Untitled - Geoslam


Untitled - Geoslam
GeoSLAM Desktop Processing Software Installation Guide © 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Version 1.0.3
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
System Requirements ............................................................................................ 5
Installation Guide ......................................................................................................... 6
Downloading VirtualBox ........................................................................................ 6
Installing VirtualBox ............................................................................................... 7
Installing GeoSLAM Virtual Machine ................................................................... 10
Data Processing with VirtualBox .......................................................................... 14
Virtual Machine Optimization .................................................................................... 18
Further help and information .............................................................................. 20
End User License Agreement ..................................................................................... 20
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
This manual will guide you through the necessary steps to install GeoSLAM Desktop
Processing software which will enable you to process data captured with the ZEB1 and ZEBREVO scanners.
The software kit comprises 2 USB sticks, as follows:
A red Kingston data stick, containing installation files and test data
A green Sentinel HL software security dongle
Each of these USB sticks will be required at points throughout the installation process, so
please have them to hand.
In order for the software to install successfully, there are a number of minimum
requirements for your host machine:
CPU must support virtualisation technology (AMD-V or VT-x) and virtualisation
support must be enabled in BIOS (basic input/output system). Most modern
CPUs support this feature, and it should be enabled by default.
The GeoSLAM binary is optimised for core i7 processors and we recommend
using that or a similar specification.
VirtualBox 5.0.8 or above (if VirtualBox is already installed. If not section 2.1 will
guide you through downloading VirtualBox from the internet)
Minimum of 8 GB RAM is required (of which a minimum of 6 GB must be available
for the VirtualBox application) It is therefore recommended that no other memory
intensive applications are running on the host machine whilst the GeoSLAM
software is running. 16 GB of RAM is recommended.
This installation guide is intended for use with Windows systems. If you run Macintosh OS
X or Linux operating systems please contact GeoSLAM software support for further
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The first step is to download and install VirtualBox from the internet (if not already installed
on your machine).
Go to the following link:
This link will open the VirtualBox downloads page:
Under the heading ‘VirtualBox platform packages’ are a list of the latest versions of
VirtualBox for different hosts (Windows, OS, etc.). At the time of writing, version 5.0.10
was the most recent version.
Click on the download link next to the VirtualBox for Windows. The link is named
VirtualBox will begin to download to your machine.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Once the application has downloaded, the first of a series of Setup windows will open.
The first window to appear is the welcome window:
Click ‘Next’ to move onto the next stage:
This window informs you of where VirtualBox will be installed. It also tells you the space
required for installation (for this version, 160MB).
Click ‘Next’ to continue with the installation.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The following window will appear. Continue by clicking ‘Next’.
The following warning screen will appear. This simply alerts you to the fact that during
installation you will temporarily be disconnected from the network whilst VirtualBox is
added to the network.
Click ‘Yes’ to confirm acceptance and proceed with the installation.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Finally, the ‘Ready to Install’ window will ask you to confirm the settings. Click ‘Install’ to
begin the installation process.
A progress bar window will appear whilst the application downloads to your machine:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The installation should complete within less than a minute. To complete this stage, click
Once VirtualBox has successfully installed, the VirtualBox Manager window should
automatically open:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
As the name suggests, the Manager window is where all VirtualBox processing windows
are run from.
Insert the red Kingston USB stick into a spare USB port on your machine. Depending on
your computer settings, you may be asked if you want to view the files on the USB (select
‘yes’) or they may just open in a new window.
Within the USB folder you will find the following subfolders:
As well as the geoslam-vm file (in OVF format):
Select and copy the geoslam-processing folder and paste it into the root of your machine’s
C:\ drive:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Next, select and copy the geoslam-control folder to your machine’s desktop.
Return to the VirtualBox Manager. Under the ‘File’ menu, find and click on ‘Import
A window will open which will allow you to navigate to the file of your choosing. Click on
the small folder icon and navigate to the USB drive (E: drive). Select the geoslam-vm file.
Once the correct file has been selected, click the ‘Next’ button:
The Appliance Settings window will display:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Click ‘Import’ to import the OVF file.
The import progress window will display whilst the data is imported into VirtualBox:
After a few minutes the file will have been successfully imported into VirtualBox. You will
see that the geoslam-vm virtual machine has now been added to the contents bar on the
left hand side of the Manager window:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The following stage will run through an example of processing a test data set.
