october 09 newsletter.indd


october 09 newsletter.indd
October 2009
Absolutely Amazing Alaska
Exec Vice
1st Vice
2nd Vice
PAC Chair
National Conv.
State Conv ’10
2012 National
Alaska welcomed NAPUS with
beautiful weather, warm smiles,
and signs everywhere!
National VP
PAC Chair
PM Retired Pres
Debbie Ruffner
Lou Stuckey
Howard Foust
St Clairsville 43950
Blakeslee 43505
PM Retired VP
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rosalee Robson
Legislative Co-Chairs
Sara Kreitzer
Ted Gedeon
PM Retired Sec-Treas
Jackson Center 45334
Thompson 44086
w. 937-596-6511
c. 937-538-0478
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rita Schemmel
Exec VP
Maplewood 43540
Steve Stapleton
Xenia 45385
[email protected]
Membership Chair
[email protected]
Brenda Roski
1st VP
Dillonvale 43917
Randall Groves
Fostoria 44830
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rita Schemmel
2nd VP
Maplewood 45340
Mari Beth Kirkland
Burton 44021
[email protected]
[email protected]
LaRetta Rydman
Bill Judge
[email protected]
Sara Zibbel
Post Office Closings
Howard Foust
Steve Miller
Lore City 43755
[email protected]
PM Reps
Ken Pesa
Swanton 43558
[email protected]
Greenville 45331
Vince Catalano
Sidney 45365
Service Rep
[email protected]
Justin Jackson
Pedro 45649
Shirley Henderson
[email protected]
Navarre 44662
Sara Kreitzer
Jackson Center 45334
May you have warmth in your igloo,
oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart (Alaska)
Hello fellow NAPUS Members! I am just back from the National Convention in Anchorage, and am still
recovering from the travel. As exhausting as the trip was, it was exhilarating to see the many postmasters who
made the trip to Alaska even though we have lost convention leave! In just the few days spent with our
National officers you see how hard they are working for you, our members. It was a much needed contrast to
the everyday demands of our jobs and all the negative news we constantly hear, such as how much money
we will lose this year. In addition to this, even President Obama considers us far less effective than our
competitors. He evidently did not do his homework. UPS debt is 19.2% of their total revenue. The US Postal
Service debt is 9.6%. It may be nothing to brag about, but it’s worth a mention. As of convention week,
President Obama still had not responded to President Dale's letter.
After many months of deliberating, HR 22 finally passed the House of Representatives. The vote was on
Tuesday of the National Convention week, so many of us present made a phone call to our Congressman on
Monday. Apparently there were enough of us calling to jam the switchboard! Thanks to all of you who have
contacted your Representative to encourage their support of this bill. It was very welcome news at our convention to learn of its passage.
We are finally starting to see new Postmasters being placed into vacant offices. If there have been any such
promotions in your neighborhood, take along an 1187 and pay the new Postmaster a visit. Let me and/or other
officers know who they are and we can make a phone call of congratulations and welcome. We have been doing that for offices when we get that information. It is a great recruiting tool. Many of these new Postmasters
will have had little or no actual experience running a Post Office and will welcome a friend. Since training is
minimal in our environment today, please take a few moments to be a mentor or offer support if needed. And
there is no reason to limit that to just the new Postmasters! If you know of anyone who could benefit from
such an offer give them a call! Even after all these years I still welcome all the help I can get! We are all in
this together, and not one of us knows everything.
In closing I urge you all to take care of your office (especially your finances) and your career. Ultimately
you are responsible. You and only you. We have good people to assist if ever there is a need, but we would
much rather be there to help correct the problem, than be there to represent you after it has become a problem.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but
where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
(from Christian Leadership World)
Steve Stapleton
Xenia 45385
“The only thing constant in life is change.”
François de la Rochefoucauld
The majestic splendor of Alaska is now a memory with lots of pictures to reflect on and remind me of the
incredible beauty. On our last day in Alaska, Diana and I took a 5-mile hike with some friends and the landscape was breath taking. The fall colors were in full bloom along with the snow capped mountains and lush
forests. The Eagle River was flowing rapidly, the last of the salmon were completing their long journey and
consequently the bear were fattening up for winter hibernation. The changing of the season from fall to winter
was everywhere. I was reminded of how Postmasters, NAPUS and the USPS are changing just as quickly.
Convention was excellent as always; there was great training, fun, fellowship and a new President was
elected. Bob Rapoza and his team will take over in January. No doubt there will be many new faces leading,
and shaping our organization.
