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TH& J!!8 founnt"r1 0": the Seripturt"s. to shew their Tt"as why the)' J~Jd,!..'"t.', my prophecies fMm the L>c~i1' they are at Ilherty to COllle. :Ind' bring forth the;; arguments, aud I will brio.. forth 1l'li~~ Uut tl fre some that I know, who are acclls~orned ro ~ere I~S. whom I .have forbid already, "nrj I no v • ~Id tl~em agam; for a liar shall not ta I!ght It I. know it, Now I ha\'e shewn n lJgh~ c1ealmgs \\'i~h men. 1 hope to find u 'ri fr?1Il judge as they J . ;-ed-wlth Ju~tlee, equity, and truth, ·1 am to stanll a Just trial, that I hare not written y cllnningly-dl'\'ised fable, but ha\'e made knowlt t ~e ~OMISO OF TilE LORD JESUS CHRIST Ha ~I~I It be for all men who have their la~lps b!: Ing, to meet the BRIDEOtlOO)1 at his coming. :~~!,lJlgs ,the~n-to at co. TINUATIO • OF THE prophecies ofJoanna Southcott. wisltto~ ...................................... AWord in Seafon to a finkiltg Kingdom. ....................................... NCE more t am ordered to addrets the publi~. The day of the Lord is at hand, and He hath warned by His Spirit, and by vifions, as He promifed by the Ptophel Joel, ~ en. ~8 v, that, in the latter days, when" He cometh to pour out His Spirit U/lQfI a.# jltf1J, tbat your fons and .your daughters O1a11 proplecy, your old men O1all dream dreams, your young men !hall fee vit1ona," N ow call 10 your remembrallce the words of our dear Redeemer-" Think oqt that I am come to dellroy the of God, or the Prophets; I come nOl to dellroy them, but to fiJ.fi1 them; and this generation O1all Dot~ar. away tiIIall is fulfil1ed"-that meaneth, the gmeratwn uncUT IIItJtdl-hut hen the Lord cometh to pour out His lJpfrit U/l01l all jleJh, He mull deftrOJ the works of tIUkod's, and l'ut upon us the armour of light, that we be !WIde children of lhe ligbl. He gave u • ..\*able from the fig-tree putting forth Dis greeD b, kno ing that (ummer was nigh at hane!. So ye fee 1M .fuJfilfffewt of the 'prophcta aIld &be aofiiel}ogetAcr, know, &lIal your redemption draweth O High-Hou<e. Paddingtan March 21, 1803, A • 2 nigh. ' But as f this 'fi Book will treat monly of th e ex. pI ana t IOns 0 VI Ions, 1 fhall beg my readers to weilTh deep the ?d chapter of Joel, and compare it with the prefent urnes. The vifions which I fhall of thofi fJ ~ h now treat , are . e 0 ole~ Prcfcott, of Berm6ndfey, who been m the habll orreeing vifions from 17 the prefent day; but unknown to me and I t 9~. to till Feb~uary 118, 1803, after my W;itings had b~;~ proved m January, by fifty-eight perfons then rc lent, and ,,110 alliigned their names of a;prob Soon after the abo:ve youth was taken into the. 107-' of a fnend: where the vifions were fhewn to h' 10u.en ~he manner, an~ according to the dates which ~~i ereafter menuoned. The vifions were b h e me and expI' rongN t to " ame d as you will fee in this book ~udge for yourfe!ves, my brethren that ye' bOw, J ~dged of the Lor.d; and trace hls footlleps ta~~~ "ard: for no man hvmg can trace them fo d the wifdom of the Lord is hid in the tr~ar ;-al ~is paths pall man's finding out. Herret . ~ep, and \I1t~ a field la,rge enough for a volume w~~gIl~:~er plam the Itrange dealings of the Lord ;ith J r. h~ EllYPt , Mofes and Pharaoh, with Noah D 0, ~p I ~th Job in all his affiiClions. None c~lda~:~c'e~he kl~om ~f the Lord till they faw the end: and fo God;~ I IS m?men.l. .NO,ne can trace the wifdom of the na.ward, 19 al. HIS dlTeClions to me, till they fe~ rt b d JOA NA SOUTHCOTT. Biah·, Piddington, MIY", tlOS, • As I am ordered to put' . .vilion that were fb In P!1"t Jofq>h Prefcotr'. ning of Marcb 180 ewn .10 htm lince the beginm prophecies' I III 3ft wbteb confirm tbe Bible and dates in my bo~ks call my reader' to mark tbe' were made to me -~w~ years ago the promifes t UIC Lord would cut off the , h 9 powers of darknefs from the face of the earth. But maIl mull rai[e my hand; which you will fee in a letter fent to a dignitary in my fixth book, and which is now fulfilled. Now 1 mult obferve, that 1 was ordered to-publifh in 1801, and at the end of that year three minilters came Irom different parts of the kingdom with four other gentlemen, to fearch out Ihe truth of my writings. The minilters waited upon the bilhop of Excter, and I wrote him a letter which ..-as delivered to him, offering to give up to his judgment, or any other minilters he fhould appoint, if they would only examine my writings, and prove they were not from the Lord. But 1 rai~ if they declined this olfer, l fhould relign to the Judgment of thofe gentlem;:n who came to fearch out the truth. The bifhop declined; as did all the olher minilters in ai1d near Exeter, to whom I had written. 1 was then ordered to give my writings, realed up, into the band~ ofthe gentlemen wbom the Lord had cholen to £earth out the trulh, and to have them proved in London, as the minillers in Exeter had refured to examine tbem. So I delivered my writings, fealed up, to the gentle. men, on Tuefday morning the 5th of january 1801. The May following 1 was ordered to go to Londo", and was told 1 /bould never return till my writings were proved. The latter end of July, 1 was infonn-cd by the Spirit, that Satan had complained againft my fealing the people that wifbed for his deRruaion. and tbat the Lord would give him liberty to come to me, and I fhould cOfttend with him* (but he was 110t permitted to appear vilible) and if 1 Rood Ollt with thong faitb in Chrilt, and overcame him" ith- arg\lmenu, and did not fuffer him to fpeak without ,"v anfwer, Ilbould overcome the devil at talt, as r. i the woman at 6rft, and lbat the Lord, in 'his I mercy, would caft the woman', &uilt on Sala,,' h aDd be fhould fall by the power of Chrdl•. .. :'O~ld now fulfillhe promife he made me tll~ face of J b h was ordered, kuowing ihhe rom1:r. 0 eyed. I.e Lord, he \\'ould proted me' it e was from dIe thar. live' to be d ecelvIng .. . and nOI, b . I had rather . elng deceived. So I ran the hazard of'm .' powers of darknd . b ~ Jr~ to contend with Ihe cording to hi, plomife,u:n~ ~he~rd proteEled me ac10 Salan's words, which m' be ~ gav~ me an anfwer een cation, emitled "The LorI A ,r. In a late publi_ parknrfi." In November / wa,;we,. 10 the Powers of In the dlff Tent •. r ordered to advcrrire "e""paplls that r. I would be broll~ht forward and m: ea ed writings of January 180 Th ~ prO\ed on the 12th publicklv and ,fio m e Cfle,rgy were inviled th'lS ., any 0 t lem pr t I b to attend and tnvelligate the t I ~va e y y letters, lion wa'difregarded !J . rut 1; ut every Invita_ trial, there was oper~ hout~n~ the Feyen days of the their judgment, and none come and pals were ~elllfed admittance. pplied AT THE HOUSE fifty-eight people prefent I n th.e lall d~y there were tan's ddlruElion b I' .' W 10 JoIned With me for Sa ' e leVIng tbe II' .' an d \Ioho wl'th one hcart and . cad .IIlg. to be of God , the following petitioJ]. min J01l1ed with me in ° I, Joanna Southcott a I . . IS of God d' m ~ ~arly convlllced my hi,' fpirir: as it is,jma;offi~r tVrltlllgs ar~ jndited by WIfe God. 1hal is wond J e. or any fpmt but an al. O(~ 10US In w 0 tk'lng, wondrous in 1111 unm, wondro s' could have brou~h:n PO\:t~ and wondrous in trulll truth a IS in my .roun uch myfteries, fo full of have believed thatnVt gs : fo. 1 am clear in whom I fpirit oftbe ~ft hi ~ GmYd wnllngs came from tbe go. JOANNASOUTHCOTT c~Ulng <c. 0 After I had written 01 . I was illked •b",the Iipmt . yown as I was I whal faith. . ordered ~:~~y pellUon to the L r s my claim? or what Clft off aU th .-0 my God, Ihou e r of Satan flom 0 t/ 0 , 5 the earth, as the head of Jobn the Baptill: was cut off, and bury him down, as J oho was buried down. This I read to the fifty-eight perlons who . Wlre prefent. and they figned their names with me in faith ami prayer, for the fulfilment of the abo\'e pelition. After the trial was finilhed on the 18th of january, in the evening, thde words of the 18th 1'£alm 'were fung by the Compat'y_it having been explained in my fealed writings. II The Lord defcended from ..bove. And bow'd the Heavens mofi. hl,;h, And underneath His feel he utt The darknef, of lhe lky : On Cherubs and on Cherubims Full royally he rode, And on the wings of mighty winq,s ; Came flY'ng all abroad. &c. &c. &c. Then was fung by the Company the 10.,th Pfalm, a few verfes of which I lhall give. " 0 Lord Ollt qrc'3.t God, how doft lbo\\ appear! So P4affing in glory, that Jtrcat is thy fdome, Honour and Majcfty in 'Thee {hine moG. dear. Thou maken thy fptrilS as heralds fa go, And I...iJ(ht'nings 10· ferve we fee aleo pte{\. i Thy will to accornplifb they run 10 and fro, Tofave or confume tbings, as fcemcth Thee beft, &c. Thus ended the feventb day 'of proving my writings, and Ihe caning of Satan. On the fourth of March, I h..d Ihe following vilion of Jofeph Prefeott read to me. by a friend who that oay had re<:eived an account of it from the gentleman with whom the youth noW lives: and on the lixth I had a communication concerning the vilion of the crowns DOW given to the public: but I mun inform my scaders before I proceed, that. in July ,802, I was at the houfe of the gentleman near London, where I raw a furnace perfeElly like one that I faw, in my dream in 179.H where I faw a pig eaft alive into the furnace; which I was told was a type of the pcvil, becaufe be. entered into tbe berd .of fwine, I 6 7 and they ran violently down the Reep and welt choaked; and fo Ihallthe Devil. The laller end of February, 1803, the fame gentlem~n lOok int? hi; boufe this youth, who had been trJ the habit of feeing vifions from 1793 to the prl!fent day, and had drawn many hundreds of them, and had fent fome to miniRers, who jud~ed his vifions came from the Devil. Some miniRers prayed in his father's hour~, that the Spirit might leave him. Their prayers did not prevail; for the vifio/ls Hill followed him. On March the 4th the youth had the following vifioD, at the houfe where he now lives. JOSlPH PRSSCOTT'S VISION, March-4, 180 3. An Angel appeared, in fize like a grown perron, in a loole blue robe, with a Har on her head, like a cap, a rquare box under her arm, about a foot each way, apparently of gold. She opened the box, in which was a crown. To look at it all together, it looked like a Rar of diamonds. Four large arches came from the ball in the cen. ter, at the top. Between each of the four arches there was a fmall crown like the large one. Un. derneath the ball was another linall crown, hang. ing to the ball. At the top of the ball was ano_ tber crown. The angel faid, tbe lOur arches fig. nified the four quarters of tbe 'Vorld, and the crowns between the four arches, CROWNS of WISDOM, that tbe people of the world are to be crowned itb, aDd the crown 'Ind,r the ball, the CROWN of LIGHT, that was 10 b<l in the hearts of the peopk. The BALL was the World-The crowQ. at the top, the CROWN of GLOB y and HAPPIN US, given them at, their going out of the world. The reafOD the box 'rll appeared Ibut, Wili, becaurc it is Dot yet~. And if anyone that was a . delired a piaure it fhould aplIeIiever 111 GOD, 'thout The reafon the a.n b' fe he came Wit h again: but not WI pear d' blUt: was ecau th e I appeare 111 . ' l\ d bout tWO or reo f "The VI fion 101 e a 'I k thIS TRUTn. Ii foon after twO 0 c oc minutes; and was een . afternoon. d' !tm atxMe 17t~:5 1620,f rom now A VISION in Arabia, on Stptemher HiJlory of the Turks. y h Hiftory , relates,, t at • .. blS T ur k'fh I Mr. Knowle., In ltrange apparition, orvllion, in 1620, there ~as a~ Medina where their proph 7t feeD by lhe Tur s . ed :hree weeks, and terrtlies buried, which contlOU For on September 110. lied the wbble countrY~ff about midnight, attended 16110, was a great temp t when the clouds were. with dreadful thund~r ~l~~r, the people might read j difperfed, and the lky h f< words in the firmamCJIt, " A abic charaEte,rs tee ?" 