For the following steps, please ensure that no other applications are running on your
From the VirtualBox Manager window, select the geoslam-vm file. Hit the green Start
arrow in the toolbar at the top. Once the virtual machine is running, ‘Start’ will change to
This action will open up a new processing window. Allow the window to load, during which
time the Ubuntu loading window will appear. A GeoSLAM login prompt will then appear:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
You do not need to login.
Instead, insert the green Sentinel dongle into a USB port on your machine. A red LED will
flash whilst the USB dongle initiates, and then shown solid red. Allow 15-30 seconds for
In the processing window, click on the heading ‘Devices’ and scroll to the ‘USB’ button.
The Sentinel USB that you’ve just inserted should appear in the list of available items. Select
the Sentinel device.
At this stage nothing will occur. However, if you navigate away from the ‘Devices’ heading
and then back into it, you should now see a tick next to the Sentinel device.
Open up the test-data folder from the red Kingston USB stick. Inside, you will see a zipped
test file called 2015-12-01_10-33-48. Copy this file, and paste it into the geoslamprocessing folder that you previously copied into the C:\ drive.
Take care to ensure that it is copied into the C:\ drive folder and not the ‘original’ folder on
the USB stick.
Open the geoslam-processing folder in the C:\ drive. You should see that the file you just
copied over is now prefixed with the word ‘processing’ to show that the data is being
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
A ‘process ticker’ file is also created, which counts the processing time in 5 second
After a few minutes, the prefix will change from ‘processing’ to ‘complete’:
When the processing is complete a new folder with the name 2015-12-01_10-3348_results will have been created. This folder contains the point cloud data.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The results file will contain 5 files:
The following table explains what each file is:
File Name
Unzipped point cloud data file – contains the
collected point cloud scan data
A 9% sample of the point cloud data in grayscale
A 9% sample of the data coloured by time
The trajectory (path) of the ZEB movement
The condition (quality) of the trajectory path
The final section of this guide covers optimization of Virtual Machine.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The GeoSLAM virtual machine can be optimized to make use of all of your machine’s
The optimization process is carried out from the VirtualBox Manager window. The
geoslam-vm virtual machine must be stopped to enable optimization.
Click to close the virtual machine processing window. The following message will appear:
Click ‘OK’ to power off the machine. The virtual machine will now show as ‘Powered Off’ in
the VirtualBox Manager window:
Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the toolbar, and navigate to ‘System’, which should be second
down on the list.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
You will see that the ‘Base Memory’ is not optimized for the motherboard. To optimize the
memory, click and drag the blue icon to the furthest extent of the green range, without
entering into the orange/pink range:
Next, click on ‘Processor’, which is next to the ‘Motherboard’ tab. Ensure that the
maximum number of CPUs are being used for processing, again, by dragging the blue icon
to the furthest extent of the green bar:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Once both the motherboard and processor have been optimized, click ‘OK’ to save the
The geoslam-vm virtual machine can now be restarted by clicking the green Start arrow.
Contact GeoSLAM by any of the following methods:
Phone: +44 1949 831814
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.geoslam.com
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
GeoSLAM Limited
End user license agreement
Please read this EULA carefully, as it sets out the basis upon which we
license the Software for use.
By installing the Software, you agree to be bound by the provisions of
this EULA. If you do not agree to be bound by the provisions of this EULA,
you must not use the installation.
By agreeing to be bound by this EULA, you further agree that your
employees / any person you authorise to use the Software will comply
with the provision of this EULA.
Except to the extent expressly provided otherwise, in this EULA:
"Documentation" means the documentation for the Software
produced by the Licensor and delivered or made available by the
Licensor to the Licensee;
"EULA" means this end user licence agreement, including any
amendments to this end Licensee licence agreement from time
to time;
"Effective Date" means the date upon which the Licensee gives
the Licensee's express consent to this EULA, following the issue
of this EULA by the Licensor;
"Force Majeure Event" means an event, or a series of related
events, that is outside the reasonable control of the party
affected (including [failures of the internet or any public
telecommunications network, hacker attacks, denial of service
attacks, virus or other malicious software attacks or infections,
power failures, industrial disputes affecting any third party,
changes to the law, disasters, explosions, fires, floods, riots,
terrorist attacks and wars]);
"Intellectual Property Rights" means all intellectual property
rights wherever in the world, whether registrable or
unregistrable, registered or unregistered, including any
application or right of application for such rights.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
"Licensee" means the person to whom the Licensor grants a
right to use the Software under this EULA;
"Licensor" means GeoSLAM Limited, a company incorporated in
England and Wales (registration number7824395) having its
registered office at Unit 1 Moorbridge Court, Bingham, NG13
8GG, UK;
"Software" means the GeoSLAM Desktop Processing Software
"Source Code" means the Software code in human-readable
form or any part of the Software code in human-readable form,
including code compiled to create the Software or decompiled
from the Software, but excluding interpreted code comprised in
the Software; and
"Term" means the term of this EULA, commencing in accordance
with Clause 2.1 and ending in accordance with Clause 2.2;
This EULA shall come into force upon the Effective Date.
