Journal of Chromatography, 304 (1984) B367-B526 O Elsevier Science Publishers B .V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands Bibliography Section Liquid Column Chromatography 1 . REVIEWS AND BOOKS 5867 Aubert, J .H . : Flow rate dependence of elution volumes in size exclusion chromatography : a review . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 219-249 . 5868 Belenkii, B .G . and Vilenchik, I .Z . : Modern liquid chromatography of macromolecules . J . Chromatogr . Libr ., VoZ . 25, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, pp . 432 . 5869 Bethou, F . : (Study on high efficiencies in liquid phase chromatography ; Microbore or capillary columns?) . Analusis, 12 (1984) 3-11 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114262a - a review with 33 refs . 5870 Bolshova, T .A . and Shapovalova, E .N . : (Effect of major elements on preconcentration of trace impurities by extraction chromatography) . Zh . Anal . $him ., 38 (1983) 1489-1502 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151101d . 5871 Davankov, V .A ., Kurganov, A .A . and Bochkov, A .S . : Resolution of racemates by high-performance liquid chromatography . Ado . Chromatogr ., 22 (1983) 71-116 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19088d, 5872 Delaney, M .F . : The chromatographic uncertainty principle . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 2 (1984) 85-86 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114019b - a review with 7 refs . 5873 Dolan, J .W . and Berry, V .V . : Recordkeeping : Plan ahead to minimize downtime . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 406-407 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114011t - a review with 7 refs . 5874 Dolan, J .W . and Berry, V .V . ; Problem isolation : shortening troubleshooting time . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 470-473 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114010s a review with no refs . 5875 Edmonds, C .G ., McCloskey, J .A . and Edmonds, V .A . : A bibliography of combined liquid chromatography mass spectrometry . Biomed . Mass Spectrom ., 10 (1983) 237-238 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151395c . 5876 Ettre, L .S . : The evolution of modern liquid chromatography . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 408-413 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 10946Bt - a review with 43 refs . 5877 Evans, M .E . : High performance liquid chromatography in oenology . J. Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 153-178 . 5878 Giddings, J ., Calvin, G .E ., Cazes, J . and Phyllis, R . : Advances in Chromatography . Marcel Dekker, Inc ., New York, 1983, pp . 323 ; C .A ., 100 (1964) 19048r . 5879 Hashimoto, Y . ; (The development of phytomicrochemistry with special reference to chromatographic techniques) . Bunseki Kagaku, 32 (1983) E343-E252 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64217s - a review with 102 refs . 5880 Horvath, C . : High-Performance Liquid Chromatography : Advances and Perspectives, VoZ . 3, 1983, 230 pp . ; Academic Press, New York ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 81748u . 5881 Horvath, C . : Reversed-phase chromatography . Contributions of physicochemical phenomena to retention in RPC . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Map ., 1 (1983) 552-558 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 109477v - a review with 26 refs . 5882 Ishihara, K ., Shinohara, I . and Okano, T . : (Photo-controlled chromatography using photoresponsive polymers) . Kagaku No Ryoiki, 37 (1983) 873-880 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64237y - a review with 31 refs . 5883 Jennings, W . : The renaissance in analytical chromatography . Amer . Lab ., 16 (1984) 14-32 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 79165x - a review with 43 refs . 5884 Krstulovic, A .M . and Colin, H . : Screening for unknown compounds in complex matrices analysed by liquid chromatography ; an overview . 1rAV, 3 (1984) 43-50 . 5885 Lindner, W . : (Liquid-chromatographic separation of optically isomeric compounds) Oesterr . Chem . Z ., 84 (1963) 163-168 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 157365q - a review with 16 refs . 5886 Lurie, I .S . : Principles of high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatogr . Sci ., 24 (1983) 1-19 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 77344s . B368 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 5887 Majors, R .E . ; Extracolumn effects in HPLC . Liq . Chroma :ogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 464-468 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114009y - a review with 4 refs . Bunseki, (1983) 5888 Morita, M . : (High performance liquid chromatography - ICP) . 735-737 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 78955t - a review with 11 refs . 5889 Narayanan, S . : Chromatography . III . Ion-exchange chromatography . J . CZ2n . Lab . Autom ., 3 (1983) 225-229 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31611n . 5890 Narayanan, S . ; Chromatography . IV . Gel permeation chromatography . J . CZin . Lab . Autom,, 3 (1983) 369-373 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31612p . 5891 Penlidis, A ., Hamielec, A .E . and Mac Gregor, J .F . : Hydrodynamic and size exclusion chromatography of particle suspensions - an update . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 179-217 . 5892 Pfeifer, R .F . and Hill, D .W . : High-performance liquid chromatography of amino acids : ion-exchange and reversed-phase strategies . Adv . Chromatogr . (N .Y .), 22 (1983) 37-69 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16936d - a review with 88 refs . Ion chromatography in bombing 5893 Reutter, D .J ., Buechele, R .C . and Rudolph, T .L . : investigations . Anal . Chem., 55 (1983) 146BA-1472A - a review with 8 refs . 5894 Snyder, L .R . : Liquid-solid chromatography . New insights into retention on C .A ., bonded-phase packings . Liq . Cbromaoogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 478-486 ; 100 (1984) 109467s - a review with 15 refs . 5895 Snyder, L .R ., Stadalius, M .A . and Quarry, M .A . : Gradient elution in reversedphase HPLC of macromolecules . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1412A-1430A - a review with 20 refs . 5896 Stranel, 0 . and Miadek, M . : (Injector for high performance liquid column chromatography) . Chem . Listy, 78 (1984) 312-314 . 5897 Subert, J . and Vespalec, R . : (High-performance liquid chromatography . Principles of use and some applications with regard to pharmaceutical analysis . Parts I-III) . Farm . Obs ., 52 (1983) 509-512 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 39661z - a review with 15 refs . 5898 Tanaka, N . : (Reversed phase liquid chromatography) . Kagaku No Ryoiki, 37 (1983) 863-872 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 57188e - a review with 17 refs . 5899 Vialle, J . : Modern ion separation techniques in inorganic analysis : ion chromatography and isotachophoresis . TrAC, 3 (1984) 61-65 - a review with 24 refs . 5900 Weiss, J . : (Introduction to ion chromatography . Principles, instrumentation and application possibilities . Part 4) . Chem . Labor . Betr ., 35 (1984) 59-66 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114017z - a review with 67 refs . 5901 Xie, K .-H ., Colgan, S . and Krull, I .S . : Solid phase reactions for derivatization in HPLC (HPLC-SPR) . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 125-151 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 44452m, 44466u . See also 5902, 5974, 6022, 6034, 6117, 6118, 6120, 6359, 6361, 6639, 6745, 6749, 6750, 6779, 6833, 6997, 6999, 7036, 6400, 6432, 6522, 6536, 7039, 7252, 7266, 7294 . 2 . FUNDAMENTALS, THEORY AND GENEREAL 2a . General 5902 Berridge, J .C . : Techniques for the automated optimization of HPLC separations . TrAC, 3 (1984) 5-10 . Role of the third mobile phase 5903 Blevins, D .D ., Burke, M .F . and Hruby, V .J . : solvent in bonded phase chromatography . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 490-494 . The applicability of liquid-liquid 5904 Crombeen, J .P ., Heemstra, S . and Kraak, J .C . : systems in high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Ckromatoar ., 282 (1983) 95-106 . 5905 Gilpin, R .K . and Gangoda, M .E . : Chromatographic and NMR investigations of the solvation and mobility of bonded alkyl surfaces . J . Chromaiogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 352-361 . 5906 Huber, J .F .K ., Pawlowska, M . and Markl, P . : Solvent generated liquid-liquid C romatographia, 17 (1983) chromatography with nonaqueous ternary systems . 653-663 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 13369 5907 Oi, T ., Kakihana, H ., Okamoto, M . and Maeda, M . : Numerical analysis of chromatographic band development of one-component systems . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 7-16 . 5908 Rounds, M .A . and Regnier, F .E . : Evaluation of a retention model for highperformance ion-exchange chromatography using two-different displacing salts . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 37-45 . 5909 Sabate, L .G ., Diaz, A .M ., Tomas, X .M . and Gassiot, M .M . : Computer-assisted optimization in HPLC . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 439-443 . 5910 Smith, R .M . : Characterization of reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns with retention indexes of standards based on an alkyl aryl ketone scale . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 256-262 . 5911 Vit, I ., Popl, M . and Fahnrich, J . : Dead volume determination in reversed-phase liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 293-298 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 44461p, 109598k . 2b . Thermodynamics and theoretical relationships 5912 Adams, J . and Giam, C .S . : Localized adsorbate-adsorbent interactions on Florisil . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 81-89 . 5913 Alba, D . and Meira, G .R . : Instrumental broadening correction in size exclusion chromatography through fast Fourier transform techniques . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2411-2431 . 5914 Debets, H .J .G ., Bajema, B .L . and Doornbos, D .A . : A critical evaluation of quality criteria for the optimization of chromatographic multicomponent separations . Anal . Chim . Aeta, 151 (1983) 131-141 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 77467j . 5915 Dondi, F . and Pulidori, F . : Applicability limits of the Edgeworth-Cramer series in chromatographic peak shape analysis . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 293-301 . 5916 Foley, J .P . and Dorsey, J .G . : A review of the exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function ; Evaluation and subsequent calculation of universal data . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 40-46 . 5917 Frenz, J . and Horvath, Cs . : Movement of components in reversed-phase chromatography . III . Regeneration policies in liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 249-262 . 5918 Goldwasser, J .M . and Rudin, A . : Analysis of block and statistical copolymers by gel permeation chromatography : Estimation of Mark-Houwink constants . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2433-2463 . 5919 Hupe, K .-P ., Jonker, R .J . and Rozing, G . : Determination of band-spreading effects in high-performance liquid chromatographic instruments . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 253-265 . 5920 Janca, J . and Jahnova, V . : Sedimentation-flotation focusing field-flow fractionation in channels with modulated cross-sectional permeability . I . Theoretical analysis . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1559-1576 . 5921 Jenke, D .R . and Pagenkopt, G .K . ; Models for prediction of retention in nonsuppressed ion chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 88-91 . 5922 Jinno, K . and Kawasaki, K . ; Microcomputer-assited retention prediction system in reversed-phase HPLC . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 211-215 . 5923 Jinno, K . and Kawasaki, K . : Retention prediction of substituted benzenes in reversed-phase HPLC . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 90-95 . 5924 Knox, J .H . and Scott, H .P . : B and C terms in the Van Deemter equation for liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 297-313 . 5925 Krejci, M . and Tesarik, K . : Effect of Laplace-Marangomi flow in the stationary phase on the chromatographic properties of glass capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 351-362 . 5926 Kuchax, M ., Rejholec, V ., Miller, V . and Kraus, E . : Influence of intramolecular interactions on chromatographic behaviour of arylaliphatic acids . II . Enthalpyentropy compensation in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 289-295 . 5927 Lin, W .-Y ., Tong, M ., Stranahan, J .J . and Deming, S .N . : Coadsorption of mixed anionic and cationic surfactants in reversed-phase liquid chromatography . Anal., 55 (1983) 1872-1877 - (Hondapak C18 Chem . 5928 Martin, M . and Guiochon, G . : Pressure dependence of diffusion coefficient and effect on plate height in liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 23022309 . B370 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 5929 Melander, W .R ., Erard, J .F . and Horvath, Cs . : Movement of components in reversed-phase chromatography . I . Mobile phase space with multi-component eluents . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 211-228 . 5930 Melander, W .R ., Erard, J .F . and Horvath, Cs . : Movement of components in reversedphase chromatography . II . Eigenpeaks in reversed-phase chromatography with silica-bound hydrocarbonaceous stationary phases : effect of the eluite structure . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 229-248 . 5931 Meyer, R .F ., Champlin, P .B . and Hartwick, R .A . : Theory of multicapillary columns for HPLC . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 433-438 . 5932 Minton, A .P . : Thermodynamic nonideality and the dependence of partition coefficient upon solute concentration in exclusion chromatography . II . An improved theory of equilibrium partitioning of concentrated protein solutions . Application to hemoglobin . Biophys . Chem ., 18 (1983) 139-143 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209066q . 5933 Nikolov, R .N . : Mixed retention mechanisms in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with alkyl-bonded silica . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 147-162 . 5934 Quarry, M .A ., Grob, R .L . and Snyder, L .R . : Measurement and use of retention data from high-performance gradient elution . Contributions from "non-ideal" gradient equipment . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 1-18 . 5935 Quarry, M .A ., Grob, R .L . and Snyder, L .R . : Measurement and use of retetnion data from high-performance gradient elution . Correction for "non-ideal" processes originating within the column . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 19-51 . 5936 Rafel, J . : Comparison of resolution optimization methods in high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 287-295 . 5937 Ruggiero, R ., de Groote, R .A .M .C . and Neumann, M .G . : Adsorption of polar groups on cross-linked poly(styrene-vinylpyridine) supports . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 182-187 . 5938 Schoenmakers, P .J ., Billiet, H .A .H . and de Galan, L . : Description of solute retention over the full range of mobile phase compositions in reversed-phase liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 107-121 . 5939 Slais, K ., Kourilova, D . and Krejci, M . : Trace analysis by peak compression sampling of a large sample volume on microbore columns in liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 363-370 . 5940 Stout, R .W ., DeStefano, J .J . and Snyder, L .R . : High-performance liquid chromatographic column efficiency as a function of particle composition and geometry and capacity factor . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 263-286 . 5941 Vaidya, R .A . and Hester, R .D . : Deconvolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks using constrained non-linear optimization . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 231-244 . 5942 Vemulapalli, G .K . and Gnanasambandan, T . : Role of interfacial tension in reverse phase liquid chromatography . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1777-1784 . 5943 Walters, F .H . : Multiple linear regression analysis of the retention data for several polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 421-427 . 5944 Weyland, J .W ., Bruins, C .H .P . and Doornbos, D .A . : Use of three-dimensional minimum a-plots for optimization of mobile phase composition for RP-HPLC separation of sulfonamides . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 31-39 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 36268r, 36281q, 36282r, 39525h, 44634d, 91921y, 109587f, 114265d . 2c . Relationship between structure and chromatographic behavior 5945 Clark, C .R ., Wells, M .J .M ., Sansom, R .T ., Humerick, J .L ., Brown, W .B . and Commander, B .J . : Effects of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on solute retention in reversed-phase liquid chromatography . Elution characteristics of some isomeric benzemides . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 75-79 . See also 61-50 6152 , 6154, 6746 . 2d . Measurement o, phusico-chemicaZ and related values 5946 Eadsforth, C .V . and Moser, P . : Assessment of reversed-phase chromatographic methods for determining partition coefficients . Cnemosphere, 12 (1983) 14591475 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 46432d . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B311 5947 Endo, S . and Wada, A . : Theoretical and experimental studies on zone-interference chromatography as a new method for determining macromolecular kinetic constants . Biophys . Chem ., 18 (1983) 291-301 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 82210p . 5948 Katz, E .D . and Scott, R .P .W . : Use of chromatographic data to determine the molecular weight of a solute eluted from a liquid chromatographic column . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 29-50 . 5949 Mori, S . : Calibration of size exclusion chromatography columns for molecular weight determination of poly(acrylonitrile) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) in N,N-dimethylformamide . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2414-2416 . 5950 Synovec, R .E . and Yeung, E .S . : Quantitative gel-permeation chromatography without standards . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 183-190 . See also 6598 -7003 . 3 . GENERAL TECHNIQUES 3a . Apparatus and accessories 5951 Allington, R .W . : Apparatus and method for temperature correction of liquid chromatography . Eur . Pat . App" . EP 73,906 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 16 Mar . 1983, US Appl . 300,602, 09 Sep . 1981 ; 46 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 47344z . 5952 Bailleul, G . : (Columns for liquid phase chromatography) . Fr . Pat . Demande FR 2,518,252 (Cl . G01N31/08), 24 Jun . 1983, Appl 81/23,708, 18 Dec . 1981, 9 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 160428t . 5953 Banerjee, S . and Pack, E .J ., Jr . : Apparatus and method for the reduction of interferences in chromatography . U .S . Pat . US 4,403,503 (Cl . 73-61 .1C ; GO1N31/ 08), 13 Sep . 1983, Appl . 319, 260, 09 Nov . 1981 ; 7 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186690x . 5954 Beier, R .C . and Black, J .C . : An external multi-wavelength control system for the Tractor 970A variable wavelength HPLC monitor . J . Chem . Educ ., 60 (1983) 995 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 5322x . 5955 Betz, J .M . and Nikelly, J .G . : A pulse-compensating technique for LC instruments . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 478-479 . 5956 Broz, L . : (Hydropneumatic pulse damper for liquid chromatography) . Chem . Listy, 77 (1983) 1205-1209 . 5957 Crowder, A .L . III, Dailey, N .L ., Fiore, J .V ., Hou, K .C ., Marinaccio, P .J . and Ostreicher, E .A . : Molecular separation column and its use . U .S . Pat . US 4,384,957 (Cl . 210-656 ; BO1D15/08), 24 May 1983 ; US Appl . 184,822, 08 Sep . 1980 ; 28 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 40275u . 5958 Dasgupta, P .K . : Annular helical suppression for ion chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 103-105 . 5959 Gordon, G . and Vincent, K . : (High-pressure metering pump system) . Ger . Offen . Pat . DE 3,246,067 (Cl . G01N31/08), 21 Jul . 1983, US Appl . 338,766, 11 Jan . 1982, 12 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 142066u . 5960 Harvey, M .C . and Stearns, S .D . : HPLC sample injection using electric valve actuators . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 473-477 . 5961 Hayes, M .J ., Lankmayer, E .P ., VouzOs, P ., Karger, B .L . and McGuire, J .M . : Moving belt interface with spray deposition for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry . Ana" . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1745-1752 - Nucleosil N02, Zorbax BP-C8 . 5962 Hitachi Chemical Co ., Ltd . : Columns for gel permeation chromatography . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 52,559 '83 52,559 (Cl . GOaN31/08), 28 Mar . 1983, Appl . 81/151,560, 24 Sep . 1981 ; 8 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 7578m . 5963 Hodgin, J .C ., Howard, P .Y ., Ball, D .M ., Cloete, C . and De Jager, L . : An automated device for in situ pre-column derivatization and injection of amino acids for HPLC analysis . J . Chromatogr . Sad ., 21 (1983) 503-507 . 5964 Honda, S . and Kuwada, H . : Precolumn labeling device for liquid chromatography . Ana' . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2466-2468 . 5965 Huber, J .F .K . : Schalttechniken in der Chromatographie . Z . Ana" . Chem ., 317 (1984) 604-605 . 3966 Ito, Y . : Multilayer coil assembly coaxially mounted around the rotary axis for preparatory countercurrent chromatography . U .S . Pat . App? . US 475,215, 02 Sep . 1983, Appl . 14 Mar . 1983, 14 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 160458c . 5967 Kucera, P . and Guiochon, G . : Use of open-tubular columns in liquid chromatography . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 1-20 . B372 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 5968 Lamer, W . and Molnar, I . : Separatory column inlet for high pressure liquid chromatography . Ger . Offer . Pat . DE 3,145,180 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 26 May 1983, Appl . 10 Nov . 1981 ; 11 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 47347c . 5969 Lawrence, K .E ., Rice, G .W . and Fassel, V .A . : Direct liquid sample introduction for flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography with inductively coupled argon plasma spectrometric detection . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 289-292 . 5970 Lehrer, R . : The microprocessor in an HPLC environment . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mug, 1 (1983) 89-91 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138956s . 5971 Oka, K ., Minagawa, K ., Hara, S ., Noguchi, M ., Matsuoka, Y ., Koho, M . and Irimajiri, S . : On-line extraction, evaporation, and injection for liquid chromatographic determination of serum corticosteroids . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 24-27 . 5972 Nikelly, J .G . : Pressure-activated out-off switch for liquid chromatography instruments . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 127-128 . 5973 Rericha, L . and Tajer, L . : Glass column head for liquid chromatography . Czech Pat . CS 207,868 (Cl . 501D15/08), 30 May 1983, Appl . 79/7,472, 02 Nov . 1979 ; 4 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 177980q . 5974 Scott, R .P .W . : Small-bore columns in liquid chromatography . Adv . Chromatogr . (N .Y .), 22 (1983) 247-294 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 12975t - a review with 16 refs . 5975 Smoll, D .B . and Singhal, R .P . : Hardware for microprocessor controlled HPLC : interfacing of an interval timer and interrupt controller to the "S100 bus system" . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2095-2108 . 5976 Stevens, T .S . : Packed fibers and new columns speed . Simplify ion chromatography . Ind . Res . Dev ., 25 (1983) 96-99 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164373u . 5977 Stevens, T .S ., Jewett, G .L ., Bredeweg, R .A ., Westover, L .B . and Small, H . : Improved liquid chromatographic method and apparatus with a packed tube membrane device for post-column derivation/suppression reactions . Eur . Pat . AppZ . EP 75,371, (Cl . GO1N31/08), 30 Mar . 1983, US AppZ 300,143, 18 Sep . 1981 ; 52 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 81750p . 5978 Takeuchi, T ., Ishii, D . and Nakanishi, A . : Instrumentation for fast micro high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 97-101 . 5979 Van Lenten, F .J . and Pepitone, J .A . : Modification of a microprocessor-controlled autosampler for LC to accept other injection valves . J. Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 370-371 . 5980 Vaughan, M .H ., Jr . : Apparatus for liquid-solid column centrifugation chromatography and method . U .S . Pat . US 4,422941 (Cl . 210-657 ; B01D15/08), 27 Dec . 1983, Appl . 185,335, 08 Sep . 1980 ; 15 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 79151q . 5981 Wang, J ., Yao, R ., Li, J ., Bao, M . and Lu, P . : Preparation and evaluation of a small-bore reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic column . Sci . Sin ., Ser . B (Eng . Ed .), 26 (1983) 136-144 ; C .A ., (1983) 81778d . 5982 Yokogawa Electric Works, Ltd . : Background removal device for ion chromatography . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 85,158 183 85,158 (Cl . Go1N31/08), 21 May 1983, Appl . 81/183,418, 16 Nov . 1981 ; 8 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186669x . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 9077w, 29050k, 29054q, 29059v, 53864z, 61090j, 74600a, 79117h, 79240t, 91903w, 95870d, 114059q, 114235u, 114292k . See also 5896 . 3b . Detectors and detection reagents 5983 Aleksandrov, M .L ., Belenkii, B .G ., Gankina, E .S ., Gotlib, V .A ., Kever, J .J ., Komarov, N .N . and Pavlenko, V .A . : Refractometric detector in microcolumn exclusion high performance chromatography of polymers . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr Chromatogr . Conmnn ., 6 (1983) 629-631 . 5984 Al-Jorani, T .K . and Lyle, S .J . : Comparative study of some ion detectors for use in flowing liquid steams . Ana" . Proc . (London), 20 (1983) 111-114 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 81617a . 5985 Amateis, P .G . and Taylor, L .T . : Implications of on-line FTIR detection in the separation of coal-derived products via HPLC polar modifiers . Chromatographic, 18 (1984) 175-182 . 5986 Barnes, A .C . and Nieman, T .A . : Coulostatic pulse amperometry for liquid chromatography/electrochemistry detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2309-2312 Whatman ODS-2 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B373 5987 Berglund, R . and Thente, K . : An LC detector based on interference refractometry . Int . Lab ., November/December (1983) 34-41 . 5988 Berkowitz, S .A . : Specific refractive index increment measurements on macromolecules using a Waters R401 differential refractometer . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1359-1373 . 5989 Blaskewicz, M ., Baumhoer, G . and Neidhart, B . : Kopplung von HPLC and chemischen Reaktionsdetektor zur Trennung and Bestimmung von bleiorganischen Verbindungen . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 221-225 . 5990 Brazhnikov, V .V ., Yakushina, L .M ., Syanava, E .M . and Karapetyan, S .A . : Application of an electron-capture detector to the testing of high performance liquid chromatography microcolumns . J. High Reso . Cnromatogr . Chromatogr . Common ., 6 (1983) 451-453 . 5991 Brinkman, U .A .T . and Frei, R .W . : Selective detection in liquid chromatography through postcolumn derivatization and fluorescence monitoring . Anal . Proc ., 20 (1983) 354-356 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 190861w . 5992 Caudill, W .L ., Ewing, A .G ., Jones, S . and Wightman, R .M . : Liquid chromatography with rapid scanning electrochemical detection at carbon electrodes . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1887-1881 - Biophase . 5993 De Jong, H .G ., Voogt, W .H ., Bos, P . and Frei, R .W . : Tensammetric detection in high performance liquid chromatography . Application to lynestrenol and some cardiac glycosides . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1745-1758 . 5994 De Jong, G .J ., Lammers, N ., Spruit, F .J ., Brinkman, U .A .Th . and Frei, R .W . : Optimization of a peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence detection system for the liquid chromatographic determination of fluorescent compounds . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 129-133 . 5995 Donkerbroek, J .J ., Veltkamp, A .C ., Gooijer, C ., Velthorst, N .H . and Frei, R .W . : Quenched room temperature phosphorescence detection for flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1886-1893 . 5996 Drushel, H .V . : Needs of the chromatographer-detectors . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 375-384 . 5997 Elgass, H ., Maute, A ., Martin, R . and George, S . : A high-speed spectrophotometric detector for HPLC . Int . Lab ., November/December (1983) 72-82 . 5998 Elgass, H ., Maute, A ., Martin, R . and George, S . : A high-speed spectrophotometric detector for HPLC . Amer . Lab ., 15 (1983) 71-81 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151411e . 5999 Fell, A .F ., Scott, H .P ., Gill, R . and Moffat, A .C . : Novel techniques for peak recognition and deconvolution by computer-aided photodicde array detection in high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 123-140 . 6000 Frei, R .W . : One-line extraction and reaction detectors in HPLC . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 605-607, 6001 Frobe, Z ., Richon, K . and Simon, W . : Anion selective microelectrodes as femtolitre cell volume detectors for open-tubular column LC . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 467-468 . 6002 Hackzell, L ., Rydberg, T . and Schill, G . : Construction of systems for detection and quantitation by UV-absorbing mobile-phase ions in reversed-phase chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 179-191 . 6003 Hagihara, B ., Kogoh, K ., Saito, M ., Shiraishi, S ., Hashimoto, T ., Tagawa, K . and Wada, H . : Novel coulometric detector for high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 59-71 . 6004 Hepler, B .R . and Purdy, W .C . : Use of dual coulometric-amperometric detection cell approach in thyroid hormone assay . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 22752310 . 6005 Hoogvliet, J .C ., van Bezooyen, J .A .G ., Hermans-Lokkerbol, A .C .J ., van der Peel, C .J . and van Bennekom, W .P . : Fabrication and characterisation of leak-tight glassy carbon electrodes, sealed in glass employing silicon coating, for use in electrochemical detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1849-1861 . 6006 Ivey, J .P . : Eluent conductivity suppression by thermal decarboxylation . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 314-318 . 6007 Kemula, W ., Glod, B .K . and Kutner, W . : Electrokinetic detection in reversedphase high-performance liquid chromatography . Part I . Volatile fatty acids . J . Liquid Chromatagr ., 6 (1983) 1823-1835 . 6008 Kemula, W ., Glod, B .K . and Kutner, W . : Electrokinetic detection in reversedphase high-performance liquid chromatography . Part II . Quaternary ammonium ion-pairs of some volatile fatty acids . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 18371848 . B374 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6009 :hull, I .S ., Panaro, K .W . and Gershman, L .L . : Trace analysis and speciation for Cr(VI) and Cr(III) via HPLC-direct current plasma emission spectroscopy (HPLC-DCP) . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 460-472 . 6010 Lloyd, J .B .F . : Optimization of the operational parameters of the supported mercury drop electrode detector in high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Chim . Acta, 154 (1983) 121-131 ; C . A ., 100 (1984) 9483a . 6011 Maezawa, S . and Takagi, T . : Monitoring of the elution from a high-performance gel chromatography column by a spectrophotometer, a low-angle laser light scattering photometer and a precision differenctial refractometer as a versatile way to determine protein molecular weight . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 124-130 . 6012 Manz, A . and Simon, W . : Picoliter cell volume potentiometric detector for open-tubular column LC . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 326-330 . 6013 McCarthy, J .P ., Caruso, J .A . and Fricke, F .L . : Speciation of arsenic and selenium via anion-exchange HPLC with sequential plasma emission detection . J . Chromatagr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 389-393 . 6014 McGuffin, V .L . and Novotny, M . : Thermionic detection in microcolumn liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2296-2302 - Spherisorb S5 ODS . 6015 Mellbin, G . : A chemiluminiscence detector for trace determination of fluorescent compounds . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1603-1616 . 6016 Miner, D .J ., Skibic, M .J . and Bopp, R .J . : Practical aspects of LC/EC determinations of pharmaceuticals in biological media . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2209-2230 . 6017 Nair, J .B . and Delaney, M .F . : On-line dynamic flowing reference compensation for high-performance liquid chromatographic detectors . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 361-364 . 6018 Roe, D .K . : Comparison of amperometric and coulometric electrochemical detectors for HPLC through a figure of merit . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 613-631 . 6019 Russell, J .R . ; Improvements to a rotating disc multiwavelength ultraviolet highperformance liquid chromatographic detector . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 370-375 . 6020 Ostrovidov, E .A . : (Electrochemical detectors for liquid chromatography) . Probi . Sovrem . Anal . Khim ., 4 (1983) 109-122 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 78956u . 6021 Priebe, S .R . and Howell, J .A . : Preliminary study of a potential post-column photodegradation reaction scheme for the detection of organophosphcrus compounds . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1219-1233 . 6022 Scheinert, W . : (Recent developments in gel permeation chromatography (size exclusion chromatography) . Part 2 . 3 . Detectors) . SLZ, Schweiz . Lab .-Z ., 40 (1983) 273-276 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186716k - a review with 126 refs . 6023 Shah, M .H . and Honigberg, I .L . : LCEC detector with graphite-teflon electrode . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1149-1163 - gBOndapak C18 . 6024 Shuker, D .E .G . and Tannenbaum, S .R . : Determination of nonvolatile N-nitroso compounds in biological fluids by liquid chromatography with postcolumn photohydrolysis detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2152-2155 - Radial Pak C-18 . 6025 Street, K .W . and Hocson, V . : Q-Naphthol as a chromophore and fluorophore forming reagent in the HPLC determination of alkyl halides . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1403-1425 - Regis ODS . 6026 Surmann, P . : Elektrochemische Detection in der HPLC . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 373-381 . 6027 Suzuki, K ., Aruga, H . and Shirai, T . : Determination of monovalent cations by ion chromatography with ion-selective electrode detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2011-2013 . 6028 Tallman, D .E . and Weisshaar, D .E . : Carbon composite electrodes for liquid chromatography/electrochemistry : optimizing detector performance by tailoring the electrode composition . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2157-2172 . 6029 Todoriki, H . and Hirakawa, A .Y . : A new excitation method in laser fluorometry and Raman spectroscopy using an optical fiber - an application to high performance liquid chromatography . Chem . 'harm . Bull ., 32 (1984) 193-197 . 6030 Tompkins, M .A . : A stopped-flow wavelength scanning system for HPLC . Int . Lab ., March (1984) 36-46 . 6031 Trojanek, A . and Krestan, L . : A new polarographic flow-through detector . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1759-1776 . 6032 Tsuda, T ., Nago, A ., Hakagawa, G . andMaseki, M . : Adaptation of moving-wire flame ionization detector to accept total effluent in microliquid chromatography . J . High Resol . C romavogr . Chromatogr . Cormmun ., 6 (1983) 694-695 . B375 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 6033 Van Rooijen, H .W, and Poppe, H . : Noise and drift phenomena in amperometric and coulometric detectors for HPLC and FIA . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2231-2254 . M . Dekker, New York, 6034 Vickrey, T .M . (Editor) : Liquid Chromatography Detectors . 1983, 443 pp . 6035 Voigtman, E . and Winefordner, J .D . : A crystalline quartz, laser-excited fluorescence, photoaccustic, and two-photon photoionization detector for HPLC . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1275-1289 . 6036 Wang, J . and Dewald, H .D . : Electrochemical detector for liquid chromatography based on a reticulated vitreous carbon electrode in a thin-layer cell . J . Chromatogr., 285 (1984) 281-287 . 6037 Webb, P .A ., Ball, D . and Thornton, T . : Real-time absorbance ratio and absorbance difference measurements using dual-wavelength HPLC detectors . J . Chromatoar . Sci ., 21 (1983) 447-453 . 6038 Wells, G . : Design and performance of a solute-modulated electron-capture detector . J. Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 395-407 . 6039 White, P .C . and Catterick, T . : Evaluation of a rotating disc multiwavelength ultraviolet high-performance liquid chromatographic detector for the identification of barbiturates and other drugs . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 376-381 . 6040 Yamada, S ., Hino, A . and Ogawa, T . : (A double-beam method for two-photon ionization detection in liquid chromatography) . Bunseki Kagaku, 33 (1984) E37E40 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 28933p, 28962x, 29079b, 44622s, 53663h, 54103n, 542142, 78962t, 79128u, 79171w, 79211j, 114233s, 114268g, 114274f, 114276h . See also 6192, 6765, 6885, 7222, 6443, 6773, 6911, 7227, 6446, 6801, 6918, 7237, 6448, 6812, 6971, 7257, 6451, 6452, 6458, 6475, 6512, 6520, 6523, 6570, 6815, 6834, 6835, 6837, 6857, 6858, 6872, 6884, 7016, 7038, 7111, 7137, 7158, 7186, 7190, 7202, 7287, 7317, 7321 . 3c . Sorbents, carriers, column and layer performance, packing procedures 6041 Berek, D ., Chalanyova, M . and Macko, T . : Dependence of preferential solvation of liquid chromatographic sorbents in mixed eluents on pressure . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 185-192 . 6042 Bowermaster, J . and McNair, H . : Microbore high-performance liquid chromatographic columns : speed, efficiency, sensitivity and temperature programming . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 431-438 . 6043 Britton, V .J ., Beadling, L .C . and Barry, A . : Application of new ion-exchange media in the high-performance chromatography of alkaline phosphatase . Liq . Chromatoar . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 176-179 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2556t . 6044 Ciccioli, P . and Tappa, R . : Liquid modifiers in reversed-phase liquid chromatography with graphitized carbon black adsorbents . J . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 47-60 . 6045 Claessens, H .A ., van de Ven, L .J .M ., de Haan, J .W ., Cramers, C .A . and Vonk, N . : Correlations between HPLC and NMR properties of some selected alkyl bonded phases . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Comamun ., 6 (1983) 433-435 . 6046 Dawidowicz, A .L ., Gierak, A . and Waksmundzki, A . : Low surface area carbonized silica obtained by the pyrolysis of dichloromethane : a column packing for adsorption and exclusion chromatography . Chromatographic, 17 (1983) 627-632 . 6047 Denki Kagako Kogyo, K .K . : (Adsorbents for immunoaffinity chromatography) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 176,547 [83 176,547 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 17 Oct . 1983, Appl . 82/59,627, 12 Apr . 1982, 8 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48087u . 6048 Dewaele, C . and Verzele, M . : Spherical silica gel of 2 Um particle size for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 341-350 . 6049 Eckers, C ., Cuddy, K .K . and Henion, J .D . : Practical microbore column HPLC : System development and drug applications . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2383-2409 . 6050 Fazio, S .D ., Crowther, J .B . and Hartwick, R .A . : The synthesis and characterization of aliphatic sulfonic acid cation exchangers for HPLC . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 216-220 . B376 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6051 Bagel, L . and Andersson, T . : Characteristics of a new agarose medium for highperformance gel filtration chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 295-306 . 6052 Halasz, I . and Maldener, G . : Packing method for coupled macrobore liquid chromatography columns . AnaZ . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1842-1847 - silica . 6053 Hammers, W .E . and Verschoor, P .B .A . : Heat-induced structural changes in the LiChrosorb RP-1B-water high-performance liquid chromatographic system and their impact on the thermodynamic adsorption data of benzene, nitrobenzene and phenol . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 41-58 . 6054 Hansen, S .H . and Helboe, P . : High-performance liquid chromatography on dynamically modified silica . V . Influence of nature and concentration of organic modifier in eluents containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide . J. Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 53-61 . 6055 Hansen, S .H ., Helboe, P . and Lund, U . : High-performance liquid chromatography on dynamically modified silica . IV . Effects of variations of pH, ionic strength and buffer composition in eluents containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 77-85 . 6056 Hjerten, S . : Agarose gels in HPLC separation of biopolymers . TrAC, 3 (1984) 87-90 . 6057 Jinno, K . : An approach to high-speed micro-HPLC . J. High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Conmrun ., 7 (1984) 66-67 . 6058 Karapetyan, S .A ., Yakushina, L .M ., Vasiyarov, G .G . and Brazhnikov, V .V . : Slurry packing of high-performance columns for liquid chromatography . Part 1 : Effect of quality of tube inner wall . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 440-441 . 6059 Kato, Y ., Kitamura, T . and Hashimoto, T . : Characterization of TSK-gel CMToyopearl 650 ion exchanger . J. Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 425-436 . 6060 Kawaguchi, Y ., Tanaka, M ., Nakae, M ., Funazo, K . and Shone, T . : Chemically bonded cyclodextrin stationary phases for liquid chromatographic separation of aromatic compounds . AnaZ . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1852-1857 . 6061 Kicinski, H .G . and Kettrup, A . : Synthesis and characterisation of L(+)-diacetyltartaric acid silica gel for HPLC . Z . AnaZ . Chem ., 316 (1983) 39-42 . 6062 Krauss, G .J . : Iminodiacetic acid - silica polyol : a new tool for HPLC of nucleobases nucleosides and nucleotides . Z . AnaZ . Chem ., 317 (1984) 676 . 6063 Lochmuller, C .H ., Hunnicutt, M .L . and Beaver, R .W . : Separation of nitropolynuclear aromatics on bonded-pyrene stationary phases in microbore columns . J. Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 444-446 . 6064 Medina, J .L . and Dave, S . : How to pack a high efficiency column . Tnt . Lab ., March (1984) 90-91 . 6065 Menet, H ., Gareil, P ., Caude, M . and Rosset, R . : Packing and performance of microbore columns for adsorption and partition chromatography . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 73-80 . 6066 Molnar, I ., Huhn, A . and Lamer, W . : Influence of flow splitting and radial injection on column performance in HPLC . Int . Lab ., April (1984) 10-17 . 6067 Nakao, M . and Kodama, F . : Stationary phase for use in liquid chromatography . U .S . Pat . US 4,416 .784 (Cl . 210-635 ; B01D15/08), 22 Nov . 1983, US Appl . 116,215, 28 Jan . 1980, 13 pp . ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64512j . 6068 Rokushika, S ., Qiu, Z .Y ., Sun, Z .L . and Hatano, H . : Microbore packed-column anion chromatography using a UV detector . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 69-76 . 6069 Roy, A .K ., Burgum, A . and Roy, S . : Preparation of ion-exchange silica and effect of pH on protein binding of ion-exchange silica . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 84-86 . 6070 Sadek, P .C . and Carr, P .W . : A simple test for characterizing silanophilic interactions of reversed-phase columns based on the chromatographic behavior of cyclic tetraaza compounds . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 314-320 . 6071 Schomburg, G ., Deege, A ., Kohler, J . and Bien-Vogelsang, U . : Immobilization of stationary liquids in reversed- and normal-phase liquid chromatography . Production and testing of materials for bonded-phase chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 27-39 . 6072 Siergiej, R .W . and Danielson, N .D . : Preparation and characterization of Kel-F ion-exchange HPLC packings . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 362-366 . 6073 Suzuki, N ., Nomura, H . and Saitoh, K . : (Characters of polyethylene as a stationary phase substance for liquid chromatography) . Bunseki Kagaku, 33 (1984) 76-80 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B377 6074 Takeuchi, T . and Ishii, D . : Chemically bonded octadecylsilane and polyimine stationary phases for open-tubular microcapillary liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 439-448 . 6075 Takeuchi, T . and Ishii, D . : Open-tubular dynamically modified silica columns in liquid chromatography . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Compnun ., 6 (1983) 631-632 . 6076 Takeuchi, T ., Ishii, D . and Nakanishi, A . : Dynamically modified silica columns in open-tubular capillary liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 73-81 . 6077 Takeuchi, T ., Kitamura, H ., Spitzer, T . and Ishii, D . : Use of crosslinked polysiloxane stationary phases in open-tubular capillary liquid chromatography . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 666-668 . 6078 Todoroki, T ., Imai, K ., Matsumoto, K . and Kano, S . : Initial deactivation of Florisil for column chromatographic separation of lipids . Analyst (London), 108 (1983) 1267-1269 . 6079 Tracz, E ., Buszewski, B . and Lodkowski, R . : Electron microscopy for monitoring carrier surfaces in the preparation of packings with a chemically bound liquid phase for QC and HPLC . Mater . Konf .-Konf. Mikrosk . Elektron . Ciala Statego, 6th 1981, pp . 433-436 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 182017k . 6080 Tracz, E ., Skubiszewska, J . and Leboda, R . : Microscopic investigation of the surface structure of carbon-silica adsorbents . I . Influence of the modifier used on the topography of carbon-silica adsorbents . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 136-147 . 6081 Unger, K . : Comments on the use of alumina in HPLC . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 47 . 6082 Vadukul, N .K . and Loscombe, C .k . : An investigation of microbore reverse-phase columns containing 3 Um packing materials . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . ConMn ., 6 (1983) 488-491 . 6083 Verzele, M . and Dewaele, C . : The evaluation of "reversed phase" high-performance liquid chromatography packing materials . Chromatographic, 18 (1984) 84-86 . 6084 Wada, H ., Ozaki, H ., Makino, K . and Takeuchi, T . : Chromatographic characteristics of PVA column . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1537-15436085 Wada, H ., Rokushika, S . and Hatano, H . : Polyamide-coated open-tubular microcapillary column for liquid chromatography . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1393-1402 . 6086 Weber, S .G . and Tramposch, W .G . : Cation exchange characteristics of silicabased reversed-phase liquid chromatographic stationary phases . Ana' . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1771-1775 - Spherisorb ODS . 6087 Xie, K .-H ., Santasania, C .T ., Krull, I .S ., Neue, Y ., Bidlingmeyer, B . and Newhart, A . : Solid phase derivatizations in HPLC : Polymeric permanganate oxidations of alcohols and aldehydes in HPLC-SPR . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2109-2127 . 6088 Zaslavsky, B .Yu ., Baevskii, A .V ., Rogozhin, S .V ., Gedrovich, A .V ., Shishkov, A .V ., Gasanov, A .A . and Masimov, A .A . : Relative hydrophobicity of synthetic macromolecules . I . Polyethylene glycol, polyacrylamide and polyvinylpyrrolidone . J. Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 63-68 . 'or additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 40258e, 44533p, 44624u, 52527e, 53696w, 61139g, 64245z, 91904v, 95801g, 104197u, 114269h, 114293m . See also 6792 . 3d . Quantitative analysis 6089 Kirschbaum, J ., Perlman, S ., Joseph, J . and Adamovics, J . : Ensuring accuracy of HPLC assays . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 27-30 . 3e . Preparative scale chromatography 6090 Desbene, P .-L ., Lambert, D .C ., Richardin, P ., Basselier, J .-J ., Huc, A .Y . and Boulet, R . : Preparative fractionation of petroleum heavy ends by ion exchange chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 313-315 . 6091 Gareil, P ., Durieux, C . and Rosset, R . : Optimization of production rate and recovered amount in linear and non-linear preparative elution liquid chromatography . Separ . dci . Technol ., 18 (1983) 441-459 . B378 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6092 Kato, Y ., Hashimoto, T . Murotsu, T ., Fukushige, S . and Matsubara, K . : Loading capacity in high-performance gel filtration of nucleic acid on TSK gel SW . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 626 . 6093 Mohanraj, S . : Separation of methyl(E,E)-6-(diethylphosphono-3-methyl-2,4hexadienoate and methyl(E)-6-(diethylphosphono)-3-methylene-4-hexenoate by HPLC . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Common ., 7 (1984) 46-47 . 6094 Pabst, R ., Nawroth, T . and Dose, K . : Rapid detergent exchange in solutions of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin by preparative HPLC . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 672-673 . 6095 Watanabe, T ., Hongu, A ., Honda, K ., Nakazato, M ., Konno, M . and Saitoh, S . : Preparation of chlorophylls and pheophytins by isocrati liquid chromatography . Ana" . Chem ., 56 (1984) 251-256 - Nucleosil 50-5 . 3f . Programmed temperature, pressure, vapors, gradients 6096 Berridge, J .C . : Automated multiparameter optimalisation of HPLC-separation using the sequential simplex procedure . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 291-293 . 6097 Landy, J .S . and Dorsey, J .G . : Rapid gradient capabilities of micellar liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 68-70 . 6098 Schwartz, H .E ., Karger, B .L . and Kucera, P . : Gradient elution chromatography with microbore columns . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1752-1760 - Vydac 201 TPB C18, Zorbax BP-ODS . 6099 Tjaden, U .R ., de Jong, J . and van Valkenburg, C .F .M . : Gradient elution of biogenic amines and derivatives in reversed phase ion-pair partition chromatography with electrochemical and fluorometric detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2255-2274 . 3g . High performance procedures 6100 Berry, V .V . and Shansky, R .E . : Universal liquid chromatographic methods . III . Sensitive, low-wavelength gradients with a novel injection-loading ion-pairing technique . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 303-318 . 6101 Crombeen, J .P ., Heemstra, S . and Kraak, J .C . : High-performance liquid-liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 119-129 . 6102 Erni, F . : The limits of speed in high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 371-383 . 6103 Jinno, K ., Fujimoto, C . and Uematsu, G . : Micro-HPLC/FTIR . Iat . Lab ., March (1984) 48-55 . 6104 Little, C .J ., Stahel, 0 ., Lindner, W . and Frei, R .W . : Column switching techniques in modern HPLC . Int . Lab ., March (1984) 26-33 . 6105 Poppe, H . and Kraak, J .C . : Influence of thermal conditions on the efficiency of high-performance liquid chromatographic columns . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 399-412 . 6106 Takeuchi, T . and Ishii, D . : A study on fast micro high-performance liquid chromatography . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Coreriun ., 6 (1983) 682683 . 6107 Tsuda, T . and Nakagawa, G . : Open-tubular liquid chromatography with 5-10-um I .D . columns . J . Chromatogr., 268 (1983) 369-374 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 19901x, 40247a . 4 . SPECIAL TECHNIQUES 4a . Automation 6108 Blow, A .M .J . and Langford, B . : A new chromatography data system . Amer . Lab . (Fairfield), 15 (1983) 60-65 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 47110v . 6109 Inman, G .W ., Holmes, K .D ., Martin, G .W ., Barrett, T .H . and Varghese, S .L . : Adding chromatographic control to a data acquisition system . Amer . Lab . (FairfieZd), 15 (1983) 14-30 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209012u . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B379 6110 Schoneshofer, M ., Kage, A . and Weber, B . : New "on-line" sample-pretreatment procedure for routine liquid-chromatographic assay of low-concentration compounds in body fluids, illustrated by triamcinolone assay . Mn . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1367-1371 6111 Shaw, P .E . and Miller, J .M . : Interfacing an Apple computer with a digital integrator for chromatographic data storage and statistical calculations . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 372-374 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 79168a, 104195s, 114270b . See also 5909, 5922, 5975 . 4b . Combination of various chromatographic techniques 6112 Dieter, D .S . and Walton, H .F . : Counterion effects in ion-exchange partition chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2109-2112 - Benson or Hamilton exchange resin . 6113 Dybowski, R . and Gough, T .A . : Identification of 5,5-disubstitued barbiturates . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 104-110 . 6114 Unger, K .K . : Report . Thin layer chromatography - column liquid chromatography : partners or competitors? Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 46 . 4c . Combination with other physieo-chemical techniques (MS, IR etc .) 6115 Apffel, J .A ., Brinkman, U .A .Th ., Frei, R .W . and Evers, E .A .I .M . : Gas-nebulized direct liquid introduction interface for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem., 55 (1983) 2280-2284 - LiChrosorb RP-18 . 6116 Covey, T . and Henion, J . : Direct liquid introduction/thermospray interface for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2275-2280 Brownlee RP-18 . 6117 Krull, I .S . : Plasma emission spectroscopic detectors in HPLC for trace metal analysis and speciation . TrAC, 3 (1984) 76-80 . 6118 Levsen, K . : (High-performance liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS) coupling) . Nachr . Chem ., Tech . Lab ., 31 (1983) 782-786 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186718n a review with 46 refs . 6119 Liberato, O .J ., Fenselau, C .C ., Vestal, M .L . and Yergey, A .L . : Characterization of glucuronides with a thermospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry interface . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1741-1744 - Ultrasphere ODS . For additional information see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 151176g ; 100 (1984) 29099h . See also 5875, 5961, 6348, 6373, 6374, 6583 . 4d . Affinity chromatography 6120 Hollo, J . and Laszlo, E . : Application of affinity chromatography in food processing . LWT- Ed ., 7 (Prog . Food Eng .) (1983) 357-363 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 66670h . 6121 Horejsi, V ., Drobnik, J ., Stamberg, J . and Svec, F . : (Cellulose carrier for separation of biologically active compounds (by affinity chromatography) . Czech . Pat . CS 203,767 (Cl . C08L1/02), 15 Jun . 1983, Appl . 79/2,624, 17 Apr . 1979, 5 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 20067p . 6122 Kennedy, J .F . and Barnes, J .A . : Immunochemical studies of the non-specific interactions of cyanogen bromide-activated macroporous agarose-based immunoadsorbents . J. Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 83-93 . 6123 Lascu, I ., Porumb, H ., Porumb, T ., Abrudan, I ., Tarmure, C ., Petrescu, I ., Presecan, E ., Prionov, I . and Telia, M . : Ion-exchange properties of Cibacron Blue 3G-A Sepharose (Blue Sepharose) and the interaction of proteins with Cibacron Blue 3G-A . J. Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 199-210 . 6124 Lee, S ., Wang, K . and Wu, K . : (Porcine thyroglobulin-p-aminobenzylsulfonylethylcrosslinked agar . An affinity adsorbent to purify a variety of lectins of different specificities) . Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shengwu Wuli Xuebao, 15 (1983) 271-277 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 174031v . 5380 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6125 Limbach, B, and Schmidt, H .-L . : Investigation of enzyme-substrate complexes by affinity chromatography . Application to pig heart citrate synthase . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 457-466 . 6126 Patel, A .H ., Ahsan, A ., Suthar, B .P . and Schultz, R .M . : Transition-state affinity chromatography of trypsin-like proteinases with dipeptidyl argininal ligands . Biochem . Biophys . Acta, 748 (1983) 321-330 . 6127 Sewing, R . : (Group-specific affinity chromatography using synthetic ligands) . LaborPraxis, 7 (1983) 1106-1117 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19921f . 6128 Tahir, S . and Hider, R .C . : An affinity ligand for phospholipase A2 purification . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 332-334 - Affi-Gel 10 . 6129 Von Schenck, H . and Unger, R .H . : Ligand leakage from immunoaffinity column . Scand . J . CZin . Lab . Invest ., 43 (1983) 527-531 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172204e . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 19605f, 19617m . See also 6047, 6267, 6629, 6633, 6636, 6645, 6655, 6660, 6670, 6674, 6679, 6686-6688, 6690, 6692, 6713, 6720, 6734, 6737, 6741, 6742, 6762, 6775, 6792, 6799, 73617363 . 4f. Other special techniques 6130 Armstrong, D .W . and Stine, G .Y . : Selectivity in pseudophase liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1903) 2317-2320 - Micropak CN . 6131 Board, R ., McManigill, D ., Weaver, H . and Gere, D . : The use of modifiers in supercritical fluid chromatography with carbon dioxide . CHEMSA, 12 (1983) 21-24 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186740p . 6132 Englund, H . and Warfving, T . : (A new chromatography system for separation of biomolecules) . Yaoxue Xuebao, 18 (1983) 705-713 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31691p . 6133 Fjeldsted, J .C ., Kong, R .C . and Lee, M .L . : Capillary supercritical-fluid chromatography with conventional flame detectors . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 449-455 . 6134 Fjeldsted, J .C ., Richter, B .E ., Jackson, W .P . and Lee, M .L . : Scanning fluorescence detection in capillary supercritical fluid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 423-430 . 6135 Karaiskakis, G .S . : (One-phase chromatography . A new method for separation and characterization of small particles and macromolecules) . Chem . Chron ., Genike Ekdose, 48 (1983) 75-86 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 43898k - a review with 44 refs . 6136 Koller, H ., Rimbock, K .-H . and Mannschreck, A . : High-pressure liquid chromatography on triacetylcellulose . Characterization of a sorbent for the separation of enantiomers . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 89-94 . 6137 Meloy, T .P . and Durney, T .E . : Particle shape chromatography - the sieve cascadograph . Int . J . Miner . Process ., 11 (1983) 101-113 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 142119p . 6138 Novotny, M . and Springston, S .R . : Fundamentals of column performance in supercritical fluid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 417-422 . 6139 Shafer, K .H . and Griffiths, P .R . : On-line supercritical fluid chromatography/ Fourier transform infrared spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1939-1942 . 6140 Unger, K .K . and Roumeliotis, P . : On-line high-pressure extraction-highperformance liquid chromatography . I . Equipment design and operation variables . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 519-526 . 6141 Yarmchuk, P ., Weinberger, R ., Hirsch, R .F . and Love, L .J .C . : Effects of restricted mass transfer on the efficiency of micellar chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 47-60 . For additional information see : C.A ., 100 (1984) 19928p, 105823g, 114272d . See also 5920 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B331 5 . HYDROCARBONS AND HALOGEN DERIVATIVES 5a . Aliphatic hydrocarbons 6142 Lichtenthaler, R .G . and Oreld, F . : Rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic method for hydrocarbon class separation in environmental samples . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 501-507 . 5b . Cyclic hydrocarbons 6143 Ageev, A .N ., Aratskova, A .A ., Belyakova, L .D ., Gvozdovich, T .N ., Kiselev, A .V ., Yashin, Ya .I ., Kalal, J . and Svec, F . : Liquid chromatography of benzene derivatives on a porous methacrylate copolymer containing epoxy groups . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 545-548 . 6144 Bond, J .A . : Some biotransformation enzymes responsible for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism in rat nasal turbinates : effects on enzyme activities of in vitro modifiers and intraperitoneal and inhalation exposure of rats to inducing agents . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4805-4811 . 6145 Futura, N . and Otsuki, A . : Time-resolved fluorometry in detection of ultratrace polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lake waters by liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2407-2413 . 6146 Gunasingham, H ., Tay, B .T ., Ang, K .P . and Koh, L .L . : Electrochemical detection of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons following reversed-phase gradient highperformance liquid chromatography using a large-volume wall-jet detector . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 103-114 . 6147 Hara, E ., Kawajiri, K . and Tagashira, Y . : Immunochemical study on the contributions of two molecular species of microsomal cytochrome P-450 to the metabolism of benzo[a] pyrene by rat liver microsomes . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 3604-3608 . 6148 Harnisch, M ., Mdckel, H .J . and Schulze, G . : Relationship between log P OW shakeflask values and capacity factors derived from reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for n-alkylbenzenes and some oecd reference substances . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 315-332 . 6149 Issaq, H .J . and Gourley, R .E . : High performance liquid chromatography separations using short columns packed with spherical and irregular shaped ODS particles . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1375-1383 . 6150 Jinno, K . and Kawasaki, K . : Correlation between the retention data of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and several descriptors in reversed-phase HPLC . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 445-449 . 6151 Jinno, K . and Kawasaki, K . : Correlation of the retention data of polyaromatic hydrocarbons obtained on various stationary phases used in normal- and reversedphase liquid chromatography . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 44-46 . 6152 Jinno, K . and Kawasaki, K . : The correlation between molecular polarizability of PAHS and their retention data on various stationary phases in reversed-phase HPLC . Chromatographic, 18 (1984) 103-105 . 6153 Kohler, J ., Deege, A . and Schomburg, G . : Preparative LC ; separation and isolation of enantiomerically pure olefins . Chromatograpbia, 18 (1984) 119-124 . 6154 Koopmans, R . and Rekker, R .F . : High-performance liquid chromatography of alkylbenzenes . Relationship with lipophilicities as determined from octanolwater partition coefficients or calculated from hydrophobic fragmental data and connectivity indeces ; lipophilicity predictions for polyaromatics . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 267-279 . 6155 May, W .E . and Wise, S .A . : Liquid chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air particulate extracts . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 225-232 - Vydac 201 TP . 6156 Okamoto, M . and Yamada, F . : Behaviour of aromatic compounds in high-performance liquid chromatography on six kinds of silica gel modified with four types of phenyl groups . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 61-76 . 6157 Pei-Lu Chiu, Fu, P .P . and Yang, S .K . : Stereoselectivity of rat liver microsomal enzymes in the metabolism of 7-fluoro-benz[aaanthracene and mutagenicity of metabolites . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 562-570 - Radial-Pak C18 . 6158 Ramaswamy, V ., Kumar, P . and Gupta, P .L . : Simple method for the chromatographic separation and determination of mono-, di- and tri-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in heavier petroleum fraction . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 37-41 . B382 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6159 Shaikh, B . and Tomaszewski, J .E . : A comparison of eight commercial reversephase (ODS) columns for the separation of hydroxylated derivatives of 7,12-dimethylbenz [ajanthracene . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 675-678 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 1609a, 9723d, 88301r, 114312s . See also 5923, 6053 . 5c . Halogen derivatives 6160 Kato, K ., Nakamura, M ., Nakaoka, T . and Ito, K . : (Determination of ethylene bromide residues in fruits) . Kanagawa-Ken Eisei kerkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku, (1982) 33-34 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 120752n . 6161 Vodicka, L ., Burda, J . and Kriz, J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of halogeno derivatives of adamantane and diamantane . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 199-205 . See also 6025 . 5d. Complex hydrocarbon mixtures 6162 Chmielowiec, J . : Separation of polar compound classes in liquid fossil fuels by liquid chromatography with aprotic dipolar solvents . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2367-2374 . 6163 Garrigues, P . and Ewald, M . : Identification of monomethylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crude oils by liquid chromatography and high-resolution Shpol'skii effect fluorescence spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2155-2159 Spherisorb-NH2, Spherisorb-C18 . 6164 Higashi, K . and Hagiwara, K . : (Discrimination of spilled oils by pattern similarity ; Binary mixture of crude oils) . Bunseki Kagaku, 33 (1984) 68-70 . 6165 Lynch, A .W . and Thomas, M .G . : Asphaltene analysis using size exclusion chromatography . Fuel Process Technol ., 8 (1983) 13-18 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 178754f . 6166 Rebbert, R .E ., Chesler, S .N ., Guenther, F .R . and Parris, R .M . : Liquid chromatography-gas chromatography procedure to determine the concentration of dibenzothiophene in a crude oil matrix . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 211-217 . 6167 Sanchez, V ., Sucre, L . and Mendez, A . : (Integrated method for the separation of saturated and aromatic fractions in heavy petroleum distillates), Rev . Teo . INTEVEP, 3 (1983) 55-58 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 73459k . 6168 Wong, J .L . : Polyvinylacetate gel permeation chromatography of H-coal liquids and model compounds ; comparison with rigid gel, reversed phase and normal phase chromatography . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1935-1948 - Fractogel . For additional information see : C.A ., 100 (1984) 70911e, 106034m, 106108q, 106286w . See also 6090 . 6 . ALCOHOLS 6169 Czichocki, G ., Much, H . and Vollhardt, D . : Quantitative determination of dodecanol in sodium dodecyl sulphate in the nanogram range by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 109-118 . 6170 Hewlett, T .P ., Ray, A .C . and Reagor, J .C . : Diagnosis of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) intoxication in dogs ; determination of glycolic acid in serum and urine with high pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 276-283 . 6171 Holdiness, M .R . : Analysis of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol in human cerebrospinal fluid by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and electrochemical liquid chromatography . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1067-1076 - Spherisorb C18 . 6172 Hornsperger, J .-M ., Wagner, J ., Hinkel, J .-P . and Jung, M .J . : Measurement of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate ester in brain using reversed-phase liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1964) 364-370 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B383 6173 Howes, L .G ., Summers, R .J ., Rowe, P .R . and Louis, W .J . : Assay of brain 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG) levels by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Factors affecting stability during sample preparation . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 133-135 . 6174 Khank, H .B . and Armstrong, D .W . : A comparison of polymer separation efficiency and resolution by gradient LC, GPC and TLC . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 7 (1984) 29-43 . Use of UV absorbing species to detect and quantitate aliphatic 6175 Parkin, J .E . : alcohols and esters by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 457-461 . 6176 Shea, P .A . and Howell, J .B . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for determining plasma and urine 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol by amperometric detection . J. Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 358-363 . 6177 Yang, R .-K ., Edasery, J .P . and Kenneth, L .D . : A simple assay of 3-methoxy-4hydroxy-phenylethyleneglycol in cerebrospinal fluid by high performance liquid chromatography . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1997-2003 . 5178 Zinbo, M . : Determination of one-carbon to three-carbon alcohols and water in gasoline-alcohol blends by liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 244-247 - Ultrastyragel . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 105487a . See also 6087 . 7 . PHENOLS 6179 Asquith, T .N ., Izuno, C .C . and Butler, L .G . : Characterization of the condensed tannin (proanthocyanidin) from a group II sorghum . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1299-1303 . 6180 Boocock, D .G .B ., Kallury, R .K .M .R . and Tidwell, T . : Analysis of oil fractions derived from hydrogenation of aspen wood . Ana : . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1689-1694 PRP-1 . 6181 Cochrane, W .P ., Lanouette, M . and Singh, J . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of impurity phenols in technical 2,4-D acid and 2,4-dichlorophenol . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 804-809 . 6182 Daharu, P .A . and Sporns, P . : Evaluation of analytical methods for the determination of residues of the bee repellent, phenol, in honey and beeswax . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 108-111 . 6183 Di Bussolo, J .M ., Dong, M .W . and Gant, J .R . : High-speed analysis using electrochemical detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2353-2373 . 6184 Eadsforth, Ch .V . and Covemey, P .C . : Measurement of phenol in urine using a HPLC-method . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 175-176 . 6185 Gracza, L . and Ruff, P . : Hochleistungs-Flussigkeitschromatographische Trennung and quantitative Bestimmung von pflanzlichen Stilbenderivaten . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 462-465 . 6186 Hostettmann, K ., Domon, B ., Schaufelberger, D . and Hostettmann, M . : On-line high-performance liquid chromatography . Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy of phenolic compounds in plant extracts using post-column derivatization . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 137-147 . 6187 Kudoh, M ., Ozawa, H ., Fudano, S . and Tsuji, K . : Determination of trace amounts of alcohol and alkylphenol ethoxylates by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 337-344 . 6188 Pramauro, E . and Pelizzetti, E . : The use of a micellar mobile phase in the high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of hydroxybenzene derivatives . Anal . Ciiim ° . Acta, 154 (1983) 153-158 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16962j . 6189 Rawat, J .P ., Iqbal, M . and Chitra, M . : Ligand exchange separation of phenols on alumina in Fe(III) form . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 701-704 . 6190 Rayss, J ., Dawidowicz, A ., Suprynowicz, Z . and Buszewski, B . : A study of the properties of octadecyl phases bonded to controlled-porosity glasses . II . Application in liquid chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 437-440 . B384 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6191 Smith, R .L . and Pietrzyk, D .J . : LC enrichment, separation and determination of chlorophenols and phenoxyacetic acids on PRP-1 . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 282-287 . 6192 Smith, R .M . and Witowska, B .A . : Comparison of detectors for the determination of curcumin in turmeric by HPLC . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 259-261 . 6193 Verzele, M . and Delahaye, P . : Analysis tannic acids by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 26B (1983) 469-476 . 6194 Vespalec, R . and Neca, J . : Behaviour of dihydroxynaphthalenes in a reversedphase chromatographic system . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 35-47 . 6195 Wegman, R .C .C . and Wammes, J .1 . : Determination of nitrophenols in water and sediment samples by high-performance liquid chromatography . Meded . Fac . Landbouwwet ., Rijksuniv . Gent ., 48 (1983) 961-969 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 30849j . 6196 Wehmeyer, K .R ., Doyle, M .J ., Wright, D .S ., Eggers, H .M ., Halsall, H .B, and Heineman, W .R . : Liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection of phenol and NADH for enzyme immunoassay . J. Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2141-2156 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 95868j, 114319z . See also 6053 . 8 . SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC OXYGEN 8a . Flavonoid3 6197 Asen, S . and Griesbach, R . : High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of flavonoids in Geranium florets as an adjunct for cultivar identification . J . Amer . Soc . Hortic . Sci ., 108 (1983) 845-850 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2920g . 6198 Briancon-Scheid, F ., Lobstein-Guth, A . and Anton, R . : HPLC separation and quantitative determination of biflavones in leaves from Ginkgo biloba . PZanta Med ., 49 (1983) 204-207 . 6199 De Bernardi, M ., Uberti, E ., Vidari, G . and Servettaz, 0 . : High-performance liquid chromatography of flavonoid glycosides from Dryas oetopetala . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 269-272 . 6200 Kamanzi, K ., Raynaud, J . and Voirin, B . : Lee C-glycosyl flavonoides des fleurs de Centaurea solstitialis L . (Composees) . Pharmazie, 38 (1983) 494-495 . 6201 Kdster, J ., Zuzok, A . and Barz, W . : High-performance liquid chromatography of isoflavones and phytoalexins from Cicer arietinum . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 392-395 . 6202 Pietta, P ., Calatroni, A . and Zio, C . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of flavonoids from Ononis spinosa L . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 172175 . 6203 Prum, N ., Illel, B . and Raynaud, J . : Les glycosides flavoniques de CentelZa asiatica L . (7mbelliferesi . Pharmazie, 38 (1983) 423 . 6204 Scott, P .M ., Lawrence, G .A ., Telli, A . and Iyengar, J . : Preparation of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) from field-inoculated corn . J . Ass . Ofrfie . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 32-34 . _or additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 39675g . 8b . Aflatoxins and other myeotoxins 6205 Berry, R .K ., Dutton, M .F . and Jeenah, M .S . : Separation of aflatoxin bioxynthetic intermediates by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 421-424 . 6206 Carman, A .S ., Kuan, S .S ., Francis, O .J ., Ware, G .M ., Gaul, J .A . and Thorpe, C .W . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of xanthomegnin in grains and animal feeds . J . Ass . Offic . Anal- Shem ., 66 (1983) 587-591 . 6207 Chang, H .L . and DeVries, J .W . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk and nonfat dry milk . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 913-917 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B385 6208 Chang, H .L ., DeVries, J .W ., Larson, P .A . and Patel, H .H . : Rapid determination of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) by liquid chromatography using modified Romer column cleanup . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chars ., 67 (1984) 52-54 . 6209 Cohen, H ., LaPointe, M . and Fremy, J .M . : Determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 49-51 . 6210 Eguiazu, G .M . and Frank, H .K . : Demonstration of aflatoxins in agricultural products : a simple method suitable for developing countries . Eur . . J . AppZ . Microbiol . Biotechnoi ., 18 (1983) 128-130 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 174338a 6211 Hutchins, J .E . and Hagler, W .M ., Jr . : Rapid liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxins in heavily contamined corn . J . Ass . Offic . Ana" . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1458-1465 . 6212 Nowotny, P ., Baltes, W ., Kroenert, W . and Weber, R . : (High-performance liquidchromatographic determination of ochratoxin A in wheat brain) . Chem ., Mikrobiol ., TeehnoZ . Lebensm ., 8 (1983) 29-31 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 20968u . 6213 Tuinstra, L .G .M .Th . and Haasnoot, W . : Rapid determination of aflatoxin BI in dutch feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography and post-column derivatization . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 457-462 . 8c . Other compounds with heteroeycZic oxygen 6214 Bettero, A . and Benassi, C .A . : Determination of coumarin and 6-methylcoumarin in cosmetics by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Biomed. Anal ., 1 (1983) 229-233 . 6215 Bettero, A . and Benassi, C .A . ; Determination of bergapten and citropten in perfumes and suntan cosmetics by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 167-171 . 