HR 22 was passed in the House and now moves to the Senate for approval. The Postal Service will get
their 4B in relief on health care payments.
The new NDC system is in full swing although the placards are still changing. Stay vigilant in your pursuit
of excellence moving the parcels to the correct location. Our customers depend on us to get the mail delivered
timely and properly.
DUR is a new initiative being used to move routes from a small office to a larger office with the idea of
saving money and better utilizing clerks. The problem is the losing office gets downgraded and many times
the Postal Service has been unable to show the savings. Many factors including safety, travel, employee impact, cost savings, facility space and parking must be considered. Please notify one of your NAPUS officers
if you hear of this happening to you, or to someone you know.
There is also a new electronic Form 150 being used to determine office size. I recommend that every
Postmaster run this new form for their office. I have asked Jill to add it to the OHIO NAPUS website for those
of you without computers in your office. There are changes to the form and many offices could be affected.
FY09 is gone and NPA talks should be ongoing. I believe every Postmaster should receive at least a 2%-3%
raise in spite of what the “numbers” say. Call Bill Judge if you need to discuss mitigating factors for your final
rating. Remember the time lines and don’t procrastinate.
I would be remiss not to mention membership. There are many new Postmasters in the organization. Please
be attentive in seeking out and inviting those new Postmasters to NAPUS. They need us and we need them.
Every new Postmaster must receive a personal contact. Send me their name and I will call them if necessary.
The Postal Service and Postmasters must adjust to change at a rate never witnessed before. These changes
affect our work, our personal lives and our employees. Every one of us (more than ever before) must be
diligent in all aspects of our duties. Continue to communicate with your employees and your POOM, keep the
finances in order and deliver the mail. If you do make a mistake and get in trouble, call a PM Rep or one of
your officers. Don’t go it alone! I am receiving many more calls from Postmasters wanting to get involved in
NAPUS AFTER there are problems, please don’t wait. The time for your commitment and involvement is
now! You are a Postmaster so hold your head high, serve your community and carry yourself with dignity.
Randall Groves
Fostoria 44830
Here’s to your health
As I sat pondering over the article topic for this issue, I vaguely remember an article that someone wrote a
few years back concerning how Postmasters need to “raise the bar.” Over the past few years, the bar has been
raised and then raised some more. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. How much more can Postmasters
endure in raising the bar? Pretty soon, we’ll be doing chin ups.
With the added duties and responsibilities that we have encountered over time, we have continued to strive
to provide excellent service to the communities that we serve. While trying to accomplish many of the unrealistic goals that we have been tasked with, we manage to be supportive of the Postal Service. All of these challenges have added dearly to the amount of stress we take on each and every day. Fiscal year 2010 is here,
planning for the holiday rush at the office has begun not to mention the holiday festivities at home. Does anyone really consider, or realize, the amount of stress they are placing on themselves both physically and mentally?
Come on, be truthful, when was the last time you went to the doctor just for a check-up or had your blood
pressure checked? I grant you there are some of us that do, but then again there are those that simply state “I
don’t have the time.” I strongly suggest to you, my fellow NAPUS family members, that you find the time to
do this. Blood pressure or hypertension is something all of us should have checked on a regular basis. High
blood pressure is usually a sign that something is wrong and without proper care it could lead to fatal results.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as heart attack, stroke and hypertension are still the number-one
killer in the United States.
The possible causes of high blood pressure are many; obesity, smoking, high stress levels, kidney problems,
hardening of the arteries, lack of exercise, and poor diet, to name a few. Based on our life style today, do
any of these sound familiar? People often ask “what is normal blood pressure”? Normal differs for every person but the mean average is 115/75. Pre-hypertension is defined by, the systolic (top number) reading is between 120-139 mmHG, and the diastolic (bottom number) reading is 80-89 mmHG. If your blood pressure is
higher than this, you should be under the care of a health professional and have your blood pressure checked
on a regular basis.
Now I don’t proclaim to be a health professional but this information is being furnished from my recent
personal experience as well as research. Hopefully, I plan on being around for a number of years more, watching my grandchildren and their children grow, seeing each and every one of your smiling faces at NAPUS
functions and continuing to have fun aggravating my peers at work.
If you still insist that you can’t afford the time or money to have your blood pressure checked then at least
the next time you are in a store and you see one of those “free” blood pressure cuffs, take the two minutes to
slip your arm into and have it checked. It might help save your life.