This EULA shall continue in force indefinitely, subject to
termination in accordance with Clause 9.
The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee during the Term a
non-exclusive licence to:
install the Software;
use a single instance of the Software in accordance with
the Documentation; and
create, store and maintain up to 5 back-up copies of the
subject to the limitations and prohibitions set out and referred to
in this Clause 3.
The Licensee may not sub-license and must not purport to sublicense any rights granted under Clause 3.1 without the prior
written consent of the Licensor.
Save to the extent expressly permitted by this EULA or required
by applicable law on a non-excludable basis, any licence granted
under this Clause 3 shall be subject to the following prohibitions:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
the Licensee must not sell, resell, rent, lease, loan,
supply, publish, distribute or redistribute the Software;
the Licensee must not alter, edit or adapt the Software;
the Licensee must not decompile, de-obfuscate or
reverse engineer, or attempt to decompile, de-obfuscate
or reverse engineer, the Software.
The Licensee shall be responsible for the security of copies of the
Software supplied to the Licensee under this EULA (or created
from such copies)] and shall use all reasonable endeavours
(including all reasonable security measures) to ensure that
access to such copies is restricted to persons authorised to use
them under this EULA.
The Licensor does not accept any liability in respect of the use of
the Software by the Licensee. The Licensee is responsible for the
verifying the validity of the output generated by the Software and
indemnifies the Licensor against all claims, losses, costs and
liabilities that may be suffered or incurred by the Licensor in
respect of the use of the Software by the Licensee.
Source Code
Nothing in this EULA shall give to the Licensee or any other
person any right to access or use the Source Code or constitute
any licence of the Source Code.
No assignment of Intellectual Property Rights
Nothing in this EULA shall operate to assign or transfer any
Intellectual Property Rights from the Licensor to the Licensee or
from the Licensee to the Licensor.
The Licensor warrants to the Licensee that it has the legal right
and authority to enter into this EULA and to perform its
obligations under the EULA.
If the Licensor reasonably determines, or any third party alleges,
that the use of the Software by the Licensee in accordance with
this EULA infringes any person's Intellectual Property Rights, the
Licensor’s sole obligation is to (in its sole discretion}:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
modify the Software in such a way that it no longer
infringes the relevant Intellectual Property Rights; or
procure for the Licensee the right to use the Software in
accordance with this EULA; or
terminate this EULA and refund an appropriate portion of
the fee.
All of the parties' warranties and representations in respect of the
subject matter of this EULA are expressly set out in this EULA. To
the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, no other
warranties or representations concerning the subject matter of
this EULA will be implied into the EULA or any related contract.
Acknowledgements and warranty limitations
The Licensee acknowledges that complex software is never
wholly free from defects, errors and bugs; and subject to the
other provisions of this EULA, the Licensor gives no warranty or
representation that the Software will be wholly free from defects,
errors and bugs.
The Licensee acknowledges that complex software is never
entirely free from security vulnerabilities; and subject to the
other provisions of this EULA, the Licensor gives no warranty or
representation that the Software will be entirely secure.
Limitations and exclusions of liability
Nothing in this EULA will:
limit or exclude any liability for death or personal injury
resulting from negligence;
limit or exclude any liability for fraud or fraudulent
limit any liabilities in any way that is not permitted under
applicable law; or
exclude any liabilities that may not be excluded under
applicable law,
and, if a party is a consumer, that party's statutory rights will not
be excluded or limited by the EULA, except to the extent
permitted by law.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Clause 8
and elsewhere in this EULA:
are subject to Clauses 18.1 and 11.6; and
govern all liabilities arising under the EULA or relating to
the subject matter of the EULA, including liabilities arising
in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach
of statutory duty, except to the extent expressly provided
otherwise in the EULA.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
losses arising out of a Force Majeure Event.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
loss of profits or anticipated savings.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
loss of revenue or income.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
loss of business, contracts or opportunities.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
loss or corruption of any data, database or software.
