1970 bsa b44 victor - Supreme Motorcycles
1970 bsa b44 victor - Supreme Motorcycles
REPLACEMENT PARTS tIST Model 844 VICT0R SPECIAL FROM ENGINE AND FRAME NUMBERS HD CATALOGUE NUMBER 00-5708 www.bsaunitsingles.com OOIOI BfiVS [970 CATALOGUE I B.44 Victor OF Special ISSUED BY B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD" Service Department, Armoury Road, Birmingham TELEPHONE ll 02t_772_238t . TELEGRAMS ..SELMOTOBIRMINGHAM,, B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD. Registered Offices ond Wo,ks: ARMOURy ROAD. BIRMINGHAM Telephone: AZt-772-Z3Bl Telegroms and contractors to Hef Hajesty's GoYernment' the \ Publication Reference 00-5708_Seprember. 1969. y'ar ' Cables: ,,SELMOTO BIRMINGHAM," office, the Admiralty, the post office, the colonial and Foreign Governmentg printed in Enghnd by B"S,A. press www.bsaunitsingles.com SUF'FIX NUMBERS TO BE USED TO IDENTIFY VARYING F'INISHES When orderirrg components with varying finishes, please state finish required number to part nurnber. bi' adding the appropriate EXAMPLE: PETROL TANK 40-810U273 PETROL TANK: POLISHED ALLOY AND YELLOW, POLISHED CAP l2'13 MIJDGUARDS: CHROME /003 OTHER PARTS: CHROME /003 BLACK 1007 SILVER lt6s PRICES: No price codes are quoted in this list. For prices please refer to the Master Price List No. 00-5125. Wherever possible details of thread form and size are quoted after description of nuts, bolts, screws, studs and washers. Such as: 14-7006 Socket screw (/a'Unified Coarsex l") : %'diameter Unified Coarse thread l " long under head. Vital components, which are manufactured from special material, are indicated by a sign and the British Standard symbol for the material is quoted at the foot of the page. www.bsaunitsingles.com CARRURETTERS: AMAL LIMITED. HOLDFORD ROAD, WITTON. BIRMINGHAM 6. CHAINS: REYNOLDS CHAINS LIMITED. WYTHENSHAWE. MANCHESTER. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: J. LUCAS LIMITED. GREAT HAMPTON STREET. BIRMINGHAM I8. SPEEDOMETERS: SMITH'S MOTOR ACCESSORIES LIMITED" CRICKLEWOOD WORKS. LONDON N.W.2. TYRES: DUNLOP COMPANY LIMITED, FORT DUNLOP, BIRMINGHAM 24. SPARKING PLTJGS: CHAMPION SPARKING PLUG COMPANY LIMITED, FELTHAM, MIDDLESEX. SHOCK ABSORBERS: GIRLING LIMITED, BIRMINGHAM ROAD, WEST BROMWICH, STAFFS www.bsaunitsingles.com TTSSEMBLIES COMPLETE Spares No. Desc'ription 00-317r TOP OVERHAUL GASKET SET. 00-33 I 3 FULL OVERHAUL GASKET 00-3463 PISTON RING SET (standard). 00-3464 PISTON RING SET 00-3465 PISTON RING SET (+ '020"; ' 508 mm.). 00-3414 PISTON RING SET (standard, alternative Hepworth and Grandage). 00-3475 PISTON RING SET (-r.010", alternative Hepworth and Grandage). 00-3416 PISTON RING SET 7 r -1090 ENGINE/GEARBOX UNIT COMPLETE LESS CARBURETTER AND EXHAUST (*.010'; (+ .020": SET. .254 mm.). alteru ative Fleprvorth and Grandage). SYSTEM. 11 1120 CRANKCASE COMPLETE WITH FIXED FITTINGS. 10-9548 FLYWHEEL AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY. 5l-40t1 CI-UTCH ASSEMB],Y COMPLETE. 1 t-l134 OIL PUMP COMPLETE. 82 9214 FRAME COMPLETE WITH FIXED FITTINGS. 91--3903 FRONT FORK ASSEMBI-Y. 68-5554 FRONT WHEEL WITH SPINDLE AND BEARINGS. 68-5535 F'RONT F{UB WITH SPINDLE 41,6009 REAR WTIEEL WITH SPINDLE AND BEARINGS" 4I-6022 R.EAR HUB WITH SPINDLE AND BEARINGS. AND BEARINGS. www.bsaunitsingles.com lPISTON CHART I PISTONS COMPLETE Compression Ratio 9'4:l 4l-0193 COMPRESSION RINGS Taper 41-A0e2 {2) Taper 41-0104 (2) Standard Top Fitting 3 10 8293 Alternative Flepworth & 70 8312 Taper 70-8291 Grandage Rings Top 70-83 Taper 70-82A2 Taper 41-00e3 (2) 1 Taper Standard Fitting 4l-0098 A,lternative 10- 8204 70-83 l 4 Hepwolth & 10-8295 Grandage Rings CARBURETTER SETTINGS Spares Number Makers Number R930/38 Throttle I N."at" I nr.,rt" -;l; -l l'-l Slide www.bsaunitsingles.com Jet I INDEX ASSEMBLIES COMPI-ETE Page 5 8-9 Plate I CYLINDER F{EAD, EXHAUST PIPE .. Page Plate 2 CYI-TNDER AND CRANKSFI.A.FT Page 10 - 1l Plate 3 CRAhJKCASE Page 12 - 15 Flate 4 oll, Page 16 - 17 Plate 5 CEAR CI-UST'EII Page 18 - 19 Plate 6 GEARCHANGE MECHANTSM Page 20 - 21 Plate 7 FOOTSTAR.T AND F'OOTCHANGE Page 22 - 25 Flate 8 CLUTCH AND PRIMARY COVER Page 26 - 27 Flate 9 FRAME, BATTERY CARRIER, REAR BRAKE CONTROL Page 28 - 31 Plate l0 SWINGING ARM Page 32 - 33 Plate l1 FOOTRESTS, ENGINE SHIELD Plate 72 oIL TANK, STDECOVER, TOOL Plate 13 FRONT FORKS Page 38 - Plate 14 FRONT WHEEL Page 42 - 43 Flate 15 REAR WHEEL Page 44 - 47 Plate 16 MUDGUARDS Page 48 - 49 Plate 17 PETROL TANK. TWINSEAT. I{ANDI,EBAR AND CONTROLS Page 50 - 53 Plate 18 EI,ECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Page 54 - 57 Plate 19 TOGLS I\ND SIJNDRIES Page 58 - 59 Piate 20 CAR.B{-TRET'TER F,UMP, GEAREOX SF{dOCKET . Page 34 - 35 TRAY AND AIR CLE.{NER www.bsaunitsingles.com Page 36 - 37 Fage 60 - 4tr 61 Plate 1 2 I 37_ 36_ .---- q ?r l I tt@;, 3a I s? (9 5 4 i 2S25 24 23 22 2t t8 17 t6 www.bsaunitsingles.com H6 @- Plate I Plate Ref CYLINDER HEAD, EXHAUST PTPE . Spares No. 00 3171 00-33 I3 1. 02-0525 r5-5155 3. 4. 5. 40 0417 24 6040 ) 6. 02-0923 40-0209 Description Per Set Decoke gasket set Full overhaul gasket set Washer for nut. lirre 31 (.\4'x./2'r..048") Washer, valve lilter (21164'x l/2"'x.048") Exhaust valve lilter I I I Nut. rocker box ($" British Standard Cycle) Washer, rocker box nut (*'x 5/s" x +") Nut. rocker bor (1/q" British Staldard Cycle.) Washer, rocker box nut (Yt'y.Vz" x.048") 7. 8. 9. 02 0525 10. 11. 4l-0633 12. 41 0189 13. 4A,01?,9.l' Gasket, rocker inspection cover R.ocker inspection cover Exhar.rst r,alve guide Screw, rockcr inspection cover. Exhaust valve Cyiinder head stud" lorg 1/0" (British Standard Cycie/British Standard 14. t0-9611 Exhaust pipe complete 15. 41--0184 15. 42-4476 17. 10 182t Cyliiider heiid vrith fixed fittin-es Carburetter stud nut (fr" British Standard Tuf ioi r.vaslre;-" carburetter joint 18. 65 r9. 68-C0 t 8 {' C:rrburetter stud 20. 4 l -0788 I 21. 68 093r Valvc spring bottom cup Ii,lct '. livc guide . Valve spring (outer) Valve sp;ing (inner) Vaive spring top collar 40-0056 40-0208 40-0309 . Fine x 2-l-5i 16") '1 1417 41 4632 Carburetter nlet joint I 27. 28. 66-3074 29. 40 30. 40-0131* 3r. 70 18s1 Rocl,.cr 32. 40-04 1 5 40-01 82 Rocker box Washer, valve inspection cap Valve inspection cap "O" ring, vall'e lifter Exhaust valve lifter lever Nut. valve lifter (%" British Standard Cycle). 1 2 _!- \/clrc spring coliet Cylinder head dorvei C.viirrcler head douci 4 str-rd 2 ) Rocker box stud (-|" British Standard Cycle/British Standard Fine x 2-9116") Cylinder iread stud, short (l/a' British Standard Cycle/ British Standard Finc x 214\ . . 35. 41 0031 68 0289 36. 37. 02-0443 34. 41,0n6 j1 2. . 40 at61 33. i vzrlve 26. 0121 1 I gasket 40-01 4A-0124 I 1fi" British Standard Cyclei British standard Finex i,:,(") t< l 7 C;",cle) 24" 7 2 2 7 , 65-2494 65-2495 23. I I *Special bor gasket material: 13.-EN15. 19.-ENl5. 30.-ENl5. www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 2 ?3 s9 & R) 42 FI 36 zz;;+\ r=^_\ w a l2s L_v 33 3t 32 3 10 www.bsaunitsingles.com P\nte 2 CYLINDER AND CRANKSHAFT Phte Rel'. Spares 1. ., 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 40,0162 40-01 s9 41 0807 62 0263 40-0 I 57 40-1037 r9-1625 19,7616 9. 