1\ nd be'IJI r BELIEVE IN LIES. , j, 0 WH Y W 1L L Y B. he morning appeared a wotween twO .and three parrlO\:d with the fUll, of a cheer!lIIUI in whitt, encorn b k in her hand. Over ful couotenance, a,!d a f TO:rks Perfians, ArablanSy agaiDl\ her were armIes o. baul; array, ready to fight aDd othe1' Mahometans, ,m b Ilation only opened with ber: but fhe keeptnger:~f the a~ies fled, and the book; at the fight ~. Mahomet's tomb were prefently all the lamp~ea v~~~n vanilhed, which ~as put out~ for w:en/before fun.tiling, a munnu~g commonly an ou· b' h they imputed the exUnwind was heard, unto w I;'he ancient pilgnms of guilbing of the lamplii tb y vilit this place ~ Mahomet's race (who a ter uch amazed to COftCetve yet' cut their hair) w:~e ~ only one of the dervifes. the meaning o~ thl,s VI o~, order among -the ~Jlrk.s. or priells (whtc~ IS a ftnEt the papills, and ltve In like the capuchins among boldly and made tlie rol. COIJtemplation) ftepped up I lowing fpeech to the company. : oth II, 8 ce That the world ncver had but three lrul rtli. gions, every oue of whieh had a prophet. Firll, God chofc the Jews, and did wonders for them ill Egypt, and brought them forth by their prophet Mofis, who prefcribed them a law, wherein he would have maimained them, i( they had not been obfli. nate and rehellious, and fallcu to ido'atry: where. upon He gavc them over, and fcaltered them upon the face of the eartb. Then prefemly after, God nifed a new prophet, who taught the Chriflian religion. This good Man the Jews condemned, and crucified for a leduclr of the proplc, being not 'moved with thc-piety of His life, His great miracles, nor His doarines: yer, arter His death, the preach_ ing of a fcw Ii!hermen did fo move the hearts of men, that the great monarchs of thc world bOwed to His very title, and }'ielded to the commands of His minillers. But it feeml, they in procefq of time grclv as corrupt as thc Jews: their church being disjointed with thc titlc 01' EoJUrn and We/lan, committing idollhry again, by iellin~ up images, with many other idle ceremonies, bdides .he corruption of their Jives: fo that God was weary of them too, and not only fcnt divilions among them, but forfook thcm, and difpo/fc/fed them of their chiefell citics, ]mifa1m and Cor!f1anlinople. Yet, God is Ilill governor of the world, and H'mfelf hath raifed up another prophet and peoplc, even our great Mahomet, giving him to our nation, fo as no doubt we !hall be happy for evCJ', if we can ferve this God aright, and take warning by the fall of others. But, alas! I tremble to fpeak it, we have erred in every point, and wil. fully br our 'lirll inllitutions: fo that, God hath manife/led Hi. wrath by evident lign. alld tokens, keeping our prophet from us, who prefixed a time to return "'ilh all happir.efs to his peQple: 10 as there are now forty years pall by our account, this Ilrange and fearful vi/ion i. a preditlion of fame gr at troubles and alterations. For. either the open- t 9 • the woman , s hand , doth foretel ing of the b 00 k In h fi Il intent of our laws, our falling off from t ~n rde an, a6 confounded whereat thefe arm~d m fcienc~s or elIe it figmfils With the guilt of tbeu CO? hav'e not yet read, and , b k vherem we Ii fome other 00 , , !hall prt vail: fo that, i car. againll which ,no power d corrupt anc;.our prophet our religion Will be prov;, Chrifl ~hom they talk of, an impollor, and th/ien t IS d fet up His name ever/h aII !hine hke the un, an , laftingly." a filent, but hearing hun Hitherto the company w s 1, I'ncenfed, chargmg hey were mllc . I dl ~peak fo bol y, t I' I tl cl'r law makes a caplla ' . h b1 r hemy W lIC 1 1 ' b ' h'ffi WIt alp , d h' and havma a tall)e d I ° 1'1liS ' cr,'me' fo tley can demnc IIll,h' to drath ' , t put 1m . d the bcglerbeg S warr~n lfuf Chaons, a convene relation was confirme in 1650: whic11 vl!ion, Turk, )"ho came to L~h?n, but he added, thar. th,e he rat~, di~ much affe d~m~one !hould fpeak It grand felgmor cornman upon pain of death. .. b a Jof Seven C,'owns, ifi of thefrom Afarther Explanation of the ~o~t~nued page" 20, gtven March 23, 1803· , of Ihe fir/l Book. offlaled Prophetus. . f e 'e . thc vilion, fa IS my y As My eye appears Jll holdin the evil and the every where prefent, be g . but mark now ' h ' firom aae to age,of My kmg . dam good-thIs as Deen °e lor what is under my eye-tb ~ n~w man !hall enJoy which I created mag for-an . r. ' peace a nd happme,s. that kingdom m " As in that virion it doth all aPPrlr, \her... h .G for no ero s Mark well ~ e it ';:ould tUTn from min; 1 [aid, the ero cs a crown become: And every eror, lh'bll now I'll now begin. h t pte crown f And rom teO '6 eel o'cr the crowo, For asMy eye 1~ x ' I will make them up, With fparkhn.gbJew~}) man hath never got: A nd crown Wil wnuom . er was conccaI'd • r f om man It cv 'a B ccaUlC r b b l f 1 bad reveal SHin would ro t em :B 10 Ii ]\f. mind and will. whal I'd 'ad I (ay, for m,In-I need to fa . 1I I up In Ole, r..a h" Y no more. c:eau e e l Icf 15 always at the door \Vhere (CUrnCe's great if he e n ' d l11erefore 10 wifdom tn'e d all go an Ileal: Th' h' n 0 a ('oncca l elc C olce£l trea[urcs, fearing of a foe . B ~Jld Saran's,. lIke a Ihief, I well do kno ' y len the ficO treafure I to man revc;al';' , ou all do know the thief went ther '0 lI' merefore the o,her I d'd II Je eal. Th k 1 a concca e 'nowlcdgeofthe good d'd • But now I' AM com I nOI reveal: 'll M e to porchafe every I.nd I lew ,y crowns' M' I ' The firll i, Wtfdom 'I h YJe:v.ed·bma y eommancl. AdS I I ave lal crore n 0 omon he did great Wifdo fh' !lut Satan robb'd him at that vcr ~i a~e j a ~~~:~;~h~e~~{ ~ha~ w~fdom fr~m OPt,t ::nokind. I'll ealeh the thief \f ~:n~ .he door, To brt'ak t he bolt: that I hou eod[cr there, You little k h fl ave rna e for man' f.gat;:fi ,hen;:m;':r. ifh~ ~~::k;e;~:~:,lIaa!I -J.... l',O ThO t~e heart, when I ha\'c feal'd it h r, or cre s lhe hand lhat 0 d ' ere. m1inc, as 1 pace to man th {; d • For here's t h ' ~ eCon crown; I d d e umon-now "/hall b £ d A ~c: lhhe world for to reconcile e oun • n were's the man wild ' . I d.ed 'he fall of m £' aTt my Wlfdom fo.1 ? And wheres thc m:: lh~~ to redeem, Bec3ufe my coat w . I dart to put a ream? \Vllhout a·feam-.-C; ~nterwoven through, Bu, rerfefl .. 'he pifl~~ dO ~am £hall do: I tel you all, m kin d ,Ot a~pcar, As for my kin 19 ?m ~ conung here. That unh lik~he",eod~:~~yoopray, And no",. on eanh . my Will obey, They may caR * Lo,::yt:dl {hal~ fure be done; hom W ;;e y, who belielle accord· fhall comer Unto them tbat do ' b II~g 10 t e call, BeCiufe my k' d n [ c lelle at all: And mark "thel~f dm~ou cannot dtvide. With palate«! br o~"h ow the~'re encircled here, As tho' Ihe 'ho ... es, potntmg hke a fipear A s mu au.d I alike swerew . ' ,Idt h my crown come' down re<:eIV. a wound ' ~h:t ~e{hall'l' ( 6id~ off-e~~;L;.~,,:e, 10m llho .. Alludin.,. to the In . ., "II crucdixit;n' ( d tJ .... hlch the Jew. can Co " The n~ ac('ord"1l 0 ; : 11U~ a.llu~ to !.he cafti ng r o~r ble.S'td Lord'S "eflure after to}iI IUJ).!!.', ~ to promi[~ 1D the 0 U:U {or ChriR's kingdom: ,,/(rlrt/lUlu (if the fcr:pturtl. tt, other acordins: to ata's. So on both fiems the pointed darts you fee, And now I'll dart them to the enemy_ Eor aU thefe dJ.rts, 1 fay, {hall rup thro all ThaI do rejea me now I loudly call. By dreams and yiuons 1 have c"lPd )'ou here, And now my kingdom 1 have (hewn you clear, Thal all My jewels they rna)' enter in; The pointed tops forelel lhe fons of men That 1 {hall guard my jewels w~lh my care, Bu, all my foe. /hall fetl my pOll1led fpear. For here's the cro,vn of thorns held out to all, To {hew the way thall for man did fall: But here's tpe je..... e1~, fpark\ing all within, And so 'M y kingdom yuu with joy, may will : Beciufe you fee My eye ax'd oter the crown, Wherein man's happine& you fee is found, Without a crofs for to dellroy your blifs, ' To thofe, that for My kingdom now do thidt Becaufc, I raid, I did die once for all, And now's the time that it to man fball fall. I died for Satan. and 1 died for m:1!l j But here's a myfi.'ry tholt don nol;nd, How for lhe nevil I mj'felf did d,e; It WiS for him to {hare the crofs 'that way: And now I'll tell thee how I died for manTe bear the hlame lhal Satan can by him. But as t he love of man then died for me, It is by man I'\'e fix'd :0..1 y jun decrees, That to their fentence Salan now {hall fall ; And that's the way, I'll brin~ the crowns for all. 1 faid, tht fir.fl was wifJom., for to kno\\' : , The pea.rt now of gr at price to you I {how; And all your wifdom you mull 1I0W weigh decp, To gam tbe prize, and find the PC;l,rl is gr~at : And then I fay you'll fee the narry cro..... n, That noW" to man on earth is coming down. The.ftcond mufi an union now be found Between your Maker and 1 fay the JIlan ; Or elfe the Rarry crown can never come. But now 1 fay, I'll come unto tht third. In the beginning you know 'twas My word Tbat man and woman they touG both appear: I've made an helpmate, and I'U crown it here, ThaLin the end l'U make your lifs complete: For now my fathtr's willl'U fi ilh it, A, in rhy writings I did fay before: Therefore 1 made thefe Virlons to appear, To prove the truth of all thatlhou hUt r,nD'd.: .And now tht fifth fhew"h you 0 tbeeod, "."'n 13 That all be:licvcn I fhall crown (hem here, With every promife- Ih:u in thy books appear; And all My Bible as it tbere IS plac'd. I tdl (hee now, I'll crow'n Ihe human r~ce With rays of glory, and with jewels bnghr, That no,,, do {land like pri necs in the 6gh!. For all My armour rou muR now pUI on: And to thtfixtla (Town I do bid thee come. For lhcrc's the crown that now {lull crown the whole, And brio tlu,fivtnth t"Tonm in peace tcall, . \\ hen Men wi,h me h.Y< foul1htlhe fi~ht off'!lh, Believe M)' gofpel, as the fcnpture faith, 7hat I fhalt reconcile the world to God, Fulfil the prayer I [au~ht them to be (aId, When 10 My f,ther ,h~y OlOuld ever pray; And will men anfwcr I did mock fhat way. To pray fur what they Otould obtain? Then l\i'y command to man was 311 in ,'ain. nC\'cr A, by youl\vifdom you do place yoW" G04 1 mull mock man) or now fulfil my word. But now. I fJ)") ,My word I will ful~1 : l'or like My eye, My heart is fixed 0,11 • To bring a glorious kingdom do ..... n below', 'Vi,huUl:l crof,; that hery foul fuall know. Satan {hall know it when he's chained down, A lid c\'ery finner that do mock the found; The)" then will know thefe vilions all are tru! j "\'hen Satan's cbain'd the truth [bey all will know; And faints above will fee the heavenly fight, And fain .. below, wi,h ,hem I 0,.11 deligh,. J'or then I'll crown them with humility; A heavenly love in every heart {hall be; A hencnly union then with God and man; And r,ow I'U tell }'OU how I'll crown your land, 'Yuh pe<l:ce and plent)', and with-every fiore, As in thy wri(in~s I ha\'e named before. Becaufe thefe vifions I to thee did fend; I o,ew'd ,he )'ou,h ,hat all might know the end. 'For ptrfefl as thtfe piaures do appear (Thou know'fij I ,old ,bee My kingdom it was near. }~or when the flowers dId appear on Earth, I told thee then they'd know their Saviour's birth; Aud now m)' binh I'll make it to appea:-: \Vhen I was born the liar was tben feen clear Unro the fbepberds, who were in the field; To folluw it ,he wi fe men they did yield. GiflS, Gold and M),trh, and Funklncenre, Ihey brouc1htJ And here', a MyQery deep beyond your tbough,. ge1 doth to yoU app~r, I For now the .an did prefent to her. we "fa (hew the:Je ls t leYwere fealed up, In heavenly odour ~hey man ever thought 'Vithin a box, whl ch ll? nro)l'd in Heav'n; '5 con d u IS c.... '. Howa \l men 'I might be gIVen. That in the end to man , c 1 £hall brin~. em b ranc' . And all to your ~em h do thew you. p aID And now the~e v,~o~i~ bC!rorc your viewHow every thmg 15 lh' d your judgment's true. "d dMymoteral1 You JU ge , n the do nOW appear Becaufe the Wife me ?$ the thephcrds there: To fcarch. the tr~th, 1 will not conceal: And from the Wife men k v I will re ... eat, \!Vhat's right for ~hili~ th:rv:o~~w to fear; " No bloody Herpd wi,hout " the fpear. Withm are Jewel~ ~~ f e1lhe deadly fpear, And fo My, f~s a ~ a ear, If t~c~ begm I~ a;jer~on1~s I'd difplay; 1 raid 10 Heav n 1 have thown thee here ,And from ihefe, VI on to all appear: The heavenly vI6~~s 0 and the truth fee clear. Read back thy wfIlIng', 1 ded on the Earth, When that thefe vlfionsk,n t tne irit faith: r t ht· mar w h a The horles oug ) uR begin to fig t; , And now the f:h~1~lmmake them men of might: And then, I .3)' {; u1 {hall fee; For I'm tbe nder, r:v.ery 0 ',n man £hall be, M fpln' now , And Ilroug" ~ h kiogdom to obtolll : That now "",d,l • gr t orllhat mull i[ gatn. }t 15 the Splnt $ W 1 thall noW go on, Conquerin~, to con~u~rs "ifton roul\ be k~own. And now hom Pau 0 \.ick a~alnn thefe pricks j "Tis hard for m~al\ know My eye is fix'd,.. For {:.very foul , kingdom down to mao, To bring My glofl~U5 here no feam {hall come, '¥ithout a crofs, or t no feam of fin, d No feam of forro w , :nl'H now begi.n But inlerwO\'e~ thdo, as it doth appear: To mak~ My ~Ingd ~m ~w will anfwer here, And from th~ r. ea to youth was feen, Th t as the vluon , a d {1 irit now 15 gone, So the departe ,P II his J'ourne)" through; d d by anges, a d d ' . C uar (". . he bid the worl a leU" It w~ With JOy Gons of eternal blifs Andlll theman . 1.1 in hapinefs: I n H " I 1 is now arflV U 15 OU • lice ne\'er can rno e • \Vhere Sat~n S5 m~ he's in glory bien. And with his aVlour a drd -r 'r? d St Nt the J~ But know, hi.') fan, that doth rem,un belo\\'~: A different labour he hath now to do.