June 2014 - Gulf Winds Track Club
$2 Volume 39 Issue 6 Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club The Family that runs together… L -R: Geb Kiros, Tsige Tadesse, Jonathan Kiros, Leah Kiros at the Wakulla Springs Mile June 2014 Page 2 T HE F L EET F O O T Bobbi Paul Cole Thomas Marc Robards Carly Thomas Lydia Hermann Thomas Howell Volume 39 Issue 6 Michelle Dahnke Stephen Hermann Richard Dugger Karen Harvey Robin Gibson Barbara Hudson Shawn Hermann Stephen Andrews Patricia Davis All the above photos are from the Run For Mercy Page 3 THE FLEET FOOT Volume 38 Issue 7 Personal Records (P.R.’s) John Dew John Dew Reikan Lin Kristy Trueblood Pam Waller Pam Waller Karl Waller Karl Waller Tom Biance 25:14 54:37 36:52 28:56 25:01 52:46 22:16 46:05 51:27 Tired of black & white? Palace 5K Crescent City 10K Red Shoe 10K Tails N Trails 5K Palace Saloon 5K Red Shoe 10K Palace Saloon 5K Red Shoe 10K Red Shoe 10K Go for the Technicolor Fleet Foot! Advantages of the E-Fleet Foot: Color photos, and it arrives several days before paper version; save it on your computer forever instead of taking up space on your bookshelf! You must have high-speed Internet service and a working email address in order to receive the E-Fleet Foot. For information or to change your Fleet Foot status, email [email protected] P.S. We sometime find errors that we can correct in the e-FF! Race pics at: https://picasaweb.google.com/ Freddecka Boston Finishers from the Tallahassee Area Bryan Koon Jack McDermott Doug Bell David Knauf Geb Kiros Mickey Moore Mike Peymann Grady Smith Brian Manry Allison Eagen Alex Steverson Katie Sherron 2:47:49 3:03:31 3:05:23 3:05:32 3:05:35 3:11:18 3:11:32 3:14:21 3:15:23 3:16:40 3:16:53 3:17:01 Kathleen Andrews Kate Harrison David Yon Timothy Cobey Paul Guyas Juanita Chalmers Eric Godin T. Alan Cox Laura Reina Ron Christen Angela Wable Gary Griffin Constance Mayo Doug Perry 3:24:24 3:27:17 3:29:02 3:31:04 3:33:15 3:35:38 3:36:19 3:54:33 4:00:03 4:06:15 4:15:23 4:19:35 4:27:03 5:23:19 GWTC Merchandise Visors $20, Tech singlets $20, License plates $5, Car magnets $5 Socks @10/pair Abe Middleton 228-6137 [email protected] Sara Hart [email protected] Hats $20 Visors $20 Page 4 T HE F L EET F O O T The Fleet Foot Newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club Editor: Fred Deckert, 893-9739, [email protected] Columnists: Jane Johnson (Featured Feet), Felton Wright (Pres. Column), Gary Griffin, (Ultrarunning), Tom Ratliffe (How they Train), Tim Unger (Racing Team), Bill Lott (Race Calendar). Advertising Copy The maximum print size of our page is 4.75 in. by 7.75 in. If possible, ads should be sent as MS Word files will look best with standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman), formatted to fit the desired size. A simple way is to use 2 inch margins on 8.5 by 11 paper. Please use graphics with adequate resolution. If only hard copy is available, please make sure it is clear and sharp as it will have to be scanned and Reformatted. Deadline: 18th of month previous to publication. Questions, contact the editor. Advertising Payments. Full Page-$50, Half Page – $28, 1/4 Page-$16, Run twice, no changes – $46, $25, $14 each yearly rates. $400, $225, $125. Letter-size centerfold race flyer, check with editor. Payment in advance/checks payable to GWTC-Fleet Foot and sent to. Fred Deckert, 6323 Count Fleet Trail,Tallahassee, FL 32309 Submissions/Contributions Submissions for publication are strongly encouraged, the preferred format is Microsoft Word. For race results, Excel spreadsheets or MS Word files are preferred. Hard copies are undesirable, for more details or to contribute material contact the editor. If you have pictures or stories about your running group, don’t be shy, photos should be in jpg format if at all possible, contact me if you have questions. Fred Deckert 893-9739, [email protected] Change of Address Your newsletter will not be forwarded; you must provide your new address and phone number mail to: GWTC-MSHP, Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 or call Mark Priddy 668-4907 [email protected] Volume 39 Issue 6 Gulf Winds Track Club Minutes of the May 14, 2014 Board Meeting Hosted by Nancy Stedman Present: Herb Wills, Mary Jean Yon, David Yon, Jackie McDaniel, Bill Lott, Mandy Hudson, Sean Hudson, Nancy Stedman, Tom Perkins, Kathy McDaris, Jay Silvanima, Katie Sherron, Eric Godin, Jennifer Kilinski, Lisa Unger, Charlie Yates, and Felton Wright Felton Wright called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Quorum was established. The Board reviewed the April minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the minutes as presented. New Business Mandy Hudson and Sean Hudson– Mandy and Sean presented a wrap-up report of the 2014 Springtime 10k/5k/1 mile races. The races netted $11,037 with $5,519 (50%) going to GWTC, $2,759 (25%) + $201 in direct donations going to the Boys and Girls Club and $2,759 (25%) + $375 in direct donations going to the Leon County Humane Society. Katie Sherron – Katie presented a wrap-up report of the 2014 Palace Saloon 5k. The race had a net income of $5,338.19. A motion was made to split the proceeds between GWTC and the South City neighborhood project. A motion was made to approve the motion, seconded, and approved. David Yon - David informed the Board that he and Mary Jean have plans to expand the Turkey Trot Music Fest this year. Plans are to hold it in Cascades Park the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. Current plans also include a same day no frills race, shorter than the 5k distance, starting and ending in the park. The Music Fest will focus on music, fitness and registration for the upcoming Turkey Trot races. David Yon – Last month, David reported that Brian Hickey of the Tallahassee Sports Council informed him that the council has plans to bid on hosting the USATF cross country championships events for 2015 and 2016. Mr. Hickey asked David if GWTC would partner with them and handle registration and other duties if they win the bid. They would also welcome volunteers. The events could be a possible fundraiser for the Chenoweth Fund. Both events would be held at the Apalachee Regional Park (ARP). A motion was made to partner with Visit Tallahassee for these two events, seconded, and approved. Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 5 Gulf Winds Track Club Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315 Area code for phones is 850 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors at Large Newsletter: Membership: Equipment: Race Director Coordinator: Past Presidents: Clothing Coordinator: Social Coordinator: Lecture Series: Racing Teams Coordinator: School Grant Coordinator: Beginning Running Group Coordinators: Felton Wright Lisa Unger Jackie McDaniel Jerry Chesnutt 386-3500, [email protected] 544-4593, [email protected] 591-0081, [email protected] 322-1065, [email protected] Mike Burns Tom Perkins Herb Wills David Yon Nancy Stedman Amanda Hudson Jennifer Kilinski 561 262-2027, [email protected] 894-2019, [email protected] 893-4104, [email protected] 668-2236, [email protected] 545-7074, [email protected] 681-6572, [email protected] 508-2325, [email protected] Fred Deckert Mark Priddy Vicky Droze 893-9739, [email protected] 668-4907, [email protected] 339-7766, [email protected] Charles Yates Mary Jean Yon Abe Middleton Sara Hart Kathy Lindsay Eric Godin Paul Guyas 385-2768, [email protected] 668-2236, [email protected] 228-6137, abe:[email protected] 545-8465, sara:and:[email protected] 219-3788, [email protected] 291-9345, [email protected] 273-9555, [email protected] Tim Unger 544-4563, [email protected] Mark Priddy 668-4907, [email protected] Chika Okoro Holly Parker 276-4101, [email protected] GWTC Web Site - www:gulfwinds.org Contents Minutes President’s Column Race Calendar How They Train Featured Feet New Members Race Results Grand Prix Results 4-7 7 10-12 13 14. 15 14 17-29 30-33 Upcoming Grand Prix Races Kids 05/17 05/31 Run for Wakulla Springs Potluck Bash Adults 5K 4M GWTC Board Meetings 7:30 p:m June July 11 Lisa Unger 9 Mike Burns 544-4563 561 262-2027 Felton Wright – Several months ago, Felton proposed consolidating GWTC races and registration to a primary online provider for online registration. Four vendors were contacted and asked to provide special pricing quotes to us in exchange for the Club using them exclusively for numerous races. EventBrite provided the lowest price. Felton wanted to make certain that everyone understands that the Club will pay the EventBrite fees for GWTC membership applications. A motion was made for the Club to pay the fees associated with GWTC membership applications, seconded, and approved. Treasurer’s Report – Felton Wright for Jerry Chesnutt There is $56,421 in the Club’s operating account that includes $31,968 in the Events 1 Account, and $12,174 in the Events 2 account. There is $50,351 in the Investment account, $14,315 in the Chenoweth account. Membership Report – Felton Wright for Mark Priddy Page 6 T HE F L EET F O O T There are 1,590 members in 770 households which is 52 more members than last month. There are 327 Tri Club members which is 12 more than last month. Race Director Coordinator Report – Charlie Yates Calendar is in good shape. Newsletter Report –Jackie McDaniel for Fred Deckert Nothing new to report. Clothing Coordinator Report –Abe Middleton Nothing new to report. Equipment Report –Bill Lott and Vicky Droze Nothing new to report Website Report –David Yon Nothing new to report. Chenoweth Fund Report –David Yon Reminder that the Pot Luck Bash 4 mile prediction run is May 31. Triathlon Report –Kathy McDaris Chuck Kemeny will be speaking at the Volume 39 Issue 6 Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Cancer Center about his UltraMan world record on May 21. Tickets are still available. The Gulf Coast Triathlon was held last weekend. For the first time in its 32-year history, the swim was cancelled due to rough weather. Lecture Series - Paul Guyas Nothing new to report Training Report Nothing new to report. Social Report – Eric Godin A bowling social was held last week and approximately 30 people attended. Eric is working on ideas for another social in the near future. There being no further business to discuss; a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed at 8:20 p.m. Jackie McDaniel, Secretary Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 7 President’s column - Felton Wright More than a race We all run races for fitness and to see how fast we can run. However, sometimes a race is more than just a race. This years the Palace Saloon 5k was that to me, from start to finish. A week prior to the race, club member, Tim Warfel, passed away after finishing a run. His funeral occurred the day before the race. While warming up I was pleased to see that Tim’s son was there with many family members and out of town visitors that had come for the funeral. They were all there to run in Tim’s honor. His local friends passed out arm bands with his name. It was truly a special way to remember a club member and friend. I raced down Jackson Bluff with pride at the manner a fellow runner was being honored. The finish was just as special. At the finish, I was greeted by long time club member, Clint Watkins. Clint was fighting cancer and had entered hospice care. . Despite his pain, Clint was there to cheer on fellow runners. I knew he was using the opportunity to see fellow runners and friends one last time. Most greeted him with a beer in their hands. That was the last time I saw Clint. He passed away shortly thereafter. The Palace Saloon race will always remind me of Tim and Clint. Sometimes a race is more than just a race. It is the perfect way to celebrate life. Run safe, run fast. Page 8 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 Discounts for GWTC members Show your GWTC newsletter mailing label when purchasing goods or services at these businesses and you'll benefit from discounts as indicated: Tallahassee Massage Therapy; Brett Pace LTMA #0010284), 681-2122; Sports massage for rehabilitation and prevention; $5 off half hour price, $10 off full hour price: Shaw’s Athletics, 1415 Timberlane Rd (Market Square), 893-5597: Gulf Winds Track Club Members now get 10% Off All Regular Priced Running Shoes and Running Merchandise whether they are paying with cash, check, or credit/debit card: No Discounts on Tennis or Casual Merchandise and no discounts on Pedorthic work or Inserts: Goodfinds, Second Hand Furniture & Collectibles Cassandra Shepherd, Proprietor: 3100-A South Adams street,Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 402-3100: GWTC members will get the royal treatment at GOODFINDS: Dr: Wallace Randell, Northampton Animal Health Clinic: 2910 A-12 Kerry Forest Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32309, 668-8031: 10% discount on professional services: Joy Key Photographic artist, 161 Country Club Road, Bainbridge, GA: 39819: (229) 246-8620, (229) 416-8620: 20% discount for family sessions: www:joykeyphotography:com: Tupelo's Bakery & Café, 220 West Washington Street, Monticello, Florida 32344 (850) 997-2127, feedme@tupelosbakery:com, 10% off on all bakery goods and total lunches tickets to GWTC members: Does not apply to special order cakes and such: Massage By Paula: Therapeutic, deep tissue and relaxation: In call or out call: Discounts available with this ad (850) 728-9103: Revolutions: Triathlon Coaching, over 30 years of multi-sport experience: 20% discount offered to Gulf Winds members: www:revtricoaching:com The Shoe Box: 2820 South Monroe, (850) 877-9174, show your GWTC membership card, or the mailing label from the Fleet Foot and get 10% off any running shoes: Capital City Runners:1817 Thomasville Road, Suite 510 (Miracle Plaza), 850-727-8011, http://www:capitalcityrunners:com): 10%: Discount on all Shoes, Apparel, Accessories (excluding Garmins):10% discount good with any form of payment (cash, check, or credit card): Trey Lafitte offers a group discount for Gulf Winds Track Club Members on Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance: Liberty Mutual will take an additional 5% off for members above all of the standard auto insurance discounts: Call 850-5107778: Running Coach. 