Indians are second to none


Indians are second to none
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much? Keep the
PULL going for we
bring to you another
featuring our very
own leaders aka the
student council. Flip
through another
specially crafted four
pages that shout the
message PULL up
for being a part of
the school student
council is no small
feat. PULL over and
plug in.
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Is India ready to host the
Olympics in 2024?
a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say
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for GT issue March 30, 2015
20% Can’ t say
47% Yes
Do you think BRT should
be scrapped?
Results as on April 4, 2015
Everyday Superheroes
uperhero. What strikes you
the moment you hear this
word? A red cape or maybe,
the ability to fly? Mankind has
always been enamoured by the
idea of a superhero - a human who
is stronger, sharper and faster than
average; a human who possesses
powers to fight off evil and save
the day. But what is a superhero
really all about? Satyajyoti
Nanda, AIS Gur 46, XII,
attempts to answer the question.
After watching Spiderman, many of us have spent hours
trying to launch webs from our wrist because we too
dream of becoming a superhero, someone who has the
ability to change the world. A superhero is everything
that an average person dreams to become and can become.
A common man may ask, “How do I become a superhero?” By living your life the way you ought to, taking care of your family, your school or college, your job,
helping out at home, etc, you’re already on the path to
There is a superhero in each
one of us. Luckily, to activate
it, you don’t have to be bitten
by a radioactive spider. All you
need to do is, make the right
choice at the right time, for
being a superhero is simply a
matter of choice.
unleashing your inner hero. All that you need is some
mental reprogramming.
The primary hurdle to the awakening of the hero is
apathy. Since an essential qualification for a superhero
is serving society and being sensitive to its needs, you
just cannot afford to ignore something that lies outside
your field of concern and doesn’t seem to give immediate returns. If something needs fixing, take the initiative
and go fix it. Make the decision to act and not walk past
it. If you see your teacher struggling with a pile of notebooks, offer help. A leaking tap? Go close it. The important part is to let people know that you’re there. Be
someone who can be counted on for assistance at any
time - just like your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.
The secondary aspect of rising to heroism is one’s
perspective and judgement.. If you helped somebody
Pic: Dhruv Bindal, AIS Gur 46, X G
just for the sake of it and didn’t experience any pride or
joy, you’re less likely to help next time. This might
sound clichéd, but what one must realise is that no errand is too small. For that teacher struggling with the
books, you were the hero. You sensed her helplessness
and acted accordingly. No, you didn’t defeat the ISIS,
but you still made her job easier with no expectation of
any returns and that’s what a hero is all about. S/he derives pleasure out of helping others.
The world is a bad place not because of the actions of
the evil, but because of the silence of the good. But
there are people who have proved this wrong. The lad
who ran into a burning building to rescue trapped children, the girl who dived into a pond to save her drowning friend, the young boy who chased down a chain
snatcher, the commando who cocked his MP5 before
stepping into the Taj on 26/11 to liberate it, the driver
who offered a lift to an injured pedestrian on the road,
the girl who resisted demands of dowry, the CRPF jawan
who was on patrol in the jungles of Chhattisgarh to fight
insurgents or the man who rung the doorbell of the house
which emanated the din of domestic violence. These are
some of the many everyday superheroes.
Relating to these commoners isn’t tough, for they are as
real as your teeth. The only difference between them and
the majority is that when presented with a choice to act
or walk away, they chose or would choose the former. It
is reasonable to argue that the indifferent cannot become
superheroes. It is your choice that makes all the
difference in making you one. G T
Indians are second to none
... says Dr Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan, known for steering space projects during
his sojourn as ISRO chairman, on the occasion of convocation ceremony at AUUP
r Kasturirangan, currently chancellor
Jawaharlal Nehru University and member of
Planning Commission, traces his journey of
leading a prestigious ISRO project, its challenges,
twhere India stands in terms of space project and its
future. In a tete-a- tete with Himaanshu Poswal,
Amity School of Engg & Tech, he elucidates
India’s position as a frontrunner.
How did your journey with ISRO begin
where you were chairman for almost
ten years?
After having done my research on cosmic rays and universal emission of Xrays from the Vikram Sarabhai
Laboratory in Ahmedabad, I was all set
to go to the US for a post doctoral. It
was then that Vikram Sarabhai asked
me to stay back as an interesting space
programme was in the pipeline and they
wanted to put me on the experimental
front there.
Dr Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan addressing the gathering
Tell us about your first project at ISRO.
My first task at ISRO was to work on
the prestigious and ambitious satellite
project - Aryabhatta. It was to be
launched as part of an agreement
between Soviet Union and India.
ects. Today, we are also utilising the
funds for communication, education,
health, remote sensing, etc.
Dr Kasturirangan with Himanshu
How challenging was the launch?
Prime minister Indira Gandhi wanted the
satellite to be launched within two and a
half to three years. This was a big challenge for our team considering we
lacked the necessary infrastructure and
expertise required to deliver. At this
point, rocket scientist Dr Satish Dhawan
took over and soon enough, we had a
fantastic team in place. Consequently,
we built the first satellite in 13 months
and the second in just 24-28 months!
The 2015-16 budget allocates $1.2 billion to space activities. How are you
looking at investing the same?
Space activities involve huge amount of
money. Hence the investment calls for a
good justification, the very reason why
we are using it for developmental proj-
The trend of space tourism is catching
up. What makes it so popular?
Space tourism is all about the excitement
of feeling micro gravity and learning
about space. You can virtually float in
that environment! And people want to
experience it. However, we are yet to develop an affordable way to make space
tourism a reality.
India is emerging as a space savvy
country. What do you think are the
major factors responsible for this?
There is abundant engineering talent in
India. The young lot graduating from the
institutions of our country, including
your own, is extremely bright. They are
flourishing in a challenging environment. Besides, Indians are second to
none when it comes to achieving goals.
ISRO has a culture of working together,
a culture of interaction, communication
and accepting challenges. We use failures as stepping stones to success.
These factors have made India a space
savvy country. G T
Polo for a cause
Fool’s Day
In America, when the Gregorian calendar was adopted,
the new year that was earlier celebrated on April 1 was
moved to January 1. Those who continued to follow the
old calendar were labelled fools.
Amity Polo Cup
2015 was as special
as always, striving
to encourage team
spirit, goodness and
living its noble
commitment to
he finals of the Amity Polo Cup
organised by Amity Riding &
Polo Academy on March 8, to invite charity for Amitasha, an initiative of
Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson,
Amity Group of Schools & RBEF, for the
less privileged girl child, were played on
Jaipur Polo Ground amidst who’s who.
The memorable game
Cavalry 61, under the captaincy of Lt Col
Ravi Rathore overshone Action Polo by
Learning Curve
Pics: Sanwale Kumar, ASCO
Amity Instt of Education
mity Institute of Education
(AIE), New Delhi organised a demonstration for
students on ‘Self Defence Techniques for Girls’ on March 9 in an
ode to International Women’s Day.
