Characterization of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38: Single
Characterization of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38: Single
Vol. 1, 1023-1029, September Clinical 1995 Characterization and of B1(Fv)PE38 Disulfide-stabilized That Cause Carcinoma Itai Benhar Laboratory and Diagnosis Maryland Remissions Xenografts in Nude and Centers, 20892-4255 with Cancer of Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, which The mAb B! (mouse IgG1 K) recognizes a carbohydrate on human carcinoma cells (I. Pastan et al., Cancer Res., 51: 3781-3787, 1991). We have generated plasmids encoding immunotoxins in which the Fv domain of B!, either as a single-chain Fv or as a disulfide-stabilized Fv (dsFv), was fused to PE38, a tnmcated form of Pseudomonas exotoxin A. To compare the activities of the two types of recombinant the proteins produced ins were evaluated toxicity, pharmacokinetics, mouse model. tively stable were prepared in Escherichia for stabifity, antigen and Although from coil. and the single-chain spedfic cyto- in a nude activity immunotoxin is rela- when incubated at 37#{176}C (t#{189} -4 h), the dsFv immunotoxin is much more stable, with no hoss ofactivity after 8 h at 37#{176}C. The single-chain immunotoxin has a 2-fold better binding affinity and cytotoxicity hired cells bhood of mice of B1(Fv)PE3S toward antigen-positive cal- The half-lives in the and B1(dsFv)PE38 (disulfide-stabilized) are 23 and 27 mm, respectively. Their therapeutic potential was evaluated in athymic nude mice bearing human epidermoid carcinoma xenografts. Both immunotoxins caused complete regressions of the s.c. (30-40 mm3) tumors when given i.v. in three doses of 0.025 mg/kg every other day. This is one-twentieth of the mouse LD. Recombinant immunotoxins containing the B1(Fv) are 2-3-fold more potent antitumor agents than previously described immunotoxins containing the B3(Fv) (Brinlunann et aL, Proc. Nail. Acad. Sd. USA, 88: 8616-8620, 1991), which also target Le’ and related carbohydrates in human tumors, but have a similar toxicity in mice. Thus, their therapeutic window is 2-3-fold larger. In addition, B1(dsFv)PE38 has only a 50% decrease in the apparent binding affinity of B1(Fv)PE38, whereas B3(dsFv)PE38 has a much greater loss in antigen binding. than the dsFv is fused moiety. as well breast, stomach, colon, tomas (for review, clinical trials. The immunotoxin. (single-chain) domains framework revised 3/31/95; accepted Refs. and 2, of these form, unstable vary with a high in their The abbreviations used are: HSA, 0.2% dsFV, disulfide-stabilized human serum albumin. Fv; Oligo, and therein). evaluated immunotoxins VH and the of many BR96 with some being (3, 20). dsFvs2 and some also to aggregate are much carcinomas react because with more stable, (3, 21). Le’ but it has a different carbohydrate structures mimitope.3 The the targeting as anticancer Bi pattern (21), of immunotoxins both a whole recombinant immunotoxin (1, 21-23). with BR96 A single-chain (1 1). We seek with improved drug will increase have the with immunotoxin that B1(Fv)PE38 and had a higher was initially oh3 I. Benhar (3). addressed significant et a!., unpublished data. epitope used as have has potent binding and been also been immuno- properties so so that less a response. To that and initial charBi as the single- In that study, we found stable at 37#{176}C than B3(Fv)PE38, affinity. The stability problem by making form B3(dsFv)PE38 (13, 14). found that the disulfide-stabilized has a very B3 and to a B3 peptide window, to achieve B1(Fv)PE38 and sur- Le”-related immunotoxin) and specific is much more antigen-binding and show are currently immunotoxin to make more therapeutic to be administered mAbs to bind very that are being developed IgG conjugate and a single(Fv stability like end, we have previously reported the cloning acterization of the variable domain of mAb chain VL Lewis’’ on the a different of reactivity and Bi fails made made we can Bi with B3 IgG or its Fv fragments moiety agents: that mAb reacts chain toxins VL 1). More in which VH and improved antigen-binding affmity (19). mAb Bi is a murine antibody directed against related carbohydrate antigens, which are abundant face in preare usu- the where for of the glioblas- references in which stability, tendency To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Building 37, Room 4E16, 37 Convent Drive, MSC 4255, Bethesda, MD 20892-4255. 