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 13: Maintenance of document volume attributes Further Details: space for additional information in free text format Figure 14: Maintenance of free text in Further Details tab Refer to the appendix of this document to find a list of all available attributes per interface technology. There, you can also look up which attributes offer a value help (only available for the attributes in tabs “Technical Attributes” and “Routing”). 2. Tab Customer Attributes: here, any customer-defined attributes are listed which can be filled as any SAP standard attribute. Refer to chapter Maintenance of Customer-Defined Attributes to find further details on the creation of customer-defined attributes. Figure 15: Maintenance of customer-defined attributes 12 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 3. Tab History: provides a change log on the data maintained in attribute maintenance screen Besides the attribute maintenance on Interface level it is also possible to enter further data on interface step level. The SAP Attributes tab only offers one generic pair of attributes (attribute name and attribute value), which can be filled with any data needed. Figure 16: Attribute maintenance on Interface step level The two additional tabs Customer Attributes and History provide the same functionality as the corresponding tabs in the attribute maintenance on Interface level. Create Referenced Interfaces In order to re-use the Interface’s attribute data within a business process context the Interface can be assigned to a Connection Line in a business process in Solution Directory. By creating such Referenced Interfaces you can use the attribute data in further tools in SAP Solution Manager, e.g. the Business Process Monitoring application (see chapter Integration with Business Process Monitoring). As a prerequisite, at least one business process has to be available in the Business Scenarios section in Solution Directory. This business process has to have at least two business process steps which run on two different Logical Components and are connected through a business process Connection Line. The assignment of Interfaces to a business process Connection Line takes place in the corresponding business process graphic. Navigate to Business Scenarios section in Solution Directory, and open up the navigation tree up to the level of Business Processes. There, switch from the Structure to the Component View tab to open the business process graphic (note that the Component View tab is called Graphic in SAP Solution Manager Releases lower than ST 7.1 SP05). 13 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 17:Display business process graphic in Business Scenarios section Select the Connection you like to assign the Interface to, and call Assign Interface from the context menu (right-mouse click). Figure 18: Assign Interface to Connection Line A selection screen is opened that lists all Interfaces maintained in your solution. You can only assign an Interface to the Connection Line in case the following conditions are fulfilled: The sending business process step (starting point of the Connection Line) is executed in the Sending Logical Component of the Interface, and the receiving business process step (end point of the Connection Line) is executed in the Receiving Logical Component of the Interface. The type of the Connection Line corresponds to the Processing Type of the Interface (synchronous or asynchronous) (During creation of a Connection Line you can choose between the two options Create Line (Asynchronously) or Create Line (Synchronously)). 14 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 In order to create the Referenced Interface flag the line of the Interface and press button Copy. All Interfaces which cannot be assigned to the corresponding Connection Line (as they do not fulfill one of the above mentioned conditions) are greyed out in the selection screen and hence cannot be flagged. Figure 19: Select Interfaces to be assigned from selection screen Note that there is a n:n relationship in the assignment of Interfaces to Connection Lines. If several Interfaces fulfill the above mentioned conditions it is possible to assign multiple Interfaces to the same Connection Line. This might be applicable if the sending of the data makes use of several interface technologies which cannot be documented within one Interface. For example, if an IDoc is sent to the target system via transactional RFC, you might assign the ALE interface you created for the outbound processing of the IDoc to the Connection Line as well as the tRFC Interface you configured for this specific RFC destination. Reversely, you can assign the same Interface to different Connection Lines, too. As an example, a tRFC Interface might be used in different business processes, as always the same destination is addressed during the data processing between two dedicated Logical Components. Whereas one business process sends IDocs of type ORDERS to the receiving Logical Component, another business process sends delivery IDocs but still uses the same RFC destination within the tRFC layer. In such a case you can assign the tRFC Interface you created for this purpose to both the order and the deliveries business process. Technically, if you like to assign multiple interfaces to the same Connection Line, simply flag all corresponding Interfaces from the selection screen and press button Copy. You can check in the business process graphic if the assignment was successful by placing the mouse at the Connection Line. All Referenced Interfaces are then displayed as a tool tip: 15 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 20: View Referenced Interfaces in business process graphic If you like to change an existing assignment simply call the Assign Interface selection screen again, and unflag no longer needed Interfaces or add additional ones. Resolve External Interfaces If you have created a business process in your solution by copying it from another data source (i.e. a project or a different solution), any Referenced Interfaces of the original business process are not copied, but only referenced. This means, the assignment of the Interface is visible in the business process graphic, but the corresponding Interfaces are physically not created in the Interface Scenarios section of the current solution. You can resolve these “External Interfaces” by copying, deleting or replacing them. Figure 21: Create copy of a business process 16 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 After having copied the business process you can call the entry “Resolve