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Handel’s Messiah PA R I S H S TA F F On December 11, the Chancel Choir & Orchestra of Good Shepherd Church will mark its 19th annual presentation of G. F. Handel’s timeless masterpiece “Messiah.” MUSIC FR OM GOOD SH EPH ERD The performance of this oratorio each and every year is made possible only because of the generosity of people like you. Please consider making a donation to this year’s presentation. Your generous gift will ensure that this Christmas tradition at at Good Shepherd will continue for another year. A s a c o n t r i b u t o r, y o u w i l l r e c e i v e a complimentary ticket for "preferred seating" for you and your guests to the concert and your name will appear in the program as being one of our honored contributors. Below is a convenient tear-off sheet which you may use to indicate the amount of your financial support. I thank you in advance for your support and I hope to see you at Good Shepherd in the fall. GOOD SHEPHERD ROMAN C AT H O L I C C H U R C H 1950 Batchelder Street Brooklyn, New York 11229 718-998-2800 e-mail: [email protected] Please make your check payable to: Good Shepherd Music Ministry. Rev. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor Rev. James E. Devlin Pastor Emeritus Please accept my contribution of : Rev. Uririoghene Melchizedek Okrokoto $____________________ Mr. Robert J. Cosgrove Parochial Vicar Deacon Mr. Christopher A. Wagner Deacon Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Mr. Michael Fontana 201 6 Director of Music Ministries Celebrating our 20th year of Beautiful music in a Beautiful space. MUSIC FROM GOOD SHEPHERD “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” - Martin Luther Since 1996, Good Shepherd Catholic Church has opened its doors to hundreds of New York's most talented musicians and ensembles, giving them the opportunity to perform in our beautiful sanctuary before live and appreciative audiences. As "Music from Good Shepherd" enters into its 20th season of free Sunday evening recitals, we invite you to become a part of this wonderful tradition of music-making in our community of Marine Park. Our series will begin on October 2 and continue each Sunday through December 11 culminating with our annual presentation of G. F. Handel’s oratorio “Messiah.” All the recitals begin at 6:00 pm and are free. I hope to see you at Good Shepherd Church to celebrate our 20th year of beautiful music in a beautiful space. Michael Fontana, Director of Music Ministries Thomas Piercy OCTOBER: 2nd: Brooklyn Baroque 9th: Uptown Flutes 16th: Thomas Piercy, clarinet Brooklyn Baroque 23rd: Duo Cantabile 30th: 8 Strings & a Whistle Duo Cantabile Uptown Flutes Eight Strings & a Whistle NOVEM BER: 6th: Daniel Lippel, guitar 13th: Tanguera Tango Ensemble 20th: 9 Horses 27th: Jonathan Cohler, clarinet & Rasa Vitkauskaite, piano Daniel Lippel 9 Horses Jonathan Cohler & Rasa Vitkauskaite DECEMBER: 4th: Emilia Cedriana Donato 11th: Handel’s “Messiah” The Chancel Choir & Orchestra of Good Shepherd Catholic Church Michael Fontana, Director Emilia Cedriana Donato The Good Shepherd Chancel Choir & Orchestra