2 drugs immunotoxins form, I godeoxynucleotide; prostate, being the and carcinomas and are currently as generated as candidate lung in a single-chain serves been models 1 and Fv domains Fv immunotoxins munotoxin 5/4/95. that have are connected by a disulfide bond engineered into the region (12-19). Single-chain Fvs and single-chain stabilized recently 1/31/95; fragment in targeting are connected by a flexible peptide linker (3-i Fv and Fv immunotoxins have been described domains recently, dsFv as the and leukemias, ovary, see Fv immunotoxins present toxin as in animal Several ally a molecules serves immunotoxins of bymphomas of B3(Fv)PE38 Received to Fv tested in vitro the eradication are chimeric of an antibody the Fv is in a disulfide-stabilized The immunotox- binding, antitumor cytoplasmic Fv immunotoxins an Fv fragment moiety epitope bodies Activity Human Recombinant Biology ABSTRACT inclusion Increased Mice cytotoxic immunotoxins, 1023 INTRODUCTION Division National Research Single-Chain of Established Pastan’ Biology, B1(dsFv)PE38: Fv Immunotoxins Complete Ira of Molecular and Cancer reduction the disulfide- However, we B3(dsFv)PE38 in apparent have im- binding 1024 Activity of B1Fv affinity.4 analyzed Immunotoxins Since no other anti-La” antibody fragment has been in the dsFv form, we wished to investigate whether the dsFv technology with better describe is applicable immunotoxin and of Bi the characterization and cytotoxic stability of totoxic stable activity B1(dsFv)PE38 we of both We find - that - its correspond- a 2-4-fold decrease for - in experiments its diminished Oligos AND cy- B which the single-chain encodes been described pBl(Fv)PE38 expression immunotoxin. plasmids The Plasmid pB1VL cysteine, was A1OSC pBl(Fv)PE38, (24) was used STOP, which by a encodes reaction oligos (Fig. 1, Oligos 1-3) were S’-GGTCATCACAACATCCATATGTATAT- oligo STOP 4: Oligo 5: STOP delete VH VL R44C A1O5C STOP 4-5 R44C the of the dsFv in Fig. 1. for VL with mutagenesis 3: Oligo A1O5C uracil- to construct for the components scheme is described Oligo H delete PE38 Oligos C has using VL Im- immunotoxin, mutagenesis encoding mutagenesis of B1Fv plasmid as template generated mutagenic The of B1(Fv)PE38 (3). Site-specific containing pB1VL for Expression 1: ‘FA1OSC METHODS of Plasmids The construction 2: 1.3 I Construction munotoxins. Oligo Oligo Mutagenesis cancer cells, the two types of suggesting that the increased compensated I pB 1(Fv)PE3S activity. MATERIALS three comparison In antitumor in vitro. A431 epidermoid are equally active, Here, and in vivo. it has EcoR B1(dsFv)PE38 at 37#{176}C than but HindIII antibody affinity. and in vitro more immunotoxin, in mice using immunotoxins anti-Le’’ binding of the disuffide-stabilized is much single-chain binding the Fv immunotoxins B1(dsFv)PE38 ing for the preparation forms to a different consequences PstI A a free in PBIVH R44C-PE3S Fig. 1 Plasmids for expression of Bi Fv immunotoxins. pBl(Fv)PE38 (A) codes for the single-chain immunotoxin B1(Fv)PE38 (3). In this plasmid, the V and VL domains of mAb Bi are connected by a (Gly4Ser)3 linker and then fused to a PE38 gene encoding the translocation and ADP ribosylation domains of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE). which combined. CTCC-3’ sequences (Fig. 1, Oligo 1) was used for the deletion of the encoding VH so that VL was juxtaposed to the ATG The plasmids encoding the components of the double-chain immunotoxins were prepared by site-specific mutagenesis (24), where uracil- translational the oligos GCGG-3’ initiation codon. It was used in combination S’-CTCCAGCVFGGTACCACAACCGAACGTGA(Fig. 1, Oligo 2), which was used to replace containing pBl(Fv)PE38 single-stranded DNA was used as a template. In