External Interfaces” from the context menu in the navigation tree on the left side, on the level of the business process itself, or on the corresponding parent node “Business Processes”. Figure 22´: Call context menu to resolve External Interfaces A pop-up window opens where you can individually decide for each Interface whether the Interface is to be deleted in the current solution (which means also the assignment in the Connection Line in the business process graphic is removed; button “Delete”), whether a corresponding entry should be created in the Interface Scenarios section (button “Copy”), or if you like to assign a different, already existing Interface instead of the one used in the original business process (button “Replace”). Figure 23: Resolve External Interfaces 17 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 If you choose option “Copy”, a dialog window asks for the Interface Scenario you like to create the new Interface in. A corresponding Interface is then created in the selected Interface Scenario of your solution together with all attributes from the original (source) Interface. If you choose option “Replace”, a selection screen is displayed from which you can select an Interface of your own solution. This Interface is then used to replace the Interface from the original (source) solution, which means your own Interface is assigned to the Connection Line in the graphic of the copied business process instead of the original Interface. Only those Interfaces can be used to replace the original Interface that fulfill the requirements for Interface assignment (sender and receiver Logical Component have to match, as well as the Processing Type – see also section “Create Referenced Interfaces”). 18 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 MAINTENANCE OF CUSTOMER-DEFINED ATTRIBUTES As described in the previous chapter, in section Interface Scenarios there is a set of pre-defined interface attributes available for each interface technology . However, as many customers use their own or additional attributes to describe their Interfaces in detail, which are not reflected in the SAP standard attributes, it is possible to define and use customer-specific attributes. These attributes are available in the attribute maintenance screen in tab Customer Attributes and can be used as any SAP standard attribute. All necessary functions are documented in SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide (SAP IMG), and can be called from there. Call transaction SPRO to open the SAP IMG, following the path SAP Reference IMG => SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide SAP Solution Manager Capabilities (Optional) Implementation/Upgrade Blueprint and Configuration Object Attributes. Figure 24: Path in SAP IMG to the customer attribute maintenance entries Define Customer Attributes First step in creating customer-specific attributes is the definition of the attribute itself. You can call the corresponding customizing table view in SAP IMG from node Definition of Customer Attributes for Object Types. In the table view screen use button New Entries to create a new customer-defined attribute: Figure 25: Create new customer attributes 19 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Next, provide the name of the new attribute and its description, and save afterwards. Figure 26: Provide customer attribute name The newly created attribute can be enriched with a value help. Mark the line of the new attribute and doubleclick the node Attribute properties in the navigation structure on the left-hand side. Figure 27: Call attribute properties maintenance screen In the next screen you again have to click on button New Entries to add characteristics for the new attribute. The available characteristics have the following meaning: Table Name: Name of a table from data dictionary the value help is to be taken from Field Name: Name of the field in scope Multiple Values: Defines whether the attribute can take only one or several values Visibility: Defines whether the attribute is visible in the attribute maintenance screen or not Figure 28: Provide customer attribute properties Value helps are available in each field. After configuring the value help save your changes. Assign Customer Attributes to Interface Technologies Once a new attribute is created it has to be defined in which context the attribute shall be maintainable. The maintenance screen can again be called from SAP IMG from node Assign Customer Attributes to Objects. The main screen offers a list of all object types to which the attribute can be assigned to. Among others, entries Interface and Interface Step are available. If, for example, you want to use the new attribute at Interface level, mark the corresponding entry in the list and double-click node Assign Attributes in the navigation tree on the left-hand side. 20 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 29: Select object type the customer attribute is to be assigned Now you can assign the new attribute to the Interface level. Use button New Entries to add a new line, and select the new attribute from the value help in field Customer Attribute Name. Figure 30: Provide properties for the attribute assignment In addition, two further fields have to be filled: Attribute Order: This defines in which sequence all available customer-specific attributes shall be visible in the attribute maintenance screen in Solution Directory Value Check: Several options exist here which let you define whether an input for the attribute is mandatory or not, and if the entered value is to be checked against the possible values from F4 help. Save your entries to make the attribute available to the Customer Attributes tab on Interface level. If you want to use the new attribute at interface step level, too, repeat the last steps for object type Interface Step. Note: All assigned attributes are visible in the Customer Attributes tab independent of the interface technology. Currently there is no possibility to assign attributes to a certain interface technology only. 21 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 INTEGRATION OF ESR PROCESS INTEGRATION SCENARIOS As of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 it is possible to import so-called Process Integration Scenarios from an SAP Netweaver Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) into Interface documentation function in SAP Solution Manager. On the one hand this function can be executed in the Business Scenarios section in Solution Directory. In this case a new Business Process is created based on the Actions and Connections defined in the ESR Process