September 2007 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
September 2007 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
4-Wheelin’ News SEPTEMBER 2007 1 CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2007 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS REPORTS 4 UFWDA Land Use Seminar 4 IAD & Land Matters 7 FALL DELEGATES MEETING 4 Safety & Education INFO 5 Washington Dir. Report 10 HUMMER Supports (FOTR) 8-10 Region Reports 11 Trail Jamboree 2007 9 Change of address Officers List 12 Membership App. 13 Classified ADS 13 Video Library 14 Calendar of Events 6 Work Party Schedule 12 Looking for Members 3 PNW 15 Associate Members List FALL DELEGATES MEETING-SEE PAGE 7 Operation Shore Patrol 2007 September 15th and 16th SEE PAGE 6 FOR INFO * AT T E N TIO N * ATTENTI ON * TO ONE AND ALL SEE PAGE 7 FOR A NEW BY-LAW CHANGE 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 SEPTEMBER 2007 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA Volume 35 Number 10 Sept. 2007 The mission of 4-Wheelin' News is to fourwheelatize* and enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. editor/publisher Ron McDonald [email protected] Officers List PRESIDENT Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 800-537-7845 / 425-788-2848 [email protected] TREASURER Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” assistant editor Diana McDonald [email protected] OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR Beth Ayer/Butch 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 [email protected] mailing address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 telephone (360) 695-0595 email address [email protected] All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA 4-Wheelin' News is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. 4-Wheelin' News makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and 4-Wheelin' News shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to 4-Wheelin' News by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to 4-Wheelin' News or have moved please contact our Circulation/Membership department [email protected] This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to [email protected] or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 4-Wheelin’ News 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2007 SECRETARY Sande Nettnin/Earl 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 [email protected] IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR Open Call 800-537-7845 WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Arlene Brooks/Bob 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 [email protected] Inter Assoc. Directors COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Luke May/Grace 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX [email protected] [email protected] 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 425-788-2848 [email protected] REGION I DIRECTOR REGION II DIRECTOR Angela Holm Dorothy Churchill/Shawn 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell [email protected] P.O. Box 7543 Bonney Lake, WA 98390 253-891-7250 [email protected] REGION III DIRECTOR Rick Smith/Kristin P.O. Box 1536. St. Helens, OR 97051 503-397-0903 [email protected] REGION V DIRECTOR Steve Reeves/Linda Loop 70925 Wilson Rd. Boardman, OR 97818 541-258-3869 / 541-481-3417 Fax [email protected] REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 98026 509-467-4177 / 509-951-5106 Cell [email protected] PARLIAMENTARIAN Tom Fisher/Karen 1615 Garvard Ave. Gladstone, OR 97027 971-221-3384 Cell [email protected] REGION IV DIRECTOR Earl Nettnin/Sande 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 [email protected] REGION VI DIRECTOR Alan D. Paulson 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Kathy ”Frogg” McMains/ Dave 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 [email protected] SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield, Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 [email protected] [email protected] WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it CHAIRMEN Rob Solomon Karen Fisher/Tom 19802 118th Ave. Ct. E. Graham, WA 98338 253-847-8202 / 253-465-1005 Cell [email protected] 1615 Garvard Ave. • Gladstone, OR 97027 503-655-1870 / Fax 360-256-0004 503-704-0726 Cell Clubpwr/[email protected] TRAIL JAMBOREE CHAIR TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR Merrick Graves Kim Graves PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 206-612-1264 Cell [email protected] PO Box 344 Ravensdale, WA 98051 425-432-0587 / 253-875-7326 Fax 253-241-2338 Cell [email protected] VIDEO CHAIRMAN WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Kathy ”Frogg” McMains/ Dave 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways&[email protected] Don Jensen/Carol 946 - 18th Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX [email protected] TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron McDonald/Diana 3902 NE 61stAve • Vancouver, WA 98661 ALL (360) Eve 6-9pm: 695-0595 Days: 695-6400 • FAX: 695-1043 [email protected] 3 IAD organizations copies. if you want We feel that it was beneficial that we attended the meeting. We were able to share what is working in the PNW because of our member’s untiring efforts. Since the PNW was one of the founders of United, we felt it very important to be involved in the complete remake of United. With the bylaws that passed it will be exciting to see how the Board handles the SOPs and the input from the member organizations. The Board has promised to have the voting structure completed and to the members by September. As we have the information we will send it immediately. Don Jensen Inter Association Director 1 Carol Jensen Inter Association Director 2 The United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) 2007 Annual Meeting designated Director. There were a possible 113 votes and the bylaws passed with 106 yes votes. Montana was the only opposing votes. The newly approved bylaws are available at Don and Carol Jensen Inter Association Directors A vote of confidence was taken supporting the Business Plan and the Marketing Plan. The final day of the United Annual Meeting was reserved for the Annual Land Use Seminar. This year’s seminar was a different format than in the past. Those present shared what was working in their organization as well as their frustrations. was held in Grand Junction, Colorado in late July. On the first day of the meeting, the delegates from member organizations caucused to discuss the proposed bylaws. Bill Burke, Four Wheeling America, facilitated the meeting. The focus of the discussion was on these three items: 1) voting, 2) Board of Directors control and 3) dues (organization involvement). An ad hoc committee was formed to rewrite the wording for the items the delegates discussed. The new proposed bylaws were passed with the following changes: • Added the Director of Environmental Affairs • Organization member shall be authorized votes, based on the number of individual members declaring affiliation with that organization using a graduated scale as provided in the SOPs. (The Board will write the SOPs) • The meeting notice shall meet the requirements of the state where United is incorporated. (United is currently incorporated in Indiana but that will change—probably to Virginia) • Established guidelines for calling a special meeting. • Added proceedings not covered by the Bylaws, SOPs will be covered by Roberts Rules of Order • Expenditures in excess of an amount set forth in the SOPs will require dual party approval between the Administrative Officer and the Treasurer or 4 The message delivered by the Board of Directors supported the facts that for United to continue United must become an individual based membership and the dues must increase. Failure to support the proposed bylaws, business plan and marketing plan would be the beginning of the end for United. The current number of members in United is 7,615. Organizations are not growing so United must go to individual memberships to increase their membership. Tim Gilman, B.F Goodrich Top Trails, presented the 5 top trails for 2007. The program will continue for 2008. The Officers that were elected were: Peter Varhy, International VP; Gene Ockert, Vice-president; Trish Groom, Treasurer; and Todd Ockert, Environmental Affairs Director. They join President Wayne Groom and Director of Membership Melissa Simmons. The office of Director of Public Relations is open. United has hired the following professional staff; Carla Boucher, Attorney and Legislative Advocate, Marti Pugh, Business Development Manager, and Amanda Cottrell, Administrative Officer. Each organization was given time to report on what is happening in their organization. Most all struggle with declining membership and the challenges of working with various National Forests. Copies of our report to United (Annual Report) were distributed at the June Board Meeting. We will provide the reports from the other ~ United Four Wheel Drive Land Use Seminar There are growing environmental arguments against 4X4 use therefore we as organized users need to do a better job of public relations. We need better public relations skills to get our message out. Get the message to the mass media that