MCL Rate Card - MACO Caribbean Living
MCL Rate Card - MACO Caribbean Living
M ACO Caribbean Living, the per fec t avenue to Caribbean lifes t yle Toute Bagai Publishing Limited, 26 Kelly Kenny Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad. W.I., Tel (868) 622 0519, Fax (868) 628 6909, Email [email protected], Website MACO CARIBBEAN LIVING MACO C A R I B B E A VOLUME 14 ISSUE 2 about maco US $7.95 MacoLiving_81315_BC_0612.indd 1 11.06.12 15:57 (Mah-ko: verb minding someone’s business/ exclusive peeping) For over 15 years MACO Caribbean Living has taken you into the homes and the playgrounds of a warm and hospitable people scattered around the Caribbean archipelago. MACO, the signature brand of Trinidad and Tobago-based Toute Bagai Publishing, features Caribbean content from an international perspective, giving insight into the glamorous lifestyle celebrated throughout the region. The Caribbean’s unique culture, tradition, and landscape are all captured in the pages of the stylish magazine. With experienced writers ready to tell their stories and professional photographers eager to share their world view, MACO Caribbean Living sheds light on the treasured aspects of island life. With its sophisticated voice and sleek visual language, which highlight all things Caribbean, MACO Caribbean Living provides the perfect avenue to showcase luxury brands, lifestyle products and travel services aimed at sophisticated affluent readers. N L I V I N G 2013 MACO CARIBBEAN LIVING the date just l ady 31 MACO C A R I B B E A N L I V I N VOLUME 13 G ISSUE 4 Vol 16 Issue 1 Vol 16 Issue 2 • Showcase homes in Barbados, Tobago, St Lucia, St Thomas, • Sculptor • Medicinal Plants • Private Island • Showcase homes in Grenada, BVI, St. Lucia • Wood burning artist • Garden • Caribbean Villas • Showcase homes (Trinidad, Saint Lucia, Cayman Islands, Barbados) •Powerful Plants •Botanic Gardens • Cooking with rum • Old world meets modern Vol 15 Issue 4 • Showcase homes in Trinidad, Antigua, Saint Lucia, BVI • Real Estate/Development issue • 19th century artist • Medicinal plants • Bird sanctuary 7DJ?=K7"788EJJ7HK87"=7D:;BC7D87>7C7I"@E>D8KBB87H87:EI"HEO7BI>EF 8;HCK:7"9H?IIED8ED7?H;"B?JJC7D97D9KD"KBJH7@;M;BI9EPKC;B"KBJH7@;M;BI 9KH797E"=7D:;BC7D:EC?D?97"@;M;BB;HI?DJ;HD7J?ED7B=H7D:97OC7D"A?HA<H;;FEHJ @7C7?97"IM?IIIJEH;IBEI978EI"KBJH7@;M;BIFB7O7:;B97HC;D"KBJH7@;M;BI IJ 87HJ>;B;CO" =EB:<?D=;H IJ BK9?7" >7HHO ;:M7H:I I?DJ C77HJ;D" =EB:<?D=;H IJC7HJ?D"=EB:<?D=;HIJJ>EC7I"7>H??I;JEHJEB7"7>H??I;JKHA97?9EI"@7?ÉI$ Maco_Living_Rolex_1111.indd 1 Vol 15 Issue 3 US $7.95 23.11.11 15:36 Vol 16 Issue 3 Vol 16 Issue 4 • Showcase homes in Trinidad, Dom Rep, SVG •Semi precious stones in the caribbean • Private Getaways • Showcase homes in Jmca, Bahamas, Grenada • Real Estate/Development issue • Wonder leaf • Caribbean villas • Prime Real estate • Water colour artist Deadlines 2013 Publication Issue Artwork Deadline Advertorial Deadline 2013 15.3 (Sep/Oct) 15.4 (Dec/Jan) 12th August 5th November 5th August 1st November 2014 16.1 (Mar/Apr) 16.2 (June/July) 16.3 (Sep/Oct) 16.4 (Dec/Jan) 4th March 13th May 12th August 5th November 22nd February 6th May 5th August 1st November * The editorial calendar and publication dates are subject to change without notice. editorial calendar ... a glimpse of what will appear on our pages GROW LIVE EAT wriTer sarah venable phoTographer Julie chalbaud In T&T, the pilsner style predominates, with Carib and Stag the best known of the locally brewed beers. Popular lager imports include Heineken (the Netherlands), Corona (Mexico) and Coors (USA). Ales Then, having spent the day looking at homes, the And, says Cleaver, there was little not to like. “Only lefT library with high ceilings agent said to Cleaver, “There’s one more house I superficial things, like the pink shutters and the and wall-to-wall books lefT succulents enjoy their own dry bed could show you. It’s not being advertised for sale and mahogany-stained floorboards.” belOW lefT desk in corner of library righT ole dam-mikkelsen (in hat) I don’t think you’ll like it but we can have a look if After the 2007 renovations were completed, The you want.” As soon as Cleaver walked in, she knew Galleries became home for Naomi and Oliver. “We it was perfect. “Completely authentic, spacious, lived there permanently for two years, from 2008 to charming, just a five-minute walk from the beach, on 2010, which was amazing. It gave us a wonderful the Caribbean side, in need of renovation, so I could opportunity to turn the house into a real home, make my own mark, with a well-established garden, something our many rental guests really appreciate. full of fruit trees.’’ All the openings are opposite one another, allowing belOW rIGhT master bedroom in spanking and daniel chalbaud green and white far lefT bright dracaena flags a shady path are a relatively recent addition to the local drinking landscape, but there is now quite a wide range available from several British brewers, e.g. Badger, Belhaven, Fullers, Greene King, and Scottish and Newcastle. to the house The key thing to note about these brewers is that below fifty shades of green? they are all from very different parts of the UK. In ixora, dracaena, and golden shrimp plants much the same way that wine enthusiasts compare add colour regional notes between, say a Bordeaux, a Rioja and We now just visit, and mostly for work, as I also have an a Chianti, so too do the regional differences matter interior architecture and design practice out of Nevis.” between ales—different water, different brewing for cross breezes. “When I see houses in the tropics And Cleaver is ready for a new project. “We’d like with small windows and great big A/C units stuck on to buy something else on the island. I could never to them, I despair!” leave Nevis.’’M traditions, different envelopes being pushed. And a quick word on stout. It’s the roasted flavour that sets stout apart from other ale styles. This usually For more information visit comes from roasted barley, which is barley grain that his roots run deep As s OON As C le Ave r WA lke d I N , s h e kNe W I T WA s p e rfe C T. Travelling man puTs down remarkable rooTs in barbados and creaTes a boTanical wonderland “ COm p le Te ly A u T h e N T I C , s pA C I O u s , C h A rmI N G , j u s T A fI ve - mI N u T e WA lk frO m T h e be A C h , ON T he CArIbb e A N sI d e , I N N e e d O f re N O vAT I O N , s O I C O u ld mAke my O WN mA rk, W IT h A W e ll-e s TA blI s h e d G A rd e N , fu ll Of fru I T T re e s ’’ a veTeran world Traveller from a cold climaTe, ole dam-mikkelsen always liked The Tropics. in barbados, he cleared the terrain of bush and created a botanical wonderland, surrounding his while visiting barbados 32 years ago, a coincidence holiday home with four acres of tropical garden led him to buy some land here. That’s not so unusual. complete with orchid houses, and a mango orchard. has not been malted, but highly kilned. This unique we cook is either stewed, curried, or doused with treatment for the grain creates flavours ranging from pepper—great features of our local cuisine, but dry astringency to unsweetened chocolate to coffee. they often overwhelm the senses, and anything else Confused? they’re paired with. To properly embrace cuisine à la O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu): You didn’t think it was gonna bière, think foot-tapping jazz, or that R&B riff that be that easy, did you? always makes you smile, as opposed to a Carnival The Bride (Uma Thurman): You know, for a second music truck, and you’ll get the idea. It’s the subtle there, yeah, I kinda did. things that make a big difference, as Vince (John O-Ren Ishii: Silly rabbit. Travolta) explains to Jules: -Kill Bill 2 Vincent: Yeah, baby, you’d dig it the most. But you Actually rabbits, it’s not that hard, for anyone willing Jules: What? know what the funniest thing about Europe is? but unlike those who sink their winter roots in a he rents a portion to caribbean plants. behind it all, to experiment. In his The Pocket Guide to Beer, beer Vincent: It’s the little differences. I mean, they got the seaside plot, he purchased several inland acres (now tree-dotted pasture extends up the slope. guru and writer Michael Jackson (not the “Thriller”) same **** over there that we got here, but it’s just... 11) of former cane land behind gibbes, st James. he was also unlike those who come to escape their Though the access to his place devolves into a cart described ales and lagers as the “red wines” and it’s just, there it’s a little different. road, housing has steadily crept closer. mikkelsen’s “white wines” of the beer world. He concluded: “The Jules: Example? desk jobs. born in 1935 in denmark, he grew up on property may one day be an island of natural sanity in popularity of the original pilsner was well deserved, Vincent: All right. Well, you can walk into a movie a farm there, and started raising gladioli at the age a sea of encroaching development. but its renown is ill served by the many brewers in theatre in Amsterdam and buy a beer. And I don’t of 15. Though he loved flowers, this was no lark. it during ole’s annual summer absence, the crew different parts of the world who have used indifferent mean just like in no paper cup; I’m talking about a was business. “i sold them and bought an omega (“two and a half men” said ole) is headed by John imitations to try to create a single international beer glass of beer. And in Paris, you can buy a beer at watch,” he said. later he worked on a tulip farm and derrick, who hails from bequia and has worked this style at the expense of more characterful regional McDonald’s. And you know what they call a Quarter learned how it was done. he started his own and garden for three decades. early on, ole took him specialties. It is as though the whole world were Pounder with Cheese in Paris? reached the point of selling two million bulbs a year to denmark. “i thought it would be a good idea to to drink (white) Rhine wines and forget about the Jules: They don’t call it a Quarter Pounder with before holland took over the market. he also raised show him my background and my expectations,” he very existence of Burgundy or Bordeaux (red wines). Cheese? wheat, barley, sugar beets, apples, pears, and at one explained. “everything is orderly there,” said John. The whites of the beer world are more stable and Vincent: Nah, man, they got the metric system. They point had 800 pigs. “my neighbours call me the tidiest man in barbados.” consistent, but the top-fermenting yeasts endow the wouldn’t know what the **** a Quarter Pounder is. he laughed. ‘reds’ with great personality.” So, how can we match all this beery goodness 56 MACO MACO 57 with food? Imagine for a second that not everything 94 28 MACO MACO Jules: What do they call it? Vincent: They call it a Royale with Cheese. -Pulp Fiction MACO MACO 95 29 CREATE INVEST distinctive properties Emerging phoenix-like from the shell of a previous BE PART OF THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN CARIBBEAN PROPERTY IN ONE OF THE WORLd’S MOST quality befitting its glamorous proportions and ExTRAORdINARY RESORT COMMUNITIES impetus. Named after the Goddess of the Sea, PLAY yeMaNJÁ hOuSe, MuStiQue, St. ViNceNt Her work ranges from landscapes, seascapes, palm home, Yemanjá possesses something of a mythical Oil Nut Bay Beach Villa wriTer corinne smiTh trees, donkeys and pelicans to portraits and self- phoTographer Jeremy francis portraits. There’s also a series of windows and doors, which harks back to a year spent in Italy, and a playful revered in African and South American cultures montage of the transvestite comedian Eddie Izzard, as the source of all water and representing the who looms large in her personal mythology. Despite In a setting of unsurpassed physical beauty, Oil essence of motherhood, providence and fertility, their obvious differences, each work combines Nut Bay is one of the world’s most secluded, most the home’s curved walls and soft, feminine lines figurative, expressionist and abstract elements. In comfortable and most pristine natural settings— are the perfect counterpoint to its imposing stone- some cases they also have in common the capacity providing ready-to-build home sites that are clad façade. to create a sensual and uplifting atmosphere, a place in which the mind can be at rest. Other pieces have a carefully developed and constructed in harmony with nature. With only 88 sites spread across Yemanjá House 300 acres, the community offers eight unique Telephone +1 203 629 8494 neighborhoods. Each neighborhood is designed to Email [email protected] complement your lifestyle—whether your prefer more complex and unsettling effect on the viewer. Some of her paintings—the portraits and selfportraits in particular—reference the work of African American/Caribbean artist Jean Michel Basquiat (1960–1988) who combined figurative