NEWSLETTER - Redwood Empire Bonsai Society


NEWSLETTER - Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
Volume 32, Issue 12
December 2015
President's Message
material and supplies will find
a new home after our show in
I felt that we had a good board August. The board also voted
meeting this past month. Not to have a gift basket as a door
only was the board there, but prize each day of the show,
also some club members came and the drawing will be during
to express their thoughts. We Kathy's demo. George Haas
has volunteered to be our
decided to keep the show
publicity chair and will come
free to the public for now.
back with a budget and sugMaybe down the road if our
financial situation changes,
we can revisit this issue. I'm
Membership dues are coming
not sure if you are aware, but
Ivan Lukrich has been storing up, please take care of payall of the show materials at his ment in a timely manner. It
was suggested that all memhome, and Paul Wycoff has
bers have a copy of the membeen responsible for storing
bership list in order to contact
all of the Bonsai Cafe supplies. The board voted to rent members as needed. Someone brought up the privacy
a storage facility to store the
issue, and that some people
club's supplies. Ivan Lukrich
and Wayne Culp will research would not want their phone
number and email made pubour rental options, and the
Hello REBS,
REBS President Bob Shimon
Inside this issue:
President’s Message�������������1
Announcements, Calendar,
& Upcoming Events������ 2 & 3
Shaner Demo������������������ 4 & 5
Show and Tell..........................5
APB Bonsai�������������������������������6
Mammoth Auction���������������7
Tree Care Guide����������������������9
President’s Message
continued from page 3
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
Announcements and Upcoming Bonsai Events
Dec. 26, 2015 – January 3, 2016
San Marino , California
California Aiseki Kai: 26th Anniversary Exhibition of Viewing Stones Show at the Botanical Center of the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road. Hours are 10:30am to 4:30pm each day (Closed New
Year’s Day). Free parking.
For more information see our website: and/or contact [email protected]
January 1 – April 24, 2016 Oakland, California
California Suiseki Society and San Francisco Suiseki Kai: are featured with the work of sculptor Jedediah Caesar
at Unearthed: Found + Made, a new exhibition at the Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak Street. The Suiseki,
all found in California, share a process with Caesar who imitates geological processes in making his sculptures,
sometimes encasing found objects from the urban environment in clear or colored resin.
For further information go to
January 16-17, 2016 Los Angeles, California
Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai: Winter Silhouette Show, Location: Los Angeles Arboretum, 10:30am to 4:30pm Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai will be conducting its annual Winter Silhouette show were trees will be displayed in their
leafless form during Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend at the Los Angeles Arboretum. There will be a benefit
dinner and auction on Saturday January 16, 2016. It is one of the oldest show running in the Southern California
region and has been a tradition for 50 plus years. For more information, contact Lindsay Shiba at (626) 806-0937
February 27 – 28, 2016
San Marino, California
Bonsai-A-Thon XX at The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Road; annual fundraiser for
the GSBF Collection at The Huntington. Admission to the event is free with Bonsai-A-Thon “early bird” registration
between 8am – 9am. Event hours are 8am – 4:30pm both days. Pancake breakfast, a tour hosted by Jim Folsom
(Director of the Garden), demonstrations, lunch, bonsai exhibits, large sales area, raffle and auction. Sunday only:
a behind the scenes tour of The Huntington Bonsai Nursery with Ted Matson. For more information, contact Bill
Wawrychuk at (818)790-9415 or [email protected].
February 27 – 28, 2016
Oakland, California
GSBF Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt: The annual Mammoth Fund Raiser will be held at 666 Bellevue Ave. (Garden Center Building). Saturday: Auction preview at noon with Auction starting at 1pm. Sunday: Vendor Sales start
at 9am, Plant Sales start at 10am, and Demonstrations at 1pm. The Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt will celebrate
the many bonsai clubs who have created and support the Garden by inviting Bonsai Clubs from all over Northern
California to showcase their best bonsai display and promote their club activities. Attendees will be eligible to vote
for their favorite display. Bonsai Garden will be open 10am to 4pm on Saturday and Noon to 4pm on Sunday. For
more information or to sell trees, email [email protected] and visit
Volume 32 · Issue 12
Presidents Message
The compromise that we
reached was that if you don't
want your name, phone number, and email made public, indicate this on your membership
form when you pay your dues.