All the female students from the institute attended the session along
with 20 students from Amity Institute of Education, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh.
Head constable Bharti along with
four of her team members from the
Special Police Unit for Women and
Children demonstrated various self
defence techniques for the onlookers. The team was deputed by DCP
Varsha Sharma from Crime Against
Women Cell.
The session was an interactive one
and the participants freely shared
their experiences and asked relevant questions which were
answered by the head constable.
Towards self defence
During the demonstration, head constable Bharti highlighted the following points for self defence:
Raise voice against misconduct
and bring the perpetrators to book as
it will teach them a lesson.
Awareness is the first line of defence; it is important to be aware of
oneself and one’s surroundings as
criminals are likely to choose targets
that appear more unaware.
One may even think of the strategies of potential attackers to be able
to deal better with them.
Amity Institute
for Competitive
6-3 goals. The match was an exhilarating
one that saw the two teams compete neck
to neck in the 4 chukkers. Ravi Rathore
scored two goals, while Vishal Chauhan
scored one goal in the third chukker,
which brought victory to Cavalry 61. The
last chukker saw no goal.
Amity’s commitment to nobility
Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Universe shared that Amity
is committed to the development of the
nation through education and philanthropy. He added that Amity will organise
more such events in support of the under
privileged sections of the society to bring
them into the mainstream.
Presenting the trophy
The winning trophy was presented by
Dr Ashok Chauhan K. Chauhan;
Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan; Mr Atul
Chauhan, Chancellor, AUUP; Mr Aseem
Chauhan, Chancellor, AUG & AUR; Ms
Pooja Chauhan, Vice Chairperson, AHF
and Ms Sapna Chauhan, Vice Chairperson, Amiown.
Who’s who
Ambassadors, diplomats, academicians,
sportspersons and personalities from all
walks of life graced the event. Maharaj
Kumar Sahib and Maharani Kunwarani
Sahiba Nivitte Kumari Ji of Udaipur;
Darja Bavdaz Kuret, Ambassador of
Slovenia to India; Shahnaz Husain, CEO,
Shahnaz Herbals Inc and Rajeev Shukla,
MP, were a few prominent faces present.
Following the final
Self defence
for women
Education & Enhancement
An exhibition match between Mauritius
Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA)
and Axis Bank followed. The match was
won by the MTPA. The raffle gifts were
given away by Ms Pooja Chauhan and
Maharani Kunwarani Sahiba Nivitte
Kumari Ji. Amitasha students captivated
the audience with a song.G T
AUUP signs landmark MoU
AUUP & VU University are all set to forge mutual ties
Pratiman Uniyal, AUUP
t was a historic moment when
Prof Jaap Winter, president, VU
University, Amsterdam, along
with a delegation of members visited
the campus and signed an MoU with
AUUP to foster a mutual relationship
and facilitate the exchange of expertise. The guests were welcomed
by Prof (Dr) Gurinder Singh, Amity
Group Additional Vice Chancellor;
Dr Balwinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AUUP; Dr W Selvamurthy, President, ASTIF, along with directors
and HoIs.
The MoU will facilitate joint research programmes, seminars, workshops and trainings in the area of
biotechnology, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, engineering, management and law along with exchange
Showcasing the MoU
of academic information, faculty
members, students and study programmes. It will also include training of and visits by faculty members
of both the universities, internship
programmes for the students and faculty development programmes in
areas of mutual interests.
Expressing his gratitude for the association, Prof Jaap Winter said that
Amity University has proved its excellence worldwide. He expressed
hope that the association will provide
a forum for building mutual relations
and friendship between both the
countries. Welcoming the alliance,
Prof (Dr) Gurinder Singh said that the
collaboration would be rewarding for
both the universities as well as the
two countries in the long run. He further outlined that Amity University
stresses on the holistic development
of each and every student as they are
groomed to become competent and
confident professionals in a cross cultural work milieu. G T
The writer is senior manager,
Office of Group Addl.Vice
Chancellor, Amity University.
Pic: Shrey Saxena, ASET
Himaanshu Poswal
Amity School of Engg & Tech
mbassador of Kazakhstan,
His Excellency Bulat
Sarsenbayev visited AUUP
on March 20, 2015, to strengthen educational ties between AUUP and
Kazakh National University (KNU).
Other guests included the wife of His
Excellency and Dr Galim Kair Mutanov, Rector, KNU.
His Excellency congratulated Amity
University for excelling in education
Prof (Dr) Gurinder Singh with Kazakh Delegates
and creating future leaders in such a
short span of time. Later during the
day, the guests were felicitated with
a token of remembrance.
In a cultural extravaganza, the students of Kazakhstan presented an orchestra, a dance and songs. The
orchestra played Indian songs that
instilled a new vigour in the audience. The excitement reached a
crescendo when performers stepped
down the stage to invite the audience
for a dance. Among those who shook
a leg on the occasion was Dr Ashok
K. Chauhan, Founder President,
Amity Universe, himself.G T
Find out the number of ATP
formation after complete
oxidisation of five molecules of
α-ketoglutaric acid formed during
Substrate label phosphorylation
and Chain label phosphorylation
in Kreb’s cycle respectively.
(a) 7 and 1
(b) 12 and 2
(c) 16 and 8
(d) 40 and 5
Last Date:
April 16, 2015
Ans: Brainleaks 134:
correct entries win
attractive prizes
Send your answers to The Global Times, E-26, Defence
Colony, New Delhi - 24 or e-mail your answer at
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Scholastic Alerts
Examination: Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre
Medical Test (UPCPMT 2015).
Institutes: The examination is organized by
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University,
for admission in various Government and approved Medical/ Dental/ Homeopathic/
Ayurvedic/ Unani colleges of Uttar Pradesh.
Courses: M.B.B.S., B.D.S., B.H.M.S.,
B.A.M.S., B.U.M.S
Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent with Physics,
Chemistry, Biology/Bio-Technology and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English at a level not less than the core course. For
details, please visit the website.
Online applications available: From March 20,
2015, on the official website
Last date for submission of online applications/ online registration closes: April 22, 2015
at 5:00 pm
Entrance Examination: May 24, 2015
Taruna Barthwal,
Manager, Amity Career
Counselling & Guidance Cell
For any query, write to us at [email protected]
Amilogical Park
Fool’s Day
Green steps
Evergreen impact
In France, April Fish Day is celebrated instead of Fool’s
Day. Children tape a picture of fish behind an unwary
friend’s back and wait till the fun begins
Young greenhearts. 1 neglected space. 9 months of persistent hard work. Result? 2342.90 square metres
of transformed green land and an international award. Tulika Banerji, GT Network reports...