50% off for GWTC! Win your age group? Set a new PR? Improve speed? Get off couch? Workout schedule, Running Form, Injury recovery, Personal Training, Nutritional Guidance, Weight loss, In-person coaching. No limit on email/phone access. Beginners encouraged. Paul Guyas, PT, CSCS, ACSM-HFS. [email protected] (850) 273-9555. BOSTON MINI or TURKEY TROT 6-month running coaching plans discounted for GWTC members. Jennifer Deneute, Mary Kay Consultant 20% on your first order and an additional 5% for friend referrals: (850) 6566438, or 294-4472: jideneute@hotmail:com: Dash of Thomasville: GA is the area’s most unique running store & would like to extend 10% off to all of GWTC members: Newton, Brooks, Mizuno, Saucony, Salomon, Karhu, and largest stocking smart-fiber dealer in the South: www:relishingdash:com 107 S: Broad Street : 229-227-0024 HobbyMC: toys, games, r/c kits, models, art supplies: 720 Capital Circle NE (across from Tom Brown), 850-671-1201: 10% off all merchandise to GWTC members: Anytime Fitness: 6615 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee, FL (Vineyard/Publix Shopping Center), 850-385-2348; 10% off standard monthly membership dues, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. TRX Small Group Classes, Boot Camp, and personal training available. Jumping Jacks Bounce Houses & Party Rentals: www.jumpingjacks.biz, 850-212-3806; 10% off bounce house order, may not be combined with other discounts/offers. Tallahassee Therapeutic Massage: Ahna Peace (FL Lic. #MA72173) 25% OFF ALL 1 HOUR SPORTS MASSAGE! Call or Text: 808.264.1965 Email: [email protected]. Myofascial Release, Structural Integration & Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. This is the Connective Bodywork you need! Facebook: Ahna Peace Massage. "Pampered Chef consultant Rick Parks offers a 10% discount on any order. Shop for quality kitchen tools online at www.pamperedchef.biz/rickspicks. Ask about fundraising options available for your club or organization." Discounts do not apply to special sale items, or when using coupons or other discounts: At time of purchase, please show your mailing label for membership confirmation: Note to Businesses We’ll put you in this list if you offer a discount to Gulf Winds Track Club members: E-mail: freddeckx@comcast:net: Your product or service need not be running-related: Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 9 Training Groups/Weekly Events Intervals: Tuesdays, 6:30 a.m Maclay Track, Tuesdays, 6.30pm FSU Track. Planned, supervised workout for runners intent on improving in distance races. Contact Bill Lott ([email protected]) or Gary Droze 668-2373 (work) 942-7333 (home) email [email protected]. Wednesdays 6 p.m. Leon HS track all paces welcome. Email Ann Bowman at: [email protected]. Sunday Streakers: Sunday mornings, 7 a.m. at various locations 10 miles minimum at about 9 min. per mile averages 8-15 people come join us! To get on the e-mail list to receive information on where and when the group meets contact Sue Kelly, [email protected]. Sundays at 7.30 am. Almost every weekend groups run from Forest Meadows around Lake Overstreet or the Phipps Property Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. Optimist Park, 3 miles, all paces: Chika Okoro [email protected]. Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. at Tom Brown Park. Trail run through Piney Z & to the bridge, 7.3 miles. [email protected] Imitation Adults distance running group organizes mid-long and long runs for marathon training and fun, usually between August and April of each year. For more information e-mail Nancy Stedman at [email protected] or visit their facebook page. Water Running: To learn proper water running technique, contact Gary Droze, Instructor, to arrange a workout/training session: 942-7333. Triathlete Training & Contacts Triathlon events: Bill Dillon, [email protected] or http://www.gulfwindstri.org. Swimming Times: · Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5.30 AM - 6.30 AM, Tuesday and Thursday 12.30 PM - 1.30 PM, Saturday 8 AM - 10 AM @ Trousdell - ATAC masters program with coach on deck (membership fee required) · Tuesday & Thursdays - 5.30 AM @ Trousdell · Monday thru Friday - 11:45 AM until 12:30 PM @ Jack McLean Pool at Jack McLean Park, Paul Russell Rd. Running Times: · Mondays - 6 PM @ Winthrop Park winding through Betton Hills · Tuesdays - 6:30 PM @ Mike Long Track (FSU) - Interval Training · Tuesdays - 5:15 P @ Harriman Circle - Family run/walk. · Wednesdays - 6 PM @ Leon High School - Interval Training · Thursdays - 5:45 PM @ Optimist Park winding through Indian Head Acres · Thursdays - 6 PM @ Forest Meadows for 5-7 miles · Sundays - 7:30 AM @ Forest Meadows for 10 miles or more · Additional local running information can be found at http://www.gulfwinds.org Riding Times: · Wednesdays - 5:30 PM @ Chaires Community Center riding 30 miles at a B-C pace Additional local ride information can be found at http://www.cccyclists.org Tri Club meetings held third Monday of each month at MoMo’s Pizza at Market Place. Summer Trail Series registration form is on the website: www.gulfwinds.org. Page 10 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 Race Calendar Please note: Most of the events below are not organized by or affiliated with Gulf Winds Track Club (GWTC). Grand Prix Events are underlined; confirmed events are in bold. * Indicates a GWTC event. CT=Central Time. Entry forms may be at local stores, races, and GWTC meetings. If no state is listed, it is Florida. Verify information before traveling; errors, omissions, and changes do occur. If not listed, area code is 850. Special thanks to Charlie Yates and Bill Lott for the race information. June *05 Summer Track Series - Week 1, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. 07 Strides for Education 5K Run/Walk, 8 a.m. Workforce Development Building (#38), TCC Campus, 444 Appleyard Dr. Visit www.give.takestockinchildren.org; or Wanda Lewis at 201-8312. 07 Bainbridge Spring 5K, 8 a.m. Earle May Boat Basin, 100 Boat Basin Circle (Shotwell St. exit off U.S. Hwy 84/27 Bypass), Bainbridge, GA. Bainbridge Leisure Services at (229) 248-2010 or email [email protected]. *12 Summer Track Series - Week 2, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. 14 5K at Fifth, 8 a.m. Paisley Café parking lot, 1123 Thomasville Rd. Visit www.runatmidtown.org; or Shannon Moore at [email protected]. 14 The Ride for Hope (100M/62M/40M/11M bike rides), 6:30 a.m. North Florida Fairgrounds, 441 Paul Russell Rd. Visit www.therideforhope.com; or Aaron at [email protected]. *19 Summer Track Series - Week 3, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. 21 Kiwanis Melon Run 5K, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, corner of South Water St. and Hwy 90 West, Monticello, FL. Online registration available at Active.com. Don Condon at (850) 661-8716 or [email protected]. *21 GWTC Summer Trail Series - Cadillac Trail 5.5M, 6 p.m. Tom Brown Park, near Pavilion #13. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or [email protected]. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED 21 Inflatable Fun Mac 5K Obstacle Run, 11 a.m. Tom Brown Park, Pavilion #13. Online registration available at Raceit.com. Paul and Sherrie Peavy at [email protected] or 212-3513. *26 Summer Track Series - Week 4, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. 28 Wakulla High School Cross Country Boosters’ Freedom 5K/1M, 8 a.m.. Wakulla Springs State Park, 465 Wakulla Park Dr. (15 miles south of Tallahassee on SR 267). Online registration available at Raceit.com. Michael Atkinson at [email protected]. 28 Hot Trot 5K, 7:30 a.m. (CT). Washington-Holmes County Technical School, 757 Hoyt St., Chipley, FL. Stan Owens at (850) 547-2244. July 04 32nd Annual Kiwanis Firecracker 5K/1M, 7:30 a.m. Cascades Park, 1001 S. Gadsden St. Visit www.CapitalCityKiwanisClub.org; or Cole Tessier at [email protected]. Flyer pg. 16. 04 Freedom Springs Triathlon, 7 a.m. (CT). Blue Springs Recreation Park, 5461 Blue Springs Road, Marianna, FL. Terry Edwards at [email protected] or (850) 557-0522. *10 Summer Track Series - Week 5, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. *12 GWTC Summer Trail Series - Swamp Forest Trail 4.5M, 8 a.m. Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park, Gate A, Miller Landing Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or [email protected]. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED 13 USA Triathlon Splash and Dash Youth Aquathlon (swim/run), 8 a.m. FSU Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer Rd. Online registration available at www.imathlete.com. Visit www.tallahasseeyts.com; or Mike Weyant at [email protected] or 241-6591. *17 Summer Track Series - Week 6, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Page 11 19 Rez3 Triathlon Series Race #2, 8 a.m. FSU Reservation, 3226 Flastacowo Rd. Online registration available at www.imATHLETE.com. Visit www.tritherez.com; or Jennifer Kilinski at [email protected]. 19 Dr. James H. Crowdis Run 5K/1M, 8:15 a.m. First United Methodist Church, 397 College St., Blakely, GA. Online registration available at Raceit.com. Visit www.crowdisrun.weebly.com; or contact (229) 724-7660 or [email protected]. *24 Summer Track Series - Week 7, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. *26 GWTC Summer Trail Series - Magnolia Trail 3.5M, 6 p.m. Tom Brown Park. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or [email protected]. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED *31 Summer Track Series - Week 8, 6:45 p.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Tom Perkins at 894-2019 or [email protected]. August 02 Possum Trot 5K, 7:30 a.m. (CT). Possum Palace, Possum Palace Dr. off Hwy 77, Wausau, FL. Visit www.wausaupossumfestival.com; or Frank or Carol Kreis at (850) 773-2030. *09 GWTC Summer Trail Series - Redbug Trail 4.5M, 8 a.m. Forestmeadows Park and Athletic Center, 4750 N. Meridian Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Visit www.gulfwinds.org; or Bobby York at 443-6795 or [email protected]. EVENT FULL; REGISTRATION CLOSED 09 St. George Island Sizzler 5K/1M, 5:30 p.m. Lighthouse Park, 2 East Gulf Beach Dr. (Franklin Blvd/SR 300 at Gulf Beach Dr.), St. George Island, FL. Online registration available at Active.com. Visit www.stgeorgeislandsizzler.com; or [email protected] or (850) 509-2191. 09 Smoke Under the Oaks BBQ Festival 5K, 8 a.m. Bainbridge Country Club, 312 Country Club Dr., Bainbridge, GA. Visit www.smokeundertheoaks.com; or Andy Payne at [email protected] or (229) 726-2794. *16 Breakfast on the Track One Miler, 7:45 a.m. Maclay School Track, 3737 N. Meridian Rd. Felton or Bonnie Wright at [email protected] or 386-3500. 