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47th YEAR official programme and prize list SP I.GFIELD ELGIN COUNTY Thomas Hume and Sons farm and Neighbouring Farms HIGHWAY 73 • 3 MILES NORTH OF AYLMER OR 15 MILES NORTHEAST OF ST. THOMAS ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH -1960 . -INDEX- ALEX. BLACK Presid ent ALSTON CAMPBEll I st Vice-President Bra nch Plowing Match Secr et a ries an d Dates .... .... 28 Championships and Special PrizesInternational Match ... . ..... .. .. ........... . ... . .. ..... .... .. ...... 22 Exhibitors "Tented City" .. ..... .... ..... .......... .. ...... ........ .. 30-32 Farm Inventions Class.. .. ...... ..... .... .... .. ... ..... ...... ... ...... 25 General Information .. ... .. .. ... ..... ........ ... .... .. ... .... ....... .. 2, 3 Greetings from Minister of Agr iculture, Ontario .... 7 Greetings from Mayor of St. Thomas.. .. .. ...... ..... ....... 6 Greetings from Mayor of Aylmer. ....... ..... ..... .......... 7 Horseshoe Pitching Contest................. .. .. .... ... ........ .. 24 Hor se ShowsLocal Counties . ... .. .. .. .............................. . .. ... ... . .. .. . ... 13 International Match ... . .... ... . ..... ... .. . . ...... .. .... ..... .. . .. .. 21 Location Map ...... ... ... ..... ... .. ... ........ ...... ......... Back of Cover Mayor's Class .. ... ................ ... .... .......... ..... .. ............ ..... 11 Officers, Directors and Committees . .... .... .. . .... .. ..... ... 5 Official Opening .. .......... .... . .. .... . .. .. .. .. .... . .. ........... .. .. .. . ... 4 Ontario Championship Class ........ ............... .... ......... 14 Plowing CompetitionsOctober 11 .. .. ..... .... .... .... .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ...... 11-14 October 12 .... .. ...... .. .. .... ........... .............. .. .. ........... 15-16 October 13 ...... ...... .... ... ... .. ... .. ... .............. .. .. ...... ..... .. . 17-19 October 14 ....... .. .......... .. .... .. ...... .. .... ...... .... ... .. ....... ... 20-21 Previous and Future International Matches..... .. .. ... 27 Prize Money Schedule .. .......... .. ........... ... .. .. ..... .. .. .... .. . 14 Queen of the Furrow Contest.. .. ............ ..... ......... .. .. .... 23 Rules and RegulationsInternational Match ...... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ............. 8, 9 World Rules . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... . .. .. . ... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Score CardInternational Competitions .. ... ...... .. .. ...... .... .. . ........ 26 World ..... ... ... ..... ... ........ ... ..... .... ..... ........ ... ..... .. ....... ... 26 Welcome from Warden of Elgin County .. .. .......... .. .. 6 ROBERT CAMPBEll 2nd Vice-President GEORGE HAY Past President Page on e ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 WELCOME TO TH1E "JNTERNA TIONAL" The 1960 International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration is a joint effort between the Ontario Plowmen's Association and the Elgin County Local Committee. A most ideal site has been provided and ever ything possible has been done by the various Committees to assure the success of this great annual event. The Ontario Plowmen's Association is deeply indebted to the citizens of Elgin County for their wholehearted· co-operation. It is our hope that our visitors will enjoy the four day pr ogramme and that they will benefit in many ways through their attendance at the Match. GENERAL INFORMATION ADMISSION-PARKING ELECTRICITY The admission charge will be 50c per person. Car or bus to park near the exhibit area will be charged 50 cents. The Hydro-Electr ic Power Commission of Ont ario has made provision to supply electric power to the "Tented City". Service will be 115/230 volts, 60 cycle, single phase. Exhibitors and caterers are required to make their own arrangements with local electricians for wiring of space, and sufficient wire should be provided to reach from tent to the near est hydro pole. A fus ed single switch must be pr ovided to control the total load, and wiring must be in accordance with requirements of Electrical Inspection Department. Charges for duration of Match will be $1.00 inspection fee, plus 25 cents per 100 watts of connected load. Information may be obtained by applying to N. E. Macpherson, 620 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario, or at the Hydr o Exhibit, " Tented City" after October 7th. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING This houses the offices of the Ontario Plowmen 's A~:,oc i ation , Local Committee, also the Press and Radio. All particular s with r eference to the Match may be secured at th e Administration Building which has been pr ovided through the cour tesy of P eir son Buildings Ltd., Peter borough. APPRECIATION On behalf of the Board, appreciation is expressed to the donors for their generous contributions, and to all who have assisted in any way in making this substantial prize list possible. BANQUET The Prize P r esentation Banquet will be held in the St. Thomas-Elgin Memor ial Centre, 80 Wilson Avenue, St. Thomas, on Friday, October 14th, at 7.00 p.m. Admission by ticket only. DEMONSTRATION MATERIAL Exhibitor s requiring straw, gr ain or other mater ial f or demonstration purposes may consult A. V. Langton, Dept. of Agr iculture, Royal Bank Bldg., St. Thomas. DAILY PROGRAMME See Daily Programme, courtesy of Family Herald of Montreal, Quebec, for information on location of plowing events, demonstrations and other special features . DISPLAY OF TROPHIES Trophies will be on display the week prior to and the week of the Match in the window of Ander sons Limited, St. Thomas. Page two FIRE PROTECTION The Ontario Fire Marshal's Department will be represented at the Match. Their inspectors will check on fire hazards, and equipment will be on hand to take care of emergencies. Anyone showing live stock and having straw around must get "No Smoking" sign from Fire Marshal's tent. GAMBLING AND RAFFLES No person shall be permitted to carry on any kind of gambling, raffle, or game of chance in the "Tented City", parking fields, roads or other area under control of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, during the period of the International Plowing Match. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT EATON'S By courtesy of Eaton's of Canada, a large marquee will be erected near Headquarters Building, where visitors may meet their friends, and rest awhile. All are assured of a warm welcome, and a cup of tea will be served FREE of charge, during the afternoon from 1.00 to 4.00 p.m. ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION • PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 19b0 GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) OFFICIAL OPENING On Tuesday, October 11th, at 2.00 p.m. in "Tented City" on plaMorm in the vicinity of the Administration Building, Mr. James S. Duncan, C.M.G., LL.D., Chairman of the Ontar io Hydro-Electric Powe1· Commission, will officially open the International P lowing Match. POLICE PROTECTION The "Tented City" will be policed at night as a convenience to exhibitors and caterers. TELEPHONES For the convenience of those in the "Tented City" pay telephones will be located in a central area. KENNETH BAW DEN Director TENTS Tents may be rented from any of several firms, including the following, and arrangements should be made direct with companies concerned:Barrie Tent and Awning Co., Barrie. J. A. Marchen, 348 Water St., Peterborough. D. Pike Co., Ltd., 125 King St. E., Toronto. Robert Soper Ltd., 124 King St. W., Hamilton. J. J. Turner Co., Ltd., Peterborough. Drumbo Tent & Awning Co., Ltd., Drumbo . Raymond Brothers, 182 York St., London. GORDON M cGAVIN Director ST. JOHN AMBULANCE This organization is a•g ain co-operating by having a staff on hand to provide First Aid. WATER Water will be piped through the streets of "Tented City" for the convenience of exhibitors and caterers, through the co-operation of Beatty Bros. Ltd., Fergus, and Carnation Company, Aylmer. SPECIAL DAILY PROGRAM ME FOR THE LADIES A LEX. McKINNEY Director Something NEW has been added to the 1960 International P lowing Match. ONTARIO HYDRO presents for the Ladies (men welcome) a special quickfood cooking and saving demonstration using the latest electrical appliances, both large and small. For your comfort the Tent will be heated electrically and personnel will be on hand to answer your questions. There will be special prizes each day of the Match at the Hydro Tent with a big grand prize. MALO N 0 . W ILKEN Director Page three ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 FRANK PINEO G eneral Chairman Elgin County Local Committee Associate Director O .P.A. JAMES S. DUNCAN , C.M.G., LL.D . Chairman, Ontario Hydro-El ectric Power Commiss ion Will officially open the Match at 2.00 p.m., on Tu esday, October 12th, in "Tented City" . A. V. LANGTON Secretary-Treasurer Elgin County Local Committee Pc;~ge four ONTARIO PLOW MEN'S ASSOCIATIO N PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOC IATION OFFICERS H onoTaTy President HON. W . A. GOODFELLOW - T oronto Past P >·esident Russell GEORG E H AY ALEX BLACK · President · 29 Skov Crescent, Guelp h 1st Vice-President ALSTON CAMPBELL Bul"ford lind Vice-President ROBERT CAMPBELL . ChuJ" chill S ecretary- M anager F . A. LASHLEY D ept. of Agriculture Par liament Bldgs., T oron to Treasurer Unionvill e CLARK YOUNG F. A . LA SH LEY Secretary- Ma nag er COMMITIEES DI RECTORS GEORGE FLETCHER • JOHN RAHM • GEORGE WALDIE KENNETH BAWDEN W. C. BARRIE ELLIOTT MOSES ALSTON CAMPBELL CAMERON M I TCHELL MALEN 0 . WILKINS HON. RAY CONNELL GOR DON MeGA YIN