Green team
Green project
ne small step and one honest initiative is all it
takes to make a positive
change in
uncountable lives. In keeping with Amity’s core
principle of responsible citizenship, AIS Pushp
Vihar took part in an international competition
‘Disney Friends for Change Project 2014-15:
Conserving Green Spaces’. It is an innovative
school volunteering programme committed to the
cause of saving the environment and nurturing
socially sensitive children. AIS Pushp Vihar was
selected among the top 10 schools from 65
participating schools across India, and won a grant
of Rs 5,00,000 for developing a green space for the
community. The school team worked relentlessly
on the project under the tutelage of Dr (Mrs) Amita
Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools &
RBEF from April to December, 2014.
The AIS PV team receives the well deserved trophy from none other than Vidya balan
Green efforts
Green award
n December 2014, an eminent jury comprising
technical experts, representatives from Disney
India and CMS, visited all the parks adopted by the
participants and based on the evaluation parameters
of infrastructure development, water source utilisation, plantation, stakeholder involvement, sustainability and innovation, chose the winners. The hard
work of AIS Pushp Vihar paid off as they bagged
the first prize in a ceremony held at the PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry in February 2015.
The event had Siddharth Roy Kapur, MD, Disney
India; students, teachers and principals from participating schools, government officials and NGOs
working for conservation, in attendance. National
award winning actor Vidya Balan, who was the
guest of honour at the event, presented the winning
trophy to AIS PV and congratulated the team.
Green mission
The ribbon cutting ceremony
The team with SR Kapur (c), MD, Disney India
s they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The green expedition
of AIS Pushp Vihar began in April 2014, with a
strong sense of social responsibility and a commitment to become instruments of change. The school
adopted CPWD Park, a neglected space in Sector
4, Pushp Vihar and determined to make it livelier
and greener. Young Amitians armed with innovative ideas and enthusiasm, worked tirelessly to turn
the underdeveloped park into a beautiful green area
where children can play, senior citizens can relax
and the health conscious can exercise.
Green journey
mbarking on the Disney Project, the green
army of AIS Pushp Vihar chalked out a diversified plan for the execution of the desired objective, including planting of maintenance free shrubs,
fencing, jogger’s track, etc.
To ensure the sustainability of the model and conservation of the park, the team selected perennial
and succulent plants which do not require intensive watering and trimming. The team also provided requisite training to the community
members who stay near the park, to enable them
take care of its basic maintenance. They also ensured that the natural resources of the park were
not harmed in any way.
nder the guidance of principal Ameeta Mohan,
the core team comprising teachers Sugandha
Dhillan and Arpita Basu, administrative officer of
the school, Col AK Sharma, and students Lavanya
Sehrawat, Class VIII A, Divyam Goel, Prakriti
Bhanot and Samaksh Gupta, Class VIII B, Anubhav Mahajan, Ayushi and Jigyasa Sachdeva, Class
X D, developed a project for the CPWD Park. The
project was then evaluated by the selection committee comprising experts from the field. The core
team worked in association with Jeetender Singh,
senior horticulturist, CPWD; Daalchand Rea,
CPWD supervisor; NK Sharma, RWA general secretary and Ashok Narang, RWA president. Today,
more than 500 students are active volunteers in the
project which has reached out to 2100 students, 50
households and 200 community persons.
No proper water supply to the park. Poor quality of water.
The park did not attract insects, birds or butterflies necessary
for thriving greenery. Lack of green cover.
Lacked beautification and attraction.
Chairperson exhorting the green soldiers
The Kahaani Tree
Treated water supply was connected to the park with a motor
and pipe. Tests were conducted to check the quality of water.
Perennials and medicinal plants were planted. A bird bath was
created with the rainwater harvesting shed.
Plant rows were done up in shapes of Disney characters like
Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Goofy, etc.
The wall and fence were repaired. Bamboo fencing was inThe wall and fencing were broken at a few places. The park had
stalled to raise the height of the wall. Multiple entries were
multiple entries allowing animals to stray in.
closed upon RWA’s request.
No jogging track.
Jogging track with interlocking tiles was constructed.
No garbage management system.
Dustbins were set up and a vermicompost pit was constructed.
No play area; absence of swings and slides for children.
Poor soil quality. Very dry, arid soil.
No place for people to sit and relax.
Uneven and dirty entry to the park.
Play area was created using monkey ladders, old tyres, etc.
Nutrients were added to the soil through treated water. Soil
testing was conducted by the team.
‘Kahaani Tree' was built in a relaxing, shaded corner.
Students cleaned the area and evened out the pathway.
esides actively engaging in the development of
the park, the school team worked hard to
spread awareness about it. They organised a poster
making competition on the theme ‘My Dream
Park’, made awareness circulars for the residents,
elicited parents’ suggestions over email, organised
signature campaigns, performed nukkad natak and
did everything possible to spread the word. Students from Classes VIII to X from AIS Pushp Vihar,
were actively involved in the project. They took
part in making of rows, plantation, graffiti, community outreach, cleaning and watering the plants.
Teachers of the school worked enthusiastically in
giving shape to the park. Even parents were involved in the project through a volunteering program and added value to it by offering innovative
ideas like interlocking track for joggers and the elderly, besides providing manpower.
Green hurdles
he school team had a humongous task ahead
of them. The project had to be completed
within the stipulated time, which was a challenge
in itself considering being school students, they already had their hands full with classes, homework,
examinations and assignments. A clear roadmap
was created for the students to manage. Thorough
discipline, persistence and dedication were their
guides all through. Other challenges kept cropping
up, such as prohibiting the entry of animals in the
park, severe lack of water supply and dearth of flora
and fauna. The core team worked jointly with the
residents of the area to overcome the obstacles.
Green climax
pon successful completion of the project, AIS
Pushp Vihar organised a handing over ceremony on December 26, 2014. Under the nurturing
care of the green soldiers, the space christened
‘Amilogical Park’, was inaugurated by chief guest
Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan. The momentous occasion
was graced by representatives from Disney India,
CPWD officers, RWA and community members of
Sec 4, Pushp Vihar and students of the school. The
proud work was there for all to see. Uncountable
eyes gleamed with tears of joy when the RWA
thanked the school saying that “Amilogical Park is
truly a boon for the residents of PV.”G T
Captain Special
Amity’s captains who will sail the ship
April 6, 2015
AIS Vasundhara 6
Amity Student Council...three
words that spell pride and
responsibility in the same
breath. The new council takes
forward the legacy of captains
who sail the ship in every
circumstance. So welcome
aboard the new captains, all
set to perform their duty.
AIS Gurgaon 46
AIS Mayur Vihar
AIS Vasundhara 1
Carrying the
legacy forward
e deliver. We value. We
excel... it is this
maxim that the
Student Council at Amity
adheres to, setting exemplary
standards of responsibility. The
newly elected Student Council
took the mantle of leadership
forward as they assumed office
during glittering investiture
ceremonies organised across 8
Amity International Schools.
