FY2009 - Charles River Watershed Association


FY2009 - Charles River Watershed Association
Charles River Watershed Association
Lucas Wickham
Annual Report 2009
From the President &
Executive Director
Along with most nonprofits, CRWA faced its share of financial challenges this year, forcing us to cut
expenses and personnel. However, we have retained our core capabilities in science, engineering, computer modeling, policy and the law because CRWA’s staff continues to be our greatest resource.
Our work to protect and restore the Charles River and water resources across the state continued
apace. We are distinguished by our work on water policy and law; Margaret Van Deusen has led our
effort to protect and restore rivers, from the introduction of legislation to protect streamflow to the
seminal battle over the interpretation of “safe yield” by the Commonwealth (see p. 5).
With the completion of a multi-year phosphorus loading analysis along 70 miles of the Charles River,
our science staff has given the state and the Environmental Protection Agency the tools necessary to
address one of the most important sources of pollution to the Charles (p. 5). The development of this
scientific foundation for action is a giant leap forward. In coming years, using these tools to enact legislation that will significantly reduce pollution in an economically viable way will command our attention.
On the Blue Cities front, our design work has resulted in four projects either underway or about to be
constructed (p. 6). These on-the-ground demonstration projects will encourage other cities to move
toward capturing and reconnecting stormwater to the land in more natural ways.
Our October Champions of the Charles Gala honoring Douglas Foy was a wonderful celebration of one
of New England’s leading environmentalists (p. 11). It also provided a great boost in unrestricted funding just as we needed it most. We are very grateful to all the volunteers, contributors, attendees,
and, of course, to Doug, who helped make the evening such a success.
It has been a good year for the Charles and the water environment in Massachusetts, and that is in
large measure due to the dedication and hard work of the CRWA staff and countless passionate CRWA
volunteers. Your interest and support continues to allow us to make a critical difference, and we all
appreciate your commitment to CRWA and to our restored environment.
Thank you,
Bob Sproull, President
Board of Directors
Igor Belakovskiy
Robert L. Zimmerman, Jr.
Executive Director
2 CRWA Annual Report 2009
Making the River Better
Invasive Weed Removal
500 volunteers (twice as many as last year)
joined forces with CRWA and Charles River
Canoe and Kayak to go out in canoes and
pull invasive water chestnuts from the river in
Newton and Waltham. Volunteers removed
about 6,500 baskets of invasive chestnuts,
helping to restore the natural eco-system in
five acres of river.
10th Annual Earth Day
Charles River Cleanup
Lucas Wickham
The Cleanup continues to grow each year, and
our 10th anniversary in 2009 was the largest yet! This collaborative effort saw more
than 3,000 volunteers from over 150 community, school, and business groups pick up
litter along the banks of the river, streams and
ponds in 16 watershed towns.
Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
More than 70 dedicated volunteers continue to take water samples at 37 sites along the river, giving CRWA
and government agencies a monthly “snapshot” of water quality conditions. Our volunteers have been
monitoring the river since 1995, resulting in the longest running, most comprehensive water quality data set
for the Charles.
River Recreation
CRWA works to protect parklands and public access to the river through a variety of advocacy and
collaborative work. Each April, assisted by more than 100 volunteers, we host 1,500 paddlers at the Run of the
Charles canoe and kayak race, which showcases our work to protect and preserve the Charles River.
Table of Contents
Letter from the President & Exec. Director Volunteer Projects
Science & Advocacy Projects
2009 Accomplishments
Blue Cities Initiative
CRWA People
Financial Summary
Donor Support
Champions of the Charles Gala
Charles River Map & Facts
Working Towards Swimming in the Charles
Cyanobacteria (a.k.a. Blue-Green Algae) Monitoring
For the fourth straight summer, CRWA played an integral role in monitoring the Lower Charles River Basin
(from Watertown Dam to Boston Harbor) for cyanobacteria blooms. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic
bacteria that can produce toxins which pose a health risk to humans and animals. CRWA monitors
cyanobacteria levels regularly in the summertime, when blooms are common, and assists public officials with
notifying the public of potential risks when blooms occur.
Charles River Water Quality Notification Flagging Program
CRWA’s water quality flags let boaters know when the river is safe for use and when the water may pose a
health risk. We provide recreational river users with real-time information on a daily basis throughout the
summer: red, yellow or blue flags are flown at nine boating centers in the Lower Basin and communicated
via e-mail, a telephone hotline, CRWA’s website, and now Twitter™.
Upper Charles River Tributary Flow Monitoring
Andy Redfern
CRWA maintains eight streamflow gages on major tributaries in the upper watershed. Through this program
we collect vital data which informs our work to protect streamflows, fish habitat, and water supplies. Streamflow monitoring also helps us understand the
effects on the river of increased urbanization
in the upper watershed communities.
Advocacy &
Public Education
CRWA shared information about the Charles
and our work at more than 30 events this
year, including workshops, school demonstrations, and presentations
at national conferences.
Advocacy & Policy Efforts
CRWA develops and supports sound watershed management policies and regulations,
testifies for strong environmental laws and adequate funding, works with watershed partners and coalitions,
serves on state advisory committees and task forces, and reviews development projects throughout the
watershed. CRWA advocates for actions that will ensure the sustainability of Massachusetts’ water resources,
including the development of streamflow standards for protection of aquatic life.
4 CRWA Annual Report 2009
2009 Accomplishments
CRWA Advocacy Reinstates River Protections
This fall, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) announced its new method
for determining safe yield, or how much water can safely be withdrawn from a watershed. The method was
developed in response to CRWA’s successful 2007 court case against MassDEP for issuing water withdrawal
permits that allowed too much water to be pumped from the Ipswich River watershed, which routinely dries
up in the summer. Although the court ordered MassDEP to develop a scientifically-sound method for determining safe yield, its new method removed
all environmental
making all the water
in Massachusetts
rivers legally available for water withdrawals! CRWA and three other environmental
groups resigned from MassDEP’s water
advisory group in protest of the new safe
yield determinations, and hundreds of citizens contacted the administration to express
their concern.