NORMAN BARBER ALEX. McKINNEY • ALEX. BLACK STANLEY H ALL, M.P.P. W. L. CLARK ROBERT CAMPBELL R USSEL L MORRISON HOWARD HENRY · ALV I N MAR K HUBERT A VERY HAR VEY HAWKEY ROY SHAVER GEORGE HAY HOWARD GREER RUSSELL BEI LHARTZ - Merlin, R.R. • L eamington, R.R. 5 Stratford, R.R. 2 St. Thomas, R.R. 7 Galt, R.R. 7 Ohsweken Burford Simcoe, R.R. 5 Jarv is, R.R. 3 Dundas, R.R. 2 Walton Owen Sound, R .R. 4 • Brampton, R .R. 2 29 Skov Cresc., Guelph Streetsville, R.R. 2 Unionville Churchill B eaverton , R.R. 2 Campbellcroft , R.R. 2 Cameron Bl"ockvill e, R.R. 3 Kingston, R.R. 2 Finch Russell North Go wer Bruce Station L ands- George F letcher ; Malen Wilkins; W. C. Barrie; Camero n Mitch ell ; Harry Pound. PaBses- Alston Campbell ; Alvin Mar k . Dentonstrations- Got•don McGavin ; H arvey H awkey; George H ay. T ean1.s and H orse Show - R oy Shaver. Tmcto>·s-No rman Barber ; John Rahm; Robert Campbell; H oward H enry. T ented City- Clark Youn g; K en . Bawden; Stan. H a ll . M .P.P. ; Howard Greer. Parldng and T ickets-George W a ldie; Russell Monison; W. L. Clark ; Russell Bei lhartz. Wagon Tours- George Fletcher ; Bob. Tuckey; Gr iffin K etcheson . Publicity-Alex. Black ; A lston Campbell; Fred Baker ; F. A . Lashley. Special Events- Alex . Black; Alston Campbell ; Stan. H a ll , ialEvSpecen ts M.P.P. ; E lliott Mos es; R on. Ray Connell. ELGIN COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE FRANK PINEO, Chairman, Aylmer, R.R. 4. LESLIE ARMST R ONG, Vice-Cha irman , Union, R .R. 1 A. V. LANGTON, Secretary-T reasurer, D ep t . of Agriculture, St. Thomas. J AS. GALBRAITH, Assistant T reasu rer, 64 East Street, St. Thomas. COMMITTEE-LOCAL COUNTIES Associat e Dire ctors Aylm Pr. R.R. 4 B elleville, R.R. 6 F R ANK PINEO HARRY POUND Junior Dir ectors GRI FFIN KET CHESON BOB TUCKEY Foxboro, R .R. 1 (1960- 61) Komoka , R.R. 4 ( 19 60) ESSEX KENT LAMBTON M IDDLESEX NORFOLK OXFORD John Rahm, Leamington, R.R. 5 George Fletcher, Merlin, R.R. 1 Chas. Richardso n, Thamesv ille, R.R. 3 Garnet McNally, In wood Ed . Mitchell, Den fiel d , R.R. 1 R obt. Tuckey, Komoka, R.R. 4 Cameron Mitchell , Simcoe, R.R. 5 Wm. Lemery, Waterford, R.R. 3 Wilf. Corp, Tavistock CLARK YOUNG Tre a su rer Lo cal Comm itt ee Cha ir men T ented CitySt. Thomas, R.R. 7 KENNETH BAWDEN H ealth and SanitationSt. Thomas. R.R. 7 REG. CL I NTON Springfield, R.R. 2 Lands- GILES H UME Aylm er, R.R. 4 T ractor- RON. BRADT T and Horse SkowEden , R.R. 1 ROBT. STEWART · Aylmer Tickets- LEON BODKI N • ParkingSt. Thomas, R.R. 7 CLA YBOURNE GORDON Springfield Billetll- MAC M cWHINNIE L unchSt. Thomas, R.R. 7 ALBERT AUCKLAND Wagon ToursI ona Station, R. R . 1 ANGUS CAMPB ELL DentonstrationsSpringfield, R.R. 3 F R ED CHARLTON • County ExhibitsARCHIE IRVINE, Mgr., Co-Op Services, St. Thomas H ist oricalSt. Thomas, R.R. 1 MRS. J. R. FUTCHER · PublicityRodn ey, R.R. 2 P H ILIP SCHLEIHAUF St. T homas, R. R . 8 Banquet- C. M. WILLIAMS Springfield, R.R. 1 Reception-JOHN WILSON Farm.stead b nprovevtentSouthwold, R .R. 1 FARNELL NIMMO At LargeROY JEWELL, Director of Farm Services, CFPL, London. Page fiv e ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROG RAMME OF EVENTS 1960 WELCOME FROM THE WARDEN OF ELGIN OOUNTY As Warden of the County of E lgin it is a pleasure for me to welcome the Ontario P lowmen's Association, the competitors, exhibitors and visitors to the 1960 International P lowing Match. You will find at the Match this year many new features such as: Farm Invention Classes; a Daily Programme for Ladies; the Queen of the Furrow Contest; Horseshoe Pitching; Mayors' Class, as well as some of the best plowing to be found anywhere. We of E lgin are justly proud of our County with its .sixty miles of lake front. The County is noted for its great diversity of crops and livestock. You will find cash crops such as corn, wheat, soybeans and tobacco. We a lso have outstanding beef and dairy herds. The City of St. Thomas, the Town of Aylmer and the various villages are busy yet pleasant places to visit. When you come to the Match, come prepared to stay for a few days and enj oy our hospitality as well as the various events as planned by the P lowing Ma·t ch Committee. HARVEY LIDDLE, Warden, Elgin ·County. H A RVEY LI DDLE Warde n, Elgin Co unty GREETINGS FROM THE MAYOR OF ST. TH~ OMAS We, the citizens of St. Thomas, extend a cordial welcome to you, .the delegates and visitors to the 1960 International Plowing Match. We are proud of our community-equ a lly proud as you are of yours. Our urban industrial growth is excellent-conservative perhaps, in comparison to many larger urban areas, but effective and progressive in relation to our local economy. In addition, the economy of the agricultural industry will continue to be influenced by the substantial contribution of diversi,fied farming in Elgin County. We express the h ope that you will take every opportunity to become acquainted with St. Thomas and Elgin during your stay and that the memories of your visit will be pleasant and long remembered. VINCENT C. BAR.RIE, Mayor of .St. Thomas. VINCENT C. BARRI E Mayor of St . Tho ma s Page six ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 GREETINGS FR·O M THE MAYOR OF AYLMER On behalf of the Town of Aylmer and the Council I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to thi.s great event, "The 1960 International Plowing Match." During your stay we would encourage you to visit our prosperous town. I understand that this Plo·w ing Match comes about once every twenty years to a county. We are very proud that this event is held in the Aylmer district. Once again I wish you a successful and a happy stay in our midst and express the hope that the .renewal of friendship will be something of which you will long have pleasant memories. ELLISON E. RANDALL, Mayor, Town of Aylmer. ELLISON E. RANDALL Mayor, Town of Aylmer GREETINGS FROM THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE OF ONT ARlO HON. W. A. GOODFELLOW Minister of Agriculture (Ontario) It is a distinct pleasure to extend greetings and a cordial welcome to the many visitors to the 1960 International Plowing Match. I consider it most appropriate that this annual event should be held in Elgin County which represents one of the most outstanding agricultural areas within the Province. Elgin County has long been noted for the diversity of its farm enterprises, large acreages devoted to apple orchards, as well as the production of cash crops with special emphasis on corn, beans and tobacco. Faced as we are with rapidly changing techniques in agriculture the International Plowing Match plays an important part in keeping the farmer abreast of the latest developments in agricultural practices. It also provides an opportunity to witness demonstrations of the latest types of farm machinery. Perhaps most important of all, it provides a meeting place for both urban and rural people which cannot do other than bring about mutual understanding. May I express my .thanks to the Local Committee, the Ontario Plowmen's Association and all those who have worked so hard to make this event a success. W. A. GOODFELLOW, Minister of Agriculture. Page seven ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 WORLD RULES APPLY TO ONTARIO AND CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP PLOWING CONTESTS RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. ·C OMPETI TORS: Open to two contestants from each province. Contestants to be selected by provinces. INTERNATIONAL MATCH 2. T 1Y1P .E OF PLOW: mouldboard plows. Limited to tractor two furrow- 3. DE.PTH OF PLOWING: The average depth will be 6 inches for both grassland and stubble plowing. 4. TYPE OF LAND: Each competitor will be required to plow one plot of stubble land and one plot of grassland. 5. TlMiE ALLOWE.D: Time allowed for plowing shall be 3 hours fo r grassland and 272 hours fo r stubble. Extra time may be requested only in case of a mechanical breakdown. In this case as well as in the case of waiting on his neighbour, competitor must obtain a decision from the steward in charge. 6. JUDGING : World Match score card will be used. 7. SUPEIRVISION: These r ules will be strictly enforced and competitors will be required to abide by them under the supervision of stewards who will wear white coats in order to be easily recognized. 8. FURROW SIZE: The width of furrow is at the competitor's discretion. Skimmers must be used except on splitting and gathering. No cut allowed after the first round on the coulter or shares of any plow. 9. OPENING SPLIT: In both stubble and grassland plowing competitors must take an opening split at the setting out. The strip must be well cut through so that no land is left unturned in the middle of the ridge. First a split shall be made in which the rippling is turned out, then in the reverse direction the rippling shall be gathered to the centre, thus ensuring all land having been cut. 10 . .SI GHTING AND SE.T TING OUT: The plot number stake indicates the centre of the crown. The h elp of a second person in placing and removing sighting poles is the only assistance permitted to any competitor. 11. ME:T HOD: After completing the crown, which shall consist of six rounds, the competitor then commences to throw out. This means that there will be twelve heavy furrows gathered on each side. The finish comprises the last three rounds and the sole furrow. 12. INFRJI NGEMENT: A competitor breaking any of these rules shall receive one warning from t h e steward. Upon a second infringement, the competitor will be disqualified. No shaping of furrows by hand, hand-held instrument, or by t reading, or other manipulation, will be allowed. Rolling with the tractor wheel is permitted on the opening rippling only. Page eight (See Rules governing Ontario Championship Class) I. (a} Competition is open to the world but contestants in the Province of Ontario, except those entering the Inter-School and Inter- County Comp etitions, must have been prize winners at an organized match . (b) This does not apply to competitors on Tuesday , October II th, Class es I to 9. (c) Min imum AGE shall be 14 years by November 1st,. 