Remember Ohio NAPUS members, your Chapter Officers are here to help, “let us do together what one cannot do alone”.
Now as the next round of games set-up to play, I sit here with my blood pressure/water pill in one hand and a
glass of water in the other and I toast you my Ohio NAPUS Family.
Bill Judge
Greenville 45331
Why do I give to PAC??
In these troubled times in the Postal Service things are changing – clerks and mail handlers are
getting an incentive to retire and city carriers are getting another MIARAP. We have Delivery unit
realignment (DUR) coming to districts around us and Small Office Variance (SOV) is starting in the
Columbus district. We could be getting an employee who lost their assignment in their office and are
less than thrilled to be coming to yours. Work is like being on a cruise ship in 15 ft. swells. One minute your up and the next your down. When you open your email your day can get more, or less, complicated in a matter of minutes.
There is one group that seems above the fray. Let’s call them Congress. With a stroke of the pen
our lives can, and have, been changed in an instant. We campaigned for the Postal Enhancement act
of 2006. We got flexibility in setting prices for competitive products and a payment schedule for retiree health benefits that was based on an economy that was growing. It looks like we’re going to get
a temporary reprieve, with the passage of HR 22, but the long term implications need some help from
friends in Congress.
So I give to PAC! PAC helps by giving NAPUS opportunities to get one on one time with people that can change our working conditions and retirement benefits. There a number of ways to give,
but payroll deduction is the easiest. If every member of NAPUS gave $1 per month there would be a
half million dollars of money to get our point of view where it can do the most good. And if we get
their ear, Postal headquarters might listen a little closer, too. Sign up today.
Do not forget small kindnesses and do not remember small faults.
Chinese Proverb
In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.
John Churton Collins
Joyce Case, a first-timer to National convention, suffered a serious health issue in Alaska. She was hospitalized in Anchorage, finally returning home on September 27th. You may send cards of good wishes to:
Joyce Case
4409 Belden Road
Andover Ohio 44003
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
This letter was received from Pat Donahoe regarding
exempt Postmaster’s being forced to work more than
40 hours in a workweek, or forced to work Saturdays.
This issue was brought to Mr. Donahoe’s attention at
the National Convention. Please contact a NAPUS
officer if your POOM is not complying.
Mari Beth Kirkland
Burton 44021
The roller coaster of Life
Our lives have many facets. It is like a roller coaster ride. We never know what is beyond the next hill or
around the next curve. Some say this is what keeps life interesting. I feel that depends on the situation. The
tough part for us is controlling the ride and maintaining a good positive attitude. In the work environment, it
has been hard lately, harder than I ever remember it to be. Unfortunately we all have similar coaster situations
at home, big or small. Whether it is health related, job related, or financial, it is there. Unlike roller coasters,
the ride never stops. We would all like it to be smooth until the ride comes to a complete stop, however this is
not reality.
My very first boss in the Postal Service said to me over and over, “this organization changes more than anything you will ever experience.” A fellow employee said to me, “ if you want to work for an organization that
makes sense, this is not where you want to be.” I have remembered those statements many times over in my
career. They were so accurate, however like many of us, I have always loved a challenge. We are proud to be
postal employees, and Postmasters. We work extremely hard at being the best that we can be. I, for one, can
say that there is no other career I would choose. It is hard with all of the new mandated programs, required
scans, reports, and logs being introduced. Not to mention RDC codes and dispatch SOP’S. Losing convention leave, NPA scores, long work hours, staffing, and the list goes on and on. It makes it hard to maintain a
positive attitude, but we must give it our all.
The Ohio NAPUS Chapter has helped me so much in my career. The networking, training, and friendships, I
have gained through my NAPUS involvement, have made a huge impact on my career and helped me to handle this roller coaster ride with the USPS. There are many newly appointed Postmasters in Ohio, and I know
many of you are working very hard on congratulating, and introducing them to NAPUS. Hopefully they will
choose to join our organization and experience what we have through Ohio NAPUS.
Try very hard to keep a balance in your personal life as well. We aren’t getting any younger (darn it) and diet,
exercise, and health are more important than ever. Keep your job and home life separate, if possible. It is a
hard balance sometimes.
For those of you who attended convention in Alaska, you know where I am going with this article. I thank all
of you for your thoughts, prayers, and concerns, when I needed it most. To lose a friend twice and have her
brought back is an incredible thing, especially after losing my closest girlfriend in March to the same circumstance. Going through it was a nightmare, but looking back now I know, prayers do get answered. Very sadly
in the past two weeks the NOPC lost a letter carrier who was shot on the job and a custodian who was involved in a vehicle accident. There are situations that happen in life and at work we can’t control, and we
don’t understand why they happen. We have to make the best of life and stay on the roller coaster with our
hands raised high and be strong.
