CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reason for Choosing the Title
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reason for Choosing the Title
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Reasonfor Choosingthe Title Indonesiais one of countriesin the world, which hasmany beautifuland naturaltourismobjects.As a developingcountryIndonesiahastried to promote tourismsectoror domesticto othercountries.With tourismpromotion,domestic or foreigntouristwill cometo seethenaturalbeautyandlovelinessof Indonesian. To support tourism businessin Indonesia,it needs certain kinds of accomrnodation that supportstourismbusinesswhich is calledhotel.A hotel is a placeto stayor to spenda night for oneor severatdays(Marsum lggg : Z4). , The facility of a hotel dependson the classificationof the hotel.The more starsa hotel has,the more completefacilities it has.A good hotel doesnot only rent a room for guestbut also providesmeal and drinks. The departrnentwhich runsthis role is calledfood andbeveragedepartrnent. PatraJasaHotel is a five-starhotel which is locatedin SouthSemarang Ciry, Central Java.PatraJasaHotel hasprovidedFood andBeverageDepartment to seryefood and drinks to the guest.The hotel opensKendalisodoRestaurant, SunkenBar, and CokrokembangBar. KendalisodoRestaurantis a part of Food and BeverageDepartmentin PatraJasaHotel. It can increasethe hotel income. FoodandBeverageDepartmentat PatraJasaHotel Semarang hasa specificmenu. Basedon the reasonabove the writer choosesthe title .6Foodand Beverage Servicein KendalisodoRestawantof Patra JasaHotel Semarang".The topic only focuseson how the departmentgives servicesto the guest. 1.2Statementof the Problem The statementof the problemmentionedin this paperare : 1. What kinds of menuare servedby KendatisodoRestaurantat PatraJasaHotel Semarang? 2. What kinds of serviceare gtven by Food and BeverageDepartmentof patra JasaHotel Semarang? 1.3Limitation of the Problem The problemof this paperis limited to : l. The kinds of menu servedin KendalisodoRestaurantof Paffa Jasa Hotel Semarang. 2. The servicesgiven by Food and BeverageDepartmentof Patra JasaHotel Semarang. 1.4Objectiveof the Study The objectivesof the studyare : 1. To describethe kind of menu servedby KendalisodoRestaurantat patra Jasa Hotel Semarang. 2. To describethe servicesgiven by Food and BeverageDepartrnentof patraJasa Hotel Semarang. 1.5Significance of the Study This studyis hopedwill be valuable: 1. For the writer a. By studyingthis, it is hopedthat the writer getsmore knowledgeaboutthe FoodandBeverageService. b. Besidesthat,it is hopedit will givethe writer a valuableexperience. 2. For the Instution@atraJasaHotel) As the input for its servicesandjob strategieswhich areusedto satisfythe guest. 3. For the university This papercan be usedas referenoeespeciallyfor the studentswho study tourism. 1.6Implementationof the Study The studywas conductedfor three months(startedfrom 8 Februa 2006 ry until 30 April 2006i)andthe activitiesthe writer did duringthe studyare : Date Activities Meeting the managerand supervisorof Food On February08, 2006 and Beverageof Kendalisodo Restaurantat Patra JasaHotel. On February09,2006 Introducing to the Food and Beveragestaff at Observingthe activitiesof thewaiterlwaitress On February10,2006 KendalisodoRestaurant a. Polishingthe cutlery On February11-15,2006 b. Foldingnapkins Helpingthe employees at Kendalisodo On February15-20 Restaurant b. Deliveringthe guestsorderto their room a. Helpingto decoratetheKendalisodo Restaurantareafor grandopeningpatrajasa hotel On February22-28 b. Working aswaiter c. Working asa greeter d. Cleaningthe food andbeveragedepartment place a. Workingasa waiterin restaurant b. Deliveringthe guestsorderto their room 2-7March2006 c. Preparingthe table d. Checkingthe sidestation a. Checkingthe KendalisodoRestaurant logbook 9 -14March 2006 b. Foldingnapkins c. Interviewingthe captainwaiter 16- 22March2006 a. Working asbartender b. Checking the mini bar list in the motel c. Cleaningthe warehouse a. Checking the KendalisodoRestaurant logbook 24 - 29 March 2006 b. Working as a waiter in restaurant c. the table d. Checking the side station 31 - 5 April 2006 a. Deliveringguestorderin sunkenbar b. Helpingbanquettedepartment 7 - 13April 2006 a. Loadingthe mini bar list in the hotelroom b. Workingasa bartenderin the bar a. Checking the Kendalisodo Restaurant 15- 20 April 2006 logbook b. Folding napkins c. Interviewing the captain waiter a. Interviewingthe food andbeveragemanager b. Interviewingthe staffRestaurant 22-29April 2006 c. Interviewingthe captainBar d. Working asbartenderin the bar e. Doingthe libraryresearch Interviewing the training managerand food and On April 30, 2006 beveragemanager 1.7 Method of Data Collection To write this paper, the writer uses several data.The methods used in collecting the dataareas follows : l. Observation According to Nasir (1999: 212) direct observation is "Method of data" collection directly without any help of equipment". By using this method, the writer conducted a direct research as an active participant at the Food and BeverageDepartment of Kendalisodo Restaurantat Patra JasaHotel. 2. Interview Accordingto Nasir (1999: 234) "Interview is a processof interaction between interviewer and respondenf'. By using this method, the writer interviewedsome staffs and the managerat Food and BeverageDepartmentat KendalisodoRestaurantat patraJasaHotel. 3. Library Research Accordingto Nasir (1999: 256) "Library resehrchis a rnethodof data collectingby using literaturesourcesrelatedto the topic of the research,,. By using this method,the writer studiedsomebooks relatedto the problemof this paper. 1.8PaperOrganization The paper organizationis arrangedto simplify the writer's description aboutthediscussion materialsystematically in four chaptersbelow: ChapterI is Introduction.This chapterconsistsof reasonfor choosingthe title, statementof the problem,limitationof the problem,objectiveof the study, significanceof the study,implementationof the study,methodof datacollection, andpaperorganization. ChapterII is LiteratureReview. This chapterconsistsof definition of hotel,definitionof restaurant,classificationof restaurant,menu"service,and food andbeverageservice. ChapterIII is Foodand Beveragein KendalisodoRestaurantat PatraJasa Hotel Semarang.It consistsof history of the hotel, organizationalstructure,job descriptionof food andbevengedeparfinentat PatraJasaHotel Semarang,Food at PatraJasaHotel Semarang. andBeveragein KerrdalisodoRestaurant ChaptertV is ConclusionandSuggestion.