Hibonite-bearing microspherules: A new type of refractory inclusions
Hibonite-bearing microspherules: A new type of refractory inclusions
0016.7037/91/13.00 Geochimica et CosmDchrmrca Ada Vol. 55, pp. 361-319 Copyright 0 1991 Pergamon Press pk.Printed inIJ.S.A Hibonite-bearing + .M) microspherules: A new type of refractory inclusions with large isotopic anomalies T. R. IRELAND,* McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and A. J. FAHEY,+and E. K. ZINNER Physics Department, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63 130, USA (Received February 8, 1990; accepted in revisedform November I, 1990) Abstract-Reported are petrographic descriptions, major and trace element chemistry, and Mg, Ca, and Ti isotopic compositions of a new class of refractory inclusions that consist of spherules composed of hibonite and a silicate glass. The distinctive features of these inclusions are excesses in 48Ca and “Ti in both glass and hibonite, and 26Mgdepletions relative to terrestrial isotopic compositions. Three spherules have been examined and analyzed, one from the Lance CO3 meteorite and two from the Murchison CM2 meteorite. Lance 34 13- l/3 1 (LA34 13- 1/ 3 1) and Murchison 7-228 (MUR7-228) have euhedral to subhedral hibonite crystals enclosed within glass. Murchison 7-753 (MUR7-753) has a rounded hibonite core with several small inclusions of perovskite. A small fragment of glass is attached to the hibonite and an Fe-silicate rim is imperfectly preserved around the grain. LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 has a Group II REE pattern; MUR7-228 a refractory pattern with depletions in the relatively volatile elements Sr, Ba, Nb, V, and Eu; and MUR7-753 a pattern characterized by the prior removal of an ultrarefractory component and overall fractionation of all REEs. The partitioning of the LREEs between hibonite and glass in MUR7-228 is consistent with equilibrium hibonite-liquid partition coefficients previously determined; LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 shows much less partitioning, while MUR7-753 shows no evidence for partitioning and preserves an unequilibmted refractory component highly enriched in Gd. All spherules have initial magnesium depleted in 26Mg by around 3% relative to terrestrial Mg, but only MUR7-228 shows evidence for in situ decay of 26A1,with an initial 26A1/27A1of (1.7 ? 0.7) X 10-j. Both hibonite and glass in all three spherules show excesses of 48Ca and 50Ti, ranging up to f40 and +20%0, respectively, relative to terrestrial Ca and Ti. Spherules such as these are rare and the only other occurrence is in the unique chondrite ALH85085. The hibonite in the spherules shows similarities to isotopically anomalous hibonite crystal fragments (PLACs), but it is unlikely that the spherules formed by remelting of PLACs. The precursors include isotopically anomalous Ca-Ti carriers but also isotopically normal refractory components that probably formed as condensates. The spherules formed by melting of these precursors under disequilibrium conditions and rapid cooling after hibonite crystallization. These inclusions must have formed early, prior to the dilution of isotouic anomalies bv mixine nrocesses and in an area characterized by excesses of48Ca and 50Ti, depletions of 26Mg, and lack of ‘“Al: L 1. INTRODUCIION 1984, 1986; BRIGHAM et al., 1986), but no large anomalies in Ca and Ti have been found to date ( FAHEY et al., 1987d; CALCIUM-, ALUMINUM-RICHINCLUSIONS (CAIs) from CM and CV meteorites are believed to be among the first solids to have formed in the early solar system and thus to carry information about the physical and chemical conditions that prevailed in the solar nebula (for reviews see, e.g., L. GROSSMAN, 1980; MACPHERSON et al., 1988). Of special interest among them are hibonite-bearing inclusions. Hibonite is one of the most refractory minerals found in primitive meteorites. Because it is only second in sequence, after corundum, of the minerals predicted to condense from a cooling gas of solar composition (L. GROSSMAN, 1972, 1980; KORNACKI and FEGLEY, 1984; GEIGER et al., 1988), its origin is thought to be associated with high temperature processes. In CV meteorites hibonite appears mostly as a minor primary phase in CAIs consisting largely of melilite. Hibonite in these inclusions normally shows 26Mg excesses (LORIN and CHRISTOPHEMICHEL-LEVY, 1978; HUTCHEON et al., FAHEY, 1988). In contrast to CAIs in CV chondrites, the mineralogy of CM refractory inclusions is dominated by the oxide minerals spinel, hibonite, and perovskite, while melilite and pyroxene are generally only minor constituents when present. Hibonite in many of these inclusions shows large anomalies in Ca and Ti ( ZINNER et al., 1986; FAHEY et al., 1987b; HINTON et al., 1987; IRELAND, 1988, 1990), exceeding those seen in FUN inclusions (LEE et al., 1978, 1979; NIEDERER et al., 198 1; PAPANASTASSIOUand BRIGHAM, 1989) by an order of magnitude. There exist general correlations between the morphology, Ca-Ti anomalies, 26Mgexcesses, and refractory trace element abundances of the hibonite-bearing, silicate-free CAIs (mostly from CM chondrites). Based on these systematics, we have previously divided these inclusions into four different classes: PLACs, SHIBs, BAGS, and HAL-type hibonites (IRELAND, 1988, 1990: IRELAND et al., 1988a, 1989; see Table 1). In addition to its occurrence in inclusions of the first five classes listed in Table 1, hibonite has been found in association with silicate in igneous spherules containing a pyroxene-like glass rather than melilite. The first example of such an object * Present address.. ResearchSchool of Earth Sciences,The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 260 I, Australia. ’ Present nddre.w IBM Corporation, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533, USA. 367 T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey, and E. K. Zinner 368 Table 1. Classification and general systematics of hibonite-bearing inclusions. Mineralogy/ Morpholopv? Silicate-bearing Tie concentration Mg isotopes REEabundances Ti-Caisotopes *6~g* ti ocC”ISas phase variable PLACs platyhib crystals 0.5-2.0 SHlBs bladedhib crystals 0.5-9.0 depletedultrarefractories 26~~. = 5x10-W'AJ blue hib pIares 5.5-6.5 lowconcentrations, depletedultrarefractories bib crysrals <0.2 variable variable small anomalies accessory 26Mg*lowOIabsent depleledEu.Yb large%a and%i excessesanddepletions small anomalies in spl with pvs BAGS HAL-w hib-glass GlassSpherules f hib = bibonile,spl = 1.5-2.3 depletionsof 48Caand5% massfractionated massfractionated depletedCe, Eu. Yb low 26MgV’Al variable *6Mg*lowor absent *6Mgdepletions excessesin ‘Wa andSOri spinel,pvs = perovskile was discovered in the Lank CO3 chondrite by KURAT ( 1975 ) and consists of two hibonite laths within a 50 pm glass spherule. Subsequently, J. N. GROSSMAN et al. ( 1988) described similar inclusions from the unique chondrite ALH85085. We noted the similarity in the morphology of Lanck 34 13- 1/ 3 1 to Murchison 7-228 and subsequently identified glass in another Murchison inclusion, 7-753. In this paper we report ion microprobe measurements of Mg, Ca, and Ti isotopic compositions, as well as trace element concentrations, of these three hibonite-glass spherules: inclusion 34 13- l/3 1 from the Lank CO3 chondrite, and Murchison 7-228 and 7-753. A petrographic and mineral-chemical description of Lank 34 13- 1/ 3 1 was given by KURAT ( 1975 ) . Chemical and trace element analyses as well as Mg and Ti isotopic compositions ofthe hibonite in inclusions 7-228 and 7-753 were previously reported by IRELAND ( 1988) and IRELAND et al. ( 1988a). 2. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES The three inclusions were studied in polished sections, La& 34 l31/ 3 1in a thin section on loan from the Museum of Natural History, Vienna. Back-scattered electron images of the inclusions were obtained on a JEOL JSA 840 electron microscope, which was also used to obtain major element compositions and X-ray maps by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The procedures for the measurement of trace element concentrations with the Washington University Cameca IMS-3f ion microprobe have previously been described by FAHEYet al. ( 1987b,c) and IRELANDet al. ( 1988a). The secondary ion extraction voltage is offset by 100 V from the 10% low energy edge in order to collect high energy ions, thereby discriminating against molecular ions. The rare earth element (REE) spectrum is deconvolved into atomic and monoxide species. All 14 stable REEs were measured as well as eight additional refractory trace elements ( RTEs): Sr, Ba, SC, Y, Zr, Nb, Hf, and V. These elements have been found to be useful indicators of physicochemical conditions in the solar nebula (DAVIS and L. GROSSMAN,1979; KORNACKIand FEGLEY,1986). Concentrations were obtained from ion intensities relative to the Ca signal and the relative ion yields listed in Table 2 (cf. also ZINNERand CROZAZ, 1986; FAHEYet al., 1987b). The relative ion yields were determined by measurements of perovskite and of silicate standards for which the concentrations of Ca and the trace elements of interest could be determined by independent means (instrumental neutron activation, electron microprobe analysis). The techniques for measuring Mg isotopic ratios with the Cameca IMS-3f have previously been described by MCKEEGANet al. ( 1985) and FAHEYet al. ( 1987b,c). The isotopic mass fractionation, A25Mg, expresses the deviation of the measured 25Mgf/24Mg+ from the terrestrial 25Mg/24Mgvalue of 0.12663 (CATANZAROet al., 1966), i.e., A25Mg = [(25Mg+/2“Mg+)/0.12663 - I] X IO00 (%O/AMU) and includes both instrumentally induced and intrinsic fractionation. An estimate ofthe intrinsic Mg-isotopic mass fractionation, FM,, was obtained by subtracting the mean total mass fractionation of - 11.9%0/ AMU, measured on a suite of terrestrial samples (IRELAND,1988), from A*‘Mg. The 26Mg+/24Mg+ was corrected for linear isotopic mass fractionation as determined from the 25Mg+/24Mgt ratio and is expressed in delta notation relative to the terrestrial 26Mg/24Mgof 0.13932 (CATANZAROet al., 1966): 626Mg = [26Mg+/24Mg+/0.13932 - I] X 1000 - 2 x AZ5Mg(%o). 27Al/24Mgratios were determined by multiplying the measured *‘Al+/ *“Mg+ by 1.37 ( FAHEYet al., 1987b). The techniques for measuring isotopic ratios of Ca and Ti with the ion microprobe have previously been described by ZINNERet al. (1986) and FAHEYet al. (1987b). Calcium and titanium isotopic ratios were measured in a single collection cycle that ranged from mass 40 to mass 52. All isotopes of Ca except “‘Ca (masses 40, 42, 43, 44, 48) and all isotopes of Ti (masses 46 through 50) were mea- Table 2. Ion Yields Relative to Calcium Hibonite Sr Silicate Ba SC Y zr 0.86 0.63 1.51 0.85 0.46 0.97 0.70 2.00 0.98 0.54 Nb Hf V 0.32 0.40 0.72 0.37 0.53 0.95 La ce Pr Nd Sm : 0.67 0.62 0.74 0.77 0.92 0.88 1.08 0.74 0.65 0.74 0.82 0.93 0.87 1.03 2 Er Tm Yb Lu 0.70 0.62 0.68 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.47 0.77 0.79 0.71 0.75 0.74 0.57 Isotope anomalies in refractory inclusions 369 sured. Unresolved isobaric interferences of s”V and “Cr with ?f’i were monitored bv measurina “V and 52Cr. respectively. Mass 43.5 was checked for the presence of 87Sr2+which would indicate Sr*+ interferences at masses 42, 43, and 44. The signal from this species was below detection in all the meteoritic samples, implying that contributions to the Ca isotopes are negligible (co.1 %O). A correction was apphed to 4aCa3 for ~ont~butions from the tail of ‘“Ti+. Isotopic mass fractionation was monitored via the *‘Ca/“Ca and 46Ti/48Ti ratios. with A@Ca and Ad6Ti expressing the deviation (in L/AMU) from the terrestrial 4oCa/44Caand 46Ti/48Tiratios, respectively, as measured by NIEDERER and PAPANASTASSIOLI ( 1984). and NIEDERERet al. ( 198 I ): i.e.. A‘Ya = -[(40Ca*/44Ca+)/47.153 A46Ti = -[(~Ti+/4*Ti+)/0.108S48 - 11 X 1000/4(!G~/~MU) - l] X 1000/2 (~~/A~~). With this convention, a positive mass fractionation is defined as an enrichment in the heavy isotopes. The intrinsic isotopic mass fractionations of Ca and Ti, F,, and Fr,, were estimated from the measured A4”Ca and A46Ti bv subtractinn the mean A%Ca and A46Ti measured on Madagascar hibonite ( Aqa = -0.6 %O/AMUand A46Ti = -14.5 ~/AM~I). The Ca and Ti data were normalized according to ex~nential isotopic mass fractionation Iaws of the form (‘Ca/Ya),,, (‘Ti/48Ti),, = (‘Ca/YZa),,, X (m,/44)-” = (‘Ti/48Ti),,,, X (m,/48)-A where “OCaand 46Ti are the secondary reference isotopes used to determine n and 0, (IQ,,_ and (I&,, are the measured and corrected ratios, respectively. and mj and m, are the isotopic masses. The normalized ratios. Ka and 6’Ti (for i = 42, 43, and 48, and j = 47, 49, and 50), are reported as deviations (in WO)from the terrestriaf values of NIEDERERand PAPANASTASSIOU ( 1984) for Ca, and NIEDERERet al. ( 198 I ) for Ti. The counting-system dead time was determined within 1 ns from Ti isotopic measurements on a Ti metal sample. The ‘%a+ count rate was limited to 100.~0 c/s during the isotopic measurements of the hibonites and glasses, thus making the error from the un~~ainty in the determination of the dead time negligible. Counting times on the Ca and Ti isotopes were adjusted to yield similar precisions for all normalized ratios. Since the samples were relatively small. and the Ca and Ti isotopic anomalies relatively large, isotopic ratios were measured only to a precision of approximately 5% ( 2~). 3. RESULTS 3.X. Sample Description, Major Element Chemistry The common feature of the three refractory inclusions reported here is the association of hibonite and glass. Lance 3413-l/31 (LA3413-l/31; Fig. la) was first described by KURAT ( 1975) and consists of two euhedral hi&mite laths (20 X 10 rrn) within a glass spherule (50 pm in diameter). Murchison 7-228 (MUR7-228; Fig. lb) is texturally very similar to LA34 13- 1/ 3 1, being a glass spherule w 120 pm in diameter with several euhedral to subhedral laths of hibonite near the core. Murchison 7-753 (MUR7-753; Fig. Ic) is quite different. This inclusion consists of two distinct regions: a core composed of a rounded mass of hibonite with several small perovskite inclusions, and a rim of Fe-silicate material in which a small glass fragment is preserved. The hibonite major-element compositions are remarkably uniform amongst the three inclusions, as are the glass compositions (Table 3). The hibonite compositions are typical for meteoritic hibonite in that they deviate from the ideal composition of CaA1,z0r9 by way of a coupled substitution of Mg*+ and ‘Ti4f for 2AI 3+. The TiOz concentration in meteoritic hibonite can reach 9%. but the hibonites in the in- FIG. 1. Backscattered electron photomicrographs of hibonite-glass spherules: (a) LA3413-l/31, (b) MUR7-228, (c) MUR7-753. (Legend: HI = hibonite, GL = glass. PV = perovskite. FE = Fe-silicate: Scale bar = 10 pm). cfusions studied here have relatively low substitution of Ti with I .5 to 2.3% TiOz and corresponding MgO concentrations of 0.9 to 1.4%. Hibonite and glass from the two Murchison spherules have very similar compositions, respectively. The T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey. and E. K. Zinner 370 Table 3. Si@+ Ti@ Al203 Sr :: zr Chemical compositions Hibonite Bulk Hibonite Glass Bulk Hibonite1t Hibonite2 Glass 10’ 90 100 2 98 100 32 68 100 40.1 3.0 27.0 22.6 7.3 27.3 2.6 47.0 17.9 5.3 :IJ 6.6 2.1 2: 0.4 33.1 1.7 35.1 23.8 6.3 0.0 2.3 87.9 8.6 1.2 40.2 1.8 27.7 22.9 7.3 39.4 1.8 28.9 22.6 7.2 72 :“9 32 1.5 0:;’ OZl 17 59’9 z! 103 z; ;; 1.242.34 525 1.2 557 :::: 263 89’9 0.68+0.56 864 :.; 0.72 852 6.4 6.9 10.8 :.‘5 13 4.3 0.49 4.4 0.83 5.8 0.99 2.8 0.45 3.0 0.16kO.03 :“7 3”.“9 19 5.3 0.28 8.8 1.8 5.6 0.86 4.7 1.8 0.66 2.9 0.60 4.5 1.02kO.13 4.3 0.76 5.9 0.89kO.10 2.0 6.0 0.92 5.0 1.9 0.65 3.0 0.61 4.5 1.0 4.3 0.75 5.8 0.88 36.7 :9;:2 25.5 6.8 8?3 46 307 :t 21 81 169 18 A’3 8.6 Nb Hf V o.9z29 la Ce k :: 4.9 Sm Murchison l-753 Murchison 7-228 Lard 3413-l/31 Glass t?t & 0.42 6.3 B Er Tm Yb LU ::‘: 0.78 0.90 0.11 ~0.24 CO.05 i4 4.5 0.48 4.6 0.89 Cz 2.6 0.42 2.7 0.14 ::: 1.1 2.5 0.26 0l.i 0.0 8b:: 7.8 0.9 40 10 33 4.6 81 4.8 29 3.2 0.48+0.06 189 0.442i;.16 223 0.24 0.20 :;oo 0.66 0.84 0.37 1.4 0.20 1.3 0.32 0.68 0.43 1.1 0.07*0.01 3q16 21 d.;‘2 0.48 0.66 0.33 0.45 0.11 1.o 0.24 0.50 0.25 0.91 0.05f0.01 91.: <o. 17 1154 0.25 1.2 0.16 0.7 1 0.7 1 0.25 0.18+0.05 0.07f0.01 0.41 0.1 lf0.02 0.41 0.26f0.04 3.4 0.08f0.02 Bdk G 18.9 7.5 0.26 850 0.24 1.3 0.16 0.67 0.72 0.28 0.43 0.10 0.65 0.16 0.46 0.29 2.6 0.07 10 errors are less than 10% unless otherwise stated; Upper limits 20 I electron probe analysis of major elements from Kurat (1975) $ analysis from Irelander al. (1988b) * calculated proponions in % for assumed spherical geometry + major elements analyzed by elecaon probe, oxide concentrations in wt %; trace element concentrations in pg/g composition of hibonite from LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 is similar to that of the Murchison hibonites, but the glass has lower MgO and SiOz and higher CaO and A1203. The glasses have compositions close to that of pyroxene but tend to have more AlzO, (2 1.3 to 29.2% ) than is typical for meteoritic clinopyroxene (up to 22%; L. GROSSMAN,1980). They also have less TiOz than is typical for CA1 pyroxene (~6%; BECKETT, 1986). 