-' The one ir. Heaven, prailing of My namc, And 10 My praifes he does ling abo,.e In happiocfs that time can never mov~ : 'Vit~ rapturous joys, ,hat do his longue inflame, ~ And In !Ike maner all My faints arc gone. I (hew'd the vilion of IhlS fi.,,~le man, To let )'OU know how all the faints depart, ~nd how they "lr~ guarded from the Tempter's dart, Ihal 1 }! (aid IS hovcringin the way: Theref~re M)' angelo; muR his fout convey. In the hke manner a!l do ICil'ic Ibis tanh 'Vho die in Met with upright hearts and faith Awl fa I've fbew'd you how the worl~s unite· And how Ihe angels always take their fl;~htJ ' To guOlrd my jewels to their heavenly bllrs. Then .now I ark you .how they e~er 111311 mifs To brIng My glorious kingdom down (0 man When I ha\'e to.ld you that the time's at hand' That l\.1~ true kmsdom mull come down below? lIo",:, lha 1 [hey mlfs thefe vilions for to Chow 'Yh,~h ,.11 My prophets warn'd you of before? l:zcklel s VlfiOO1 mufi to a1l appear j the dry bones m~n begin to live~~_ III, ralfe the dead, and will my fpirit give 'Vllh1teavenly muGe founding in the ea: ~Iore f~eet tban any mufic thou don hear.' And fa In harmony {hall all unite: l've fhew'd the ~ifions of the e\-ery light, And how My kingdom Ihall Come down to all, For a~ the fpi~es }'ou place upon the wall, • To prick a thief, If he fhould enter in 1 fa}', to rob you !hould he dare to co:ne You place the- fpike [0. t~a~ him every h;nd, And no\\" 1 tell ypu mine IS placed the: fame If you begin to rob Me of My; , • Then ~very fj"kelhall run your hands alllhro' : l?eep IS the v_dian but you'll find it true. III {alie my Jewels that Within a pe3r And thofe ,thaI a~ainn Ihalf feel' my lpear. r 'kick . Thererore Us bard to Ick againfi thefe pricks; The vlGon no",:, of Paul for all is fixed; And he that WIll not now like Paul become He'll feel the_ (pear go thro' his every hand': Beca~re My J~wch now I'll make them u , And like the Wife men's now one heart did ~rop 'Who from the EaR did go lhe truth 10 know' ' And here', tbe jewels l'U p,efe,'t!' below. • 15 And as lhelilhermen did lhen appear,. There are My jewels, tbal pro\'~ filhershere. To lilh for men, I fay, on the fight fide; For there the net mufr .now by al,r be ~aJd: Or dfe your labour Will be-aU m ~,l1D ~ You all may toil,. but you no fi(h Will gamBecaufe, I tell you,. all the fiCh are ~one, And nouuht but itching ears a'ppear 10 ~en, \Vilh different dofirine in their every ?,lOd: BUl In the Law and Gofpel none do bmd : And fo your Bibles you pUl oul of ~oors. By your inventions you deRroy ~1y Rore, Until the fin, from Me ,pey all aTe gone~ And evcry houfe i.. built upon the fand. Then now awake, thou dark benighte~ la~(l; Or eire the norms and tcmpeRs faR Will nfe, And great you'll fee the fall before your eye•• Your labour's lon, and aM your fi{h are gon.e, Uniefs your nelS on th' other fide you turn. And then I-fay, your nels wiH foon be full; For then your wounded nation I £haH heal: And fo lily lilhermen mun noW appear; And thefe are jewels llhall make up here: And next unto the prophets I thalt ~ome: They were My jeweh, that w~re falthful roen,.. And did with patience bea.r with Me the crofs. Thefe are My jewels, and they. are not lol}. ~ And now thefe jewels {hall again appear, .". ~",With the fame fpiritl £hall make [~em here~ .. Becaufe that now I've plac'd them to the land. ., .~ Like My firn comingdotb the fecond !laod-. , The Vi.rgin wartl'J before 1 did appear, And I!ow the Virfin's come to ~-arn you here, • That in the Spirit am come agam; . And now, proud Herods, it is all in vam To !lay her children; JOT not 0", ]hall fall-It ii the Spirit's fword mull conquer all : And now the Spiltl'S fwurd tbey'1l6nd lS cOIqe, To bring the day of vengeapcc fan on maD, That now arire tonail Me 10 the tree: I've fix'd my fpear, that every foul £hall fee: And mark:vly eye, and now behold lhe fpear, And weigh the vilion deep that's placed there; And how the crown,! within they all do {land; And evcry Peter rna)' ,he~e crowns comu'11Dd: And fo, Hay, of pe,fecutlng Saul: Fear ye the pricks and I'll prefene you all. For fo My jewels now I'll make [hem up; Aud os My eye is fix'd the &!obe Ihall drop 17 16 'Wi,h he"'enly be.u';e, I defigned a' firn; And nO\"·5 the lime ~1v kingdom (0 Orall burR.. For if My kin~dom J ne'er bnng ye '0 I alk of men,' \vhat judge ther e:er could be? What paradlCe they loft by Adam', f.U? Or of ,he tree knowledge? tell me all What good fruit On it man hath C\:CJ' ~ain'd ? The bell of ~en have !i ..··d in grief and pain, Opprefs'd with Corrow, and opprefs'd with ltn, If one be good, another docs condemn: So rhat the good fruit man could never taRe To fpend hi, days i~ happincfs and eace • ' 13ul know at firn I dId pronounce 31 good; And now's the time I will ful61 My word; That all the nations ofthe Earth may fcc, How 1 created man to live with Me, In heavenly union] have plac'd below: 11mjuniccofMy (entence now 1'lIlllOw, Why I confin'd the rebel down below Wi,h.1I hi, .ngels. and ,he fallen hoft, Thai d.d rebel---J'II rid them off the eoan And ICllhem fee the fad dfefl:soffin: ' ]'11 conquer, deafh, a~l(.1 !lclJ, and c)'ery aing, I fay, of po Ifon I Will takcaway; And man w~lb Me £hall fee a glorious dayo For as the vdion· Young did bring thee here_ Jt was My Mother, hovcring in the air To Ihew 'hem plainly ,hat ber Son Ihouid come / ) ' ,/ ( / And be the Proph't: ,hey mull wor/hip Him· ' ff/"I Or .11 that Cit.J+ i, 1h.1I furely fall: '. e-/. The book, are npen no,v. I 'ell you all, '!P'tlll {;j .And faa the rulO on the Turks will comeA../ II H'hey don', worlbll.' now My only Son,!, .But thofe that worChlp, as the books are here ] fay, their city and lheir land fbaH (harf'o ' Fod'lI no< nop ~ntil I've made .11 good; For now My ere I' fix~d 10 CTown Aly flhJTd~ So now your Islhles with thefe viLions weigh: I aOr. what man ofloye "'ill dart 10 fay , That from the Dc\ t1lhd thiS likenefs come l' Tben your Creator you muG all condemn For w~nt o.f ......fdom-.SatOlD here mulllhine, I fa.y~ In wlfdom, and In words divine. C?r III y~ fay, thije. two· ""ere fo agreed, From tbe Invcnlion of their fimple bead, The one lo draw-the other to t'''plain Such wifdom bright, beyond ,he head, of men? r o 11'1 rr • Alludes to the ...ilion out of Knowles'. Historr of tbe Turkso : JOUM\a and Joreph. t 11'edina. By words and vifions make My Bible tru,: AOnd bring tht'fe wondrous vifioos to your VICW? 1 fay) 'tis- more than e'er was done by man: You dont dircern the way-you lay yOUT plan, 'foturo My Bible by your juagrnent here, Till thcre's no man °ca.n prove My ~ible dear: And fo you wren it, ull to n.oughtlt comes.. Therefore My Bible 1 have look .in hand: And now ~iy Bible I will make It true; But that is more than any man c::tn do, By all the judgment you from it do draw: Vou are but men, 1 tell >,Oll, plac'd below. 'Vho eat of knowledge I pronounce4 dc::td, And perfefl fo i, all your knowledge ned. . And 'tis /'.1 faith you knowledge mun ?btaln, And by charir)' you m~n. perfeElton gatn J f,ith ,ollelieve, My BIble I'll fulfil, And charity in your Creator's (kIll, That he hath wifdom all (or to perform, In his own likenefs God and man to join, As in My likenefs 1 have made I.hem here; And forthcir fake's Satan mull dtfappear. Becaufe his fentente is already caR: But here's a wondrous my fiery in the laO:. The world has fiood nearly 6000 reus..; And never was an age that pall ~efl)reo That e'cr a woman did the promlfe c1illm, That Satan's curfe it mull be worfe than man'~ And plead My promife lor to bruife hi, head; And on .he Serpent (he the fault hath laid, And pleads My promifc now for to redeem, Thall will come and conquer hell and fin, And conquer Satan, as (he hath begun: 1 aCk you when fuch things was done before? No all mufi own that fomclhing ncw appears; y~; on the Eartn, you (ay I lhere's r.othing new: The word. you muil affirm lhem falfe, or true. For on the Earth there's fometbing new appears: Since Earth's foundation plac'd 1 tell you here, Such wonclrous woman never was below, (Bring all before you, and the truth you'll know) To feal the people in her M.k~r's na~e, To prove My Hable true and 1l explain, To fpeak of dangen, and Cay they are near, And then the trutb to make for roap.pear, And \\"ith the Tempter then for t~ dtfpUlC, Till b)· ber arguments (he made him f;DUlCj .\ C 18 ~nd t~en by chance. viGon· one did fee [hat came from Heaven, and. wu thewn ~o be The ~ower of breaking off from man And t," her wfltmgs fbe had laid her pIa o ' fOW If you judge this all a wom,lO's wit • all you how the myRery came fa grear' That nIl: Another ) Before thefe vlfiorts to her could be lh ? A~d how the vilians did not fo "p c:a;wn Ili~ m,~ hat .JiB n'd-t. jT" the ,".;""n here o an er ead to have the Serpent caO J ~n~ lhen (ueh wondrous virions for to burR o Ie,": them pl:1in their words I would futfil' And ,.helr~elir(',.the Serpenl's power lhoutd chtll That lS, hlS rower I would fa tread d • And all {b~1 know 1 lifien'd 10 their ~;::~ Now on thiS Earth you mull -oofe£ . . But kn . H ... S Il ntw; A d ow) In eaven, thefe wonders John did fh t1 now to Earth they all aTe coming down. ~erefo:~l y~ hulbands, tremble at the found· r our wives In bondage you do make to be ew . ,rhe maOers of them, you'll oot Ie< them f;ee .::h have ~ power o'er their nery will: J T e mkarned woman doth your feel flen no.", (he tingle woman is to Me • A, much In bondage (every foul {hall fee) .By l.y command, for to obey l\f)' word, A,nd Itkc. hulb.nd now I'll draw M fw' d 1: man, Itke Satan. dolre for (0 atrum! 10 threaten ller. now I have Olcwn r or, I' p aln A~;f~~~~n B l~tow" and f!;o.m -ufions here. A d fi Y I e every hne IS clear' And rom the prophecies how all do nand· n IIOW. I (~y, If )'ou deny her hand . dn j'r '0 ~te~1 rou pl.,n Fo~f~:bn, lOU mnll deny your Cod lhtell)'ou. you 0,.11 feel My 'rod. '\\.' boo ~ c anee did never come below Th'~ h'"1) fpiril, every fOul /b.ll kno'w Ad. 0h: 115 Woman left her native ho~e ~~ J manner did there vifions come' In W t .I..tlC' "'IV I ley came n II'· . And tell th m~ a In pno( appear, .A' e Orne the vlfions were brou ht h nd 1il Whit manner all did (j h' g ere, To free the 'Voman and the Se~n ~:b~ar:mcs, Now then appear,)"e learned ro~ ofmeo e. ~h: ~~~ b:)a~~:~h~~ moded·llthefe thing: fo plam \\,'h h . carne (0 confound? en t cy begin they all muR judge the fQund. • jofeph p(Crco~'1 V i60J1, c1 JOSEPH PRESCOTT ]tm March 7th, 1803' ~orc'd to leave her nat~vc h~me was VISION "The part of the mill at theN eckinger, Bennondfey, where his eve was direaed jult about ten o'clock, all at once was obrcured, and exhibited the appearance of a dark night with the lky full of Stars, the Moon appeared very low, the principal parts of a dark red color interrperfed with fome marbled part of light, like its natural color;-on the right hand of the moon, and higher up from the horizon, wai the Sun, which appeared of a dark, grey, gloomy color, about half as large again as the moon. with fome faint rays of light around it. Above tJ.1e moon, and Sun, were rolling ligbt clouds, in form of a femi-circle, or rainbow reverfed. The underneath parts dark, th~ upper partS light, from the glory that was over it. Ahove thofe clouds, and on lome fainter cloud, that fccmed at a further diltance, was a large grey horft, exceeding in fize all he had ever feen. On it was a Pcrfin, whom he believes from what followed to be the Lord, drelfed in a large look flowing robe of a red color: underneath which He had a c10fe garment of hright purple",a broad (alh over the right £boulder. and under the lelt arm, of.the fame colar. l'pon his head was a crown of t\\ elve Rars, and four arches wilh a ltar between each arch, and one on the top of each arch, and four lt~rs in a c1uller on the top of the ball: and in his right hand a fword large and broad, which he 11eld perpendicularly: with the other hand he. appeared to guide the horfe. The light extended itfelf above in a femi-circle or arch, which with the clouds below formed a complete circle. In the circle, above and on eaGh fide the harre, were an immenre number of angelic faces, of various fizes, at various difiances, and apparently of different ages. All as with one voice (houted " Glory to thu. 0 Lwd. Ride jorth, Mighty God. cO!lqu:rillg and to con~lIcr:' / 2t 20 " From a voice behind him it was faid, if a repre. fentation or drawing, was coveted by anyone that was a Believer in thtfi things, it lhould agaIn appear; but there was no command for drawing it." The ANSWER to the VISION from tIll SPTRIT. The fword of the Spirit is drawn by Me. I am the Captain of their falvation, Ihat am now going on conquering and to conquer. The horfe repre. fents men that My Spirit refieth on; and as the bridle is in my hand, fo will I hold, guide, and direEi them who now trult in Me, and rely On the words given to thee for direEiion and for proteEtfon. And as one leg is broken and turned round under My heel, that was bruifed by thel powers of darknefs working in the bearts of men to bruife it, when they nailed Me to the tree! fo thall My heel tread down that power, to break his legs, and all his footing here. Satan hath but one power-I have three powers, viz. I have power to give life, and power to take it away: I have power to fend bleffings on the earth, or to withhold them. Satan hatb but one power, and that is to rempt men to fin, and now that power !ball be liken away, and God !ball be all in aU, For I~t on< POOl", I fay, /hall fall; Ull as that leg is now tum'd round_ oil fo hi, power /hall now be found ~ '0 twill and tum beneath My beel ; And lrue believers now I'll 611 With power I made them for at flrA t And now's the time that power llull burft. For know that hDi' rtfembles man nal I am holdin;;.n My haud; By Ih" riercillg eye. rhar doth appear, They al /hall know My Spirit'. here. Vith {ueh a quick dircernln~ eyeJ know My jewels where the] lie i ;\nd .hey tte myRery /han d,f.-ern, :\nJ alllhe;r hear" with love l'U ww, foe they /hall rierce Ibrough; /hall know, And noW to conquer I'll go on; k f An d I hey !halllrufr. in Me_alone, e or man, F or Satan's tower. 15 .bra M hand Thill gives t e relDS Into y , To be direRed now by Me; ~ • That piercing eye let mor.ta~s ee. It is the eye of faith fo bng t; And they /hall fee Ihe ev'ry fight~ Which in lhe piRutedolh appear' Thou know·ft before I lold thee t h.ere ur iflures did fome likenefs b,nng? I'.