Amity has a legacy; a legacy of creating
global leaders and the student council at
Amity bears the responsibility of taking
this legacy forward. The baton of
excellence was passed on to another
formidable lot of leaders during an
investiture ceremony as the Student
Council 2015-16 stepped into the newly
vacated shoes of responsibility.
Auspicious beginnings: The ceremony
across different schools began on an
auspicious note with the ceremonial
lighting of the lamp amidst the chanting
of shlokas by the school choir.
Front row: The freshly elected Student
Council was encouraged by the presence
of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan,
Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools &
RBEF, respective school principals,
parents and Col BS Ahluwalia, sports
advisor, Amity Schools.
Star of the show: The newly elected
council took centrestage as they received
Making of a leader
Leaders are not born, they are made by hard work, a price one
must pay to be a part of the Student Council. The office bearers
go through a stringent selection procedure that commences with
filling a form requiring the applicant to elucidate his/her
strengths. An internal selection committee evaluates these
forms considering the recommendations of the class teacher,
school coordinator and principal. The shortlisted candidates
make it to the final interview where they are evaluated against
the criteria defined for various posts.
Investiture ceremony 2015
their badges and sashes. However, it was
not just the badges but also the
numerous hopes and expectations that
were pinned onto them. The Amity flag
waved aloft as it was handed over to the
new head boys and head girls,
symbolising passing on of duties. The
house captains too held their house flags
high with pride and honour. This was
followed by the oath ceremony where the
new council reaffirmed their resolve to
fulfill the duties entrusted to them with
dedication and justice.
Words of wisdom: Inspiring words from
Chairperson set the motivation levels of
the new council soaring. She encouraged
the badge holders to uphold Amity’s
values and tradition of excellence. The
investiture ceremonies saw the principals
of respective schools encourage the new
Student Council to dispense their duty
AIS Saket
with sincerity, compassion and integrity.
Col Ahluwalia blessed the office bearers
for a successful tenure.
Pride on faces: Parents in attendance at
the investiture ceremonies across various
schools, were beaming with pride and joy
at their children’s achievements. The
newly elected council held their head
high as they had been bestowed with
great privilege and responsibility.
Nostalgia in hearts: An air of nostalgia
wafted through as the outgoing head boy
and head girl shared their thoughts and
experiences in their tenure. They shared
the challenges and obstacles they had
faced while executing their duties.
Not the end, just the beginning: The
event came to a close with the rendition
of the school song and the national
anthem. For those who stepped out, it
was a job well done and for those
stepping in, it will be a job that needs to
be well done; that’s the only choice they
have as Amitians.G T
AIS Gurgaon 43
Student Council 2015-16
Captain Special
We, the leaders
April 6, 2015
Captain Special
The newly inducted Student Councils from eight Amity International Schools are all set to take on the mantle of
captaincy. Here’s presenting the the next generation of Amity’s global leaders who have vowed to uphold the
honour, prestige and responsibility that come with leadership...
AIS Saket
Sarthak Dilawari
Avi Jain
Manav Sehgal
Mann Garg
Rishab Srivastava
Ena Gupta
Soham Antrolikar
Raksha Gopal
Shubham Jain
Paridhi Sachdeva
Milin Chandra
Aparajita Marwah
Mudit Gupta
Tia Sachdeva
Shivam Kansal
Tanvi Gupta
Vaibhav Kocchar
Malvika Arora
Mehul Bose
Ridhima Tyagi
Milan Mehra
Meddhya Malik
Samridhi Nagar
Adhiraj Segel
Megha Sahu
Shraishth Pandit Sopori
Amlaan Kumar
Anmol Gupta
Mehak Bawa
Oorja Rawat
Paahini Agrawal
Aastha Verma
Mansvini Pandya
Roop Sawhney
Amisha Garg
Inayat Sachdev
Soham Paul
Ishita Bansal
Shivangi Kumar
Raghav Agrawal
Gauri Kashyap
Gitika Wahal
Anisha Sawhney
Amrita Bansal
Kripi Badonia
Ananya Bajaj
Devanshi Ghildiyal
Poorva Jain
Stuti Srivastava
Sanaa Sachdeva
Prakhar Gupta
Shimona Mohan
Shramik Rawal
Prashant R. Revanati
Stuti Sengupta
Ujjwal Sachdeva
Ria Chopra
Siddhant Kapoor
Simran Gulati
Vedant Sandhu
Tarini Sharma
Aditya Bhatia
Tanya Chauhan
Soumil Agarwal
Jagriti Bhardwaj
Abhay Lal
Sareena Roy
Taranjit Singh
Meera Anand
Uday Lal
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Tanya Mahalwal
Soumya Sharma
Amrita Bindra
Nikita Ahooja
Anushka Barthwal
Sanjana Singh
Adrija Tripathi
Abhimanyu Saxena
Pracchi Mehta
Arsh Bedi
Viswanathan Raheja
Sunanda Natarajan
Diksha Saxena
Siddhant Puri
Medha Dhall
Sana Grover
Adhvaryu Srivastava
Syed Habeeb Tehseen
Shyam Sunder Rajgarhia
Prateek Vachher
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary - Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary - Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary - Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary - Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain - Alaknanda
House Vice Captain - Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain - Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain - Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain - Mandakini
House Vice Captain - Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain - Pawani
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
AIS Gurgaon 46
Aviral Singhal
Niyonika Chhabra
Arsh Verma
Muskaan Mendiratta
Kartik Pande
Devika Jain
Nikhil Kalia
Shambhavi Thakur
Sudarshan Gopal
Disha Kameldeep
Manan Rai
Maitreyi Mehndiratta
Dev Gupta
Shreeya Arora
Pulkit Aggarwal
Agamya Goyal
Akshat Bhardwaj
Anahat Khera
Ansh Aggarwal
Surina Jaidka
Aadya Vibhuti
Medha Mathur
Vara Raturi
Kirti Wadhwa
Abhay P.