3.2. Trace Element Analyses Trace-element analyses of hibonite and glass are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 2. Also given in Table 3 are the bulk and trace element compositions calculated from the observed modal proportions of hibonite and glass assuming spherical geometry. The trace-element measurement of hibonite in LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 was difficult because of the small size of the crystals and because it was carried out after the isotopic analyses. The previous analyses had consumed a significant portion of the sample and had also resulted in a heavily cratered surface, and thus some difficulty was experienced in positioning the primary beam entirely onto a hibonite lath. From Ca+/Si+ and Ca+/Mg+, it is estimated that the hibonite analysis consisted of 70% hibonite and 30% glass. The hibonite compositions presented in Table 3 and Fig. 2a were corrected for this contribution of glass. * Eu/Eu* is the ratio of the measured of Eu. to interpolated abundance The LA34 13- 1/ 3 1 hibonite is light REE ( LREE) enriched up to 60-80 X CI, with a gradual decrease to Dy and a sharp fall after Tb with Er-Lu below the limits of detection. Europium is depleted with Eu/Eu* = 0.23 ? 0.05.* Ofthe other refractory trace elements, Zr and Nb enrichments are close to those of the LREEs; the other elements are enriched to 20-30 X CI, except for Ba which has the lowest enrichment at 6 X CL The Sr is much higher in this analysis (29 X CI) than is typical of meteoritic hibonites, which generally have 3-6 X CI Sr (IRELAND et al., 1988a). Hf also appears significantly depleted relative to Zr. The glass REE pattern shows relatively flat LREEs at just under 30 X CI, with the heavy REE (HREE) abundances also relatively constant at around 20 X CI, except for Lu which is only 7 X CI. Europium is depleted with Eu/Eu * = 0.34 f 0.05. There is evidence for a modified Group II pattern in the slight depletion of the HREEs relative to the LREEs, the Tm, Yb, and Nb enhancements similar to those seen in Murchison perovskites and SHIB hibonites, and the fractionation between Y and Ho (IRELAND et al., 1988a). The Group II pattern is even more evident for the bulk composition of this inclusion (Table 3). The RTE pattern in the LA34 13- I/ 3 1 glass is similar to the hibonite pattern, except that Zr, Nb, and V are a factor of two lower, and Sr is only 8 X CI. Hibonite in MUR7-228 has previously been analyzed by IRELAND et al. ( 1988a), and a replicate analysis is presented in Table 3 and Fig. 2b along with the analysis of the glass. The hibonite analysis presented here is in excellent agreement Isotope anomalies in refractory inclusions I Land 3413-1131 Hibonite Glass Errorbars are 1cz -o- rIIIIIlll L z “’ IIII Sr~SclZr~HfI Ba Y Nb 0 V Iflrllrlrll LalPrl SdGd(Dyl Eu Tb Ce Nd ErlYtj Ho Tm Lu Murchison 7-228 Hibonite -a- Glass Error bars are lo Ba Y Nb V Ce Nd SmlGdiDylErlYb Eu Tb Ho Tm Lu Murchison 7-753 -e-Hibonite 1 --A- Hibonite 2 +I-- Glass 371 ation; i.e., it is enriched in the HREEs that are depleted in the hibonite. It is smooth and increases from 8 X CI for La to 36 x CI for Lu, and does not have a pronounced Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.87 f 0.18). The RTEs in the glass have similar abundances to those in the hibonite, except that Nb and V are a factor of 3 enriched and Ba is depleted by a factor of 5 relative to the hibonite. Hibonite in MUR7-753 has also been analyzed by IRELAND et al. ( 1988a); the data of that previous analysis are represented as “Hibonite # 1” in Table 3 and Fig. 2c. Since then, the mount had been repolished and another analysis of MUR7-753 hibonite was made (Hibonite #2), along with the measurement of the glass. IRELANDet al. ( 1988a) found MUR7-753 hibonite to have the most unusual pattern ofany of the hibonites they analyzed. The LREE abundances are very low, with Ce and Sm being the most abundant at 3X and 6 X CI, respectively, and La and Pr being the lowest at around chondritic abundance. There is no Eu anomaly. The HREEs are enriched overall relative to the LREEs, but there is a steady fall from Gd at 7 X CI to Lu at 3 X CI with positive anomalies at Tm ( 18 X CI) and Yb (7 X CI). The abundances of the RTEs are also low and are within the range of 2-4 X CI, except for SC, Zr, and Nb which are approximately a factor of 4 higher. The second hibonite analysis (Hibonite #2) shows slightly lower overall abundances in the REEs relative to Hibonite # I; however, there is a pronounced depletion for Gd and Tb. Thulium is again the most abundant REE in the hibonite at 10 X CI, with Yb at 6 X CI, and the ultrarefractory REEs are rather flat at 2-4 X CI. The glass of MUR7-753 shows the same REE pattern as hibonite analysis #2, except that the HREEs from Gd to Er are further depleted by a factor of 2, and Yb is a factor of 3 higher at 21 X CI. The glass RTE pattern also differs from the hibonite in having higher Nb and V abundances (by a factor of 4) and lower SC (factor of 10). 3.3. Isotopic Analyses 1 I~lllllllllrll ‘.’ SrlScIZrIHfl Ba Y Nb IlWlHlll V LalPrl SrtlGdlDyl Ce Nd Eu Tb ErlYbl Ho Tm Lu FIG. 2. Trace element abundance patterns for hibonite and glass: (a) LA3413-l/31, (b) MUR7-228, and (c) MUR7-753 with two hibonite analyses plotted-Hibonite 1 from IRELAND et al. ( 1988a); Hibonite 2 from Table 3. with the previous measurement. In the hibonite, the REE pattern is fractionated with enriched LREEs relative to HREEs. The LREEs decrease from 46 X CI for La to 37 X CI for Sm, with a steeper decrease in the HREEs from 45 X CI for Cd to 8 X CI for Yb and Lu. The less refractory REE Eu is depleted (Eu/Eu * = 0.12 + 0.02), as are the relatively volatile RTEs, Sr, Ba, Nb, and V. The highly refractory RTEs, SC, Y, Zr, and Hf, are generally below the enrichments of the LREEs in the hibonite with 15-30 X CI abundances. The REE pattern of the glass of MUR7-228 is complementary to that of the hibonite in its overall fraction- Magnesium isotopic compositions of hibonite and glass are presented in Table 4 along with analyses of neighboring olivine grains which were used to monitor the measurement conditions. Isotopic mass fractionation is a function of instrumental conditions which must be held constant in order to get a reliable measurement of intrinsic mass fractionation in the samples. While the precision of a measurement is usually less than ~%O/AMLJ, accuracy at this level can only be achieved under optimum conditions ( FAHEYet al., 1987b,c). The CA1 samples had already been sputtered during Ca and Ti isotopic measurements, and so smooth surfaces were not always available because of the small size of the samples. The Fhlg values of the olivine grains show good agreement with each other, and the near-zero values indicate good agreement with the mean instrumental Mg-isotopic mass fractionation previously determined (IRELAND, 1988). Mass fractionation effects are clearly apparent in the glasses of LA3413-l/31 and MUR7-228 with heavy isotope enrichments of $8.2 and +~.~%o/AMu, respectively. The hibonite ofLA34 13-I /3 1 and glass of MUR7-753 have only marginal effects with FMgof +3.7 and -~.