Hazelnut Breeding in the Genomics Era
Hazelnut Breeding in the Genomics Era
Hazelnut Breeding in the Genomics Era Shawn A. Mehlenbacher Dept. of Horticulture Oregon State University University of California at Davis June, 2011 Hazelnut Breeding in the Genomics Era • • • • • • • • • • Hazelnut, a model for the Betulaceae Breeding program - the driving force Eastern filbert blight resistance DNA markers, marker-assisted selection, mapping Microsatellite markers and uses Map-based cloning of Gasaway resistance gene Incompatibility in hazelnut Sequencing the hazelnut genome (and transcriptome) HRM for marker-assisted selection Hybrid Hazelnut Research Consortium, SCRI grant Taxonomy of Hazelnut (Corylus) Rosids: Order Fagales: Angiosperms, Eudicots, Core Eudicots, Rosids from tolweb.org Why sequence hazelnut? European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) – a model for the Betulaceae • relatively small stature • small genome (~380 Mb) • diploid (2n = 2x = 22) • relatively short life cycle, ~5 years to first flowering • OSU breeding program • genetic linkage map • BAC library • diverse collection of ~800 Corylus accessions • amenity to transformation with Agrobacterium Statistics from sequenced plant genomes. Carica papaya Arabidopsis thaliana Populus trichocarpa Oryza sativa (japonica) Vitis vinifera 372 125 485 389 487 No. chromosomes 9 5 19 12 19 G + C content (%) 35.3 35.0 33.3 43.0 36.2 Gene number 24,746 31,114 45,555 37,544 30,434 Avg. gene length (bp) 2,373 2,232 2,300 2,821 3,399 Avg. intron length (bp) 479 165 379 412 213 Transposons (%) 51.9 14 42 34.8 41.4 Size (Mbp) Ming, R. et al. 2008. The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus). Nature 452: 991-996 (24 April 2008). Expect for hazelnut: 30,000 -35,000 genes, each ~2500 bp with 3 introns. Numbers of genes that encode domains similar to plant R proteins in Populus, Arabidopsis and Oryza. (Tuskan et al. 2006) Predicted protein domains Letter code Populus TIR-NBS TN 10 21 — TIR-NBS-LRR TNL 64 83 — TIR-NBS-LRR-TIR TNLT 13 — — CC-NBS CN 19 4 7 CC-NBS-LRR CNL 119 51 159 BED/DUF1544*-NBS-LRR BNL 24 — — NBS-LRR NL 90 6 40 NBS N 49 1 45 Others — — 41 284 398 207 535 Total NBS genes Arabidopsis Oryza Plant genomes contain hundreds of resistance gene-like sequences. European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) At Corvallis Repository, 825 accessions of Corylus, 429 of C. avellana ~ 100 more at OSU www.plantyfolia.com/photos106/corylus_ens.jpg http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/thome/band2/tafel_005.jpg www.funghiitaliani.it/Alberi/nocciolo/Corylus%2520avellana1.jpg The distribution of Corylus avellana includes many climatic zones, but commercial production regions are limited. (Mehlenbacher, 2003) Hazelnut Production (MT) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Turkey Italy Azerbaijan (est.) United States Georgia (est.) Spain 504,000 116,500 35,000 27,000 25,000 18,000 71.2% 16.4% 4.9% 3.8% 3.5% 2.5% Hazelnuts in Turkey are grown on the Black Sea Coast. Tombul is an important cultivar. It has long, clasping husks and small nuts, for kernel market. Hazelnuts in Oregon are mechanically harvested. Nuts of Barcelona fall free of the husk at maturity. The large nuts are suited to the in-shell market. Hazelnut Breeding Objectives A. Blanched kernel market (for chocolate, baked goods) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bud mite resistance Round nut shape High percent kernel Precocity High yield 5. 6. 7. 