I missed everyone who attended the convention in Alaska. I was glad to hear a great time was had by all.
There will be more Nationals and I will be there.
Thanks for being there, my Ohio NAPUS family.
So --- Please stay seated until this ride comes to a complete stop and enjoy every minute.
LaRetta Rydman
Retired Walbridge 43465
Does retirement change you?
It has been several months since my first morning without an alarm. People ask me all the time how I like retirement, and if it has changed my life. I think I have had enough time to make a true statement. Retirement
has changed me in many ways! The first thing that has changed is that I have TIME!!
When I get a lunch invitation, I don’t have to wonder if I have window coverage. If I want to read the paper, I
can, and all in one sitting! If there are sales at more than one grocery store, I have the time to shop them all to
get the best prices. (since the money is less, this is a good thing!) When my husband comes home, I am there.
I don’t always have supper planned, but I am not grumbling about the latest scan, log, report, employee, or
customer that has put a dent in my day.
I have time to lay out the Buckeye, and to actually write an article!
And my favorite---I have time to read the other states newsletters as they arrive! I no longer have to save
them and try to read them all in one weekend. Many of the articles have similar themes to those in our newsletter, while others give insight into what lies ahead for our Districts. Being the state Editor has given me the
opportunity to meet so many of the people whose articles I read. Many of them are now good friends that I
search out at conferences and conventions. Wonderful memories are made while comparing “notes” from different NAPUS branches across the nation.
Many things have not changed. My family is still the most important thing in my life. My faith in GOD still
keeps me balanced, and I am still devoted to NAPUS and all it does for its members.
At convention, the need to stay united, working together for the betterment of ALL NAPUS members was a
constant theme. I hope that it will be realized in the years ahead. There is much to do. Congress needs to see
our dilemma, and the Postal Service needs to listen to our suggestions. Too many times, after programs are
initiated, Postmasters are asked how to fix them. Why weren’t we involved at the beginning?
Retirees are a valuable resource for NAPUS. We have the time to visit new Postmasters, time to write our
representatives, and time to listen when Postmasters need to vent their frustrations. I hope this resource will be
tapped, and not dismissed.
In closing, I feel strongly that PAC is our friend. It helps us have a voice in Washington, where many decisions concerning Postmasters, retired or not, are taking place.
Friends forever, Mary Kay
Brokaw (N. D),
Jungemann (SD), Aleta
Finder (Missouri) and I.
We met at Mid-States and became fast friends, or should I
say ‘partners in crime’?
Lou Stuckey
Blakeslee 43505
I don’t know what to say
I was watching an award show, and as the winners were accepting their awards, it seemed to be popular
to declare "I don't know what to say". Thank you seems appropriate. Someone close to you has a death in the
family and again, "I don't know what to say". I'm sorry seems to work here. So whenever we are at a loss for
words, we fall back on that phrase. I will do the same.
"I don't know what to say" as I write this article for PAC. I decided at the beginning, that 3 years is enough
time to try all my ideas. It is time to give someone else a chance to motivate and collect for our future. It has
been fun, frustrating, and fulfilling all at once. Thank you for your faith in me.
"I don't know what to say" to the people who give, and give, to PAC so all of us can benefit. Thank you
doesn't seem like enough.
"I don't know what to say" when I give everyone a chance not only to donate, but possibly win, in the
simplest way I could devise. A 50/50 raffle. Thanks again to the two (yes, 2) of you who sent money for the
50/50. Maybe the rest of you just forgot?
Here's your last chance. $10 per ticket for the 50/50 drawing. SEND 2 CHECKS: one made out to
NAPUS PAC for $5. Make out the other to: Lou Stuckey Blakeslee, Ohio 43505. This will insure that you
are given credit for your donation to PAC. DEADLINE IS DEC 1ST . The drawing will be held at the first
board meeting held after the deadline.
"I don't know what to say" when I see our postal service falling in around us and feel powerless to stop it.
I'm sure many of you feel the same. I only hope there is a postal service around for the next PAC chair.
Enough said.
The Alaska Postmaster’s have done a great job of
informing the local merchant’s about the benefits of
using Priority Flat Rate boxes!