~%o/AMu, respectively, while hibonite from MUR7-228 and MUR7-753 have mass frac- T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey, and E. K. Zinner 312 tionation effects less than 2%/AMU and are not resolved from normal. Normalization removes the effects of isotopic mass fractionation, and the precision and accuracy of the 626Mg values are therefore frequently higher than those of the measured Fhlg. A notable feature of the Mg isotopic analyses is the presence of 26Mg depletions, resolved by more than 4u from normal, in all three spherules. LA3413-l/3 1 has clearly resolved 26Mg deficits of more than 3%0 in both hibonite and glass. Glass from MUR7-228 also has a well-resolved 26Mg deficit, but the hibonite has a small excess of 26Mg at + 1.5 k 1.1 %o. Since the hibonite has a higher *‘Al /24Mg than the glass, the difference in 626Mg could be due to in situ 26Al decay. In this case the inclusion would have had a (26A1/ 27A1)0 ratio of 1.7 (kO.7) X 10m5. MUR7-753 hibonite has a clearly resolved depletion in 26Mg, but the composition of the glass is normal within error, although the hibonite and glass compositions do overlap within 20 error bounds as well. Calcium- and titanium-isotopic compositions of hibonite and glass are presented in Table 5 and Fig. 3. The Ti isotopic composition of MUR7-753 hibonite reported here is in good agreement with the measurement by IRELAND ( 1988) which was made with the Australian National University ion microprobe (SHRIMP). Intrinsic isotopic mass fractionation effects in Ca and Ti are not clearly resolved in any of the analyses. The main feature of the analyses is the presence of large enrichments in the heaviest isotopes of Ca and Ti, 48Ca and 50Ti, in both hibonite and glass. Enrichments in 48Ca range from + 11 to +42%0, and 50Ti excesses range from within error of normal up to +2 I %Orelative to the terrestrial Ca and Ti isotopic compositions. The other normalized isotopes of Ca and Ti also tend to show slight enrichments, but these are generally not clearly resolved from normal. The hibonite and glass from each of the two Murchison inclusions have the same isotopic compositions, and the two spherules differ only marginally in their mean composition ( Fig. 3 ). The Caisotopic composition of LA 3413-l/31 is the exception to this since the Ca compositions of hibonite and glass do not overlap within the stated 20 error bounds, but differ by 3.2~. Table Sample 4. Mg isotopic Phase FM~~ 626Mg$ (“/oo) Hibonite Glass Olivine’ 3.7k1.4 8.2f1.8 -0.5kl.l -3.2f0.8 -3.7M.8 0.3kO.4 31.8f2.7 3.6fO. 1 <o.o 1 7-228 Hibonite Glass Olivine’ 1.8kO.9 9.2fl.O 0.2kO.6 1.5kl.l -2.9f1.4 -0.7f1.2 38.9f1.2 0.72kO.03 <o.o 1 Hibonite Glass Olivine’ 0.3+1.0 -3.2f1.2 -0.4f1.8 -4.7f2.3 -1.2f2.4 O.Of1.3 30.9fl.O 3.6&O. 1 co.01 7-7 16 Fca+ (o/w/AMU) Hib Glass Hib Glass Hib Glass 3413l/31 7-228 7-753 Sample 34131131 7-228 7-753 Hib Glass Hib Glass Hib Glass h4*Cat (S) +1.8*1.8 +0.4*1.4 -3.OkO.7 +0.1*1.4 -2.5kl.l -3.0*1.8 3.2f6.0 2.5k3.1 1.6k3.5 0.5k3.8 0.2k4.1 5.9k4.1 0.9k6.5 -1.3f2.8 -1.7k3.6 1.6k3.9 1.6f3.6 6.5k4.0 24.5f7.8 10.8f3.6 41.9f3.5 35.5f4.3 32.5k4.5 33.8k5.0 FTi+ (%d.WU) h4’Ti* (“/w) h49Tit (W @Wi* (“/w) 1.6k5.9 2.Ok4.3 0.3k3.6 -1.2f5.2 -0.8k4.2 -0.lk4.9 6.Ok6.8 0.6f4.3 5.1f3.8 4.4f4.8 2.1k4.4 7.9f4.5 6.9f8.8 8.2f5.3 21.1f4.9 21.4f7.0 11.8f5.9 15.1f6.1 +5.3+6.4 -1.lf1.5 -2.4f1.5 -1.lf2.2 -0.8k2.0 -0.4k1.8 All errors are 20. 7 F& and FTi are inbinsic isotopic mass-fractionation estimates based on deviation of measured isotopic mass-fractionation from that measured on Madagascar hibonite. $ Data normalized with exponential mass-fractionation law to normal Ca and Ti isotopic ratios of Niederer and Papanastassiou (1984) and Niederer er nl. (1981) respectively. 4. DISCUSSION Hibonite-glass spherules are very uncommon, and, apart from the three inclusions studied here, they have only been described from the unique chondrite ALH85085 (J. N. GROSSMAN et al., 1988; MACPHERSON et al., 1989). As a group, the three spherules present unique isotopic systematics not previously found. The glass contains the largest isotopic effects yet measured in a silicate phase, with up to 40%0 excess in 48Ca and 20%0 excess in 50Ti, as well as deficits in 26Mg. The major-element composition of the glass in the three spherules is remarkably constant. However, the spherules are not identical to each other and differ in morphology and 2’A1/24Mg 3413 -l/31 7-753 Sample compositions compositions (%damu) 7-198 Table 5. Ca and Ti isotopic All errors are 20. t Fhlg is an estimate of intrinsic Mg-isotopic mass-fractionation after correction for insmnnental fractionation of -11.9 o/odAMu (Ireland, 1988). $ 6%Mg is normalized with a linear-mass-fractionation law to normal isotopic ratios of Catanzaro er al. (1966). * Olivine analyses from neighboring grains as a check on instrumental conditions; Olivine is not present in the the refractory inclusions. -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 S’“ri (%o) FIG. 3. 48Ca and ‘@T’ianomalies of coexisting hibonite (solid symbols) and glass (open symbols) in the three microspherules. Also shown are the compositions of hihonite crystals MUR-H7 and MURH8 (ZINNER et al., 1986), FUN inclusions HAL and EKl-4-I (LEE et al., 1978; NIEDERER et al., 1981; FAHEY et al., 1987b), the field of SHIB compositions, and trajectories to the extreme compositions shown by PLACs and one unusual SHIB (IRELAND, 1990). Error bars are 20. Isotope anomalies in refractory inclusions trace element chemistry, as well as in their isotopic compositions. But, in each spherule, the difference between the glass composition and the hibonite composition is much less than the variations amongst the three spherules. Thus, the major element chemistry alone indicates that the glass and hibonite are related in each spheeruie. We will first consider the question of the formation of the spherules and follow with a discussion of the isotopic Systematics and the relationship of the spherules with other hibonitebearing CAIs. 4.1 Formation of Hibonite-Glass Mierospherufes The most prevalent framework for the interpretation of the chemistry of refractory inclusions has been the equilibrium condensation model whereby phases condense from a cooling gas according to the volatility of their components. Since the refractory oxides of Al, Ti. and Ca condense at higher temperatures from a cooling gas of solar com~sition than those of Mg and Si. it has been suggested that the refractory inclusions from CM meteorites are an earlier, highertemperature assemblage than those from Allende (EKAMBARAM et al., 1984). This is consistent with the finding of large isotopic anomalies in hibonite; hibonite, as one of the earhest minerals to condense, would preserve larger anomalies than the less refractory Allende inclusions. A premise for the condensation model is that gas condenses directly to solid without any liquid phase (L. GROSSMAN, 1972). The presence of glass in an inclusion indicates that the inclusion, or at least part of it, was once molten and is therefore incompatible with direct ~onden~tion, and may indicate the formation of metastable liquids. However, melting is often regarded as a secondary process in the solar system, and glasses could also result from remelting of earlier condensates. In this case the chemical composition of the inclusion reflects the composition of the precursors, i.e., is an inherited feature, and does not result from the melting event, which is only responsible for the r~ist~bution of the elements between different phases. An alternative to the condensation model is a distillation model whereby a less refractory aggregate is heated, resulting in the evaporation of volatiles. Besides volatile elements, the light isotopes are preferentially evaporated, and thus a signature of distjllation would be isotopic mass fractionation enriching the heavy isotopes. The experiments of DAVIS et al. ( 1991 ) show that forsterite has to be molten for isotopic fractionation to occur during distillation. Glass would thus be a natural feature of distillation, provided the melt is quenched, since the inclusion is likely to be melted during the heating event. These formation models have been discussed in relation with the formation of meteoritic hibonite ( HIN’TON et al., 1988; IRELANDet al., 1988a: MACPHERSON et al., 1988; IRELAND, 1990). MACDOUGALL (1981) has advocated an ig- neous origin for spine]-hibonite spherules (SHIBs, according to the terminology of IRELAND, 1988; see Table 1) based on their texture and morphology. However, most SHIBs have REE patterns (IRELAND et al., 1988a; IRELAND, 1990) which show close affinities to Allende Group II patterns (MARTIN and MASON, Z974), indicating that they experienced a com- 373 plex condensation history ( B~YNTON, 1975; DAVIS and L. GROSSMAN,1979), followed by remelting in order to produce the observed petrographic characertistics. The clearest signature of distillation is found in four HAL-type hibonites (IRELAND et al., 1989a: IRELANDand ZINNER, 1989): isotopically heavy 0, Ca and