-e /how'd the plalD, n:~~~~7rviord, they.1 ~~d Jow likene~ That from the: virion dot~ appea , A nd a truc: piaure now 15 here:. The: angels that furroundcd Me, (My fealed people) all/hall fee, Arc: loofe who fign to fee My crown, And have my kingdom to come dow.n, A d have the: uower of Satan br?kc: J n they .In lriUmp f h,man .know For h lh. not, Shall come with Me lben 10 I e air, W'hen I've fulfill'd thu viJion here. Whoe'cr do die before: the lime, If for My kingdom they do fign. My kingdom Ihen they /hall enJoy. And Salan's power I'll ~c:llro)', And break it off from ev ry man That with My kingdom fo; lacarne:, ve, • So if .hey die, .hey'r~ feal And Ihey !haU taRe my per.. ove , And t~cy Ibal livc are feal d b~low, And Rrong My Spirit here /ha\~ go On [hofe ,hal wilh 10 fcc My ~elgn ; A d now My Bible all fee plain, n yc are 11'eal'd an heaven and earth, How • h So crfta, as the fcriplUrc fait. eLeventh hour doth ap,pear, And now My vineyard l/hall clear, Thai every onc lOay cnler 10, . Aud all your wage. you may ga;;id 'Thai now are workeR here wit • e One fingle hour make.y... fTl.t. caufc ,be kingdom 1$ My owo- . ~ ri htcous-labotfrers may compl~lOJ Th:t ;ao'ulcfires (hould beaven galD, 1£ ,hey do will> 10 (on'luer fin. ta"f Th! ( 23 ~2 And hl\''t my gloriou~ kingdom come DUl now (1 m;Jn 1'1I1his impart· • YouM all roua'willi it from your h'eart, F or e to reign, and Satan fall ' Or e1fe, y r . I' now do 'ell yoU a II , • our ugnang then is of no ufe, And (3n no merit here produce: (311fe the iil?g'cls will dcfiro Y cur every bltfs Clnd every JO)' ,Y TT '-- nleCs you wilh for 10 b Ii ' From Saran's o w e . ree. A d'f' per, and !Ive '" 1I1e' • n I 1n me )'Oll wifh to live n And fa your names )"ou frc I' . Then all }'our names I'll relY g"'c, A d th I ,ea above \Vnh YOI u, a ,I lane my perfea 101': en In tnumph do a eaT .. 10 conquer hell; I lel1 P!u he That u the anE;c1s ht're fee re, You allth.1I 'rlumph ,h en WI[' h' me' r B ceaule your names {hall • I!pon th. palm, ofbo,h m;vh~n~:nd lor when the fun dnlh d.rk • appear, And Comes lik • h The things tba~ anr~g~tr ~e.e cl~ar A d Jore t Clf "lew • J n, now I 'ell you, fo I'U do' • lou WIll not fee rOUT fins below' But from your names . t ror "hcr the moo . your IOys Ihall no,\". I'll en' r D is tum'd to hlood Ifh ~ your noson Satan'sht'ad OCs then to fiu ' T I' n f.oU 0 wllO him to be n;ne o Ive In :Meand finnQ.more". ' 'Vh~ But know \,OUf' h . To with ,h', earts mull: fure a I'In you . be there, ~nd fo My k' d( may reign; J lell you all l/~ghom you muR galtl, R ,eaven or earth· Mem~mber what the {cripl ure f.ith r Judgment nC\'er was I'll. ' 'Tn from Ihc hran M . I e man' : And from ,he hean JudgmeDl come, ; That with for Sal now Judge all And win, 111 •k' andnow 10 fal~ }~or I'm th .> log Om to appear, Of ev h" Judge, and II ,he door crv can ,hat he d h I'll So now "I'lo,t '(lId )'ou all ~~t Ii.go ; B\ll then they wi.ll come down below, Thefe wondrous virions they will {hews That 1 am coming to fulfill ; Or c\fe yQur hcarts 1 know't wou'd chill To fee My wonders to appelr, And roHing thunder in the ai.r; For every haufe and heart Will (hake, \Vhen 1 the powers of darknefs brea , I fay to come and chain him down, 'one bl,t believers will be f\lund, 1 faYt to live and bear the fight; For TOeo win perinl in the rngh[~ Thal do nol know thefe Ihings before...The other picture mull appear- '• y min dA lid '0 ,he Olh Th n li er pltuut" come: e, In rom ......en Ooal1 h 'k Tho they are fi U' f e nown An<l ,h. /hall a b rom the earth; y ,alle a heavenly hirth. , The Third V ISION 0/ JOSEPH PUSCOTT o/ihe Crowns and Croffts.-Btrmondfiy March 9, 18°3' About half afte£ feven o'clock, Jofeph was fittint; in the kitchen, at the Neckinger, in company with _*, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. From feeing fome rays of light from thence, he faw a crimfan velvet culhion, four fqu!lre, with gold taU'e\s and fringe, letters formed by diamonds on it, and the word " CHR lST."-Above that were ribbons of blue and white plaited together in form of a ba In it, and about it, were red rofes and hearu-:b and upon' ,he culhion, by the bafket, was" a Star" and a crofs in the middle. Two fcepters acrofs each other .like the letter ><: were laid on the flowers, and a crown of diamonds on 'the fceplres. On the balket was wrote in diamonds the word" SPa,IT." On the crown was wrote" GOD," wilh diamonds. The crown had fivtrl arches, and a crofs, with red diamOllds, on the tl1p of the ball; and over that was a repre(cntation of glory. If! that glol) were tlVO fiars, three points to each, one in another; and over that, in printing CharaBen, thefe words; " B I II 0 L P THI GLO&Y Of THE, T&tNITY," Z4 A t eight o'~lock it made its fecond appearance, cxaflly in the fame manner, only with the addition of an angel in the middle of the room; II' hQ Utter_ ed diliinflly thefe words: "Spealt not of this till thife oe gone," And that the liar of gtory, which was on the cufhion, was a temporal reprefenttltion of the fpiri. tual glory to be inherited hereafter, through the merits of the Crofs of Chrili. The liars are a reprefentation of the Trinity: Thru-in.One and 01ll-in-l hru. A further explaination of which !hall be given h~reafler; and if a drawing is wifhed it fhall appear again. A drawing was coveted, and it is executed. t.5 be, ' A nd •In,e rwoven thefebtwo arches I' d r d' . ed to the glo e you p ,un Oilee • An JOIO e to Ihe cro[es that tlo Rand: But noW' com are conquering crO''/ns for man. They every one ou received at hrR. i Becaufe 'he c'olTes y Ihall burn. . h d your every crown , And in teen cTo{fes Ihey Will all fall down: our And then r f d was .QUO • And now 'IlleII how eve,! crolS d r came when cre:lIe man The 6 r II crolS r h I • F S an hally brought the: cro son t em. or t~en ~1 erofs it inRant was d~creed:-And h Yfc (rOrreS were fo cunous loud ... Therefo: ~obe rhere's one that doth appear, the other you fcc clear. h to ther did thefe crorres come j • S o bot ~ d when it wa~ brought on man. Mute was y... crce h fo:ue fouodBu' ... he' olherLlw~ I ~~ I the world did drowD; The crof~wcnt tllro W f: 11 btn the fire: did from hea"'en a , But w til t then went thro' all; You cannot lay Q . d n '_ Beeanfe all nations 1 dt not. e. ro) h'd out A liule city Lot did then enJoy j {l Bee.ufe My heavy hand was not • ;e[(' • ) To feel tbat a;rut crofs; and fo tiS ~ut; Becau(e that crofs it did not then g~ 1 ro 'd the deluge every onc doth know. m,nkind'do feellhe c'ofs; A, by the f.lIlheir happlnefs wit But as to th' other two, the crt: c: thr~'cm _ And on the tOP they both go t ro t e s .A n d n tbe globe Ihe out fide Item appel! • • be' ! h ther it's encirc:l'd there. W teo rId to be. 'Ih.,II i,In the fecond Ib:m appeo I lh' And now the myflery I'll revea to a~e: ""h m M 'h an dt _ ... e Ollt fide nem it mull refemble b And they withollt, that now ow tlo y - r b - l bow lO Me b e ow, And mil on A d wIII.u - dge My ou' ,etc h'd • rm ",ill guide them 'hro', outllretch'd arm they all {hall fcc: bow to th., bow. Me. A d as the Rem. arc IOi.erwoven t ere, S: man and 1 are interwoven. ;he ail{i h bow to come Wit 10 t v . r he( ~~r(t~nder~ca'h r Marc!: 'J 6, 1803.-The following Explanation of the above Vifion was given by the spirit, to Johanna SouthCOtl. I am the root and off-spring of David, the bright and morning Star, that am now coming in al~ My Father's Glory to triumph over the Crofs men nailed Me to. And <very arch I'll bring before Ihy vie.... : For in ahe globe the CfM{D is faften'd there j And every bow lha,', rouad it IlhaU clear. For on one nem ,bou fcc'lI tha, both do nand: The c,.f. and globe were d,awn by My command; ADd underneath the Ilem IheculhioD nand" With 'be 111'0 croll'cs ,bit do now Ipp..r, Alld in the middle DOW tbe crafs fcc clear; And unde, tb.l yoo may behold the crown, Wberein', tbe name of Go 0, thaj DOW i, found To have a power all for fullil; And by eaCh arch you fee ,he croh Rand nill• • But )'eJ. their lur~inl it cloth n.w ap~r ; You cannot fay thdC: croUes now Rand fJi r. 0, no, I telllbce, rhey Ire bowin~ down, And by the arch rblY bcQ.are circled round i '0 eTot ~~,dnill gener'~ °. • J'M ~,fi~~,el~ m.~, ~o hb~re ~~ca~,ifinJlbe fecond branch un never fail - - ey. b iilory for Ihe fans of men i. ibcga,\~ ~nd ':ny ann go mro' a.s there 'us Ccen: l'"r i°U 0 wro', &,pcf no~ encircle all DIll bow ..d rall. That to t;y Spirit DOW 26 • For as that recond branch comes out to an~ I <ell you, in the end, ,he globe mun nand Under the ihadow of my wings appeu_ ThemyRery's plain if man can fee it clear: For wltb My Bible it dOlh all agree : This heav~nly viGon, every foul {bill fee Is like My Bible; you may fee it plain. I raid ,he Heaven' Ihould thew you of Ihe fign' : Attd fo the figns a~cl viGolls do appear, And tbe (wo GaDding hows, that now are clear, It (hews you all how every onc will Rand, When on the globe I've conquer'd all for man. For n the bows did to you al1 appear, .IuR fo My kingdom's inlcrwoven herc~ Kfan muO: Come in-l\fy arm it mull come OUf;' And lhen you'll find 'he crolS from maft to drop: Becaufe My hand for QllO thaTi interfere And join together as the hows appear; J Aud then you all will fce the reign of God. 1ne tofe of Sharon now is ip the word, An.d there oUe three, now open'd to }'our l-;CW;I, IS My o,epherds. you /hall find il true, Whore cY~1i ate opeo'd. and they morc fhall fee A.d every bud in blofrom foon lJ-.1I he. ' But as thl:)·ore {l ·cn and thou rec'Il. no more Thou judg'(l cleven thould in all appear; • Bcaufc thou fc~fl tblt they are but ten; And thou boll plac'd them 10 My chofen men: And (0 ~y chofe-n men tbey Curely be; But one IS want1D~ now is ra.rd by thee :But i'5 an()(hc~ flower doth appear:. lldl (tee pblO, they afe not wanting there. lknufe tbe (Wo wiil nuke the twelve compl~tc Tho' tbey acc fainter, thou difcem'O them not _ • And they ,be..relves fo c1e.. ly don', difeern ' Nor in what manner I to thee do warD ' A. do ,be fofes which .. bud, appear ' I 'ell thee p~nly they will'f.. more :Iear. And as tbe Violet gives a frilgrant {mel! Join'd widt the rofes, orthc hcan's-eaf; well, Tbotlwt:l1 daR. knuw, thal1hrydo bear both names JuU fa ~ tell thee, when men's: heans inllam'd I ~y, wnb anger, Inddo Ylolc!nt burn Yoo'tl 6nd i~ bcar~·,.eafc untcf evc'}' one That cIom thll. calbng now beli<v, atjirJl : I know th.....olent paRioDl now wlll burR O. cbOf.1bet f.. then wifdom.1l be'ray'd; Yet lIIuJl own thu fweel the worda are Ioicl lhcr 2.7 Unto -belie\-crs, to enjoy their Go~ ; 'lhe "owen lbew hawaII heart' 'nil be Ie<\:. Then now I'll come to anfwer of the le : The crown and ftepl re is lM:1d out to aJ • That noW will come My kingdom to embract ·'d l\1ark every Rem and flower bow they 2T~ p ac • For in Mr crown you fee th~ rofe appear, And four different flaffs are JOlned lhere. On one is join'd, the fceptre a.nd the. crown; On lb' other lide, the fign for man 15 found, Wilh four dilferent branches on the pole j And much like win~ within the three do faU : But yet lOU fee the Olher it doth join, Tho' it doth diffcr: now PH come to man. 1 faid before, 'he GLORIOU~ TRINITY Agreed to join with man 10 umty : But yet inferior I bJd placed lI\an ; And now I tell thee mark the every hand. It is the v..'lng$ that make it differ here, I And now from wing. I'll make the/ower more c ear. A bird hath power to mount up an Of. . . And £hun his foe" when he dOC's f~e them ntgh, }"'rom place to place a bird hath WIO~ to go, You may confine all beans you well do know, But wherc~'s your bllitdi~gcan confine a bud? And fotbeir wings I'll liken 10 My word. For no man living can My word con6ne- ~ BUI well 1 know what's in thy heart and mmd; That cage and houfes may confine t~cm ~creJ And lake the power from the DO;lung an, Where they in no wa)'$ can mount up to ny, And fo their winers un be confined that way. Bur this thou fay·ft can never be ;n God j For there's no man that can confine My word. To Ihis I anfwer, here is thy miRake, When you confine a bird you trouble take, To have your cages and your houfc prepared, Or elfe you know yOli can't C'onfine l~m there;, Becaufe lbe open walls, Iho' e'er fo high, You know the birds will foon mount up, Ind fly Out of your power; )'ou can nomore command; And per rea like l!l.e bird, My word dOlh R.nd. You may confine Me by your every prayer, For w prevent thejudgmenu that arc near; A, Nineveh at firn COlIn ned Me fo: . They mode their hearts cag.': all did g() For co confine f\1e by then every prayer; J CQulAlllOI Dy frotlllhcJIl when lhey CiIIIlC near, i .:8 !I9 In dull and a/he. bow'd before My thron...· .... Mercy con6n'd Me all their prayers to own, Th.. I the judgmen'. them did not fend, Altho' My word was gone, mark whar"is penn'-d._ It wa, by pra)'cr ~en con6n'd My word, That I /hould aa with mercy like a God; '0 And, fo with mercy I did then appear, \"'hlle every heart (0 Me a c~ge was there. But wben Iheir cages th('y were all broke down, And open hOllCes unto Me were found Then like the birds from them 1 flew a'way~ And brough, ,he ruin I before did fay. And fo to Eli I did prove ,be f,me : He a cage for to confine My name j 1 fay I tn honour he did it con6ne, Broke down the altar perfen with My mind, And (~en l\Iy ~romife I did make 10 he, Th,t He ,he bird. I in hi. houfe would be: But mark how foon this cage was infiant broke When ,II My honour he h,d quite forgot: Then fure from,.Eli I did fly ,way, And brought hi. f.. ,1 ruin in oue dayAnd ,II My Bible you will fee the fame; And like the bird. you'll find My every n'me. So, lik.e the birch, with hovering wings, I'm come. I fay, In love, to make my cage with man; And fo My fpiril you may all confine, )'our bear.l. J willll1y fpiri, bind: ADd I"~ now you'llaa ,ceor~ing My will. Ftrm as ,be be,venly p,II,,,, I'll fulfil' The cvu)' promife I have madC(lo man; The budding rotes {hew the time's al hand: Becaufc 'tis raid the Dowen {han appear, When in tbe land the turtle's voice you bear j And all (hall find the turtle's voice is come, To brin~ tAt "aMI Df "eace to every flued ; That like tbe nowers tbey will now appear; And mark the ro[e5, how they are placed tbere, Thal (hro' the Rem, or Raff, tbey do ga.thro'; And here's a l1IyRcry deep bcf~e your view. }'or fo, } tell thee, many will ~gln To cloim My promife, and M kingdotr. win: ~~erore the HafT that doth to tbee ap~ar, .loin ~ (0 My crown, thilt is fo placed thcre, ) (ellihec p~ain, it is My outfiretch'd arm, To keep behC!Cfl now frolll evcry harm, That 0t00t tbelt branches interwove widl Me; "Ihou know'A ~ lold thee My delight fhould be '0 '0 ~oVt"'ptac'd with men, whcn. I come down below, A d do the glories of My kingdom lhow; A~d' as the flowers and tbe JCa\'e~ pla.c'.d there, So alen with Me they no~ lIluRIOlcrfere, Ft)r to affirm the words thal I have fpoke j And in fllch be,u'y Cod and .man {hal! drop. As do the flowers on the ban~ ~ppe;lr. .. No"; mark the compafs how tIS placed there, A nd at the bottom thou don fec the b"U, And to each fide the taffels hang for all., To {hew the compafs I have made for man. And at the tOP the rainbow no\'l d.ocs nand: And tnark"the rainbow, what I fald before:, J faid the Tai-nbow all your gtlef Olould c1~ar. r Ir,'d thatIMYS£L!'