6216 Borda, J ., Szabo, V . and Kelemen, J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of chromonoid compounds . J. Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 113-118 . 6217 Derdelinckx, G . and Jerumanis, J . : Separation of malt and hop proanthocyanidins of Fractogel TSK HW-40(S) . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 231-234 . 6218 Enriquez, R .G ., Romero, M .L ., Escobar, L .I ., Joseph-Nathan, P . and Reynolds, W .F . : High-performance liquid chromatographic study of Casimiroa edulis . II . Determination of furocoumarins . J. Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 209-214 . 6219 Francis, G .W . and Andersen, O .M . : Droplet counter-current chromatography of anthocyanins . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 445-448 . 6220 Gobre, K . and Miller, G .C . : Singlet oxygen generation on soil surfaces . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1104-1108 - HPLC . 6221 Noel, J .P ., Pichat, L ., Grain, C ., Bouisset, M . and Benakis, A . : (Synthesis and chromatographic separation of E and Z isomers of oxetorone - 14C-6) . J. Labelled Compd . Radiopharm ., 20 (1983) 967-982 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 85611f . 6222 Robins, R .J . and Rhodes, M .J .C . : High-performance liquid chromatographic methods for the analysis and purification of quassinoids from Quassia amara L . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 436-440 . 6223 Schram, A .W ., Jonsson, L .M .W . and de Vlamina, P . : Identification of anthocyanins and intermediates of anthocyanin biosynthesis from Petunia hybrida using HPLC . Z . Naturforsab ., 38c (1983) 342-345 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 39439h . 9 . OXO COMPOUNDS, ETHERS AND EPOXIDES 6224 Bonn, G ., Pecina, R ., Burtscher, E . and Bobleter, 0 . : Separation of wood degradation products by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 215-221 . 6225 Corradini, C . and Sparapani, R . ; High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of gas-phase benzoylation products of aniline . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 222-224 . 6226 Guenier, J .P ., Simon, P ., Delcourt, J ., Didierjean, M .F ., Lefevre, C . and Muller, J . : Air-sampling of aldehydes - application to chromatographic determination of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde . Chromatographic, 18 (1984) 137-144 . B386 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTIOI 6227 Kuwata, K ., Uebori, M ., Yamasaki, H ., Kuge, Y . and Kiso, Y . : Determination of aliphatic aldehydes in air by liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2013-2016 - Develosile ODS-3 . 6228 Nakagawa, T ., Shibukawa, A . and Murata, H . : Liquid chromatography with crown ether-containing mobile phase . IV . Role of pH, alkali metal ion and pairing anion in retention of quest substances in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 31-42 . 6229 Nelson, K .H . and Cietek, D .J . : Determination of anthraquinone in pulping liquors by using C18 cartridges and high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 237-244 . 6230 Schmidt, R .H ., Davidson, S .M . and Lowry, S .P . : Determination of acetaldehyde in Streptococcus Zactis cultures as 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazone by highperformance liquid chromatography . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 97B-980 . 6231 Teruhisa, H ., Naohide, Y ., Motoshi, N . and Shozo, F . : High performance liquid chromatographic determination of malondialdehyde in vegetable oils . J. Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 304-308 . 6232 Van Schalm, K .J . : Determination of traces of formaldehyde in milk as the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone by HPLC . Neth . Milk Dairy J., 37 (1983) 59-64 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138225c . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 25531v . See also 5994, 6087 . 10 . CARBOHYDRATES 10a . Mono and oligosaccharides . Structural studies 6233 Betterdge, D ., Courtney, N .G ., Sly, T .J . and Poter, D .G . : Development of a flow injection analyser for the post-column detection of sugars separated by HPLC . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 91-93 . 6234 Brockhausen, I ., Rachaman, E .S ., Matta, K .L . and Schachter, H . : The separation by liquid chromatography (under elevated pressure) of phenyl, benzyl, and o-nitrophenyl glycosides of oligosaccharides . Analysis of substrates and products for four N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyltransferases involved in mucin synthesis . Carbohydr . Res ., 120 (1983) 3-16 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 208471f . 6235 Chandrasekaran, B . and Ardalan, B . : Separation of ribose-5-phosphate, ribose1-phosphate, deoxyribose-1-phosphate by high performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometric determination using 2-cyanoacetamide . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1265-1277 - 1iBondapak NH 2 . 6236 Chen, C .C . and McGinnis, G .D . : High-performance liquid chromatography of sugar oximes . Carbohydr . Res ., 122 (1983) 322-326 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 6964x . 6237 Dua, V .K . and Bush, C .A . : Identification and fractionation of human milk oligosaccharides by proton-nuclear magnetic spectroscopy and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 1-8 . 6238 Eraser, R .S . : A fresh look at the carbohydrate analyzer . Med . Lab . World, (1983) 27-29 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136313f . 6239 Gross, G .G . : Synthesis of mono-, and trigalloyl-(3-D-glucose by 9-glucogallindependent galloyl-transferases from oak leaves . Z . Naturforsch ., 38c (1983) 519-523 . 6240 Honda, S ., Konishi, T ., Suzuki, S ., Kakehi, K . and Ganno, S . : Sensitive monitoring of hexosamines in high-performance liquid chromatography by fluorimetric postcolumn labelling using the 2,4-pentanedione-formaldehyde system . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 340-344 . 6241 Laakso, E .I ., Tokola, R .A . and Hirvisalo, E .L . : Determination of D-glucaric acid by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatoar ., 278 (1983) 406-411 . 6242 Linek, K ., Novotna, Z ., Zemek, J ., Kucar, S . and Petrus, L . : (Separation of a mixture of E and Z isomers of 1,3,4,5,6-penta-0-acetylketo-D-fructose (2,4 :dinitrophenyl)-hydrazone . Czech . Pat . CS 208,806 (Cl . C07C109/12), 18 May 1983, Appl 80/3,727, 28 May 1980 ; 2 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 34779j . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B387 6243 Mellis, S .J . and Baenziger, J .U . : Size fractionation of anionic oligosaccharides and glycopeptides by high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Bioctcem ., 134 (1983) 442-449 - MicroPak AX-5 . Chromatographic study of the thermodynamic and 6244 Muller, A .J . and Carr, P .W . : kinetic characteristics of silica-bound concanavalin A . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 33-51 . 6245 Okada, M . and Chonan, T . : (Determination of lactose in milk by high performance liquid chromatography) . Nippon Chikusan Gakkaiho, 54 (1983) 562-564 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 33343a . 6246 Petchey, M . and Crabbe, M .J .C . : Analysis of carbohydrates in lens, erythrocytes, and plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography of nitrobenzoate derivatives . J . Chromatogr ., 307 (1984) 180-184 . 6247 RajakylA, E . and Paloposki, M . : Determination of sugars (and betaine) in molasses by high-performance liquid chromatography . Comparison of the results with those obtained by the classical Lane-Lynon method . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 595-602 . 6248 Reynertson, R ., Campbell, P ., Ford, J .D ., Jacobsson, I ., Roden, L . and Thompson, J .N . : New oligosaccharides from heparin and heparan sulfate and their use as substrates for heparin-degrading enzymes . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 7449-7459 . 6249 Rockling, R .D . and Pohl, C .A . : Determination of carbohydrates by anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1577-1590 . 6250 Schlabach, T .D . and Robinson, J . : Improvements in sensitivity and resolution with the cyanoacetamide reaction for the detection of chromatographically separated reducing sugars . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 169-177 . 6251 Slavin, J .L . and Marlett, J .A . : Evaluation of high-performance liquid chromatography for measurement of the neutral saccharides in neutral detergent fiber . J. Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 467-471 . 6252 Thente, K . : HPLC analysis of component sugars in fiber polysaccharides from cereals . Dev . Food Sci ., 5A (Prog . Cereal Chem . Technol .) (1983) 477-482 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66672k . 6253 Verhaar, L .A .Th ., Kuster, B .F .M . and Claessens, H .A . : Retention behaviour of carbohydrate oligomers in reversed-phase chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 1-11 . 6254 Warner, T .G ., Robertson, A .D ., O'Brien, J .S . : Diagnosis of GM1 gangliosidosis based on detection of urinary oligosaccharides with high performance liquid chromatography . CZin . Chim . Acta, 127 (1983) 313-326 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 4876w, 20073n, 20074p, 21496q, 51902m, 53465v . See also 6243 . 10b . Polysaccharides, mucopolusaccharides, ZipopoZysaccharides 6255 Borrebaeck, C .A .K ., Soares, J . and Mattiasson, B . : Fractionation of glycoproteins according to lectin affinity and molecular size using a high-performance liquid chromatography system with sequentially coupled columns . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 187-192 . 6256 Gacesa, P ., Squire, A . and Winterborn, P .J . : The determination of the uronic acid composition of alginates by anion-exchange liquid chromatography . Carbohzy dr . Res ., 118 (1983) 1-8 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66938n . 6257 Lamblin, G ., Klein, A ., Boersma, A ., Nasir-Ud-Din and Roussel, P . : Fractionation of oligosaccharides containing sialic acid by liquid chromatography on amino silica gel . Carbohydr . Res ., 118 (1983) C1-C4 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154625p . 6258 Lara, A .R ., Slutzky, B . and Reynaldo, I . : Oligosaccharides separation from sugar cane prehydrolysates by gel column chromatography . CeZluZ . ChEm . Technol ., 17 (1983) 197-202 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 141840e . 6259 Lloyd, H .L . and Naidoo, C . : Chemical assay potentially suitable for determination of smut resistance of sugarcane cultivars . Plant . Dis ., 67 (1983) 11031105 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190867c . 6260 Lutsik, M .D . : (Purification of soybean lectin and its fluorescent and ferritin derivatives by affinity chromatography on galactomannan gel) . PrikZ . Biokhim . Mikrobiol ., 19 (1983) 454-458 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154642s . B388 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6261 Matsuda, T ., Watanabe, K . and Nakamura, R . ; Immunochemical and physical properties of peptic-digested ovomucoid . J . Agr . Food chem ., 31 (1983) 942-946 . 6262 Mattiasson, B . and Ramstorp, M . : Ultrafiltration affinity purification . Isolation of concanavalin A from seeds of Oanavalia ensiformis . J. Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 323-330 . 6263 Mimura, T . and Delmas, D . : Rapid and sensitive method for muramic acid determine tion by high-performance liquid chromatography with precolumn fluorescence derivatization . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 91-98, 6264 Moriarty, D .J .W . : Measurement of muramic acid in marine sediments by high performance liquid chromatography . J . Microbiol . Methods, 1 (1983) 111-117 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 49815c . 6265 Reinhold, V .N ., Coles, E . and Carr, S .A . : New techniques for olisaccharide sequencing . J . Carbohydr . Chem ., 2 (1983) 1-18 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 3022c . 6266 Sonneborn, H .H ., Schwulera, U . and Schleussner, H . : (Purification and/or phytohemagglutinin-separation of human interleukin 2) . Ger . Offen Pat . DE 3,149,360 (Cl . C07G7/00), 16 Jun . 1983, Appl . 12 Dec . 1981, 20 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 1205913 . 6267 Staroscik, K ., Wasniowska, K ., Syper, D . and Lisowska, E . : Purification of peanut agglutinin by a affinity chromatography on asialoglycophorin from human erythrocytes . Arch . Inmrunol . Ther . Exp ., 31 (1983) 127-133 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 192880a . 6268 Tominaga, J . and Nakazawa, S . : Studies on the localization and the measurement of macromolecular glycoproteins of the glandular stomach in rats . Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi, 80 (1983) 1575-1580 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31678q . 6269 Uchiyama, H ., Fujimoto, N ., Sakurai, K . and Nagasawa, K . : Separation of heparin on Sepharose CL-4B in the presence of high concentrations of ammonium sulphate . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 55-66 . 6270 Wu, J .T ., Mau, E . and Knight, J .A . : Interference with carcinoembryonic antigen radioimmunoassays by glycosaminoglycans, and their removal . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2049-2053 . 6271 Yoshikawa, S ., Kitahata, S . and Okada, S . : (Determination of cyclodextrin by charcoal column chromatography) . Kagaku To Kogyo (Osaka), 57 (1983) 67-69 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 81810h . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 19992e, 82356r, 98519g . See also 6124 . 11 . ORGANIC ACIDS AND LIPIDS Ila . Organic acids and simple esters 6272 Ashoor, S .A . and Welty, J . : Determination of organic acids in foods by highperformance liquid chromatography : Lactic acid . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 452-456 . 6273 Baker, C .J . and Melhuish, J .H ., Jr . : Separation of unsaturated fungal fatty acid methyl esters by reversed-phase liquid chromatography for further evaluation by gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 251-256 . 6274 Batta, A .K ., Dayal, V ., Colman, R .W ., Sinha, A .K ., Shefer, S . and Salen, G . : Separation of underivatized C20 fatty acids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 257-260 . 6275 Behl, H .M ., Marchand, B . and Rodriquez, E . : Inheritance of sesquiterpenoid phenolic acid esters (guayulins) in F 1 hybrids of Parthenium (Asteraceae) . Z . Naturforsch ., 38c (1983) 494-496 . Simpler liquid-chromatographic screening for 6276 Bennett, M .J . and Bradey, C .E . : organic acid disorders . C1in . Chem ., 30 (1984) 542-546 - Aminex HPX-87H . 6277 Bieganowska, M ., Soczewinski, E . and Janowska, M . : Structural effects and retention in reversed-phase ion-pair chromatography of 2-benzoylbenzoic acid derivatives . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 99-102 . 6278 Clement, A . and Loubinoux, B . : Separation of organic acids in plant tissue by HPLC with a twin phase, ion exchange and reverse phase, column . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1705-1716 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B389 6279 Conkerton, E .J . and Chapital, D .C . . High-performance liquid chromatography separation of the eis-traps isomers of cinnamic acid derivatives . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 326-329 . Direct high-performance liquid chromatography 6280 Caxton, D .T . and Price, K .R . : separation of diastereoisomeric 9,10,12-trihydroxystearates and its application to the stereochemical study of hydroperoxy cyclic peroxides . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 392-394 . 6281 Dunaeva, A .N . : (Determination of the fatty acid spectrum in blood lipid fractions) . Lab . Delo, (1983) 57-59 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209076t . 6282 Farinotti, R ., Siard, P ., Bourson, J ., Kirkiacharian, S ., Valeur, B . and Mahuzier, G . : 4-Bromomethyl-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin as a fluorescent label for carboxylic acids in chromatographic detection . J . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 81-90 . 6283 Gaydon, E .M ., Bianchini, J .-P . and Ralaimanarivo, A . : Determination of cyclopropenoic fatty acids by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2313-2317 - LiChrosorb RP-8 . 6284 Gertz, C . and Herrmann, K . : (HPLC determination of sorbic acid, benzoic acid and PHB esters in foods) . Dtsch . Lebensm .-Rundsch ., 79 (1983) 331-334 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 21609d . 6285 Gessa, C ., de Cherchi, M .L ., Deiana, S ., Dessi, A . and Micera, G . : Highperformance liquid chromatographic determination of formic acid in cleavage reactions of carbohydrates . J . Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 539-542 . 6286 Glatz, J .F .C . and Veerkamp, J .H . : Removal of fatty acids from serum albumin by Lipidex 1000 chromatography . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 57-61 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172356f . 6287 Haddad, P .R ., Drouen, A .C .J .H ., Billiet, H .A .H . and de Galan, L . : Combined optimization of mobile phase pH and organic modifier content in the separation of some aromatic acids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 71-81 . 6288 Hahn, D .H ., Faubion, J .M . and Rooney, L .W . : Sorghum phenolic acids, their high performance liquid chromatography separation and their relation to fungal resistance . Cereal Chem ., 60 (1983) 255-259 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136842c . 6289 Hampson, J .W ., Bistline, R .G . and Linfield, W .M . : High performance liquid chromatographic separation of fatty imidazines from their diamide hydrolysis derivatives . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1666-1677 - Partisil-10 ODS-3 . 6290 Hanai, T . and Hubert, J . : Chromatographic behaviour of acids on macroporouspolystyrene gels . Chrornatographia, 17 (1983) 633-639 . 6291 Ikeda, M ., Shimada, K . and Matsumoto, Y . : (High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid with 9-aminophenanthrene as a fluorescence prelabelling agent) . Bunseki Kagaku (lap . Anal .), 33 (1984) 122-123 . 6292 Ikeda, M ., Shimada, K ., Sakaguchi, T . and Matsumoto, U . : Fluorometric highperformance liquid chromatography of 9-aminophenanthrene-derivatized free fatty acids . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 261-270 . 6293 Kannangara, T ., Simpson, G .M ., Rajkumar, K . and Murphy, B .D . : Analysis of abscisic acid in wheat leaves by a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 425-430 . 6294 Karr, D .B ., Waters, J .K . and Emerich, D .W . : Analysis of poly-6-hydroxybutyrate in Rhizobium japonicum bactereids by ion-exclusion high-pressure liquid chromatography and UV detection . App's . Environ . Microbiol ., 46 (1983) 13391344 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 47937j . 6295 Koegel, I . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of naturally occurring phenolic acids in soils . Z . PfZarzeernaehr . Bodenkd ., 146 (1983) 525-530 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138683a . 6296 Kuchar, M ., Rejholec, V ., Kraus, E ., Miller, V . and Rabek, V . : Influence of intramolecular interactions on chromatographic behaviour of arylaliphatic acids . I . Comparison of reversed-phase thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 279-288 . 6297 Kureha Chemical Industry Co ., Ltd . : (Separation and purification of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid and their esters) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 109,444 E83 109,4441 (Cl . C07C57/12), 29 Jun . 1983, Appl . 81/185,953, 19 Nov . 1981, 12 pp . ; A ., 99 (1983) 136454c . 6298 Loveland, P .M ., Pawlowski, N .E ., Libbey, L .M ., Bailey, G .S . and Nixon, J .E . : HPLC analysis of cyclopropenoid fatty acids . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1786-1788 . B390 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6299 Manku, M .S . : A comparison of GLC and HPLC methods for determining fatty acid composition of evening primrose and soybean oil . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 367-369 . 6300 Mapelli, S . and Rocchi, P . : Separation and quantification of abscisic acid and its metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography . Ann . Bot ., 52 (1983) 407-409 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 154643t . 6301 Mason, W .D . and Gillilan, R . : Revised method for determination of aspirin and salicylic acid in human plasma by high pressure liquid chromatography . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 903-912 - Ultrasphere ODs . 6302 Mullane, K .M ., Read, N ., Salmon, J .A . and Moncada, S . : Role of leucocytes in acute myocardial infarction in anesthetized dogs : relationship to myocardial salvage by antiinflammatory drugs . J . Pharm . Exp . The,- ., 228 (1984) 510-522 . 6303 Passi, S ., Nazzaro-Porro, M ., Picardo, M ., Mingrone, G . and Fasella, P . : Metabolism of straight saturated medium chain length (C9 to C12) dicarboxylic acids . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1140-1147 . 6304 Pecina, R ., Bonn, G ., Burtscher, E . and Bobleter, 0 . : High-performance liquid chromatographic elution behaviour of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids and carbohydrates on a strong cation-exchange stationary phase . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 245-258 . 6305 Preloy, V ., Mutak, S . and Kovacevic, K . : (Separation of enantiomers by partitior between liquid phases . Part 3 . Selectivity of lipophilic tartanic acid esters for chiral ammonium salts of different constitution and configuration . HeZV . Chim . Acta, 66 (1983) 2279-2284 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 13335w . 6306 Rosenfeld, J .M ., Murejka-Russell, M . and Phatak, A . : Macroreticular resin XAD-2 as a catalyst for the simultaneous extraction and derivatization of organic acids from water . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 127-135 . 6307 Saitoh, H ., Oikawa, K ., Watanabe, M . and Kanda, S . : (Formulation of formic acid in dextrose injection preparations) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 33 (1984) T 15-T 18 . 6308 Seher, A . and Fiebig, H .-J . : Stereospezifische Analyse von Triacylglycerin mit selten vorkommenden Fettsduren . Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm ., 85 (1983) 333338 . 6309 Shaw, P .E . and Wilcon, C .W . : Organic acids in orange, grapefruit and cherry juices quantitied by high-performance liquid chromatography using neutral resin or propylamine columns . J . Sci . Food Aoric ., 34 (1983) 1285-1288 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 4873t . 6310 Shimomura, Y ., Sugiyama, S ., Ozawa, T ., Taniguchi, K ., Sugie, T ., Murakami, M . and Kakuta, S . : (Identification and determination of free fatty acids in serum by high performance liquid chromatography) . Rinsho Kensa, 27 (1983) 561-564 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136288b . 6311 Shukla, F .K .S ., Schitz Nielsen, W . and Batsber, W . : A simple and direct procedure for the evaluation of triglyceride composition of cocoa butters by high performance liquid chromatography - a comparison with the existing TLC GC method . Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm ., 85 (1983) 274-278 . 6312 Smith, R .M . : Recent advances in the high-performance liquid chromatography of fatty acids . J . Pharm . Biomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 143-151 . 6313 Suprynowicz, Z ., Buszewski, B ., Rogalski, J . and Malarczyk, E . : Determination of veratric acid and its metabolites in biological material by ion-pair highperformance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 253-260 . 6314 Tan, H .S .I . and Szopa, M .E . : Improved assay of mixtures of sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate in antacid preparations . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 573-581 . 6315 Tweenten, T .N . and Wetzel, D .L . : Selective derivatization and high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of free fatty acids in lipid extracts . Cerea? Chem ., 60 (1983) 411-413 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 4882v . 6316 Woo, D .J . and Benson, J .R . : Organic acid determination using polymeric columns . Int . Lab ., November/December (1983) 22-28 . 6317 Woo, D .J . and Benson, J .R . : Organic acid determination by liquid chromatography . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mao ., 1 (1983) 238-241 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172208j . 6318 Wood, R . : High-performance liquid chromatography analyses of isomeric monoenoic and acetylenic fatty acids . J . C.hromatogr ., 287 (1984) 202-208 . 6319 Yabe, Y ., Tan, S ., Ninomiya, T . and Okada, T . : (Determination of propionic acid in bread by high-performance liquid chromatography) . Shokuhin Eiseigaku 2asshi, 24 (1983) 329-332 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138229g . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B391 6320 Zhang, S ., An, D ., Wu, R . and Sheng, L . : (Determination of log P of caffeic acid by high performance liquid chromatography) . Nan,jing Yaoxueyuan Xuebao, (1982) 1-3 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 175139y . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 21637m, 44654d, 5691Sf, 66707a, 66718e, 95850x, 99275m . See also 5926, 6007, 6008, 6191, 6193 . 11b . Prostaglandins 6321 Amano, T ., Takeda, K . and Terao, S . : (Metabolites of arachidonic acid . I . 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 Separation and structural assignment of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic aicid (HETE), leukotriene B4 and two leukotriene 84 isomers) . Takeda Kenkyushoho, 42 (1983) 1-12 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 1598w . Dobson, P ., Aharony, D . and Krell, R .D . : Development of a sensitive method for measurement of leukotriene production by isolated cells . Res . Corrmun . Chem . Patho . PharmacoZ ., 42 (1983) 3-23 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 206350s . Dohl, J . and Greibrokk, T . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation and ultraviolet detection of prostaglandins, oxidized by pyridinium dichromate . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 435-442 . Fitzpatrick, F .A ., Liggett, W .F ., Morton, D .R . and Pike, J .E . : The stability of leukotrienes . Prostagtandins Ser ., 3 (Leukotrienes, other lipoxygenase prod .) . (1983) 78-89 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 45400e . Johnson, D .M ., Taylor, W .F ., Thompson, G .F . and Pritchard, R .A . : Degradation of fenprostalene in aqueous solutions . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 946-948 . Masters, D .J . and McMillan, R .M . : Improved reversed phase HPLC assay for LTB4 . Prostaglandins Ser ., 3 (Leukotrienes, other lipoxygenase prod .) (1983) 275-276 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 29744q . An improved method for separation Moonen, P ., Klok, G . and Keirse, M .J .N .C . : of thromboxane B2 by reversed phase liquid chromatography . ProstagZandins, 26 (1983) 797-803 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61942p . Morris, H .R ., Clinton, P .M ., Taylor, G .W ., Piper, P .J ., Tippins, J .R . and Barnett, K . : Extraction of leukotrienes from biological fluids : Studies with tritium-radiolabeled and unlabeled leukotrienes . Prostaglandins Ser ., 3 (Leukotrienes, other lipoxygenase prod .) (1983) 64-69 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 29743p . Osborne, D .J ., Peters, B .J . and Meade, C .J . : The separation of leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid metabolites of arachidonic acid by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) . ProstagZandins, 26 (1983) 817-832 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 61943q . Peng, G .W . and Sood, V .K . : Liquid chromatographic assay of arbaprostil . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1499-1511 . Peters, S .P ., Schulman, E .S ., Liu, M .C ., Hayes, E .C . and Lichtenstein, L .M . : Separation of major prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and monoHETES by high performance liquid chromatography . J . Irrmrunol . Methods, 84 (1983) 335-343 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 29766y . Plaisted, S .M ., Zwier, T .A . and Snider, B .G . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of 15-methyl PGF 2a methyl ester isomers . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 151-157 . Shimadzu Corp . : (Chromatographic method for the determination of prostaglandins in biological samples) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 108,457 [83 108,457 C .A ., (Cl . GO1N31/08), 28 Jun . 1983, Appl . 81/208,845, 22 Dec . 1981, 5 pp . ; 99 (1983) 134485q . 6334 Wilson, T .W ., McCauley, F .A . and Tuchek, J .M . : Determination of 6-ketoprostaglandin F la and thromboxane B 2 in urine by high-performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 351-357 . 6335 Yamada, K ., Onodera, M . and Aizawa, Y . : Determination of prostaglandin E2 and the main prostaglandin E metabolite by micro high-performance liquid chromatography using fluorescence derivatization with dansyl hydrazine . J. Pharmacol . Methods, 9 (1983) 93-100 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 49799a . 6336 Zoutendam, P .H ., Bowman, P .B ., Rumph, J .L . and Ryan, T .M . : Quantitative determination of prostaglandins A1 and B1 in alprostadil (PGE1) by highperformance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 281-287 . B392 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6337 Zoutendam, P .H ., Bowman, P .B ., Ryan, T .M . and Rumph, J .L . : Quantitative determination of alprostadil (PGE1) in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 273-280 . 11c . Lipids and their constituents 6338 Balogh, L . : Simple separation of products of glycerolysis by low-pressure column chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 107-112 . 6339 Fricke, H . and OehlenschlAger, J . : Veranderungen im Lipidmuster von Rotbarsch (Sebastes marinus L .) bei der Gefrierlagerung . 1 . Mitteilung : Untersuchungen an homogenisiertem Filet mittels Hochleistungsflussigchromatographie (HPLC) . Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm ., 85 (1983) 474-476 . 6340 Grummer, R .R ., Davis, C .L . and Hegarty, H .M . : Comparison of ultracentrifugation and gel filtration for the isolation of bovine lipoproteins . Lipids, 18 (1983) 795-802 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 20038e . 6341 Harder, A ., Widjaja, F . and Debuch, H . : Studies on lipids from liver and spleen of a child (O .L .) with Niemann-Pick's disease type C . J . Ciin . Chem . Olin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 199-201 - DEAE-cellulose, silica gel . 6342 Hennion, M .C ., Thieblemont, J .C ., Rosset, R ., Scribe, P ., Marty, J .C . and Saliot, A . : Rapid semi-preparative class separation of organic compounds from marine rapid extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography and subsequent quantitative analysis by gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 351-362 . 6343 Jungalwala, F .B ., Evans, J .E ., Bremer, E . and McCluer, R .H . : Analysis of sphingoid bases by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1380-1388 . 6344 Kadowaki, H ., Bremer, E .G ., Evans, J .E ., Jungalwala, F .B . and McCiuer, R .H . : Acetonitrile-hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of gangliosides for high performance liquid chromatographic analysis of their long chain bases . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1389-1397 . 6345 Kaduce, T .L ., Norton, K .C . and Spector, A .A . : A rapid, isocratic method for phospholipid separation by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1398-1403 . 6346 Lynch, D .V ., Gundersen, R .E . and Thompson, G .A ., Jr . : Separation of galactolipid molecular species by high-performance liquid chromatography, Plant Physiol ., 72 (1983) 903-905 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136287a . 6347 Moschides, M .C . : Silicic acid column chromatography of phosphonolipids . V . Separation of phosphonoamide AGEPC, phosphonoamide AGEPE, monoether biphosphono-, diether phosphono-glycerides and diacetyl phosphono-glycerides from their phosphoryl analogues and other related lipids and phospholipids . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 344-347 . 6348 Myher, J .J ., Kuksis, A ., Marai, L . and Manganaro, F . : Quantitation of natural triacylglycerols by reversed-phase liquid chromatography with direct liquid inlet mass spectrometry . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 289-301 . 6349 Nagele, U ., HAgele, E .O ., Sauer, G ., Wiedemann, E ., Lehmann, P ., Wahlefeld, A .W . and Gruber, W . : Reagent for the enzymatic determination of serum total triglycerides with improved lipolytic efficiency . J. Olin . Chem . CZin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 165-174 - Aminex HPx-87H, LiChrosorb RP-18 . 6350 Nakagawa, Y . and Horrocks, L .A . : Separation of alkenylacyl, alkylacyl, and diacyl analogues and their molecular species by high performance liquid chromatography . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1268-1275 . 6351 Nissen, H .P ., Tbpfer-Petersen, E ., Schill, W .B . and Kreysel, H .W . : Charakterisierung der Phospholipide der ausseren akrosomalen Membran aus Eberspermatozoen . Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm ., 85 (1983) 2 . Sonderheft . 6352 Perkins, E .G ., Bauer, J .E ., Pelick, N . and El-Hamdy, A . : High performance liquid chromatography of neutral lipids : triglycerides and cholesterol esters . ROCS Monogr ., 10 (1983) 184-208 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 211222f . 6353 Strasberg, P .M ., Warren, I ., Skomorowski, M .A . and Lowden, J .A . : HPLC analysis of neutral glycolipids : an aid in the diagnosis of lysosomal storage disease . CZin . Chim. Acta, 132 (1983) 29-41 . 6354 Tsimidou, M . and Macrae, R . : Influence of injection solvent on the reversedphase chromatography of triglycerides . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 178-181 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B393 6355 Ursini, F ., Bonaldo, L ., Maioring, M . and Gregolin, C . : High-performance liquid chromatography of hydroperoxy derivatives of stearoyllinoleoylphosphatidyl choline and of their enzymatic reduction products . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 301-308 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 53501d . 11d. Lipoproteins and their constituents 6356 Nestruck, A .C ., Niedmann, P .D ., Wieland, H . and Seidel, D . : Chromatofocusing of human high density lipoproteins and isolation of lipoproteins A and A-I . Biochim . Bioph6s . Acta, 753 (1983) 65-73 . 6357 Okazaki, M ., Takizawa, A . and Hara, I . : (Comparison of serum lipoprotein quantitation by high-performance liquid chromatography and by agarose gel electrophoresis) . Yakugaku, 32 (1983) 423-428 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 154754e . 12 . ORGANIC PEROXIDES 6358 Jensen, R .K ., Zinbo, M . and Korcek, S . : HPLC determination of hydroperoxidic products formed in the autoxidation of n-hexadecane at elevated temperatures . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 394-397 . 13 . STEROIDS 6359 Boveda, M .D ., Alonso Fernandez, J .R ., Parrado, C ., Fraga, J .M ., Pombo, M . and Pena, J . : (Analysis of steroid hormones of clinical and pharmacological interest by high-performance liquid chromatography) . BoZZ . Chim . Farm ., 122 (1983) 261-275 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 748h - a review with 138 refs . 6360 Petrovic, S .M ., Kolarov, L .A . and Petrovic, J .A . : Solvent selection in liquidsolid chromatography of steroids . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 145-148 . 6361 Tetsuo, M . : (Separation and purification of steroids in biological materials by liquid chromatography) . GC-MS News, 11 (1983) 116-123 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 208995e - a review with 20 refs . 13a . Pregnane and androstane derivatives 6362 Admas, J .B . and McDonald, D . : Enzymic synthesis of steroid sulfates XVI . Specificity and regulation of human adrenal hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase . Steroids, 41 (1983) 575-586 . 6363 Archambault, A ., Begue, R . :J ., Faure, Z . and Gandin, B . : Chromatography of C18 , C19 and C21 steroids on Sephadex LH-20 . J. Chromatoar ., 284 (1984) 261-268 . 6364 Baumeister, M ., Stalla, G .K . and Muller, C .A . : Problems in quantitative analysis of five steroid hormones by HPLC . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 683-684 . 6365 Bosch, A .M .G . : A radio-immunoassay of 19-nortestosterone using Celite column chromatography . J. Clin . Chem . CZin . Biochim ., 22 (1984) 29-34 - Celite . 6366 Ebling, W .F ., Szefler, S .J . and Jusko, W .J . : Analysis of cortisol, methylprednisolone, and methylprednisolone hemisuccinate . Absence of effects of troleandomycin on ester hydrolysis . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 271-280 . 6367 Enever, R .P . and Lewis, G .A . : Long acting contraceptive agents : the influence of pharmaceutical formulation upon biological activity of esters of norethisterone . Steroids, 41 (1983) 369-380 . 6368 Eriksson, C .-G ., Nordstrpm, L . and Eneroth, P . : Formation of imine derivatives between tris/hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane and saturated 3-oxo steroids during conventional work up of biological samples dissolved in Tris-HCl buffers . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1199-1203 . 6369 Fowler, K .C ., Pesti, G .M . and Howarth, B . : The determination of plasma corticosterone of chickens by high pressure liquid chromatography . PouZt . Sci ., 62 (1983) 1075-1079 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66918f . B394 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6370 Goto, J ., Shamsa, F ., Goto, N . and Nambara, T . : The simultaneous determination of serum cortisol and cortisone by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection . J . Pharm . Biomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 83-88 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 64444z . 6371 Goto, J ., Shamsa, F . and Nambara, T . : Studies on steroids CLXXXII . Determination of 6~-hydroxycortisol in urine by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1977-1985 Cosmosil 5 SL, LiChrosorb RP-18 . 6372 Hofreiter, B .T ., Mizera, A .C ., Allen, J .P ., Masi, A .M . and Hicok, W .C . : Solidstate extraction of cortisol from plasma or serum for liquid-chromatography . C7-in . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1808-1809 . 6373 Khalil, M .W . and Lawson, V . : Steroids in porcine follucular fluid : analysis by HPLC, capillary GC and capillary GC/MS after purification on SEP-PAK C18 and ion exchange chromatography . Steroids 41 (1983) 549-567 . 6374 Lambert, W .E ., DeSlypere, J .-P .M ., Jonckheere, J .A ., Vermeulen, A . and de Leenheer, A .P . : Improved liquid chromatographic determination of serum cortisol with double internal standardization compared to radioimmunoassay and fluorometry, and evaluted by isotope dilution/mass spectrometry . Anal . Biochem ., 134 (1983) 216-233 . 6375 Lin, J .-T . : High performance liquid chromatography of androgen acetates . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1987-1995 . 6376 Liu, X ., Jiao, K . and Zhang, H . : (Analysis of major steroid impurities in C .A ., 99 (1983) prednisone acetate by HPLC) . Yaoxue Xuebao, 18 (1983) 51-56 ; 43627w . 6377 Loo, J .C .K ., Jordan, N . and Ngoc, A .H . : Application of a high-performance gel permeation liquid chromatographic procedure to the determination of binding of prednisolone to high-affinity binding sites in human serum . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 194-198 . 6378 Novotny, M ., Alasandro, M . and Konishi, M . : Microcolumn liquid chromatography of benzoyl derivatives of steroid metabolites . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 23752377 6379 Saito, Z ., Mimoh, N ., Hifumi, S . and Takeda, R . : Analysis of corticosteroids in human adrenal tissue by high pressure liquid chromatography . CZin . Chim . Acta, 131 (1983) 239-246 . 6380 Seki, T . and Yamaguchi, Y . : New fluorimetric determination of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids after high-performance liquid chromatography using post-column derivatization with benzamidine . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 188-193 . 6381 Shimada, K ., Tanaka, M . and Nambara, T . : Studies on s teroids . CC . Determination of 17-ketosteroid sulphates in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection using pre-column derivatization . J . Chrornatogr ., 307 (1984) 23-28 . 6382 Tislaric, D ., Petek, M ., Sekso, M . and Juras, N . : A new chromatographic method CZin . Chim . Acta, 129 for separation of plasma 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone . (1983) 371-378 . 6383 Van der Hoeven, T . : Assay of hepatic microsomal testosterone hydroxylases by high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Biochem ., 138 (1984) 57-65 . 6384 Vorontsov, A .M ., Velikanova, L .I ., Petrova, V .I ., Shevchenko, Z .A . and Favorskaya, I .A . : (Quantitative determination of corticosteroids contained in human fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography) . Vestn . Leningr . C .A ., 99 (1983) 64434w . Univ ., Fin . Khim ., (1983) 115-117 ; 6385 Wiebe, D .A . and Bernert, J .T ., Jr . : Influence of incomplete cholesteryl ester hydrolysis on enzymic measurement of cholesterol . Clin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 352-356 . 6386 Wood, A .W ., Ryan, D .E ., Thomas, P .E . and Levin, W . : Regio- and stereoselective metabolism of two C19 steroids by five highly purified and reconstituted rat hepatic cytochrome P-450 isozymes . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 8839-8847 Zorbax C 18 . 6387 Yamada, K . and Aizawa, Y . : A simple method for testosterone measurement by high-performance liquid chromatography-UV spectrophotometer . J . Pharmacol . Methods, 10 (1983) 167-173 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 29786e . See also 5971 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B395 13b . Estrogens 6388 Carignan, G ., Lodge, B .A . and Shakum, W, : Quantitative analysis of ethisterone and ethynyl oestradiol preparations by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 377-380 . 6389 Cartoni, G .P . and Coccioli, F . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of oestrogens in human urine . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 144-150 . 6390 Kabra, P .M ., Tsai, F .H . and Marton, L .J . : Liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection of unconjugated estriol in serum of pregnant women . CZin . Chim . Acta, 128 (1983) 9-17 . 6391 Kaplan, L .A . and Hohnadel, D .C . : Unconjugated estriol in serum as measured by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, compared with radioimmunoassay . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1463-1466 . 6392 Sholl, S .A ., Orsini, M .W . and Hitchins, D .J . : Estrogen synthesis and metabolism in the hamster blastocyst, uterus and liver near the time of implantation . J. Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1153-1161 . 6393 Simonian, M .H . and Capp, M .W . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of steroid 3-sulfates and the corresponding unconjugated steroids . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 97-104 . 6394 Vukovic, J ., Hobkirk, R . and Khalil, M .W . : Rapid determination of guinea pig hepaitc microsomal oestrone-3-sulphate 16a-hydroxylase activity by highperformance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 431-435 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 12723j, 26073), 74040t . 13c . Stero Zs 6395 Assmann, G ., Schriewer, H ., Schmitz, G . and Hagele, E .-O . : Quantification of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol by precipitation with phosphotungstic acid/MgC12 . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2026-2030 - LiChrosorb RP-18 . 6396 Billheimer, J .T ., Avart, S . and Milani, B . : Separation of steryl esters by reversed-phase liquid chromatography . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1646-1651 Zorbax ODS C-18 . 6397 Shen, C .-S .J . and Sheppard, A .J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of some biologically important cholesterol oxides . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 469-471 . 6398 Wang, M ., Ying, H . and Zhang, L . : (6- [ 31 1] iodocholesterol purity determination by high performance liquid chromatography) . Yaowu Fend Zazhi, 3 (1983) 228-229 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 146195h . For additional information see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 211249v . See also 6899 . 13d . Bile acids and alcohoZs 6399 Hasegawa, S ., Uenoyama, R ., Takeda, F ., Chuma, J ., Baba, S ., Kamiyama, F ., Iwakawa, M . and Fushimi, M . : A highly sensitive determination of individual serum bile acids using high-performance liquid chromatography with immobilized enzyme . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 25-34 . 6400 Ikekawa, N . : Chromatography in steroid research work . TPAC, 3 (1984) 81-87 . 6401 Ishii, D ., Murata, S . and Takeuchi, T . : Analysis of bile acids by micro highperformance liquid chromatography with postcolumn enzyme reaction and fluorometric detection . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 569-577 . 6402 Japan Spectroscopic Co ., Ltd . : Determination of all-hydroxy bile acids . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 170,500 X83 170,500 (Cl . C12Q1/60), 07 act . 1983, Appl . 82/51,945, 30 Mar . 1982, 5 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31885e . 6403 Karatani, H . and Oka, S . : (Determination of bile acids with immobilized enzyme on gel-like glass formed with silicontetraethoxide) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 33 (1984) 6-11 . 6404 Paciotti, M ., Perinati, L ., Gori, F . and Rampazzo, P . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of bile acids involved in the synthesis of ursodeoxycholic acid . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 402-406 . B396 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6405 Sekisui Chemical Co ., Ltd . : (Determination of bile acids by column chromatography with immobilized enzyme and fluorometry) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 71,898 E83 71,898 (Cl . C12Q1/60), 28 Apr . 1983, Appl . 81/170,521, 23 Oct . 1981, 4 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 67187d . 6406 Sekisui Chemical Co . Ltd . : (Analysis of bile acids) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 183,099 L63 183,099 (Cl . C12(21/32), 26 Oct . 1983, Appl . 82/65,968, 18 Apr . 1982, 4 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48093t . 6407 Sekisui Chemical Co ., Ltd . : (Determination of bile acids) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 175,497 [83 175,497 (Cl . C12Q1/32), 14 Oct . 1983, Appl . 82/58, 465, 07 Apr, 1982, 7 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48104x . 6408 Takeuchi, T . and Ishii, D . : Analysis of bile acids in a serum by micro-HPLC . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Corunun ., 6 (1983) 571-572 . 6409 Wildgrube, H .J ., Fussel, U ., Lauer, H . and Stockhausen, H . : Measurement of conjugated bile acids by ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 603-608 . 6410 Yoshiura, M ., Iwamoto, T ., Ozaki, Y ., Iriyama, K ., Omasa, R ., Watanabe, M ., Watanabe, Y ., Adachi, J ., Nagata, K . et al . : (A method for determining fecal bile acids by high-performance liquid chromatography followed by reaction on an immobilized 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase column) . Jikeikai med . J ., 30 (1983) 207-214 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47938k . 13e . Ecdysones and other insect steroid hormones 6411 Wright, J .E . and Thomas, B .R . : Boll weevil : determination of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones with high pressure liquid chromatography . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2055-2066 . 13f . Other steroids 6412 Lin, J .-T . and xu, Ch .-J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of steroidal sapogenins . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 105-112 . 14 . STEROID GLYCOSIDES AND SAPONINS 6413 Fujii, Y ., Oguri, R ., Mitsuhashi, A . and Yamazaki, M . : Micro HPLC separation of 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of cardiac glycosides and their metabolites . J . Czromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 495-499 . 6414 Gandelman, M .S ., Birks, J .W ., Brinkman, U .A .Th . and Frei, R .W . : Liquid chromatographic detection of cardiac glycosides and saccharides based on the photoreduction of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 193-209 . See also 5993 . 15 . TERPENES AND OTHER VOLATILE AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 15a . Terpenes 6415 Bauer, R ., Tittel, G . and Wagner, H . : HPLC-Nachweis and Isolierung von Phorbolestern aus Crotonol . Eine neue Analysen-Methode fur Diterpenester in Euphorbiaceen . Planta Med ., 48 (1983) 10-16 . 6416 Bauer, R . and Wagner, H . : Cucurbitacinhaltige Drogen . Analyse and Standardisierung von Arzneidrogen and Phytopraparaten durch HPLC and andere chromatographiesche Verfahren (II) . Deut . Apotheker-Zt ., 123 (1983) 1313-1321 . 6417 Makapugay, H .C ., Nanayakkara, N .P .D . and Kinghorn, A .D . : Improved highperformance liquid chromatographic separation of the Stevia rebauauudiana sweet diterpene glycosides using linear gradient elution . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 390-395 . 6418 Warthen, J .D ., Jr ., Waters, R .M ., Flippen-Anderson, J .L . and Gilardi, R . : Purification of synthetic warburganal intermediates by open column and highperformance liquid chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 623-626 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B397 15c . Bitter substances 6419 American Society of Brewing Chemists : Analysis of hop bittering constituents . J. Amer . Soe . Brew . Chem ., 41 (1983) 86-88 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 120616w . 16 . NITRO AND NITROSO COMPOUNDS 6420 Hill, P ., Newbery, J .E . and Parry-Jones, R . : Separation of some nitronaphthalenes by HPLC . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Coenun ., 6 (1983) 625 . 6421 .Tin, Z . and Rappaport, S .M . : Microbore liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection for determination of nitro-substituted polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in Diesel soot . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1778-1781 - Alltech C 18 . 6422 Kokkinakis, D .M ., Scarpelli, D .G ., Rao, M .S . and Hollenberg, P .F . : Metabolism of pancreatic carcinogens N-nitroso-2,6-dimethylmorpholine and N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine by microsomes and cytosol of hamster pancreas and liver . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 5761-5767 . Chromatogr . 6423 Krull, I .S . : HPLC analysis of explosives and related materials . Sei ., 24 (1983) (High-Perform . Liq . Chromatogr . Forensic Chem .), 357-398 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 117241q . 6424 MacMillan, W .D . : Separation and direct chemical determination of nitrosamines by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 957968 6425 Schultz, B . : Determination of priority pollutant nitrophenols in water by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 208-212 . 6426 Sybilska, D ., Debowski, J ., Jurczak, J . and Zukowski, J . : a- and 1-cyclodextrin complexation as a tool for the separation of 0-, m- and p-nitro-cis- and trans-cinnamic acids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 163-170 . For additional information see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 48543a . See also 5893, 6024, 6053, 6063, 6195, 6484 . 17 . AMINES, AMIDES AND RELATED NITROGEN COMPOUNDS 17a . Amines and po-yamineo 6427 Buteau, C ., Duitschaever, C .L . and Ashton, G .C . : High-performance liquid chromatographic detection and quantitation of amines in must and wine . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 201-210 . 6428 Chu, S .-Ch ., Tallant, M .J . and Yang, R .S .H . : Quantitative determination of ethylene-diamine in a laboratory rodent diet by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 394-399 . 6429 Claas, K .E ., Hohaus, E . and Monien, H . : Hochdruckflussigkeitschromatographische Trennung and fluorometrische Bestimmung primarer a,u-Bis(2,2-diphenyl1-oxa-3-ozonia-2-borata-3-naphtyl)alkanen . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 781-784 . 6430 Corbett, M .D . and Corbett, B .R . : Arylamine N-oxidation by the microsomal fraction of germinating pea seedlings (Pisum sativum) . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1276-1282 . 6431 Dreux, M ., Lafosse, M . and Agbo-Hazoume, P . : Ion pair chromatography : a new approach to dynamic equilibrium . Chromatographic, 18 (1984) 15-17 . 6432 Folk, J .E . : Synthesis of N 1 -(y-glutamyl)spermidine, N8 -(y-glutamyl)spermidine, N 1 ,N 8 -bis(y-glutamyl)spermidine, N1-(y-glutamyl)spermine, N 1 ,N 12 -bis(y-glutamyl) spermins, and N1,N4 -bis(y-glutamyl)putrescine . Methods Enzymol ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 451-457 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19846k - a review with 8 refs . 6433 Gilbert, R ., Rioux, R . and Saheb, S .E . : Ion chromatographic determination of morpholine and cyclohexylamine in aqueous solutions containing ammonia and hydrazine . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 106-109 . B398 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6434 Holdiness, M .R . and Morgan, L .R ., Jr . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of 5-chloroaminotoluene in rats . J. Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 193-198 . 6435 Hui, J .Y . and Taylor, S .L . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination in putrefactive amines in foods . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 853-857 . 6436 Jones, D .P . : Simple high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for benzylamine oxidation products in cell suspensions . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 256260 . 6437 Kremmer, T ., Holczinger, L ., Boldizsar, M ., Selmeci, L . and Bardocz, S . : Thinlayer and high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of P388/S tumor cell and host liver polyamines . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 371-379 . 6438 Later, D .W ., Andros, T .G . and Lee, M .L . : Isolation and identification of amino polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal-derived products . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2126-2132 - Bio-Beads SX-12 . 6439 Mason, W .D . and Mason, J .S . ; Improved high pressure liquid chromatographic method for phenylpropanolamine in human plasma . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 693-699 Ultrasphere ODS . 6440 Nair, J .B ., Delaney, M .F . and Combos, K .J . : Indirect ultraviolet visualization and quantitation of methenamine with reversed phase ion pairing liquid chromatography . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 711-721 . 6441 Papp, E . and Vigh, G . : Role of buffer cations in the reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography of aromatic amines . II . Methanol-lean eluents . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 59-70 . 6442 Riggin, R .M . and Howard, C .C . : High performance liquid chromatographic determination of phenylenediamines in aqueous environmental samples . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1897-1905 . 6443 Shimada, K ., Tanaka, M . and Nambara, T . : New derivatization of amines for high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 271-277 . 6444 Tabor, C .W . and Tabor, H . : Quantitative determination of naturally occurring aliphatic diamines and polyamines by an automated liquid chromatography procedure Methods EnzymoZ ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 29-36 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19902a . 6445 Tsushida, T . and Takeo, T . : Ethylamine content of fresh tea shoots and made tea determined by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Sei . Food Agric ., 35 (1984) 77-83 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66942y . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 2854p, 40192d, 52448e, 82291r, 84306y, 86949u, 95841v . 17b . CateohoZamines and their metabolites 6446 Bauersfeld, W ., Ratge, D ., Knoll, E . and Wisser, H . : Bestimmung der Catecholamine in Plasma mit HPLC and amperometrischer Detektion . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 679-680 . 6447 Burg, W . and Kaufmann, H . : Vanilmandelic acid assay by LC using a LC pump system for post column peroxidate oxidation . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 681-682 . 6448 Chang, W .H ., Scheinin, M ., Burns, R .S . and Linnoila, M . : Rapid and simple determination of homovanillic acid in plasma using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Acta PharmaeoZ . Toxieol ., 53 C .A ., 100 (1984) 19906e . (1983) 275-279 ; 6449 Debowski, J ., Jurczak, J . and Sybilska, D . : Resolution of some chiral mandelic acid derivatives into enantiomers by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography via a- and b-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 83-88 . 6450 Dutrieu, J . and Delmotte, Y .A . : Simultaneous determination of vanilmandelic acid (VMA), homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in urine by HPLC with coulometric detection . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 124-128 . 6451 Eriksson, B .-M ., Gustafsson, S . and Persson, B .-A . : Determination of catecholamines in urine by ion-exchange liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 255-263 . 6452 Frattini, P ., Santagostino, G ., Schinelli, S ., Cucchi, M .L . and Corona, G .L . : Assay of urinary vanilmandelic, homovanillic and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acids by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Pharmacol . Methods, 10 (1983) 193-198 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31700r . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B399 6453 Frayn, K .N . and Maycock, P .F . : Sample preparation with ion-exchange resin CZtin . before liquid-chromatographic determination of plasma catecholamines . Chzem ., 29 (1983) 1426-1428 . 6454 Goto, M ., Sakurai, E . and Ishii, D . : Dual electrochemical detection of biogenic amine metabolites in micro high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1907-1925 . 5455 Hardee, G .E . and Lai, J .W . : Determination of dobutamine in plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Anal, Lett ., 16 (1983) 69-75 Spherisorb ODS . 6456 Hunt, W .A . and Dalton, T .K . : An automated method for the determination of biogenic amines and their metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography . Ana" . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 269-274 - pBondapak C 18 . 6457 Iwamoto, T ., Yoshiura, M . and Iriyama, K . : (Liberation of catecholamines from alumina) . Jikeikai :Ved . J ., 30 (1983) 123-128 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 45422p . 6458 Javaid, J .I ., Liu, T .S ., Maas, J .W . and Davis, J .M . : Measurement of 3-methoxy4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (HVA) in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector (HPLC-EC) . Anal . Bioehem ., 135 (1983) 326-331 . 6459 Kagedal, B . and Pettersson, A . : Liquid-chromatographic determination of 5-S-L-cysteinyl-L-dopa with electrochemical detection in urine prepurified with a phenylboronate affinity gel . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2031-2034 . 6460 Kemper, K ., Hagemeier, E ., Boos, K .S . and Schlimme, E . : Group-selective prefractionation and analysis of nucleosides and catecholamines by HPLC technique Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 680-681 . 6461 Kim, C ., Campanelli, C . and Khanna, J .M . : Determination of picogram levels of brain catecholamines and indoles by a simplified liquid chromatographic electrochemical detection method . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 151-159 . 6462 Laureri, C .F ., Gaetani, E ., Vitto, M . and Bordi, F . : (Fluorimetric determination of histamine in blood by high-pressure liquid chromatography and reaction of the eluates with o-phthalaldehyde) . Farmaco, Ed . Prat ., 39 (1984) 29-32 ; C . A ., 100 (1984) 61939t . 6463 Martin, R .J ., Bailey, B .A . and Downer, R .G .H . : Rapid estimation of catecholamines, octopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in biological tissues using highperformance liquid chromatography with colourimetric detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 265-274 . 6464 Munion, G .L ., Seaton, J .F . and Harrison, T .S . : HPLC for urinary catecholamines and metenephrines with a-methyldopa . J . Surg . Fes ., 35 (1983) 507-514 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61936q . 6465 Patthy, M . and Gyenge, R . ; Simultaneous determination of serotonin and catecholamines in rat brain by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Comparison of the most efficient techniques . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 217-221 . 6466 Robie, N .W . and DuSapin, K .S . : Electrochemical detection for plasma catecholamines : apparent loss of dihydroxybenzylamine in dog plasma . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 366-370 . 6467 Rosano, T .G . : Liquid-chromatographic evaluation of age-related changes in the urinary excretion of free catecholamines in pediatric patients . CZtin, . Chem ., 30 (1984) 301-303 . 6468 Rossetti, Z .L ., Mercuro, G . and Rivano, C .A . : A study of the parameters affecting flow gradient analysis of catecholamines, DOPA and DOPAC by ion pair liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Life Sei ., 33 (1983) 2387-2397 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17823b . 6469 Schleicher, E .D ., Kees, F .K . and Wieland, O .H . : Analysis of total urinary catecholamines by liquid chromatography : methodology, routine experience and clinical interpretations of results . CZin . Chim . Acta, 129 (1983) 295-302 . 6470 Shipe, J .R ., Savory, J . and Wills, M .R . : Improved liquid chromatographic determination of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl-ethyleneglycol in urine with electrochemical detection . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 140-143 - Altex UltrasphereODS-C 18 . 6471 Slemr, J . and Beyermann, K . : Determination of biogenic amines in meat by combined ion-exchange and capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 241-250 . B400 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 5472 Speek, A .J ., Odink, J ., Schrijver, J . and Schreurs, W .H .P . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of urinary free catecholamines with electrochemical detection after prepurification on immobilized boric acid . CZin . C.him . Acta, 128 (1983) 103-113 - ODS-Hypersil . 5473 Thomas, H ., Stammel, W . and Brossi, A . : Separation of dopamine and dopaminerelated tetrahydroisoquinolines by reversed-phase liquid chromatography, reversed-phase ion-pair chromatography, and ion-exchange chromatography . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 481-485 . 6474 Thomasson, C .G ., Blijenberg, B .G ., Eilers, G .A .M . and Leijnse, B . : A comparative study of five different methods for the determination of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid in urine . J . CZin . Chem . CZin . Bioehem ., 21 (1983) 417-427 Hypersil ODS . 5475 Westerink, B .H .C . : Analysis of trace amounts of catecholamines and related compounds in brain tissue : a study near the detection limit of liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2337-2351 . For additional information see : C.A ., 100 (1984) 109185y . See also 6099 . 17c . Amine derivatives and amides (excluding peptides) 6476 Achari, R ., Mayersohn, M . and Conrad, K .A . : HPLC analysis of creatinine in human plasma and urine . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 278-281 . 6477 Doyle, T .D . and Wainer, I .W . : A unique reversal of elution order during direct enantiomeric resolution of amide derivatives of 1-phenyl-2-aminopropane by high performance liquid chromatography on chiral stationary phases . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Comnun ., 7 (1984) 38-40 . 6478 Dufek, P . : High-performance liquid chromatogrpahic studies on N-alkylphthalimide II . A method for calculating capacity factors for members of a homologous series at different mobile phase compositions . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 49-58 . 6479 Fuzeau-Braesch, S . and Papin, C . : (Determination of octopamine by highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection (ED) : Assays with brains of the locust Lacuna migratoria cinerascens) . Agressologie, 24 (1983) 377-379 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64306v . 6480 Hung, Y .-L ., Kai, M ., Nohta, H . and Ohkura, Y . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analyser for guanidino compounds using benzoin as a fluorogenic reagent . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 281-294 . 6481 Kai, M ., Miyazaki, T ., Yamaguchi, M . and Ohkura, Y . ; High-performance liquid chromatography of guanidino compounds using benzoin as a pre-column fluorescent derivatization reagent . J . Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 417-424 . 6482 Kester, P .E . and Danielson, N .D . : Determination of hydrazine and 1,1-dimethylhydrazine as salicyldehyde derivatives by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 125-128 . 6483 Lehotay, J ., Brandsteterova, E ., Liska, 0 . and Garaj, J . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of ethylenethiourea in Perozin and Dithane M-45 . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 192-196 . 6484 Matsushita, H ., Mori, T . and Goto, S . : (An improved method for measurement of N-nitrosamines in sidestream smoke from cigarets and its application to Japanese and foreign cigarets) . Taiki Seen Gakkaishi, 18 (1983) 339-345 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 1599x . 6485 Okamoto, Y ., Yashima, E ., Hatada, K . and Mislow, K . : Chromatographic resolution of perchlorotriphenylamine on (+)-poly(triphenylmethyl methacrylate) . J . Org . Chem ., 49 (1984) 557-558 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 67523z . 6486 Ravichandran, K . and Baldwin, R .P . : Liquid chromatographic determination of hydrazines with electrochemically pretreated glassy carbon electrodes . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1782-1786 . 6487 Riggin, R .M ., Howard, C .C ., Scott, D .R . and Hedgecoke, R .L . : Determination of benzidine, related congeners, and pigments in atmospheric particulate matter . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 321-325 . 6486 Saitoh, H ., Oikawa, K ., Takano, T . and Kamimura, K . : Determination of tetramethylammonium ion in shellfish by ion chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 397-402 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B401 6489 Smith, D .J . and Weber, J .D . : Preparative and analytical separation of amygdalin and related compounds in injectables and tablets by reversed-phase HPLC and the effect of temperature on the separation . J . Chromatogr . So2 ., 22 (1984) 94-98 . For additional information see : C . A ., 100 (1984) 109172s . See also 5945 . 18 . AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDES ; CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS 18a . Amino acids and their derivatives 6490 Ajakaiye, C .O . : Amino acid composition of Sorghum grains as influenced by grain maturity, genotype, and nitrogen fertilization . e . Agr . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 47-50 . 6491 Cooper, J .D .H ., Lewis, M .T . and Turnell, D .C . ; Pre-column o-phthalaldehyde derivatization of amino acids and their separation using reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography . I . Detection of hydroxyproline and proline . J . C.hromatogr ., 285 (1984) 383-389 . 6492 Cooper, J .D .H ., Lewis, M .T . and Turnell, D .C . : Pre-column o-phthalaldehyde derivatization of amino acids and their separation using reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography . II . Simultaneous determination of amino and imino acids in protein hydrolysates . J. Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 490-494 . 6493 Davis, A .T ., Ingalls, S .T . and Hoppel, C .L . : Determination of free trimethyllysine in plasma and tissue specimens by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 79-87 . 6494 Dobashi, A . and Hara, S . : Optical resolution of D- and L-amino acid derivatives by silica gel liquid chromatography with chiral additive N-acetyl-L-valine tert .-butylamide . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1805-1806 - Spherosil XOA . 6495 Dong, M .W . and DiCesare, J .L . : Amino acid analysis by liquid chromatography . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 222-228 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 118644k . 6496 Einarsson, S ., Josefsson, B . and Lagerkvist, S . : Determination of amino acids with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 609-618 . 6497 Elkin, R .G . : Measurement of free amino acids in avian blood serum by reversephase high-performance liquid chromatography as compared to ion-exchange chromatography . J. Agr . Food 'hem ., 32 (1984) 53-57 . 6498 Engelhardt, H ., Koenig, T . and Kromidas, S . : Chirale Trennung von Aminosauren and deren Derivaten . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 670-671 . 6499 Feibush, B ., Cohen, M .J . and Karger, B .L . : The role of bonded phase composition on the ligand-exchange chromatography of dansyl-D,L-amino acids . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 3-26 . 6500 Fleury, M .O . and Ashley, D .V . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of amino acids in physiological fluids : on-line precolumn derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 330-335 . 6501 Franzen, K .H . : (HPLC amino acid analysis) . GIT Faehs . Lab ., 27 (1983) 610-612 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66962r . 6502 Garnick, R .L ., Burt, G .F ., Long, D .A ., Bastian, J .W . and Aldred, J .P . : Highperformance liquid chromatographic assay for sodium levothyroxine in tablet formulations : content uniformity applications . J . Pharm . Sei ., 73 (1984) 75-77 . 6503 Glennie, C .W . : Polyphenol changes in Sorghum grain during malting . J. Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1295-1299 . 6504 Grove, J ., Alken, R .G . and Schechter, P .J . : Assay of y-vinyl-y-aminobutyric acid (4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid) in plasma and urine by automatic amino acid analysis . Application to human pharmacokinetics . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 383-387 . 6505 Grushka, E ., Atamma, I ., Gilon, C . and Chorev, M . : Liquid chromatographic separation and detection of N-methylamino acids using mobile phase containing copper(II) ions . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 125-133 . B402 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6506 Heinrikson, R .L . and Meredith, S .C . : Amino acid analysis by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography : precolumn derivatization with phenylisothiocyanate . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 65-74 . 6507 Hung, S .S .O . and Moon, T .W . : Determination of free methylhistidine and amino acids by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 114-118 . 6508 James, L .B . : Amino acid analysis . III . Reduction of ninhydrin with titanous chloride . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 97-103 . 6509 Kimes, A .S . and Shellenberger, M .K . : A method for manual determination of glutamate, glutamine, GABA and aspartate from brain regions . Pharmacol . Biochem . Behav ., 18 (1983) 943-948 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 64441w . 6510 Oi, N . and Kithara, H . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of amino acid enantiomers on urea derivatives of L-valine bonded to silica gel . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 198-202 . 6511 Kneifel, H . and Jandel, A .-S . : Rapid amino acid analysis in biotechnology : Determination of alanine and aspartic acid . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1395-1405 . 6512 Lasley, S .M ., Michaelson, I .A ., Greenland, R .D . and McGinnis, P .M . : Simultaneous measurement of tyrosine, tryptophan and related monoamines for determination of neurotransmitter turnover in discrete rat brain regions by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 27-42 . 6513 Lefeng, Z ., Yunlu, Y . and Ruiyu, Y . : Direct determination of phenylalanine in serum extracts of phenylketonuria patients by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 333-339 . 6514 Levina, N .B . and Nazimov, I .V . : High-performance liquid chromatography of Dnsamino acids in the purity control of peptides . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 207216 . 6515 Masimov, A .A ., Zaslavsky, B .Yu ., Gasanov, A .A . and Rogozhin, S .V . : Thermodynamic properties of macromolecular compounds . I . Solutions of polyethylene glycol and polyacrylamide . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 337-348 . 6516 Masimov, A .A ., Zaslavsky, B .YU ., Gasanov, A .A ., Davidovich, Yu .A . and Rogozhin, S .V . : Thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions of macromolecular compounds . II . Effect of degree of acetylation of poly(vinyl alcohol) on the properties of it aqueous solutions . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 349-355 . 6517 Matsubara, Y ., Heininger, J .A . and Lin, Y .Y . : Improved diagnosis of classical vs . atypical phenylketonuria by liquid chromatography . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 278-280 - (iHondapak C18, C18-Corasil . 6518 Natelson, S . : Metabolic relationship between urea and guanidino compounds as studied by automated fluorimetry of guanidino compounds in urine . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 252-258 . 6519 Neklyudov, A .D ., Tsibanov, V .U ., Kupov, Kh .A . and Belikov, V .M . : (Isolation of amino acid mixtures from yeast autolyzates . III . Study of the purification of yeast autolyzate on various sorbents) . Khim .-Farm . Zh ., 17 (1983) 1348-1352 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 49968u . 6520 Nishio, H . and Segawa, T . : Determination of pipecolic acid in rat brain areas by high-performance liquid chromatography of dansyl derivatives with fluorimetric detection . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 312-317 . 6521 Cray, B ., Lu, H .S . and Gracy, R .W . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of Dns-amino acid derivatives and applications to peptide and protein structural studies . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 253-266 . 6522 Park, M . H . Cooper, H .L . and Folk, J .E . : Chromatographic identification of hypusine (N 1 -4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine and deoxyhypusine [N1-(4-aminobutyl) C .A ., 100 (1984) lysine] . Methods Fnzymol ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 458-462 ; 19847m - a review with 14 refs . 6523 Polta, J .A . and Johnson, D .C . : The direct electrochemical detection of amino acids at a platinum electrode in an alkaline chromatographic effluent . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1727-1743 . 6524 Price, S .J ., Palmer, T . and Griffin, M . : High-speed assay of amino acids using reversed-phase liquid chromatography . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 62-64 . 6525 Prueksaritanont, T ., Chen, M .-L . and Chiou, W .L . : Simple and micro highperformance liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of p-aminohippuric acid and iothalamate in biological fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 89-97 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B403 6526 Pucci, P ., Sannia, G . and Marino, G . : Separation of phenylthiohydantoin-amino acids by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 371-377 . Stability-indicating assay, dissolution, and 6527 Richheimer, S .L . and Amer, T .M . : content uniformity of sodium levothyroxine in tablets . J . Pharm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 1349-1351 . 6528 Snedden, W ., Mellor, C .S . and Martin, J .R . : Familial hypertryptophanemia, CZin . Chim . Acta, 131 (1983) 247-256 tryptophanuria and indoleketonuria . Spherisorb C186529 Sybilska, D ., Przasnyski, M ., Mysior, B . and Samochocka, K . : Simple determination of cysteine and cystine in dilute solution by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection using a DC-TAST polarograph . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 453-458 . 6530 Takeuchi, T ., Horikawa, R . and Tanimura, T . : Complete resolution of DL-isoleucine by droplet counter-current chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 285-288 . 6531 Takeuchi, T ., Yamazaki, M . and Ishii, D . : Isocratic separation of PTH-amino acids by micro high-performance liquid chromatography . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 7 (1984) 101-102 . 6532 Unnithan, S ., Moraga, D .S . and Schuster, S .M . : A high-performance liquid chromatography assay for asparagine synthetase . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 195-201 . 6533 Venezky, D .L . and Rudzinski, W .E . : Determination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in boiler water by liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 315-317 Ultrasphere ODS . 6534 Wang, F ., Wang, M ., Chen, T ., Yu, R . and Feng, R . : (Determination of L-glutamine content in fermentation broths) . Huaxue Shijie, 24 (1983) 171-173 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 49963p . 6535 Watanabe, Y . and Imai, K . : Liquid chromatographic determination of amino and imino acids and thiols by postcolumn derivatization with 4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzo2,1,3-oxadiazole . Ana- . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1786-1791 . 6536 Weinstein, S . : Enantiomeric analysis of the common protein amino acids by liquid chromatography . TrAC, 3 (1984) 16-20 . 6537 Winspear, M .J . and Oaks, A . : Automated pre-column amino acid analyses by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 378-382 . 6538 Wolski, T ., Golkiewicz, W . and Bartuzi, G . : Optimization of the extraction conditions of amino acid dabsyl derivatives . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 33-36 . 6539 Yoshida, K ., Hasegawa, T . and Haraguchi, H . : Determination of amino acids by liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2106-2108 - IEX-210 SC . 6540 Yoza, N ., Miyaji, T ., Hirai, Y . and Ohashi, S . : Determination of complexing abilities of ligands for metal ions by flow injection analysis and highperformance liquid chromatography . I . Principle of the substitution reaction method . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 89-98 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 17592a, 47944j, 56940g . See also 5892, 5963, 6004 . 18b . Peptides and peptidic and proteinous hormones 6541 Bristow, A .F ., Wilson, C . and Sutcliffe, N . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of human thyroid-stimulating hormone . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 285-292 . 6542 Butler, S .R ., Lam, R .W . and Fisher, D .A . : Iodination of thyroliberin by use of lodogen . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 547-548 - SP-Sephadex C-25-120 . 6543 Chang, K .-J ., Wei, E .T ., Killian, A . and Chang, J .-K . : Potent morphiceptin analogs : structure activity relationships and morphine-like activities . J . Pharm . Exp . Ther ., 227 (1983) 403-408 . 6544 Cohen, K .A ., Chazaud, J . and Calley, G . : Optimized phase system resulting from a comparison of endcapped and non-endcapped chemically bonded silica for the hydrophobic high-performance liquid chromatography of peptides . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 423-434 . B404 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6545 Davis, T .P ., Culling, A .J ., Schoemaker, H . and Galligan, J .J . : 0-Endorphin and its metabolites stimulate motility of the dog small intestine . J . Charm . Exp . Yrer,, 227 (1983) 499-507 . 6546 Desiderio, D .M . : High-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of biologically important neuropeptides . Adv . Chromatogr ., 22 (1983) 1-36 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17785r . 6547 Eldridge, R .K . and Fields, P .A . : Isolation of human placental relaxin with octadecylsilica_ Int . Conar, Ser .-Eneeopta Med ., 610 (Biol . Relaxin its Role Hum .) (1983) 389-391 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61908g . 6548 Etzrodt, H ., Rosenthal, J ., Schroder, K .E . and Pfeiffer, E .F . : Radioimmunoassay COIN . Chtim . Aeta, 133 (1983) 241-251 . of somatostatin in human plasma . 6549 Fujii, N ., Lee, W ., Yajima, H ., Moriga, M . and Mizuta, K . : Studies on peptides . CXII . Alternative synthesis of heptacosapeptide, a new gastrointestinal polypeptide . Cram . Charm . Bo?L ., 31 (1983) 3503-3514 . 6550 Gressner, A .M . : Aminoterminal propeptides of type III procollagen in human cerebrospinal fluid . J . CZin . C-"ir, Biochem ., 22 (1984) 237-243 - Sephadex G 100, Sephacryl 300 . 6551 Hearn, M .T .W . and Grego, B . : High-performance liquid chromatography of amino acids, peptides and proteins . LIII . Evaluation of the effect of several stationary phase parameters on the chromatographic separation of polypeptides on alkylsilicas . J . Cnromatogr ., 282 (1983) 541-560 . 6252 Hernandez, 0 ., Bhatia, A .V . and Walker, M . : HPLC separation of the diastereomeric L2<E id Charm loan , 6 (1983) 1475-1489 . glutathione adducts of styrene oxide . 6553 Hernandez, O ., Bhatia, A .B . and Walker, M .P . : HPLC separation of diastereomeric adducts of glutathione with some K-region arene oxides . J . LI uid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1693-1704 . 6554 Ishiguro, M ., Nii, T ., Imamura, S ., Imamichi, S ., Yamabe, T . and Kikutani, M . : Biochemical studies on placental chorionic gonadotropin . I . Characterization of a high-molecular-weight gonadotropin in human chorionic tissues of the normal placenta . Chem . Charm . BuOZ ., 31 (1983) 2743-2750 . 6555 Jos, J ., de Tand, M .F ., Arnaud-Battandier, F ., Boissel, J .P ., Popineau, Y ., Wajcman, H . : Separation of pure toxic peptides from a beta-gliadin subfraction using high-performance liquid chromatography . Olin . Chim . data, 134 (1983) 189-198 . 125 1-Labeled peptide mapping and high-performance liquid chromato6556 Judd, R .C . : graphy, 125 1-peptide separation of protein I of four strains of Neisseria aororrhoeae . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1421-1439 . 6557 Lazarus, L . and Smeaton, J .R . : (Purifying or concentrating antigens) . Pat . Specif . ;Rust .,' AU 530,850 (Cl . G01N33/54), 30 Jun . 1983, App1 . 83/14,202, 04 May 1983, 7 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 1304x . 6558 Lenney, J .F ., Peppers, S .C ., Kucera, C .M . and Sjaastad, 0 . : Homocarnosinosis : lack of serum carnosinase is the defect probably responsible for elevated brain and CSF homocarnosine . Cain . 00im . Aota, 132 (1983) 157-165 . 6559 Margolis, S .A . and Konash, P .L . : The high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of diastereomers and structural analogs of angiotensins I and II . Anal . Bioehem ., 134 (1983) 163-169 . 6560 McLeod, A . and Wood, S .F . : High-performance liquid chromatography of insulin . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 319-331 . 6561 Meryn, S . and Bauman, W .A . : Use of the rapid octadecasilyl column method for purification of 125 1-bovine pancreatic polypeptide compared with conventional methodology . J . Chro.matoar ., 287 (1984) 161-165 . 6562 Narayanan, T .K . and Greenbaum, L .M . : Detection and quantitation of fluorescaminelabeled bradykinin, its analogues and metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatopr ., 306 (1984) 109-116 . 6563 O'Donohue, T .L . : identification of endorphin acetyltransferase in rat brain and pituitary gland . J . dIa . Cnem ., 258 (1983) 2163-2167 . 6564 Ohta, M ., Tokunaga, H ., Kimura, T ., Satoh, H . and Kawamura, J . : Analysis of insulins by high-performance liquid chromatography . II . Separation of various species of insulins . Chem . Charm . Bulgy ., 31 (1983) 3566-3570 . 6565 Pietrzyk, D .J ., Smith, R .L . and Cahill, W .R ., Jr . : The influence of peptide structure on the retention of small chain peptides on reverse stationary phases . J. Liquid Chromatocr ., 6 (1983) 1645-1671 . 6566 Rankin, N .E ., Earl, R .A ., Young, R .S ., Barstow, L .E ., Cusanovich, M .A . and Wilson, G .S . : HPLC separation and characterization of synthetic and native cytochrome c derived peptides . J . Liauid Chromatogr „ 6 (1983) 1591-1601 . 5405 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 5567 Richter, W .C ., Jacob, B . and Schwandt, P . : Molecular weight determination of peptides by high-performance gel permeation chromatography . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 288-291 - Bio-Sil TSK 20, Bio-Gel TSK 125 . 5568 Richter, W .O . and Schwandt, P . : Desalting of peptides by high-performance gel permeation chromatography . J . Chromatoor ., 288 (1984) 212-214 . 5569 Sasagawa, T ., Titani, K . and Walsh, K .A . : Selective isolation of tryptophan containing peptides by hydrophobicity modulation . Anal. . Biochem ., 134 (1983) 224-229 . 5570 Sauter, A . and Frick, W . : Determination of cholecystokinin tetrapeptide and cholecystokinin octapeptide sulfate in different rat brain regions by highpressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 307-313 . 3571 Schmitt, J . and Mutter, M . : Relationship between conformation and physicochemical properties of polypeptides . II . GPC as a tool for the detection of conformational transitions of PEG-bound peptides . BiopoZymers, 22 (1983) 1849-1852 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 7118m . 5572 Selden, C ., Maton, P .N . and Chadwick, V .S . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and separation of peptide hormones in human tissues and plasma with reference to cholecystokinins . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 43-52 . 5573 Smith, A .I . and McDermott, J .R . : High-performance liquid chromatography of neuropeptides using radially compressed polythene cartridges . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 99-108 . 5574 Smyth, D .G . : Chromatography of peptides related to Q-endorphin . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1964) 127-135 - pBondapak C18 . 5575 Tebbett, I .R . and Caddy, B . : Analysis of Cortinarius toxins by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 417-420 . 5576 Van den Eeckhout, E ., Sinsheimer, J .E ., Baeyens, W ., de Keukeleire, D ., de Bruyn, A . and de Moerloose, P . : Regioselectivity in the chemical and enzymatic reactions between glutathione an phenylglycidyl ether . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 785-798 . 5577 Van Leeuwen, B .H ., Millar, J .A ., Hammat, M .T . and Johnston, C .I . : Radioimmunoassay of blood bradykinin : purification of blood extracts to prevent crossreaction with endogenous kininogen . CZin . Chim . Acta, 127 (1983) 343-351 . 5578 Welinder, B .S ., Linde, S ., Hansen, B . and Sonne, 0 . : Binding affinity of monoiodinated insulin tracers isolated after reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 167-177 . 5579 Wolfe, R .A . : Isolation of physiologically active polypeptides by HPLC . Biotechniques, 1 (1983) 126-129 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31596m . 5580 Yamashiro, D . : High-performance partition chromatography of peptides on a new cross-linked agarose . Int . J . Pept . Protein Res ., 22 (1983) 381-383 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31684p . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 19740w, 48027z, 64317z, 80463z, 96817d, 99287s . See also 6597, 6779 . ZBc . General techniques of elucidation of structure of protein 3581 Francis, C .W ., Keels, E .M . and Marder, V .J . : Purification of three -y-chains with different molecular weights from normal human plasma fibrinogen . Biochim . Biophy6 . Acta, 797 (1984) 328-335 - DEAE-Sephacel . 5582 Imamura, T ., Sugihara, J ., Yokota, E ., Kagimoto, M ., Naito, Y . and Yanase, T . : Analytical peptide mapping by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography : application to haemoglobin variants . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 456-460 5583 Kenyon, C .N . : Sequencing of underivatized peptides by direct liquid inlet liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry . Biomed . Mass Speetrom ., 10 (1983) 535-543 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48050b . 5584 Koehn, J .A ., Hurlet-Jensen, A ., Nossel, H .L . and Canfiled, R .E . : Sequence of plasma proteolysis at the NH 2 -terminus of the BQ-chain of human fibrinogen . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 502-510 - 7Bondapak C18 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B406 6585 L'clalien, J .J . and Kent, S .B .HI . : Protein microsequencing with post-column fluorescent phenylisothiocyanate analogues . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 149-156 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 99035h, 99271g . See also 6521 . 19 . PROTEINS 19a . General techniques 6586 Engelhardt, H ., Ahr, G . and DchSn, V . : Optimierung der Peakkapazitat in der Anschluss-Chromatographie von Proteinen . Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 687-688 . 6587 Flashner, M ., Ramsden, H . and Crane, L .J . : Separation of proteins by highperformance anion-exchange chromatography . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 340-344 Baker-Bond Wide-Pore PEI-silica gel . 6588 Germershausen, J ., Bostedor, R ., Liou, R . and Karkas, J .D . : Fractionation of high-molecular-weight proteins with mixed Toyopearl packings . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 383-386 . 6589 Horigome, T . and Sugano, H . : Rapid method for removal of detergents and salts from protein solutions using Toyopearl HW-40F . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 315-322 . 6590 Kadoya, T . and Okuyama, T . : (Ion-exchange chromatography of proteins using diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex in the presence of urea) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 32 (1983) 664-669 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47927f . 6591 Kiselev, A .V ., Khokhlova, T .D . and Nikitin, Yu .S . : Chromatography of proteins and viruses on macroporous silica modified with carbohydrates . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 69-72 . 6592 Kopaciewicz, W . and Regnier, F .E . : Mobile phase selection for the highperformance ion-exchange chromatography of proteins . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 251-259 - SynChropak AX-300 . 6593 Laurent, C .J .C .M ., Billiet, H .A .H ., de Galan, L ., Buytenhuys, F .A . and van der Maeden, F .P .B . ; High-performance liquid chromatography of proteins on alumina . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 45-54 . 6594 Mirabel, B . : Separation of proteins by preparative chromatography . LWT-Ed ., 7 (Prog . Food Eng .) (1983) 371-375 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 33388u . 6595 Rabel, F .M . and Martin, D .A . : Protein separations on octyl and diphenyl bonded phases . J. Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2465-2499 . 6596 Sofer, G . and Britton, V .J . : Designing an optical chromatographic purification scheme for proteins . BioTechniques, 1 (1983) 198-203 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64325a . 6597 Stein, S . and Udenfriend, S . : A picomole protein and peptide chemistry : some applications to the opioid peptides . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 7-23 Spherisorb CN, Ultrasphere ODS, LiChrosorb RP-18 . 6598 Talsky, G . and Dostal, J . : Problems in molecular weight determination of proteins by gel chromatography and applications of higher order derivative spectrometry, J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 487-494 . 6599 Trumbore, C .N ., Tremblay, R .D ., Penrose, J .T ., Mercer, M . and Kelleher, M . : Unusual flow behavior and losses of proteins in high-performance liquid chromatography capillary tubing . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 43-57 . 6600 Yao, Z . : (Application of high-performance liquid chromatography in protein chemistry) . Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shengw Wuli Jinzhan, 52 (1983) 54-59 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 154534h - a review with 27 refs . See also 6069, 6779 . 19b . Proteins of ceZZs, viruses and subceZZuZar particles (excluding blood cells and platelets) For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 2039b, 31701s, 31847u . See also 6094 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 8407 19c . Microbial and plant proteins 6601 Dawidowicz, A .L . and Lobarzewski, J . ; Changes of the affinity between fungal proteins and vanillin bonded to thermally modified porous glass support . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 41-43 . Selective purification by thiol-disulfide 6602 Geoffrey, Ch . and Alou£, J .E . : interchange chromatography of alveolysin, a sulfhydryl-activated toxin of Bacillus alvei . Toxin properties and interaction with cholesterol and liposomes . J . Biol . Chem., 258 (1983) 9968-9972 - Thiopropyl-Sepharose 6B . . Kulaeva, O .N . : 6603 Kharchenko, V .I ., Romanko, E .G ., Selivankina, S .Yu . and (Purification of cytokinin-binding proteins from barley leaves by affinity chromatography) . Fiziol . Rast ., 30 (1983) 1214-1219 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64307w . 6604 Ma, C .-Y . and Harwalkar, V .R . : Chemical characterization and functionality assessment of cat protein fractions . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 144-149 . 6605 Madhusudhan, K .T . and Singh, N . ; Studies on linseed proteins . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 959-963 . 6606 Offner, G .D . and Troxler, R .F . : Primary structure of allophycocyanin from the unicellular rhodophyte, Cyanidium caldarium . The complete amino acid sequences of the a and b subunits . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 9931-9940 . 6607 Rappuoli, R ., Perugini, M ., Marsili, I . and Fabbiani, S . : Rapid purification of diphtheria toxin by Phenyl Sepharose and DEAF-cellulose chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 543-548 . 19d . Proteins of blood, serum and blood cells 6608 Asahi Chemical Industry Co ., Ltd . : (Analysis of bad fluids by liquid chromatography) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 185,524 183 185,524 (Cl . A61K37/04), 29 Oct . 1983, Appl . 82/68,049, 24 Apr . 1982, 7 pp . ; C .A., 100 (1984) 48092s . 6609 Benbouzid, A ., Guinet, R . and Cloppet, H . : Purification of soluble specific antigens of systemic candidiasis by antibody affinity chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 117-124 . 6610 Bruera, . M .R ., Sevlever, D . and Gatti, C .A . : Measurement of binding constants for divalent antibody-immobilized antigen interaction by antigen-Sepharose 4B chromatography . ImmunoZ . Commun ., 12 (1983) 529-538 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 33044d, 6611 Corthier, G ., Boschetti, E . and Charley-Poulain, J . : Improved method for IgG purification from various animal species by ion exchange chromatography . J . Irmrunol . Methods, 66 (1984) 75-79 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 83814a . 6612 Dobre, M .A . and Mota, G . : Selective binding of heat- and antigen-aggregated IgG to Blue-Sepharose . Radioimmunoassay of circulating immune complexes . J. Immunol . Methods, 65 (1983) 207-215 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 83797x . 6613 Gardiner, P .E ., Gessner, H ., Bratter, P ., Stoeppler, M . and Narnberg, H .W . : The distribution of zinc in human erythrocytes . J . CZin . Chem. CZin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 159-163 - Sephacryl . 6614 Hoebeke, J ., Chamat, S ., Marullo, S ., Guilleti, J .G . and Strosberg, A .D . : Use of the EIA technique in the functional characterization of anti-drug monoclonal antibodies . Dev . ImmunoZ ., 18 (Immunoenzym . Tech .) (1983) 307-311 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17099v . 6615 Holbrook, N .J ., Bloomfield, C .D . and Munck, A . : Analysis of activated and nonactivated cytoplasmic glucocnrticoid-receptor complexes from human leukemia cells by rapid DNA-diethylaminoethyl minicolumn chromatography . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4478-4482 . 6616 Huse, K ., Himmel, M ., Birkenmeier, G ., Bohla, M . and Kopperschlager, G . : A novel purification procedure for human alpha-fetoprotein by application of immobilised Cibacron Blue F3G-A as affinity ligand . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 335-340 . 6617 Johansson, G . and Shanbhag, V .P . : Affinity partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems containing polymer-bound fatty acids . I . Effect of polyethylene glycol palmitate on the partition of human serum albumin and a-lactalbumin . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 63-72 . 6618 Laurell, C .-B ., Dahlqvist, I . and Persson, U . : The use of thiol-disulphide exchange chromatography for the automated isolation of a 1 -antitrypsin and other plasma proteins with reactive thiol groups . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 53-61 . 6619 Maier, M ., Austen, K .F . and Spragg, J . : Purification of single-chain human low-molecular-weight kininogen and demonstration of its cleavage by human urinary kallikrein . Anal . Biochem ., 134 (1983) 336-346 . 3408 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6620 Pavel, J . and Harasek, E . : (Use of ionex chromatography for separation of blood serum proteins in poultry) . Acta Univ . Agric ., Fac . Aaron ., 31 (1983) 165-172 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47934f . 6621 Reichenbaecher, D ., Kuehne, T ., Manteuffel, R . and Ostermann, W .D . : (Isolation of specific antibodies to potato virus X .) . Arch . Phytopathol . Pflanzenschutz, 19 (1983) 227-237 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 33038e . 6622 Shin, .Y .S ., Stern, C ., Rocker, A . and Endres, W . : Glycated haemoglobin and glycated albumin : Evaluation of different methods in diabetic control . J . Mn . Chem . CZin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 47-51 - Bio-Rex 70, Affi-gel Blue . 6623 Speicher, D .W ., Davis, G . and Marchesi, V .T . : Structure of human erythrocyte spectrin . II . The sequence of the a-I domain . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14938-14947 - Ultrasphere ODS . For additional information see : C.A ., 100 (1984) 4575x, 82420g, 83893a . 19e . Structural and muscle proteins 6624 Adam, M . and Deyl, Z . : Altered expression of collagen phenotype in osteoarthrosis . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 25 - DEAE-cellulose . 6625 Noelken, M .E . and Bettin, B .D . : Gel filtration chromatography of triple-helical calf skin collagen . Anal . Biochem ., 134 (1983) 374-381 . 6626 Pearistone, J .R . and Smillie, L .B . : Effects of troponin-I plus -C on the binding of troponin-T and its fragments to a-tropomyosin . Ca 2+ Sensitivity and cooperativity . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 2534-2542 . 6627 Smolenski, K .A ., Fallon, A . and Light, N . : Investigation of the parameters for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of collagen types I and III . J. Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 29-44 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 87634q . See also 6657, 6659 . 19f. Protamines, histones and other nuclear proteins 6628 Marushige, Y . and Marushige, K . : Proteolysis of somatic type histones in transforming rat spermatid chromatin . Bioohim . Biophys . Acta, 761 (1983) 48-57 - p-aminobenzamidine-Sepharose 4B . For additional infomration see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 152271w, 172346c . 19g . C.hromoproteins and metalloproteins 6629 Bannon, P ., Lessard, F ., Lepage, R ., Joly, J .-G . and Dufresne, L . : Glycated hemoglobin in uremic patients as measured by affinity and ion-exchange chromatography . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 485-486 - aminophenyiboronic acid affinity minicolumn . 6630 Berti, G .H . : Test for glycosylated hemoglobins . Eur . Pat . AppL . EP 90,868 (Cl . 00133/72), 12 Oct . 1983, Appl . 82/102,889, 05 Apr . 1982, 20 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 191096n . 6631 Bruns, D .E ., Lobo, P .I ., Savory, J . and Wills, M .R . : Specific affinitychromatographic measurement of glycated hemoglobin in uremic patients . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 569-571 - boronate agarose . 6632 DiDonato, A ., Fantl, W .J ., Acharya, A .S . and Manning, J .M . : Selective carboxymethylation of the a-amino groups of hemoglobin . Effect on functional properties . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11890-11895 . 6633 Fairbanks, V .F . and Zimmerman, B .R . : Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin by affinity chromatography . Mayo CZin . Proc ., 58 (1983) 770-773 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31697v . 6634 Frenkel, E .J ., van den Beld, B ., Konig, B .W . and Marx, J .J .M . : Preparative isolation of distinct molecular forms of rabbit liver ferritin using highperformance liquid chromatography . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 489-494 . B409 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 6635 Gupta, S .P . and Hanash, S .M . : Separation of hemoglobin types by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography . Ana', . Biochcem ., 134 (1983) 117-121 . 6636 Herold, D .A ., Boyd, J .C ., Bruns, D .E ., Emerson, J .C ., Burns, K .G ., Bray, R .E ., Vandenhoff, G .E ., Freedlender, A .E ., Fortier, G .A . et al . : Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobins using boronate affinity chromatography . Ann . CZin . . IKi l13 (1983) 482-488 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31682m . 6637 Homaidan, F .R ., Kricka, L .J ., Clark, P .M .S ., Jones, S .R . and Whitehead, T .P . : CZin . Acetaldehyde-hemoglobin adducts : An unreliable marker of alcohol abuse . Chem ., 30 (1984) 480-482 - Bio-Rex 70 . 6638 Lam, H ., Webber, B .B ., Wilson, J .B . and Huisman, T .H .J, : Identification of the w chain abnormal hemoglobin Jackson (1127 Lys -e Asn) after isolation of the core peptide by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatoar ., 269 (1983) 119-122 . 6639 Nake, K . : (Separation and analytical techniques . II . 6 . High-performance liquid chromatography . 5 . Glycohemoglobin analysis) . Rinsho Kensa, 27 (1983) 676-681 ; :; .! , 99 (1983) 136244j - a review with 94 refs . 6640 Pristoupil, T .1 ., Kramlova, M ., Fricova, V . and Kraml, J . : The reproducibility of fast protein liquid chromatography of pyridoxalated haemoglobin copolymerized with serum albumin . Chromanoar ., 280 (1983) 165-166 . 6641 Rochette, J ., Righetti, P .G ., Bianchi Bosisio, A ., Vertongen, F ., Schneck, G ., Boissel, J .P ., Labie, D . and Wajeman, H . : Immobilized pH gradients and reversedphase high-performance liquid chromatography : a strategy for characterization of haemoglobin variants with electrophoretic mobility identical to that of HbA . The case of Hb San Diego . Chromtoyr ., 285 (1984) 143-152 . 6642 Suzuki, K .T . : (Rapid analysis of metalloproteins by high-performance liquid chromatography n000u hitsa Kahusan oso, Bessatsu, (1983) 34-48 ; C .A . , 99 (1983) 154526g - a review with 52 refs . 6643 Suzuki, K .T ., Sunaga, H ., Aoki, Y . and Yamamura, M . : Gel permeation ion-exchange and reversed-phase columns for separation of metallothioneins by high-performance liquid chromatography - atomic absorption spectrophotometry . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 159-166 . 6644 Wilson, J .B ., Headlee, M .E . and Huisman, T .H .J . : A new high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure for the separation and quantitation of various hemoglobin variants in adults and newborn babies . Lab . CZin . PMBT ., 102 (1983) 174-186 ; , 99 (1983) 118650j . Lal For additional information see : A ., 100 (1984) 3084z, 64324z, 82231w, 99300r . See also 5932 . Pr,, ei- ., :and prcduc various zymogens (including milk proteins) 6645 Burnett, J .W ., Calton, G .J ., Cobbs, C .S . and Kelman, S .N . : Sea nettle and Portuguese man-of-war nematocyst venoms : Studies with monoclonal antibodies and affinity chromatography . Suppl . 3 (1983) 49-52 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 30501q . 6646 Clement, L .T . : Purification and characterization of guinea pig antithrombin III . ref ind en ., 13 (1983) 1-20 . 6647 Gupta, B .B . : Determination of native and denatured milk proteins by highperformance size exclusion chromatography . lr matoar ., 282 (1983) 463-475 . 6648 Kaneda, N . and Hayashi, K . : Separation of cardiotoxins (cytotoxins) from the venoms of da a r a and 1a,-,a naja a-ra by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . ramatca_r,, 281 (1983) 389-392 . 6649 Mehrens, H .A . and Reimerdes, E .H . : (Chromatographic purification of milk proteins) . s l _ w , ., . . Lab ., (1983) 61-67 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138238j . 6680 Pearce, R .J . : Analysis of whey proteins by high performance liquid chromatography . Suss . Teo-=Z ., 38 (1983) 114-117 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 4866t . 6651 Wilimowska-Pelc, A ., Wieczorek, M ., Ottewski, J ., Leluk, J . and Wilusz, T . : Immobilized Bow?nan-Birk inhibitor for selective isolation of chymotrypsin B from bovine pancreas . lhromatnpo ., 269 (1983) 22-27 . For additional information see : -' .A ., 100 (1984) 46692p, 66680m . B410 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 191 . Proteins of neopZastic tissue 6652 Adams, D .J ., Hajj, H ., Sitar, K .G ., Edwards, D .P . and McGuire, W .L . : Purification of an estrogen-regulated breast cancer protein by monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography . Endcerinology, 113 (1983) 415-417 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 49819g . 6653 Braatz, J .A ., McIntire, K .R . and Princler, G .L . : Identification and purification of human lung tumor-associated antigens (hLTAA) and clinical detection and determination of threse antigens . PCT lot . Pat . Appi . w0 8303,008 (Cl . G01N33/5B), 01 Sep . 1983, US Appl . 351,588, 23 Feb . 1982, 57 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 191091g . 6654 Levitsky, K ., Chandrasekaran, K ., Mora, P .T . and Simmons, D .T . : Immunoaffinity chromatography of a cellular tumor antigen from mouse neuroblastoma cells . Int . J. Cancer, 32 (1983) 597-602 ; ^.A ., 100 (1984) 21297a . 1 .91-l' . Secifio binding proteins 6655 Adler, A .J . and Evans, C .D . : Rapid isolation of bovine interphotoreceptor retino-binding protein . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 761 (1983) 217-222 - SephacrylS300, Con A-Sepharose . 6656 Amrani, D .L ., Homandberg, G .A ., Tooney, N .M ., Wolfenstein-Todel, C . and Mosesson, M .W . : Separation and analysis of the major forms of plasma fibronectin . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 748 (1983) 308-320 - DEAE-cellulose, Sepharose CL-6B . 6657 Charbonneau, H ., Hice, R ., Hart, R .C . and Cormier, M .J . : Purification of calmodulin by calcium-dependent affinity chromatography . Methods Enzymol ., 102 (Horm . Action, Part G) (1983) 17-39 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31209n . 6658 Coue, M ., Constans, J ., Viau, M . and Olomucki, A . : The effect of serum vitamin D-binding protein on polymerization and depolymerization of actin is similar to the effect of profilin on actin . Biochim . Biophys . Aeta, 759 (1983) 137-145 . 6659 Dedman, J .R . and Kaetzel, M .A . : Calmodulin purification and fluorescent labeling . Methods EnzymoZ ., 102 (Horm . Action, Part G) (1983) 1-8 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2864s - a review with 22 refs . 6660 Haga, K . and Haga, T . : Affinity chromatography of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13575-13579 . 6661 Hannan, G .N . and McAuslan, B .R . : Rapid purification of collagen-binding glycoproteins secreted by cultured endothelial cells . Biochem . Int ., 6 (1983) 375-384 ; C .d ., 98 (1983) 194390u . 6662 Heyns, W . and Bossyns, D . : A comparative study of estramustine and pregnenolone binding to prostatic binding protein : evidence for subunit cooperativity . Steroid Bioe.hem ., 19 (1983) 1689-1694 . 6663 Kawamura, K ., Tanaka, M ., Kamiyama, F ., Higashino, K . and Kishimoto, S . : Enzyme immunoassay of human plasma fibronectin in malignant, collagen and liver diseases . CZin . Chim . Acta, 131 (1983) 101-108 - Sephadex G-200 . 6664 Kennedy, J .F ., Barnes, J .A . and Matthews, J .B . : Isolation of thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG) by immunoadsorption chromatography : some physical and immunechemical characteristics of TBG . CZin . Chim . Aeta, 129 (1983) 251-261 DEAE-Sephadex, CNBr-Sepharose . 6665 Kulakowski, E .C . and Schaffer, S .W . : Partial purification of a high affinity taurine binding protein by affinity chromatography . Biochem . Pharmaeol ., 32 (1983) 753-756 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 49786u . 6666 Lamb, D .J . and Bullock, D .W . : Hydrophobic interaction chromatography of the rabbit uterine progesterone receptor . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1039-1045 . 6667 Madhok, T . and Leung, B . : Multiple molecular forms of uterine estrogen receptors : separation by size-exclusion HPLC . Liq . Chromatogr . HPLC Mag ., 1 (1983) 116-118 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 152276b . 6668 Malmendier, C .L ., Delcroix, C . and Ameryckx, J .P . : In vivo metabolism of human apoprotein A-I-phospholipid complexes . Comparison with human high density lipoprotein-apoprotein A-I metabolism . CZin . Chim . Acta, 131 (1983) 201-210 . 6669 Mayer, M ., Schmidt, T .J ., Miller, A . and Litwack, G . : Comparison of corticosteroid binder IB with the a-chymotrypsin- and RNase-treated hepatic glucocorticoid receptors . J . Steroid cioohem ., 19 (1983) 1719-1728 . 6670 Shimamori, Y . and Nakano, N .1 . : (Quantitative study of drug-protein interactions by high performance liquid chromatography . Use of albumin immobilized on porous glass beads) . YaLu`aks Zasshi, 103 (1983) 771-775 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151668u . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B411 6671 Zlatopolskii, A .D ., Zykova, T .A . and Masurov, V .I . : (Simple and effective additional step in purification of bovine blood serum fibronectin) . 7opr . Med . 29 (1983) 114-117 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209181y . .5 . Jrinary proteina 6672 Ash, S .R ., Bungu, Z .T .J . and Regnier, F .E . : Anion-exchange chromatography and double-diffusion cells for the study of middle molecules . Kidney Tnt ., 24 (1983) 250-255 ; 99 (1983) 154759j . 6673 Cooper, E .H ., Turner, R ., Johns, E .A ., Lindblom, H . and Britton, V .J . : Applications of fast protein liquid chromatography TM in the separation of plasma proteins in urine and cerebrospinal fluid . ., 29 (1983) 1635-1640 . them tan oteins 6674 Budzik, G .P ., Powells, S .M ., Kamagata, S . and Donahoe, P .K . : Mullerian inhibiting substance fractionation by dye affinity chromatography . Ce2Z, 34 (1983) 307-314 ; C .4 ., 99 (1983) 116305b . 6675 Byrne, P .V . : isolation of CSF-1 from large volumes of human urine by hydrophobic interaction chromatography . J . Chro'nu :%„jr ., 283 (1984) 459-461 . 6676 Chace, K .V ., Leahy, D .S ., Martin, R ., Carubelli, R ., Flux, M . and Sachdev, G .P . : Respiratory mucous secretions in patients with cystic fibrosis : relationship between levels of highly sulfated mucin component and severity of the disease . • in . Chin . Ac c, 132 (1983) 143-155 . 6677 Gerbitz, K .-D ., Deufel, T ., Summer, J ., Thallemer, J . and Wieland, O .H . : Brain specific proteins : creatine kinase BB isoenzyme is cochromatographed during preparation of neuron-specific enolase from human brain . CZ2n . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 233-239 . 6678 Girardie, J ., Allard, M ., Faddoul, A . and Neuzil, E . : Separation of the proteins of locust neurosecretory endings with HPLC . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2501-2512 . 6679 Reidl, L .S . and Campagnoni, A .T . : Purification of mouse myelin basic proteins by immunoaffinity chromatography . curosei . Methods, 8 (1983) 283-293 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154629t . 6680 Smith, J .A ., Ham, J ., Winslow, D .P ., O'Hare, M .J . and Rudland, P .S . : The use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the isolation and characterization of mouse and rat epidermal growth factors and examination of apparent heterogeneity . hrtmatoar ., 305 (1984) 295-308 . 6681 Wikkelso, C ., Andersson, M ., von Essen, C ., Roennbaeck, L . and Blomstrand, C . : Separation of cerebrospinal fluid-enriched proteins . A methodological study . Part 2 . J . ?deuro2 . u 60 (1983) 419-429 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154792r . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 82228a, 98976d . 20 . ENZYMES 6682 Davis, L .C . and Radke, G .A . : Broad-zone active-enzyme chromatography . Ketoacid dehydrogenases as associating systems . Biophys . Chem ., 18 (1983) 241-247 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2727z . 35a . 0ridoreduc a ee 6683 Ansari, G .A .S ., Patel, N .T ., Fritz, R .R . and Abell, C .W . : Purification of human platelet monoamine oxidase B by high performance liquid chromatography . • iiauid Cvromatc1jr ., 6 (1983) 1407-1419 . 6684 Le Trang, N ., Bhargava, K . and Cerami, A . : Purification of glutathione reductase from gerbil liver in two steps . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 94-99 2,5-ADP-Sepharose 4B, DEAE-Sepharose CL 6B . 6685 Nohta, H ., Zaitsu, K ., Tsuruta, Y . and oh :cura, Y . ; Assay for monoamine oxidases A and B by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . • Chronatogr ., 280 (1983) 343-349 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B412 6686 Ohshima, T ., Ito, S . and Soda, K . : A rapid method of purification of leucine Res ., Kyoto Univ ., dehydrogenase by affinity chromatography . BUZZ . Inst . Chem . ., 100 (1984) 47590r . .A 61 (1983) 109-112 ; C : Purification of putrescine oxidase 6687 Okada, M ., Kawashima, S . and Imahori, K . ., 94 from Microeoccus rubens by affinity chromatography . Methods Enzyrmol C .A ., 100 (1984) 63810t . (Polyamines) (1983) 301-303 ; 6688 Okada, M ., Kawashima, S . and Imahori, K . : Purification of spermidine dehydrogenase from Serratia marcescens by affinity chromatography . Methods Enzymol ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 303-305 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63811u . 6689 Podlasek, S .J ., McPherson, R .A . and Threatte, G .A . : Characterization of apparent lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 6 : A lactate-independent dehydrogenase . CZin . hem ., 30 (1984) 266-270 - DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulose . (C27-Steroid 6690 Shkumatov, V .M ., Gilevich, S .N ., Chashchin, V .L . and Akhrem, A .A . : hydroxylating system from bovine liver mitochondria : Isolation of ferredoxin (hepatoredoxin) by affinity chromatography on cytochrome C-Sepharose) . Bioorg . Khim ., 9 (1983) 1231-1236 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209070m . 6691 Wickus, G .G . and Smith, M .J . : Rapid loss of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme activity in serum by cold-induced formation of immunoglobulin G-lactate dehydrogenase complex . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 11-17 - Sephadex G-200 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 64519s, 82017f, 82018g, 82021c . 235 . 1`ransferases (excluding E . 0, 2 .7 .- .-) 6692 Cozzari, C . and Hartman, B .K . : Synthesis of a naphthylvinylpyridine derivative and its use for affinity chromatography of choline acetyltransferase . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 120-125 . 6693 Cozzari, C . and Hartman, B .K . : Choline acetyltransferase . Purification procedure and factors affecting chromatographic properties and enzyme stability . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10013-10019 . 6694 Hanna, L .S ., Hess, S .L . and Sloan, D .L . : Kinetic analysis of nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase from yeast using high pressure liquid chromatography . J. Bioi: . Clan ., 258 (1983) 9745-9754 . 6695 Kaczmarek, M .J . and Nixon, P .F . : Variants of transketolase from human erythrocytes . Clin . Chim. Acta, 130 (1983) 349-356 . 6696 Mackenzie, P .1 . and Owens, I .S . : Purification of a form of mouse liver UDP glucuronosyltransferase which glucuronidates androgenes . J . Steroid Bioehem ., 19 (1983) 1097-1102 . 6697 Nagata, N ., Endo, F . and Matsuda, I . : Ornithine carbamoyltransferase(OCT) in the jejunal mucosa, as a reference of the liver OCT . CZin . Chim. Acta, 134 (1983) 155-166 . 6698 Noel, H ., Plante, L ., Bleau, G ., Chapdelaine, A . and Roberts, K .D . : Human placental steroid sulfatase : purification and properties . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1591-1598 . 6699 Pennings, B .J .M . and Van Kempen, G .M .J . : Assay of phenol sulphotransferase in human blood . CZin, Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 199-206 - QAE-Sephadex A-25 . 6700 Stdlzel, G ., Pommer, U ., Hartung, J . and Graser, H . : Einsatz der Hochleistungsflussigkeitschromatographie zur Bestimmung der Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose : phenol-(3-D-glucosyltransferase-aktivitat in Vitro mit partiell gereinigtem Enzym aus Pflanzen von Beta vulgaris ssP . rapacea var . altissima Doll . J . Cnromatogr ., 280 (1983) 331-342 . 6701 Vita, A . and Magni, G . : A one-step procedure for the purification of uridine phosphorylase from Escherichia ccli . Anal . Biochem ., 133 (1983) 153-156 Matrex Gel green A . =or additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 47483h, 47589x . 20c . Ibansferases transferring phosphorus containing groups (E .C.2 .7 .- .-) 6702 Hathaway, G .M ., Tuazon, P .T . and Traugh, J .A . : Casein kinase I . Methods Enzymol ., 99 (Norm . Action, Part F) (1983) 308-317 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63B99d . B413 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 6703 Kikkawa, U ., Minakuchi, R ., Takai, Y . and Nishizuka, Y . : Calcium-activated, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) from rat brain . Methods Enzurol ., 99 (Norm . Action, Part F) (1983) 288-298 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63897b . 6704 Lincoln, T .M . : cGMP-Dependent protein kinase . Methods Enzymol ., 99 (Horm . C .A ., 10C (1984) 81668g . Action, Part F) (1983) 62-71 ; 6705 Rannels, S .R ., Beasley, A . and Corbin, J .D . : Regulatory subunits of bovine heart and rabbit skeletal muscle cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozymes . Methods «nzumo~ ., 99 (Norm . Action, Part F) (1983) 55-62 ; C . A ., 100 (1984) 81667f 6706 Rosa, R ., Calvin, M .-C ., Prehu, M .-O . and Arous, N . : Purification of human erythrocyte phosphoglyceromutase . P romatogr ., 285 (1984) 203-209 . 6707 Schoen, C ., Arents, J .C . and Van Driel, R . : Isolation and properties of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase from iCt'yoate ..iu,7; discoideum . Bioohem. . Biophys . Acta, 7B4 (1984) 1-8 - Sephacryl S-300, DEAE-cellulose . 6708 Yoshida, S ., Oda, K ., Hirose, S . and Takeda, T . : Continuous fluorescence detection of creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes by the use of a stream-switching valve . _'hen . Phon . 31 (1983) 4008-4015 . For additional information see : C . A ., 100 (1984) 63891v, 81756j . Hydrolases, acting on ester bonds 3 .7 .- .-) 6709 Bozoglu, F ., Swaisgood, H .E . and Adams, D .M ., Jr . : Isolation and characterization of an extracellular heat-stable lipase produced by Fseudomonas fluorescens MC50 . J . Agr . Food chem ., 32 (1984) 2-6 . 6710 Burns, G .R .J . : Purification and partial characterization of arylsulphatase C from human placental microsomes . Bioohin . Biophys . Aeta, 759 (1983) 199-204 . 6711 Cordle, S .R ., Yeaman, S .J . and Clegg, R .A . : Salt-resistant hepatic lipase . Evidence for its presence in bovine liver and adrenal cortex . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 753 (1983) 213-219 - heparin-Sepharose . 6712 Eskola, J .U ., Nevalainen, T .J . and Aho, H .J . : Purification and characterization of human pancreatic phospholipase A 2 . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1772-1776 . 6713 Hagiwara, M ., Endo, T ., Kanayama, T . and Hidaka, H . ; Effect of 1-(3-chloroanilino)-4-phenylphthalazine (MY-5445), a specific inhibitor of cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, on human platelet aggregation . J . Fharm . Exp . They' ., 228 (1984) 467-471 - affinity chromatography, Blue-Sepharose, DEAR-cellulose . 5714 Hibbard, M .D ., McCarthy, R .C . and Markowitz, H . : Isolation and characterization of electrophoretic variants of human prostatic acid phosphatase . Clin. . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1886-1889 . 6715 Jayanthi, G .P . and Gowda, T .V . : Purification of acidic phospholipases from Indian cobra (Plaja na1; nolo) venom . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 393-396 . 6716 Klee, C .B ., Krinks, M .H ., Manalan, A .S ., Cohen, P . and Stewart, A .A . : Isolation and characterization of bovine brain calcineurin : a calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatase . Methods Enzymol ., 102 (Norm . Action, Part G) (1983) 227244 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) B1675g . 6717 Kanuer, T .E . and Weglicki, W .B . : Characteristics of multiple forms of the acidic triacylglycerol lipases of canine cardiac myocytes . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 753 (1983) 173-185 . 6718 Kdtting, J ., Jurgens, D . and Huser, H . : Separation and characterization of two isolated lipases from Staphylococcus aureus (Ten 5) . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 253-261 . 6719 Nalbone, G ., Charbonnier-Augeire, M ., Lafont, H ., Grataroli, R ., Vigne, J .L ., Lairon, D ., Chabert, C ., Leonardi, J ., Hauton, J .C . and Verger, R . : Adsorption of pancreatic(pro)phospholipase A 2 to various physiological substrates . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1441-1450 . 6720 Sharma, R .K ., Taylor, W .A . and Wang, J .H . : Use of calmodulin affinity chromatography for purification of specific calmodulin-dependent enzymes . Methods Enzymol ., 102 (HOrm . Action, Part G) (1983) 210-219 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 81674f . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B414 6721 Tallant, E .A ., Wallace, R .W . and Cheung, W .Y . : Purification and radioimmunoassay of caimodulin-dependent protein phosphatase from bovine brain . hlethcds Enz~,moZ ., 162 (Harm . Action, Part G) (1983) 244-256 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 81676h . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 '1984) 62949h . See also 6128 . %Oe, 3su cZases, act-in--, on glyecs ? eo-:,a nds (E . C . 3 .2 .- .-) 6722 Aramaki, Y ., Inaba, A ., Niibuchi, J . and Tsuchiya, S . : Effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics on lysosomal enzymes of rat kidney . Chem . Pharm . 31 (1983) 3277-3283 . 6723 Berscheid, G ., Grotsch, H ., Hropot, M ., Klaus, E . and Mattenheimer, H . : Enzymuria of the rat : the preparation of urine for enzyme analysis . J . CZin . C.2tt . CClo . Bioche m ., 21 (1983) 799-804 - Sephadex G25M-PD10 . 6724 Emelyanenko, P .A . and Satyukova, L .G . : (Extraction of lysozyme from colostrum) . ,, .5 .u . .. . SU 1,041,934 (Cl . G01N33/48), 15 Sep . 1983, Appl . 3,395,786, 11 Feb . 1982 ; 1' .A ., 99 (1983) 208811y . 6725 Gachon, A .-M ., Kpamegan, G . and Dastugue, B . : One step isolation of human lysozyme using exclusion chromatography based on isoelectric point . CZ2n . Ship . Aclla, 129 (1983) 189-195 . 6726 Hayakawa, K_, Okada, E ., Higashikuze, H . and Kawamoto, T . : Determination of lysozyme chloride in antiphlogistics by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . :;hem . Pranm . „u ::_'.,, 31 (1983) 3732-3735 . 6727 Langley, S .D ., Wilson, S .D ., Gross, A .S ., Warner, C .K . and Finnerty, V . : A genetic variant of 3-glucuronidase in Droscnhilo meZanogaster . d. BioC . Chem ., 258 (1983) 7416-7424 . 6728 Okon, E .O . and Uwaifo, A .C . : Partial purification and properties of 3-amylase isolated from Sorgk?,tm Rico or (L .) Moench . Agr . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 11-14 . 6729 Schreuder, H .A . and Welling, G .W . : Determination of 9-galactosidase activity in the intestinal tract of mice by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography sing e-N-1(1-deoxylactulysol)-L-lysine as substrate . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 275-282 . 6730 Zakowski, J .J ., Gregory, M .R . and Bruns, D .E . : Amylase from human serous ovarian tumors : purification and characterization . CZin . ("hem ., 30 (1984) 62-68 - Bio-Gel A, CHA-Sepharose, DEAE-Sephadex . For additional information see : 99 (1983) 203525b . 6731 Cohen, S .A ., Benedek, K .P ., Dong, S ., Tapuki, Y . and Karger, B .L . : Multiple peak formation in reversed-phase liquid chromatography of papain . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 217-221 - LiChrosphere SI 500 . 6732 Fukal, L ., Kas, J . and Paluska, E . : Chromatographic separation of papain evaluated by immunochemical methods . Chromatocr ., 285 (1984) 365-372 . 6733 Hiwada, K ., Tokioka-Terao, M ., Nishimura, K . and Kokubu, T . : A family with a high serum aminopeptidase (microsomal) activity : Properties of the enzyme from serum of the propositus . in . Chem ., 30 (1984) 222-225 - Sephadex G-200, Concavalin A-Sepharose . 6734 Ikemoto, F ., Dzau, V .J ., Haber, E ., Takaori, K . and Yamamoto, K . : Immunoaffinity chromatography of canine high-molecular-weight renin : partial purification and characterization . Cu t . sc , 65 (1983) 117-120 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66482j . 6735 Kageyama, H ., Okumura, Y ., Adachi, T ., Ito, Y ., Hirano, K . and Sugiura, M . : Purification and some properties of kallikreins from human urine and pancreas . ;e- char . ~a % . 31 (1983) 2386-2394 . 6736 Khan, I .J . and Polgar, L . : Purification and characterization of a novel proteinase, chymopapain S . Bi c :Sm . Biophus . Acta, 760 (1983) 350-356 . 6737 Kolodzeiskaya, M .V . : (Affinity chromatography of amino peptidases) . Jkr . iiirkhim . 35 (1983) 577-591 ; - .A ., 99 (1983) 208460b . B415 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 6738 Mikola, L . . Germinating barley grains contain five acid carboxypeptidases with complementary substrate specificities . Biochim . Biophys . Aeta, 747 (1983) 241-252 . 6739 Rajgopal, S . and Vijayalakshmi, M .A . : Interaction of firefly luciferase with triazine dyes . e . Chror.7atogr ., 280 (1983) 77-84 . 6740 Shu, Y .-Y ., Moran, J .B . and Geren, C .R . : A thrombin-like enzyme from timber rattlesnake venom . Eioe~cim . Biophys . data, 748 (1983) 236-244 . 6741 Skachova, H . and Kucera, J . : Immobilization of chymotrypsin (E .C . 3 .4 .21 .1), subtilisin (E .C . 3 .4 .21 .14) and neutral proteinase from Bacillus s :.htilis by covalent binding to benzoquinono-activated pearl cellulose . CON, Czech . 'hem . ;,o!vosn ., 48 (1983) 2874-2878 . 6742 Votruba, I ., Holy, A . and Rosenberg, I . : Affinity chromatography of rat liver S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase . Cot . Czech . Chem . Common ., 48 (1983) 2549-2557 . 6743 Wunderwaid, P ., Schrenk, W .J ., Port, H . and Kresze, G .B . : Removal of endoproteinases from biological fluids by "sandwich affinity chromatography" with . Biochem ., 5 (1983) a2-macroglobulin bound to zinc chelate-Sepharose . J . App" 31-42 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63895z . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 2566w, 19626p, 82019h, 208524a . See 6125 . 20j . Core -lex mixtures and incompletely identified enzymes 6744 Muthukumaran, N . and Dhar, S .C . : Purification and properties of a glucoamylase fraction from the culture filtrate of inizopus nodoeus . itaZ . J . Biochem ., 32 (1983) 239-253 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 98890w . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 30B3y . 21 . PURINES, PYRIMIDINES, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS 212 . urines, eyri .midines, uoleosides, rue% i es 6745 Assenza, S .P . and Brown, P .R . ; Reversed-phase retention of nucleic acid components . Sec . runt ; . Methods, 12 (1983) 177-215 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64250x a review with 88 refs . 6746 Assenza, S .P . and Brown, P .R . : Quantitative structure-retention relationships for purine compounds on reversed-phase packings . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 477-486 . 6747 Bedford, G .K . and Chiong, M .A . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of myocardial creatine phosphate and adenosine nucleotides . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 183-187 . 6748 Berndsen, G . : (Quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography of purines and nucleosides in plasma and blood cells) . Z . Med . iczboratoriunsdiagn ., 24 (1983) 415-418 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2943s . 6749 Brown, P .R . : Currant high-performance liquid chromatographic methodology in analysis of nucleotides, nucleosides, and their bases . Cancer invest ., 1 (1983) 439-454 ; :; .A ., 100 (1984) 2870r - a review with 52 refs . 6750 Brown, P .R . : Current high-performance liquid chromatographic methodology in analysis of nucleotides, nucleosides, and their bases . II . Cancer invest ., 1 (1983) 527-536 ; 1' .A ., 99 (1983) 190750j . 6751 Buyuktimkin, N . : (HPLC determination of fluorouracil in cat plasma) . Charm . Ztg ., 128 (1983) 1823-1825 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186909a . 6752 Cadet, J ., Gentner, N .E ., Rozga, B . and Paterson, M .C . : Rapid quantitation of ultraviolet-induced thymine-containing dimers in human cell DNA by reversedphase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Cnromatoar ., 260 (1983) 99-108 . B416 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6753 Caronia, J .P ., Crowther, J .B . and Hartwick, R .A . : Reversed-phase separation of the major deoxyribonucleosides and their mononucleotides using tetrabutylammonium hetaerons . J . Liquid C. coma o9r ., 6 (1983) 1673-1691 . 6754 Crawhall, J .C ., Itiaba, K . and Katz, S . : Separation and quantitation of oxypurines by isocratic high-pressure liquid chromatography : application to xanthinuria and the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome . Biochem . Med ., 30 (1983) 261-270 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209073q . 6755 Crowther, J .B ., Fazio, S .D . and Hartwick, R .A . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of oligonucleotides and other nucleic acid constituents on multifunctional stationary phases . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 619-628 . 6756 Csarnyi, A .H ., Beres, J ., Vajda, M ., Sethi, S .K . and McCloskey, J .A . : Highperformance liquid chromatographic separation of the isomeric 5-fluorocytidine 2',3'- and 3',5'-cyclic monophosphates . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 226-230 . 6757 Demidov, V .V . and Potaman, V .N . : High-performance liquid chromatography of the photoproducts of nucleic acid components . I . Thymine dimers in short oligonucleotides . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 135-142 . 6758 Entsch, B . and Sim, R .G . : The purification and identification of flavin nucleotides by high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Bioehem ., 133 (1983) 401-408 . 6759 Folley, L .S ., Power, S .D . and Poyton, R .O . : Separation of nucleotides by ionpair, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Use of Mg(II) and triethylamine as competing hetaerons in the separation of adenine and guanine nucleotides . Chromatoar ., 281 (1983) 199-207 . 6760 Fung-Lung Chung, Young, R . and Hecht, S .S . : Formation of cyclic 1,N2 -propanedeoxyguanosine adducts in DNA upon reaction with acrolein or crotonaldehyde . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 990-995 - Partisil ODS-3 . 6761 Hagemeier, E ., Kemper, K ., Boos, K .-S . and Schlimme, E . : Development of a chromatographic method for quantitative determination of minor ribonucleosides in physiological fluids . J . Chin . Chem . CZ"in . 3ioehem ., 22 (1984) 175-184 boronate Bic-Gel P-2, boronate LiChrosorb Si, Nucleosil 5C 18, Partisil SCX, LiChrosorb RP 18 . 6762 Hagemeier, E ., Kemper, K ., Boos, K .-S . and Schlimme, E . : On-line high-performance liquid affinity chromatography-high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of monomeric ribonucleoside compounds in biological fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 663-669 . 6763 Ito, S . : Isolation of S-adenosyl-3-thiopropylamine . Methods Enzymol ., 94 (Polyamides) (1983) 463-464 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190769x . 6764 Iwamoto, M ., Yoshida, S ., Chow, T . and Hirose, S . : (Labeling of 5-fluorouracil and pyrimidine nucleosides with 4-bromomethyl-7-methoxycoumarin for fluorimetric detection in high performance liquid chromatography) . Yakugaku Zasshi, 103 (1983) 967-973 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 86046n . 6765 Iwamoto, T ., Yoshima, M . and Iriyama, K . : A simple, rapid and sensitive method for the determination of rat serum uric acid by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 156-159 . 6766 Kakuda, K . and Uchiyama, H . : (Simple and rapid method for determination of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in fish muscle by column and paper chromatography) . Tokai-Ku Suisan Kenkuusho Kenkyu Hokoku, (1983) 77-88 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209091u . 6767 Kite, M ., Taws, R ., Takeshima, S . and Hirose, S . : Fluorometric determination of hypoxanthine and xanthine in biological fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography using enzyme reactors . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 35-42 . 6768 Kleinmann, I . and Svoboda, V . : (Separation of deoxy- and ribonucleoside phosphates in a volatile eluent) . Ladioisotopy, 24 (1983) 1-39 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 2128748 . 6769 Kono, A ., Sugata, S ., Hara, Y ., Tanaka, M ., Karube, Y . and Matsushima, Y . : Assay for pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases in tissue extracts by highperformance liquid chromatography . Chem . Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 1666-1669 . 6770 Mahoney, C . and Yount, R .G . : Purification of micromolar quantities of nucleotide analogs by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using a volatile buffer at neutral pH . Ana . . diochem ., 138 (1984) 246-251 . 6771 Marquetant, R . and Goody, R .S . : An improved separation of diastereomers of nucleoside phosphorothioates using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatagr ., 280 (1983) 386-389 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B417 6772 Molnar, I . : HPLC analysis of peptides, proteins, and polynucleotides . LaborPraxis, 7 (1983) 798-804 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190870y . 6773 Muhlegger, K .P ., Hagele, E .O ., Effgen, K ., Kunst, A . and Batz, H .G . : HPLC of 2'-deoxynucleoside-3'-N-dialkylaminomethoxyphosphanes ("Deoxynucleoside-3'Z . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 674-676 . phosphoamidites") . 6774 Naikwadi, K .P ., Rokushika, S . and Hatano, H . : Ion chromatography of nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides using a dual-detection system . J . Chromatopr ., 280 (1983) 261-269 . 6775 Nikiasson, F . : Simultaneous liquid-chromatographic determination of hypoxanthire, xanthine, urate, and creatinine in cerebrospinal fluid, with direct injection . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1543-1546 . 6776 Nilsson, K . and Larsson, P .O . : High-performance liquid affinity chromatography on silica-bound alcohol dehydrogenase . Ana? . Bioehem ., 134 (1983) 60-72 . 6777 Ofitserov, V .I . and Yamshchikov, V .F . : (Chromatography of oligonucleotides on porous support modified by polyethyleneimine) . Bioorg . Khim ., 9 (1983) 1248-1253 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209072p . 6778 Palmisano, F ., Desimoni, E . and Zambonin, P .G . : High-performance liquid chromatography with polarographic and voltammetric anodic detection . Simultaneous determination of allopurinol, oxipurinol and uric acid in body fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 205-214 . 6779 Regnier, F .E . : HPLC of proteins, peptides and polynucleotides . Ana" . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1298A-1306A - a review with 32 refs . 6780 Sato, A ., Fleischer, A .E . and Cory, J .G . : Assay of UDP, GDP, CDP and ADP reductase activities by column chromatography on polyethyleneimine cellulose . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 431-435 . 6781 Schaeffer, V .H ., Masoud, A .N . and Rubin, R .J . : Analysis of monobutyryl and dibutyryl derivatives of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in biological samples using isocratic ion pair high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1255-1259 . 6782 Schanche, J .-S ., Schanche, T ., Helland, S . and Ueland, P .M . : A simple and sensitive liquid chromatographic method for the determination of 5'-methylthioadenosine in tissues . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 189-192 . 6783 Schott, H ., Meyer, H .D . and Bayer, E . ; Separation of sequence isomeric pyrimidine oligodeoxynucleotides using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 297-311 . 6784 Schott, H ., Schrade, H . and Watzlawick, H . : Isolierung von Oligonucleotiden aus DNA-Partialhydrolysate mit Hilfe der Template-Chromatographie . J . Chromatcgr ., 285 (1984) 343-363 . 6785 Strida, S . : Determination of ribonucleoside triphosphate pools in influenza A virus-infected MOCK cells . Arch . 77 (1983) 223-229 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2934g . 6786 Tashiro, T ., Fujita, E . and Yasunaga, C . : (Determination of nucleic acidrelated substances by ion-exchange chromatography . IV . Determination of nucleic acid-related substances in dried purple laver) . Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 49 (1983) 1121-1125 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136309j . 6787 Titkova, N .F ., Pomazanov, V .V ., Kalinin, Yu .T . and Sakodynskii, K .I . : (Highperformance liquid chromatography of nucleic acid components) . Zh . Ana' . Khim ., 38 (1983) 1305-1318 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 136250h . 6788 Wehling, R .L . and Wetzel, D .L . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of low level uric acid in grains and cereal products as a measure of insect infestation . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 191-197 . 6789 Zappia, V ., Galetti, P ., Oliva, A . and Porcelli, M . : Methods for the preparation and assay of S-adenosyl-(5')-3-methylthiopropylamine(decarboxylated adenosylmethionine) . "Methods Enzymol ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 73-80 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 208970t . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 2855q, 2856r, 64316y, 82229b, 99302t . See also 6062, 6460 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B418 Nude-&o ocids, _"JA 6790 Garcia, S . and Liautard, J .-P . : Behaviour of macromolecular RNA in reversedChromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 398-404 . phase HPLC . 6791 Graeve, L ., Kruppa, J . and Foldi, P . : Purification of low-molecular-weight RNAs by high-performance gel permeation chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 506-510 . 6792 Mukhamedov, R .S ., Deev, S .M ., Sakharova, N .K ., Barbakar, N .I ., Urakov, D .N . and Asianov, Kh .A . : (Preparation of a sorbent for affinity chromatography and its use for mRNA purification) . Dot . ANad . Nook Uz" . SSF, (1983) 49-50 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66915c . 6793 Pearson, J .D ., Mitchell, M . and Regnier, F .E . : High-performance liquid chroLiquid C,hrcmatogr ., 6 (1983) 1441-1457 . matography of tRNA . 6794 Qi, S ., Wang, S ., Shen, Y . and Wu, G . : (Preparation of human globin messenger RNA and its translation in vitro) . Sher~JU Nuaxue Yu Shengwu 1St1i Xuebao, 15 (1983) 317-324 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 3040g . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 64313v . See also 6092 . 21 . Nucleic acids, Z3),--A 6795 Bigger, C .A .B ., Sawicki, J .T ., Blake, D .M . Raymond, L .G . and Dipple, A . : Products of binding of 7,12-dimethylbenz La~ anthracene to DNA in mouse skin . Cancer Les ., 43 (1983) 5647-5651 . Rapid separation of single-stranded DNA from double-stranded 6796 Liautard, J .P . : DNA by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 221-225 . 6797 Pelling, J .C ., Slage, T .J . and DiGiovanni, J . : Formation and persistence of DNA, RNA, and protein adducts in mouse skin exposed to pure optical enantiomers of 7,55,80-dihydroxy-9a,10a-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo ra]pyrene in Vivo . Cancer , 44 (1984) 1081-1086 - Ultrasphere ODS . See also 6092 . 2_a . Place roteica 6798 Kaetzel, D .M ., Jr ., Fu, I .Y ., Christiansen, C .S ., Christiansen, M .P ., Kaetzel, C .S ., Snares, J .H ., Jr . and Lambert, P .W . : Isolation of a 110 000 molecular weight protein in the purification of the nuclear chick intestinal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 receptor . Liochin. . Biophy3 . Acta, 797 (1984) 312-319 Sephacryl S-200, DNA-cellulose . 3_ Nt_~:,'o rat coronas of nuc eic acids 6799 Hartley, J .L . and Donelson, J .E . : Generation of overlapping labeled DNA fragments for DNA sequencing : A mercury-thiol affinity system . Methods zgmcL ., 100 (Recomb . DNA, Part B) (1983) 116-130 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 118817u . 6800 Schmidt, J .J . and Cohen, B .N . : Quantitative isolation of DNA restriction fragments from low-melting agarose by Elutip-d affinity chromatography . Anal . Bloch~.:,,, 133 (1983) 462-464 . 22 . ALKALOIDS 6801 Amato, A ., Cavazzutti, G ., Gagliardi, L ., Profili, M ., Zagarese, V ., Chimenti, F ., Tonelli, D . and Gattavecchia, E . : Determination of vincamine by highperformance liquid chromatography with dual-wavelength ultraviolet detection . C _romaeagr ., 270 (1983) 387-391 . 6802 Ashoor, S .H ., Seperich, G .J ., Monte, W .C . and Welty, J . : High performance liquid chromatographic determination of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee, tea, and beverage products . J . Ass . _ . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 606-609 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B419 6803 Avram, M .J . and Shanks, C .A . : Determination of D-tubocurarine chloride or metocurine iodide in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection . :hromaIogr ., 306 (1984) 398-404 . 6804 Berlin, J ., Forche, E ., Wray, V ., Hammer, J . and Hosel, W . : Formation of benzophenanthridine alkaloids by suspension cultures of Esohschoitzia ca(-iforn -Dsa nz orsch ., 38c (1983) 346-352 . 6805 Cieri, U .R . : Identification and estimation of the alkaloids of Rauwo(-fia serpenti>-a by high performance liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography . J . Ass . Anal . :'hem ., 66 (1983) 867-873 . 6806 Cundy, K .C . and Crooks, P .A . : Unexpected phenomenon in the high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of racemic 14 C-labelled nicoline : Separation of enantiomers in a totally achiral system . Stromatogr ., 281 (1983) 17-33 . 6807 Eldridge, A .C . and Hockridge, M .E . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of eastern black nightshade ;Solarium pttcanthum) glycoalkaloids . Agr . food Clan ., 31 (1983) 1218-1220 . 6808 Galewsky, S . and Nessler, C .L . : Rapid analysis of opium alkaloids by ion-pair high performance liquid chromatography . - hromatographia, 18 (1984) 87-90 . Simultaneous determination of 6809 Hartley, R ., Cookman, J .R . and Smith, I .J . : caffeine and its N-dimethylated metabolites in umbilical cord plasma using nigh-performance liquid chromatography . Ceroutogr ., 306 (1984) 191-203 . 6810 Hiroshi, H ., Miki, M ., Chohachi, K . and Hideo W . : Determination of aconitine alkaloids in Aco :eitum r'oo'ts . _~ nIt 48 (1983) 67-71 . 6811 Houghton, J .A ., Torrance, P .M . and Houghton, P .J . : Chromatographic analysis of Vinea alkaloids in human neoplastic tissues and host (mouse) tissues after injection in U0UD or after incubation vitro . Ana(- . Bioehem ., 134 (1983) 450-454 . 6812 Karlsson, L . and Roos, C . : Combination of liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and gas chromatography with electron-capture detection for the determination of u 9 -tetrahydrocannabilol-11-cic acid in urine . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 183-189 . 6813 Kohl, W ., Witte, B . and Hdfle, G . : Quantitative and qualitative HPLC-Analytik von Indolalkaloiden sue Catharanthus rosaUs-Zellkulturen . PZanta hied ., 47 (1983) 177-182 . 6814 Laurent, C .J .C .M ., Billiet, H .A .H . and de Galan, L . : The use of organic modifiers in ion exchange chromatography on alumina . The separation of basic drugs . hromatcgraphia, 17 (1983) 394-399 . 6815 Leroy, P ., Moreau, A ., Nicolas, A . and Hosotte, B . : Sensitive HPLC determination of atropine with electrochemical detection . J . Sigh Reso) . Chromatoar . Cnromatogr . Comet-=n ., 6 (1983) 514-515 . 6816 Matthees, D .P . and Chiu, H .K . : Ion-pairing chromatography of alkaloids and related compounds . _i'C : S . D . A_-ad . , 61 (1982) 80-82 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168748t . 6817 Perera, P ., van Beek, '1' .A . and Verpoorte, R . : High-performance liquid chromatography of some 3ater,IXefon .ana alkaloids . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 214-220 . 6818 Posey, B .L . and Kimble, S .N . : Simultaneous determination of codeine and morphine in urine and blood by HPLC . Anal . i'oxieol ., 7 (1983) 241-245 ; v .5 ., 100 (1984) 1619d . 6819 Sagara, K ., Oshima, T . and Misaki, T_ : A simultaneous determination of norephedrine, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine and methylephedrine in ghedrae herba and oriental pharmaceutical preparations by ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography . em . Pharm . Bu'Z ., 31 (1983) 2359-2365 . 6820 Schuman, G ., Isberner, I . and Oellerich, M . : High specific HPLC method for the determination of theophylline in serum . _ . Anal . . Cheat ., 317 (1984) 677 . 6821 Segall, H .J ., Dallas, J .L . and Haddon, W .F . : Two dihydropyrrolizine alkaloid metabolites isolated from mouse hepatic microsomes in Vitro . Drug Metabol . o zt ., 12 (1984) 68-71 . 6822 Seitz, L .M . and Pomeranz, Y . : Ergostero'_, ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, ergosterol peroxide, and chitin in ergoty barley, rye, and other grasses . J . A ; r . food C?em ., 31 (1983) 1036-1038 . 6823 Tagliaro, F ., Dorizzi, R . et all . : Determination of morphine in biological tluids by HPLC with pre-column dansyl derivatization and fluorescence detection . Ana' . !"hem_., 317 (1984) 678-679 . 6824 Tokunaga, H ., Kimura, T . and Kawamura, J . : (Determination of dihydroergotamine in tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography and stability in aqueous solution), BunseIi Eaia a (Jar . Axial- . ;, 33 (1984) 26-30 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B420 6825 Vasiliades, J . and Finkel, J .M . : Determination of quinidine in serum by spectrofluorometry, liquid chromatography and fluorescence scanning thin-layer chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 117-132 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 26061, 39670b, 74034u, 74041u, 12729r, 16973p, 109175v, 109183w 23 . OTHER SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN 23a . Porphyrins and other pyrroles 6826 Armbruster, F .P ., Schmidt-Gayk, H ., Kohlmeier, M . and Graffinger, H . : (Highperformance liquid chromatography for the separation and quantitation of porphyrins) . AertzZ . Lay ., 29 (1983) 379-384 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64327c . 6827 Bayer, E . and Seelmann-Eggebert, H .-P . : Separation of orthosubstituted tetraphenylporphyrins by preparative HPLC . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 65-68 . 6828 Colombi, A ., Maroni, M ., Ferioli, A ., Valla, C ., Coletti, G . and Foa, V . : Liquid chromatography of urinary porphyrins for the biological monitoring of occupational exposure to porphyrinogenic substances . Amer . Ind . Med ., 4 (1983) 551-564 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 48545c . 6829 Hayashi, Y . and Udagawa, M . : High-pressure liquid chromatography combined with fluorescence detection and solvent extraction for simultaneous determination of coproporphyrins I and III in human urine . TaZanta, 30 (1983) 368-370 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154605g . 6830 Kulish, M .A ., Nizhnik, A .N . and Mironov, A .F . : (High-performance liquid chromatography of acetyl-substituted porphyrins) . Zh . Anal . Khim ., 38 (1983) 1862-1864 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16954h . 6831 Lim, C .K . and Rideout, J .M . : HPLC isolation and characterization of pentacarboxylic porphyrins derived from uroporphyrinogen III . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1969-1976 . 6832 Lim, C .K ., Rideout, J .M . and Wright, D .J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of naturally occurring 8-, 7-, 6-, 5- and 4-carboxylic porphyrin isomers . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 629-641 . 6833 Petryka, Z .J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of porphyrins . AdV . Chromatogr . (N .Y .), 22 (1983) 215-246 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16937e - a review with 88 refs . ?or additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 9677s . 23c . Indole derivatives 6834 Akiyama, M ., Sakurai, N . and Kuraishi, S . : A simplified method for the quantitative determination of indoleacetic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography with a fluorometric detector . Plant Cell PhysioZ ., 24 (1983) 14311439 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 82215u . 6835 De Jong, J ., Tjaden, U .R ., Van't Hof, W . and Van Valkenburg, C .F .M . : Analysis of serotonin and derivatives by reversed-phase ion-pair partition chromatography with fluorometric and electrochemical detection . J. Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 443-456 . 6836 Fornstedt, N . : Chromatographic and spectrometric studies on conversion products of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 359-365 . 6837 Korpi, E .R . : Serotonin determined in whole blood by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Clin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 487-488 - pBondapak C18 . 6838 Kozukue, N ., Kozukue, E ., Tsay, L .-M ., Sawano, M . and Mizuno, S . : Determination of indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic and in Japanese chestnuts by column chromatography on Sephadex G-10 and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chrcmatoar ., 287 (1984) 121-127 . 6839 Martinez, E ., Artigas, F ., Sunol, C ., Tusell, J .M . and Gelpi, E . : Liquid-chromatographic determination of indole-3-acetic acid and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in human plasma . .'(in . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1354-1357 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B421 6840 Sjut, V . and Palmer, M .V . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of plant hormones : some useful differences in stationary phase selectivity . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 309-312 . 6841 Tagari, P .C ., Scullin, D .J . and Davies, C .L . : Simplified determination of serotonin in plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Char ., 30 (1984) 131-135 - Spherisorb I ODS . 6842 Wurst, M ., Prikryl, Z . and Vokoun, J . : High-performance liquid chromatography of plant hormones . II . Determination of plant hormones of the indole type . J . ;;hrorrztogr . , 286 (1984) 237-245 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 18244a . 2,55 . Ct her N- neterooy c'ic compounds 6843 Adams, J .D ., LaVoie, E .J ., Shigematsu, A ., Owens, P . and Hoffmann, D . : Quinoline and methylquinolines in cigaret smoke : comparative data and the effect of filtration . Ana' . ToxicoZ ., 7 (1983) 293-296 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 46440e . 6644 Kieber, D .J . and Mopper, K . : Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of A-keto acid quinoxalinol derivatives . Optimization of technique and application to natural samples . J, Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 135149 . 6845 Lugari, M .T ., Maggiali, C .A . and Mangia, A . : High-performance liquid chromatographic behaviour of phytoactive derivatives of diazines . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 304-308 . 6846 Olek, M ., Declercq, B ., Caboche, M ., Blanchard, F . and Sudraud, G . : Application of electrochemical detection to the determination of ethoxyquin residues by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 309-313 . 6847 Romero, M .L ., Escobar, L .I ., Lozoya, X . and Enriquez, R .G . : High-performance liquid chromatographic study of Casimiroa eduhis . I . Determination of imidazole derivatives and rutin in aqueous and organic extracts . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 245-251 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 9679u . See also 6070, 6473, 6774 . 24 . ORGANIC SULPHUR COMPOUNDS 6848 Allison, L .A ., Keddington, J . and Shoup, R .E . : Liquid chromatographic behavior of biological thiols and the corresponding disulfides . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1785-1798 . 6849 Bossle, P .C ., Martin, J .J ., Sarver, E .W . and Sommer, H .Z . : High performance liquid chromatography analysis of sulfur mustards and their decomposition byproducts . U .S . Pat . Appi . US 492,862, 14 Oct . 1983, Appl . 09 May 1983, 10 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63347x . 6850 Pettersson, C . and No, K . : Chiral resolution of carboxylic and sulphonic acids by ion-pair chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 671-684 . 6851 Steudel, R . and Strauss, E .M . : Chromatographische Trennung swechelhaltiger Heterocyclen der Tipen (CH2) n Sm and Se nSS- n mittels HPLC . Z . Naturforseh, 38b (1983) 719-725 . 6852 Toyo'oka, T . and Imai, K . : High-performance liquid chromatography and fluorometric detection of biologically important thiols, derivatized with ammonium 7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulphonate (SBD-F) . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 495-500 . For additional information see : " .A ., 100 (1984) 24210c, 66677r . See also 6021 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B422 25 . ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS 6853 Nomeir, A .A . and Abou-Donia, M .B . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis on radial compression column of the neurotoxic tri-o-cresyl phosphate and metabolites . Anal . Bioohen ., 135 (1983) 296-303 . 6854 Sato, S ., Ohshiro, H . and Tanaka, S . : (Separation behavior and composition analysis of organophosphorus compounds by gel permeation chromatography) . Bunsaki 1agakv, (Jan . Anal .), 33 (1984) 16-22 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 24055£ . See also 6093 . 26 . ORGANOMETALLIC AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 6855 Dmitriev, M .T ., Bykhovskii, M .Ya . and Brands, A . : (Chromatographic absorption measurement of toxic organometallic compounds in hygienic research studies) . Sanit ., (1983) 43-46 ; , 100 (1984) 80702b . 6856 Ibrahim, M ., Gilbert, T .W . and Caruso, J .A . : Determination of tetraalkyllead by high performance liquid chromatography with ICP detection . J . Chromatogr . 22 (1984) 111-115 . 6857 Lattard, C . and Rocca, J .L . : (Triorganotin compound analysis by liquid phase chromatography . Detection by flame atomic absorption) . Ana'u is, 11 (1983) 457-462 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16963k . vit . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 79180y . 26 a . Organ is comrpo nds ha See 5989 . Off . Coordi .u tic>. ccmnourds 6858 Cohen, S .A . and Bartak, D .E . : An electrochemical flow cell for the detection of metal complexes . Anal . , 16 (1983) 429-441 . 6859 Narayanan, P . and Khopkar, S .M . : Reversed phase extraction chromatographic separation of scandium with Amberlite LA-1 from malonate solutions . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 443-454 . 6860 Rahn, R .O ., Chang, S .S . and Hoeschele, J .D . : Adducts formed between deoxyguanosine and eis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) : Separation by means of cationexchange chromatography . inora . Bioczem, ., 18 (1983) 279-290 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 118784f . 6861 Veening, H . and Willeford, B .R . : High-performance liquid chromatography of metal complexes . Adv . Chromatogr . (N.Y .), 22 (1983) 117-155 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16787f . 6862 Wada, H ., Nezu, S . and Nakagawa, G . : (High-performance liquid chromatography of copper, nickel, and cobalt chelates with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-4-methyl-5(sulfomethylamino)benzoic acid) . Bunseki Baaaku (Jap . Ana : .), 32 (1983) 600605 ; - .A ., 100 (1984) 16839z . 6863 Yamazaki, M ., Ichinoki, S . and Igarashi, R . : (Separation and determination of geometrical isomers of metal chelates of benzoylacetone and trifluoroacetylacetone by high-performance liquid chromatography) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . AnaZ .) 32 (1983) 605-510 ; C .A ., 1C0 (1984) 16840t . For additional information see : 100 (1984) 92204g . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B423 27 . VITAMINS AND VARIOUS GROWTH REGULATORS (NON-PEPTIDIC) 6864 Andondonskaja-Renz, B . and Zeiler, H .J . : Separation of pteridines from blood cells and plasma by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Anal . Bionhem ., 133 (1983) 68-78 . 6865 Annesley, T ., Giacherio, D ., Wilkerson, K ., Grekin, R . and Ellis, C . : Analysis of retinoids by high-performance liquid chromatography using programmed gradient separation . Chrorcatogr ., 305 (1984) 199-203 . 