To Be Discontinued


To Be Discontinued
ithe Patriots to stop the British
conquest of the Carolinas, and ends
with the big battle. "The Sword of :
Gideon" is the true story of the
men and women who fought during
;the Revolution to make America
1 The production is being given
twelve times this summer in the
With a solid background in hishitneater of
Kings Moun
theatrically-minded citizens of snugly in the hills with a naturallto"cal fact, this three-ret
drama v
this and the surrounding commu setting of pine and cedar trees was written by Floretie Henri, ...... , .,-». ,
nity are now busy staging final re only 500 yards from the actual site novelist and playwright of New tarn National Military'
ginning July 23 and continuing on
hearsals and preparing for ft rec of the famous Battle of Kings]
ord-breaking influx of playgoers »«_.._*_:_
Mountain, which the" drama "com"-'-York. Around the events of the
for the annual outdoor drama, "The numerates. The theater area and penod, October 1780, _ Mrs. Henri through August
Sword of Gideon." which com parking lot is easily reached via has woven a fascinating, exciting will be given each of these cvememorates the famous Battle of
story. Into the drama, she put the nings at 8 p. m.
paved roads.
Kings Mountain during the Revolu- scenic
"The Sword of Gideon" is spon knowledge of ten years' research
ti6n. It opens July 23 and closes sored
by the Kings Mountain Lit and six months of field work in
August 15.
tle Theater. It is incorporated as searching through all documents
The outdoor drama, a relative- a non-profit-making venture, and is in this area. The drama concerns
ly new form of theatrical art with dependent upon the support of civ- itself with the events leading up to
wide appeal for spectators of alllic-minded citizens from the many and including the Battle of Kings
ages, was pioneered in North Car- towns and cities around the Na- Mountain. The drama is an adap
olina. "The Sword of Gideon" is tional Park area. The entire cast tation of Mrs. Henri's best-selling
the state's third oldest drama, and Of over 150 is made up bf volun- historic novel, "Kings Mountain."
is being presented again this sea-teer local talent, which though non- It is a tense and turbulent dra
eon in the amphitheater of thejprofessional. is superior in ability. ma of the Revolution, written
Kings Mountain National MiiitarjjThe cast and stage crew are in the around the bloody battle of Kings
I venture purely out of love for the Mountain. The title of the play
theater, or for the desire to see comes from the stirring battlecry,
Attendance figures for the past their section of the Carolinas put "The sword of the Lord, and of
KINGS MOUNTAIN, July 28,-]in its fifth" season" of "production
'wo seasons of this drama show Us best foot forward in promot Gideon!" which resounded across The Kings Mountain Little Theathat it has caught the fancy of ing a better understanding of its the mountain on October 7, 1780, tre will discontinue production of of an outdoor drama commemor
ating the Battle of Kings Moun
vacationists from all walks of life, history
and its peo'ples. The only as the mountain people from the "The Sword of Gideon" at the tain, famous Revolutionary War
I from all parts of the natio;
person who receives any money is Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, andftend of the currrent season, accord- engagement. In 1951, the Little
the authoress, who gets a royal Georgia fought for freedom. Theging to a recent vote of the or- Theatre produced Robert Osborne
with the
ty, Profits are donated to charity., ?=tnry be
"Then Conquer We Must!" Since
l& ," .-.. --'
Concurrently, spokesman f o r 1952, the Little Theatre has pro
the organization offered the hope duced Florette Henri's "T h e
that some other group, perhaps a Sword of Gideon".
college drama organization, will The Little Theatre statement
consider continuing the production read: "It is with great difficulty
in future years.
that we make this decision, but it
The Little Theatre statement is the feeeling of the members
noted that continuance of the dra that we have accomplished our
ma on the present volunteer basis original purpose of bringing the
is proving increasingly difficult heritage of our area to the fore
with both cast and production front. It is emphasized that the
staffs finding the task more de decision is not motivated by a
manding each year.
lack of the venture's success, but
Tho Little Theatre is currently rather because of it Whii* »h«
. Kings Mountain Getting Ready
For 6Sword Of Gideon' Drama
To Be Discontinued
production is a non-profit venture.
the productions have attracted
sufficient box office to defray
the expenses of the production
which are in the range of $7,000
to $10,000 per season. Average at
tendance for the first four years 1.2
has been 450 per performance. JJjjij
and the only serious criticism has
concerned the limited number of;
performances each season. 1
The current season will con-UJj
tinue for three more weekends.
with performances each Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evening, •So,
through August 13. Thh
——————-—— ,.~———— ~1 CO **
formance 1955 season is the long-1 j~
oct of
f.f the
tho five.
The drama is presented
the site of the battle it rnmw