66-0102 10. 24 0563 1tr. 40-0148 L2. 13. 40-01 58 4A-0296 t4. 40-0292 15. 40 0158 16. 5B-01 55* 17. 24 18. 19. 16-40t2 20. 41 0549 6,0492 4r-0r01 41 0586 5160 41-4044* Nut, rocker spindie (-](' British Standard Cycie. domed) Washei, oil feed pipe Rocker cril feed pipe Clip for oil pipe, iine 6 . Thrust washer, rocker spindle ( J/s') Flexible oil pipe, rockers Spark plug co\er (Champion wc548) Spark plug (Champion N4) ,, 2 4 I . plug washer Nut, rocker adjusting screw (fr" Bntish Standard Cycie) "O" ring, rocker spindle Thiust washer, rocker spindle S1"'ark Exl-raust rocker complete Inlet rocker compiete Thrust wnsher, rocker spindle (tl") Rocker adjusting screw (fr" British Standard Cycle) Nr-it, cylinder stud i,5o " British Standard Cycle) Washei, cylinder stud (21164" ;. 9116".. 3132") Cylinder stLrd (fd" Britistr Standard Cycle/Rritish Standard Fine','2-25132") . ?-l Per Set Descriptiot'r |Vo. 2 2 2 2 . Connecting rod complete Sinall-end bush. corrnecting rod 1 . I GLrdgeon pin 1 Crankpin i Crankpin ntrt 2 4r-0183 Big-end husl.i, connecting rod x Peg, crankpin locatior.r I 27. 28. 41-055 1 41 4564 ,4i 0554 29. 40-0043 30. 31. 4t 32. 65- 09 54 Flywheel plug Flyr,,,heel complete (left-hand) Engine shaft (left-hand) Gudgeorr pin circlip 33. 34. 35. 36. 4t-0793't 23. 24. 25. 26. 4 1-0588 10 9549 0579 26 0650 40 4572 1A 1111 Erisins shalt (rightJrand) 1 Fl1'.1,1't".1 complete (:ight-hand) . Fiston compir:te Crankpin roller Crankpin roller 1 . i I L 2 I 24 I I cage 38. 41 4187 41 0098i Cylindel base rvasher Cylinder barrel Piston scra-per ririg 3t. 41-CC92t Pistor.r corr,picssion ring i 40. 41. 41-0092'i 2l-1964 Piston cornpression ring Sttrd. c1 lirrder hoiCing 4 42. 4t Washer 43. 14,0304 u. 4r -0638 37. 45. 46. 0639 40 0294 40-0 r 56 10-9548 4l *0548 *Special I i i for nut. line 4,1 Nut, cylinder holding dou'n (7/l6" Unified Finei 4 4 I Cylinder head gasket Rocker spindle. inlet and er.haust Sprir',g u'asher. rocker spindle Flyri'heel and connecting rod assembly Connectin-c rcd and crankpin assembly niaterial: 16.--EN9. 19. - EN 1,18. ti www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 I I I 'tSee page 6 Plate 3 54=53- so_ __u!l 4 N-18 Srn 2ozt 22 {t' 27 28 29 -t> V I Q 3938 37 12 www.bsaunitsingles.com Ptrate 3 CRANKC,{SE Plute Ref . ,Spctres No. Description Per Set l. 14 r90r 2. 02-0525 J. 40,0705 4. 4t-0673 5. 2t-1896* 6. 2t-l 7. 4l-051 8. 40-0325 8. 40-0326 Engine sprocker spacer (.324'-,.321": 8.'229-8.305 mm.) Engine sprocket spacer (.309"-.312" : 7.884--7.924 mm.) 8. 40-0321 Engine sprocket spacer (.294' 9. 40 0025 Oil seal. crankcase 70-9428 I 895* 5 Stator self-lock nut Washer. stator fixing (Il' Grommet, generator lead -) ... .048") t/. ^t I Key. rotor to shaft Bottorr stlrd, stator fixing (V+" Unified Finexfi" Unified Coarsex2-9116,) I Frorit stud, stator fixing (l,zo' Unified Finexfr" Unified Coarse x2-19132.,) I 1 Engir.re sprocket (28 teeth) I - 297': 1.46i- 7.543 mm.) drive-side as reqd. crs reqtl I 10. 70 9382 Tachometer drive assembly Tachometer drive shaft gear ll. 70*938 I Tachometer di'ive shaft . . t 12. 70 9430 "O" ring, drive shaft I 13. 10-95t7 14. 24-0036 15. 10 9431 16. 70-9383 17. 70-9429 18. 2t-1872 19. 70-8896 20. 2t-1892 21. 02-0923 'l', 24-0132 J7, 70-9432 21. 70 9384 25. 40-0242* 26. 4t )'f 70-1739 Drive shaft body Sealin_e washer, drive shaft Locating pin, drive shaft Thrust washer. drive shaft Retaining pirr, drive gear PIug timing aperture Washer for plug, line 18 Bolt. crankcase ($" Unified Coarse y.ll4') Washer, crankcase bolt (*" x y'a" y. #") Bearing, right-hand (Hoffman 325) Casket, tachometcr drive Cover plate, tachometer drive hole Screrv, tachometer drive (2 British Association \<27 64'countersunk) Push rod. inlet and exhaust Tappet. inlet and exhaust 0790 I . 13 www.bsaunitsingles.com " as reqd- I I I I t I I J -' I I I I 2 2 2 Plate 3-continued 13 14 26 r(lJ 27 44 28 ic) *s 4I_ & 3938 35 l4 www.bsaunitsingles.com 34 I 33 32 3t Plate 3-continued CR.ANKCASE Plate Ref. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 3',1. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. .15. 46. 47. 48. 49. s0. 51. 52, 53, 54. Spares No. Description 1t,1124 Camshaft 40-01 t8 Key, camshaft pinion Key, crankshaft pinion Nut, crankshaft O('British Standard Fine) Lockwasher, cranksliaft nut Finion. crankshalt Oil purnp dliv'e, crankshaft Thrust washer, oil pump drive. Bearing, left-hand (Hoffman R325L) Crankcase with fixed fittines Nut. chain oiler stud Washer, chaiu ciler boit (Va" \y2" >..048") Oil pipe, rear ehain oiler Stud, rea,' chai;t o1ler 1\(" Urrified Coarse/finified Finex 1%") Rear chain oiler Gasket, primary case back Screrv, primary case back (2 British Association r 1|") Ccver plate, prin-rary case back Oil seal, primary case back Clip, generator leads Rear stud, stator fixing (/a" Unified Fine x rt " Unified Coarse >..2-19i32') Chain tensioner, primary Distance piece, chain tensioner. Generator rotor (Lucas 542n9AD Generator stator (I-ucas 47205). Washer, rotor fixing Nut" rotoi: fixing . 41-0s60 31-1198 40-A455 41 0569 41 0561 4I--0565 . 24 0124 11 1120 14-r901 02 0525 40 0375 21-1985* 68 0383 40-0241 40--0246 10-3789 4A-0243 40-9190 21,t894* 41-0143 41-0146 . 19-8019 \9-1262 29-2054 29-2A53 xSpecial c<-rmplete . material: 5.-EN8. 6.-EN148. 25.-EN8R.. 41.-ENl4B. 48.-ENt48. t\ www.bsaunitsingles.com Per Set 4 I 56 I I I i lr j6 I @ I l uo6 I N I \ r*-lo m-t r---9 l@ I 40 39 38 37 36 34 t6 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 4 OIL PUNTP, GEARBOX SPROCKET Plate Ref'. Spctres No. 1. t4-0302 3. 02-0923 21-1890 40-1033 ) 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dipstick washer 14 0302 Nut, crankcase stud (1{ " Unified Fine) Washer for nut, line 6 (+', r %"x*") 21-1 889 Crankcase stud (top) 40-0414 29-0541 41-0603 Nut. oil pump spindle (t/a" British Standard Cycle). 12. 1 t-l 13. 1 t-l141 14. Nut. crankcase stud (t'6" Unified Fine) Washer for nut, line I (tlo ', %" i;" 1 Crankcase stud. rear (16" Unified Fine/Unified Coarse Gearbox dipstick 51 0948 02-0923 Per Set Descriplion ]t 139 1t47 Lockv.'asher, oil pump spindle . x2-lll16') . . Oii pump driving gear Oil pump spindle housin-e Oil pump driving spindle Oil pump driven spindle 15. 16. 4l-01 t3 Oi1 pump feed gear (driven) 41-07 14 17. 18" 11 tt36 14 190r I9. 68-0938 20. 21. 21-I893" ,7 61-t39r ?1 41- 0605 24. 11 ?< 41-0804 26. )1 4t 7l-1148 Oil pump thrust washer. Oil pump body Nut, oil pump mounling (Ya" Unified Fine) . Wirsher, oil pump mounting (11 164'xt/t"x#") Stud. oil pump mounling (Va" Unified Fine/{Jnified Coarsex2$") Screw. oil pump cover plate ($" British Standard Cyclexlt'6l .. Oil pump cover plate Oil pump scavenge -qear (driven) Oil pump scavenge gear (driver) Oil pump gasket . Dowel, oil pump . Dowel, oil pump body 28. 70 Camshaft bush I 29. Scavenge valve complete Scavenge cover gasket I 30. 41-0624 61-1288 31. 61-t286 32. 14-1401 33. 02-0525 34. 35. 14-1901 70 -9919 Scavense cover Stud. scavenge covel (1/+" lJnified Fine/Unified Coarsex Washer, scavenge cover (1/a" >:. !/2" r '048") Locknut, scaverige cover \1/4" Unified Fine) . 36. 2t 41-0609 -t143 a706 83r 5 37. 1857 68--3 i 68 38. 4t-3092 39. 