1960, for all competitors excepting those in Inte r-Secondary School Class. 2. Entries for all competitors, including Tu esday, October I Ith (local day), MUST be forwarded to F. A. Lashley, Ontario Plowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, not later than Friday, September 30th. .POSITIVELY NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. 3. Entry fee of $2.00 will be charged in each class entered (exce pt Ontario Class where fee will be $5.00}, and must accompany entry form. Competitor is limited to ONE class each day. Competitor MUST notify the Secretary-Manager the day prior to wh ich class is plowed IF HE WILL NOT BE ON HAND TO PLOW, and entry fee will be refund ed. 4. Comp etitors residing with in 75 miles of the match will be re quired to furnish their own tractors and teams. Those beyond 75 miles, who make application for a t e am or tractor will be supplied at a charg e of $5.00 each for the duration of the match. Appl ication must be sent to F. A. Lashley, tog eth er with fees, by Friday, September 30th. Make, type, model and days on which requi re d must be stated on the application . All tractors must be placed in the tractor park and rem ain und e r th e jurisdiction of the Tractor Committ ee for duration of the match . 5. Comp etitors residing beyond 30 miles of the match, who bring th eir own tractors and teams , will be paid 50 cents pe r mile, on e way, or maximum of $40.00 per tractor or team. The above rate will apply only on mil eag e beyond th e 30 mile area as defin e d in this re gulation. 6. All competitors driving tractors on roads in the plowing match area must be in possession of an operator's or chauffeur's licence in accordance with Highway Traffic Act. ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 RULES AND REGULATIONS- INTERNATIONAL MATCH (continued) 7. Each competitor in TRACTOR classes will receive his ticket, bearing land number, at the Tractor Park between 8.30 a.m . and 9.30 a .m. For HORSE classes, competitors will receive land tickets at the Field , from the Steward in charge. 8. Competitors must be ready to commence plowing by 10.00 a.m. each day 9. Lands Committee reserves the right to provide either sod or stubble, for competitors, as circumstances permit. I 0. Tricycle type tractors may be used in any class, and no com· petitor shall be penalized for showing two wheel marks in his finish. II. Any competitor who fails to co-operate in the policy or procedure employed in assigning teams , or tractors, shall not be entitled to receive prize money, and may be debarred from competition. 12. Skimmers MUST be used in all classes. No cut allowed after I st round on coulter or share of any plow. Scratches will be permitted in tractor classes. 13. A contestant may use any type of plow or any attachment thereto as long as width of furrow conforms to rules for the class in which he is competing. 14. After setting and removing stakes, no ASSISTANT or COACH will be allowed on the competitor's land, in any class. 15. No shaping of furrows by hand, foot, plow stake, or otherwise will be allowed. except by foot when the plow is in motion and for scratches, first SIX furrows, and last GREEN furrow on each side of SOLE furrow. 16. Lot number stake, as placed by Committee, shall be the centre of the crown. are too narrow to permit the application of this definition, same may be modified by the Steward in charge of the class. 18. The last six furrows and sole furrow shall constitute the FINISH. This rule may be modified by the Steward in charge, if deemed necessary. 19. The complete land will be judged, and the only consideration given a competitor will be where his neighbour's plowing is crooked or otherwise below standard. 20. In the opinion of the judge, if the work of any competitor does not reach a minimum standard, a prize may be reduced or with~ld. 21. Finishing time will be fixed and announced by Steward in charge of each class. Where competitor has to make an extra scratch, fifteen minutes will be allowed and he will be required to plow same width as other competitors. 22. A jointer plow is one with a share measuring not less than 8 inches and with a breast measuring not less than 61/2 inches. (Measure 61/2 inches from land side of plow to outside of mouldboard, from directly under the point where top corner of mouldboard touches beam.) Furrows shall not be less than 9 inches in width, excepting in the CROWN and FINISH . 23 . Average depth of furrows shall be not less than 6 inches unless otherwise specified by Board of Directors. 24. In I 0 inch tractor class the plow must be set at not less than I 0 inches. In 12 inch class the plow must be set at not less than 12 inches. 25. ALL FURROWS MUST START AND FINISH AT SCRATCH . (See score card re Ins and Outs.) 26. A competitor who has won a championship in horse plow classes cannot compete in other than classes marked "Open" with a tractor, or vice versa. 27. The decision of the judges will be final. 17. When a single furrow plow is used, the CROWN shall consist of six heavy furrows, after which the competitor shall gather six additional furrows and then commence to cast off. In the Tractor classes, the CROWN shall consist of twelve heavy furrows, after which competitor shall gather twelve additional furrows and then commence to cast off. When lands 28. International Plowing Match shall mean a match conducted by the Ontario Plowmen's Association. 29. The Association will not be responsible for prize money un claimed by January I, 1961. Page nine ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 1960 ELGIN COUNTY COMMITTEE Executive, Directors and Chairmen LEFT TO RIGHT : Front Row : Warden Harvey Liddle; Ke.nneth Bawden; Albert Auckland; Leslie Armstrong , Vice-Chairman; Frank Pineo , Chairman; C. M. Williams ; Archie Irvine; Philip Schleihauf; A. V. Langton, Secretary-Treasurer . Second Row : Kenneth Wright ; J. D. Thomson ; Sherman Fish; John Wilson ; Robt. Stewart ; Jas. Galbraith, Assista.nt Treasurer ; Fred Charlton; Reg . Clinton ; Mac. McWhinnie; John Coulter ; Farnell Nimmo; Claybourne Gordon ; Angus Campbell ; Walter Auckland; Roy Jewell. Absent : Giles Hume; Ronald Bradt; Leon Bodkin; Mrs. J . R. Futcher. Page ten ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 TUESDAY, OCTO·BER 11, 1960 MAYORS' CLASS-TRACTORS-TWO FURROWSMOUNTED PLOWS Open to Mayors of Municipalities. Steward-Stanley Hall, M.P.P. Entries will be accepted up to Monday, October 3rd, and should be sent to A. V. Langton, Department of Agriculture, St. Thomas, or F. A. Lashley, Secretary-Manager, Ontario Plowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. There will be no entry fee. Competition will be staged at 2 :30 p.m., immediately following the Official Opening of the Match on Tuesday, October 11th. Tractors and plows will be supplied and each competitor will be required to plow two rounds. J udging will be done on basis of work performed, including handling of tractor. Challenge Trophy by J. D. Thomas, Past President of the World Plowing Organization. L:OCAL CLASSES Open to plowmen in the County of Elgin and the following surrounding counties: Essex, Kent, Lambton, Middlesex, Norfolk and Oxford. See Rule 1 (b). CLASS I-HORSES-OPEN-PLAIN OR JOINTER PLOWS Stewards-Malen Wilkins, Ernest Payne, Fred Armstrong. 1st Prize---Cash ................................................ $30.00 2nd " " ......................... .. ........... .......... 25.00 3rd " " .... ...... ........... ........ ................... 20.00 4th " " .... .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ................ ... 18.00 5·t h " " ................................................ 16.00 6th " " ........ ...................................... .. 14.00 7th " " .................................... ....... ..... 10.00 8th " " ................................................ 10.00 CLASS 2-HORSES-PLAIN OR JOINTER PLOWS Open to those who have never won a first, second or third prize at an International Match. Stewards-Harvey Hawkey, Allan McGuire, Howard Bruner. 1st Prize-Cash .... ..... ....... ........ ... ........ ..... ... ..... $30.00 2nd " " .............. .................... ...... ........ 25.00 3rd " 20.00 " 4th " 18.00 " 5th " 16.00 " 14.00 6th " " 10.00 7th " " 10.00 8th " " CLASS 3-TRACTORS-OPEN-TWO FURROWSMOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than I0 inches. Stewards-George Hay, Charles Richardson, John W alstdet. 1st Prize-Cash .. ......... ..... ......... ....... ...... ........ .. $30.00 2nd " " .. .. ... .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. . 25.00 20.00 3rd " " 18.00 4th " " 16.00 5th " " 14.00 6th " " 10.00 7th " " 10.00 8th " " 10.00 9th " " 10.00 lOth " " Page eleve" ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION CLASS 4-TRACTORS-OPEN-TWO FURROWSMOUNTED Plows set not less than 12 inches. Stewards-Russell Beilhartz, Elwood Jones, Clarence Munro. lst Prize-Cash 2nd " " 3rd " " 4th " " 5th " " 6th " " 7th " " 8th " " 9th " " lOth " " ................................................ $30.00 25.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ................................................ ················································ ................................................ ········ ········································ ................................................ .. .................................. ............ ................................................ ························· ·· ·· ··················· ················································ CLASS 5-TRACTORS-OPEN-THREE (OR MORE) FURROWS--1MOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than 12 inches. Stewards-Howard Henry, Arnold Steven, Ken. Robb. 1st Prize-Cash ................................................ $30.00 25.00 2nd " " 20.00 3rd " " 4th " 18.00 " 16.00 5th " " 14.00 6th " " 10.00 7th " " 10.00 8th " " 10.00 9th " " 10.00 lOth " " Page twelve - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 CLASS 6-TRACTORS-TWO FURROWS-MOUNTED Open to boys and girls 14 to 17 years on N ovember 1st, 1960. Plows set not less than I 0 inches. Stewards-George Fletcher, Neil Campbell, Campbell Fletcher. 1st Prize-Cash 2nd " " 3rd " " 4th " " 5th " " 6th " " 7th " " 8th " " 9th ~~ " lOth " " ..... .. ............................ ......... ....$30.00 .. .. ...... .. ... ....... .. .. .. .. .. ........ .... .... 25.00 ................................................ 20.00 .... ........................................ .... 18.00 ........................................ ........ 16.00 ................................................ 14.00 ........ .................... .................... 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 CLASS 7-TRACTORS-TWO FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than I 0 inches. UTILITY-Furrows not to be touched by hand, foot or stake. Open to boys and girls 18 to 21 years on N ovember 1st, 1960. Stewards-W. L. Clark, Ralph Golding, Ed. Eddy. 1st Prize-Cash ........ .......... .. .. .......................... $30.00 2nd " " ... ................ ..... ........................ 25.00 3rd " " ...................... ...... .................... 20.00 4th " " ................ ........ ........ .. .............. 18.00 5th " " ............................ .................... 16.00 6th " " .............................. ... ... ............ 14.00 7th " " ............................ .................... 10.00 8th " " ................................ ... ........... .. 10.00 9th " " ........................................ ........ 10.00 lOth " " ................................................ 10.00 ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION CLASS 8-TRACTORS~OPEN-TWO OR THREE FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than I 0 inches. UTILITY-Furrows not to be touched by hand, foot or stake. Stewards-Cameron Mitchell, Bert Van Loon, E. I. Hansuld. 1st Prize-Cash 2nd " " 3rd " " 4th " " 5th " " 6th " " 7th " " 8th " " 9th " " lOth " " ................................................ $30.00 ........................... .......... .......... . 25.00 ................................................ 20.00 .... ........ ........ .... .................. .. .... 18.00 ...................................... .. ........ 16.00 ................................................ 14.00 ................................................ 10.00 .............................. .. .... ...... ...... 10.00 .......................................... ...... 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 CLASS 9-TRACTORS-OPEN-MOUNTEDTHREE (OR MORE) FURROWS Plows set not less than 12 inches. Stewards-Robert Campbell, S. Bern Bedell, W. Corp. 1st Prize-Cash 2nd " " 3rd " " 4th " " 5th " " 6th " " 7th " " 8th " " 9th " " lOth " " ................................................ $30.00 ................................................ 25.00 ................................................ 20.00 ................................................ 18.00 ........................... ..................... 16.00 ................................... ............. 14.00 ............. .. .. ............................... 10.00 ........................................... ..... 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 ................................................ 10.00 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 HORSE SHOW SECTION 1-Team must plow and finish a land and must be shown in harness used when plowing. Stewards-Roy Shaver, Bob Stewart. 1st Prize-Cash .... .... ... .... ........... .... ...................... $20.00 2nd " " ................................................ .... 18.00 3rd " " .... ............ ........ .......... .................. 16.00 4th " " .................................................... 14.00 5th " " .... .... ........................................ .... 10.00 6th to 15th-Cash.. .. .......................... ............ ...... 9.00 SECTION 2-Best Going Plow Team. 1st Prize-Cash .................................................... $12.00 2nd " " .................................................... 10.00 3rd " " ............................ .... .................... 9.00 4th " " .................................... ................ 8.00 5th " " ............ ............. ........................... 7.00 6th " " ............ ............................ ............ 6.00 SPECIAL AWARDS 1. Trophy, donated by the Royal Bank of CanadaChampionship Land-Juniors-under 18 years. 2. Trophy-Championship Land-Tractor Classes. 3. Trophy-Championship Land-Horse Plowing. Trophies 2 and 3 provided by Local Counties' Day Committee. N.B.-No contestant may win more than one trophy. SPECIAL PRIZES (Branches should report winners to Donor Companies.) ESSO CHAMPIONS SPECIAL To Branches holding their matches on October 11th in conjunction with the International, $15.00 in cash is offered for Tractor Special. EATON'S OF CANADA SPECIAL To Branches holding their matches on October 11th in conjunction with the International, rules and regulations of Championship Class shall apply. Page thirteen ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 CLASS I0-0NT AR ~O CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSTRACTORS-OPEN-TWO FURROWSMOUNTED OR TRA ILER World ru les will be fo llowed-see page 8-and competitor may be requir·e d to plow sod or stubble, or both. Competitor must have reached his 20th birt hday by Marc h 1st, 1960. 1st and 2nd prize winners in this class will be eligible to plow in the next Canadian Competition. Entry fee $5.00. Steward-W. C. Barrie. 1st Prize-O.P.A.-Cash .......... ....... ......... .... ... .$50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule PRIZE MONEY SCHEDULE This does not apply to Classes I to 9 {Local Classes) or C lasses 19, 24, 27 and 33 . Otherwise prize money payable shall be as indicated, when number of contestants shown per class is :ContestantsI to 8 21 to 24 $40 $40 $45 $45 $45 3rd " 30 35 40 40 40 4th " 20 30 35 36 37 5th " 15 25 30 33 34 6th " 10 20 25 30 32 7th " 15 20 27 28 8th " 10 18 24 26 9th " 10 16 21 24 lOth " 14 18 22 lith " 12 14 20 12th " 10 12 18 13th " 10 16 14th " 10 14 15th " 10 12 18th Page fourteen 17 to 20 " 17th STANLEY HALL, M.P.P. Dire ctor 13 to 16 2nd 16th W . L. CLARK Director 9 to 12 1st Prize-Trophy value $50, except where specified. " ,, " One $10 prize for e.a ch 3 entries over 24. 12 10 10 ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1960 CLASS II-HORSES-OPEN-JOINTER PLOWS Steward- Roy Shaver. 1st Prize-O.P.A.,....--Trophy .................... .... .... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 12-HORSES Open to those who have not won a 1st or 2nd prize at an International Plowing Match prior to 1960. (Jointer Plows. ) Steward-George Hay. 1st Prize-O.P.A. Trophy ... ........... ............... ...$50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 13-TRACTORS-OPEN-TWO (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Steward-Howard Henry. 1st Prize-Bank of Nova Scotia Trophy ..........$50.00 2nd " " " Cash ............ 40.00 3rd " " " Cash $10.00 35.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 14-TRACTORS-TWO (OR MORE) FURROWSMOUNTED OR TRAILER Open to plowmen who have not reached their 21st birthday by Novemb er 1st, 1960. Steward-Russell Morrison. 1st Prize-Ont. Hydro Electric Power Commission, Trophy .................. .. ........ $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule RUSSELL MORRISON GEO. FLETCHER Director Director CLASS IS-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURR,OWS Plows set not less than 12 inches. Open to those who have not won a prize in tractor classes at an International Plowing Match prior to 1960. Steward-W. C. Barrie. 1st Prize-The Toronto-Dominion Bank Trophy .... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 16-TRACTOR-OPEN-UTILITY CLASSTHREE (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNT6D OR TRAILER Plows set not less than 12 inches. Time : 2 hours for class. Furrows must not be touched by hand, foot or stake. Steward-Robert Tuckey. 1st Prize-Pedlar People Ltd. Trophy .......... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule Page fifteen ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 CLASS 17-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWS-OPENTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS CLASS 19-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Ford Tractor and Equipment Sales Co. of Canada Ltd. Class Eaton's of Canada Junior Championship Class. Steward-W. L. Clark. ls.t Prize-Ford Tractor and Equipment Sales Co. of Can. Ltd., Trophy .... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS IS-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWS-· TWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Plows set not less than 12 inches. Former 1st and 2nd prize winners in this and in open tractor classes not eligible (girls excepted) . Massey-Ferguson Ltd. Class. Steward-Cameron Mitchell. 1st Prize-Massey-Ferguson Ltd. Trophy ...... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule Open to boys and girls who have won the Eaton Trophy at branch matches held in 1959 and 1960 previous to the Int ernational and who have not reached their 18th birthday at time they qualified at local match. Steward-Robert Campbell. 