and abstract living footsteps from the white sand beaches or a forms short stroll to your boat. and incorporated disparate, seemingly incompatible, cultural and historical references (graffiti, street art, political and religious iconography, Oil Nut Bay for example); one of his most distinctive techniques Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands was the layering of words and images. Similar 284-393-1000 fragments and inscribed messages, including bursts 800-761-0377 of graffiti, are evident in Gonnella’s Stop and Pause [email protected] and the self-portrait Inside Out, which cites Basquiat’s name top right. Inside Out is her most raw, intensely personal exploration of identity to date. The central figure—the head tilted back and the arms clutching OUR GOAL IS T O P ROVIdE S OME OF T HE B E S T HO T E LS ANd R E S I dE NT I AL dE VE LO P ME NT S I N T HE trident true a black doll-like effigy—is almost literally laid bare, WORLd. WE ARE S HOWCAS ING P E R FE CT CAR I B B E AN HO ME S S E R V I CE d B Y T HE V E RY B E S T. with the skin partially stripped away to expose the The olD TriDenT hoTel is hanDsomely re-DesigneD in a Town ThaT is re-capTuring The allure ThaT Drew errol flynn anD The beauTiful people To Jamaica skeleton beneath, in an attempt, Gonnella explains, tiNGalayO, BVi Comfortably SuGar Beach reSideNceS 6 The luxury Caribbean villas at Sugar Beach Sugar Beach is offering the rarest of opportunities, Residences are positioned in the stunning natural to own one of these luxury Caribbean Residences. setting of the UNESCO protected World Heritage Sugar Beach site, Val des Pitons in St Lucia. Having completed its Val des Pitons, Post Office Box 251 transformation from the Jalousie Plantation, Sugar Soufriere, Saint Lucia T: +1 (758) 456 8091 Beach is quite possibly the finest luxury Caribbean M: +1 (758) 285 418 resort. E: [email protected] MACO reposed to “reveal the under-layers and through this process haWKSVieW eState, St. JOhN, uSVi Sage Situated high on eleven rambling acres tucked within Mountain, the highest point on Tortola, British 300-feet below the boundaries of one of St John’s National Parks, Virgin Islands (BVI), this idyllic, seemingly small the 14,500- square-foot property is skirted by the village is, in fact, a six-bedroom, six-bathroom renowned Trunk Bay and picture-perfect Hawksnest palatial residence – a labour of love that bespeaks Bay. Commanding soaring 270° views out over thirty nature as its primary inspiration for being. or more tiny islands and cays, the four-bedroom, Resplendent in its simplicity, it is the physical sevenbathroom home and guest studio are the manifestation of an ethos often associated with the Caribbean: to live the good life; to master your own destiny, albeit while enjoying all the comforts to examine who I am and how I’ve become who I am.” The sheer scale of some of the larger works is often what mesmerizes: the subjects seem almost too large D E S P I T E TH E I r O B VI O u S D I F F E r E n C E S , E A C H w O r k C O MB I n E S FI G u rAT I VE , E x P rE S S I O n I S T A n D A B S T rA C T E L E ME n T S . I n S O M E C A S E S T H E y A L S O H AVE I n C O MMO n T H E C A PA C I T y heavenly hillside haven of European owners, Katrin T O C rE ATE A S E n S u A L A n D u P L I F T I n G AT MO S P H E r E , his guests arrive in yachts and include rudyard seen. apart from its beauty, he loves the area because kipling, Jp morgan Junior, and william randolph the paparazzi aren’t a bother here. he buys the hotel the viewer is drawn in by the magnificent pale blue hearst, among others. port antonio grows into a bustling port town with eyes that dominate the work and seem to see right into you. (“Sometimes I like to unsettle the viewer a O T H E r P I E C E S H AVE A MO r E C O MP L E x Marvin Barndt [email protected] Phone Main– 340.693.7204 Cell– 340.690.0394 A nD u n S ET T L I n G E F F E C T O n T H E VI E w E r such adventurer is errol flynn, who declares port antonio more beautiful than any woman he’s ever for the canvas, their immense faces spilling out of the A P LA C E I n w H I C H T H E MI n D C A n B E AT rE S T. Thomas architect, Michael de Haas. ENQUIRIES: [email protected] MANAGER LYNN JOHNSON: +1 284 499 2535 by the 1950s the only visitors to the area