The Licensor will not be liable to the Licensee in respect of any
special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
The aggregate liability of the Licensor to the Licensee under this
EULA shall not exceed the total amount paid and payable by the
Licensee to the Licensor under the EULA.
Either party may terminate this EULA immediately by giving
written notice of termination to the other party if:
the other party commits any [breach / material breach]
of the EULA[, and:
the breach is not remediable; or
the breach is remediable, but the other party fails
to remedy the breach within the period of 30
days following the giving of a written notice to
the other party requiring the breach to be
remedied; or
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
Either party may terminate this EULA immediately by giving
written notice of termination to the other party if:
the other party persistently breaches the EULA
(irrespective of whether such breaches collectively
constitute a material breach).
the other party:
is dissolved;
ceases to conduct all (or substantially all) of its
is or becomes unable to pay its debts as they fall
is or becomes insolvent or is declared insolvent;
convenes a meeting or makes or proposes to
make any arrangement or composition with its
an administrator, administrative receiver, liquidator,
receiver, trustee, manager or similar is appointed over
any of the assets of the other party;
an order is made for the winding up of the other party,
or the other party passes a resolution for its winding up
(other than for the purpose of a solvent company
reorganisation where the resulting entity will assume all
the obligations of the other party under the EULA);
if that other party is an individual:
that other party dies;
as a result of illness or incapacity, that other
party becomes incapable of managing his or her
own affairs; or
that other party is the subject of a bankruptcy
petition or order.
The Licensor may terminate this EULA immediately by giving
written notice to the Licensee if:
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
any amount due to be paid by the Licensee to the
Licensor under the EULA is unpaid by the due date and
remains unpaid upon the date that that written notice of
termination is given; and
the Licensor has given to the Licensee at least 30 days'
written notice, following the failure to pay, of its intention
to terminate the EULA in accordance with this Clause 9.3.
Effects of termination
Upon the termination of this EULA, all of the provisions of this
EULA shall cease to have effect, save that the following provisions
of this EULA shall survive and continue to have effect (in
accordance with their express terms or otherwise indefinitely):
Clauses 1, 3.1, 8, 10, 11 and 12.
The termination of this EULA shall not affect the accrued rights
of either party.
For the avoidance of doubt, the licences of the Software in this
EULA shall terminate upon the termination of this EULA; and,
accordingly, the Licensee must immediately cease to use the
Software upon the termination of this EULA.
Within 10 Business Days following the termination of this EULA,
the Licensee must:
return to the Licensor or dispose of as the Licensor may
instruct all media in its possession or control containing
the Software; and
irrevocably delete from all computer systems in its
possession or control all copies of the Software.
No breach of any provision of this EULA shall be waived except
with the express written consent of the party not in breach.
If any provision of this EULA is determined by any court or other
competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the
other provisions of the EULA will continue in effect. If any
unlawful and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or
enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to
be deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect
(unless that would contradict the clear intention of the parties, in
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
which case the entirety of the relevant provision will be deemed
to be deleted).
This EULA may not be varied except by a written document
signed by or on behalf of each of the parties.
Neither party may without the prior written consent of the other
party assign, transfer, charge, license or otherwise deal in or
dispose of any contractual rights or obligations under this EULA.
This EULA is made for the benefit of the parties, and is not
intended to benefit any third party or be enforceable by any third
party. The rights of the parties to terminate, rescind, or agree
any amendment, waiver, variation or settlement under or
relating to this EULA are not subject to the consent of any third
Nothing in this EULA shall exclude or limit any liability of a party
for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability of
a party that may not be excluded or limited under applicable law.
Subject to Clauses 8.1 and 11.6, this EULA shall constitute the
entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject
matter of this EULA, and shall supersede all previous
agreements, arrangements and understandings between the
parties in respect of that subject matter.
This EULA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
English law.
The courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
adjudicate any dispute arising under or in connection with this
In this EULA, a reference to a statute or statutory provision
includes a reference to:
that statute or statutory provision as modified,
consolidated and/or re-enacted from time to time; and
any subordinate legislation made under that statute or
statutory provision.
The Clause headings do not affect the interpretation of this EULA.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3
In this EULA, general words shall not be given a restrictive
interpretation by reason of being preceded or followed by words
indicating a particular class of acts, matters or things.
© 2016 GeoSLAM Ltd
Software Install Guide v1.0.3