the first mutagenesis reaction Oligos 1-3 were combined in one mutagenesis reaction, with Ohigo 1 producing deletion of VH and juxtaposing VL immediately 3’ to the ATG initiation codon. Oligo 2 caused replacement of VL alanine codon 105 with a cysteine codon, and Ohigo 3 caused insertion of two tandem translation termination codons immediately 3’ to VL. This resulted in the generation of plasmid pB1VL A1O5C STOP (B), which encodes for B1VL with a free cysteine. In the second mutagenesis reaction, Ohigos 4 and 5 were combined in one mutagenesis reaction, with Oligo 4 causing deletion of VL and juxtaposing V immediately 5’ to PE38. Ohigo 5 caused replacement of VH arginine codon 44 with a cysteine codon. This resulted in the generation of plasmid pB1VH R44C-PE38 (C), which encodes for the VH with a free cysteine, fused to PE38. The ohigos are shown below their respective positions in the template to which they anneal. In Ohigos 1 and 4, which are deletion-mutagenesis ohigos, thin lines indicate absent Sequences (these oligos anneal to uncontiguous sequences in the template). codon codon, AG-3’ TAA 105 and in framework region 4 of VL S’-GGGACCTCCGGAAGCGAAfl’CVFAmC- (Fig. 1, Oligo translational 1, underlined) which 3), stop at the was codons 3’ end of Plasmid pB1VH R44C-PE38, a free cysteine, fused to PE38 esis reaction in which The with two tandem by an EcoRI site (Fig. which encodes for the VH was generated by a mutagen- mutagenic oligos (Fig. 1, Oligos 4 combined. oligo CAGT-3’ S’-GGGACOCCGGAAGCVVVFGCAGAGA- (Fig. encoding with the two to insert alanine a cysteine VL. with and 5) were used followed with with 1, Oligo was 4) the peptide linker and PE38 coding sequence. used to delete the VL It was that used the sequences VH was flushed in combination S ‘-GGTFGCGACCCACTCGAGACACTTCTCCGGA- GT-3’ (Fig. codon codon 1, Oligo 5), which was 44 in the framework region as described (13, 16). Expression Expression B1VH and R44C-PE38 single-chain refolding immunotoxin of of Recombinant encoding were inclusion B1(Fv)PE38, expressed was body to replace 2 of VH with Purification plasmids used B1VL in Escherichia obtained protein Proteins. A1OSC, coli. described (25). immunotoxin was equimolar amounts of solubilized VH R44C-PE38 inclusion bodies a cysteine by solubilization as disubfide-stabilized arginine or The and The except that was carried separated quentiab Mono phy the final oxidation out at pH 9.5. step was omitted Properly refolded from contaminating proteins ion exchange chromatography Q (Pharmacia) on a TSK followed G3000SW 4 Y. Reiter and I. Pastan, unpublished data. binding by to A431 competition adenocarcinoma by mixing and refolding proteins were and aggregates on Q-Sepharose by size (TosoHaas) exclusion by seand chromatogra- column. Antigen Binding and Specific toxins. Relative binding affinities determined obtained and reduced VL A1OSC and essentially as described (15), against Cytotoxicity of Immuno- of the immunotoxins ‘25I-labeled Bi cells at 4#{176}C as described IgG were for (26). Clinical The cytotoxic were tested activities synthesis in cultured cells Assay. The stability treatment was determined in PBS at chromatography 37#{176}Cfor on quantitate activities the untreated mouse LD50 old, different above, was -20 p.1 PBS-HSA. Mice injection. after immunotoxins were Blood at 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, data for the various three mean centration of ability by incubating A431 cells, each serum bated using was Antitumor mice were cells suspended mm3. and s.c. Mice volumes and of the with were curve, RSTRIP days 4, 6, a caliper and using i.v. and lized 27); Methods” ered Fig. system, Fig. immunotoxins separate the dsFv buffer raphy and 1. The were cultures immunotoxin used (15, by refobding single-chain body followed by ion exchange as described in “Materials 2, proteins 12-16 over g wet 95% cell pure paste express immunotoxins affinities used (XDE3; components immunotoxins were protein obtained. are of the were the obtained As to A431 a higher Ref. of was protein analyzed serial (3). pared after 2 or 20 h of