catalog - Espresso Gear
catalog - Espresso Gear
The GEAR SHOP always & Hot Espresso Gear is a Swedish design, and production company with focus on the modern speciality coffee market. We have since the start in 2000 made many original designs which have pushed the level of quality for professional coffee tools and accessories. Our goal is to constantly be one step ahead with new, fun and clever gear that really adds significant value to the daily work as a barista. Espresso Gear AB is situated in Gothenburg, southwest of Sweden. From there, we invent and design products that we produce in Sweden, UK, and China. Our customers consists of wholesalers, retailers and end consumers around the World. Professionals and amateurs alike. As a complement to our own portfolio, we also carry coffee related products from numerous wellknown and unknown brands around the world. As we grow and our product portfolio grows we will build our brand to a point where the name “Espresso Gear” is as common as “crema” in a well made espresso. the LUCE 58 mm Luce Tamper 57 mm ART #: 200 Quality, light, replacable handles Luce Tamper ART #: 201 Quality, light, replacable handles Size Ø 58 mm Size Ø 57 mm Weight: 160 g Weight: 160 g Color: black Color: black 50 mm 53 mm Luce Tamper ART #: 205 Quality, light, replacable handles Size Ø Luce Tamper ART #: 207 Quality, light, replacable handles 53 mm Size Ø 50 mm Weight: 160 g Weight: 160 g Color: black Color: black the BARISTA TAMPER 58 mm Barista Tamper 57 mm ART #: 100 Barista Tamper ART #: 101 Quality, medium weight, extension ring, replacable handles, balanced Quality, medium weight, extension ring, replacable handles, balanced Size Ø Size Ø 58 mm 57 mm Weight: 260 g Weight: 260 g Color: black Color: black 53 mm Barista Tamper 50 mm ART #: 105 Barista Tamper ART #: 107 Quality, medium weight, extension ring, replacable handles, balanced Quality, medium weight, extension ring, replacable handles, balanced Size Ø Size Ø 53 mm 50 mm Weight: 260 g Weight: 260 g Color: black Color: black Barista Tamper ART #: 100 Quality, medium weight, extension ring, replacable handles, balanced Size Ø 58 mm Weight: 260 g Color: black Oak Handle ART #: 500 Solid oak wood Model: for Barista Weight: 30 g Black Handle ART #: 503 Red Handle ART #: 504 Brown Handle ART #: 505 Green Handle ART #: 506 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Model: for Barista Model: for Barista Model: for Barista Model: for Barista Weight: 30 g Weight: 30 g Weight: 30 g Weight: 30 g SOLID OAK Pink Handle ART #: 508 Blue Handle ART #: 507 Oak Handle ART #: 500 Flocked Handle ART #: 501 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Model: for Barista Model: for Barista Model: for Barista Model: for Barista 30 g Weight: 30 g Weight: 30 g Weight: 30 g Weight: Black Handle ART #: 550 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Brown Handle Solid oak wood ART #: 552 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Red Handle Plastic & sprayed textile ART #: 551 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Model: for Luce Model: for Luce Model: for Luce Weight: 65 g Weight: 65 g Weight: 65 g Green Handle ART #: 553 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Blue Handle ART #: 554 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Pink Handle ART #: 555 Plastic & Sprayed Nylon Model: for Luce Model: for Luce Model: for Luce Weight: 65 g Weight: 65 g Weight: 65 g FOOD SAFE Primo tamper ART #: 300 Quality, heavy, art deco design. Size Ø 58 mm Black Rock tamper ART #: 301 Robusta tamper mat ART #: 402 Edge mat ART #: 404 Handmade handle with piano varnish. Supringsingly comfortable to use. Small tamping mat with a thin layer of food safe silicone rubber. Large tamping mat with a thick layer of food safe silicone rubber. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 58 mm Weight: 460g Weight: 220 g Weight: Color: black Color: black Color: 140 mm 60 g black 140 x 200 x 7 mm Weight: 350 g Color: black CLICK MAT Tamping stand ART #: 710 Click-mat ART #: 401 Grindripper filterpaper ART #: 901 Stand for placing your tamper and portafiler for support when tamping. Make sure you consistantly use the same preassure when tamping. It Clicks! Qute V-shaped paper filters for the Grindripper. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 60 x 185 x 80 mm 110 mm Weight: 415g Weight: 140 g Weight: Color: black Color: black Color: Moulded Tampermat ART #: 681 Knock box ART #: 400 Knock box black Grindripper ART #: 900 A set with grinder, container,filter, filter paper, bag, and manual. 50 pcs non-bleaced ART #: 715 Size Ø Weight: 420 g Color: black Knock box red ART #: 716 A edge tampingmat with moulded details for portafilter and tamper. Stainless steel knock box with silicon bar and mat for placing tamper on. Knock box in ABS plastic and silicon edge at the bottom for non-slip. Knock box in ABS plastic and silicon edge at the bottom for non-slip. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 120 mm 110 x 100 mm Weight: 400 g Weight: 570 g Weight: 230 g Weight: Color: black Color: black Color: black Color: FITS OUR KETTLE Attento Thermometer ART #: 403 Sticks to your pitcher to controll temperature. Dishwasher safe for 1 yr. Size Ø 70 x 20 mm Thermometer stick 110 x 100 mm 230 g red NEW ART #: 739 BeanKeep™ ART #: 405 Coffee Catcha ART #: 902 Can be applied to pitcher and kettles to controll temperature. Seal your coffee bags easily by sliding BeanKeep onto the folded bag. Save wastage and keep it clean when dosing your portafilter. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø Weight: 2g Weight: Color: red Color: 130 mm 70 g Weight: Color: 180 x 10 mm 18 g orange 160 x 80 mm Weight: 120 g Color: silver BeanKeep™ ART #: 405 Seal your coffee bags easily by sliding BeanKeep onto the folded bag. Size Ø Weight: Color: 180 x 10 mm 18 g orange Able Kone filter ART #: 670 Reusable stainless steel filter for Chemex Size Ø fits 6 and 8 cups chemex Weight: 100 g Color: Silver Grinder fat black ART #: 703 Quality grinder with conical, ceramic burrs. Glass, plastic and silicon. Size Ø 210 x 92 mm Grinder fat green ART #: 730 Grinder stainless steel Grinder with conical, ceramic burrs. Glass, plastic. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 210 x 92 mm Weight: 450 g Weight: Color: black Color: green Color: SAND POLISHED Pitcher 0,3l 190 x 92 mm 400 g silver, brown 220 x 70 mm Weight: 265 g Color: black NONSTICK SAND POLISHED ART #: 718 Frothing pitcher with sand polished surface. Frothing pitcher with sand polished surface. ART #: 729 Quality grinder with conical, ceramic burrs. Steel, plastic knob and silicon base. 450g ART #: 719 Grinder slim Quality grinder with conical, ceramic burrs. Glass, plastic and silicon. Weight: Pitcher 0,6l ART #: 728 Pitcher 0,6l, non-stick NONSTICK ART #: 721 Pitcher 0,3l, non-stick ART #: 720 Frothing pitcher with non-stick coating that is easier to clean. Frothing pitcher with non-stick coating that easier to clean. Size Ø 300 ml Size Ø 600 ml Size Ø 300 ml Weight: 250g Weight: 155 g Weight: 220 g Weight: 150 g Color: silver Color: silver Color: black Color: black Size Ø Server 0,96 L 600 ml ART #: 737 Server 0,36 ART #: 738 Server 0,45 L ART #: 711 Tabletop Grinder ART #: 741 Large glass server with plastic handle and lid. Small glass server with plastic handle and lid. Glass server with plastic handle and lid. A professional manual grinder with conical high quality burrs. Size Ø Size Ø 360 ml Size Ø 450 cl Size Ø Weight: 380g Weight: 200 g Weight: 220 g Weight: Color: black Color: black Color: black Color: French-Press 0,8 L 960 ml ART #: 708 French-Press 0,35 L ART #: 709 Cupping spoon ART #: 1001 Frensh press in polished stainless steel and double wall for thermo function. Frensh press in polished stainless steel and double wall for thermo function. Branded cupping spoon with a wide mouth. Size Ø 800 cl Size Ø 350 cl Size Ø Weight: 840 g Weight: 530 g Weight: Color: Color: Color: 160Lx100Wx240H Cold Water coffeedripper 1,1 kg ART #: 740 Slow coffee brewer that produces sweet and wonderful coffee. 