March 14-21, 2016
March 14-21, 2016
M U March 14-21, 2016 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN Register for CLASSES TODAY! SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 8:00- 5:00pm Jessie Trice/FMU Community Health Center OPEN Monday-Friday 8:00- 5:00pm Daily Pastoral Counseling/Care……………Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:00- 5:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:00- 5:00pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 7:00- 9:00pm Weekly NPHC...Natl. Pan Hellenic Council (Student Chapter) ….......Lehman 114 7:00- 10:00pm Fahrenheit 305 Rehearsal......................................Building 4 Parking Lot 7:30- 8:30pm Fellowship of Christian Athletes..................Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:00- 9:30pm Student Senate..............................................FIU-FMU Auditorium , SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! 5:00- 7:45am FMU Cheerleaders and Dance Team REHEARSAL...J.C. Sams MPRoom 7:00- 7:00pm Presidential Primary Election “Polls Open”.............................LRCPArts 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 8:00- 5:00pm Jessie Trice/FMU Community Health Center OPEN Monday-Friday 8:00- 5:00pm Daily Pastoral Counseling/Care…………Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:00- 5:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:30- 5:00pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 12:00- 1:00pm Weekly Bible Study ................................................Susie C. Holley Religious Center 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 2:00- 5:00pm Annual Spring “CAREER FAIR”...........Smith Conference Center 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 7:00- 8:00pm Lions for Justice Chapter Meeting....Building 2 Multipurpose Room 7:00- 10:00pm Fahrenheit 305 Rehearsal ..........…...............................Building 4 Parking Lot 7:00- 10:00pm Film Screening...............................................................FIU-FMU Auditorium 7:30- 8:30pm Bahamian Connection Club Chapter Meeting...............Lehman Auditorium 8:00- 11:00pm Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Academic Days.........Lehman 111 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 8:00- 2:00pm Just To Be Sure Testing ……….....J.C. Sams Student Activity Center 8:00- 5:00pm Jessie Trice/FMU Community Health Center OPEN Monday-Friday 8:00- 5:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:00- 5:00pm Daily Pastoral Counseling/Care……………Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:30- 6:00pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 9:00- 11:00am Tours: Leesburgh High & Overtown Youth Cen./Booker T. Washington High 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Founders’ Week Leadership Luncheon w/Sen. Dwight Bullard....Smith Conf. Center 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 5:00- 11:00pm Walmart WEDNESDAY....................................Depart from Robinson Circle 7:00- 10:00pm Fahrenheit 305 Rehearsal …………….....................Building 4 Parking Lot 8:00- 10:00pm Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Chapter Meeting....Lehman Auditorium 8:00- 11:00pm Marketing Club “Talent Show” Rehearsal........J.C. Sams Multipurpose Room March 17 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! 5:00- 7:45am FMU Cheerleaders and Dance Team REHEARSAL...J.C. Sams MPRoom 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 8:00- 5:00pm Jessie Trice/FMU Community Health Center OPEN Monday-Friday 8:00- 5:00pm Daily Pastoral Counseling/Care……………Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:00- 12:00am Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:30- 6:00pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 10:30- 12:00pm FOUNDERS’ CONVOCATION......... Susie C. Holley Religious Center 11:00- 12:00pm Weekly Refreshing Worship Service postponed ......Susie C. Holley Religious Center 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 12:00- 1:00pm Project Fit Walking Lions Meet in front of the Wellness Center Parking Lot 12:00- 2:00pm FOUNDERS’ BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION....Market Place Dining Hall 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 7:00- 9:30pm “Blackish” Presented by Lions for Justice....Bldg. 2 Multipurpose Room 8:00- 11:00pm Marketing Club TALENT SHOW.................FIU-FMU Auditorium March 18 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! 