16 Jackie Robinson Boys and Girls Club Community 5K/1M, 8 a.m. Jackie Robinson Boys and Girls Club, 101 Sixth St. SW, Cairo, GA. Andrea Bentley at a m [email protected]. *23 Miller Landing Madness 8K/5K/3K XC Run (3K GP for youth only), 8 a.m. Elinor KlappPhipps Park, Gate B, 1.3 miles west on Miller Landing Rd. Online registration available at EventBrite.com. Tom Perkins at [email protected] or 894-2019; or Bill Lott at [email protected] or 656-1273. Grand Prix Races for 2014 Distance 05/31/2014 08/16/2014 08/23/2014 09/27/2014 10/11/2014 11/27/2014 12/20/2014 4 Miles 1 Mile Potluck Bash Breakfast on the Track Miller Landing Madness Prefontaine Pine Run Turkey Trot Tannenbaum Trail 5K 20K 15K 6K Youth 1M 3K 1M Page 12 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 Volume 39 Issue 6 How They Train! Nate Kaiser T HE F L EET F O O T Age: 33 I competed in high school and college cross country and track in Michigan and have been running for 19 years. Recently, I am running 40 – 45 miles a week training for 5 to 10K races. Lifetime personal records: Mile 4:28; 5K 15:07; 10K 31:49; Marathon 2:35 Typical Week: My training varies significantly over to course of the year. Here is an example of a week getting ready for the Springtime 10K. Monday: pace) 5 miles easy (6:45 Tuesday: half mile At Tom Brown Park, 7 x repeats at 2:30 – 2:35 pace with about a 2 min. rest in between. The workout included a 2 mile warm-up and about a 1 mile cool down, followed by chasing my 2 year-old around the playground at the park. Wednesday: 6 miles easy (6:45 pace) Page 13 and some sort of interval workout each week to get ready for the spring races. Currently, I take the whole summer as down time with only easy running. I’ve had no injuries over the past year, do not take any supplements, and don’t use weight training or stretch. With a 2 year-old and a newborn at home; I could use more sleep! Running shoes: I have been running in Adidas shoes for the last fourteen years and race in Saucony fasttwitch. Favorite running routes: My all-time favorite running route was approximately a 10 mile loop that I ran while working on my degree at Washington State University called Lindgren’s loop. The route snaked through the large rolling hills of the Palouse; it was both scenic and challenging and was used frequently by some of the all-time great runners--Gerry Lindgren, Henry Rono and Bernard Lagat. In Tallahassee I try to run often at the Miccosukee Greenway. Running resources: Jack Daniel’s Running Formula How has your training changed over the years? Basically, my training has switched from trying to improve my times every year to trying not to get any slower from year to year. In college and immediately thereafter running was a top priority and it was easy to find the time to get out and run every day if not twice a day and average 65-85 miles per week, with everything Friday: off typically faster than 6:20 per mile. Now, I have significantly cut back on the intensity and Saturday: 6 miles easy (6:45 pace) mileage as I currently do not have that much time and energy to devote to running and I Sunday: 12 miles out and back at Miccosukee Greenway. On the way would rather run a little slower race times than out I ran at about 6:40 pace and pick train really hard and risk getting injured. it up to about 6:15 pace on the way Advice: back. Although training to race well is hard work, the Since moving to Tallahassee, I have significantly advice I would give is that running should be reduced my mileage in the summer time to about fun. Enjoy getting outdoors and try to mix in a variety of workouts to keep things interesting 20-25 miles a week. The down time typically and stimulating to avoid the monotonous grind extends from after Palace Saloon 5k to the end of August. Then up to the Turkey Trot I typically of long distance running. work on getting my mileage back up with very few structured workouts. After that I try to get in a tempo run of varying distances (3-10 miles) Thursday: Tempo run, 4 miles at about 5:40 pace. My tempo run is typically done on a loop around the neighborhood in the morning. 2-3 mile warm-up followed by 1-2 mile cool-down. Page 14 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 Featured Feet Karen Godbey Indulgence: Oreo cookies! Childhood ambition: To work in health care. Non running hobbies: Reading and working out with weights. Favorite books: Austerlitz and Shadow Divers. Favorite running memory: Finishing mr first half marathon this year at Tallahassee Marathon and Half. Running inspiration: Watching track events, short or long. Current occupation: Nurse practitioner. Perfect day: A day off with time for a run and a swim, followed by lounging with a good book. If money were no object, what profession would you choose: I would work half time in health care and half time as a researcher. Biggest challenge: Running in hot weather. New GWTC Members as of May 18 Christienne Adrick Elise Adrick Mark Adrick Kay Allen Christopher Antley Mona Antley Mike Baker Anna Becker Geoffrey Becker Katherine Becker Mason Becker Michelle Butler Michele Copenhaver Amelia Crooms Carolyn Davis Ondre Davis John Gilroy David Gregory Steve Harris Ashley Hiatt Sherry Howell Carla Jackson Sherri Johnson Natalie Kato Jeremy Kuder Lisa Leibow Ashley McCall Cathryn McCall Paige McCall Thomas McCall Patrick Merle Jackie Pomeroy Anthony Poole Cassandra Poole Ke Turah Poole Gage Ritchie Heather Ritchie Tanner Ritchie Gene Rivers Logan Rivers Rachel Rivers Rebekah Rivers Jane Skalski Ana Sutherland Cade Zimmerman Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Featured Feet: Reikan Lin Childhood ambition: As a youngling, I would pretend to mow the carpet in my house using a variety of makeshift equipment (toys). It was precious. I liked that there was a systematic way of mowing the grass and that there was a proper tool for every situation. I also wanted to be an architect—a stance entirely influenced by my obsession with Legos. Favorite running memory: I have been running for ten years, but GWTC changed everything. I won’t list my favorite memory as there have been too many great moments with too many special people to list, but I would say the most memorable one is my first marathon (Tallahassee 2014). Words can’t describe the events that transpired in those last 300 meters and what they mean to me. Current occupation: I work for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yes, I have seen Contagion. And no, there’s no CDC office or station in Tallahassee. And yes, I have killed numerous zombies in Atlanta as part of mandatory field staff training. Page 15 (Avicii by Avicii) by Avicii. Any excuse for going out to have food and drinks with friends, especially post-run. SUGARFISH. Cold beer, especially blonde ale. Race road trips. Sleeping with no alarms set. Taronut topped with mochi, fruit, and sliced almonds at Nuberri. FaceTiming my family so I can see Kira, the best dog ever. Most things pink. Non-running hobbies: What is this “non-running” word that you speak of? Favorite books: There would be no event as horrific as George R.R. Martin leaving our world before he finishes A Song of Ice and Fire. Running inspiration: Beer, babes, and bling. Duh. Also, my mother started running last autumn after I wouldn’t shut up about GWTC and how great it is. As of today, she is able to run 5 miles on trails, and she completed her first race last November at a local 3 mile Turkey Trot fun run in California. It is truly inspirational to me that she tried something new at 52 and stuck with it. Biggest challenge: I moved across the country to Tallahassee for a job, but I also did it to get away from mistakes I made. It turns If money were no object, what out that moving does nothing to erase profession would you choose? them, but starting over, especially with I would take a risk and start a business or non-profit. If I had to be specific, it would be the addition of GWTC, is making it slightly easier every day to accept them. a family business of some sort, such as a small, local café using mostly homegrown/ For this reason, I’m terrified that my twoyear assignment in Tallahassee ends in local foods with my parents or teaming up with my sister, a dance instructor, for some July, but no matter where I end up, I’m grateful for all the wonderful people I wellness-oriented venture. have met in this chapter of my life. Indulgence: Post-race after-parties. After-after-parties for the after-parties. Brunch. Watching the Indiana Pacers crush the Miami Heat. True Page 16 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 Volume 39 Issue 6 T HE F L EET F O O T Chris Lake Wakulla Springs 5K 5/17/2014 Ron/Cynthia Cristen R.D. Wakulla Springs 1M 5/17/2014 Ron/Cynthia Cristen R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Grayson Stevens M Will Winsor M Chad Stevens M Fenner David M Max Ito M Noah Alford M Leah Kiros F Jonathan Kiros M Jared Harris M Brooke Dayton F George Morris M Sam Ito M Jack Winsor M Alicia Winsor F Carmen Elisa Diaz F Judy Kirkpatrick F Lynn Fenstermaker F Luiz Ferreira M Susan Butler F Kenzie Butler F 6 7 34 7 7 8 8 5 9 22 31 4 6 37 6 63 56 64 59 7 8:37 8:37 8:42 9:02 9:33 9:49 9:52 9:55 10:06 10:07 10:09 11:25 12:07 12:09 14:39 16:11 16:15 16:16 18:22 18:24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Chris Lake Zach Deveau Michael Martinez Peter Kaus Bryce Cole Carl Nordhielm Geb Kiros Reikan Lin Eric Godin Ryan Truchelut Joel Piotrowski Brian Molen Paul Guyas Philip Sura Travis Parks Bill McNulty Jon Mason Cole Tessier Tad David Zack Scharlepp Gary Galvez Tim Unger Riley Welch Nathan Adams Katie Sherron Bing Xu Camilo Ordonez Larry Harris Michael Kreis Felton Wright Hal Fravel Bill Starling Carl Moore Renee Cox Doug Cole Michael La Bossiere Matthew F Minno David Yon Dustin Hinkel Barney Ray John Parker Eric Dueno Dan Manausa Michael Cipriano Josh Dismuke Sam Roddenberry Margaret Wiedeman David Cox Craig Willis Kayla Webbe Nico Wienders William Thomas Mary Vancore Robert Patron Connie Lewis Louis Lieb Greg Munson Buddy Levins M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M F M M F M F M M M 26 26 48 30 15 51 47 24 30 28 44 38 36 44 18 55 40 31 45 31 27 54 17 30 32 46 35 45 49 57 33 26 45 26 49 48 54 58 29 51 24 46 44 56 21 15 18 56 62 17 43 14 50 48 15 29 47 60 16:38 17:24 18:01 18:01 18:02 18:06 18:08 18:16 18:21 18:24 18:46 19:06 19:27 19:35 19:36 19:40 19:42 19:46 19:56 19:58 20:00 20:02 20:02 20:05 20:07 20:07 20:12 20:31 20:34 20:36 20:38 20:51 20:58 21:07 21:16 21:19 21:28 21:31 21:34 21:39 21:41 21:45 21:50 21:51 22:00 22:01 22:04 22:10 22:17 22:20 22:25 22:26 22:33 22:47 22:48 22:57 23:00 23:06 Page 17 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Daniel Cutchen M Paul Hale M Arek Sarkissian M Kory Skrob F Nancy Stedman F Nick Emerson M Julie Clark F Myron Herring M Jennifer Shafer F Christian Emerson M Tsige Tadesse F Fran McLean F Dennis Keane M Ron Christen M Birgit Maier-Katkin F Morris Davis M Elizabeth Stevens F Martha Bademan F Gene Opheim M Jamie Ito F Mercedes Puig F John Miller David M Rachel Liniger F David Darst M Julia Sura F Erik Andersen M J C Criss M Diana Caldwell F Daniel Gidaro M Garett Ostberg M Deanna Edwards F Adrea TruckenmillerF Jill Criss F David Foley M Joe Vega M Chris Huebner M Kelley McKnight F Jim Moran M Stephanie AanstoosF Theo Sullivan M Nela Diaz F Kelley El-Urfali F Terry Butler M Lilli Unger F Allie Caldwell F Karen Godbey F todd ratliff M Christine Crooms F Jimmy Lee M John McCoy M Jacob Crum M Greg Springs M Robert Skrob M Christopher Strunk M David Gwynn M Lilly Caldwell F Alyson Churchill F Megan Churchill F Paige Churchill F Rob Nutting M Jennifer Linares F Cary Gerrell F Jeremy Gray M Matthew Gerrell M Taylor Dayton F 52 52 34 43 52 16 52 55 46 39 41 56 20 68 51 57 34 29 67 35 29 9 23 70 42 31 7 57 31 24 39 31 42 51 60 24 32 56 24 25 34 50 61 11 23 58 48 30 45 65 10 45 43 36 48 23 11 11 9 45 24 29 35 31 21 23:11 23:13 23:16 23:24 23:27 23:28 23:33 23:53 24:00 24:11 24:19 24:23 24:26 24:35 24:54 25:04 25:08 25:09 25:19 25:31 25:42 25:43 25:44 25:52 25:53 25:55 25:56 25:58 26:00 26:02 26:04 26:10 26:17 26:23 26:36 26:36 26:38 26:40 26:41 26:42 26:42 26:44 26:51 26:56 26:58 27:04 27:07 27:16 27:20 27:26 27:31 27:40 27:41 27:45 27:46 27:48 27:54 27:54 27:55 27:58 28:04 28:14 28:15 28:18 28:18 Page 18 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Laura Gray F Beth Alexander F Sarah Hinkel-YoungF Phil Deortentiis M Nancy Lewis F Paul shell M Chris Collins M Liovani Nazario F Lisa Unger F Laura Matthias F Eli Prince M James Matthias M Tracy Taylor F Gina Tran F Jessica Huebner F Sondra Lee F Dennis Dayton M Mary Jean Yon F Clara Alford F Perha Varley F Dave Furrie M Ginna Raymer F Jacque Myers F Mary Stutzman F Susan Cornwell F Joel Mynard M Sarah Strazzo F Kelsey Kilinski F Eric Bernard M Gene Stuckey M Russell Pfost M Kristy Trueblood F Susan Jacobs F Theresa Christiansen F Miranda Stuart F Erin Taratoot F Shelley Kaus F Brian Dupree M Graham Hackley M Gregory Rose M Victoria Thomas F Andrea Moore F Joe Byrom M Donna Graham F Mae Cleveland F Dot Skofronick F Linda Levins F Anne Priddy F Carol Winger F Brandi Tucker F Julie Kelch F David Vick M Jonathan Albanese M Daniel Spencer M Susan Colavecchio F Lauren Kreis F Theresa Darius F Steven Swenson M Cinil Maliakkal M Sarala Hermes F Robert Crombie M Jodi Osborne F Katie Fine F Boone Prince M T HE F L EET F O O T 35 50 29 30 48 31 38 40 46 25 5 29 34 43 25 45 54 58 10 69 44 35 57 65 65 61 27 28 34 60 59 37 25 50 40 35 30 49 11 25 24 29 34 54 74 77 61 65 65 31 54 53 32 59 38 12 36 29 37 44 45 48 26 10 28:20 28:22 28:23 28:35 28:37 28:42 28:43 28:55 29:01 29:07 29:27 29:29 29:30 29:36 29:38 29:42 29:44 29:50 29:52 29:57 29:58 30:07 30:20 30:29 30:45 30:52 30:54 31:00 31:01 31:04 31:10 31:13 31:14 31:18 31:23 31:23 31:24 31:25 31:42 32:15 32:16 32:18 32:19 32:32 32:34 32:47 32:54 32:58 33:14 33:15 33:23 33:25 33:35 33:37 33:40 33:48 33:52 33:54 33:58 34:05 34:19 34:33 34:42 34:46 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Erica Staehling F Marcelo Viera M Stacey Churchill F Jane Harrison F Ed Skinner M Paula Kiger F Dee Kring F Fotena Zirps F Rima Bosman F Christopher Hornbaker M David E. Smith M Nancy Jewett F Laura Sullivan F Michele Beaudin F Dawn Smith F Drew Winters M G W Harrell M John Tan M Michael Bates M Kimberly Fannin F Carrie Swenson F Jimmy Ledford M Darlene Mills F Dillon McBride M Kat Medrano F Susan Tobin F Sonya Dudley F Wanda Schilb F Susan Ledford F Robert Morris M Amber Freeman F Jackson Osteen M Heather Osteen F Mandy Butler F Kimberly Sheldon F Angie Prince F Jim Varley M Linda Lane F Linda Bishop F Andrea Reese F Julie Evans F Mary Lou Manausa F Jordan Kreis F Barbara Crandall F John Raymer M M J Raymer F Patricia Davis F Betty Dewar F Margarete Deckert F Debbie Beard F Faith Hughes F Bob Keller M Debbie Skinner F Nicole Ratliff F James Skofronick M James Keane M Gail Moore F Samantha Stafford F George Hall M Dawn Baldarex F Rosanne Wood F Cynthia Dennen F Stephanie Dupree F Bryce Cordle M 28 32 38 53 47 49 44 56 44 58 69 60 47 65 45 36 55 40 67 24 27 58 49 20 26 57 45 52 51 82 