Dazzled by Disney: Disney Inspired Character Dolls in the 1950s
Dazzled by Disney: Disney Inspired Character Dolls in the 1950s
ffiWrewwffiwffi ffiW llisney DisneyInspiredCharacter Dollsi n the 1950s t's difficultto imaginea childhoodwithoutWaltDisney. ffi Disney's animated filmshaveprovidedentertainment for ffi ffi generations of children. Butthe companyhasaffectedmore thanjustthe silversceen. Drivenby the popularity of Disney's movies, manydoll andtoy manufacturers haveproducedlikenesses of Disney characters overthe years. TheDisney-inspired dollsofthe 1950s represent someof the mostvaluable andcollectible of these dolls. $no[Illlhile Disney's firstfull-lengthanimatedfilm,1nowWhiteandthe Seven Dwarfs, wasreleased in 1937. Sincethen,the moviehas madea lastingimpression on the dollworld. producedSnowWhitedollsduringthe MadameAlexander decades followingthe Disneyfilm,includinga pinkandgoldcladSnowWhitein 1952. Althoughthe dressdoesnot exactly replicate the gownwornby Disney's animatedcharacter, "WaltDisney's'Snow thetag on the dressreads, White,"' indicating Disney's stampof approval. A 14-inchSnowWhitedollfromthiserain Mintcondition isvaluedbetween5500-51,000, with the priceincreasing proportionately for the 17-inch and23-inchdolls. [inderella ln 1950,Disney released Cinderella. Almostimmediately, Cinderella dollsfloodedthe White wasapopular Disney character tobeimmortalized indollform.A14-inch market.MadameAlexander Snow doll in Mint c0ndition can bring 5500-51,000. wasoneofthe first companies to capitalize on the Cinderella crazewith iswortha few hundreddollarsmorethanhercounterpart, two strung,hard-plastic typicallyvaluedat 51,000 or morefor a 14-inch doll. versions of Cinderella Otherhigh-quality doll manufacturers alsoproducedstrung, - o n ei n a b a l lg o w n hard-plastic Cinderella dolls.Usingthe samedoll it usedfor its alongwith PoorCinderella NancyLeeandNanettedolls,Arranbee offereditsown Cinderella dressed in rags. These dolls in 1952. This 14-inch doll is now valued at approximately 5500, 0nderella wasoneofthefewDisney dollsthat fetchingmorefor a 17-inch or 2O-inch doll.In the firstfew ludmenascomoanions. Here's Cinderella with wereofferedin 1950and (harming. hince 1 9 5 1T.h ef o r m aC l inderella Conilnuedon Paqe82 . www.toyshopmag.(om .81 January 2007 ContinuedfromPage8l Alice,andevenprovideda glimpseof the 1950s alsobearssomeresemblance to thc yearsof the decade,Effanbee's Honeydoll tea partyscenein Alicein wonderland. Disneycharacter. Vogue's Ginnyisvalued wassoldin a pinkballgownascinderella. sevenmonthslater,thefilmwasreleased. at 5350in commonoutfits,but it is likely Estimations of thisdoll'svaluevary Alicedollswerequitepopular that popularcharacters suchasAlicein between5400-5800. throughoutthe1950s. Evenin 1950, Wonderland commandmucnmore. popularitywith the doll Cinderella's MadameAlexander andVogueboth In additionto theseearlytestimonials marketwassharedby the 8-inch"toddler haddollversions of Alicein wonderland of the popularity of Disney's film,Alice dolls"of the 1950s. Usingthe doll in Wonderland popular dollsremained thateventually becameGinny,a throughoutthe 1950s. ln 1952, American dollwhosepopularitymayhave Character offeredits versionof Alice startedthe toddler-dollcraze. - a blondeSweetSue in Wonderland Voguemarketed a Cinderella doll dolldressed in a bluecottondress, in 1950. AlthoughVogue's Ginnyis bloomersanda whiteorgandyapron. valuedat $350in commonoutfits,it's This17-inch SweetAlice.SweetAlice - asa special likelythatCinderella doll isvaluedat approximately 5500 character doll- wouldbe worth for a Mintversion.. considerably more. MadameAlexander continued yearslater,asthe toddler Several makingAlicein Wonderland dolls, dollscaughton,Ginny's competitors includingan 8-inchsizeto compete marketed Cinderella dolls,aswell. with othertoddlerdollssuchas In 1955, MadameAlexander offered Ginny.TheseAlicedollsweremade Cinderella in itspopularlineof from 1953-56, andtheyareworth Alexander-kin dolls.Today, thisdoll is 5800or more. worth S800or morein Mintcondition. Cosmopolitan sFrontier GirlGinger wasoftendressed in Cosmopolitan, the