In a victory for rivers across the state,
MassDEP responded to our concerns and
clarified that safe yield encompasses “environmental protection factors including the
ecological health of rivers.” The agency is
now working on a new methodology for the
27 river basins in the state with help from a
technical committee that includes CRWA. The state also launched a Sustainable Water Management Initiative
to develop streamflow standards that are protective of aquatic life. CRWA’s science and expertise, developed
over the past 16 years, will play a central role in making certain that MassDEP protects our rivers and streams
for generations to come.
Pollution Study Final Report Completed
CRWA recently completed a nutrient study that will lead to comprehensive new stormwater and wastewater permits for the Charles River. The draft Final Report for the Upper/Middle Charles Total Maximum
Daily Load (TMDL) for Nutrients took five years of contract work with MassDEP and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to complete. CRWA used water quality monitoring and modeling to study the river
from Echo Lake in Hopkinton to the Watertown Dam.
The TMDL establishes the maximum amount of phosphorus pollution that the river can accept and still
meet water quality standards. Excessive phosphorus from human sources - like fertilizer, human/animal
waste, and car exhaust - currently contributes to high levels of algae and aquatic weeds in the Charles. The
final implementation plan defines the regulatory process and timeline to achieve the TMDL loads, with the
ultimate goal of restoring the water quality in the Charles River.
Maury Eldridge
Victory for rivers
across the state!
There... Soon Everywhere
CRWA’s Blue Cities Initiative, where we design and build projects that clean water, has several
projects moving from the planning stage into construction, and cities “scaling up” from site-specific
pilot projects to more holistic approaches across the
metro Boston area.
Building Blue: Subwatershed
Restoration in Franklin
With funding from the Cox Family Foundation, CRWA is
working with the Town of Franklin to develop a plan to retrofit an entire subwatershed to significantly clean up stormwater in compliance with new federal requirements. The
plan calls for simple fixes such as modifying existing stormwater detention basins, and more innovative designs such
as on-street biofiltration and rain gardens in public parks.
Franklin has already selected several of these design plans
for implementation; at left is a existing school site (top) and
design visualization (bottom) of proposed rain gardens.
Boston’s Complete Streets Guidelines
As a result of the successful “Green Street Pilot Project”
at Peabody Square that CRWA undertook with the City of
Boston (construction is due to begin this summer), Mayor
Menino is including green street designs in the City’s new
Complete Streets Guidelines. CRWA’s Kate Bowditch is
sitting on the Advisory Committee, and we are playing a
prominent role in establishing the “green” elements of the Guidelines. The Guidelines have three main goals:
to make Boston’s streets more sustainable, more accessible to all modes of transportation, and integrate
new “smart technologies.”
Waltham Watch Factory
©2009 Richard Mandelkorn Photography
Phase one of the Waltham Watch Factory’s
redevelopment was completed in October,
and includes several beautiful and functional
stormwater management designs. Central
courtyards (left) highlight the source and
direction of stormwater flows, with roof runoff
flowing into landscaped gardens surrounded
by patio seating and pathways. Runoff from
two parking lots flows over tree lawns and is
then collected in simple infiltration trenches.
CRWA continues to work closely with the
design team as this exciting project moves
forward; phase two will include construction of
a porous asphalt parking lot.
6 CRWA Annual Report 2009
CRWA People
Board of Directors
President: Bob Sproull
Ralph Abele
Treasurer: Eric Ekman
Clerk: Ed Englander
Board of Advisors
Laurie Doyle
Beedee Ladd
Alan Aisenberg, M.D.
Deborah E. Babson
Gordon Burnes
Caroline Dixwell Cabot
Lee Breckenridge
John Clark
Scott Darling
John DeVillars
Laurie Doyle
Bernie Dreiblatt
Diane Hall
Jim Healy
Jonathan Katz
Sharon Malt
Stephanie Pollack
Tom Sieniewicz
Bill Tedoldi
Eugene Clapp
Debra Edelstein
Marcia Marker Feld
Richard S. Forte
Kim Herman Goslant
Abby Hansen
Catherine Henn
Susan Jarvi
Mrs. Edward C. Johnson, III
Carolyn King
George Lewis
Richmond Mayo-Smith
Kelly McClintock
Greta Meszoely
Beatrice Nessen
Judy Neville
Jeryl Oristaglio
Louisa Paige-Miller
Margot C. Pyle
Joan Reynolds
Sarah Slaughter
David Smith
John Thomas
Edward E. Watts III
Retiring in 2009:
Virginia Lawrence
CRWA Staff
Robert Zimmerman, Jr., Executive Director
Margaret Van Deusen,
Deputy Director/General Counsel
Kate Bowditch, Director of Projects
Nigel Pickering, Sr. Engineer/Watershed Modeler
Pallavi Kalia Mande,
Urban Restoration Specialist
Julie Dyer Wood, Watershed Scientist
Elizabeth Gilmore,
Director of Donor Development
Leigh Heffernan, Membership/Events Manager
Rebecca Scibek Wickham,
Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator
Suzanne Carleo, Controller
Danielle Mucciarone, Rita Barrow Fellow
Blue Cities Initiative
Chelsea Creek Blue Cities Team
Over the past year, CRWA’s Blue Cities design work has helped improve conditions in the Chelsea Creek, a
tributary to the lower Mystic River. We have been working with our sister watershed association in the Mystic
River (MyRWA) and the Chelsea Creek Action Group (CCAG) to conduct outreach, assessment, planning
and design work. Our work with CCAG, especially their dynamic Youth Corps, has been particularly
exciting, and demonstrates the potential power of linking community goals with river restoration. We are
currently seeking funds for construction of three of our Chelsea Creek projects.
Financial Summary
Income and Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009
October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009
Restricted Program Grants
Unrestricted Donations
In-Kind Donations
Total Income, FY08
% Change
Payroll & Fringe
Contract Services
Operating Expenses
Equipment & Supplies
Printing & Postage
Conferences & Meetings
Total Expenditures, FY08 $1,466,141
% Change
Funding Sources
Reported on a cash basis
In-Kind &
Other 13%
Funding Uses
Reported on a cash basis
June Rhodes
General &
Administrative 13%
Fundraising &
CRWA Annual Report 2009
Donor Support
Our work on behalf of the Charles River and its watershed region is made possible each and every day
because a wide-ranging circle of friends share their loyalty and generosity. It is a privilege to acknowledge
the crucial difference our supporters make. Despite improvements in water quality, stream bank protection,
and habitat restoration, the Charles is continually challenged by pollution, increasing population, and sprawling development. By understanding the importance of protecting the river and by helping to sustain our
programs, our donors provide a foundation that is absolutely vital to our work. Thank you so much for your
central role in our success and for your investment in us.
