Volume 8 - Charter Oak Firebirds
Volume 8 - Charter Oak Firebirds
Charter Oak Firebird and Trans Am Club Newsletter ________________________________________ Niantic CT 06357. Please make your check Payable to Charter Oak Firebird Club. Volume 10. Issue 2, February 2011 The Official Newsletter of the Charter Oak Firebird –Trans Am Club Our 2011 Winter Party February Club Meeting The February Club meeting will be held on February 19th. It will be held at Basil‟s Pizza, 680 North Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492-2408. All Members are encouraged to ATTEND. This is our 2011 Kick Off Planning Meeting Club Officers Brad Benoit, President, 174 Coe Ave, East Haven CT 06512, 203-467-4482, or email [email protected] By Larry Erhart The Charter Oak Firebirds Winter Party was held at the Pacific Buffet located at 20 Ives Road Wallingford, CT on Saturday January 15, 2011. There was time for a short meeting of the club, some ideas exchanged for the 2011 season, discussion of the Panera Bread Cruise, plenty of laughs, meeting new members, talking about our cars and most important, eating all that assortment of food. Oh yes, Brad and I were there too. One photo did not come out and I was taking the pictures...lol.... Neil Silberkleit, Vice President, 22 Middlefield Road Oxford, CT 06478, 203-881-1411, or email [email protected] Joe Wilkinson, Secretary, 1748 Mount Vernon Road, Southington, CT 06489, 860-302-8453 or email [email protected] SueAnn Wilkos, Treasurer, 59 Bay View Road, Niantic CT 06357, 860-739-3219, or email [email protected] Treasurer Report: Presented by SueAnn Wilkos Beginning Balance: $1,456.12 Income: $43.80 Expenses: $20.00 Ending Balance: $1,479.92 From Your Charter Oak Firebird Secretary There were no new members in the months of December or January. Membership dues are due. Please submit your $20.00 to SueAnn Wilkos, 59 Bay View Road, --1-- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter -2- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter Our Sponsors -3- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter the coolest car ever. I told my parents when I got my license I wanted to get a TA and they told me I would have to buy it myself. If they thought that Each month May – October a Members Firebird will be pictured here and on the Web Site. If the member brings would discourage me it didn‟t. It had the exact his/her firebird to one of the Panera Bread Cruises during opposite effect. I was determined from that day to the month it‟s pictured. They will receive a Club T-Shirt. have one someday. Featured Members Firebird Contest. Congratulations to Richard Beer Two years later when Smokey & The Bandit hit the movie theaters, I was blown away again. I felt Rich Beer (Bandit Rich) Made to cover of The Pontiac had taken the coolest car ever made– and made it even cooler. That new mean-looking nose REGISTRY. with the quad headlights and the T-roofs made my mouth drop. After that, I wanted a „77 or „78 TA with T-roofs. I didn‟t care what color it was. By: “Bandit Rich” • somewhere in Massachusetts (check the back roads!) In 1975 I was 10 years old. I saw a Trans Am for the first time and was instantly hooked. I thought it was -4- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter My “someday” came ten years after my mind was made up that I wanted a TA. In 1985 I bought a red „78 with T-roofs and power everything. I‟ve had three others since then. In the early 1990s I stumbled on a „77 Special Edition TA; also known as a “Bandit.” It was a car like in the movie. It was totally original and had come from Florida; but it had spent its life near the ocean and not in a garage. The paint was badly faded with the decals and pinstripes cracked and baked in. It had rusty quarters too. The good part– it had the W72 400 and Hurst T-roofs, the dash was perfect with no cracks, it had the owners manual with all the related original paperwork in the glove box; and it even had the space saver spare and inflator bottle mounted in the trunk. After I bought it I found the build sheet behind the rear seat. It ran perfectly, so I didn‟t mind its less than stellar appearance. I had a Bandit TA! the assembly line (I wasn‟t happy about that at all)– my wife gave me the 1:18 Ertl diecast “Bandit‟s Trans Am.” That gave me the bug to get another TA after not having one for 6 years. I started to look and found one on ebay. A restored „77 SE from Texas. I conversed several times with the seller on the phone, and I even had contacted