\Vouldrelgn, • th I B ecaU1C 13 , .And in thisvifioh 1 ha\'c Olew d ce paUl ffhe '<flor)' of the Trinity is there; Andoon the top lhou [ee'n the. fceo~d ~a:r.. But in U1Y heart tbou fay'll the top I~ fun; And now's the tilDe that fiar {hall furdy bUlfl, With e\'ery power in the bows aJ>pea~, And l' am the rainbow, and I Will feign here. F\lr as the taffe!s under thefe are found, 1 ~ll thee plain that men will now pull down M1 everv power-on them as a God ; 'Some will, byJurYI n<?w,pull My word~ 'Vith every Rripe that In It now appears ~ But mark the rofes intef\'o\'en Ihere; I So they'll prevent Iht {lroltts.on thean to fall, And {hare the glory or My k'Dgdom ,II. ror as the other appear, And man with Me 15 loterwoven there, A 1 did ,ell ,hee from My crof. Ibould be. A~d like My coat, I faid, for mau and ~1t, f'nd like my coal, is interwoven tb~ough, A mynery deep; bUl alllliall find 11 tr~e. For every \liGon, they have brought thee here, Fulfils thy prophecies, that they are near; And Ct· cry \'i[lOn I £hall noW £ul6.1, And all {h,1I know tbe Spirit,did ,bee teU Tbe very thing. that I /hall DO. below; F God and ChriR the SPl<lltt doth ~o. T~o~ome to thee, and tell thec all My mt.nd; And now 1 tell1hee, man muf\. (ure be blind, When all together they do but comp.are, If they un't fee, and know My [pmt's here: And yet thou marvel'R how thou art (0 de~d, That like a plu6ng drCilll the wolds are loid, ill go ThOll fay'O, before thee, but 'by bewll",ul.tburn If ,houdidO know and fee/lhe days are come: And th..~ 1 know woold be Iby every mind If I had nOI thy fenfes fhong conlin'd, And put a feal UJ'Ofl thy very heart, T?" well. I know lbe wnrds I dn impa.t '" ould kIDdIe Oa"",s, loon ..fing in ,hyb.eall, And like it fountain would thy no . burll: And all ~y Jabour thou oould'll not ~othro', I( Ibou d,dll fcc and feel and all dida know ,\Vh:u lies before t.bee C~CD at IhedOOf". ' 'd' , I ,1"C no UiCW My rearon, and 1'II fay no mon:, Why 1 haye put a bolt fo firon" on thee That like thy eyes thou doa bu~ partly fee ADd trl.t.lly (bingos tbou don not fee at aU _ ' Ibe fhadowdoes lite fubllance rai,. And to the lIarty ero' I bid thee come' .Tor lhere-'s the RaT that now lS come to ~an Toftaew My hands aflltIeet wc..c nailed the:(": TbQlJ kno..,'1I1101d thee 1 lhould fo appe..; ~nd Itke ~1y ~ord$ I lClilbee all i, plac'd; 1 \',e !hew d ~~u vlfioD to the hurnan race. That alltogethe they might clc.r1y~ce ' And ~alfurtd thefe things came aLI fro~ me: For Jah, Jehovah is f\.1y every n:uDe, The Lo,,[of Lord, and Kin" uf King' 1 an.. And now My kingdom illhall furcly come, As the fix fpolS foretel you who I am ; And, the 6.'( rpocs you now may fee them clea.r, .But 10, the feven.ln tbere's Dc fPOI appears:. .And .IlI go on 1111 therc"'( no (poe: in mlJ), But like the fiandard every foul thall come, And man !hall own lhere is no fpot in Me_ A J~a.Yenly union now in both ffiaH be . 1'00· lnan bath oflen {polled berc M}" ~me ~nd by your judgment you your M.kcr bl~c, } O{ perreA a\ the fpon do there appear Jun fo you .I...y, Cpot your M.ker hc:e: .HenuCe I teU you, you do fpol My name And much Itkc Adam, meD, [ fay, do bl~ The Lord of Glory by tbcirdilferent tbougb, And men's dtCputcs in fpots arc often wrought. Thu. the judgment they do d.....· of God ' TbryJpot My name, bUI don't regard My word. So I~n, I fay J halh been throughout the fix ; But III the: fevcmh, there no froc is fix'd . And I'Ugo on ,ill cYcry fpot 'II dear, • Aotllike Lhc lIandiLrd .U OWl now 'ppear , For no more fpob win I now ben for man; And n<>IV 1'1\ telltLee how ,hey fpot My One fpot by Adam Il wa.s can.:ll 6rR; He blam'd thewom.O lhat My hand had 1'lac'a, BIlt nnw thai fpot ChaH fUTe be done: away, _ And b~ tog the knowl~ge of the !lonous day • That Ilke a jewel a,,11 that fpot 'ppca<, And now lhe ferond fpot, I leU you here, It came from Noah curfing Qf his fon, And 'nll-.mdy it br~gh~ a f~ot on man~ And on hi. M.ker II d,d bnng lhe f~e, To nl(~W My chofeo nun what f(lIly ca~e, WhOin I before pronounced to be gooo, And would no< let him perin. in ,he nood. But oh! tha.t goodn~fs, 1l did ha~y turn* When he in anger dId fo eurfe b~$ fon, Becaufc his nakedntfs be Coon did fee; BUI now his fpot 3 jewel is to ~1e• If tha' ,he Jews ",ill.1I behold thc ame,. And fee their farher'.., as 'twas fe~n by hu,,!, Thatlhey were na.ked. dC\l~ken wuh th~ WIOe', And did not know the Saviour of mankind, When I CU'le down avine lothem bdow, And, drunk wlm an~r, did in fury gl) To bring.a eurfe, I fay, on every fon~ 'They new their br~th'ren, .and they filll goon, I ten you, backward, to thts ver~ da.y j But nOw (hefe fpott from ~hem I'll away, If like the former they Will now begin T~ fee their fatber',s folly, and will tum To Me, I fay, that fpotlhaUnow 'ppeilC To bc a jewel-fo 1'/1 m.kc ,hem here: Becaure the fpot of lin I'll take away, And place them jewels as the crown dOlb lay.. But now tbe third. fpot muil from man appue, It was in David when he murder'd there, 1 fa)· Uriah for to have his wife; And 'fo that 'fpot went thro' his life. Ana on hi, Maker it is caR: the fame~ . Beeaufe you know 1 highly fpoke ofh,m; And raid he wu a man of M)· own hc.. rt: But now the trutb I'll to you all impa-rt. If you Itke David will but now appear, To fave the woman, put her Temptec there, lmo lhe betttle, that betrayed at firll i But here thou marvel'fi how Illat can be plac'eI-, To make tht hufband ever h> 'iree, .A type of Satan n~w. is raid by thee .. T. thi., I ..,fwer, "" by hcr 1,.",1 32 33 na~ fira the Tempter did by art. command. Elil In the. hulband thou don {ay were none, 'Vben he m love polfefs'd herevery hand No-, here lown the likenefs don't agree' • It is the fhado..., I have (aM 10 thee, • And .1I.he Ihadow i, is {rolll tbe hand That he in different manner did commit~d So "?w in diffcr~nt manner I'll appear, • For I m rhe DaVid, and Ute whole will clear The hand from Salan now, I fay. 1'1IIakc-; And Orong the b.ltde I for man will make' And in the, front l~e Tempter (hall be nai~ ... And now like DaVId I'll the W'6man gain· And fo the fpot fhilll all to jewds turn: I'll Oay the rebel, but I'I! fave the man. For here, like David, I cannot agree • To nay lhe innocent-no, them I'll free' It is the fhadnw only from the hand· • Salan did gain iI, and by arts comm.a~d: And fo ,bat hand {rom him I'II.ako awar You all muR fpol My if you do fay' The~e was no n;>·fiery laid in David'sl'eign, To ilke MYSELF !oone.ha. you complain Tb~ worn. of crim'~s was in his murder th~re \Vhen Sacan's arts fo powerful did appear, ,. To tempt (0 muder, for adultery; And now on Satan (hall that ruin be. I For 1'lI.venge on him Uriah's blood : Now 11 m the Uavid. and I'll make it good That every fpot on ~atan now {hall rail; , \Vben I do come. hke man, to ronquer all T~n every fpot I'll (urn theolher way: ' Jnvlflble thefe myrlenes alt do lay; , A nd when on Satan e\'ery one Ilurn J willtftake up my' jewels then in m~n. Bee.ufe tbat Davut did fo fore repent j And no~, IleUy... all, My mind is bent ~o .e like DaVid, as he did appear j III Oay the S.rpe~l lha. her hand did /hare: To lake It from blm David filall appe.,.. ' And hke Unah's, Satan's doom is ncar; Becau~e be t~pred David to that fin, And bls repenta.nce I'll like David's brin!. For now l~ (word from bim filall not depart As ~b "ere guilty bolh /hall feel My dart. ' Davtd already hath the fword receiv'd AtMI AbraIom's death did make him for~ly grieve' So here's a fpot was deeply caR On man • BllllSOW 1"Jewell that fpo. will lurn. ' Becaufe a jewel .Iways fparkl es bright, And now to man live brought the truth to ligbt, Why I d' let the Tempter togoon To work his will upon a righteous man: B ufe in him the truth mirll all appear, It waS the DevIl did his heart eofnare. So ~ow of bavid you may all weigb deep, And now the fourth fpo. I will fpe.k of it. I. wal If.iah every foul !hall fee, They fpoHed My name, as Itwas foretold by he. For Satan always ~nds an artful way To work in man, their judgment to betray; And fo My jewel; lhey were fpolled .bere, As wrong the judgment did in roan appearj Becaufe tnat Satan works an artful way: , From his difputes fee how his footReps lay. I tell)'ou all his foo.Reps do appear, As io .hy book tbee he fpoke them there: And out his foot Reps man could never find, Had 1 not let him come and tell his mind, '0 What arguments with Ulankind he hath us'd, And fo he \'Iork'd upon the flubborn Jew., That from his judgment they \'Iould ne\'er turn: The arguments feem'd right he liS'd with them; Becaufe his influence o'er their minds appear'd, :More nrong in man than in his words fpoke there. And now, I tell thee, it was thy difpute Tha. broke his legs, and turn'd benea.h My fOOl: Becaufe ::. faid if thou in faith ftood Qout, 10 truft in Me, lhou no.hing hadR 10 doubt. For I would conquer, and for thee appear, And fa the vilion I have lhew'd thee here, As by My .nfwer I did fay to lhee, And fo the vilion does in all agree. So if the learned men this confound, I tell thee plain, from Hell mull come tbe found; And Satan {\:rang in man mun now appear. lf they lhe viuon and lhe words will clear: For no fuch judgment can e'er be in man, Unlefs the Devil nrong in them does come. For when the whole together we compare, A Peter's viGon never was fo clear; Nor yel by man fo clearly undrrRood, And plain My Bible doth lhe whole make good: And all thefe Ibings I've /hew'd .hem to a child.. That all mankind might know .hey are nOlfoil'd, And difr~rent gifts do to thefe bo)" a~peart Thot every foul migbl know My kingdom" ncar; E , "" 3+ 35 And lllllJcfc {pots lhall now to jewels turn; For now like Salan's words to man I'U COme- A d fa the fifth Cpot ,hou hall ended here: A~d "t\ow the fix:tn I'll make 1~ !o appear. It was My mother I {haH make It clear: Becaufe they did then fpot M)' mOlher's name, To fav that I £ro1'(1 her a baftard came; And~fo that fpot it infiant fell on Ole, When 1 affirmed the words w~re fpoke by The; And fo that {pal then at that time went deep; 13ut now's the time whe~ e~'ery fPOl fllall break, I fay, with fur)', and w ullin ~an - tUTlIinvifibt, £h.Il.11 turn .gam: For with the world Invlfible It fi,al1 be, And every fpot in man, they now £hall fec That 1 will aft like all the fons of men, And now I fay I wwl come to ,he f.ll. The blood of Abel now, I fay to .11, That I'm the Abel, Satan is the Cain, And My avenging blood he now lhall find: And next to Noah, I will fa go on, I'll build the ark, and fa I'll fave the man,. But as he curs'd the fon that lau~hed at him, So Satan now Chall feel that curfe from Me. And now like D.vid I will fo .ptlear, And place \he Serpent like UrIab ,here: And to If.i.h now I fay I'll come: rn faw in funder Sann's power,; And fo likt Ahafueru, I'll 'ppear, And Satan now the gallows he !hall -£hare: Bec.uCe likc He,ed 1'1\ My oath fulfil, And 'urn ,he Cpots by My .venging heel. Tha, all My Bible you canno, fulfil, Unler, I bring ,he vifion by My heel. I tell you all, to tread his pow'cr down. The mighty cDunfelloe I cannot be found The prince of glory, nor the prince ofpc;ce Unlcrs I make your jarring paffio ns ccafe. ' By Satan's,rcafo?in.g you cannOl agree; .Ben.ufe he work d In man! you all may fee; To fllr up anger, and to filr up arire ; But noW' PH clear from Ahafueru's wife As his comma~d the queen /he difobcy'd: And {potted IllS honor, 3S his nobles faid She in his prefence Ihould not c'cr come :norc . But nil! his I.ov~ for women did appear; 1 And fo the V1rgl~s U~IO him were brought, And Efihcr gaID d hu favour as 'tis wCQ[C. \Vho [avId her people, and defiroy'd her f~s: BUl now the fpot in (me you all do know. She fpolted her honor and her huCband's fame \Vhen lhe refus'd at his command to come " And fo the woman hrought the fpot at fir" But nmy frolll Efiher (hall the myn'ry burd: She gainfd his favour, which the other Ion She favfd her p.:eople, and her foeslh c can: So now let Enher's ban~uet to appc4lr And My demandkt it be .nCwcr'd he;c From thy difputes, ONE Or THe- Two l~ufi fall; And now an anfwer I deVland of all . 