1st Prize-Eaton's of Canada Trophy and Cash ............... ............................... $100.00 2nd " Eaton's of Canada, Cash ............ 50.00 3rd " " ............ 35.00 " " 4th " " ............ 30.00 " " 5th " " ............ 25.00 " " 6th " " " ............ 20.00 " ,, .. .. ........ 18.00 7th " " " 8th " " " " ............ 16.00 9th " " ............ 14.00 " " lOth " " " ............ 12.00 " 11th " ............ 10.00 " " " 12th " " " ...... ...... 10.00 " CLASS 20-VISITORS' CLASS-TRACTORSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER. Open to residents outside the Province of Onta1·io . Steward-John Rahm. lst Prize-Ron. Leslie M. Frost Trophy ...... $50.00 WILL C. BARRIE Director Page sixteen GEO. WAL DIE Director See page 14-Prize Money Schedule I O NTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960 CLASS 21-HORSES-OPEN-JOIN TER PLOWS Steward- Alvin Mark. 1st Prize- McLeod, Young, Weir and Co. Ltd. Trophy ............ .... ......... ...... .. .... .$50.00 See page - Prize Money Schedule. C LASS 22-HORSES Open to those who have not won a 1st prize at an International Plowing Match prior to 1960. (Jointer Plows. ) Steward-Elliott Moses. CLASS 23-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Open to boys who will not have reached their 18th birthday by November 1st, 1960. Family Herald Class. Steward- Russell Beilhartz. 1st Prize-Family Herald Trophy and Cash $25.00 .......... ................... ...... .... ....... $50.00 See page 14- Prize Money Schedule CLASS 24-TRACTORS-TWO (OR MORE) FURROW SMOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than I 0 inches. 1st Prize-Beatty Bros. Trophy .................... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule HON . RAY CON N ELL Director HU BERT AVERY Director ESSO CHAMPIONS CLASS-Sponsored by Imperial Oil Ltd. This class is open to all plowmen (except previous trip w inners) who h ave qualified at Branch Matches after October lOt h, 1958. First and secon d prize winners in this class will be awarded a free trip to a Canadian Province, to be arranged in co-operation with the Ontario Plowmen's Association. Steward- Harvey Hawkey. 1st Prize-Imperial Oil Ltd., Gold Medal and Trip. 2nd " Imperial Oil Ltd., Trip. 3rd " " " " .................. $40 .00 4th " " " " ...... .. .......... 35.00 5th " " " " .................. 30.00 6th " " " " .............. .. .. 25.00 7th " " " " .... .............. 20.00 8th " " " " ......... .. ....... 18.00 9th " " " " .................. 16.00 lOth " " " " .................. 14.00 11th " " " " .. ................ 12.00 12th " " " " .................. 10.00 Page sevente en ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 CLASS 25-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Prizes will be awarded to the team with the highest aggregate score of this and Class 35. Plows set not less than 12 inches. Stewards-W. L. Clark, Griffin Ketcheson. Former 1st prize winners in this class, or any prize winner in Open Two-furrow Tractor Classes at Int ernational Plowing Match not eligible. Steward-Cameron Mitchell. 1st Prize-Bank of Montreal, Trophy .. .......... $50.00 2nd " " " Cash ........ .... .... 40.00 3rd " " " " .... ....... .. ... 35.00 4th " " " " ................ 30.00 5th " " " " ..... .. .. .. ..... 25.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 26-TRAC~ORS-MOUNTED PLOWS- THREE FURROWS Plows set not less tha·n 12 inches. 1st prize team-Trophy by O.P.A. and trip by British American Oil Co. Ltd. 2nd " O.P.A. Cash .......................... $80.00 " 3rd " " " .......................... 70.00 " .......................... 60.00 " 4th " " 5th " " " .......................... 50.00 " " " .......................... 40.00 6th " " " " .......................... 36.00 7th " " 8th " " " " ····· ····················· 32.00 " " .......................... 28.00 9th " " lOth " " " ................ .......... 24.00 " " " .......................... 20.00 11th " " 12th " " " .......................... 20.00 " 13th " " " " ·························· 20.00 " " .......................... 20.00 14th " " 20.00 15th " " " " Simpsons-Sears Limited Class. Steward-George Fletcher. 1st Prize-Simpsons-Sears Ltd., Trophy ...... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule The team with the highest aggregate scores will be awa!'ded ,a n educational trip, accompanied by a Trip Manager. Former trip winners not eligible. CLASS 27-TRACTORS-TWO (OR MORE) FURROWSMOUNTED OR TRAILER Rule 14, with respect to coaches, will be strictly enforoed. Inter-County Competition. Entries, as team in 't his Clas's and a's individuals in Class 35, amounting to a total of $8.00, must be sent by the Agricultural Representative to F. A. La;shley, Ontario Plowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Tol'onto, Ont., not later than September 30th, and must include names, addresses anrl ages of contestants. Competition open to two plowboys from each County. Teams must be selected by the Agricultural Representatives from residents of their Counties who will not have reached their 21st birthday by November 1, 1960. Pag e eighteen ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION The Ontario Plowmen's As·s ociation Trophy will be awarded to the high team, and each member of the winning teaJm will receive a silver miniature as his personal property. The large trophy will remain in the office of 't he Agrioultural Representative of the Oounty winning it, and must be competed for annually untiJ it has been won three times, by one County, not necessarily in consecutive years. 1954-Won by Halton County. 1955-Won by Y.ork County. 1956-Won by Peel County. 1957-Won by York County. 1958-Won by Ontario County. 1959-Won by York County. - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 CLASS 29-TRACTORS-MOU:NTED PLOWS-OPEN Massey-Ferguson Ltd. Class. Steward-John Rahm 1st Prize-Massey-Ferguson Ltd., Trophy .... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 30-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Plows set not less than 12 inches. Former 1st and 2nd prize winners in this and in Open Tractor classes not eligible (girls excepted). J. I. Case Co. Ltd. Class. Steward-Howard Henry 1st Prize-J. I. Case Co. Ltd., Trophy...... ...$50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 28-TRACTORS-OPEN-UTILITY CLASSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set not less than I0 inches. Time : 2 hours for class. Furrows must not be touched by hand, foot or stake. Bo.rden Company Limited Class. Steward-W. C. Barrie .. 1st Prize-The Borden Co. Ltd. Trophy .......... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule NORMAN BARBER Director ALVIN MARK Director Page nineteen ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION FRIDAY, OCT~ OBER 14, 1960 CLASS 31-HORSES-OPEN-JOINTER PLOWS Steward-Alvin Mark 1st Prize-Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd., Trophy ............................................ $50.00 2nd " Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd., Ca·s h $25.00 .................................... 40.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 32-HORSES-JOINTER PLOWS Open to those who have not won a first prize at an International Plowing Match prior to 1960. Steward-Elliott Moses 1st Prize-O.P.A. Trophy .......... ............... ..... ... .$50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 33-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Inter-Secondary School Competition. Competition open to one team of two pupils from eaoh Secondary School or School Ama in Ontario. Members of teams who have won this competition in the past are not eligible. Team must be chosen by the Principal or Teacher of Agriculture, and th€ names, addresses and ages of team members, together with $4.00 entry fee, forwavded to F. A. Lashley, Ontario Plowmen's Association, PHr-liament Buildings, Toronto, not later than September 30th. The Secondary School Board in each case will be required to supply a two-furrow tractor PLOW for each team member. Tractors may be procured by submitting $5.00 for EACH tractor with entry form, by date shown above. See Rule 4, page 8. Page twenty PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 19b0 Stewards-Alston Campbell, Robert Tuckey. 1st prize team-Canada Packers Ltd., ti'ophy and 2 watches. 2nd " Cash .......... ................ ..... ... .... $54.00 " 3rd " " ...................................... 48.00 " 4th " " ...................................... 44.00 " 5th " " ...................................... 40.00 " 6th " " ...................................... 36.00 " 7th " " .................................. .... 32.00 " " ...................................... 28.00 8t11 " " 9th " " ... ...... ............................. 24.00 " lOth " " ...................................... 20.00 " " ...................................... 20.00 11th " " 12th " " .............. ........................ 20.00 " 13th " " .................... .. ................ 20.00 " 14th " " ................. ..... .. .............. 20.00 " " ...... ........ ........................ 20.0-0 15th " " CLASS 34-VISITORS' CLASS-TRACTORSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Open to residents outside the Province of Ontario. Steward-George Hay 1st Prize-O.P.A. Trophy and Cash .............. $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule CLASS 35-TRACTORS-TWO (OR MORE) FURROWSUTILITY CLASS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Open to members of Inter-County Teams who competed in Class 27. Time: 2 hours for class. Furrows must not be touched by hand, foot or stake. No coaching permitted. Canadian Bank of Commerce Class. Stewards-W. L. Clark, Griffin Ketcheson. 