the way they portray 4X4 activities can damage our image. NOHVCC (National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council) has a large library with lots and lots of online information “FACTS”. Nothing ruins an argument faster than the facts. Websites for international organizations are: Africa— Australia— United Kingdom— and Bill Burke gave a presentation detailing his work with the various Forest Service districts that he does business with. Burke is an experienced and well known trail guide presenting seminars to land managers, organizations, police and sheriff’s departments and the military. Nearly all of Burke’s events require permits and environmental assessments. Burke stressed the importance of remembering: “the Forest Service is monitoring YOUR website so be careful what you put on it. One of the issues discussed asked the question, “Where are the people to carry the torch?” How do we get the SEPTEMBER 2007 younger generation involved? One of the issues we are all facing is this is our recreation and it seems to be turning out to be work. The yahoos are out doing damage to the trails and land managers call the organized users to help repair the damage. After a while it is all work and no recreation. Tread Lightly! has failed in it’s original mission. It was formed to be a watchdog but no longer does that. Many organizations are now using “Tread Smart!” One of the member organizations has been having trouble with their forum and the pictures posted there. Some of the pictures are being used on anti-access websites. Be aware of what is posted on your website. Linda Jessen Safety & Education Chairman Fall Delegates Meeting 8 September 2007 Some of the good things happening in organizations: Since the last delegates meeting a lot has went on. FEAT (Four wheel Emergency assistance Team) Colorado Coalitions (Friends of the Rubicon etc.) Emailing members Trail Patrol Adopt a Ranger Publicity of good things (videos, Public Service announcements) NAMRC (North American Motorized R e c r e a t i o n Council) roundtable discussion prior to SEMA (Specialty Equipment Marketing Association) RACs (Resource Advisory Committees In May, we had a booth in the ATV & Off Road Expo in Portland, Oregon. A lot went on at that 2-day show. We handed out 3000 pieces of literature including Tri Powers; Who and What We Are; Tri Folds; Oregon OHV maps and rule books; flyers for playdays and other events; Operation Shore Patrol information; handouts from Yakima County; Warn information; Tread Lightly and Blue Ribbon; and maps. We answered a lot of questions and referred people to the proper destinations. We already have been registered for the 2008 show. We also gained an individual member and an Association Member. Most of the organizations are working on completing trail inventories, identifying roads and unmaintained roads for the Forest Service Travel Management Planning. Todd Ockert is the newly elected Director of Environmental Affairs. Todd is from California but started out his Navy career at Whidbey Island spending 14 years in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Todd’s father Gene is the newly elected Vice-president of United. Each of our State Directors will receive a booklet from the United Land Action Fund. The booklet contains information and a form for applying for a grant from the Fund. Also included are the details and application forms for the Harold Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund. We will ask that the State Directors share the information with their Region Directors. The Land Use Seminar was valuable in the information sharing and worth the time spent. Discussions were lively and it was evident the passion those attending have for their recreation. Todd is willing to help any organization that requests it. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Don and Carol Jensen ~ In July we had a booth at the first Longview OHV Show, hosted by Region 3. It was an informational show. Vehicles were on display from members of Region 3 as well as friends of the Region. We handed out almost 1200 pieces of literature at this show. I understand there have been a few inquiries as to membership. We have been asked to put another show on next year. Region 4 had a show and I understand that it was a great success. Good work Kelda! This month Operation Shore Patrol will take place the weekend of September 15th. This is the 36th year of cleaning litter from the Washington coastline. News releases will go out soon. I have been working with our Ways and Means chair, Frogg McMains, to come up with some inexpensive giveaways to use at shows and events in the future. I also now am storing Who and What We Are’s and Tri Folds here in Longview. If you have a need for either, please contact me. On a personal note, thank you for all your kind thoughts when I lost my brother recently. It has been a rough year! Respectfully submitted, Linda Jessen 2007 PR/Safety Ed Coordinator ~ with the assistance of Commissioner Peterson would like to present the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association with a Certificate of Appreciation. Arlene Brooks It has been thirty-six years since Operation Shore Patrol was organized by members of the Pacific NW Four Wheel Drive Association. Since 1971, Operation Shore Patrol has brought communities, civic groups, private industries, state and local government together who support the organizations goal of focusing attention on the accumulated – Longevity Award.” Along with the Pacific NW Four Wheel Drive Association, other organizations that coordinate and support the coastal cleanup are: Grays Harbor County Commissioners; Chamber of Commerce; Cities of Westport, Ocean Shores and Long Beach; Department of Ecology; Good Sams; Long Beach Peninsula Schools; Merchant’s Associations; Schools; Scouts; Service and Civic Organizations; Telephone Pioneers; Washington State Parks and Recreation and Washington Exec. Director PNW4WDA Awarded Recognition At the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission meeting held on August 10th in Westport the association was awarded recognition for the on-going commitment to their annual coastal cleanup – Operation Shore Patrol. litter from land and water sources which There were approximately leads to human health fifty in attendance, and safety; resources those representing and wildlife concerns. the PNW were; Linda Within the thirty-five year Jessen, Region 3 OSP period, approximately Coordinator, Tony 30,000 volunteers put in Jessen, Trailbreakers; 190,000 hours collecting Bob Brooks, Green River over 800,000 pounds of Valley Jeep Club; and debris. Arlene Brooks, WA. St. The Association also Director. promotes community The following cooperation and support presentation was given from Ilwaco to Moclips by Pam McConkey, prior to and during the Volunteer cleanup weekend. On behalf of the organization continued effort, in On behalf of the 2001 Washington State Washington State Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation awarded the association Commission, I and the “Group Volunteer State Parks Coordinator. 4-Wheelin’ News As the recreational use of our public lands increase so does the pressure on land and recreation managers; establishing a strong working relationship with them is important. The Forest Service has acknowledged that off highway vehicle recreation is appropriate on public lands and with this it is up to us to make our presence known and show good stewardship can be achieved by working with well established and organized user groups. There is a continued need for managed land agencies to provide for more recreational opportunities and with a greater public and user group involvement and collaboration. It has been and always will be our intentions to undertake planning exercises to protect I am happy to announce that Dave Smith, Swamp Stompers, Region 2, has accepted the position as Land Coordinator for the Gifford Pinchot project. He will be the spokesperson as we address 4x4 opportunities on the Forest. I understand he has some seasoned veterans supporting him in his efforts, Ed Cooper and Jack Jones. Thanks Dave and crew for your commitment to continue to achieve the association’s goals. Till next time, Arlene Brooks, WA. St. Director ~ PNW4WDA interested citizens. This organization has been recognized numerous times as National Award Winner within the Take Pride in America program. Thank you for your hard work and continued efforts in keeping all of our coastal beaches clean. The Certificate of Appreciation reads as follows: To the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association – “Thank you for over 30 years of supporting Washington State Parks with Operation Shore Patrol for the enhancement and protection of our recreational and natural sites for the enjoyment of all citizens.” Left to right: Linda Jessen, Operation Shore Patrol, Region 3 Coordinator; Arlene Brooks, WA. State Director; Pam McConkey, Washington State Parks & Recreation Volunteer Coordinator. Washington State. Director’s Report and maintain our inventoried trail systems - but also to pursue opportunities in other areas for four wheel drive owners - as Washington’s population increases and our sport continues to grow with this growth. Dated 10th day of August, 2007 - signed by Rex Derr, Director and Commissioners Robert Petersen, Joan Thomas, Joe Taller, Cecila Vogt, Fred Olson, Mickey Fearn, and Dr. Eliot Scull. ~ SEPTEMBER 2007 Fall Delegates Meeting September 8, 2007 Trailbreakers, Inc. welcomes you to the Fall Delegates Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Cowlitz PUD Auditorium, 961 – 12th, Longview, Washington. Entrance is on 12th. A map is included in this packet. Also included in this packet is a listing of motels in the Longview/Kelso area. There is also a list of eating establishments within close proximity to the auditorium in Longview. If you have any questions, please call (360) 636-1675 or (360) 560-4598. 