'What lhall b,e done to one who did bl:fpheme? A, In 'hy pnn'ed book thou m.y'll fce plain: And from 'hy foe, they muR ,he fenteoce p.C, And then the ~yRerie, unto .lIlhall blUR. ' Becaufe thy fnends have pafs'd their judgment here, And now t~y fou I bid ,hem 'ppear, ....nd all ,hCJr .nf.'ers I do bid them bring 'Vila, lhall be done to 0", tbat did bl.fph:me ? AI blafphemy from one there muR. appear . It is thy fo:s .that muflthe myfler)' clear; J !,,~d fa <k" Judgmen, I do bid them paf" Tn from thy fou ,he myRerie, all muJl burjl : And from that,Pook the ca.ufe mull now bl; tried, And let ,he fentence from ,hy foe, be laid. And fo jn public let thefe words appear And lhe~ the Royal Sceptre you"'l1 fee ciear : For here s a fpot that thall to a jewel turn_ I'll fave 'hy friend, .nd .11 'hy foe, lh.1l mo~r. And every Cpot {hall to a jewel turn : '0 J The FOURTH VISION of JOSEPH, which lu faw t th~ Flags, Trumpets, &c. at the HIgh Haufe, Pa - dington, March 23, 1803' Sitting on one fide of the fire place, and Mrs. D. on the oth'r, he heard a voice diftinaIy fay, "Jofiph, fpeak not of this till you arri ve at home,-menuon not a word to anyone." Turning his eyes to the fP9t where the vOIce appeared to come from, he faw four Rags with a regular fpace between each, all. nearly of ~ fize. The I1rft was red and white llripesJ • Blck upon Lhc invUible world. 3° with a fquare of blue in one corner, with thirteen fiars brilliant, as if of diamonds.-The next was a white flag with a broad black's face on it.-The the third was a white flag with half moons, fwords, fiars, and fnakes or ferpents, all in variegated CQ. lours.-The fourth was a blue flag, with white and red Ilripes or crolfes, fomewhat like the Englilh colours. -To the lJags were four perfons; one Ilanding by each. One of the perfons was a black, by the flag whiclr had a black's face on it. By the flag with variegated ~olours was a man neither fair nor black, but about a copper colour. By the lJag with a fqu~re pf blue and Ilars was a dark perfon, like one of us, -with whilkers; and by the other lJag, like 'Englilh colours, was a fair man. In the hand of the man with whilkers was a harp. In the hand of the fair man was another inllrument of mufic, like a lyre. The other ~wo had trumpets-ail playing On their in. firuments. There appeared at a dlIlance, beyond them, millions of people to each of them, of the fame kind as they were. In the middle of them was a perfon that looked like Our Saviour, with a great number of /lars furroundins His head, and His body, ornamented "lith diamonds In all parts, with His arms /:xtended, as if ready to embrace, who faid in a pow. erful voice, " I will be known in all hearts, throughoui Ihe whole world, from the emperor on the throne, to the .canefljubjeEl, On the earth," and then !iifappeared, The follOWing was given to Joanna by the Spirit, March 28th, 1803, being an explanation of this vi. fion; and a1fo an explanation of an angel's writing down Mr. Carpenter's words, that he was reading and fpeaking, to a few friends, at Little Zoar, near Neckinger, on Sunday morning, March 27 th , 1803;and alfo an explanation of the heforementioned vinon, that he had at the High Houfe, in Paddington, .. Il~e iCCOunt lIf I/>e vifio~r 97 ,4,.J- ril March 23d and which was brought on Wednell ay, it h lP Joanna on Sunday, Marc 27 t • 11- I Now from tbe vifions Itl~~appead· • ,.,- The outh did ree, but dId not riW. Beca~fe he raid,· the tTu:h ~as roThat ilalready wa' fulfill n'lI l' The hovering angels, roun )'o~ I" Do in this lower world appea r f, Th know'ft I lold thee fo be orc, au now the a.ngels were co me down J That And Hell alannJd to hear the found, A ~hcn I £ira created man They were alarm'd, and hafly dcame To fce the man ,hat ~ had rna e" A d roon their happlner, betray d. I B; arLs they worked in ev~ry wbee I The ha iDefs Qf man to fOil: And n~~ again he'd work tbe ~ame, If he did know My every plan, Therefore My plan 1 do co.oceal, 'rhe >.rU of Satan for to fOIl. A, did t th.l<tt<r then appear, nat Sharp did read, I lell you here, He raw his foe was in tbe wa.y, !Lurking in ambu{h to. betray; . • A d then he l..ook a dlfferent road ~ A~d per rea fo are the ways or G • He fees ~the Devil how he nands 'Vailing in ambufh nrang for man, Their every virtue to bc~ray, • Th ~ re I've ta'en a different way, ere 0 P 'r£indout: That Satan's arts cou J.L ne e ld d blou S h wifdom there's no man cou uc ' h ' h deep If all the "wAene:; l ey wel~ h ~ , k Th Y mun confer, lhe Lord ot pea, In :'ondrous wifdom to ap£ea.r, • T {hew His kingdom now lS ~ear • B~caufe My Bible is made ptaln For aU tbe learned fons of. men. hear Tbe books arc open'd, ilS. It d~t app' , . b ce allIS wallen there. And 10 remem ~~ d all's enroll'd in Heaven. The angels peno ' what advice was given; d an Of what was rca, "- ad • It being a reality. in AmeriC1, whore rpiritual t A letter read by Mr. Sharp, 0 ( ~ bo~ md wcm iAol.hcr CCNci. raw hi. enemy way. ay , DJlCDCd, and be fi&bt WIt 38 AnJ fa I 'ell 'bee, .11', hefore lbe 'hrone, And now My jowels, 1; mun to all be known. (hOfe (hat do together fo converfe • t;ng My kingdom j they can never mifs IIthefe bldling. in My Bible penn'd, ~ _ And in thy writings I have fhew'd the end. Thefe arc the jewels I /hall flOW make up; }~or a! the viGon to the youth did drop To O,ew them plain ·llze oook wa~ writl~n there \Vhen lhal My friend in love he aid appear ' To read My mind, and wiJl~ and teillhem th~re That I w., cominb perfetllikc My word I fhew'd the \'iliclfI, as My propb... t {aid, ' And a.s befor~ 1 fhew'd thee} in tby dream, The -'llIgel of the J.ord was thrOWing down 'r~c. /heets of paper [hen upon the corn, 'W Illch 1 allude 10 man, it mull b~ knOwn Andas tho'ldidR dream rh:u it was like thy hand 39 As from t.~is piflure t it doth no~ appuf: \Vith outflretch'd arms you fee a hkenefs there, More like a 'Jurkifh emperor than a GOd, \\lith • tyts fo dim that fcafC-e can fee a word; Becaufe that dim. ike tyt.s do both appear,. And ~1l around the head there's placed bur: And yet you fee it's drawn it;l ro)'a~ fiate! . \J1ith outfiretch'd arbls, and fparldmg diamonds ooghl. In ftf(;"h a piflufC no one can difcern . Whoa it doth reprefent~ nor judge tho form, \Vbether a man or woman doth appear, ~~nd mark the clothing how 'tis placed there; And mark the rider on the horCe you fee, I ten rou plain thefe piaurc$ don~t agrce: TIlen here thou'rt puzzled, can thiS be a Cod For to refcmble? as the youth then raid. '1""0 thit I anfwer, as I faid befor-e, I {how'd the viGon for to make it clear, That in the manner you have judg'd your God, There's 110 man living that can judge ~i$"word: Becaufe tbat "irlon muft tI,1em all confound, To fay the l.ord like ~hat c?n e'er be crown'd, Arny'd in glory and," maJeOj'. In heavenly.fplendor, and no eyes to (ee, As in lhat vdion doth to (hee appear: But that's the likenefs men halo"e drawn Me:. here. I tell you plai~, lhey've drawn ~e in rucb form, That po man ltving can a. Cod dlftern: Beeaufe tbat clarkly (.m, have drawn Myeye, And jodge ,h.. nothing I helow efpy ; And others draw me ,1$ they judge a God, Moll like a Turkifh emperor now is fprr'ad, 'Vith ;u'ms of cruelty held out to allYou don't difcern this vifion how't does f...H: Nor in what manner it does now appear: 1 (hew'd the viflon, ao; the men come here .For todifpute, and fo to place ~heir God, As no man living can difcern IllS word, By a\1 the' judgments 'hey do dra~·. .lull like this vlfron, every fou~ {hall kno\~', That in thIS mann~r m,etl.have Judged lhctT G04, \Vherein DO meaning tn II can be dra.wn ; For fame :ilTe Arians, and they do deny The perfe,;a union of the Trinity. Then now I alk them what of it lhey make? They cannot ray a man died for their f:lke5, llell 'hee, fa the end for all lhaillilnd: . • neeaofe rph ,ho Lord 'hey have begun And the wb,le nalion robs ~le of Mv fa~e And of 1\1y honour: they do not difc~rn) , To fay, tbat [rom the Devil it does come: And perfea fa ,he lew, did fay before That from the Devii 3111'vly wonders 'vere: ~nd now the Gcnl,ile~ fh,('Y do fly the fame. i J herefore.lh~ DeVIl I Will now defiroy, -/ And man ,10 IllUOCence I WIll enjoy, nat don t ~y .wondus fa the pevil place, And by inttT wi/dom don't Iheir Lord difgraco) To fay My way. are folly from lhe Devil: I plainly tell you that YOllr hearls a-re evil: Becaufe ,heu lin yOlf oft do caa on Me And ray that I ordain'd it fo to be. ' Bwt when I warn in any thing that,s good lJnco the Devil you do all allude. ~ , So now, 1 bid I~e, anrwer 1\1e \"'310 man ( Jf lik,e the Devil y'0u've not laid ~our plan? Bu,l'ke 'he DeVil you lhailiay no more After My harvea ends JhiU now is near' Becaufe wat all I'll rid tbem off the coari_ No moreof Satan's wifdom men Dlall boaR Nor of hi. power-all I'll lake awal . ' AI to his power you do wonders lay , And to his wifdom you do aJi confin~ . But where there's evil, you do call it Mine; And fay thu I, thefe things did all ordain j BU' now your folly I lhalilhew it plain; + The "!\lit th~t WI! drawn for the Lord appC3rr:d in fu.cb a CODfyfcd {~mJl ad drees, t,btyou could not trll whit it ..... ~ dcfigncdfor. .. Mr. Calpenter J'COId jOlDDI'. prophecies to a few fricuda. • Almon blind• '0 r 40 Or that a man could e'er for man atene, Or an impoRtr, or the gfeatefl born, That in the world ever came below- My mother lie? and I affirm it too! Then both together yOll do.give the lie; J ark you, where's the know ledge from all' high, ) f an Impollor I let this proceecr, For men loworfbip, as it is decreed, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghofi? TI'if< Thrttl You know is wodhip'd in the Trinity: And by Ihe gofpc1 you have plae'd il fo, And now the meaning I demand to know, Wh.1 kind of figure I mufi now appear? 1 tell you plain Mt likenefs it is here, Thal I am liken'd to by the fons of men, A God that cannot fec, and now become A Jew, a Turk, or In6del, to be, No iliape, Or form, that anr. man can fee, Now by that piflure I am Ilken'd here: For fo the judgment in mankind appears, And in ruch manner they have likcll'd God, And now I'll prove it by their evel)' word. You fay that Satan gu;dcJ this woman's hand:. Then where's your God, I do of all demand? Whore flaming eye doth o'er the world appear, Surveys the hea.rts and tboughu" I tell you here, Before ,hey fpnng-Ihey all arc known 10 Me, And from My knowledge none conceal'd can bC'. Then ifby knowledge I know .11 before, I ark mankind how Ihis did .ll 'ppe.r, That every vilion is brought to your view, I /hew'd. perfcElman you all do know. Plac'd on the harre, with ruch difcerning eye, And broke ,he leg ,hat differ'd from ,he three, And by My heel I'lIlread Ihal power dowo, That man and I alike may now be found. So bere may bebold a perfeEl man. For In hiS IIkeners is the piaure drawn; And fo ,he horfe in likenefs dOlh .ppear, So perfefl to the words were fpoken then·, That Sau.n's fower 1 faid, that I would bre~k~ I {bew'd the IIkenefs, and the likeneCs great. Bu, weill know what folly will appear ; Thefe wondrous vifions men will tllrn them here, As tho' i"ut.tio. by fome curious head And by fome curious arts the whole was'laid. Tberefore the myftery, I raid, 1 would clear, An~ fhew thee plainer wben the youth came bere. For In • kOllft tbe viIion it was feen And like the vition do Ibe fons ofmen ' rou .. HiCh Houre Paddinpa. nr>:W all fueh likenefs of divinily : , But when you weigh lhe whole, you all Will fee, You do not draw your judgment for a God, Who is in Mercy, and whore Arms are rpreadWith oUlStretch'd anm fiill 1.0 the ut'!'o[l raves All who return to Him, and now believe. Then now unto the black I bid Ihee come, And mark the trumpet that is in his hand; And as the other bas tbe trumpet lQO- A mystery dccp: but all O,all find iltrue. For the Ian tru:npet muft. to all appear: I've (hew'd the trumpets, jlnd I'll make them clear. For now the trumpets /hall be blo":"n t,o all, And every nation noW !haU know then c~l: And from the blacks the trumpets !hall begin. , Thou know'n " Ihe blufh "that I did put on Cain ; And now the Cains I bid them all appear, And blow the trumpet nOw in every ear. For like Iheir brothen every soul /hall fly, If you don't sound the trumpet noW thiS way. To say your grief is more than you can beu, If I avenge your Abel's blood now here, I tell you all. upon your gUIlty heads; Swiftly repent, or you mun fiy wllh speed. So now the trumpet it mufi. sound for all, That Satan now may be th, Cain, a~d fall Into the fn..e that he did lay for Cain : Blow up this trumpet. if you'll mel;Cy find. Then by this trumpet ye !hall find My arm. I say in mercy as to you I warn. And 'mark the serpent how he's twined there Over the head much like ... moo~ appeus: Becaufe, 1 tell you all the moon.1S round, And perfel1 '" Ihe ferpcnt there IS found i And on t1\o head thou scc'n there's fix'd the pole, And thro' the other doth the trumpet hold i Where a bnght figure dOlh 10 thcc appear, Much like a man in r~bes he'.appears, For to be covered, wh~n hlS gown 15 on, And in his hand the mufie may be !hewn, And well thou know'n it eafy may be feen i And now to reafon I will nrong begin. For on the other fide the robes are blue, W ilh different mulie there, you all do know; And different muue mun to all ap\,ear: TI)"u know'n the ",uGe soonded In thy ear, When tba, the pia <on6n'd to thee was broughl ; F 43 411 And to thy prayer remember, what w.. wrote, From John the bapttll how thy prayer did f.ll He loll: hIS head; and now J teB you all ' That t~erc" a b.lack, wh~ head appears' the fame l Th~re s not iii. vJlion brought, but I £hall name' It IS to prove thy wrilings came from Me . ~ And by lhese vifions every soul fhall see' That I'll fulfillhy every fervent prayer' And thy pelition I have fhewed thee h:re That ,atan',head fhalilike the black's comeoJf A. John.'he b.ptill's did: I've faid enough. ' For In hIS hand tlie blood does now appear To (hew th~ murder he committed there ' When he In malice did his brOlher kill' And now Itell)'ou, Cain that blood !hail feel Ifhe don't caft the whole on satan's head And at the throne of grace for mercy ple~d To have the devil now to flee like Cain ' ,.nd blow tbe trumpe, : he may mercy fi~d And the Redeemer, avenge the blood And c~n.Jthe yen.genet on the serpent's he~d. '0 For deep 5 the Virion, that is fhew'd thee h~r And deep they'll see th, .,hot" when 1 fhall c~~ 'I he every myllerv in the vision here' ar J\,nd with the hca~enly mufic I'll bea"in Thou know'n this morning how tho~ hOere didfi fin" The Pfalms of David, al it doth appear, CI, And nuw I .ell thee David'. barp " here For every muCic it will fo come round· • A heavenly j~}O will in each hean be f~undJ That dotb,b~heve, as thou'a believ'd this da J You .11 w,li fing as do,h ,he mufie play y Upon the harp of muGe, you willlin~ ~ And from ,he lyre now behold lhe linn' . J"hou lee'n but five, for fix do not appe~;: "fien lure the lyre mua be vanquish'd here, Before the fix do e'er appear to man And then 10 t~umrh ling that he is ~one. Fo.r now Ihe.llar, muD to all be known, It ".he Dcvlltb.. 