Intercity Lines auto transport company to get it. The day the auction was going to end a „78 SE was advertised for sale in the local paper. For the heck of it I went to look at it. What I saw was a Bandit that looked brand new. The trim tag said Y88 on it which raised my eyebrows– that‟s the code for the „78 GOLD Special Edition. It had gold tinted T-roofs which were part of the Y88 package, but I didn‟t know that at the time. Y88s also had tan interiors, but this car had black. I asked the seller about these things, but he told me he had only had the car for six months. He bought it from the original owner; and this is how it was when he bought it. I was so impressed with the shape of this car, all thoughts of the one on ebay went right out the window. So for the price the body shop gave me in 1996 to restore the „77 I used to have, I bought this one ready to go. After I bought it, I looked for the build sheet even though I knew it was probably gone along with the original interior– it was. So I sent the VIN to Pontiac Historic Services to get the factory invoice and it confirmed it was indeed a Y88. My car came from the Norwood, Ohio factory and apparently has spent its whole life in the state of After having it for four years I finally decided to get Massachusetts. It didn‟t say on the invoice if it had a resto estimate. I couldn‟t afford what the bodyshop the W72 400 which means it came from the factory told me, so I sold it. I resolved to someday get with the base 400. So I looked to see if it had the 6X another TA; either a low-mileage original in good #4 high compression heads that the W72s had shape or one already restored. instead of the #8s the base engine had. My TA has the #4s. So then I looked on the back of the motor On my birthday in 2002– which also happened to be for the block code. The „78 W72s had a code of the same day the last Firebird ever made rolled off #XX481988. The number on my car‟s motor was -5- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter #500557; which is the number on a „77 W72 (but it‟s also the same number on a „78 base 400). But based on the fact it had the high compression heads I concluded it had a „77 W72. It also had the 60 PSI oil pump which the W72s came with instead of the base model‟s 40 PSI pump. When I got the car, it had the original exhaust manifolds with true dual exhausts, a shift kit, and trans cooler. I pulled the exhaust manifolds and put on ceramic coated headers. I opened the hoodscoop. I also put in an aluminum radiator with steel braided radiator, heater, and fuel hoses. It also has the Edelbrock Performer Power Package– carb, manifold, and camshaft. So why did the original owner turn a Y88 into a Y82 Bandit and retrofit WS6 parts on it? The only thing I can think of that makes sense is that when he went to the Pontiac dealership he wanted a Black & Gold Bandit, but was told they only came gold at that time. He must have decided to buy it anyway; and must have wanted to get the WS6 suspension but couldn‟t afford it. So when it came time to restore it he did it the way he wanted it in the first place. My TA has the stiffer springs, thicker sway bars and the 15 x 8 inch snowflake wheels the WS6 high performance suspension system came with. The factory invoice says nothing about WS6. It also has subframe connectors and polyurethane sway bar bushings. When I bought my TA it had black headlight grilles, it was missing the front spoiler, and the rubber seal -6- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter on the base of the hoodscoop along with the drain hose; it didn‟t have the stripes on the nose, rear bumper or door mirrors; it had a silver dash and steering wheel. The snowflake wheels needed refinishing too. My car has been in more car shows than I can remember. It won first place in its class the first show I ever put it in. It even won a very cool specialty award– “Most Likely To Get Pulled Over”. I restored the snowflake wheels myself, got all the missing items and put in a gold dash and steering wheel that Y82s came with. I even put in a CB to complete the Smokey & The Bandit theme. My TA has been in many nationally sold TA calendars and is featured on fbodywarehouse‟s company banner they display at their booth at the Trans Am Nationals every August in Dayton, Ohio. I feel lucky to own a piece of Pontiac history and do my best to preserve it. I recently found out that Pontiac motors had an engine stamp code on the front of the block just below the passenger side cylinder