29 10 39 32 33 38 74 55 51 34 52 75 14 60 63 63 51 56 81 50 49 80 46 43 82 51 57 20 47 50 62 49 40 11 34:51 34:55 35:03 35:06 35:17 35:33 35:36 35:49 36:00 36:12 36:23 36:28 36:35 36:51 37:01 37:08 37:08 37:32 37:40 37:41 37:52 38:03 38:15 38:18 38:19 38:42 39:03 39:05 39:17 39:23 39:29 39:58 40:10 40:11 40:33 40:36 41:26 41:28 41:53 42:29 42:38 42:54 43:18 43:59 44:05 44:06 44:13 44:18 46:56 48:03 48:06 48:58 49:35 50:49 50:59 52:07 52:57 55:46 55:48 55:50 56:18 56:19 59:52 63:04 Volume 39 Issue 6 252 Jan Dicks F 55 63:05 Downtown Dash 5K 5/10/2014 Christian Mummau Nilon, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Peter Kaus M Adam Greenstein M Michael Martinez M Jack McDermott M David Plack M Michael Cipriano M Zechariah Lange M Nishanth Krishnamurthy M Shelly Herman F Nathan Marshburn M Kate Krizner F Bill Krizner M Loranne Ausley F Matthew Farley M Dale French F Anna Dower F Kelley Coe El-Urfali F Matt Hampton M Joy Ramirez F Julie Kritz F Bobby Dick M Nathaniel Di Mura M Lisa Starling F Thomas Biance M Reza Karimipour M Michelle Robinson F Nick Gant M Betsy Serral F Christine Dearden F Alissa Slade Lotane F Kate Davis F Will Davis M Steven Lohbeck M Nell Wilhite F Cindy Hartmann F Gene Allen M Harris Wiltsher M Melissa Oglesby F Jordan Dick F Candice Billups F Mitzi Woods F Ricky Shults M Jimmie Crain M Maggie Matheny F Richard Langton M Sally Raines F Linda Shults F Robert Lotane M Gingy Sampson F Julie Hanowell F 30 22 48 45 44 56 24 18:08 18:41 18:52 19:03 19:46 20:01 21:02 32 30 37 10 39 50 32 28 22 50 23 37 38 52 24 48 33 52 26 38 21 23 36 29 33 32 12 44 52 46 43 20 35 37 24 44 22 39 26 57 55 49 43 25:20 25:27 25:35 25:42 25:42 25:45 26:09 26:31 26:39 26:51 26:52 26:57 27:14 27:14 27:16 27:28 27:34 27:49 28:03 28:13 28:13 28:17 28:18 28:19 28:21 28:21 28:22 28:24 28:28 28:44 28:46 28:49 28:53 29:08 29:11 29:11 29:11 29:12 29:19 29:20 29:24 29:25 29:34 Volume 39 Issue 6 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Bruce Lynn M Sabrina Spivey F Lindsay Potvin F Catherine Pedersen F Katie Chace F Jayce Hill M David Gwynn M Leigh Dalzell F Monica Blount F Barkley Wilhite F David Folsom M Mat Willey M Lauren McCowin F Carlton Gainous M Rusty Simmons M Al Martinez M Ava Jackson F Kyle Kritz M Kim Shively F Lauren Snyder F Jaclyn Velardo F Dale F. Weeks M Vanessa Rowse F Catherine Earp F Wendi Cannon F Erin Taratoot F Austin Davidson M Theresa Christiansen F Daniel Hand M Will Davis M Julia Aleszczyk F Matt Doster M Shelley Kaus F Hanna Traft F Alexis Phillips F Grace Waller F Sue Dick F Bill Shults M Lindsay Pierce F Katie McMurray F Corrie Melton F Traci Klepper F Kathleen Butler F Terry Butler M Casey Lawrence F Felicia McCoy F Lindsey Thompson F Missing Info U John Daly M Leslie Black F Kathryn Davidson F Patricia Crispino F Erin Garmon F Lisa Lancaster F Randy Shively M Sunil Kumar Pamulapati M Rick Onorato M Mark Onorato M John Wood M Mathew Tharpe M Ben Bowersox M Carolyn Barringer F Alice Warner F T HE F L EET F O O T 66 34 29 29 30 24 48 44 42 44 46 31 31 56 29 42 12 36 50 27 29 67 36 33 35 34 30 50 34 33 27 38 30 29 33 25 50 60 32 30 47 8 54 61 42 43 34 0 34 40 20 30 23 39 62 29:39 29:46 29:59 30:05 30:08 30:14 30:19 30:20 30:26 30:31 30:34 30:47 30:48 30:55 31:00 31:01 31:06 31:10 31:20 31:27 31:33 31:38 31:39 31:39 31:40 31:46 31:53 31:58 32:02 32:02 32:06 32:28 32:29 32:34 32:34 32:39 32:40 32:53 33:01 33:05 33:23 33:25 33:32 33:32 33:33 33:34 33:41 33:54 34:01 34:04 34:19 34:22 34:23 34:24 34:28 26 24 53 24 31 34 33 51 34:33 34:37 34:37 34:38 35:08 35:09 35:14 35:50 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Frank Terraferma M Sarah Burke F Crystal Kelly F Anita Rudzinski F Aubrey Fisher F Lea Ann Fisher F Debora Passetti F Cinil Maliakkal M Lauren Daly F Dedra Mitchell F Rachel Warner F Nicole Elliott F Crystal Peltier F Amanda Mosketti F Tina Williams F Vicki Crain F Denise McCullough F Joy Ramirez F Glen Warren M Margaret Farris F Leslee Shaffer F Terri Jackson F Rebecca Dilmore F Christi Billington F Sarah Beeson F Jeremy Billington M Masoud Karimipour M Jess Tharpe F Robert Klepper M Tori Cuddy F Estrellita Redmon F Tim Marston M Rebecca Hunter F Jason Hunter M Michael Sivilla M Joe Miller M Kinsley Grant F Mireya Ramirez F Laura Sale F La Tanya Townsend F Natasha Peliska F Kim Curry F William Scarboro M Allison Jones F Clinita Brown F Jacklyn Burkett F Her Vonica Mitchell F Carol Thompson- Riley F Cy Irving M Carey Boucher F Delphine EgberongbeF Cynthia Joseph F Anastasia Morrell F Alan El-Urfali M Sherry Ann Valdez F Miranda Coxwell F Renee Ramirez F Roy Ramirez M Alvin Salyers M Andrew Turner M 43 25 34 60 11 42 59 37 24 36 27 25 34 24 40 35 29 37 51 49 32 49 29 31 28 33 50 29 42 27 53 63 35 29 33 34 32 11 49 34 23 43 35 38 41 35 33 35:59 36:26 36:26 36:28 36:29 36:29 36:31 36:43 36:55 37:01 37:10 37:12 37:48 37:55 38:16 38:43 38:47 38:55 39:06 39:15 39:15 39:25 39:34 39:40 39:46 39:50 39:51 40:22 40:22 41:07 41:49 42:06 42:10 42:10 42:18 42:19 43:48 43:51 43:52 44:38 46:26 47:27 48:07 48:46 48:53 49:43 53:04 46 12 35 45 39 24 56 60 21 42 44 51 8 53:05 53:10 53:12 55:04 55:13 57:38 57:38 57:40 57:43 58:12 58:13 58:33 58:36 Short Version of Course Results (runners were misdirected) Page 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yoav Eilenberg Matt Stoia Brian Bautista John McNeill Donald Kunish Laura McDermott Arek Sarkissian Craig Asselin Tyler Van Leuven Freddy Branham Kathryn Rae Julia Rose Travis Fran McLean Emma Travis M M M M M F M M M M F F F F 43 49 25 35 38 34 34 32 41 38 53 15 56 15 18:37 18:41 18:56 19:42 19:45 19:47 20:04 20:09 20:23 20:37 20:40 21:00 21:16 21:54 Marzuq Mothers 5K 5/10/2014 Keiff Lindsey R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Vince Molosky Eric Godin Reikan Lin Duane Evans Renee Cox Mike La Bossiere Chuck Bruce Urska Dobersek Barney Ray Ned Lucsyusk Buddy Levins Spencer Ansellem Unk1 Mat Hall Mark Yearwood Chris Yearwood Chuck Pierson Stephen Hermann Jackson Dylan Davis Dylan Snowden Birgit Maier-Katkin Joe Vega Shale Summer Robinson Diana Caldwell Ericka McKibbin Charley Kirkwood Allie Caldwell Tracy Davy George Kitchen Gill Bruce Jeremy Dawkins Bryan Smith Wayne Davis Richard Tanner Carrie Smith Perha Varley David Doll M M M M F M M F M M M M 34 30 24 46 26 48 35 31 51 56 60 12 M M M M M M M F F M M F F F M F F M M M M M M F F M 56 9 44 42 9 8 8 23 51 60 39 18 57 41 27 23 50 57 67 33 32 74 70 39 69 50 17:13 18:21 19:37 19:51 20:40 20:55 21:16 22:08 22:23 22:50 23:03 23:34 23:46 24:33 24:38 24:38 24:39 25:01 25:12 25:13 25:13 25:14 25:52 26:00 26:03 26:52 26:55 27:08 27:35 27:52 27:57 28:04 28:27 28:33 28:57 29:09 29:24 29:42 30:02 Page 20 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 April Brown F Pam Brannon F Norman Ludecke M Jana Davis F Mary Stutzman F Lindsey Perkins F Jackie McDaniel F Kristy Trueblood F Unk2 Rayna Bell F Lydia F Jim Garrison M Sylvia Carver F Karen Thomas F David Poole M Emily Hall F Linda Levins F Kaycee Smith F Brady Dawkins M Unk3 Myra Harvey F Brooklin Brite F Payton Levy F Lori Rowe F Ella Schwarz Parisi F Theresa Dawkins F Vanessa Trueblood F Eva Benton F Joy Serna F Terry Bruce M Maryana Harvey F Eniya Williams F Katoria F Ken Auringer M Deb Shields F Matt Shields M Ema Shields F Dan Pelletier M April Rizzo F Susan Koehler F Morgan McNally F Shannon Asu F Andrea Reese F Bret Asu M Susan Tobin F Sheri Logue F Elle Davis F John Cooper M Robert Morris M Robin Robinson F Suzie Serna F Danette Davis F James Varley M Kimberly Sheldon F Sarah Osborn F Barbara Crandall F Vicki Brokaw F Margarete Deckert F Caroline Collins F Joseph Trimble M Dennis Cannon M Betty Dewar F Briana Willis F Bob Keller M T HE F L EET F O O T 57 54 50 44 65 26 59 37 11 30 30 26 52 24 60 17 10 11 13 16 43 54 34 50 14 12 63 10 8 7 55 56 29 27 52 41 50 14 42 34 44 57 40 43 63 82 52 47 56 74 33 15 60 58 81 50 44 55 56 ? 80 30:03 30:23 30:32 30:35 30:55 31:04 31:05 31:10 31:12 31:17 31:38 31:40 31:46 32:07 32:16 32:35 32:42 32:43 32:45 32:48 32:49 32:52 33:26 34:17 34:36 34:36 35:22 35:26 35:30 35:42 36:02 36:02 36:03 36:25 36:31 36:31 36:31 37:59 38:10 38:55 38:56 40:10 40:13 40:14 40:15 40:50 40:57 40:58 41:01 41:09 41:10 41:16 42:29 43:15 43:53 43:54 44:47 45:15 45:15 46:08 46:08 47:16 47:33 50:11 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Josephine Newton F Charlotte Cummings F Emma Roberts F Belinda Lewis F Tommy Lewis M Leela Bell F Bianca Kirkland F Susan Koetz F Kelsey Tripp F Kaitlyn Koetz F Unk4 Rose Murphree F Hillary Koehler F Robin Jackson F Unk5 Debbie Osborn F Keith Osborn M Sudduth Cummings M Unk6 87 67 11 54 56 8 33 49 20 20 56 11 33 42 42 67 Volume 39 Issue 6 50:39 52:04 52:11 52:23 52:23 52:50 52:51 53:26 53:27 53:28 53:28 53:48 53:49 54:41 55:59 56:07 56:08 56:12 57:00 Rose City 10K 4/26/2014 Dr. Jim Story R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Chris Lake Nathan Haskins Matthew Cashin Victor Chicas Hunter Scott Jared Hoffman Kyle Buchholz Adam Wallerfelt Reikan Lin Josh Wallerfelt Joel Piotrowski Amy Hines Cole Tessier Arnoldo DeJesus Pauncho Hufstetler Tim Unger Daniel Becker Elena Oslund Philip Sura Mark Tombrink Michael Kennett Jacob Dodson Travis Parks Noah Voyles Gareth Pyle Ai Whatley Cory Gerbrandt Richard Aarons Bing Xu Daniel Oldham Rocky Hufstetler Charlie Lang Chuck Lang 26 25 14 21 17 18 17 16 24 14 44 33 31 28 39 54 16 21 44 26 40 14 18 14 35 43 37 35 46 36 41 15 48 M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 33:21 34:26 35:28 35:29 35:30 35:31 35:36 36:37 37:56 38:21 38:53 38:58 39:46 40:04 40:14 40:17 40:33 40:34 40:44 41:09 41:27 41:35 42:06 42:23 42:36 42:38 42:40 42:55 43:12 43:22 43:29 43:30 43:31 34 Chad Johnson 43 35 Mary Anne Bullard-Grayson 48 36 Cora Atkinson 19 37 Larry Harris 45 38 Michael Labossiere 47 39 Wesley Gentry 36 40 Robert W Skrob 14 41 Tony Voyles 38 42 Kurt Anthony 48 43 Perry Waddell 16 44 Eric Dueno 45 45 Gregory Waddell 48 46 Lance Parker 32 47 Nick Murray 44 48 Duane Joiner 38 49 Paula O'Neill 52 50 Ursla Dobersek 31 51 52 Jonathan McDaniel 33 53 Alicia Meng 24 54 Willie Roberts 23 55 Chris Holt 32 56 Mike Burns 49 57 Jim Martin 52 58 Justin Williams 36 59 Tiffany Roddenberry 29 60 Joseph Souders 23 61 Zoe Sheldon 15 62 Sarah Dugas 35 63 Barney Ray 51 64 Eric Laywell 49 65 Michael Douglas 45 66 Stephen Rubendall 37 67 Arek Sankissian 34 68 Trinity Costner 27 69 RJ Delaney 13 70 Taylor Childs 32 71 Dusty Dollar 37 72 Dorian Osborne 74 73 Sarah Carroll 31 74 Alyssa Bork 23 75 Beverly Hamilton 36 76 Cassie Mills 28 77 Skyler Ashley 25 78 Mark Helquist 38 79 Preston Shaw 19 80 Sarjv Patel 31 81 Marcus Watson 26 82 Paul Norris 64 83 Martha Bademan 29 84 Teri Grant 35 85 Scott Wizce 52 86 Bill Hooks 38 87 Kory Skrob 43 88 Paul Pickles 47 89 Dylen Jones 17 90 Hal Davis 58 91 Jerry Searcy 44 92 Patrick Bius 40 M 43:36 F F M M M M M M M M M M M M F F 43:38 43:44 44:10 44:11 44:12 44:14 44:23 44:42 44:57 45:00 45:05 45:06 45:13 45:27 45:52 45:53 45:58 46:04 46:08 46:10 46:11 46:13 46:16 46:30 46:35 46:40 46:42 46:44 46:52 47:15 47:16 47:24 47:37 47:45 47:50 47:51 47:59 48:03 48:04 4 8:06 48:08 48:14 48:16 48:30 48:43 48:44 48:50 48:51 48:58 49:01 49:08 49:10 49:11 49:20 49:22 49:27 49:30 49:34 M F M M M M M F M F F M M M M M F M M M M F F F F M M M M M M F F M M F M M M M M Volume 39 Issue 6 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 T HE F L EET F O O T Amanda Hudson Dan Stewart Derrick Howell Melanie Hall Nancy Herring John Wheeler 37 47 32 40 59 47 F M M F M M Stephen Sampson Michael Raybon Steven Stolting Greg Doss Ethan Pyle Allen Thornhill David Hufstetler Steven Weeks Kelly Garland Jeremy Rebman Josef Copeland Devin Tudor Micah Elkins Nick Nichols Romeo Aggabao Jason Browning Birgit Maier-Katkin Darla Castoro 21 49 55 49 10 40 60 60 43 39 16 24 30 70 48 40 51 50 M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M F F Heidi Baker Renee Novak Krissy Hurst Thomas Krick Robert Salter Thomas Hudgins Mark A Zadra Lance Wilson Brian Jackson Ronnie Salter Julia Sura Donica Douglass Williams Bobby Miller James Harrison Paul Brown Scott Routsong Kelby Carter Melody Gunter Judd Lasseter Hjalmdis Helnevdottir Tony Hczckiah Debbie Peters Steve Schale Taylor Shiver Carolyn Mather Lee Moreno Stephen Cheney Daniel Hammond Joel Carter Nancy Moody Craig Bruner Lauren Davis 31 43 37 51 49 26 59 32 35 51 42 F F F M M M M M M M F 49:46 49:46 49:48 49:49 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:04 50:10 50:16 50:17 50:18 50:31 50:36 50:39 50:40 50:45 50:58 50:58 51:16 51:37 51:46 51:52 51:52 52:06 52:13 52:19 52:31 52:41 52:47 52:48 52:49 52:49 52:53 52:57 53:01 53:03 34 49 35 41 48 59 51 37 F M M M M M F M 53:09 53:15 53:17 53:21 53:22 53:28 53:33 53;35 25 56 53 39 29 65 48 28 34 50 29 58 36 F M F M M F F M M M F M F 53:44 53:44 53:46 53:49 53:53 53:56 53:59 54:00 54:01 54:09 54:15 54:17 54:18 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Whitney Diers Monica Bell Sandra Canada Wesley Hutto Jason Griffin Craig Coppedge Peter Castoro 25 47 51 35 34 40 50 Erik Anderson Danny Langston Robert R Skrob Jeffrey Drawdy Josh Pace Lisa Money Nancy Martin Emily Echols Meghan Waites Tyler Fulton Courtney Cooper Angela Duck Russ Covington Larry Kuglar Michael Crowley Dylan Tracy 31 50 42 36 38 50 40 41 29 15 34 40 42 68 50 31 Laura Mulford Melissa Zapata Jamie Butler Rachel Bostick Lisa Clements Jay Myhre Derrick C Ogletree Clayton Salter P L Jowers Brian Oliveira Thomas Biance Matthew