incubation mAb, when 3B, B1(Fv)PE38 active with dilutions The ofthe activities tested on A431 has an IC50 In this type the which an IC50 of 3.0 ng/ml 1 liter the cell 5 I. Benhar and I. Pastan, unpublished IgG to incorporation lines after containing ng/ml B1(dsFv)PE38 after com- As shown strongly observations. IgG of treat- were the cells. and 0.4 ng/ml Bi B1(Fv)PE38 has activity of each in PBS in of Bi of ‘25I-labeled of 0.4 and 0.25 of assay, as- immunotoxin immunotoxins with cells of their competed for the by 50% at 1.2 i.M. In our expression from each immunotoxin of Activity of antigen bind- of ‘25I-labeled was assessed by measuring by various human carcinoma BSA mg found that the immunotoxin by competition of for the binding with to 1 liter of 20-30 determination in Fig. 3A, B1(Fv)PE38 Bi IgG to A431 cells 0.2% Fig. by cells for the binding ment 10were yields for Fv immunotoxins with Fv forms of B15 (16). cells by 50% at about 2.5 riM. Thus, affinity for A431 cells. The cytotoxic immunotoxin F3H]leucine of both was added yield concentrations competed mg pro- yield immunotoxin production on antigen-positive to compete 20 h of incubation. recov- chromatogshown recombinant increasing B1(dsFv)PE38 in a redox-shuffle and gel filtration and Methods.” were ing binding formula: disulfide-stabi- in E. coli BL21 to 17). The of inclusion and monomeric this solubibi- 200-300 purification immunotoxins an overall from Upon Binding and Specific Cytotoxic and B1(dsFv)PE38. The specific in which in “Materials 3 h, and bodies, and active mg cells at 4#{176}C. As shown binding of 125I-labeled is described produced were Antigen B1(Fv)PE38 says, X (0.4). plasmids mg for weight). from 1 liter of bacterial culture. We have previously refobding and purification yield of a recombinant intervals, the refolding correlates with its stability, with 2-4% that are less stable than those prepared of immunotoxins in which the targeting moiety is the Fv of mAb Bi, we prepared the recombinant single-chain B1(Fv)PE38 and the disulfide-stabilized B1(dsFv)PE38 immunotoxins. The conof the expression 10-12 with RESULTS Plasmid Construction and Production of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38. To characterize the therapeutic potential struction 12%. 3.0 = (wet disulfide-stabilized 100 in PBS- at 2-day and from about 8 by single-chain Thus, at A bodies of the inclusion The buffer, (nu/nu) diluted reduction obtained. refobding (mi- were and are induced g inclusion recovered 3 X 106 A431 4, tumors tein culture 2-3 in UT). 0 with flask on calcu- Athymic shaker zation ob- toxins program, calculated X (width)2 incu- were Mice. on con- by concentration City, Fig. 2 Recombinant BI Fv immunotoxins. SDS-PAGE of purified immunotoxins. M, molecular weight standards indicated on the left in kDa. Lanes 1 and 3, B1(Fv)PE38; Lanes 2 and 4, B1(dsFv)PE38. Samples in Lanes 3 and 4 were reduced while samples in Lanes I and 2 were not. we obtain The parameters By day to repre- measuring injected toxin of immunotoxins measured (length) mice. cells on day treated point A standard Lake used determined A431 fitting ml PBS. time - Each were three was in Nude doses were tumor = Each the Salt were of different the injection. mice from injections in 0.2 Tumors after mm Pharmacokinetic Activity given 240 points. curve weeks into with Software, (6-8 vein dilutions an exponential mice for of the the orbital to determine sample. loss or death by injection synthesis. serial with in 200 from toxin protein (6 -8 of 10 p.g B1(Fv)PE38 so different serum mice collected obtained used Scientific volume 29 18 14 single- diluted BALB/c and active to inhibit The _ 43 of i.v. injection p.1 PBS-HSA time results of the tamed HSA. activities BALB!c a single i.v. dose times, of remaining dilutions female for weight were 120, collect injections at 37#{176}C were to the the pharmacokinetics in 200 bled 30-40 to Cytotoxic in Mice. female samples was croMath 97 68 analytical column, or B1(dsFv)PE38 a single mouse their by incubated monitored diluted the tail vein. 34 at 0.1 aggregates. compared To evaluate