We met Mike, in the photo to the left, at the open air
flea market in Anchorage. He displayed the large
Priority Flat Rate box right on his table! He says it
makes it easy for customers to see how much they
can buy!!
He was quick to share how much his small business
has saved by using the boxes. He ships his delicious
candies all over the U.S. from Alaska, and was the
best commercial for our product that I have seen!
If you are interested in contacting him, his e-mail
address is: www.alaskabirchsyrup.com
Brenda Roski
Dillonvale 43917
Let Membership SHINE in 2009!!
Well the State of Ohio and the National Convention in Alaska is history......Were you there? Have you called a
neighboring postmaster to see what is going on? Do you care? I am not going to go on and on about the
Conventions, they were both very good and very informative. So if I have raised your curiosity at all, get on
the phone and talk with a neighboring Postmaster, and get involved. Maybe you could and will attend a district meeting. That is a good start. Daily duties and work issues are changing everyday, do don't get behind or
left out. WE want you to be apart of this great organization, and will do whatever we can to help you. BUT it
takes your effort to make the steps. This is YOUR invitation, or whatever you want to call it, to come and get
involved. Attend a District meeting, call a neighboring Postmaster to see what they did or learned at the convention. You won't be disappointed. My job is getting membership back up. We have lost members to VERA,
RETIREMENT, and Offices not being filled. But just recently we have seen offices getting filled. I have sent
out packets to each district of the State with recruitment information, and need YOU to contact your district
director, to let them know if a new postmaster has been put in an office. We are trying our best to get the information from the District offices, but word of mouth, and a phone call, can help us get these new people
signed up. So I am asking you to help, and lets see how quickly we get those numbers to rise!!!!!!I will supply
you with the numbers at the end of this article, and you can see for yourself, how low the numbers are. We are
down not only State wide, but Nationally. AND again this is because of the VERA, retirements and OIC's in
offices for months and now years at a time. We are also losing our National Membership Chair. Mr. Charley
Mosser. I have loved working with Charlie and he has taught me a lot. I know his heart will always be with
NAPUS, and hopefully his knowledge and willingness to share his skills, will continue with the new Chairman. In closing, I want you to think about something. Where would this organization be in its finances, if it
were not for membership. I am asking for your help! We need to really recruit......I am open to suggestions, or
any advise to get this years membership skyrocketing........Lets do together what we can not do alone!!!!!! We
CAN make a difference, and need YOU to do it.
There are currently 345 Non-members in Ohio. There are also 114 vacant offices. Below is a partial listing of the
vacant offices. Why not contact one near you? The new Postmaster may be there already, or the O-I-C may be interested in becoming a member!
Miller City 45864 // Jacksonville 45740 // Hockingport 45739 // Dexter City 45727 // Stout 45684 //
South Salem 45681 // Ottawa 45875 // Delphos 45833 // Alger 45812 // The Plains 45780 // Reno 45773
Marietta 45750 // Langsville 45741 // Scioto Furnac 45677 // Rio Grande 45674 // Portsmouth 45662 // Oak Hill 45656
Shiloh44876 // Birmingham 44816 // Tippecanoe 44699 // Stillwater 44679 // Girard 44420 // Leetonia 44431
Negley 44441 // Brewster 44613 // Charm 44617 // Massillon 44646 // Somerdale 44678 // Valley City 44280
Manua 44255 // Novelty 44072 // Mentor 44060 // Jefferson 44047 // Hebron 43025 // Irwin 43029 // Harrisburg 43126
Lithopolis 43136 // Whitehouse 43571 // Ava 43711 // Metamora 43540 // Chillicothe 45601 // Bellbrook 45305
There are many more, but this is a great place to start!!
It all starts at the registration desk, and ends with dining
and dancing the night away!
President, Sara Kreitzer, presented Ted McCord with an
award to thank him for his many years of service in the
promotion and protection of NAPUS members.
The National President-elect, Bob Rapoza, celebrates with
his beautiful wife, Sharon.
The youngest honorary PM, Austin Judge was such a joy!
Thirty year veteran of the
Iditarod, Dee Dee
Johnrowe, spoke about her
survival during her many
races, and surviving breast
cancer. She now adorns her
dogs in all pink harnesses!
Deb Justice, also a survivor,
receives her autograph at
The general session speakers, and the
training offered, at convention were great!
Rhonda Rich, a best-selling author, told
how she feels we bring ’magic’ to mailboxes across America.