40-3t21 40. 41. . . filtei I 2 2 2 1 I I . I I . 2 2 2 I l") + 4 4 assembly I Drain plug, gearbox (/2" Unified Coarse) "O" ring. drain plLrg Gearbox sprocket (17 teeth) I Crankcase 90,6074 Locku,asher, gearbox sprocket Nut. gearbox sprocket (1* " x 20 threads per inch, Whitworth) Felt washer, gearbox sprocket 7t-1134 Oil pump 40-305 1 * 2 conrplete *Special I I I I I I material: 20.--UNl4B. 40.-ENU. I7 www.bsaunitsingles.com -ll ' (/ =\'. / /oN (7 \\o 'll *)) 24 23 : Q' ;\-qYL .E -,-/ a> \-\@ ---------\fi-:- 67 1s i ( rlll I'lll 6/2 PAil %,/i * W;p*r I \re \ - I 17 www.bsaunitsingles.com I Plate 5 GEAR CLUSTER Plate ReJ'. Spares No 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. s. 6. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. r0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 404394 Description 57-3872 Dowel, inner cover to crankcase Mainshaft bearing (Hoffman 130) Pinion, nainshaft top gear (22 teeth) 40-3020 Spa<,er 40-3126 Spacer 40-3127 Spacer s7-3876 Pinion, layshaft second gear (21 teeth) 40-3019 Spacer (. 40-3119 Spacer 40-3120 Spacer (. 080"-.081 41-3063 29-3857 (.093'-. 2 I I ; 2. 3622--2. 3876 mm.). (.098"-.099' ; 2. 4892-3. 146 mm.). (. 103"-: 104" ; 2.6162-2.6416 mm.). 094' 1 5'-.076" ; l.905-1. (.010'-. 071" ; 1. 778-1. 01 " mm.) 57-3874 Pinion, layshaft first gear (27 teeth) Pinion, layshaft third gear (19 teeth) Layshaft circlip 41-3078 41-3010 41-3068 1 as reqd- ; 2. 032-2.0574 Bush, layshaft first gear 57-3877 as reqd- as reqd- 40-3258 40-3254 as reqd. . 8034 mm.) 40-3262 40-3007 as reqd- . . 9304 mm.) Pinion, mainshaft third gear (24 teeth) Pinion, mainshaft first gear (16 teeth). Mainshaft bush, push rod Mainshaft with bush Layshaft shim 41-3089 Per Set as reqd- I I I 1 ; 1 I I I Pinicrn, layshaft second gear (22 teeth) Layshaft with top gear (14 teeth) I 1 40-3265 Thrust washer (.083"-.085"; 2.1082-2.159 mm.). Thrust washer (.078"-.080" ; 1.9812_'-2.032 mm.). Layshaft bearing (Torrington Bl08) Clutch push rod 4t-304s Bush, mainshaft top gear 2 41-3054 Mainshaft oil I I 70-6026 Circlip, mainshaft oil seal Dorvel, crankcase, inner cover 41-3074 4t -3072 40-3292 66-3074 seal l9 www.bsaunitsingles.com . as reqd- . as reqd- I I I 2 Plate 6 N 20 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 6 GEARCHANGE MECHANISM Plate ReJ'. Spares No. Descriptiott l. 67-1236 , Crankcase dowel 70-9131 Pressure release valve washer Pressure reiease valve assemblv ? 7t-1327 .l t. 40-3043 40-3042 6. 40-3045 7. 40--3044 8. 57- 3850 9. 40-3193 Spring plate Cam plate spring Lock plate for screw, line 7 Screw, cam plate spring (2 British Association x Cam plate, gearchange I 1 I I I 10. 40-3323 11. 40,3t94 t2. 40-3321 Gearchange quadrant complete, t3. 40-3059 Rivet. plunger spring 14. 40-3 I 55 Plunger spring 15. 40-306t Gearchange return spring 16. 5t-3763 17. 60-2724 40-3291 19. 40-3032 Selector 20. 40-3033 21. 57-3854 Layshaft selector fork Mainshaft selector fork 'r) 14*0302 23. 36-0382 24. 2l-1891 40-1035 26. 70-8259 I 2 r fi") 1 I I 2 18. 25. 2 2 Anchor bolt. return spring Split pin, cam plate spindle (3132,,x.1',\ Cam plate spindle fork I 3l) Plunger, gearchange quadrant Screw, plunger keeper plate (5 British Association Keeper plate, gearchange quadrant spindle I I I I I I Nut. oil pipe union stud (t'6" Unified Fine) .. Lockwasher, union stud Stud, oil pipe union (r,r" Unified Fine/Unified Coarse xl7/8,) oil pipe union "O" ring. oil union pipe Crankcase 1 1 t I I 2 2t www.bsaunitsingles.com L Per Set Plate 7 t2 +5 l I 68- ffi ::r+Q t4 63 62/ 65 _ts _t6 3ro 59 2T 22 6tr, \q @ lf _-vp, 52 49 4g 46 45 44 -4t cE@KyK U 43 42 =\ \,(((ffi') - &th^-\E 1) www.bsaunitsingles.com _23 \\ Nh v -e+ Plate Plate 7 Rel. FOOTSTART AND FOOTCHANGE Spares llo Descripriott Per Set l. 40 0977 Oil 2. 3. "O" ring, Grommet. contact breaker cable l 68-0289 4t-01 t5 40-0222 5. 40 0028 6. 14 6610 Camshalt bush peg Screw. inrrer cover to crankcase (t/a" Unified Coarse x I:/2") 7. 40-0679 97-2104 8. seal. crankshaft inner cover Camshaft buslr Camshaft oil seal . Steel ball, non-return valve Spring. non-return valve. . . (t/" diameter) 9. 10. 40 0385 tr1. 12. 90-5268 02-0525 13. ]4-6546 Ph-rg. non-return valve Clip. contact breaker leads Washer, contact breaker lead clip Bottom screw. inner cover (f/a" Unified Coarsex 14. 10 9526 Sealing plug 15. 40-3273 16. t7. 40-3257 7 6-021 t Spring, kickstart ratchet Mainshaft lockl'r'asher Mainshaft nut 18. 19. I 2 1,1 898 r9 1853 9-1 849 20. 21. 40 0723 )) 40-0682 40-0683 23. 68 24. r 25. 26. 70-8137 27. 29-33t9 0331 4-0208 t9-1852 28. 10-7354 ?a 40 30. 31. 89-3208 42-6554 32. 33. 57 2764 02 2579 02 2580 34. J5. 36. 3073 02-2578 70-1882 1.4") Alrto-advance unit (Lucas 54419653) Contact set (Lucas 54419821) Contact breaker lead sleeve Washer, contact breaker plate . Pillar bolt, contact breaker plate . Washer. auto-advance unit Bolt. ar-rto-advance unit Corrtact breaker plate ([.r"rcas 54419645) Contact breaker cover Lockwasher, cover scre\v Screu'" contact breaker cover Cearchange lever . . Rubber, gearchange pedal Bolt. gearchange pedal (\/a" British Starrdard Cycle x 3,\" ) Kickstart lever complete. Cotter, kickstart lever Washer. kickstart lever cotter (9132" x Yz" x#"\ Nut. kickstart lever cotter (.266" British Standard Cycle) Gasket. contact breaker cover . . 23 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 7-continued t2 6v +s I I )rx qq 7t- --rc0c -----=-9-s 69- 67 \\\---_13 --14 l6 fro l5 2t n:_23 7/ -R.=-* .^ \aD Jru 14 www.bsaunitsingles.com 22 Plate 1-contintrcd FOOTSTART AND FOOTCHANGE Plate Ref'. Spares No. 37. 40-0236 38. 39. 14-65tt 51 2641 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 14-6612 48. 14-66t4 57-27 59 57-2645 40 3084 40-3085 97- 2704 14 6610 14 6606 49. 57,2642 50. 51. 40-321 5 {? 40 53. 51-4070 40-3292 40-3283 51. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 40-3271 3216 5l-2150 i0-9433 40-3282 65-2593 40-3272 40-3271 63. 40-3219 76-0528 64. 90-001 I 65. 57-3764 66-3074 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 21- 1899 14-6608 7 l- r060 75-0257 53-3049 Per Set Descriptiott Screll,. outer cover (2 British Association x:/s") Screrv. outer cover (%'Unified Coarsexl3/+") Oil seal, kickstart spindle Scre*. outer cover (fd' Unified Coarse \2") . . Screrv, outer cover (7+" Unified Coa.rse:<21/2") Pedal rubber. kickstalt lever Folding pedal, kickstart lever Bolt. kickstart folding pedal (,ur " British Standard Cycler 1*"1 Spring, kickstalt folding pedal Ball. kickstart folding pedal (1/a" diameter) Screw, outer cover (t/a'u.lt.c. \. 1y2") Screw, outer cover (t/a' Unified Coarser i/a",) BL'sh. kickstart spindle Return spring. kickstart lever Circlip, kickstart quadrant stop Kickstart cluaCrant stop . Kickstart spindle complete Bearing, kickstart spindle (Tr,rrington B108) . Pinion, clutch operating lever Clutch lever complete Outer timing cover Rack. clutch operating Ball. clutch push rod tltrust (7 f 32" diameter) Bush. kickstart ratchet pinion Kickstart ratchet pinion . . Kickstart ratchet . Circlip, n ainshaft bearing Bearing, gearbox mainshaft (Hoffman L27) Anchor bolt. kickstart return spring . Dorvel, outer to inner cover Screu'ed plug, inner cover Screlr', inner cover (t/a" Unified Coarsex 1") . lnner cover complete Breather pipe, inner Plug. mainshaft oil f-eed . . . . . . 