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Get Glammed Up GETGLAMMEDUP.COM Beauty/Fashion Blog And Youtube Channel Featuring Reviews, Tutorials, Clothing, Shopping, Tips & Tricks, And Much More! Get Glammed Up by Gena M is currently ranked #1254 out of 12,080 influencers in the Fohr Card Directory, with an overall reach of 88,542 unique followers/mo including For a complete breakdown of Gena's stats, brand work & press, go to FOHRCARD.COM/GENAM GENA M 88,542 total followers United States OVERALL genam 88,542 total followers BRAND WORK YOUTUBE glammeup8 76,495 subscribers Olia Box INSTAGRAM @glammeup 4,535 followers BeautyBox 5 TWITTER @GlamMeUp 2,886 followers Interview FACEBOOK GlamMeUp8 2,108 likes PINTEREST glammeup 1,397 followers TRAFFIC 1,121 sessions David's Bridal Living Proof FabFitFun Studio Gear PRESS Aveda Naturally Straight Video Shoot American Salon's Aveda Shoot coverage Naturally Curly Feature Featured Gen.Video Influencer: Get Glammed Up :60 Second Change Ups: Curly Chignon feat. Gena M