6866 Ashoor, S .H ., Monte, W .C . and Welty, J . : Liquid chromatographic determination of ascorbic acid in foods . J . Ass . OAnal . C8em ., 67 (1984) 78-80 . 6867 Baker, J .K ., Kapeghian, J . and Verlangieri, A . : Determination of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid in blood plasma samples . J . Liquid C'hromatogr ., 6 (1963) 1319-1332 . 6868 Biesalski, H .K ., Ehrenthal, W ., Gross, M ., Hafner, G . and Harth, 0 . : Rapid determination of retinal (vitamin A) in serum by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) . int . J . Vital? . Vu r . ., 53 (1983) 130-137 ; Res C .A ., 99 (1983) 66940g . 6869 Birmingham, B .K . and Greene, D .S . : Analysis of folinic acid in human serum using high-performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection . J, harm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1306-1309 . 6870 Bueno, M .P . and Villalobos, M .C . : Reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin K 1 in infant formulas . J . Ass . Offie . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1063-1066 . 6871 Cannella, T . and Bichi, G . : (Simultaneous determination by HPLC of thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxin, cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, and calcium folate in multivitamin preparations) . Boll, ru- . farm ., 122 (1983) 205-208 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146177d . 6872 Cort, W .M ., Vicente, T .S ., Waysek, E .H . and Williams, B .D . : Vitamin E content of feedstuffs determined by high-performance liquid chromatographic fluorescence J, Agr . Food Onem ., 31 (1983) 1330-1333 . 6873 De Vries, E .J ., van Bemmel, P . and Borsje, B . : Analysis of fat-soluble vitamins XXVIII . High performance liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin D in pet foods and feeds : collaborative study . Ass . Offie . Ana' . Chem ., 66 (1983) 751-758 . 6874 Fong, G .W .K ., Johnson, R .N . and Kho, B .T . : Nonaqueous reverse phase liquid chromatographic determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets, using vitamin D3 as internal standard . Ass . Offlo . Anal . (,'.'gem ., 66 (1983) 939-945 . 6875 Haroon, Y ., Schubert, C .A .W . and Hauschka, P .V . : Liquid chromatographic dual electrode detection system for vitamin K compounds . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 89-93 . 6876 Hudson, T .J . and Allen, R .J . : Determination of pantothenic acid in multivitamin pharmaceutical preparations by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . 73 (1984) 113-115 . 6877 Hurst, W .J ., McKim, J .M . and Martin, R .A ., Jr . : The HPLC analysis of thiamin in milk chocolate . J, Vi ;ars . . . .2 , . . Res ., 53 (1983) 239-242 ; ' .A ., 99 (1983) 174335x . 6878 Jones, G ., Kung, M . and Kano, K . : The isolation and identification of two new metabolites of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 produced in the kidney . dial . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12920-12928 . 6879 Jonvel, P ., Andermann, G . and Barthelemy, J .F . : Determination of calcium pantothenate in multivitamin preparations by high-performance liquid chromatography . Chror~;atoar ., 281 (1983) 371-376 . 6880 Kakutani, Y ., Ogawa, S . and Hamana, K . : (Quantitative analysis of carotenoids by high performance liquid chromatography) . Kobe Joshi Daigaku Kiya, 16 (1983) 17-23 ; ;- .A ., 100 (1984) 2938u . 6881 Kee, P .C . and Heser, D .W . : Simultaneous determination of 25-hydroxy- and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D from single sample by dual-cartridge extraction . 8cm . , 30 (1984) 56-61 . 6882 Kimura, M . and Itokawa, Y . : Determination of thiamin and thiamin phosphate esters in blood by liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization . Chern ., 29 (1983) 2073-2075 - -lBondapak C 18 . 6883 Kusube, K ., Abe, K ., Hiroshima, 0 ., Ishiguro, Y ., Ishikawa, S . and Hoshida, H . : Determination of vitamin K analogues by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical derivatization . Cre.m . Pharm . Bull ., 32 (1984) 179-184 . B424 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6884 Langenberg, J .P, and Tjaden, U .R . : Determination of (endogenous) vitamin K1 in human plasma by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using fluorometric detection after post-column electrochemical reduction . Comparison with ultraviolet, single and dual electrochemical detection . J. C2romatogr ., 305 (1984) 61-72 . 6885 Lehmann, J . and Martin, H .L . : Liquid-chromatographic determination of alphaand gamma-tocopherols in erythrocytes, with fluorescence detection . 1 7-in . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1840-1842 . 6886 Lunte, C .E . and Kissinger, P .T . : Determination of the oxidized and reduced forms of biopterin in tissue samples . J . Liquid C,hromatogr ., 6 (1983) 18631872 . 6887 Mayer, E ., Bishop, J .E ., Chandraratna, R .S .A ., Okamura, W .H ., Kruse, J .R ., Popjak, G ., Ohnuma, N . and Norman, A .W . : Isolation and identification of 1,25-dihydroxy-24-oxo-vitamin D 3 and 1,23,25-trihydroxy-24-oxo-vitamin D3 . New metabolites of vitamin D3 produced by a C-24 oxidation pathway of metabolism for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 present in intestine and kidney . J . Bio . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13458-13465 - 'pPorasil . 6888 Meadows, J ., Nickell, G .L ., Baxter, J . and Kapila, S . : HPLC analysis of blood and liver tissue for free a-tocopherol_ Trace Suhst . Environ . Eea/sth, 16 (1982) 268-272 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190860v . 6889 Nagao, A . and Yamazaki, M . : Lipid of sunflower seeds produced in Japan . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1664-1658 . 6890 Napoli, J .L ., Pramanik, B .C ., Royal, P .M ., Reinhardt, T .A . and Horst, R .L . : Intestinal synthesis of 24-keto-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 . A metabolite formed in viVo with high affinity for the vitamin D cytosolic receptor . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 9100-9107 . 6891 Nelis, H .J .C .F ., De Roose, J ., Vandenbaviere, H . and de Leenheer, A .P . : Nonaqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography and fluorimetry compared for determination of retinol in serum . O in . Chew ., 29 (1983) 1431-1434 . 6892 Nicolson, T .A ., Macrae, R . and Richardson, D .P . : Comparative assessment of HPLC-methods for the determination of ascorbic acid and thiamin in foods . Anal si (LOndoni, 109 (1984) 267-271 . 6893 Nielsen, P ., Bacher, A ., Darling, D . and Cushman, M . : Synthesis and biological evaluation of 7a,7a,7a,8a,8a,8ci-hexafluororiboflavin and 7a,7a,7a,8a,8a,8a-hexafluoro-RMN . P1a rforsch ., 38c (1983) 701-707 . 6894 Pierotti, J .A ., Dickinson, A .G ., Palmer, J .K . and Drickell, J .A . : Liquid chromatographic separation and quantitation of B6 vitamers in selected rat tissues . Chromatcgr ., 306 (1984) 377-382 . 6895 Rhodes, C .J ., Claridge, P .A ., Trafford, D .H .J . and Makin, H .L .J . : An evaluation of the use of Sep-Pak C18 cartridges for the extraction of vitamin D3 and some of its metabolites from plasma and urine . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 13491354 . .A 6896 Rider, A . and Sommer, A . : Comparison of serum vitamin A values obtained by three different analytical methods . P&-r . Rep . Int ., 28 (1983) 891-897 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 3032f . 6897 Shimadzu Corp . : (Determination of vitamin B 6 by high-speed liquid chromatography and colorimetry) . Jpn . Kokai Tokk',o Koho Pat . 58 113,859 [83 113,B59] (Cl . GO1N31/08), 06 Jul . 1983, Appl . 81/214,169, 28 Dec . 1981, 6 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 164117p . 6898 Speck, A .J ., Schrijver, J . and Schreurs, W .H .P . : Fluormetric determination of total vitamin C in whole blood by high-performance liquid chromatography with pre-column derivatization . hroaatogr ., 305 (1984) 53-60 . 6899 Stump, D .D ., Roth, E .F ., Jr . and Gilbert, H .S . : Simultaneous determination by high-performance liquid chromatography of tocopherol isomers, a-tocopherol quinone, and cholesterol in red blood cells and plasma . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 371-376 . 6900 Taylor, R .F . : Chromatography of carotenoids and retinoids . Adz) . Chromatogr ., 22 (1983) 157-213 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19864q . 6901 Traba, M .L ., Babe, M . de la Piedra, C . and Mann, A . : 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 3 in serum : sample purification with Sep-Pak C-18 cartridges and liquid chromatography before protein-binding assay . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1806-1807 . 6902 Wachob, G .D . : The solid phase extraction of water-soluble vitamins from multivitamin and mineral tablets . iq . Chromatogr . EELS Mag ., 1 (1983) 110-112 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164068y . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B425 6903 Wickroski, A .F . and McLean, L .A . : Improved reverse phase liquid chromatographic determination of vitamins A and D in fortified milk . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 62-65 . 6904 Wills, R .B .R ., Wimalasiri, P . and Greenfield, H . : Liquid chromatography, microfluorometry, and dye-titration determination of vitamin C in fresh fruit Ass . Offic . Ana- . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1377-1379 . and vegetables . 6905 Zhao, S . and Sun, Z . : (HPLC assay of vitamin D3 injection) . Yaornc Fanxi Zazhi, 3 (1983) 123-125 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 76974k . 6906 Zhou, X ., Lin, L . and Yu, R . : (A method for assay of vitamin K1) . Nanjing Yaoxueyuan Xuebao, (1982) 37-41 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164077a . 6907 Zonta, F . and Stancher, B . : (Determination of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), some considerations from the point of view of commodity science) . Riv . Ital . Sostanze Grasse, 60 (1983) 65-68 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 50084j . For additional information see : C . A ., 100 (1984) 64513k, 91454y . 28 . ANTIBIOTICS 6908 Binns, R .B . and Tsuji, K . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of neomycin in petrolatum-based ointments and in veterinary formulations . J. Pharm . Sci ., 73 (1984) 69-72 . 6909 Bories, G .F ., Peleran, J .C ., Wal, J .M . and Corpet, D .E . : Simple and ion-pair high performance liquid chromatography as an improved analytical tool for chioramphenicol metabolic profiling . Drug Metab . Dispos ., 11 (1983) 249-254 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 47489a . 6910 Bruckner, H ., Jung, G . and Przybylski, M . : Chromatographic and mass spectrometric characterization of the structures of the polypeptide antibiotics smarosporin and stilbellin and identity of emerimicin . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 679-685 . 6911 Chen, M .-L . and Chiou, W .L . : Analysis of erythromycin in biological fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 91-100 . 6912 Csiba, A . and Graber, H . : (High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of some up-to-date cephalosporane derivatives in biological fluids) . halo Pharm . N_ung ., 53 (1983) 241-249 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 29217v . 6913 Den Hartigh, J ., van Oort, W .J . and Hulshoff, A . : Liquid chromatographic determination of mitomycin C in human plasma and urine . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 444-445 . 6914 Das Gupta, V . : Stability of mezlocillin sodium as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1479-1481 . 6915 Essers, L . : An automated high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of aminoglycosides in serum using precolumn sample clean-up and derivatization . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 345-352 . 6916 Fukuda, M ., Sasaki, K . and Tomii, T . : (Measurement of antibiotic concentration in ocular tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography) . Nippon Ganka Xiyo, 34 (1983) 1239-1243 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205440] . 6917 Ghebre-Sellassie, I ., Hem, S .L . and Knevel, A .M . : Epimerization of benzylPharm . Sci ., 73 (1984) 125-128 . penicilloic acid in alkaline media . 6918 Houpt, S .T . and Baldwin, R .P . : Application of electrochemical detection for the quantitation of 1,4-dihydroxy-5,8-bis E2-(2-hydroxyethyl)aminoethylaminoo 9,10-anthracenedione following liquid chromatography . Anal . Lett ., 1343-1354 . 6919 Irwin, W .J ., Hempenstall, J .M ., Li Wan Po, A . and Andrews, A .H . : Controlledrelease penicillin complexes . High-performance liquid chromatography and assay . J. Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 85-96 . 6920 Jehl, F ., Monteil, H . and Minck, R . : (Improvement and significance of the determination of five )3-lactam antibiotics by high-performance liquid chromatography) . Patho3 . BioZ ., 31 (1983) 370-374 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 63763r . 6921 Jensen, S,E ., Westlake, D .W .S . and Wolfe, S . : Analysis of penicillin N ring expansion activity from Streptomyces claraligerus by ion-pair HPLC . Antimicrob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 307-312 . B426 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6922 Jung, D . and Mahajan, N .K . : An improved micro-scale liquid-chromatographic assay for piperacillin in plasma and urine . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 122-124 . 6923 Kabra, P .M ., Bhatnagar, P .K . and Nelson, M .A . : Liquid chromatographic determination of gentamicin in serum with spectrophotometric detection . AnaZ . 7 (1983) 283-285 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61280w . 6924 Kawamoto, T ., Mahimo, I ., Yamaguchi, S . and Watanabe, M . : Determination of sisomicin, netilmicin, astromicin and micronomicin in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatcgr ., 305 (1984) 373-379 . 6925 Kees, F ., Grobecker, H . and Naber, K .G . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of cefotetan epimers in human plasma and urine . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 363-371 . 6926 Kennedy, J .H . : Influence of column temperature on the liquid chromatographic separation of tylosin and related macrolides . J . Chromatoor ., 281 (1983) 288292 6927 Lachatre, G ., Nicot, G ., Gonnet, C ., Tronchet, J ., Merle, L ., Valette, J .P . and Novaille, Y . : (Separation of aminoglycosides and their components by liquid phase chromatography . Application to determination in plasma, urine and tissue) . sis, 11 (1983) 168-1777 :C .A ., 100 (1984) 128f . 6928 Lee, T .L . and Brooks, M .A . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of amoxicillin in human plasma using a bonded-phase extraction . J . 1hromatogr ., 306 (1984) 429-435 . 6929 Leader, J .S ., Spino, M ., Tesoro, A .M . and MacLeod, S .M . : HPLC analysis of ceftazidime in serum and urine . d o imicrob . Agents Chernother ., 24 (1983) 720-724 . 6930 Myers, C .M . and Blumer, J .L . : Determination of ceftazidime in biological fluids by using HPLC . Antimiercc . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 343-346 . 6931 Nakamura, R ., Yamaguchi, T ., Sekine, Y . and Hashimoto, M . : Determination of a new antibacterial agent (AT-2266) and its metabolites in plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 321-328 . 6932 Nakayama, M „ Kimura, S ., Mizoguchi, T ., Tanabe, S ., Iwasaki, A ., Murakami, A ., Okuchi, M ., Itch, H . and Mori, T . : New (3-lactam antibiotics, carpetimycins C and DibCot ., 36 (1983) 943-949 . 6933 Nishihata, T ., Takahagi, H ., Yamamoto, M ., Tomida, H ., Rytting, J .H . and Higuchi, T . : Enhanced rectal absorption of cefmetazole and cefoxitin in the presence of epinephrine metabolites in rat and a high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for cephamycin antibiotics . J . Pharm . Sci ., 73 (1984) 109-112 . 6934 Nishio, M ., Yasuda, N . and Nakamura, S . : Neo-enactins A, B1 and B2, new antifungal antibiotics potentiating polyene antifungal antibiotics . J . Ancibiot ., 36 (1983) 1399-1401 . 6935 Nilsson-Ehle, I . : High-performance liquid chromatography for analyses of antibiotics in biological fluids . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 251-293 Supplement 2 . 6936 Oosternaan, M .J .M ., Dirks, R .J .M ., Vree, T .B . and van der Kleijn, E . : Rapid quantitative determination of seven anthracyclines and their hydroxy metabolites in body fluids . J . Chromaro :r ., 306 (1984) 323-332 . 6937 Pauliukonis, L .T ., Musson, D .G . and Bayne, W .F . : Quantitation of norfloxacin, a new antibacterial agent in human plasma and urine by ion-pair reverse-phase chromatography . Pharm . Sci ., 73 (1984) 99-102 . 6938 Pellegatta, G ., Carugati, G .P . and Coppi, G . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of erythromycins A and B from fermentation broths . J. romatc r ., 269 (1983) 33-39 . 6939 Rahmani, R ., Gil, P ., Martin, M ., Durand, A ., Barbet, J . and Cano, J . : Quantitation of adriamycin in plasma and urine : comparative study of radioimmunoassay and high-performance liquid chromatography methods . J . Pharm . 3iemed . Ana 1 (1983) 301-309 . 6940 Regazzi, M .B ., Chirico, G ., Cristiani, D ., Rondini, G . and Rondanelli, R . : Cefoxitin in newborn infants . A clinical and pharmacokinetic study . Eur . rcnaco ., 25 (1983) 507-509 . 6941 Reitberg, D .P . and Schentag, J .J . : Liquid-chromatographic assay of cefmenoxime in serum and urine . C)in . , 29 (1983) 1415-1418 . 6942 Rogers, M .E ., Adlard, M .W ., Sanders, G . and Holt, G . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of penicillins following derivatization to mercury-stabilized penicillenic acids . J . ;iquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2019-2031 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B427 6943 Selsted, M .E ., Brown, D .M ., DeLange, R .J . and Lehrer, R .I . : Primary structures of MCP-1 and MCP-2, natural peptide antibiotics of rabbit lung macrophages . J . Bial . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14485-14489 - Vydac C-18, }1Bondapak C 18 . 6944 Shomura, T ., Nishizawa, N ., Iwata, M ., Yoshida, J ., Ito, M ., Amano, S ., Koyama, M ., Kojima, M . and Inouye, S . ; Studies on a new nucleoside antibiotic, dapiramicin . I . Producing organism, assay method and fermentation . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1300-1304 . Chromatography of Antibiotics . J . Chromatogr 6945 Ragman, G .H . and Weinstein, M .J . : Libr ., Vol . 26, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, pp . 510 . 6946 Wever, A ., Opheim, K .E . and Wong, K . : HPLC quantitation of azlocillin . Antimicrob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 750-753 . 6947 Weigand, R . and Coombes, R .J . : Gentamicin determination by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 381-385 . 6948 Wilson, K .E ., Kempf, A .J ., Liesch, J .M . and Arison, B .H . : Northienamycin and 8-epi-thienamycin, new carbapenems from Streptomyces cattZeya . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1109-1117 . 6949 Yamamura, K ., Nakao, M ., Yamada, J .-I . and Yotsuyanagi, T . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of the stability of sisomicin in hydrophilic petrolatum ointment . Chem . Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 3632-3636 . 6950 Yokose, K ., Ogawa, K ., Sane, T ., Watanabe, K ., Maruyama, H .B . and Suhara, Y . : New a-amylase inhibitor, trestatins . I . Isolation, characterization and biological activities of trestatins A, B and C . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 11571165 . 6951 Yamamura, K ., Nakao, M ., Yamada, J .-I . and Yotsuyanagi, T . : Simultaneous determinations of cefsulodin and cefotiam in serum and bone marrow blood by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 958-960 . For additional information see ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 3014b, 12488m, 12720f, 21606a, 56899a, 66598r, 91463a, 91491h, 96019v . See also 7109 . 29 . INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES AND OTHER AGROCHEMICALS 6952 Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, E . and Iwata, Y . : Behaviour of different groups of pesticides during liquid-solid chromatography on silica gel with ternary mobile phases . Chrcmatographia, 17 (1983) 695-700 . 2?a . Chlorinate e ides 6953 Bottoml.ey, P . and Baker, P .C . : Multi-residue determination of organochlorine, organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroid pesticides in grain by gas-liquid and HPL chromatography . Ana get (London), 109 (1984) 85-90 . 6954 Grorud, R .B . and Forrette, J .E . : Liquid chromatography of liquid formulations containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dicamba, and 2-(2-methyl-4chlorophenoxy)propionic acid and their salts . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1220-1225 . 6955 Seefeld, F . and Florstedt, I . : (Determination of organochlorine insecticides in water, by concentration of Wofatit Y29, Y55 and Y56) . Z . Gesamte )7yg . Ihre Cren_zgeb ., 29 (1983) 332-335 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 207940w . 6956 Steinwandter, H . : Contribution to silica gel application in residue analysis . V . Simple micromethod for liquid chromatographic separation of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 493-494 . High performance liquid chromatographic 6957 Stringham, R .W . and Bennett, B .R . : Ass . Offic . Ana- . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1207determination of diclofop-methyl . 1208 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B428 9 ;, i'Y+ ' .+. ; ~";oroo oseocicide3 6958 Krause, R .T ., Min Zha, and Shotkin, S .H . : Determination of coumaphos and its oxygen analog in eggs and milk by using a multiresidue method with liquid chromatographic quantitation and capillary gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric confirmation . J . Ass . Jffic . Ana? . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1353-1357 . See also 6953 . 29c . arcamates 6959 Bierska, J ., Wiench, L ., Lysakowski, K . and Babuchowski, K . : (Determination of carbendazim (methyl-2-benzimidazolecarbamate) in milk by high performance liquid chromatography) . Bromrx-a-. . Che=t . Tokspko7 ., 16 (1983) 139-143 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66705y . High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of nitrogen 6960 Davidson, A .D . : derived from urea and water-soluble methylene ureas in urea formaldehyde Ass . C,tie . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 769fertilizers : collaborative study . 774 . 6961 Nondek, L ., Frei, R .W . and Brinkman, U .A .Th . : Heterogeneous catalytic postcolumn reaction detectors for high-performance liquid chromatography application 2r~ma Win ., 2B2 (1983) 141-150 . to N-methylcarbamates . For additional information see : C .1' ., 100 (1984) 16945f . 25d . ?erb ; c dau 6962 Bouchard, D .C . and Levy, T .L . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of hexazinone residues in soil and water . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 396-401 . 6963 Szokan, G ., Bezeredy, E . and Matolcsy, G . : Chromatographic investigation of herbicide antidotes with spiro-oxazolidine structures . J . Chromalogr ., 286 (1984) 193-205 . 25e . _ in :D0 7 e3 6964 Baker, P .G . and Clarke, P .G . : Determination of residues of dithianon in apples by HPLC . A o1ys ;. !Lorlon), 109 (1984) 81-83 . 6965 Brandsteterova, E ., Lehotay, J ., Liska, 0 ., Garaj, J . and Zacsik, I . : Application of high-performance liquid chromatography in the trace analysis of some fungicides . romatogr ., 286 (1984) 339-345 . 9 Other of o,2cides rod agrocre ;icais 6966 Bland, P .D . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of brodifacoum J . Ass . Offie . AnaZ . Chem ., 66 (1983) in formulations : Collaborative study . 993-998 . 6967 Bottomley, P . : Chromatographic analysis of hazardous impurities in pesticides . 20 (1983) 401-404 ; , 99 (1983) 207941x . 6968 Bull, D .L ., Ivie, G .W ., MacConnell, J .G ., Gruber, V .F ., Ku, C .C ., Arisen, B .H ., Stevenson, J .M . and Van den Heuvel, W .J .A . : Fate of avermectin B1 a in soil and plants . ., . Ajr . Food Clan ., 32 (1984) 94-102 . 6969 Irving, S .N . and Fraser, T .E .M . : Insecticidal activity of tralomethrin : Electrophysiological assay reveals that it acts as a prcpesticide . J . Agr . i Chem ., 32 (1984) 111-113 . 6970 Li, Y ., Strupp, D ., Kossmann, A . and Ebing, W . : Methods zur Bestimmung von RDckstanden an Butocarboxim in Pflanzen and Boden mit Hilfe der HPLC . Z . Anal . Chatr ., 316 (1983) 290-292 . 6971 Papadopoupou-Mourkidou, E ., Iwata, Y . and Gunther, F .A . : Application of a high-performance liquid chromatographic system with an on-line infrared detector to the residue analysis of permethrin . Ay^r . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 629-633 . Simultaneous determination of folpet, piperonyl butoxide, and 6972 Perez, R .L . : pyrethrins in aerosol formulations by high pressure liquid chromatography . o . Ass . c . Anal. . Chem ., 66 (1983) 789-792 . B429 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY Ion-pair reverse phase liquid 6973 Roy, T .A ., Meeck, J .R . and Mackerer, C .R . : chromatographic determination of sodium acifluorfen in feed . J . Ass . Offie . AnaL . C12em ., 66 (1983) 1319-1321 . 6974 Van Rossum, B ., Marijn, A ., De Reijke, A .A . and Zeeman, J . : High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of difluvenzuron and its formulations : collaborative study . J. Ass . Offic . AnaL . L?hem ., 66 (1983) 312-316 . For additional information see ; • A ., 100 (1984) 2015r, 2035x . 30 . SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL DYES 3; a. unfftet' dyes 6975 Bailey, J .E ., Jr . : Reverse phase liquid chromatographic determination of intermediates and subsidiary colors in D&C green No . 5 . J . Ass . Offic . Ana! . 3ses ., 67 (1984) 55-61 . 6976 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft : (Determination of organic compounds other than dyes in synthetic food dyes ; Dyes with sulfo groups) . LebensmitteZchem . uerichtL . hen ., 37 (1983) 109-113 ; C . A ., 100 (1984) 66669q . 6977 Golgberg, A .L . and Calvey, R .J . ; Liquid chromatographic determination of 2,4-dinitro-1-naphtol and 1-naphtol in external D&C Yellow No . 7 . J . Ass . 66 (1983) 1429-1432 . 6978 Lancaster, F .E . and Lawrence, J .F . : Ion-pair liquid chromatographic determination of uncombined intermediates in three synthetic food colors . J . Ass . Offic . Anal. 66 (1983) 1424-1428 . 6979 Lyter, A .H . : Analysis of writing inks by high-performance liquid chromatography . (,7?rorato,,P . , 24 (High-Perform . Liq . Chromatogr . Forensic Chem .) (1983) 399-418 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 117242r . 6980 Micali, G ., Curro, P . and Calabio, G . : HPLC separation and determination of fluorescent whitening agents in detergents . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 155-158 . 6981 Puttemans, M .L ., Bryon, L . and Massart, B .L . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of tartrazine in rice milk following ion-pair extraction Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 670-672 . with tri-N-octylamine . Ass . C 6982 Puttemans, M .L ., Dryon, L . and Massart, D .L . : High performance liquid chromatographic and colorimetric determination of synthetic dyes in gelatincontaining sweets following polyamide adsorption and ion-pair extraction with Ass . Offic . Arc .-' . Stem ., 66 (1983) 1039-1044 . tri-n-octyl-amine . 6983 Smedes, F ., Decnop-Weever, L .G ., Nguyen, T .U ., Nieman, J . and Kragten, J . : Semixylenol orange and its purification by high-pressure liquid chromatography . w antes., 30 (1983) 614-616 ; C .4 ., 99 (1983) 194516k . 6984 Tiwari, W .P ., Tiwari, J .S . and Mundhara, G .L . : Studies on the pH and sorption of basic dyes on alumin in relation to chromatography . 17 . Indian C.hem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 514-516 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146747q . For additional information see : • 100 (1984) 8564r, 69841a, 91112k . oro_c, L d a5 :er atural Pixmenis 6985 Becher, G ., Oestvold, G ., Paus, P . and Seip, H .M . : Complexation of copper by aquatic humic matter studied by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and atomic absorption spectroscopy . emae here, 12 (1983) 1209-1215 ; C .5 ., 99 (1983) 181201d . 6986 Blom, H . : A method for measuring anthocyanin degradation . LWT-mod ., 7 (Prog . C .A ., 10C (1984) 66671) . Food Eng .) (1983) 587-589 ; 6987 Chiavari, G ., Concialini, V ., Lippolis, M .T . and Scarponi, F . : Application of electrochemical and ultraviolet detectors in the gel filtration of humic acids . • Chranocoar ., 281 (1983) 319-325 . 6988 Li ebezeit, G . and Bartel, J . : Reversed phase HPLC separation of fossil chlorins . • ResoJ . troma 6r . Lhromatogr . ,.oonnrun_ ., 6 (1983) 573-574 . B430 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 6989 Pabst, R ., Nawroth, T . and Dose, K . : Time-dependent monomerization of bacteriorhodopsin in Triton X-100 solutions analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 333-341 . 6990 Rosenberg, M ., Kopelman, I .J . and Mannheim, C . : Purification of citrus peel pigment preparate by gel permeation chromatography . Lebensm .-Wiss . Technol ., 17 (1983) 282-284 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 21738v . 6991 Ruttimann, A ., Schiedt, K . and Vecchi, M . : Separation of (3R,3'R)-, (3R,3'S ; meso)-, (3S,3'S)-zeaxanthin, (3R,3'R,6'R)-, (3R,3'S,6'S)- and (3S,3'S,6'S)-lutein via the dicarbamates of (S)-(+)-u-(1-naphthyl) ethyl isocyanate . J . High ReedZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Co"min ., 6 (1983) 612-616 . 6992 Smith, K .M ., Craig, G .W ., Kehres, L .A . and Pfennig, N . : Reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography and structural assignments of the bacterioChromatogr ., 281 (1983) 209-223 . chlorophylls-c . 6993 Toennessen, H .H . and Karlsen, J . : (Quantitative determination of Curcuma dyes in food) . Z . Lebensm .-Unters- Borsch ., 177 (1983) 348-349 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66684r . See also 6095 . 31 . PLASTICS AND THEIR INTERMEDIATES 6994 Engelhardt, H . and Ahr, G . : Optimization of efficiency in size-exclusion chromatography . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 385-397 . 6995 Foelster, U . and Herres, W . : (Use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for detection and identification in gel permeation chromatography) . Farbe Lack, 89 (1983) 417-420 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 72218u . 6996 Jinno, K . and Sato, T . : Evaluation of micro-HPLC and various stationary phases in reversed-phase mode for the separation of styrene oligomers . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1631-1643 . 6997 Mathias, L .J . and Hutchens, D .E . : Polymer characterization and spectroscopy . Flow-rate monitoring in gel permeation chromatography . Polym . Reps, 9 (1984) 172-173 ; , 100 (1984) 104130s - a review with 16 refs . 6998 Mlejnek, 0 ., Lacuska, M . and Liptak, P . : Gas and gel permeation chromatographic investigation of polyethylene modification in model chemical reactions . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 301-309 . 6999 Rollings, J .E ., Bose, A ., Caruthers, J .M ., Tsao, G .T . and Okos, M .R . : Aqueous size exclusion chromatography . Ado . Chem . Her ., 203 (1983) 345-360 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 23184w - a review with 51 refs . 7000 Schorn, H ., Kosfeld, R . and Hess, M . : High-performance size-exclusion chromatography of polyamide 6 . J . Clroma ogr ., 282 (1983) 579-587 . 7001 Soltes, L . and Berek, D . : (Molecular characterization of polymers by gel chromatography . Plasty Kauc ., 20 (1983) 107-108 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 176506c . 7002 Szmerekova, V ., Kralik, P . and Berek, D . : Interaction complexes between polymers and surfactants . I . Interactions of polyethylene oxide with surfactants studied by gel permeation chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 188-193 . 7003 Wen, C . : (Universal calibration parameters for CPC in the system of plystyrene and different eluants) . Gao_'ensi :Toogrun, (1983) 167-171 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 159146t . For additional information see : C . A ., 100 (1984) 7490b, 8799w, 16959p, 23410f, 35095v, 35096w, 35154p, 35195c, 35600f, 52309k, 69001b, 69029s, 69030k, 69031a, 69036s, 69037t, 69043e, 69103m, 86373s, 86405d, 86996x, 95794g, 104185p, 104187r 104189t, 104196t, 104198v, 104275t, 104276u, 104292w, 104377c . See also 5895, 5918, 6174 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B431 32 . PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS See 5897 . 52a . Synthetic Bruce 7004 Analytical Methods Committee : Determination of halofuginone hydrobromide in medicated animal feeds . Analyst (london), 108 (1983) 1252-1256 . 7005 Analytical Methods Committee : Determination of ronidazol in animal feeds by HPLC . , na'.yei (1,ondart), 108 (1983) 1521-1524 . 7006 Austin, R .K ., Trefts, P .E ., Hintz, M ., Connor, J .P . and Kagnoff, M .F . : Sensitive radioimmunoassay for the broad-spectrum antiviral agent ribavirin . Antimicrob . Agence = emother ., 24 (1983) 696-701 . 7007 Barge, E .S . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of oxazepam dosage forms : Collaborative study . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 864866 . 7008 Bauer, J . and Krogh, S . : High-performance liquid chromatographic stabilityindicating assay for naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline in ophthalmic preparations . 5 . Porn . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1347-1349 . 7009 Bauer, j ., Quick, J ., Krogh, S . and Shada, D . : Stability-indicating assay for chlorthalidone formulation : evaluation of the USP analysis and a high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis . Sharm . Sod ., 72 (1983) 924-928 . 7010 Beaver, R .W ., Bunch, J .E . and Jones, L .A . : Qualitative analysis of analgesic tablets : an experiment employing high pressure liquid chromatography . J . Chem . Jduc ., 60 (1983) 1000-1001 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 5324b . 7011 Burrows, G .W . and Alliger, C .L . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of cyproheptadine hydrochloride in tablet formulations . J . Pharm . 72 (1983) 1212-1213 . 7012 Cavrini, V ., Di Petra, A .M . and Raggi, M .A . : Analysis of fentiazac in pharmaceutical dosage forms by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . =hare; . Blamed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 235-240 . 7013 Chen, J . and Raisfeld-Danse, I .H . : Drug interactions . II . Formation of nitrosamines from therapeutic drugs . Properties and kinetics of the formation of N-nitroso-propranolol from nitrite and the secondary amine propranolol hydrochloride . J . Sharm . Exp . Iher ., 225 (1983) 705-712 . 7014 Detaevernier, M .R ., Hoogewijs, G . and Massart, D .L . : Development of a standardized analysis strategy for basic drugs, using ion-pair extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography - II . Selection of preferred HPLC-systems . Start . Blamed . Ana- ., 1 (1983) 331-337 . 7015 Dimov, N ., Agapova, N ., Levy, Sh . and Yanachkov, I . : Separation of nitrate esters and nitrate-acetate esters of isosorbide . J . Chromatoar ., 285 (1984) 515-517 . 7016 Ding, X .-D . and Krull, I .S . : Dual electrode liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection (LCEC) for platinum derived cancer chemotherapy agents . J . Liquid SAro,at- .e ., 6 (1983) 2173-2194 . 7017 Diquet, B ., Gaudel, G . and Colin, J .N . : Dosage de la desipramine par chromatographie liquids a haute performance dans le sang et le cerveau de Souris . Poarnn . Fr ., 41 (1983) 269-274 . 7,118 Dowell, P .S . : Simultaneous determination of fentiazac and p-hydroxyfentiazac in plasma by HPLC with ultraviolet detection . Analyst (London), 108 (1983) 1535-1537 . 7019 Eggers, N .J . and Saint-Joly, C .M . : The effect of amine modifiers on the chromatographic behavior of salbutamol on reversed phase chemically bonded silica gel . l uid rcnatogr . 6 (1983) 1955-1967 . 7020 Eiden, F . and Braatz-Greeske, K . : Beitrag zur Analyse von Calciumantagonisten . I . Fendilin and Prenylamin . Dent . At: %eker-Ztc ., 123 (1983) 958-962 . 7021 Eiden, F . and Braatz-Greeske, K . : Beitrag zur Analyse von Calciumantagonisten . II . Nifedipin . Lent . A_,otreker-Z+,a ., 123 (1983) 2003-2009 . 7022 Ezzedeen, F .W ., Stohs, S .J . and Maseud, A .N . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of iodochlorohydroxyquin and hydrocortisone in ointments and Prarn . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1036-1039 . creams . 7023 Ferrell, W .J . and Boudoulas, 0 . : Liquid chromatographic analysis of pentobarbital . Lltld L:_.nnatogr ., 6 (1983) 2033-2041 . B432 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7024 Fontani, F ., Finardi, G .P ., Targa, G ., Besana, G .P . and Ligorati, M . : Purity evaluation of dipyridamole by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 181-187 . 7025 Galante, R .N ., Visalli, A .J . and Grim, W .M . : Stabilized normal-phase highperformance liquid chromatographic analysis of aspirin and salicylic acid in solid pharmaceutical dosage forms . Pha re . Sci ., 73 (1984) 195-197 . 7026 Gasparic, J . and Zimak, J . : Analysis of the 1,4-benzodiazepines by methods based on hydrolysis, J . Pharm . Biomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 259-279 . 7027 Graham, R .E ., Biehl, E .R . and Uribe, M .J . : High pressure liquid chromatographic assay for prednisone in bulk drug substances and tablets . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Cl-em,, 66 (1983) 264-272 . 7028 Hafkenscheid, T .L . and Tomlinson, E . : Isocratic chromatographic retention data for estimating aqueous solubilities of acidic, basic and neutral drugs . Int . Pharm ., 17 (1983) 1-21 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 56751w . 7029 Hanocq, M ., Fuks, R . et Lefebvre, G . : Separation d'amidines N-N'-substituees par chromatographie liquide haute-performance en phase inverses : recherche de cartaines impuretes de synthese . J . Pharm . Biomed . AnaZ ., 1 (1983) 211-218 . 7030 Herrmann, A ., Damawandi, E . and Wagmann, M . : Determination of cyclamate by high-performance liquid chromatography with indirect photometry . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 85-90 . 7031 Hermansson, J . : Direct liquid chromatographic resolution of racemic drugs using A,-acid glycoproteins as the chiral stationary phase . J . Chromatogr ., 269 (1983) 71-80 . 7032 Hoogewijs, G . and Massart, D .L . : Development of a standardized analysis strategy for basic drugs, using ion-pair extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography . Liquid aroma cgr ., 6 (1983) 2521-2541 . 7033 Hocgewijs, G . and Massart, D .L . : Development of a standardized analysis strategy for basic drugs using ion-pair extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography - I . Philosophy and selection of extraction technique . J . Sham . Atoned . Ana". ., 1 (1983) 321-329 . 7034 Huehn, A . : Dissolution rate determination of low-dose oral contraceptives using automated HPLC with column switching technique . In : Pract . Aspects Mod . :Yig:Y Perform . iiq . Chromatopr ., PPG_'. ., I . Molnar (Editor), de Gruyter, Berlin, 1981, Pub . 1983, pp . 227-239 ; , 99 (1983) 43392r . 7035 Kawahara, M ., Muhi-Eldeen, Z . and Husain, A . : Is aspirin phenylalanine ethyl ester a prodrug for aspirin? P ;-arm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 1093-1096 . 7036 Kiniura, T . : (Liquid-chromatographic determination of steroid hormone drugs) . Cekkan Ya .ku„i, 26 (1984) 155-161 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61890v - a review with 3 refs . 7037 Kohlhof, K .,7„ Stump, D . and Zizzamia, J .A . : Analysis of doxylamine in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Sharm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 961-962 . 7038 Kral, K . and Kainz, G . ; Gleichzeitige Bestimmung von Isosorbiddinitrat and Diazepam in Pharmazeutica durch HPLC mit elektrochemischen Detection . Z . Anal . Chem,, 316 (1983) 497-500 . 7039 Kubo, H . : (Separation and analytical techniques . II . 7 . High performance liquid chromatography . 6 . Analyses for aminoglycoside drugs) . inaho Kensa, 27 (1983) 782-789 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146164x - a review with 5 refs . 7040 Laurent, C .J .C .M ., Billiet, H .A .H . and de Galan, L . : High-performance liquid chromatography of heroin samples on alumina by ion exchange in mixed aqueousorganic mobile phases . J . hromafo r ., 285 (1984) 161-170 . 7041 Leroy, P ., Nicolas, A . and Moreau, A . : Electrochemical detection of sympatomimetic drugs, following pre-column 0-phthalaldehyde derivatization and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatcar ., 282 (1983) 561-569 . 7342 Lowie, D .M ., Teague, R .T ., Quick, F .E . and Foster, C .L . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of carbadox and pyrantel tartrate in swine feed and supplements . 5 . Ass . G;F;ic . Ana Chem ., 66 (1983) 602-605 . 7043 Lurie, I .S . : Use of bonded-phase columns in drug analysis . Chromatogr . Sci ., 24 (High-Perform . Liq . Chromatogr . Forensic Chem .) (1983) 161-164 ; L A ., 99 (1983) 117239v . 7044 Macy, T .D . and Loh, A . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of monensin in feed premixes . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 284-286 . 7045 Masoud, A .N . and Bueding, E . : High performance liquid chromatography of dithiolthiones . J . Liquid Crrcmatsgr ., 6 (1983) 1291-1317 . B43 3 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 7046 Matsui, F ., Lovering, E .G ., Curran, N .M . and Watson, J .R . : Determination of azobenzene and hydrazobenzene in phenylbutazone and sulfinpyrazone products by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm, Sei ., 72 (1983) 1223-1224 . 7047 McCoy, L .F ., Skee, D .M . and Edelson, J . : Determination of azarole plus its reduction product by HPLC . J . Chromatoar . Sei ., 21 (1983) 500-502 . 7048 Menon, G ., Norris, B . and Webster, J . : Simultaneous determination of chloroprocaine hydrochloride and its degradation product 4-amino-2-chlorobenzoic acid in bulk drug and injection solutions by high-performance liquid zars . Sci ., 73 (1984) 251-253 . chromatography . 7049 Mooser, A .E . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of toluenesulfonamides and polar impurities in saccharin and saccharin sodium . J . rroma'.oyr ., 287 (1984) 113-119 . 7050 Myers, R .D ., Garrison, J .L . and Critcher, E .C . : Determination by high performance liquid chromatography of stability of tetrahydro-3-carbolines at different ambient temperature . Licuid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2043-2053 . 7C51 Noggle, F .T ., Jr . : Liquid chromatographic analysis of pentazocine and tripelennamine in combination . J . Liquid Chrvmatosr ., 6 (1983) 2005-2017 . 7052 Nondek, L . and Chvalovsky, V . : On-line preconcentration and high-performance liquid chromatographic determination off o-tcluenesulphonamide in saccharin . hronat .r y r,, 268 (1983) 395-402 . 7053 Olsen, C .S . and Scroggins, H .S . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of nitroglycerin in sublingual, sustained-release, and ointment dosage forms . . . .u_, . . Sal ., 72 (1983) 963-965 . 7054 Pakuts, A .P ., Downie, R .H . and Matula, T .I . : A rapid HPLC analysis of diazepam in animal feed . J . Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1557-1564 . 7055 Perlman, S ., Szyper, M . and Kirschbaum, J .J . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of nadolol and bendroflumethiazide combination tablet . rar :m~ . Sci ., 73 (1984) 259-261 - )JBondapak phenyl . 7056 Perrier, P .R . and Kesselring, U .W . : Quantitative assessment of the effect of some excipients on nitrazepam stability in binary powder mixtures . J . iharm . Sam , 72 (1983) 1072-1074 . 7057 Prosser, B .C ., Floor, B .J ., Klein, A .E . and Muhammad, N . : Determination of tiodazosin and levulinic acid from tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . SC_` ., 72 (1983) 1168-1170 . 7058 Prue, D .G ., Johnson, R .N . and Kho, B .T . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of pralidoxime chloride and its major decomposition products in injectable solutions . Farm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 751-756 . 7059 Reader, M .J . and Lines, C .B . : Decomposition of thimerosal in aqueous solution and its determination by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Sai , 72 (1983) 1406-1409 . 7060 Reif, Van D . and DeAngelis, N .J . : Stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for oxazepam tablets and capsules . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1330-1332 . 7061 Reynolds, D .L ., Repta, A .J . and Sternson, L .A . : Cation exchange contribution to the retention of specific quaternary ammonium compounds in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . F . Sharm . 3iomed . Ana? ., 1 (1983) 339346 7062 Reynolds, D .L ., Riley, C .M ., Sternson, L .A . and Repta, A .J . : Factors affecting the retention of quaternary ammonium ions in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . Sharm . 3iomed . 1 (1983) 347-361 . 7063 Roos, R .W . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of sulfisocazole in dosage forms : Collaborative study . J . Ass . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1182-1185 . 7064 Rudge, S .R ., Perrett, D ., Drury, P .L . and Swannell, A .J . : The determination of thiomalate in physiological fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection . , . Pbarn. 3iomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 205-210 . 7065 Scott, E .P . : Application of postcolumn ionization in the high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of butabarbital sodium elixir . J . Pharm, Soi ., 72 (1983) 1089-1091 . 7066 Sedman, A .J . and Gal, J . : Resolution of the enantiomers of propranolol and other beta-adrenergic antagonists by high-performance liquid chromatography . h amaL-uCr ., 278 (1983) 199-203 . 'ffic. 134 .34 BIBLIUGRAPIIY SRU'1'IUN 7067 Stavchansky, S ., Wallace, J ., Chue, M . and Newburger, J . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of promethazine hydrochloride in the presence of its thermal and photolytic degradation products : a stability indicating assay . J . Liquid Cnromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1333-1344 . 7068 Sternson, L .A ., Marsh, K .C ., Banniester, S .J . and Repta, A .J . : Detection systems for assay of antineoplastic platinum complexes . Anal . Proc ., 20 (1983) 366-368 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186912w . 7069 Stout, S .A . and DeVane, C .L . : Tissue assay of phenobarbital, phenytoin and hydroxyphenytoin by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 500-508 . 7070 Sugden, E .A ., Macintosh, A .I . and Vilim, A .B . : High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of nitrofurazone and furazolidone in chicken and pork tissues . Ass . Offic . Ana' . Chem ., 66 (1983) 874-880 . 7071 Tamura, T ., Kishimoto, A ., Tsutsui, T . and Hazama, H . : (Separation and simultaneous determination of tricyclic antidepressants by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) . Kgushu Shinkei Seishin Iga .ku, 29 (1983) 256-261 ; , .A ., 100 (1984) 29222t . 7072 Tawakkol, M .S ., Mohamed, M .E . and Hassan, M .M .A . : Determination of naloxone hydrochloride in dosage form by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . r-o gr ., 6 (1983) 1491-1497 . 7073 Taylor, P ., Braddock, P .D . and Ross, S . : Quantitative determination of hexamidine isethionate in pharmaceutical preparations by high-performance _ urm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1477-1478 . liquid chromatography . 7074 Ting, S . : Liquid chromatographic determination of methyldopa and methyldopathiazide combinations in dosage forms . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1436-1442 . 7075 Tomlinson, E . : Ion :pair extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical and biomedial analysis . J . Pharm . Biomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 11-27 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 66873n . 7076 Verweij, A .M .A . and de Bruyne, M .M .A . : Heat-induced conversion of N-alkylaminobenzophenones into aminobenzophenones . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 337-343 . 7077 Walker, S .T . : Rapid high pressure liquid chromatographic determination of amitriptyline hydrochloride in tablets and injectables : Collaborative study . Ass . i Anal . Ghen ., 66 (1983) 1196-1202 . 7078 Yoshioka, S ., Shibazaki, T . and Ejima, A . : Stability of solid dosage forms . II . Hydrolysis of meclofenoxate hydrochloride in commercial tablets . Chem . 31 (1983) 2513-2517 . For additional information see : A ., 99 (1983) 164084a, 164089f ; ' .A ., 100 (1984) 29286s, 39571v, 39665d, 39686m, 50117x, 56923d, 56929k, 56945n, 66681n, 74058e, 91472c, 92738t . See also 6039, 6049, 6301, 6314, 6336, 6337, 56916d, 56921b, 56922c, 74061a, 91458c, 91471b, 6502, 6527, 6824, 6871, 6879, 7310 . Absorption of triazolam from 7C79 Adams, W .J ., Bombardt, P .A . and Code, R .A . : pelleted drug-diet mixtures by the mouse : quantitation of 0-hydroxytriazolam " . So, ., 72 (1983) 1185-1189 . `harm in urine . 7080 Altmayer, P . and Garrett, E .R . : Plasmolysis, red blood cell partitioning, and plasma protein binding of etofibrate, clofibrate, and their degradation products . 72 (1983) 1309-1318 . 7081 Amoah, A .G .B ., Gould, B .J . and Parke, D .V . : Single-dose pharmacokinetics of perhexiline administered orally to humans . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 401-409 . 7052 Arendt, R .M ., Greenblatt, D .J ., de Jong, R .H ., Bonin, J .D ., Abernethy, D .R ., Ehrenberg, B .L ., Giles, H .G ., Sellers, E .M . and Shader, R .I . : in Vitro correlates to benzodiazepine cerebrospinal fluid uptake, pharmacodynamic action and peripheral distribution . =harm . Exp . Ther ., 227 (1983) 98-106 . 7083 Baba, S ., Shinohara, Y ., Sane, H ., Inoue, T ., Masuda, S . and Kurono, M . : Application of high-performance liquid chromatography with synchronized accumulating radioisotope detector to analysis of glyceryl trinitrate and its metabolites in rat plasma . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 119-126 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B43 5 7084 Bakar, S .K . and Niazi, S . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of aspirin and its metabolites in plasma and urine . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1020-1023 . 7085 Bakar, S .K . and Niazi, S . : Effect of water deprivation on aspirin disposition kinetics . Pharm, . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1030-1034 . 7086 Balis, F .M ., Savitch, J .L . and Bleyer, W .A . : Pharmacokinetics of oral methotrexate in children . Cancer 43 (1983) 2342-2345 . 7087 Berman, E ., Wittes, R .E ., Leyland-Jones, B ., Casper, E .S ., Gralla, R .J ., Howard, J ., Williams, L ., Baratz, R . and Young, Ch .W . : Phase I and clinical pharmacology studies of intravenous and oral administration of 4-demethoxydaunorubicin in patients with advanced cancer . Cancer tree ., 43 (1983) 6096-6101 . 7088 Billings, R .E . : Sex differences in rat in the metabolism of phenytoin to 5-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin . J. Pharm . Exp . I7zer ., 225 (1983) 630636 7089 Callo, J .P . and Oie, S . : Cimetidine disposition in patients with Laennec's cirrhosis during multiple dosing therapy . cur . J . Pharmaco ., 25 (1983) 223-229 . 7C90 Crawley, F .E .H ., Hyacinthe, R ., Poitou, P . and Donath, A . : Pharmacokinetics, metabolism and elimination of itanoxone in humans . Cur . J . Drug MetaC ., 8 (1983) 287-296 . 7091 Curt, G .A ., Kelley, J .A ., Kufta, C .V_, Smith, B .H ., Kornblith, P .L ., Young, R . C . and Collins, J .M . : Phase II and pharmacokinetic study of aziridinylbenzoquinone (2,5-diaziridinyl-3,6-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone, diaziquone, NSC 182986) in high-grade gliomas . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 61026105 . 7092 Daftsios, A .C ., Johnson, E .L ., Keeley, F .J ., Gryczko, C . and Rawski, V . : Highperformance liquid chromatographic analysis of isoxicam in human plasma and urine . 305 (1984) 145-151 . 7093 Daniel, F .B ., Schut, H .A .J ., Sandwisch, D .W ., Schenck, K .M ., Hoffmann C .0 ., Patrick, J .R . and Stoner, G .D . : Inter-species comparisons of benzo a]pyrene metabolism and DNA-adduct formation in cultured human and animal bladder and tracheobronchial tissues . Cancer tr , 43 (1983) 4723-4729 . 7094 Del. Tacca, M ., Ducci, M ., Soldani, G ., Boldrini, A ., Fantoni, M . and Bertelli, A . : The pharmacokinetics of clofoctol in healthy neonates and adults studied by an original HPLC technique . Pee . Pregnancy erinato? ., 4 (1983) 166168 ; 100 (1984) 79414c . 7095 Desireju, R .K ., Renzi, N .L ., Jr ., Nayak, R .K . and Ng, K .-T . : Pharmacokinetics o f chlorzoxazone in humans . C . Sci ., 72 (1983) 991-994 . 7096 Diquet, B ., Gaudel, G . and Colin, J .N . : (HPLC determination of desipramine levels in blood and brain samples of mice) . Ann . Pharm . Fr ., 41 (1983) 269-274 ; _ A ., 100 (1984) 17117z . 7097 Dolezalova, M . : Separation and determination of droperidol, methyl- and propylparaben and their degradation products by high-performance liquid chromatography . 0romatogr ., 286 (1984) 323-330 . 7098 Dowse, R ., Haigh, J .M . and Kanfer, I . : Determination of phenylpropanolamine in serum and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1018-1020 . 7099 Durance, R ., Fabre, G ., Cano, J .P ., Catalin, J ., Ait, A .O . and Just, S . : Highperformance liquid chromatographic analysis of MTX, 7-OH-MTX and MTX derivatives : Application to intracellular metabolism in tumor cells (HP 29) . J . App' . Dan ce ., 3 (1983) 189-195 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17090k . 710C Fabre, G ., Matherly, L .H ., Favre, R ., Catalin, J . and Cano, J .-P . : In vitro formation of polygl .utamyl derivatives of methotrexate and 7-hydroxymethotrexate in human lymphoblastic leukemia cells . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4648-4652 . 7101 Gaffney, M .H ., Cooke, M . and Simpson, R . : Improved method for the determination of chlorhexidine in urine . Chrorx ugr ., 306 (1984) 303-313 . 7102 Gardner, J .J . : Determination of sodium cromoglycate in human urine by highperformance liquid chromatography on an anion-exchange column . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 228-232 . 7103 Gillilan, R .B . and Mason, W .D . : Revised HPLC determination of atenolol in plasma and urine . Ana), . Lett ., 16 (1983) 941-949 . 7104 Gregg, M .R . and Jack, D .B . : Determination of timolol in plasma and breast milk using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . 'hromccog_' ., 305 (1984) 244-249 . B436 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7105 Haefelfinger, P . and Hess, B . : Determination of the imidazo quinazoline derivative Ro 13-6438 in biological fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 153-161 . 7106 Hands, K .R ., Wedlund, P .J ., Noone, R .M ., Wilkinson, G .R ., Greco, F .A . and Wolff, S .A . : Pharmacokinetics of high-dose etoposide (VP-16-213) administered to cancer patients . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 379-382 - ';1Bondapak C 18 . 7107 Hart, S .J ., Aguilar, M .I ., Healey, K ., Smail, M .C . and Calder, I .C . : Improved high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of urinary paracetamol metabolites using radially compressed columns . J. Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 215-229 . 7108 Hinderling, P .H ., Gundert-Remy, U ., FOrster, D . and Gau, W . : The pharmacokinetics of furazlocillin in healthy humans . Pharmacokin . Biopharrn ., 11 (1983) 5-30 . 7109 Hu, E . and Howell, S .B . : Pharmacokinetics of intraarterial mitomycin C in humans . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4474-4477 . 7110 Huang, Schoenwald, R .D . and Lach, J .L . : Corneal penetration behavior of i-blocking agents . III : _r vitro-tin Diva correlations . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1279-1281 . 7111 Ishikawa, K ., Martinez, J .L ., Jr . and McGaugh, J .L . : Simple determination of '-hydroxyamphetamine by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chrortatcgr ., 306 (1984) 394-397 . 7112 tzumo, Y ., Satok A ., Shimada, K ., Sakaguchi, T ., Okabayashi, I . and Murakami, N . : (Examination of phenytoin metabolites in rat urine) . Yakuga'u Zasshi, 103 (1983) 956-961 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 44759s . 7113 Jaeger, H ., Gielsdorf, W ., Rasper, J . and Settlage, J . : Bioverfagbarkeit von o-ethoxybenzamid and Salicylamid im Vergleich zu Salicylamid im Plasma ; Bestimmung der Norfenefrin Werte im Harn . Den : . Apotheker-Ztg ., 123 (1983) 365-370 . 7114 Jaouen, C ., Colin, C ., Colin, J .N ., Fredj, G . and Thuillier, A . : (Comparative study of two analytical methods to measure the drug association sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim ; clinical application) . J . Pharm . C?in ., 2 (1983) 145-155 ; C .A ., 100 (1964) 17097t . 7115 Jensen, D .E . : Denitrosation as a determinant of nitrosocimetidine in Vivo activity . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 5258-5267 - NBondapak C 18 . 7116 Keeley, F .J ., Theile, J .D ., Garteiz, D .A ., Weiner, D .L . and Okerholm, R .A . : Method of analysis of the new cardiotonic agent, MDL 19,205, in plasma and urine and its application in dog pharmacokinetic study . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 379-385 . 7117 Krause, W ., Karras, J . and Seifert, W . : Pharmacokinetics of canrenone after oral administration of spironol .actone and intravenous injection of canrenoate-K in healthy man . cur . J . = _iearmaeoZ ., 25 (1983) 449-453 . 7118 Kristensen, 0 ., Klitgaard, N .A ., Jonsson, B . and Sindrup, S . : Pharmacokinetics of 10-OH-carbazepine, the main metabolite of the antiepileptic oxcarbazepine, from serum and saliva concentrations . Acta Petrol . Scand ., 66 (1983) 145-150 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17170m . 7119 Lazo, J .S . and Pham, E .T . : Pulmonary fate of E H]bleomycin A 2 in mice . J . harm . ae-° ., 228 (1984) 13-18 . 7120 Lin, H . and Levy, R .H . : Pharmacokinetic profile of a new anticonvulsant, stiripentol, in the Rhesss monkey . Epilepsia, 24 (1983) 692-702 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 79408d . 7121 Lopez, J_A ., Beardsley, G .P ., Kr korian, J .G ., Mortara, R .W . and Agarwal, R .P . : Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma pharmacokinetics of high doses of 1-13-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine in nonhuman primates . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 5190-5193 Ultraspere-ODS . 7122 Lunell, E ., Borga, O . and Larsson, R . : Pharmacokinetics of enprofylline in patients with impaired renal function after a single intravenous dose . Eur . Pr xrmacol . , 26 (1984)8V-93 . 7123 Mamolo, M .G ., Haurich, V . and Pitotti, A . : (HPLC determination of gentisic acid in urine of patients treated with aspirin) . Boa? . Chim . Fare ., 122 (1983) 309-314 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17115x . 7124 Marchesini, B ., Boschi, S . and Berti, C . : Identification of a metabolite of propafenone in human urine by means of high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . J . Chromatogr ., 276 (1983) 173-178 . 4IQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 437 7125 Marten, T .R ., Ruane, R .J ., East, P .B . and Malcolm, S .L . : Species variation in the metabolism of a substituted cinnamate ester antiinflammatory pro-drug . Xe :obiotica, 13 (1983) 1-18 ; (7.A ., 100 (1984) 17130y . 7126 Mascher, H ., Nitsche, V . and SchGtz, H . : Separation, isolation and identification of optical isomers of 1,4-benzodiazepine glucuronides from biological fluids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 231-239 . 7127 McDOwall, R .D ., Murkitt, G .S . and Lee, R .M . : Improved assay procedure for oxmetidine and its metabolites in plasma, urine and bile samples . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 214-221 . 7128 Midskov, C . : Reversed-phase chromatography of fenflumizole, a new potential antiinflammatory agent, and its application in pharmacokinetic studies in rat, dog and man . J. C.9roma cgr ., 278 (1983) 109-115 . 7129 Mihaly, G .W ., Prichard, P .J ., Smallwood, R .A ., Yeomans, N .D . and Louis, W .J . : Simultaneous high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of omeprazole and its sulphone and sulphide metabolites in human plasma and urine . J . Jhlcmatogr ., 278 (1983) 311-319 . 7130 Miller, A .A ., Moore, E .C ., Hurlbert, R .B ., Benvenuto, J .A . and Ti Li Loo : Pharmacological and biochemical interactions of N-(-phosphonacetvl)-L-aspartate and 5-fluorouracil in beagles . Ccnner Res ., 43 (1983) 2565-2570 . 7131 Nagashima, H ., Tanaka, Y ., Watanabe, E .r Hayashi, R . and Kawada, K . : Optical inversion of (2r) to (2S)-isomer of 2- `4-(2-oxocyclopentylmethyl)-phenyllpropionic acid (loxoprofen), a new anti-inflammatory agent, and its monohydroxy metabolites in the rat . Chef . Pharm . Bu)i ., 32 (1984) 251-257 . 7132 Nagata, T ., Saeki, M ., Nagazawa, H ., Fujita, M . and Takabatake, E . : Rapid quantitation of ethopabate in chicken muscles using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection : Purification from extractant by C romalogr ., 281 (1983) 367-370 . continuous liquid-liquid partition . 7133 Narang, P .K ., Tourville, J .F ., Chatterji, D .C . and Gallelli, J .F . : Quantitation of flupirtine and its active acetylated metabolite by reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography using fluorometric detection . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 135-143 . 7134 Naruto, S ., Tanaka, Y ., Hayashi, R . and Terada, A . : Structural determination of rat urinary metabolites of sodium 2- L4-(2-oxocyclopentylmethyl)phenyll propionate dihydrate (loxoprofen sodium), a new anti-inflammatory agent . :hem . Phorm . Bull ., 32 (1984) 258-267 . 7135 Nicot, G ., Lachatre, G ., Gannet, C ., Valette, J .-P ., Merle, L ., Nouaille, Y . and Bromet, N . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of amineptine and its main metabolite in human plasma . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 279-290 . 7136 Nieder, M . and Jaeger, H . : Determination of acetylasalicylic acid and salicylic acid in blood and plasma by HPLC . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . h^onatogr . ' .in 6 (1983) 655-660 . 7137 Nordholm, L . and Dalgaard, L . : Determination of trimethoprim metabolites including conjugates in urine using high-performance liquid chromatography with combined ultraviolet and electrochemical detection . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 391-399 . 7138 Ogata, H ., zugarni, S ., Eijima, A . and Kawatsu, Y . : Bioavailability of two preparations of furosemide and their pharmacological activity in normal CZ2n . rnarmocol ., 24 (1983) 791-796 . volunteers . Jt_ . 7139 Overmars, H ., Scherpenisse, P .M . and Post, L .C . : Fluvoxamine maleate : metabolism in man . _ u_ . Dr g Memo ., 8 (1983) 269-280 . 7140 Park, Y .H ., Kullberg, M .P . and Hinsvark, O .N . : Quantitative determination of dextromethorphan and three metabolites in urine by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Sci ., 73 (1984) 24-29 . 7141 Peters, J .H ., Gordon, G .R ., Kashiwase, D ., Acton, E .M . and Hunt, C .A . : Metabolic disposition of N,N-dibenzyldaunorubicin in the rat . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 1477-1487 . 7142 Piotrovskii, V .K ., Belolipetskaya, V .G ., El'man, A .R . and Metelitsa, V .I . : Ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography in drug assay in biological fluids . J . Cizromacogr ., 278 (1983) 469-474 . 7143 Pryde, A . and Hanni, R .P . : Outdoor dissipation of the experimental acaricide 2-naphtvlmethyl cyclopropane carboxylate on apple trees : Formation of lipophilic metabolites . J . . Apr Food Shem ., 31 (1983) 564-567 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B438 High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of 7144 Ray, J . E . and Day, R .O . : diflunisal in plasma and urine : application to pharmacokinetic studies in two normal volunteers . J . Pharm . Sci, 72 (1983) 1403-1405 . . : Tubular transport 7145 Rennick, B ., Ziemniak, J ., Smith, I ., Taylor, M . and Acara, M and metabolism of cimetidine in chicken kidneys . J . Pharm . Exp . Ther ., 228 (1984) 387-392 . 7146 Samuels, A .R ., Bhargava, M .M ., Levine, W .G . : Uptake and hepatobiliary fate of two hepatocarcinogens, N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene and 3'-methyl-N,N-dimethyl4-aminoazobenzene in the rat . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4816-4821 . 7147 Scanlon, K .J ., Safirstein, R .L ., Thies, H ., Gross, R .B ., Waxman, S . and Inhibition of amino acid transport by cis-diamminedichloroGuttenplan, J .B . : olatinum(II) derivatives in L1210 murine leukemia cells . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 4211-4215 . 7148 Schiitz, H . and Faigle, J .W . : Multiple inverse isotope dilution assay for cadralazine and four metabolites in biological fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 273-280 . 7149 Shah, V .P ., Walker, M .A . and Prasad, V .K . : Application of flow programming in Liquid the analysis of drugs and their metabolites in biological fluids . Jhromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1949-1954 . 7150 Shipe, J .R ., Arlinghaus, A .F ., Savory, J ., Wills, M .R . and Dimarco, J .P . : Determination of bethanidine in plasma by liquid-chromatography with a microbore reversed-phase column . CLin . Cheer. ., 29 (1983) 1793-1795 . 7151 Sinkule, J .A . and Evans, W .E . : High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the semisynthetic epipodophyllotoxins teniposide and etoposide using electro, 73 (1984) 164-168 - pBondapak phenyl, chemical detection . J . Pharm . Sa electrochemical detector . 7152 Smith, P .C . and Genet, L .Z . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of indomethacin and its two primary metabolites in urine . Chroaatcor ., 306 (1984) 315-321 . 7153 Soltes, L ., Berek, D . and Stefek, M . : Efficient and selective isolation of local anaesthetics from biological fluids using C18 silica gel . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 223-227 . 7154 Somogyi, A ., McLean, A . and Heinzow, B . : Cimetidine-procainamide pharmacokinetic interaction in man : evidence of competition for tubular secretion of basic drugs . cur• . J . 2 . Phare2cccL ., 25 (1983) 339-345 . 7155 Sydor, W ., Jr ., Lewis, K .F . and Yang, Ch .S . : Effects of butylated hydroxyanisole on the metabolism of benzo O5 pyrene by mouse lung microsomes . an-e-1 Res ., 44 (1984) 134-138 . 7156 Tanaka, Y ., Nishikawa, Y . and Hayashi, R . : Species differences in metabolism of sodium 2-7L4-(2-oxocyclopentylmethyl)-pheny h propionate dihydrate (loxoprofen sodium), a new anti-inflammatory agent . CFem, r'narn . BuLL ., 31 (1983) 36563664 . 7157 Teunissen, M .W .E ., Meerburg-Van der Tcrren, J .E ., Vermeulen, N .P .E . and Breimer, D .D . : Automated high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of antipyrine and its main metabolites in plasma, saliva and urine, including 4,4'-dihydroxyantipyrine . J . 'hroma-.o r ., 278 (1983) 367-378 . 7158 Thomas, E .W . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of a new calcium antagonist, fostedil, in plasma and urine using fluorescence detection . J . 2-r ",r _ , ! ., 305 (1984) 233-238 . 7159 Thuaud, N ., Sebille, B ., Livertoux, M .H . and Bessiere, J . : Determination of diazepam-human serum albumin binding by polarography and high-performance liquid chromatography at different protein concentrations . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 509-518 . 716C Toon, S . and Rowland, M . : Structure-pharmacokinetic relationships among the barbiturates in the rat . J . arm . F.,. : her ., 225 (1983) 752-763 . 7161 Ueda, T ., Naka :n'jra, T ., Ando, S ., Kagawa, D ., Sadada, M ., Uchino, H ., Johno, I . and Akiyama, Y . : Pharmacokinetics of N 4- behenoyl-l-~-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine in patients with acute leukemia . Canon Res ., 43 (1983) 3412-3416 . 7162 Vachta, J ., Valter, K . and Gold-Aubert, P . : Febarbamate : Metabolism in man . ^ur, r 2 8 (1983) 297-308 . 7163 Van der Graaff, M .,~Vermeulen, N .P .E ., Joeres, R .P ., Vlietstra, T . and Breimer, D .D . : Correlation between the in 937c metabolism of hexobarbital and antipyrine in rats . J . _ .arm . '.a.V .her ., 227 (1983) 459-465 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B439 7164 Van Hogezand, R .A ., van Balen, H .C .J .G ., van Schaik, A ., Tangerman, A ., van Rees, P .A .M ., Zwanenburg, B . and van Tongeren, J .H .M . : Determination of sodium azodisalicylate, salazosulphapyridine and their metabolites in serum, urine and faeces by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 470-476 . 7165 Wahlund, K .-G . and Arvidsson, T . : Elimination of peak deformation in the liquid chromatographic separation of a strongly protein-bound drug from directly Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 527-539 . injected blood plasma samples . 7166 Ward, S .A ., Edwards, G ., Orme, M .L'e . and Breckenridge, A .M . : Determination of primaquine in biological fluids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . 7hromatogr ., 305 (1984) 239-243 . 7167 Weber, A ., Opheim, K .E ., Siber, G .R ., Ericson, J .F . and Smith, A . ; Highperformance liquid chromatographic quantitation of trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, and N4-acetylsulfamethoxazole in body fluids . J. Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 337-345 . 7168 Wingstrand, K .H . and Walle, T . : Isolation from urine of 4'-hydroxypropanolol sulfate, a major new propranolol metabolite, by ion-pair extraction . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 250-255 . 7169 Woestenborghs, R ., Embrechts, L . and Heykants, J . : Simultaneous determination of astemizole and its demethylated metabolite in animal plasma and tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 359-366 . 7170 Zech, K ., Huber, R . and Elgass, H . : On-line screening for drug metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode array UV detector . J . ~romatcgr ., 282 (1983) 161-167 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 29221s, 96039b . See also 6016, 6504 . 32c . ^wp monitoring 7171 Ackerly, C .C ., Newman, R .A . and McCormack, J .J . : A TLC-HPLC method for determination of tiazofurin (NSC 286193) in serum . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1239-1247 . 7172 Akintonwa, A . : Simultaneous determination of chloroquine and desethylchloroquine in blood, plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Liquid Ghromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1513-1522 . 7173 Akita, M ., Shinoda, M ., Nakano, S . and Terashima, M . : (Clinical application of SLFIA method for monitoring plasma concentration of antiepileptics . Comparison with HPLC method) . lgoin Yaiuga u, 9 (1983) 232-239 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61281x . 7174 Ali, H .M ., Bennett, J .L ., Sulaiman, S .M . and Gaillot, J . : Method for the determination of oltipraz, a new antischistosomal agent, in blood . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 465-469 . 7175 Ameer, B ., Divoll, M ., Abernethy, D .R ., Greenblatt, D .J . and shargel, L . : Absolute and relative bioavailability of oral acetaminophen preparations . Pharm . S 72 (1983) 955-958 . 7176 Apffel, J .A ., Brinkamn, U .A .Th . and Frei, R .W . : Design and application of a post-column extraction system compatible with miniaturized liquid chromatography . C'hromatograur a, 18 (1984) 5-10 . 7177 Asali, L . A ., Nation, R .L . and Brown, K .F . : Determination of naloxone in blood by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 329-335 . 7178 Avram, M .J ., Fragen, R .J . and Linde, H .W . : High-performance liquid chromatograhic assay for etomidate in human plasma : results of preliminary clinical studies using etomidate for hypnosis in total intravenous anesthesia . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1424-1426 . 7179 Each, P .R . and the Clinical investigation of Duchenne dystrophy group : Determination of nifedipine in serum or plasma by reversed-phase liquid chromatography . Ciiu . ?ae ., 29 (1983) 1344-1348 - Ultrasphere ODS . 71BO Badcock, N .R . : Micro-determination of ketoconazole in plasma or serum by highperformance liquid chromatography . ~1romatogr ., 306 (1984) 436-440 . 7181 Banfield, C . and Rowland, M . ; Stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of warfarin in plasma . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 921-924 . 7182 Beierle, F .A . and Hubbard, R .W . : Liquid chromatographic separation of antidepressant drugs ; II . Amoxapine and maprotiline . Ter . Drug Motit ., 5 (1983) 293-301 ; , 100 (1984) 101x . B440 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7183 Bergqvist, Y ., Eckerbom, S . and Funding, L . : Effect of use of gel-barrier C2in . sampling tubes on determination of some antiepileptic drugs in serum . Chem ., 30 (1984) 465-466 - Spherisorb ODS . 7184 Bories, G .S .F ., Peleran, J .-C . and Wal, J .-M . : Liquid chromatographic determination and mass spectrometric confirmation of chloramphenicol residues in animal tissues . J . Ass . Offic . Anal- . Chars ., 66 (1983) 1521-1526 . 7185 Briant, R .H ., Dorrington, R .E ., Ferry, D .G . and Paxton, J .W . : Bicavailability of metoprolol in young adults and the elderly, with additional studies on the effects of metoclopramide and probanthine . iur . J . Clin . Pharmacel ., 25 (1983) 353-356 . 7186 Causon, R .C ., Desjardins, R ., Brown, M .J . and Davies, D .S . : Determination of d-isoproterenol sulphate by high-performance liquid chromatography with hromatogr ., 306 (1984) 257-263 . amperometric detection . J . 7187 Celio, L .A ., DiGregorio, G .J ., Ruch, E ., Pace, J . and Piraino, A .J . : Doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil plasma concentrations and detectability in parotid saliva . . J . Cifn . Tharmaco' ., 24 (1983) 261-266 . Ear 7188 Chan, K .Y ., Ohlweiler, D .F ., Lang, J .F . and Okerholm, R .A . : Simultaneous analysis of a new cardiotonic agent, MDL 17,043, and its major sufoxide matabolite in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chro,itatogr ., 306 (1984) 249-256 . 7189 Charles, B .G ., Ravenscroft, P .J . and Jacobsen, N .W . : Analysis of propantheline bromide in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 424-428 . 7190 Cooper, J .K ., McKay, G . and Midha, K .K . : Subnanogram quantitation of chlorpromazine in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Charm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 1259-1262 . 7191 DeHaas, Vermeulen, J . and Thompson, T .A . : Assay for the determination of the tetracyclic antidepressant compound, aptazapine, in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . Cuuromatogr ., 306 (1984) 412-416 . 7192 Delatour, P ., Tiberghien, M .P . and Besse, S . : An HPLC procedure for the quantification of five metabolites of febantel in sheep serum . J. Vet . Pharmacal . 6 (1983) 233-235 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 98w . 7193 Estein, M . : Quantification of antimalarial drugs . I . Simultaneous measurement of sulphadoxine, N4 -acetylsulphadoxine and pyrimethamine in human plasma . J . Chromatagr ., 305 (1984) 502-507 . 7194 Edstein, M ., Stace, J . and Shann, F . : Quantification of quinine in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 445-451 . 7195 Evans, L .J ., Jr ., Young, J .n ., Hutchison, J .S . and Baker, L .H . : High-performance liuqid chromatographic determination of nafazatrom in human plasma using fluoroscence detection . 1 . _lromatogr ., 305 (1984) 163-170 . 7196 Faulkner, R .D . and Lee, C . : Comparative assays for doxepin and desmethyldoxepin using high-performance liquid chromatography and high-performance thin-layer chromatography . J . Phart . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1165-1167 . 7197 Femfert, U ., Kuntz, H .D . and May, B . : Rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the measurement of hymecromon and its conjugates in blood plasma or serum at concentrations attained during therapy . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 452-457 . 7198 Gerson, B ., Bell, F ., Chan, S ., Broussard, L .A ., Stearns, F .M . : Dalrymple, R . and Fringe, Ch .S . : Antiepileptic agents-primidone, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine by reversed-phase liquid chromatography . C1Cc . Chem ., 30 (1984) 105-108 - UBondapak C18 . Technical considerations in the use of "high-performance" liquid 7199 Giese, R .W . : CLGin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 1331-1343 . chromatography in therapeutic drug monitoring . 7200 Guidicelli, Y ., Lacasa, D ., Agli, B . and Leneveu, A . : Comparison of changes in the characteristics of 3-adrenoceptors and responsiveness of human circulating lymphocytes during and after chronic administration of pindolol and propranolol . Eur, J . (Sin . Pharmacol ., 26 (1984) 7-12 . 7201 Golas, C .L ., Prober, C .G ., MacLeod, S .M . and Soldin, S .J . : Measurement of amphotericin B in serum or plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chror~atoyr ., 278 (1983) 387-395 . 7202 Halbert, M .K . and Baldwin, R .P . : Determination of lidocaine and active metabolites in blood serum by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Chromatopr ., 306 (1984) 269-277 . 7203 Hidalgo, I .J . and Muir, K .T . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of labetalol in plasma using ultraviolet detection . J . Chromatoxr ., 305 (1984) 222-227 . B441 LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY 7204 Honour, J .W ., Lim, C .K . and Mitchell, F .L . : Metabolic and drug profiling . J . Pharra . 3-1'omed . And Z ., 1 (1983) 127-142 . 7205 Hsiao, J . and Dixon, R . : Nalmefene : Quantitation of a new narcotic antagonist in human plasma using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical macol ., 42 (1983) 449-454 ; C .A ., detection . Res . Commu7 . Chem . Patho' . P 100 (1984) 79366p . 7206 Hulhoven, R . and Desager, J .P . : HPLC determination of mitoxantrone in biological fluids : A sensitive and accurate method . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . •o vsn ., 6 (1983) 512-513 . 7207 Imai, H ., Yoshida, H ., Masujima, T ., Morita, I ., Matsuura, K ., Nakamaru, A ., Katayama, K . and Matsuo, H . : Single column HPLC method for drug level monitoring by direct plasma injection . Application to 6-mercaptopurine, theophylline and chlorpromazine . Anal . 17 e-1 ., 16 (1983) 1109-1120 . 7208 Ishida, J ., Yamaguchi, M ., Kai, M ., Ohkura, Y . and Nakamura, M . : Determination of bestatin in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . rro .ra cgr ., 305 (1984) 381-389 . 7209 Juhnston, G .D ., Nies, A .S . and Gal, J . : Determination of metoprolol in human blood plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 204-208 . 7210 Katogi, Y ., Ohmura, T . and Adachi, M . : Simple and rapid determination of fenoprofen in plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography . J . 07lromatogr ., 278 (1983) 475-477 . 7211 Katz, E .Z ., Granit, L ., Drayer, D .E . and levy, M . : Simultaneous determination of dipyrone metabolites in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . • mama o r ., 305 (1984) 477-484 . 