Ti; extremely low Mg and low Ti concentrations; and a pronounced Ce depletion. Most CAIs appear to have a complex multistage history with different features being established at different stages. For example, the morphology and petrography of SHIB inclusions reflect melting, while their Group II patterns were established by prior hip-tem~rature nebular processes. The situation seems to be similar for the spherules of this study. Their morphology and mineralogy, and that of the ALH85085 microspherules, indicate an igneous origin from molten droplets (J. N. GROSSMANet al., 1988). The first question, therefore, is whether or not the hibonite and the glass in these unique inclusions are genetically related. There are several indications that this is the case for the microspherules of this study. The strongest argument for a genetic link between glass and hibonite comes from the isotopic compositions. Both 648Ca and 650Ti are identical within the errors in the glass and hibonite for both Murchison spherules (Fig. 3). In addition, these compositions are extremely anomalous, more than any that have previously been measured in silicate-bearing inclusions (LEE, 1988). For LA34 13-l / 3 1, the b5’Ti is the same in hibonite and glass. albeit with large errors which are the result of the small size of the hibonite in this inclusion and the multitude of ion probe analyses performed on it. The 64*Ca values, on the other hand. are signi~cantly different in hibonite and glass (3.2 c). This could be the result of Ca exchange in the glass. We shall argue below that the spherules LA341 3-l/31 and MUR7-228 were distilled during hibonite crystallization. This makes it possible that Ca was exchanged in the liquid portion and, if the surrounding reservoir had normal Ca, that the 4xCa excess was lowered in this process. An alternative possibility is that the Ca exchange took place later, during metamorphism on the parent body. The higher Ca concentration in La3413-I /3 I compared to the glass of the other two spherules might be related to an exchange process. Such an event has not necessarily affected the Ti in the glass. FAHEY et al. ( 1986) observed that in a heavily altered hibonite-bearing inclusion. Lance HH- I, Ca had been in part completely replaced by Fe (perovskite was changed to ilmenite, hibonite to hercynite) without disturbance of the Ti isotopic system (in all these four phases Ti has the same highly anomalous isotopic composition), attesting to the relatively high mobility of Ca. Furthermore, these workers found a gradient in the 4’Ca and 48Ca anomalies from the hibonite in the core of the inclusion to an inner diopside and an outer pyroxene layer of the rim. The difference in 648Ca between hibonite and glass of LA34 I3- I /3 1 is reminiscent of this gradient in La& HI-I-I. In addition, HASHIMC~I-oet al. ( 1987) found that Ca is apparently much more volatile than Ti. and even Mg and Si. in the presence of water. The non-linear 62hMg in LA34 13-I /3 1 could be measured with much higher precision than in the other microspherules (Table 4). It is the same in both phases but is significantly different from zero, the average solar value. This uniformity. 374 T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey, and E. K. Zinner however, cannot be the result of isotopic equilibration after formation, since the Mg in the glass is much more fractionated than in the hibonite, and is additional evidence for the common origin of hibonite and glass. This interpretation of the behavior of Ca and Mg implies that Ca was more mobile in the glass and possibly points to parent body metamorphism. It has already been noted that the glass has an unusual composition, with more Al203 than is typical for pyroxene found in other CAIs, and that this composition is rather constant among the three spherules. In their bulk major-element compositions the spherules are much more refractory than other types of silicate-bearing inclusions (see Table 3). It therefore appears that the association of the hibonite and the glass is not accidental but that the hibonite grew from an unusually refractory melt. The bladed crystals in glass seen in LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 and MUR7-228 are the textures one would predict for hibonite growing in a melt. MUR7-753 is distinctly different. On first inspection there is little to link the glass fragment in the rim with the rounded hibonite core in this inclusion. However, the major element composition of the glass in MUR7-753 is remarkably similar to that in the other two spherules. Crystallization of hibonite from a liquid should produce a predictable fractionation of elements between the liquid and hibonite. DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988) determined partition coefficients for La, Sm. Eu, Cd, Yb, as well as Sr, between hibonite and silicate liquid. They found that the LREEs were favored over HREEs in the hibonite, with the partition coefficients showing a smooth decrease from 7.2 for DLa to 0.10 for DYbr according to the sizes of the trivalent ions. The only deviation from this trend is Eu, which can also exist in the Eu2+ oxidation state; DQ+ = 0.52, as estimated from the Sr2+ partition coefficient, whereas Dru3+ is estimated to be 1.57. The distribution coefficients between hibonite and glass for the trace elements in the three spherules are presented in Table 6 along with the experimental partition coefficients for the elements determined by DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988). Two analyses are presented for hibonite in MUR7-753 based on the hibonite data # 1 and #2 in Table 3. We shall consider first the distribution coefficients for the trivalent REEs. The distribution coefficients for LA34 13- 1 / 3 1 are roughly constant from La to Tb, with values within the range 1.4-2.2, and then fall off to values less than unity after Dy. MUR7228 shows a stronger degree of fractionation, with distribution coefficients steadily falling from 6.0 for Db to 0.22 for Dv,, and DLu. MUR7-753 shows no evidence for partitioning in the LREEs, with distribution coefficients close to unity. The distribution coefficients for Gd to Ho are significantly greater than unity and Dad is also clearly different in the two analyses, with values of 2.6 f 1.3 ( la) and 7.7 + 2.6. Dyb is again down near the values shown by the other spherules at approximately 0.3. For the trivalent REEs it appears that only MUR7-228 has distribution coefficients that are close to those determined experimentally for equilibrium crystallization. Even for this inclusion there is not perfect agreement since Dad and Dy,, are a factor of 2 higher than the predicted values. LA3413l/3 1 shows a much lower degree of partitioning of LREEs into hibonite, while MUR7-753 shows no such fractionation. The partitioning of ELI between glass and hibonite of Table 6. Hibonite-glass distribution coefficients Lane6 Murehison 3413-l/31 7-228 Murehison 7-753 PI WI HibLiqt 1:1 0.86 2.5 1.4 0.93 1.22 0.78 12.2 1.8 1.48 1.69 9.2 1.3 :b 2.0 1.5 0% 0!3”3 O!;: Hf V 0.79+j;g 1.6 4.0+;ro 0.30 <1.8 0.16 <1.6 0.19 2: 4:5 0.96 7.2 It 1.0 0.93 ;.: 0.8 1.0 0.68 0.75 1.2 0.93 2.7 f 0.2 $1: 2.9 3.2 2.9 1.7 2.5 1.3 1.6 2.4 2.2 1.2 1.57 1.49 -f 0.53* 0.06 0.27 0.96 0.10 + 0.03 Sr !: 6.1 24 1.9 Y La 1.7 FF 2.0 2.2 0.53 f 0.01 4.0 :: Fz 1.5 0.86 9 ;:: Er Tm Yb d;b 0:32 0.24 <O.lO LU CO.3 rz2 3.0 2.2 1.4 1.1 0.58 0.34 0.22 O!!z2 0.22 f 0.05 0.882:;; 0.63$$ [l] uses hibonite analysis of Ireland et al. (1988b);see Table 3 [2] uses bibonite analysis from this work ; seeTable 3 t partition coefficients from Drake and Boynton (1988) * dependent on oxygen fugacity 10 errors less than 20 I unless otherwise stated, upper limits 20 MUR7-228. the only inclusion whose distribution coefficients are in general agreement with equilibration crystallization, places constraints on the ambient oxygen fugacity in the formation region of this spherule. DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988) measured DEu at varying oxygen fugacities in their hiboniteliquid partitioning experiment and determined Eu2+/Eu3+ from the partition coefficients. Dsr was used to obtain a limit for infinitely reducing conditions (i.e., Eu’+/[ Eu2+ + Eu’+] = 1 ), given the similarity in the size of Sr2+ and Eu2+. The DEu value for MUR7-228 is near the Dsr value of 0.52 determined by DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988). This indicates that the Eu present in this spherule is predominantly Eu2+ and is in agreement with the predictions for the oxygen fugacity of the solar nebula and with direct measurements of Ti3’/Ti4’ from meteoritic hibonite (BECKETT et al., 1988). However, the Dsr for MUR7-228 is clearly in excess of the experimental value. The reason for this behavior is not clear, but it may not be a primary feature. Strontium is a relatively mobile element, and it is possible that Sr was introduced into the spherules during meteorite metamorphism. It is apparently favored in the hibonite relative to the predicted partitioning behavior but may be present in secondary minerals often present in refractory inclusions. The distribution coefficients for the remaining trace elements are fairly consistent amongst the three spherules. Since MUR7-228 is the only spherule that has distribution coefficients for the trivalent REEs consistent with the experimental values of DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988), the trace element data for this spherule should therefore give the best indication of the RTE distribution coefficients. Barium is favored in the hibonite ( Daa = 2.5); the refractory elements SC, Y, and Zr have values close to unity; while Nb and V are favored by the liquid, with Dv and 4\lb being 0.30 and 0.19, respectively. Isotope anomalies in refractory inclusions The Dnrvalue has large errors, but, since Zr4+ and Hf 4+ have nearly the same size, it is likely that Dur is close to unity as well. This is also consistent with the Dur values measured from the other two spherules. In conclusion, the three spherules probably formed from molten droplets. The hibonite morphologies of LA34 13- I/ 31 and MUR7-228 are clearly indicative of crystallization; however, MUR7-753 has an unusual texture that is not readily interpretable in terms of igneous processes. A common origin of hibonite and glass is further indicated by the Mg, Ca, and Ti isotopic compositions as well as by the trace element patterns in these two phases which are either almost identical (in MUR7-753) or differ by varying degrees of solidliquid fractionation. Hibonite crystallization apparently did not proceed under equilibrium conditions. The bulk composition of MUR7-228 is similar to the glass studied experimentally by REID et al. ( 1974). These authors found that such glasses must be quenched very rapidly to prevent crystallization. Thus, the hibonite crystallization must have been followed by fast cooling. 4.2. Isotopic Mass Fractionation and REEs In this section we discuss the evidence for distillation during formation of the microspherules and its possible effect on REE distributions. Isotopic mass fractionations are common in many silicate-bearing CAIs and are most clearly seen for Mg (R. N. CLAYTON et al., 1985 ). Coarse-grained CAIs usually have heavy Mg and fine-grained CAIs light Mg, implying that the former were effected by distillation, the latter by condensation ( NIEDERER and PAPANASTASSIOU, 1984; ESAT and TAYLOR, 1984a,b). However, there is no obvious relationship between the sign and magnitude of the Mg fractionation and the REE patterns in Allende CAIs, either in “normal” inclusions or in FUN inclusions ( NIEDERER and PAPANASTASSIOU, 1984). A clear relationship between isotopic fractionation (of 0, Ca, and Ti in this case) and REE abundances appears to exist only in the HAL-type inclusions (IRELAND et al., 1989; IRELAND and ZINNER, 1989). The glass of the microspherules LA34 13- l/3 1 and MUR7228 is enriched in the heavy isotopes of Mg (Table 4). The magnitude of these enrichments is within the range of Mg frationations displayed by “normal” Allende CAIs ( NIEDERER and PAPANASTASSIOU, 1984; BRIGHAM et al., 1985; PROMBO and LUGMAIR, 1986) and can be accounted for by a distillation model such as advocated by KURAT ( 1975). The hibonite, on the other hand, is only marginally enriched in LA34 1%1 / 3 1 and not clearly enriched in MUR7-228. The difference in the fractionation between hibonite and glass could be the result of progressive volatilization of the liquid during hibonite crystallization. The hibonite originally crystallizes because the bulk composition lies within the hibonite stability field. The bulk composition of MUR7-228 can be estimated in two ways, either from the relative proportions of hibonite and glass exposed on the surface of the polished section, or by assuming that the REE pattern was originally flat. Hibonite comprises approximately 7% of the exposed area; for an assumed spherical geometry of the spherule, the volume fraction would be 2%. On the other hand, a flat REE pattern is obtained at 24 x CI for approximately 45% hibonite and 55% glass. The composition of the 375 spherule inferred from modal mineralogy (Table 3) would be SiOz 39.4, TiOz 1.8, Al103 28.9, MgO 7.2, and CaO 22.6 wt%, while trace element inventory implies a composition of SiOz 22.1, TiOz 2.0, A&O3 54.8, MgO 4.6, and CaO 16.5 wt%. The first composition is slightly less refractory than the initial composition of DRAKE and BOYNTON ( 1988), while the latter is substantially more refractory. In either case, hibonite crystallized as a response to the cooling of a liquid somewhat less refractory than the bulk composition of the spherule. The reason is that while the first hibonite to crystallize must have the original Mg-isotopic fractionation of the precursor, the heavier Mg in the glass indicates Mg loss by distillation from the remaining liquid during hibonite crystallization. The hibonite therefore should be zoned in its Mg isotopic fractionation, but the crystals are too small to verify this behavior. If we assume that the measured F,, in the hibonite represents the starting composition, roughly 40% of the initial Mg must have been lost to account for the isotopic mass fractionation in the glass. DAVIS et al. ( I99 1) found that forsterite evaporates stoichiometrically, i.e., that the evaporated fractions of MgO and SiOz are the same. This, however, is not the case for more complex mixtures containing Ca, Al, and Ti, from which Mg is removed preferentially over Si ( ESAT, pers. comm., 1990). This is also supported by the observation that in many CAIs the Mg isotopes are more fractionated than the Si isotopes compared to what would be expected based on Rayleigh fractionation during stoichiometric distillation (see DAVIS et al., 1990). Thus, it is unlikely that the original liquid from which MUR7228 formed had a much higher Si02 content than the final glass. As already discussed, quenching must have been very rapid to prevent crystallization of the glass, not allowing further distillation after the hibonite crystallization stage. While the Mg isotopic fractionation can be explained by distillation that took place during the igneous formation of LA34 13- l/3 1 and MUR7-228, the major element composition cannot be explained by distillation, and only some features of the REE and RTE abundances could possibly result from it. The original material from which these two inclusions formed must have been already very refractory and could not have been anywhere near chondritic in initial composition. For example, the Mg/Al ratio of 0.28 in MUR7-228 is only 2.5% of the chondritic ratio of 11.4. If Al is assumed to be involatile during distillation, then Rayleigh fractionation involving the loss of 97.5% of Mg should result in a Mgisotopic mass fractionation of around +~~‘$xJ/AMIJ, which is clearly not observed. The depletion of the relatively volatile RTEs, Sr and Ba, in MUR7-228 and of Eu in LA34 I3- I / 3 1 could be taken as distillation signatures. However, they could also be inherited from the precursor material. The chemical composition of these two inclusions must therefore, to a large extent, be the result of processes acting before the last event (melting and solidification) responsible for their formation; in particular, the Group II characteristics of LA34 13- I / 3 1 require multistage condensation processes (DAVIS and L. GROSSMAN, 1979). This is even clearer for MUR7-753, whose trace element systematics cannot be derived from distillation from an initial chondritic reservoir or even from a reservoir which originally had relative chondritic abundances of the REEs. The bulk T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey. and E. K. Zinner 376 composition is depleted