given or B1(dsFv)PE38 bating and given in the blood, g) were the followed (TosoHaas) using were of B1(Fv)PE38 2 weeks sents 8 h, and tested g), who doses -20 to G3000SW Pharmacokinetics and 2 fob- incubation immunotoxins. Toxicity weeks Ml protein immunotoxins by of immunotoxins as described 1025 B1(dsFv)PE38 to inhibit of the of monomers of aliquots determined up a TSK the amount and ability Research (22). heat mg/ml old, B1(Fv)PE38 of their Stability lowing dose of the by determination Cancer bind in the BI after was 2 or less 2 or 20 h of 1026 Activity of B1Fv Immunotoxins Table A -C C C 0 .0 1 Cytotoxicity tM B1(Fv)PE38 (ngiml) B1(dsFv)PE38 Epidermoid carcinoma +++ MCF7 LnCap Breast carcinoma Prostate + + KB carcinoma Cervical carcinoma - >1000 >1000 HUT1O2 T-cell leukemia - >1000 >1000 L929 Mouse fibroblast - >1000 3-1 CompetItor + + 0.25 0.4 0.6 2.7 1.5 9.0 >1000 a All of the cell lines except L929 are of human S Expression of the B1 antigen level nofluorescence. C Cytotoxicity C 0 toward IC50’ Cytotoxicity Antigen expression Source B1(dsFv)PE38 A431 In B and lines . Cell line” C., of B1(Fv)PE38 various cell immunotoxin its incubation estimation weak; + + +, strong; +, data are given is based on immu- not detected. values, the concentration , - as IC50 that causes a 50% inhibition on the cells for 20 h. origin. of protein synthesis of following 2 0 0. I. - 0 cJ C C 0 .- II. 0 be incubated at 37#{176}C for more its activity.6 cytotoxic Pharmacokinetics netic behavior levels Antigen binding (#{149}, 0) and B1(dsFv)PE38 competition of I-habeled cytotoxicity toward A431 incorporation of [3H]leucine (S, 3 A) of incubation in PBS 0.2% + and specific cytotoxicity of B1(Fv)PE38 (A, Li). A, antigen binding was estimated by Bi IgG binding to A431 cells at 4#{176}C. B, cells was measured by the inhibition of into cell protein after 2 h (0, L) or 20 h of the cells with serial dilutions of immunotoxins or B1(Fv)PE38 in the samples its dilutions comparison notoxins were to standard had a similar amounts observed notoxins, lines 21; the same which see differ Table B1(dsFv)PE38 cancer cell lines activity toward correlates cytotoxic 1). As shown the same toward Stabffity of aggregation “Materials aggregated icity of loss in PBS of activity showed 8 h very immunotoxins the fraction each point. We have following recently loss of pharmacokiin mice was was aggregation incubation found protein 4B, synthesis as well as to other of both was sisted that B1(dsFv)PE38 in (15), have toxicity of single by i.v injections doses of different into BALB!c mice. The mice were postinjection. As shown in Table 2, the immunotoxins was a similar Activity of three about mouse 0.5 LD50 mg/kg. of 0.5 of Immunotoxins. i.v. injections immunotoxin. month on days Control mice Similar mg/kg Fv (15). The therapeutic was initiated on day in volume, and con- 4, 6, and 8 of various were treated or longer day occurred X 3. At 0.0125 at 0.05 and and 0.00625 mg/kg thereafter. euthanized Control on day animals 18 when tumor developed with at 6 I Benhar et al., manuscript mg/kg every of the doses PBS-HSA in preparation. given other day treatment large tumors X 3, or a few and were 1.0 cm. 1 every (more its completion size was about at 37#{176}C can 0.025 tumor growth was arrested for the duration so with B1(dsFv)PE38) and resumed after days 8 h of still present cells in Fig. 5, both immubehavior when comFv immunotoxins The evaluated the cytotox- in PBS A431 mm. was Antitumor of the serum on potential of the immunotoxins was evaluated by assessing their ability to cause regressions of established human carcinoma xenografts in nude mice. Tumors were induced by s.c. injection other 4 h aggregated. following in Fig. in immunoafter by the ability protein only. As shown in Fig. 6, both immunotoxins had a dose-dependent antitumor effect. Complete regressions of the tumors that lasted amount of B1(Fv)PE38 75% of monomeric both 4A, whereas half about little im- of B1(Fv)PE38 of their in Fig. at 37#{176}C. As shown with stability the incubation, at 37#{176}C, about after of each estimated of 3 X 