8. Easy pellicle removal Few defects Early maturity Free-falling nuts B. Resistance to eastern filbert blight (EFB) 1. Simply inherited resistance ( Gasaway & others) 2. Quantitative resistance (e.g. Tonda di Giffoni ) Hazelnut Breeding Flow Chart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Choose parents, make crosses Grow in greenhouse 10. Plant replicated trials Seedlings in field 11. (Mehlenbacher & Azarenko) 12. Evaluate nuts 13. Evaluate nuts Evaluate a few nuts 14. Evaluate nuts Evaluate nuts 15. Evaluate nuts Layer, Evaluate nuts 16. Evaluate nuts, Nursery, Evaluate nuts summarize data 17. Release new cultivar Breeding cycle: 8 years from seed to seed. Release of new cultivar: 16-17 yrs after cross. Obtaining Hybrid Seed Growing Hybrid Seedlings (4000 planted per year) First Stage of Evaluation – Original Seedlings with removal of discards Propagation of Selections by Tie-Off Layerage; suckers form every year Harvested layers are weak. They are held in the nursery for one year, and then planted in the orchard. Second Stage of Evaluation – in Replicated Trials Releases Cultivars with Quantitative EFB Resistance: Willamette - 1990 cross made in 1973 Lewis - 1997 cross made in 1981 Clark - 1999 cross made in 1982 Sacajawea - 2006 cross made in 1990 Cultivars with Very High Resistance: Santiam - 2005 cross made in 1989 Yamhill - 2008 cross made in 1990 Jefferson - 2009 cross made in 1993 Pollinizers with Very High Resistance: VR4-31, VR11-27, VR20-11, VR23-18 Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta Eta, Theta - 1990 - 2002 - 2009 Cultivar susceptible to EFB: Tonda Pacifica - 2010 Yamhill (OSU 542.102) was released for the kernel market in 2008. Buyers are interested. Jefferson (OSU 703.007) was released in 2009 as an EFB-resistant replacement for Barcelona . It is now the most widely planted cultivar in Oregon. Late-shedding pollinizers Eta and Theta released at same time. Eastern Filbert Blight Fungus Anisogramma anomala, 2-year life cycle. Cankers girdle and kill branches. Disease Inocula-ons in the Greenhouse 3 scions per selection Disease Inoculations in the Greenhouse Cankers 13-16 months after inoculation. Very High Resistance to EFB in Corylus avellana Genotype Gasaway Zimmerman OSU 408.040 Ratoli Georgian 759.010 OSU 495.072 COR 157 Culpla Medium Long Origin Washington Oregon Minnesota "Weschcke Sdlg" Spain Republic of Georgia Russia Finland Spain Geneva, NY, USA Very High Resistance to EFB in Corylus avellana (cont d) Genotype Crvejne Uebov Moscow Selections (5) OSU 1187.101 Seedlings (2) Seedlings (3) Seedlings (2) Origin Cacak, Serbia Cacak, Serbia Russia Russia (Holmskij) Russia Crimea, Ukraine Republic of Georgia (~2% of accessions show very high resistance) Very High Resistance to EFB in other Corylus species C. americana Rush , now in BC2 generation C. americana Winkler , now in BC1 generation C. heterophylla Ogyoo , now in BC2 generation Segregation ratios indicate single loci, with dominant resistance. RAPD Markers Linked to EFB Resistance Robust RAPD markers are easy to score, useful in many populations. 152-800 MAS because: - 16 months between inoculation and canker development, and - desire to select for resistance in absence of pathogen. Seedlings with one or both markers are planted in the field. Seedlings lacking both markers are discarded. 268-580 Assignment of EFB Resistance Loci to Linkage Groups (based on co-segregation with SSR markers) Gasaway LG 6 Ratoli LG 7 Georgian OSU 759.010 LG 2 OSU 408.040 LG 6? Culpla LG 6? Russian OSU 495.072 NA (The last three are the topic of Brooke Peterschmidt s M.S. thesis research. Sagar Sathuvalli is developing new SSR markers for LG6). DNA Extraction using Juice Press high throughput needed for MAS, 200 per day easy Fusco Rubra Ruby Albania 55 OSU 495.049 Cutleaf OSU 495.072 Gasaway Zimmerman Finland 187 OSU 681.078 OSU 408.040 Barcelonner Z. Sweden 627 Aurea Pendula Aveline d'Angleterre Des Anglais Goc Syrena Redleaf Group Red Fortrin Rote Zellernuss OSU 026.072 UPGMA dendrogram based on microsatellite marker data shows four main groups: Central European Group Central European Black Sea English Spanish-Italian Black Sea Group 1 Black Sea Group 2 English Group 1 English Group 2 Warsaw Red Henneman #3 270 accessions incl. 72 synonyms (Gökirmak et al., 2009) Spanish-Italian Group Parentage indicated for 31 accessions. Zeta 0.1 Map-Based Cloning Two targets: 1. EFB resistance from Gasaway 2. S-locus (incompatibility) BAC library Jefferson (best selection in mapping pop n) constructed by Amplicon Express (Pullman, WA) 12 Χ genome coverage mean insert size 110 kb www.genome.iastate.edu/edu/doe/fig13.gif If DNA markers that flank the resistance gene are known, chromosome walking can proceed from both ends. The result is a contig that contains the gene of interest. 