A reminder that we do not have
a monthly meeting in December
and is replaced by our dinner.
Happy Holidays to everyone,
and we will gather again in
January when Kathy will be our
Bob Shimon
Calendar Of Events
December 2015
6th Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshop, Sunday. (6.3)
7th Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshop, Monday. (6.1 & 6.2)
8th Holiday Dinner (Replaces monthly meeting)
***No General Meeting***
Calendar Of Events
January 2016
21st Intermediate I Workshop, Thursday, Santa Rosa Senior
Center, 704 Bennett Valley Rd., Room 17, Santa Rosa, with
Richard Hoskins and Ivan Lukrich.
24th Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshop, Sunday. (6.3)
25th Kathy Shaner Advanced Workshop, Monday. (6.1 & 6.2)
Cyborg Bonsai Trees?
26thREBS General Meeting and Demonstration, 4th
Tuesday, 7:30-10:00 p.m., Luther Burbank Art & Garden
Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue · Santa Rosa · CA · 95405.
My bonsai tree tweets me when
it's thirsty
***Kathy Shaner will do the demo***
I recently received a bonsai tree as
a gift and I was a little concerned
about killing it from forgetting to
water it regularly. I thought this
would be a good chance to dust off
my Twine unit and use the moisture
sensor to tweet me when it needed
a drink.
Mendocino Coast Bonsai
~ Largest selection of collected Coast Redwood trees
~ Pots and stands
~ Retail, wholesale and mail order
Bob & Zack Shimon
Box 317, Point Arena, CA 95468
phone/fax (707) 884-4126
email: [email protected]
I have a new shipment of soil in, and besides the akadama, I have the
mixed soil from Japan, and 5/16" minus black lava rock. Price for akadama is the same as last year, $28 plus tax. The mixed soil is a larger
bag than the akadama and is $38 plus tax. The black lava is a 30 lbs
bag and is $20 plus tax. Rest of the story can be found
I can bring down what you need to the meetings, or we can arrange
delivery when I come to Santa Rosa area which is usually once or twice
a month.
Contact Bob Shimon at 707-884-4126 or [email protected]
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
24th November 2015
—Photos and story by George Haas
Kathy Shaner Demo
On November 24, 2015, Redwood Empire Bonsai Society (REBS) conducted
its general meeting and demonstration as normal on the fourth Tuesday
of the month. Club sensei Kathy Shaner brought in a black pine to
demonstrate on. The black pine was estimated to be about 40 years old.
Kathy said she like the trunk’s good movement. However, she pointed out
many flaws in the tree as a bonsai. Kathy did not have a lot of information
on the history or initial styling of the black pine. She did not like the overall
shape and direction of the primary branches.
Kathy would be working on trying to shape the black pine’s primary
branches and cut back on foliage for the demonstration at this time. In
January, she will return with the same black pine and repot it in one of
several deserving bonsai pots. Then, in June, Kathy will cut candles and go
over the black pine again for shape and styling. The demonstration will be
auctioned or raffled upon completion of the three sessions.
Kathy and the demo tree.
Kathy used copper wire for its strength and holding power. But, she
wrapped the copper wire in a soft manner. That is, not allowing the wire to
be wrapped so tight around the branches as to cut in to the bark soon after
wiring, but giving the tree sufficient time to set up in place and direction
she chose for the demonstration tree.
Kathy did a little cleaning up of the foliage but did not cut a lot of
branches at this time. She began the job of wiring the tree. She started
with the larger gauge copper wire and wired the primary branches. She
used her upper body and arm strength to bend the wire and branch. On
some occasions, she used a bonsai pliers to assist in the bending process.