AIS Pushp Vihar
Nitin Luke Mishra
Uday Bassi
Simran Arora
Nikhil Rath
Priyanka Ahluwalia
Arjun Jasuja
Mahima Kharbanda
Gazal Singh
Abuzar Ahmed Khan
Nirbhay Vadera Verma
Archit Kapoor
Tanish Bhardwaj
Sahil Bhatia
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
AIS Vasundhara 1
AIS Vasundhara 1
Pic: Kartik Arora, X C
AIS Noida
Surudhip Raam
Charu Singh
Arpit Jain
Aayushi Shakya
Om Rastogi
Pavani Dhawan
Rahul Aggarwal
Kriti Gupta
Shubhank Tyagi
Arzoo Azad
Saksham Chauhan
Kavya Adhikari
Shourya Singh Thakur
Shreya Jaiswal
Agneev Das
Vinayak Shrote
Shubham Ghosal
Ojasvi Sharma
Satyam Ambast
Gauri Mudgal
Anjali Singh
Nishant Narang
Sakshay Kedia
Pratha Bhatt
Nishant Narain Shrivastava
Pralav Dhamija
Lakshya Sharma
Harshal Dev
Shreyans Jain
Ritik Chaudhary
With leadership, comes
responsibility and I am
confident that the new Student
Council will serve as an
example for others to emulate,
by fulfilling the responsibilities
entrusted to them. I am
certain that the leadership qualities you will
imbibe as a part of the council will help you take
on the mantle of the nation tomorrow and
accomplish the Founder President’s vision of
making India a superpower.
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
Aditya Tripathi
Natasha Bhattacharya
Abhineet Srivastava
Prisha Singh
Yatin Gupta
Abhavya Roshan
Mudit Sharma
Vaishali Tikoo
Prakhar Varshney
Ranjana Raghav
Vishal Kumar
Isha Dogra
Angad Singh
Mahima Chauhan
Rajul Yadav
Musckaan Chauhan
Akshat Babbar
Megha Jha
Mokshi Jain
Shreya Maheshwari
Aditya Agarwal
Dhruv Bindal
Lakshit Chawla
Shiva Paliwal
Siddharth Bagga
Bhumikka Rao
Mouna Sunkara
Shweta Srinivas
Tejasvi Gahlyan
Nitya Chopra
Aditya Gupta
Gitanjali Vohra
Amartya Chakravorty
Vaasu Gupta
Beenal Dhadwal
AIS Gurgaon 46
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Photography
Editor Art
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
AIS Gurgaon 43
AIS Mayur Vihar
Daksh Chhokra
Kaori Singh
Hritvik Arya
Nilakshi Srivastava
Rohan Aggarwal
Purvangi Chopra
Pranav Bhasin
Maroushka Gupota
Nikhil Gulati
Muskan Chaudhary
Kunal Verma
Suhani Jain
Rishabh Mishra
Tulika Mathur
Debi Prasad
Vanshica Sahni
Ayushman Saha
Parinita Saini
Chinmaya Kausik
Shipali Ranjan
Ananya Bali
Disha Rawal
Piyush Prasad
Muskaan Manchanda
Tanya Khatri
Suhani Khera
Sweta Sahu
Pragya Shaklya
Archita Kashyap
Anshuman Bhasin
AIS Gurgaon 43
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Advik Aggarwal
Astha Mittal
Shashwat das
Ankita Drolia
Nitish Bansal
Unnati Garg
Shubham Kaushik
Ishani Garg
Chinmay Arora
Anusha Mittal
Dhruv Verma
Aparna Singhal
Pranav Mathur
Shreya Chawla
Oorja Mehta
Kuber Sumra
Shaurya Prasad
Kashish Jalan
Sudeepti Naithani
Dhvanii Chawla
Unmuktman Singh
Shivam Solanki
Shaurye Chopra
Shivang Ranjan
Arushi Khanna
Radhika Sant
Ananya Vishwanath
Kriti Dhalla
Jaskirat Singh
Satyam Aeron
Gunika Grover
Sankalp Biswal
Dhananjaya Jindal
Ishan Tandon
AIS Mayur Vihar
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain - Alaknanda
House Vice Captain - Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain - Mandakini
House Vice Captain - Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
AIS Vasundhara 6
Shashwat Srijan
Saumya Kalia
Pranjal Shukla
Kanchan Joshi
Abhay Kulshreshtha
Ishita Srivastava
Ashwin Goel
Amogha GS
Pranshu Dixit
Shubhangi Saxena
Nipun Tyagi
Mausam Singh
Shubam Aggarwal
Hansin Malhotra
Chaitanya AK
Arjun Veerwal
Shreya Verma
Kunal Sharma
Riya Bhardwaj
Vidisha Singh
Asad Ejaz
Uditi Chopra
Aditya Subramanium
Yoshita Jeswal
Naman Sharma
Shourya Raj Singh
Shrey Tripathi
Raghav Bhardwaj
Arunima Kaul
Sneha Kalia
Aneerban Chakraborty
Udhav Aggarwal
Shivangi Malhotra
Sarthak Goyal
Sanyam Dhandhania
Manshita Agarwal
Pic: Samridh Arora, X C
April 6, 2015
Head Boy
Head Girl
Vice Head Boy
Vice Head Girl
General Secretary (Boy)
General Secretary (Girl)
Additional General Secretary (Boy)
Additional General Secretary (Girl)
Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Boy)
Additional Secretary Discipline (Girl)
Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Boy)
Additional Secretary Cultural (Girl)
Sports Captain (Boy)
Sports Captain (Girl)
Sports Vice Captain (Boy)
Sports Vice Captain (Girl)
Associate Editor
Sub Editor
Sub Editor
Editor Graphics
Editor Photography
Editor Art
House Captain – Alaknanda
House Captain – Bhagirathi
House Captain – Mandakini
House Captain – Pawani
House Vice Captain – Alaknanda
House Vice Captain – Bhagirathi
House Vice Captain – Mandakini
House Vice Captain – Pawani
Cyber Captain
Vice Cyber Captain
GUR 46
April 6, 2015
Captain Special
We, the leaders
FORMER: Saakshi Garg & Aakash Anjan
NEW: Aditya Tripathi & Natasha B.
OLD & NEW (L to R): New & former head boy Prashant R &Vidur Narang, new & former head girl Stuti S & Sanjana Chopra
The former heads of the Student Council pass
the baton to the new ones
GUR 43
OLD & NEW (L to R): New head boy & head girl Daksh Chhokra &
Kaori Singh, former head girl & head boy Nikita S. & Shivank B.
FORMER: Manav Gupta & Khanak Bhargava
Vas 6
NEW: Shashwat Srijan & Saumya Kalia
NEW: Aastha Mittal & Advik Aggarwal
FORMER: Arushi Verma & Pramay Rai
Vas 1
FORMER: Pranav Bawiskar & Pallavi Ratra
NEW: Surudhip Raam & Charu Singh
Pic: Samridh Arora, X C
OLD & NEW (L to R): Former head boy Rahul K, new head girl
Niyonika Chhabra, former head girl Nikita Chaudhary & new head boy Aviral Singhal
Pic: Kartik Arora, X C
OLD & NEW (Lto R): Former head boy & head girl Xyan Bhatnagar & Aastha Singh
new head boy & head girl Sarthak Dilawari & Avi Jain
In Iran, April Fool’s Day is celebrated as a picnic
full of pranks and jokes followed by throwing away
of green vegetables. It is voted as the most awesome
April Fool’s Day.