0.7 0.7 Map-based cloning of Gasaway resistance RAPD Markers on 6R: 5211200 5211200, CAC-C005 268580, 726665 268580, 726665 5.1 5.1 36 linked, 4 show no recombination with R C8-280 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 H04860 H04 R, W07860 365, X01825, AA12850, V20800 R, W07365, X01825, AA12850, V20800 173500 173 152800500 152 H19650800 , O161250, X021140, 122825, 2751130, 335600 H19650, O161250, X021140, 122825, 2751130, 335600, AR18830 3.6 3.6 1.4 1.4 Y19640, I15850 Y19640, I15850 A04510 A04510 Use for fine mapping: ~ 1488 seedlings from mapping population. High-resolution Genetic Map EFB resistance locus and new markers developed from BAC end sequences, in mapping population. Resistance from Gasaway . New markers were developed by V.R. Sathuvalli in his PhD thesis research Physical Map of the EFB resistance region Gasaway gene is in Contig4. The 3 BACs were sequenced. Of the 37 predicted genes, 5 had 100% support from RNA-Seq data. Two predicted genes are in classes known to have disease resistance properties. The next target: incompatibility One S-locus, 34 alleles Co-dominance in Stigmas Dominance or Co-dominance in Pollen Fluorescence Microscopy If the same allele is expressed by the stigma and the pollen, the cross is incompatible. Incompatibility Testing Incompatibility Testing using Fluorescence Microscopy Compatible Incompatible Excellent germination Poor germination Long parallel tubes Short tubes, bulbs 9-2100d -1075 0 4 5 7 8 10 13 14 19 26 P15-300d 070-1400 073-1400 L20-550 W12-650 R19-1150d Y14-750d 607-420d AD02-650 414-610 G17-250 480-525d 34 764-1050 50 53 59 63 65 68 G05-510d I06-750d S3 204-950d 345-1050d 169-1250 211-680 Old (left) and new (right) maps for hazelnut LG 5S showing the S-locus and linked markers. Sequencing the Hazelnut Genome • Todd Mockler (OSU Botany & Plant Pathology) and Illumina • Genomic DNA of Jefferson (heterozygous) • cDNA from leaves, young bark, kernels, germinating seeds, styles. • Will allow comparisons with Betula, Castanea, Quercus, others in the order Fagales. Jefferson hazelnut sequence resources to date Pilot Assembly Results Velvet -> MIRA SOAPdenovo • 333,492 contigs • 1,290,023 scaffolds • contig space ~340 Mbp • scaffold space = ~408 Mbp • contig N50 = 1,354 bp • scaffold N50 = 648 bp • max contig = 24,827 bp • max scaffold = 37,589 Work In Progress • add long mate-pair sequence data (e.g. 2kb, 5kb, 10kb mate-pair data) to improve long-range contiguity of the assembly • add sequence data from Roche 454 runs (?) • reconcile scaffolds/contigs with map information • annotate the draft genome, incorporating RNA-seq data • mine SNPs, SSRs and other polymorphisms • release data to the public • sequence additional cultivars Goal: marker-trait associations and candidate genes to facilitate breeding efforts BLAST interface http://corylus.cgrb.oregonstate.edu:8080/ How to use the sequence info? • improved understanding (disease resistance, incompatibility) • knowledge of genetic diversity, manage collection, choose parents • choose seedlings based on marker-trait ass ns When? 4000 seedlings vs. 400 selections / yr • for seedlings, markers must be high-throughput and robust • single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) abundant in plant genomes • MAS less useful for traits with high heritability; most traits in hazelnut have high heritability High Resolution Melting (HRM) Analysis • SNPs abundant in hazelnut genome (~1 in 50 bases) • SNPs result in differences in melting temperature • PCR amplicons 80-200 bp including primers. • PCR, 44-50 cycles of with LightScanner® High Sensitivity Master Mix (Idaho Technology). LCGreen® Plus binds to double-stranded DNA. • Denature at 94C for 