18 mm 45 g Silver Size Ø Weight: Color: 10 cups 2,8 kg Pitcher silicon 0,3L ART #: 734 Tower kettle 1L ART #: 731 Tower kettle 0,7L ART #: 732 Bumblebee kettle 0,9L ART #: 733 Pitcher with no handle for a more handheld pour. Large kettle for pour over coffee. 8mm spout and knob for thermometer. Small kettle for pour over coffee. 8mm spout and knob for thermometer. Kettle for pour over coffee. 8mm spout Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 700 ml Size Ø 900 ml Weight: 350 g Weight: 360 g 300 ml Weight: 180g Weight: Color: black Color: Ceramic filter 102 ART #: 724 1000 ml 440 g Plastic filter 102 ART #: 723 Classic ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. Fits Melitta filter nr. 02 Classic plastic filter for 2-4 cups. Fits Melitta filter nr. 02 Size Ø Size Ø Weight: Color: 85 mm 430g brown Color: Color: 90 mm Weight: 75 g Color: transparent Ceramic filter 102 ART #: 725 Filterpaper 102 ART #: 742 Classic ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. Fits Melitta filter nr. 02 V-shaped stainless steel filter for 2-4 cups. Size Ø Size Ø Weight: 85 mm 430 g Color: red 50 pcs Weight: 60 g Color: VSHAPED Ceramic filter V02 ART #: 704 V-shaped ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. Size Ø 95 mm Weight: 390g Color: white Filterpaper V02 Non-bleached filter paper for type V02 Size Ø Weight: Color: ART #: 722 50 pcs 60 g non-bleached Ceramic filter V02 ART #: 705 Plastic filter V02 ART #: 726 V-shaped ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. V-shaped plastic filter for 2-4 cups. Size Ø 95 mm Size Ø Weight: 390 g Weight: Color: brown Color: transparent Stainless steel filter K02 ART #: 736 95 mm 120 g FOLDABLE FLAT BOTTOM Filterpaper K02 ART #: 707 Silicon foldable filter K02 ART #: 717 Ceramic filter K02 ART #: 735 Flat-shaped ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. V-shaped silicon filter that can be folded to 20 mm high. For 1-4 cups. Flat-shaped ceramic filter for 2-4 cups. Flat-shaped stainless steel filter for 2-4 cups. Size Ø 50 pcs Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø Weight: 4 60g Weight: 145 g Weight: 260 g Weight: Color: black Color: brown Color: black Color: 70 mm 70 mm 70 mm 155 g Barista Apron ART #: 406 Waxed textile barista apron with leather pockets and brass details. Size Ø one size fits all Weight: Color: brown Chemex 3-cup classic ART #: 650 Chemex 6-cup classic ART #: 651 Chemex 8-cup classic ART #: 652 Chemex brewer with wooden neck. Chemex brewer with wooden neck. Chemex brewer with wooden neck. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø 0,47 L Weight: Color: Chemex 5-cup glass handle black ART #: 655 Chemex brewer with glass handle . Size Ø 0,8 L Weight: Weight: Color: Color: Chemex 6-cup handblown ART #: 656 ART #: 657 Size Ø Chemex glass cover 1,2 L Weight: Color: ART #: 660 Able Kone Heat lid non-bleached ART #: 671 35 cm long wooden handle for cleaning chemex brewers. Glass lid for chemex Plastic lid for Chemex to keep the coffee warm longer. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø Weight: 35 cm long 30 g ART #: 680 Reusable filters for automatic brewers. Size Ø Weight: Color: 40 g Color: Color: Swissgold Coffeefilter KF2 Weight: small 2 55 g golden Swissgold Coffeefilter KF4 ART #: 681 Flat-shaped stainless steel filter for 2-4 cups. Size Ø Weight: Color: Large 4 85 g golden Weight: 22 Color: Swissgold Teafilter kettle black ART #: 683 Reusable tea filter for large kettles Color: fits all except 3 cupl bleeched Chemex half-moon paper ART #: 654 Half-moon filter paper for Chemex 3 cup. Size Ø fits 3 cup Weight: Color: bleeched