are wellheeled adventurers with a penchant for privacy. one capTain lD baker— fruiT shipping magnaTe, banana king anD visionary—builDs Jamaica’s firsT hoTel. assigned space. In the enigmatic Attitude is Everything and Karl-Erivan Haub and the masterstroke of St life can offer. The sTory begins in The 1890s wiTh a banana boaT full of TourisTs. The ploT Thickens in 1905 when LEFT Attitude is Everything handsome georgian buildings and sumptuous private and marilyn monroe to name just a few. The hotel homes. Drifting down the rio grande on a banana burns to the ground in 1969. The jet-setters keep coming and in 1968 architect/ eccentric earl levy builds the Trident hotel. his guest world war ii, the Depression, and a modern new list comprises the rich, the famous, and the rich and airport in montego bay lead to the demise of tourism famous—les beaux mondes. The next few years are 74 7 44 MACO above righT Daybed, drinks and dramatic seas tough; hurricanes, politics and bad roads leave port antonio and the Trident hotel in the lurch. ABOVE Pelicans in Turquiose MACO Top Trident hotel after a morning rain above lefT To infinity and beyond raft is a popular pastime among the wealthy. but panama disease strikes and banana crops are ravaged. in port antonio. TOP Light and Dark from baker and, before his premature death in 1959, plays host to Truman capote, katharine hepburn, MACO MACO MACO 75 45 editorial content Our innovative design and first class photography coupled with our experienced-commissioned writers make up the dazzling display of MACO Caribbean Living. The magazine’s strikingly high editorial content is an eclectic mix of features which include: •LIVE – an “exclusive peep” into Caribbean homes. This section is filled with spaces that champion the relaxed and comforting vibe of island living. Homes that showcase innovative design and stunning architecture, as well commercial and residential properties are at the forefront of our leading features. •CREATE – Established artists as well as creative talents on the rise are featured here. MACO is now world-renowned for seeking fine artists of various mediums; from oils to pastels, pottery to jewelry. •GROW – MACO explores the Caribbean’s natural heritage with breathtaking photography. Horticultural talent and their tropical gardens •EAT – Caribbean specialty dishes, desserts and beverages will encourage gourmands to indulge in the sweeter part of island life. The most mouth-watering dishes from executive chefs of five star restaurants are at the turn of the page in every issue of MACO. •PLAY – This is our window into the world of Caribbean lifestyle. The places, the events, the parties are all captured here. This section is the tell all for recreation done the Caribbean way. •INVEST - MACO has its finger on the pulse of all things in the real estate market. Noted architects, developers and investors provide the insider’s scoop on upcoming projects and also offer insider industry perspectives on noteworthy developments throughout the region. 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Cinnamon Rex Grenadian Spice Island True Blue Bay Resort Grenada Grande Jamaica - Kingston Spanish Court The Courtleigh Knotsford The Hilton The Pegassus Jamaica - Mobay Half Moon The Ritz Carlton St. Lucia Coco Palm Bay Gardens The Landings Wind Jammers Trinidad & Tobago The Hyatt Regency Marriot Courtyard Ambassador Hotel Kapok Hotel The Cascadia Hotel The Hilton Coblentz Inn Carlton Savannah Normandie Hotel Trinidad - Other Spas, Rituals Cofee Shops, First Class Lounges, Major Restaurants, Fitness Clubs and Major Pharmacies Free Airline Distribution In-flight Virgin Atlantic first class cabin Caribbean routes Airport Lounges - MACO Caribbean Living is placed in the first class lounges of various airlines accross the US, UK and Caribbean - Gatwick/Heathrow - All Virgin filghts (Caribbean routes upper class) First class airline lounges UK AirlineLounges Virgin Atlantic London Heathrow (Terminal 1 Departures) & London Gatwick British Airways London Heathrow, London Gatwick (Terminal 1 & 4 Departures), Manchester, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle American Airlines Birmingham, Manchester, & Gatwick AA / Admiral Lounge London Heathrow Aviance Lounge Alexander Suite London Gatwick United