Bailey Aarne Moisio Steve Becker Gordon Pyle Elving Colon Brett McDaniel Robert Miles Jody Ledford Michael Atkinson Keri Johnson Becky Bush Stan Okon John Bennett Katie Corbin Denise Butler Tina Williams Max Beverly Russell Turner, Jr. Mark Garland Jarrett Turnbull Dan Carlton Tracy Tabb Leigh Dalzell Bonny Voyles 54 34 39 17 44 58 46 14 64 22 33 32 57 51 38 36 24 42 44 49 45 48 44 19 41 44 44 46 44 43 38 49 44 37 F F F M M M M 54:20 54:22 54:24 54:24 54:28 54:37 54:41 54:42 M 54:45 M 54:48 M 54:52 M 55:01 M 55:04 F 55:10 F 55:13 F 55:18 F 55:20 M 55:21 F 55:24 F 55:26 M 55:37 M 55:43 M 56:08 M 56:09 56:09 F 56:10 F 56:11 M 56:17 F 56:19 F 56:22 M 56:23 M 56:25 M 56:27 M 56:29 M 56:33 M 56:39 M 56:45 M 56:45 M 56:47 M 56:49 M 56:50 M 56:51 M 56:54 M 56:55 M 56:57 57:02 F 57:06 M 57:08 M 57:10 F 57:18 F 57:19 F 57:20 M 57:21 M 57:22 M 57:41 M 57:42 M 57:44 F 57:47 F 57:50 F 58:04 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 Page 21 Eri Morita 28 F Cameron Stephens 44 M Marty Myers 34 M Frank Bailey Jennifer Reynolds Seth Stanaland Sunny Collier Judi Sheppard Kristin Blough Brad Touchton Bill Kimmons 54 39 29 38 57 25 43 61 M F M F F F M M Donna Chastain Carlos Zapata Cam Alley Sherrie Jones Shannon Hall Jill Dennis Thomas Pate Paul Scheeser Joe Hoffman Kyle June Tracy Davis Natalie Hudson Luke Joiner Katina Stewart Noah Owens Jess Hornsby Pamela Barfield Larry Connell Emerson Chew Juli de Grummond Buffy Keene Tommy de Grummond Susan Bennett Doug Bell Jordan Money Christie Sanders Timothy Hill Leah Odom Monica Blount Alissa Lotane Carrie Lasseter Michele Warr Stephanie White Jeanna Mayhall Stacie Connell Jeremy Beardon Gingy Sampson Maggie Davis Wesley Davis Terry Ryan Kirsten Kinsley Robin B. Bullard Michael Watts Darren Copeland Patty Lang Zachery Ambrose 35 68 48 42 44 49 61 31 71 33 46 31 13 41 14 37 31 51 34 44 44 F M M F F F M M M M F F M F M M F M M F F 58:05 58:08 58:16 58:17 58:25 58:27 58:28 58:29 58:29 58:32 58:38 58:48 58:41 58:52 58:54 58:57 59:03 59:04 59:05 59:05 59:08 59:15 59:16 59:19 59:21 59:23 59:41 59:42 59:44 59:48 59:49 59:50 59:51 59:58 39 43 44 23 30 41 29 42 36 34 46 30 48 36 29 49 14 48 65 42 50 55 51 47 17 M F M M F M F F F F F F F F M F F M M F F M M F M 59:58 59:59 1:00:12 1:00:15 1:00:18 1:00:20 1:00:23 1:00:27 1:00:31 1:00:36 1:00:44 1:00:52 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:56 1:00:57 1:01:01 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:06 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:32 1:01:35 1:01:35 Page 22 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 David Folsom Rachael Steverson Sherri Haineault Aaron Meissner Laura Guy Duane Treadon Shena Hernandez Susan Phillips Aryal del Valle Bill Fuller April R Brown Jennifer Thornhill Stephanie Sharp Kevin Keve Heather Waldrop Stanley McLeod Kenneth Jones MCKinney Lane Ansley Lane Katie Owens Jenny Ladson Steve Johnson T HE F L EET F O O T 46 17 30 32 29 44 43 42 36 62 57 37 35 37 33 63 52 18 17 18 44 46 Neal Johnson 48 Teresa Close 48 Curtis Matlin 51 Robert Lotane 55 Jim Stalvey 35 Lisa Scully 30 Jennifer Hatchell 36 Buddy Smith 59 Desiree Celaya 42 April Stephens 32 Brandy Bell 41 Susan McCorvey 41 Jessie Myers 32 Dennis Dayton 54 Hannah Singletary 20 Cynthia Johnson 54 Michelle Wright 39 Sean Flanagan 46 Elizabeth Watt 20 Sara Claire Fennell 15 Jordan Bush 15 Joy Davis 38 Stacey Shumans 39 Jeff Martin 47 Stephan Thompson 1:04:56 Norman Ludecke 50 Leon Donald 44 Shellie Haskins 25 Robin Godwin 39 Steve Exum 39 Brian Duck 44 Roberta Mitchell 59 Corey Ouzts 26 Ashley Palmer 35 Faye Smith 54 Maggie Murphy 29 M 1:01:36 F 1:01:40 F 1:01:42 M 1:01:42 F 1:01:43 M 1:01:45 F 1:01:46 F 1:01:50 F 1:01:52 M 1:01:52 F 1:01:55 F 1:02:05 F 1:02:08 M 1:02:11 F 1:02:13 M 1:02:16 M 1:02:22 F 1:02:44 F 1:02:46 F 1:02:46 F 1:02:55 M 1:03:08 1:03:09 M 1:03:09 F 1:03:18 M 1:03:27 M 1:03:28 M 1:03:30 F 1:03:31 F 1:03:31 M 1:03:33 F 1:03:36 F 1:03:40 F 1:03:41 F 1:03:41 F 1:03:51 M 1:03:52 F 1:03:54 F 1:03:59 F 1:04:00 M 1:04:01 F 1:04:23 F 1:04:29 F 1:04:30 F 1:04:33 F 1:04:52 M 1:04:55 41 M M M F F M M F M M F F1 1:05:12 1:05:13 1:05:16 1:05:33 1:05:38 1:05:39 1:05:41 1:05:50 1:05:53 1:06:10 :06:13 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 Nicholas Bennett 37 Cassie Culligan 28 Sandra Buchanan 54 Lisa Lancaster 39 Tish Perone 31 Laura Anglea 44 Lindsay Childs 35 Jessica Adams 26 Erin Owens 33 Amy Stalvey 36 Jill Akins 29 Carolyn Egan 41 Rachelle Ross 49 Gina Wilson 46 Tom Cornish 44 Keith Gwaltney 49 Marie Hayes 33 Erin Folsom 33 Martha Jane Wilson 45 Karen Thomas 26 Gary Crayton 60 Sherri Dunlap 31 Chris Quick 38 Lisa Cashulette 49 Richard Hammock 68 Ken Peacock Marshall Kelley 68 Jaylon Davis 15 Kathy Smith 57 Kristen Walker 26 Jamie Brown 30 Candace Beauvais 43 Chuck Speight 68 Cassandra Barfuss 38 Summer Perry 38 Victoria Major 44 M F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M 1:06:13 1:06:14 1:06:14 1:06:15 1:06:21 1:06:25 1:06:31 1:06:32 1:06:47 1:06:53 1:07:06 1:07:12 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:17 1:07:17 F 1:07:19 F 1:07:23 F 1:07:25 F 1:07:30 M 1:07:30 F 1:07:32 M 1:07:36 F 1:07:38 M 1:07:47 1:07:48 M 1:07:48 F 1:07:52 F 1:07:54 F 1:08:30 F 1:08:34 F 1:08:39 M 1:08:43 F 1:08:50 F 1:08:51 F 1:09:04 1:09:06 Robin Fink 28 F 1:09:06 Dana Martin 52 F 1:09:11 Cindy Munoz 47 F 1:09:12 Will Collins 24 M 1:09:29 Ginger Collins 24 F 1:09:34 Ross Patterson 57 M 1:09:35 Maggie May 11 F 1:09:41 Amanda May 40 F 1:10:10 Julie Kelch 54 F 1:10:11 H. Marshall Green II 42 M 1:10:12 1:10:20 Christine Dodson 43 F 1:10:26 Michael Barfuss 37 M 1:10:51 Lisa-jan Bailey 55 F 1:10:56 Eddie McCoy 65 M 1:10:58 Catherine Hardy 25 F 1:10:59 Angela Parrott 55 F 1:11:00 Ron Alligood 61 M 1:11:07 Gwinette Alligood 52 F 1:11:08 Jaclyn Browning 36 F 1:11:09 Dalton Bynum 18 M 1:11:18 1:11:27 Bethany Kuhns 33 F 1:11:34 Volume 39 Issue 6 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 Michael Hayes Jennifer Stover Crystal Peltier Megan Martinez Zane Connell Robin Smith Jimmie Crain Worth Corn Vicki Crain Jane Krier Kristina Johnson Anna Money Jodie Wheeler Caroline Flowers Rebekah Rivers Heather Barnes Dana Raybon Kayla Odum Heather Hendrix Danny Hendrix Holli Thompson Josh Heald Lisa Hill Katrina Donald Collins 414 Suzanne Martin 415 416 Bennett Adams 417 Ethan BArnes 418 Sarah Maddox 419 Melanie Stephens 420 Blake Mclendon 421 Thomas Crine 422 Jean Krier 423 Allison Conklin 424 Brandon Smith 425 John Monds 426 Mary Haymons 427 Charles Hanson 428 George Collins 429 Robin Cartright 430 Shanece Cutler 431 432 433 Deann Garcia 434 Rosie Harkness 435 Brook Conger 436 Larry Smith 437 Danny Wall 438 Wanda Hampton 439 Gloria Aggabao 440 Bonnie Warren 441 Deborah Anderson 442 Darla Glass 443 Marcus Conyers 444 Tiana Roberts 445 Lindsay Jones 446 Shea Ruebusch 447 Jan Ogletree 32 39 34 31 25 54 44 32 35 52 21 24 44 37 56 26 57 M F F F M F M M F F F F F F F F F 1:11:36 1:11:37 1:11:43 1:12:05 1:12:20 1:12:22 1:12:32 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:36 1:12:41 1:12:48 1:12:58 1:13:24 1:13:26 1:14:19 1:14:20 1:14:24 22 F 1:15:12 39 F 1:15:39 42 M 1:15:34 26 F 1:15:47 28 M 1:15:49 38 F 1:15:51 50 F 46 F 63 17 20 41 29 71 52 34 M M F F M M F F 48 25 53 56 36 29 M F M M F F 35 40 34 61 70 48 46 52 35 50 42 38 28 42 51 F F F M M F F F F F M F F F F 1:15:54 1:16:11 1:16:16 1:16:16 1:16:48 1:16:53 1:16:07 1:17:13 1:17:26 1:17:31 1:17:45 1:18:09 1:19:04 1:19:10 1:19:18 1:19:40 1:19:49 1:20:01 1:20:02 1:20:09 1:20:09 1:20:12 1:20:56 1:21:06 1:21:20 1:21:24 1:21:35 1:21:54 1:22:06 1:22:40 1:22:42 1:22:51 1:23:03 1:23:38 1:23:43 Volume 39 Issue 6 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 Catherine Smith 42 Janice Hochstein 63 Ike Carter 45 Jennifer Lester 34 Jennifer Campbell 44 Kathalenna Monds 48 Christienne Adrick 30 Martha Lee Watts 58 Valerie Jones 50 Robert Morris 82 Bill de Grummond 79 Lori Willner 56 Jennifer Doyle-Corn 34 Charleston Jackson 42 Diane Heninger 58 Kent Heninger 58 F F M F F F F F F M M F F M F M 1:23:49 1:24:04 1:24:42 1:24:53 1:24:59 1:26:06 1:26:29 1:26:30 1:26:38 1:26:46 1:26:47 1:26:57 1:26:57 1:27:13 1:40:40 1:40:41 Tails N Trails Mile 5/3/2014 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Olivia Miller F Aston York M Chase Scarbrough M Cameron York M Avery Brumfield F Fenner David M Steve Scarbrough M Max Ito M Gracie Miller F Alexandria Secreast F Madelyn York F Melanie Harris F Vanessa Prine F Logan Phipps M Keegan Phipps M Ian Broon M Riley Bush F Sofia Kimbrel F Alli Balkan F Cooper Ballantine M Tom Ballantine M Andrew Guillen M Darbi Balkan F Jami Kimbrell F Zachary Kasper M Asher Kasper M Sam Ito M Scott Mock M Jaclyn Teixeira F Ellie Bamfield F Nicole Ratliff F Devonte Swatts M Daniel Godarp M Elizabeth Jullien F Brianna Phillips F Free Blombergh M Emily Iaukea F Patty Ballantine F 13 9 8 7 8 7 44 7 11 13 11 29 7 4 34 8 8 7 9 5 41 7 6 36 10 7 4 31 24 5 43 9 31 35 6 5 64 43 7:56 8:10 8:23 8:24 8:24 8:43 8:44 8:52 9:06 9:30 9:45 10:02 10:03 10:05 10:33 10:41 11:02 11:03 11:20 11:21 11:25 11:28 11:37 11:40 11:44 11:45 11:59 12:04 12:05 12:08 12:14 12:15 12:16 12:17 12:24 13:08 13:20 13:26 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 T HE F L EET F O O T Reagan Ballantine Leslie Scott Judy Kirkpatrick Angela Moran Jordan Moran Kathy Barta Keaton Ratliff Karlee Ratliff Kim Skula Sarah Friedl Holly Widen F F F F F F M F F F F 2 40 63 61 7 12 8 8 45 34 29 13:27 13:27 13:28 13:37 13:37 13:46 14:02 14:26 14:59 15:00 15:14 Nene Fest 5K 5/3/2014 Jessica Kennett, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Reikan Lin Paul Guyas Michael Kennett Shane Varn Paula O' Neill Mike Cipriano John McManus Mary Vancore Patrick Koon Mike Baker Jimmy Sauls Thomas Biance Kendra Forehand Christian Weber Jennifer Hall Martha Bademan Cindi Goodman Heather Kelly Lisa Chapman Bo Winokur Adrienne Ruhl Zandder Smith Simon Holden-Schrock Graham Huckley Ronnie Moore Luke Koon Brian Koon David Gwynn Glynnis Bugna Nicole Clark Jean Oliver Sandy Register Udora Hogge Rose Huskey Daphne Holden Katherine Milla Chika Okoro Nancy Vanwilder Sabri Hanley Will Hanley Wendy Bevan-Baker Wayne Torbert M M M M F M M F M M M M F M F F F F F M F M 24 36 40 25 52 56 29 50 8 45 34 33 17 47 40 29 50 35 27 47 33 11 18:24 19:10 20:23 20:59 22:02 22:07 22:16 22:18 22:49 23:41 24:01 24:05 24:06 24:13 24:16 24:54 25:27 26:23 27:28 27:30 28:08 28:11 M M F M M M F F F F F F F F F F M M 10 11 40 10 42 48 45 46 52 43 45 28 48 52 34 54 6 39 28:13 28:48 29:17 29:48 29:49 29:50 29:55 30:22 30:23 30:24 31:25 31:29 31:30 32:51 32:59 33:55 34:53 34:55 F 59 M 65 Page 23 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 35:17 21 35:51 22 Kara Stover F Miriam Barfield F Caitlyn Payberg F Nate Johnson M Chryondria English F Jashey Walker F Jodi Hunt F Tracy Cosenza F Jalla Harris F Mary Jo Peltier F Morgan Harvey F Sara Davis F Shaun Davis M Lesley Tapley F Stuart Tapley F Lynne Lynn F Russ Lynn M Genesis English F Danielle Ross F Michelle ForehandF Monique Walker F Jann Tucker-Pettay F Katherine Solz F Ava Williams F BJ Vancamp F Melissa Jordan F Laura Sullivan F Suzanne Byrnes F Annie McElhaney F Rebecca Haines F Cristina Brignole F Robin Jackson F Karen Condry F 43 26 25 46 10 11 33 36 9 55 25 24 28 25 25 56 55 10 30 46 43 48 42 40 35 35 47 55 30 29 26 33 54 36:43 36:45 37:30 39:02 39:20 39:21 39:23 39:35 40:15 40:19 40:20 40:52 40:53 42:47 42:49 44:26 44:27 45:13 45:17 45:25 46:07 46:09 47:10 47:11 47:13 47:43 49:15 49:17 53:04 53:57 53:58 56:33 1:00:21 Tails N Trails 5K 5/3/2014 Cara Fowler, R.D. Adam Wallenfelsz Josh Wallenfelsz Lane Williams Duane Evans Nathan Adams Travis Miller Bryant Lyle Tad David Kevin Brumfield Sara Lane Andrea Duffy Brittney Barnes Jonathan Shiver Bill McGuire Mickey Phillips Brian Black Dante Reed Sean Yearwood Theo Sullivan Mallory Brooks Emma Travis Adam Townsend M16 M14 M18 M46 M30 M44 M55 M45 M42 F19 F38 F26 M26 M66 M40 M35 M20 M11 M25 F30 F15 M44 16:53 17:56 19:19 19:24 20:01 20:12 20:31 20:37 20:48 20:55 21:35 21:45 21:46 22:21 22:51 23:04 23:12 23:14 23:15 23:18 23:18 23:27 Page 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Sam Roddenberry M15 Ryan Barber M28 Kara Brodley F11 Julia Rose Travis F15 John Tyler Pearce M32 Gene Opheim M67 Lee Nettles M50 Matthew Farley M32 Chris Yearwood M44 Mark Yearwood M9 Shawn Derrenberger M37 Barrett Waller M9 Allie Caldwell F23 Stephanie Aanstoos F24 Kate Krizner F10 Trey Sutton M36 Marisol Townsend F36 Logan Brooks M12 Brody Brooks M10 Chad Mathias M28 Shelly Herman F30 Timothy Parsons M33 Tommy Gray M15 Silas Blanton M9 Jennifer Gonzalez F40 Travis Blanton M41 Benjamin Stratton M10 Jon Brown M39 John Miller David M9 Diana Caldwell F57 Ryan Welch M31 Hunter Roy M9 Danni Waller F8 Lisa Starling F48 Mackenzie Lyle F20 Shaffer Claridge M26 Mark Dazevedo M43 Jaden Dazevedo M9 Brett Dennis M28 Robert McDonald M57 Laura Dennis F27 Lisa Cox F49 Sharon Crews F46 Jamie Lasker M32 Morgan Crews F8 John McCoy M65 Jim Moran M56 Ryan Tucker M39 Brittany McArdle F23 Tom Zinsli M47 Kamryn Brown F13 Rosie Ramirez F57 Aidan Gonzalez M8 Allen Secreast M47 Susan Thomas F32 Nawfal Ezzagaghi M42 Sunilkumar Pamulapati M26 Nicole McCaffrey F21 Laura Youmans F33 Nick Johnson M33 Abigail Showman F25 Lucette Lyle F50 Gina Snyder F55 Natalie Harrison F27 T HE F L EET F O O T 23:27 23:48 24:11 24:25 24:29 24:32 24:41 25:01 25:10 25:10 25:13 25:18 25:22 25:24 25:31 25:35 25:44 25:51 25:51 25:54 