5 WORK PARTY SCHEDULE BEVERLY SAND DUNES.......Contact Bill Wiester at 509-766-6005 ELBE HILLS ORV AREA.........Contact Steve Russell at 360-537-3755 ETHEL RACE FACILITY..........Contact Dave Taylor at 360-668-0719 EVANS CREEK ORV AREA....Contact Derrick Clark at 360-829-9273 LIBERTY ORV AREA...............Contact Dale Neuman at 509-663-0477 MOSES LAKE SAND DUNES..Contact Dave McMains at 509-765-2922 NACHES TRAIL........................Contact Dave Bauman at 360-629-1654 REITER TRAILS.......................Contact Ed Tenney at 360-863-8181 SADIE CREEK ORV AREA......Contact Dale Brownfield at [email protected] TRAIL JAMBOREE PARK CLEANUP..Contact Merrick Graves at 425-432-0587 TAHUYA ORV AREA................Contact Jeff Williams at 360-377-1971 or [email protected] To include your work party on this schedule please contact: Merrick Graves at 425-432-0587 or [email protected] Operation Shore Patrol 2007 September 15th and 16th the coordinators are busy finalizing the annual litter clean up and are looking for volunteers who would like to add their expertise to this national award winning event. For added information or need questions answered you may contact the following: Ocean City State Park (Ocean Shores) is the headquarters that lies within the Region 1 area, coordinator is Angela Holm, she can be reached at (253) -529-9482 or by email [email protected]. Twin Harbors/Grayland State Park is the headquarters for the Region 2 area, Bob and Barb Woolery are the coordinators, they can be reached at (360) 893-8447 or [email protected]. Linda Jessen is the coordinator for Region 3, At Longbeach, WA, she can be reached at (360) 636-1675 or [email protected]. Each area has special events and activities throughout the weekend – “rain or shine” the annual event will take place – so come prepared for Washington weather. AB 6 2008 Trail Jamboree July 9 -13, 2008 Registration begins February 11. Contact 425.432.0587 or for information. Brought to you by Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. SEPTEMBER 2007 None Land & Legislative: of our Land Chairpeople was present August The meeting was called to order by Angie Holm at 7:30, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the ill and departed. There were 13 delegates present, representing 8 clubs. Secretary Report: Motion was made by Theresa Myers to approve the minutes as written in the Tri-Power, Dave Taylor second. Directors Report: Board Meeting; Competition: Dave went over Summer Convention and the special awards that were given out: Bill Hartz Memorial Award: Rob Stafford Linda Shute Memorial Award: Mikki Simonson Bob Hannah Memorial Award: Gary Marshall Michael Blair Individual Memorial Award: Angie Marek Michael Blair Family Memorial Award: May Family Camp Trophy: Outdoor 4x4’s Street & Trail Top E-Women: Kara Madison Street & Trail Top E-Men: Mark Nelson Top EWomen: Mikki Simonson Top E-Men: Scott Mathany Top E Drags-Women: Shelbi Curtis Top E Drags-Men: Bubba Trokey Kids Top E Boys: Craig Stafford Kids Top E Girls: Taylor Folden Region Run Offs- Women: Region 2 Angela Turcotte, Melody Reynoldson, Diana Prine, Breezy Campeau, Tracy Shipman Region Run Offs- Men: Region 1 Doug Smith, Kevin Parker, Luke May, Wayne Laurent, Rob Green. Club Challenge- Women: Moonshiner Women: Angie Marek, Carmen Trummert, Heidi Gregg & Samantha Simonson Club Challenge- Men: All in the Family: Roy May, Luke May, Frank May & Joe May Convention went really well and we’d like to Thank Kyle Wiebold and Region 3 for hosting this year. You guys did a great job! 4-Wheelin’ News Club Report: Outdoor 4x4’s has 13 families and was formed in 1974. They were formed off of Sky Valley Wonderers. They club is mostly into racing but we do have a few trail rigs and in our club. Region Reports: Food Drive: Please start bringing in food, we’d like to have a food for the Thanksgiving Holiday this year. Also don’t forget to bring in small teddy bears and blankets. Operation Shore Patrol: This will be held the 3rd weekend in September the 15th & 16th. Camping is free in the park and there will only be 1 rig per site. Timber Tamers will be hosting their Steak/Chicken dinner again this year. Not sure what the fee will be, but it’s been $10 per head the past few years. After dinner we’ll have our raffle and then the poker run on the beach. Angie has several confirmations and is working on prizes; she’d also like each club to donate at least 2. You can bring it to a region meeting or to shore patrol, just make sure you label who it’s from. New Business: Old Business: We met at “Rock” last night and there was a lot of noise so next month we’re going to try a different layout and see if it’ll be better, if not we’ll check into new places. Restaurant Lynnwood, WA October 17th, 2007 Rainier Ridge Rams Rock Restaurant Lynnwood, WA November 21st Seattle Rump Bumbers Rock Restaurant Lynnwood, WA December NO MEETING Meeting Adjourned at 8:22 Submitted by Grace May ~ Correction on the Naches Forest Service Trailer. The trailer was worked on by the Shindig Wheelers of Yakima. It was worked on at Sid Hagemeier’s shop. There are about 169 combined hours of labor into it. These hours are turned into the PNW4WDA and Naches Ranger District. These hours go toward getting grants to keep trails open. The four-wheel drive clubs that donated to the trailer were the Lower Valley Canyon Crawlers, Shindig Wheelers, Timberwolves, and Yakima Valley Mountaineers. The trailer is for use on the four-wheel drive trails we use and volunteer to maintain. Don’t forget to turn in any volunteer hours you have to the PNW and the district you are volunteering in. This includes picking up litter on trail, cleaning debris on trail, giving directions to others on trail, etc. ~ Region 2 Director Dorothy Churchill 08/16/2007 Regular meeting called to order by Vice Director, Bonnie Nettnin, followed by flag salute and moment of silence for the sick and departed. There were 34 people representing 17 clubs. Secretary’s Report – MMSC to accept the minutes as published in the Tri-Power. Sign in sheet was passed around. Roll call was not taken. Treasurer’s Report – MMSC to accept the treasurer’s report as read. We Did it/Club Power: No report. Land Matters: No report. Naches: Did a “walk-about” with the forest service prior to Trail Jam. Pushing to open trails July 1st instead of July 15. Did work up on Government Meadows. Work party being planned for the fall, possibly the first weekend in October. We need to be good stewards of the land. Evans Creek: No report Elbe Hills: There have been no focus group meetings lately. Once fire season is over will schedule meetings. To be discussed is approval for new signs for the trails. What would the region like on the signs? Come to a focus meeting to share your ideas. No trail steward was assigned. The last work party was in the spring on the Swamp Trail. More work is needed. A work party is planned for September 22nd and 23rd. Plan is to work on the campground, signs, and prep the Busy Wild for the winter. Dale is asking for more enforcement from Nancy on the long weekends. The Thunder Trucks are doing a good job with the Sunshine Trail and Dog Pound Offroad is doing a good job on the Swamp Trail in the Adopt-a-Trail program. Tahuya: No report OHV Watch: Thank you to the region for being a sponsor of the WOHVA expo. Kelly Solomon from the Moonshiners Jeep Club was the photographer for the event. The 4WD part of the weekend was awesome. Next year the plan is to have a Poker Run for the ATV’s and motorbikes on Saturday and for the 4x4s on Sunday. It will also be scheduled for a different date so it doesn’t conflict with the motorbike event in Washougal. Rob Stafford from the Cascade Continued on page 8 The EXPO was really good. There were a lot of different types of off road vehicles there and we had a good event. Sunday we had 9 members of the PNW federally certified for sound. The Competition Committee purchased and set of their equipment. Upcoming Events: September 1-2Cascade 4x4 Race at Ethel September 8th – Fall Delegates meeting in Longview September 15th & 16thOperation Shore Patrol October 6th & 7thOutdoor 4x4’s Fun Days at Ethel PLEASE NOTE THE SCHEDULE CHANGES Hosting Schedule for 2007: September 19th 2007 Pacific Rover Club Rock SEPTEMBER 2007 7 Continued from page 7 4x4s and Edward Campbell from Dog Pound Offroad attended the sound seminar and the PNW bought a sound tester. Ed Bushnell asked for a sound testing grant and was approved for $8000.00. The annual WOHVA meeting is on 10/07/2007 at Clover Park Technical College. Membership renewals