in the most refractory REEs, and, if anything, the glass in MUR7-753 appears to be isotopically light rather than heavy. The REE pattern is similar to the Allende Group II pattern in its low ultrarefractory element abundances relative to the trend defined by the LREEs, but differs in the positive Eu and Yb anomalies and the volatilitycontrolled fractionation between the LREEs. It most resembles the perovskite patterns described by IRELAND et al. ( 1988a) but displays an overall fractionation superimposed on the perovskite pattern. It can only be produced by condensation from a gas from which an ultrarefractory component had been separated. This could also account for isotopically light Mg, but at the temperatures required to fractionate the REEs, Mg would probably be entirely in the gas phase. However, formation as a direct condensate from such a depleted gas is an oversimplification since the RTE pattern does not show the elemental fractionation expected. In particular, there is no tendency in the RTE pattern for the ultrarefractory elements Zr, Hf. SC, and Y to be systematically depleted relative to the more volatile elements Sr, Ba, Nb. and V, as is the case for the Allende Group II pattern. It appears that besides showing a REE inventory depleted in elements according to their volatility, a refractory component rich in Gd is preserved in MUR7-753. While the abundance of Lu is relatively constant in all three measurements (2-3 X CI), the Gd/Lu ratio varies from 18.5 in the first hibonite analysis to 9.7 in the second, and 2.2 in the glass (relative to the CI value of 8.0). Gadohnium-enriched compositions have previously been reported from hibonite in Murchison inclusion GR- 1 and hibonite inclusions within corundum in Murchison inclusion BB-5 by HINTON et al. ( 1988 ). In both of these cases, Gd is the most abundant REE followed by a smooth drop in the abundances to Lu. However, in GR-I and BB-5, the LREEs also exhibit enrichments in the relatively refractory LREEs La and Nd, whereas they are depleted in MUR7-753. The REE systematics of MUR7-753 appear to be produced predominantly by the removal of a refractory component (cf. Allende Group II ), but a Gd-enriched component has been incorporated into the hibonite. The unique morphology of MUR7-753 does not seem to be related to the REE signature. MACPHERSON et al. ( 1989) analyzed four hibonite-glass spherules from ALH85085 that have igneous textures and no excess 26Mg, similar to LA34 131/3 1 and MUR7-228, and three of them have REE patterns depleted in the ultrarefractory REEs. positive Eu, Tm, and Yb anomalies, and volatility-fractionated LREEs. However, the lack of RTE partitioning may be related to the process that produced the unusual morphology of MUR7-753. In conclusion, the morphology and Mg isotopic fractionation of microspherules do not seem to be directly associated with a particular trace element pattern. While the first two properties are most likely the result of igneous events (melting and distillation). the last has been inherited and is the result of processes preceding the final formation. 4.3. Isotopic Systematics and Precursors We have discussed previously ( FAHEY et al., 1987b; IRELAND, 1988, 1990) the preservation of isotopic anomalies in terms of the chemical memory model (e.g., D. D. CLAYTON, 1978). The signatures of various nucleosynthetic sites are preserved in refractory interstellar dust, and the isotopic composition of an inclusion is the average composition of the component dust. It is generally the case that the largest anomalies are found in the smallest inclusions (hibonites, and the microspherules of the present study). This correlation could just be the result of the statistics of mixing, i.e., the larger the refractory inclusion formed, the more likely the average is going to be isotopically normal. But this is most likely not the main reason, since the distributions of Ca and Ti anomalies are by no means statistical; e.g., there are differences in the systematics between 48Ca and “Ti excesses on one hand and deficits in these isotopes on the other ( NIEDERER et al., 1981; NIEDERER and PAPANASTASSIOU, 1984; IRELAND, 1990). One reason must have to do with the temporal evolution and mixing of material and with varying formation mechanisms of large and small inclusions. Apparently, small inclusions containing large isotopic anomalies formed preferentially early in the solar nebula when thorough mixing of the original material had not yet been achieved. Large anomalies are expected in Ca and Ti because of their refractory nature and their resistance to homogenization by distillation and recondensation. Magnesium is abundant as Mg,SiO, grains in the interstellar medium and in dust clouds. But since it is a much more volatile element there is a much greater likelihood for the homogenization of Mg by distillation/recondensation and also for dilution by normal material. Primary Mg isotopic anomalies can only be unambiguously identified if they are in the form of 2hMg deficits since 26Mg excesses can be produced by “Al decay. Negative 626Mg anomalies are rare. The FUN inclusions C 1 and EK l4-l are characterized by 26Mg depletions of about -3.5 and -1.7%0, but also by large fractionation ($20 and +30%0/ AMU, respectively), as are FUN purple, spinel-rich inclusions (PAPANASTASSIOU and BRIGHAM, 1989). Two hibonites measured by IRELAND et al. ( 1986) were also characterized by 26Mg depletions of 2%0 and isotopic mass fractionation of + 1~%~/AMu. The application ofan inappropriate mass-fractionation law could produce apparent anomalies in 26Mg during normalization: however. the application of any known law still results in 26Mg deficits in these inclusions. In addition, Egg-3 has a 26Mg depletion in the intercept of its AI-Mg isochron ( ESAT et al., 1980). As a group, the spherules of this study, and apparently also similar microspherules from ALH85085 (A. DAVIS, priv. comm.), are highly unusual in that they contain depletions in 26Mg. Like the FUN inclusions, they are characterized by deficits in 26Mg, coupled with the presence of large Ti and Ca isotopic anomalies, but unlike the FUN inclusions, they do not have large Mg isotopic mass fractionation. Also like FUN CAIs and most PLAC hibonites, the spherules did not have 26A1 or had ( 26A1/27Al)o < 1.7 X 10-5, below the “canonical” ratio of 5 X lO_‘. This observation has been discussed previously for these two types of refractory objects in terms of (a) late formation or isotopic resetting (i.e., within a chronological framework for *‘Al) and (b) heterogeneity of 2hA1 in the early solar system ( WASSERBURG and PAPANASTASSIOU, 1982; IRELAND et al., 1988a). There is no definitive proof for either alternative offered by the data on the spherules. However. we shall argue below, on the basis of the large Ca and Ti isotopic anomalies, that these inclusions Isotope anomalies in refractory inclusions formed early relative to “normal” CAIs. Such an interpretation would require that their formation region was devoid of 2hAl. The Ca-Ti anomalies in the spherules are similar in magnitude to those found in PLAC hibonites, but there are significant differences between the spherules and the PLACs (Fig. 3). Ofthe PLACs. around two out ofthree have negative anomalies in 4RCa and 50Ti (IRELAND, 1990). whereas all three spherules show excesses in these isotopes. The relative sizes of the 48Ca and 5”Ti anomalies are also unusual. PLACs with negative anomalies generally have 6”%Za/d“Ti of around unity, while the hibonites with large positive excesses, MYH3/H4 and MUR13-13, have S4*Ca/6”Ti of around 0.5. Only two PLACs, MUR-H7 and MUR-H8, out of 3 I analyzed have similar compositions to the three spherules ( ZINNER et al., 1986; FAHEY et al., 1987a; IRELAND. 