25:55 26:08 26:13 26:17 26:17 26:17 26:18 26:20 26:22 26:24 26:29 26:31 26:34 26:34 26:37 26:38 26:40 26:41 26:44 26:48 26:48 26:51 27:01 27:03 27:03 27:12 27:21 27:22 27:25 27:34 27:35 27:42 27:47 27:47 27:49 27:55 27:57 27:59 28:00 28:05 28:11 28:14 28:17 28:17 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Bridget Royster Leigh Dalzell Chris Waller Tracy Taylor Brian Conklin Ryan Morowski Liovani Nazario Kristy Trueblood Johanna Petty Perha Varley Bruce Lynn Stephen Kelly Crystal Wells Stephen Brown Warren Tyre Amy Reznik Thina Jones Kai Blanton Jonathan Lang April Brown Michele Baggett Donal Harrigan Logan Rivers Mary Jo Breiner Lizz Harrington Rob Nutting Brian Chambers Nicholas Petty Karla Brown Sarah Harrigan Jayce Hill Joel Atkinson Ariana Lopez Micah Brown Mara Denny Grace Mattimore Michael Terlecki Joel Mynard Brian Dupree Norman Ludecke Richard Ziegler Alyssia Martin Jennifer Tiller Jasen Wells David Doll Amelia Miller Carole Gramovot Cory Thorpe Kelli Dillon Kristen Ackermann Tim Allen Christian Gonzalez Harold Schweinsberg Jill David Kylie Gibson Katelyn Lott George Lott Kelly Wuest Shawn Regan Ashley Pyeatt Tony Alexander Guillen 148 Sandra Scarbrough 149 Seth Rubin F31 F44 M40 F33 M29 M14 F40 F37 F35 F69 M66 M36 F25 M29 M27 F57 F40 M11 M11 F57 F39 M29 F15 F46 F23 M45 M28 M12 F37 F28 M24 M51 F21 M25 F21 F25 M46 M61 M49 M50 M54 F18 F35 M26 M50 F28 F63 M23 F43 F32 M37 M11 M39 F40 F13 F23 M25 F30 M27 F27 28:19 28:21 28:33 28:41 28:42 28:43 28:48 28:56 28:58 29:03 29:06 29:09 29:14 29:16 29:27 29:30 29:33 29:34 29:37 29:39 29:49 29:51 29:54 29:57 29:57 30:03 30:04 30:08 30:16 30:18 30:20 30:20 30:21 30:22 30:22 30:24 30:26 30:26 30:29 30:38 30:40 30:41 30:45 30:46 30:53 30:53 30:57 31:01 31:09 31:11 31:11 31:13 31:26 31:42 31:46 31:51 31:51 32:07 32:11 32:20 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 M10 32:20 211 F37 32:26 212 M33 32:32 213 Volume 39 Issue 6 Pamela Novak F54 Brandon Stennett M23 Clarissa Bradford F24 Allison Poggie F26 Mark Hamilton M44 Jessica Fish F28 Alvin Richardson M29 Christopher Warfel M28 Breanna Currie F23 Heather Duey F45 Sandy Pagano F50 Sarala Hermes F45 Mary Mangan F29 Hongwei Chen F26 Shalini Israni F29 Jeff Starks M50 Kali Jewel Nelson F18 Matt Saylor M24 Amanda Gibson F10 Theresa Darius-Jewett F36 Allison Wharton F55 Eryn Jones F25 Kara Ottervanger F24 James Marshall M38 Alex Marshall M8 Farrie Austin F56 Shae Murphy F12 Sarah Magill F22 Alison Ray F29 Amy Claridge F26 Jessi Scharein F28 Kerry Scharein F25 Kim Fannin F24 Michelle Yang F30 Tim Groome M30 Megan Foley F29 Victoria Ledbetter F31 Katherine Scheuch F41 Tiffany Baylor F49 Annette Lapkowski F0 Alice Warner F51 Richard Power M54 Angelique Bowman F33 Christopher Mills M27 Kelsey Syrvud F24 Gloria McElroy F28 Angie Reid F29 Julie-Anne Valliant F40 Toni Mathers F47 Avery Miller F8 Rachel Warner F27 Georgia Kratimenos F0 Michele Beaudin F65 Karena Miller F41 Jinan As-Siddiq F30 Kat Medrano F26 Crystal Peltier F34 Karen Crawford F59 Morgan Grah F31 Valerie Fusco F33 Phil Culpepper M72 Grant Munson M12 Marcus Conyers M42 Sherri Kasper F42 32:33 32:34 32:34 32:36 32:47 32:48 32:50 32:51 32:51 33:07 33:13 33:17 33:18 33:22 33:22 33:26 33:32 33:33 33:36 33:40 33:41 33:45 33:49 34:03 34:04 34:06 34:06 34:07 34:08 34:09 34:13 34:13 34:33 34:35 34:38 34:38 34:42 34:46 34:55 34:56 35:03 35:10 35:17 35:21 35:22 35:22 35:27 35:29 35:32 35:37 35:39 35:40 35:46 35:50 35:51 36:06 36:06 36:09 36:11 36:14 36:15 36:19 36:20 36:22 Volume 39 Issue 6 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 Michael Bates Lenedra Harris Joseph Duncan Renata Konupkova Kathy Burke Laura Gibson Luis Serna Joy Serna Angela Petrizzo Kathi Orr Lisa Glunt Crystal Bends Dawn Smith Heather Fedolfi Lori Anglin Haley Fillman Deborah Mandel Alicia Adams Katie Mayo Conan Woolam Dolores Alcorn Sarah Hartle Kelly Trumble Fred Crawford Glen Warren Kade Dazevedo Kirsten Dazevedo Margaret Beshara Molly Foote Jamie Hanuka Brittany Hales Kelly Brown Rachel Brownstein Naomi Brownstein Renee Liss Hannah Clark Gale Murphy Stephanie Dupree Alicia Armstrong Amy Crowson Selina Agnew Peet Katie Hendricks Matthew Frick Kellie Ferrell Jill Murphy Amanda Sexton Brandon Slisz Anthony Tipler Amy Tipler Dina Davis Kinsley Grant Patricia Davis Tom Brushwood Aiden Allen Vicki Allen Brian Orr Danette Davis Jen Lamoureux Evan Wingate Ian Koenigsberg Cassie Mills Zack Femerott Alyssa Lee Martin Carvallo M67 F28 M34 F30 F52 F44 M49 F12 F24 F57 F33 F31 F44 F25 F42 F23 F26 F30 F34 M55 F58 F25 F29 M61 M51 M9 F41 F34 F28 M42 F28 F30 F20 F29 F37 F23 F43 F40 F30 F50 F43 F25 M24 F44 F56 F33 M31 M24 F23 F42 F32 F51 M69 M7 F38 M28 F56 F32 M21 M29 M23 M27 F15 M29 T HE F L EET F O O T 36:22 36:23 36:25 36:27 36:28 36:29 36:43 36:44 36:50 36:55 36:58 36:59 36:59 37:01 37:43 37:43 37:47 37:48 37:55 38:02 38:02 38:05 38:05 38:13 38:21 38:46 38:47 39:02 39:04 39:04 39:07 39:16 39:36 39:36 39:48 39:48 40:13 40:32 40:34 40:34 40:45 40:54 40:54 40:57 41:02 41:04 41:12 41:19 41:19 41:20 41:42 41:56 42:11 42:16 42:17 42:19 42:27 42:33 42:33 42:36 42:44 42:44 42:49 43:05 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 Courtney Martin F23 Megan Blomberg F28 Chris Lloyd M26 Erin Sapienza F28 Joyce Williams F70 Laura Sale F49 Gina Davis F42 Max Schrader M9 Amy Schrader F39 Nandita Abhyankar F32 Jan Campbell F44 Laura Rumph F53 Joe Quinn M40 Tim Campion M22 Kristin Cline F23 Teri Plichta F44 Chris Plichta M12 Pamela Flores F27 Gordon Orr M59 Ryan Webster M9 Julie Childs F42 Jonathan Childs M9 Dena Hurst F46 Paul Flemming M48 Taylor Marshall F15 Ashley Pearce F31 Diane Power F52 Nicole Lilly F39 Bonnie Stark F60 Rodney Carroll M22 Elisha Bamfield F35 Bramwell Tew M15 Laura Tew F44 Catharine Tew F10 Tanya Weldon F41 Jacklyn Burkett F35 Jennifer Doyle-Corn F34 Ken Lambert M47 Carey Boucher F35 Marci Goodwin F45 Logan Weldon M11 Kathy Cutler F32 Brianna Willis F19 Robyn Hillison F37 Yngrid Alva F24 Jenny Smith F33 Dawson Smith M4 Lucas Weldon M9 Alex Bello M32 Ross Mathis M27 Gale Workman F60 Kelly Ruggles F50 Molly Seal F26 Charlotte Cummings F67 Pam Seal F61 Charles McDonald M40 Eleanore McDonald F7 Myra McDonald F5 Sudduth Cummings M67 Joanne Cline F52 Delores Stuart F45 Kaitlyn Koetz F20 Kelsey Tripp F20 43:22 43:23 43:25 43:30 43:40 43:48 43:51 44:02 44:02 44:10 44:17 44:32 44:32 44:39 44:40 44:42 44:42 45:03 45:12 45:21 45:21 45:22 45:26 45:47 45:57 46:09 46:14 46:15 46:31 46:42 47:04 47:18 47:19 47:19 47:39 48:29 48:39 48:45 49:21 49:30 50:36 50:52 51:00 51:09 51:14 51:25 51:25 51:26 52:05 52:05 52:34 52:34 53:02 53:15 53:25 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:33 54:25 54:26 54:54 54:54 Page 25 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 Lauren Schroeder Brandy Hanchett Heather Arrington Barbara Crandall Jim Davis Wendy Davis Alma Quinn Monica Clemence John Hodge Donna Wiser Carol Easton Melissa Smith Betty Dewar Daphne Hodge Audrey Kilts Dana Hodge Terry Kasza Jon McCoy Marlene McCoy F51 F31 F44 F60 M61 F58 F39 F42 M35 F56 F57 F25 F56 F1 F62 F33 M64 M12 F54 55:07 55:30 55:30 55:32 55:46 55:47 58:56 58:58 1:00:43 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:41 1:02:50 1:03:36 1:05:09 1:05:18 1:05:19 1:06:45 1:18:06 Tails N Trails 10K 5/3/2014 Cara Fowler, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Matthew Cashin M14 Tony Guillen M45 Eric Godin M30 Joel Piotrowski M44 Bryce Cole M15 Jeffrey Hoh M31 Travis Parks M18 David Graf M38 Jon Mason M40 Philip Sura M44 Zack Scharlepp M31 Mark Tombrink M26 Gary Galvez M27 Bing Xu M46 Chuck Lang M48 Michael La Bossiere M48 Kyle Cobb M25 Jason Wright M41 Doug Cole M49 Urska Dobersek F31 Charlie Lang M15 Juan Ordonez M40 Christopher Brassard M35 Dan Manausa M44 Jason Bowman M44 Abe Middleton M37 David Anderson M63 Spencer Smith M21 Beth Culley F49 Eric Schab M24 Breanna Schweitzer F20 Charlee Taylor F35 William Jackson M50 William Thomas M14 Blake Miller M32 37:04 37:57 38:30 39:58 40:16 40:39 41:17 41:25 41:37 41:51 42:09 42:48 43:00 43:26 43:39 45:08 45:38 46:03 46:09 46:12 46:25 46:29 46:34 46:44 46:49 47:22 48:20 48:27 49:00 49:40 49:43 50:02 50:08 50:22 50:29 Page 26 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Tim Wingate William Carter Steven Stolting Hal Davis Melissa Garner Matt Ayres James Caldwell Marien Dimacali Craig Asselin Free Blombergh Kyle Sill Joe Vega Bill Dillon Lilly Rockwell Birgit Maier-Katkin Nathan Marshburn Trinity Costner Debbie Peters Brad Hicks Reid Wakefield Mike Gallant Kasey Law Josh Pace Jamie Ito Sangbum Ro Morris Davis Summer Robinson Dylan Snowden Stephen Davis Claire Cossey Spencer Klein Mary Williams Ann Guillen Kelly Kilker David Darst Jeremy Jarrett Angela Jarrett Bryan Allen Rebecca Marsey Dylan Davis Heidi Baker Bobby Dick Julia Sura Richard Ratliff Joseph Petty Buddy Walker Erik Andersen Matthew Soicher Tina Bradford Kenya Rich Laura York T J Cutchins Kevin Langston Steven Huss Brent Davis Greg Springs Jessica Orr Gene Stuckey Bridget Davis Michael Prine Lisa Dowling Robert McNeal Melissa Oglesby T HE F L EET F O O T M50 M49 M55 M58 F41 M33 M24 F52 M32 M35 M30 M60 M47 F30 F51 M37 F27 F53 M53 M29 M52 F27 M38 F34 M42 M57 F18 F23 M32 F31 M42 F45 F45 F31 M70 M24 F25 M25 F38 M8 F31 M51 F42 M48 M35 M53 M31 M29 F52 F41 F37 M54 M56 M26 M28 M45 F27 M60 F26 M27 F28 M52 F43 50:34 50:36 50:45 50:48 51:04 51:31 51:42 51:46 51:50 51:52 52:03 52:07 52:28 52:35 52:50 53:05 53:36 53:39 53:47 54:02 54:11 54:48 55:01 55:02 55:17 55:21 55:21 55:43 55:43 55:47 55:47 56:13 56:30 56:32 56:50 56:55 56:56 56:58 57:06 57:07 57:08 57:19 57:30 57:37 57:43 57:43 57:47 57:50 58:16 58:17 58:22 58:40 58:47 59:07 59:12 59:20 59:22 59:40 59:45 59:45 59:52 59:53 59:53 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Robby Turner Jennifer Vrynios Soheyla Mahdavian Jennifer Sullivan Jeff Barta Robert Lotane John Burns Alissa Slade Lotane Theresa Zerkle Becky Bush Ashleigh Brodley Taylor Thomsen David Folsom Sarah Taff Amy Taff Erin Duncan Linda McNeal Kevin Ulrich Julie Paniucki Abigail Phillips Cheryl Ward Sarah Monbarren Connor Chambliss Danielle De Mesa Lauren McCowin Heather Barta Julie Sutton Alison Mitchell Dave Furrie Erin Gordon Christopher Danello Jennifer Linares Wayne Davis Carlton Gainous Jean Shuman Stacey Shuman Monica Blount Lauren Snyder Sean Flanagan Robert Garcia Joanna Kuczenski Elizabeth Eichler Sara Pitchford Neil Dimacali Chris Collins Kelly Skelton Josh Bula David Plichta Myka Blombergh Erin Taratoot Olivia Mason Amber Vazquez Kristina Clark Ivan Baggett Susan Cornwell Rebekkah Willis Mishel Garcia Adrea Truckenmiller Maxine Baker Walter Clemence Crystal Bell Raechel Soicher Abby Prine M55 F49 F29 F27 M53 M55 M37 F36 F47 F45 F41 F45 M46 F19 F49 F31 F50 M22 F42 F30 F49 F28 M22 F22 F31 F26 F36 F30 M44 F33 M44 F24 M74 M56 F20 M51 F42 F27 M46 M31 F45 F28 F44 M54 M38 F38 M40 M40 F31 F34 F39 F33 F41 M50 F65 F28 F26 F31 F48 M32 F33 F29 F27 1:00:24 1:00:48 1:00:52 1:00:59 1:01:08 1:01:21 1:01:31 1:01:53 1:01:55 1:01:56 1:02:00 1:02:07 1:02:29 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:36 1:02:42 1:02:49 1:02:59 1:03:01 1:03:03 1:03:18 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:24 1:03:27 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:50 1:03:55 1:04:01 1:04:04 1:04:08 1:04:15 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:47 1:04:53 1:05:00 1:05:20 1:05:24 1:05:25 1:05:52 1:05:56 1:06:02 1:06:05 1:06:22 1:06:26 1:06:27 1:06:30 1:06:35 1:06:36 1:06:46 1:06:55 1:07:09 1:07:11 1:07:24 1:07:25 1:08:10 1:08:16 1:08:39 1:08:56 1:09:23 Volume 39 Issue 6 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Melissa Marshall F36 Mark Killette M53 Jacqueline DavisonF29 Mary Carter F41 Holly Spires F33 Ella Schwarz F53 Angie Huston F27 Todd Hallowell M32 Jessica Adams F26 Emily Revell F37 Cindy Foster F55 Robin Smith F50 Candace Beauvais F43 Kylie Hults F28 Dee Kring F44 Amy Liem F41 Worth Corn M32 Robert Amstutz M28 Sherri Johnson F52 Teauna Simms F33 Tara Treacy F31 Tonya Smith F26 Kelleigh Helm F27 Lora Minicucci F26 Robert Chester M26 Stephanie Levitt F24 Amaia Iratzoqui F28 Bradford Johnson M33 Rachel Rivers F17 Cara Wynn F46 Bob Keller M80 Leslie Creech F73 Debbie Grant F59 Rebekah Rivers F56 Christy Brockway F33 Wallace Randell M60 Jayne Hedrick F56 Christine Sutherland F46 Sharon Lippman F52 Casey Mauldin M26 Anna Holton F29 Karen Samuel F46 Meagan Lloyd F27 Nickie Stricker F28 Donna Young F42 Holly Thompson F41 Laura Angele F50 Tino Ballester M53 Elene Ballester F23 Donna Erlich F53 1:09:28 1:10:12 1:10:13 1:10:34 1:10:55 1:10:55 1:11:16 1:11:20 1:11:22 1:11:27 1:11:40 1:11:47 1:11:47 1:11:59 1:12:35 1:13:23 1:13:59 1:14:35 1:15:36 1:15:52 1:16:08 1:16:14 1:16:34 1:16:35 1:16:35 1:17:20 1:17:35 1:18:24 1:18:54 1:19:07 1:19:11 1:19:11 1:19:29 1:19:43 1:20:29 1:21:34 1:21:59 1:21:59 1:22:00 1:22:01 1:22:42 1:23:11 1:23:57 1:24:41 1:26:06 1:31:20 1:36:43 1:45:11 1:45:14 1:47:48 Gadsen Correctional 5K 4/26/2014 1 2 3 4 Teesa Strnad Priscilla Austin Sheryl Rosen Katherine Inglewright 27 37 29 29 F F F F 21:36 21:41 21:47 21:48 Volume 39 Issue 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Jennifer Terry 42 Natalie James 27 Ora Wright 27 Melissa Flaic 34 Nico Wienders 34 Lindy Liles 32 Holly Reed 41 Juana Herrera 25 Melinda Ramirez 33 Ann Guillen 45 Sara Adams 41 Krista Livingston 34 Casey Commander 32 Jessica Bouchard 25 Tiffani Puzel 33 Patrica McDaniel 34 Kerry Dillow 39 Toni Nieves 22 Beth Martin 45 