The Cockrell Butterfly Center #iufrde tex Butterfly Gardening in F
The Cockrell Butterfly Center #iufrde tex Butterfly Gardening in F
tex Center#iufrde TheCockrellButterfly ButterflyGardeningin F{nunmtmn to yaur homegardenby providingthernwittra "fewsirnpleneeds. /f tt is easyto attractbufterflies you have a sunnyshelteredspofin youryatd, tryplantingafew of ffiesefavoritenectarsources big rnassesof for adult butterflies.Mostarereadilyavailableat localnurseries.Remernberthat color aremoreattractiveto butteffliesthan scatteredsrnallclumps.$on'f fcrgefto pravidea littfe pool of waterfor the butterflies; a birdbathworkstao! NECTARPLANTSFORBUTTERFI-IffiS COMMONNAME BOTANICALNAME FLOWER CCLOR lavender, white Pink,purrple, fu0ercsff" Coneflower,Purple coneflower us occidentalfs" Echinaceapurpureat jers+dqi-"ryfl't* ----"" * "-".t 1 DarkBir'rk Cosmos bipinnatus" Red-orange{goodfor Purple,pink . , . . . - F ] Lantana honida, L- montevi- Yellow,orange,white, pink, lavender.and combinations houstonianutrio Red,pink,lavender,white Eqyptianstar flower Purple,prnK__reg[1g[(g Pinkdr;owhite Verbenaspp. (severalspecies *isa nativeorgenusincludes nativespecies Red,pink,lavender,blue Purpfe,lavender,blue,red, pink, white red. pink.white camara alsoworks,butis considered aninvasive. f Lantana Femalebufterfliesareat leasfas interesteti in finiinga placeto tay theireggsas they are in findingfoodto eat. So,if you can sharesomeof yourgardenplantswithhungrycaterpillars, you will haveevenmore butterfliesin your yard! Mostcaterpillars eaf onlyI verylimitedrangeof plants,so plantingthe right "hostplants" you drsnat haveto worry or food plantsis important--and ea/ wesc/sandnativ* thattheywitl spreadto ather plants.Also,becausesornecaterpillars grasses,leavinga patchof wild,unmowedvegetationwillhelp attractbutterflies" FOODPLANTSFORCATERPILLAR$ BUTTERFLY SPECIES Blackswallowtail Giantswallowtail swallowtail Spicebush swallowtail Pipevine Cloudless sulphur Littlesulphur Sfeepysulphur Cabbagebutterfly(sometimes a pest!) considered Monarch Queen Gufffritillarv Zebralonqwinq(rarein our area) Viceroy purple Red-spotted Redadmiral Buckeye Paintedlady Pearlcrescent Texascrescent Hackberrybutterfly Tawnyemperor Snoutbutterflv Questionmark Goatweedbutterflv Giantpurplehairstreak Grayhairstreak FOODPLANTFORITSCATERFILI.AR $TAGE Dill,parsley,anise,fennel,carrot$,rue Citrus,rue,monevor hoptree,pricklyash sweetbay,recibay, tree,spicebush, Qarnphor sassafras,tufiptree Dutchman's Senna.partrid Pa rtridqe spnout*, bru;ssel Cabbage,broccoli,cauliflowen, kohlrabi Milkweeds Millcweeds vines Passionflowen vines Passionflower poplar,willow Cottonwood, Willow,cottonwood,_bleck _qhgry Nettles,falsenettle Plantain,snapdragon thistles Hollyhock, Aster Shrimpplant,dicliptera,ruellia Hackberv Hackberry Hackberry Hackbeny,elm Goqtweed_(Croto1tspp,) Mistfetoe Variouslegumes Thereare a numberof excellentbookson native butterfliesandon butterflygardening.The followingare a few of our favorifes; Co.,Dallas,TX. 342pp. Ajilvski,G. 1990. Butterflygardening for the $outh. TaylorPublishing .(about$35:00) Mitchell, R.T.,andH.S.Zim. 1987.Butterflies andmoths:agoldenguide.GoldenPress,New York,NY. 160pp. (about$7.00) Stokes,D., Stokes,L., and E. Williams.1991.The butterflybook: an easyguideto butterfly gardening, identification, andbehavior.Little,BrownandCo.,Ne$rYork,NY. 96 pp. (about $12.00) of Texas"LJniversity of Houstonandsoutheast Tveten,J., andG. Tveten. 1996. Butterflies AustinPress,Austin,TX. 292pp,. (about$40.00)
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Faxon, W., Auk, 13: 204-215, 1896; Goode, G. B., Ann. Rpt. Smithsn.Inst. 1897, 2 (2): 429, 1901; Jardine,W., Naturalist'sLibrary,32: 69-71, 1858; Scudder, S. H., Can. Ent., 20: 150-154, 1888; Kirby...
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