25 www.bsaunitsingles.com . Plate 8 G!' A \x \&r>, -&O v ,/fu -o tw,@;o\,^ /// / ,v(a) / /'- / t/w t4/ l3 I I 37 36 >-t/& /,U3 l 35 26 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 8 CLUTCT{ AND PRII\{ARY COVER Plate Ref. Spttres llo 1. 51 2t66 t. 70-9800 14-6610 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 6-41 t6 68-0839 68- 0840 40-1005 14-6611 71-1058 21-1951 66-3014 51-4019 De,soipliort Screwed plr-rg, primary cover Screwed brea her piug, primary cover 40,3234 15. 16. 40-322t 40-3227 Spacing washel I-ockwasher lor nut, line ClLrtch retairring nut 17. 02 2395 Nut, 18. 40-3230 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. A I I I + I . 14. ,1 5 Primary cover assembly . Primary cover screw, dowel hole (/a" Untfied Cyclex.l/s,1 Dowel, primary cover to crankcase Clutch pressure plate Clutch driven plate 13. 23. 24. 25. 26. I I Primary cover screw. short (/a" Unified Coarsex 1ll2") Inspection cover scre\\, (2 British Association x 1/z') Timing inspection cover . Gasket, inspection cover. . Ignition timing pointer Prirnary cover screw, long (l/a" Unified Coarsex l]d") 40-322A 40 3233 19. 24. 21. J' Per Set I ., I 5 Clutcii driving plate + A I 16 I I 21-1943 ch-rtch adjusting sclew 1y^; nritisnstandard Cycle) Cltrtch adjusting screw (1.i" British Standard Cyclex',4') Clutch spring cup Primary case drain plug. 4l-3091 ClLrtch spring 4 4t-3215 Clutch spring nut Washer, oil level screiv - 5l-3951 71-1065 21-2002 70-8182 4l-3212 -8683 40 3206 I9 70*7856 40-3201 40 3150 40 3203 40,3201 41-3210 35. 36. 4l-3209 37. 40-3330 40- 3210 51_4,017 . . I . . I . Oil level 1 .4 1 screu' 1 i lol screued plugs. line I Rubber pad, dlive and rebound Primary chain (72 teeth) Clutch r oller Gaskct. prirnarv cover Clutch hub. Clutch hub key Clutch chainrvheel Retaining plate 1inner.,y Washer 4 Clutch centre Clutch spider Retairring plate (outer) Screw, inner and outer retaining plates (1" British Association >,15116') Chltch assembly complete 27 www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 I I 25 I I I I I I I I I Plate 9 -$ r, i? 2-@ 3-t? C\ lG a___ _\$>X I I l i g) ::{$*-i: I azz t so-@,=- 23 | atA26 z"- -- --17 { ffi-\ o H37\\ 'Pp\. [J-., \ -@ (o I lu-rl@ -l rlE-rl I 'C) II rs[GJLra ,G) l-+ 28 www.bsaunitsingles.com 40 4t Plate 9 FRAME, BATTERY CARRIER, REAR BRAKE CONTROL Plate Ref. Spares No. 1. 40-6030x ) 03-01 3. 30-0196 4. 82,9958 47-7013 1 i 6. 7. 8. 47-tAO3 9. 28-2080 10. 29-Q54t 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 02 t027 41-7007 t4-0702 02,1967 02-1925 66-4149 Description Per Set Bolt, brake pedal fulcrum (3A" British Standard Cycle x /a") Spring.washer for bolt, line I Waslrer. brake peda.l pivot Stop peg, brake pedal Brake pedal Brake fulcrum pin Nut, brake pedai stop peg (+" Unified Fine) B<rlt, brake pedal (t/a" British Standard Cycle) Grease nipple, brake pedal Lockrvasher, brake pedal Nut. brake pedal (t/a" British Standard Cycle) Spring washer, fulcrr"rm pin (7116" x+-"x+") Nut, fnlcrum pin (7116'British Standard Cycle) 2 I 1 2 82,9214 Steering head cup Frame complete 40-a948 En-uine steady stay I 17. 42-4475 18. 02-2138 19. 75-4813 20. 02-0049 Nut. steady stay to frame and bracket (3/"" British Standard Cycle) Washer, steady stay to frame and bracket (3A"><3,i',x#,,) Bolt, steady stay to frame and bracket (,1" British Standard Cycle) Nut, bracket to head /fr" British Standard Cycle) . 21. 36-0382 Lockwasher, bracket 22. 83-1460 Pivot pin, brake rod 4l-0175 I Steady bracket I 42*4475 I 2 2 24. 25. 26. I . to head (fi") 27. 02-0046 28. l9- Side reflector (Lucas 57162A) 29. 42-4475 Nut, reflector rnountin-e (;/s" 30. a2-2138 Waslrer. reflector mounting 02-0522 1035 Bri tish Standard C_r,cle) (zr/,,e" x -y'a" 2 2 2 2 Nut. front engine bolt 11t " British Standard Cycle). . Rear engine stud (:1" British Standard Cyclex 2-9116,) Spring washer, engine stud (3/s"x%"x.056") Nut. rear engine stud (3/8" British Standard Cycle) 404077* 2 x S") www.bsaunitsingles.com 1 2 I I Plate 9-continued 22' " ) . -\.5 -nF "nF,^ v/ ^\ I il 18 r i Y(- .i- aE' Il I I l"lb S\ o----N(gQ_n --,2 i + 122 Itu-@.:,-l ttA9* \.- 32 ,--'1 -'-.:1!--'= f/'rl \V/ /-.>c> H37 ={* ill ul_ U 3e .a) tv liuoi--oo l@ I fC) I W)1 I rJ\l I : F-4r L@ I kJ- @--az 30 www.bsaunitsingles.com Q'A) Plate 9 - -continued FRAN,IE. B,dTTERY CARRXER, REAR BRAKE CONTROL Plute R.el . Per Destr ip/lon Spares No 31. 66 4105 L,ockr,r'asher. refl ector mountin-e ?t 75-4813 33. 40 408i* 34. 02 2138 35. i 36. 21-1934* 37. 42-4343 38. 42-4364 39. 6-5 8326 Bolt. reflector nTo unting (1(" British Standard Cycle) Front engine bolt (:r/q' British Standard Cyclex 3-13116') Spacer, front and Lrottom engine bolts Nut, bottom engi ne bolt (:/3" Unified Fine) Bcrttom engine bolt (1,(" Unified Finex 7-l5l16') Nut, swinging arm spindle (13116'British Standard Cycle) I-ockwasher, spindle nut.. Bolt, battery carrier (],!" British Standar:d Cyclex3") 40. 9A-4294 Spacer, battery canier 41. J, 4A-4524 R.ubber. batter!' 42-447 5 Nut, battery carrier (-/s" British Standard Cycle) .43. 30-0733 Washer, battery cari'ier ("390" /. 44. 82-8285 BatterS,- carrier 45. 40-4530 46. 40- 1524 4-0803 . carrier .. TB" x -L16") 49" 82-9004 50. 68 51. 68-4597 52. 17-4214 Bolt, battery carrier 1-r,o" British Standard Cycle) Rubber, battery carrier .. Washer, battery carrier . . Nut. battery carrier (+" British Stairdard Cycle) Strap hcrok Battery stlap Battery tray Swinging arrl spindle assembly 53. 4t-,7431 tsrake rod :54. 65-6214 Sv,'ivel pin, brake rod 55" 90*7A29 Brake lod 50. 02-0525 Wasirer. brake rod pivot pin 57. 60-2683 Split pin, brake rod pivot 82 9008 48. 42,4476 4511 *Special adjuster material: l.-EN148. 25.-ElJl5. 33.-EN14B. 36.-EN15R. 3l www.bsaunitsingles.com Set l3h.-, 32 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 10 SWINGING ARM Plate ReJ'. Spcires No. Desoiption Per Set t5 82-92 10 Bolt. damper top (-1//8" British Standard Cl,cler 11.25') Washer, damper top (3//8" >.. 13l16" x j6") Nut. damper top (l,i' British Srandard Cycle) Spring only, rear damper (Girling 64543j08) Dilst cover, damper bottom Rear damper complete (Girling 4644). Darr.per bush. top (Girling 64533645). . Damper bush, bottom (Girling 64533654) Bolt. chain guide and anchor strap (-]/s" British Standard Cycler Washer. chain guide and anchor strap (.1/s" ;::.!'q" t.3132,) .. Chain guide Bolt, chain girard to su.inging arm (fr" Unified Finex i/.q") Washer. chain guald to su'in-qing arm ({" ,7.3,/r":r.-tr5") Nut. chain griard to swinging arm (,-l;" Unified Fine) Lockr,vasher. chain guard extension (S") Bolt, chain guard e;rtension (2 British Association <1|,,) Chain guard Nut, chain guard front ro srvin-eing arm (%" British Standard Cycle) Bolt, chain guard front to swinging arm (/a" British StancliLrd Cycle <3/s") Nut. chain guide and ar.ichor strap (-1(" British Standard Cycle) . Nut. da-mper bottom (-11i" Unified Fine) Prop stand leg assembly Prop stand sprin-e Lockwasher, prcp stand bolt Pivcrt bolt" prop srand (%" British Standard C1,cler,. l-9132,i Srvinging arm complete 26. 