7212 Katchum, C ., Robinson, C .A . and Scott, J .W . : Analysis of amoxapine, 8-hydroxyamoxapine, and maprotiline by high-pressure liquid chromatography . !'her . Drug •O nD1 ., 5 (1983) 309-312 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 17084m . 7213 Kinney, C .D . : Estimation of nadolol levels in plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography with recirculating eluent flow . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 489-495 . 7214 Kobari, T ., Namekawa, H ., Ito, T . and Ishizaka, M . : High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of aprindine and its active desethyl metabolite in plasma . Cra% matoar ., 278 (1983) 220-224 . 7215 Korduba, C .A . and Petruzzi, R .F . : High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of trace amounts of acetaminophen in plasma . • Pharm . SC" . , 73 (1984) 117-119 . 7216 Koyama, H ., Kubota, T . and Yashiki, T . : (A quantitative determination method of molsidomine and its metabolite in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography) . Takeda Xenkyushono, 42 (1983) 52-56 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205481y . 7217 Krol, G .J ., Noe, A .J ., Yeh, S .C . and Raemsch, K .D . : Gas and liquid chromatographic analyses of nimodipine calcium antagonist in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid . 5 . ;,;ruriatogr ., 305 (1984) 105-118 . 7218 Kurosawa, N ., Morishima, S ., Owada, E . and Ito, K . : Reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatographic determination of salbutamol in rabbit plasma . • %aroao5o r ., 305 (1984) 4B5-488 . 7219 Larsson, M ., Foreman, A . and Oehman, R . : A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of haloperidol and reduced haloperidol in serum . e er . 1Due ., 34 (1983) 999-1008 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 79369s . 7220 Lecaillon, J .-B ., Godbillon, J ., Abadie, F' . and Gosset, G . : Determination of metoprolol and its 0-hydroxylated metabolite in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . 17 . Chromatoar ., 305 (1984) 411-417 . 7221 Lewis, M .H ., Widerlov, E ., Knight, D .L ., Kilts, C .D . and Mailman, R .B . : N-Oxides of phenothiazine antipsychotics : effects on in Divo and in vitro estimates of dopaminergic function . k_mm . xp . I?er ., 225 (1983) 539-545 . 7222 Lin, L .S ., Carit .ie, S .N . and Wong, L .K . : Analysis of ritodrine in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J . Rearm . 3o -v" ., 73 (1984) 131-133 . 7223 Mastropaolo, W ., Holmes, D .R ., Osborn, M .J ., Rooke, J . and Moyer, T .P . : Improved liquid-chromatographic determination of mexiletine, an antiarrhytmic drug, in plasma . 30 (1984) 319-322 - UBondapak C18 . 7224 McArthur, B . and Miceli, J .N . ; Micro high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure for the quantitation of serum propylthiouracil . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 464-468 . a 3442 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7225 McNair, A ., Andreasen, F . and Nielsen, P .E . : Antihypertensive effect of diazoxide given intravenously in small repeated doses . Eur . J . C?in . Pharmacol ., 24 (1983) 151-156 . 7226 Meinsma, D .A ., Radzik, D .M . and Kissinger, P .T . : Determination of common analgesics in serum and urine by liquid chromatography/electrochemistry . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2311-2335 . 7227 Melethil, S ., Dutta, A ., Chungi, V . and Dittert, L . : Liquid chromatographic assay for promethazine in plasma using electrochemical detection . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 701-709 . 7228 Meyer, M .C ., Raghow, G . and Straughn, A .B . : Plasma levels of ethaverine after iopharm . Drug Dispos ., 4 (1983) 401-404 ; C .A ., oral administration to humans . 100 (1984) 44842p . 7229 Midskov, C . ; Rapid-reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic assay of diflunisal in biological fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 439-444 . 7230 Neuvonen, P .J ., Kannisto, H . and Hirvisalo, E .L . : Effect of activated charcoal on absorption of tolbutamide and valproate in man . Eur . J . C?in . Pharmaco2 ., 24 (1983) 243-246 . 7231 Nishijima, M .K ., Takezawa, J ., Taenaka, N ., Shimada, Y . and Yoshiya, I . : Activation of HPLC measurement of plasma concentration of gabexate mesylate . lhromb . Res ., 31 (1983) 279-284 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205450n . 7232 Nissinen, E . and Mannistd, P . : Determination of a novel antitussive agent 2',4'-dimethyl-6'-methoxy-3-(2-methylpiperidyl)-propionaldehyde in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 225-227 . 7233 Pankaskie, M .C . and Brooks, M .A . : Determination of methylprylon and its dehydro metabolite, 5-methylpyrithyldione, in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 458-463 . 7234 Park, G .B ., Kershner, R .P ., Angellotti, J ., Williams, R .L ., Benet, L .Z . and Edelson, J . : Oral bioavailability and intravenous pharmacokinetics of amrinone Tharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 817-819 . in humans . 7235 Parkhurst, G .W ., Bromet, N ., MacLeod, C ., Bachand, R .T ., Jr . and Carson, P .E . : Quantitative determination of almitrine in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatoar ., 278 (1983) 209-215 . 7236 Pascucci, V .L ., Bennett, J ., Narang, P .K . and Chatterji, D .C . : Quantitation of ketoconazole in biological fluids using high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Pharm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 1467-1469 . 7237 Patchen, L .C ., Mount, D .L ., Schwartz, I .K . and Churchill, F .C . : Analysis of filter-paper-absorbed, finger-stick blood samples for chloroquine and its major metabolite using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 81-89 . 7238 Petters, I ., Peng, D .-R . and Rane, A . ; Quantitation of clonazepam and its 7-amino and 7-acetamido metabolites in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography . C.hromatogr ., 306 (1984) 241-248 . 7239 Pivnichny, J .V ., Shim, J .-S .K . and Zimmerman, L .A . : Direct determination of avermectins in plasma at nanogram levels by high-performance liquid chromatography . P arm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1447-1450 . 7240 Regardh, C .G ., Landahl, S ., Larsson, M ., Lundberg, P ., Steen, B ., Hoffmann, K .-J . and Lagerstrom, P .O . : Pharmacokinetics of metoprolol and its metabolite a-OH-metoprolol in healthy, non-smoking, elderly individuals . Fur . J . Cl-in . _harmacol ., 24 (1983) 221-226 . 7241 Rieck, W . and Platt, D . : Determination of 3,7-dimethyl-l-(5-oxohexyl)-xanthine (pentoxifylline) and its 3,7-dimethyl-l-(5-hydroxyhexyl)-xanthine metabolite in the plasma of patients with multiple diseases using high-performance liquid chromatography . C.hromatogr ., 305 (1984) 419-427 . 7242 Ringhand, H .P ., Ritschel, W .A ., Meyer, M .C ., Straughn, A .B . and Cabana, B .E . : Bioavailability of propylthiouracil in humans . J. Pharm . SeA ., 72 (1983) 14091412 . 7243 Shimada, K ., Tanaka, M ., Nambara, T . and Imai, Y . : Determination of a new antihypertensive agent (2p,4` ;)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-mercaptopropionyl)-4thiazolidinecarboxylic acid in blood by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . Pharm . So`_ 73 (1984) 119-121 . 7244 Shimizu, T ., Kubo, M . and Nakagawa, K . : (Coupled column chromatography using hydrophilic gel permeation column to clean up biological fluid) . Yakugaku Zasshi, 103 (1983) 1174-1179 ; O .Q ., 100 (1984) 79367q . 7245 Smith, D .E . and Lau, H .S .H . : Determinants of bumetanide response in the dog : effect of indomethacin . J . =;harm . S_i ., 72 (1983) 1298-1302 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B443 7246 Smith, D .E . and Lau, H .S .H . ; Determinants of burnetanide response in the dog : effect of probenecid . J . Pharmacokir . Biopharm ., 11 (1983) 31-46 . Semi-automated high-performance liquid 7247 Smith, H .T . and Robinson, W .T . : chromatographic method for the determination of cyclosporine in plasma and blood using column switching . J . Chrom¢ioJ_ ., 305 (1984) 353-362 . 7240 Stanski, D .R ., Burch, P .G ., Harapat, S . and Richards, R .K . : Pharmacokinetics . . Sci ., 72 (1983) 937-940 . and anesthetic potency of a thiopental isomer . ., . P;Ln7249 Suckow, R .F . : A simultaneous determination of trazodone and its metabolite 1-m-chlorophenylpiperazine in plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical igcia 8romatogr ., 6 (1983) 2195-2208 . detection . 7250 Sutfin, T .A ., D'Ambrosio, R . and Jusko, W .J . : Liquid-chromatographic determination of eight tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants and their major active 30 (1984) 471-747 - Zorbax Sil . metabolites . _En . 7251 Swynnerton, N .F ., McGovern, E .P ., Mangold, D .J ., Nino, J .A ., Cause, E .M . and Fleckenstein, L . : HPLC assay for S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethyl phosphorothioate (WR 2721) in plasma . t . Liquid 6 (1983) 1523-1534 . 7252 Tachizawa, M . : (Monitoring drug concentrations in blood . 5 . Analytical instruments . High-performance liquid chromatography . II .) . sekkan Pa2u9'i, 25 % .A ., 25 (1983) 205383t - a review with 61 refs . (1)83) 2095-2103 ; 7253 Tovey, C ., Bourne, D .W .A ., Schneider, J ., Stepens, I .D . and Triggs, E .J . : Determination of alcuronium dichloride in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography without solvent extraction . J . Chrwnatorr ., 278 (1983) 216-219 . 7254 Trouvin, J .H ., Dessal.les, M .C . and Mak :uzier, G . : (Separation of polycyclic antidepressants and their main metabolites by reversed-phase liquid chromatography) . A C us'ie, 11 (1983) 278-283 ; _' . .A ., 100 (1984) 17111t . 7255 Umeda, T ., Matsuzawa, A ., Yokoyama, T ., Kuroda, K . and Kuroda, T . : Studies on sustained-release dosage forms . I . Preparation and bioavailability of indomethacin suppositories . Chem . Pharm, iij ., 31 (1983) 2793-2798 . 7256 Wad, N . : Simultaneous determination of eleven antiepileptic compounds in serum by high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Ciocrna oyr ., 305 (1984) 127-133 . 7257 Wainer, I .W ., Doyle, T .D ., Donn, K .H . and Powell, J .R . : The direct enantiomeric determination of (-) and (+)-propranolol in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography on a chiral stationary phase . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 405-411 . 7258 Wei, R ., Yuan, B ., Lu, M ., Chen, Q ., Li, Z ., Lu, J . and Shen, G . : (HPLC determination of amiodarone blood level in men and rabbits) . Shanghai, Liyi Yixu±eyuan eaao, 10 (1983) 359-364 ; -.A ., 100 (1984) 17113v . 7259 Wang, S .H .Y ., Waugh, S .W ., Draz, M . and Jain, N . : Liquid-chromatographic determination of two antidepressants, trazodone and mianserin, in plasma . CZin . ctn ., 30 (1984) 230-233 - OBondapak C 18 , Bondapak/Corasil C1B . 7260 Yeager, R .L ., Oldfield, E .H . and Chatter]i, D .C . : Quantitation of 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea in plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography . CSeo;oa o r ., 305 (1984) 496-501 . For additional information see : -A ., 100 (1984) 29211p, 29216u, 29231v, 29232q, 79388x, 205449u . 32 r. . ., Mans 7261 Daldrup, T . and Kardel, H . : A simple test to characterise C8/C18-bonded phases, particularly for toxicological screening . C%.romatoprwphia, 18 (1984) 81-83 . 7262 Hobson-Frohock, A . and Reader, J .A . : Determination of dimetridazole residues in poultry tissues by HPLC . Anai,Cst i___ 108 (1983) 1091-1095 . 7263 Khalil, M . and Gonnet, C . : (Use of liquid phase chromatography in toxicological analysis . I . Analysis of peripheral analgesics : Salicylates, paracetamol and phenacetin) . An:x7,.ais, 11 (1983) 463-469 ; .A ., 100 (1984) 17119b . 7264 Khalil, M . and Gonnet, C . : (Use of liquid chromatography in toxicological analysis . II . Analysis of anticonvulsants : Ethosuximide, phenobarbital, diphenylhydantoin, carbamazepin, diazepam,) . 4r?a usiz, 11 (1983) 513-519 ; ".A ., 100 (1984) 80793j . 7265 Lurie, I .S . and Carr, S .M . : Comparison of various columns for the high-speed HPLC analysis of drugs of forensic interest . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1617-1630 . 7266 Lurie, I . S . and Wittner, J . D ., Jr . (Editors) : High-%erforraance Liquid Cheomatogropny in nor;L ;rgnrry , M . Dekker, New York, 1983, 456 pp . B444 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7267 Sottolano, S .M . and Lurie, I .S . : The quantitation of pailocybin in hallucinogenic mushrooms using high-performance liquid chromatography . Forensic . Sci ., 28 (1983) 929-935 ; ' ; .A ., 100 (1984) 1624b . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 46446m, 96640w, 62948g, 62958k . See also 6204, 6637 . 32e . Punt extracts 7268 Chapple, C .C .S . and Ellis, B .E . : Preparative and analytical liquid chromatography of complex caffeoryl esters . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 171-177 . 7269 Christiansen, A .L . and Rasmussen, K .E . : Screening of hallucinogenic mushrooms with high-performance liquid chromatography and multiple detection . J. Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 293-299 . 7270 Evidente, A ., Iasiello, I . and Randazzo, G . : Rapid quantitative analysis of lycorine by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 362-366 . 7271 Griffin, G .F ., Bennet, S .Ch . and Chu, F .S . : Simple preparative liquid chromatography system and its application to the separation of AZternaria metabolites . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 363-369 . 7272 Hoffman, P .G ., Lego, M .C . and Galetto, W .G . : Separation and quantitation of red pepper major heat principles by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography . J . Agr . Food Cisn ., 31 (1983) 1326-1330 . 7273 Kodaira, H ., Ishikawa, M ., Komoda, Y . and Nakajima, T . : Isolation and identification of anti-platelet aggregation principles from the bark of Fraxinus japonica Blume . Chem . Fharm . Bulb , 31 (1983) 2262-2268 . 7274 Misawa, M ., Hayashi, M . and Takayama, S . : Production of antineoplastic agents by plant tissue cultures . I . Induction of callus tissues and detection of the agent in cultured cells . T'anta Med ., 49 (1983) 115-119 . 7275 Sharma, S .C . and Walia, S . : Structures of sonunin I and sonunin II : Two new saponins from Acacia concinna D .C . Pharmazie, 38 (1983) 632-633 . 7276 Strack, D ., Knogge, W . and Dahlbender, B . : Enzymatic synthesis of sinapine from 1-O-sinapoyl-R-D-glucose and choline by a cell free system from developing seeds of red radish (Raphanus sativus L . var . satiVus) . Z . Naturforsch ., 38c (1983) 21-27 . 7277 Takahashi, K ., Kaizuka, H . and Oshima, Y . : Applications of three-dimensional UV absorbance-high-performance liquid chromatographic patterns for the analysis of plant extracts . J . Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 522-527 . 7278 Tebbett, I .R . and Caddy, B . : Analysis of Cortinarius mushrooms by highperformance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 535-538 . 7279 Wurst . M ., Semerdzieva, M . and Vokoun, J . : Analysis of psychotropic compounds in fungi of the genus Fsi.Zocy e by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 229-235 . For additional information see : C .A ., 100 (1984) 1623a,26059j, 26077p, 39679m, 105387t, 109008t, 109181u . See also 6180, 6186, 6489, 6814 . 32f . Clinico-chemical applications and profiling body fluids 7280 Al-Kaysi, H .N ., Small, L .D ., Murray, W .J . and Haddadin, M . : Quantitative analysis of quinidine analogs using ion-pairing HPLC . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 80-B3 . 7281 Bhujle, V .V ., Nair, P .D . and Sreenivasan, K . : HPLC determination of di(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate in blood stored in PVC blood bags . Analyst (London), 109 (1984) 177-178 . 7282 Buchanan, D .N ., Bonasso, F . and Thoene, J .G . : Volatile carboxylic acid profiling in physiological fluids . Chromatogr ., 278 (1963) 133-138 . 7283 Justice, J .B ., Jr ., Wages, S .A ., Michael, A .C ., Blakely, R .D . and Neill, D .B . : Interpretations of voltammetry in the striatum based on chromatography of striatal dialysate . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1873-1896 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B445 7284 Kage, A ., Weber, B ., Muller, Ch . and Schdneshofer, M . : Multidimensional liquidchromatography for the quantitation of low concentration compounds in body fluids . Z . Ana` . Chem ., 317 (1984) 669-670 . Persistence of benzo Caapyrene metabolite : 7285 Kulkami, M .S . and Anderson, M .W . : DNA adducts in lung and liver of mice . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 97-101 . 7286 Liebes, L .F ., Krigel, R .L ., Conklyn, M ., Nevrla, D .R . and Silber, R . : Ribonucleotide content of mononuclear cells from normal subjects and patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia : increased nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide concentration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 5608-5617 . See also 6184, 6276, 6341, 6353, 6359, 6367, 6372, 6469, 6513, 6517, 6528, 6558, 6631 33 . INORGANIC COMPOUNDS See 5899 . 33a . Canons 7287 Bond, A .M . and Wallace, G .G . ; Simultaneous determination of cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury and nickel in zinc sulfate plant electrolyte using liquid chromatography with electrochemical and spectrophotometric detection . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1799-1822 . 7288 DenBleyker, K .T ., Arbogast, J .K . and Sweet, T .R . : High-performance liquid chromatography of metal ions on a bonded stationary phase . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 449-450 . 7289 Bowman, R .S . : Analysis of soil extracts for inorganic and organic tracer anions via high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 467-477 . 7290 Cvjeticanin, D ., Cvjeticanin, N . and Pravica, M . : Sorption of europium(III) and iron(III) in ionic and colloidal states on silica gel . J. Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 139-146 . 7291 Downey, S .M . and Hieftje, G .M . : Replacement ion chromatography with flame photometric detection . Anal . Chim. Acta, 153 (1983) 1-13 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16810h . 7292 Drasch, G ., Kauert, G . and von Meyer, L . : Quantitative Bestimmung von Schwermetallen mit HPLC nach Chelatextracktion aus biologischem Material . Z . Ana-' . Chem ., 317 (1984) 468 . 7293 Eggers, H . and ROssel, H .A . : Liquid chromatography of xanthate complexes . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 486-490 . 7294 Eijarvi, E . and Lajunen, L .H .J . : (High-performance liquid chromatography in inorganic analysis) . Kem .-Kemi, 10 (1983) 707-711 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 113998h a review with 67 refs . 7295 Fujine, S ., Naruse, Y . and Shiba, K . : Analysis of uranium isotope separation by redox chromatography . iVucZ . Techno' ., 62 (1983) 317-324 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 7861St . 7296 Hoffmann, B .W . and Schwedt, G . : Chromatographische Trennverfahren zur Bestimmung von Mangan-species am Beispiel biologischer NAhrmedien . Z . Ana' . Chem ., 316 (1983) 629-633 . 7297 Ichinoki, S ., Morita, T . and Yamazaki, M . : Simultaneous determination of heavy metals in water by high performance liquid chromatography after solvent extraction of heavy metals as hexamethylenedithiocarbamato chelates . J . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 2079-2093 . 7298 Jinn ., K . : Elution characteristic of sodium nitrite in reversed-phase HPLC with aqueous methanol as the mobile phase . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 367-369 . 7299 Kura, G ., Hashiguchi, T . and Tarutani, T . : Gel-chromatographic separation of chromium(III) and chromate . Z . Ana-' . Chem ., 316 (1983) 716 . 7300 Lamberto, S ., Donatella, D . and Corrado, T . : Use of high-molecular-weight "neo" hydroxamic acids as the stationary phase in column extraction chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 324-331 . 7301 Li, L . and Xu, X . : (Separation of gold, platinum and palladium by dioctyl sulfoxide reversed-phase extraction chromatography) . Ruaxue Shiji, 5 (1983) 205-209 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151177h . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B448 7302 Maslowska, J . and Pietek, W . : Method for the separation of Al(III), Fe(III) and Ce(III) complexes with p-hydroxybenzoic acid on weakly-alkaline anion exchangers . Chromatoyraphia, 17 (1983) 693-694 . 7303 Mathur, J .N . and Khopkar, P .K . ; Separation and purification of berkelium(III) from trivalent actinides and lanthanides using 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5pyrazolone (HPMBP) . Solvent Ewer . Ion 5xcha ., 1 (1983) 597-606 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16843w . 7304 Narayanan, P . and Khopkar, S .M . ; Reversed phase extraction chromatographic separation of scandium with Amberlite LA-1 from malonate solutions . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 443-454 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 47121z . 7305 Reece, P .A ., McCall, J .T ., POwis, G . and Richardson, R .L . : Sensitive highperformance liquid chromatographic assay for platinum in plasma ultrafiltrate . rcmatogr ., 306 (1984) 417-423 . 7306 Roston, D .A . : Precolumn chelation with 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol for simultaneous determination of metal ions by liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 241-244 - Biophase ODS . 7307 Sawatani, I ., Oshima, M ., Motomizu, S . and Toei, K . : (Determination of cobalt by ion-pair liquid chromatography with 2-nitroso-l-naphtol-4-sulfonic acid) . Bt_ :sey( Kaa rc (Jap . Anal .), 3i (1984) 119-121 . 7309 Shibukawa, M . and Ohta, N . : (Effect of eluent electrolyte on the chromatographic behavior of ionic solutes on polyacrylamide gel) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 32 (1983) 557-561 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 13070f . 7309 Tanabe, S ., Zodda, J .P ., Libson, K ., Deutsch, E . and Heineman, W .R . ; The biological distributions of some technetium-MDP components isolated by anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography . Int . J. Appl . Radiat . Isot ., 34 (1983) 1585-1592 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 82122m . 7310 Varshney, K .G ., Agrawal, S . and Varshney, K . : The separation of aluminium and magnesium in some antacid drugs using zirconium(IV) phospho and silico arsenate columns . Ana' . Leti ., 16 (1983) 685-692 . 7311 Varshney, K .G ., Agrawal, S . and Varshney, K . : Quantitative determination of iron and aluminium in some alloys and silicate rocks after a cation exchange separation on zirconium(IV) phospho and silico arsenates . Liquid Chromatogr ., 6 (1983) 1535-1545 . 7312 Wang-Nang Wang, Yeong-Jgi Chen and Mou-Tai Wu : Complementary analytical methods for cyanide, sulphide, certain transition metals and lanthanides in ion chromatography . Analyst 109 (1984) 281-286 . 7313 Weber, G . and Schwedt, G . : Post-chromatographische Derivatisierung- and Detectionstechniken sue Charakterisierung von Elementbindungsformen in Kaffee and Tee . Anal . 1nea ., 316 (1983) 594-599 . 7314 Wenclawiak, B . and Bickman, F . : (Liquid chromatographic separation of some platinoid metal 8-hydroxyquinclates) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 33 (1984) E67-E72 . 7315 Yoshida, K ., Fuwa, K . and Haraguchi, H . : Determination of 15 rare earth elements by liquid chromatography wity inductively coupled plasma atomic emission edv ., (1983) 1879-1882 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 79045h . spectrometric detection . 7316 Zolotov, Yu .A ., Shpigun, O .A . and Bubchikova, L .A . : Ion-chromatographic separation and determination of selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, tungsten and chromium as their oxo anions . Ana Z . 10a ., 316 (1983) 8-12 . For additional information see : J.A 100 (1984) 28961w, 28964z, 44534q, 44537t, 57263a, 60941a, 61001f, 61005k, 61018a, 61043w, 74587b, 79004u, 79005v, 79006w, 79010t, 79084v, 79095z . See also 6009, 6013, 6027 . Anionc 7317 Alawi, M .A . : Determination of nitrate and nitrite in water by HPLC with amperometric detection . _ . Ana! . Chem ., 317 (1984) 372 . 73183 Aoyama, T . : Analytical study on low-concentration gases . V . Determination of gaseous nitric acid in urban air by micro high-performance liquid chromatography . c,matogr ., 280 (1983) 321-330 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B447 7319 Bartonek, G . and Werner, H . : (Ion chromatographic determination of chlorine and sulfur decomposing plant samples) . GIT Faehz . Lab ., 27 (1983) 1075-1076 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 62969q . 7320 Busman, L .M ., Dick, R .P . and Tabatabai, M .A . : Determination of total sulfur and chlorine in plant materials by ion chromatography . SOiZ Sci . Soe . Amer . J ., 47 (1983) 1167-1170 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 84615y . 7321 Cassidy, R .M . and Elchuk, S . : Dynamic and fixed-site ion-exchange columns with conductometric detection for the separation of inorganic anions . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 454-459 . 7322 Hoover, T .B . and Yager, G .D . : Determination of trace anions in water by multidimensional ion chromatography . Ana : . Chem ., 56 (1984) 221-225 - Dionex . 7323 Hurst, W . J ., Snyder, K . P . and Martin R .A ., Jr . : The determination of iodine in milk and milk chocolate by anion HPLC . J . Liquid Chromatcgr ., 6 (1983) 20672077 . 7324 Ichinose, N ., Shimizu, Ch ., Kurokura, H . and Inui, T . : A high-speed liquid chromatography of phosphorus in anoxic water occurring in a bay using solvent extraction of molybdoheteropoly yellow . L . Ana" . Chem ., 316 (1983) 791-792 . 7325 Ivey, J .P . : Zwitter ionic eluents for suppressed ion chromatography . J . hromatcgr ., 287 (1984) 128-132 . 7326 Jenke, D .R ., Mitchell, P .K . and Pagenkopf, G .K . : Anion content of snow by suppressed and non-suppressed ion chromatography . J . Chromatog_r . Sci ., 21 (1983) 487-489 . 7327 Jenke, D .R . and Pagenkopf, G .K . ; Optimization of anion separation by nonsuppressed ion chromatography . Ana ;. . Chem ., 56 (1984) 85-88 . 7328 Kennedy, W .T ., Hubbard, W .B . and Tarter, J .G . : Rapid analysis of fluorine in geological samples with ion chromatographic detection . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1133-1148 - Dionex . 7329 MacMillan, W .D . : The determination of sodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate in detergent granules by nonsuppressed ion chromatography . J . High eso_ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . COrvvun ., 7 (1984) 102-103 . 7330 Story, J .N . : High speed LC of sulfur anions with sulfur selective detection . J . Chromatoar . Sci ., 21 (1983) 272-277 . 7331 Streckert, H .H . and Epstein, B .D . : Comparison of suppressed and nonsuppressed ion chromatography for determination of chloride in boric acid . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 21-24 - Dionex . 7332 Suzuki, K ., Aruga, H ., Ishiwada, H ., Oshima, T ., Inoue, H . and Shirai, T . : (Determination of anions with a potentiometric detector for ion chromatography) . Punseki Kogatn !Jag . Ana_ .), 32 (1983) 585-590 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 16867g . 7333 Vespalec, R ., Neca, J . and Vrchlabsky, M . : Separation inorganic anions by liquid chromatography . J . Chromato r ., 286 (1984) 171-183 . 7334 Wang, C .-Y . and Tarter, J .G . : Determination of halogens in organic compounds by ion chromatography after sodium fusion . Ana" . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1775-1778 . For additional information see : C.A ., 100 (1984) 16842v, 79028e, 109761h, 114205j, 114207m . See also 6314 . 34 . RADIOACTIVE AND OTHER ISOTOPE COMPOUNDS 7335 Hirano, M ., Theilmann, L ., Stollman, Y .R ., Sosiak, A . and Wolkoff, A .W . : Preparation and metabolism of 125 2-sulfobromophthalein . C"in . Chim . Acta, 128 (1983) 321-327 . For additional information see : - .A ., 99 (1983) 136386g, 200594c . B448 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 35 . SOME TECENICAL PRODUCTS AND COMPLEX MIXTURES ISo . S rfoctants 7336 Bogatzki, B .F . and Lippmann, H . : (Liquid chromatographic characterization of ; adducts of fatty alcohols with ethylene oxide) . Aeta Po?um ., 34 (1983) 219-223 A ., 99 (1983) 72580f . 7337 Escott, R .E .A ., Brinkworth, S .J . and Steedman, T .A . : The determination of ethoxylate oligomer distribution of non-ionic and anionic surfactants by highperformance liquid chromatography . J . C ramatogr ., 282 (1983) 655-661 . 7338 Hernandez, O . and Kohli, K .K . : Removal of the nonionic detergent Emulgen 911 Ci:romatogs' ., 6 (1983) 1459-1473 . from solubilized microsomes by HPLC . See also 5927 . 5 : . Art iox1dants and :poser oSOves 7339 Berridge, J .C ., Kent, J . and Norcott, K .M . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of the isomers of butylated hydroxyanisole . J . Cnromatogr ., 285 (1984) 389-391 . 7340 Cummings, S .W . and Prough, R .A . : Butylated hydroxyanisole-stimulated NADPH oxidase activity in rat liver microsomal fractions . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12315-12319 - Radial Pak A . 7341 Francis, V .C ., Sharma, Y .N . and Bhardwaj, I .S . : Quantitative determination of antioxidants and ultraviolet stabilizers in polymers by high-performance liquid chromatography . Anew . Makromol . Clam ., 113 (1983) 219-225 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 39018f . 7342 Gertz, C . and Herrmann, K . : (Identification and determination of antioxidants in foods) . Lebaansen -Unters . Porsch ., 177 (1983) 186-192 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 156964x . 7343 Hindmarsh, K .W ., John, E ., Asali, L .A ., French, J .N ., Williams, G .L . and McBride, W .G . : Urinary excretion of methylparaben and its metabolites in preterm infants . Fharm . Seti . , 72 (1983) 1039-1041 . 7344 Kitada, Y ., Tamase, K ., Mizobuchi, M ., Sasaki, M ., Tanigawa, K ., Yamamoto, M . and Nakazawa, H . : (Simplfied determination of tert .-butylhydroquinone in vegetable oils, butter, and margarine) . Bonsekti Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 33 (1984) E33-E35 . 7345 Page, B .D . : High performance liquid chromatographic determination of seven antioxidants in oil and lard : collaborative study . J, Ass . Offie . Anal . Che ., 66 ;1983) 727-745 . 7346 Perfetti, G .A ., Joe, F .L ., Jr . and Fazio, T . : Reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection of ethoxyquin in milk . J . Ass . Offic . 4ra> . Clam ., 66 (1983) 1143-1147 . 7347 Tajima, K ., Yamamoto, K . and Mizutani, T . : Identification and determination of glutathione and glucuronide conjugates formed from butylated hydroxytoluene in rats . em . --it_zr, Z? 31 (1983) 3671-3677 . 7348 Yoshimi, K ., Masashige, I ., Kikuo, T ., Masako, I ., Akikazu, H ., Michiko, S . and Kaoru, T . : Ion-pair high performance liquid chromatographic determination of inosinic acid in meat . J . Ass . A n-" . Chem ., 66 (1983) 632-634 . `nc . ;carious naehniea rodue s 7349 Burchill, P ., Herod, A .A ., Mahon, J .P . and Pritchard, E . : The class separation of nitrogen compounds in coal tars by liquid chromatography on polar bondedphase silica . hronratoar ., 281 (1983) 109-124 . 7350 Drake, J .A .G . and Jones, D .W . : Chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis of medium and high-molecular-weight coal-tar pitch components . Fuel, 62 (1983) 835-839 ; ': .A ., 99 (1983) 73547n . 7351 Lynes, A . and Gadsby, T .W . : The determination of the total polar content of petroleum base stocks by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography . (1982) 285-290 ; t .A ., 99 (1983) 73399x, 7352 Ostvold, C . : Characterization of petroleum residues by high-performance liquid chromatography . r ,matogr ., 262 (1983) 413-422 . LIQUID COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY B449 Characterization of fractionated coal 7353 Seshadri, K .S . and Cronauer, D .C . : liquids by carbon-13 NMR and FTIR spectroscopy . Prepr . Pap .-Amer . Chem . Soc ., 99 (1983) 161139m . Div . h sZ Che :n ., 27 (1982) 64-75 ; For additional information see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 38983k, 39822p, 43941u, 141753d, 161016w, 197729t ; 100 (1984) 36715j, 36758a . a . Chop Zeu oixflres and non-identified compounds 7354 Akazawa, K ., Sumi, H ., Maruyama, M . and Mihara, H . : Acid stable protease inhibitor in ascites of ovarian carcinoma . Slin . Chim . Acta, 131 (1983) 87-99 arginine-Sepharose, Sephadex G-lCC . 7355 Bassanelli, R ., Perez, G ., Possagno, E . and Polcaro, C . : High-performance liquid chromatographic separation and identification of pyrolysis products of benzene . • nromatoyr ., 280 (1983) 142-145 . 7356 Caderni, G . and Dolara, P . : Detection of mutagens in human urine by means of XAD-2 adsorption-desorption techniques and bacterial mutagenesis . Pharmacol . 99 (1983) 170722y . Des . Com^run ., 15 (1983) 775-782 ; 7357 Hayatsu, H ., Matsui, Y ., Ohara, Y ., Oka, T . and Hayatsu, T . : Characterization of mutagenic fractions in beef extract and in cooked ground beef . Use of bluecotton for efficient extraction . _;cart, 74 (1983) 472-482 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138288a . For additional information see : i1 .A ., 99 (1983) 142715e . 36 . CELLS AND CELLULAR PARTICLES 7358 Eckert, R ., Von Breen, B ., Michael, B ., Jenssen, H .L ., Koehler, H .J . and Werner, H . : The use of protein beads as immunoadsorbent for the column fractionation of lymphocytes . Arch . 1rYrunol . icier . _:xp ., 31 (1983) 183-189 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 192681b . 7359 lida, Y ., Konishi, J ., Kasagi, K ., Endo, K ., Misaki, T ., Kuma, K . and Torizuka, K . : Partial purification and properties of the TSH receptors from human thyroid plasma membranes . Acta ndocr no' ., 103 (1983) 198-204 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 64414q . 7360 Jonsson, P . and Wadstroem, T . : High surface hydrophobicity of Staphylococcus aureus as revealed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography . Curr . Miorobiol ., 8 (1983) 347-353 ; 5 . :4 ., 99 (1983) 172686p . 7361 Margel, S ., Ofarim, M . and Eshhar, Z . : Cell fractionation with affinity ligands conjugated to agarose-polyacrolein microsphere beads . A . Cell ci ., 62 (1983) 149-159 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 118641g . 7362 Matsumoto, U ., Ban, M . and Shibusawa, Y . : Surface affinity chromatographic separation of blood cells . IV . Relationship between surface hydrophobicity of human peripheral blood cells and their retention behaviour on polyethylene glycol 20M-bonded Sepharose columns . Sromatojo ., 285 (1984) 69-79 . 7363 Matsumoto, U ., Shibusawa, Y . and Tanaka, Y . : Surface affinity chromatographic separation of blood cells . III . Effect of molecular weight of polyethylene glycol bonded stationary phases on elution behaviour of human blood cells . • Chromatogr ., 268 (1983) 375-386 . 7364 Popovic, D .A . and Wintzerith, M . : Hydrophobic binding of ribosomes on a nitrocellulose column . vacs' . Physic . carmaeol . Aeta, 19 (1983) 167-169 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190900h . For additional information see : • , 99 (1983) 177954a . B450 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 37 . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 37a . genera papers and reale s 7365 Frei, R .W . and Brinkman, U .A .T . : Chromatographic analyses of pollutants with selective sample treatment and detection techniques . Proc . Inst . Pet ., (London), (1982) 261-261 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 81767z - a review with 10 refs . For additional information see : C .A ., 99 (1983) 65748p, 145194v ; 100 (1984) 56105p . See also 6142, 6145, 6422 . 371 . Air pollution See 6155, 6487 . 370 . Water pollution 7366 Van Beelen, P ., Dijkstra, A .C . and Vogels, G .D . : Quantitation of coenzyme r 420 in methanogenic sludge by the use of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and a fluorescence detector . Eur . J . Appl . Microbio"G . Bioteehnoll ., 18 {1983) 67-69 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 1363079 . For additional information see : C.A ., 99 (1983) 145799w, 145824a, 205197k . See also 6195, 6425, 6955 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B4 5 1 Gas Chromatography 1 . REVIEWS AND BOOKS Chemical Methods in Gas Chromatography . J . Chromatogr . Libr ., 7367 Berezkin, V .G .Vol . 24 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, 314 pp . 7368 Crippen, R .C . : G(:/LC, Instruments, Derivatives in Identifying Pollutants and Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983, 452 pp . Unknowns . Supercritical fluid chromatography . Science, 222 (1983) 253-259 ; 7369 Gere, D .R . : C .A ., 99 (1983) 181958f . Academic 7370 Ikan, R . : Chromatography in Organic Analysis . A Laboratory Guide . Press, New York, 1983, 108 pp . 7371 Kaiser, R .E . and Rackstraw, A .J . : Computer Chromatography, Vol . 1 . Huthig, Heidelberg, 1983, VIII and 171 pp . 7372 Nunes, A .J ., Gonzales, L .F . and Janak, J . : Pre-concentration of headspace volatiles for trace organic analysis by gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 300 (1984) 127-162 . See also 7431, 7661, 7662, 7719 . 2 . FUNDAMENTALS, THEORY AND GENERAL 2b . Thermodynamics and theoretical relationships 7373 Bhattacharjee, A . : A general equation for the determination of resolution in gas chromatography . Fuel Sci . Technol ., 2 (1983) 129-130 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168516r . 7374 Oi, T ., Kakihana, H ., Okamoto, M . and Maeda, M . : Numerical analysis of chromatographic band development of one-component systems . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 7-16 . 7375 Wittkowski, W . and Luethe, J . : Cber eine Anwendung der Optimierung unter mehrfacher Zeilsetzung in der Gaschromatographie . Chem . Tech . (Leipzig), 35 (1983) 419-422 . 2c . Relationship between structure and chromatographic behaviour 7376 Golovnya, R .V . and Grigor'eva, D .N . : A method of calculating the specific retention volumes of substances from their retention indexes and specific retention volumes of n-alkanes . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Corrnmcn ., 6 (1983) 269-272 . See also 7452, 7769 . 2d . Measurement of physico-chemical and related values 7377 Cramers, C .A ., Van Tilburg, C .E ., Schutjes, C .P .M ., Rijks, J .A . and Rutten, G .A . : Determination of solute diffusion coefficients in crosslinked stationary phases for fused-silica column . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 83-89 . 7378 Ganschow, 0 ., Jede, R ., An, L .D ., Manske, E ., Neelsen, J ., Wiedmann, L . and Benninghoven, A . : A combined instrument for the investigation of catalytic reactions by means of gas chromatography, secondary ion and gas phase mass spectrometry, auger and photoelectron spectroscopy, and ion scattering spectroscopy . J . Vac . Sci . TechnoZ ., A, 1 (1983) 1491-1506 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 164674t . 7379 Gavrilova, T .B ., Kiselev, A .V, and Roschina, T .M . : (Study of the adsorption properties of tungsten sulfide by gas chromatography) . KoZZoidn . Zh ., 45 (1983) 751-755 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 128814e . B452 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECrION 7380 Hachenberg, H ., Baltes, H ., Schlosser, E .G ., Litterer, H ., Leupold, E .I . and Frost, E . : Anwendung der gaschromatographiSchen Dampfraummethode ale Schnelltest . Beurteilung selektiver Sorptionseigenschaften am Beispiel einiger Zeolithe . ErdBl Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochem ., 36 (1983) 418-422 . (Gas-chromatographic 7381 Kalpakyan, A .M ., Kosoyan, A .Zh . and Tatevosyan, A .A . : properties of sodium and copper sulfates) . Arm . Khim . Zh ., 36 (1983) 438-441 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 182048w . 7382 Lam, R .B ., Palocsay, F .A ., Gallaher, T .N . and Leary, J .J . : Gas chromatographic verification of a mathematical model : product distribution following methanolysis reactions . J . Chem . Educ ., 60 (1983) 769-771 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 157350f . 7383 Liszi, L. and Nemeth, B . : Electrostatic Gibbs free energy of salvation from gas chromatographic data . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 238-241 . 7384 Sarius, A . and Bittrich, H .J . : Untersuchungen zur selektiven Stofftrennung . Teil VIII . : Gas chromatographische Bestimmung der Grenzaktivitatskoeffizienten von Kohlenwasserstoffen in Gemischen aus Ethandiol and N-Methylcaprolactam . Chem . Tech . (Leipzig), 35 (1983) 417-419 . 7385 Sheth, B .K .V . : Study of trace contaminants coadsorption dynamics on a fixed bed of activated charcoal using gas chromatographic technique . Univ . Microfilms Int ., Order No . DA8314972, 1983, 213 pp . From Dies . Abstr . Int . B 1983, 44(2), 558 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 180863j . 7386 Vitenberg, A .G ., Gavrilova, I .V ., Gel'fman, M .I . and Kostkina, M .I . : (Gaschromatographic vapor-phase analysis for the determination of the stability constant of Zeise's salt) . Koord . Khim ., 9 (1983) 965-969 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 129116r . See also 7395, 7399, 7478, 7495, 7531, 7604, 7638, 7644, 7651, 7748, 7754, 7780 . 3 . GENERAL TECHNIQUES 3a . Apparatus and accessories 7387 Banerjee, S . and Pack, E .J ., Jr . : Apparatus and method for the reduction of interferences in chromatography . U .S . Pat ., US 4,403,503 (Cl . 73-61 .1C ; G01N31/08), 13 Sep . 1983, Appl . 319,260, 09 Nov . 1981 ; 7 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186690x . 7388 Barry, E .F ., Hubball, J .A ., DiMauro, P .R. and Chabot, G .E . : IFSOT columns for high resolution GC . Amer . Lab . (FairfieZd), 15, No . 10 (1983) 84-89 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 181964e . 7389 Baskin, Z .L., Rybal'chenko, Yu .P ., Lun'kov, V .L. and Kalmanovskij, V .I . : Gas c hromatograph . U.S .S .R . Pat . S U 1,035,512 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 15 Aug . 1983, Appl . 3,408,440, 15 Mar . 1982 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186777f . 7390 Cimberle, M .R ., Garibaldi, U ., Bottino, P . and Valerio, F . : Enrichment and transmission factor in a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer coupling by a supersonic seeded beam separator . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 215-220 . 7391 Dechaux, J .C . : Device for gas chromatographic analysis, with mass balance, of gaseous reacting mixtures in static reactor . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 318-323 . 7392 Enqvist, J ., Sunila, P . and Lakkisto, U .-M . : Improved precision gas chromatographic method for retention index monitoring with a calibration detector . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 667-673 . 7393 Galle, B . and Grennfelt, P . : Instrument for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon analysis of airborne particles by capillary gas chromatography with laserinduced fluorescence detection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 643-648 . 7394 Gonnord, M .F ., Guiochon, G . and Onuska, F .I . : Narrow bare open tubular columns for improvement of gas chromatographic analysis time . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2115-2120 . 7395 Gouw, T .H . : Apparatus and method for determining the vapor pressure of heavy hydrocarbon mixtures . U .S. Pat . US 4,395,903 (Cl . 73-64 .2 ; G01N7/16), 02 Aug . 1983, Appl . 292,279, 12 Aug . 1981 ; 7 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 142863b . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B453 7396 Hinshaw, J .V., Jr . and Feinstein, P .L . : A temperature programmable injector for capillary column GC . Amer . Lab . (Fairfield), 15, No . 9 (1983) 116-124 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151412f . 7397 Kolb, B . : Device and methods for introducing a liquid sample into a capillary gas chromatographic separation column . Ger . Pat . 3,207,386 (Cl . G01N31/08), 15 Sep . 1983, Appl . 02 Mar . 1982 ; 18 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186776e . 7398 Krivich, D .L ., Blyuss, Ts . M ., Tseisler, P .P ., Mamontova, I .R ., Yaroshenko, L .V ., U.S .S .R. Pat . S U 1,040,408 Bulygina, T .N . and Banin, A .P . : Gas c hromatograph . (Cl . G 0 1N31/08), 07 Sep . 1983, Appl . 3,392,280, 05 Feb . 1982 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205345g . High pressure gas chromatography . I . A precision high-pressure gas 7399 Kwa, T .L . : chromatograph for isobaric-isothermal measurements . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 105-115 . 7400 Laub, R .J., Roberts, W .L . and Smith, C .A . : High-pressure solution reservoir for fabrication of capillary columns of reduced internal diameter . J, High Resal . Chromatogr . Chramatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 444-445 . 7401 Morton, C .E ., Roberts, D .J . and Cooke, M . : Simple gas-loop injection system for use with capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 119-123 . 7402 Moskvin, L .N ., Gumerov, M .F . and Gorshkov, A .I . : Chromatographic analysis of gases dissolved in a l iquid . U.S .S .R . Pat . U S 1,038,874 (Cl . GOIN31/08), 30 Aug . 1983, Appl . 2,877,755, 30 Jan . 1980 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205286p . 7403 Mueller, F . : Column switching in capillary gas chromatography . Amer . Lab . (FairfieZd), 15, No . 10 (1983) 94-103 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 182058z . 7404 Munari, F . and Trestianu, S . : Thermal peak splitting in capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 457-472 . 7405 Namiesnik, J . : Generation of standard gaseous mixtures . J. Chromatogr ., 300 (1984) 79-108 . 7406 Oreans, M ., Muller, F . and Leonhardt, D . : Trace analysis in coupled systems . Total transfer of traces from packed to capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 357-364 . 7407 Sack, T .M . and Gross, M .L . : Pulsed valve interface for gas chromatography/ Fourier transform mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2419-2421 . 7408 Sandra, P ., Van Roelenbosch, M ., Verzele, M . and Bicchi, C . : Experiments with cold on-column injection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 279-286 . 7409 Schomburg, G ., Husmann, H ., Behlau, H . and Schulz, F . : Cold sample injection with either the split or splitless mode of temperature-programmed sample transfer . Design and testing of a new, electrically heated construction for universal application of different modes of sampling . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 251-258 . 7410 Schomburg, G ., Husmann, H ., Schulz, F ., Teller, G . and Bender, M . : Cold sample injection with either the split or splitless mode of temperature-programmed sample transfer . Comparison to cold on-column injection with a commercial device . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 259-267 . 7411 Schutjes, C .P .M ., Cramers, C .A ., Vidal-Madjar, C . and Guiochon, G . : Fast "fluidic logic" injection at pressures up to 25 bar in high-speed capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 269-277 . 7412 Sugawara, K ., Tani, I ., Tsukicka, H ., Ohe, E . and Mori, E . : Gas chromatographic apparatus . Eur . Pat . Appl . EU 88, 439 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 14 Sep . 1983, JP Appl . 82/36,483, 10 Mar . 1982 ; 22 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168787e . 7413 Wessels, J .C .M . and Deeper, R .P .M . : Switching valve for glass capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 349-355 . 7414 Wybrow, B .R . and Greenhow, E .J . : A microcomputer-based injection system for investigating the influence of atmospheric pressure on chromatographic response in the analysis of gases . J . Automat . Chem ., 5 (1983) 124-135 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186484h . See also 7378, 7503, 7551 . 3b . Detectors and detection reagents 7415 Cammann, K ., Lendero, L ., Leuerbacher, H . and Ballschmiter, K . : Power-modulated microwave-induced plasma with enhanced sensitivity and practicability as an element-specific GC-detector . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 194-200 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205331z . B454 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7416 Campbell, J .A . and Grimsrud, E .P . : Oxygen sensitized responses of the electron capture detector and atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometer to derivatized isomers of aminoanthracene and aminophenanthrene . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 27-32 . 7417 Dressler, M . : Hydrocarbon and water quenching of the flame photometric detector response . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 145-150 . 7418 Emonds, A ., Bonnet, J ., Lugtenburg, J . and Driessen, 0 . : Gas chromatography judged by optic fibre techniques . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 477-482 . 7419 Erickson, D .H . : Modification and adaptation of the Tracor Hall model 700 electroconductivity detection system to a dual-column Packard gas chromatograph . Chem ., Biomed . Environ . Instrum ., 12 (1983) 397-408 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 171196s . 7420 Goode, S .R ., Chambers, B . and Buddin, N .P . : A critical evaluation of the tangential flow torch microwave-induced plasma detector for gas chromatography . AppZ . Spectrose ., 37 (1983) 439-443 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186727q . 7421 Ham, N .S . and McAllister, T . : Flame ionization of iron and lead . Aust . J . Chem ., 36 (1983) 1299-1304 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151405f . 7422 Heppner, R .A . : Elemental detection with a microwave-induced plasma/gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer system . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2170-2174 . 7423 Isenhour, T .L . and Marshall, J .C . : Combined gas chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 1-27 . 7424 Kiran, E . : The non-linear behavior of a gas density detector - a theoretical basis . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 201-218 . 7425 Leveson, R .C . : Photoionization detector . U .S. Pat . US 4,398,152 (Cl . 324-465 ; G01N27/00), 9 Aug . 1983, US App1 . 177,168, 12 Aug . 1980 ; 8 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 15138ly . 7426 Rosiek, J ., Lasa, J . and Sliwka, I . : Detection by solute switching and synchronous demodulation of the electron-capture detector signal . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 1-14 . 7427 Smith, S .L . and Adams, G .E . : Chromatographic performance and capillary gas chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 623-630 . 7428 Verga, G .R . : High-resolution gas chromatographic determination of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in complex organic mixtures by a tunable selective thermionic detector . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 657-665 . 7429 Wells, G . : Catalytic activity in an indium-sensitized flame photometric chlorine detector for gas chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2112-2115 . 7430 Wells, G . : Comparison of optimized gas chromatography detectors for packed and capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 135-144 . 7431 Wilkins, C .L . : Hyphenated techniques for analysis of complex organic mixtures . Science, 222 (1983) 291-296 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186715j . 7432 Yancey, J .A . : Evaluation of infrared and photoionization detectors in the characterization of complex mixtures . ISA Trans ., 22, No . 3 (1983) 33-41 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 197546f . See also '7482, 7501, 7658, 7737, 7792, 7795 . 3c . Corbents, carriers, column and layer performance, packing procedures 7433 Ahnoff, M, and Johansson, L . : Testing of capillary columns for quantitative measurement of catalytic and adsorptive activity . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 75-82 . 7434 Arrendale, R .F ., Severson, R .F . and Chortyk, O .T . : Simple alternative method for preparing high quality fused silica SE-54 WCOT capillary columns . J . High ResdZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Corramrn ., 6 (1983) 436-440 . 7435 Barry, E .F ., Ferioli, P . and Hubball, J .A . : Purification of OV-17 by supercritical fluid fractionation for fused silica capillary gas chromatography . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Conunun ., 6 (1983) 172-177 . 7436 Berezkin, V .G . and Gavrichev, V .S . : Evaporation of the liquid stationary phase in gas chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 472-476 . 7437 Blomberg, L ., Buijten, J ., Markides, K . and Wdnnman, T . : Some aspects of current techniques for the preparation of capillary columns for gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 9-20 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B455 7438 Buijten, J ., Blomberg, L ., Hoffmann, S ., Markides, K . and Wannman, T . : Ozone as an in situ cross-linking agent for silicone gum stationary phases in capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 341-346 . 7439 Cserhati, T ., Dobrovolszky, A ., Fenyvesi, E, and Szejtli, J . : Seta-cyclodextrin polymer beads as GC packings . J . Nigh ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatoar . Commun ., 6 (1983) 442-443 . 7440 De Nijs, R .C .M . and De Zeeuw, J . : Aluminium oxide-coated fused-silica porouslayer open tubular columns for gas-solid chromatography of C1-Clo hydrocarbons . J . Chromatoar ., 279 (1983) 41-48 . 7441 Dhanesar, S .C . and Poole, C .F . : Support-deactivating fluorocarbon stationary phase for gas chromatography . AnaZ . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2148-2151 . 7442 Grob, K ., Jr . : Broadening of peaks eluted before the solvent in capillary GC . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 357-360 . Part 1 : The role of solvent trapping . 7443 Grub, K ., Jr . : Movements of the sample plug in the column inlet after on-column injection in capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 21-35 . 7444 Grob, K ., Jr . : Solvent effects in capillary gas chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 225-232 . 7445 Grob, K ., Jr . and Grob, K . : Determination of the depth of retention gaps in capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 17-27 . 7446 Grob, K ., Jr . and Schilling, B . : Broadening of peaks eluted before the solvent in capillary GC . Part II : The role of phase soaking . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 361-367 . Developments in polysiloxane stationary phases in gas chromato7447 Haken, J .K . : graphy . J . Chromatogr ., 300 (1984) 1-77 . 7448 Hille, J ., Prochazka, M ., Feltl, L ., Smolkova-Keulemansova, E ., Kiselev, A .V ., Kovaleva, N .V . and Zagorevskaya, E .V . : Silica gel and Carbochrom B modified with phthalocyanines as stationary phases in gas-solid chromatography . J . Chromatogr., 283 (1984) 77-88 . 7449 Isakova, L .A . and Litvinenko, G .S . : (Effect of Chromaton N treatment on the chromatographic behavior of stereoisomeric amino ketones and amino alcohols) . Tzv . Akad . Souk Kaz . SSR, Ser. Xhim ., No . 5 (1983) 31-34 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205315x . 7450 Janssen, F . : Glass capillary column with nematogenic liquid crystals as stationary phases for separating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 477-480 . 7451 Jennings, W . : Some aspects of troubleshooting in capillary GC . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 337--340 . 7452 Juutilainen, T . and Enqvist, J . : Effect of chemical bonding of stationary phases on retention indices of capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 91-97 . 7453 Klee, M .S ., Kaiser, M .A . and Laughlin, K .B . : Systematic approach to stationary phase selection in gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 681-688 . 7454 Kong, R .C . and Lee, M .L . : Static coating of capillary columns using mixed solvents . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 451-453 . 7455 Kong, R .C . and Lee, M .L . : Static coating of small diameter capillary columns at elevated temperatures . J . High Peso! . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 319-321 . 7456 Krejci, M . and Tesarik, K . : Effect of Laplace-Marangoni flow in the stationary phase on the chromatographic properties of glass capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 282 (1983) 351-362 . 7457 Liberti, A ., Goretti, G . and Russo, M .V . : Development of porous-layer capillary J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 1-8 . columns . 7458 Lipsky, S .R . and McMurray, W .J . : Role of surface groups in affecting the chromatographic performance of certain types of fused-silica glass capillary columns . II . Deactivation by esterification with alcohols and deactivation with specially prepared high-molecular-weight stationary phases . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 59-68 . 7459 Miga, C .J . and Mills, M . : Forming gas chromatographic supports . U.S . Pat . US 4,404,155 (Cl . 264-67 ; C04B35/64), 13 Sep . 1983, Appl . 345,274, 3 Feb . 1982 ; 3 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 160716k . 7460 Nunez, A .J . and Tesarik, K . : Use of Aerosil (200 and R-972) in the preparation of stable support-coated open tubular columns . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 235237 . B456 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION Stationary phase properties of the organic molten 7461 Pacholec, F . and Poole, C .F . : salt ethylpyridinium bromide in gas chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 370-374 . 7462 Pretorius, V ., Lawson, K .H ., Apps, P .J . and Bertsch, W . : Solute focusing by means of the solvent effect : formation of the film . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 233-240 . 7463 Pretorius, V ., Lawson, K . and Bertsch, W . : Ancillary solvent effects in GLC : solute escape and its prevention . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 6 (1983) 419-421 . 7464 Pretorius, V ., Phillips, C .S .G . and Bertsch, W . : Solute focusing using the solvent effect : solute lagging . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr. Corrmun „ 6 (1983) 321-322 . 7465 Richter, B .E ., Kuei, J .C ., Shelton, J .I ., Castle, L .W ., Bradshaw, J .S . and Lee, M .L . : Polysiloxane stationary phases containing tolyl and cyanopropyl groups : oxidation during cross-linking . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 21-30 . 7466 Rijks, J ., Curvers, J ., Noy, T . and Cramers, C . : Possibilities and limitations of steam distillation-extraction as a pre-concentration technique for trace analysis of organics by capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 395-407 . 7467 Saravalle, C .A ., Munari, F . and Trestianu, S . : Influence of sample solvent and stationary phase polarity on peak broadening, distortion and splitting due to the "flooding effect" . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 241-250 . 7468 Schutjes, C .P .M ., Vermeer, E .A . and Cramers, C .A . ; Deactivation and coating of non-polar 50-pm I .D . capillary columns . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 49-57 . 7469 Stark, T .J ., Larson, P .A . and Dandeneau, R .D . : Selective phases for wall-coated open tubular columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 31-40 . 7470 Tanaka, M ., Kawano, Sh . and Shono, T . : Applicability of modified $-cyclodextrin stationary phases for gas chromatography . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 54-55 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 205314w . 7471 Traitler, H ., Kolarovic, L . and Sorio, A . : Application of silane-coupling agents for medium-polarity capillary columns . J . Chromatogr„ 279 (1983) 69-73 . 7472 Valerio, F ., Bottino, P . and Cimberle, R . : Nematic liquid crystals as liquid phase . Characteristics and applications in gas chromatographic analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in airborne particulate matter . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 221-231 . 7473 Verzele, M ., David, F ., Van Roelenbosch, M ., Diricks, G . and Sandra, P . : In situ gummification of methylphenylsilicones in fused-silica capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 99-102 . 7474 Viska, J ., Kiss, F . and Koelbl, M . : (Chromatographic Support) . CS Pat . CS 201,188 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 1 Mar . 1983, Appl . 78/1,326, 2 Mar . 1978 ; 5 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133088a . 7475 Vycudilik, W ., Street, H .V . and Machata, G . : Preparation of GC packed columns with low adsorption activity by heating the support material in vacuo prior to coating with substituted polysiloxane (SE-30) : application to analysis of morphine and other polar drugs . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 429-431 . 7476 Yan, Ch ., Lu, M . and Tang, H . : (Study on the thermally stable stationary phases for gas chromatography . (I .) Use of tetraphenyltriethoxysilane as the stationary phase) . Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao, 4 (1983) 428-432 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146661g . 7477 Yang, F .J . : The role and the utilization of the solute focusing technique for on-column injection in capillary gas chromatography . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr. Chromatogr . Conriun ., 6 (1983) 448-450 . See also 7438, 7514, 7554, 7567, 7655, 7711, 7740 . 3d . Quantitative analysis 7478 Berezkin, V .G ., Lebedinskaya, L .F ., Nikitina, N .S ., Nikulicheva, N .A ., Prokopenko, N .A ., Fateeva, V_M ., Chulpanova, L .V ., Shikalova, I .V . and Yashin, Ya .I . : (Effect on adsorption on interlaboratory reproducibility of retention data in gasliquid chromatography with packed columns) . Zh . Anal . Khim ., 38 (1983) 14751478 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B457 7479 Colby, B .N ., Ryan, P .W . and Wilkinson, J .E . : Strategies for compound identification and quantification using fused silica capillary column GC/MS . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Coe,nun ., 6 (1983) 72-76 . 3e . Preparative scale chromatography 7480 Said, A .S . : Calculations of continuous and preparative GC . Part two . Amer. Lab ., 15, No . 8 (1983) 38-45 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 124606r . 7481 Weichselgartner, H ., Frischmuth, H ., Perchermeier, J . and Stimmelmayr, A . : Optimization of a large-scale gas chromatograph for separating tritium and deuterium-tritium from other hydrogen isotopes . Nucl . Technol ./Fusion, 4 (1983) 687-692 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 183589k . 3f. Programmed temperature, pressure, vapours, gradients 7482 Fjeldsted,J .C ., Kong, R .C . and Lee, M .L . : Capillary supercritical-fluid chromatography with conventional flame detectors . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 449-455 . 7483 Knfppel, H ., De Hortoli, M ., Peil, A . and Vissers, H . : Reproducibility of temperature-programmed gas chromatographic retention indices with non-polar glass capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 483-492 . 7484 Poy, F . and Cobelli, L . : Quantitative aspects of the programmed-temperature vaporization technique of sample introduction in parallel capillary column and microbore capillary column gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 689694 . 7485 Sultanovich, Yu .A ., Sakodynskii, K .I . and Nechaev, A .P . : Calculation of the main parameters in chromatography with programming of the mobile-phase flow rate (pressure) . Doki . Akad. Nauk SSSR, 271 (1983) 661-664 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 201000t . 3g . High performance procedures See 7466, 7772 . 4 . SPECIAL TECHNIQUES 4a . Automation 7486 Hall, G . and Winterlin, W . : Microcomputer data acquisition . Amer . Lab . (FairfieZd), 15, No . 8 (1983) 84-89 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133035f . 7487 Yagi, Yo . : (High-speed automatic GC measurement technology and data-processing systems using personal computers) . Keisoku Gijutsu, 11, No . 5 (1983) 60-71 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 197717n . See also 7414, 7635 . 4b . Combination of various chromatographic techniques See 7505, 7778, 7799 . 4c . Combination with other physico-chemical techniques (135, IR etc .) See 7378, 7563, 7695, 7390, 7407, 7427, 7431, 7564, 7576, 7582, 7590, 7709, 7715, 7716, 7718, 7520, 7528, 7536, 7541, 7543, 7592, 7617, 7618, 7627, 7639, 7719, 7722, 7725, 7731, 7782, 7544, 7555, 7558, 7560, 7669, 7674, 7675, 7686, 7789, 7799 . 4e . Functional analysis 7488 Franc, J . : (Identification of alkyl groups in compounds eluted from a gas chromatograph) . CS Pat . CS 201, 117 (Cl . GO1N31/08), 1 Mar . 1983, Appl . 77/2,928 ; 4 May 1977 ; 3 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133095a . 7489 Franc, J . : (Identification of carbon-carbon bonds of substances separated by gas chromatography) . CS Pat . CS 201, 116 (Cl . G01N31/08), 1 Mar . 1983, Appl . 76/3,315, 19 May 1976 ; 4 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133094z . B458 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7490 Gelsomini, N . : High-resolution substractive gas chromatography . 279 (1983) 473-475 . J. Chromatogr ., See also 7367, 7615 . 4f. Other special techniques Improving the precision of simulated distillation by GC . J. 7491 Abbott, D .J . : Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 425-428 . 7492 Adlard, E .R . and Davenport, J .N . : A study of some of the parameters in purge and trap gas chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 421-425 . 7493 Ioffe, B .V . and Larionov, V .V . : Determination of nonvolatile components of multicomponent samples in relation to headspace chromatographic analysis . Vestn . Leningr . Univ ., Fiz ., ;(him_ No . 3 (1983) 112-114 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 1687794 . 7494 Roeraade, J . and Blomberg, S . : Enrichment and trapping of volatile trace com= ponents by means of chromatographic solvent evaporation . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 387-393 . 7495 Wilsch, A . and Schneider, G .M . : Determination of the capacity ratios of some fatty acid phenyl esters in supercritical carbon dioxide by supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 265-267 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186741g . 5 . HYDROCARBONS AND HALOGEN DERIVATIVES 5a . Aliphatic hydrocarbons 7496 Burns, W .F . and Tingey, D .T . : GC/MS analysis of biogenic volatile hydrocarbons on a chemically-bonded fused silica column . J . Chromatogr . Sei ., 21 (1983) 341-345 . 7497 Dimmler, A . and Strausz, O .P . : Enrichment of polycyclic terpenoid, saturated hydrocarbons from petroleum by adsorption on zeolite NaX . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 219-225 . 7498 Huber, L . and Obbens, H . : Gas chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbons up to C16 and of inert gases in naturall gas with a combination of packed and capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 167-172 . 7499 Volkman, J .K ., Alexander, R ., Kagi, R .I . and Rullkoetter, J . : GC-MS characterization of C27 and C2 8 triterpanes in sediments and petroleum . Geochim . Cosmochim . Acta, 47 (1983) 1033-1040 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 127942h . See also 7440, 7736, 7756, 7763, 7790, 7793 . 5b . Cyclic hydrocarbons 7500 Bayona, J .M . and Albaiges, J . : (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons . II . Analysis by gas chromatography with glass and fused silica capillary columns) . Afinidad, 40 (1983) 310-315 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133051h . 7501 Conrad, V .B . : Matrix isolation analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons . Part I . Laser-induced fluorescence spectrometry . Part II . Gas chromatographymatrix isolation fluorescence spectrometry . Univ . Microfilms Tnt ., Order No . DA8318371, 1983, 213 pp . From Dies . Abstr . Int . B, 44 (1983) 786 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168752q . 7502 Daishima, Sh . and Iida, Yo . : (Selective detection and identification of alkylbenzenes by chemical ionization mass spectrometry) . Shitsuryo Bunseki, 31 (1983) 73-80 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 142686w . See also 7393, 7472, 7624, 7792 . 5c . AaZogen derivatives 7503 Fogelqvist, E . and Darsson, M . : Large on-column injections for the gas chromatographic determination of low-molecular-weight halocarbons . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 297-306 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B459 7504 Kastl, P .E . and Hermann, E .A . : Quantitative gas chromatographic determination of hexachloro-1,3-butadiene in whole rat blood at part per trillion levels . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 390-393 . See also 7622, 7634, 7664, 7782, 7787, 7806 . Id . Complex hydrocarbon mixtures 7505 Apffel, J .A . and McNair, H . : Hydrocarbon group-type analyses by on-line multidimensional chromatography . II . Liquid chromatography-gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 139-144 . 7506 Mackenzie, A .S ., Disko, U . and Rullkoetter, J . : Determination of hydrocarbon distributions in oils and sediment extracts by gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry . Org . Geochem ., 5 (1983) 57-63 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 178455j . See also 7605, 7745, 7759, 7761, 7798 . 6 . ALCOHOLS 7507 Berezkin, V .G . and Retunsky, V .N . : Gas chromatographic identification of longchain aliphatic alcohols and acetates with different degrees of unsaturation by means of three- and four-phase diagrams . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 247-250 . 7508 Gnauck, R . : Gaschromatographische Trennung and Identifizierung polyfunktioneller Polyetheralkohole . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 87-96 . 7509 Korhonen, I .O .O . : Gas-liquid chromatographic analyses . XIX . Branched-chain alcohols and their propanoyl, monochloropropanoyl, butanoyl and monochlorobutanoyl derivatives . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 171-180 . 7510 Korhonen, 1 .0 .0 . : Gas-liquid chromatographic analyses . XX . Unsaturated alcohols and the corresponding esters of propanoic and butanoic acids and their monochlorinated derivatives . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 181-189 . 7511 Levy, J .M ., Wolfram, L .E . and Yancey, J .A . : Direct determination of oxygenated compounds in complex mixtures by capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 133-138 . 7512 Magerl, H ., Poelmann, E . and Hager, W . : (Determination of ethylene glycol by head-space gas chromatography) . Z . Reehtsmed ., 90 (1983) 205-209 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 170743f . 7513 Rowland, S .J . and Maxwell, J .R . : Stereochemical studies of acyclic isoprenoid compounds . XI . GC analysis of a series of alcohols . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 298-303 . 7514 Schurig, V . and Weber, R . : (Derivatization-free enantiomer separation of chiral alcohols and ketones by high-resolution complexation gas chromatography) . Angew . Chem ., 95 (1983) 797-798 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 168744p . 7515 Snyder, J . and Franko-Filipasic, B . : The analysis of glycerol by gas chromatography . J . Amer . Oil Chem. Soc ., 60 (1983) 1269-1270 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 133069v . See also 7742, 7770 . 7 . PHENOLS 7516 Abrahamsson, K. and Xie, T .M . : Direct determination of trace amounts of chlorophenols in fresh water, waste water and sea water . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 199-208 . 7517 Farroha, S .M ., Habboush, A .E . and Al-Saeed, A .M . : Investigation into the determination of phenols extracted from automobile exhaust gases . Talanta, 30 (1983) 605-608 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 180699k . 7518 Folke, J . and Lund, U . : Occurrence of low- and high-chlorinated phenols in municipal sewage before and after passing through biological treatment plants . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 189-198 . B460 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7519 Mayer, H ., Nolte, J . and Paschold, B . : (Separation of free polyhydric phenols using capillary gas chromatography) . Z . Anal . Chem ., 315 (1983) 708-710 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151432n . 7520 Sha, Sh .-Zh . and Duffield, A .M . : Negative ion chemical ionization gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of some derivatives of tri-, tetra- and pentachlorophenols . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 157-165 . See also 7621, 7622, 7695, 7758, 7804 . 9 . SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC OXYGEN 8a . Flavonoids 7521 Baj, A ., Bombardelli, E ., Gabetta, B . and Martinelli, E .M . : Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of Vaeetintitem myrtillus anthocyanins by high-resolution gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 365-372 . 8b . Aflatoxins and other mycotoxins 7522 Bata, A ., Lasztity, R ., Sarudi, I . and Cserhalmi, Z .O . : (Screening program concerning eventual occurence of zearalenone in Hungarian red pepper) . Z . Lebensm .-Unters . Forsch ., 177 (1983) 203-204 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174314q . 7523 Rosen, R .T . and Rosen, J .D . : Quantitation and confirmation of four Fusarium mycotoxins in corn by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 223-230 . 7524 Swanson, S .P ., Ramaswamy, V ., Beasley, V .R ., Buck, W .B . and Burmeister, H .H . : Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of T 2 toxin in plasma . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 909-912 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189044a . 7525 Yoshizawa, T . and Hosokawa, H . : (Toxic substances in infected cereals . X . Natural cooccurrence of deoxynivalenol and nivalenol, trichothecene mycotoxins, in commercial foods) . Shokuhin Eiseipaku Zasshi, 24 (1983) 413-415 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 193283v . 8c . Other compounds with heterocycZic oxygen 7526 Kabanov, V .S ., Gromakova, A .I . and Perel'son, M .E . ; (Gas chromatographic analysis of total content and their proportions of the furocoumarins xanthotoxin bergapten and isopimpinellin in their mixtures) . Khim .-Farm. Zh ., 17 (1983) 873-876 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128411w . 7527 Korfmacher, W .A ., Mitchum, R .K ., Hileman, F .D . and Mazer, T . : Analysis for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran by fused silica GC combined with atmospheric pressure ionization MS . Chemosphere, 12 (1983) 1243-1249 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205324z . 7528 Viau, A .C . and Karasek, F .W . : Quantitative aspects in the determination of polyvinylchlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins by high-resolution gas chromatographymass spectrometry . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 235-242 . 7529 Weerasinghe, N .C .A ., Meehan, J .L ., Gross, M .L . and Gaines, J . : Analysis of sugar for tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin . J . Ayr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1377-1378 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 193260k . See also 7740, 7787 . 9 . OXO COMPOUNDS, ETHERS AND EPOXIDES ;AS CHROMATOGRAPHY B461 10 . CARBOHYDRATES 20a . Mono and oZigosaccharides . Structural studies 7532 Banoub, J .H ., Shaw, D .H . and Michon, F . : Hydrolytic release, and identification by GLC-MS, of 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid in the lipopolysaccharides isolated from bacteria of the Vibrionaceae . Carbohydr . Res ., 123 (1983) 117122 : C .A ., 99 (1983) 172525k . 7533 Mbugua, S .K., Ledford, R .A . and Steinkraus, K .H . : Gas chromatographic determination of mono-, di- and trisaccharides in the Uji-flour ingredients and during Uji fermentation . Chem . MikrobioZ . Technol . Lebensm ., 8, No . 2 (1983) 40-45 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 157049q . 7534 Okahira, A . and Kobatake, H . : (Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of alditol acetates : preparation of heat-stable weakly polar columns by superposing two different packings and application to the separation of partially methylated alditol acetates) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 32 (1983) T83-T88 . See also 7687, 7762 . lob . Polysaccharides, raucopolysaccharides, ZipopoZysaccharides 7535 Li, F ., Hu, L . and Pan, X . : (Determination of extracellular polysaccharides fro; soil Bacillus by gas chromatography) . Weishengwuxue Tongbao, 10 (1983) 178-181 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 172230k . 7536 Selvendran, R .R . : Applications of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for cell wall analysis . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 159-176 . See also 7718, 7766 . 11 . ORGANIC ACIDS AND LIPIDS 17a . Organic acids and simple esters 7537 Frank, H ., Gerhardt, J ., Nicholson, G .J . and Bayer, E . : Gas chromatographic resolution of 2-hydro-carboxylic acid enantiomers . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 159-170 . 7538 Ciucanu, I . and Kerek, F . : Rapid and simultaneous methylation of fatty and hydroxy fatty acids for gas-liquid chromatographic analysis . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 179-185 . 7539 Komarek, K ., Hornova, L ., Horna, A . and Churacek, J . : Glass capillary gas chromatography of homologous series of esters . IV . Separation of homologous series of certain halogenopropyl esters of aliphatic carboxylic acids on OV-101 . J . -Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 299-303 . 7540 Molnar-Perl, I . and Szakacz-Pinter, M . : Esterification of C1-C8 carboxylic acids to n-butyl esters in aqueous solutions for their gas chromatographic analysis . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 328-332 . 7541 Scheutwinkel-Reich, M ., Reindl, B . and Stan, H .J . : Application of various derivatives for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of hydroxy fatty acids . In : Recent Development in -Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 251-263 . 7542 Tangerman, A ., Van Schaik, A ., Meuwese-Arends, M .T . and Van Tongeren, J .H .M . : Quantitative determination of C 2 -C8 volatile fatty acids in human serum by vacuum distillation and gas chromatography . Clin . Shim . Acta, 133 (1983) 341348 ; C.5 ., 99 (1983) 172236s . See also 7510, 7586, 7589, 7592, 7616, 7674, 7704, 7705, 7720, 7723, 7743 . B462 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 11b . Prostaglandin 7543 Barrow, S .E ., Blair, I .A ., Waddell, K .A ., Shepherd, G .L ., Lewis, P .J . and Dollery, C .T . : Prostacyclin in late pregnancy : analysis of 6-oxo-prostaglandin F la in maternal plasma . In : Prostacyclin Pregnancy, P .J . Lewis, S . Moncada and J .O'Grady (Editors), Raven, New York, 1983, pp . 79-85 . 7544 Bukhave, K ., Green, K . and Rask-Madsen, J . : Comparison of radioimmunological determinations with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry dosage . A study of PGE2 and PGF2a in gastrointestinal fluids . Biomed . Mass Spectrom ., 10 (1983) 265-268 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 187866w . 7545 Chiabrando, C ., Noseda, A ., Castagnoli, M .N ., Romano, M . and Fanelli, R . : Quantitative profiling of prostaglandins and thromboxane by high-resolution gas chromatography-selected-ion monitoring . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 581-586 . 