are going out now. Letter Writing: reminder to get letters to Angie Membership: No report Ways and Means: All of last years Summer Convention t-shirts have been sold. Need to order new things. PR: No report Future 4-Wheelers: The ice cream social and scavenger hunt at Trail Jam went well. Only 5 kids participated in the scavenger hunt at Summer Convention. Also did kids games at the WOHVA Expo. Competition: Region 2 women won team relay at Summer Convention. There was a good turn out; over 175 adult tech cards were handed out. The Cascade 4x4s are having a play day on Labor Day weekend at Ethel and the Outdoor 4x4s are having a Fun Days the first weekend in October at Ethel. Old Business: • Nominations for competition chairman were opened. Rob Stafford and Kevin Kehrberg are nominated. New Business: • Operation Shore Patrol is approaching. Lists of last year’s participants were passed out. • Fall Delegates meeting is scheduled for 09/08/07 at the Cowlitz PUD in Longview, start time is 9: 00 am. Hosted by the Trailbreakers. • Need some suggestions on how to get more participation at the work parties. A motion was made for the PNW to donate money for a food fund as a thank you to those participating in the work parties. After discussion the motion was rescinded and a new motion made for Region 2 to donate up to $200.00 for food on a case-by-case basis for work parties. The motion was seconded but did not pass with 8 in favor and 9 opposed. • MMSC for Region 2 to supply hamburgers and buns for the work party at Elbe on 09/22/07 and 09/23/07. • Discussion about Region 2 putting together a phone book again. • A Celebration of Life is planned for Wilma Churchill on 08/19/07 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. 8 • Angie played the picture CD made as a thank you card for the WOHVA sponsors. Upcoming Events: 09/01/07-09/03/07 Cascade 4x4s Summers End Playday at Ethel. Contact Rob Stafford 253-691-4351. 09/08/07 Fall Delegates Meeting at Cowlitz PUD in Longview. For info call 360636-1675. 09/09/07 4x4 Swap Meet in Shelton from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more info call 360490-5849. 09/15/07 Operation Shore Patrol. For more info contact Bob or Barb Woolery at 360893-8447. 09/20/07 Region 2 Delegates Meeting 7:30 pm at Tumwater Bar & Grill, 4611 Tumwater Valley Dr SE, Tumwater, WA 09/23/07 8th Annual 4x4 and Performance swap meet hosted by the White Knuckles at the Enumclaw Expo Center (formerly the King County Fairgrounds) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more info contact Janet at 253-536-8381 With no other business for the good of the order the raffle was held and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8: 40pm. Please remember if you won a door prize, bring one to the next meeting. Next meeting: September 20, 2007 at 7:30pm, Tumwater Bar & Grill Respectfully submitted, Diana Stafford, Secretary by Proxy ~ Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin AUGUST 14, 2007 UNION GAP, WA Director Earl Nettnin called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. opened. Terri and Kevin Mohan were nominated as co-chairmen. With no further nominations, Al Matson made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for Terri and Kevin, seconded by Ron Rutherford, motion passed. Terri passed around pictures of Summer Convention. Terri also said that there is a Monster Truck show coming up in January and they wanted to have PNW barrel racers put on a show during intermission. More information will be coming. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Earl sent a packet to Chris Ostgaard and Darby Headding. Both wanted information on forming a club. They are in the Yakima area. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT: Please remember to fill out and send in paper work for your events. GUEST: Courtney Mohan MINUTES: The minutes from the July region meeting were read and a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept them. TREASURER’S REPORT: was given. Terri Mohan presented a bill for $219.71 for10 shirts for the Competition relay team for summer convention. A motion was made by Al Matson and seconded by Doug Conner to pay for the shirts. Motion passed. COMP REPORT: Terri Mohan reported on Summer Convention. Region 4 Men and Region 4 Women each took second place. Nominations for Region 4 Comp Chairman were FUTURE 4-WHEELERS: Nothing to report at this time. WEB SITE: We have paid the Domain fees for another year. Sandy Morrow has been ill and had surgery again. She really isn’t going to be able to keep up with it. Rich White will contact her and see what he might do to help. PR: Kelda is doing a fantastic job getting the information out to the members regarding land matters, special meetings etc. If you have something you’d like sent out please contact Kelda at [email protected]. LAND MATTERS: Doug reported that currently a fire closure is in affect at Juniper Dunes. Juniper Dunes has been getting some coverage in the TriCity Herald. One of the reporters wrote a big article about the land owner that wants the road to himself, however, after some research by Doug it has come to our attention that the fellow who wants to close the road isn’t listed on the tax assessors’ website as owning any land along Peterson Road. Doug has written letters to the editor of the paper as well as the BLM requesting that they do further checking on the ownership of the land. Doug also reported that he had attended a meeting with Congressman Doc Hastings, 3 representatives from the BLM and 2 from Franklin County and that access to Juniper Dunes was the topic, however, it seemed mostly to bring Congressman Hastings up to speed on the access issue. Commissioners from 2 different counties went to Washington D.C. to meet with the acting head of the BLM. Access to Juniper Dunes was to have been one of the topics. Doug says, “time will tell”. Ron Rutherford reported on the issues around the land exchange. He attended the July 19th meeting regarding the land swap in the Ahtanum area. Shawn Monte has backed out of the land swap, but the Ahtanum Irrigation is still in so they will proceed with the swap but it will be next year before it is final. Earl reported on the July 26th meeting on the North Fork Ahtanum Land Exchange. The meeting started promptly at 6:30 PM and was over at 6:45 PM. Testimony was Continued on page 9 Has Your Address Changed? E-Mail: [email protected] or PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Kathy ”Frogg” McMains 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 SEPTEMBER 2007 Continued from page 8 presented by 5 different people and each of them stressed that they wanted to maintain access to the land. You can still make written comments and they will be accepted either by letter or e-mail or fax until August 31, 2007. You can view information related to this exchange on the DNR Web site at North Fork Ahtanum Land Exchange information is accessible after clicking on the Trust Land Transactions link on the home page. Mail comments to Department of Natural Resources, Asset Management & Protection Division, Attn: Land Exchange No. 86-079370, PO Box 47014, Olympia, WA 985047014 or fax number (360)9021789 or e-mail exchanges Earl also reported that we may have an opportunity for some snow travel in the Blue Mountains. Larry Randall with the Walla Walla Ranger District has said that he is open to sitting down with the 4-wheelers to discuss the possibilities. We are in the process of getting a representative from the Blue Mt. 4-Wheelers to be on this committee. Earl also stated that some meetings on the travel plan had been held in the Naches and the CleElum Ranger District. Doug attended the one in the Naches and his comment was that it was very informal. Maps were on the wall and no one was really able to answer questions. Ron Rutherford has been talking monthly with Sue Ranger and Mike Rowan about the travel plan, to be sure that our trails are on the map. They assured him that there would be a time to do this, however, when he asked at the meeting on August 9th, he was told that it had been done last winter. The rangers indicated that this is how it was going to start. Ron said he told them that he was not happy with the way things had gone down and asked where he could send his comments. They said well, they were just here that day to show where things were at the moment and really didn’t give him an answer. Ron will keep after them. No maps were available only the ones hanging on the wall. The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Travel Management Plan comment period has been extended until November 16, 2007. Information about it and the management process is available on the web at recreation/ohv/. Comments on the Evans Creek ORV Area Management Plan have been compiled and sent out. Earl received the 8 page document with all the comments that were received as a result of the public meeting on June 28, 2007. Al Matson reported that he had received a copy of the White Pass expansion plan, and that 4-Wheelin’ News it weighed 18 pounds. Not sure what the outcome will be yet. Earl received a letter from David C. Schmitt, Team Leader for Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Team stating that the United States District