Membangun Hutan Jati Yang Sehat, Prospektif dan Lestari
Membangun Hutan Jati Yang Sehat, Prospektif dan Lestari
Developing the Prospective Community Forest through Intensive Silviculture Prof. Mohammad Na’iem Faculty of Forestry UGM *) *) Prof. In Silviculture and Tree Improvement, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Introduction Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of important exooted forest tree species in Indonesia, This species is growth naturally in India, South Asia. Then spreaded-out to South East Asia, Latin America and some regions in Africa and Australia countries. In Indonesia teak has been developed in operational scale in the areas of Perhutani State Owned Company and in the form of community forestry both for Java and out side Java The need of wood has been 8.226.000 m3/year, it demands still supplied from natural forest, while the wood supply both from Perum Perhutani and community forest only about 2.757.000 m3 (33.5 %). The community forest is needed to be improved due to the bad stem form, coarse brancing, and taper growth. Community Forest in the Mountain Area Agroforestry In Lowland Area Community forest of Teak bad stem form, coarse brancing, and taper growth Late pruning The solution is : Intensive and proper silvicultural methods should be implemented in producing the prospective (productive, effecient, effective, healthy and sustainable) community teak forest in Indonesia. What is a prospective forest? Prospective forest : ~ Productive ~ High quality of product ~ Effective and efficient ~ Give more benefit for rural development ~ solve the imployment problem What a heathty forest is? Healhty forest : Forest has capasity to do its functions optimally WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE FOREST ? Attribute Attribute • soil vertility • soil vertility • productivity • productivity X • biodiversity X X X • biodiversity X X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 Monitoring periode 5 1 2 3 4 Monitoring Periode 5 What is the target ? Tectona grandis (teak) cutting Condition in 2005 Standing stock 100 m3/ha, 60 years rotation Condition in 2035 Standing stock 200 m3/ha, 20 years rotation Materials and Methode STRATEGY IN INCREASING FOREST PRODUCTIVITY Clonal test Progeny test Provenance test Species trial commercial plantation Strategy for Clonal Forestry Base Population Plus trees (600) CloneBank Sprouting and rooting ability observation Hedge Orchard (150) clones Multi-location Clonal test Roguing Hedge Orchard from selected clones (20) Operational plantation Operational plantation (bulking) Intensive Silviculture (SILIN) Env. Man Improved Species Environmental Manipulation Improved species Accelerated optimal growth Int. Pest Man. Good genetic materials Good condition of soil well drained thick fertile soil compact location good accessibility good soil preparation fertilizer proper thinning and pruning Integrated pest and desease management Jati (Tectona grandis) Teak plus tree Progent test of teak in Central Java Progent test of teak in West Java Clonal Seed Orchard of teak in Central Java Controlled pollination Hedge Orchard to produce cutting materials Plus trees Cutting multiplication of Teak Cutting multiplication of Teak Results : One year field clonal test 3 years field clonal test Deployment of the clonal Teak in operational scale Growth comparation from several Seed Sources of Teak Stand old (years) Average of DBH (cm) Variation coefficient (%) Seed Price ( rupiah) Common stand Seed production JPP cutting materials 15 15 5 5 10 cm 13,21 13,11 17 cm 40% 25,72 8,87 8 50.000/kg 350.000/kg 850.000/kg 20.000/see dling Intensive Silviculture Method Good genetic material from SSO/CSO/ cutting 3 months old One year old Five years old Wood density and fibre lengh of Prospective Teak in 5 years old Project IMHERE UGM Hidayati & Marsoem (2011) Conclusion Good genetic materials as seed sources should be available for CF Intensive and proper silvicultural methods should be implemented in CF High income of CF can be increased by by improving wood quality and quantity of CF wood supply