4A-424r Silentbloc. swinging arm. 1. 40-69 10* , 02-t133 3. 02-4449 4. 19-7441 5. 82-8933 6. 19--1452 7. 19--5305 7. I 8. 67-tL7t* 9. 02-0861 10. 82-9953 11. 14 0113 12. 02 2138 13. t4- t902 14. 29-3319 15. 40-0246 16. 82-9952 17. 40-0414 9-5307 18. 02-0220 19. 4t-4t05 20. t4-0903 21. 83-i 604 )', 4A-4735 23. 40-4734 24. 40 4133* . . *Special . material. l.-EN15. 8.-ENl5. 24.-EN32B. JJ www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I I 1 I I t I I Plate 11 3C29 28 b ' i i I I /-\tl i I I V9;@ kk\- \) 25 t24 I l I a) \^ ^- :$e $l €) wt7 34 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 11 FOOTRES'IS, ENGINE SHIELD Plate Ref. Spures No 1. 83 ) 02-0046 3. 02,0522 4. 41-4105 5. 83 6. 65-49t7 7. 29 8. 42-4926 9. 42,4416 1426 1428 5293 Per Set Description Footrest bracket (left-hand) I I Nut for bolt, line Sprirrg rvasher for rrut, hne 2 Nut, anchor bolt to bracket (]/s" British 10 (:i/s" British Standard Cycle) 2 2 . ') Standard Cycle) Footrest bracket (r'ight-hand) Footrest anchor bolt (%" British Standard Cycle) Footrest pivot bolt (fr" British Standard Cycle>.. I t/*"1 Fotding footrest Nut. pivct bolt (-6" British Standard Cycle) . Rolt. bracket to frame Washer. bracket bolt I 2 7 . 10. 68 11. 21-5616 12. 82-9608 13. 82-9603 Folding footrest rubber Pillion footrest rubber 14. 36 0382 Lockwasher, engine shield 2 15. 14-0r 2 16. 82-88 19 17. 28-2338 18. 47-90t0 Bolt. engirre shieid Ensine shield Bolt. engine shield clip Clip. errgine shield 19. 02-0923 Washer, engine shield clip 20. 75-6595 21. 68-4835 1) 29-5293 4081 r3 23. 40-4820 23. 65-49t7 24. 42-4476 25. 04-2216 26. 14 0l t6 27. 14 0102 28. 41 4835 29. 02 2r38 4l-4105 30. . 2 2 . 2 I (rt' British Starrdalo Cycle 23 32" I i l i (:,u' gritist.r Starrdard Nut. engine shield clip C1 cle) Pillion footrest Pivot bolt, pillion footrest (f," Britisir Standard Cyclex.It/0"1 Anchor bolt (ieft-hand), pillion fcrotrest Anchor bolt (right-harrd), pillion fc'otrest Nr-rt. pivot bolt (ft-" British Standanl Cycle) .. End washer, pillion footrest Bolt. footrest bracket ( :,r' Unified Fine:.t 1"). Nut. footrest bracket ( f6" Unified Fine) Bracket (right-hand), pillion footrest . i 2 I i I 1 . . Washer. anchor bolt Nut" anchor bclt (l/s" British Star.rdard Cyclei 35 www.bsaunitsingles.com I Plate 12 @ q FS i-r- 6b ,, il 16 I tr_l ,J 'b @-2| Ho 36 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate Plate 12 Rel'. t. OIL TANK, SIDECOVER, TOOL TRAY Spares No, Descriptiort 68-9287 "Oddie" stud (short) "Oddie" stud (long) 3. 82-8614 Sidecover (left-hand) 4. 68,9221 5. 40-9188 Rubber washer. "Oddie" stud Rubber pad, sidecover to lrame ., 68-9223 Per Set I I 1 1 . I 6. 83-165 Filler cap/dipstick. i 1 68-9226 Rubber u,asher. "Oddie" stud J 8. 67-0012 Washer, filler cap. I 9. 42-3249 Nut for oil tank. line 11 (/a" British Standard C:lcle) 2 10. 40 8436 Rubber bush. tank mounting 2 11. 40 Bo1t. tank mounting (7+" British Standard Cyclex 1%") 2 12. 83-i648 Oil tank u'it h fixed fittings I 13. 65-9270 Tar.rk transfe f t4. 02-0525 Washer. tool tray bolt (/a" x 15. 02-022A 76. 40 17. 40-8046 18. 68 9337 19. 68-9115 20. 40-04r4 Bolt, tool tray (t/a" British Standard Cyclex:zi") Bracket. sidecover pad Rubber pad, sidecover Rivet. "Oddie" clip "Oddie" clip. sidecover . . Nut. tool tray to frame ltL" Britisir Standard Cycle) Spacer, tooi tray .. Bolt. tool tray to frame (/a" British Standard Cycler 41164') Tool trav Nut for bolt. line 15 (y1" British Standard Cycle) Bolt. oil tank lou,er mounting (+" Unified Finer: l3l+") Rubbei sleeve. oil tank Oil tank filter Fibre u,asher. banjo unron Banjo unicrr. oil leed Clip. oil feed pipe 1 8435 9181 21. 1 77 02-r354 23. 40-9112 24. 40-0414 25. 2r-071 I 26. 40-840i 27. 29-1962 5-7563 28. 29-197 r 29. 82-8814 30. 68-8382 31. 68-8383 . I fi" l't 40-8382 33. 68-8343 Oil feed pipe Oil return pipe Clip. oil return 60-204r Sidecover transfer (not illustratedj >, .048") I I I 2 2 I I I I I I I I I 2 tt 2 I I pipe 2 37 www.bsaunitsingles.com I Plate 13 @ -zo (a.r-,-21 -, Q- ----+z @ -18 _t7 L, e ,@ \ IG t5 t4- 13- r-@ 48 @ a 46 @ @ f .,_ g =E@ 31 aa -t, €\ 32 36__ e)) 33 @ a to 9 n.t \y @a 38 www.bsaunitsingles.com -4 35 I Plate 13 FRONT FORKS Plate Rel. 1 I Destriptiott 29-5341 Top cap nut Washer, top cap nu{ Fcrk bellows Fork spring Fork sl'raft Fork lorver bush . 29-5338 Washer 8. 97-2709 9. 65-5295 Fork shaft plug Pinch bolt, lorver member (.1/8" British Standard Cycler Sprin-e wacher for bolt, line 9 (13/32" /:.9f 16" xi6") Spacer, top bearing Nut, damper rod (/a" British Standard Cvcle) 1. 41-5146 ) 65-5332 I 91,2513 4. 89-5036 5. 97-3905 6. ,t Soares No 10. 02-2903 11. 68-5 1 34 7' 40-0414 Per Set 2 1 2 2 1 . lor shaft plug z I 1:75") I ) 13. 41-5134 14. 41-5r39 Damper valve Damper valve 15. 4r-5t40 Darrrper valve collar ') 16. 41-5r44 Damper: tube bush 1 17. 91,3693 I I 17. 91-3694 Fork cover (left-hand) Fork cover (right-hand) 18. 68-5104 Washer, headlamp mounting 2 19. 9t-1932 Spaccr. headlamp morrnting Z 19. 68-5 108 Spacer. headlamp morrnting 1 20. 02-0049 21. 68- 5170 22. 68-5171 23. 41-5135 Nut, damper rod (S" British Standard Cycle) Oil seal Oil seal retainer C)uter circlip, damper tube 24. 68--5143 Darnper rod a ,,< 4t-5124 Dan"rper tube l Oil seal holder Fork oil seal "O" riug, oil seal holder Washer, damper tube bolt (alloi' 7/16" x,21164" x 1i32") Damper tub: bolt (d-" British Standard Finer ri").. Fork top bush 26. 9t 'r1 65-5451 2,8. 91 2682 7q 4t*5t45 30. 97-2688 31. 65-5424 32. 97-2564 33. 68-5146 2514 seat Sliding tube (right-hand) Sliding tube (left-hand) www.bsaunitsingles.com L 2 I 1_ a L .z a ) ) 2 I I Plate l3-continued 'g ,@ g lr 26 6\ E/* @,1 v - 11 2a \ a,_un 43- 42 sN) 2.a B .--g ,_ 8 e) @ A \\)\ (.9 v 40 www.bsaunitsingles.com J4 35 Plate l3-continued FRONT FORKS Plote Re.f. Spures No. I 34. 41,5141 35. 68-5 I 97 36. 1 37. 40. 68 9429 36 0382 29 9388 a2 0923 41. 4A-9t34 38. 39. 5-3144 42. 14 0303 43. 02-2 I 38 44. 9t-2526 45. 40-5144 46. 97-2104 17. 40-5143 48. 40-5145 Per Descripliott Fork drain plug . Washer. drain plug Nut. heat sink bolt (;o' British Standard Cycle) Diode relaining clip 2 . 2 1 1 Locku,asher. heat sink 1 Spacer, heat sink .. 1 Washer. heat sink 1 Boit. heat sink (r*-" Briiish Standard Clicler3') Nut for bolt, line 59 (ys" IJnified Fine) Washer, pinch bolt nut . . Fork bottom voke Steerins bottom cone Steel ball, steering head .. Steering top cone. Top cone dust cover Fork top yoke Nut for bolt. iine 58 (J/s" British Standard Cycle) Inr-rer circlip, damper tube 1 :). 2 I I i 40 I . I 49. 97,2525 50. 64 51. 41-5143 {t 65-5333 Handlebar clip 2 53. 15-5155 Washer 4 54. 68-5056 for bolt, line 54 (21 64' x /2" x.048") Bo1t. handlebar clip (fi" British Standard Cyclex 55. 40-501 8 Steering head cap nut I 6A16 I 1 2 1t/s") 4 f,o. 16-9325 Grommet, gLride bracket 2 5/. 68-5r37 Cable guide bracket 2 58. 27 59. 2l-0785* 60. 40-5090 Pinch bolt, top yoke (-/s" British Standard Cycle) Pinch bolt. bottom yoke (.f" Unified Fine>12-7!16') Cable guide clip . 61. 41-5465 62. 4l-5064 63. 68-9428 64. 02-a049 65. 02-4923 5135 9t-3903 . Oil seal Oil seal retainer 2 i 2 L Heat sink Nut, heat sink bolt (;" British Standard Cycle) Washer, heat sink (ie"><rA"x#"1 Front fork coniplete 'sSpecial 1 material: 59.