Airlines London Heathrow US Airlines London Gatwick Lufthansa London Heathrow Continental London Gatwick Delta London Gatwick Air Jamaica London Heathrow Caribbean Airlines London Heathrow BMI London Heathrow & Manchester US Airways London Gatwick British Airways London region lounges London Gatwick (Arrivals, First class, Terrace 3&4) British Airways London region lounges London Heathrow (T3 Lounge) British Airways London region lounges London Heathrow (T5 Lounge, Arrivals, First class, Club membership) First class airline lounges US AirlineLounges British Airways Atlanta Miami Dallas Seattle Los Angeles Newark,NJ Manchester Orlando Denver Philadelphia Houston Tampa NewCastle Glasgow Boston Chicago Washington San Francisco Baltimore Edinburgh Aberdeen Airline lounges Caribbean British Airways Antigua Grenada Bermuda Nassau Bridgetown Gate Service BMI gate service (6 flights per week) Barbados & Antigua & Las Vegas AIRLINES/UK Virgin Atlantic Caribbean Airlines Monarch/Thomson Charter Flights PRIVATE JET/UK London Heliport Private Jet & Helicopter Charter Silverstone Heliport Sussex Suite TAG Farnborough Airport Ltd Dubai Air Wings Royal Bahrain Qatar Amiri 5 STAR HOTELS/UK Bentley Hotel Berekley Hotel Browns Hotel Dorchester Hotel 47 Park Street Hotel Four Seasons Canary Wharf Four Seasons Park Lane High Road House Home House London Landmark Hotel - Mags Lanesborough Hotel The Langham Hotel Lowndes Hotel Mandarin Oriental One Aldwych Hotel - Mags The Ritz Hotel Sanderson Hotel The Savoy Hotel Soho Hotel St Martins Lane Hotel W Hotel London Leicester Square PRIVATE MEDICAL/UK Howard De Walden Locations 1 Duchess Street 128 Harley Street 130 Harley Street 136 Harley Street 22 Wimpole Street 23 Queen Anne Street 31 Queen Anne Street 40-42 Harley Street 53 Wimpole Street 56 Queen Anne Street 62 Wimpole Street 70-72 Harley Street 75 Harley Street 8 Upper Wimpole Street 86 Harley Street 9 Upper Wimpole Street 99 Harley Street PRIVATE CLUBS//UK Buck’s Club Club Quarters - Gracechurch Street Club Quarters - Trafalgar Square The George Club Groucho Club Kensington Rooms Mortons Members Club Oxford & Cambridge Club RAC Club Shoreditch House Soho House Club The Dorchester Club Location Reside full time in the Caribbean Reside full time in the USA Reside full time in the UK Divide time between Caribbean and a secondary residence in the USA, UK or Canada Caribbean USA 75% 5% 5% Our readers have an avid interest in the region and are seasoned travellers. They are young and young at heart and have an energetic approach to life. They pride themselves on being in the know with the latest trends. They are sophisticated professionals who are financially successful with high Under 25 years disposable incomes and spear no expense. 14% Gender female male 55% 45% Age Under 25 25-55 years 56 and over 15% 65% 20% Household Income Over USD$75,000/annum 50% Education post graduate degree 70% UK Canada 56 years and over 25 - 55 years MultiCountry the power of print Somehow, amidst their infatuation with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the like, young adults are still making time for another one of their favourite pursuits: reading magazines. Average paid subscriptions reached nearly 300 million in 2009 (Source: MPA estimates based on ABC first half 2009 and second half 2009 data). In fact, in 2009, 22% of all new paid magazine subscriptions were done online. People love magazines as much as ever. What they don’t love is filling out little subscription postcards with the best intentions of mailing them only to discover those cards under a pile of mail a month later. The Internet has not supplanted magazines as the preferred medium; readers are simply using it as a tool to get their magazines through a simpler, faster and more efficient process. And what’s more, just as the Internet is aiding the increased rate of magazine subscriptions, magazines drive web searches-readers want to know more about the fascintating content found in their favourite mags. Compared to other forms of media, magazines have a competitive edge when it comes to delivering long-lasting, high impact advertising. Magazines deliver advertising messages over time, and as readers pass Compared to other forms of media, magazines have a competitive edge when it comes to delivering