Integration Scenario, and the corresponding Interfaces are created in the Interface Scenarios section based on the Connections defined in the Process Integration Scenario. On the other hand it is also possible to do the import directly in the Interface Scenarios section, which results in the creation of Interfaces for the Service Interfaces and Imported Objects assigned to the Process Integration Scenario. Each newly created Interface is populated with all attribute data available from ESR. In the following it is described briefly which preparatory steps need to be performed, and how the import is executed in Solution Directory. Background Information In general the Enterprise Services Repository is a Java-based modeling tool which is used within SAP Netweaver as a central repository for design objects for service development and their metadata. A Process Integration Scenario represents such a design object; it describes a cross-component process that is based on the exchange of messages by using SAP Netweaver Process Integration. In other words, it contains all aspects of process integration that are relevant for message exchange. The elements of a Process Integration Scenario directly reference the design objects required for this collaborative process (e.g. actions, interfaces and mappings). In this way the Process Integration Scenarios already contain all information needed to document PI-based interfaces in Solution Directory (the Interface name itself, but also further attributes which are needed to describe the message exchange via PI: direction of processing, sender and receiver attributes, IDoc types, used function modules etc.). In order to avoid double maintenance of these PI interfaces the Process Integration Scenarios and their underlying interface data can be directly imported into Solution Directory. Please refer to the SAP Online Help ( if you like to find more information on the topic of ESR and Process Integration Scenarios. You can use this link to open the documentation, or follow this path in SAP Online Help to call the right pages: SAP NetWeaver => SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. Scroll down to section Application Help and open the SAP Library in the required language. There, follow the path: SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Library Function-oriented View Process Integration Enterprise Services Repository & Registry Enterprise Services Repository. Technical Prerequisites As indicated before the import of ESR Process Integration Scenarios can only be done as of SAP Solution Manager 7.1. In addition, the SAP Solution Manager system has to have at least Basis Version 7.02 implemented. On the side of the SAP PI system the ESR is assigned to the following prerequisites have to be met: SAP PI 7.02, SP00 SAP PI 7.20, SP00 All higher SAP PI releases Note that SAP PI releases 7.10 and 7.11 are not yet fully enabled to send data from ESR to SAP Solution Manager. This means that some of the functions are not available during the import. Above all this applies to the import of Action Connections in the Business Process Scenarios section which is not possible if the connected ESR is based on the mentioned PI releases. 22 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Establish Connection to ESR Before the ESR integration into Solution Directory can be used, a technical connection to the relevant ESR needs to be established. This connection is of type HTTP and can be directly configured in SAP Solution Manager. The relevant steps can be found in SAP Implementation Guide (transaction SPRO) following the path SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide SAP Solution Manager Capabilities (Optional) Implementation / Upgrade External Integration Process Integration PI. Figure 31: Path in SAP IMG to the relevant steps required to establish an ESR connection First, the relevant ESR needs to be made available to SAP solution Manager’s system landscape. Depending on the support package which is installed on your SAP Solution Manager system the configuration steps differ slightly. Up to SAP Solution Manager SP04 a Logical Component needs to be defined which runs on product SAP NETWEAVER PI and has the relevant instance Content PI. This can be achieved in transaction SMSY in SAP Solution Manager. Select the relevant PI system the ESR is assigned to (or create a new entry if the PI system is not yet available), and mark the instance “Content PI” as relevant. 23 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Then, a new Logical Component has to be created which points to the newly created instance of the PI system. This Logical Component later has to be added to the solution the Process Integration Scenarios are to be imported to. When creating the Logical Component make sure the Product Instance is set to Content PI. Figure 32: Creation of new Logical Component of instance “Content PI” To finalize the creation of the Logical Component enter the relevant PI system into the column of the leading role and save. Afterwards, open Solution Directory and add the new Logical Component to your solution. Figure 33: Provide system for the leading role of the solution Note: As of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 it is no longer necessary to assign the Logical Component to be created to the product instance Content PI. Instead, the Logical Component to be used has to point simply to an SMSY product entry which has the right product version. This is product SAP NETWEAVER PI and all relevant successor products (which can also be e.g. product SAP NETWEAVER in case of an SAP PI 7.30 system). As a next step, a user ID needs to be available on PI side which can be provided later on during the configuration of the HTTP connection in SAP Solution Manager. This user needs to have the following authorization: SAP_XI_DISPLAY_USER_J2EE 24 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 If no appropriate user ID exists it can be created in the User Management Engine (UME) on PI side. In general the UME can be called with URL http://<local host>:<port>/user admin. Please refer to the standard documentation to find details about the subsequent steps to create an appropriate user in UME. Finally, the HTTP connection can be set up in SAP Solution Manager. Enter transaction SM59 and create a new connection of type ‘G’ ( HTTP connections to External Server). It is mandatory to call the new connection following this naming convention: SOL_DIR_ESR_<SID> In the Technical Settings tab provide the host of the PI system in field Target Host, the port number of the ESR in field Service Number, and the pattern “/rep” in field Path Prefix. In addition, the user details have to be provided in tab Logon & Security. Figure 34: Configuration of http destination to ESR Integrate Process Integration Scenarios into Solution Directory As mentioned above basically two use-cases for the integration of ESR data into Solution Directory exist: Import Actions Connections as a Business Process in Business Scenarios section Import (ESR) Interfaces (Services Interfaces or Imported Objects) into Interface Scenarios section . For each ESR Interface a new Interface in Solution Directory is created. Below you can find, for each use-case, the basic configuration steps to be taken in Solution Directory. 