Contributions from Individuals & Foundations
Blue Heron Society
($50,000 and up)
Jessie B. Cox Charitable
Lead Trust
Richard Saltonstall
Charitable Foundation
Night Heron Society
($25,000 - $49,999)
Eaglesmere Foundation
The Harold Whitworth
Pierce Charitable Trust
The Dorothy F. Thorne
American Shad
($10,000 - $24,999)
Anonymous (2)
Bilezikian Family
Foundation, Inc.
Butler Conservation Fund
Orchard Foundation
Alewife Society
($5,000 - $9,999)
Anonymous (2)
Butler’s Hole Fund
Honorable & Mrs. Levin H.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladd
New Balance Foundation
New England Biolabs
Wapack Foundation
Robert F. & Lee Sproull
Henry & Joan Wheeler
Millennium Society
($3,000 - $4,999)
Dinah Vischer Buechner
Sharon & Brad Malt
Morgan Palmer
Charitable Fund
Margot C. Pyle
Roberta & Bill Schnoor
The Silver Tie Fund
Headwater Society
($1,000 - $2,999)
Ralph W. & Ellen Abele
Mrs. Charles F. Adams
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bass
Mark & Maribeth Brostowski
Stephen Burrington &
Abigail Swaine
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Margaret J. Clowes
Paul A. Cohen
Jeff & Brooke Cook
Grover J. Cronin Memorial
Anne & Jim Davis
Mr. Wayne C. Davis &
Ms. C. Ann Merrifield
Sarah C. Doering
Laurie & Christopher Doyle
Jennifer Forbes
Gunst Charitable Foundation
Belle L. Halpern &
Mitch Rosenberg
The Hicks Family
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Sturtevant Hobbs
Elizabeth L. Johnson Fund
Johnson Ohana Charitable
Jonathan Katz &
Norah Wylie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keating
Keewaydin Foundation
Virginia M. Lawrence
Nancy & Richmond
Ruth M. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Preston R. Miller
David and Katherine Moore
Family Foundation Fund
Jane & Robert Morse
Michael B. Moskow
The Nessen Family
Geri & Douglas Payne
The Plymouth Rock
Rands Family Fund
Martin Fund
The Paul & Martha
Samuelson Charitable Fund
Thornhill Family
Charitable Trust
Richard & Christina
Wood Fund
River Stewards
($500 - $999)
Anonymous (2)
George P. Baker &
Lauren Jennings
Baker-Root Family
David H. Bass &
Susan A. Hall
Dr. Janet Berkeley &
Mr. Robert Duboff
Ro & John Bloom
Lee P. Breckenridge &
Robert A. Margo
Mr. & Mrs. Damon Carter, Jr.
Michael A. Collora &
Clare O’Connell
Sheila Gamble Cook
Mr. Frank R. Dunau
Eric Ekman
Lucy & Nabil El-hage
Linda & Edward Englander
Drs. Kate & Henry Faulkner
Diane & Steve Hall
Ralph Helmick
John & Catherine Henn
Shirley B. Howard
Tilia Klebenov Jacobs
Michael & Janet Jesanis
Cathy & Ken Kaplan
Kenwood Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Lee
James & Sarah Ann Mahoney
Cynthia Maltbie
Tim Moore
Shelly & Ofer Nemirovsky
Jennifer M. Paci
Elizabeth & Robert Pozen
Margaret E. Richardson
Roberts-Belove Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. William Sherden
Tom Sieniewicz
Daniel T. &
Rosamond P. Smythe
Soul Clapp
Mr. & Mrs. R. Newcomb
Lucy B. Stroock
Carl Taplin
William J. Tedoldi &
Betsy McCurran
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Andrew Trochia
Roger N. & Judith E. Urell
Peter Munkenbeck &
Renata von Tscharner
Suzanne Weinstein
River Advocates
($250 - $499)
Drs. John & Barbara Balser
Maalika Banerjee
Henry & Sue Bass
Mr. & Mrs. John Beard
Dr. James C. Beck
Jon Bernstein &
Martina Albright
Ms. Jane Bernstein
Ann & Robert Buxbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Claflin
Dr. Robert Cook &
Ms. Jean Reeds
Lawrence & Nancy Myers
Doug Cornelius
George H. Darrell, Jr. &
Deborah A. Clark
Dan DeBonis
Bernard Dreiblatt
Ruth & Gene Fax
Maureen & Chris Febiger
Kristin K. Finn
Jane T.N. Fogg
Richard S. & Mariele Forte
Tom & Jill French
Ian & Josie Gardiner
Dr. Richard C. Gilman
John & Elizabeth Gilmore
The Giving Tree Project
Margaret & Peter
Goldman Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harrison
Sean & Kerry Healey
Lynn & Bruce Holbein
Mr. & Mrs. Willard P. Hunnewell
River Advocates,
($250 - $499)
Eric & Barbara Kriss
Trudy Lanman
Charles R. Lax
Douglas A. Hersh &
Sarah A. Little
Case & Abigail Lynch
Sally Lynch
Kelly McClintock &
Bonnie Mineo Fund
Nagode & Howard M.
Newburg Trust
Dr. Nan Niland
Nogonewly Fund
Lauren Norton &
David Chapin
David and Shirley
Parish Fund
Perkins Charitable
Stephanie Pollack
William & Helen Pounds
Ms. Kyle Pribish
Joan Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A.
Mr. & Mrs. Bancroft R.
Keith J. Winstein
Wirth Charitable Gift
Gerard H. Wolf Gift Fund
Charlotte S. Yeh
Sam Kendall &
Cathie Zusy
River Friends
($100 - $249)
Mary T. &
S. James Adelstein
Mark S. & Carolyn Ain
Janet Albrecht
Suzanne Allen &
Arlene Duelfer
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Allis
Nancy Ames
Mary Ames
Anonymous (7)
Mr. Thomas J. Athanasas
Award Fund
Charles & Constance
Edward & Kathleen Cahill
Levin H. Campbell, Jr.
David & Jennifer
Greer Candler
Edward Cardoza
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Stanley Charren
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
Mr. & Mrs. William
Cleary, Jr.