- ENl5 4t www.bsaunitsingles.com I I i I Set Plate 14 \\ 32-d 42 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 14 F'RONT WHEEL Plate Re/. Sptres No x. D esr:r ipt ion Per Set 67-5566 Wheel spindle I 68 Bearing retainer (left-hand) I 5551 3. 41-601 6 Bearing (Hoffman LS9RS) I 1. 68*5556 Wlreel rim (WM2 l9) I 5. 6t -5545 Spoke (long) 20 6. 27-68t0 Spoke nipple 40 1 Balance weight (-:/a") us rec1d. 5815 Balance rveight (1") o,s 8. 42 42 61 5544 Spoke (short) 9. 28-2080 10. 68-5535 Hub grease rripple Hub rvith spindle and bearings 1 5813 11. 61-5565 Spindle sleeve 72. 4l-601 6 Bearing (Hoifman LS9RS) 13. 60-2683 14. 68-5543 Split pin, bearing retainer (.,oL" x/s") Trailing brake shoe Brake lining Fulcrum pin Nut. anchor strap stud (7/16' British Standald Cycle) Anchor strap Sprirrg washer, anchor strap (29164'x l5/16"X-#") Ntrt, anclror slrap (7 l16" British Standard Cycle) Stud, anchor strap (7/16" British Standard Cycle) Washer, fulcrum pin Spring washer, fulcrum pin Nut, fulcrum pin (s1s" British Standard Cycle) Crease nipple, cam spindle Brake anchor plate Nut, brake lever (7116" British Standard Cycle) Lockrvasher, brake lever (7 116') Waslrer, brak-e lever (7 116"x3/r" tr,6") Brake lever Cam spindle Rivet, brake lining Leading brake shoe Bearing retainer (right-hand) Spring. brake shoe Wheel rvith spindle and bearings 15. 19-1732 76. 61 17. 24-5864 5576 18. 42-5520 19. 15-0716 20. I zt. 61-5511 1'' 25-60t4 23. 35-0037 24. 42-5883 25. 28-2080 26. )1 02 0440 28. 66-4108 5-054 l 67-5555 to I 30. 65* 5907 31. 31 32. 61 5515 68 5541 68 5552 65 5904 68 5554 33. 34. 3s. 5-043 I 2243 reqd. 20 43 www.bsaunitsingles.com 1 t4 1 1 ) fPlate 15 @ 27 26 T t7 ?7 47 aBis 46 I ffi-, €/ 44 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate Plate 15 Ref. REAR WFIEEL Description Spares No. 1. 68-6066 Spindle nut (left-hand) , 02-0440 Nut, brak-- lever (7116" British 3. 66-4108 Locku'asher, brake lever. 4. 1 5-043 I Per Sel 1 Standard Cycle) 1 . Waslrer, brake lever l7 116"'x1/1" 1 x+\ 1 42-6045 Brake lever I 6. 68-6134 Return spring, brake lever I 7. 4t-6494 I 8. 4t-6093 9. 65*s940 10. t9-77 17 11. 37-2226 72. 65-5883 13. 41-6091 1,4. 1 15. 4r-6090 76. 42-5019 17. 67-6038* 18. 68-6135 19. 02-0452 20. 68-61 33 Anchor strap Brake anchor plate Brake shoe complete Brake lining Brake cam spindle Brake drum bearing (Hoffman LS9) Rear chainwheel (49 teeth) Rear chain (5/s" x V4" x 100 pitch) Brake drum Driving flange Bolt. flange to dmm {.l" British Standard Cycle) Lockplate for nut, line 19 Nut, flange to drum Fulcrnm pin, brake shoe Spring rvasher, chainwheel bolt Bolt, chainwheel to drum (S" Unified Finex 13!32') Hub bearing (Hoffman LS9RS) 9-8687 2\. 24-8784 'r', 68-6095* t1 4r-6016 24. 67-6021 t1 65*5904 26. 35-6436 27. 4t-6022 28. 28-2080 to 65-5111 Spindle sleeve Return spring. brake shoe Rivet for brake linings .. Hr:b with spindle and bearings Grease nippie, cam spindle Spring washer. fulcrum pin www.bsaunitsingles.com 1 2 2 I I I I I I 6 -1 6 I 10 l0 I I 2 t4 1 I I Flate l5-- coittinued I I I 2 i \b /s.a) i \@ 'ffi 0 PY ll ,lo i 33 %r t1 2?), t'' I A1 i- I t7 39 42 43 47 aBa's I 44 46 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 15*-continued REAR WHEEI, Flate Re/. Descriplion Spares No. Per Set 30. 24-7000 Nut. fulcrum pin (/2" British Standard 31. 40-6033 2 40-6040 Wheel adjuster Adjuster cap 33. a2-4923 Washer, wheel adjuster ') tr,{ 42-4476 Nut, wheel adjuster 2 35. 67-6433 tsearing shirn I 36. fl-6434 tsearing circlip I 1 C5,cle) I 2 Jl- 4t-6032 Fixed spindle 3E. 68,608 I 39. 4l*5016 tsearing retainer Hub bearing (Hoffman r-s9RS) I I I 40. 65*5884 Eearing thrust ring .41. 67,6051 R.ubbel A'' 42-6011 Spoke (lefGhand) . . 20 43. 42-5Ar2 Spoke (right-hand) 20 .. (WM3-18) rim Wheel Spoke I seal nipple 44. 27-6810 r#5. 42-6311 46. 37-3468 47. 65-5887 Security bolt R.etair-rer (inner) 48. 65-5886 Felt rvasher I 49. 1t-6421 Retainer (outer) I 50. 68-6,\42 .51. 4l-6019 End cover .. lrrner spacer (right-hand) 40 I ?- I I I j 52. t9-9211 17 19-9212 53. 41-6A82 Speedometer gearbox, m.p.h. (Smiths 8G5330/171) . . Speedometer gearbox, k.p.h. (smiths 8G5330i31) Outer spacer (right-hand) 54. 4l-609E Wheel spindle l 4l-6009 Rear x'heel u,ith spindle and bearings I *Special material: 17.-ENI4B. 22.-ENI4ts 47 www.bsaunitsingles.com I I Plate 16 ffi tQD--ro \7^*81-ra 2322 -17 li \@ I@ or-48 t>az cfl iltl 38 39 r33 s la H @ 40 e\ qq 1"'. ]l l]ll 4t 42 434, 48 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 16 VIUDGUARDS Plate Rel l. ) . Spctes No. 28 2338 02 0923 7 L 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5-6591 4t -9152 02. 0204 27 8560 4G 0414 4 1 -6533 82-8394 03-l I _s6 I 5-1354 02-0923 x3. 36 0382 14. 02 15. 75-3144 1616 76. 64-6054',N 17. 18. 02 0370 r9. 40-6022 40-6570 20. 82 9989 2t. tt 42-4476 61,6839 23. 24. 57-3638 83 0270 7i 41-6182 68-6802 26. )'7 28. 29. 2l-6742 02 0923 02- 0049 Desciiptiott Bolt, handrail to su1-r1.ror"t rail Per Set 1:,o" British Standald C1,cle..23i-12'j to support rail 1:,o' .. l./.s"; :1i6") Nut, lrandrail to suppolt rail (,i" British Standard C1.'cie). Washer. hancjr:ril Flarrd rrril . . Rear mudguard Nut, guard to suppcrt rail Wiring grommet ;" Blitish Standard Cycle) larnp support Tail lamp support complete SLrpport rail Bracl<et, slrpport rail to guard Bolt, bracket to support rail (rrr" Britisli Standard Cycle.,'. 31 64') Washer, bracket to sr.rpport rail (;" x rA"':, #") Nut, bracket to support rail (''|" Britislr Standard Cycle) .. Tail lamp support plate . . Washer for bolt, line 32 (/+'>: *":. .048") . . Bolt, rrumber plate bracket (7+" British Standard Cycle. )\") 54-0110 Lock'"r'asher, support plate bottom screw 21- 516t 82-8 r 95 82 8140 Nut, support plate botton-r screrv (2 British 41. 12. .{3. 14. .f5. 16. 17. 48. 10-0414 10-2980 42-3249 a2 0204 40 6190 82-9020 02-2395 28 2338 02,a923 I 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 1 I 1 2 1 . 02 0204 .10. I I 33. 34" J3. 36. 68 6834 4 4 I ?t 19,0943 54-9012 -i 2 tail 68-6835 27-8560 37. 2 I ( 30. 31. 38. 39. 2 1 Bolt, stay to mudgLrard (11" British Star.rd:rrd Cycle'. t,i"1 S'aslrer, stay to mudguard (ri" \. )\tt,: .048") Nut, stay to mudguard (1.4" British Standard Cycle) Fronl rn udguard Ccntre stay. front nrudgrrard Bolt, stay to fork leg, left-hand (-. " British Standard Cycle;.. ;-;s") Bolt. stay to fork end, Ieft-harrd (rt" British Standard C-y.'cle.'r ),3") Washer, stay to fork end (fr" >: ),/"" r ,{r") l-ockuasher. stay to fork end (:,6") Nut. stav to fork end (-,'i;" British Standard Cycle) .. Nut. stay to fork leg (r" British Standard Cycle) .. Bolt, stay to fork leg. right-hand (*" British Standard Cycle .l^7i61').. Spacer, stay to fork end Bolt, stay to lork end, right-hand (fu" British Standard Cycle;.ls') Bottom stay, front mudguard Spacer, 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 1 ,^\ssociation) I Push-fix rear reflector Rrlbber pad, rear reflector Rear reflector (Lucas 57111) Screw, support plate to support (2 British Association':.:13i32") 4 2 2 Number plate bracket Nr-rt for bolt, line 32 (y.1' British Standard Cycle) StLrd. tail lamp suppolt .. Nut, tail lamp support stud (f/a" British Standard Cycle) .. Bolt, mudguard to frame ltl" Britisli Standard Cycle,: t72") 2 2 Washer, mudguard to frame to frame (t/a"'; 19132":r'.040") .. Nut, nrudguard to frarc,e (t/o" British Standard Cycle) Bolt. nrudguard to top lrame (,'|" British Standard Cycle;:23 32'\ Waslrer, mr-rdguard to top frame (!