0:30, cool to 28C to reanneal, and begin melting. • HRM in a 96-well plate LightScanner (Idaho Technology) collecting data from 55–97°C at a ramp rate of 0.10°C per second. www.genequantification. de A/T lower melting temp en.wikipedia. org/wiki/ High_Resolut ion_Melt G/C highest melting temp Mismatch – lowest melting temp Hybrid Hazelnut Research Consortium Oregon State University Rutgers University University of Nebraska – Lincoln National Arbor Day Foundation Goal: Expand hazelnut production to eastern North America. Challenges: Eastern filbert blight, climatic adaptation Plant materials: American x European hybrids Expansion of Hazelnut Production, Feedstock, and Biofuel Potential through Breeding for Disease Resistance and Climatic Adaptation 1. Map-based cloning of Gasaway gene (OSU) 2. Sequence EFB pathogen genome, develop markers (Rutgers) 3. Characterization of hybrids, nuts and EFB response (Rutgers, Nebraska) 4. Evaluate Corylus climatic adaptation, phenology (Rutgers, Nebraska) 5. Collect diverse C. americana and use in breeding (Arbor Day, OSU) 6. SSR marker assessment of diversity in C. americana & hybrids (OSU) 7. Oil content and kernel composition (Nebraska) 8. Economic analysis for eastern North America (Rutgers) 9. Outreach activities (Arbor Day, Nebraska) SCRI proposal tasks Behavior of EFB-resistant selections in New Jersey Gasaway and VR 20-11 – a few cankers on small twigs, some stromata, cankers expand slowly. Zimmerman – a few sunken cankers, no stromata OSU 759.010 (Georgian) – infected but < T. di Giffoni Ratoli (Spanish) – no infection OSU 495.072 (Russian) – no infection OSU 541.147 – no infection (C. americana resistance) OSU 526.041 – no infection (C. heterophylla resistance) American hazelnut Corylus americana native to eastern North America http://project.bio.iastate.edu/trees/campustrees/ images/Corylus/Corylus.jpeg www.horticopia.com/hortpix/pix/U6HEH0.jpg C. americana is expected to provide climatic adaptation and EFB resistance. Map after Drumke (1964) UPGMA dendrogram of 162 accessions based on 21 SSR loci shows that most hybrids were placed in one of three groups: Rush , ADF Group 1, and ADF Group 2 (with Winkler ). Sathuvalli, V.R. and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2011. Characterization of Americana hazelnut (Corylus americana) accessions and Corylus americana x Corylus avellana hybrids using microsatellite markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (submitted). Ame531.016 MI Sorenson Ame400.033 IA Peterson Ame400.027 IA Peterson Ame400.030 IA Peterson Ame531.017 IA Peterson Americana Group1 Ame405.060 MN Werner Ame557.153 WI Prey Ame400.040 WI Olejniczak Ame531.038 WI Olejniczak Mixed Group ADF Hybrid Group2 Americana Group2 Ame401.030 WV Jones Ame532.028 WV Jones Hyb532.014 BAU HybCOR638 AmePlymouth#3 IL White&Harris Ame405.070 MO COR228 Ame405.079 MO Widrlechner Americana Group3 Ame401.012 MD Thierny Ame557.119 WI Boscobel ADF14.123 Ame400.039 IA Grote Ame531.027 IA Peterson UPGMA dendrogram of Corylus americana groups 1 and 3. All accessions are selected clones. The last two letters indicate the state in which the seeds were originally collected. Fingerprints at 21 SSR loci show great diversity among the C. americana accessions. UPGMA dendrogram of Corylus americana group 2 showing seven subgroups. All accessions are selected clones. The last two letters indicate the state in which the seeds were originally collected. Fingerprints at 21 SSR loci show great diversity among the C. americana accessions. Hazelnut Breeding in the Genomics Era • • • • • • • • • Hazelnut, a model for the Betulaceae Breeding program - the driving force Eastern filbert blight resistance DNA markers, marker-assisted selection, mapping Map-based cloning of Gasaway resistance gene Incompatibility in hazelnut Sequencing the hazelnut genome (and transcriptome) HRM for marker-assisted selection Hybrid Hazelnut Research Consortium, SCRI grant Thank you!
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