25 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Import Action Connections in Section “Business Scenarios” If you import a so-called Action Connection into Business Scenarios section, several objects are created at the same time: A new Business Process is created under the Business Scenario, including a business process graphic which represents the basic process flow as maintained in the Process Integration Scenario New Interfaces are created in Interface Scenarios section for each interface which is actually used in the Process Integration Scenario. In order to import the Action Connections navigate to the relevant Business Scenario and perform a rightclick on node Business Processes under the business scenario you like to assign the Action Connection to. Choose option ESR Objects New Copy Action Connection as Process to open a selection screen. Figure 35: Context menu to open the Process Integration Scenarios selection screen In this selection screen all ESRs are listed for which the technical prerequisites are met (Logical Component is defined and assigned to the solution, working HTTP connection to ESR is established – see also section Establish Connection to ESR). Figure 36: Selection screen for import of Process Integration Scenarios You can now drill down to the Action Connection you like to import as business process. Note that you can import more than one Action Connection at the same time. 26 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 37: Selection of Action Connections After selecting the appropriate Action Connections a mapping of the application components used in these Action Connections into the Logical Components available in the solution has to take place. Use the value help to select from the Logical Components available in the solution. Be aware that there is a 1:1 relationship in the mapping, which means you can assign a Logical Component only to one application component from ESR. If no appropriate Logical Component is available in the solution anymore you still can select from all Logical Components defined in the SAP Solution Manager using button From All Components. The selected Logical Component is then added to the solution automatically. Figure 38: Mapping of application components into Logical Components In addition, Interfaces are created in the Interface Scenarios section for all (ESR) Interfaces which are defined in the imported Action Connections. To finalize the creation of these Interfaces you have to select, per Interface, within which Interface Scenario the Interface is to be created, and which Interface Technology is used. 27 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 39: Mapping of (ESR) Interfaces into Interfaces in Solution Directory As a result of the import a new business process is available in the Business Scenario you assigned the Action Connection to. The business process is named like the Action Connection, but you can adjust it manually if needed. Its status is set to Planned per default. If you plan to configure monitoring for this business process using the Business Process Monitoring tool make sure you change the status to Production. The different Actions of the Action Connection are listed as new business process steps. They are marked with the ‘ESR Object’ symbol in order to indicate their origin. Figure 40: Business Process created from ESR Action Connection In the Component View tab a business process graphic is automatically created which corresponds to the Action Connection as defined in ESR. The imported interfaces of the Action Connection are automatically assigned to the Connection Lines in the business process graphic, too (refer to chapter Create Referenced Interfaces for more information). 28 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 41: Business process graphic for the imported Action Connection In the Interfaces Scenario you assigned the ESR interfaces to new Interfaces are available after the import which are marked with the ‘ESR Object’ symbol, too. Figure 42: Imported Interfaces in Interface Scenarios section If any attribute data is available in ESR these are automatically mapped into the corresponding attributes of the new Interfaces. You can view and of course manually adjust or complement these attribute data if needed. Figure 43: Mapping of ESR attributes into Interface attributes in Solution Directory 29 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Import Interfaces into Section “Interface Scenarios” If you are not interested in importing complete Action Connections on Business Scenarios level you can also call the connected ESR on Interface Scenarios level. In this case only Service Interfaces or Imported Objects are available for selection, and Interfaces are created based on the information deposited for these objects in ESR. You can call the selection screen for the ESR objects by right-clicking on an Interface Scenario you defined in the Interface Scenarios section. Choose ESR Objects New… Insert Interface from ESR. Figure 44: Conext menu to open the selection screen for ESR objects on Interface Scenarios level A selection screen is opened which enables you to choose all ESR objects which you like to include as Interfaces into Solution Directory. Figure 45: Selection screen for Service Interfaces and Imported Objects 30 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 After confirming your selection the ESR objects have to be mapped into Interfaces. This requires the definition of the Sending and Receiving Logical Component as well as the Interface Technology for the new Interfaces. You can use the value help to retrieve all available values for the different fields. Figure 46: Assignment of Interfaces to Logical Components As a result new Interfaces are available under the specified Interface Scenario. Any attribute data available in ESR is again mapped into the Interface attributes as known from the import of Action Connections on Business Scenarios level. Figure 