*" :<54" .:#") Spring 'uvasher, mr-rdguard 'FSpecial nraterial : 16.-EN 49 www.bsaunitsingles.com 15. J i 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Plate 17 ?t-..'..- fa- -- ^o ^- cv - -{---&?,/,'/\)\ e+;' 68 64 ._ 66 tr--@ 5l---------€' < a'\ -v-3 4e__ 48 \l /-=', # /ft_!- s \\ U /fr\ ^@$-, z \ V, )-zz t$-/ ^^ 30 zsi :r 26 ))) 34 $ I 50 www.bsaunitsingles.com 32 33 lil llt ,N#t \y\ Plate 17 PETROL TANK, TWINSEAT, HANDLEBAR AND CONTROLS B.S. l.., 3. 4. 5. . No. Makers No. t9-1221 60-2242 60-2083 19t952ltI 37 2006 60-21 19 6. 111014 a t?/5q5 19/1098M 8. 9. 10. 11. 60,2243 60-207 | 60-2012 18/1708 1 8/1 709 19002 19/003 i 8/087 11. L2. 13. 13. t811s2 1817 s4 I 8/0s3 14. 16/011 16/0oe r 6/0 10 15. 16. 17. 161008 18. 19. l6i09 t 20. 21. 19 7222 40,8i21 at 42-8052 t1 41-805 1 24. 25. 26. 02-2395 82-9020 82-9945 27. 28. l4-0302 24-8184 Rubber grip (lefl-hand) Clutch control complete Clutch control cable Spring pin for brake cable Front brake cable complete with stop switch Clamp screw, brake and clutch controls Clamp, brake and ch-rtch controls Brake control complete Cable adjuster. brake and clutch Adjuster nut, brake and clutch Bracket, clutch control Bracket, brake controi Fulcrum screr'v, brake and clutch controls. . Clutch lever only Brake ler er onll Nut for fulcrum pin Throttle cahle stop Screw. lriction spring . Nut. lriction spriug screr'v Friction spring" twist grip Tr.r ist grip rotor Rubber grip (right-hand) Tank mcunting rubber' (fronQ Anti-roll rubber Petrol tank side transfer Nut, silencer to bracket (%" British Standard Cycle) Spring washer, silencer to bracket lYt" ;<19132" x '040') . Silerrcer bracket Nut, bracket to frame (fr" Llnified Fine) Spring washer, bracket to frame (id"'ttA" x'040") . 2t-1908 Nut, silencer clip (;" 30. 54-8003 Spring washer, silencer 31. 7 32. 10-5814 33. 14 0219 34. l4-01 35. 02-0204 54-9003 29. 36. 5-27 19 15 Per Set Descriptiort Spures No. Plate Ref. Unified Fine) "D" clip . . washer, silencer clip Silencer clip complete . . Bolt, silencer clip (fr" Unified Fir.e'xll/2") Bolt, bracket to frame (fr" Unified Finex't/s") Bolt, silencer to bracket (t/a" British Standard Cycle><l'2") Screw. heat shieid 5l www.bsaunitsingles.com I I I I I 4 2 1 2 z I I 2 I I 2 I I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 I I 2 I t 2 2 2 Plate 17--continued 7a-; ^^ --t-e,/,"]\*o' Ki UU'--_-__+!l' 6e a- 5a -_ 9l F: 5t - t u- --------- te->5 S- A, la}-a) ::.1 4e---s F\ '\L.r {\ \\ IO\ AR\ lir .\ ^-l-7 ^-t ".9--ia l-io 54 JJ lc t< -_ ^ :: l / IQ I \J ) '^sr-: 4gA ='= #tfl'1 52 www.bsaunitsingles.com 32 lr' 34 I * 33 I lll AbI v\ Plate 17-continuetl PETROL TANK, TWINSEAT, F{ANDI,EBAR AND CONTROLS Flate Rel. 37. 38. 39. 40. 47. 42. 43. 14. 45. Spares No 8..S. . No. 70-E960 21 8564 4t-9131 0051 82-9020 82-9132 50. 68,8016 51. 68-80 I 4 42-80 I 0 (t i1 54. 55. 56. 8011 68-8045 40 8r0r 29-5655 02-0923 57. s8. 11/01-l 161328 59. 16329 19 4A*8651 7223 64. 40-4960 41-8548 42-8611 ,65. l9-3082 "66. I "63. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 9-3083 19-3084 I 9-3086 2 I 161364 1 8/864 3761079 121464 tll0t4 I 8/869 l9-3085 181871 9-3087 19-2163 r8/060 1 I 2 2 1 I asse mbly Spacel ttrbe. tank mounting .. Rubber sleeve, tank mounting Washer, tank mounting Ni,rt, tank mounting (-r,6" Britisir Standard Cycle) . . Grommet, tank mounting 68-8046 61. 62. Spacer" trvinseat Rear bracket. tri'inseat Nut, tr,vinseat (t/a" British Standard Cycle) . . Spring n asher, twinseat (y4' :: 19 32" x .040") cornplete Seal washer for petrol tap Seal washer for petroi tap Tank mounting rubber (rear) 65-821 8 40-8 I 40 60. I Petroi tap Petrol pipe 82-8718 82-9204 42 Heat shield Silencer .. Twinseat complete 68 8024 46. 46, 47. 48. 49. Per Sel fuIql;ers IVo. 10-9654 02 Des<'ription Bolt, tank mounting (5' British Standard Ci'clex2ft") Petrol tank with fixed fittings Washer, tank mountinC (7 l16" .,25132".,r '104') Waslrer, tank mounting (*" /.tA":< j16"\ Body screw. trvist grip Body (topJralf), trvist grip Body (bottom-half), twist grip frvist grip control compiete . Throttle cable complete . Handlebar Exhaust iifter control cable .. Exhaust lifter control complete Clamp screw, exhaust lifter . . Handlebar clamp, exhaust lifter Lever fulcrum pin, exhaust lifter Bracket, exhaust lifter. . Lever, exhaust lifter Lockrvasher for nut, line 7l .. Fulcrum pin nut, exhaust lifter Note:-Where no B.S.A Part Number is quoted, the part is oniy available from the rnakers. 53 www.bsaunitsingles.com I as reqd. as reqd. 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 I 1 Plate 18 18 r9----o I)2t,o-€ \"4, I -4R 1P -t 30 re) m-" @-', g;t ff" a1-Q l-f U 78 I ffi'r -79 m 54 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate Plute 18 ELECTRICAL EQUIFMENT R(' 1. 2. 3. 1. S l,ares l,l B"S.A. No 19-8944 ]'N Dest'ription c. akers No. RSM3003/01 19 9094 83 Tachc.meter head (to order only) Tachonieter cable (zo order only\ Morrriting cup. tachometer head (to order only) Mounting bracket, speedometer and tachorneret (lo order 0281 91,3689 I only) 5" 6. 7. 8. 9. 24-1068 02-0041 19,),t66 54953389 l9-9089 DFgl l0/00/63 68-941 8 14. 16-0543 82-8283 02-0525 24-0978 a2-1354 15. 83-028 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 16. l9-9080 41-i48-203-10 17. I 9-8936 19,2183 ssM500llOs t7. 18. 19" 20. 21. 7' l9-0964 ssN{5001104 Wire clip, headlight light unit 534296 ss4602 3571 0 Piate, headlamp rim fixing screrv Main bulb holder Headlamp complete (standard) Headlamp complete (Europe, with 4i0 bulb) Headlamp complete (France, witl-r 411 bulb) tsolt, headlamp mounting Seal u'asher, warning light 23. 23. I 9-1 320 19- 1321 ?1 19-1322 59966 59966 112201 54140331 I r 9-0982 9-0965 3819r 38189 27. 281 28. 30. 30. 54945043 54573590 446 410 30. 4It 31. 989 i2. 54524526 534343 49072 29. 33. 34. l9-1715 Sprir-rg '+rasher, speedometer ol tachometer moutrting Nut, speedometer or tachcnieter mounting Speedometer light lead Speedonteter cable Spacer, speedometer or tachometer mounting Screw, speedometer or tachometer mounting Mounting bracket. speedometer head only Washer, speedorneter or tachometer bracket mounting ' . Spring u'asher, speedometer ot' tachometer bracket mounting Bolt, speedometer or tachometer bracket mounting Mounting cup, speedometei' head Speedometer trip shaft Speedometer head (m.p.h.) Speedometer head (k.p.h.) 504665 144921 59965 24. 25. 26. 26. Per ,Sel 29,0541 36. 19-t323 37. t9-02r4 38. 39. 68-9304 1124089 t9-1241 541 30041 54957308 Screw, headlamp rim . 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 I . Light switch Warning light body (green) '::' Warning light body (red) Bulb, warning light Bulb holder, warning light Pilot bulb holder, headlamp Main bulb, ireadlamp Main bulb (Eurpoe) Main bulb (France) Pilot bulb, headlamp Light unit, headlamp Headlamp rim .. Rectifier .. Lockwasher, rectifier earth Wiring harness . . Horn push and dippel srvitch Ignition lock and key.. Nut, ignition switch 55 www.bsaunitsingles.com I 1 I 2 2 I I 2. 