Leonora Perez 45 Jessica Peeples 31 Lacey Grueter 29 Jean White 32 Sabrina Meeker 48 Sophia Jones 28 Gladys Vasquez 26 Jenny Termarsh 39 Jenny Erxelben 32 Heather Green 24 Ashley Petitt 25 April Burke 42 Jennifer Di Somma 33 Cynthia Schwartz 43 Kelly Vehorn 32 Tiffany Bragg 33 Sarah Jackson 31 Kelly O'Hare 41 Letaskia Lucas 42 Susan Cornwell 65 Lauressa Hale 33 Megan Demonbreun 29 Laura Jung 35 Dondru McDonald 26 Mary Jean Yon 58 Eva Edwards 26 Laurie Bartlett 48 Bonnie Denning 41 Stefanie Faircloth 47 Cheri Lowe 42 Brianna Armstrong 27 Mallory Colie 25 Summer McDouglad 36 Hilka Strandridge 45 Stephanie Rossner 28 Nicole Myers 26 Latoya Bean 35 Jody Hurley 40 Danielle Dampiier 29 Leslie Willis 33 Allen Joseph 0 Barbara McNeal 58 Crstal Crump-Wilson33 Renee McLemore 42 Mindi Abbotoy 42 T HE F L EET F O O T F F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F F F F 22:20 23:52 23:54 24:11 24:11 24:14 24:27 24:31 24:34 24:38 25:11 26:05 26:22 26:24 26:46 27:00 27:55 28:40 28:45 28:46 28:47 29:23 29:28 29:31 29:37 29:38 29:40 29:51 29:51 29:53 29:54 30:06 30:06 30:07 30:08 30:09 30:13 30:23 30:25 30:28 30:33 30:36 30:39 39:40 30:42 30:44 30:45 30:47 30:58 31:13 31:14 31:19 31:22 31:23 31:24 31:24 31:25 31:25 31:26 31:26 31:27 31:35 31:55 31:56 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Alexis Nurrell 34 Misty Arnold 33 Violet Manning 39 Katherine Lake 60 Lavetta Roberts 26 Jessyca Mattos 29 Denise Bowman 64 Susan Manning 41 Paula Kiger 49 Luan Diaz 59 Melinda Dansby 41 Amanda Chambliss 33 Adrian Velarde 30 Porsha Rougas 30 Carla Gedeon 29 Kimberly Ham 26 Ashley Mobley 28 Sandra Norris 58 Brynn Gibbs 31 Katherine Schaffer 28 Sara Hise 33 Step Holden 37 Cindy McCloud 42 Cassandra Lorenzi 42 Lori Carrelll 50 Demetria Lloyd 41 Christina Mcintyre 28 Jennifer Bloye 42 Terry Parker-Miller 58 Lorna Hetzel 32 Jenni Peterson 34 Jessica Eddy 26 Deidre Cox 45 Lori Sapp 47 Lori Kough 51 Samantha Barbarian 38 Catherine Flynn 51 Maaria Paez 24 Jennifer Lockwood 36 Lakeshia Gordon 30 Christina Green 36 Amanda Guinto 26 Bridgett Sunbury 37 Dana Stetson 56 Starlette Cooper 33 Laura Clark 32 Thelma Manley 55 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F F F 32:24 32:36 32:37 32:40 32:45 33:05 33:07 33:08 33:08 33:37 33:45 33:46 33:47 33:47 33:48 33:49 33:50 33:54 34:02 34:03 34:03 34:21 34:27 35:17 36 36:05 36:10 36:12 36:32 36:37 36:59 37:02 38:31 38:31 38:32 38:33 38:33 38:53 39:04 39:04 39:05 39:06 39:07 39:08 39:09 41:38 45:51 Red Shoes 10K 4/19/2014 Glen Burhans, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reikan Lin Tony Guillen Micah Adriani Jillian Heddaeus Travis Parks Renee Cox Dewey Hudson Michael La Bossiere M24 M45 F36 F31 M18 F26 M42 M47 36:52 37:07 41:06 41:15 41:40 42:35 43:22 44:36 Page 27 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 John Hunt Mark Tombrink David Plack Karl Waller Roy Mack Crews Luke Grabowski Matthew Ingram Casey Mauldin Jennifer Shafer Jason Cumberledge Nicole Reichenbach Free Blombergh William Thomas Hal Davis Matt Ayres Angela Roberts Erica Boccumini Harry Martin Danielle Shelton Mallory Brooks Gee Wilson Jason Agee Birgit Maier-Katkin Kyle Pickett Deanna Edwards Thomas Biance Nick Nichols Joe Vega Betsy Miller Jonathan Morse Lauren Thompson Richard Ratliff Dale Bradley Amelia Crooms Baker Wright Pam Waller Megan Higgins Christie Capen Susan Piroth Terry Butler Eric Saenz Shelly Herman Ann Guillen Mathis Stresing Kirsten Kinsley Kelley El- Urfali Dylan Snowden Mia Newlin Caroline Weiss Elizabeth Oakley Jaqui Griffith Kristin Anderson Kenya Rich Caroline Hudson Rob Williams Adrienne Bell Marie Bradley Amy Starkey Ami Wheeler Patti Pijut Ashleigh Brodley Katrina Reffitt Cathy Jones M46 M26 M44 M52 M50 M27 M25 M26 F46 M35 F24 M35 M14 M58 M33 F32 F21 M20 F32 F30 F56 M38 F51 M34 F39 M33 M70 M60 F36 M40 F28 M48 M56 F24 M38 F52 F29 F22 F38 M61 M25 F30 F45 M13 F42 F50 F23 F34 F33 F24 F55 F30 F41 F33 M59 F40 F53 F38 F40 F54 F41 F37 F46 45:00 45:59 46:11 46:11 46:38 46:39 46:53 47:02 47:11 47:16 47:38 48:34 48:38 48:50 49:19 49:46 49:50 49:50 50:15 50:19 50:55 51:04 51:08 51:15 51:15 51:27 51:32 51:49 52:18 52:21 52:27 52:37 52:37 52:46 52:51 52:53 53:06 53:32 53:36 53:44 53:56 54:00 54:25 54:38 54:46 54:49 54:56 55:04 55:10 55:12 55:15 55:17 55:20 55:36 55:46 55:51 56:00 56:00 56:09 56:09 56:10 56:10 56:18 Page 28 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Anna Dower Mike Stiles Maggie Mickler Jayme O' Rourke Malcolm Osteen Shelby Augustyniak Ian Gerhard Caroline Madden Vlada Tchourioukanova Tammy Poucher Nela Diaz Melissa Oglesby Jennifer Vrynios Eren Ozguven Julie Paniucki Nicole Bamberski Becky Bush Brittany Still Catherine Stresing Candice Billups Theresa Zerkle Heidi Baker Murray Baker Leisa Eastman Kim Shively Charmaine De Shields Ludmila De Faria Lisa Grimes Jennifer Sullivan Brad Piepenbrink Krista Piepenbrink Laura Lawrence Werviston De Faria Erin Duncan Sarah Ho Joanna Kuczenski Karla Brown Mandy Hurst Amelia Miller Daniel Collins Estela Abich Jennifer Hay Jason Karasevich Johnny Creel Megan Moran Noah Abbuhl Sean Flanagan Ray Stinson Nola Gordon Susan Rodgers April Ales Carol Winger Kathi Orr Dorothy Wilder Michelle Faulk Maxine Baker Karen Thomas Myka Blombergh Emily Ferrucci Worth Corn Tammie Akers Melissa Thomas T HE F L EET F O O T F22 M54 F31 F31 M36 F38 M20 F19 56:22 56:26 56:44 56:56 56:58 57:10 57:13 57:16 F18 F39 F34 F43 F49 M33 F43 F26 F45 F22 F45 F35 F47 F31 M30 F35 F50 F29 F45 F30 F27 M28 F29 F38 M49 F31 F34 F45 F37 F24 F28 M29 F21 F42 M34 M59 F24 M17 M46 M54 F33 F34 F42 F65 F57 F48 F31 F48 F26 F31 F22 M32 F38 F30 57:44 57:46 57:46 57:58 58:10 58:11 58:19 58:20 58:43 58:59 59:08 59:14 59:14 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:42 59:56 1:00:01 1:00:11 1:00:12 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:53 1:01:04 1:01:13 1:01:49 1:01:56 1:02:11 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:16 1:02:42 1:02:43 1:02:53 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:03 1:03:05 1:03:17 1:03:41 1:04:01 1:04:30 1:05:41 1:05:57 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:06:55 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:31 1:08:14 1:08:29 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Candace Beauvais Jenilee Hallam Virginia Lee Rebecca Taylor Amy Mauldin Susan Colavecchio Crystal Kelly April Bradley Jessica Orr Ashley Stone Bob Keller Robert Amstutz Sandra Canada Lisa Warner Shivaan Oomrigar Shonell Rogers Jennifer Brinson Teauna Simms Karen Foulke April Stephens Jennie Johnson Jennifer Sullivan Penny Kincannon Michael Bates Rachel Spells Tina Williams Heather Osteen Nickie Stricker Weschester Junior Gillian Nolden Barbara Hudson F43 F28 F31 F28 F38 F38 F34 F18 F27 F27 M80 M28 F51 F56 F22 F40 F35 F33 F56 F34 F37 F38 F52 M67 F19 F40 F39 F28 M23 F42 F73 1:09:01 1:09:13 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:50 1:10:02 1:10:31 1:10:39 1:10:58 1:11:22 1:11:45 1:12:17 1:12:27 1:12:27 1:12:29 1:12:40 1:12:44 1:12:55 1:13:20 1:13:40 1:13:40 1:14:11 1:15:14 1:15:55 1:16:54 1:17:04 1:19:30 1:28:36 1:28:37 1:29:14 1:29:39 Red Shoes 5K 4/19/2014 Glen Burhans, R.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thomas Parker M31 Lisa Johnson F32 Adriana Piekarewicz F25 Duane Evans M46 Thor Swanson M13 Max Eastman M14 Frankie Lapiana M25 Kevin Brumfield M42 Shane Varn M25 Camilo Ordonez M35 Michael Cipriano M56 Justin Swartz M27 Eric Dueno M46 Layne Ayers M8 Dallas Wood M13 Tyler Van Leuven M41 Layla Thompson F9 Perry Waddell M16 Bryan Stout M33 Logan Thompson M13 Eric Bush M40 Freddy Branham M38 David Bigoney M40 Jennifer Hall F40 Caleb Thompson M15 19:14 19:20 19:28 19:54 20:19 20:38 20:49 20:56 21:05 21:26 21:42 21:58 22:05 22:08 22:46 22:50 22:53 22:54 23:05 23:09 23:38 24:09 24:18 24:19 24:23 Volume 39 Issue 6 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Harrison Faircloth M13 Tommy Kristian M35 Fran McLean F56 Rich Heitmeyer M33 Jason Browning M40 Mitchell Phillips M14 Caity Wrenn F22 Cory Griffin M28 Scott Brockmeier M39 Morris Davis M57 Jamie Carver M41 Erika Robinson F27 Tyler Carver M10 Cindi Goodson F50 Parker Thompson M10 Melissa Suchocki F41 Shane Suchocki M15 Karen Smith F39 Lyle Ragans M52 Isabella Muratalla- Montes F31 Emma Rebman F11 Jackson Cruce M15 Jeremy Rebman M39 Jon Brown M39 Jeremy Serna M28 Michelle Herbst F38 Stephen Dubatowka M20 Kendall Swartz F24 Leigh Dalzell F44 Jason Borger M27 Laura Youmans F33 Andrew Mackintosh M30 Brett Dennis M28 Robert McDonald M56 Laura Dennis F27 Benjamin Stratton M10 Christine Dearden F23 Sally Raines F26 Ken Shick M47 Sophia Harris F9 Morgan Crews F8 Sharon Crews F46 Stephen Roeder M36 Steve Swartz M58 Emory Mayfield M40 Joe Anne Hart F40 Bennett Carver M63 Phillip Claiborne M34 Krysten Claiborne F31 Nawfal Ezzagaghi M42 Riley Bush F8 Allison Gordon F19 Edward Thomas M31 Rose McCaffrey F47 Mike Coon M37 Stephen Kelly M36 Jhenai Chandler F27 Randi Mackintosh F30 Dale F. Weeks M67 Kelly Dueker F22 Mike Poche M37 Reed Ashburn M19 24:49 24:58 25:29 25:34 25:36 25:41 25:43 25:45 25:49 25:50 25:58 26:09 26:13 26:13 26:14 26:17 26:18 26:23 26:44 26:47 26:48 26:49 26:50 26:53 26:55 27:03 27:13 27:13 27:19 27:19 27:21 27:23 27:32 27:33 27:33 27:40 27:45 27:53 27:58 28:01 28:04 28:05 28:06 28:28 28:32 28:38 28:50 28:55 28:55 28:59 29:01 29:02 29:13 29:31 29:32 30:04 30:13 30:13 30:14 30:17 30:18 30:19 Volume 39 Issue 6 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Randy Shively Ryan Bell Adam Hartline Robert Renn Brian Dupree Alexandra Cornelis Terri Christiansen Crystal Bell Kristen Ackermann Khadija Morgan Jerrod Thompson David C. Jr. Ashburn Ashley Farrell Debora Polit Casey Lawrence Amanda Bell Sandra Scarbrough Lisa Scully Timothy Few Samantha McClelland Christopher Bartell Abby Glass Rita Sekul Melanie Kalmanson Anna Buntyn Phaedra Harris David Hess Sutton Webb Jackson Webb Rodney Johnson Jacob McNally Grant Munson Teri Green Bobbi Paul Theresa Darius Christopher Mills Mandy O'Callaghan Keisha Jackson Ian Miller Tim Laramore Seth Rubin John Daly Madelyn Rebman Ashley Rebman Tiffany Baylor Huw O'Callaghan Debra Smith Chloe Jackson Ben Faulk Maddux Carver Sylvia Carver Jodi Osborne Becky Hobbs Paul Browning Syde Long J R Long Brian Walls Patrick Long Cinil Maliakkal Michelle Butler Matthew Leopold Kim Leopold Anna Grace Browning T HE F L EET F O O T M62 M29 M30 M14 M49 F22 F50 F33 F32 F38 M29 M50 F28 F26 F42 F28 F37 F30 M55 F31 M19 F26 F30 F20 F19 F42 M34 M38 M8 M40 M14 M12 F61 F51 F36 M27 F37 F34 M45 M50 M33 M34 F8 F37 F49 M37 F43 F21 M34 M5 F31 F48 F35 M39 M9 M40 M45 M11 M37 F30 M37 F36 F8 30:25 30:34 30:36 30:42 30:48 30:59 31:00 31:27 31:40 31:42 31:52 31:59 32:00 32:02 32:03 32:15 32:23 32:26 32:31 32:51 32:53 32:57 32:58 33:05 33:11 33:14 33:19 33:20 33:21 33:30 33:32 33:35 33:40 33:42 33:43 33:52 33:58 34:00 34:01 34:03 34:07 34:15 34:16 34:16 34:19 34:21 34:24 34:32 34:37 34:41 34:43 34:43 34:49 34:54 34:56 34:57 34:58 35:08 35:08 35:10 35:12 35:12 35:27 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Crystal Peltier Janet Dearden Jaclyn Browning Elizabeth Pulsifer Brittany Higgins Frances Luo Dan Swartz Melanie Harris Jennifer Davidson Lauren Daly Brock Chenicek Todd Chenicek Joseph Duncan Jenna Jacobsen- Brown James Buntyn Noel Cruce Graham Hackley Amanda Allen Bradford Johnson Mary Gore Laura Sullivan Jessica Wunderlin Emily Schwerin Corie White Stephanie Dupree Mallory Hartline Hannah Hawkins Jessie Yarbrough Jennifer Propst Darlene Mills Rodney Hawkins Tammy Creel Allison Crume Kim McClure Gale Murphy Kinsley Grant Shacoby Colbert Kendall Doubek Hannah Furr Nicole Gibson Mary Alford Gordon Alford Colleen McClure Mike McClure Logan Chenicek Loleta Luyao Jolynda Chenicek Jayne Hedrick Sharon Lippman Christine Suutherland Patricia Davis Christienne Adrick Emiko Beck Mikhala Heil Sarah Carruthers Dustin Carruthers Katyna Atkins Amy Fox Mitch Buntyn Megan Blomberg Yngrid Alva Amy Hirsch F34 F50 F36 F7 F21 F17 M31 F29 F30 F24 M13 M43 M34 35:30 35:31 35:32 35:39 35:45 35:54 36:05 36:22 36:52 36:57 37:02 37:07 37:18 F37 M53 F36 M11 F29 M33 F46 F47 F24 F32 F24 F40 F29 F34 F25 F27 F49 M33 F44 F36 F22 F43 F32 F27 M21 F21 F41 F33 M39 F30 M54 M12 F45 F41 F56 F52 F46 F51 F30 F42 F21 F25 M30 F30 F32 M15 F28 F24 F37 37:31 37:41 37:43 37:46 38:02 38:02 38:13 38:13 38:15 38:19 38:22 38:29 38:31 38:31 38:53 39:01 39:17 39:23 39:26 39:36 39:56 40:30 40:53 41:14 41:31 41:31 41:47 41:49 41:50 41:52 41:53 42:11 42:22 42:31 42:51 42:52 42:52 42:54 43:40 43:58 43:58 44:20 44:20 44:56 44:57 44:58 45:17 45:19 45:23 Page 29 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Jennifer Porter Lisa Lancaster Brian Orr Dan Swartz Gordon Orr Jamie Weatherford Danny Haberfeld Jennifer Doyle-Corn Tanya Weldon Ken Austin Angelo Crowell Betty Dewar Gina Mortimer Kim McMillan Jacklyn Burkett Clarice Secreast Monica Culliton Carol Hicks Jordan Burroughs Sarah Swartz Kristen Swartz Brittaney Johns Pat Swartz Natalie Mark Olivia Polk Nathan Marshburn Johneesia Sholtz Ryan Webster Emily Webster Sabrina Roc Amy Colbert Candice Nissley April Victoriana Leslie Warren Kim Crowell Kendrea Austin Debra Austin Dawn Krow Wynneshia Boyd Tierre Green Deborah Parker Mark Walker Maria Diaz Tameka Smith Susan Williams Allison Thayer Carey Boucher Stephanie Lawhon Sarah Hamilton Nan Ritchie Cy Irving Heather Spahr Ashley Johnson Pat Campbell Bernadette Maier Lenora Proctor Christine Abbuhl Toni Frye Brody Davidson