John F. Cogan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Cole
Mr. & Mrs. David S.
Stephen R. Connors
Sylvia & John Constable
Paul Coss
Mel Cote
William G. Coughlin
Ann Pilch & Mike Craren
Mr. John Cross
Fred & Joanne
Mr. & Mrs. Colin M.
Thank you for your support!
Maury Eldridge
We would like to sincerely thank all of our generous donors for their
contributions. Due to space constraints, only those donating $100 or
more are listed here.
Rheault, Jr.
Manuel Rogers
Miriam K. Schwartz
Jon J. Skillman and
Luanne Selk Fund
Nancy E. Spence Fund
Judge and Mrs. George R.
Mrs. Walter St. Goar
Margery P. Stoddart
Lise And Myles Striar
Charitable Fund
Judith B. Swaim
Richard & Patton Tabors
John & Kathleen Thomas
Brad & Ann Wallace
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H.
George Bachrach
David & Sandra Baird
Margaret P. Bartley
Bill & Marilyn Baskin
Ms. Mary Bell &
Bill Joplin
Barry M. Berger
J. Andrew Billings
Ms. Linda C. Black
Thomas B. Bracken
Roger R. Bradford &
Martha Stanton
Betsy & Frank Bunn
Bruce Bunnell
Charles Button
Frederick C. Cabot
Cunningham, Jr.
Andre & Marilyn
Danesh Fund
Mrs. Robert Danforth
David S. Davenport
Elizabeth Davidson &
Tom Orent
Susan Davies &
Richard Talkov
Dennie Davis
John B. Deady
Carol & Disque Deane
Gregory & Beth Debor
Virginia H. Deknatel
John W. Delaney
James M. DelVecchio
Richard & Kathy
David F. Dobrzynski
Frances B. Early
Jane T. Elias
Mary Eliot
Janet & Mark Fagan
Andrew J. Falender
Alexandra K. Fisher
Robert Flanagan
Margaret & Samuel Fogel
Trudi & Bob Fondren
William J. Ford, Jr.
David Forsyth
Charles H W Foster
C. A. Jones &
P. L. Galison
Susan & Stephen Gartrell
Robert German &
Kate Severinsen
James F. & Melissa D.
Pamela & John Gerstmayr
Tom & Peggy Gilbert
Mr. Peter Givertzman
Rose Marie Glen
Peter E. Gluckler, Jr.
Dr. David E. Golan &
Laura Green
Diana, Richard, Maya &
Lily Gomberg
Jane & Bernard Gottschalk
Robert P. Gray
Stephen & Helen Griffin
Joanne & Marvin
Kay Guild
Susan Gulesian
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L.
Anne Hammett
John S. & Nancy C.
David and Cheryl Harris
Gabriele & Warner
Bennet Heart
Peter M. Hecht &
Kristina Jones
George & Laura Heller
Fred Hennie
Cornelia M. Herzfeld
Fred Hewett
Sue Hickey
Philip L. & Barbara
Walter G. Hiltz
George P. Hinchey &
Paula Andrews
Martin & Corinne Hirsch
Robert B. Hollister &
Kimberly Shanks
Isabel B. Hooker
John Horst and
Barbara Wallace
Amy Houghton
Dr. & Mrs. Frank A.
John B. & Teresa M. Howe
Toby E. Huff
W. Jeffrey Hughes &
Nancy Stauffer
10 Cadis S. Hulton
Francis W. & Emily
Phyliss M. Hurley
Dr. & Mrs. Adolph
Hutter, Jr.
Virginia Inglis
The Ives Family
Charitable Trust
David W. Jackson &
Barbara A. Edmunds
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C.
Anna S. Jeffrey
Kamio Family
David Kaplan
Michael Kauffman
Keally Family Fund
T. Ross Kelly
Stephen D. Kennedy
Peter Keppler
Marsha Kessler & David
Golden & Family
Kay S. Khan
Carolyn King
William L. King
Elena Kingsland
Harry & Chris Kirsch
Christopher & Susan
Judy & John Knutson
Charitable Fund
Zoe Kolligian
Sarah Kurko
John & Ann-Mara Lanza
Gerald Leader &
Lucille Aptekar
Douglas B. Lee, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Lehrer
Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Mr. & Mrs. George Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C.
Lingel, II
John Lisker
Mrs. Charles P. Lyman
John J. Madden
Pallavi Mande
Edward H. Mank
Richard Manness &
Lillian O’Neill
David Manuel
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W.
Marple, Jr.
Leo Martin
Mattison Family
Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
John & Kathleen
Gerald M. McCue
Walter H. McDonald
Richard G. McLaughry
Lynn M. McWhood
Drs. Hamid Benbrahim &
Greta Meszoely
George & Jane Metzger
Barbara Meyer &
Michael Perloff
CRWA Annual Report 2009
Middlecott Foundation
Helaine Miller
Robert C. Mitchell
Mrs. John R. Moot
Janice L. Morison
Van Morrill
Mr. & Mrs. David Morse
Christopher Morss
Anne K. Murray
Frederick O. J. Muzi
Dianne Nast
Mr. & Mrs. David T.
Anne & Robert Nesbit
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.
Carolyn O’Brien
Arleen O’Donnell
Ray (Brown) Orfan
Ellen & Steve Parker
Mike Parkinson
Roger A. Patkin
Anne M. Pearson
Mark Peters
Jeffrey D. Peterson
Susan Peterson &
John Teal
Drs. James H. &
Beverly K. Philip
Polly and Dan Pierce
Patricia Pierce &
Bradford Reich
Walter F. & Marie L.
Tom Powers & Pat King
Mr. & Mrs. Newton Press
Douglas & Julie Quinn
Edward & Katherine
Family Fund
Kenneth W. Rendell
Kenneth Rendell &
Shirley McNerney
Dr. & Mrs. William A.
Norm Richardson &
Daphne Collins
Lynne & Mark
Elizabeth Gawthrop Riely
Lee T. Robbins
Cornelia C. Roberts
Dwight & Margaret B.
Anastasia Roda
Maria P. Rose
Glen & Ann Dannenberg
Susan L. Rowley
Jacqueline Royce, Ph.D.