2 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I Plate l8-corttinued 6 M lll l-sa U @-,' I ^l |'r?f .@} ff"" at-Q WEJ - 35 H 36 U .=@; f\: 49 74 75 7b ll @6 I f 77 I @ 78 I @ N' }O KJ m 5,9 I 58 57 56 55 54 I I L, 16 Aq,6'@"rea J, &,\qJW56 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 18- continued ELECTRTCAL NQUIPI\fENT Plate Rel Spares No . B.S.l.1/o Makers No. 19-ll7 31899 40. 11. 12. 43. 44. 21,8560 45. r 46. l9-1885 54956469 46. I 9-l 886 l9-188t 54956421 45221 47. 48. 49. t4 5 0204 66-9262 83-r 603 66- 8340 68-91 63 t9-1735 r9-0916 tJ2,t096 53. 42-45'74 ,54. 42--4415 55. f,/. 66-4101 19-2064 02-2138 58. 75 59. 40-0414 60. 19-11 41 61. 02-022A 56. 49345 34815 Ignition srvitch .. Bolt, coil clip mounting Spacer'. coil clip mountirrc Coil clip. Washer. r:oil clip mountin_s Nut, coil clip mounting High-tension lead (resistive cable) High-tension lead (U.S.A.) Ignition coil Clip, battery vent plpe Battery vent pipe Zener diode Rear stop light sr,ritch Washer, stop switch rnounting Screu- stop s\ itch mounting.. Nut, horn mountin-e Lockwasher, horn mounting . . . . FIorn Siasher, horn mounting B<;lt, horr.r mounting . . 4813 Nut, condenser mountins 54441582 Condenser, ignition 5457 1677 Bolt. conderrser moutting Screw. tail lamp lens . Tail lamp lens Bulb holder assembly, tail lamp Bulb holder itrterior, tail lamp Stop/tail ianp complete Screw, lamp fixing Locku'asher, lamp fixing Gasker. lamp seating . . 70" 54578212 Base assembiy, 71" 380 ,54953386 Bulb, stop/tail lamp Tail lamp lead Fuse (12 volt, 3-5 antp.) Nut, capacitoi' mouuting (to order onlyl Spring washer, capacitor mounting (to order only) Spring, capacitor mounting (to order only) . . Washer, capacitor mounting (to order only) Bolt, capacitor mounting (to order onlv) Capacitor (to order only) Battery (not illustrated) 62. 144921 63. 64. 65. 66. 54577t09 545182.13 19 -1245 67. I 69. 72. 573828 53973 1107 I 4 '68. 82-83 r 4 88330 73. 19-1249 '74. 02-239s 75. 78. 82*9020 82-8320 02-0525 02-1354 79. 82-83 I 9 541 70009 t9-1776 54027A29 '76. 77. 00-5195 00-4403 Per Set . 4--0801 51. 52. -s0. Description 54483156 . tail lamp kit complete (to order onllt) kit complete (to order only) Tachonieter Capacitor Note:-Where no B.S.A. part number is quoted, the part is only available from the makers, 57 www.bsaunitsingles.com 2 1 Plate 19 4 ^ (q ////7 a/ )t \:/ str // il / I K I </ ,N // .//// / 1/L l F t\ ///r // // ////1 // /// (JD f 58 www.bsaunitsingles.com l Plate Plate 19 Ref. TOOI,S AND SUNDRIES Descriplion Spares No. Per Set 1. 60-0161 Screwdriver set ) 68-9462 "C" 3. 60-0801 Tyre leveritommy bar 4. 65-9132 Tappet spanner 5. 61-9026 Ring spanner 6. 68-9464 Plug spanner 7. 29-9252 Tyrelever.. ' 8. 40-9017 Double box spanner 9. 68-9461 Tool roll 10. 76-9t36 Cable 11. 90-9024 Rubber cable clip. 12. 15-9045 Cable 13. 68-9467 Tyre valve key I 60-2114 Toolkit complete I spanner, rear damper clip clip . . ." 5 . 2 . . 59 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 20 6 \7 t=------ Q{_?\--4 --+/ z/ /=:\ /69 \ c \\--, -\9---:// )I<;' >€ \€ l'<--------------- F >€ >s E Or P--'7 60 www.bsaunitsingles.com Plate 20 CARBUR.ETTAR AND AIR CLEANER B.S.A. No. 1. 60-t 053 ) l9-1 t\ 4. Amal No. 5 3. 41137 1 9-3093 Per Descriptiott Spares No. Plate ReJ. A 6221086 Air cleaner compiete . . Air cleaner element Screw plug for top cap Screw and washer for top I I I I z cap 1 I 9-3095 6221067 8. 19-31-37 6221124 9. t9-3127 9281060 10. l9-3090 622ltjt Mixing chamber top cap Throttle slide spring Throttle needle clip Throttle needle .. Throttle slide (number 3/2 cut-away) "O" ring, carburetter flange . R930/005 Carburetter body 6221082 "O" ring, pilot air 5. 9281091 6. 6221131 11. 12. r 9-3098 and throttle stop 15. 19-3106 6221073 76. t9-3102 6221069 Float 17. l9-3093 6221086 Screw and washer, float chamber Banjo bolt Petrol filter Float chamber 6221016 62210t7 18. l9-3103 6221018 79. l9-3048 3161093 20. 21. 62210s0 23. 6221122 t9-2425 R930/38 Carburetter complete t9-2884 3761100 6221128 I I 1 screws 2 I I I I to body .. l9-3136 6221071 24. 25. 6221068 I 2 I Float needle Float spindle Main jet (240 c.c.) Jet holder Needle jet ('106") 19-310s )) I I Pilot air adjr.rsting screw Throttle stop screw Float chamber gasket . . 13. '1,4. 1 Note:-Where no B.S.A. part number is quoted, the part is only available from the makers. 61 www.bsaunitsingles.com I I I I I I I I I Sel NUN{ERTCAL INDEX Nrrvern 00-3171 00-3171 00-33 I 3 00 33ll 00 3463 00 3464 00 3465 Prcir Prarr 5 9 02 2580 02 2903 5 5 5 5 00 4403 00 5195 51 57 02 0046 29 35 02 0049 02 0049 02-239s 02-2395 02-2578 02,2579 5 9 00-3411 00-3475 00-3476 02-0046 02-0047 02-0049 0l-01 I t 03 5 5 55 29 t9 4t 9 lt IE 9 l3 l3 t6 49 02-0204 1.9 02 02 02 02 0204 0204 49 020:l 0220 o2-o220 02-0220 5l l3 l1 t0 37 12 57 l8 02 -03 70 49 +J t6 45 9 t5 33 45 l0 l5 29 9 02--0443 o2-o449 02 0452 02 0522 02 0522 02 0525 02-,0525 02-0525 02-0525 53 lo t1 r6 r6 t6 l4 I 35 ll 9 9 I I l3 3 l l5 t7 4 02-0525 o2-o525 23 7 3l 9 02 0525 37 55 57 t2 l8 02 0525 02-0525 02-0525 02-086 t o2-o923 02-0923 l8 33 l0 9 I r3 3 02 0923 02 0923 l7 l7 4 4 02-0923 02,0923 35 41 l3 02 0923 02 0923 4l l3 47 49 49 49 49 l5 t6 t6 t6 53 t7 o2-o923 o2-o923 o2,o923 02 0923 02-0923 02-1o27 02- 1096 lt l6 29 9 51 37 l8 1354 55 02 -l 354 02--1616 02 1133 02 1925 57 l8 l8 49 t6 33 l0 29 29 9 02 ll54 02 02 02 1967 21 38 02-2I38 29 29 02 2138 02 2138 02 2133 ll 02-2138 4t 02-21 38 02 2395 02 2395 57 27 33 35 49 1156 04-0 I 37 04-2276 02-00'19 02-00,s t 02 0440 02 0440 NurrlsEn t2 9 9 9 t0 il I3 I8 8 t6 .21 .2 .6 .20 20 .64 .29 .41 .5 .32 .. 43 .. 35 .. l8 .. 15 .. 61 .. 17 .. 27 .. .. 37 .. 3 .. 19 .. 26 .. 3 ,.1 ., 7 ,. 2 .. 39 .. 33 .. 12 .. 56 .. 14 .. t2 .. 77 .. 9 .. .. 2t .. 2 .. 7 .. 19 .. 40 .. 65 .. 33 ., 2 .. 12 .. 28 .. 48 .. 56 .. lt .. 52 .. 22 .. to t4 .. t4 ,. 2 .. 13 .. t2 .. t8 .. 30 .. i4 .. t2 29 .. 43 .. 57 .. l,2. ,s 46 l*0013 I I I ll I 0014 0014 2-0064 l2 0595 r4 0l l3 l4 0l l3 t4-01 l5 r4-01 16 I4-0204 14 14 14 14 14 0208 0219 0302 0302 0302 l/+-0302 I 4-0303 14 0104 t4 0702 14-O702 4,0801 14 0803 14 0903 I l4 l40l l4-1901 4-190 I 1 l4 l4 t90l l90l I 4-l 902 I 4-6606 t4 6606 14 6608 l4 66r0 t4 6610 t4-6610 l4-661 I l,+-6611 t4 t4 66t2 6614 15 0431 I 5-043 l I 5-0541 t5-0716 l5 l5 5155 5155 l 5 7354 I 5-7563 16 0008 l 6-0009 16,0010 l 6-001 I 16 0091 l6 0328 16 0329 1 6-0364 PacE Pr-lre .17 74 . 18 35 23 .7 .7 33 23 :-t J+ .7 l9 . t3 l0 2 29 .9 r0 49 . 16 6t .20 3 35 .ll 25 57 53 .17 51 6 .17 53 67 .17 53 .t7 66 7 5l .17 33 l0 .. ll 1l .. 15 35 t7 .. 34 5l ll .. 26 3-s l8-1 .. 4l 57 )t :t t7 .. 33 5l li L. l7 4 .. 6 2t 6 .. 22 t7 .. 27 5t 4t t3 .. 42 ll 2 .. 43 29 9 .. 7 35 ll .. 27 57 t8 .. 45 31 9 .. 35 33 l0 .20 t7 4 .. 32 l3 3 .. I l5 J J6 t7 4 .. l8 t7 4 .. 34 33 r0 .. t3 7 .. 13 23 25 7 .. 48 25 7 .. 68 L) 7 .. 6 25 7 .. 47 27 i .. 38 25 27 8 .. 7 25 7 .. 40 25 t .. 4t +J 1.1 .. 29 45 15 .. 4 14 .. 20 43 +J 14 .. 19 9 .. 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