Louise Goodson Kristine Parker Joe Goodson Isabella Davidson F41 F39 M28 M62 M59 F29 M26 F34 F41 M60 M0 F56 F39 F44 F35 F43 F47 F48 F24 F26 F35 F28 F58 F19 F19 M37 F22 M9 F34 F23 F25 F39 F40 F46 F32 F29 F59 F54 F31 M29 F52 M21 F26 F40 F51 F26 F35 F40 F39 F65 M12 F33 F20 F64 F44 F60 F57 F56 M5 F53 F31 M56 F3 45:24 45:42 46:04 46:18 46:22 46:37 47:17 48:02 48:18 48:36 48:37 49:09 49:14 49:18 49:39 49:56 49:57 49:58 50:18 50:20 50:25 50:25 50:26 50:40 50:40 50:43 50:51 50:56 51:24 52:07 52:07 52:34 52:38 52:40 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:11 53:12 53:13 53:13 54:49 54:49 55:07 55:31 55:37 55:42 55:53 55:53 56:00 56:04 56:08 57:17 58:29 58:46 58:52 58:52 58:52 1:14:29 1:15:44 1:15:45 1:15:46 1:15:46 Page 30 T HE F L EET F O O T Volume 39 Issue 6 GP Standings through Wakulla Springs 5K Female Overall Katie Sherron Renee Cox Seeley Gutierrez Micah Adriani Jillian Heddaeus Mary Anne Grayson Lisa Johnson Cora Atkinson Carrie Seiberlich Nikky Manausa Paula O' Neill Carly Thomas Amanda Hudson Lindsey Pfau Kory Skrob Jennifer Shafer Mary Vancore Kate Harrison Tiffany Roddenberry Sheryl Rosen Martha Bademan Kathy Andrews Jennifer Kilinski Adriana Piekarewicz Urska Dobersek Melissa Thompson Angela Wable Julie Clark Nancy Stedman Vicky Droze Angela Dempsey Melissa Hooke Tsige Tadesse Allison Eagen Fran McLean Michelle Perry Jamila Allen Birgit Maier-Katkin Alison Thumm Female 1-9 Kate Krizner Ainsley Hay Mackenzie Kittel Isabella Krizner Zoe Shamy Caroline Rowe Maddie Manausa Sade Guyas Sophia Krizner Kaari Guyas Female 10-14 Lucy Wright Lilli Unger Haleigh Martin Maia Mast Ana Wallace Arianna Neely Caitlyn Martin # GP 6 6 3 4 5 6 2 4 2 3 5 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pts 147 92 90 68 67 66 50 48 47 37 35 30 29 26 26 25 25 23 21 20 18 17 17 17 16 15 15 14 13 10 8 7 7 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 60 34 27 24 23 16 15 6 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 60 30 20 15 15 12 10 Female 15-19 Cora Atkinson Megan Jones Raychel Gray Summer Robinson Madison McNees Carly Thomas Morgan Mims Female 20-24 Sarah Purcell Lilly Caldwell Lindsey Pfau Kate Harrison Jennifer Linares Allie Caldwell Megan Miranda Jamila Allen Stephanie Aanstoos Dylan Snowden Allison Clarke Taylor Dayton Victoria Richmond Jessica Gambill Female 25-29 Renee Cox Martha Bademan Tiffany Roddenberry Michelle Perry Sheryl Rosen Karen Thomas Shelly Herman Adriana Piekarewicz Melissa Thompson Maggie Williams Megan Long Hayley Folmar Sandy Holt Susan Jacobs Shelley Kaus Katie Sanders Sarah Monbarren Erica Staehling Jennifer Wester Alison Mitchell Female 30-34 Katie Sherron Jillian Heddaeus Urska Dobersek Christine Crooms Adrea Truckenmiller Melissa Zapata Nikky Manausa Nela Diaz Tracy Taylor Lisa Johnson Beth Strickland Laura McDermott 5 6 4 3 1 1 1 95 72 59 42 20 20 15 5 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 85 47 47 40 38 35 34 27 26 22 12 8 8 4 6 6 5 4 2 4 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 110 79 72 42 32 32 22 20 20 18 17 16 16 12 10 10 8 8 8 4 6 5 6 6 4 4 3 5 5 2 1 2 115 82 71 54 44 43 42 38 36 35 15 14 Jen Barton Juanita Chalmers Allison Eagen Sarrah Carroll Sylvia Carver Julie Coiro Erin Taratoot Christi Billington Patricia Crispino Jennifer Doyle-Corn Tara Lynch Tiffany Poston Andrea Reese Rachel Scharlepp Heidi Baker Judith Kent Maria Matheu Christina Oberlin Female 35-39 Amanda Hudson Deanna Edwards Micah Adriani Seeley Gutierrez Kristy Trueblood Vicky Droze Alison Thumm Marie Dennis Sarah Dugas Jennifer Kilinski Melissa Hooke Julia Accardo Shelly Bell Susan Colavecchio Robyn Griffin Ruffian Tyner Kristen Bowers Betsy Miller Susan Piroth Marisol Townsend Katie Allison Karla Brown Beverly Hamilton Rebecca Marsey Melissa Martin Christie Orros Female 40-44 Tsige Tadesse Kory Skrob Julia Sura Shannon McNees Carrie Seiberlich Kathy Greene Kirsten Kinsley Angela Wable Carolyn Egan April Bentley Deborah Burr Jennifer Hay Mariela Santurri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 7 8 4 3 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 96 81 75 60 49 27 24 20 20 20 15 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 8 6 8 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 117 100 92 47 40 30 26 20 16 15 12 12 12 Volume 39 Issue 6 Shanin Frost Gina Kittel Gina Tran Dee Kring Lori Rowe Stephanie Dupree Lena Juarez Monica Blount Rebecca O'Hara Angela Perry Becky Bush Female 45-49 Jennifer Shafer Mary Anne Grayson Sonya Dudley Angela Dempsey Beth Alexander Lisa Unger Lorien Abbey Ann Guillen Patricia Born Kim Likens Renee Edwards Sharon Sollohub Beth Culley Jo Curry Carroll Hageseth Paula Kiger Sondra Lee Lisa Cox Jodi Osborne Sandy Pagano Michelle Harrison Patty Lang Taylor Thomsen Cheryl Ward Martha Brushwood Linda McNeal Debbie Skinner Meredith Snowden Lisa Vickers Cara Wynn Female 50-54 Paula O' Neill Julie Clark Birgit Maier-Katkin Debbie Peters Mary Vancore Nancy Stedman Lisa Rutledge Marien Dimacali Loranne Ausley Kathy Andrews Diane McKissack Lisa McAnally Cindi Goodson Julie Kelch Connie Clarke Francee Laywell Kathy Lindsay Wanda Schilb T HE F L EET F O O T 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 10 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 8 6 7 4 6 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 126 120 61 57 53 28 18 18 15 15 14 14 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Dianne Dearduff Susan Ledford Laurie Cox Patricia Davis Female 55-59 Fran McLean Diana Caldwell Mary Jean Yon Jacque Myers Diana Jones-Ellis Jan Blue Karen Godbey April Brown Mary Jane Tappen Jackie McDaniel Fotena Zirps Deborah Ansley Donna Joyce Bonnie Wright Susan Tobin Ann Smith Betty Dewar Amy Reznik Female 60-64 Susan Cornwell Patricia Dugan Anne Priddy Linda Levins Barbara Crandall Vicky Bernal Dianne Douglas Female 65-69 Perha Varley Mary Stutzman Carol Winger Dawn Brown Ellen Deramo Michele Beaudin Charlotte Cummings Female 70-74 7 8 8 5 3 5 4 4 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 135 93 85 50 50 47 38 32 28 20 15 12 8 8 6 6 6 6 Janice McNees Mae Cleveland Barbara Hudson Female 75-79 Mary Lou Manausa Dot Skofronick Margarete L. Deckert Josephine K. Newton Male Overall Stanley Linton Zach Deveau Chris Lake Vince Molosky Peter Kaus Reikan Lin Michael Martinez 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 7 7 8 5 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 140 107 81 47 40 30 27 24 22 20 20 18 12 12 10 6 2 2 8 7 6 5 7 4 1 140 116 75 59 58 36 10 6 6 5 2 2 1 1 115 100 71 20 20 10 6 5 4 1 92 80 15 6 4 6 1 100 80 120 20 4 6 4 5 7 6 6 120 100 97 90 83 80 68 Page 31 Nate Kaiser Ryan Truchelut Carl Nordhielm Geb Kiros Charlie Johnson Tony Guillen Jack McDermott Kevin Sullivan Brian Molen David Knauf Chris Rego Sean Hudson Mickey Moore Jack Rutledge Joel Piotrowski Camilo Ordonez Mark Tombrink Douglas Bell Juan Ordonez Tim Unger Eric Godin Michael La Bossiere Greg Waddell Paul Guyas Bill McNulty Perry Waddell Nathan Adams David Graf Roger Schmidt Bing Xu 4 6 4 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 56 46 40 35 32 31 30 30 28 20 20 18 17 15 14 13 11 9 9 9 7 7 7 6 5 5 3 3 3 3 Jackson Rowe Elias Bernstein Andres Bernstein Maddux Carver Randy Manausa Taylor Bell Jack Manausa Andrew Guillen 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 55 42 36 31 22 20 12 10 Hawthorne Hay 3 Tyler Carver 3 Spencer Amsellem 2 Max Eastman 1 Michael Molen 1 Parker Bell 1 Wade Eastman 1 Tommy Ensley 1 Tony Alexander Guillen 1 Nick McAnally 1 44 38 35 20 20 15 10 10 6 4 Male1-9 Male 10-14 Male 15-19 Charlie Lang Perry Waddell Mitchell Atkinson Travis Parks Jack Rutledge Trevor Knauf Male 20-24 Reikan Lin John Parker 4 2 1 1 1 1 75 35 20 20 20 15 9 7 152 90 Page 32 Stanley Linton Chase Pennell Roger Schmidt Chris Rego Colby Allen Frazier Chiles Male 25-29 Zach Deveau Peter Kaus Chris Lake Ryan Truchelut Mark Tombrink Gary Galvez Luke Grabowski Eric Godin Chris Howcroft Charley Kirkland Fritz Stoppelbein Dan Baur Theo Sullivan Brad Monbarren Male 30-34 Vince Molosky Cole Tessier Zack Scharlepp Nate Kaiser Nathan Adams Charlie Johnson Erik Andersen Kyle Gower-Winter Kyle Shaw Charn McAllister Dominic Milner Jonathan Nash Thomas Biance Matt Hohmeister John Finch Hal Fravel Daniel Gidaro Benjamin Rangel Arek Sarkissian Christopher Turner Worth Corn Andrew King Richard Oberlin Joseph Petty Phil Deortentiis Eric Johnson Male 35-39 Brian Molen Paul Guyas Camilo Ordonez David Graf Brad Taylor Adam Kent Bill Krizner Kevin Sullivan Don Autore Tim Bennett T HE F L EET F O O T 4 5 1 1 1 1 80 55 20 15 10 10 6 7 4 7 7 4 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 100 98 Male 40-44 Joel Piotrowski 80 Philip Sura 77 Carter Hay 72 Sean Hudson 37 Juan Ordonez 22 Larry Harris 10 Jon Mason 8 Douglas Bell 8 Jack McDermott 8 Mickey Moore 4 Michael Kennett 4 Robert Skrob 2 Jamie Carver Dan Manausa Chad Johnson 90 Adam Shamy 82 Wayne Thumm 77 Nico Wienders 62 Loy Ahn 59 Brian Neely 40 Chuck Pierson 32 David Bigoney 24 Christopher Danello 24 Jimmy Lee 22 Travis Miller 22 Jason Bowman 21 16 16 Male 45-49 Michael Martinez 10 Michael La Bossiere 10 Duane Evans 10 Bing Xu 8 Geb Kiros 8 Tony Guillen 6 Eric Dueno 4 David Knauf 4 Greg Waddell 4 Douglas Covert 4 Chuck Lang 2 Tad David 2 Mark Fuller Ben Andrews 160 Matthew Rowan 112 Richard Stephens Dan Cashin 60 Rob Dearduff 59 Jim Phillips 30 Sean Bower 24 Robert Patron 22 Richard Pulido 20 12 Jeff Bryan Brian Dupree 12 5 6 7 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 7 5 5 3 4 2 1 1 2 Aaron Guyer Michael Martin Tolar Griffin Abe Middleton Nathan Rhodes John Stubbs Eric Bush Nicholas Williams 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 12 12 10 10 8 6 4 2 9 8 5 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 147 109 52 50 35 28 24 20 20 20 18 16 14 14 12 12 12 12 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 6 8 7 6 4 3 7 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 120 87 72 62 60 50 44 34 32 24 20 12 12 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 Volume 39 Issue 6 Thomas Maxwell Male 50-54 Tim Unger Carl Nordhielm Jay Silvanima Daniel Cutchen Jeff Kuperberg Mike Peymann Barney Ray Rob McNeely Richard Ziegler Myron Herring Mike Manausa Matthew F Minno Stacey Shuman T. J. Devlieger Brad Hicks Jim Martin Bryan Desloge A J Smith Mike Stiles Karl Waller Kevin Pope Keith V Rowe Al Curry Dennis Dayton Anthony Roberts Danny Langston Andy Santana Richard Santurri Male 55-59 Bill McNulty Felton Wright David Cox David Yon Jay Herring Ithel Jones Morris Davis Michael Savage Steven Stolting Jeffrey Coleman John Showalter Robby Turner Keith L Berry Hal Davis Robert McDonald Rob Williams Gary Cato David Landis David Phillips Jim Moran John Dew G W Harrell James Harrison Marty Hufstetler Jimmy Ledford Male 60-64 Craig Willis Jerry McDaniel 1 2 7 4 7 8 4 3 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 109 80 76 69 53 50 42 20 20 18 18 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 7 8 6 6 3 4 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 135 122 64 64 40 32 22 20 16 15 15 14 12 12 12 10 8 8 8 6 4 4 4 4 4 8 6 122 120 Volume 39 Issue 6 David Anderson Shelton Ansley Buddy Levins Gary Griffin Joe Vega Terry Butler Terry O Presnell Karl Hempel Edward Russell Chuck Booker David Farnsworth Dale L. Smith Gene Stuckey Keith Andrews Tony Kronenburg Charles Edwards Tony Mahoney Jerry Chesnutt Mark Hohmeister Patricia Davis Brooke Dayton 6 4 4 3 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T HE F L EET F O O T 74 49 39 36 32 26 18 15 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 Male 65-69 Ron Christen Gene Opheim Bill McGuire John McCoy Carlos Zapata Marshall Kelley Michael Bates Rick Ashton David E. Smith Bruce Lynn Nick Mazza Richard Tanner George Desloge Tom Brushwood Male 70-74 David Darst Nick Nichols Susan Jacobs Erica Staehling 9 8 5 7 7 5 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 155 105 100 72 71 26 20 18 18 12 12 12 4 2 8 3 137 55 G W Harrell Gary Galvez Page 33 Jim Varley Guy Anglin Charles P Ervin Mark Hillis Mike Degennaro Le Roy McNees Richard Dugger Jim Zimmerman Ralph Billings Gerry Mortimer Male 75-79 Bob Keller Woody Dudley Male 80-84 Robert Morris James Skofronick 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 45 40 30 24 18 16 12 12 10 6 8 3 145 60 4 3 80 45 Shelley Kaus Kelsey Kilinski Jennifer Linares Lili Unger All the above photos are from the Wakulla Springs 5K except #43 (mile) Page 34 Brian Conklin Heather Duey Brad Hicks T HE F L EET F O O T Abigail Showman Chris Warfel Charlotte Cummings Jonathan Shiver Karena Miller John Burns Volume 39 Issue 6 Alicia Adams Jeff Starks Kirsten Dazevedo Kade Dazevedo Avery Miller Summer Robinson Above photos are from TailsNTrails - red no’s 10K, black 5K Volume 39 Issue 6 Murray Baker T HE F L EET F O O T David Plack Benjamin Stratton Ludmila De Faria Nela Diaz Roy Mack Crews Dylan Snowden Robert McDonald Page 35 Karla Brown Morris Davis Jodi Osborne Shane Varn Carol Winger Nawfal Ezzagaghi Kristine Parker All above photos are from the Red Shoes 5K & 10K Page 36 T HE F L EET F O O T Clint Watkins 10/17/1942 - 4/23/2014 The Male runner of the year is the heart, Of the Aenon Church road running crowd. He is a special person and longtime friend, Of you - Clint Watkins - we are proud. 2001 by Fran McLean Volume 39 Issue 6
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