Alaska weather was better than we expected, and many of us were able to take in
the beautiful scenery. My cheap camera
did a great job!
us to pose
“Crossing Scenic Covered Bridges to the Shores of Wine Country”
@The Lodge & Conference Center at Geneva State Park
4888 State Highway 534 Geneva -on-the-Lake Ohio 44041
June 2, 2010-June 6,2010
Last Name
Middle Initial
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
email address
Home Office or Detailed Office
Non Members
Early Registration-Prior to February 28, 2010
Regular Registration-March 1-April 30, 2010
Late Registration-After May 1, 2010
One day registrations and brunch tickets will be available on site.
REGISTRATION: Make check or money orders payable to NAPUS OHIO CHAPTER and mail with registration form to Bill Judge, 1610 Scottsdale Dr, Tipp City OH 45371.
HOTEL INFORMATION: The Lodge and Conference Center at Geneva State Park, 440-466-7100 or
www.thelodgeatgeneva.com. Mention Ohio NAPUS Chapter.
ROOM RATES: Single and Doubles $95 Triple $105 Quad $115
Any Questions Please contact Convention Co-Chairs Anita Rieger @ 440-653-1544 [email protected] or
Mari Beth Kirkland @ 440-821-4667 [email protected]
OKLAHOMA CITY 2012 Not Just OK – We Are Awesome!
Greetings from the great state of Oklahoma! It is our pleasure to submit an invitation for the 2012
National NAPUS Convention in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City is the metropolitan hub of our state with a population of 1.2 million people. Located
at the crossroads of Interstates I-40, I-44 and I-35 in the geographic center of the state, we almost can
claim the center of America’s Heartland. The character and ambition that created this state more than a
century ago is still alive and thriving as we enter the 21st Century.
While in Oklahoma City, you will find that your dollar goes farther by offering you more facilities,
more excitement, more hospitality and economic value. Museums, performing arts organizations, a philharmonic orchestra and numerous universities call us home. You will find the people warm and friendly and
the attractions we offer unique and fun, with great shopping, food and nightlife. Here you will find a city that
is ready to share our western brand of hospitality with a native touch.
With over 14,000 hotel rooms, an outstanding Convention Center located right in the middle of it all,
how could you go wrong. Our Will Rogers World Airport offers 150 flights daily from over 20 national hubs
across the country. Those serving OKC are American, Continental, Delta, Frontier, Northwest, Southwest
and United Airlines. We are also accessible via Amtrak and Interstate. Average temperatures will range
from 70-80’s during the day and 50-60’s at night. The city is one of America’s sunniest cities with 3000 hrs
of sunshine a year.
Attractions vary from the expected Western Cowboy/Native American aspect to the little known
rhythm, blues and jazz clubs that sooth many a soul. Take a ride back in time to the old west at the Cowboy
Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center or explore the American Indian Cultural Center located just a
trolley ride away from the Convention Center. Bricktown is an area that gives a multitude of choices. From
food venues, baseball, basketball, canal walk and riverboat rides, Toby Keith’s “I Love this Bar n Grill” to
Bass Pro Shops and Outdoor World. The Oklahoma National Memorial is a sacred site that educates
against hate and terrorism. One of the best zoos in America is located a few minutes from the convention
center with over 2100 animals and endangered species. Take a water taxi and cruise the Oklahoma River
and see world class and Olympic rowers train for the 2014 Olympics. Have a desire to date lady luck? Then
visit any of our 39 casinos located throughout Oklahoma and bring home the big bucks.
The Oklahoma Chapter of the National Association of Postmaster of the United States would like to
have your support and vote for Oklahoma City in Anchorage this September at National Convention. Like
we stated, “We are not just OK, We are Awesome!”
At left is the Oklahoma City
sky line.
Below that is a view of the
Bricktown area.
At right is one of the many
statues that can be found at
FAME in downtown Oklahoma
Executive Board meeting
December 12, 2009
8:30 A.M
The Lodge & Conference Center at Geneva State Park
4888 State Highway 534 Geneva -on-the-Lake Ohio 44041
A tour of the facility will follow lunch, provided by NAPUS.
For those who may want to stay the night prior, there is an “Home for the Holiday package” available.
The cost is $89 and includes breakfast.
Call early rooms book quickly!!
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Washington, D.C.
September 11-16, 2010
March 20-25, 2010
Puerto Rico
March 12-17, 2011
Oklahoma City, OK
The views expressed in this publication are the opinions of the writer, and not necessarily the
opinion, or the position, of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States.