47: Newly created Interfaces based on ESR Service Interfaces or Imported Objects Check Status of ESR Objects Once you have imported any ESR Action Connection as Business Process or any ESR Service Interface or Imported Object as Interface you can double-check whether these objects still exist in the original ESR. Both on Business Process level and on Interface Scenario level in the navigation structure in Solution Directory you can call entry Check Status of ESR/BPMRS Objects… from the context menu. 31 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 48: Access to the status overview screen for imported ESR objects By executing this function all relevant ESRs are accessed directly, and the status of the imported object is checked, i.e. whether it still exists or not. This way you can directly see if there have been any changes in the ESR objects you imported into Solution Directory. In case the objects are no longer available (due to renaming or changes in the attribute data) you might want to re-import these objects so the Interface data is always up to date in Solution Manager as well. Figure 49: Status overview screen for imported ESR objects 32 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 INTEGRATION WITH BUSINESS PROCESS MONITORING Of course maintaining the Interfaces and the related technical attributes in section Interface Scenarios section is the primary task of the Interface Documentation function. Besides, this interface data – especially the technical attributes – are supposed to be re-used in other tools SAP Solution Manager provides. By putting an Interface into the context of a business process, the pure technical entity “Interface” becomes business-critical in a way that real business data is transported by this Interface. If failures occur, the process flow might work incorrectly or even stop completely, having severe impact on the complete business process. Hence a sophisticated Interface Monitoring has to be in place which can be realized with the Business Process Monitoring tool available in SAP Solution Manager. The attribute data maintained for the Interfaces in Interface Scenarios section can be directly re-used for the configuration of Business Process Monitoring which is described in the following. Please refer to the “Setup Guide – Business Process Monitoring” available at SAP Service Marketplace ( Media Library Technical Information) to find more details on how to model business processes in Solution Directory, and how to set up Business Process and Interface Monitoring in general. Use Get Default Values Function in Business Process Monitoring Setup As a prerequisite for re-using the Interface data maintained in Solution Directory in Business Process Monitoring tool at least one Referenced Interface needs to exist in the corresponding business process (refer to section Create Referenced Interfaces). If this prerequisite is met you can configure Interface Monitoring quite easily with the Business Process Monitoring tool. It is assumed that the technical prerequisites for the Business Process Monitoring are already fulfilled. If not done yet please refer to SAP notes 521820 and 784752 and the “Business Process Monitoring – Setup Guide” to find detailed instructions. Start the Business Process Monitoring tool from Business Process Operations Work Center. You can find the link to it in section Common Tasks. In the pop-up window select the solution you would like to set up the monitoring for. Figure 50: Access to Business Process Monitoring Setup tool You will be led to a web dynpro application which enables you to set up the Business Process Monitoring. Note that this web-based UI is only available as of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05. Before – especially in SAP Solution Manager 7.0 – a SAPGUI session is available for the Business Process Monitoring setup. The following steps are explained only for the new web-based application; however, the basic steps apply to the old session environment, too, and can be easily adapted to it. 33 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 In the initial screen of the Business Process Monitoring tool select the (business process) interface – the Connection Line from the business process graphic in Solution directory – you like to configure the monitoring for. In the example explained here IDoc Monitoring is to be configured for the deliveries interface from the ERP system to a warehouse system. Thus a corresponding monitoring object is set up for this interface. The detailed steps on the setup procedure can be found in the “Setup Guide – Interface Monitoring” available at SAP Service Marketplace, too ( Media Library Technical Information). Figure 51: Main screen of Business Process Monitoring Setup tool After having created a new monitoring object enter the main parameter maintenance screen by clicking the name of this monitoring object. In tab Monitoring Configuration you find a list of all available parameters for the specific interface technology you are configuring the monitoring for. Instead of entering all relevant parameter values manually you can now use the button Get Default Values to automatically transfer the attribute values of the Referenced Interface into the corresponding Business Process Monitoring configuration parameters. 34 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 52: Get Default Values button in parameter maintenance screen By choosing the button the available attribute data is either automatically mapped into the corresponding parameter fields, or – if several Referenced Interfaces exist – first a selection screen is displayed which lets you pick the right Interface. Figure 53: Selection of Interfaces for monitoring object After confirming your selection the attribute data is then transferred into the Business Process Monitoring parameter fields. 35 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Figure 54: Interface attribute data filled into Business Process Monitoring setup parameters Note: Not all attribute values from the Interface can be mapped into the Business Process Monitoring configuration parameters as not all attributes are needed to set up the monitoring. Moreover, the Get Default Values function sometimes provides further parameter values which have not been defined in the Interface documentation part (simply as they are not available there). These additional parameter values represent reasonable default values the corresponding monitoring object normally would run with. If you already have maintained customizing for the monitoring object and you now use the Get Default Values function all existing values are overwritten. This also applies to parameters where no corresponding attribute value is available in Interface documentation. Such parameter fields are emptied. Please refer to the “Setup Guide – Interface Monitoring” ( Media Library Technical Information) to find the additional steps to be taken to finally activate the monitoring. These steps are not in scope of thisdocument. 