Stuart P. Rubinow &
Lucy Sewall
Marsha C. Salett
Richard J. Sampson, M.D.
and Valda Zalkalns
Priya Sankalia &
Vinayak Hosagrahara
Ellen Sarkisian and
John Maher
Benjamin Schore &
Kira Fournier
Bruce & Grenelle Scott
Rhoda & Louis Scovell
Charitable Foundation
Kathleen & Richard
Stephen & Peg Senturia
Mrs. Freema Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Donna Coletti &
Peter Smith
David & Donna Smith
Edwin E. & Katharine T.
Smith Charitable Fund
Mrs. Josiah Spaulding
Judith and Lee Spelke
Charitable Fund
Mike & Caroline
Mr. Paul S. Greenfield &
Ms. Sandra C. Steele
William & Joanne
Dr. Judith Stoessel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Stone
Elizabeth D. Sweet
Deborah & Jack Swenson
Jane & Chester Swett
Gerald Swislow
John & Nathalie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
State Rep. Tim Toomey
Toula & John W.
Patrick & Mary Ann
Arthur & Inge Uhlir
Detlev F. & Dorothy Vagts
Thomas B. Vawter
Susan Vik
Andrew Von Hendy
Contributions from Corporations, Organizations & Government
Corporate Gifts
($5,000 and up)
Boston Duck Tours
Mirant Corporation
Pfizer Global Research &
U.S. Trust, Bank of
America Private Wealth
Whole Foods Market
Corporate Gifts
($1,000 - $4,999)
Bernardi’s Auto Group
Clean Harbors
Environmental Services
New England Biolabs
Tetra Tech, EC
Vanasse Hangen
Brustlin, Inc.
Waltham Watch Factory
Weston Solutions, Inc.
Corporate Gifts
($500 - $999)
Abt Associates
Blue Wave Strategies, LLC
Cambridge Trust
Draper Laboratory
Gerritystone, Inc.
Equity Residential
Thornton, Inc.
Nova Biomedical
Matching Gifts
Adobe Systems Inc.
Bank of America
Matching Gifts
CA, Inc.
Deutsche Bank Americas
The Ford Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Rebecca Weiss
Donna and Justin White
Charitable Fund
Jeffery R. Williams
Glen R. Williamson
Doris Wilson
Arnee R. & Walter A.
Deborah Wolfman
Mary F. Wolfson
Paul Wood
Sara L. Wragge
W. Heinrich Wurm
Ann & G. Mead Wyman
Richard E. Zahn
Joseph & Meredith Zona
Maury Eldridge
River Friends,
($100 - $249)
John Hancock Financial
Services, Inc.
Give with Liberty
Microsoft Matching
Gifts Program
National Grid Matching
Gift Program
Oppenheimer Funds
Legacy Program
Polaroid Fund
Putnam Investments
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Babson College
Beacon Hill Garden Club
Boston University
Brandeis University
Cambridge Boat Club
Cambridge Plant &
Garden Club
Center for Watershed
Protection Inc.
Charles River Yacht Club
Charles River
Community Garden
Charles River Valley
Garden Club
Community Boating, Inc.
Community Rowing, Inc.
Water District
Earth Share
Harvard University
Kalmia Garden Club
Massachusetts Institute of
Needham Garden Club
Newton Yacht Club, Inc.
Newtonville Garden Club
Noanett Garden Club
Noble & Greenough
Norfolk Trout Club, Inc.
Riverside Boat Club
The Women of St. Mary’s
Trust for Public Lands
Union Boat Club
Watertown Yacht Club
Wellesley Garden
Study Group
West Roxbury Historical
Boston Water and Sewer
City of Boston
Mass. Department of
Conservation and
Mass. Environmental
Mass. Department of
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1
Weston Conservation
Champions of the Charles Gala
Michael B. Moskow
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nessen
The Plymouth Rock
Stephanie Pollack
Elizabeth & Robert Pozen
Mr. & Mrs. William
Tom Sieniewicz
Robert F. & Lee Sproull
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Trust for Public Lands
U.S. Trust, Bank of
America Private
Wealth Management
Vanasse Hangen
Brustlin, Inc.
Wendy Franco Almquist
Jay & Clare Baldwin
Ms. Linda C. Black
John & Priscilla Brooks
Stephen Burrington &
Abigail Swaine
Greer Candler
Michael A. Collora &
Clare O’Connell
Dan DeBonis
Bernard Dreiblatt
Kevin Dutt &
Darlington Hicks
Andrew J. Falender
Maureen & Chris Febiger
Kristin K. Finn
Douglas Foy
John & Elizabeth Gilmore
Rose Marie Glen
Ruth Goldman
Bob Golledge
Sonia W. Hamel
Charles B. Hamlin
Sean & Kerry Healey
Bennet Heart
John & Catherine Henn
Phyliss M. Hurley
David Kaplan
Eric & Barbara Kriss
Harry & Mellisa Mattison
Kelly McClintock
Gary & Karen Mueller
Honorariums & Memorial Gifts
In Memory of
Barbara Austin
Lavinia C. Almy
James C. Bailey
Hans Brenninkmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D.
Dale Pirie Cabot
Katherine A. Clements
Kay H. Collins
Jeffrey & Jennifer Collins
Mrs. Nathaniel Esten
Mrs. Sturtevant Hobbs
Hunt Yachts, Inc.
Bradford Jenkins, Jr &
Susan Jenkins
Mr. Richard Johnson
Scott Nathan &
Laura DeBonis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Neczypor
Lauren Norton &
David Chapin
Carolyn O’Brien
Arleen O’Donnell
Margaret Pantridge
Jeff Perry
Frank & Gail L. Reitter
Joan Reynolds
David J. & Christine B.
Daniel T. & Rosamond P.
Mrs. Josiah Spaulding
Super Tours
Jane & Peter Talbot
Patrice Todisco
Peter Munkenbeck &
Renata von Tscharner
In-Kind Donors
4 Preppy Paws
Ralph W. & Ellen Abele
Allandale Farms
CRWA’s festive gala,
held October 2, 2009
at the dazzling new
Community Rowing
boathouse, brought
together 200 CRWA
supporters to honor
Douglas I. Foy (left) for
years of service to the
environment. Harry
Parker (right),
renowned Harvard
crew coach, was a
featured speaker.