Court, Northern District of CA, ruled on March 30, 2007, that the Forest Service’s adoption of the 2005 National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule violated the Administrative Procedures Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act. As a result of this everything is on hold until they can figure out what kind if act they can follow to make the plan usable. The Naches Ranger District is looking for letters of support for their 2008 grants that they have applied for through RCO, (this used to be IAC) Your letters don’t have to be very long basically they need to state which application you are interested in, tell why you think the project is important and should be funded. Date and sign your name and send to the District Ranger Randy Shepard at Naches Ranger District, 10237 US Highway 12, Naches, WA 98937 or e-mail to sranger and she will see that Randy gets it. The two that effect 4-wheel drive are 5) Naches Front Country OHV E & E Rangers. This grant is for $199,831 to fund this program over the 2008 – 2009 season. Over 90% of this request is for salaries and fuel. 6) Naches Developed and Dispersed Maintenance and Operations. This grant is for $104,697 and will go to funding the recreation maintenance crew salaries, gas, and cleaning supplies and toilet paper. Letters need to be received by September 1st. The Eastern Washington Resource Council is seeking new members. They have openings for 5. They are looking for someone to represent: grazing permit or lease holders, local and regional environmental groups, the commercial timber industry, and academics in natural resource science. Nominations will be accepted through August 24, 2007. Dave McMains represents the PNW for motorized. The Little Rattlesnake 4 X 4 trail reconstruction has received funding in the amount of $29,450 from IAC and $35,514 from sponsor contributions for a total of $64,964. Earl had an opportunity to talk to a couple of the trail crew and they said that one of the bridges was in and material for the 2nd bridge had been hauled in and they are widening that track into the bridge. They are working on this as time permits and when they need our help, they will call and schedule a work party. DNR meetings in Ellensburg probably will resume in October because of the fires. They are very interested in what we as users would like to see in the Ahtanum area. Ron Rutherford is working very hard to make the DNR aware of our wants. WORK PARTIES: Mikki Douglass of the CleElum Ranger District is putting together a Gallagher and Hawkins work party for the end of August. They plan to put in a new bridge and block the Hawkins meadow better. Let her know at [email protected] if you are interested in helping. OLD BUSINESS: A report on the Rock Crawl that was held June 23 in Yakima and sponsored by Steve Standley of TRUX Etc. was given by the Shindig Wheelers. This was a huge success and Steve made a very large donation to Region 4 to show his appreciation for all the help. He plans to make this an annual event. Once again Earl thanked TRUX and the Shindig Wheelers for this much needed activity. Trail Jamboree was a success and well attended. One jeep rolled, the driver and his passenger were not hurt, just shook up a bit and had some bruises. Pam Remley had suggested that we try to put together something like Operation Shore Patrol. She volunteered to head it up. We have several lakes on this side of the mountains and maybe we could find an area that needs cleaning up. We can think about this for next year as everyone felt we didn’t have enough time to organize it this year. It could be held the 3rd week in September. Corn Feed this year has been cancelled for lack of a place to hold it since the Ridgerunners no longer have the Jeep Bowl. Nominations were opened for most inspirational in Region 4. Kelda Hagemeier was nominated by Doug Conner seconded by Ron Rutherford. Hearing no further nominations they were closed and a unanimous ballot was cast for Kelda. Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work. Trophy will be presented at the September Region meeting. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. FUTURE MEETINGS: Fall Delegates, September 8 in Longview, WA at the Cowlitz PUD sponsored by the Trailbreakers in Region 3. Packets had been handed out, however, info can be found in Tri-Power. CLUB REPORTS: Earl reminded everyone that they should be working on putting together a history of their club for the 50th Anniversary of the PNW in 2010. Yakima Valley Mountaineers: Morris reported things were very slow. However, some did attend Summer Convention at Ethel. SEPTEMBER 2007 The Jeepin’ Nomads : Nomads and friends had a camp out July 22 – 24 at Rimrock, they ran some trails did some trail maintenance and education. Ron Rutherford attended the saw class in July and thought it was very worthwhile. Ron has been busy attending Land Matter meetings. They had a camp out this last weekend at Little Naches and ran several trails. Their annual swap meet will be September 9 at Mobile Fleet Service in Yakima. They may have a camp out in the Ahtanum sometime in September. Roamin’ Chariots: Kirk Kirkpatrick and Gary Kasowski were the support vehicle for a car in the Great Race. Their car finished 5th in the rookie class out of 18. Kirk also got to ride in a Nascar at Lowes Motor speedway. The Roamin’ Chariots went on a camping trip and jeep runs with the Jeepin’ Nomads on the Little Naches. They are looking forward to attending the Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet in September. Ridgerunners: went on their Mouse House Run to Montana, Idaho and Washington all 1,100 miles were on gravel roads. Only had a few breakdowns. They had their club meeting last week and they are still looking to purchase land. They plan to attend the Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet in September. Nitty Gritty: are winding up the race season and are planning to attend a camp out in September with the Good Time 4-Wheelers and friends at Region 4 Meadows. Shindig Wheelers: had their annual Leaning Tree cleanup, and at the same time some of their members went to Oregon for Creek & Trail. Before Trail Jamboree some of their club had a run to Liberty with the Deschutes 4-Wheelers. They were hosts at Trail Jamboree and on Thursday’s pre-run was a true abuse day for the Shindig Wheelers, 5 out of the 8 on the run broke for one or two reasons. All turned out well and a good time was had by all. TRUX was their sponsor. August 11th they had a run to Rimrock with the Jolly Jeepers from Oregon. They went to Memorial Meadows and Blue Slide trail, Sid was leading and was the only one with a chain saw and Kelda reported that they cleared about 57 trees. On the way back they had some tire problems. Back at camp they had a potluck and watched the video of the days run. Sunday Sid took everyone on a “short” run. They were to have been back at 1 PM only they didn’t quite make it, it was 3 PM, not bad for Sid’s “short” run. They are planning on going to Rimrock over Labor Day and they plan to attend the White Knuckle swap meet and the Jeepin’ Nomads swap meet. They voted in 3 new members and have 2 more candidates. Desert Rats: some attended Trail Jamboree, some as hosts and some as participants. Some of our members went on an Alaska trip with motor homes only. They were gone 6 ½ weeks and went 6,500 miles. Some went to Montana’s Divide Ride in Whitehall. We plan to launch Sprint Boats August 18. This will be the last race of the season and will be at night. Racing starts at 5 PM. A run to Sleepy Park has been called over Labor Day weekend. We will be helping the Dust Dodgers with their annual motor cycle race in Rimrock lake in October . GOOD OF THE ORDER: The PNW has a video library – see Tri-Power for selections, contact Don Jensen. Anyone have a windshield frame and/or window and a Fiberglass hood that fits a 1953 CJ3B – call Mark at 425-346-3986. Al Matson asked that we form a committee for Winter Convention 2010. Members will consist of Kelda Hagemeier 509 – 698-3703 [email protected], Karen Livezey 509-547-3261 e k l i v e z e y @ c h a r t e r. n e t , Sande Nettnin 509-783-6481 [email protected] and Al Matson chairman 509-4521506. DOOR PRIZE: was won by Shawn Rehfield, so Shawn will provide one for the next meeting. Mark your Calendar: The next two Region 4 meetings will be Tuesday, September 11, 7:30 PM in Pasco at Doug Conner’s shop; Tuesday, October 9, 7:30 PM at Standard Battery in Moses Lake. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Region 4 Secretary/Treasurer ~ 21 August 2007 Region 3 Director Rick Smith called the meeting to order, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the sick and departed. ROLL CALL Thirteen clubs were present including Flat Broke & 4 Wheelin’; Hubs In; Mud A Rama; Mud Puppies; Our Gang Off Road; PNW Individuals; Sand Fleas; Trailbreakers, Inc.; Trask Mountain; Vancouver 4 Wheelers; Washougal Bunch; Pacific Coast Rovers; and Pistons Wild. HOSTING CLUB Darryl Maunu gave a report on Our Gang Off Road. The club has been around for about 3 years and is slowly growing. Darryl stated that his club is represented at many Continued on page 10 9 Continued from page 9 events within the Region and the Association. They attend many playdays, shows, and events, as well, as help out with projects in and out of the PNW. Flat Broke and 4 Wheelin’ will host September, the Sand Fleas will be the October hosts and Pistons Wild will host in November. Rick Smith stated he would host December despite the fact there is no meeting in December. MINUTES Kyle Wiebold made the motion, seconded by Kristen Smith, that the minutes be approved as printed in Tri Power. Motion carried. OFFICER REPORTS Region Director Rick Smith Rick received a letter from the World War Post Memorial Building Committee about the need to raise the rent for the meeting room as of September 1. Discussion was held. Don Jensen made the motion, seconded by Bill Manbeck, that we pay the rent for 2 years. Motion carried. Rick welcomed Rodney Newcome, a past member of Flat Broke, who arrived as a guest. Rick thanked Kyle Wiebold for the great job he did with Summer Convention. Rick also extended a thank you to all the clubs, Regions, and individuals who helped with the Convention. Doug Van Dyke stated that this was his first Summer Convention in about 22 years and he had a great time. Vice President Darryl Maunu Darryl stated he didn’t have too much of a report this evening. He also thanked everyone who came and helped out with Convention. Secretary Linda Jessen No report at this time. Tom Fisher stated that he thought Region 3 deserved a round of applause, especially the Competition Committee, for Summer Convention. The round of applause was given. Treasurer Rick Levine Rick was unable to attend this evening’s meeting. Public Relations Josh Jones Josh gave a brief report. He has been contacted by the Gresham Jeep and Chrysler dealership about their rock crawl on September 8th. Competition Kyle Wiebold Kyle announced there are 2 more races scheduled for Ethel. He stated that the PNW had bought new fire extinguishers for Summer Convention to be handed out to the competitors. The Convention was well attended and it was a great weekend. No whining! He again thanked everyone for their attendance and their help. Thanks to the Hombres and White Knuckles who also helped out. Fishers were thanked for taking care of the t-shirts. Kyle Wiebold made the motion, seconded by Kristin Smith that the left over shirts be donated to the Region 3 members. Motion carried. Convention results will be printed in Tri Power and the “dingies” will be at the next 10 meeting, hopefully. Kyle also thanked Dave and Frogg McMains for attending Convention and doing Ways and Means. They sold a lot of merchandise and had a great time. Rick Smith again thanked all who attended and helped out. OREGON LAND MATTERS Richard Buls has received the minutes of the last Astoria meeting. If you wish a copy, contact Richard. Several people are leaving the Tillamook. Adopt A Trail and all events will be going through S4ephanie Beale. Logging cleanup is going well on the Cedar Tree trail area. They are trying to formulate a new calculation for putting on events. Volunteer hours will be required before events will take place. Restoring the TRAC committee is also being worked on. A discussion followed. A lot of positive feedback is being received. WASHINGTON LAND MATTERS John Blake stated that he has really been doing a lot of traveling for his job. Crystal Crowder and Bill Manbeck brought some information to the Region about the “Pick Up The Burn” project. There is a lot of litter that needs to be picked up. The event The is September 22nd. information will be submitted to the PNW Website. Information was also given about the mandate set forth within the DNR to open up areas for recreation. They would like an area like the Tahuya. There is a planning meeting September 18th. User groups need to be there, especially 4-wheel drive! Bill Manbeck made the motion, seconded by Richard Buls, that the Region go to the meeting, in mass. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. The meeting will be held at the Water Resource Center. Directions will be posted on the website. The meeting room is very small so an early arrival of 6 p.m. was suggested. Crystal stated that she is working on a presentation but not getting any requested information in a timely manner. Some information did trickle in today. Don Jensen asked for a 3minute recess and the request was granted. The meeting returned to order at 8:24. If you do not have a computer let Crystal know so she can send it by snail mail. Richard Buls made the motion, seconded by Don Jensen, that Pistons Wild be reimbursed for printing and mailing of the meeting information. Motion carried. Bill urged everyone to participate in the “Pick Up The Burn”. There will be a potluck later. IAD Don Jensen gave a brief report on the United meeting. United is working hard to change to become a better organization. CLUB POWER/WE DID IT/ QUILL POWER Carol Jensen stated that she had nothing at this time. WEBMASTER No report at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS Future 4 Wheelers Josh Jones stated that he still only had 2 sign up. Ways and Means Kristen Smith stated that she had PNW stickers for sale this evening. PNW Ways and Means chair Frogg McMains is getting more inventory. Kristen has borrowed a catalog and is looking at inventory for the Region. Operation Shore Patrol The cleanup is the weekend of September 15th. Registration will be from 7 to 8 a.m. at Cape Disappointment State Park. Region 3 Potluck BBQ Carol Jensen asked if we were going to have this September 15th at Cape Disappointment as in previous years. The Region agreed. Kyle Wiebold made the motion, seconded by Kristen Smith, that $250 be advanced for the purchase of hamburgers, hot dogs, and oysters for the Region 3 picnic. Motion carried. The potluck will begin about 5 p.m. Tillamook Work Parties Due to the fire season, things are kind of quiet. There are no fires allowed and chainsaw use is curtailed at 1. Trails are open. Trask Work Parties Kurt Amundson stated that there isn’t much going on. They are working on trails and work is being done on obtaining a bridge for one trail. OLD BUSINESS Longview OHV Show Linda Jessen stated it went well. There were 37 entries this year. Several people and organizations have been in contact about a show next year. There were only 2 problems but they will be worked out. NEW BUSINESS Nominations Nominations were opened for Competition Chairman. Darryl Maunu nominated Kyle Wiebold who accepted the nomination. Don Jensen made the motion, seconded by Kristen Smith, that the nominations be closed. Motion carried and the nominations were closed until the next meeting. Region 3 Roster Kristen Smith is working on updating the Region 3 Roster. Kristen asked that all clubs send her a current roster for their club. Deadline is September 1st. Earl Friemuth asked if the road out of Lyda Camp has been fixed and the answer was not as yet. GOOD OF THE ORDER Cascade Cruisers is having a Poker Run September 29th. Pacific Coast Rovers announced they would be working with the big English car show at PIR on Labor Day weekend. As a fundraiser, they will be taking people on rides on the motorcross course. The monthly drawing was held. Tom Fisher asked for adjournment. Hearing no other business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jessen, Secretary ~ SEPTEMBER 2007 HUMMER Supports World-Famous Rubicon Trail DETROIT - For the second consecutive year, HUMMER supports Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR), with a $5,000 donation to provide materials, food and tools for the hundreds of volunteers who work with the organization to maintain the Rubicon. Friends of the Rubicon is an informal coalition of groups and individuals dedicated to keeping the one of the world’s most famous off-road destinations, the Rubicon Trail open and available to offroaders. “HUMMER has proven itself to be a significant partner in keeping the Rubicon Trail alive and well, says Del Albright, Friends of the Rubicon founder and trail boss. Albright, who has led FOTR for seven years through his affiliation with the BlueRibbon Coalition ( said that HUMMER has supported the organization like no other manufacturer. In 2006, HUMMER became the first and only automotive manufacturer to support Friends of the Rubicon. “The Rubicon Trail is extremely important to HUMMER. Our owners use it for recreation, while HUMMER engineers use the trail to test the capabilities of our products,” says Martin Walsh, HUMMER General Manager. “It is our responsibility to ensure the future of off-roading remains a viable hobby for off-road enthusiasts around the globe.” In addition to supporting FOTR, HUMMER actively promotes organizations that promote environmental education and trail restoration. • HUMMER provides each new owner with a one-year membership to Tread Lightly!, a national nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to empower generations to enjoy the outdoors responsibly. c o m m i t t e d to promoting responsible public land use. • In October 2003, HUMMER provided a $100,000 endowment to Tread Lightly! to launch the HUMMER Helps program. The endowment is administered as a grant giving initiative to select outdoor enthusiast clubs who are Tread Lightly! members and have pinpointed recreational areas in need. The HUMMER Helps program was created to