1st Prize-Canadian Bank of Commerce, watch and cash $15.00 .................. $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule O NTA RIO PLOWM EN'S ASSOCIATION CLASS 36-TRACTORS-UTILITY CLASSTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS~MOUNTED OR TRAILER Plows set at 12 inch es. 1st prize winners in Open Tractor classes not eligible. Time: 2 hours for class. Furrows must not be touched by hand, foot or ·s take. Steward-Cameron Mitch ell 1st P rize- United Co-opemtives of Ontario, Trophy ........................ ......... ...... ... ..$50.00 See page 14- Prize Money Schedule CLASS 37-TRACTORS-OPEN-TWO (OR MORE) FURROWS-MOUNTED OR TRAILER Steward- Russell Beilhartz 1st Prize-Silverwood Dairies Ltd., Trophy .... $50.00 See page - Prize Money Schedule. • PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 lst Prize- Ma-ssey-Ferguson Ltd., Trophy .... $50.00 See page 14-Prize Money Schedule HORSE SHOW Steward-Roy Shaver Open to teams used by competitors, and which had been avai,l able for match plowing on at least three day.s . To qualify, a team must have been used by a competitor to plow and finish a land, in competition, during the period of the match. Prizes will be awarded to bona-fide owners of hors·es. 1st Prize-O.P.A.- Cash ....................... ........... $40.00 2nd " 3rd " " " 30.00 " " 20 .00 4th to lOth Prizes-Ca:sh-$10.00 each. CLASS 38-TRACTORS_,MOUNTED PLOWS-OPENTWO (OR MORE) FURROWS Plows set not less than I0 inches. Steward- George F letcher 1st Prize-Texaco Canada Ltd., Trophy ...... $50.00 See page - Prize Money Schedule. CLASS 39-TRACTORS-MOUNTED PLOWS-UTILITY CLASS-THREE (OR MORE) FURROWS Plows set not less than 12 inches. Time : 2 hours for class. Furrows must not be touched by hand, foot or stake. Massey-Ferguson Ltd. Class. Steward-W. C. Barrie ROY SH AVE R ELLIOTT MOSES Director Director Page twenty-one O NTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME O F EVENTS 191>0 CHAMPIONSHIPS AND SPECIAL PRIZES 6. The following are offered fo r Competition, October 12, 13 and 14. Special prizes will be awarded on highest aggregate number of points in official tractor classes, scored on the following basis: 8th-3 points lst-10 points 5th-6 points 9th-2 points 2nd-9 points 6th- 5 points lOth-1 point 3rd-8 points 7th-4 points 4th-7 points 1. Allis-Chalmers Rum ely Ltd .-Specials- $1 00 Cash Open to competitors using Allis-Chalmers tractors, drawing Allis-Chalmers plows. 1st Prize-Cash .... . $40.00 2nd Prize-Cash . . 30.00 2. 3rd Prize-Cash .... ..$20.00 4th Prize-Cash 10.00 J. I. Case Com pany- Specials-$125 Cash Open to competitors using J. I. Case tractors and plows. 1st Prize-Cash .. ...... $50.00 3rd Prize---{jash ...... .. 20.00 4th Prize-Cash ........ 15.00 2nd Prize-Cash ...... . $30.00 5th Prize- Cash ........ $10.00 3. Internatio nal Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd., Hamilton-Specials (a) Open to competitors using International Harve.s ter Tractors and Plows. 1st Prize-Silver Tea Service- value $100.00 and $50.00 cash. 2nd Prize~Silver Tray-value $60.00 and $25.00 cash. 3rd Prize-Cash $50.00. (b) Open to boys and ghls 18 years and under using International Harvester Tractors and I.H. Mounted Plo·w s. 1st Priz&--<Omega Seamaster Watch-value $160.00. 2nd Prize-Cash $75 .00. 3rd Prize-Cash $50.00. 7. R1oyal Bank of Canada-Special Shield and Silver Tray For best land tractor plowing .b y boys under 18 years of age, residents of Elgin and n eighbouring counties. Silver tray will be awarded to the winner, and winner's name will be engraved on large challenge shield, wh ich must be returned to the Hank after the Match. Eaton's of Canada-Specia•l To each boy and girl 14 and under 18 years of age, who completes a land to the satisfaction of the judges, but does not r eceive a prize, will be given an award of $5.00 cash by Eaton's of Canada. 4. Frost Fence Championship Trophy For best plowed land in Horse Classes. Donated by Frost Steel and Wire Company, Limited, Hamilton. Value $50.00. 5. General Motors Prod ucts of Canada, LimitedChampionship Trophy For best work done in Tractor Classes. Value $125.00. Page twenty-two H OWA RD HEN RY Director J O H N RAH M Dire cto r ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 SPECIAL EVENTS QUEEN OF THE FURROW CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Nominee must be 18 years of age and not have reached her 30th birthday by November 1st, 1960, married or single and residing on a farm. 2. Nominee must be approved by a local (County) Plowmen's Association in Ontario, and nomination made by the secretary. 3. One nomination only per Plowmen's Association. 4. No entry fee. 5. Nomination must be made direct to: F. A. Lashley, Secretary-Manager, Ontario Plowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, by September 24th., 1960. 6. Nominee will be required to be at Headquarters on the International Plowing Match grounds, Springfield, Wednesday, October 12th by 10.00 a.m. for registration, review and examination for the contest. 7. For uniformity of dress, contestants should wear a fall suit. 8. EXAMINATION: (a) Naming of the parts of a plow and tractor ..................................... ... 100 points (b) A "true or false" examination to test entrants' general knowledge of plows and plowing ............ 100 points (c) A 2-3 minute talk on "The Activities of our County Plowmen's Association"- Deportment and manner ................ 20 points Delivery .................. 20 points Subject material... ... 60 points ...... 100 points TOTAL ...... 300 points 9. The winner-QUEEN OF THE FURROW-will be required to remain in attendance at the International Plowing Match as required to participate in the daily programme and at the concluding banquet Friday evening. JUDGESMrs. Harold Wilson, Ridg-etown; Padre W. A. Young, O.A.C., Guelph; Mr. Glen L. Warlow, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. AWARDSThe Winner-"QUEEN OF THE FURROW"will receive: (a) Sheared and bleached MUSKRAT JACKET personally styled by Mr. Larry MacDonald of MacDonald-Yates Furriers of London, and donated by CFPL-TV, London, Canada. (b) A FORMAL DRESS-provided by O.P.A. President, Alex. Black, Guelph. (c) Hotel and meals plus travelling expenses to the Match, one way, at the rate of 10¢ per mile. 2nd Prize-$50.00 cash. 3rd Prize-$25.00 cash. 4th to 11th Prizes-$10.00 each. All contestants will be guests of the Ontario Plowmen's Association at a SPECIAL LUNCHEON on Wednesday at 12.15 noon, October 12th. Page twenty-thre• ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 HORSESH ~ OE PITCHING CONTEST TH1URSD.A Y, OCTOBER 13, 1960 Elliott Moses, Chairman. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The Contest is open to bona fide farmers or retired farmers residing in the County from which the entry is made. 2. One entry-two players-will be allowed each Plowmen's Association affiliated with the Ontario Plowmen's Association. 3. Entries should be made by the Secretary of the local Plowmen's Association to: F. A. Lashley, Secretary-Manager, Ontario P lowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, including entry fee of $2.00. 4. Entries close SEPTEMBER 24. The contest date is Thursday, October 13th, 1.30 p.m. 5. Names of team members, if not included with entry, must be handed to the Contest Chairman, E lliott Moses, at Headquarters, by 11 a.m. on Contest Day. 6. Contestants must provide their own regular horseshoes. Hooked shoes will not be allowed. 7. Pitching distance-40 feet. 8. Horseshoes should be 7% inches in length, 7 inches in width, 2% pounds in weight. No toe or heel calk should project more than% of an inch. No horseshoe constructed in a freak design will be considered a regul ation shoe. 9. A ringer shall be a shoe that encircles the stake far enough to permit a straight edge to touch both heel calks simultaneously. 10. All shoes shall be within seven inches of the stake to score. Closest shoe to stake scores 1 point. Two shoes closer than opponent's scores 2 points. One ringer scores 3 points. Two ringers score 6 points. Page twenty-four 11. The Committee reserves the right to announce any further regulations deemed necessary prior to the Contest. 12. The decision of the Contest Committee, in all cases, shall be final. AWARDSCHAMPION AWARD-THE WINNING TEAM will receive: The ALEX. McKINNEY TROPHY for HORSESHOE PITCHING. Trophy must be won two years, not necessarily in succession, for permanent possession. ADDITIONAL CASH AWARDS1st Team-$30.00 2nd Team-$25.00 3rd Team-$20.00 4th Team-$15.00 5th to 8th Teams-$10.00 each. RUSSELL BEILHARTZ HARVEY HAWKEY Director Director ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 FARM INVENTIONS CLASS RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. A device to be eligible must have farm application. 2. The exhibit must be the idea of the exhibitor. 3. Entries close September 24th andshould be made direct to: F. A. Lashley, Secretary-Manager, Ontario Plowmen's Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. No entry fee. 2. Open to local FARM JOB SHOP operators. SCORE CARDOriginality ... ................ ...... ............. 20 Quality of design and construction ................................ 20 Farm usefulness ............................ 30 Safety--such as1. Promotion of safe farm practices 4. Entries must be in place in special booth, Tented City, by 10 a.m., October 11th, when judging will commence. 2. Adequate protection of dangerous moving parts ........ 20 5. This class will be handled under the Demonstrations Division of the Plowing Match. Presentation - N arne and use on descriptive cards or other visual aids to describe the application of device ...................................... 