manufacturer of a Disney-related outfi ts. Ginny-type doll namedGinger, also PeterPan,the nextDisneyfilmto be offereda Cinderella in its Disneyland line available. Althoughthe moviewasn'tdue released, debutedin 1953. Thatsameyear, of dollsin the mid-to-late 1950s. out for anotheryear,Alexander's l4-inch, MadameAlexanderofferedtwo versions Cinderella's popularitydid not stop 1B-inch and23-inchAlicein Wonderland of a PeterPandoll.Oneusedthe same with the damselherself. BothMadame dollsworeclothesthat lookeduncannily bodyasan 8-inchQuizKin- a dollwith Alexanderand Effanbeeoffereda prince similarto the Disney's character's outfit, two buttonson itsbackto shakeits head Charming to go with theirversions althoughthe lightbluetaffetathatwas yesor no. of Cinderella. Thesedollsareworth usedto makemanyof the dresses tends ThisPeterPansportedan unusual approximately and5500-S800, to fadeto lavender S700-S950 overtime. reddishor blondcaracul wig.Theoutfit respectively, in Mintcondition. Vogue Thehairstyle of MadameAlexander's consisted of tightsanda felttunic,hatand manufactured bothPrinceCharming and Alicedollsalsoreflects Disney's character, shoes,modeledafterDisney's character. the FairyGodmother to keepCinderella with blondehairsweptoff the forehead to Alexander alsomanufactured a l4company. reveala highwidow'speak.TheseAlicein inchPeterPan,dressed similarly to the Wonderland dollsarevaluedat S500-S7OOsmaller doll,anda 14-inch Wendyasa for the smallerdollsandup to 91,000 for companion. Eachof the PeterPandollsis OnChristmas Dayin 1950,Disney's the largerversions. valuedat 5800or more,whileWendyis OneHourin Wonderland oremieredon In 1951, MadameAlexander's Alice valuedat S500-S600. televisions, introducing the upcoming alsocamewith a trousseau. Thisrareset animated film.Theone-hourshow is now worth upwardof 52,000. Vogue's featuredKathrynBeaumont, the voiceof 8-inchAlicein Wonderland of the early WhenSleepi ng Beautywasreleased Peler Pan Allce inWonderland Sleeping Beauty 82ToyShop.January 2007 __ ptsNEYmuS soldthree MadameAlexander in 1959, Sleeping Beautydolls Disney-approved andthroughspecialty at Disneyland catalogs. Beautywas Thesmallest Sleeping madeusingthe headandbodyof fashiondoll,Cissette, 10-inch Alexander's exceptwith flat feet and a wider painted mouththatturneddownslightlyat the Thedollworea skybluedress, corners. goldnetcape,blueslippers anda crown. Beautyis more Thisversionof Sleeping commonthanthe others,so it isworth approximately 5350. Beauty Sleeping Themedium-sized 16-inch usedthe bodyof Alexander's but with a vinylhead fashiondoll,Elise, for Disney's character madeespecially (alsousedon the largestdoll).Thisdoll's outfitwassimilarto the smallerdoll, exceptthatthe dressusuallyfadesto lavender with age. Beautyis harder The16-inchSleeping to find andisvaluedat 5650.However, Beautydollsis the rarestof the Sleeping the21-inchdoll.Beingdifficultto find, thisdollisvaluedat $850or more. (|lherIfisney-lnspired llolls dollsof Notallof the Disneycharacter werebasedon the Disneyfilms the 1950s fromthatdecade, DollandToyCo.,which Cosmopolitan madean 8-inchtoddlerdoll named Ginny, Gingerto competewith Vogue's madea lineof Disneyoutfitsspecifically forGinger. of the mid-to-late-1950s Thecatalogs listedseveral differentDisneythemes, suchasa SunPrincess futuristic concepts eachof whichofferedseveraloutfits andSpaceGirl. on a dollor thatcouldbe purchased priced Gingerdollsareregularly separately. at 5200for a Mintdoll,but the Disney underthemessuch Categorized andharder versions aremoredesirable as"Gingervisitsthe MickeyMouse more in to find,makingthempotentially Club"and"GingervisitsFrontierland valuable. the outfitsrangedfrom Disneyland," release of Snow SinceWaltDisney's thetypicalOfficialMickeyMouseClub popularity hasonly company's White,the to andan IndianPrincess, - and with eachgeneration increased children's First as so hasitsmerchandise. playthings, nowas but increasingly Disney-inspired valuablecollectibles, the films' dollshaveimmortalized generations. for characters KatharineSwanis a freeloncewriter fromEnglewood, Colo. . www.toyshopmag.(om. 83 2007 January