sustain the lands where outdoor enthusiasts enjoy off-highway activities. • In August 2005, HUMMER donated nearly $13,000 to a Tread Lightly! rehabilitation project at the Bald Mountain offhighway vehicle (OHV) trail in the Sierra National Forest, Fresno, CA. About HUMMER HUMMER is a division of General Motors Corp. (NYSE: GM), the world’s largest vehicle manufacturer, which employs about 321,000 people globally. HUMMER is one of the world’s fastest growing truck brands, with a product line-up that consists of the H2, H2 SUT, H3 and the H3x. There are 173 HUMMER dealers nationwide. CONTACT(S): Nick Richards HUMMER Communications 313-665-9292 313-720-9541 [email protected] ~ • Every owner who attends the HUMMER Driving Academy receives membership to the BlueRibbon Coalition, a national coalition of organizations, b u s i n e s s e s and individuals Trail Jamboree 2007 Report From the “Jeepers”! eyes of new We attempted to sign up for Trail Jam on opening day of registration. By 4:00 PM all of the slots were full. There was an option in the event of a cancellation and we signed up hoping we would get a spot. We were very lucky, got the cancellation call a couple of weeks before the event and immediately said “Yes”. As this was our first “big, organized run” we had no idea of what to expect. But with encouragement from Dick and Judy Williams and the kindness of their family and friends who had attended for many years…..We had a blast!! We left Spokane on Wednesday and followed Dick respect for the environment is admirable. of the locals accessing the VERY swift River in “flotation devices” that were barely adequate for the job. With the very hot weather, they were all intent on getting into the cool water most without life vests and some without oars, but as far as we know, they all had a safe landing! Dick and Judy made dinner for us and as usual…..delicious. We left the next morning stopping in Yakima for last minute necessities and ICE!! It was hot and getting hotter. We loaded up and headed to the campground. We arrived and were amazed by the number of Recreational Vehicles, Jeeps and 4 wheelers that were in the process of assembling. With amazing organization…. We entered the campground, signed in, received our information packet, identifying wrist bands, prize tickets and many warm greetings. We We went on three runs. Day one was Rocky Saddle. We kept getting comments regarding our street tires. Would they be enough to make it through the rocks, hills, mud and water? We wondered too, when the first hill (mountain) was straight up, very steep and lots of loose shale and rocks. Art set the lockers, went into 4 wheel drive and low gear, I covered my eyes and did some deep breathing……and up we went without a hitch. We spent the day going up and down rocky hills and steep trails on the street tires without a hitch!! A perfect first day. The second day we did Kaner Quartz. I wanted very much to see if I could manage driving. With great reservation and much encouragement from my man…..I gave it a try....On those same street tires. We went through mud, water, “the knife blade” a very narrow road on the crest of a mountain overlooking Mt Rainier, The Squeeze” and never once backed up to make a turn….Which I found out gave you extra “points”! I was so stoked that I am trying to talk Art into painting my side of the Jeep PINK. That would be the driver’s side of course! The third day we shared the driving and had another beautiful run though the narrow shady trails of the Cascades. More holes, mud, water, rocks, narrow slots and steep climbs. Another day that the street tires did the job! We were accompanied by our personal Jack Russell tail gunner Beau, who alerted us of impending chipmunk and squirrel attacks! That little Russell loves Jeeping too! and Judy to a rest stop on the Yakima River…..We had a nice spot where we saw many 4-Wheelin’ News parked with Dick’s family and long time friends, and we were immediately welcomed by all. This event has us totally hooked on the Jeeping experience. Not only because One last note regarding the trip home……Joel from North Idaho Trail Blazers found himself with two vehicles to drive back to Rathdrum Idaho. One of those vehicles was a White TJ like ours. Well almost because “she” had a Poison Spyder Roll Cage, 6” lift kit, B & M short throw shifter, a Warn winch, 33 inch tires, Ox Locker and custom seats. I said “almost” like ours!! Lucille and I got along quite well on our trip back to Spokane where her owner picked her up…..Art is happy of Jeeping, but the amazing organization of Trailjam. The friendly people who included everyone. The food, the prizes, the dancing and friends that we look forward to seeing next year. that I MIGHT understand future purchases he MAY make! We also learned the importance of PNW4. Many people have spent endless hours of time, money and energy to make roads available for public use. There determination to find new and keep existing roads opens, coupled with their designated time so you are sure to get a spot…..We’ll be there without a doubt. So mark your calendar for next years run. And be sitting by your computer at the Mary and Art Crane And Beau ~ Every run had excellent leaders and assistants (three or more on each run) who knew where everyone was, and if there were breakdowns, there were more mechanics available than a all the Jeep Dealers in the state have on hand! If repairs could not be made on site, one of the assistants would get them back to camp safely. SEPTEMBER 2007 11 We're Looking for Members WASHINGTON: Thunder Trucks CLIFFHANGERS Auburn, WA Snohomish, WA John (253) 606-4019 or (360) 568-1663 [email protected] Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 PNW Individual MEMBER CLUB Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA Piston’s Wild (509) 893-9209 [email protected] (253) 536-8381 [email protected] Crystal 360-606-1648 [email protected] SW Washington/NW Oregon OREGON: CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR Tom (541) 883-2044 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 TIMBER-LINN 4WD CLUB Philomath, OR (h 2@ ) (541) 929-3252 Bend, OR www.deschutescounty4wheelers IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 12 SEPTEMBER 2007 1958 WILLYS OVERLANDER With 265 rebuilt Chev., PTO winch, Tow Bar, Runs Good. $1500 OBO. 253-6863235 Marty---Rainier, WA. 9/06 ~ 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* Ramsey 8000lb PTO winch =$400 CJ Roll Bar $75. Good used Warn Over-Drive to fit T-14 Trans and model 18 Transfer case, $350. Ask for Rick: 360 794-7888 day / 360 568- 6113 eve. We now accept PHOTOS with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to: [email protected], OR FAX 360-695-1043 If using Photo in Ad mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. Ads will be removed after 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended or removed the deadline is the 21st of each month. ~ 1978 Ford F250 Club Cab 460, AT, new exhaust, new paint, 35” BFG, clean inside & out $8200 OBO, Gig Harbor, 253.732.2007 6-06 ~ 66-77 FORD BRONCO PARTS FOR SALE Ford 9” Auburn Gear Limited Slip Differential w/ 4:10 Gears - $250 Danna 44 Differential w/4:10 Gears - $75 Ford 9” 28 Spline Axles (pair) - $75 Power Steering Box - $75 289, 302, 351W Headers - $75 3 ½” Lift Heavy Duty Coil Springs - $40 5 Firestone Steeltec 8ply Heavy duty Truck/ RV Tires 225x75x16(less than 50% wear) - $150 Call Greg in Puyallup at: 253.548.8667 or 253.221.9494 or email me at: [email protected] ~ 10/06 For Sale: Race Jeep, Chevy 350, turbo 350 automatic. $5,500.00. Call Ray Reynoldson at 360273-5036 or 360-239-4656. 3-07 ~ Race Jeep, Chevy 350, turbo 350 automatic. 5,500.00. Call Ray Reynoldson 360-273-5036 or 360-239-4656 5-07 ~ New Products Gen-Right Off Road has introduced a few new products we thought you might be interested in: Check out our New “Boulder Series” Tube Fenders for the YJ / LJ / TJ (In Stock Now) Also check out our new “Stealth LED side Markers/ Blinker kits” We also have our DIY front tube fenders in stock now!!!! Do not miss our NEW 3” Flare Tube Fenders for the YJ / TJ / LJ (Pre-Order Now!) This month SPECIALS: TJ, LJ & YJ Steering Box Skids for $39.99 TJ & YJ Tub Panel Guards $69.99 This offer is good for new orders through the month of August and while supplies last. Remember you can always order from our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can see more events that we will be at: ory.aspx?categoryID=104 Regards, Robert Sales @ Gen-Right Off Road 1816 Angus Ave. Unit A Simi Valley, CA. 93063 805-584-8635 (shop) 805-584-8868 (fax) ~ Race Jeep, New Matercraft seats, new trans, plenty of horsepower, well maintained, $12,500. firm (360) 891-0570 Vanc, WA 8-07 ~ 4-Wheelin’ News SEPTEMBER 2007 13 To add your August 14, 7:30 PM at Shari’s in Union Gap, WA event here, fax 360-695-1043 September 11, 7:30 PM at Doug Conner’s shop - Pasco, WA or email to: tripower@ Deadline: 25st of each month Region 1 Meetings Hosting Schedule for 2007: June 20th, 2007 Happy Campers Town & Country Seattle July 18th, 2007 OffRoad Express Eastside Jeep Bellevue August 15th, 2007 Olympic Trailblazers Everett Powersports Everett September 19th 2007 Outdoor 4x4’s Town & Country Seattle October 17th, 2007 Pacific Rover Club Eastside Jeep