Fool’s Day
The punishment
Short Story
Illustration: Ravinder Gusain, GT Network
Ishita Yadav, AIS Noida, VII B
nce, there was a giant who was
very strong and proud. He could
uproot a banyan or trample a
house without batting an eyelid. He terrorised the people of Fairyland where
every mythical creature resided. No one
dared to stand up to him.
One day, the giant was wandering
through Fairyland when he accidently
stepped on Queen Flutterfly's wand and
snapped it in half. When the old queen
got to know of the ruin, she was heart-
Jumble Bumble
Shreya Mahajan, AIS MV, IX
Unjumble the given words using the
clues provided. Recognise the words
and spell them correctly.
(Hint: All the words begin with the
letter ‘P’)
broken and wept for hours for the wand
had been passed down from generation
to generation. But the old queen was
known for her kind heartedness. She
sent a scroll to the giant which read,
“You have been forgiven as it is natural
to err. But now, you must help the queen
fix her wand and restore its magic.”
The cruel giant, however, didn't give the
kind proposal a second glance. He tore
the scroll in half and insulted the queen.
Suddenly, Queen Flutterfly herself appeared before the giant. “Proud giant,
don't be so imperious or you will regret
One day, the giant was
wandering though Fairyland
when he accidentally
stepped on Queen
Flutterfly’s magic wand.
this day forever!” The Queen warned but
the arrogant giant didn't budge. He
laughed at the queen, who began to
chant some magical words. Suddenly,
the giant began to shrink. He became
smaller and smaller. He finally realised
his mistake and begged the queen for
forgiveness and requested her to lift the
curse. The queen took pity on the giant
and said, “You broke my wand and insulted my honour. You oppressed the
creatures of Fairyland. But now, it looks
like you have learnt your lesson. Even
though you will never regain your earlier form, you will remain the prettiest
flower on earth that regains its beauty in
dirt.” And that is how the first lotus
flower was born.G T
So what did you learn today?
A new word: Imperious
Meaning: Arrogant and bullish
4. The branch of chemistry dealing
with plants and plant products.
Flour ......................................1 ½ cup
Powdered sugar ........................¾ cup
Butter..........................................1 cup
Eggs ..................................................2
Dates (seedless and mashed) ............6
Baking powder ........................1 ½ tsp
Cocoa powder ..........................4 tbsp
Sieve the flour, baking powder and
How do you say “She is calling a
cab" in a single word?
How can you ask your masi to take
a dip in a pool, using a single
Avoid complaining
and the game of blame.
Love and respect yourself,
don’t let your head
bow down with shame.
Khushi Saxena
Life is like a transient dream,
live the way you want,
and flow with the stream.
Work hard to achieve your goals,
follow the correct path,
and be honest to deity’s given roles.
If you think life is a challenge,
accept it with a valiant face.
Expect a few surprises
because life’s really strange.
If you think life is a race,
all you have to do is
win it and give it some space.
If you feel life’s an ecstatic ride,
try to adore every moment,
yes, you’re on the right side!
Every morning when you wake up,
it is a new day, a new start
What do you call a bee that has
come from America?
Live every day as if its your last,
value every moment,
because life’s too short
and time is flying fast.
Name the Pakistani cricketer with
no age.
Umar Gul
Laugh at the confusion,
manipulate the odds,
and take the correct decision.
Why did a man sit on the watch?
He wanted to be on time.
Why shouldn't you be telling jokes
to an egg?
Because it might crack up!
Laugh, cry, cherish and dance,
because if you want to live,
life’s your only chance!
Life is nothing but a transient dream,
have faith in yourself,
only you can make it a perfect stream.G
Painting Corner
cocoa powder in a big bowl.
Melt the butter.
Add powdered sugar, eggs and
dates and mix well.
Now add the flour mixture to the
butter mixture and mix well to form
a smooth batter.
Preheat the oven to 3500 F.
Grease a baking dish and line it
with butter paper.
Pour the cake batter into the baking
dish and bake it for about 25-30
minutes, until golden brown.
Delicious date cake is ready.
Shivank Puri
AIS Saket, VI
God has given you a new day,
Just love your dear ones,
and apologise for the wrongs you say.
1. Pacemaker, 2. Palmistry,
3. Patrician, 4. Phytochemistry
Abhijeet, AIS Gur 43, VII
Moving ahead
Ansh Madhra
AIS Saket, X
dance happily, shake up!
2. The claim of characterisation and
foretelling the future through the
study of the palm
Date cake
Life: secrets unveiled
1. A small device, placed in the chest
or abdomen to help control abnormal
heart rhythms.
3. A group of ruling class families in
ancient Rome.
Which is a frog’s favourite year?
Leap year
Aditya, AIS Gur 43, lV
Deeksha Singh, AIS Vas 6, VII
Along green pastures
Mother nature
10 Junior Jottings
Jigyasu-the curious one!
Exploring the scientists in Amies, the Science Day merged learning with fun
he teacher trainees of Amity Centre for Educational Research and
Training (ACERT) Gurgaon conducted Science Day titled ‘Jigyasu’ with
the little Amies on March 9, 2015. Children are scientists by nature, inquisitive
and explorative. The trainees, therefore
nurtured the explorative mind of the
children by creating adequate opportunities for their enquiries.
The Science Day was celebrated keeping in mind various objectives as developing the scientific temper in children;
enhancing their curiosity and inquisitiveness by encouraging them to ask
questions; developing consciousness
and appreciation towards environment;
expanding the power of observation; developing investigative thinking and
nourishing their creativity.
The children showed keen interest in all
the activities organised for them on the
occasion. They also asked numerous
questions which were answered patiently by the trainees. The Amies enjoyed using the magnifying glass to see
the pores (stomata) on a leaf. Even the
flora of the campus were given names to
create awareness in the little ones towards their green friends. Later, they
were presented with toy aeroplanes
made out of ice-cream sticks, spreading
the message of ‘best out of waste’.
The Science Day brought out the scientists in little ones, thus merging learning
with enjoyment. G T
I experiment Hands-on experience
I recognize Discovering nature
I inquire Eager to learn
Fool’s Day
In India, jokes are cracked and pranks are played in full spirit
on April Fool’s Day. In Denmark, the day is celebrated when
winter is about to end. In Ireland, a letter is passed around. It
reads, “Send it to another fool further.”