Everyone in the audience was quiet as they might be listening to a branch
break. But, Kathy used caution and experience to feel the branch’s ability
to bend so far and then stop. Long time club member Ivan Lukrich stepped
in to assist by holding the base of the tree and pot while Kathy bent the
heavy wired branches.
Kathy answering questions.
Kathy applied with the assistance of Ivan a couple of guy wires to the
demonstration tree. Mainly, she wanted to bend and direct large branches
further than the copper wire would allow. One guy wire was later removed
since it became loosened with the second guy wire in place and was no
longer required.
The demonstration tree and pot was placed half way and in a slanting
manner in to a plastic bucket. With the help of Ivan, Kathy chose a position
that appeared right for the demonstration tree. Of course, this occurred
earlier before the wiring of the tree. (Note: It is best to let the tree grow by
keeping the same angle as placed inside the bucket. You have to take care
Ivan steps in for the assist.
Continued on p. 5
Volume 32 · Issue 12
Shaner Demo & Show and Tell
December 2015
in watering the angled plant and avoid water run off without really reaching the
Fine wiring takes longer to do. But it’s the next necessary step in shaping and
styling bonsai. Kathy used finer gauge copper wire for wiring the smaller,
secondary branches and branch tips.
At the conclusion of this session of the demonstration, Kathy placed a cloth
wrapped around a second primary branch and heavy foliage in order to show
a potential styling of the bonsai. This tended to conclude with a semi-cascade
bonsai style with its branching reaching out and slightly down.
Stay tuned to the January general meeting and demonstration when this bonsai
will undergo repotting.
Is she kidnapping the tree?
~ Show and Tell ~
Art Kopecky - Rose
Art Kopecky - Azalea
Art Kopecky - Rose
Gene Lynch - Hornbeam
In training for 30 years.
Michael Murtaugh - Black Pine
In training for 10 -12
Michael Murtaugh - Black Pine
In training for 4 - 5 years.
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
Stolen Bonsai
December 2015
Stolen Bonsai
Hello Club Members,
We had a disturbing call tonight from Dolores Rauh that many of her bonsai were stolen yesterday from her
back yard. We would like your assistance in keeping an "eye" out for sale of bonsai, especially on the internet.
It seems whomever took Dolores' and Kurt's trees may not keep them for themselves.
Here are descriptions of her list, which shows Dolores has kept a good record of her trees (something we
must all keep in mind and start now, if you haven't already). I will send pictures as she finds her photos of any
of their trees.
Thank you,
Hi, I have a list of plants stolen from our back yard Last night.
Seriyu Japanese Maple - young, about 14 inches tall - pot broken off during robbery
Japanese Maple Dancing Peacock Large 30 inches tall, shallow pot broken during robbery - very large,
wide nebari, large branches broken during robbery
Japanese Maple grove (5 trees grown together at base, very old) 24 + inches tall, oval mica pot rolled
edge inward, at least 24 inches +, 12 inches wide.
Eastern White Pine 18 inches plus tall, probably that wide, round plastic training pot
Japanese green maple, grafted 18 inches tall, grafted branches and roots, 25 years old plus
Japanese green maple, yellow fall color 18-20 inches tall
Japanese maple "Butterfly" Seedling from Tosh Subamaru, grafted lower branch, top removed, stub dead,
not yet removed. large nebari, very curved trunk, 20 plus yrs. old
Japanese green maple from Lotus Bonsai, shohin, very curvey,7 inches tall plastic round training pot
Japanese maple "Bonfire" side grafted lower branch, 18-20 inches tall 10+ years old
Azalea "Nikko" from Tomiyama collection, Old, medium size in round training pot
Azalea "Minato" 30" tall, oval cream pot, showing some bloom
Azalea "Kinsai" Midsize, round plastic training pot showing some bloom
Shimpaku Juniper, shohin, double trunk, round plastic training pot
Am also missing a crabapple off bench, looking for card!