longlasting, high impact advertising. them along to family and friends, ads constantly reach new markets and demographics. Declining advertising also works in the favour of companies and business owners who dare to see the value of advertising in magazines, especially now. There is less so-called “clutter” in the market, which ensures that your brands will stand out. Less clutter also gives you an edge over your competitors who have slashed their advertising budgets. Your brands achieve dominance in a less crowded marketplace, which brings more consumers to your products. So, why advertise in magazines? Magazine readership has grown over the last few years, with the 18-34 year old demographic among the most loyal readers and quickly growing sector. Not only are they more loyal than their older counterparts, they read more issues per month and spend more time on each issue (MRI Fall 2009 data). This means more exposure to your ads. Consumer confidence is starting to go back up, which means consumer spending is also starting to improve. Things can only go up from here. Magazines are here to stay. maco enters the digital world MACO Caribbean Living has entered the digital world! MACO Caribbean Living, the region’s premiere architectural and luxury living magazine is the first regional publication to partner with Zinio; the world’s largest digital newsstand. Now, through Zinio’s ‘ZINIO UNITY™ reading platform, readers can truly experience the Caribbean’s most architecturally fascinating homes, villas, resorts, restaurants and hotels anywhere, anytime and on any device. Zinio allows readers to access the magazine through the web browsers on their MACs or PCs, or through the Zinio digital app, which is available for iPods, iPads and iPhones, as well as for Android Smartphone’s. The Zinio digital app allows for easy flow between text, images, videos and graphic details. With Zinio, MACO Caribbean Living readers around the globe will now have the option of reading the magazine online at any time, or of downloading it to be read at their leisure. According to the Internet Usage and World Population Statistics, 30% of the world’s population is now online. MACO Caribbean Living can now reach a broader audience, allowing the readers and potential advertisers an interactive and engaging experience. The second issue of Maco Caribbean Living Volume 13 Issue 2 will be totally interactive with videos, audio and hyper links, allowing you to maximise your advertising dollar by extending the reach and variety of media through which you speak to customers. Zinio has provided clients a platform to have innovative media-rich campaigns including video and audio content with an extended range of viewers worldwide. Log on to for samples of what you the advertiser can ‘add’ on to your ad page. It’s a digital magazine like NO OTHER! Rates for add on’s are below not including production. All files must be sent to TBP for Zinio to include on the digital magazine file. Hyperlink from ad to website: FREE Flash File: US$300/issue Video File: US$300/issue Flash Video: US$300/issue Audio File: US$300/issue The Zinio magazine digital App is now available for download for only US$3.99. Just click the link, er=500380453&bd=1&ps=1 Contact our Advertising Sales Executives today to discuss advertising packages that include our print and digital products. 1. Maco strikes Gold again at the 2011 Annual Sappi Printers of the Year Awards with MACO Caribbean Living Volume 12 Issue 1. American Printing Company, our US-based printers, nominated Maco for the prestigious award. MACO Caribbean Living also claimed gold for last year’s 10th Anniversary issue. Maco Caribbean Living, highlights the Caribbean’s most luxurious and architecturally creative homes, villas and resorts. It also portrays the diversity of the Caribbean region through the creativity of food, artists, gardens, and travel features. Winning this award two years in a row solidifies Toute Bagai’s obsession with producing high quality products and the amazing print partnership that has developed over the years with American Printing Company. Gold winners are the leaders and innovators in the publishing business and with their continued dedication on producing a consistently high standard product; is a good example of why print is here to stay. The Sappi Awards honour these innovations and creativity in print design and is noted as a mark of distinction throughout the industry. The winning entries were selected from a field of approximately 3,000. All Sappi entries were judged by a panel of the industry’s highly regarded print professionals on the overall impact of the piece, degree of difficulty in the printing techniques and technical excellence. 