7546 Kelly, R .W . and Abel, M .H . : The measurement of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin E 2 by combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry . Biomed . Mass Spectrom ., 10 (1983) 276-279 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 169698p . See also 7555 . 11c . Lipids and their constituents 7547 Arrendale, R .F ., Chapman, G .W . and Chortyk, O .T . : Gas-chromatographic analyses of fatty acids on laboratory-prepared fused silica Silar 10C capillary columns . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1334-1338 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190857z . 7548 Badings, H .T . and De Jong, C . : Glass capillary gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters . A study of conditions for the quantitative analysis of shortand long-chain fatty acids in lipids . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 493-506 . 7549 Gaydou, E .M ., Bianchini, J .P . and Ralaimanarivo, A . : Determination of cyclopropenoic fatty acids by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and gas chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2313-2317 . 7550 Gaydou, E .M ., Rasoarahona, J . and Bianchini, J .P . : A micro method for the estimation of oil content and fatty acid composition in seeds with special reference to cyclopropenoic acids . J . Sci . Food Agr ., 34 (1983) 1130-1136 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174333v . 7551 Geeraert, E ., Sandra, P . and De Schepper, D . : On-column injection in the capillary gas chromatographic analysis of fats and oils . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 287-295 . 7552 Haug, M ., Dietrich, I ., Laubach, C ., Reinhardt, D . and Harzer, G . : Capillary gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters from human milk lipid subclasses . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 549-553 . 7553 Kusaka, T . and Izumi, Sh . : Gas chromatography of constitutive fatty acids in Mycobacterium leprae . Microbial . Immunol ., 27 (1983) 409-414 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190855x . 7554 Lercker, G . : Short capillary columns in the analysis of lipids . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 543-548 . 7555 Orchard, M .A ., Lewis, P .J ., Ongari, M .A_, Waddell, K .A . and Blair, I .A . : Free 5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid in human umbilical artery . In : Prostacyclin Pregnancy, P .J . Lewis, S . Moncada and J . O'Grady (Editors), Raven, New York, 1983, pp .59-63 . See also 7724, 7746, 7753, 7755 . 11d . Lipoproteins and their constituents See 7511 . 12 . ORGANIC PEROXIDES See 7741 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B463 13 . STEROIDS 13a . Pregnane and androstane derivatives 7556 Brooks, C .J .W ., Cole, W .J ., Lawrie, T .D .V ., MacLachlan, J ., Borthwick, J .H . and Barrett, G .M . : Selective reactions in the analytical characterization of steroids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . J. Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 189-201 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 169724u . 7557 Derks, H .J .G .M ., Freudenthal, J ., Litjens, J .L .M ., Klaassen, R ., Gramberg, L .G . and Borrias-Van Tongeren, V . : Identification and quantification of diethylstilbestrol in the urine of cattle by both low and high resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry . Biomed . Mass Speetrom ., 10 (1983) 209-214 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 138218c . 7558 Dumas, M ., Begue, R .J ., Moriniere, M ., Nivois, C ., Escousse, A . and Padieu, P . ; Analysis of 16 oxygenated steroids by gas-liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . Clinical application in hypertension . Influence of S adrenoceptor therapy . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 279-290 . See also 7665, 7672, 7728 . lJo . Sterols 7559 Emmanuaei, B ., Fenton, T .W ., Turner, B .V . and Milligan, L .P . : Simultaneous determination of total cholesterol concentration and radioactivity in plasma . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 1-7 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 172355e . 7560 Ganschow, I . and Lisboa, B .P . : Behavior of spirostans and their derivatives in gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry . A study using computerized electronimpact mass spectrometry and an open-tubular column . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 265-288 . 7561 Takeda, Y ., Saito, Y . and Uchiyama, M . : Determination of pheophorbide a l pyropheophorbide a and phytol . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 188-193 . See also 7724 . 13d . Bile acids and aZcohoZs See 7726 . 13e . Ecdysones and other insect steroid hormones 7562 Uralets, V .P ., Semenova, V .A ., Yakushin, M .A . and Semenov, V .A . : Analysis of anabolic steroids in body fluids by capillary gas chromatography with a twochannel detection system and a computer . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 695-707 . I3f . Other steroids 7563 Cartoni, G.P ., Ciardi, M ., Giarrusso, A . and Rosati, F . : Capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric detection of anabolic steroids . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 515-522 . 7564 Lisboa, B .P . and Ganschow, I . : Application of tert .-butyldimethylsilyl ether derivatives for the identification of epimeric steroids by gas chromatographymass spectrometry . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 291-318 . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B464 15 . TERPENES AND OTHER VOLATILE AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 15a . Terpenes 7565 Beliaeva, Yu .L . and zheltukhina, E .V . : (Gas-chromatographic method for determination of dipentene in synthetic dipentene) . Gidroliz . Lesokhim . Prom ., No . 6 (1983) 11-12 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186766b . 7566 Chao, G ., Chen, S ., Wang, Z ., Yan, Yu . and Wu, M . : (Determination of chemical composition of star anise oil by capillary GC-MS method) . Zhongcaoyao, 14 (1983) 403-404 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 200331q . 7567 Koscielski, T ., Sybilska, D . and Jurczak, J . : Separation of a- and ~-pinene into enantiomers in gas-liquid chromatography system via a-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 131-134 . 7568 Udarov, B .G . ; (Reproducibility of relative retention values of terpene hydrocarbons and their graphic correlation) . Khim. Drev ., No . 4 (1983) 106-110 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133055n . 15h . Essentia, oils 7569 Bicchi, C ., D'Amato, A ., Nano, G .M . and Frattini, C . : Improved method for the analysis of small amounts of essential oils by microdistillation followed by capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 409-416 . 7570 Rizk, A .M ., Heiba, H .I ., Sandra, P ., Mashaly, M . and Bicchi, C . : Constituents of plants growing in Qatar . V . Constituents of the volatile oil of Cymbopogon Parkeri . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 145-150 . 7571 Xue, Sh . and Yu, K . : (Gas chromatographic analysis of volatile constituents in some Chinese patent medicines . I . Determination of borneol in the Chinese patent medicines) . Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3 (1983) 146-150 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146173z . See also 7654, 7768 . 16 . NITRO AND NITROSO COMPOUNDS 7572 Matsushita, H ., Shiozaki, T ., Fujiwara, M ., Goto, S . and Handa, T . : (Determination of nitrated polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by capillary column gas chromatography) . Taiki Osen Gakkaishi, 18 (1983) 241-249 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 145214b . 7573 Maybury, R .B . and Grant, R .G . : Gas-liquid chromatography and nitrogen-phosphorus detection of N-nitroso-di-n-propylamine in trifluralin products . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1209-1213 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189594e . 7574 Sioufi, A . and Pommier, F . : Determination of the two mononitrate metabolites of isosorbide dinitrate in human plasma and urine by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 95-103 . See also 7691, 7698 . 17 . AMINES, AMIDES AND RELATED NITROGEN COMPOUNDS 17a . Amines and poZyamines 7575 Andersons, A ., Mekss, P . and Shimanskaya, M .V . : (Gas-liquid chromatography of some aliphatic and heterocyclic mono- and polyfunctional amines . XXX . Sorption of nitrogen-containing heterocycles in polyethylene glycol 2000 and at the phase boundaries) . Lato . PSR Zinat . Akad . Testis, Kim . Ser ., No . 4 (1983) 418-424 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146660f . 7576 Boniforti, L ., Lucarelli, C ., Citti, G ., Lostia, O . and Guiducci, M . : Simultaneous determination of some catecholamine metabolites in urine by high-resolution capillary column and mass fragmentography using deuterated labeled compounds as internal standards . in : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 379-386 . ;AS CHROMATOGRAPHY B465 7577 DeLeon, I .R ., Brown, N .J ., Cocchiara, J .P ., Cruz, S .G . and Laseter, J .L . : Trace analysis of 2,6-disubstituted anilines in blood by capillary gas chromatography . J . Anal . Toxicol ., 7 (1983) 185-187 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 134858p . 7578 Jones, D .R ., Lukey, B .J . and Hurst, H .E . : Quantification of amitriptyline, nortriptyline, and 10-hydroxy metabolite isomers in plasma by capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen-sensitive detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983),291-299 . 7579 Ruseva, N . and Angelova, N . : (Determination of p-phenetidine purity by capillary gas chromatography) . Tr . Nauchnoizsled. Khim .-Farm . Inst ., 13 (1983) 227-231 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 100599h . 7580 Skarping, G ., Renman, L . and Dalene, M . : Trace analysis of amines and isocyanates using glass capillary gas chromatography and selective detection . II . Determination of aromatic amines as perfluorofatty acid amides using nitrogenselective detection . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 207-218 . 7581 Slemr, J . and Beyermann, K . : Determination of biogenic amines in meat by combined ion-exchange and capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 241-250 . 7582 Tipett, P .A . and Clayton, B .E . : A novel derivative for the gas chromatographicmass spectrometric assay of the three octopamine isomers . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 39-47 . 7583 Verweij, A .M .A . and De Bruyne, M .M .A . : Heat-induced conversion of N-alkylaminobenzophenones into aminobenzophenones . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 337-343 . See also 7416, 7573, 7692, 7694, 7757, 7788 . 17b . CatechoZamines and their metabolites 7584 De Jong, E .B .M ., Horsten, B .P .M . and Goldschmidt, H .M .J . : catecholamine metabolites and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 563-572 . 7585 Taylor, G .F ., Duong, T . and Carter, N .G . : An improved gas determination of urinary catecholamine metabolites . Ann . (1983) 289-293 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190881c . Determination of nine urine by capillary gas chromatographic Mn . Biochem ., 20 See also 7716 . 17c . Amine derivatives and amides (excluding peptides) 7586 Danilova, M .Ya ., Turkova, L .D ., Arbuzova, I .A ., Mosevich, I .K. and Eliseeva, T .A . : (Gas-chromatographic analysis of maleic acid N-alkyl-substituted imides) . Zh . Anal . Khim ., 38 (1983) 1137-1140 . 7587 Jeanniot, J .P ., Houin, G ., Ledudal, P ., Berthet, D ., Lusseau, D ., Gros, P . and Tillement, J .P . : Comparison of gas chromatographic--electron-capture detection and high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of butofilol in biological fluids . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 301-309 . See also 7657, 7764 . 18 . AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDES ; CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS 18a . Amino acids and their derivatives 7588 Frank, H ., Vujtovic-Ockenga, N . and Rettenmeier, A . : Amino acid determination by capillary gas chromatography on Chirasil-Val . Enantiomer labelling and nitrogen selective detection . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 507-514 . 7589 Konig, W .A ., Benecke, I ., Lucht, N ., Schmidt, E ., Schulze, J . and Sievers, S . : Isocyanates as reagents for enantiomer separation : application to amino acids, N-methylamino acids and 3-hydroxy acids . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 555-562 . See also 7765 . 3466 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 18b . Peptides and peptidic and proteineous hormones 7590 Drummer, O .H ., Jarrett, B . and Louis, W .J . : Combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric procedure for the measurement of captopril and sulfur-conjugated J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 83-93 . metabolites of captopril in plasma and urine . 19 . PROTEINS 19Z . other proteins 7591 Bombardelli, E ., Conti, M ., Magistretti, M .J . and Martinelli, E .M . : Computeraided evaluation of gastric proteoglycans by high-resolution gas chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 593-601 . 20 . ENZYMES 20a . Oxoreductases 7592 Strife, R .J . and Murphy, R .C . : Preparation of pentafluorobenzyl esters of arachidonic acid lipoxygenase metabolites . Analysis by gas chromatography and J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry . 3-12 . 21 . PURINES, PYRIMIDINES, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS 21a . Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides 7593 Delbeke, F .T . and Debackere, M . : Simple and rapid method for the determination of caffeine in urine using Extrelut-1 columns . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 418423 . 7594 Franke, J .P ., Wijsbeek, J . and De Zeeuw, R .A . : Capillary gas chromatography on fused silica columns with splitless injection : the determination of PhenoC.A ., barbital in blood plasma . Pharm . WeekbZ ., Sci . Ed ., 5 (1983) 172-176 ; 99 (1983) 186910u . 7595 Kawabata, N ., Sugiyama, S ., Kuwamura, Ts ., Odaka, Yo . and Satoh, T . : Simultaneous determination of tegafur and 5-fluorouracil in serum by GLC using nitroger C.A ., 99 (1983) sensitive detection . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1162-1165 ; 186937h . See also 7678, 7680, 7683 . 22 . ALKALOIDS 7596 Ellingsen, O .F ., Wold, J .K . and Paulsen, B .S . : Quantitative determination of thebaine in Popover bracteatum Lindl . by an improved gas chromatographic procedure . Norv . Pharm . Acta, No . 3 (1983) 93-101 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164081x . See also 7661, 7678, 7705, 7709, 7712 . 23 . OTHER SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN 23c . Indole derivatives See 7715 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B467 23d . Pyridine derivatives See 7671, 7682, 7760, 7784 . 23e . Other N-heterocyclic compounds 7597 Chen, X . and Li, X . : (Quantitative determination of 4-ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazinyl 1-carbonyl chloride by gas chromatography) . Kangshengsu, 8 (1983) 181-183 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168770u . 7598 Kuster, T . and Niederwieser, A . : Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of trimethylsilyl pteridines . J. Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 245-254 . 7599 Grimmer, G ., Jacob, J . and Naujack, K .W . : Characterization of methylenehomologous azaarenes in petroleum by capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2398-2404 . 7600 Matsui, F ., Robertson, D .L . and Levering, E .G . : Determination of hydrazine in pharmaceuticals . III . Hydralazine and isoniazid using GLC . J . Pharm. Sci ., 72 (1983) 948-951 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128453m . See also 7652, 7666, 7681, 7689, 7690, 7693, 7714 . 24 . ORGANIC SULPHUR COMPOUNDS 7601 Cobelli, L ., De Pascale, A ., Paladino, R ., Pastorello, L . and Frigerio, A . : Gas chromatographic degradation of dibenzo L,ff thiepine sulfoxide . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigeric (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 199-202 . 7602 Gupta, D . and Joshi, B .C . : Gas chromatographic analysis of low-molecular-weight alkyl disulfides . In : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 63-67 . 7603 Hu, L ., Wang, M . and Sun, X . : (Gas chromatographic determination of trace individual sulfur compounds using a bonded solid phase) . RanZiao Huaxue Xuebao, 11, No . 3 (1983) 82-87 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 163230h . 7604 Przyjazny, A ., Janicki, W ., Chrzanowsky, W . and Staszewski, R . : Headspace gas chromatographic determination of distribution coefficients of selected organosulphur compounds and their dependence on some parameters . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 249-260 . 7605 Rebbert, R .E ., Chesler, S .N ., Guenther, F .R . and Parris, R .M . : Liquid chromatography-gas chromatography procedure to determine the concentration of dibenzothiophene in a crude oil matrix . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 211-217 . See also 7666, 7675, 7807, 7810 . 26.ORGANOMETALLIC AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 26a . Oraanometallic compounds 7606 Forsyth, D .S . and Marshall, W .D . : Determination of alkyllead salts in water and whole eggs by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2132-2137 . 7607 Maslowska, J . and Starzynski, S . : Studies on the separation of metal acetylacetonates by gas chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 418-420 . See also 7421, 7750, 7793 . 26c . Coordination compounds 7608 Dilli, S . and Patsalides, E . : Gas chromatography of iron(III)chelates of hexadentate Schiff bases . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 354-358 . 7609 Dilli, S . and Robards, K . : Behaviour of aromatic 6-diketones and their metal chelates on silica gel layers . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 313-317 . B468 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7610 Hu, J ., Liu, L ., Liu, J ., Cheng, J ., Xia, Yo . and Long, Q . : (Gas chromatographic study of metal-diethyldithiocarbamate chelates . II . The gas-liquid chromatographic behavior of chelates) . Wuhan Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban, 2 (1983) 68-73 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 168556d . 7611 Meierer, H . and Neeb, R . : Dialkyldithiocarbamates as reagents for the gaschromatographic determination of metals . III . Capillary gas--chromatographic behavior of some dialkyldithiocarbamato chelates . Comparison of the bis(trifluoroethyl) and diethyl compounds . Z . Anal . Chem ., 315 (1983) 422-424 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 132855m . 7612 Riekkola, M .L . : Capillary gas chromatography and volatility characteristics of metal dialkyldithiocarbamate chelates . Ann . Aced. Dci . Fenn ., Ser . A2, 199 C.A . , 99 (1983) 168545z . (1983) 55 pp . ; 7613 Riekkola, M .L . : Gas chromatographic behavior of some metal bis(trifluoroethyl)- and diisobutyldithiocarbamate chelates on short capillary columns . Mikroehim . Acta, (1983) 381-389 . 7614 Wang, X ., Xin, X . and Dai, A . : (Studies on thermal stabilities of coordination compounds by gas chromatography . III . Thermal decomposition of nickel carboxylates) . Vanjing Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Xexue, 2 (1983) 261-272 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186372v . 7615 Zimmermann, V ., Kempe, J . and Jaeger, G . : Anwendung der Gaschromatographie zur Bestimmung der Alkylgruppenstruktur in Zink-bis-0,0'-Dialkyldithiophosphaten . Chem . Tech . (Leipzig), 35 (1983) 359-362 . See also 7739 . 27 . VITAMINS AND VARIOUS GROWTH REGULATORS (NON-PEPTIDIC) 7616 Rivier, L . and Pilet, P .E . : Simultaneous gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of abscisic acid and indol-3-yl-acetic acid in the same plant tissue using 2H-labeled internal standards . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 219231 . 7617 Tuinstra, L .G .M .T ., Traag, W .A ., Keukens, H .J . and Van Mazijk, R .J . : Procedure for the gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric confirmation of some exogenous growth-promoting compounds in the urine of cattle . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 533-542 . 7618 Zagalak, B ., Neuheiser, F ., Zagalak, M .J ., Kuster, T ., Curtius, H .C ., Exner, G .U ., Fanconi, S . and Prader, A . : Application of mass fragmentography in the study of biosynthesis and excretion of vitamin D in humans . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 347-360 . See also 7598 . 28 . ANTIBIOTICS 7619 Jin, Zh . and Yuan, W . : (Gas chromatographic determination of trace water in antibiotics) . Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3 (1983) 209-213 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 146209r . 29 . INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES AND OTHER AGROCHEMICALS 29a . Chlorinated insecticides 7620 Daishima, Sh ., Iida, Yo . and Kajiki, T . : (Determination of organochlorine pesticides by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry utilizing negative ion chemC .A ., 99 (1983) ical ionization) . Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 9 (1983) 1271-1276 ; 189592c . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B4 6 9 (Methodical analytical 7621 Macholz, R ., Knoll, R ., Kujawa, M . and Lange, R . : fundamentals of gas chromatographic identification of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers and metabolites with special reference to the recovery of polyZ . Gesamte Hyg . Thre Grenzgeb ., 29 phenols from aqueous media and tissues) . (1983) 336-339 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189058h . 7622 Macholz, R ., Knoll, R ., Kujawa, M . and Nickel, B . : (Model analyses of gas chromatographic separation and identification of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers, polychlorocyclohexenes, polychlorobenzenes, and polychlorophenols) . Z . Gesamte Hyg . Fire Grenzgeb ., 29 (1983) 340-343 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 189059j . 7623 McKone, H .T . and Daub, A . : A rapid and efficient cleanup technique for the quantitative determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in fish . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 497-503 . 7624 Onuska, F .I ., Kominar, R .J . and Terry, K .A . : Identification and determination of polychlorinated biphenyls by high-resolution gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 111-118 . 7625 Ribick, M . and Zajicek, J . : Gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric identification of chlordane components in fish from Manoa stream, Hawaii . Chemosphere, 12 (1983) 1229-1242 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189078q . 7626 Ripley, B .D . and Braun, H .E . : Retention time data for organochlorine, organophosphorus, and organonitrogen pesticides on SE-30 capillary column and application of capillary gas chromatography to pesticide residue analysis . J . Ass . Ofric . Anal . Them ., 66 (1983) 1084-1095 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 189593d . 7627 Suzuki, M . : Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring in quantitative determination of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane isomers in environmental samples . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 485-496 . See also 7800 . 29b . Phosphoynes insecticides See 7626 . 29c . Carbamatee See 7811 . 29d. Herbicides 7628 Baranov, Yu .S ., Klisenko, M .A . and Khilik, L .A . : (Method for determining traces of treflan, prometryn, and terbacil in soil, plants, and essential oil of peppermint) . Agrokhimiya, No . 7 (1983) 97-100 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 171206v . 7629 Brinkman, U .A .Th ., De Kok, A . and Geerdink, R .B . : Determination of phenylurea herbicides via direct derivatisation with heptafluorobutyric anhydride . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 113-126 . 7630 Kawase, S ., Kanno, S . and Ukai, S . : Determination of the herbicides paraquat and diquat in blood and urine by gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 231-240 . 7631 Mangani, F . and Bruner, F . : Sample enrichment and GC-MS determination of herbicides in water . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 377-380 . 7632 Ritchie, W ., Boyd, I .M .G . and Duncan, H .J . : A method for the determination of chlorpropham residues in crisps and crisp frying oil . Potato Res ., 26 (1983) 73-77 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174310k . 29e . Fungicides 7633 Ogierman, L . : On-column degradation and methylation of phenmedipham and desmedipham with N,N,N-trimethylanilinium hydroxide . Pestic . Sci ., 14 (1983) 417422 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 135376s . 7634 Roughan, J .A ., Roughan, P .A . and Wilkins, J .P .G . : Modified gas-liquid chromatographic method for determining bromide/total bromine in foodstuffs and soils . Analyst (London), 108 (1983) 742-747 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174283d . BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B470 29f . Other types of pesticides and various agrochemicala Automated gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide 7635 Goebel, H . and Stan, H .-J . : residues in food samples by means of fused-silica capillary columns and data processing . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 523-532 . 7636 Muszkat, L . and Aharonson, N . : GC/CI/MS analysis of aldicarb, butocarboxim, and their metabolites . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 411-414 . 7637 Stan, H .-J . and Mrowetz, D . : Residue analysis of pesticides in food by twodimensional gas chromatography with capillary columns and parallel detection with flame-photometric and electron-capture detection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 173-187 . See also 7767, 7777 . 31 . PLASTICS AND THEIR INTERMEDIATES 7638 Aspler, J .S . and Gray, D .G . : An inverse gas-chromatographic study of the interaction of water with some cellulose derivatives . J . PoZym . Sci ., Polym . Phys . Ed ., 21 (1983) 1675-1689 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 141729a . 7639 Costa, L ., Camino, G . and Trossarelli, L . : Combined thermogravimetry-highresolution gas chromatography for polymer degradation studies . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 125-131 . 7640 Debelmas, 0 ., Calop, J . and Luu-Duc, C . : (Identification of some plastic materials by pyrolysis coupled to chromatography . Application to a disposable medical-surgical material in a hospital supply room) . Ann . Pharm. Fr ., 41 (1983) 129-138 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 200468q . 7641 Dimov, N . and Milina, R . : Post-column pyrolysis gas chromatography for improved Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 375-376 . analysis of copolymers . 7642 Di Pasquale, G . and Capaccioli, T . : Identification of elastomers by high-resolution pyrolysis-gas chromatography and multiple selective detectors . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 151-156 . 7643 Fales, N .J . and Stover, L .C . : A methodology for testing polymer odor and odor contributors . PoZym . PZast . Technol . Eng ., 21 (1983) 111-128 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 195763a . 7644 Fernandez-Berridi, M .J ., Guzman, G .M ., Elorza, J .M . and Garijo, L . : Study of gas-liquid chromatography of the thermodynamics of the interaction of poly(vinyl acetate) with various solvents . Eur . PoZym. J ., 19 (1983) 445-450 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 140804j . 7645 Haken, J .K . and Milligen, M . : Pyrolysis-gas chromatography of flexible polyether and polyester urethane foams . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 371-374 . 7646 Haney, M .A ., Johnston, D .W . and Clampitt, B .H . : Investigation of short-chain branches in polyethylene by pyrolysis-GCMS . Macromolecules, 16 (1983) 17751783 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 176513c . 7647 Ito, K ., Masuda, Yu ., Shintani, T ., Kitano, T . and Yamashita, Yu . : Inverse gas chromatography on graft and random copolymers of styrene and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate . Polym . J ., 15 (1983) 577-583 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 195706j . 7648 Kempe, J . and Zimmermann, V . : (Pyrolysis gas chromatographic characterization of poly(alkyl methacrylate) copolymer components of polymeric viscosity index improvers) . Schrnierungstechnik, 14 (1983) 209-211 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 180055x . 7649 Khovryakov, S .Yu ., Tarakonov, O .G . and Chamortsev, G .V . : (Thermal degradation of cellulose acetates by pyrolytic gas chromatography) . PZast . Massy, No . 9 (1983) 54-55 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 196802z . 7650 Shiono, S ., Karino, I . and Enomoto, J . : (Study of the thermal decomposition behavior of epoxy oligomers by pyrolysis gas chromatography) . Kobunshi Ronbunsho, 40 (1983) 351-355 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 140928e . 7651 Zhikuan, Ch . and Walsh, D .J . : Inverse gas chromatography of one- and two-phase polymer mixtures . Eur . PoZym . J ., 19 (1983) 519-524 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 176639y . See also 7764, 7771 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B471 32 . PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 32a . Synthetic drugs 7652 Chen, S .H ., Wu, H .L . and Lin, Sh . J . : Gas liquid chromatographic determination of pipemidic acid . J . Chin . Chem . Soc ., 30 (1983) 121-126 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128445k . 7653 Chiarotti, M ., Carnevale, A . and De Giovanni, N . : Capillary gas chromatographic analysis of illicit diamorphine preparations . Forensic Sci . Int ., 21 (1983) 245-251 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189085q . 7654 Evtushenko, N .S ., Chichiro, V .E . and Bolotin, A .A . : (Gas chromatographic determination of ingacamph) . Farmatsiya, 32, No . 4 (1983) 70-71 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128421z . 7655 Kdnig, W .A . and Ernst, K . : Application of enantioselective capillary gas chromatography to the analysis of chiral pharmaceuticals . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 135-141 . 7656 Lin, Sh .J ., Wu, H .L . and Chen, S .H . : (Gas chromatographic determination of piromidic acid in tablets) . T'ai-wan Yao Hsueh Tsa Chin, 35 (1983) 25-31 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 164088e . 7657 Maguire, K .P ., Norman, T .R ., Davies, B .M . and Burrows, G.D . : Measurement of moclobamide, a new monoamine oxidase inhibitor, by gas chromatography with nitrogen-selective detection . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 429-433 . 7658 Michalak, K ., Menyhardtova, Z . and Proksa, B . : (Determination of fenipentol) . Cesk . Farm ., 32 (1983) 208-210 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 181549y . 7659 Moore, J .M . : Detection of selected heroin manufacturing impurities using fusedsilica capillary and electron capture-gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 355-361 . 7660 Xi, S . and Wang, Yu . : (Study on the 666 residue in 28 Chinese crude drugs from the Tangshan district (China)) . Zhongeaoyao, 14 (1983) 374-382 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 181537t . (Determination of morphine, methadone and pentazocine by gas7661 Zavrazhnaya, T .A . : liquid chromatography) . Farsnatsiya, 32, No . 3 (1983) 58-63 - 75 refs . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 1815221 . See also 7475, 7579 . 32b . Pharmacokinetics studies Measurement of eicosanoids by gas chromatography and mass spectrom7662 Blair, I .A . : etry . Br . Pied. BuZZ ., 39 (1983) 223-226 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 152167s . 7663 Bondesson, U ., Hartvig, P ., Abrahamsson, L . and Ahnfelt, N .O . : Simultaneous determination of ketobemidone and its N-demethylated metabolite in patient plasma samples by gas chromatography mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring . Biomed . Mass Spectrom ., 10 (1983) 283-286 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 186901s . 7664 Clarke, D .W ., Brien, J .F ., Nakatsu, K ., Taub, H ., Racz, W .J . and Marks, G .S . : Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of the distribution of 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl in the adult female rat following short-term oral administration . Can . J . PhysioZ . PharmacoZ ., 61 (1983) 1093-1100 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 1707291 . 7665 Courtot, D ., Forichon, J . and Paris, J . : Pharmacokinetics of 19-nortestosterone in man . In : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 95-110 . 7666 Erb, F ., Imbenotte, M ., Huvenne, J .P ., Vankemmel, M ., Scherpereel, P . and Pfirrmann, R .W . : Structural investigation of a new organic antiseptic : Taurolidine analytical study and application to identification and quantitation in biological fluids . Eur. J. Drug Metab . Pharmacokinet ., 8 (1983) 163-173 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151617b . 7667 Giachetti, C ., Canali, S . and Zanolo, G . : Separation of non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents by high-resolution gas chromatography . Preliminary trials to perform pharmacokinetic studies . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 587-592 . B472 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7668 Ichimura, K . : (Hypothalamopituitary adrenal axis in children studied by using 11-S-hydroxylase inhibitor . I . Gas-liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the determination of serum metyrapone . Pharmacokinetics and biology of metyrapone in children) . Nippon Naibumpi Gakkai 2asshi, 59 (1983) 715-737 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133198m . 7669 Ishida, R ., Ozaki, T ., Uchida, H . and Urikura, T . : Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of amitriptyline and its major metabolites in human serum . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 73-82 . 7670 Krol, G .J ., Noe, A .J ., Yeh, S .C . and Raemsch, K.D . : Gas and liquid chromatographic analyses of nimodipine calcium antagonist in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluids . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 105-118 . 7671 Lesko, L .J ., Miller, A .K ., Yeager, R .L . and Chatterji, D .C . : Rapid GC method for quantitation of nifedipine in serum using electron capture detection . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 415-419 . 7672 Lisboa, B .P ., Landgraf, M . and Leichtweiss, H .P . : Use of gas-liquid chromatography with radiactive detection in the study of the metabolism of E4- 14 C,testosterone in the isolated and artificially perfused rat kidney . In : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 261-276 . 7673 Matsuki, Ya ., Ito, T ., Kojima, M ., Katsumura, H ., Ono, H . and Nambara, T . : A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the evaluation of bioconversion of indomethacin prodrugs into the parent drug . Chem . Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 (1983) 2033-2038 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146026d . 7674 Pettersen, J .E . : Urinary metabolites of (+)-6-methoxy-a-methyl-2-naphthaleneacetic acid (naproxen) studied by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 79-86 . 7675 Vermeulen, N .P .E ., Onkenhout, W . and Van Bladeren, P .J . : The analysis of mercapturic acid in biological fluids ; applications of gas-liquid chromatography and (EI- and CI-) mass spectrometry . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 39-52 . See also 7574, 7582, 7590, 7600 . 32c . Drug monitoring 7676 Ameno, K ., Ameno, S . and Nanikawa, R. : (Gas chromatographic determination of sulpyrine in blood and the effect of ethanol intake on the sulpyrine level in rabbit blood) . Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi, 37 (1983) 217-226 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 189103u . 7677 Arrane Pena, M .I . : Rapid gas chromatographic assay for serum thiopental . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 210-213 . 7678 Becherucci, C ., Runci, F .M . and Segre, G . : Sensitive gas chromatographic determination of theophylline in plasma . In : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 37-39 . 7679 Belanger, P .M ., Lalande, M ., Dore, F . and Labrecque, G . : Rapid gas chromatographic determination of serum salicylate after silylation . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1092-1093 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186918c . 7680 Bjdrkman, S ., Idvall, J . and Stenberg, P . : Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of methohexital in plasma or whole blood with electron-capture detection of the pentafluorobenzyl derivative . J. Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 424-428 . 7681 Brice, A ., Imbenotte, M ., Erb, F . and Jacquemont, M .C . : (Determination of clonazepam in biological fluids . Methodology and clinical applications) . Ann . FaZsif. Expert . Chim . Toxicol ., 76 (1983) 227-236 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151625c . 7682 Brien, J .F ., Nakatsu, K . and Armstrong, P .W . : Determination of disopyramide and mono-N-desisopropyldisopyramide in serum by gas-liquid chromatography with nitrogen-selective detection . J . Pharmacol . Methods, 9 (1983) 295-308 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151608z . 7683 De Bruijn, E .A ., Driessen, 0 ., Van den Bosch, N ., Van Strijen, E ., Slee, P .H .T .J . and Van Oosterom, A .T . : A gas chromatographic assay for the determination of 5,6-dihydrofluorouracil and 5-fluorouracil in human plasma . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 283-289 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B473 7684 De Bruijn, E .A ., Tjaden, U .R ., Van Oosterom, A .T ., Leeflang, P . and Leclerq, P . A . : Determination of the underivatized antineoplastic drugs cyclophosphamide nad 5-fluorouracil and some their metabolites by capillary gas chromatography combined with electron-capture and nitrogen-phosphorus selective detection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 603-608 . 7685 Delbeke, F .T ., Debackere, M . and Desmet, N . : The use of the electron capture Chromatodetector in human and equine doping analysis by gas chromatography . graphic, 17 (1983) 381-386 . 7686 Ehrsson, H . and Hassan, M . : Determination of busulfan in palsma by GC-MS with selected-ion monitoring . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1203-1205 . GLC determination of Span 20 (sorbitan monolaurate) in human 7687 Giovanetto, S .H . : plasma . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 867-876 . 7688 Grohmann, H .G ., Scheufwinkel-Reich, M ., Preiss, A .M . and Stan, H .J . : Gas chromatographic and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of psychopharmaceutics used in meat production employing various ionization techniques for mass spectrometry . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 117-127 . 7689 Hucker, H .B . and Hutt, J .E . : Determination of cyproheptadine in plasma and urine by GLC with a nitrogen-sensitive detector . J . Pharm . Sei ., 72 (1983) 1069-1070 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168960f . 7690 Hucker, H .B . and Hutt, J .E . : GLC determination of (-)-1-cyclopropylmethyl-4(3-trifluoromethylthio-5H-dibenzo 2a,,~ cyclohepten-5-ylidene)piperidine in human plasma and urine . J. Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 815-817 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168938e . 7691 Manrique, K .L ., Bredesen, J .E . and Greibrokk, T . : Rapid, isothermal gas-liquid chromatographic determination of nitroglycerin in plasma with use of an electron capture detector . in : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Scinces 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 97-103 . 7692 Morris, R .G . and Reece, P .A . ; Improved gas-liquid chromatographic method for measuring fenfluramine and norfenfluramine in heparinised plasma . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 434-438 . 7693 Morrone, A . : Gas chromatographic determination of DL 111-17, a new potential antifertility drug, in rat plasma, in : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 83-94 . 7694 Murayama, H ., Mukai, H ., Ozaki, K . and Tominaga, T . : (Determination of cyclohexylamine in environmental samples by flame thermionic detector-gas chromatography) . ,'iigata-ken Kogai Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku, 7 (1983) 16-19 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 163726z . 7695 Nelsen, T .R ., Cook, R .F ., Gruenauer, M .H ., Gilbert, M .D . and Witkonton, S . : Determination of the phenolic metabolites of carbofuran in plants by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1147-1150 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 171198u . 7696 Polgar, M . and Verczkey, L . : Gas-liquid chromatographic method for quantificatior of vinpocetine in biological fluids . in : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 77-81 . 7697 Rosseel, M .T . and Bogaert, M .G . : Determination of nifedipine in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen detection . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 675-680 . See also 7578, 7587, 7593, 7777 . 32d . ToricoZogioal applications 7698 Almog, J ., Kraus, S . and Basch, A . : Determination of TNT metabolites in urine . Arch . Toxicol ., Suppl ., 6 (1983) 351-353 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 153326e . 7699 Barni Comparini, I ., Centini, F . and Pariali, A . : Simultaneous determination of narcotics, adulterants and diluents in street samples by means of gas chromatography with capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 609-613 . 7700 Bogusz, M ., Wijsbeek, J ., Franke, J .P . and De Zeeuw, R .A . : Applicability of capillary gas chromatography to systematic toxicological analysis : occurrence of concentration-dependent retention behavior . J . Anal . Toxicol ., 7 (1983) 188192 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 153329h . B474 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7701 Gloger, M . and Neumann, H . : (Analysis of heroin samples by capillary gas chromatography . Comparison of glass column and packed column) . Forensic Sci . Int ., 22 (1983) 63-74 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 170737g . 7702 Gramiccioni, L ., Di Marzio, S ., Milana, M .R ., Crema, A . and Sampaolo, A . : (Development of a head-space gas-chromatographic method for determination of epichlorohydrin migrating from food packaging) . Rass . Chim ., 35 (1983) 89-92 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 158944r . 7703 Hanke, M . and Megges, G . : (Routine detection of the THC metabolite 11-nor-A 9 Z . Rechtsmed ., tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in forensic practice) . 90 (1983) 105-108 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 170736f . 7704 Kakhanovskii, F .N . and Bubon, V .S . : (Forensic chemical determination of acetic C.A ., acid in the gastric wall) . Sud .-Med. lkspert ., 26, No . 3 (1983) 34-35 ; 99 (1983) 170761k . 7705 Karlsson, L ., Jonsson, J ., Aaberg, K . and Roos, C . : Determination of A 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol-11-oic acid in urine as its pentafluoropropyl-, pentafluoropropynyl derivative by GC/MS utilizing negative ion chemical ionization . J . Anal . Toricol ., 7 (1983) 198-202 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 134888y . Examinations of cosmetic smudges including transesterification 7706 Keagy, R .L . : and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis . J . Forensic Sci ., 28 (1983) 623-631 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 153315a . 7707 Nichols, H .S ., Anderson, W .H . and Stafford, D .T . : Capillary GC separation of LSD and LAMPA . J . High Resol . Chromatogr . Chromatogr. Conmntn ., 6 (1983) 101103 . Trace analysis of the antihistamines 7708 Thompson, H .C ., Jr . and Holder, C .L . : methapyrilene hydrochloride, pyrilamine, maleate and triprolidine hydrochloride monohydrate in animal feed, human urine and wastewater by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 251-264 . 7709 Wall, M .E . : Recent applications of mass spectrometry to cannabinoid studies . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 245264 . 7710 Wallace, J .E ., Hall, L .R . and Harris, S .C . : Determination of pentobarbital and certain other barbiturates by capillary gas-liquid chromatography . J . Anal . Toxicol ., 7 (1983) 178-180 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151630a . See also 7594, 7630, 7653, 7694 . 32e . Plant extracts 7711 Edlund, P .-O . : Evaluation of capillary columns for perfluoroacylated opiates . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 615-622 . 7712 Turner, J .C . and Mahlberg, P .G . : Effects of samples treatment on chromatographic analysis of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L . (Cannabaceae) . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 165-171 . 7713 Yoshida, H ., Sugahara, T . and Hayashi, J . : (Composition of organic acids in ethanolic extracts of wild mushrooms) . Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi, 30 (1983) 375-378 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138230a . See also 7628 . 32f. CZinico-chemical applications and profiling body fluids 7714 Apple, F .S ., Walker, F .C . and Dietzler, D .N . : Serum creatinine concentration and the discrepancy between enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique and gasliquid chromatographic phenytoin levels . Ann . CZin . Lab . Sc-i ., 13 (1983) 385392 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168943c . 7715 Baumann, P ., Rivier, L . and Perey, M . : Assay of tryptophan and related compounds such as norharman derivatives by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in plasma . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 7-18 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 13475 7716 Boniforti, L ., Citti, G ., Lostia, 0 ., Lucarelli, C ., Castello, M .A . and Clerico, A . : Simultaneous mass fragmentographic determination of eight major catecholamine metabolites in the urine of children affected by neuroelastoma . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 25-37 . 7717 De la Cochetiere-Collinet, M .F . and Larsson, L . : Studies on volatile metabolites of some potentially pathogenic Bacillus species, using automated head-space gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 178-182 . 7718 Derappe, C ., Lemonnier, M ., Bauvy, C ., Meyer, D .M . and Lhermitte, M . : GC/MS estimation of free myo-inositol and myo-inositol glycosides in normal and pregnancy urine . In : Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Sciences 2, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 14, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 273-278 . 7719 Gaskell, S .J . : Quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for bioanalytical studies . Anal . Proc . (London), 20 (1983) 350-351 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190737k . 7720 Kamerling, J .P ., Duran, M ., Wadman, S .K . and Vliegenthart, J .F .G . : Absolute configuration determination of chiral organic acids in physiological fluids by capillary gas-liquid chromatography . in : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Edi (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 163-172 . 7721 Kobayashi, K ., Okada, M ., Yasuda, Yu . and Kawai, S . : A gas chromatographic method for the determination of acetone and acetoacetic acid in urine . Clin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 223-226 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172231m . 7722 Larsson, L . : Use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring for rapid diagnosis of mycobacterial infections, including tuberculosis . In : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in . Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 49-54 . 7723 Lindberg, A .O . : Enzymic determination of oxalate in urine by headspace sampling of carbon dioxide and flame ionization detection . Anal . Chim . Acta, 152 (1983) 123-131 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 154604f . 7724 Muskiet, F .A .J ., Van Doormaal, J .J ., Martini, I .A . ; Wolthers, B .G . and Van der Slik, W . : Capillary gas chromatographic profiling of total long-chain fatty acids and cholesterol in biological materials . J . Chromatogr ., 278 (1983) 231244 7725 Ohki, T ., Saito, A ., Yamanaka, N ., Ohta, K ., Niwa, F ., Maeda, K . and Sakakibara, J . : Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of some metabolites in uremic blood ultrafiltrate . In ; Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 211-217 . 7726 Setchell, K .D .R ., Lawson, A .M ., Tanida, N . and Sjoevall, J . : General methods for the analysis of metabolic profiles of bile acids and related compounds in feces . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1085-1100 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172217m . 7727 Tirpenou, A .E ., Kilikidis, S .D . and Kamarianos, A .P . : Modified method for electron capture gas-liquid chromatographic determination of diethylstilbestrol residues in urine of fattened bulls . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 12301233 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174324t . 7728 Vanluchene, E ., Vandekerckhove, D ., Jonckheere, J . and De Leenheer, A . : Steroid profiles of body fluids other than urine, obtained by capillary gas chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 573-580 . See also 7543, 7545 . 33 . INORGANIC COMPOUNDS 33a . Cations See 7736 . B476 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 33b . Anions 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 Dilli, S . and Patsalide, E . : Volatile benzotriazole derivatives of the nitrite ion . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 59-68 . Englmaier, P . : Nitrate analysis by gas-liquid chromatography using the nitration of 2,4-dimethylphenol in sulphuric acid . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 243251 Griff, S .P . : Structure determination of carbonates and diglycol carbonates by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . AppZ . Spectrosc ., 37 (1983) 354-357 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 139151n . Kite, A . and Komatsu, K . : Determination of anions by gas-liquid chromatography .. IV . Studies on gas chromatography of metal chelates . Part XIII . Indirect determination of sulfide ion by gas-liquid chromatography . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 32 (1983) E237-E280 . Wu, H .-L ., Hwang, W .-R ., Funazo, K ., Tanaka, M . and Shono, I . : Electron-capture gas chromatographic determination of cyanide as pentafluorobenzyl cyanide . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 193-200 . 33c . Permanent and rare gases 7734 Saeki, M ., Hirabayashi, T ., Aratono, Ya ., Hasegawa, T . and Tachikawa, E . : Preparation of gas chromatographic column for separation of hydrogen isotopes and its application to analysis of commercially available tritium gas . J . NucZ . Sci . TechnoZ ., 20 (1983) 762-768 ; C . A ., 99 (1983) 165419a . 7735 Zhang, Ch . : (Determination of microamounts of oxygen in high-purity copper) . Fenxi Huaxue, 11 (1983) 253 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205159z . 33d . Volatile inorganic compounds 7736 Chen, H ., Zou, N . and Lu, W . : (Analysis of complex gas mixtures with porous layer open tubular column) . Fenxi Huaxue, 11 (1983) 508-511 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 132829f . 7737 Mangani, F ., Bruner, F . and Penna, N . ; Interferences in determination of hydrogen sulfide in air by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2193-2194 . 7738 Sankaran, P .S ., Balachander, N ., Sayi, Y .S ., Venkataramana, P . and Natarajan, P .R . : Gas chromatographic determination of free and combined carbon in uranium carbide . Z . Anal . Chem ., 315 (1983) 496-498 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151309c . See also 7619 . 34 . RADIACTIVE AND OTHER ISOTOPE COMPOUNDS 7739 Fedoseev, E .V ., Travnikov, S .S ., Davydov, A .V . and Myasoedov, B .F . : (Gas chromatography of adducts of hexafluoroacetyl acetonates of americium, curium, and rare earth elements with tributyl phosphate) . Radiokhimiya, 25 (1983) 450454 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 202089r . 7740 Schurig, V . and Wistuba, D . : (Quantitative separation of deuterated tetrahydrofurans C4H 4(S)H4-n n)Dn(a' 0 by complexation-gas chromatography on a cobalt(II) complex . Angela . mm ., 95 (1983) 98-799 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168745q . See also 7481, 7672, 7734 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B477 35 . SOME TECHNICAL PRODUCTS AND COMPLEX MIXTURES 35c . Various technical products 7741 Bruk, A . Yu ., Gaishun, K .A ., Godynskaya, R .I . and Markova, V_A . : (Chromatographic analysis of products containing cumene hydroperoxide) . Neftepererab . Neftekhim ., No . 9 (1983) 30-31 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 186767c . 7742 Caputi, A ., Jr . and Mooney, D .P . : Gas chromatographic determination of ethanol in wine : collaborative study . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1152-1157 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174175v . 7743 Dalidovich, L .V ., Bal'kov, B .G . and Mitskevich, N .I . : (Chromatographic analysis of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate in silage) . Vestsi Akad . Navuk BSSR, Ser. Khim . Navuk, No . 4 (1983) 111-112 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138227e . 7744 Di Sanzo, F .P_, Lane, J .L ., Bergquist, P .M ., Mooney, S .A . and Wu, B .G . : Determination of total oxygenases in Fischer-Tropsch liquid products . J . Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 101-108 . 7745 Dracheva, S .I . and Bryanskaya, E .K . : Selection of gasoline components separation conditions in gas-liquid chromatography . Neftepererab . Neftekhim ., 25 (1983) 68-71 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 178527j . 7746 Farag, R .S ., Abo-Raya, S .H ., Ahmed, F .A ., Hewedi, F .M . and Khalifa, H .H . : Fractional crystallization and gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids as a means of detecting butterfat adulteration . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1665-1669 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 174418b . 7747 Frycka, J ., Pecha, J ., Chvatal, I ., Barton, J . and Vymetal, J . : (Determination of impurities in technical 9,10-anthraquinone by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography) . Chem . Prm ., 33 (1983) 478-483 . 7748 Guha, O .K . and Roy, J . : Molecular probe chromatography of Palana lignite . Fuel Sci . Technol ., 2 (1983) 103-109 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 161152k . 7749 Guichard, E . and Issanchou, S . : Extraction of volatile compounds from raspberry by different methods . Application of principal component analysis to gas chromatographic data . Sci . Aliments, 3 (1983) 427-438 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 193274t . 7750 Eight, S .C . and Caper, S .G . : Electron-capture gas-liquid chromatographic determination of methyl mercury in fish and shellfish : collaborative study . J. Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1121-1128 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174318u . 7751 Hirano, H ., Iida, H ., Shioda, T . and Tanaka, A . : (Identification of adhesive cellulose tapes . I . Analysis of pressure-sensitive tape adhesives by pyrolysis gas chromatography and infrared absorption spectrometry) . Kagaku Keisatsu Kenkyusho Hokoku, dokagaku Hen, 36, No . 2 (1983) 84-91 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151433p . 7752 Ito, H ., Atsuta, S ., Shibata, K ., Shimoda, M . and Osajima, Yu . : (Studies on the aroma of coffee . III . Standard aromagram of roast and ground coffee and changes during storage) . Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi, 30 (1983) 435-441 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 157065s . 7753 Kovarik, J . and Horak, J . : (Gas-chromatographic determination of fatty acids in raw materials for the production of fatliquoring agents . II) . Kozarstvi, 33 (1983) 161-163 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 141883w . 7754 Kudryavtseva, N .A ., Mikhailov, I .A ., Nikonorov, E .M . and Rakova, L .A . : (Pyrolytic gas chromatographic determination of the thermal stability of oils) . Khim . Tekhnol . Top& . Nasel, No . 8 (1983) 33-34 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 142653h . 7755 Kyriakidis, N .B . and Dionysopoulos, G . : Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters from olive oil and other vegetable oils using aqueous hydrochloric acid-methanol . Analyst (London), 108 (1983) 738-741 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174282c . 7756 Lawrence, J .F . and Iyengar, J .R . : Determination of paraffin wax and mineral oil on fresh fruits and vegetables by high temperature gas chromatography . J . Food C .A ., 99 (1983) 156942p . Saf_, 5 (1983) 119-129 ; 7757 Lundstrom, R .C . and Racicot, L .D . : Gas chromatographic determination of dimethyl amine and trimethylamine in seafoods . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1158-1163 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174322r . 7758 Manza, I .A_, Golubchenko, I .T . and Bezuglaya, A .K . : (Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of products of phenol alkylation by 1-decene) . Aim . Tekhol . TopZ . Masel, No . 8 (1983) 31-33 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151457z . 7759 Marsh, M .K ., Smith, C .A ., Snape, C .E . and Stokes, B .J . : Separation of aromatic species in coal-derived oils by adsorption chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 173-181 . B478 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7760 Nabivach, V .M ., Berlizov, Yu .S ., Degtyareva, L .V ., Marinich, L .I . and Markus, G .A . : (Gas-chromatographic determination of the composition of coal-tar pyridine bases) . Koks . Khim ., No . 8 (1983) 36-41 . 7761 Nabivach, V .M ., Gerasimenko, V .A ., Ryabozad, A .S ., Berlizov, Yu .S ., Gribanova, T .I ., Voitenko, B .I ., Grumberg, L .R ., Chernushov, Yu .A . and Shvarts, S .G . : (Gas chromatographic determination of the basic components of coal-tar pitch and its fractions) . Khim . Tverd. Topl ., No . 5 (1983) 82-88 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 197700b . 7762 Novina, R . : Analysis of technical grade sorbose by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the trimethylsilyl derivatives . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 441-444 . 7763 Osjord, E .H . and Malthe-Sorenseen, D . : Quantitative analysis of natural gas in a single run by the use of packed and capillary columns . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 219-224 . 7764 Page, B .D . and Charbonneau, C .F . : Determination of acrylonitrile in foods by headspace gas-liquid chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection . J . Ass . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1096-1105 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 193266s . 7765 Sakamoto, M ., Kohara, N ., Wakabayashi, M . and Nakayama, F . : (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry of chemically modified amino acids in silk and wool fibers treated with alkylene oxides) . Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 8 (1983) 1207-1214 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 123944n . 7766 Schaefer, H . : Analysis of nonstarch polysaccharides in cocoa powder by a new micromethod . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 31 (1983) 1375-1376 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 193261m . 7767 Simonaitis, R .A ., Bry, R .E . and Spencer, C .R . : Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of fenvalerate on wollen cloth . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Common ., 6 (1983) 193-195 . 7768 Rao, M .V ., Krishnamurthy, M .N ., Nagaraja, K .V . and Kapur, O .P . ; Gas chromatographic determination of menthol in mentholated sweets and panmasala . J . Food Sci . Teehnol ., 20 (1983) 130-131 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 156952s . 7769 Toth, T . : Use of capillary gas chromatography in collecting retention and chemical information for the analysis of complex petrochemical mixtures . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 157-165 . 7770 Van Rillaer, W .G . and Beernaert, H . : Determination of residual isopropanol and propylene glycol in soft drinks by glass capillary gas chromatography . Z . Lebensm .-Urters . Forseh ., 177 (1983) 196-199 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174313p . 7771 Varner, S .L ., Breder, C .V . and Fazio, T . : Determination of styrene migration from food-contact polymers into margarine, using azeotropic distillation and headspace gas chromatography . J . Ass . Anal . Chem ., 66 (1983) 1067-1073 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174316s . 7772 Venema, A . : Potential of capillary gas chromatography in industrial research laboratories . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 103-110 . 7773 Wang, T .H ., Shanfield, H . and Zlatkis, A . : Analysis of trace volatile organic compounds in coffee by headspace concentration and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 411-417 . 7774 Wesenberg, J ., Knebusch, M . and Seyfarth, W . : (Techniques for the gas chromatographic analysis of fermentation by-products in fermentation media and final products . I . Present status and trends) . LebensmitteZindustrie, 30 (1983) 265272 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 156737a . 7775 Wesenberg, J ., Knebusch, M . and Seyfarth, W . : (Working techniques for the gaschromatographic analysis of fermentation by products in fermentation media and final products . 2 . Working instructions for functional process control) . LebensmitteZindustrie, 30 (1983) 317-320 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 174173t . 7776 Yasuhara, A . and Fuwa, K . : Isolation and analysis of odorous components in swine manure . J. Chromatogr ., 281 (1983) 225-236 . 7777 Zarubin, G .P ., Golikov, V .Ya ., Khromov, A .G . and Kurushkin, V .I . : (Improved methods for identification of pesticides in foodstuffs) . Gig . 5anit ., No . 6 (1983) 78-79 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138223a . Offie . Offic . See also 7498, 7529, 7640 . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B479 36 . CELLS AND CELLULAR PARTICLES 7778 Magot, M ., Carlier, J .P . and Popoff, M .R . : Identification of CZostridiwn butyricam7 and Clostridium beijerinckii by gas-liquid chromatography and sugar fermentation : correlation with DNA homologies and electrophoretic patterns . J. Gen . MierobioZ ., 129 (1983) 2837-2845 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172528p . See also 7536 . 37 . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 37a . General papers and reviews 7779 Dickson, L .C ., Karasek, F .W . and Clement, R.E . : Selected-ion monitoring analyses of environmental samples using improved software . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 23-30 . 7780 McNally, M .E . and Grob, R .L . : Headspace determination of solubility limits of the base neutral and volatile components from the Environmental Protection Agency's list of priority pollutants . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 105-116 . 7781 Wells, D .E . and Cowan, A .A . : Quantitation of environmental contaminants by fused-silica capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with multiple internal standards and on-column injection . J . Chromatoar ., 279 (1983) 209-218, See also 7368 . 37b . Air pollution 7782 Crescentini, G ., Mangani, F ., Mastrogiacomo, A .R ., Cappiello, A . and Bruner, F . : Fast determination of some halocarbons in the atmosphere by gas chromatographyhigh-resolution mass spectrometry . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 146-151 . 7783 Dmitriev, M .T ., Mishchikhin, V .A . and Stepanov, E .V . : Identification of phytoncides in air by gas chromatography . Gig . Sanit ., No . 7 (1983) 43-45 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 199740p . 7784 Furukawa, 0 . and Hasegawa, T . : (Gas chromatographic determination of pyridine in air) . Akushu No Kenkyu, 11, No . 53 (1983) 34-39 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 163198d . 7785 Isidorov, V .A ., Zenkevich, I .G . and Ioffe, B .V . : Methods and results of gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of volatile organic substances in an urban atmosphere . Atmos . Environ ., 17 (1983) 1347-1353 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 180712] . 7786 Jonsson, A . and Berg, S . : Determination of low-molecular-weight oxygenated hydrocarbons in ambient air by cryogradient sampling and two-dimensional gas chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 307-322 . 7787 Karasek, F .W ., Viau, A .C ., Guiochon, G . and Gonnord, M .F . : Gas chromatographicmass spectrometric study on the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorobenzenes from polyvinyl chloride in a municipal incinerator . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 227-234 . 7788 Kuwata, K ., Akiyama, E ., Yamazaki, Y ., Yamasaki, H . and Kuge, Y . : Trace determination of low molecular weight aliphatic amines in air by gas chromatograph . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2199-2201 . 7789 Mascot, R ., Charles, T ., Foster, P ., Laffond, M . abd Roy, D . : Study by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of atmospheric interactions between chlorine and hydrocarbons under solar irradiation . in : Recent Development in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 8, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 12, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 241249 . 7790 Natmagul, W ., Cronn, D .R . and Hill, H .H ., Jr . : Photoionization/flame-ionization detection of atmospheric hydrocarbons after capillary gas chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2160-2164 . 7791 Oehme, M . : Determination of isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air particulate matter by high-resolution gas chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2290-2295 . B480 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7792 Oehme, M ., Man$, S . and Stray, H . : Selective detection of polyaromatic and polychlorinated isomers in aerosol extracts by capillary gas chromatography combined with negative-ion detection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 649-655 . 7793 Pankow, J .F ., Kristensen, T .J . and Isabelle, L .M . : Effects of flow rate and temperature on the thermal desorbability of polycyclic aromatic hdyrocarbons nad pesticides from Tenax-GC . Anal, Chem ., 55 (1983) 2187-2192 . (Gas-chromatographic 7794 Pozhidaev, V .M ., Bogdanchikov, A .I . and Maslennikov, V .G . : determination of microconcentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in air) . Zavod . Lab ., 49, No . 9 (1983) 15-17 . 7795 Tanaka, T . and Shinozaki, M . : (Application of PID gas chromatography to determination of organic vapor pollutants in the atmosphere) . Kogai, 18 (1983) 157-165 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 199736s . (Gas-chromatographic 7796 Zeninskaya, F .Z ., Zakharova, N .V . and Novikova, O .A . : determination of hydrocarbon pollutants in air using a deduction method) . Aim . Tekhnol . TopZ. Masel, No . 8 (1983) 37-38 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 127600v . See also 7393, 7472, 7627, 7737, 7776 . 37c . Water pollution 7797 Combo M .E . and Kaiser, K.L .E . : Determination of volatile contaminants at the ng .l - ' level in water by capillary gas chromatography with electron capture detection . Int . J . Environ . Anal . Chem ., 16 (1983) 17-31 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 163747g . 7798 Desideri, P .G ., Lepri, L ., Heimler, D ., Giannessi, S . and Checchini, L . : Concentration, separation and determination of hydrocarbons in sea water . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 167-178 . 7799 Eganhouse, R .P ., Ruth, E .C . and Kaplan, I .R . : Determination of long-chain alkylbenzenes in environmental samples by argentation thin-layer chromatography/ high-resolution gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2120-2126 . 7800 Gallis, D ., Defner-Hallowell, A ., White, J .C . and Waber, J . : Optimization of a reversed phase partitioning technique for the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls in aqueous samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry . Bull . Environ . Contain . Toxicol ., 31 (1983) 285-291 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 145823z . 7801 Giabbai, M ., Roland, L . and Chian, E .S .K . : Trace analysis of organic priority pollutants by high-resolution gas chromatography and selective detectors (FID, ECD, NPD and MS-DS) : application to municipal wastewater and sludge samples . In : Chromatography in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research 1, Anal . Chem . Symp . Ser ., Vol . 13, A . Frigerio (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 41-52 . 7802 Giabbai, M ., Roland, L ., Ghosal, M ., Reuter, J .H . and Chian, E .S .K . : Investigation of a comprehensive approach for trace analysis of dissolved organic substances in water . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 373-382 . 7803 Grimvall, A ., Saevenhed, R . and Boren, H . : Statistical analysis of chromatographic data obtained by stripping techniques . Water Sci . Technol ., 15 (1983) 169-179 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128082q . 7804 Janda, V . and Krijt, K. : Recovery of phenols from water by continuous steam distillation-extraction . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 309-314 . 7805 Josefsson, B . : Possibilities and limitations of tracing industiral effluents in the sea by means of capillary chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 119-123 . 7806 Kolb, B ., Auer, M . and Pospisil, P . : Methods for the quantitative analysis of volatile halocarbons from aqueous samples by equilibrium headspace gas chromatography with capillary column . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 341-348 . 7807 Ogata, M . and Fujisawa, K . : Capillary GC/MS determination of organic sulfur compounds detected in oyster and mussel caught in the sea as an oil pollution index . J . Chromatogr . Sci ., 21 (1983) 420-424 . 7808 Thomason, M .M . and Bertsch, W . : Evaluation of sampling methods for the determination of trace organics in water . J. Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 383-393 . 7809 Veijanen, A ., Lahtipera, M ., Paukku, R ., Kaariainen, H . and Paasivirta, J . : Recent development in analytical methods for identification of off-flavor compounds . Water Sci . Technol ., 15 (1983) 161-168 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 138240d . GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY B481 An improved microdesulfonation/gas liquid 7810 Waters, J . and Garrigan, J .T . : chromatography procedure for the determination of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in U .K . rivers . Water Res ., 17 (1983) 1549-1562 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 181197g . See also 7516, 7518, 7631 . 37d . Soil pollution 7811 Baim, M .A . and Hill, H .H ., Jr . : Determination of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in soils by capillary gas chromatography with ion-mobility detection . J . Chromatogr ., 279 (1983) 631-642 . 7812 Russell, D .J . and McDuffie, B . : Analysis for phthalate esters in environmental samples : separation from PCB's and pesticides using dual column liquid chromatography . Int . J . Environ . Anal . Chem ., 15 (1983) 165-183 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151456y . See also 7623 . B482 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION Planar Chromatography 1 . REVIEWS AND BOOKS 7813 Pachaly, P . : (Thin-layer chromatography in the pharmacy : Rapid and simple identification of common pharmaceuticals, drugs, extracts and tinctures .) Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft ; Stuttgart, 1982, 190 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164116n . 7814 Touchstone, J .C . (Editor) : Advances in thin-layer chromatography . Clinical and environmental applications . Wiley, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1982, XVII + 521 pp . 7815 Wagner, H ., Bladt, S . and Zgainski, E .M . : Drogenanalyse, DiinnschiehtchromatoSpringer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, graphische Analyse von Arzneidrogen . 1983, XIV + 321 pp - 165 colour plates, each with 6 chromatograms . See also 8066 . 2 . FUNDAMENTALS, THEORY AND GENERAL 2a . General 7816 Kowalska, T . : Characteristics of the activity coefficients in binary solutions on chromatographic paper . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 134-136 . 7817 Sabate, L .G . and Tomas, X . : Optimization of the mobile phase in TLC by the simplex method . Part 1 : Mixtures of solvents . J . High ResoZ . Chromatogr . Chromatogr . Commun ., 7 (1984) 104-106 . 7818 Unger, K.K . : Report . Thin-layer chromatography - column liquid chromatography : partners or competitors? Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 46 . See also 7881, 7954 . 2b . Thermodynamics and theoretical relationships 7819 Armstrong, D_W . and Stine, G .Y . : Selectivity in pseudophase liquid chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2317-2320 . 7820 Rekker, R .F . : The position of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography amongst solvent partitioning techniques . J . Chromatogr ., 300 (1984) 109-125 - a review with 36 refs . See also 7839 . 3 . GENERAL TECHNIQUES 3a . Apparatus and accessories 7821 Liteanu, C ., Marutoiu, C ., Lujerdean, O ., Korosi, I ., Ghefugi, I ., Gocan, S . and Hodisan, T . : (Chromatographic chamber with a longitudinal temperature gradient .) Rom . Pat . RO 79,371 (C1 .GO1N31/08), 30 June 1982 ; Appl . 102,926, 23 Dec . 1980 ; 5 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133087z . 7822 Prochazka, Z ., Stepanek, J ., Sprdlik, V ., Urx, B . and Novak, T . : (Multichromato graph for thin-layer chromatography and a collector for large volume fractions .) Chem . Listy, 78 (1984) 324-319 . 7823 Roubal, W .T . : Semiautomated indexing device for removal of adsorbent from thinlayer chromatography plates . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 595-597 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B483 7824 Sekowska, B . : (Some examples of the application of a home made production HPLC instrument .) Chem . Anal . (Warsaw), 28 (1983) 375-380 . 7825 Tecklenburg, R .E „ Jr ., Becker, R .M ., Johnson, E .K . and Nurok, D . : Timeoptimized thin-layer chromatography in a chamber with fixed plate lengths . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2196-2199 . See also 8062 . 3b . Detectors and detection reagents 7826 Huff, P .B . and Sepaniak, M .J . : Laser fluorometric detection for thin-layer chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1992-1994 . 3c . Sorbents, carriers, column and layer performance, packing procedures 7827 Asahi Chemical Industry Co ., Ltd . : (Chromatographic plate .) Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 22,952 (83 22,952) (Cl . GO1N31/08), 10 Feb . 1983, Appi . 81/121,620, 3 Aug . 1981 ; 3 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133091w . 7828 Asahi Chemical Industry Co ., Ltd . : (Chromatographic plate .) Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 22,953 (83 22,953) (Cl . G01N31/08), 10 Feb . 1983, Appl . 81/121,621, 3 Aug . 1981 ; 3 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133092x . 7829 Asahi Chemical Industry Co ., Ltd . : (Chromatographic plate .) Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 22,954 (83 22,954) (Cl . GO1N31/08), 10 Feb . 1983, Appl . 81/121,622, 3 Aug . 1981 ; 5 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151472a . 7830 Belenkii, B .G ., Gankina, E .S ., Litvinova, L .S ., Efimova, I .I ., Vaskovskii, V .E ., Khotimchenko, S .V . and Dikarev, V .P . : (Use of microfractionated silica gel plates fixed with a silicic-acid sol in lipid analysis .) Bioorg. Khim ., 10 (1984) 244-250 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 135241h . 7831 Hauck, H . and Jost, W . : New stationary phases in TLC/HPTLC . GIT Fachz . Lab ., 1983 (GIT Suppl . 3 : Chromatogr .) 3-4 and 6-7 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168746r . 7832 Sirbu, C . and Marutoiu, C . : (An adsorbent layer used in thin-layer chromatography .) Rom . Pat . RO 79,818 (Cl .GO1N31/08), 30 Aug . 1982, Appl . 101,176, 20 May 1980 ; 2 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133090v . 7833 Sultanovich, Yu .A ., Nechaev, A .P . and Koroleva, N .I . : (Preparation of plates for thin-layer chromatography of lipids .) USSR Pat . SO 1,054,784 (Cl .GO1N33/48), 15 Nov . 1983, Appl . 3,341,890, 8 Sep . 1981 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64511h . See also 7871, 7892, 7959, 8009 . 3d . Quantitative analysis 7834 Bush, I .E . and Greeley, H .P . : Computer simulation of light transmission through scattering and absorbing chromatographic media . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 91-96 . 7835 Chen, T .I . and Morris, M .D . : Photothermal deflection densitometer for thinlayer chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 19-21 . 7836 Chobanov, D . and Tarandzhiiska, R . : (Quantitative thin-layer chromatography with densitometry .) Izv . Khim ., 15, No . 1 (1982) 45-53 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133022z a review . 7837 Coddens, M .E ., Khatib, S ., Butler, H .T . and Poole, C .F . : Mode selection and optimization of parameters for recording high-performance thin-layer chromatograms by transmission measurements . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 15-22 . 7838 Coddens, M .E . and Poole, C .F . : Sensitivity of scanning densitometers for thinlayer chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2429-2431 . 7839 Ebel, S ., Alert, D . and Schaefer, U . : Calibration in TLC/HPTLC using the Michaelis-Menten function . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 23-27 . 7840 Ebel, S ., Alert, D . and Schaefer, U . ; Kalibrierung in der Ddnnschichtchromatographie . 2 . Anal . Chem ., 317 (1984) 686-687 . 7841 Gianelli, M .L ., Burns, D .H ., Callis, J .B ., Christian, G .D . and Andersen, N .H . : Multichannel imaging spectrophotometer for direct analysis of mixtures on thinlayer chromatographic plates . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1858-1862 . 7842 Ostrogocich, G ., Nemes, I .A ., Ludmann, T ., Getz, A . and Marandiuc, D . : (Apparatus and methods for densitometric evaluation of chromatograms .) Pom. Pat . RO 79,078 (Cl .G01N21/22), 30 June 1982, Appl . 102,277, 3 Oct . 1980 ; 3 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133085x . B484 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 4 . SPECIAL TECHNIQUES 4c . Combination with other physico-chemical techniques (MS, IF etc .) 7843 Chang, T .T ., Lay, J .O. and Francel, R .J . : Direct analysis of thin-layer chromatography spots by fast atom bombardement mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 109-111 . 7844 Ramaley, L ., Nearing, M .E ., Vaughan, M .A ., Ackman, R .G . and Jamieson, W .D . : Thin-layer chromatographic plate scanner interfaced with a mass spectrometer . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2285-2289 . See also 7846 . 4,f. Other special techniques 7845 Nurok, D ., Tecklenburg, R .E ., Jr . and Maidak, B .L . : Separation of complex mixtures by parallel development thin-layer chromatography . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 293-297 . 5 . HYDROCARBONS AND HALOGEN DERIVATIVES 5b . Cyclic hydrocarbons 7846 Eganhouse, R .P ., Ruth, E .C . and Kaplan, I .R . : Determination of long-chain alkylbenzenes in environmental samples by argentation thin-layer chromatography/ high resolution gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2120-2126 . 7847 Matysik, G . and Soczewinski, E . : Preconcentration thin-layer chromatography of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on octadecyl silica . Chem. Anal . (Warsaw), 28 (1983) 521-525 . 7848 Schoessner, H ., Falkenberg, W . and Althaus, H . : (One-dimensional thin-layer chromatographic separation and fluorometric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples .) Z . Wasser Abwasser Forsch ., 16, No . 4 (1983) 132-135 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 163733z . Id . Complex hydrocarbon mixtures 7849 Poirier, M .A ., Rahimi, P . and Ahmed, S .M . : Quantitative analysis of coal-derived liquid residues by TLC with flame ionization detection . J. Chromatogr . Sci ., 22 (1984) 116-119 . See also 7910 . 6 . ALCOHOLS 7850 Sliwiok, J . : Die hydrophoben Eigenschaften der hoheren Fettalkohole . Seifen-Anstrichm ., 85 (1983) 402-404 . Fatte- See also 7881 . 7 . PHENOLS 7851 Thielemann, H . and Grahneis, H . : (Experimental studies for the thin-layer gaschromatographic separation and identification of some polyphenols - analysis of substances contained in water .) Z . Gesamte Hyg . Ihre Grenzgeb ., 29 (1983) 266267 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128040z . See also 7865, 8030, 8060 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B485 8 . SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC OXYGEN 8a . FZavonoids 7852 Bilyk, A ., Cooper, P .L . and Sapers, G .M . : Varietal differences in distribution of quercetin and kaempherol in onion (AZZium cepa L .) tissue . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 274-276 . 7853 Xu, L . and Liu, A . : (Analysis of active principles in Chinese herbal drugs . VII . Determination of hesperidin in Citrus reticulate Blanco .) Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3, No . 4 (1983) 203-206 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128417c . See also 8064 . 8b . Aflatoxins and other myeotoxins 7854 Eppley, R .M ., Trucksess, M .W ., Nesheim, S ., Thorpe, C .W., Wood, G .E . and Pohland, A .E . : Deoxynivalenol in winter wheat : thin-layer chromatographic method and survey . J. Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 43-44 . 7855 Gimeno, A . : Determination of citrinin in corn and barley on thin-layer chromatographic plates impregnated with glycolic acid . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 194-196 . 7856 Griffin, G .F ., Bennett, S .Ch . and Chu, F .S . : Simple preparative liquid chromatography system and its application to the separation of Alternaria metabolites . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 363-369 . 7857 Rathinavelu, A ., Rajabhavani, E . and Shanmugasundaram, B . : Simple colorimetric estimation of cyclopiazonic acid in contaminated food and feeds . J. Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 38-40 . 7858 Scultz, J ., Motz, R ., Kliche, I . and Lehmann, K . : (Use of thin-layer chromatography and biotest for identification of T-2 toxin in feeds .) Monatsh . Veterinaermed ., 38 (1983) 777-780 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 66685s . 7859 Trucksess, M .W ., Nesheim, S . and Eppley, R .M . : Thin-layer chromatographic determination of deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn . J . Ass . Offic . Anal . Chem ., 67 (1984) 40-42 . 7860 Zhou, D . : (Use of dilute hydrochloric acid instead of trifluoroacetic acid for the identification of aflatoxin B 1 .) Huaxue Shiji, 5 (1983) 378-379 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 84313y . 8c . Other compounds with heterocyclic oxygen 7861 El-Tawil, B .A .H . and El-Beih, F .K .A . : Chemical reactions of coumarins and furocoumarins on thin-layer chromatoplates . J . CZin . Chem. Soc . (Taipei), 30, No . 2 (1983) 127-130 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 6270t . 7862 Kaloga, M . and Christiansen, I . : Photodimerisierung von 6-trans-Styryl-4-methoxy-2-pyron (=5 .6-Dehydrokawain) and cis-Isomerisierung van (±)-Kawain . Z . Naturforsch ., 38 b (1983) 658-659 . 7863 O'Neill, M .J . : Aureol and phaseol, two new coumestans from PhaseoZus aureus Roxb . Z . Naturforsch ., 38 c (1983) 698-700 . See also 8057 . 9 . OCO COMPOUNDS, ETHERS AND EPOXIDES 7864 Potesil, T . and Potesilova, H . : (Preparation of some 2,4-pentanedione and ethyl 3-oxobutanoate derivatives and their separation by means of thin-layer chromatography .) Sb . Ved . Pr ., Vys . Sk . ChemickotechnoZ . Pardubice, 45 (1982) 75-84 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 102716p . 7865 Thielemann, H . and Grahneis, H . : (Some theoretical and practical problems of disinfection of phenol-polluted waters with chlorine dioxide with reference to experimental research results of model solutions .) Z . Gesamte Hyg . Ihre Grenzgeb ., 29 (1983) 417-420 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 145860) . B486 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 10 . CARBOHYDRATES 10a . Mono and oZigosaccharides . Structural studies 7866 Abraham, D ., Blakemore, W .F ., Jolly, R .D ., Sidebotham, R. and Winchester, B . : The catabolism of mammalian glycoproteins . Comparison of the storage products in bovine, feline and human mannosidosis . Biochem . J ., 215 (1983) 573-579 . 7867 Anumula, K .R . and Spiro, R .G . : Release of glucose-containing polymannose oligosaccharides during glycoprotein biosynthesis . Studies with thyroid mycrosomal enzymes and slices . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15274-15282 . 7868 Cenci di Belle, I ., Dorling, P . and Winchester, B . : The storage products in genetic and swainsonine-induced human mannosidosis . Biochem. J ., 215 (1983) 693-696 . 7869 Cummings, R .D ., Kornfeld, S ., Schneider, W .J ., Hobgood, K .K ., Tollenshaug, H ., Brown, M .S . and Goldstein, J .L . : Biosynthesis of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides of the low density lipoprotein receptor . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15261-15273 . 7870 Michalski, J .-C ., Bouquelet, S ., Montreuil, J ., Strecker, G ., Dulac, 0 . and Munnich, A . : Abnormal galactoside excretion in urine of a patient with early myoclonic epileptic encephalopathy . CZin . Chim . Aeta, 137 (1984) 43-51 . 7871 Moraru, E ., Hodisan, T . and Sarbu, C . : (Use of Romanian Kieselguhr as stationary phase in thin-layer chromatography . Separation of sugars .) Rev . Chim . (Bucharest), 34 (1983) 144-147 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 151415j, 7872 Ohhashi, Y ., Hasumi, F . and Mori, Y . : Comparative study on glycosaminoglycans synthesized in peripheral and peritoneal polymorphonuclear leucocytes from guinea pigs . Biochem . J ., 217 (1984) 199-207 . 7873 Okuda, S . and Suzuki, N . : 2,3-Diamino-2,3-dideoxy-D-glucofuranurono-6,3-lactam from the hydrolysate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa P 14 lipopolysaccharide . Biochem . J ., 215 (1983) 597-604 . 7874 Yutaka, T ., Kato, T ., Midorikawa, M ., Doke, M ., Okada, S . and Yabuuchi, H . ; Diagnosis of Tay-Sachs disease by estimation of 8-N-acetylhexosaminidase activity using a radiolabelled hyaluronic acid-derived trisaccharide substrate . CZin . Chim. Aota, 137 (1984) 159-168 . See also 7896 . 10b . Polysaccharides, mucopoZysaccharides, ZipopoZysaccharides 7875 Ito, M ., Kitamikado, M . and Yamagata, T . : Isolation and characterization of an asparagine-linked keratan sulfate from the skin of a marine teleost, Scomber ,japonicas . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 221-230 . 7876 Parrado, C ., Alonso-Fernandez, J .R ., Boveda, M .D ., Fraga, J .M . and Pena, J . : The use of continuous thin-layer chromatography in the study of mucopolysaccharidoses . J . inherited Metab . Dis ., 6 (Suppl . 2) (1983) 135-136 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209103z . 11 . ORGANIC ACIDS AND LIPIDS Ila . Organic acids and simple esters 7877 Bailey, J .M ., Bryant, R .W ., Whiting, J . and Salata, K . : Characterization of 11-HETE and 15-HETE, together with prostacyclin, as major products of the cyclooxygenase pathway in cultured rat aorta smooth muscle cells . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1419-1428 . 7878 Bidard, J .N ., Rossi, B ., Renaud, J .F . and Lazdunski, M . : A search for an "ouabain-like" substance from the electric organ of Electrophorus eZectricus which led to arachidonic acid and related fatty acids . Biochim. Biophys . Acta, 769 (1984) 245-252 . 7879 Bieganowska, M ., Soczewinski, E . and Janowska, M . : Structural effects and retention in reversed-phase ion-pair chromatography of 2-benzcyl-benzoic acid derivatives . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 99-102 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B487 7880 Cheng, H .T ., Leu, L .S . and Ting, C .S . : (Rapid analysis for sucrose fatty acid esters by thin-layer chromatography .) T'ai-wan T'ang Yeh Ten Chin So Yen Chiu Hui Pao, 97 (1982) 57-64 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133041e . 7881 Cserhati, T . : Lipophilicity determination of some 3,5-dinitro-benzoic acid esters on unimpregnated cellulose layer . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 18-20 . 7882 Dolgopolov, V .D ., Zhukova, Z .V ., Lishcheta, L .I . and Atsekhovskaya, E .V . : (Acetic anhydride determination method .) U .S .S .R . Pat . SU 1,012,128 (Cl .GO1N31/08), 15 Apr . 1983, Appl . 3,295,421, 19 Feb . 1981 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151475d . 7883 Gupta, R .K ., James, K . and Smith, F .J . : Analysis of sucrose mono- and diesters prepared from triglycerides containing C12-C18 fatty acids . J . Amer . Oil Chem. Soc ., 60 (1983) 1908-1913 . 7884 Kuchar, M ., Rejholec, V ., Kraus, E ., Miller, V . and Rabek, V . : Influence of intramolecular interactions on chromatographic behaviour of arylaliphatic acids . I . Comparison of reversed-phase thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 279-288 - 20 substituted phenylacetic acids . 7885 Kuczynski, J . and Bieganowska, M . : (Chromatographic investigations on the extraction of organic acids in partition systems containing tetraalkylammonium salts . V . High performance liquid chromatography of some phenolic acids .) Chem. Anal . (Warsaw), 28 (1983) 709-716 . 7886 Sebedio, J .L . and Ackman, R .G . : Hydrogenation of a menhaden oil : I . Fatty acid and C20 monoethylenic isomer compositions as a function of the degree of hydrogenation . J . Amer . Oil Chem. Soc ., 60 (1983) 1986-1991 . 7887 Sebedio, J .L . and Ackman, R .G . : Hydrogenation of a menhaden oil . II . Formation and evolution of the C 20 dienoic and trienoic fatty acids as a function of the degree of hydrogenation . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1992-1996 . See also 7888 . 11b . ProstagZandins 7888 Chiarugi, V ., Ruggiero, M . and Ricoveri, W . : Rapid and simple method for the detection of nanogram amounts of arachidonate metabolites resolved by thin-layer chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 400-403 . 7889 Forstermann, U . and Neufang, B . : The role of the kidney in the metabolism of prostacyclin by the 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase pathway in vivo . Biochim . Biophys . Aeta, 793 (1984) 338-345 . See also 7877, 7878 . 11e . Lipids and their constituents 7890 Brown, B .E ., Williams, M .L . and Elias, P .M . : Stratum corneum lipid abnormalities in ichthyosis . Detection by a new lipid microanalytical method . Arch . Dermatol ., 120 (1984) 204-209 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99311v . 7891 Cantafora, A ., Di Mase, A ., Alvaro, D ., Angelico, M ., Marin, M . and Attili, A .F . : High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of molecular species of phosphatidylcholine-development of quantitative assay and its application to human bile . Coin . Chim . Aota, 134 (1983) 281-295 . 7892 Cszerhati, T . and Szogyi, M . : Interaction between phospholipids and monovalent cations studied by a new thin-layer chromatographic method . Chem . Phys . Lipids, 34 (1983) 93-99 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99288t . 7893 El Tamer, A ., Record, M ., Fauvel, J ., Chap, H . and Douste-Blazy, L . ; Studies on either phospholipids . I . A new method of determination using phospholipade A1 from guinea pig pancreas : application to Krebs II ascites cells . Biochim. Biophys . Acta, 793 (1984) 213-220 . 7894 Gilfillan, A .M ., Chu, A .J ., Smart, D .A . and Rooney, S .A . : Single plate separation of lunq phospholipids including disaturated phosphatidylcholine . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1651-1656 . 7895 Hansson, G .C ., Karlsson, K .A . and Thurin, J . : Glycosphingolipid patterns of the epithelial and non-epithelial compartments of rat large intestine . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 792 (1984) 281-292 . 7896 Hayashi, T . and Maclachlan, G . : Biosynthesis of pentosyl lipids by pea membranes . Biochem . J ., 217 (1984) 791-803 . B488 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7897 Hendrickson, H .S ., Hendrickson, E .K . and Dybvig, R .H . : Chiral synthesis of a dithiolester analog of phosphatidylcholine as a substrate for the assay of phospholipase A2 . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1532-1537 . 7898 Kaneko, H . : (Quantitative determination of lipids and lipid-related compounds by TLC-FID system .) Yukagaku, 32 (1983) 565-573 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 208997g a review with 58 refs . 7899 Kaya, K ., Ramesha, C .5 . and Thompson, G .A ., Jr . : Temperature-induced changes in the hydroxy and non-hydroxy fatty acid-containing sphingolipids abundant in the surface membrane of Tetrahymena pyriformis NT-i . J. Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 68-74 . 7900 Kramer, J .K .G ., Fouchard, R .C . and Farnworth, E .R . : A complete separation of lipids by three-dimensional thin-layer chromatography . Lipids, 18 (1983) 896899 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64337f . 7901 Kundu, S .K ., Samuelsson, B .E ., Pascher, I . and Marcus, D .M . : New gangliosides from human erythrocytes . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13857-13866 . 7902 Macala, L .J ., Yu, R .K . and Ando, S . : Analysis of brain lipids by high performance thin-layer chromatography and densitometry . J. Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1243-1250 . 7903 Misra, S ., Choudhury, A ., Dutta, A .Kr ., Ghosh, A . and Dutta, J . : Enzymatic reactions on thin-layer chromatographic plates . IV . Lipolysis of wax esters and separation of products on a single plate . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 313-320 . 7904 Nagele, U ., Hagele, E .O ., Sauer, G ., Wiedemann, E ., Lehmann, P ., Wahlefeld, A .W . and Gruber, W . : Reagent for the enzymatic determination of serum total triglycerides with improved lipolytic efficiency .. J. CZin . Chem . Clin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 165-174 . 7905 Orchard, J .L ., Davis, J .S ., Larson, R .E . and Farese, R .V . : Effects of carbachol and pancreozymin (cholecystokinin-octapeptide) on polyphosphoinositide metabolise : in the rat pancreas in vitro . Biochem . J ., 217 (1984) 281-287 .. 7906 Pelech, S .L ., Pritchard, P .H ., Brindley, D .N . and Vance, D .E . : Fatty acids reverse the cyclic AMP inhibition of triacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine synthesis in rat hepatocytes . Biochem . J ., 216 (1983) 129-136 . 7907 Rebecchi, M .J . and Gershengorn, M .C . : Thyroliberin stimulates rapid hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate by a phosphodiesterase in rat mammotropic pituitary cells . Evidence for an early Ca 2 + independent action . Biochem . J ., 216 (1983) 287-294 . 7908 Rizzo, A .F . and Korkeala, H . : Improvement in the lipid extraction of staphylococcal cells by lysostaphin treatment . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 792 (1984) 367370 . 7909 Schrey, M .P . and Montague, W . : Phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis in isolated guinea-pig islets of Langerhans . Biochem . J ., 216 (1983) 433-441 . 7910 Senelt, S . : (Thin-layer chromatographic detection of mineral oil in edible oils .) Turk Hij . DeneyseZ Biyol . Derg ., 40, No . 3 (1983) 251-258 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 84316b . 7911 Tadano-Aritomi, K. and Ishizuka, I . : Determination of peracetylated sulfoglycolipids using the azure A method . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1368-1375 . 7912 Viden, I . : (Analysis of complex polar lipids II . Chromatography on thin layer .) Chem . Listy, 78 (1984) 158-185 - a review with 362 refs . 7913 Wertz, P .W . and Downing, D .T . : Glucosylceramides of pig epidermis : structure determination . J. Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1135-1139 . 7914 Westrick, M .A ., Lee, W .M .F . and Macher, B .A . : Isolation and characterization Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) of gangliosides from chronic myelogenous leukemia cells . 5890-5894 . See also 7830, 7833, 7878, 7888 . 13 . STEROIDS 7915 Petrovic, S .M ., Kolarov, L .A . and Petrovic, J .A . : Role of the solvent in thinlayer chromatography of steroids on alumina . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 37-40 . See also 7845 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY H489 13a . Pregnane and androstane derivatives 7916 Chenq, K .C . and Schenkman, J .B . : Metabolism of progesterone and estradiol by microsomes and purified cytochrome P-450 RLM 3 and RLM5 . Drug MetaboZ . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 222-234 . 7917 Cheng, K .C . and Schenkman, J .B . : Testosterone metabolism by cytochrome P-450 isozymes RLM 3 and RLM5 and by microsomes . Metabolite identification . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11738-11744 . 7918 Despres, G . and Rigaudiere, N . : Alterations in the androgen metabolism of the female guine-pig pregnancy . Steroids, 42 (1983) 137-146 . 7919 Han, A ., Matandici, A . and Monder, C . : Metabolism of corticosterone in the mouse . Identification of 11)3,20a-dihydroxy-3-oxo-44-pregnen-21-oic acid as a major metabolite . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13703-13707 . 7920 Karkocha, I . : (Testosterone determination in meat by thin-layer chromatography ..) Rocs . Pans-,1u . Zakl . Hig ., 34 (1983) 389-392 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 101698x . 7921 McShane, P .M . and Fencl, M . de M . : Conversion of progesterone to corticosteroids by the midterm fetal adrenal and kidney . Steroids, 42 (1983) 299-310 . 7922 Owen, R .W . and Bilton, R .F . : The degradation of cholic acid by Pseudomonas sp . NCIB 10590 under anaerobic conditions . Biochem. J ., 216 (1983) 641-654 . 7923 Owen, R .W ., Hill, M .J . and Bilton, R .F . : Biotransformation of chenodeoxycholic acid by Pseudomonas species NCIB 10590 under anaerobic conditions . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1109-1118 . 7924 Templeton, J .F . and Jackson, Ch .-J .Ch . : Metabolism of 17a-methyltestosterone in the rabbit : C-6 and C-16 hydroxylated metabolites . Steroids, 42 (1983) 115121 . 7925 Waxman, D .J ., Ko, A . and Walsh, Ch . : Regioselectivity and stereoselectivity of androgen hydroxylations catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 isozymes purified from . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11937-11947 . phenobarbital-induced rat liver . J . Biol 13b . Estrogens 7926 Teranishi, M ., Fujii, Y ., Yamazaki, M . and Miyabo, S . : Methylation of catechol estrogen with diazomethane . Chem. Pharl . BUZZ ., 31 (1983) 3309-3314 . 7927 Watanabe, K . and Yoshizawa, I . : Evidence of 2-hydroxylation of estradiol-17b 17-glucuronide by male rat liver microsomes . Steroids, 42 (1983) 163-170 . See also 7916 . 13c . Sterols 7928 Assmann, G ., Schriewer, H ., Schmitz, G . and Hdgele, E .-O . : Quantification of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol by precipitation with phosphotungstic acid/MgC12 . C?in . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2026-2030 . 7929 Buttke, T .M . and Chapman, S .W . : Inhibition by ketoconazole of mitogen-induced DNA synthesis and cholesterol biosynthesis in lymphocytes . Antimierob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 478-485 . 7930 Odushko, N .P . and Mulyar, N .F . : (Thin-layer chromatography of blood serum cholesterol esters in the diagnosis of liver function insufficiency .) Ter . Arkh ., 55, No . 10 (1983) 22-25 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19919m . 7931 Wiebe, D .A . and Bernert, J .T ., Jr . : Influence of incomplete eholesteryl ester hydrolysis on enzymic measurements of cholesterol . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 352356 . See also 7888 . 13d . Bile acids and aZcohols 7932 Akashi, Y ., Miyazaki, H . and Nakayama, F . : Correlation of bile acid composition between liver tissue and bile . Clin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 125-132 . 7933 Maeda, M ., Ohama, H ., Takeda, H ., Yabe, M ., Nambu, M . and Namihisa, T . : Identification of 3,9,74-dihydroxy-5b-cholan-24-oic acid in serum from patients treated with ursodeoxycholic acid . J . Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 14-26 . B490 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 7934 Senger, H ., Pludra, R ., Braun, W . and Scheerschmidt, G . : (Results of the Ergeb . Exp . Med ., 43 (1983) analysis of bile acid in serum on Silufol plates .) 105-112 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31693r . See also 7923 . 13e . Eedysones and other insect steroid hormones 7935 Greenwood, D .R ., Dinan, L .N . and Rees, H .H . : Mechanism of hydroxylation at C-2 during the biosynthesis of ecdysone in ovaries of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria . Biochem . J ., 217 (1984) 783-789 . 14 . STEROID GLYCOSIDES AND SAPONINS 7936 Odani, T ., Tanizawa, H . and Takino, Y . : Studies on the absorption, distribution, excretion and metabolism of ginseng saponins . IV . Decomposition of ginsenosideRg l and -Rb l in the digestive tract of rats . Chem. Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 (1983) 3691-3697 . 15 . TERPENES AND OTHER VOLATILE AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 15a . Terpenes 7937 Warthen, J .D ., Jr ., Waters, R .M ., Flippen-Anderson, J .L . and Gilardi, R . : Purification of synthetic warburganal intermediates by open column and highperformance liquid chromatography . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 623-626 . See also 8064 . 16 . NITRO AND NITROSO COMPOUNDS 7938 Zeyer, J . and Kearney, P .C . : Degradation of o-nitrophenol and m-nitrophenol by a Pseudomonas putida . J. Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 238-242 . See also 7881 . 17 . AMINES, AMIDES AND RELATED NITROGEN COMPOUNDS See 7946 . 17a . Amines and polyamines 7939 Belikov, V .G ., Kozlov, N .E . and Sbezhneva, V .G . : (Determination of bisO-chloroethyl)amine derivatives .) U .S .S .R . Pat . SU 1,027,608 (Cl .G01N31/08), 7 July 1983, Appl . 3,319,830, 16 July 1981 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133106e . 7940 Chin, K .D .H . and Koehler, P .E . : Identification and estimation of histamine, tryptamine, phenethylamine and tyramine in soy sauce by thin-layer chromatography of dansyl derivatives . J . Food Sci ., 48 (1983) 1826-1828 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 50099t . 7941 Kowalska, T . ; Thermodynamic characteristics of the behaviour of higher aliphatic amines on selected cellulose sorbents . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 640-642 . 7942 Shimada, K ., Tanaka, M . and Nambara, T . : New derivatization of amines for highperformance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 271-277 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B491 17b . Catecholcanines and their metabolites See 8032 . 17c . Amine derivatives and amides (excluding peptides) 7943 Natelson, S . : Metabolic relationship between urea and guanidine compounds as studied by automated fluorimetry of guanidino coumpounds in urine . Mn . Chem ., 30 (1984) 252-258 . 18 . AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDES ; CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS 18a. Amino acids and their derivatives 7944 Ahlgren, J .A . and Ordal, G .W . : Methyl esterification of glutamic acid residues of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins in Bacillus subtilis . Biochem . J ., 213 (1983) 759-763 . 7945 Bellon, G ., Berg, R ., Chastang, F ., Malgras, A . and Borel, J .P . : Separation and evaluation of the cis and trans isomers of hydroxyprolines : effect of hydrolysis on the epimerization . Anal . Biochem ., 137 (1984) 151-155 . 7946 Blackburn, S . : CRC Handbook of Chromatography : Amino Acids and Amines, VoZ . I. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1983, XII + 297 pp . 7947 Fater, Z ., Kemeny, G ., Mincsovics, E . and Tyihak, E . ; Determination of amino acids in cereals by overpressured thin-layer chromatography . Dev . Food Sci ., 5A (1983) 483-488 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 50098s . (Chromatographic 7948 Nalbandyan, A .H ., Ostoslavskaya, V .I . and Sabaev, T .A . : separation of dansyl derivatives of iodo amino acids .) Aim . Prir. Soedin ., (1983) 660-661 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 103849w . 7949 Ohmori, S ., Ikeda, M ., Hattori, H ., Hagiwara, K . and Iwase, C . : A simple and specific colorimetric determination of cysteine with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde . J . Clin . Chem. Clin . Biochem ., 21 (1983) 851-857 . 7950 Simell, O ., SipilA, I . and Autio, S . ; Extra heating of TLC plates detects two lysosomal storage diseases, aspartylglucosaminuria and fucosidosis, during routine urinary amino acid screening . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 227-232 . 7951 Taguchi, T . : (Urinary metabolites of organic solvents . I . Quantitative determination on urinary metabolites of toluene, xylene and styrene by thin-layer chromatography .) Okaycma Igakkai Zasshi, 95 (1983) 637-642 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 97727m . 7952 Walde, P ., Luisi, P .L . and Palmieri, S . : Proteolytic activity in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L .) J. Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 322-329 . 7953 Wolf, B . and McVey, J .S . : A sensitive radioassay for biotinidase activity : CZtin . deficient activity in tissues of serum biotinidase-deficient individuals . Chin . Acta, 135 (1983) 275-281 . 7954 Wolski, T ., Golkiewicz, W . and Bartuzi, G . : Optimization of the extraction conditions of amino acid dabsyl derivatives . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 33-36 . 7955 Zajworoniuk, H . and Karczynski, F . : (Coordination compounds of amino acids . V . Chromatographic investigation of 2,5-diketopiperazine hydrolysis in the presence of copper(II) .) Chem . Anal . (Warsaw), 28 (1983) 657-662 . 18b . Peptides and peptidic and proteinous hormones 7956 Hayes, J .D . : Rat liver glutathione S-transferases . A study of the structure of the basic YbYb-containing enzymes . Biochem. J ., 213 (1983) 625-633 . 7957 Kubacka, W ., Libbey, L .M . and Scanlan, R .A . : Formation and chemical characterization of some nitroso dipeptides N terminal in proline . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 401-404 . 7958 Mikasa, H ., Sasaki, K ., Kodama, H ., Arata, J . and Ikeda, M . : Isotachophoretic analysis of iminopeptides in the urine of patients with iminopeptiduria . J . Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 204-209 . 7959 Zhang, G ., Yu, H . and Yang, J . : (Application of a microcrystalline cellulose thin-layer made in China for the separation of enzyme-hydrolyzed peptides .) Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shengwu WuZi Jinzhan, 54 (1983) 64-65, 43 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99395a . See also 7952 . B492 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 19 . PROTEINS 19d . Proteins of blood, serum and blood cells 7960 Cai, Y ., Wang, H ., Liu, Z . and Chen, P . : (Analysis of hemoglobin variants by electrophoresis and thin-layer chromatography on microcrystalline cellulose thin layers .) Zhonghua Xueyexue Zazhi, 4, No . 4 (1983) 247-248 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99442p . 20 . ENZYMES 20c. Transferases transferring phosphorus containing groups (E . C . 2 .7 .-.-) 7961 Page, T ., Bakay, B . and Nyhan, W .L . : Detection of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase heterozygotes by thin-layer chromatography and autoradiography . Adv . Exp . Med . Biol ., 165A (1984) 265-268 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 134713b . 20j. Complex mixtures and incompletely identified enzymes 7962 Ohtake, T ., Horri, K. and Kano, S . : (Thin-layer gel filtration method . 2 . Identification of enzyme combined immunoglobulins .) Rinsho Kensa, 27 (1983) 1628-1636 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 137030n - a review . 21 . PURINES, PYRIMIDINES, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS 21a . Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides 7963 Campbell, A .K. and Patel, A . : A homogeneous immunoassay for cyclic nucleotides based on chemiluminescence energy transfer . Biochem. J ., 216 (1983) 185-194 . 7964 ligo, M ., Kuretani, K . and Hoshi, A . : Relationship between antitumor effect and metabolites of 5-fluorouracil in combination treatment with 5-fluorcuracil and guanosine in ascites sarcoma 180 tumor system . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 56875694 . 7965 Kakuda, K. and Uchiyama, H . : (Simple and rapid method for determination of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in fish muscle by column and paper chromatography .) Tokai-ku Suisan Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku, No . 109 (1983) 77-88 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 209091u . 7966 Keuler, M ., Brauner-Glaesner, G . and Ristow, R . : (Determination of flavor-active nucleotides and their breakdown products by quantitative thin-layer chromatography .) Fieischwirtschaft, 63 (1983) 1877-1880 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66713z . 7967 Pochard, M .F ., Karageorgis, M . and Chevalier, M . : (Determination of methylthiouracil in thyroid gland and meat of cattle by high-performance thin-layer chromatography .) Analysis, 11 (1983) 499-502 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 84312x . 7968 Schott, H ., Meyer, D .H . and Bayer, E . : Separation of sequence isomeric pyrimidine oligodeoxynucleotides using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 297-311 - two-dimensional, I electrophoresis (cellulose acetate), II homochromatography (DEAE-cellulose TLC) . 22 . ALKALOIDS 7969 Hong, M ., Gao, S . and Wang, B . : (Determination of strychnine in Chinese medicines by dual wavelength TLC-densitometry .) Yaoruu Fenxi Zazhi, 3, No . 3 (1983) 155-157 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146174a . 7970 Ikuta, A . and Itokawa, H . : Estimation of coptis rhizomes of TLC . Shoyakugaku Zasshi, 37 (1983) 195-197 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164072v . 7971 Keller, U ., Zocher, R., Krengel, U . and Kleinkauf, H . : D-Lysergic acidactivating enzyme from the ergot fungus Claviceps purpurea . Biochem . J ., 218 (1984) 857-862 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B493 7972 Liu, W ., Liu, M ., Tan, D . and Xia, M . : (Determination of baicalin and its preparations by TLC .) Yaoxue Tongbao, 18 (1983) 474-477 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146181a . 7973 Smith, R .V ., Davis, P .J . and Kerr, K .M, Microbial transformations of pergolide to pergolide sulfoxide and pergolide sulfone . J . Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 733736 . See also 8052 . 23 . OTHER SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN 23a . Porphyrins and other pyrroles 7974 Francoual, J ., Lindenbaum, A ., Dehan, M ., De Verneuil, H ., Nordmann, Y . and Leluc, R . : Coproporphyrin in urine of newborns with meconium aspiration syndrome . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2054-2056 . 23b . Bile pigments 7975 Benedikt, E . and Kost, H .P . : Urobiliverdin, a new bile pigment deriving from uroporphyrin . Z . Naturforsch ., 38c (1983) 753-757 . 7976 Brown, S .B . and Holroyd, J .A . : Biosynthesis of the chromophore of phycobiliproteins . A study of mesohaem and mesobiliverdin as possible intermediates and further evidence for an algal haem oxygenase . Biochem . J ., 217 (1984) 265-272 . 23e . Other N-heterocyclic compounds 7977 Thomas, J . : Thin-layer chromatography of 1,2,4-triazoles on silica gel . Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 149-152 . 24 . ORGANIC SULPHUR COMPOUNDS 7978 Franc, J . : (Identification of aromatic compounds by reaction chromatography) . Czech Pat . CS 200, 689 (Cl .B01D15/08), 1 Feb . 1983, Appl . 78/1,471, 9 March 1978 ; 4 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 151473b . 7979 Xiong, C ., Peng, S . and Qiu, C . : (Assay of nithiocyamine in suppositories by TLC densitometry .) Wuhan Yixueyuan Xuebao, 12 (1983) 201-202 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146202h . 25 . ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS 7980 McElroy, R .D . and Chambers, H .W . : selected organophosphorus esters . See also 7899, 7907, 7982 . 26 . ORGANOMETALLIC AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 26a . OrganometaZZic compounds See 8068 . Synthesis and biological activity studies of J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 119-123 . B494 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 27 . VITAMINS AND VARIOUS GROWTH REGULATORS (NON-PEPTIDIC) 7981 Chiku, S ., Hamamura, K. and Nakamura, T . : Novel urinary metabolite of d-6-tocopherol in rats . J . Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 40-48 . 7982 De Luca, L .M ., Brugh, M . and Silverman-Jones, C .S . : Retinyl palmitate, retinyl phosphate and dolichyl phosphate of postnuclear membrane fraction from hepatoma, host liver and regenerating liver : marginal vitamin A status of hepatoma tissue . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 224-232 . 7983 Du, M . : (Thin-layer chromatographic method for the determination of vitamin D in fortified milk powder .) Yingyang Xuebao, 5 (1983) 381-387 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 84310v . 7984 Nielsen, P ., Bacher, A ., Darling, D . and Cushman, M . : Synthesis and biological evaluation of 7a,7a,7a,8a,Ba,Ba-hexafluororiboflavin and 7a,7a,7a,8a,8a,8a-hexafluoro-FMN . Z . Naturorsch ., 38 c (1983) 701-707 . 7985 Tataruch, F . : (Method for the quantitative determination of retinol in blood serum by HPTLC .) Mikrochim . Aeta, 1 (1984) 235-238 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 117351q . 7986 Zuo, J ., Zhang, L ., Chen, Z . and Ke, W . : (Determination of vitamin E in oils and foods by fluorometer and TLC scanner .) Yingyang Xuebao, 5, No . 3 (1983) 289-297 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 101679s . See also 7953 . 28 . ANTIBIOTICS 7987 Borkowska-Stachowska, Z ., Brzezinski, W ., Klos, J ., Lewandowska, I . and Reszka, I . : (Physicochemical methods for the investigation of certain tetracyclines isolated from human milk .) Diagn . Lab ., 19 (1983) 115-121 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 114471t . 7988 Bruckner, H ., Jung, G_ and Przybylski, M . : Chromatographic and mass spectrometric characterization of the structures of the polypeptide antibiotics samarosporin and stilbellin and identity with emerimicin . Chromatographia, 17 (1983) 679-685 . 7989 Calverley, M .J . and Begtrup, M . : N-(functionalized alkyl) derivatives of 6-aminopenicillanic acid : a new series of specific inhibitors of $-lactamase from Enterobacter cloacae P99 . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1507-1515 . 7990 Cornish, A ., Waring, M .J . and Nolan, R .D . : Conversion of triostins to quinomycins by protoplasts of Streptomyces echinatus . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 16641670 . 7991 Dodion, P ., Egorin, M .J ., Tamburini, J .M_, Riggs, C .E ., Sr . and Bachur, N .R . : The murine metabolism and disposition of marcellomycin . Drug MetaboZ . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 209-216 . 7992 Ezaki, N ., Koyama, M ., Kodama, Y ., Shomura, T., Tashiro, K., Tsuruoka, T ., Inouye, S . and Sakai, S .-i . : Pyrrolomycins F1 , F2a , F2b and F3, new metabolites produced by the addition of bromide to the fermentation . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1431-1438 . 7993 Fukushima, K ., Arai, T ., Mori, Y ., Tsuboi, M . and Suzuki, M . : Studies on peptide antibiotics, leucinostatins . II . The structure of leucinostatins A and B . J . Antibiot ., 26 (1983) 1613-1630 . 7994 Hoshino, T ., Sekine, Y . and Fujiwara, A . : Microbial conversion of anthracycline antibiotics . I . Microbial conversion of aclacinomycin B to aclacinomycin A . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1458-1462 . 7995 Ishimaru, K ., Ishida, J ., Noborio, N . and Nakamura, S . : Histidinomycin, a new antifungal antibiotic . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1644-1650 . 7996 Naider, F ., Shenbagamurthi, P ., Steinfeld, A .S ., Smith, H .A ., Boney, Ch . and Becker, J .M . : Synthesis and biological activity of tripeptidyl polyoxins as antifungal agents . Antimicrob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 787-796 . 7997 Olech, A ., Sokolowska, I ., Tyfczynska, J . and Usiekniewicz, K . : (Physicochemical methods for the study of ampicillin isolated from human milk .) Diagn . Lab ., 18 (1982) 259-266 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 114470s . 7998 Pei, H ., Hao, W . and Geng, M . : (Screening of antibiotics by thin-layer chromatography and bioautography .) Yiyao Gongye, No . 12 (1983) 30-31 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117438y . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B495 7999 Perry, M .J ., Hendricks-Gittins, A ., Stacey, L .M ., Adlard, M .W . and Noble, W .C . : Fusidane antibiotics produced by dermatophytes . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 16591663 . 8000 Rao, R .N ., Allen, N .E ., Hobbs, J .N ., Jr ., Alborn, W .E ., Jr ., Kirst, H .A . and Paschal, J .W . ; Genetic and enzymatic basis of hygromycin B resistance in Escherichia coli . Antimicrob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 689-695 . 8001 Saito, T ., Kaneshima, H . and Okada, M . : (Detection of some antibiotics by thinlayer chromatography/flame ionization detector method .) Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyushoho, No . 33 (1983) 131-133 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 119242d . 8002 United States Food and Drug Administration : Antibiotic drugs : sterile cefuroxime C .A ., 99 (1983) sodium . Fed . Regist ., 24 Aug . 1983, 48 (165), 38459-38462 ; 145978d . 8003 Uyeda, M ., Kubota, K ., Miyamura, S . and Shibata, M . : Microbial transformation of maridomycin III by Serretia marcescene . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1722-1728 . 8004 Van Pee, K .H ., Salcher, 0 ., Fischer, P ., Bokel, M . and Lingens, F . : The biosynthesis of brominated pyrrolnitrin derivatives by Pseudomonas aureofaciens . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1735-1742 . 8005 Yasuda, N ., Iwagami, H . and Sasaki, Y . : Synthesis and antibacterial activity of triazole and isoxazole derivatives of ampicillin . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1516-1524 . 8006 Yoshioka, T ., Kojima, I ., Isshiki, K., Watanabe, A ., Shimauchi, Y ., Okabe, M ., Fukagawa, Y . and Ishikura, T . : Structures of OA-6129A, B 1 , B2 and C, new carbapenem antibiotics produced by Streptomyces sp . OA-6129 . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1473-1482 . 8007 Zenyaku Kogyo Co ., Ltd . : (Kuwanon I .) Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 58 43,990 (83 43,990) (Cl .C07G17/00), 14 March 1983, Appl . 81/141,916, 9 Sep . 1981 ; 5 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164007c . 29 . INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES AND OTHER AGROCHEMICALS 29b . Phosphorus insecticides 8008 Engelhardt, G ., Oehlmann, L ., Wagner, K ., Wallndfer, P .R . and Wiedemann, M . : Degradation of the insecticide azinphos-methyl in soil and by isolated soil bacteria . J . Agric . Food chem ., 32 (1984) 102-108 . See also 7980 . 29c . Carbonates 8009 Pasatin, S ., Niculescu, A ., Curcaneanu, S . and Georgescu, E . : (Romanian stationary phase used in thin-layer chromatography for the control in 1-naphthyl-N-methylcarbamate (Oltitox) purity .) Rev . Chin . (Bucharest), 34 (1983) 1116-1119 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 116313s . 29d . Herbicides 8010 Constenla, M .A ., Moza, P ., Scheunert, I ., Haque, A .-u . and Klein, W . : Fate of buturon- 14 C in soil during seven seasons of exposure under outdoor conditions . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 208-211 . 8011 Freitag, D ., Scheunert, I ., Klein, W . and Korte, F . : Long-term fate of 4-chloroaniline- 14 C in soil and plants under outdoor conditions . A contribution to terrestrial ecotoxicology of chemicals . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 203-207 . 8012 Kovac, J ., Kurucova, M ., Batora, V ., Tekel, J . and Strniskova, V . : Chromatographic technique for the quantitative analysis of some photosynthesis-inhibiting herbicides . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 176-180 . 8013 Krivolutskii, K .V ., Primak, A .P . and Tulupova, S .V . : (Determination of residual quantities of Probe (herbicide) in an onion by thin-layer chromatography .) Aim . Sel'sk . Khoz ., No . 12 (1983) 53-55 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 98163m . 8014 Wink, 0 ., Dorn, E . and Beyermann, K . : Metabolism of the herbicide Hoe 33171 in soybeans . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 187-192 . B4966 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 29f. Other types of pesticides and various agrochemicals 8015 Akhtar, M .H . : Metabolism of deltamethrin by cow and chicken liver enzyme preparations . J. Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 258-262 . 8016 Bull, D .L ., Ivie, G .W ., MacConnell, J .G ., Gruber, V.F ., Ku, C .C ., Arison, B .H ., Stevenson, J .M . and Vandenheuvel, W .J .A . : Fate of avermectin B1 a in soil and plants . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 94-102 . 8017 Caplan, J .A ., Isensee, A .R . and Nelson, J .O . : Fate and effect of [14 C]fenvalerate in a tidal marsh sediment ecosystem model . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 166171 8018 Davidonis, G .H . and Mumma, R .O . : Fenvalerate metabolism in cotton callus tissue . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 256-258 . 8019 Karkocha, I . : (Monensin determination by thin-layer chromatography .) Rocz . Panstu . ZakZ . Hig ., 34 (1983) 281-283 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 50105s . 8020 Taylor, W .G . and Shemanchuk, J .A . : Synthesis and some larvicidal properties of 2,3-secopermethrin . J . Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 250-253 . 30 . SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL DYES 30a . Synthetic dyes 8021 Tappolet, J .A . : High-performance thin-layer chromatography . Its application to the examination of writing inks . Forensic Sci . Int ., 22 (1983) 99-109 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 30541c . 8022 Tzicas, E . : (Separation and identification of water-soluble dyes used in leather dyeing by thin-layer chromatography .) Rev. Tech. Ind . Cuir, 75 (1983) 222-227 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 214463w . 30b . ChZoropZast and other natural pigments 8023 Takeda, Y ., Saito, Y . and Uchiyama, M . : Determination of pheophorbide a, pyropheophorbide a and phytol . J . Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 188-193 . 31 . PLASTICS AND THEIR INTERMEDIATES 8024 Vakhtina, I .A ., Tikhonova, T .Z . and Tarakanov, O .G . : (Application of thin-layer chromatography to the study of molecular characteristics of oligoarylates .) VysokomoZ . Soedin ., Ser A ., 25 (1983) 2458-2460 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 35099z . 32 . PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS See 7813, 7815 . 32e . Synthetic drugs 8025 Blagojevic, Z . and Markovic, S . : (Separation and identification of psychotropic components in pharmaceuticals by thin-layer chromatography .) Arh . Farm ., 32 (1982) 285-290 ; C .A ., 99 (1993) 164082y . 8026 Carr, G .P .R . and Fish, B .J . : Control of impurities in isoniazid tablets . Anal . Proc . (London), 20 (1983) 191-185 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 146185e . 8027 Dreijer-Van der Glas, S .M . and Dingjan, H .A . : Hydrolysis and determination of meprobamate . Pharm . Weekbl ., Sci . Ed ., 5 (1983) 186-188 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 163923m . 8028 Dybowski, R . and Gough, T .A . : Identification of 5,5-disubstituted barbiturates . J . Chromatogr . Sei ., 22 (1984) 104-110 . 8029 Gasparic, J . and Zimak, J . : Analysis of the 1,4-benzodiazepines by methods based on hydrolysis . J . Pharm . Biomed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 259-279 - a review . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B497 8030 Kamm, R . : Carvacrol - qualitative and halbquantitative DC-Bestimmung im Apothekenlabor . Deut . Apotheker-Ztg ., 124 (1984) 159-160 . 8031 Katakwar, T .K . and Kacchawaha, M .S . : Physicochemical studies of the interaction of amodiaquine hydrochloride with a few metal ions of biological importance . Indian J. Pharm. Sci ., 45, No . 2 (1983) 72-74 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 163899h . 8032 Miao, H . and Liu, C . : (Tests of sulfonate limit in three catecholamine injections .) Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3 (1983) 250-251 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 146199n . 8033 Pelegrino, E .A . and Popescu, C .V . : (Identification and determination of thiophosphamide by thin-layer chromatography .) Rom . Pat . RO 80,105 (Cl .GO1N31/08), 30 Oct . 1982, Appl . 102,193, 22 Sep . 1980 ; 2 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 133102a . 8034 Pushkina, L .A ., Listov, S .A ., Gasanov, S .G ., Makarova, L .G . and Trofimov, A .R . : (Identification of thyroidin .) Farmatsiya (Moscow), 32, No . 4 (1983) 72-73 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 128422a . 8035 Reader, M .J . and Lines, C .B . : Decomposition of thimerosal in aqueous solution and its determination by high-performance liquid chromatography . J. Pharm. Sci . 72 (1983) 1406-1409 - RF of 5 compounds . 8036 Reif, V .D . and DeAngelis, N .J . : Stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for oxazepam tablets and capsules . J. Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 1330-1332 . 8037 Sanchez-Moyano, E ., Herraez, M . and Pla-Delfina, J .M . : (A selective chromatographic method for separation and identification of demoxepam, bromazepam and flurazepam in the presence of common benzodiazepines .) Ciene . Ind . Farm ., 2, No . 3 (1983) 94-99 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164084a . 8038 Supradja, A. : (Separation and determination of Al-tetrahydrocannabinol from Cannabis satiVa by thin-layer chromatography .) Acta Pharm . Indones ., 8, No . 2 (1983) 75-86 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164073w . See also 8075 . 32b . Pharmacokinetic studies 8039 Blanchard, D .S ., Burke, M .D . and Orton, T .C . : A TLC fluorescence derivatization assay for chlorpromazine and its non-conjugated hepatic microsomal metabolites . J. Pharm . Biochem . Anal ., 1 (1983) 195-203 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 61272v . 8040 Gee, S .J ., Green, C .E . and Tyson, C .A . : Comparative metabolism of tolbutamide by isolated hepatocytes from rat, rabbit, dog and squirrel monkey . Drug MetaboZ . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 174-178 . 8041 Otsuka, M ., Furuuchi, S . and Harigaya, S . : Formation route of sulfur-containing metabolites of afloqualone, a new centrally acting muscle relaxant, in rat . Chem. Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 2799-2809 . 8042 Otsuka, M ., Korozumi, T ., Furuuchi, S ., Usuki, S ., Kotera, K . and Harigaya, S . : Metabolism of afloqualone, a new centrally acting muscle relaxant, in the rat . Chem . Pharm. Bull ., 31 (1983) 2438-2450 . 8043 Ruijten, H .M ., De Bree, H ., Borst, A .J .M ., De Lange, N ., Scherpenisse, P .M ., Vincent, W .R . and Post, L .C . : Fluvoxamine : metabolic fate in animals . Drug Metabol . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 82-92 . 8044 Strother, A ., Allahyari, R ., Buchholz, J ., Fraser, I .M . and Tilton, B .E . : In Vitro metabolism of the antimalarial agent primaquine in mouse liver enzymes and identification of a methemoglobin-forming metabolite . Drug MetaboZ . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 35-44 . 8045 Tanaka, Y ., Nishikawa, Y . and Hayashi, R . : Species differences in metabolism of sodium 2- [4-(2-oxocyclopentylmethyl)-phenyl propionate dihydrate (loxoprofen sodium), a new anti-inflammatory agent . Chem . Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 (1983) 36563664 . 8046 Vandenheuvel, W .J .A ., Skeggs, H ., Arison, B .H . and Wislocki, P .G . : Identification of in vitro (rat liver postmitochondrial S9 fraction) metabolites of the antiprotozoal agent 3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-3-(1-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol2 yl)-1,2-benzoisoxazole . J. Pharm . Sci ., 72 (1983) 782-784 . 32c. Drug monitoring 8047 Arnold, S .T., Jayaram, H .N ., Harper, G .R ., Litterest, C .L ., Malspeis, L ., Desouza, J .J .V ., Staubus, A .E ., Ahluwalia, G .S ., Wilson, Y .A ., Cooney, D .A . and Johns, D .G . : The disposition and metabolism of tiazofurin in rodents, rabbits and dogs . Drug Metabol . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 165-173 . B498 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8048 Chen, J ., Jiao, Z . and Wang, D, : (Thin-layer densitometric determination of hydrochlorothiazide in urine .) Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3 (1983) 357-358 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 79365n . 8049 Corti, P ., Lencioni, E ., Zamboni, R . and Lazzeri, L . : (Thin-layer chromatography and densitometry for the quantitative determination of drugs . I . Identification and determination of sulfindac and its metabolites in plasma .) Boll . Chim . Farm ., 122 (1983) 229-236 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 44758r . 8050 Davis, C .M . and Harrington, C .A . : Quantitative determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine by high-performance thin-layer chromatography . J. Chromatogr. Sci ., 22 (1984) 71-74 . 8051 Faulkner, R .D . and Lee, C . : Comparative assays for doxepin and desmethyldoxepin using high-performance liquid chromatography and high-performance thin-layer chromatography . J . Pharm . Sc-E ., 72 (1983) 1165-1167 . 8052 Kelner, M . and Bailey, D .N . : Micro-analysis for quinidine in serum by thin-layer chromatography followed by fluorescence densitometry . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2100-2102 . 8053 Meuldermans, W ., Hurkmans, R ., Swysen, E ., Hendrickx, J ., Thijssen, J ., Lauwers, W . and Heykants, J . : Excretion and metabolism of lorcainide in rats, dogs and man . Eur . J . Drug Metab ., 8 (1983) 335-349 . 8054 Mizobe, M ., Matsuda, S ., Yoneyama, T . and Kohno, K . : Evaluation of bioavailability of hypolipidemic compound LK-903 . Chem. Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 (1983),2424-2431 . 8055 Streeter, D .G . and Pfadenhauer, E .H . : Inosiplex : metabolism and excretion of the dimethylaminoisopropanol and p-acetamidobenzoic acid components in rhesus monkeys . Drug Metabol . Disposit ., 12 (1984) 199-203 . 32d . Toxicological applications 8056 Bertol, E ., Mari, F . and Bonelli, A . : Analytical toxicological studies in case of suicide by injection of Tanax, a veterinary euthanasia agent . J. Pharm . Biamed . Anal ., 1 (1983) 373-377 . See also 7951 . 32e . Plant extracts 8057 Braun, R ., Dittmar, W ., Machut, M . and Wendland, S . : Valepotriate - zur Bestimmung mit Hilfe von Nitrobenzylpyridin (NBP-Methode) . Deut . Apotheker-Ztg ., 123 (1983) 2474-2477 . (Use of thin-layer chroma8058 Gumenyuk, L .A ., Golovataya, V .F . and Antonyuk, A .S . : tography for monitoring apple quality .) Povych . Xachestva Tovarov i Soversh . Sposobov ikh Khraneniya i Dostavki, Kiev, (1983) 103-106 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 119603x . 8059 Kodaira, H ., Ishikawa, M ., Komoda, Y . and Nakajima, T . : Isolation and identification of anti-platelet aggregation principles from the bark of Fraxinus japonica BLUME . Chem . Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 (1983) 2262-2268 . 8060 Lin, L . and Zhu, S . : (Methods for the detection of a-asaricin .) Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi, 3, No . 2 (1983) 107-108 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 164067x . 8061 Lin, Q . (Editor) : (Paper Chromatography and its Application in the Composition Analysis of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines .) Science Publ . House : Beijing, Peop . Rep . China, 1983, 523 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 146215q . 8062 Stahl, E . : Extraction mit uberkritischen Gasen . Stand des Wissens and Fortschritte . Deut . Apotheker-Ztg ., 124 (1984) 488-491 . 8063 Taylor, B .J . ; Successive generation studies on cannabis . Anal . Proc . (London), C .A ., 100 (1984) 80786g . 20 (1983) 546-547 ; 8064 Willuhn, G ., Kresken, J . and Merfort, I . : Arnikabluten : IdentifitAts- and Reinheitsprufung . Dunnschichtchromatographie der Sesquiterpenlactone and Flavonoide . Deut . Apotheker-Ztg ., 123 (1983) 2431-2434 . 8065 Wu, J . : (A simple method for fluorography in chromatography .) Yaoxue Tongbao, 18 (1983) 450-451 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128425d . See also 7853 . PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY B499 32f. CZinico-chemical applications and profiling body fluids Chromatographic in der klinischen Chemie . Manual fitr den Praktiker. HPLC, LC, DC, HPTLC . Reagenzien Merck . Undated, 117 pages - references up to 8066 Anonymous : 1981 . See also 7814, 7866, 7868, 7870, 7874, 7890, 7891, 7904, 7928, 7930, 7932, 7933, 7934, 7943, 7950, 7953, 7958, 7961, 7974 . 33 . INORGANIC COMPOUNDS 33a . Cations 8067 Aleskovskaya, V .N ., Aleskovskii, V .V ., Andreeva, L .P ., Sidorkina, K .P . and Sarycheva, N .Yu . : (Determination of iron(III) by sorption titrimetric paper chromatography .) Zh . Anal . Khim ., 38 (1983) 1467-1469 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 168618a . 8068 Janjic, T .J ., TesiC, Z .Lj . and Celap, M .B . : Effect of the geometrical configura tion of metal complexes on their RF values obtained by paper chromatography . J. Chromatogr ., 280 (1983) 382-385 . 8069 Maslowska, J . and Zakrzewski, W . : Chromatography of chelate metal complexes . V . Complexes of iron(III), chromium(III) and aluminium(III) with violet R . Acta Univ. Lodz ., Folia Chim ., 1 (1982) 53-63 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 132853j . 8070 Polyakov, E .V . and Betenekov, N .D . : (Radiochemical study of chalcogenide films . IX . State of mercury and its concentration from Cheleken water by thin-layer inorganic sorbent copper(II) sulfide .) Radiokhimiya, 25 (1983) 379-384 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128031x . 8071 Schneeweis, G . and Kdnig, K . H . : Zur Chromatographie von Metallchelaten . X . Diinnschichtchromatographie der Metallchelate von Gerustderivaten des 8-Mercaptochinolins . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 461-464 . 8072 Steinhrech, B . and Konig, K .H . : Zur Chromatographie von Metallchelaten . XII . Dunnachichtchromatographie and Hochdruck-Flvssigkeits-Chromatographie der Metallchelate des 1-Hydroxy-2-pyridinthions . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 686688 . 8073 Steinbrech, B . and Konig, K .H . : Zur Chromatographie von Metallchelaten . XIII . Chromatographisches Verhalten der Metallchelate des 1-Hydroxy-2-pyridinthions (HPT) im Vergleich zu seinen Methyl- and Br-Derivaten . Z . Anal . Chem ., 316 (1983) 689-695 . 8074 Takamatsu, T ., Kusakabe, R . and Yoshida, T . : Analysis of metal-humic acid interactions by paper chromatography using humic acid-impregnated filter paper . Soil Sci ., 136 (1983) 371-381 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 67188u . 34 . RADIOACTIVE AND OTHER ISOTOPE COMPOUNDS (A rapid method of determining the radiochemical purity of 8075 Tamat, S .R . : technetium-99m in radiopharmaceuticals .) Acta Pharm. Indones ., 8, No . 2 (1983) 104-111 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 128454n . See also 7892 . 35 . SOME TECHNICAL PRODUCTS AND COMPLEX MIXTURES 35b . Antioxidants and preservatives 8076 Kurechi, T ., Aizawa, M . and Kunugi, A . : Studies on the antioxidants XVIII . Oxidation product of tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) (I) . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1878-1882 . 8077 Kurechi, T . and Kunugi, A . : Studies on the antioxidants XIX : Photooxidation products of tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) (II) . J . Amer . Oil Chem . Soc ., 60 (1983) 1882-1887 . BS00 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTIOS 8078 Matissek, R . and Dross, A . : (Thin-layer chromatographic detection of the preservative 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane (Bronidox) in nonemulsifiable, surfactant-containing cosmetics .) Dtsch . Lebensm. Rundsch ., 79 (1982) 269-271 C .A ., 99 (1983) 163825f . 8079 Tajima, K ., Yamamoto, K . and Mizutani, T . : Identification and determination of glutathione and glucuronide conjugates formed from hydroxytoluene in rats . Chem . Pharm. Bull ., 31 (1983) 3671-3677 . 8080 Yang, Z . : (Determination of sorbic acid and benzoic acid in foods .) Zhongguo Niangzao, 2, No . 3 (1983) 32-34 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 21600u . 37 . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS See 7814 . 37c . Water pollution B081 Suzuki, J ., Yokoyama, Y . and Suzuki, S . : (Change in composition of organic matter in sediments of the Tama River and the Ara River by pollution .) Rikusuigaku Zasshi, 43, No . 1 (1982) 5-10 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 145732u . See also 7846, 7848, 7851, 7865, 8070 . 3?d . Boil pollution See 8010, 8011 . ELECTROPHORESIS B501 E lectrophoresis 1 . REVIEWS AND BOOKS 8082 Borman, S .A . : Electrophoresis in space . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 1187A-1188A a report without references . 8083 Hearn, M .T .W . : New directions in the analysis of biomacromolecules - an overview of three recent developments . TrAC, 2 (1983) 263-267 - a review with 17 refs . 8084 Janca, J . : Field-flow fraction in biopolymer analysis . TrAC, 2 (1983) 278-281 - a review with 10 refs . 8085 Manabe, T . and Okuyama, T . : (Two-dimensional electrophoresis) . Bunseki, (1983) 941-947 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31601j . 8086 Maugh, T . : A survey of separative techniques . Sciences, 222 (1983) 259-266 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 181959g . 8087 Vialle, J . : Modern ion separation techniques in inorganic analysis : ion chromatography and isotachophoresis . TrAC, 3 (1984) 61-65 - a review with 24 refs . See also 8105, 8138, 8144, 8154, 8172, 8179, 8187, 8225, 8229, 8234, 8249, 8292, 8282, 8294, 8306, 8348, 8397, 8433, 8473, 8476, 8490 . 2 . FUNDAMENTALS, THEORY AND GENERAL 2a . General 8088 Pesakhovich, L .V . : (1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene as an electroosmosis and rheophoresis indicator in the determination of electrophoresis spectra) . Farm . Zh ., (1983) 64-65 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64403z . 2c . Relationship between structure and electrophoretic behaviour 8089 Waldmann-Meyer, H . and Pedersen, P .A . : Molecular size and charge characterization by rheophoresis . I . Theory and gel calibration . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 18-21 . See also 8476 . 3 . GENERAL TECHNIQUES 3a . Apparatus and accessories 8090 Duvivier, C ., Mahler, E ., Volochine, B . and Stoltz, J .F . : (Nonfocusing laser electrophoresis apparatus) . Fr . Demands Pat . FR 2,527,334 (Cl . G01N27/26), 25 Nov . 1983, Appl . 82/8,900, 21 May 1982, 28 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 82407h . 8091 Gaal, A . and Davies, H . : (Device for electrophoretic separation by a vertical gel plate) . Syed. Pat . SE 427,803 (Cl . 801057/02), 09 May 1983, Appl . 82/665, 05 Feb . 1982, 7 pp . ; C .A., 99 (1983) 197037r . 8092 Gedeonov, A .D ., Bulatenkov, Yu .V ., Karasev, V .V . and Loginov, E .N . ; (Electromigration apparatus equipped with a scanning semiconductor detector) . Radiokhimiya, 25 (1983) 564-567 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 165452f . 8093 Hitachi Ltd . : (Two-dimensional electrophoretic apparatus) . Jpn . Kokai Tokkyo Koho Pat . JP 5 853,745 (83 53 745) (Cl . G01N27/26), 30 Mar . 1983, Appl . 81/152, 085, 28 Sep . 1981, 4 pp . ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 209254z . 8094 Terabe, S ., Otsuka, K ., Ichikawa . K ., Tsuchiya, A . and Ando, T . : Electrokinetic separations with micellar solutions and open-tubular capillaties . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 111-113 - free solution electrophoresis . B502 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8095 Yeda Research and Development Co ., Ltd . : (Electrophoretic device) . Israeli Pat . IL 57,633 (Cl . C25B7/00), 30 Nov . 1982, Appl . 24 Jun . 1979, 15 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 205344f . 8096 Zhang, L . and Wang, Q . : (Introduction of an economic horizontal electrophoresis apparatus) . Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shengwu Wuli Jinzhan, 54 (1983) 79-80 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64272f . See also 8214 . 3b . Detection procedures and detectors 8097 Allen, R.C . : Silver staining of macromolecules separated by electrophoresis . TrAC, 2 (1983) 206-210 . 8098 Blank, A ., Silber, J .R ., Thelen, M .P . and Dekker, C .A . : Detection of enzymatic activities in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels : DNA polymerases as model enzymes . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 423-430 . 8099 Davidson, J .B . and Case, A .L . : Electronic method for autofluorography of macromolecules on two-dimensional matrixes . U .S . Pat . Appl . US 335,998, 06 Jan . 1984, Appl . 30 Dec . 1981, 20 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99487g . 8100 Geysen, J ., De Loof, A . and Vandesande, F . : How to perform subsequent or "double" immunostaining of two different antigens on a single nitrocellulose blot within one day with an immunoperomidase technique . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 129-131 . 8101 Hughes, D .W . and Harper, A .M . : Densitometer with tapered optical fibers . Anal . Chem ., 56 (1984) 305-307 - polyacrylamide gel . 8102 Knecht, D .A . and Dimond, R .L . : Visualization of antigenic proteins on western blots . Anal . Biochen ., 136 (1984) 180-184 . 8103 Li, S . and Xue, S . : (Extending the application of MPVII microphotometerdesigning a new program) . Beijing Shifan Daxue Iuebao, Ziran Xaxueban, (1983) 77-80 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47997d . 8104 Tracy, R .P . and Young, D .S . : A densitometer based on a microcomputer and TV camera, for use in the clinical laboratory . Clin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 462-465 agarose gel . See also 8092, 8180, 8202, 8204, 8207, 8208, 8210, 8211, 8231, 8430 . 3c . Electrophoresis in stabilized media 8105 Dunn, M .J . and Burghes, A .H .M . : High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . TrAC, 2 (1983) 211-214 . 8106 Ek, K., Bjellqvist, B . and Righetti, P .G . : Preparative isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients . I . General principles and methodology . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 135-155 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31768u . 8107 Ezaki, B ., Saito, M ., Imamura, T . and Kina, K . : (Estimation of anionic residues of agar-agar for electrophoresis by colloid titration method) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal.), 33 (1984) 108-110 . 8108 Gelfi, C . and Righetti, P .G . : Preparative isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients . II . A case report . J . Bioehem, Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 157171 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31769v . 8109 Gianazza, E ., Dossi, G ., Celentano, F . and Righetti, P .G . : Isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients : generation and optimization of wide pH intervals with two-chamber mixers . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 109-133 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31767t . 8110 Hitachi, Ltd . : (Simple two-dimensional electrophoresis) . Jpn . Kokai Tokklo Koho Pat . JP 58 140,634 (83 140,634) (Cl . G01N27/26), 20 Aug . 1983, Appl . 82/22, 746, 17 Feb . 1982, 3 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 20052e . 8111 Hjert4n, S . : High-performance electrophoresis : The electrophoretic counterpart of high-performance liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 270 (1983) 1-6 . 8112 Nochumson, S . and Gibson, S .G . : Oven drying of high-percentage polyacrylamide slab gels on support films using a new cross-linking agent . BioTechniques, 1 (1983) 18-20 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31777w . 8113 Nochumson, S . and Witt, H .J . : Support for electrophoresis . U .S . Pat . US 4,415,428 (Cl .204-299R ; B01k5/00), 15 Nov . 1983, Appl . 342,993, 27 Jan . 1982, 6 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99458y . ELECTROPHORESIS B503 8114 Toepfer, G ., Hammer, T . and Seifert, A . : (Effect of storage conditions and storage duration on the results of cellulose acetate foil electrophoresis using lactate buffer) . ZentraZb2 . Pharm ., Pharmakother. Laboratoriwnsdiagn ., 122 (1983) 1045-1051 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 48008u . (Double system for electrophoresis in cellulose acetate and 8115 Vascomellos, L .A . : in agarose gel) . Braz . Pedido PI Pat . Br 8200,192 (Cl . C25B7/00), 20 Sep. 1983, Appl . 82/192, 14 Jan . 1982, 6 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117473f . 8116 Westermeier, R ., Postal, W „ Weser, J . and Goerg, A . : High-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis with isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 321-330 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31773s . 8117 Yamada, Y . : Gradient flattening of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and isoelectric focusing (IEF) gels . J . Biochem. Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 183-188 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31771q . 8118 Zhang, G ., Yu, H . and Yang, J . : (Application of microcrystalline cellulose thin layer made in China for the separation of enzyme hydrolyzed peptides) . Shengwu Huaxus Yu Shengwu Wuli Jinzhan, (1983) 43-65 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99395a . 4 . SPECIAL TECHNIQUES 4b . Preparative and continuous procedures 8119 Backhaus, R ., $chwippert, W. and Wolf, G . : An apparatus for reproducible large scale preparation of polyacrylamide gradient tube gels . Anal . hiochem ., 136 (1984) 298-300 . See also 8106, 8108, 8135, 8312 . 4c . Tsoelectric focusing 8120 Bishop, R . : Applications of electrofocusing . TrAC, 2 (1983) 214-217 . 8121 Gianazza, E ., Celentano, F ., Dossi, G ., Bjellgvist, B . and Righetti, P .G . : Preparation of immobilized pH gradients spanning 2-6 pH units with two-chamber mixers : Evaluation of two experimental approaches . EZeetrophoresis, 5 (1984) 88-97 . 8122 Johnson, A.M . : Isoelectric focusing . Protein Abnorm ., 3 (Proteins Body Fluids, Amino Acids, Tumor Markers) (1983) 101-116 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64230r . 8123 Plested, S .J ., Simpson, I .N . and James, M . : The detection of bacterial 6-lactamases and their identification by analytical isoelectric focusing . Soc . Appi . Bacteriol . Tech . Ser ., 18 (Antibiot . Assess . Antimicrob . Act . Resist .) (1983) 111-126 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 47450v . 8124 Righetti, P .G . : Status methodology in isoelectric focusing . TrAC, 2 (1983) 193-196 . 8125 Righetti, P .G ., Gianazza, E . and Bianchi, Q . : (Isoelectric focusing : Its past, present, future and some clinical applications) . G . ItaZ . Chim . CZin ., 8 (1983) 3--35 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 135137d . 8126 Righetti, P .G ., Gianazza, E . and Bjellqvist, B . : Modern aspects of isoelectric focusing : two-dimensional maps and immobilized pH gradients . J . Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 89-108 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190754p . 8127 Sova, P . : (Automatic isoelectric focusing) . Czech . Pat. CS 211,856 (Cl . GOIN33/48), 16 May 1983, Appl . 79/4,900, 13 Jul . 1979, 2 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 20070j . 8128 Thompson, A .J ., Peet, F ., Sahota, T .S ., Morrison, D .J ., Haraki, A . and White, E .E . : Digital image analysis of isoelectric focusing patterns . EZectrophoresis, 5 (1984) 55--56 . 8129 Yamada, Y . : Isoelectric focusing with reduced cathodic drift and migration into the anode chamber . J. Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 175-181 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31622s . See also 8106, 8108, 8109, 8116, 8117, 8161, 8183, 8184, 8188, 8193, 8194, 8196, 8233, 8248, 8249, 8251, 8265, 8295, 8296, 8299, 8304, 8398, 8309, 8311, 8364, 8372, 8374, 8390, 8415, 8419 . 8202, 8341, BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION B504 4d . Isotachophoresis 8130 Chauvet, S . and Sudraud, P . : (Application of isotachophoresis to determination of acids in wines) . AnaZusis, 11 (1983) 243-250 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 21495p . 8131 Kaniansky, D . and Hayasi, P . : Instrumentation for capillary isotachophoresis . TrAC, 2 (1983) 197-202 . 8132 Reijenga, J .C ., Verheggen, Th .P .E .M . and Everaerts, F .M . : Fluorescence emission and fluorescence quenching as detection methods in isotachophoresis . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 99-111 . 8133 Repasova, L ., Polonsky, J ., Kosik, M . and Vodny, S . : Isotachophoresis of organic acids after oxidation of hydrolytic products of some monosaccharides . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 347-351 . 8134 Ryder, D .S ., Woods, D .R ., Castiau, M . and Masschelein, C .A . : Glycolytic flux in lager yeast fermentations, application of isotachophoresis and bioluminiscence for measurement of cellular intermediates . J. Am . Soc . Brew . Chem ., 41 (1983) 125-132 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 21500m . 8135 Saunders, T .L ., Kahan, B .D . and Pellis, N .R . : Purification of immunoprotective Cancer InsnunoZ . Immunother ., tumor antigens by preparative isotachophoresis . 16 (1983) 101-108 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 119032k . See also 8153, 8155-8158, 8244, 8262, 8482, 8484, 8488 . 4e . Other special techniques 8136 Dennison, C ., Phillips, A .M . and Nevin, J .M . : Nonlinear gel electrophoresis : an analogy with ideal fluid flow . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 379-382 . 8137 Hruschka, W .R ., Massie, D .R . and Anderson, J .D . : Computerized analysis of twodimensional electrophoretograms . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2345-2348 . 8138 Jorgenson, J .W . : Zone electrophoresis in open-tubular capillaries . TrAC, 3 (1984) 51-54 - capillary electrophoresis . 8139 Jorgenson, J .W . and Lukacs, K . de Arman : Capillary zone electrophoresis . Science, 212 (1983) 266-272 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 172307r . 8140 Russell, P .J . : GELYSIS : Pascal-implemented analysis of one-dimensional electrophoresis gels . Nucleic Acids Res ., 12 (1984) 493-498 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99406e . 8141 Toda, T ., Fujita, T . and Ohashi, M . : A method of microcomputer-aided twodimensional densitometry : an apparatus equipped with a charge-coupled device camera, and an algorithm of microcomputer programming . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 42-47 . 8142 Toda, T ., Fujita, T . and Ohashi, M . : (An approach to quantitative analysis of two-dimensional electrophoretogram) . Seibutsu Butsuri Kagaku, 27 (1983) 215217 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99359s . See also 8085, 8144, 8255, 8256, 8180, 8201, 8206, 8257, 8315, 8320, 8207, 8212, 8217, 8223, 8227, 8239, 8243, 8244, 8339, 8340, 8343, 8349, 8428, 8491 . 10 . CARBOHYDRATES 10b . Polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, Zipopolysaccharides 8143 Bertolotto, A . and Magrassi, M .L . : Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of glycosaminoglycans in the central nervous system . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 97-101 . 8144 Boeg-Hansen, T .C . and Hau, J . : Affinity electrophoresis of glycoproteins and glycopeptides . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1983, pp . 219-252 . Influence of urea on the 8145 Diedrich, D .L ., Domenico, A .R . and Fralick, J .A . : resolution of lipopolysaccharides in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels . J . MicrobioZ . Methods, 1 (1983) 245-251 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209214m . 8146 Irimura, T . and Nicolson, G .L . : Carbohydrate chain analysis by lectin binding to electrophoretically separated glycoproteins from murine B16 melanoma sublines of various metastatic properties . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 791-798 . ELECTROPHORESIS B505 8147 Johnson, D .M .A . and Cohen, S . : Immunological detection of Plasmodium knoulesi antigens after electrophoretic transfer from SDS-polyacrylamide gels to diazophenylthioether paper . Parasite Irmnunot ., 6 (1984) 83-93 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 137040r . 8148 Konat, G ., Of€ner, H . and Mellah, J . : Improved sensitivity for detection and quantitation of glycoproteins on polyacrylamide gels . Experientia, 40 (1984) 303-304 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 135261q . 8149 Mitsuno, T ., Shitara, K ., Kojima, E . and Osawa, T . : Identification of a serum glycoprotein whose content is increased in PSK-treated mice as haptoglobin . Chem . Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 3617-3624 . 8150 Sado, Y ., Watanabe, K ., Okigaki, T ., Takamiya, H . and Seno, S . : Isolation and characterization of nephritogenic antigen from bovine glomeralar basement membrane . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 798 (1984) 96-102 - immunoelectrophoresis . 8151 Schott, K .-J ., Neuhoff, V ., Nessel, B ., Potter, U . and Schroter, J . : Staining of concanavalin A-reactive glycoproteins on polyacrylamide gels with horseradish peroxidase - a critical evaluation . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 77-83 . 8152 Wu, V .-Y . and Cohen, M .P . : Platelet factor 4 binding to glomerular microvascular matrix . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 76-82 . 8153 Yamamoto, S ., Ohta, T ., Morikawa, Y. and Yokouchi, M . : (Electrophoretic behavior of alginate in capillary tube isotachophoresis) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Anal .), 33 (1984) 58-62 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117399m . See also 8338, 8490 . 11 . ORGANIC ACIDS AND LIPIDS 11a . organic acids and simple esters 8154 Everaerts, F .M . : Electrophoresis of carboxylic acids . In ; Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1983, pp . 35-40 . 8155 Fujishita, 0 ., Higuchi, S ., Yoshikawa, M ., Aoyama, T . and Horioka, M . : Estimation of the molecular weight of ions by isotachophoresis . Chem . Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 2134-2138 . 8156 Hirokawa, T ., Takemi, H ., Kiso, Y ., Takiyama, R ., Morio, M ., Fuji, K . and Kikuchi, H . ; Analytical isotachophoresis utilizing computer simulation . II . Assessment of optimum separation conditions for urinary trifluoroacetic acid metabolized from anaesthetic halothane . J. Chromatogr ., 305 (1984) 429-437 . 8157 Onodera, S ., Udagawa, T ., Tabata, M ., Ishikura, S . and Suzuki, S . : Isotachophoretic determination of chlorinated carboxylic acids formed during chlorination of phenol with hypochlorite in dilute aqueous solution . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 176-182 . 8158 Polonsky, J ., Repasova, L ., Smogrovicova, D . and Taborsky, V . : (Determination of lower fatty acids in microorganism culture media by capillary isotachophoresis) . Ropa, Uhlie, 25 (1983) 599-603 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 101533q . lid. Lipoproteins and their constituents 8159 Arbeeny, C .M . and Eder, H .A . : Removal of lipid-rich lipoproteins by the liver . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1457-1467 . 8160 Belli, M ., Tubili, C ., Timmli, S ., Maddalena, L ., Melillo, D ., Roder, R .E . and Filisio, M . : (High-density lipoprotein cholesterol : comparison of two determination methods (electrophoresis and precipitation) and correlation with other lipid profile parameters) . Ann . Med . Nav ., 87 (1982) 1123-1142 ; C .A., 100 (1983) 135330m . 8161 Bugugnani, M .J ., Koffigan, M ., Kora, I ., Ouvry, D ., Clavey, V . and Fruchart, J .C . : Rapid assessment of the distribution of epolipoproteins C-II and C-III subspecies in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by isoelectric focusing . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 349-351 . 8162 Camus, M .C ., Chapman, M.J ., Forgez, P . and Laplaud, P .M . : Distribution and characterization of the serum lipoproteins and apoproteins in the mouse Mum muscuZus . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1210-1228 . B506 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8163 Castro, G .R . and Fielding, Ch .J . : Evidence for the distribution of apolipoprotein E between lipoprotein classes in human normocholestrolemic plasma and for origin of unassociated apolipoprotein E (Lp-E) . J . Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 58-67 . 8164 Coleman, P .F . and Gabriel, 0 . : Electrophoresis of lipopolysaccharides . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Application, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 281-285 . 8165 Eichhorn, D ., Denisenko, A .D ., Truebsbach, A„ Gehriseh, S . and Jaross, W . : (Isolation and immunological determination of apolipoprotein A I in human serum) . 2 . Med. Laboratoriwnsdiagn ., 24 (1983) 438-444 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47923b . 8166 Fernando Warnakulasuriva, G .J .P ., Eckerson, M.L ., Clark, W .A . and Wells, M .A . : Lipoprotein metabolism in the suckling rat : characterization of plasma and lymphatic lipoproteins . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1626-1638 . 8167 Forte, T .M ., Cross, C .E ., Gunther, R .A. and Cramer, G .C . : Characterization of J . Lipid Res ., sheep lung lymph lipoproteins : chemical and physical properties . 