5:00- 7:45am FMU Cheerleaders and Dance Team REHEARSAL...J.C. Sams MPRoom 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 8:00- 5:00pm Jessie Trice/FMU Community Health Center OPEN Monday-Friday 8:00- 5:00pm Daily Pastoral Counseling/Care……………Susie C. Holley Religious Center 8:00- 6:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:30- 4:30pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 6:00- 9:30pm FMU Cheerleaders “Weekly Spirit Friday”.....Goode Circle 6:00- 10:00pm Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Cluster Meeting....Lehman Boardroom/Aud. @ 302 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! Barnes & Noble CLOSED 8:00- 5:00pm CARS Lion Leadership Academy.............Smith Conference Center 8:00- 6:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:55- 9:00am Depart the Campus for Founders’ Week Community Service Project 9:00- 12:00pm Founders’ Week Community Service Project @ Barbara Hawkins School 9:00- 10:00pm Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Cluster Meeting....Lehman Boardroom/Aud. @ 302 10:00- 1:30pm Brunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:30- 6:30pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall , March 20 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! Barnes & Noble CLOSED Nathan W. Collier Library CLOSED 9:00- 10:00pm Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Cluster Meeting....Lehman Boardroom/Aud. @ 302 10:00- 1:30pm Brunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:30- 6:30pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall 7:14- 9:14pm Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Chapter Meeting …............Lehman Auditorium March 21 SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION 7:00- 9:00am Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall STILL OPEN! 8:00- 5:00pm Nathan W. Collier Library OPEN 8:30- 5:00pm Barnes & Noble OPEN 9:00- 10:00am Continental Breakfast in the Market Place Dining Hall 11:00- 2:00pm Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 2:00- 3:00pm Light Lunch in the Market Place Dining Hall 4:00- 7:00pm Dinner in the Market Place Dining Hall Upcoming Meetings & Events SENIOR CLASS Movie night...................................MARCH 21, 2016 SENIOR CLASS..........................................................march 22, 2016 GRADUATE PHOTOS.................................................MARCH 24, 2016 GOOD FRIDAY………………………………………………....MARCH 25, 2016 NABJ WOMEN IN MEDIA............................................MARCH 26, 2016 Student senate.....................................................March 28, 2016 Lions for justice chapter Meeting............. ...MarcH 29, 2016 Athletic banquet...................................................april 21, 2016 SUN CONFERENCE TRACK & field banquet............APRIL 22, 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY……………....April 27, 2016 Undergraduate classes end...............................APRIL 29, 2016 FINAL EXAMS………………………………………………….....may 2-7, 2016 Baccalaureate service…………………………………....May 12, 2016 Spring COMMENCEMENT……………………………............may 14, 2016 Every Monday Project Fit (for a detailed calendar consult Dr. Abigail Mobley-Bellinger, School of Education) “Tuskegee Airmen” (2nd Monday of each month)……...Lehman Board Room @ 7:00pm Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible Study (2nd/4th Mondays…Susie C. Holley Religious Center Student Chapter/National Pan Hellenic Council ……Lehman 114 @8:00pm Every Tuesday Project Fit Weekly Bible Study…………………………....Susie C. Holley Religious Center @ 12:00pm Hospitality Consortium………………………..Market Place Dining Hall @ 12:30pm Ministry on the Move Bible Study…………......Building 2 Multipurpose Room @ 6:00pm Every Wednesday Project Fit Just To Be Sure Testing…………… .......J. C. Sams Building @ 8:00am-2:00pm Ministry on the Move Bible Study…………......J.C. Sams Student Activity Center @ Noon Every Thursday Project Fit “The Refreshing” Mid-Week Worship Service…Susie C. Holley Religious Center @ 11:00am Academic Affairs (Weekly)…………………………..Lehman Board Room @ 11:00am Every Friday 6:00- 9:30pm FMU Cheerleaders “Weekly Spirit Friday”.....Goode Circle Every Saturday Every Sunday Florida Memorial University Master Calendar Produced by the Staff of the..... Office of Hospitality Services & Scheduling Yvonne Bendross, Director 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33054-6199
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