Bellevue November 21st Pilchuck Valley 4 Paws Everett Powersports Everett NO DECEMBER MEETING - Region 2 Meetings 5/17/07 7:30pm 4611 Tumwater Valley Dr SE Tumwater, WA. Contact: Dorothy Churchill 235-444-7308 This is a meeting of 4x4 PNW clubs in Region 2. It is a time to learn more about what is happening in our trail systems in our region. Learn about what Race and Mud events are happening and overall a good social time to meet other clubs. Guest are always welcome! - Region 3 Meetings Are always the third Tuesday of each month, They start at 7:30 PM. The meetings are held on the second floor of the VFW Post located at 825 SE Mill, in Portland. - Region 4 meetings June 12, 7:30 PM at Doug Conner’s shop - Pasco, WA July 10, 7:30 PM at Standard Battery - Moses Lake, WA 14 October 9, 7:30 PM at Standard Battery - Moses Lake, WA November 13, 7:30 PM at Shari’s in Union Gap, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING - Region 6 Meetings June 2nd Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers 4x4 & Offroad Swapmeet, Winston OR. For info call Alan Paulson 1-541-679-0571 [email protected] July 14th Hauser, OR. Hosted by Junction City Jeepers. September 15th Florence, OR. Hosted by Strawberry Hill 4 Wheelers. November 17th Klamath Falls, OR. Hosted by the Klamath 4 Runners. January 12th Junction City, OR. Hosted by Junction City Jeepers. - Region 3, Linda Jessen, – Cape Disappointment – (360) 636-1675 yelloejeep111@ear SEPT. 9 Mud Drags Sept. 30 13th Annual Jeeping Nomads 4 X 4 Swap Meet 9 AM to 3 PM Mobile Fleet Service 2003 East Viola, Yakima, WA. Mud Drags September 30 at Straddline ORV Park There will be 2 courses for Tuff Truck. A Cross country course for PNW comp rigs and a tuff truck course with logs, rocks, jumps and ect. Contact Steve Russell for more info: 253 537 3755 go to for Flyer or Reserve your Vendor Space Now 10’ X 20’ Space - $15.00 Drive a Jeep to the swap meet & the driver gets in free, all others $3.00 admission. To reserve your space contact Ron Rutherford @ (509) 9666305 or David Stoothoff @ (509) 453-1461. SEPT. 15-16 Operation Shore Patrol Contact coordinators for further information: Region 1, Angela Holm, Ocean Shores – (253) 5299482 [email protected] Region 2, Bob and Barb Woolery, Twin Harbors (360) 893-8447 [email protected] SEPT. 23 8th annual 4x4 and Performance swap meet By the White Knuckle 4x4 club FEB 23, 2008 SW Winter Convention-Saturday Feb. 23, 2008. (Please note date change.) 1:00 p.m. at Dale & Sandy McKee’s 12567 S. Paula, Yuma, AZ--potluck, bring chairs and BYOBeverage. For information call: Sandy McKee--253-318-5525; Sue Allen--928-342-0376; Mary Lou Radcliff--360-490-3625. We have to have it later than the PNW4WDA Winter Convention because some of us are going on a 30 day RV trek through Mexico, we won’t be back in time for regular date. Thank you very much, if any questions--let me know. Mary Lou - 9:00am-4:00pm - Enumclaw Expo Center(formerly the King County Fairgrounds) Contact Janet (253)536-8381 SEPT. 29-30 Team Trophy Challenge - Washington Cle Elum Ranger district NO DECEMBER MEETING * ATTE N TI O N * TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THE EVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO THANK YOU, RON EMAIL: [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2007 2 Dogs Ink Jay Fellenstein 2/1/2005 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253 952-6398 4x4 Mods Jim Bullard 1/5/2006 PO Box 28537 Bellingham, WA 98228 360 303-8741 Fax: 360 752-2252 Advanced Adapters Inc Mike Partridge 4320 Aerotech Center Way Paso Robles, CA 93446 805 238-7000 Fax: 805 238-7201 Al’s Repair Al Yenney 4/1/2003 900 N Avery Pasco, WA 99301 509 547-8021 Cascade Offroad Equipment Joe Zaichkin 11/3/2006 15012 Meridian E Ste 1 Puyallup, WA 98375 253 840-1171 Country Tractor & Garden Lee Hill 6/2006 2147 Jackson Hwy Chehalis, WA 98532 360 748-3110 Crawl Magazine Tim Piele 2/2006 P.O. Box 1416 Tacoma, WA 98401 253-272-2171 Dan Marek Insurance Dan Marek PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Drive Line Svc of Portland ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 7/1/1991 720 SW 34th Street Renton, WA 98055 425 264-1391 Fax: 425 264-1392 B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/1986 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Barry Chevrolet Denver Morford 1/2004 548 S Basin Street Ephrata, WA 98823 509 754-2411 Fax: 509 754-2415 Barton Jeep Levi Chipps 5/2005 10819 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 509 928-1300 Fax: 509 922-4288 Baxter Auto Parts Larry Wilder 2/5/2006 5950 North 9th Tacoma, WA 98406 253 597-6050 Fax: 253 272-2088 Kevin McCaffrey 1/1/1989 9041 NE Vancouver Wy Portland, OR 97211 503 289-2264 Fax: 503 289-5838 Drivelines NW David Lee 2/1/1991 1943 4th Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 206 622-8760 Fax: 206 622-7609 Eastside Chrysler Jeep Mike Gerber 8/1/1989 200 116th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425 453-3223 Fax: 425 453-9714 First Rate Mortgage Phil Fisk 4/2006 2110 116th Ave. NE, Ste E Bellevue, WA 98004 425-289-0765 Office 206-271-5087 Cell [email protected] Gold Hammer Body & Paint Art Waugh 12/1/1985 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541 409-3390 Big Rocks Offroad, LLC Greg Holmberg 5/1/2005 7613 NE St Johns Rd Ste C Vancouver, WA 98665 360 567-3347 Gray Beards Truck Parts Billy Bob’s Off Road Grenier Painting Co., Inc. Bob Hallibueton 5/4/2006 10023 128th St E # 7 Puyallup, WA 98373 253 286-2344 Jim Craven 44033 179th Place SE Gold Bar, WA 98251 360-793-5497 Chris Grenier 4/2006 9214 Longhorn Loop SE Olympia, WA 98051 360- Blue Moon Motor Sports Chris Johnson 1/4/2006 1022 E Kessler Sultan, WA 98294 206 948-9209 4-Wheelin’ News Harrington’s Trophies John or Norma 4/1/2003 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 Jantz Engineers Carl Jantz 5/2006 20555 Pugh Rd. NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 Johnson Custom Iron Scott Johnson 10/2006 14215 N Thayer Rd PO Box 155 Rathdrum, ID 83858 208-687-9353 Fax 208-687-9353 [email protected] Rob’s Off Road & 4wheel Dr. Center Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Rob Hartshorn 4/2006 11955 SE Hwy 212, Clackamas, OR P.O. Box 1281, Estacada, OR 97023 503-650-6101 FAX: 503.650.9303 [email protected] Alan Garrison 8/1/2003 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 Fax: 509 755-5304 Roberson Chrysler Jeep TLC Plumbing John Adovnik, Mgr 6/5/2006 3100 Ryan Dr SE Salem, OR 97301 503 363-4117 Fax: 503 362-1439 J & H Four Wheel Drive Specialties Roberts Jeep Randy Smith 2/1/2003 7057 SE Powell Blvd Portland, OR 97206 503 277-2993 Fax: 503 777-1899 Jim Roberts 8/1/1989 2323 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98002 866 438-5337 Fax: 253 804-1050 Jet Chevrolet Roger Jobs Jeep Inc Dan Johnson 7/1/1997 35700 Enchanted Pkway PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 Roger Jobs 2/1/2005 2200 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98226 360 734-5230 Terry Johnson 5/1/1994 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Town & Country Chrysler Jeep Dave Scott 7/1/1998 13733 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98133 800-639-2277 Trailready-RSI M J Moar Company Mike Moar 3/4/2006 20537 NW Sauvie Island Rd Portland, OR 97231 503 621-3101 Fax: 503 621-9855 Mark Topping’s Auto Warehouse Mike Sears 9/4/2006 726 Highway 410 Enumclaw, WA 98022 360 802-0200 NetRiver Rubicon4x4 Jack Lancaster 3/1/2005 74 Lakeside Dr Killen, AL 35645 256 757-5885 Sheridan Carquest Auto Parts Kirt Amundson 1/2/2006 1233 W Main St Sheridan, OR 97378 503 843-4486 Fax: 503 843-2067 Snohomish Transmissions Inc Ryan Maloney 6/1/2004 555 Dayton St Ste A Edmonds, WA 98020 425 741-7014 Rick Pratt 3/1/1992 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 Fax: 360 805-5367 Northridge 4X4 Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake David Johnson 6/2004 6759 NW Northridge Ln Bremerton, WA 98312 360 340-0282 Olympic 4x4 Supply Roy Dickmeyer 6/1994 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 Rapid Print Inc Ron McDonald 6/1987 6202 NE Hwy 99 Ste 2 Vancouver, OR 98665 360 695-0595 Fax: 360 695-1043 [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2007 Uhlmann Motors Inc Steve Brever 7/1/1990 173 Hamilton Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 360 748-3355 Ute Ltd Randy Cryer 3/25/2003 PO Box 46457 Seattle, WA 98146 206 510-8621 Warn Industries 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 Woody’s 4x4 Inc Lee Woodruff 8/1/1988 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 Dave McMains 3/4/2006 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 Fax: 509 764-2392 [email protected] Stearns Sawing & Drilling Paul Stearns 1/4/2006 12233 Ashworth N Sp # 69 Seattle, WA 98133 206 817-6695 Fax: 206-817-6695 Pine Grove Junction LLC Craig Cooper 1/2006 P.O. Box 314 Republic, WA 99166 509-775-3304 Larry Trim 1304 80th St SW Everett, WA 98203 425 353-6776 Suzy-Q’s Gifts Lisa Willett 7224 Hillridge Place SE Port Orchard, WA 98367 360 874-1850 Tera Manufacturing, Inc. Gage Hartman 1/5/2006 5251 S Commerce Dr Murray, UT 84107 801 288-2585 Fax: 801 288-2571 Attention Associate Members If any of the listed information is not correct please e-mail us at: [email protected] 15 16 SEPTEMBER 2007