(1QGenAp) • arthelem y/Milik, DJD (1955), 86-87. 20 Table Apocalypse de Lamech. v gad ad Genesis Apocryphon from the Wilderness of Judaea, Jerusalem 1956. G a s t e 1957, 330-343. u w Light the DSS, 1958, 387-393. - D u t - S mme 1959, 297-306. a e 1960, 157-165, 1960, 152-153. J. C. e v e The Discovery of the Scrolls, 11 (1948), 46 53. u The Unidenti14 fied Fourth Scroll, BASOR 111 (1948), Identification of the Aramaic Fourth Scroll from Feshkha, BASO R V g t, Volumen Midras Geneseos Qumran, 115 (1949), 8 Bibl 37 (1956), 263. u t s c h e Dating the Language of the Genesis-Apocryphon, JBL 76 (1957), 288-292. u The Language of the Genesis-Apocryphon: a preliminary Study, Sct 4 (1958), 1-35. - R. d e L a g h La terre promise et le paradis d' apres Apocryphe de la Genese, Scrinium Lovaniense va Cauwenbergh, 1961, 126-135.- R. Meyer, RGG V (1961), 744-745. und (Genesis Midrasch 23), RQ 3 (1961/62), 553-558. et IDB 1 (1962), 546. R w(1962), 800-801. - R. e e e Notes the Aramaic of the Genesis Apocryphon, G. R. D v e 1963, 116-129. s s f e d t, Einleitung das 19643 (19764), 900-902. - G. a u m b a c h, (1966), 1538-1542. - J. F t m e The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave Commentary, 1966. - G. J. u e Study of the Relationship between a Genesis Apocryphon and the Pentateuchal Targumim Gen. 14,1-12, Memoriam au ah hrsg. a c k G. F h r e r W 103), 1968, 149-161. - L. R s t, die atl. Apokr. und Pseudepigr., 1971 (1979), 136-139. 643 (1QGenAp) 2 2,83 2 0,31 22 34 37. \ \ >' \ 'f ( -, 22 , ' S c h ti r e r GJV 1909, 1955 v i g a d 15,14. , - 15 r e v e r, " 358) J. ib er k r a u t a d i 1 Q Gen J'1'rt-'N':l' J'1'J,::r'M Genesis Apocryphon, 1-5), 6-15) 16-17 18-22). \ \, \ , -, ( 106. , , 4,28. 644 1 Q 19). 3 4 T7J ouxt 7, 8 9 11 13, 14 15 16 17 8,11 ae: 19-22 12-15. " \, \ \ \ 14,18-19) '" \ " \ " \ \" (1QGenAp) 645 AC:n 21 21 22q. 14, 15 &. 14, R st ' , 68 < 1 646 u t sch er F it m tcrou R s t, et 6,1-4) R , .1 st - , 1 1 ur r W S, 8). er