24 (1983) 1358-1367 . 8168 Hoestmark, A .T ., Lystad, E ., Spydevold, 0 . and Haug, A . : Estimation of lipoprotein and apoprotein distribution in rat plasma by cumulative density ultracentrifugation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . Biochem. Med., 31 (1984) 54-64 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 135367d . 8169 Snipping, G ., Steyrer, E ., Zechner, R . and Holasek, A . : Isolation and characterization of polymorphic forms of porcine apoC-Il by chromatography . J. Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 86-91 . 8170 Li-Shin-Huang, Jaeger, J .S . and Usher, D .S . : Allotypes associated with B apolipoproteins in rabbits . J . Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1485-1493 . 8171 Mdrz, W . and Gross, W . : Quantification of human serum lipoprotein (Lp)a : zone immunoelectrophoresis assay, a new sensitive method as compared to electroimmunoassay . Mn . Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 265-279 . 8172 Peeters, H . : Electrophoresis of lipoproteins . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, P .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 253-279 . 8173 Skinner, E .R., Klepper, A .I ., Wilson, G .R . and Toop, K .M . : The composition and concentration of umbilical cord plasma lipoproteins, their relationship to the birth weight and other clinical factors of the newborn . Chin . Chim. Acta, 135 (1983) 219-228 . 8174 Sloop, C .H ., Dory, L ., Hamilton, R., Krause, B .R . and Roheim, P .S . : Characterization of dog peripheral lymph lipoproteins : the presence of a disc shaped "nascent" high density lipoprotein . J. Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1429-1440 . 8175 Swaney, J .B . and Palmieri, E . : Hybrid association between human apolipoproteins A-I and A-II in aqueous solution and in phospholipid recombinants . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 792 (1984) 164-171 . 8176 Swift, L .F ., Soule, P .D ., Gray, M .E . and LeQuire, V .S . : Intestinal lipoprotein synthesis . Comparison of nascent Golgi lipoproteins from chow-fed and hypercholesterolemic rats . J . Lipid Res ., 25 (1984) 1-13 . 17 . AMINES, AMIDES AND RELATED NITROGEN COMPOUNDS 17a . Amines and polyamines 8177 Seiler, N . : Thin-layer chromatography and thin-layer electrophoresis of polyamines and their derivatives . Methods EnzymoZ ., 94 (Polyamines) (1983) 3-9 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190766u . 17c . Amine derivatives and amides (excluding peptides) 8178 Hardwell, T .R ., Manley, G ., Braven, J . and Whittaker, M . : The binding of urate to plasma proteins determined by four different techniques . Clin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 75-83 . ELECTROPHORESIS B507 18 . AMINO ACIDS AND PEPTIDES ; CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS 18a . Amino acids and their derivatives 8179 Deyl, Z . : Electrophoresis of amino acids and their derivatives . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 55-79 . 8180 Natelson, S . : Metabolic relationship between urea and guanidine compounds as studied by automated fluorimetry of guanidino compounds in urine . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 252-258 - paper . 18b . Peptides and peptidic and proteinous hormones 8181 Bartolini, P . and Camillo, M .A .P . : Human growth hormone radioiodination using different batches of 1251 of various ages . CZin . Chim . Acta, 129 (1983) 353-358 . 8182 Eskridge, E .M . and Shields, D . : Cell-free processing and segregation of insulin precursors . J. Rio l . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11487-11491 . 8183 Gianazza, E ., Chillemi, F ., Duranti, M . and Righetti, R.G . : Analytical and preparative isoelectric focusing of peptides in immobilized pH gradients . J . Bioehem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 339-351 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48009v . 8184 Hattori, M . and Wakabayashi, K . : Different profiles of isoelectric avian luteinizing hormone components in biological activity and immunoreactivity . Endocrinol . Jpn ., 30 (1983) 551-560 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 65356y . 8185 Margulies, M .M . and Tiffany, H .L . : Importance of sodium dodecyl sulfate source to electrophoretic separations of thylakoid polypeptides . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 309-313 SDS polyacrylamide gel . 8186 Peters, B .P ., Brooks, M ., Hartle, R .J ., Krzesicki, R .F ., Perini, F. and Ruddon, R .W . : The use of drugs to dissect the pathway for secretion of the glycoprotein hormone chorionic gonadotropin by cultured human trophoblastic cells . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14505-14515 . 8187 Prusik, Z . : Peptides and structural analysis of proteins . in : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A. Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 81-107 . 8188 Santagostino, A ., Fumagalli, P ., Giagnoni, G . and Torretta, E . : Isoelectrofocusing on flat bed for determining and separating 8-endorphin . Life Sci ., 33 (Suppl . 1) (1983) 133-136 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 18055q . See also 8118 . 18c . General techniques of elucidation of structure of proteins 8189 Cleveland, W . : Peptide mapping in one dimension by limited proteolysis of sodium dodecyl sulfate - solubilized proteins . Methods EnzymoZ ., 96 (Biomembranes, Part J .) (1983) 222-229 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 171119h . 8190 Feinstein, D .L . and Moudrianakis, E .N . : Hydrophobic and ionic effects upon the electrophoretic mobilities of the subunits of coupling factor 1 from mitochondria . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 362-371 - SDS-urea polyacrylamide gel . 8191 MacDonald, I .A ., White, B .A . and Hylemon, P .B . : Separation of 7a- and 78-hydro xysteroid dehydrogenase activities from Clostridium absonum ATCC 27555 and cellular response of this organism to bile acid inducers . J. Lipid Res ., 24 (1983) 1119-1126 . 8192 Reiser, K .M . and Last, J .A . : Anomalous electrophoretic behavior of a cyanogen bromide peptide from type III collagen . Connect . Tissue Res ., 12 (1983) 1-16 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99353k . 8193 Rochette, J ., Varet, B ., Boissel, J .P ., Clough, K., Labie, D ., Wajcman, H ., Bohn, B ., Magne, P . and Poyart, C . : Structure and function of Hb Saint-Jacques x 2 82 140(H18)Ala-#'fhr) : a new high-oxygen-affinity variant with altered bisphosphoglycerate binding . Biochim. Biophys . Acta, 785 (1984) 14-21 - isoelectric focusing . 8194 Treffry, A ., Lee, P .J . and Harrison, P .M . : Functional studies on rat-liver isoferritins . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 785 (1984) 22-29 - isoelectric focusing . B508 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 19 . PROTEINS 19a . General techniques 8195 Aebersold, R ., Ledermann, F ., Braun, D .G . and Chang, J .Y . : Microisolation of DABITC-derivatized protein by gel electrophoresis : application to the purification of antibody heavy and light chains . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 465-469 SDS-polyacrylamide gel . 8196 Azhitskii, G .Yu ., Sharaeva, T .K ., Khirsa, L .N . and Troitskii, G .V . : (Preparation and use of stable borate-polyol pH gradients at pH 1 .9-12 .0 for isoelectric focusing of proteins and low-molecular-weight compounds) . Vopr . Med . Khim ., 30 (1984) 48-51 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 117407n . 8197 Fosslien, E ., Prasad, R . and Stastny, J . : Computer-aided standardization of two-dimensional electrophoresis : Improvement of biophysical description of proteins relative versus absolute coordinate systems . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 102-109 . 8198 Grubhofer, N . : (Buffer substances for protein electrophoresis) . Ger . Pat . DE 3,229,938 (Cl . C07G7/00), 29 Sep . 1983, Appl . 12 Aug . 1982, 2 pp . ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 117491k . 8199 Hashizume, S ., Rashid, M .A ., Shoji, M . and Kuroda, K . ; Electrophoretic extraction-concentration of proteins from polyacrylamide gels under alkaline, neutral and acidic conditions . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 30-34 . 8200 Johnston, D .A ., Capetillo, S ., Ramagli, L .S ., Guevara, J ., Jr ., Gersten, D .M . and Rodriguez, L .V . : Standardization of protein position in silver-stained two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 110-116 . 8201 Jose£sson, L .G . and Randall, L .L . : Analysis of cotranslational proteolytic processing of nascent chains using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . Methods EnzymoZ ., 97 (Biomembranes, Part K) (1983) 77-85 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209237w . 8202 Kobayashi, K., Suzuki, K ., Shiba, A ., Sane, K. and Nakao, M . : (Humoral protein analysis using the combination of agarose isoelectric focusing and silver staining - basic studies regarding silver staining method) . Rinsho Byori, 31 (1983) 1012-1016 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2953v . 8203 Krakow, J .S ., Scheinberg, D .A . and Strand, M . : A microradioiodination method for detection of nanogram amounts of proteins resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . J. ViroZ . Methods, 7 (1983) 273-278 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99367t . 8204 Li, C ., Shi, H . and Shao, J . : (A specific fast staining method for protein zones in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) . Shenguu Huaxue Yu Shenm~yu Well J2nzhan, 54 (1983) 71-73 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64350e . 8205 Lin, S . and He, Q . : (Methods for protein blotting) . Xibao Shengwuxue Zazhi, (1983) 46-48 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64405b . 8206 Manabe, T . and Okuyama, T . : (Two-dimensional electrophoresis for tissue protein index-protein map and polypeptide map) . Seibutsu Butsuri Kagaku, 27 (1983) 713 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 2866u . 8207 Marshall, T . : Detection of protein in polyacrylamide gels using an improved silver stain . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 340-346 - two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . 8208 Merril, C .R . : Silver stains for protein in gels . U.S . Pat . US 4,405,720 (C1 . 436-86 ; G01N33/68), 20 Sep . 1983, US Appl . 240,577, 04 Mar . 1981, 21 pp . ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172398w. 8209 Ochs, D . : Protein contaminants of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 470-474 . 8210 Ohsawa, K . and Ebata, N . : Silver stain for detecting 10-femtogram quantities of protein after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 409-415 . 8211 Peats, S . : A sensitive procedure for silver staining proteins in agarose gels . BioTechniques, 1 (1983) 154-156 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31704v . 8212 Porrini, S .C ., Cascino, I . and Mazzilli, M .C . : (Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins) . EDS Riv . Immunol . L+m;unopharmacol ., 3 (1983) 31-35 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 2987j . ELECTROPHORESIS B509 8213 Sano, K ., Nakao, M ., Shiba, A . and Kobayashi, K . : An ultramicroassay for proteins in biological fluids other than blood using a combination of agarose gel isoelectric focusing and silver staining . Clin . Chim . Acta, 137 (1984) 115-122 agarose gel . 8214 Vicario, G .F ., Vicario, C ., De Luca, U . and Zelioli, G . : (Apparatus and device for analysis of total and fractionated proteins) . Ger Offer . Pat . DE 3,237,831 (Cl . G01N27/28), 12 Jan . 1984, IT Appl . 82/22,345, 09 Jul . 1982, 27 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117476j . 8215 Wagner, A.P . and Wagner, L .P . : Concentration and analysis of proteins by a discontinuous pH gradient formed by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel . Int . J . Biochem ., 15 (1983) 1463-1468 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 19979f . See also 8083, 8084 . 29b . Proteins of cells, viruses and subceZlular particles (excluding blood cells and platelets) 8216 Cascieri, M .A . and Somberg, E .W . : Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of secretory-granule, granule-membrane and plasma-membrane proteins of rat parotid cells . Cell Tissue Res ., 234 (1983) 93-108 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190986r . 8217 Feuerstein, N . and Cooper, H .L . : Rapid protein phosphorylation induced by phorbol ester in HL-60 cells . Unique alkali-stable phosphorylation of a 17,000dalton protein detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10786-10793 . 8218 Imada, M . : (A new method of membrane protein analysis and its application to cell biological study) . Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso, 28 (1983) 1397-1406 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 48032x . 8219 Lee, R .W .H . and Huttner, W .B . : Tyrosine-O-sulfated proteins of PC12 theochromocytoma cells and their sulfation by a tyrosyprotein sulfotransferase . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11326-11334 . 8220 Lin, A ., McNally, J . and Wool, I .G . : The primary structure of rat liver ribosomal protein L37 . Homology with yeast and bacterial ribosomal proteins . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10664-10671 . 8221 Maheshwari, K .K . and Marzuki, S . : The formation of a defective small subunit of the mitochondrial ribosomes in petite mutants of Saceharomyces cerevisiae . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 781 (1984) 153-164 . 8222 Maytin, E .V . and Young, D .A . : Separate glucocorticoid, heavy metal, and heat shock domains in thymic lymphocytes . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12718-12722 . 8223 Nowak, T .S ., Carty, E .R ., Lust, W .D . and Passonneau, J .V . : An in vitro amino acid incorporation method for assessing the status of in vivo protein synthesis . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 285-292 - two-dimensional electrophoresis . 8224 Ramirez, P ., Bonilla, J .A ., Moreno, E . and Leon, P . : Electrophoretic transfer of viral proteins to nitrocellulose sheets and detection with peroxidase-bound lectins and protein A . J . ImmunoZ . methods, 62 (1983) 15-22 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172302k . 8225 Reisfeld, R .A . and Pellegrino, M .A . : Electrophoresis of cell surface antigens . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 141-148 . 8226 Schultheiss, H .-P ., Bjerrum, O .J . and Klingenberg, M . : A detergent-induced charge shift as a prerequisite for the electrochemical analysis of the adenine nucleotide translocator, a basic membrane protein . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 771 (1984) 235-240 - crossed immunoelectrophoresis . 8227 Schumacher, J ., Handles, J .W . and Riesner, D . : A two-dimensional electrophoretic technique for the detection of circular viroids and virusoids . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 288-295 . 8228 Sobel, A ., Tashjian, A .H ., Jr . : Distinct patterns of cytoplasmic protein phosphorylation related to regulation of synthesis and release of prolactin by GH cells . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10312-10324 . 8229 Sullivan, K .F . and Wilson, L . : Electrophoresis of microtubular proteins . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 185-193 . B510 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8230 Traut, R .R ., Lambert, J .M . and Kenny, J .W . : Ribosomal protein L7/L12 crosslinks to proteins in separate regions of the 50 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14592-14598 . 8231 Ushijima, H ., Kim, B ., Tajima, T ., Araki, K ., Shinozaki, T . and Fujii, R . : (Rapid diagnosis of rotavirus infection by silver-stained semimicropolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) . Igaku No Ayuni, 127 (1983) 294-296 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48013s . 8232 Williams, R .S . and Bennett, J . : Synthesis and assembly of thylakoid membrane proteins in isolated pea chloroplasts . Methods Enzymol ., 97 (Biomembranes, Part K) (1983) 487-502 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 209244w . See also 8122 . 19c . Microbial and plant proteins 8233 Carroll, D .J ., Cambell, M ., Thorpe, J .W . and Robertson, J . : The potential use of isoelectric focusing for the identification and discrimination of grass species on the basis of their seed proteins . J . Forensic Sci . Soo ., 23 (1983) 297-305 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 62985s . 8234 Cooke, R.J . : The characterisation and identification of crop cultivars by electrophoresis . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 59-72 - a review with 180 refs . 8235 Kocna, P ., Holakova-Kocova, M . and Sasek, A . : Simple starch-gel electrophoresis of gliadin proteins using the LKB-Multiphor system . Z . Lebensm.-Untere . Forsch ., 177 (1983) 454-456 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 84322a . 8236 Ma, C .-Y . and Harwalkar, V .R . : Chemical characterization and functionality assessment of oat protein fractions . J . Agr . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 144-149 . 8237 Plietz, P ., Zirwer, D ., Schlesier, B ., Gast, K . and Damaschun, G . : Shape, symmetry, hydration and secondary structure of the legumin from Vicia faba in solution . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 784 (1984) 140-146 . 8238 Sauvaire, Y .D ., Baccou, J .-C .F . and Kobrehel, K . : Solubilization and characterization of fenugreek seed proteins . J. Agric . Food Chem ., 32 (1984) 41-47 . 8239 Sekura, R .D ., Fish, F ., Manclark, Ch .R ., Maede, B . and Yan-Ling Zhang : Pertussis toxin . Affinity purification of a new ADP-ribosyltransferase . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14647-14651 . 8240 Taylor, J .R .N . and Schussler, L . : Sorghum cultivar verification by electrophoresis . J . Sci . Food Agric ., 35 (1984) 1-8 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 48622q . 8241 Vacek, L . and Harasek, E . : (Methods of extraction and fractionation of cereal proteins using the buffer system aluminium lactate-lactic acid) . Acta Univ. Agric ., Fac . Agron ., 31 (1983) 103-112 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 21633g . 8242 Werner-Washburne, M ., Cline, K. and Keegstra, K . : Analysis of pea chloroplast inner and outer envelope membrane proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and their comparison with stromal proteins . Plant Physiol ., 73 (1983) 569-575 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 20039f . 79d . Proteins of blood, serum and blood cells 8243 Benbouzid, A ., Guinet, R. and Cloppet, H . : Purification of soluble specific antigens of systematic candidiasis by antibody affinity chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 306 (1984) 117-124 . 8244 Bouchonneau, M ., Durand, J .P . and Pieri, J . : Two dimensional gel electrophoresis of normal and analbuminemic plasmas . IRCS Med. Sci . : Libr . Compend ., 11 (1983) 953-954 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64398b . 8245 Brandslund, I ., Rasmussen, J .M . and Svehag, S .-E . : Simultaneous quantitation of free haptoglobin and haemoglobin-haptoglobin (HbHp) complexes by double-decker rocket immunoelectrophoresis . Clin . Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 177-18B . 8246 Cowley, D .M ., Davey, J .F . :and Hjelm, N .M. : A radioimmunoassay of human prealbumin in body fluids . CZin . Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 69-76 . 8247 Einarsson, R ., Karisson, R. and Akerblom, A . : Use of capillary isotachophoresis to measure the degree of chemical substitution of dog serum albumin . J . Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 143-147 . 8248 Elkon, K .B . : Isoelectric focusing of human IgA and secretory proteins using thin layer agarose gels and nitrocellulose capillary blotting . J . Immunol . Methods, 66 (1984) 313-321 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 101248a . ELECTROPHORESIS B511 8249 Freedman, M .H . : Isoelectric focusing of immunoglobulins . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 166-171 . 8250 Fujita, K . : (Immunochemical and chemical properties of IgG3-K type M-protein reacted with agar gel) . Rinsho Byori, 31 (1983) 1257-1263 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 119092e . 8251 Grataroli, R ., Guy-Crotte, 0 ., Galabert, C . and Figarella, C . : Detection of the cystic fibrosis protein by isoelectric focusing of serum and plasma . Pediatr . Res ., 18 (1984) 130-133 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117405k . 8252 Hansen, J .-E ., Larsen, S .V .A . and Bog-Hansen, T .C . : The microheterogenity of alphas-acid glycoprotein in inflammatory lung disease, cancer of the lung and normal health . CZin . Chim . Acta, 138 (1984) 41-47 . 8253 Huse, K., Himmel, M ., Birkenmeier, G ., Bohla, M . and Kopperschldger, G . : A novel purification procedure for human alpha-fetoprotein by application of immobilised Cibacron Blue F3G - A as affinity ligand . CZin. Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 335-340 . 8254 Imaoka, T ., Lynham, J .A . and Haslam, R .J . : Purification and characterization of the 47,000-dalton protein phosphorylated during degranulation of human platelets . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11404-11414 . 8255 Kadofuku, T ., Sato, T ., Manabe, T . and Okuyama, T . : (Two-dimensional electrophoresis of serum proteins prelabeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate) . Seibutsu Butsuri Kagaku, 26 (1982) 363-369 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31775u . 8256 Kossman, K.T . and Lerach, C . : HochauflSsende zweidimensionale Gelelektrophorese : Eine Methode fur das klinisch-chemische Laboratorium . J . CZin . Chem . CZin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 253-260 . 8257 Lapin, A ., Endler, A .T ., Ogunyemi, E .O . and Gabl, F . : Two-dimensional electrophoresis method for additional characterization of paraproteins in serum . Clinical application of two dimensional electrophoresis, I . J. CZin . Chem . CZin . Biochem ., 22 (1984) 53-59 - agarose, polyacrylamide gel, SDS-polyacrylamide gel . 8258 Marshall, T . : Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of serum after protein denaturation in the presence or absence of 2-mercaptoethanol . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 475-479 . 8259 Marshall, T ., Vesterberg, 0 . and Williams, K.M . : Effect of alcohol abuse on human serum proteins revealed by two-dimensional electrophoresis . EZeetrophoresis, 5 (1984) 122-128 . 8260 Merlini, G ., Pavesi, F ., Carini, A ., Zorzoli, I ., Valentini, 0 . and Aguzzi, F . : Identification of specific plasma proteins determining the agarose gel electrophoresis by the immunosubtraction technique . J . Mn . Chem. CZin . Biochem ., 21 (1983) 841-844 . 8261 Ojala, K . and Weber, T .H. : An improved haptoglobin phenotyping procedure using immunofixation after starch gel electrophoresis . CZin . Chim . Acta, 137 (1984) 233-237 . 8262 Reijinga, J .C ., Gaykema, A . and Mikkers, F .E .P . : Determination of theophylline binding to human serum proteins by isotachophoresis . J . Chramatogr ., 287 (1984) 365-370 . 8263 Saravis, C .A . : Improved blocking of non-specific antibody binding sites on nitrocellulose membranes . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 54-55 . 8264 Schleuning, W .-D ., Sudol, M . and Reich, E . : A proenzyme from chicken plasma similar to human plasma prekallikrein . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14106-14115 . 8265 Sinclair, D ., Kumararatne, D .S ., Forrester, J .B ., Lamont, A . and Stott, D .I . : The application of isoelectric focusing to routine screening for paraproteinemia . J. IrmmunoZ . Methods, 64 (1983) 147-156 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 33033z . 8266 Sullivan, J .B ., Jr . and Russell, F .E . : Isolation, quantitation and subclassing of IgG antibody to CrotaZidae venom by affinity chromatography and protein electrophoresis . Toxicon, SuppZ . 3, (1983) 429-432 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 116145p . 8267 Teisner, B ., Petersen, N.E ., Folkersen, J .J . and Hau, J . : Crossed immunoelectrophoretic analysis of split products of the third complement factor (C3d) following in viva activation of the complement system . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 8487 . 8268 Tracy, R.P ., Katzmann, J .A ., Kimlinger, T .K ., Hurst, G .A . and Young, D .S . : Development of monoclonal antibodies to proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . J . Immunol . Methods, 65 (1983) 97-107 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66274g . B512 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8269 Vesterberg, 0 . : Zone immunoelectrophoresis assay(ZIA) of alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) using one antiserum . CZin . Chim. Acta, 135 (1983) 99-101 . See also 8100, 8257, 8486 . 19e . Structural and muscle proteins 8270 Brown, W .E ., Salmons, S . and Whalen, R .G . : The sequential replacement of myosin subunit isoforms during muscle type transformation induced by long term electrical stimulation . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14686-14692 . 8271 Cala, S .E . and Jones, L .R. : Rapid purification of calsequestrin from cardiac and skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles by Ca t -dependent elution from phenyl-sepharose . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11932-11936 . 8272 Deyl, Z . : Electrophoresis of proteins of connective tissue . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 177-184 . 8273 Duksin, D ., Kalcheim, Ch . and Vogel, Z . : Characterization and localization of collagen-inducing factor from embryonic brain extracts . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14585-14591 . 8274 Gerstenfeld, L ., Beldekas, J .C ., Franzblau, C . and Sonnenshein, G .E . : Cellfree translation of calf type III collagen . Effect of magnesium on ribosome movement during elongation . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12058-12063 . 8275 Irita, K ., Takeshige, K . and Minakami, S . : Phosphorylation of myosin light chain in intact pig leucocytes stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 803 (1984) 21-28 . 8276 Kabasawa, I ., Watanabe, M . and Kimura, M . : Chromatofocusing for separation of human cataractous lens low-molecular-weight proteins . Jpn . J . Ophthal Mol ., 27 (1983) 592-597 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99443q . 8277 Matsumura, F ., Lin, J .J .-C ., Yamashiro-Matsumura, S ., Thomas, G .P . and Topp, W .C . : Differential expression of tropomyosin forms in the microfilaments isolated from normal and transformed rat cultured cells . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13954-13964 . 8278 Meloan, C .E . and Khatamian, N . : The use of disc electrophoresis to detect the adulteration of beef and other animal meats . Anal . Lett ., 16 (1983) 1127-1132 . 8279 Mujumdar, V .S . and Durve, V .S . : Effect of sodium chloride on electrophoretic patterns of adductor muscle proteins of oysters Crassoctrea gryphoides, C . cucullata and C . erenulifera . Indian J . Mar . Sci ., 12 (1983) 131-132 ; C .A., 99 (1983) 190966j . 8280 Narayanan, A .S . and Page, R .C . : Biosynthesis and regulation of type V collagen in diploid human fibroblasts . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11694-11699 . 8281 Nyitray, L ., Mocz, G ., Szilagyi, L ., Balint, M ., Renne Chen Lu, Wong, A . and Gergely, J . : The proteolytic substructure of light meromyoxin . Localization of a region responsible for the low ionic strength insolubility of myosin . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13213-13220 . 8282 Rubenstein, P . : Electrophoresis of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, 2 . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 172-176 . 8283 Sage, H ., Trueb, B . and Bornstein, P . : Biosynthetic and structural properties of endothelial cell type VIII Collagen . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13391-13401 . 8284 Schweizer, J, and Winter, H . : Keratin biosynthesis in normal mouse epithelia and in squamous cell carcinomas . mRNA-Dependent alterations of the primary structure of distinct keratin subunits in tumors . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13268-13272 . 8285 Toyoshima, I ., Tanaka, K ., Fukuhara, N ., Kumamoto, T . and Miyatake, T . ; Dissection and electrophoretic protein analysis of single muscle fibers from histologically identified freeze-dried sections application to muscle fibers with rimmed vacuoles . Biomed . Res ., 4 (1983) 459-465 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64401x . 8286 Yamada, S ., Tomino, S ., Izumi, S . and Akino, M . : Purification, molecular properties and biosynthesis of a specific protein component induced under compensatory hypertrophy in the rat skeletal muscle . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 798 (1984) 260-267 - two-dimensional polyacryl am; de gel . See also 8323 . 3513 ELECTROPHORESIS 19f. Protamines, his tones and other nuclear proteins 8287 Batova, I . : (Localization of certain nonhistone proteins in the nucleosome fractions of activated and nonactivated rat liver chromatin) . Doki . BoZg . Akad. Nauk, 36 (1983) 1207-1210 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 1174043 . 8288 Bernues, J ., Querol, E ., Martinez, P ., Barris, A ., Espel, E . and Lloberas, J . : Detection by chemical cross-linking of interaction between high mobility group protein i and histone oligomers in free solution . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11023-11024 . 8289 Ellison, M .J . and Pulleyblank, D .E . : Internal structure of discrete nucleohistone complexes which form in vitro under conditions of physiological ionic strength . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13314-13320 . (Question of the suitability of gel electrophoretic character8290 Ostermann, W .D . : ization of the prolamin fraction of wheat (Tritium aestivum L .) as a genetic marker for high protein content of grain) . BioZ . Zentralbi ., 102 (1983) 703-715 C .A ., 100 (1984) 135301c, 8291 Paton, A .E ., Wilkinson-Singley, E . and Olins, D .E . : Nonhistone nuclear high mobility group proteins 14 and 17 stabilize nucleosome core particles . J .BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13221-13229 . 8292 Rao, B .J ., Brahmachari, S .K. and Rae, M .R .S . : Structural organization of the meiotic prophase chromatin in the rat testis . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1348513486 . 19g . Chromoproteins and metalloproteins 8293 .. Apps, D .K ., Boisclair, M .D ., Gavine, F .S . and Pettigrew, G .W . : Unusual redox behaviour of cytochrome b-561 from bovine chromaffin granule membranes . Biochim. Biophyc . Acta, 764 (1984) 8-16 . 8294 Brenowitz, M ., Bonaventura, J . and Bonaventura, C . : Electrophoresis of hemocyanins . in : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 156-160 . 8295 Castagnola, M ., Caradonna, P ., Cassiano, L ., Degen, C ., Lorenzin, F ., Rossetti, D . and Salvi, M .L . : Analysis of the globins from fast human haemoglobins by isoelectrofocusing on polyacrylamide gel rods . J . Chromatogr ., 307 (1984) 91102 8296 Cossu, G ., Manca, M ., Pirastru, M .G ., Bullita, R ., Bosisio, A .B . and Righetti, P .G . : Determination of glycosylated haemoglobin by isoelectric focusing in nonlinear pH gradients . J . Chromatogr ., 307 (1984) 103-110 . 8297 Fukushima, H ., Takeda, T ., Sasaki, N ., Watanabe, T . and Nozawa, Y . : Purification and characterization of microsomal cytochrome b from a unicellular 2S60 eukaryote Tetrahymena pyriformis . J . Biol . Chem ., 58 T1!983) 11991-11996 . 8298 Homaidan, F .R ., Kricka, L .J ., Clark, P .M .S ., Jones, S .R . and Whitehead, T .P . : Acetaldehyde-hemoglobin adducts : An unreliable marker of alcohol abuse . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 480-482 - agar gel . 8299 Hu, Y ., Bi, Y ., Zhang, H ., Ge, Y . and Peng, L . : (Assay of hemoglobin Ai c by isoelectric focusing and quantitative densitometry) . Zhonghua Yixue Zazhi, 63 (1983) 493-496 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 190977p . 8300 Kranz, R .G . and Gennis, R .B . : Immunological characterization of the cytochrome c terminal oxidase from Escherichia coZi . J . Bio2 . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1061410621 . Qualitative analysis of affinity-chromatographed 8301 Krauss, J .S . and Trinh, M . : glycated hemoglobin eluate by electrophoresis on citrate agar . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 498-499 . 8302 Mertz, J .R. and Theil, E .C . : Subunit dimers in sheep spleen apoferritin . The effect on iron storage . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11719-11726 . 8303 Petren, S . and Vesterberg, 0 . : Quantification of a transferrin variant after isoelectric focusing in agarose gel using carbamylated myoglobin as a colored marker . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 26-29 . 8304 Presta, M ., Giglione, B ., Ottolenghi, S,, Gianni, A .M ., Capaldi, A ., Trento, M . and Saglio, G . : Analysis of human embryonic hemoglobins and globins by isoelectric focusing . Haematologica, 68 (1983) 443-453 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 209154s . 8305 Price, D .J . and Joshi, J .G . : Ferritin . Binding of beryllium and other divalent metal ions . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10873-10880 . B514 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8306 Schneider, A .B . and Schechter, A .N . : Electrophoresis of human hemoglobins . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 161-165 . 8307 Zhang, Z . and Wei, M . : (Determination of glycosylated hemoglobin by agar gel electrophoresis) . Zhonghua Yixue Jianyan Zazhi, 6 (1983) 68-71 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48011q . 19h . Proteins of glands, gland products and various zymogens (including milk proteins) 8308 Addeo, F ., Chianese, L ., Di Luccia, A ., Petrilli, P ., Mauriello, R . and Anelli, G . : Identification of bovine casein variants by gel isoelectric focusing . MiZcla)issenschaft, 38 (1983) 586-588 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 4867u . 8309 Addeo, F ., Stingo, C ., Chianese, L ., Petrilli, P ., Scudiero, A . and Anelli, G . : (Isoelectric focusing of casein for identifying cow milk in buffalo mozzarella cheese) . Latte, 8 (1983) 795-803 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 50185t . 8310 Calmet, F .J . : (Electrophoresis of milk proteins) . Tee . Lab ., 8 (1983) 10151017 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 66833p . 8311 Davoli, C ., Grimaldi, S ., Minu, M ., Edelhoch, H . and Andreoli, M . : Apparent heterogeneity of thyroglobulin in isoelectric focusing . Int . Congr . Ser.Exeerpta Med ., 605 (Curr . ProbZ. Thyroid Res .) (1983) 119-122 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 172303m . 8312 Dziuba, J . : (Preparative electrophoresis of whey proteins) . Zesz . Nauk Akad . Roln .-Tech . Oleztynie, Technol . Zyum ., (1983) 33-38 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 66722b . 8313 Furtado, M .M . : (Electrophoretic characterization of alfa and beta caseins from goat milk) . Rev . Inst . Laticinios Candido Tostes, 38 (1983) 27-29 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 4992f . 8314 Tsuda, R ., Inoue, T . and Hara, T . : (Analysis of crossed immunoelectrophoretic and polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of human seminal secretion . XXI) . Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi, 37 (1983) 175-179 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 170765q . 8315 Shimazaki, K ., Tezima, S . and Sukegawa, K . : Analysis of bovine whey protein components by two-dimensional electrophoresis . Agric . Biol . Chem ., 47 (1983) 2909-2912 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 66720z . 8316 Tsung, P .-K ., Hong, B .-S ., Holly, F .J . and Gordon, W ., Jr . : Decrease of lactoferrin concentration in the tears of myotonic muscular dystrophy patients . Min . Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 213-219 . 19i . Proteins of neoplastic tissue 8317 Anderson, K .M ., Baranowski, J ., Olson, L . and Economov, S .G . : The distribution of acidic Coomassie blue-stained proteins from uninvolved human liver, hepatoma, normal colon, primary colon cancer, and colon metastases to the liver, determined by two-dimensional protein electrophoresis . J . Surg. Oneol ., 24 (1983) 184-191 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 49414k . 8318 Banks-Schlegel, S .P . and Harris, C .C . : Aberrant expression of keratin proteins and cross-linked envelopes in human esophageal carcinomas . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 1153-1157 . 8319 Greig, R.G ., Caltabiano, L ., Reid, R ., Jr ., Feild, J . and Poste, G . : Heterogeneity of protein phosphorylation in metastatic variants of B16 melanoma . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 6057-6065 . 8320 Takeda, A ., Waldron, J .A ., Jr ., Ruddle, N .H . and Cone, R .E . : Analysis of normal and neoplastic lymphocyte surface-labeled proteins by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . Exp . Cell . Res ., 148 (1983) 83-93 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 210651h . 8321 Tilgen, W ., Boukamp, P ., Breitkreutz, D ., Dzarlieva, R.T ., Engstner, M ., Haag, D . and Fusenig, N .E . : Preservation of morphological, and karyotypic traits during long-term culture and in vivo passage of two human skin equamous cell carcinomas . Cancer Res ., 43 (1983) 5995-6011 . See also 8362 . ELECTROPHORESIS B515 19j . Specific binding proteins 8322 Aiyer, R .A . : Structural characterization of insulin receptors . II . Subunit composition of receptors from turkey erythrocytes . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15000-15003 . 8323 Campbell, K .P ., MacLennan, D .H . and Jorgensen, A .O . : Staining of the Ca t+-binding proteins, calsequestrin, calmodulin, troponin C, and S-100, with the cationic carbocyanine dye "Stains-all" . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11267-11273 . 8324 Cheng, C .Y ., Musto, N .A ., Gunsalus, G .L . and Bardin, C .W . : Demonstration of heavy and light protomers of human testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1379-1389 . 8325 Creutz, C .E ., Dowling, L .G ., Sando, J .J ., Villar-Palasi, C ., Whipple, J .H . and Zaks, W .J . : Characterization of the chromobindins . Soluble proteins that bind to the chromaffin granule membrane in the presence of Ca 2+ . J. Bio2 . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14664-14674 . 8326 Emerson, D .L ., Galbraith, R .M . and Arnaud, P . : Electrophoretic demonstration of interactions between group specific component (vitamin D binding protein), actin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol . EZectrophoresis, 5 (1984) 22-26 . 8327 Gardiner, P .E ., Gessner, H ., Bratter, P ., Stoeppler, M . and Nurnberg, H .W . : The distribution of zinc in human erythrocytes . J . CZin . Chem . CZin . Bioehem ., 22 (1984) 159-163 . 8328 Glenney, J .R ., Jr . and Weber, K . : Detection of calmodulin-binding polypeptides separated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels by a sensitive 7 25 I]calmodulin gel overlay assay . Methods EnzymoZ ., 102 (Norm . Action, Part G) (1983) 204-210 ; C.A.,, 99 (1983) 209175z . 8329 Kennedy, J .F ., Barnes, J .A . and Matthews, P .W . : Isolation of thyroxine-binding globulin(TBG) by immunoadsorption chromatography : some physical and immunochemical characteristics of TBG . CZin . Chim . Auta, 129 (1983) 251-261 . 8330 Ohnishi, K . and Watanabe, Y . : Purification and some properties of a new Ca t+ binding protein (TCBP-10) present in Tetrahymena cilium . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13978-13985 . 8331 Okano, T ., Masuda, S ., Ishimine, M ., Murai, J ., Yamamoto, Y . and Kobayashi, T . : Comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 binding proteins from rat lymph and plasma . Chem . Pharm . BuZZ ., 31 .(198,3) 4022-4028 . 8332 Otto, J .J . : Detection of vinculin-binding proteins with an 125 2-vinculin gel overlay technique . J . CeZZ Biol ., 97 (1983) 1283-1287 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 191 191001C . 8333 Stiles, G .L ., Strasser, R.H ., Caron, M .G . and Lefkowitz, R .J . : Mammalian 8-adrenergic receptors . Structural differences in S1 and B2 subtypes revealed by peptide maps . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10689-10694 . See also 8262 . 19k . Urinary proteins 8334 Cristea, A ., Manasia, M ., Spinn, C ., Run, H ., Gherman, M ., Vladutiu, D . and Patiu, I .P . : (Study of urinary proteins using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) . Viata Med., Rev . Inf. Prof . Stiint . Med ., 29 (1982) 3338 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 117400e . 19Z . Other proteins 9335 Ai, K., Wang, S . and Zhao, B . : (A suitable method of polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis for cerespinal fluid) . Zhongwa Yixue Jianyan Zazhi, 6 (1983) 81-84 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 33051d . 9336 Beaumont, J .M . and Knowler, J .T . : Protein synthesis in the uterus of the immature rat : the effects of short exposures to oestradiol-175 . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1503-1508 . 9337 Calam, D .H ., Davidson, J . and Ford, A .W . : Studies on allergens of mammalian origin . J . Chromatogr ., 288 (1984) 137-145 . 8338 Chace, K .V ., Leahy, D .S ., Martin, R ., Carubelli, R ., Flux, M . and Sachdev, G .P . : Respiratory mucous secretions in patients with cystic fibrosis : relationship between levels of highly sulfated mucin component and severity of the disease . CZin . Chim. Acto, 132 (1984) 143-155 . B516 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8339 Gold, M .A ., HeydgKn, W .E ., Creed, G .J ., Weller, J .L ., Klein, D .C . and Jacobowitz, D .M . : In vitro S methionine-labeled protein synthesis in microdissected discrete brain areas : Marked regional differences revealed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . EZectrophoresis, 5 (1984) 116-121 . 8340 Jackson, P . and Thompson, R .J . : The immunodetection of brain blotted onto nitrocellulse from fixed and stained two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 35-42 . 8341 Melcion, C ., Baudouin, B . and Verroust, P . : An immunoenzymic technique to determine without prior purification the isoelectric point of monoclonal components in the serum or urine of patients with monoclonal gammapathy . Dev . ImmunoZ ., 18 (Immunoenzym . Tech .) (1983) 337-340 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 49692z . 8342 Pellegrinin, A . and von Fellenberg, R . : The isolation and characterization of anew elastase inhibitor, pre-a2-elastase inhibitor, of the horse . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 336-342 . 8343 Segers, J ., Rabaey, M . and van Oye, R . : Analysis of normal human aqueous humour proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis . Electrophoresis, 5 (1964) 48-53 . 8344 Seon, B .K . : Specific killing of human T-leukemia cells by immunotoxins prepared with ricin A chain and monoclonal anti-human T-cell leukemia antibodies . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 259-264 . 8345 Swanson, R.J . and Applebury, M .L . : Methylation of proteins in photoreceptor rod outer segments . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10599-10605 . 8346 Thompson, E .J . and Johnson, M .H . : Electrophoresis of CSF proteins . J . Appi . Med ., 9 (1983) 827-831 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64244y . 20 . ENZYMES 8347 De Castro, A .F . and Gupta, S .K . : Electrophoretic separation of isoenzymes utilizing a stable polyacrylamide system . U .S . Pat . US 4,415,655 (Cl . 435-17 ; C1291/50), 15 Nov . 1983 ; Appl . 379,115, 17 May 1982, 5 pp . ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 135049b . 8348 Ostrowski, W . : Electrophoretic examination of enzymes . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 287-339 . 20a . Oxidoreductases 8349 Beatty, E .M . and Doxey, D .L . : One and two dimensional isoelectric focusing of lactate dehydrogenase from the tissue of Ovis arias . Comp . Biochem . Physiol . B, 763 (1983) 271-275 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 31297q . 8350 Dumontet, Ch . and Rousset, B . : Identification, purification, and characterization of a non heme lactoperoxidase in bovine milk . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14166-14172,8351 Ebermann, R . and Stich, K . : Detection of peroxidase isoenzymes in polyacrylamide gels by means of hydroxycinnamic acid esters as substrates . J. Chromatogr., 283 (1984) 468-473 . 8352 Giordano, G ., Violet, M ., Medani, C .-L . and Pommier, J . : A common pathway for the activation of several .molybdoenzymes in Escheriehia eoZi K 12 . Biochim. Biophys . Acta, 798 (1984) 216-225 - a rocket immunoelectrophoresis . 8353 Ketchum, C .H ., Robinson, C .A ., Hall, L .M ., Grizzle, W .E ., MacLaren, N .K ., Riley, W .J . and Trost, C . : Clinical significance and partial biochemical characterization of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 6 . Clin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 46-49 . 8354 Levin, W ., Shively, J .E ., Yuan, P .M . and Ryan, D .E . : Apparent anomalies in the resolution of cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes by gel electrophoresis . Bioehem. Soc . Trans ., 12 (1984) 62-68 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 116942w . 8355 Podlasek, S .J ., McPherson, R .A . and Threatte, G .A . : Characterization of apparent lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 6 : A lactate-independent dehydrogenase . Clin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 266-270 . 8356 Premakumar, R ., Lemos, E .M . and Bishop, P .E . : Evidence for two dinitrogenase reductases under regulatory control by molybdenum in Azotobaeter vineZandii . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 64-70 . ELECTROPHORESIS 3517 8357 Pridgar, E .M ., Leung, F .Y . and Henderson, A .R . : Accuracy of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme estimations by a thin-layer agarose fluorescent technique : experience with ternary and quaternary mixtures of purified human lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2096-2099 . 8258 Toepfer, G ., Wallbraun, 0 ., Seifert, A . and Schulze, G . : (Improved precision and separation exactness as well as shortened separating duration in cellulose acetate foil electrophoresis by use of a lactate buffer with increased voltage (240V)) . Zentralb2, Pharm . Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn ., 122 (1983) 10371044 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48007t . 8359 Ui, S ., Masuda, H . and Muraki, H . : Stereospecific and electrophoretic natures of bacterial 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenases . J . Ferment . TechnoZ ., 61 (1983) 467-471 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19681c . 20b . Transferases (excluding E .C . 2 .7 .- .-) 8360 DePaoli-Roach, A .A ., Ahmad, Z ., Camici, M ., Lawrence, J .C ., Jr . and Roach, P .J . : Multiple phosphorylation of rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase . Evidence for interactions among phosphorylation sites and the resolution of electrophoretically distinct forms of the subunit . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1070210709, 8361 Frey, A.B ., Friedberg, T ., Oesch, F . and Kreibich, G . : Studies on the subunit composition of rat liver glutathione S-transferases . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11321-11325 . 8362 Huseby, N .-E . and Eide, T .J . : Variant gama-glutamyltransferases in colorectal carcinomas . CZin . Chim . Acta, 135 (1983) 301-307 - agarose gel . 8363 Kim, D .S . and Churchich, J .E . : Catalytic and structural properties of trypsintreated 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1176811773 . 8364 Nikolskaya, I .I ., Sharkova, E .V ., Suchkov, S .V ., Karpets, L .Z ., Debov, S .S ., Somodi, P . and Foldes, I . : Isoelectric focusing of bacterial DNA methylases, Biochem . Int ., 7 (1983) 605-615 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48162q . 8365 NOEL, H ., Plante, L ., Bleau, G ., Chapdelaine, A . and Roberts, K .D . : Human placental steroid sulfatase : purification and properties . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1591-1598 . 8366 Sakakibara, S ., Shiomi, K ., Kobayashi, S ., Ikeda, T ., Inai, S . and Kagamiyama, H . : A convenient and sensitive method for the determination of serum aspartate aminotransferase isoenzymes after electrophoresis . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 119-123 . 8367 Van der Loos, C .M ., Van Breda, A .J ., Van den Berg, F .M, and Jobsis, A .C . : The nature of placental steroid sulphatase deficiency in man . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1743-1746 . See also 8383 . 20c . Transferases transferring phosphorus containing groups (E . C . 2 .7 .- .-) 8368 Albert, P .M ., Debroux, C ., De Nayer, P . and Zech, F . : Methods for assay of creatinine kinase isoenzyme MB compared . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2124 . 8369 Apple, F .S ., Rogers, M .A ., Sherman, W .M ., Costill, D .L ., Hagerman, F .C . and Ivy, J .L . : Profile of creatine kinase isoenzymes in skeletal muscles of marathon runners . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 413-416 . 8370 Bar, W . and Dissing, J . : Subtyping of human red cell phosphoglucomutase (PGM 1 ) using conventional agarose gel electrophoresis . Electrophoresis, 4 (1983) 282283 . 8371 Breant, B ., Huet, J ., Sentenac, A, and Fromageot, P . : Analysis of yeast RNA polymerases with subunit-specific antibodies . J. BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1196811973 . 8372 Chapelle, J .-P . : Serum creatine kinase MM sub-band determination by isoelectric focusing : a potential method for the monitoring of myocardial infarction, Clin . Chim . Aeta, 137 (1984) 273-281 - polyacrylamide gel . 8373 D'Agostino, L .E . and Scoccia de Valero, A .E . : (Separation of creatine kinase isoenzymes by electrophoresis) . Acta Bioquim . CZin . Latinoam ., 17 (1983) 4549 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 134718g . B518 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8374 Divall, G .B . and Ismail, M . : Studies and observations on the use of isoelectric focusing in ultra-thin polyacrylamide gels as a method of typing human red cell phosphoglucomutase . Forensic Sci . Int ., 22 (1983) 253-263 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 30552g . 8375 Edwards, R .J . and Watts, D .C . : Tetrathionate-blocked creatine kinase as a substrate for human plasma creatine kinase conversion factor . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 275-283 . 8376 Gerbitz, K .-D ., Deufel, T ., Summer, J ., Thallemer, J . and Wieland, O .H . : Brain specific proteins : creatine kinase BB isoenzyme is cochromatographed during preparation of neuron-specific enolase from human brain . CZin . Chim . Acta, 133 (1983) 233-239 . 8377 Grace, A .M., Perryman, M .B . and Roberts, R . : Purification and characterization of human mitochondrial creatine kinase . A single enzyme form . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15346-15354 . 8378 Hayner, N .T ., Braun, L ., Yaswen, P ., Brooks, M . and Fausto, N . : isozyme profiles of oval cells, parenchymal cells, and biliary cells isolated by centrifugal elutriation from normal and preneoplastic livers . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 332338 - cellulose acetate, polyacrylamide gel . 8379 Ngo, J .-L ., Garratt, K .N ., Eversole, P ., Orlando, R .A . and Ibsen, K .H . : Pyruvate kinase isoenzymes in human serum . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 111-113 - agarose, cellulose acetate . 8380 Steinberg, R .A . : Radiolabeling and detection methods for studying metabolism of regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase I in intact cultured cells . Methods EnzymoZ ., 99 (Horm . Action, Part F) (1983) 233-243 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 81596g . 8381 Liu, T .Z . : Unusually high proportion of creatine kinase MB isoenzyme, evidently of nonmyocardial origin, in serum of a patient with cancer of the prostate . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2127 . 8382 Rosa, R ., Calvin, M .-C ., Prehu, M .-O . and Areus, N . : Purification of human erythrocyte phosphoglyceromutase . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 203-209 . 8383 Straus, B ., Kunovic, B . and Cepelak, I . : Effect of lipoproteins on the electrophoretic mobility of gamma-glutamyltransferase . Acta Pharm . Jugoel ., 33 (1983) 265-271 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 83227m . 8384 Strom, S . and Bendz, R . : Serum creatine kinase (CK)activity after M-subunit inhibition in patients with atypical CK isoenzymes- a comparison to findings in acute myocardial infarction . CZin . Chim . Acta, 132 (1983) 73-81 . 8385 Teraoka, H . : (In situ assay for enzymes after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis : Application to DNA polymerase a) . Seikagaku, 55 (1983) 1332-1334 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63835e . 8386 Tsung, S .H . ; Creative kinase activity and isoenzyme pattern in various normal tissues and neoplasms . CZin . Chem ., 29 (1983) 2040-2043 . 20d . HydroZases, acting on ester bonds (E .C. 3 .1 .-.-) 8387 Ames, P .K ., Kimes, D .R ., Tahir, M .A . and Stolorow, M . : Alternative methods for seminal acid phosphatase electrophoresis . J . Can . Soc . Forensic Sci ., 16 (1983) 1-5 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 189088t . 8388 Assaf, R ., Marsolais, G ., Yelle, J . and Hamelin, C . : Unambiguous typing of canine adenovirus isolates by deoxyribonucleic acid restriction endonuclease analysis . Can . J. Comp . Med ., 47 (1983) 460-463 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 82340f . 8389 Ayako Abe, and Ta-Hsiu Liao : The immunological and structural comparisons of deoxyribonucleases . I . Glycosylation differences between bovine pancreatic and parotid deoxyribonucleases . J . Biot . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10283-10288 . 8390 Cleeve, H .J .W . and Tua, D .C . : Isoelectric`focusing of human tissue alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in agarose gel . CZin . Chim . Aeta, 137 (1984) 333-340 gel bond + agarose EF . Intestinal alkaline phosphatase linked to 8391 Kohno, H ., Sudo, K . and Kanno, T . : immunoglobulin G of the kappa type . CZin . Chim . Acta, 135 (1983) 41-48 . 8392 McCarthy, R .C . and Markowitz, H . : Characterization of human prostatic acid phosphatase radioiodinated by four different procedures . CZin . Chim. Acta, 132 (1983) 277-286 . 8393 Steckel, F ., Hasilik, A . and von Figura, K . : Biosynthesis and maturation of arylfulfatase B in normal and mutant cultured human fibroblasts . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14322-14326 . ELECTROPHORESIS B519 8394 Yamamoto, T ., Manganiello, V .C . and Vaughan, M . : Purification and characterization of cyclic GMP-stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from calf liver . Effects of divalent cations on activity . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12526-12533 . 20e . Hydrolases, acting on gZycosyl compounds (E .C . 3 .2 .- .-) 8395 Adachi, K ., Suzuki, K ., Ohno, Y . and Sato, B . : Identification of unique macroamylase with abnormally low affinity for macromolecular substrate by shortchain amylose assay methods . CZin . Chim . Acta, 138 (1984) 105-109 - Cellogel . 8396 Call, H .P ., Feldner, J . and Emeis, C .C . : Electrophoresis of a Penicillium dextranase using polyacrylamide gel with Blue Dextran . J. Food Bioehem ., 7 (1983) 113-117 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190339g . 8397 Fluharty, A .L . : Electrophoresis of lysosomal glycosidases and sulfatases . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 149-155 . 8398 Gallien, P . and von Baehr, R . : Cell-electrophoretic studies of the effect of D-neuraminidase on erythrocytes using the Parmoquant automated measuring microscope . Jena Rev ., 28 (1983) 84-85 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31640v . 8399 Hoogeveen, A .T ., Verheijen, F .W . and Galjaard, H . : The relation between human lysosomal 1-galactosidase and its protective protein . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12143-12146 . 8400 Pfister, K ., Gitzelmann, R . and Steinmann, B . : Zonal differences of alphaglucosidases in human kidney : studies in controls and in patients with glycogenosis type II . CZin . Chim . Acta, 134 (1983) 307-315 . 8401 Royse, V .L . and Jensen, D .M . : Development of an agarose gel electrophoresis technique for determining a-amylase isoenzymes . Mn . Chem ., 30 (1984) 387-390 . 8402 Rozhkov, Yu .I . : (Electrophoretic separation of multiple enzyme forms in substrate-containing media for example, aminal a-amylase)) . S-Kh . BioZ ., (1983) 107-115 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 63919k . 8403 Tabata, S ., Ide, T ., Umemura, Y . and Torii, K . : Purification and characterization of a-glucosidases produced by Saccharomyces in response to three distinct maltose genes . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 231-238 . 8404 Zakowski, J .J ., Gregory, M .R . and Bruns, D .E . : Amylase from human serous ovarian tumors : purification and characterization . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 62-68 polyacrylamide gel . 20f. Other hydrolases 8405 Aris, J .P . and Simoni, R .D . : Cross-linking and labeling of the Eseherichia coli F1F O -ATP synthase reveal a compact hydrophilic portion of F o close to an F 1 catalytic subunit . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14599-14609 . 8406 Axelsson, C .K., Axelsen, N .H ., Szecsi, P .B . and Foltmann, B . : Determination of pepsin (EC 3 .4 .23 .1 .) and gastriosin (EC 3 .4 .23 .3 .) in gastric juice by rocket immunoelectrophoresis . CZin . Chim. Acta, 129 (1983) 323-331 . 8407 Hiwada, K ., Tokioka-Terao, M ., Nishimura, K . and Kokubu, T . : A family with a high serum aminopeptidase (microsomal) activity : Properties of the enzyme from serum of the propositus . CZin . Chem ., 30 (1984) 222-225 . 8408 Ikekita, M ., Kizuki, K . and Moriya, H . : Immunological relationships of the glandular kallikreins . Chem. Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 246r.-24728409 Kageyama, H ., Okumura, Y ., Adachi, T ., Ito, Y ., Hirano, K . and Sugiura, M . : Purification and some properties of kallikreins from human urine and pancreas . Chem . Pharm . Bull ., 31 (1983) 2386-2394 . 8410 Kelleher, P .J . and Juliano, R .L . : Detection of proteases in polyacrylamide gels containing covalently bound substrates . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 470-475 - bovine serum albumin-, gelatin-, casein-acrylamide gels . 8411 Lenney, J .F ., Peppers, S .C ., Kucera, C .M . and Sjaastad, 0 . : Homocarnosinosis : lack of serum carnosinase is the defect probably responsible for elevated brain and CSF homocarnosine . CZin . Chim . Acta, 132 (1983) 157-165 . 8412 Marre, R . and Medeiros, A .A . : (Isoelectric focusing of LegioneZla 8-lactamases) . Fortschr. Med . Mikrobiol ., 1 (Betalaktamasen) (1983) 57-64 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 135496v . 8413 Olstein, A .D . and Liener, I .E . : Comparative studies of mouse liver cathepsin B and an analogous tumor thiol proteinase . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 1104911056 . B520 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 8414 Sinha, P . and Gossrau, R . : (Isoelectric focusing and histochemistry of proteases in rat organs) . Verh . Anat . Ges ., 77 (1982, Publ . 1983) 639-640 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 134706b . 8415 Vecoli, Ch ., Prevost, F .E ., Ververis, J .J ., Medeiros, A .A . and O'Leary, G .P ., Jr . : Comparison of polyacrylamide and agarose gel thin-layer isoelectric focusing for the characterization of 8-lactamases . Antimicrob .. Agents Chemother., 24 (1983) 186-189 . 8416 Wolfe, P .B ., Wickner, W . and Goodman, J .M . : Sequence of the leader peptidase gene of Escherichia coli and the orientation of leader peptidase in the bacterial envelope . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12073-12080 . 20g . Lyases 8417 Chang, C .S ., Sassa, S . and Doyle, D . : An immumological study of S-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase . Specificity consistent with the phylogeny of species . Biochim . Biophys . Acta, 797 (1984) 297-301 . 8418 Choi, J .H . and Scheffler, I .E . : Chinese hamster ovary cells resistant to a-difluoromethylornithine are overproducers of ornithine decarboxylase, J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12601-12608 . 8419 Daday, H .V, and Whitecross, M .I . : Isoelectric focusing of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase from lucerne and spinach . Sci . Tools, 30 (1983) 11-14 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 116877d . 8420 Wevers, R .A ., Jacobs, A .A .C . and Hommes, O .R . : A bioluminiscent assay for enolase (E .C . 4 .2 .1 .11 .) activity in human serum and cerebrospinal fluid . CZin . Chim . Acta, 135 (1983) 159-168 . 20i . Ligases 8421 Dietrich, A ., Souciet, G ., Colas, B . and Weil, J .-H . : PhaseoZus vulgaris cytoplasmic leucyl-tRNA synthetase . Purification and comparison of its catalytic, structural, and immunological properties with those of the chloroplastic enzyme . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12386-12393 . 8422 Mattick, J .S ., Tsukamoto, Y ., Nickless, J . and Wakil, S .J . : The architecture of the animal fatty acid synthetase . I . Proteolytic dissection and peptide mapping . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15291-15299 . 8423 Smith, D .D ., Jr . and Campbell, J .W . : Subcellular location of chicken brain glutamine synthetase and comparison with chicken liver mitochondrial glutamine synthetase . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12265-12268 . 8424 Tsukamoto, Y ., Wong, H ., Mattick, J .S . and Wakil, S .J . : The architecture of the animal fatty acid synthetase complex . IV . Mapping of active centers and model for the mechanism of action . J . Bial . Chem ., 258 (1983) 15312-15322 . 8425 Webster, T .A,, Gibson, B .W ., Keng, T ., Biemann, K . and Schimmel, P . : Primary structures of both subunits of Escher-ichia coZi glycyl-tRNA synthetase . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10637-10641 . 20j . CmnpZex mixtures and incompletely identified enzymes 8426 Fazel, A ., Guillou, Y . and Cohen, G .N . : A hybrid proteolytic fragment of Escherichia coZi aspartokinase 1-homoserine dehydrogenase I . Structure, inhibition pattern, dissociation properties, and generation of two homodimers . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13570-13574 . 8427 Paschin, Yu .V . and Ambrossieva, E .D . : Electrophoretic enzyme variants detected in F l progeny of males treated by alkylating mutagen . Mutant . Res ., 125 (1984) 71-74 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 98048c . 8428 Vedeneev, A .N ., Kasatkina, T .I . and Semenenko, V .E . : (Isolation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase by continuous electrophoresis) . Fiziol . Fast ., 30 (1983) 1220-1226 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 47611y . 21 . PURINES, PYRIMIDINES, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS 8429 Liu, 0 . and Li, Z . : (An electrophoretic transfer apparatus for molecular hybridization of nucleic acids) . Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shenguu Mali Xuebao, 15 (1983) 489-493 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 64273g . ELECTROPHORESIS B521 8430 Whitton, J .L ., Hundley, F ., O'Donnell, B . and Desselberger, U . : Silver staining of nucleic acids . Applications in virus research and in diagnostic virology . J . Virol . Methods, 7 (1983) 185-198 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31705w . 21a . Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides 8431 Schott, H . and Schrade, H . : Prdparative Isolierung von Tetra-, Penta- and Hexapurinoligonucleotiden aus Partialhydrolysaten depyrimidinierter Herringspermen-DNA . J. Chromatogr ., 284 (1984) 381-407 . 8432 Schott, H ., Schrade, H, and Watzlawick, H . : Isolierung von Oligonucleosiden aus DNA-Partialhydrolysaten mit Hilfe der Template-Chromatographie . J . Chromatogr ., 285 (1984) 343-363 . 8433 Zadrazil, S . : Electrophoresis of nucleotides, nucleosides, nitrogenous constituents of nucleic acids . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 341-359 . 21b . Nucleic acids, RNA 8434 Brandt, T .L . and Hackett, P .B . : Characterization of messenger RNA by direct translation from agarose gels . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 401-408 . 8435 Chambers, J .Gh ., Kurilla, M .G . and Keene, J .D . : Association between the 7 S RNA and the lupus La Protein varies among cell types . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11438-11441 . 8436 Derwenskus, K.-H ., Fischer, W. and Sprinzl, M . : Isolation of tRNA isoacceptors by affinity chromatography on immobilized bacterial elongation factor Tu . Anal . Biochem ., 136 (1984) 161-167 . 8437 Dingermann, T ., Sharp, S ., Schaack, J . and 8611, D . : Stable transcription complex formation of eukaryotic tRNA genes is dependent on a limited separation of the two intragenic control regions . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10395-10402 . 8438 Dodd, J .G ., Sheppard, P .C . and Matusik, R .J . : Characterization and cloning of rat dorsal prostate mRNAs . Androgen regulation of two closely related abundant mRNAS . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10731-10737 . 8439 Fourcroy, P . : Electrophoresis and recovery of active mRNA from composite ultra low-medium gelling temperature agarose gels . Electrophoresis, 5 (1984) 73-76 . 8440 Kaneda, S ., Gotoh, 0 ., Seno, T . and Takeishi, K . : Nucleotide sequence of Dictyostelium small nuclear RNA Dd8 not homologous to any other sequenced small nuclear RNA . J. Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10606-10613 . 8441 Kolodny, G .M . : Recovery of RNA from polyacrylamide slab gels . J . Chromatogr ., 288 (1984) 457-460 . 8442 Kozbor, D . and Croce, C .M . : Amplification fo the c-myc oncogene in one of five human breast carcinoma cell lines . Cancer Res ., 44 (1984) 438-441 . 8443 Martin, R .P . and Dirheimer, G . : (Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for studying yeast mitochondrial tRNAS) . Moi . BioZ ., 17 (1983) 11171125 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 64406c . 8445 Reddy, R ., Spector, D ., Henning, D ., Mei-Hue Liu and Busch, H . : Isolation and partial characterization of Dinoflagellate U1-U6 small RNAS homologous to rat U small nuclear RNAs . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13965-13969 . 8446 Wreschner, D .H . and Herzberg, M . : A new blotting medium for the simple isolation and identification of highly resolved messenger RNA . Nucleic Acids Res ., 12 (1984) 1349-1359 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 135308k . 8447 Zadrazil, S . : Electrophoresis of nucleic acids . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Application, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 361-393 . 8448 Zhou, Z ., Xu, Z . and Liu, Y . : (A convenient method for purification of Japanese encephalitis virus genome-sized RNA) . Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Xuebao, 5 (1983) 264-266 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 48015u . See also 8083, 8084 . B522 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 21c . Nucleic acids, DNA Relaxation of supercoiled DNA by 8449 Ciarrocchi, G ., Ciomei, M . and Pedrini, M .A . : DNA modifying agents : Detection by gel electrophoresis . NATO Adv . Sci . Inst . Ser., Ser . A, 60 (Use Hum . Cells Eval . Risk Phys . Chem . Agents), (1983) 725-730 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 189970z . 8450 Gray, A .J ., Beacher, D .E . and Olson, M .V . : Computer-based image analysis of one-dimensional electrophoretic gels used for the separation of DNA restriction fragments . Nucleic Acids Res ., 12 (1984) 473-491 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 99405d . 8451 Dahlberg, A .E . and Stellwag, E .J . : Electrophoretic transfer of DNA, RNA and protein onto diazobenzyloxymethyl paper . Methods Enzymol ., 100 (Recomb . DNA, Part B) (1983) 326-333 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 19972y . 8452 Fujimoto, K . and Morimoto, M . : Antitumor activity of trioxacarcin C . J . Antibiot ., 19 (1983) 1216-1221 . 8453 Lechner, R .L ., Engler, M .J ., and Richardson, Ch .C . : Characterization of strand displacement synthesis catalyzed by bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11174-11184 . 8454 Lechner, R .L . and Richardson, Ch .C . ; A preformed, topologically stable replication fork . Characterization of leading strand DNA synthesis catalyzed by T7 DNA polymerase and T7 gene 4 protein . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 11185-11196 . 8455 Liang, Y ., Zhao, L . and Wu, T . : (Method for DNA recovery from gels after electrophoresis) . Weishenguuxue Tongbao, 10 (1983) 184-188 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 172139n . 8456 Li-Yuan Yu-Lee and Rosen, J .M . : The rat casein multigene family . I . Fine structure of the y-casein gene . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 10794-10804 . 8457 Magnuson, M .A . and Nikodem, V .M . : Molecular cloning of a cDNA sequence for rat malic enzyme . Direct evidence for induction in Vivo of rat liver malic enzyme mRNA by thyroid hormone . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 12712-12717 . 8458 Murakami, T ., Nojiri, C ., Toyama, H ., Hayashi, E ., Katumata, K ., Anzai, H ., Matsuhashi, Y ., Yamada, Y . and Nagaoka, K . : Cloning of antibiotic-resistance genes in Streptomyces . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1305-1311 . 8459 Nakazawa, H ., Nakano, M .M . and Ogawara, H . : Induction of 8-lactamase and penicil lin-binding proteins in Escherichia coZi by introduction of Streptomyces DNA . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1543-1548 . 8460 Powell, J .R . and Zuniga, M .C . : A simplified procedure for studying mtDNA polymorphisms . Biochem. Genet ., 21 (1983) 1051-1055 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 20046f . 8461 Schmitz, K .S . : Low frequency dispersion in the electrophoretic mobility of DNA and mononucleosomes . J . Chem. Phys ., 79 (1983) 4029-4034 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190976n . 8462 Takeda, K ., Kawaguchi, K. and Okanishi, M . : Extraction, cloning and physical maps of plasmid DNA, from Streptomyces noursei . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 17431747 . 8463 Tanaka, A ., Seri, K ., Morita, J . and Komano, T . : Phage inactivation by aclacynomycin A and its analogues . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1242-1244 . 8464 Tompkins, L .S . and Falkow, S . : DNA methodologies in diagnostic microbiology . Surv . Synth . Pathol . Res ., 2 (1983) 134-140 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 3031e . 8465 Whiteley, M . and Taylor, D .E . : Identification of DNA homologies among H incompatibility group plasmids by restriction enzyme digestion and southern transfer hybridization . Antimicrob . Agents Chemother ., 24 (1983) 194-200 . 8466 Wilkinson, J .A .K ., Miller, K .G . and Sollner-Webb, B . : Dinucleotide promers facilitate convenient identification of the mouse ribosomal DNA transcription initiation site . A general method for analysis of transcription by RNA polymerases I and III . J . Biol . Chem ., 258 (1983) 13919-1392,8 . 8467 Zhou, H . and Tang, S . : (Purification of plasmid covalently closed circular (cccDNA) by electrophoretic elution method) . Yiehuan, 5 (1983) 42-44 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 48014t . See also 8033, 8084 . 21d. Nucleoproteins 8468 Desplan, C ., Brehier, A ., Perret, C . and Thomasset, M . : Rat duodenal calciumbinding protein messenger RNA : induction by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 . J . Steroid Biochem ., 19 (1983) 1577-1582 . ELECTROPHORESIS 21f. B523 Structural studies of nucleic acids 8469 Gough, E .J . and Gough, N .M . : Direct calculation of the sizes of DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis using programs written for a pocket calculator . C.A ., 100 (1984) 117448b . Nucleic Acids Res ., 12 (1984) 845-853 ; 8470 Kieser, T . : DNAGEL : A computer program for determining DNA fragment sizes using a small computer equipped with a graphics tablet . Nucleic Acids Res ., 12 (1984) 679-688 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99421f . 8471 Roninson, I .B . : Detection and mapping of homologous, repeated and amplified DNA sequences by DNA renaturation in agarose gels . Nucleic Acids Res ., 11 (1983) 5413-5431 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190802c . 22 . ALKALOIDS 8472 Chikuev, Yu .A . : (Isolation of morphine alkaloids from the liver and their separation by electrophoresis in an agar gel) . Sud .-Med. Ekspert ., 26 (1983) 31-34 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 170760] . 8473 Deyl, Z . ; Electrophoresis of Alkaloids . In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A_ Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 395-400 . 23 . OTHER SUBSTANCES CONTAINING HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN Microelectrophoretic and chromatofocusing 8474 Kamel, M .Y . and Maksoud, S .A . : techniques for the quantitative separation and identification of imidazole derivatives . J . Chromatogr ., 283 (1984) 331-340 . 24 . ORGANIC SULPHUR COMPOUNDS 8475 Wronski, M . : Electrophoresis of thiols in cellulose gels . IV . Estimation of molecular weight . J. Chromatogr ., 288 (1984) 206-211 . 27 . VITAMINS AND VARIOUS GROWTH REGULATORS (NON-PEPTIDIC) 8476 Deyl, Z . : Electrophoresis of vitamins, In : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 401-408 . 28 . ANTIBIOTICS Identification of antibiotics by high voltage 8477 Lott, A .F . and Vaughan, D .R . : electrophoresis . Soc . AppZ . BacterioZ . Tech . Ser ., 18 (Antibiot . Assess . Antimicrob . Act . Resist .) (1983) 331-338 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 211317r . 8478 Miyashiro, S ., Kida, T., Shibai, H ., Shiio, T . and Udaka, S . : The fermentation, isolation and characterization of a macromoiecular peptide antibiotic ; AN-3 . J. Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1136-1143 . 8479 Papazova, P . and Manova, S . : (Paper electrophoresis and TLC of spectinomycin and its identification in drug preparations) . Tr . Nauchnoizsled . Khim . Farm . Inst ., 13 (1983) 219-226 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 200586b . 8480 Selsted, M .E ., Brown, D .M ., DeLange, R .J . and Lehrer, R .I . : Primary structures of MCP-1 and MCP-2, natural peptide antibiotics of rabbit lung macrophages . J . BioZ . Chem ., 258 (1983) 14485-14489 . 8481 Yokose, K ., Ogawa, K_, Sano, T ., Watanabe, K ., Maruyama, H .B . and Suhara, Y . : New a-amylase inhibitor, trestatins . I . Isolation, characterization and biological activities of trestatins A, B and C . J . Antibiot ., 36 (1983) 1157-1165 . B524 BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION 29 . INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES AND OTHER AGROCHEMICALS 29d . Herbicides 8482 Kaniansky, D ., Madajova, V ., Hutta, M . and Zilkova, I . : Analysis of asulam in sail by isotachophoresis and liquid chromatography . J . Chromatogr ., 286 (1984) 395-406 . 30 . SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL DYES 30a . Synthetic dyes 8483 Dedkova, V .P ., Akimova, T .G . and Savvin, S .B . : (Effect of the synthesis conditions on the quality of ArsenaSo III as an analytical reagent .) Zh . Anal . Khim ., 38 (1983) 1383-1389 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 168539a . 32 . PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 8484 Yamamoto, S ., Ohta, T ., Morikawa, Y . and Yokouchi, M. . (Electrophoretic behavior of alginate in capillary tube isotachophoresis) . Bunseki Kagaku (Jap . Ana, .), 33 (1984) 58-62 . 32f. Clinico-ehemicai applications and profiling body fluids 8485 Tracy, R .P . and Young, D .S . : Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis : Methods and potential applications in the clinical laboratory . J . Min . Lab . Autom ., 3 (1983) 235-243 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31779y . Representing expertise in a com8486 Weiss, S .M ., Kulikowski, C .A. and Galen, R.S . : puter program : the serum protein diagnostic program . J . CZin . Lab . Autom ., 3 (1983) 383-387 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 31781t . See also 8104, 8122, 8163, 8173, 8213, 8252, 8256, 8257, 8269, 8316, 8317, 8338, 8341, 8362, 8372, 8384, 8386, 8400, 8401 . 33 . INORGANIC COMPOUNDS See 8087 . 33a . Cations 8487 Fanali, S . and Ossicini, L . : High-performance paper electrophoresis . III . Influence of various parameters on electrophoretic separations . J . Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 148-154 . 33b . Anions 8488 Janssen, P .S .L . and van Nispen, J .W . : Isotachophoretic determination of anions and cations in peptides . J. Chromatogr ., 287 (1984) 166-175 . 34 . RADIOACTIVE AND OTEHR ISOTOPE COMPOUNDS 8489 Zhdanov, V .M ., Karchevskii, A .I ., Lukovnikov, A .L . and Potanin, E .P . : (Isotopic cataphoresis in a plasma centrifuge with crossed fields) . Zh . Tek. Fiz ., 53 (1983) 1710-1713 ; C.A ., 99 (1983) 202092m . ELECTROPHORESIS B525 35 . SOME TECHNICAL PRODUCTS AND COMPLEX MIXTURES 8490 Baer, H . and Anderson, M .C . : Electrophoresis of allergens . in : Electrophoresis, a Survey of Techniques and Applications, Part B, Z . Deyl, A . Chrambach, F .M . Everaerts and Z . Prusik (Editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp . 213-217 . See also 8134 . 36 . CELLS AND CELLULAR PARTICLES 8491 Feuerstein, N . and Cooper, H .L . : Studies of the differentiation of promyelocytic cells by phorbol ester . It . A methylation inhibitor, 3-deazaadenosine, inhibits the induction of specific differentiation proteins, lack of effect on early and late phosphorylation events . Biochim. Biophys . Acta, 781 (1984) 247-256 - twodimensional electrophoresis . 8492 Gallo, J . and Musil, M . : Isoelectric points of red clover necrotic mosaic virus serotypes . Acta Virol ., 28 (1984) 82-83 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 99764v . 8493 Kancheva, M ., Kovachev, D ., Goltsev, V . and Todorov, S . : (The effect of pH variations on the PHA-induced electrophoretic mobility changes of pea chloroplasts) . Doki . BoZg. Akad . Nauk, 36 (1983) 953-954 ; C.A ., 100 (1984) 65226f . 8494 Morre, D .J ., Morre, D .M . and Heidrich, H .G . : Subfractionation of rat liver Golgi apparatus by free-flow electrophoresis . Eur . J . CeZZ Biol ., 31 (1983) 263-274 ; C .A ., 99 (1983) 190975m . 8495 Perdew, G .H ., Schaup, H .W . and Selivonchick, D .P . : The use of a zwitterionic detergent in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of trout liver microsomes . Anal . Biochem ., 135 (1983) 453-455 . 8496 Plank, L .D ., Hymer, W .C ., Kunze,. M .E ., Marks, G .M ., Lanham, J .W . and Todd, P . : A study of cell electrophoresis as a means of purifying growth hormone secreting cells . J. Biochem . Biophys . Methods, 8 (1983) 275-289 ; C .A ., 100 (1984) 17845k . 37 . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 37$ . Air pollution 8497 Jellum, E ., Thorsrud, A .K . and Karasek, F .W . : Two-dimensional electrophoresis for determining toxicity of environmental substances . Anal . Chem ., 55 (1983) 2340-2344 .