School Lounge
Birmingham in Noida
Amity Global School Noida
Vishrut Anand
AGS Noida, A1
GSN hosted a special lecture for
the students of Class IX-XII organised by Taruna Barthwal,
manager, Amity Career Counselling and
Guidance Cell, to invoke a sense of interest towards the business world, on
February 16, 2015. With an experience
of over 21 years to his credit, Steve
Keepax, lecturer, University of Birmingham, was the keynote speaker for the
day. He enlightened the students about
the key business strategies and core marketing techniques which help companies
prosper. Keepax also informed the students about the four vital strategies,
namely - 3D printing, big data, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing. Aparajita
Kalra, country coordinator, University of
Birmingham, Delhi, apprised the students about the admission process for
the university besides giving them de-
Steve Keepax (R) from University of Birmingham, interacts with students
tails about the courses offered and campus life.
The lecture concluded with a question answer session where the two
experienced speakers answered all the
queries put forth by the students related
to admissions, lodging or life in
Olympiad gems
AIS Gurgaon 46
School head girl Tarunika Gaur, thanked
the speakers for educating the students
on a variety of issues surrounding
thbusiness world. Students also thanked
Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson,
Amity Group of Schools, for giving
them the opportunity to attend the
enriching programme. G T
o felicitate the meritorious students of Inter Amity Commerce Olympiad, held on November 24, 2014, a grand
prize distribution ceremony was held at AIS Gurgaon 46, on
January 31, 2015. School principal, Arti Chopra, along with
eminent personalities from different fields, steered the event.
Medals and certificates were awarded to the top three students
of each school. The Overall Rolling Trophy for Class XI and
Class XII was won by AIS Saket and AIS Vasundhara 6, respectively. The event also witnessed a panel discussion between the guests Anuj Sinha, former head, Department of
Science & Technology; Arijit Bhattacharya, general manager,
ITC Ltd; Meena Hooda, law practitioner, District Court, Gurgaon; Sushmita Nag, senior manager, Samsung and Sunita
Principal Arti Chopra with the winning team
AIS Pushp Vihar
mity International School,
Pushp Vihar, organised a
Sunshine Carnival on January 31, 2015. Game stalls and
joyrides catered to the varied interests of the students and parents. Segments like selfie corner, nail art,
photo booth and tambola kept the
crowd glued to the stalls.
The carnival witnessed the crowd enjoying the adventurous rides and relishing the lip-smacking food. The
highlight of the carnival was the
presence of school alumni, who were
welcomed with dhol beats, when
they entered the premises to relive
their school days.
The jam session stole the show with
all students joyfully gyrating to the
rhythmic beats. The carnival proved
to be an exciting one with something
for everyone.
six member team of AIS Vas 6
bagged the third position in the
Grade 10 category of NASA Space Settlement Design Contest, an annual event
co-operated by NASA Ames Research
Centre, San Jose State University and
the National Space Society. The contest
invited entries from students up to 12th
grade (18 years old) across the world, to
Olympiad winners with their certificates
Gupta, chartered accountant. The event also saw students of
Amity Integrated Career Programme (AICP), debating enthusiastically on the topic ‘Impact on Indian Economy after the
visit of US President Barack Obama’. G T
Robotic competition
tive robotic competitions, conducted by India Stem Foundation were sponsored by Techtonics. Numerous students from
Gujarat, Mumbai, Bangalore and NCR took part in the competition.
Out of the 16 teams that participated in FTC challenge and
39 teams that participated in FLL competition, eight teams
qualified for the nationals in FTC and 39 teams in the FLL
competition. They won awards like Best Robo Design, Core
values, Best Project in various categories.
Finally ten teams made it to the nationals that was held on
February 5 & 6, 2015 at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi.
School principal Arti Chopra congratulated the team from
AIS Gurgaon 46 that qualified for the national level in both
the competitions. G T
tudents of Class VIII-X from AIS
Saket, AIS Gurgaon 46, AIS Vas 1,
AIS PV and AIS Gurgaon 43,
participated in the Times NIE ‘Think
and Learn Challenge 2015’, held in their
respective schools. The challenge,
conducted by The Times of India, tested
the mathematical and scientific aptitude
Manan Rai
Shryans Goyal
AIS Gur 46
Chairperson felicitating the guests
of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, along with
Mohina Dar, director, Academic Projects, AIS & AGS; Dr Ranjana Bhatia,
principal, Amity Instt of Education; Kirti
Tripathi, head, Curriculum Development
& Technology Integration, AIS and dignitaries from IIT-D. The presentations
given by teachers were evaluated on the
of students from around 450 schools
across Delhi/NCR. The shortlisted
candidates were given an opportunity to
participate in the city round, held at
Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium on
February 1. The school toppers were
awarded Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Neo
and certificates of excellence.G T
Pranav Bhasin
AIS Gur 43
Chess champ
AIS Pushp Vihar
anan Rai, Class X student of AIS
PV, bagged the second prize of
Rs 1.2 Lakhs ($1940), in category-B of
the 13th Parsvnath Delhi International
Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2015.
The tournament consisted of three categories - A, B & C, having 10 rounds
each. The categories were based on the
rating given by the World Chess Feder-
The occasion tested the innovative skills of teachers,
bringing their latent talent to the forefront
o enhance the latent talents of the
teachers of Amity schools,
Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and
RBEF, instituted ‘Innovation in Education’ awards for teachers. Awards were
given for successful implementation of
new age pedagogies in the field of education as Problem Based Learning
(PBL)/ flipped activities.
The event hosted by AIS Pushp Vihar, on
March 4, 2015, witnessed the
participation of teachers from all
branches of Amity International Schools,
who presented their PBL/flipped
activities, based on textbook lessons.
The event was a highly charged one as
presentations enthusiastically.
The occasion was graced by the presence
work as a team on science projects and
develop space settlement designs. The
winning team members of the school
comprised Himanshu Burde, Avi Mudgal, Aviral Alok, Aditya Rastogi, Akriti
Dhasmana and Kavya Aggarwal along
with mentor teacher Suniti Gupta. The
team from AIS Vas 6, bagged the third
position among 500 entries sent by participating teams worldwide, for their
submission titled ‘Anantaram’.G T
Think and learn
Innovative Teacher’s Award
mity International School, Gurgaon 46, hosted the qualifying round of the First Lego League (FLL) and First
Tech Competition (FTC), on January 31, 2015. The innova-
Sunshine Carnival
AIS Vasundhara 6
Space design contest
The winning team of the NASA Space Settlement Design Contest
basis of varied criteria by the panel of
judges comprising Dr Sanjana Vij and
Pooja Pant, assistant professors, AIE and
O P Sinha, professor, Amity Institute of
Later in the ceremony, the judges along
with other dignitaries were felicitated by
Dr Chauhan. Sonali Batra, AIS Pushp
Vihar, Sakshi, AIS Gurgaon 43 and
Tarushikha Arora, AIS Noida bagged the
Innovative Teacher’s Award. The judges
gave their valuable feedback and suggestions to all the participants. Chairperson congratulated and blessed all the
winners. In her address to the gathering,
she reiterated the importance of glorious
values and belief in oneself. Following
her inspiring words, the event culminated with the school song and the national anthem.G T
Shivang Seth
AIS Saket
Arpit Jain
AIS Vas 1
ation, FIDE. Category-B witnessed a
participation of 484 players across the
subcontinent. Manan scored 8.5 out of
10 points to secure the second place in
the rankings. Earlier in 2014, he had represented India at the Asian Youth Chess
Championship, conducted in New Delhi.