Nigel Pickering
Ralph W. & Ellen Abele
Dr. Janet Berkeley &
Mr. Robert Duboff
New England Biolabs
Lee P. Breckenridge &
Robert A. Margo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Burnes, Jr.
Gordon Burnes &
Suzie Tapson
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Jeff Cook
Eric Ekman
Linda & Edward Englander
Renee & Gary Farkes
Jennifer Forbes
Diane & Steve Hall
Michael & Janet Jesanis
Jonathan Katz &
Norah Wylie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keating
Virginia M. Lawrence
Sharon & Brad Malt
Mirant Corporation
Family Foundation
The Kenny Families
Rev. Canon Erik W.
Judith & Jeff Lovelace
Elizabeth O. McCarthy
Linn Mix
Dr. Tom and Patty Morse
Noanett Garden Club
Miriam W. O’Day
George & Virginia Parker
Polly and Dan Pierce
The Ris Family
David & Fiona Roman
William E. Roman
Mrs. Duncan I. Scott
Stanley & Karen Steinberg
David & Elisabeth Welles
Dan & Carmen Wheeler
In Memory of
Vincent Merrill
Edward & Jocelyn Carver
Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Swanson
Joan B. Swanson
In Memory of
Hank Lysaght
Pat Fresina
In Honor of Elsa
William Creeley
In Memory of
Sally Withington
In Memory of
Chester T.
The Boston Athenaeum
Baker-Root Family
Suzanne & John Besser
Brooks Brothers
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Cold River Vodka
Jeff Cook
Craigie on Main
Charles River Canoe
& Kayak
Boston Duck Tours
Eastern Standard Kitchen
& Drinks
Essex River Basin
John Feudo
Foote Brothers
Canoe Rentals
Richard Gonci
Henry Bears Park
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keating
Kelly’s Underground
Dog Grooming
Massachusetts Audubon
Andrew Magdanz &
Susan Shapiro Magdanz
Sharon & Brad Malt
Marika’s Antiques Shop
Deb Hanley &
Frank McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Neczypor
New England Aquarium
The North Face - Boston
Patagonia Boston
Tom Sieniewicz
Southwest Airlines Co.
Stonehedge Wine
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
The Trustees of
Bob & Kathy Zimmerman
In Honor of
Sharon Malt
Patrice Todisco
In Honor of
Doug Foy
Caryl Ackerman
Patricia M. Flynn &
Peter B. Doeringer
In Honor of
Laurie Doyle
In Honor of
Ted & Beedee
In Honor of
Peggy Sunshine
Holly and Bruce Johnstone Charitable Fund
12 Kathryn Scott Fuller
Joshua & Ronda Jacobson
CRWA Annual Report 2009
In-Kind Donations
Ralph W. & Ellen Abele
Aquafina Water Beverages
New England Aquarium
The Boston Athenaeum
Family Foundation
Beals and Thomas, Inc.
Suzanne & John Besser
Boston Duck Tours
Brooks Brothers
Cambridge Health
Charles River
Canoe & Kayak
Charles Riverboat
Charles River Apparel
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Coca Cola Bottling Com-
pany of New England
Community Rowing, Inc.
Jeff Cook
Craigie on Main
Mass. Department of
Conservation and
Dedham Medical
Associates, Inc.
Essex Restoration
Doubletree Guest Suites
Dunkin’ Donuts
The Durkin Company
Eastern Standard
Kitchen & Drinks
Economy Hardware
Essex River Basin
John Feudo
Finagle a Bagel
Foote Brothers
Canoe Rentals
Richard Gonci
Deb Hanley &
Frank McGuire
Henry Bears Park
Hyatt Regency Cambridge
IPA Operations, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Kelly’s Underground
Dog Grooming
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ladd
Andrew Magdanz &
Susan Shapiro Magdanz
Sharon & Brad Malt
Marika’s Antiques Shop
Massachusetts Audubon
CBS Radio Mix 98.5 FM
Museum of Science
The North Face - Boston
Patagonia Boston
Planters Big Nut Bar
4 Preppy Paws
Joan Reynolds
Roche Brothers
Ropes & Gray
A. Russo & Sons
Shaw’s Supermarket
Clif Bar & Co.
Tom Sieniewicz
Southwest Airlines Co.
Spaulding Rehabilitation
Stonehedge Wine
Stop & Shop
Supermarket Co.
Swartz True Value
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Environmental, Inc.
The Trustees of
WERS Radio
Whole Foods Market
Yupo Corporation
Bob & Kathy Zimmerman
CRWA’s dedicated volunteers are indispensible in our work to protect the Charles River and the entire watershed. Whether taking water samples, entering data, picking up litter, or pulling invasive weeds, your have
made a difference! Many thanks to each volunteer who gave of their time and energy in 2009.
Monthly Water
Liz Adler
Craig Austin
Claire Barker
Alison Bassett
Tim Baurley
Richelle Berard
Jason Beyer
Jeff Bilezikian
Frank Braman
Steve Campbell
Caroline Campbell
Damon Carter
Sean Clement
Cindy Cole
Fate Cole
Dan Coleron
Carolyn Colletti
Margo Connor
Naomi Coty
Jean Croll
Ian Phillips DeZalia
Rebekah Phillips Dezalia
Kathy Diamond
David Dobrzynski
Pamela Duncan
Marcia Dunham
Roy Epstein
Michael Epstein
Earl Fahey
Ruth G. Fax
Michele Forte-Cruz
Tara Fortier
Kent Fox
Tim Fulham
Christina Gasbarro
Carolyn Gillette
Paul Gillio
Diane Hall
Christopher Hamlin
Mohammed Abdul
Raymond Harpin
Allan Heff
Tara Henrichon
Fred Hewett
Bob Jutstrom
Emilie Kaden
Sean Kane
Christine Kelly
Liza Ketchum
Nikolai Klebanov
Judy Kobek
Srivat Krishnamachari
Bob Lane
Andrea Langhauser
Ginger Lawrence
Jonathan Leavy
Jonathan Levine
Joshua Lieberman
Steven Mach
John Mandigo
Chris Mattoon
Lisa Mawn
John Mayer
Patrick McHallam
Brian Merson
Barbara Meyer
Christopher Moore
Ira Morgenstern
Van Morrill
Erick Morris
Bill Nicholson
Brad Nissenbaum
Jim O’Connell
Shirley Parish
Karen Patterson Greene
Robyn Phillips
Pat Polimeno
Jenny Polshek
Susan Redlich
Frank Reitter
Gail Reitter
Dianne Rice
Daniell Robichaud
Joseph Rose
Dolores Rufo
Bob Schlauch
Norm Sieman
Lillian Simons
Jessica Soule
Michael Sperry
Sumeeta Srinivasan
Sandy Starr
Tom Stevens
Terry Stone
Christopher Strakus
Bill Tedoldi
John Thurston
Karen Tracey
Allie Weiss
Leah Wentworth
Paul Whelan
Woodside Montessori Middle
School students
Invasive Water
Leah Abercrombie
A.M. Abernathy
Gene Arapete
Rachel Asarnow
Zach Balder
Geneva Bayer
Alan Beggs
Amanda Beggs
Nina Bellio
Gabe Bibuld
Samara Bliss
Roberta Blyn
Julia Bogiages
Stephen A. Bogiaghes
Ashley Boyd
Rachel Brailove
Izzy Brand
Rence Brews
Omar Bzui
Lindsey X. Caliga
Kyle Callender
Sophie Cash
Dana Catlin Catlin
Malini Caudho
Richard Caughey
Justin Chenevert
Denna Cheng
Ron Chin
Karen Choi
Katie Christianson
Ruth Coilleran
David Connors
Armando Corfina
Deanna Cortina
Cathy Cotins
Matt Dahl
Amanda Darwin
Emile Delquie
Marie Demay
Earl W. Dennison, Jr.