36 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 IMPORTANT SAP NOTES Find below a list of SAP Notes which might be important to implement on your SAP Solution Manager system according to the current system prerequisites and the potential issues you might face during usage Interface Documentation feature. Please note that this list does not make a claim to be complete. SAP Note Number Title Description Relevant for SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP 1593295 Corrections for Solution Manager BSI-API (2) Corrections to the Solution Manager infrastructure SP01 – SP02 1675719 Shortcut not accepted as subnode Corrections to the Solution Manager infrastructure SP02 – SP04 1703066 Correction of ESR/BPMN integration It is not possible to establish a connection to an Enterprise Services Repository since the ‘Content PI’ entry in SMSY for the underlying system cannot be flagged as relevant. This note removes this restriction. SP02 – SP04 1712237 Correction ESR/BPMN integration 2 The folder hierarchy in the ESR Process Integration Scenarios selection screen is not displayed correctly: Process Integration Scenarios which are located in a folder in the ESR do not show up in Solution Directory. SP02 – SP05 1763209 Importieren von weiteren ESR Objekten (z.B. IDoc) This note enables you to import any ESR Imported Objects on Interface Scenario level besides the integration with Service Interfaces that is already available. In the Interface name the direction of processing is marked with an addition ‘Outbound’ or ‘Inbound’. If the direction is not specified the addition ‘Unknown’ is used. In this case please check whether the attribute assignment was done correctly. Per default the sender attributes are filled. SP05 – SP06 37 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 APPENDIX: AVAILABLE ATTRIBUTES PER INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY General Attributes Attribute Group Global Attributes Attribute Name Description Interface Name Interface Name Source Logical Component Sending system Target Logical Component Receiver system Interface Technology Used Interface technology Interface Type Quality of Service Responsible Person Document Volume Average number of interface related documents per hour Maximum number of interface related documents per hour Average number of interface related documents per day Maximum number of interface related documents per day Average number of interface related documents per week Maximum number of interface related documents per week Average number of interface related documents per month Maximum number of interface related documents per month Required response time (in ms) Peak hour(s) Peak day(s) Peak month(s) Value Help Type of the Interface: Synchronous or asynchronous Processing Type: Best effort (synchronous processing), Exactly Once (asynchronous processing), or Exactly Once In Order (asynchronous queued processing) Responsible person for this Interface Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Self-explanatory Expected response time of this Interface Business peak hours for this Interface Business peak days for this Interface Business peak months for this Interface “ALE” and “EDI” Technologies Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Caller Program Calling program on the sender logical component Technology Object (IDoc basic type) Business Object (IDoc message type) Value Help IDoc basic type IDoc message type 38 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Extension IDoc extension Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta Trigger Mode Package Size (if background processing) Serialization Type Is ALEAUDIT Used? Routing Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background IDoc Package size used if background processing is activated Serialization type used (by time stamp, by message object, by object canal, qRFC) ALEAUDIT is used to confirm that the IDoc sent has been received IDoc Sender Partner Type IDoc Sender Partner Type IDoc Sender Partner Number IDoc Sender Partner Number IDoc Sender Partner Port IDoc Sender Partner Port IDoc Sender Partner Role IDoc Sender Partner Role IDoc Receiver Partner Type IDoc Receiver Partner Type IDoc Receiver Partner Number IDoc Receiver Partner Number IDoc Receiver Partner Port IDoc Receiver Partner Port IDoc Receiver Partner Role IDoc Receiver Partner Role RFC Destination LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) RFC Server group for immediately processed IDocs (TA OYAE) RFC destination (used in ALE port for calling) LogOn group from transaction SMLG on target LC Server group defined in transaction OYEA “Batch Input” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technology Object Batch Input session name Business Object Called Transactions Technical Attributes Full, Delta, Full/Delta Parallelization for this business object allowed Is parallelization for this business object allowed? Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background Program which created the batch input session User that created batch input session Network path to the processed file(s) / file directory Creation Program Session Creator Routing Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Called transactions of the target LC Transfer Mode Processing Mode Path to the Processed File(s) Value Help 39 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “BDoc” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technical Attributes Technology Object (BDoc Type) BDoc Type Site Name BDoc Site Name Value Help “Direct Input” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Technology Object (Program name) Program name on target LC Parallelization for this business object allowed? Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Is parallelization for this business object allowed? Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta Attribute Name Description Technology Object (File) File type Business Object Value Help “File” Technology Attribute Group Value Help Business Object Technical Attributes Routing Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta Parallelization for this business object allowed? Is parallelization for this business object allowed? Transfer Program Name Program name on target LC File Pattern Pattern with which the file can be identified File Creator User who created the file File Name(s) File name(s) Path to the Processed File(s) Network path to the processed file(s) / file directory 40 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “HTTP – ABAP WebService (ICM)” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object WebService name Business Object Freetext for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta URL / ICF path URL / IFC path used Web Service Proxy WebService proxy name Logical Port Logical Port used to call WebService Value Help “HTTP – General WebService” and “HTTP – JAVA Webservice (J2EE)” Technologies Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technology Object WebService name Business Object Freetext for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta URL URL used Web Service Proxy WebService proxy name Logical Port Logical Port used to call WebService Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technical Attributes Technology Object (JMS message) JMS message type Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery JMS Queue JMS queue name Attribute Name Description Technology Object (program / transaction) Used transaction or program on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Technical Attributes Routing Value Help “JMS” Technology Routing Value Help “Manual” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Business Object Transfer Mode Value Help Full, Delta, Full/Delta 41 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “Others” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Technology Object Business Object Description Value Help Free text for the used technology object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery “RFC - asynchronous (aRFC)” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technology Object (called function on receiver side) Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Business Object Technical Attributes Caller Program Calling program on the sender LC Transfer Mode Full, Delta, Full/Delta Trigger Mode Routing LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) RFC Server group on receiver (RZ12) RFC Destination Value Help Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background RFC server group from transaction RZ12 on target LC LogOn group from transaction SMLG on target LC RFC destination used for calling (SM59) “RFC - background, queued units (bgRFC)” and “RFC - background, transactional units (bgRFC)” Technologies Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Caller Program Calling program on the sender LC Technology Object (called function on receiver) Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Business Object Transfer Mode Trigger Mode RFC Destination Routing RFC Server group on receiver (RZ12) LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) Value Help Full, Delta, Full/Delta Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background RFC destination used for calling (SM59) LogOn group from transaction SMLG on target LC RFC server group from transaction RZ12 on target LC 42 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “RFC - queued (qRFC)” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Caller Program Technology Object (called function on receiver) Technical Attributes Business Object Transfer Mode Trigger Mode Routing Outbound: Outbound Queue Name(s) Outbound: RFC Destination (used for calling) Inbound: Inbound Queue Name(s) Inbound: RFC Destination (used for execution) RFC Server group on receiver (RZ12) Description Value Help Calling program on sender or receiver LC Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Full, Delta, Full/Delta Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background Outbound queue name / queue group RFC destination (used for calling) Inbound queue name / queue group RFC destination used for calling (SM59) Locally posted RFC calls can as well be distributed using server group(s) defined in RZ12 “RFC - synchronous (sRFC)” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Caller Program Calling program on the sender LC Technology Object (called function on receiver) Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Business Object Transfer Mode Trigger Mode Routing RFC Destination LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) Value Help Full, Delta, Full/Delta Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background RFC destination used for calling (SM59) RFC server group from transaction RZ12 on target LC 43 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “RFC - transactional (tRFC)” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Caller Program Calling program on the sender LC Technology Object (called function on receiver) Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Business Object Transfer Mode Trigger Mode RFC Destination Routing RFC Destination registered in qRFC outbound scheduler? LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) Value Help Full, Delta, Full/Delta Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background RFC destination used for calling (SM59) Self-explanatory RFC server group from transaction RZ12 on target LC “SAP Workflow” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Number of dialog steps inside the workflow Number of background steps inside the workflow Task name of the execute workflow Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background Number of dialog steps inside the workflow (integer value) Number of background steps inside the workflow (integer value) Workflow Task ID Workflow Task ID Technology Object (task name) Business Object Technical Attributes Description Step Type Value Help “SQL – ADBC” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name DBMS Type Technical Attributes DBMS Connection Name Description Value Help Type of the Database Managed System Name of the DBMS connection used DBMS Connection DBMS Connection DBMS Schema Name DBMS Schema Name 44 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “SQL – JDBC” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SQL Request Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Parallelization Used Is parallelization used? Data Source Name Name of the data source SQL Statement SQL Statement Database URL URL to the JAVA database Value Help “XI Adapter – 3rd Party” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP PI SOAP Message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery 3rd Party Adapter Type 3rd Party Adapter Type PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 45 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Customer Modifications