Dynactiv™ Flightfloor - Heinemann Aircraft Interiors
Dynactiv™ Flightfloor - Heinemann Aircraft Interiors
Dynactiv™ Mobility Dynactiv™ Flightfloor Division ContiTech of Continental AG Benecke-Kaliko We create Living Spaces Benecke-Kaliko, as part of the division ContiTech of Continental AG, is one of the world’s leading specialists in surface innovations. We produce technical and decorative surface materials from a wide variety of different synthetics. High-quality living spaces are what we do. Benecke-Kaliko focus on the demands of our customers and on the desires of consumers. Every product we make is top-quality, highly functional and expresses a positive quality of life. We put our unique skills to good use to create outstanding surface materials and genuine added value. Benecke-Kaliko is the creative powerhouse behind global solutions for appearance, design and future viability – for surface innovations that really feel good. Dynactiv™ Surfaces – Active, innovative surface solutions Dynactiv™ is a new premier product and services portfolio from Benecke-Kaliko AG that stands for dynamically active, innovative surface materials and outstanding solutions for a wide variety of industries. The Dynactiv™ Surfaces portfolio comprises of eight different product groups: Mobility (e.g. Dynactiv™ Flightfloor), Hospitality, Health, Home, Fashion, Protection, Power and Blend. Benecke-Kaliko’s Dynactiv™ Mobility solutions for airplanes, trains, cruise liners and yachts are uniquely infused combinations of superior design, durability, versatility, and feasibility. We think ahead for people, environment and climate Sustainability is our top priority and we approach it with a holistic concept that encompasses our products and development as well as our transport and logistics. This approach is symbolised by our „designed green“ label. Our products are healthfriendly. In addition, being light in weight, they protect the climate by helping keep CO2 emissions low. They also are free from unpleasant vapours and odours as well as being recyclable. In selecting the right materials for our projects, we are making increasing use of renewable raw materials. Flightfloor ® Product Benefits >>Superior wear and impact resistance >>Minimal shrinkage >>Excellent slip-resistant qualities >>Easy to install and clean >>3D optical effect >>Textile look (denim or felt) >>Marbled or metallized surface >>Stunning array of colors Airplane flooring materials have to be extremely tough to withstand the stresses and strains of passenger flights. Restrooms and galley areas are in constant use, and aisle floors are exposed to immense amounts of concentrated pressure from stiletto heels and the slim castors of serving carts. For airplane areas subject to hard wear, we have developed Flightfloor ® Flightfloor® is a lightweight and robust, non-textile floor covering material. It is applicable in galleys, restrooms, aisles, cargo holds, air stairs, and entrance areas, as well as other aircraft interior surfaces. The material joins optical and functional benefits in an optimal combination of resitance, safety, quality, and stylish looks. Available Grains (other textures on request) BCV (BK 871) Carpet Scale 1:1 VNP/LL (BK 868) Dots asymmetric 3,5 mm Scale 1:1 FFU/LL (BK 872) Dots symmetric 10,0 mm Scale 1:1 FFL (BK 867) Dots asymmetric 20,0 mm Scale 1:1 Dynactiv™ Flightfloor Non-textile floor coverings – Technical Data Product Flightfloor® Classic Construction Top Layer Vinyl Fabric PES woven Bottom Layer Vinyl >Lightweight >Outstanding durability >Suitable for all areas of the aircraft Special Features Airbus Industry Technical Specification In accordance with Basic Quality 2520M1F020300 Can be used with self-adhesive GFRP Chemical basis PVC/PES Dimension Test method Weight g/m2 oz/sq.yd EN ISO 2286 Part 2 Thickness mm Grain BCV 1800 +/- 100 53 +/- 3 (BK 871) 1.90 +/- 0.15 VNP/LL (BK 868) 1.70 +/- 0.15 FFU/LL (BK 872) – FFL 1.85 +/- 0.15 (BK 867) Width mm Abrasion mg ISO 9352 wheel H 18 load 10N 1000 cycles Dimensional % EN 434 Stability 1500 (- 0 /+10) 168h/70°C WMD ≤ 400 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 AMD ISO 4586-2 clause 15 method A procedure A no staining; resistant against all likely contaminants CS/JAR/FAR 25.853 (a), App. F, Part 1 (a) (1) (ii) pass static, dry ISO 8295 > 0.25 sliding, dry ISO 8295 > 0.25 static, wet ISO 8295 > 0.25 sliding, wet ISO 8295 > 0.25 class BGR 181, DIN 51130 (BIA) R10 N/5cm DIN 53357A ≥ 60 Stain resistance Flammabilty Friction Adhesion of layers 5 Flightfloor® Plus Flightfloor® L Vinyl Vinyl PES woven PES woven Vinyl Vinyl >improved comfort and durability >improved covering of rivets >Lightweight Basic Quality 2520M1F020300 Basic Quality 2520M1F020300 self-adhesive GFRP self-adhesive GFRP PVC/PES PVC/PES 2600 +/- 100 77 +/- 3 1280 +/- 100 35 +/- 3 – – 2.30 +/- 0.15 1.30 +/- 0.15 2.35 +/- 0.15 – 2.40 +/- 0.15 1.45 +/- 0.15 1500 (- 0 / +10) 1500 (- 0 /+10) ≤ 400 ≤ 400 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 which could occur in the galley areas of airplanes 55 pass pass > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 > 0.25 R10 R10 ≥ 60 ≥ 60 APPLICATION | Dynactiv™ Flightfloor >DB1>35 ?3;@9D 1<<5I /$-$)( $1F1D?B95C 9C<5 9BCD19BC 1B7?8?<4 ??DB5CDC (1CC5>75B3129> & ($("$(,-+.-$)(, -)+$("$(,-+.-$)(, ?BB57E<1B3<51>9>73<51>C5BB53?==5>4542ID85 19B6B1=5=1>E613DEB5B1B5CE9D12<5 /1D5B21C54C?<ED9?>CG9D83?BB?C9?>9>8929D?BC1>4 <?G1<;1<9>9DI1B5@B565BB54 !>31C5?6>?B=1<C?9<9>7EC53<51>5B9>1<?G 3?>35>DB1D9?> ?B851FI3?>D1>9=1D9?>189785B3?>35>DB1D9?>?B E>49<ED54C?<ED9?>=1I25>535CC1BI ,?1F?94CDB51;CG9@5G9D8G1D5B16D5B3<51>9>7 ,85B?<<C1B5D?25CD?B548?B9J?>D1<<I?><I ?>?DCD?B5=1D5B91<9>45653D9F5@13;179>71>4@B?D53D 9D6B?=49BD ?>?DCD13;E@=?B5D81><1I5BC?6B?<<C1>41F?94 1449D9?>1<G5978D ,85=1D5B91<9CD?25;5@D4BI1>4CD?B541D>?B=1<B??= D5=@5B1DEB5 ,85=1D5B91<9CD?25@B?D53D546B?=49B53DCE><978D ?BCD19>B5=?F1<2BEC8G9D81C?6D@<1CD932BEC8 G9@5G9D8G1D5B1>44BI ?<<?GD853<51>5B=1>E613DEB5BPCB53?==5>41D9?>C F?94@EB512B1C9F5C?<F5>DC1<3?8?<1>431ECD93 385=931<C 5>53;5#1<9;? 5>53;5#1<9;? 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