Ron Di Matteo
Max Dietrich
Cia A. Ditommaso
David Dobryznski
F.N. Eddy
Anna Esty
Susan Fairchild
Tara Fairchild
Aaron Fairchild
Pam Farley
A Farellan Farllean
Ellen Faszoleski
Ben Fauber
Laura Fauber
Amy Feldman
Marissa Femute
Alanzo Fidalgo
Duncan Fisher
Richard Kotoask
Valenica Kottke
Dave Kramer
Rebecca Kramer
Owen Kreindel
Sarah Kurko
Margaret Lawler
Andrew Long
Eva Lukcas
Tim Lunder
Joshua Lynch
Mary Anne Maines
Timmy Maines
Kelly Malony
Phil Manker
Heather Maraum
Lisa Mars
Catherine Martlin
Nick Maz
Brian McCormick
Harry McKinley
Michael Mclellan
Sue Mele
Andrew Mele
Bailey Micheld
Ashlin Michelle
Stephanie Monahan
Calvin Rose
Aiden Rose
Mara Roth
Abigail Rowe
Lance Russell
Jessica Russell
Lacey Samuels
Wade Sapp
Candy Saunders
Mikaela Emily Scheff
Michelle Smith
Larry Snell
Peter & Gina Solomon
Will Solomon
Jesse Sowell
Dan Stokes
Janet Stragoles
Clement Su
Daniel Swartz
Mary T. Young
Jose Tavares
Lephan Tieu
Walter Tsul
Daniel Tsul
Charles Uchendu
Carrie Van Der Laam
Emily Vogel
Sarah Ryan
Sydney Fisher
William Fitzgerald
Marc Fogel
Susanna Frazer
Jared Freedman
Marle Froehlich
Sarah Fulkerson
Greta Fulkerson
Denise Fung
Ian Gallugly
David J. Gans
Eliana Gevelber
Chris Hagaman
Scott Harper
Scott Harper
Gloria Harrington
Cheryl Harris
Zach Harris
Nolan Harris
Matt Honan
Frank Howard
Deborah Howard
Julianna Huang
Arin Hunter-Schlorholtz
Sarah Irwin
Clara Ives
Dianne Jennina
Michal Yip
Aaron Yip
Claire Young
Elizabeth Young
Boey Yu
Kendrick Yu
Charles River
Stream Team
Susan Abbott
Fred Cabot
Damon Carter
Nina Danforth
Milton Landsdowne
Anne Lysaght
Ryan Prentiss
Bill Tedoldi
CRWA Interns
Sawsan Batarseh
John Brendan Brooks
Cindy Chu
Katie Fischer
Akiva Fishman
Jordan Hanley
Kaitlin Hartman
Prabha Joshi
Clay Larsen
Diane Lipovsky
Miriam Mathew
Jack Melcher
Andrew Redfearn
Alexandra Sherb
Danielle Stehlik
Genine Winslow
Office Work
Tazin Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Imani Jones
Samuel Jones
Michael Kam
Nina Kaplan
Leo Keightley
Betsy Kessler
Emily Kessler
Yangwook & Hansol Kim
Tino Kimbly
Sarah Kinicki
Naz Knight
Kim Koger
Ben Koger
John Koger
Matthew Kolnick
Jack Moriarty
Jordan Musser
Melissa Nondorf
Royal Nunes
Ciara O’Connor
Josh Olf
Sung-Jae Park
Agnes Park
Kristin Power
Jack Rabinovitchu
Becky Reed
Colin Reed
Deborah Reisman
Catherine Rhyl
Michael RiCharde
Svetlana Romanova
Lisa Romco
Corina Wallack
Catherine Ward
Catie Ward
Irene Weimer
Michael Weimer
Michael Weinstock
Karen Weinstock
Ryan Welch
Lucas Wickham
Ashley Wilkinson
Elizabeth Williams
Francis A. Williams
Scott Wisdom
Julie Wood
Patrick Wu
Thomas Wu
John Yen
Susan Abbott
Robyn Angley
Judy Bennett
David Dobrzynski
Maureen Febiger
Julie Gorman
Gloria Harrington
Ann Lysaght
Richard Manness
Mike McDevitt
Carolyn Miesowicz
David Ozug
Susan Redlich
Deb Reisman
Carl Tappan
Run of the
Canoe & Kayak
Hawksley Alan
Louise Aulier
Babson College students
Ruthie Baer
Ernest Bell
Nate Berkowitz
Dennis Bernhardt
Michelle Billadeau
Ron Bloch
Fred Boyle
Peter Breeze
Doreen Breland
April Bucell
Bob Carr
Albert Carvajal
Janis Clifford
Brian Collins
Rowena Conkling
Siobhan Connolly
John Cronin
Jeffrey Daly
Sonali Dash
Rich Day
Alan Exon
Sandra Farrer
David Farrer
Emily Farrer
Andrew Farrer
Maureen Febiger
Chris Febiger
Amy Gallagher
Matthew Ganster
Katy Gibson
Kristen Giessler
Fran and Hank Grossman
Lauren Harwood
Sara Herman
Stacy Hubbard
Joel Jares
Kate Jurow
Bob Jutsrom
Cathy, Fred & Emily
Rhoda Kubrick
Andy Kurmakov
Bussone Laoti
Emma Lathan
Scott Licata
Andrew Logan
Tim Lupo
Caitlin McCartan
Sarah McManus
Shayna Meyers
Sarah Nsereko
Kunjal Patel
Mandy Piper
Nancy Pullen
Gertrude Reen
Alan Rosenstein
Faye Rosenstein
Eric Schermerhorn
Meg Schermerhorn
Meagan Shanley
John Sherwood
Matthew Silverman
Jennifer Sims
Daniel Smalley
Stephanie Springer
Marguerite Sullivan
Charles Suprin
Bob Tamulis
Lisa Underkoffler
Rob Weisman
Kathy Werner
Alison Whyte
He Zhou Zhou
CRWA Annual Report 2009
Access Sport America
Charles River Canoe &
Charles River Yacht Club
Community Rowing, Inc.