He was selected for the championship
from the National U-17 Chess Championship held at Assam, where he ranked
9th. Manan also captained his school
chess team to victory in the Delhi State
U-19 Team Chess Championship, where
his team scored a perfect 5 out of 5.G T
AIS Noida
Basant theme party
iny tots of pre-primary wing, AIS
Noida celebrated the onset of
spring from January 27 to 30, 2015.
The classrooms were decorated with
marigolds and the little ones looked
like blooming flowers in their yellow
attire. Students of Nursery N presented
an informative special assembly on the
occasion that began with Saraswati
Vandana and concluded with a musical
song dedicated to the spring festival.
This was followed by a theme party
which was graced by school principal
Renu Singh. The children relished the
special treat of poori, aloo and delicious halwa served in the party. G T
Bag Pack
Fool’s Day
When the remote is in
your hand...
In the UK and in countries whose traditions are derived
from the UK, a person playing a joke after midday is the
April fool himself.
Compiled by: S.Surudhip Raam, AIS Vas 1, XII A
Illustration: Niharika Mavuri &
Shreya Maheshwari, AIS Gur 46, XII D
...and the control is with the
TV! Today, it’s almost as if
Hindi TV soaps and movies
are competing to live up to the
title that television adorns, ‘the
idiot box’. Resonating with the
Prime Time or Maha-episode
is the dramatic, “Nahii, nahii,
nahii” with replays. Stories
run on the TRP treadmill and
sweat out endlessly just like
the television soaps
themselves. Shubhangi
Kumari, AIS Gurgaon 46, X,
flips the channels.
Ghar ghar ka suffer
Every TV soap screams that looking good is more
important than making sense, for which the actor
must retire to bed dipped in make up. How realistic!
Drumrolls offer a great way of concluding that a
typical mother in law’s saazish has finally been
exposed. In the midst of shadyantra, maryada,
rishtey and parampara, the dead manage to return
when their spouse is remarrying. Not just this, TV
shows also endorse time warp; one moment you’re
in their house and the next moment, you’re in a court
against their in-laws. A particular scene will be aired
a zillion times to create suspense, only to be shown
in a pompous maha-episode three weeks later.
The typical documentaries with
booming Bollywood music, dramatic
taglines inspired from moviedom and
dialogues that will leave you amused, spell
the perfect recipe for headaches.
Khabar ki kabr
The heart of a concerned Indian
cringes at the sight of ‘Saas
Bahu Aur Saazish’ as s/he flips
through news shows. Indian
news channels are perfect for
chattering girls to discuss celebrity
lives, advocating their own lack of life and brains.
News anchors have an insane mantra, ‘reframe repeat’, while their stock of updates is running out
and it is for that very reason the entire screen is
coloured, “Don’t miss!”
Ad driving mad
If you think that the deodorant is getting Ranbir
Kapoor the girl, wake up; it’s being Ranbir Kapoor
that gets him the girl. You need to know how to
swim before jumping into the ocean off a cliff,
having Mountain Dew certainly can’t help you
there. If you see a woman dancing to a paan masala
ASCO ka naya hero
Pranshu Kaushal, ASCO alumnus, who made his debut on
the big screen last year, shares his journey thus far...
ad on a train station, don’t be too surprised, we also
have an entire station dancing for a biscuit on a
‘Good day’. After the dreadful television soaps, the
advertisement breaks literally break down the sanity
of the commoner.
When the nation mourns Mihir’s apparent death or
when a channel makes a cricket defeat a national
shame, it’s time to introspect. Indian TV reaches out
to millions of Indians. It is a part of their everyday
lives. Somehow it’s really hard to figure out who is
controlling whom. Who is pressing the buttons and
who is dancing to the tunes! G T
GT Travels to AIS Saket’s garden
lucky to get my first break in a lead role
through Doordarshan in a daily soap
called ‘Manzil Apni Apni’. Soon after, I
bagged another one in ‘Fiza’. Through
these shows, I was noticed by directors
and casting agents. Eventually, I got my
first big break in the Bollywood movie,
‘Hum Hain Teen Khurafati’. It was truly
a dream come true for me.
What kind of roles would you like to do
in future?
I would love to work with renowned director Imtiaz Ali. He is a treat to watch.
I would like to do a variety of roles but
if I am asked to choose one, I would be
privileged to play a role similar to that
of SRK in Baazigar.
Ruby Rajawat & Avantika Sengar
n alumnus of Amity School of
Communication, AUMP, Pranshu Kaushal debuted on the big
screen with ‘Hum Hain Teen Khurafati’
last year. Having grabbed eyeballs from
TV shows ‘Manzil Apni Apni’ and
‘Fiza’, he has now joined the list of Bollywood’s promising youngsters. The
trained filmmaker from New York
speaks his heart out on the occasion of a
filmmaking workshop at AUMP.
You are a newcomer in the Hindi film
industry. Did you have to struggle before you made it to the big screen?
The joy of success doubles if you have
struggled your way to it. The film industry has always been very competitive. I faced many challenges, but I was
clear about my goals. During my
diploma in filmmaking from New York
Film Academy, I developed a liking for
the industry and knew that this is where
I wanted to be. I learnt acting for some
time and then came to Mumbai to establish my career in the industry. I was
Now that you have made it to the film
industry, what is your dream for Bollywood in the coming years?
Indian films are popular all over the
world. I wish foreign filmmakers get
more inspired from our movies and we
continue to get the much deserved international recognition.
Your message for aspiring actors....
The film industry is very competitive
and full of hurdles. Any person wanting
to become a film star ought to complete
his/her studies before heading towards
the film industry. It’s important to have
a fallback option just in case acting
doesn’t work out. G T
The tiny tots of AIS Saket flaunt their copies of GT in their very own
school garden. The picturesque view of spring bliss makes for a refreshing
change and what better words to describe it than ‘picture perfect!’
Got some clicks with GT while on the go? Get them featured!
Send them to us at [email protected]
Published and Printed by Mr R.R. Aiyar on behalf of Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan from E-26, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024 and printed
from HT Media Ltd, B-2, Sec 63, Noida (UP). Editor Ms Vira Sharma.
Edition: Vol 7, Issue 10 RNI No. DELENG / 2009 / 30258. Both for free distribution and annual subscription of 800.
Opinions expressed in GT articles are of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers. While the editors do their
utmost to verify information published, they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy.
Published for the period -April 6-12, 2015