Done? Self-explanatory Business Process Engine Used? Self-explanatory “XI Adapter – BC” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP PI SOAP Message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Self-explaining Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – CIDX” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technical Attributes Technology Object SAP PI SOAP Message Value Help 46 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Routing Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – File” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object (File) File type Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Parallelization for this business object allowed? Self-explanatory PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 47 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – http” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP PI SOAP Message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 48 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – IDoc” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Technology Object (IDoc basic type) IDoc basic type Business Object Is ALEAUDIT Used? Routing Value Help Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery ALEAUDIT is used to confirm that the IDoc sent has been received PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Port Name IDoc partner port RFC Destination RFC destination used in port Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 49 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Customer Modifications Done? Self-explanatory Business Process Engine Used? Self-explanatory “XI Adapter – JDBC” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SQL request Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Parallelization Used Is parallelization used? PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – JMS” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technical Attributes Technology Object (JMS message) JMS message type Value Help 50 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Routing Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – Mail” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object (Mail) E-Mail Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 51 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – Marketplace” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object (Mail) SAP XI/PI SOAP message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 52 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 DDID (Document Destination ID) DDID (Document Destination ID) Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory “XI Adapter – RFC” Technology Attribute Group Attribute Name Description Technology Object (called function on receiver side) Function module called on the target LC Business Object Technical Attributes Application Server (running the gateway) Program ID (registered at the gateway) Degree of Parallelization (0-X) Routing Value Help Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Application server where the gateway is running Program ID (registered at the gateway) Degree of parallelization (Integer value) PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 53 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “XI Adapter – RNIF” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Technology Object (Protocol Type) Business Object (service name) Single Action or Two Action Used? Description Value Help Protocol type Free text for the service name used Self-explanatory PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – RNIF11” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Technology Object (Protocol Type) Business Object (RosettaNet Action Messages) Description Value Help Protocol type RosettaNet Action messages PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 54 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – SOAP” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP XI/PI SOAP message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery URL URL PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 55 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) “XI Adapter – XI” Technology Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP XI/PI SOAP message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 56 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 “XI Proxy – ABAP” and “XI Proxy – JAVA” Technologies Attribute Group Technical Attributes Routing Attribute Name Description Technology Object SAP XI/PI SOAP Message Business Object Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Proxy Type Proxy type (client or server) PI Scenario Name PI Scenario Name Sender Agency Sender Agency Sender Schema Sender Schema Sender Party Sender Party Sender Service Sender Service Sender Interface Sender Interface Sender Namespace Sender Namespace Sender Agreement Sender Agreement Receiver Agency Receiver Agency Receiver Schema Receiver Schema Receiver Party Receiver Party Receiver Service Receiver Service Receiver Interface Receiver Interface Receiver Namespace Receiver Namespace Receiver Agreement Receiver Agreement Adapter Channel Name Adapter Channel Name Complex Mapping Used? Self-explanatory Message Split Used? Self-explanatory Customer Modifications Done? Self-explanatory Business Process Engine Used? Self-explanatory Value Help (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) (only ABAP stack) 57 INTERFACE DOCUMENTATION IN SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1 Attribute Group Technical Attributes Attribute Name Description Caller Program Calling program on the sender LC Technology Object (called function on receiver) Called function module on target LC Free text for the transferred business object, e.g. delivery Business Object Transfer Mode Trigger Mode RFC Destination Routing RFC Destination registered in qRFC outbound scheduler? LogOn Group on Receiver (SMLG) Value Help Full, Delta, Full/Delta Dialog, Background, Dialog/Background RFC destination used for calling (SM59) Self-explanatory RFC server group from transaction RZ12 on target LC 58 © 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, StreamWork, SAP HANA, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects Software Ltd. Business Objects is an SAP company. Sybase and Adaptive Server, iAnywhere, Sybase 365, SQL Anywhere, and other Sybase products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase Inc. Sybase is an SAP company. Crossgate, m@gic EDDY, B2B 360°, and B2B 360° Services are registered trademarks of Crossgate AG in Germany and other countries. Crossgate is an SAP company. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.