Children`s Bible Lessons - Level 1 - Lesson 3
Children`s Bible Lessons - Level 1 - Lesson 3
Cain and Abel Adam and Eve had two boys. Cain grew up to be a farmer. 1 Illustrations by The Restored Church of God CHILDREN’S BIBLE LESSON Abel grew up to be a shepherd. Both Cain and Abel gave offerings to God. Parents: Explain what offerings are and how we still give them today. LEVEL 1 / LESSON 3 2 Abel offered his best lamb to God. God was very pleased with Abel’s offering. _ _ _ _ ’ _ OFFERING Cain offered some fruits and vegetables, yet his attitude was wrong. God was not pleased with Cain. _ _ _ _ ’ _ OFFERING 3 CHILDREN’S BIBLE LESSON MATCH THE WORDS shepherd vegetables wool Cain tomatoes harvest cheese farmer Abel milk seeds grain meat plow pasture Parents: Have your child draw a line to the words that apply to Cain or Abel. LEVEL 1 / LESSON 3 4 Cain became very angry. He was jealous God accepted Abel’s offering, but not his. He hurt Abel so badly that he died. Parents: Explain to your child why Cain was jealous. Also explain what Cain should have done, instead of killing his brother. 5 CHILDREN’S BIBLE LESSON Cain, where is Abel, your brother? Soon after that, Cain heard God calling his name. God asked Cain where his brother was, but Cain said he did not know. Cain lied to God. God was very disappointed with him, and sent him away. LEVEL 1 / LESSON 3 6 Parents: Have your child cut out pictures of God’s way of peace and happiness in families in the world to come. 7 CHILDREN’S BIBLE LESSON ACTIVITY UNSCRAMBLE THE FOLLOWING WORDS SHOWING WHAT CAIN DID WRONG: OASULJE CAIN WAS _ _ _ _ _ _ _. EDIL CAIN _ _ _ _ TO GOD. DKLILE CAIN _ _ _ _ _ _ ABEL. Parents: Explain to your child that doing these things breaks God’s commandments and is sin. LEVEL 1 / LESSON 3 8 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 3 ACROSS: 2 4 5 1. ABEL’S OFFERING WAS A____ 2. _ _ _ _ WAS PLEASED WITH ABEL’S OFFERING 4. ABEL HAD A BROTHER NAMED _ _ _ _. 5. _ _ _ _ WAS KILLED BY CAIN. DOWN: 1. WHEN CAIN SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW WHERE ABEL WAS, HE _ _ _ _ TO GOD. 3. CAIN WAS A FARMER AND GREW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Parents: Complete the crossword puzzle with your child. 9 CHILDREN’S BIBLE LESSON ACTIVITY YOU SHALL _ _ _ _ THE LORD YOUR GOD. YOU SHALL NOT _ _ _ _. YOU SHALL NOT _ _ _. YOU SHALL NOT _ _ _ _ _ THINGS THAT BELONG TO SOMEONE ELSE. Parents: Help your child find out which commandments were broken and explain that breaking God’s commandments hurts you and makes you unhappy. LEVEL 1 / LESSON 3 10 Published by The Restored Church of God. Printed in the USA; All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2004 BIBLE MEMORY: Luke 10:27 Parents: Help your child complete this word search. GOD LOVE LIED FARMER ABEL HATE LAMB ADAM CAIN KILL OFFERING EVE 071115 / CBL13