1990). Therefore, even with the small number of spherules analyzed, they appear to show much less diversity than three randomly picked PLACs. The spherules are also distinct from any other isotopically anomalous silicate-bearing inclusions. Figure 3 also shows the 4RCa-50Ti composition of EK I -4- 1 (LEE et al., 1978; NIEDERERet al., 198 I), the FUN inclusion with the largest 48Ca and “Ti excesses found to date. Excesses in the microspherules of this study are up to 3X larger. It has to be kept in mind that differences in the 6”‘Cai FtSoTiratios could either reflect the primary nucleosynthetic signature of the n-rich component (CAMERON, 1979; HARTMANN et al., 1985) or result from chemical fractionation of the carriers or from mixing of the carriers with material of different Ca/Ti ratios. The comparison of &values implies mixing of the original carriers of anomalous Ca and Ti with a reservoir of solar Ca/Ti. Under such an assumption different 64XCa/650Ti ratios can be explained by different values of the maximum neutron enrichment in the multizone mixing model of HARTMANNet al. ( 1985 ). Correlated variations of 648Ca/650Ti and 6s0Ti/S49Ti seem to confirm this interpretation: while in PLACs MYH3/H4 and MUR13-13 the former ratio is 0.5 and the latter -25 ( ZINNER et al.. 1986; IRELAND,1990), in MUR-H7 and EKI-4-l the &4RCa/650Ti ratios are 3.2 and 3.6 and the fi50Ti/649Ti ratios are 3.4 and 2.0, respectively (LEE et al., 1978; NIEDERER et al., 1981; ZINNER et al., 1986). We note that 650Ti/649Ti in MUR7753 determined by IRELAND( 1988) is 6.4 _t 3.2. The 648Ca/650T’i in the mi~rospherules is approximately 2.0 (Fig. 3), but unfortunately the large errors do not allow precise determinations of 6 50Ti/ 649Ti, so we cannot exclude a mixing origin for this high ratio. If, indeed, anomalous CaTi carriers with 648Ca/650Ti of -0.5 were mixed with very refractory material, a Ti/Ca ratio 4X the solar ratio in this precursor coutd have resulted in the 648Ca/6s0Ti ofapproximately 2.0 we now observe in the microspherules. Since PLACs are the only type of refractory inclusions with Ca-Ti isotopic anomalies ofat least the same magnitude as those measured in the microspherules, we can ask whether there are any relationships between these types of inclusions. We have argued above that the spherules formed from molten droplets of precursor material that must have included condensates. Could the spherules be derived from molten PLAC hibonites? From a representative composition of PLACs (Al*@ 87.8, CaO 8.5. TiOl 2.5, MgO 1.25) and the composition of a 377 spherule (e.g.. MUR7-228, based on trace element inventory. with Si02 22.1, A1203 54.8, CaO 16.5, TiOz 2.0, MgO 4.6), we can calculate the composition of the additional mixing component required. If the sole source of Al203 is hibonite, the mixing component would have the composition Si02 59.1, CaO 29.9, Ti02 1.2, MgO 10.2 wtlo: and the spherule composition is a mixture of roughly 37% of this Ca-silicate component with 63% of the PLAC hibonite component. If the Ca-silicate component is isotopically normal, Ca, Ti, and Mg isotopic anomalies will be diluted by factors of 3.2, 1.3, and 5.9, respectively. Therefore, given anomalies such as 648Ca = 40%0, 650Ti = 20%0,and h2”Mg = -3%0 in the spherules, the hibonite precursor would need to have anomalies of 64RCa = 128%0,6~*Ti = 26%0, and 62hMg = - IS%,. If the spheruie composition based on modal abundances (Table 3) is used, the mixing component would have almost the same composition, but the mixing fractions would be 67 and 33%, and the dilution factors would be 8.1,2.2, and 17.4, resulting in even more extreme required anomalies. Such isotopic compositions have never been measured in a PLAC hibonite. This does not strictly preclude a hibonite precursor, but it is very unlikely that PLACs were the source of the isotopic anomalies in the spherules. We can of course turn the question around and ask: Could PLACs be derived from hibonite-glass spherules? To first order, PLACs do appear to be similar to hibonite that might be released from the breakup of glass spherules. However, there are differences. PLACs are generally much larger than the hibonite crystals in the spherules. The overwhelming majority of PLACs have trace-element patterns depleted in the less refractory elements Eu, Yb, V, Ba, Sr, and Nb. They are not dissimilar to the hibonite in MUR7-228, and, in fact, IRELANDet al. ( I988a) originally classified MUR7-228 with the PLACs because of the similarities. But it was noted that MUR7-228 is indeed different: it does not have a Yb anomaly, and it is monotonically fractionated from La to Lu. PLACs normally have Yb anomalies larger than Eu anomalies, and they do not show the same degree of fractionation as MUR7228 and generally have flat LREE patterns and roll-off only in the HREEs. This roll-off may be due to solid-liquid partitioning, but it does not appear to be directly attributable to the same igneous fractionation process as for the spherules. The spherules appear to be distinct from the PLACs in terms of their formation. 4.4. Conclusion The microspherules seem rather to constitute a separate class of refractory inclusions, characterized by (a) distinct mo~holog~ and mineralogy, (b) large *%a and “Ti excesses with d4*Ca/b5% = -2.0, the excesses being larger than those found in any other silicate-bearing inclusions, and (c) 26Mg depletions. It is curious that nucleosynthetic signatures are associated with the igneous formation event which is likely to be only the last step of other physicochemical processes experienced by most of the material from which these inclusions formed. This is a problem similar to that encountered in the interpretation of the association of certain (but not all, e.g., not trace element patterns) mineralogical-physicalchemical properties of the FUN inclusions (large mass fractionation% distinct mineralogy of the purple spinel-rich in- T. R. Ireland, A. J. Fahey, and E. K. Zinner 378 elusion; PAPANASTASSIOU and BRIGHAM,1989) with isotopic anomalies in the Fe-peak elements. A model to explain the characteristic features of the microspherules would invoke mixing of interstellar dust grains, the carriers of anomalous Ca and Ti, with preprocessed isotopically normal material. The preprocessing is responsible for the major element composition (highly refractory) and the trace element signature of this material. It most likely includes condensation, but could also include the preferential enrichment of refractory precursor grains by the evaporation of more volatile phases, It is likely that all three spherules formed from molten droplets, but while the morphologies of LA341 3-l /3t and MUR7-228 are consistent with such an origin, MUR7-753 has an unusual morphology that is not readily interpretable as an igneous texture. Only MUR7-228 has distribution coefficients consistent with the equilibrium hibonite-liquid partition coefficients of Dn.Am and BOWTON ( 1988) but the other two do not. If these spherules did solidify from melts, they did not all do so under equilib~um conditions. This is consistent with the presence of glass, requiring rapid cooling which is apparently a consequence of the small size of these CAIs. It is unclear whether the melting of the droplets occurred by the same mechanism that is invoked for other igneous CAIs and for chondrules (the enigmatic “chondrule forming process”). One possible distinction is that it must have occurred early, before isotopic anomalies were obliterated by continued mixing, and, apparently, it occurred in this form only in a part of the solar nebula preferentially containing carriers with 4*Ca and “Ti excesses, and lacking 26A1. However, it may be premature to build a complicated formation model on the basis of the analysis of three inclusions. Microspherules are exceedingly rare, and only ALH85085 seems to have sampled them preferentially. It remains to be seen whether those spherules also have the unique Ca and Ti isotopic characteristics of the inclusions studied here. .4c~nf~wiedg~7ent,~-We are greatly indebted to Gero Kurat for drawing our attention to the Lance inclusion 3413-I /3 I, for providing us with the thin section Lance 3413, and for extensive discussions. Helpful comments by Glenn MacPherson and one anonymous reviewer improved this manuscript considerably. We thank Robert Walker for his interest and support. This work was funded by NASA grant NAG9-55. Editorial handling: K. Marti REFERENCES BECKETTJ. R. ( 1986) The origin of Ca-, Al-rich inclusions from carbonaceous chondrites; an experimental study. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Chicago. BECKETTJ. R., LIVED., FUN-DOWT., GROSSMANL., and STOLPER E. ( 1988) Ti3+ in meteoritic and svnthetic hibonite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52, 1479-1495. . BOYNTONW. V. ( 1975) Fractionation in the solar nebula: Condensation of yttrium and the rare earth elements. Geochim. Cosmoc&m. 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