Harvard University
Weld Boathouse
Newton Yacht Club
Northeastern University
Henderson Boathouse
Riverside Boat Club
Union Boat Club
Champions of
the Charles
Ralph Abele
Ali Borissoff
Erin Boyle
Gordon Burnes
Jeff Cook
Laurie Doyle
Bernie Dreiblatt
Ed Englander
Renee Farkes
Maureen Febiger
Jennifer Forbes
Richard Gonci
Steve Hall
Deb Hanley
Abby Hansen
Jim Healey
Marty Keating
Ginger Lawrence
Lisa Maeder Hurley
Susie & Andy Magdanz
Beatrice Nessen
Stephanie Pollack
Joan Reynolds
Christine Root
Zach Schulze
Molly Sherden
Bob Sproull
Mary Fran Townsend
Annual Earth
Day Charles
River Cleanup
AMEC Earth &
Arborpoint Properties
at Woodland
Arlington Catholic
High School
Army Engineers
Assumption College
Alumni Club
Babson College Foundation of Management &
Bain & Company
Bain Capital, LLC.
Bank of New York Melon
Bates College Alumni
BETA Group, Inc.
Blue Cross
Boston Arts Academy
Honors students
Boston Cares
Boston College Law
School Env. Law
Boston College Students
Boston Latin School
Boston Triathalon Team
Boston University
Boston Young Professionals Association
Boston’s Emerging Green
Box Pond Association
Brookfield Properties
Natick Brownie Troop
Brownie Troop 1347
Brownie Troop 368
Bryant Alumni
BU Alpha Epsilon Delta
BU Grad Society
BU Nemeton
BU Pi Kappa Alpha
BU Sigma Alpha Lambda
BU Sigma Kappa
Building Impact
Bunker Hill Community
The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Cambridge Boat Club
Cambridge Friends &
Cambridge Rindge and
Latin Crew
Cambridge Running
Canterbury Rd Neighborhood Group
Central Square Tae
Kwon Do
Chapel Hill–Chauncy
Hall School
Charles River School,
Charles River Yacht Club
Charlesgate Yacht Club
Chinook Montessori
Coca Cola
Colleges of the Fenway
Community Rowing, Inc.
Cornerstone Research
CRA International
Cub Scout Pack 100
Cub Scout Pack 18
Cub Scout Pack 186
(St. Paul’s Church)
Dana Hall Middle School
Dartmouth Club of
Greater Boston
Dedham Girl Scouts
Draper Laboratory
East Watertown Residents Cleanup Crew
Edgewater Drive
Einhorn Yaffee Prescott
Emerson College Alpha
Epsilon Sigma
Emmanuel College
Endicott College
Engineers Without
Ernst & Young
Events & Adventures
LDG Reinsurance
Liberty Hotel
Malcolm Pirnie Inc.
Masonic Lodge Norumbega Fraternity
Medfield Neighbors
Medfield Pack 200
Skidmore College
The North Face - Natick
Till, Inc.
Trinity Church
Trinity Partners
Franklin Boy Scout
Troop 99
Friends of Hemlock
Friends of Mill Pond
Environmental group
Graham and Parks
School 7th Graders
Harvard College Sigma
Alpha Epsilon
Harvard Extension
Harvard University
Office for Sustainability
Health Careers Academy
Historic Boston Inc.
Human Services
Research Institute
Hyatt Regency
International Power
International Power
Island Neighborhood
Jet Blue
Ken Sazema Realtors
Korean Church of Boston
MIT Students
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Mt. Ida College
Natick Environmental
Needham Friends and
New Balance
New England College of
Newman School
Newton Congregational
Newton Country Day
Newton North
Environmental Club
Northeastern University
Engineering Students
Northeastern University
Olin College of
Engineering students
Omni Parker House
PSU Boston Alumni
Quincy Church
Youth Group
River Road Neighbors
Riverside Boat Club
Riverside Community
Shaw’s employees
U.S. Government
Accountability Office
University of Michigan
University of Virginia
UUSC/Unitarian Church
of All Souls
Waltham Friends and
Watertown Citizens for
Environmental Safety
Watertown Friends and
Watertown Police
Wellesley College
students Mezcla Club
Wellesley Natural
Resources Council
Wellesley Neighborhood
Whole Foods Bellingham
Whole Foods Market
Winsor Young Alumnae
Woodard & Curren
Coiurtney Hudson
Charles River Watershed Association
190 Park Road, Weston, MA 02493
781-788-0007 | www.charlesriver.org
Printed on
recycled paper
Charles River Watershed Association’s mission
is to use science, advocacy
and the law to protect,
preserve and enhance the
Charles River
and its watershed.
Facts about the
Charles River
The Charles River is 80 miles long,
beginning at Echo Lake in Hopkinton
and ending in Boston Harbor.
River drains an area of
square miles (its watershed).
A watershed is the area that drains into a river,
lake or harbor.
* 35 towns and cities comprise the Charles
River watershed, and the river flows directly
through 23 towns and cities.
The Charles River watershed is the most
densely populated watershed in New England.