106 A431 cells on day 0. Treatment 4 when the tumors averaged 30-40 mm3 activity at 37#{176}C as described As shown before The curves. As shown pharmacokinetic of immunotoxin for 7-14 days immunotoxins of their Methods.” of cytotoxic cytotoxic affinity and of the site. The correlated time bevels The the binding binding cell (Ref. B1(Fv)PE38 different cells. by determination in PBS the 1, of recognition tested and incubation expression Table having with monomeric B1(dsFv)PE38 on additional was and of incubation done of Immunotoxins. and were in LD50 of the immu- antigen spectrum its cellular and B1(dsFv)PE38 toxins albeit was of Bi the antigen-positive approximately munotoxin level had tested the specificity assay in their <10% B1(dsFv)PE38 of Immunotoxins. Toxicity To check and to inhibit pared to each other with a t#{189}Of 23-27 BSA. respectively. with of Immunotoxins. of of the immunotoxins incubation, 1 week determined by measuring the immunotoxin bevels in blood samples drawn from the mice at various time points following an i.v. injection of 10 xg of each immunotoxin. The immunotoxin ng/ml Fig. than Clinical A ic 1._. 1._ t=0 o.C 0.1 o.t. 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 ‘r 8h 0.1 0.1 E Lk 0.. :. Research I 1._ 4h 2h Cancer “c . I.q 10 15 0.0 20 #{149}#{149}I 5 25 0.1 0.. 15 20 us-..-’ 0-c . 10 25 3i 3 10 15 20 25 i 0 1.c t=0 ‘I) 2h 0.1 0.8 0.1 or 0.4 0.4 0. 0.. Sh -C u oc 5 10 20 15 25 30 0.0 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 . 5 10 15 20 25 Elutlon J 10 30 volume 0_I or 0.4 o.. iS .s-.u 4h 20 25 0_c 30 5 10 15 25 20 30 (ml) C B.! Ce I0 0. I- 0 c. e .! C 0 41 t=O 2hr S 4hr _____ 0 .; C I A 61 8hr .01 1 .1 10 .01 .1 nglml Fig. 4 Stability 0 ng/mI of immunotoxins. B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38 were diluted in PBS to 0.1 molecular forms of the immunotoxins were then analyzed by size exclusion chromatography Monomers elute at 18-20 ml, while the aggregates elute at 11-13 ml. B, cytotoxic activity was measured as in Fig. 3. B1(Fv)PE38 DISCUSSION Here, immunotoxin we describe the B1(dsFv)PE38, than the corresponding immunotoxin had the single-chain activity when construction and counterpart single-chain was B1Fv are relatively or Fv (Table compared as well stable immunotoxins B1(dsFv)PE38 show that mAb Bi it is more dsFv stable single-chain immunotoxin. The dsFv same antigen-binding specificity as the 1) but only and binding affinity (Fig. compared to a 20-fold B3(dsFv)PE38 of the is even 3). This lower to its as the in comparison (3). more of its cytotoxic loss is modest found when single-chain form.4 immunotoxin single-chain the disulfide-stabilized (Fig. 4), and stability of B1(dsFv)PE38 appears to compensate loss in binding affinity in cytotoxicity assays. when tumor cells are exposed to the immunotoxins The B1(Fv)PE38 to other However, stable half affinity affinity the improved for the small For example, for only 2 h, is B1(dsFv)PE38 times were ng/ml for extended and munotoxin ability IC50s ng/mh space a simibar with show extracellular were for ng/ml) very that the distributed antitumor of 64,000, rapidly weight of the drug of B1(Fv)PE38 BSA. Assuming and B1(dsFv)PE38 that albumin and into The of cells is inversely molecular is very similar the recombinant 5). the readily efficacy hatter (28). into (Fig. for the tumor The to the molecular to or 6). B1(Fv)PE38 pharmacokinetics of its affinity (0.25 Fur- weight to distribute once into the tumor. similar is equal (Fig. appear than the incubation B1(dsFv)PE38). molecular similar space, is a function 0.4 of B1(dsFv)PE38 i.v. into mice experiments to penetrate 0.4 and Methods.” at 37#{176}C in PBS when that of B1(Fv)PE38 have the extravascular (IC50, However, activity than injected active to 20 h, the better B1(dsFv)PE38 accessible more B1(Fv)PE38 somewhat and when at 37#{176}C for 0 to 8 h. A, the incubated 3.0 ng/ml). the antitumor and and much (IC50, thermore, In vitro Fvs of mg/mI at 4#{176}C as described in ‘ ‘Materials immunotoxins following incubation an im- and its related weight to that of immuno- 1027 1028 Activity of B1Fv Immunotoxins Table Groups of four or two BALB/c Days postinjection Diluent Toxicity i.v. B1(Fv)PE38 of B1(Fv)PE38 (mg/kg) 0.25 0.5 0.125 and B1(dsFv)PE38 of 200 injections in mice p.1 dil uent or increas ing doses 0.75 o f B1(Fv)PE38 or B1(dsFv)PE38 B1(dsFv)PE38 (mg/kg) Diluent 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 2/2 2/2 2/2 4/4 4/4 4/4 2/2 4/4 4/4 0/4 2 2/2 2/2 4 2/2 2/2 4/4 4/4 3/4 2/4 2/4 0/4 7 2/2 2/2 3/4 2/4 0/4 2/2 2/2 4/4 3/4 0/4 2/2 2/2 3/4 2/4 0/4 2/2 2/2 4/4 3/4 0/4 14 Number a 2 mice were given of mice alive of mice given injections. 