2. International Gallery of Superb Printing In 2005, MACO Magazines took home the Silver and the Gold at the 31st Annual International Gallery of Superb Printing Awards. Toute Bagai Publishing Company is proud to have received two distinctions, the Gold Award for MACO Destinations Volume 1, Issue 1 and the Silver Award for MACO Caribbean Living Volume 6 Issue 3 out of more than 25,000 entries from around the globe. The competition is devoted to the principles of honouring excellence in the graphic arts by celebrating Craft, Applauding Art and Showcasing Science. 3. Bits 2005 - 1st Place - Best Large Booth In 2005 Toute Bagai Publishing won first place in the large booth category for their presentation, “The MACO House” at the Building and Industry Trade Show (B.I.T.S.). BITS is the largest trade show in the southern Caribbean for all companies involved in construction, furnishings and design. Featuring international services, distributors, and manufacturers, “The MACO House”, was constructed entirely from the products and services advertised in MACO Magazines Publishing’s creativity and ingenuity in bringing the Caribbean to the world. 4. The Premier Print Award 2004 Toute Bagai Publishing and Colour Innovations were awarded the Premier Print Award in 2004 by The Printing Industries of America for excellence in print quality, presentation and design. Toute Bagai Publishing was selected out of thousands of international entries. maco awards Introducing, MACO’s stylish, intelligent, insider’s guide to the Caribbean. Our soon to launch bespoke website has a wicked editorial style and the perfect mix of indulgence and sophistication, incorporating, of course, MACO’s stunning visual language! Launching December 2010, offers authentic reviews and previews of the best places to stay, eat, play and do in the Caribbean. Advertising opportunities is the most effective way to reach high-income Caribbean-interested travelers and consumers worldwide, offering value that is hard to beat. At a lower cost than print or broadcast advertising, we offer myriad opportunities to get your information out. Our sales team can create customized packages to meet your specific needs. 1. SPONSORED FEATURES Sponsored features are 500 word online advertorials accompanied by up to three photographs, strategically placed on our home page and on destination pages. US $500 2. DISPLAY ADVERTISING In order to offer advertisers maximum visibility, we offer two options for display ads available: 300 x 250 square, and 300 x 600 rectangle. Display advertising is available on ALL pages through the site, with prime spots available on the home page and destination pages. 3. MACO ACCESS GIVEAWAYS, DEALS and PROMOTIONS MACO Access are fabulous subscriber-only deals, specials and promotions from our trusted advertisers. To offer advertisers maximum visibility, offers are highlighted on relevant pages on the site and included in MACO Now Newsletters. 4. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING All web advertisers benefit from additional marketing and promotion to thousands of MACO social media fans on Facebook, Twitter, etc. US $500/week MACO NOW Newsletters MACO Now newsletters bring the most up-to-date Caribbean lifestyle and travel news, special offers, deals, and events previews directly to the email inboxes of thousands of loyal MACO subscribers. Advertising options include “Dedicated Emails”, Display advertising and promotions. Package offers available. US $500 per feature that is clickable to feature on US $500 per tower ad US $800 per entire newsletter
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Toute Bagai Publishing Limited, 26 Kelly Kenny Street, Woodbrook
American Printing Company, our US-based
printers, nominated Maco for the prestigious
award. MACO Caribbean Living also claimed gold
for last year’s 10th Anniversary issue.
Maco Caribbean Livi...