1 Dow !hall I . And man {h,li {jog it to eternit a~ , And thro' eternity he sure fhal Tha t .<:. atan t s I'les no more are lng, on men: FOflbem to ~uffer for the lies he fpoke, \Vhen he wllh artS doe. alway. fililhem u . And (0 Wi.lh arti be on men's minds docs b~c~k To 611 thell head. for ,o,·m . I· , 11 aglbe '''; A d Who ~~w "'''file fon. ofmeo, grow wife, y t C.. OIlS nevcr did appcar-. i. can h:r, It was a vifioD that helanci,d th"" But sllcho.Jancy never came before; \Vei~h all tos:elher, and you'll see more clCiH, How every vlfion, that is drawn by blm, DOlh with thy foro:er vifioo.s all ~gree, And with the proause I to Ihee did make, And how the cause of man I'd undertake, And how My kingdom 1 would now in; Fo!' every vifion tht're does shew you plaID That in one )ikenefs this doth all agree : Then now appear vain man, and anfwcr Me, How both together did these things invent, Or e'er imagine how My mind waS bent, To make tILtse visions perfea so agree, For to fulfil these word. I spoke by .hee? For when these vifions they do all appear, They're io fuch chain, thaubere's noman can cItar:For in one likenefs they do all agree, Then nOW appear, vain man, and answer Mej 1fto all knowledge you muft not bc dead? As from imagination all you've laido Then your imagination mufi. be here TC? make th~s: lWO as ea~lhly. Gods. appear, Array'd in Wisdom, to Imagine brIght, Firll fpeak the 'words, and then produec tl" fi&htj That as 'twas fpoke before it doth appear: For every viflon doth cl1y writings clear, For as the word'S were spoke the vifion's here. I said in Heaven wonders I'd display ; And fo My Angds ','e fent down lhlS way. To fh.ew the huvenly vilioDS do appear, TJat as I fiilid, My cha.riot wheels are near, And that My hand was now held out to .ul ; That ballard nations they might hear their call. Thlt I was ready all men to receive, '\Tho e'er would tum lo Me, and right be1ieve; And now all nations you fee 10 appear, With different colours, as the nalions are; And fo you fee My hand IIrcteb'd out to aU, And like tbe Bible doth the vifion fall: And yet you call it faocy of a child, Whom fatan's arts have in this manner foil'd. The ftrll tol"nc), and ,he neXI toti" For to affirm. Ihefe vifioDS c~me from Me; And in that manner you judge all appear, A. behathd~wnlhem.and hath plac'd thCIlI here; Theo tTy yourI""'Y. and your I'U) sec, 1£ fuch a vifion .'ill appear to you ; And in like manner you the villons draw, And lhen explain .hClD. plain lbe truth In fhOlv Mr 45 4+ That your invention all Wa.! right before: The worl~ you .in judgmem riJ{ht appears, 'Vhofe Wild n1ventJOns do your Bibles turn And make the God of Ifuth to be a form ' That all the learned world can never c1c~r By man> invcntion, nOw I tell you here: But by mvention tlf lAg. fi.!!/. Iwo As from their fancy now "is raid by you That ;h,ir i~ntJgi~atio'l doth appear, Thc~ ve fa unaglned.for to make all clear. J(by imagination [his is done '\\t'ithout a God to bring a regular form Then every foul mun give their God th~ lie And fay 10 knowledge man did never die: ' Becaufe fome wondrous knowledgedo(h appear TO.p'ro~hecy an~ {hew the m)'llery dear, ' With different gIftS, that unto them arc given. And will y~u fay theft gifts ne'er came from' b~ave.n;t Then ~ure hke (.ltan you rouft all appear, And gtve )"our God the lie: . I lell you her. That untO knowledge man did never die lVhen the forbidden fruit was cat that day. Becaufe of knowledge you fiy you can boaa With wifdom brighter th.n tbe Lord or Hon. And knowledge greater, for to make .11 good: I ray My BIble, and fullil tbeir word. ' If by their own invention this is done I tell you pla~n, ),ou {hame both God ~nd man, By the InvenllOn of "our foolifh heads: ~~d kno~lcdgeI'll pronounce roudcad. TIS )'OUrlhVenuon doth froro fatan come: Y"hjlt. h~ fuggefts you in your minds do form, That It 15 real, as it comes from he. Once more I tell you, you eat of the tree That was of knowledge-I pronounced dead. And fo by fatan's arts, your knowledge fled ' Abel knew not bis brolber would hiro kill • And Ca~D ~new. no~ the daggers he lhould feel; Some Wild lmagl11auon fill'd his brain That be lhould be al peace when he had Abel aain So h~ un~gin'd, and his fcheme went on, , Imaglnauon doth from Satan Come 'Vhen you imagine what will neve~do To mak~ )"ou bappy; brin~ before your view All the Imaginations that did appear When Nooh ~uilt tbe ark; I teU you bere, They all tmaglO'd Nooh was a fool And Satan', arts polTelf'd their e"ery foul, On til the deluge w.lh'd them all away, Then where muU their imagination lay But in tbe knowledge I pronounced dead? And Co the wat'ry graves 611'd C\'cry bed. And here of knowledge I fay they had nonc, And their imagination all Wil! gone, To be but folly, as I laid before. Inla~ination nc:ver can be good: I tell you all mult perilh in the flood, When I do come to [weep the whole 3\\'IYYou may imagine 1 {hall longer flay j But you"r imagination all will fdll, As did the deluge, DOW I tell you all, And fo you know I told you of the end: You may imagine 1 {hall ne'er defcend; As on the city of Gomorrah fell, Or Sodam's lot, you may imagine aU Wit! never come if you do mock. My word, Andjudgc lik.lhem 'tis fools bcli~ve, and Dee, As Lot did flee when I aid warn htUl there: He bad tbe knowledge did from me appear; "But they imagin'd e~ery thing ellaJ vflitl; Imagination ne'er did know!edge gilD: Pharoah imaxin'd, Haman dtd theJamt, And both diffifd the knowledge of My name. But fee imafl.nation wherc'( did ~ndt I tell ),ou at It never prov'd a. fnend: Becaufe imagination comes from hell, To mock the warnings that from hea\'en feU; And fo the Jews imagi71'd all the fame, That Satan ga"e me power to become Tbe Son of God, and be exalted high, A Prince, and Savio~r," is your ~v~r}' crr, Whom youdo worlhlp 10 the TrinH)': The Jews imagin'd bell exalted me; And now the Gentiles-thoufands are tbe fame: They do imagine hell exalts My name With arts, and lies, and wonders, that were wrought) And all M r father's words they were forgot, Tbat He aflirm'd He had one only Son, Whom a'i the nations ofthe world (hould claim: And now I fay I'm. come 10 claim IA<1II all, And your imaginatIon down fhall fall: . Becaufe I faid the gentiles tbey would nfe In rage and tumult, and ~adly ~ould devife AgaillCl:. the Lord, and HIS Anomted SOD; And nOw I fee your folly's going on. • Beeaufe .~ inn Me you do madly rage Againll 1\.1)' 'pirit you do fo en gc, By your imagin lion, that is here. Much like lhe Jew. of old. you nolV appearl And like ,be Jew. of old will be your 101, If you imagi1f.( th.ings which you knoW' 1101. Can you invent by your weak fooJifh hcad~ The wondrous vitions now before yotl laid? Or can I"OU .. nfwer, and there things explain; lIowa1 I..ogclher came in a fl rait line? Or how the like~r, fhould in all 3l'Tree? The (our pillars are tbe Poles you°Cee, 'Vhich thefe two Jodians they have ROt in hand i For like wild Indians do the colours nand, A. panly naked ,bey do both appear; .But mark the covering how it is Cllft there. So now to Cover I Otall{'ure begin; They have the pole, tbe trumpet plain is fecD; And now Ibe trllmpel I (hall blow to all, And evcry nation now Ihall know their caU. For there I 'ellchee fraud. ,h. Gofpel role, And frte falvatloo's now held out to 31 , Ahd every land th.U fee My armuppear: A.i they Olre Ii fred, fo I'll IIfl them up: If they'll return to M., lhey all may hop•• For as rhe blOOlly band doe. now appear To fhew Ihe hlood of Cain, the murdere: Ihere, And by fucbhaudSlhey n,jl'dM. 1O.h "".: But mark lbe band ~nd now the myllery fee. TwofpolJ of red do on lh. hand appear, With blue, and white, 'lis all encircPd there: That hand is fallen DOW without toe pole, The other's Ii fled up, the trumpet holds: So now I teillhee 'hey will bowlo Me nrow down the hand that Ilail'd Me l~ tbe tree, ThaI is, rebellion they will all .hrow down Lif. ul' tbeir band. bear the ~ fQUnl Aa4 gladly, gladly, will thefe nallonscome' To Iilund the 'rumpel w..... lhey bear YOllr land, y.... called by Ih. beavenly IOund: Ower all nations ",ill this call relOuad • FrOID fbo re to {boTc, from ufl Eo wen' 'twill fly" ADd every Aar foreteU'lh the time is nigh: ' Or elCe lbe fpotl .bat do aow .ppear; And by .... /lnpea tbe naJiOlhlte.leht<:: BeeauCe My ou,/It<:tch'd arm .. joined cbere. B.neath My £Ca. cbe _II dodo '""" 'ppear • Black is his colour, but thou can'il. not form· \Vhar is the (bape~ it it to lhce unknown. '0 n .. 4r But lts' i1 bean thou doll not undernand: And mark he's trodden do,~n, and fee My hand. Is now in mere)' open'd Wide to alL A d fee th, a.g,1 under",ath th, wholl, '~i{h.thc tw()tru~pets, now"plac~d o~ both fides; Mark ye the "ifton, for the field IS Wide; As On the right, and left, the trumpets nand, And on ,he top you may behold My hana, To call My fQLlS and daughte~s from afar, And fave the remnJ.nt leaved lD the war; I\nd as tbe colour in tbe hand appears, wh 7n l.ha'V~ ended here; And c\'crv nation {hall In tnumph fi~g: i 'Il change the £kin '0 The h>rp 'of David ),ou all I'll bnng; And every I)·re he nla\~ now,confound, \Vith heavenly mufic 10 thclr e\'ery found• For as the buds are fixed on the poles, rhe bud i. budwng out I far for all; And as lhey're paned, fa Will every l~nd; SOI1l~ will be:tievc, and fiedfaflthchv Wll1 nand: BUI a~ the pole~ don't of one.len1';t appear, I plainly ,ell ,hee, fo lhey ""II appear .. ] n different links, before the Whole do JOin: . Here {bnds the globe that I {hall make all iVlto('e But as tbe brighlcR figures d~ aPlear~ That have the muue, and enCI rel d here, Within the poles th!,}u ree'fl th.c mufic {land; So no ,0 England, thou enltghten'~ lan~, "fhal ha,h been guarded hy ,h. Gofpel • po'e, You may rejoice and {i :~ whale othe:,," faU : tr, ..npet )'ou'U h~arjiTftJoT war. Beca.ufe the Thai foreign nations they ,,.,lll fall. appear, 1 fay for battle: you will hear (he [('lund: Ad' ,dful war will in all I... 1ds abou'1d. '\Yh~le·yoll may fiend \\ tthin the <?ofpd" pole; And let this mu{ic now awaken lilli. You ne"ti nOL follow to th..: (r'l, there; For noW 1 tell thee il is 6dl for war: And fatal wars will Coon be o'~r tbe hnd~; The Rcvelati(,ns t<'li you how ~( n~.:ds, That 6rft a power to the bc:l!tlS ~l. n: And o'er the head tho I {. c'lll~e fe.rpeol plac'd: And on tll.-. ath... -: lJdc tholl .ce'n .1 f.. ce, Ore.lf~ theheJd is from the body pl...::'d, So will the h.~a<t~ ut JlIlhefe l ..ll''"''lS [ ... 11; And then their Ie... tr. I ',1 (ell ~ ou .dl. That I ihall ~·c:ad :-,imdowo ilcilelolih ~1r feet_ Creal is the my~\" ,;1.1 oJ '1"1'1 n .. J ( a cp: And deep YOu'. find .. U3-t aU 1,;m0ti 00. 49 Wrdnifday, April 6th, 1803. Tofeph Prefcott was fitting alone at wo/'k in the rom. and faw the appearance of a grove prefented to bis view. On the one fide of Ihe grove was a perfon kneeling down, in robes, his left hand on his breall, and the appearance of fire kindling on or in his breaJl. Over his hand. at a dillance hefore him, was an Angel with a cup in his left hand, pointing upwards with his right hand. Over the angel's head was the fun, with the figure of a man's head; one large ray' of light from which pa{fcd through the glafs, held by the angel to the breall of the man, which appeared to kin. die on or in his breall. A voice uttered thefe words, " Come finner get thy pencil; mingle thy richefr colours; paint thy whore with all her decorations. On the other fide I will draw a grove. and a linner kneeling down. who IS ready to refolve with the publican in the gofpel-" God he mercifUl to me ajinner 1" On the other fide a view of Heav5n, and Grace and Mercy defcending down, in the form of an angel." Two days after, when Jofeph was drawing the above viII on, a dove, with an Olive-branch in its mouth, appeared as if flying to the kneeling finner. May lIg, 180g, the following communication was given to Joanna, concerning her having been in Lon. don, one year and one day. The AnjweT 0/ the Spirit. .." On~ year and one day thou haft left thy home, to give hght to a dark benighted world; and where there is a large body of people; but they have refufed the light, and darknefs is come upon them. For, now is coming, aa I told thee, the end of every thrice happy, {hall thefe me~ I\~, virion: and hapPY'd "\I 0 on till every curtam IS who have begu~ an w~ang meaneth men where it is drawn\ Ii ~.n as O~e"man can do nothing of fpoken 10 tle e t mrsi; eak of man, I mean menbi~re~~;:olbw~':i~:ned~n; and thefe who obeyed the an I IS amlo thee' for now I tell thee, and all mancall came I . . ' the end of ever}' vi lion : and as g kind, nowhl.s cormm Abraham fo will I keep nothing I kept not mg rom h tha t I will do upon the eart . h from tee, The fword is drawn and 0,.11 go on, The [hadow doth appear: And berets a fatal Mar for man, ,\Vho nOW do mock tbee here•. I r31d in Spring i~ would begm, And it you'd fee 1fi May; And noW hod back .your every thooght, And all tngether we'gh. Becaufe judgments are not fpeedily ex~culed, the hearts of the fons of men are fet to do evIl. So evil here in man appears, Which did not hally come; But flOw I bid them all take care, This is a MolY for man, . Wherein they'll fee fuch delltny Will from this May appear, And let ,he newfp.pers be kept, And all mar now fee clear What hath been done linee May he&,ln. And what is to the end, ntil tbe ele.. . enth day o~ June, And then behold your fflend, \Vho came to warn before the norm,. }fthey would warning take; . 