Able Kone filter ART #: 670 Reusable stainless steel filter for Chemex Size Ø fits 6 and 8 cups chemex Weight: 100 g Color: Silver Swissgold Teafilter Bell ART #: 682 Reusable tea filter for cup and kettle Size Ø Weight: Size Ø Color: Size Ø 0,89 L ART #: 653 Folded filterpaper for all Chemex except the 3 cup. Weight: Chemex handblown brewer with wooden neck. Color: ART #: 659 Chemex 8-cup handblown 1,2 L Chemex handblown brewer with wooden neck. Weight: Color: Chemex Nylon brush 0,89 L Weight: Chemex Square filter Size Ø 95 g golden Weight: Color: 45 g golden Espresso cup ART #: 610 D. Cappucino cup ART #: 611 Small latte cup ART #: 612 Large latte cup ART #: 613 NotNeutral unique cup with rounded thick bottom but thin top edge. NotNeutral unique cup with rounded thick bottom but thin top edge NotNeutral unique cup with rounded thick bottom but thin top edge NotNeutral unique cup with rounded thick bottom but thin top edge. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø ® 3oz/9cl Weight: 260g Info: saucer is included Coffee mug ART #: 614 ® Weight: Info: Pulled plate 6oz/18cl 450 g saucer is included ART #: 616 ® Weight: Info: Creamer 8oz/24cl 560 g saucer is included ART #: 615 NotNeutral unique coffee mug with a great thumb rest. Plates with a unique form. Fits perfect for a sandwich or baked goods A great compliment to the cups. For serving hot or cold milk. Size Ø Size Ø Size Ø ® Weight: Color: 10oz/30cl 380g Weight: Color: 22 cm x 16 cm 260 g Weight: Color: 4oz/12cl 150 g ® Weight: Info: 12oz/36cl 620 g saucer is included “THE PERFECT CUP” -LOS ANGELES TIMES D. Cappucino cup ART #: 611 NotNeutral® unique cup with rounded thick bottom but thin top edge Size Ø Weight: Info: 6oz/18cl 450 g saucer is included Attento Thermometer ART #: 403 Sticks to your pitcher to controll temperature. Dishwasher safe for 1 yr. Size Ø 70 x 20 mm Weight: 2g Color: red INFORMATION: Did you know... Who do you sell to? We sell only to retailers and wholesailers. Did you know that all Espresso Gear’s tamping mats are made out of food safe silicone. Why you ask? Pick up a classic tamping mat out of industrial grade rubber and smell it! Ouch! How do we order? Send a mail, give us a ring, order by our webshop. In all cases, you will receive a confirmation by mail with prices and shipping details. What are your Payment terms? New customer purchase requires 100% payment upfront. Returning customerpay net 7 days of receiving. Bank transfer is is our prefered payment method. What is your company information? Espresso Gear AB Billdalsvägen 2 436 55 Hovås Sweden Tel: +46(0)31 31 39 488 [email protected] VAT: SE556729862401 How do you ship? We use DHL, DSV, Postal Service, UPS depending on time and cost. You could also ask to pick up the good by your own forwarder. Can we become a reseller? Just let us know a bit about your company, geografic location, and what you are interested in and we would love having you as customer. The Attento Thermometer reacts instantly to temperature changes. The classic thermometer takes several seconds to react. And when it does, are you sure it has resently been calibrated in ice water? No need for that with The Attento Thermometer. All our Barista Tampers have a extension ring feature that enables you to lower the height of your tamper. This allows the Barista to adjust the tamper so that it fits comfortable and ergonomical depending on your hand size. Our Primo and Barista tamper are balanced between top and bottom in order to lighten the ergonomic effect tamping has for professional baristas. We have a few informational videos on channels/438992 Visit the channel by scanning this code: ESPRESSO GEAR, Origohuset, Billdalsvägen 2, 436 55 Hovås, Sweden | TELEPHONE: +46 313139488 E-MAIL: [email protected] | WEB: | VAT: SE556729862401 | TWITTER: @espressogear FACEBOOK: Espresso Gear
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