head. So I looked at my motor expecting to see the code for a „77 W72– Y6. But to my surprise it said YU– which is the code for a base „78 400. So at that point even though it has the W72 heads there is the possibility it is the original motor. So when I was putting it away for the winter I got under the car with a flashlight looking for the VIN, which I never did before because I thought it wasn‟t the original motor anyway. All I could make out was the last number through the paint; but it is the same as the last digit on the VIN. I will find out for sure in the spring. I‟m going to have to strip the paint on that spot to see the whole number. -7- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter Web Masters Corner Charter Oak Firebird’s Web Site http://www.charteroakbirds.com/ If you have question on how to utilize the new functions of our Web Site just send an Email at [email protected] . Any club forms i.e. by-laws, meeting minutes, applications are available on your website. With the upgrade to the Web Site you may have notices a few of the improvements. 1. The new Event calendar. This feature better allows the posting and reviewing of events. 2. You may have noticed that there is now a Club Event Photos Area and a Cruise Photo Area. In these areas you will be able to view pictures from our Club events and Pictures from the Panera Bread Cruises. Charter Oak Firebird’s Message Board http://www.the-birds-nest.com/forum.htm. If you know of any Cruises and/or Show that are not on the Board Calendar email them to me at [email protected]. Member’s Services Each month a members Firebird will be posted in the Charter Oak Firebird & Trans Am Club Area http://cofb.guildealliance.com/f21-charter-oak-firebirdtrans-am-car-club. You must login to the Message Board to have access to this area. As in the Featured Members Firebird Contest. You must display your Firebird at one of the Panera Bread Cruises in the month that it is post on the Message Board. Also the prize is the same. A Club T-Shirt. Brad Benoit, Advanced Detail This is a listing of services that our member can provide. Larry Erhart – coins, currency sales & appraisal -8- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter From The Birds Nest Message Board Re: The Saratoga Lawn Show Party by 69_RAG_TOP on Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:39 pm One of the nicest collections of Trans Ams and Firebirds... I would love to own any of these cars. Hat's off to Jim and the crew that hosted this event. The hospitality and guided tours were fun. Thanks to Jim for sponsoring this and picking up the tab for the party. I will highly recommend this place to other high end collectors. I finally got to meet quite a few people who post on this Board too. It was nice to put a face to a name...lol. It was nice to see all those wonderful cars... Firebirds, Trans Ams, Collector Editions, Pontiac GTOs, Dodge Challengers, Superbirds, Cadillacs, Austin Healeys, Aston Martins, Bentleys, Dusenbergs, Lambos, Ferrari's, etc... -9- Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter Classified Advertisements ___CARS FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE __BIRD PARTS WANTED BIRD PARTS WANTED BIRD PARTS Parts Wanted: 1970 – 1972 Trans Am Air Cleaner Base, 1970 - 74 Firebird BLUE interior parts, 1979 T/A – Digital AM/FM 8-track radio, bell housing, clutch linkage. Contact: Joe Genera (203) 508-3180, (203) 457-9340 or [email protected] Club Events The February Club meeting will be held on February 19th. It will be held at Basil‟s Pizza, 680 North Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492-2408. All Members are encouraged to ATTEND. This is our 2011 Kick Off Planning Meeting And Posted on Our Web Site The Saratoga Lawn Show Party - Monday, December 20, 2010 If you have a suggestion for a Club Event PLEASE let an officer know. You can do this by email, phone call, and/or in person. Thanks Jim Nap, Nick Rossi and Phil Ginsbreg for putting this event together, paying for all the food, and inviting All the members of The Charter Oak Firebird & Trans Am Club. The hospitality was GREAT and guided tours were FUN. To View more pictures follow this link http://www.the-birds-nest.com/t754-thesaratoga-lawn-show-party. Charter Oak Firebird Members can also view additional picture herehttp://www.the-birds-nest.com/t827-link-to-pixsof-the-party-for-the-all-firebird-lawn-show. - 10 - Charter Oak Firebird Newsletter etter - 11 -
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