1 1f tbey would nOLi noW' fee their 01, .They all will fee 100 late. I . For now I'm come 10 (hew them paID My Bihle all is dear: " The woman's promife you muft claim, Or al\ mull periO' here. G 51 50 J will not flop, the time is up My Bible to fulfil: ' , The day ofjudgment now mull drop' And My avenging heel ' Mull: now tread down tht" powers of man That nail'd me to the frce ' Unlcfs 'tis call: on Satan'/head To have it fall on him. ' If .hey will nOl, I'll .ell .heir 10. In juR..icc they mull fall J Aod .hey fhall find the jatal Cup Is now held out to all. The cup, you fee, was Jtiv'n to ~1e And look to Me redeem'd to be, A~d kn.ow 'twa~ mingl'd there J Wllh vinegar, and gall for Me' Then now let all take ~are . J For J fhall mingle it a~in J J .ell you all, thefame ' And point you to tbe prophet's head And 'ell you all My name. ' I now am come the recond time J n1irit do appear; ~n as My miracles , Were wrought So Ire the virions here' To /hew you plain, fr.:m every fign The prophet's words are come' " I tell you all, now jud~e your call, And fee the tree oflife : If you Rand therelou need not fel r, The dove will ell Ihe firife. The news £hall come from. Heaven's high thronc, 1 fay, to warn you all ; . And if you nee in faith to Me, You need not fear the fall, That will come on in every land, For there the cup {lands deep; It is falvalion now to man That doth My Cofpel keep, ' And now J'II tell you all M '. d I'll make a nnal end. y min. The rOOI of .JetTe doth appear; And now Ih(' branches fee: The lOp )'OU know is paned rhere And (0 .he end will be. ' OUI of the nem Ihe branches come •And Ihere the l1em is two' ' T~man and woman now ~unjoin M('ibour for ro do. ' Then roo /hall fee yO'.r d.Oiny . Becaufc the ('up 1·11 u rn: ' And 'rue falvalion rou /hall fee 15 now held out to man Behold 'he do"e, .hen j'udge M 1 The WiUtrs to abate y .ave, Thai will be high, you all will fee_ ~e deluge nnw _'011 hreak o er every land, you rna)' command Th:: fword will baRco fan. ' And a5 the deluge did ap '. r JuO fo will meD now bU;r,' A, I did promife firO ; . And noW your heads your may hft up; For now it fo nla1l burll, I fay, on men that now begin To fee My promife clear; A paradife they now £hall win ; Tbe tree oflife is tbere. I fay, for men the tree does nand, And Abels it /hall gain: The cup is fury now to man, If .hey will an like Cain, For to go on as he began ; The f.tal fword ,hev'lI fee: The Spirit'S [word, it is My word) And it is drawn by Me. And m.en began, their fwords were drawD) I fay againO My word; Then down the other fword mull come, And perilh in the Oood. For DOW lfay to tbee thi, day, (g / . I Your war 15 not begun, ~ That in the beaveD was feen by thee, {. 11/ Y Itt" Bu. noW is haOeningon. OJ ///~LYf'/li(The fword of war /hall now appear; ') My anger faO will fmoke, Now I have Ihew'd you all fo drar, If men do longer mock The calling here that doth appear: r 'f Ye blind begin to fee; And with youT Bibles all e:omparc ; For .lIthefe thins, muR be. Formarv'lIou, ,bmg' I (.tid I'd hnDl1l And you may manel all, To fee the likenefs fo agree; ADd Ulan refufe his caU, p-: II. 52 • 53 To can his guilt on Salan', head That he did Cil Q; on man: ' The promife. you will not plead' Then now behold the han'd. ' The ~up of trembling m.Ul appear; So dnnk whIch way you will ; I tell ~ou Ibal My kingdom'. near; M!. f"end./hall drink Iheir fill I ay t in peace, when wars do c~afe And all My foes arc gone: ' I tell you plain, ye {ons of men The for all is come ' But 1',1 end here, and f~y no more' The vlfioD there is plain: . But as the cup to (liee appeu'd I'll anfwer now of wine. ' Xo:; a1dl.~ay fill wh!ch way you n rinK as .there It Rands: ]£you ~o filltt up with wine, The~ wme you may cornman$!. But I~ you fay anot.her way, Let vinegar appear To fill for man it f; mun nand. To lbew them plain from every lign, And hO\v My BIble noods : The woman's promife you muR claim3 And paradife command. If you win not, now fee your lot, The flaming fword is ncar; The tree of life mun end the nrife ; My friends have noogbt to fear. The Spirit's fword by them is drawn, ,And ,hey /hall conquer all; Becaufe they'll ffe the power's in Me, To make my foes to fall. So nOW blame none, whate'er doth come, 1 did you all invite, To bnn~the Serpent's ruin on, And m'\.lje fons of light: But you"j'e ufe, My' love abu~td, ADd jud,g'd My fnett<l. unw,fe : Another year yOIl will fee clear, That darknefs blinds your eyes. Tben wife you'll find My fnend, to be, This calling to embrace; And you too I.te will fee your fate, That do My friends difgrace ; Who do appear to fee all clear, And gbdly hear the found: They /hall poffefs the proD,is'd rell, '-Vhen Satan's drained down. cur -r I lOU WilJX Then you may d1"ink it here • So as you 611, judge as you ~ill I tell you all mull drink. r Becaufe 10 man (he cup i~ c<un And all nand. On ,he brink ' :,telJ you,!lain, ye fons of"men, ve olcc mercy free pnd lold you how I'd you redeem rom fin and mifery From Adam's fall, I\'e told au all If you obey My word y , I~ plead the promife, 'in the fall .pu Come on SataD's head: ' But mockers h('re mull DOlY tak I t is Dot on youT OWg : e care, The lukewa.rmfpiriU I'JI nOt clear· Fo~ no.w tbelr h~afts I'll warLQ ~ Wuh JcaloufYt l'r mifery, For all r'lI now awake' e iwor~ ~ d,:"wn by My comman~ . y ury riln Will break ' ~ fat&! wu 4baH now a;pear Since men's bearts 3re fo cold Th4tfur Myl ove t hroy d a not 'ca.re_ Tb e ..ynenes I'U unfold, iF I A DREAM. J t Monday, May 23, 1803. joanna dreamt" file was catried through the air, and faw a dark cloud. like the filadow of trees. \Vben file came near it, !he faw two grey borfes, that fprung out with fury, and ran with fwifmefs through the air." The An/WeT of 1M Spirit. ~~.A " Now I will anfwer thee concerning tbe mean. f1 ing of the two horfes. Grey horfes denote death, that is haltening on fdlt. The horfes tbat ran with fwiftnefs, and llarted as tbough frightened, are IWI 54 55 Great monarchs, who will ftart out on a fudden with .,.. great fury, to lhe battle; and they will caufe much death. I w!1I not tell thee who they are: but lry your own Judgment, and know they were in the {hade, and flarted on a fudden." So wi!llWO areat monarchs fiart out, And wars will faR abound: For all My Bible I'll make good, That men may ~udge the fou nd : And all .hy writing. )'11 make tTue, And fall will all come on : Becaufe My Spiri., all !hall know, I~ {urely to thee come. I'll make it plain to every man That I have vifilCd here, ' • And they /hall know the end is come.: My kingdom mull appear: For Satan's come to call his own And I /hall now call Mine: ' The fealed number, 'tmup be known, Foretel. you alltheJame. For DOW to man I bold will come, And lei them anfwcr here, If rucb a thing wu ever done, To make My Cofpel plain; And now I'am come 10 make it true And all /hall know the end, II flOW is come to every land, And fan: i, !hall appear: But now If England will awake ' PII make the foes '0 yield. Se~nacb.ri~ here fblll nOl appear, With all hIS boalled pride: If Eagland will awalt.en bcreYou know what name's applied, ThaI I compare, I tell you here, With all Senaatharib's holl . Bllt now if England will take care I'll rid him from ,hi. coati. But to take care tbourn alk'd Me here Whit care it i. I mean? ' 1'•• 101d thee, ,hat h. i. " THE BEAST" 'Tis Buonapilrte_l mean: And if hi. acath you will brin. fOrlh You IIlUft lake cuc, and fee, 0 ' , That you do flV' !or Satan's de'aLh, Vlhofe power 1S glv'n to he. I lell you plain, )'e fcns of men. Th. mytleTY there-goes d.ep; And if you wifb him for to reign, And have his power to break Upon your land, as now it Rand!, He will dellroy yOll all That now do willi for Satan's reign; Bu, I My 0 W N /hall call, For to get free, if mifery Doth in this land abound; My SEALED PEOPLE, all {hall fee, Who l,Oen to My found, I'll rurely call, I tell you .11, \Vhen dangers do appear; And they !hall make the foe to fall, If c'er he ventures there Where they are call'd; I ,ell you all Myftatcd now I'll free: But I muO know them by tbeir names, Or this could nevcr be. For now I tell thee, there is a myRery in the fealed number. and the fealed people, that no man knoweth. But what thou knoweR not now, thou wilt know hereafler. So take with thee every lill., FOR EN os lhou wilt know hereafter. No more than thou kneweR the manner the people would be fealed, wh~n I laid thee to feal up the king, and half the nation, in 1794, no more doft thou know the n:'yllery of their being fealed, and of their names bemg gIven unto thee. Neither do ye know what IS haRenmg on : But thou {halt be warned when dangers are near; and all the fialed people {hall be warned. Bur this I !hall explain more fully another time. "t- Here I am come to the end of this book, being one part of Jofeph Prefcott's Vifions. The olher vilions and explanations will be continued in another book, and fame remdrkable prophecies taken out of my fealeu writings, opened January, 1803. And now I mult tutredt my rcadt-rs to welgla deep the pofi and the prrfi,nt, and remembert what 56 was raid of May, for let it be known unto all men lhat this war hroke out in May; perfea as I faid i; would laO: May, when they fign:d the ratification of the articles of peace on 29th of A pril, at Amiens. I was then informed it was what would bring on a war For, as the 1802, was like the 1792; fo would th~ I~03 be likc .the 1793. N.ow, lell me, ye worldly wIfe-men, which of my wflungs have your unhe1iif, or fi!f,olljidence prevcnlcd. I mull anfwer you, NOT ON~ • . Then as I fee you err in judgment, and flum. bleJl1 vdions, and all your judgment IS WRON G : (but .he Spmt of Oor! IS TRUE), whom then will men pc:rfuade me to rely on, God or man? ] udge yeo The CQlltinuation Prophecies of Joallna Soothcott. WORD IN SEASON TO A Sinking Kingdom. NCE more I am ordered to address the public. When every truth's before your c}"es o fimple people, and un",;fe, 4f: of the O ' To fiumble at the noon-dar's fun, For fo My writing' ",'ware come, So perfect as lhe tun appears, And will you longer Oumble here \\'ben C\'cry truth ;1 now fo plain? You'v: lfled to baffit', but ill \-ain 1'<:, prove my ",Iling's not from h~aven, " hen (,'ery trulh to me i~ ~i\"n : And fu the lrulh d31h all; And now 'I:" l:m(' 10 nand In fear If Qnl1clief doth niH ahound i ' Then li~e tho:: .Jl'w!' you mull be. fOllnd. J here wa~ rent {l, .... ,}On you all. ~ut you've rcfu!l'd fnc heilVel,ly call ; So of "'001 (elves yOli may tOll.e care If ,..!lrlitl can banilh fcar: ' AsJaith "hat" b'lnifh'. feu in mc, My rock,. and anchor {lrong, J fcc. JOANNA SOUTHCO'-T. n'lh-Hourf', PaddlnKton. June 2,1803. P.s.. 11~aYe thi, houfe on the 6ih of June, and as. I a ord,ruJ fo g~ 10 .an~s pans of the kingdom.: I canA\J( [1"1! 41' p. teen! where to 'lYe ?tr~RiOl1S j but 111 lellcn dlff.:Eled to me". lOS r PAID, at F_ I. Field'" No. S, Broad.coun, Long-acre, will be fafely forII .. olrdcu fo m~. --:-Pnnltd (nrbatim) hy E. Sr. Aee. 2", Bow-St:l'd. Covrr.t..f':ardtn. London. :'ok! b)· E. I. Ftf.lD, '0.3, 8road-Court, l.nng-Acre. L~ndon, (PflC"e IN ) o~ whom may l~ hlltl all Joanna touthcou', rub1ic~tions; and II. W. ~u'1lI0~In", GaDdy's lalit:, }.seter. The day ofthe Lord is at hand, and he hath warned'by his Spirit, and by visions, as he promised 'by the prophet Joel, ii. ch. i8 'll. that, in the latter dOjl, when ., He cometh to pour out his Spirit upon tI(lflu1l, that your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams, yoar young m~n shall see visions." Now call to ):our reIDCDlbnmce the wotds of our dear Redeemer'mink not ~IU I am come to destroy the La w of GOd or the PrQj>nets; I come not to destroy them, but io fulfil them; and this generation shan not pass away till all is fulli II" -that meaneth, the gtretrGtion under the fall-b t when the Lord com· eth fo pour out hi jrit upon alljiuh, he must de,troylheworksof darkness, and put up~n us the·armour of lin'ht, that we may be made children ofthe light. H~ gave u a parable from the fig-tree putting forth itlgreen leaves, knowing that summer was nigh at band. 0 wnen you ee the fulJil. ."t or~ Prophets aucf tbe Gospel together, know, at your redemption d1'8 nigh. But as .tbis ~It will treat mostly oftl* explanations of Vi· malt beg my reader to weigh derply the !8~ofJoeI,and compare it wim" Pl"ClIt 'tiiii "isions, which 1 shan UO~ treat of, A