Dolores and Kurt Rauh (916) 9679129
UPDATE: 15 have been recovered and 7 are still missing. - Bob
Might be a good idea to not only keep a list of your trees, but with digital cameras
you can easily take current photos of all of your trees, pots, supplies, etc.
Better safe than sorry.
Volume 32 · Issue 12
Mammoth Auction and Sale
December 2015
Calling All Bonsai for the Mammoth Auction & Sale
It only makes sense that the best place to buy bonsai, the Mammoth Auction & Sale at the Lakeside Garden Center on
February 27-28, is also the best place to sell bonsai. This event helps you shed some of those bonsai that you meant to
work on but never quite found the time, and you can generate a bit of cash to buy something new. These transactions
also help support the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt, which derives most of its annual operating revenue from this one
Don't delay, contact us today to enter your tree in the Mammoth Auction & Sale and get the best price you can from
the largest assembly of bonsai buyers in California.
Sell your bonsai and pots:
Bonsai related items can be submitted on consignment for the Saturday Auction (70% owner and 30% Garden) or for
the Sunday Plant Sale (75% owner and 25% Garden). Items can also be donated for sale to support the Garden and are
greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible since we are a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contact Information:
For questions email: [email protected]
Auction donations/consignment rules and procedures: Form:
Direct Contacts:
Bob Gould: 925-935-1914 or [email protected]
Mike Mello: 510-825-4162
Dennis Hawkins: [email protected]
Not only will you have a great time buying and selling at the Auction & Sale, but you can also find most anything
bonsai-related that you are looking for in the extensive vendor area. All-in-all, it is one of the best bonsai events of the
year andwell worth your time. See you here.
Saturday, Feb 27
Auction Preview: begins at NOON
Auction: begins at 1:00PM
Sunday, Feb 28
Vendor Sales: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Plant Sales: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Demo by Kathy Shaner:
Noon to 3:00PM
Drawing at 2:00PM
Happy Holidays,
Joe Byrd
Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
December 2015
Directory 2015
Bob Shimon
David Dierking
Vice President
If JAN 2016 OR EARLIER appears above
Art Kopecky
your name and address label, then this is
your LAST ISSUE. Do not let your Golden
Paul Wycoff
Statements subscription lapse. Renew NOW!
Go online to Wayne Culp
id=37 and renew from our secure website and
Board Member
pay by PayPal.
Jim Gallagher
Board Member
Or, complete the information below and mail
Ivan Lukrich
a check to: GSBF Golden Statements, PO Box
Board Member
722434, San Diego, CA 92172-2434.
Ned Lycett
Subscription Rates and Postage
Board Member
Single issue price $7.50
Bulk Rate within US $25 USD 1 Year $50 USD 2 Years Gene Lynch
First Class Mail (US, Canada, Mexico) $40 USD 1 Year Board Member
$80 USD 2 Years
Kathy Dierking
International Air Mail $60 USD 1 Year $120 USD 2
Board Member
Chris Zanella
Board Member
Mailing Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code
Jay McDonald
Home Phone, Email Address
Past President
Type of Subscription: New Renewal Gift Certificate
Kathy Shaner
Is this an address change? Yes
Subscription Rate: Regular ($25)
Bonsai Master
First Class Mail ($40) International Air Mail ($60)
Sally Kieckhefer
Check # Membership Chair
(Name, if different from above
Peter Naughton
Amount Received: $25($50)$40($80)$60($120)
Magazine & Video
Deadlines for subscriptions, ads, events, articles, and
Chris Zanella
photographs submissions:
Book Librarian
Winter (Jan/Feb/Mar) – Nov 20
Wayne Rudy
Spring (Apr/May/June) – Feb 20
Summer (Jul/Aug/Sep) – May 20
Chris Zanella
Fall (Oct/Nov/Dec) – Aug 20
Newsletter Editor
GSBF Golden Statements
PO Box 722434
San Diego, CA 92172-2434
If you have any questions about your subscription,
please contact the Editor at 831-210-2284 or email
[email protected].