0 0 0 .0 Mice A C treated with B1(Fv)PE38 C,) E C.) C ‘4 8) 0 0 N 0) C 0 E E E I- E 0 30 60 90 120 150 post mInutes 180 210 0 240 Blood levels of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38 in mice. Female BALB/c mice were given i.v. injections of 10 p.g immunotoxin. The immunotoxin level was measured at different times using a cytoFig. 4 8 12 16 20 24 20 24 Injection B 5 toxicity assay as described in ‘ ‘ Materials and Methods. mean from three mice for each time point ± SE. ‘ ‘ Results MIce treated 4 8 with B1(dsFv)PE38 are the C.) E C.) 8) N toxins behave LS1477T similarly tumors and that A431 (29), we calculate 6 h for the recombinant Since toxins the t112 of B1(Fv)PE38 tumors that are comparable it should to equilibrate is about take within to about 5- the tumors. 4 h at 37#{176}C (Fig. 4), there U) 0 E I- should be significant inactivation of single-chain immunotoxin molecules during this period, whereas no dsFv toxin molecules would be inactivated. Thus, a more stable dsFv immunotoxin can probably penetrate tivated in comparison Another factor more stable site barrier” deeper into a tumor before being to a single chain Fv immunotoxin. that can contribute to the superiority Fv immunotoxin in tumor therapy (30, 31). According to this model, themselves, being antigen positive, can form the cells which are more proximal to the tumor a “sink” for the drug, preventing of the tumor substance. in the number of free diffusible into the tumor. A more the additional delay reaches the interior with reduced affmity The antitumor specific activity than reported that This stable it from phenomenon molecules dsFv macof a is the “binding the tumor cells a barrier, vasculature reaching results the distal so that form parts should other immunotoxins by this barrier. that Fig. 6 Antitumor effect of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38 in a nude mouse model. Groups of five mice were given s.c. injections of 3 X 106 cells on day 0, and were treated by iv. injections of B1(Fv)PE38 (A) or B1(dsFv)PE38 (B) diluted in PBS-HSA on days 4, 6, and 8 (arrows) when the tumors PBS-HSA. Error 0.025 mg/kg; U, were bars, 0.0125 established. Control mice were treated with SE of the data. #{149}, control; 0, 0.05 mg/kg; U, mg/kg; A, 0.00625 mg/kg. deeper cytotoxicity on cultured cells as well as the of B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38 is better for 16 endure caused by that barrier, so that more active drug of the tumors. Furthermore, an immunotoxin will be bess affected 12 Time/days in a decrease that can penetrate immunotoxin 0 target related carbohydrate mas (15, 22). Since antigen on the surface of human B1(Fv)PE38 and B1(dsFv)PE38 carcinohave the same toxicity in mice as those other immunotoxins, they have larger therapeutic window in mice. This makes them candidates for development as anticancer drugs for clinical application. a Le’#{176}’- However, since adult mice do not express the Bi or the a B3 Clinical antigen, the toxicity destruction of is nonspecific, normal immunotoxins cells. should monkeys, which be express not i.e., Therefore, the evaluated antigens next due to targeted toxicity in animals reacting with experiments, yet the more stable more active. We next to study blood supply may be more the immunotoxins activity of plan need the more molecule heterogeneous to move stable such as Bi on 15. Reiter, Antitumor tumors treatment to ascertain are more that 19: 35-47, by 17. Reiter, 1. 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