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Volume 32 · Issue 12
Tree Care
December 2015
Brazilian Rain Tree bonsai Care
General Background:
Insects / Pests:
The Brazilian rain tree is a hardwood
legume that goes by the Latin name
Pithecellobium tortum. Like most of
its relatives this tree has compound
leaves, hard wood and is very
spiny. Easy indoor care makes this
interesting rainforest tree a great
bonsai for beginners.
You will need to apply a regular
weekly feeding program with a
balanced liquid fertilizer during the
growing season and once a month
during cooler weather will keep your
Brazilian Rain Tree nourished and
This Bonsai is quite hearty and as
such is mostly pest and disease free.
If grown indoors, look for common
greenhouse pests and remedy as
needed. Many pests can be eliminated
with a simple solution of 1tsp. dish
soap to 1 quart warm water liberally
sprayed on the plant until
runoff occurs. Rinse the plant
well, and repeat as needed.
Trees Features:
The Brazilian Rain Tree
has delicate branches
featuring tiny lightgreen compound leaves
and spines. The leaves
fold up at night or in
subdued light and
unfolds in the morning
light. It has attractive
flowers that appear as
fragrant white puffy
This Bonsai will tolerate
temperatures in the
upper 30 degree
range, but not for a
long time and should be brought
indoors for the winter. This tree is
very adaptable to indoor conditions
which are a bonus for bonsai owners
living in cooler climates.
Although it grows in full sun in
its natural habitat, Brazilian Rain
Trees as bonsai seem to appreciate
some shade during hottest days of
You will need to keep this bonsai
specimen evenly moist and ensure
that it does not get too dry. Provide
humidity with a humidity tray
filled with pebbles and take care to
ensure that you do not overwater
in your attempts to provide enough
Pruning / Training:
When Pruning your Bonsai’s
branches and twigs be sure to leave
a small nub allowing for the possible
die-back that often occurs. Many
artists choose to avoid the use of a
concave cutter on the Brazilian Rain
Tree for this reason. Later this can be
refined. Once the initial trunk and
branch shape is established, the clipand-grow method is the best way to
develop shape in this bonsai. If you
do decide to “wire”, it is best to use
only nylon strips on green branches,
leaving your wire only to tie down
branches. Most of the styles used
are upright because of the nature of
the tree to grow straight when not
affected by the winds in their natural
Air layering is said to be
the best option when
propagation is desired. To
air layer, cut a small strip of
bark away from the desired
branch. Wrap the cut area
with a small bag filled with
moist sphagnum and peatkeep uniformly moist and
wait about 6-12 weeks, at
which time roots should
begin to grow. Take the
cutting once it has enough
roots to live on its own in a
new pot cutting just below
the root ball and transplant
into a container. Keep the
peat/sphagnum mix around the roots
when potting and enjoy your new
You will want to ensure that you repot
your bonsai in the spring in a fast
draining soil as too much organic in
the soil mix can create wet conditions
which causes root rot, fungus and
branch die-back. Prune your bonsai’s
roots moderately and be sure to
avoid fertilization for 4 weeks after
Additional Comments:
Take care when working with your
Brazilian Rain Tree as this plant is VERY
spiny. Rinsing your tree’s leaves free
of dust on a regular basis will ensure
proper cell growth and keep your tree
Official REBS Newsletter is published monthly.
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
REBS was founded in 1981 for bonsai enthusiasts. Our club meets every
fourth Tuesday of the month (except in July and December). The monthly
meeting and demonstration are held at the Luther Burbank Art and Garden
Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa, 95405. Meetings are open to the
public. Please refer to our calendar of events for specific time, date and
guest demonstrator.
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center,
Santa Rosa, California
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society
PO Box 2872
Santa Rosa CA 95405-2872
We’re on the web:
Address Correction Requested
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