10 CLASSES1. Open to bona fide farm operators. (a) Mobile. (b) Fixed or stationary. 100 points AWARDSCLASS 1 (a) $25; $20; $15; $10; $10; $10. (b) $25; $20; $15; $10; $10; $10. CLASS 2 One Award-$50.00. Page twenty·five ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 SCORE CARD FOR PLOWING MATCH Class . Competitor . ...... Tractor or Horse .. Lot Possible Score Crown ............. .... .. ...... .. ....... .. Straightness of furrows .. Covering of grass or stubble .. Firmness, evenness and uniformity of furrows Ins and Outs .. ..... .... ...... ... ... Shape of land Finish TotaL . Competitor's Score 15 15 15 20 5 10 20 100 NoTE: No points to be deducted because of two wheel marks showing on the cast off. Remarks Judge ... ... ....... .... ... . Date .. WORLD MATCH SCORE Maximum CROWN-also known as ridge, middle or opening. Points (a) Straightness and uniformity 10 (b) Completeness of cutting, closeness of furrows against each other and conformity with rest of plowing 10 20 NOTE : Competitors required to make a "split" opening. WEED CONTROL- Burying of grass and weed growth out of sight . 20 PROSPECTIVE SEED BEDFirmness Packing or closeness Quantity of soil brought up 20 5 5 10 INS AND OUTSNeatness and regularity 10 FINISH(a) Straightness and neatness 10 (b) Not too deep nor wide. No loose soil in furrow bottom. Uniformity with rest of plowing and only ONE tractor wheel mark visible, on cast-off. Sole furrow must be laid towards competitor's own crown 10 20 GENERAL APPEARANCE 10 Total points NOTE: There will be no halt in contest while "openings" are being judged. HOWARD GREER Director Page twenty-six PENALTY: 10 points will be deducted for two tractor wheelmarks showing and/or sole furrow laid to wrong side (i.e. away from own crown) . 100 ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING M.ATCHES -1913-1959 Year 1913 1914 191 5 1916 1917 • 1918 1919 1920 192 1 19 22 1923 1924 1925 1926 19 27 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 County York York Wellington Ontar io Brant Carleton Kent W entworth Oxfo rd Victor ia Lambton P eel L eeds W eiland York Middles ex Frontenac Perth P et erborough Carleton Grey York H a ldimand U rban Headquarters T oronto Toronto Guelph Pickeri ng Brantford Ottawa Chatham Hamilton Woods tock Lindsay Sarnia Brampton Brockville Niagara Falls Toronto London Kingston Stratford Peterborough Ottawa Owen Sound Toronto Caledonia • cancelled on accou n t In flu enza Epidemic. Match Location Sunnybrook Farm Sunnybrook Farm Ontario Agricultural Colleg e R. J. F leming Farm Oak Park Stock Farm Centr a l Exp erimental Farm Englis h and O'Brien Farms Ontario Hospital Farm Ontario Hospital Farm County Farm John Goodison Farm B . H . Bull & Sons Farm Ontario Hospital F a rm Lundy's Lane To r onto Mu nicipal Farm Carmichael Bros. Farm Government Far ms Downie Tp., Highway No. 7 Monaghan Tp., H ighway No. 28 Central Experimental Farm Derby Tp . Maryva le Farm, Wexford Sen eca Tp. 1937 1938 1939 Urban Cou nty Headquarters Stormont, Dundas Glengarry Cornwall Wellington F ergus Simcoe Bar ri e Leeds, Grenv ille Brockville 1940 E lgin Year 1936 1941 Peterborough 1942-1945 No match es1946 H u ron 1947 F r on tenac 1948 Victoria 1949 Brant 1950 Simcoe 1951 Oxfor d 1952 Carleton 1953 DurhamNorthu mberland 1954 W aterloo 1955 Essex 1956 Ontario 1957 Norfolk 1958 Stormont 1959 W entworth St . Thomas P et erborough war r estrictio ns. God erich Kingston Lindsay Br antford Alliston W oods tock Carp Cobour g Breslau Blytheswood Brooklin Simcoe Crysler Dundas Match Location Cornwall Tp., Stormont Co. Beatty Bros., Fergus Minesing Ontario Hospital a n d Adjoining Farms Ontario Hospital and Adjoining Farm3 N . Monaghan Tp., Highway No. 28 Port Albert Airfield Hemlock Park Farms J. C. Chambers Farm H. W. Amy's Farm Nottawasaga Valley Farms Far m of Jo h n R . Hargr eaves Carp Air port Counties Home Far m John Ran dall and n eighbouring f a rms Joh n R a hm and n eighbouring farms Heber Down and n eighbou ring f arms Mike L izon and n eighbou ring farms Armand Clouth ier's farm R . B. (Bert) Hannan anU. neigh bouring farms FUTURE INTERNATIONAL MATCHES Location as follows: 1961-Hastings County-Belleville. 1962-Grey Count y--Owen Sound. 1963-Peel County- Conn Smythe Fann, Caledon. 1964- Peterborough County. Page twenty-seven ONTARIO PLOWMEN 'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 BRANCH PLOWING MATCHES-SECRETARIES AND DATES-1960 D AT E BRAN CH S EC HET AH Y S ept. 17- Eessex County ....................................... Fred A rmstr ong, Staple3, R.R. LOC ATION ........................................................ Farm of H ow ard Bruner, Kingsville, Gosfi eld South Twp. Con 4, Corner E aste rn Divi s io n Side road. 23- F rontenac ...................................................... D. A. McArthur, Box 651, Kin gsto n ............................................... Farm of H a rv ey Kn ox, R.R. 2, Mt. Ches n ey (Glenburni e side r oa d ). 26- St. Charles ............................................. Armand Robineau, St. Cha rles .. . 28- Grenville ...................................................... C. B. A rmstr on g , Oxford Mills, R.R. ......................................... F ar m of Cecil Wilson , '4 mil e E ast of East on's Corn ers. 28- V ern er .... An d re D em ers, V er ner, R.R. 1.............................................................. Farm of Lion el D emers, V e m e r. T wp. of Caldwell, Con . 3, Lot 1. Oct . l - East Nipissing ................................. F . J . G. Millette, Box 67, No rth Ba y..... ...................... T wp. of Bonfield. 1- Mohaw k ......................................................... L esli e Claus, R.R. 1, Box 44, Deseron to................................. F arm of Fran klin G t·een, T yendinaga , Lo t 31,2 miles w estofD eseronto on Hig hway N o. 2. 1- Stormont ......... K. E. Best, Box 655, Co rn wall ................................................................ F a t·m of W. J . McDon a ld, R .R . 2, N orthfi eld Statio n, T w p . of Corn w all , Con . 9, Lot 15 . 3-Waterloo Twp. ........................ W ard Sha ntz, Waterloo, R.R. ........................................................... Kitchen er Memoria l A uditorium. 3- Spanish River .................. Jos. Gattie, Walford Sta tion ....................................................................................................................... . 4- Russell ............................................................ Don a ld Gr aham, Russell .................................................................................. Far m of Gerard Men ard, Embrun, T w p. of Ru3sell, Con . 6. 4- North Shor e .............................- ............. Cha rl es Booth, Bar Riv er .. . 4- K ep[>el & Sar awak ....................... R o bt. Sinclair, K emble, R.R. 1... 4-Normanby ................................................... Clarence B rown, Ayton, R.R. 2..... ................................... Twp. of N orrn a nby. 4- Victoria ...................................................... L eR oy G. Brown, Oakwood R d., L indsay .................................. Farm of Don O'N eill, Omernee, R. R . 4, Tw p . of Emily, Con. 6, Lot N . 'h 7. 4- Durham & N or t humberland ..... R. C. B anbur y, Brighton ... . ....... F arm of Got·do n Macklin , Co bour g , R.R. 4, Tw p . of Hamil ton , Con. 2; Lot 22 . 5- East Algoma . .... Da le Cam eron, Dayton, R.R. 5- Glengarry ............................... J. Y. Humph r ies, Alexandria ................................................................. F arm of M ichael McCor mi ck, Alexandria , R.R. 1, T wp. of Lochiel, Con. 4, L ot 19 . 5- Wool w ich T w p. .......... Cla re n ce Shuh, Elmira, R.R. 2 ............................................................ F a rm of Wesley Snyder, T w p . of W oolw ich, Co n. Coun ty Rd. 11, 2 miles n orth of Con estaga, Elmi ra, R .R. 2. 5- P et eTborough ....................................... F . C. P aterson , 164 Hun ter St., P et e t·bor o ug h ..........................................................................................................................................................•............................................................. 5- South Ontar io ...... .................... .. Elmer P owell, Oshawa, R.R. 1 ............................. .......... F arm of A. C. R a n som , Brook lin , T w p . of E ast Whi tby, Con . 6, Lot 16, 2 m.iles East of Brooklin. 5- E ast S imcoe ................................................ E lmer J ohnson, Orillia, R.R. 3 ........................................................... Twp. of Medonte. 5- Brant County .. A . M. T elfer, Paris, R .R. 2............................ ........................................ Twp. of BUTford. 5- Wolfe Island ......................................... Mt·3. John O' Shea , Wolfe I sla nd, R.R. 3 .................................. Twp. of W olfe I sla n d, 6- St. Joseph Island .............................. E. H . Martin, R.R. l , Ri ch ard's Lan din g ............................. ................................................................................................. ............................ .................. ................................................ 6- Clar•ence ......................................................... R en e Labrosse, Bourget ................................................................................ . Lot 19, Co n . 8, T wp . of Clarence (at Hammond). 6- North Ontario ... .. .............................. W esley Cr osier. Sunder land, Box 11 3 ........................................... Farm of R oss W eller, Z~ph yr, Twp . of Scot t, Con . 2., Lo t 23. 6- 0n eida ........................................................ H a rold Cruicksha nk, Ca ledonia, R.R. 3............................... ...... Far m of Geo. Cru icksha n k & Son , Ca ledonia. R.R. 3, Twp. of Oneida, Con. 5, L ots 13 & 14. 7- A lgo m a Distri ct .................................... W. F. Beilhartz, Bruce Station .. . 7- North York ................................................ A ll a n Ba lsdon , Sharo n , R.R. l.. ............................................................ F a rm of H arry W a lker, New market, T w p. of East Gw illimbu ry, Con. 3, L ot 1. 7- South Simcoe ....... J . Keit h McRuer, Allis ton...................................................................... ................................................................................................... . 7 & 8- Slate River... ..... N. W . ·Har rison , Court H ouse, Port Arthu r ......................... T wp. of P a ipoonge, 8- Bentinck ....................................................... R. J. McRonald, Dur ha m , R .R. 3 ..................................................... Far m of M. L ennox, R .R . 1, H a nover , T wp . of B entinck, Con. IN, Lot 56 , L 8- Ce ntre & W est Simcoe .... Allan M cNabb, Minesing. ............................................................... Far m of A llan M cNabb, Min esi n g , T wp . of V espra, Con . 13, W 'h Lot 1, 5 m il es N . & W . of Minesing on S . s ide Hig hway 26 . ......................... L. E. Cardiff, Brussels...................................................................................... Farm of W . N iven s, W est Wawa nosh, Con. 2, Lot 16. 8- Huron County 8- L eeds ............................................................. J . R . Ostler, 13 B ro ad St. , Brockv ille... ... Farm of M cCready Bros., L a n sdowne, R.R. 4, Tw p . of La n sdowne, Con. 6, Lot 12. 11- Elg in ........... .................................................. A. V . Langton, Roya l Ba nk Bldg ., St. Thomas ................ International P low in g Ma t ch. 11- Tilbury East & Romney............. Ern est Payn e, Merlin , R.R. 4 ............................................................... Intern a tion a l P lowi n g Ma t ch. Page twenty-eight ONTARI·O PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 BRANCH PLOWIN~G MATCHES- SECRETARIES AND DATES -1960 DATE B RANCH SECRETARY LOCATION Oct. 11- Middlesex .................................................. Carman H a milton, Middlesex Cty. Bldg., Room 209, London ................................................. International Plowing Match. 15- Blue Mountain ..................................... Hugh Wylie, R.R. 2, Collingwood ... 17- Carleton ... ..................................... W. M. Croskery, 353 Dalhousie St., Ottawa 2 ................ Farm of Robert Nesbitt, Merivale Road, Twp. of Nepean. 17- Dundas County .................................... Harry Williams, Mountain .. . ............................ Farm of R ae Weegar, R. R . 1, Williamsburg, T WIP. of Williams burg, Con. 6, Lot 2o . 18- W ellington County ........................... W. D. Black, Arthur....... . .................................... Farm of Edgar Hills, Moorefield, Twp. of Maryborough, Con. 9. 18- East ern Counties .............................. Harry Williams, Mountain .. . . ................................................................... Farm of Rae W eegar, R .R . 1, Williamsbu rg, Twp . of Williamsbu •·g, Con. 6, Lot 25 . 18- King & Vaughan ................. Jack M acklin, King..... . .............. Twp. of King . 18-Lincoln County .................................. Sidney Sisler, Caistor Cent re, R.R. 3 ............. ................. .......... Farm of A. J. Dal~-ympl e & Son, Smithville, R .R. 1, Twp . of S. Grimsby, Ph mi les North & ';4 mile East of Smithville. " 18- N orth Wentworth .............................. Jas. L . Whetham, Dundas, R .R. .................................................... Dundas Area. 18---W ellesley Twp, ................................. Firma n Ward, Linwood, R .R. l.. ......................................................... N ear Crossbill, Twp. of Wellesley. 19- Welland County ........................... Harold Winger , Ridgeway, R .R . 1. ................................................... Farm of Kudlac Bros., R.R. 1, Niagara Falls, Twp. of Stamford, Gar· n er Road, Lot 150. 19- Wilmot Twp. ..................................... Austin S. Zoeller, N ew H amburg, R.R. 2 ............................... New Hamburg Area. 19- P erth County ..................................... Frank H. B ell, 54 Centre St., Stratford.. . 22- North Brey ................................................ Clarence Hatten, Chatsworth, R.R. 3......... . .............. Twp. of Sullivan. 24- Nor th Dumfries ................................... David Barrie, Galt, R.R. 4.. . ................ Farm of A . E. (Ted) Taylor, R.R. 4, Galt (Highway 24A) Twp of N. Dumfr ies . . ................. James A. Stirling, Agincourt, R.R. 26-East York 26- Saltfteet . ................................. Ernest Twedle, Vinemount ........................... Twp. of Saltfteet. ·.27- H a ldimand County ..... A. Gordon Skinner, Cayuga, Ont .... ..................... Farm of Carl Jaques, T wp . of Walpole, Con. 6, Lot 1, 2 miles from Jarvis Village on Highway 6. .......... Twp. of Caistor. 27- Caistor ............................................................ Stanley Young, Caistor Centre, R.R. 1.... 27- Blenheim ................................................... J. H. Markle, Drumbo .................................................................................... 28- P eel County .................. H. G. Norry, 3 Elizabeth St. S., Brampton ............................. Twp. of Albion. 28- Ancaster ........................... Erla nd S. McBay, Glanford Sta., R.R. 3 ............................... Farm of Alfred Fair & Sons, An caster, R.R. 2, Twp. of Ancaster, Con. 5, Lot 33. 28- 0xford County.... . ............................. R. E . Bell , 12 Finkle Street, Woodstock .. . 28-Halton County ................................. J . A . Fra n cis, Box 189, Milto n .............................................................. Town of Burlington. 29- Si x Nations ...... ...................................... Elliott Moses, Ohsweken , R.R. 2........................................................ Twp. of Tuscarora. DATES NOT RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES: Bruce County ................................................... Faris h Moffa t , Teeswater, R.R. 3 Beaver Valley.................................................. W. D . Hammond, Thornbury, R .R . 1 Orford-Howard ............................................... Charles R ichardson, Thamesville, R .R. Lambton County ........................................... N eil A. Campbell, Alvinston, R.R. 7 Prescott. ....................................................... J. U. Leduc, Alfred, R.R. 3 Casselman .............................................................. F. 0. B enoit, Casselman Noelville .... .................... Gerard Bergeron, Rutter , R .R. Page twenty- n.ine ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 EXHIBITORS A Advanced Farming Systems Ltd. Allis~Chalmers, Rumely, Limited Aqua Jet Pumps Limited Arch & Truss Structures Ltd. Armstrong, Alex. Armstr ong Arnold & Sons Veterinary Instruments Limited Ashley Canadian Distributors Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co. B Babson Bros. Co. (Canada) Limi,t ed Bannerman, Gordon Bannerman Limited B C E J N A R, Nutria Breeder Beardmore & Co. Limited Beaver Lumber Company Ltd. Berry-Hill, The Berry-Hill Sales Co. Inc. Boyle, Milton N. Boyle Bowman Electric Herder Buck Bros. Hatchery Ltd. Brantford, The Brantford Cordage Co. British, The British Amer ican Oil Company Limited British Motor Corporation, Tractor Division Brown, David Brown (Canada) Limited Buchanan & Hall Butler Mfg. Co. (Canada) Limited c Calderholm Heating Canada Silo Co. Ltd. Canada Department of Agriculture Canada Packers, Shur-Gain Division, Canada Packers Ltd. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Canadian, The Canadian Bank of Commerce Canadian Industries Limited Carnation Co. Ltd. Castro! Oils (Canada) Limited Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. Central Sales & Service Central Spraying Equipment Chemical Specialties Ass'n. Cherry-.B urrell Corp. CHLO Radio, Souwesto Broadcasters Ltd. Church of Je.s us Christ of Latter-Day Saints Clemmer Welding & Mfg. Ltd. Cold Creek Farm Coleman, 0. T. Coleman Farm Equipment Columbia Metal Rolling Mills Page thirty Consumers Distributing Co. Ltd. Cooper, Chas. Cooper Copeland, Lawrence E. Copeland Seed Mixtu r es Corbett, Ben P. Corbett Co. Creamery Package Mfg. Co. of Canada Ltd. Cyanamid of Canada Limited D Deere, John Deer e Ltd. Dekalb Hybrid Corn Ltd. De Laval Company Limited Dion Freres Inc. Duke Lawn Equipment Limited Dunns Farm Seeds (Canada) Ltd. Durkee's Limited E Eastern Farm Machinery Ltd. Eaton, The T. Eaton Company Ltd. Ebersol Equipment Ltd. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture Elgin County Local Committee Elgin County Women's Institute F Falcon Equipment .Company Limited Farm Automatic Feeding Systems Farmer's Advocate Farmers Supply & Equipment Ltd. (Pioneer Distributors ( Ont.) Ltd.) Fenton, Jack Fenton Enterprises Fleming Farms Ltd. Fleury-Bissell Implements Ltd. Forney Arc Welders Free Press Weekly, Prai r ie Farmer G General Motors Products of Canada Limited Gilbert, George E. Gilbert Equipment Ltd. Goodison Industries Ltd. Graham, John C. Graham Co. Graham Metal Products Limited Grant, James Grant & Son Seed Co. Ltd. Green Cross Products Greenlands Permanent Pastures Ltd. Groh's Cooler Limited Groh Farm and Industrial Equipment Ltd. ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 EXHIBITORS (continued) H Hallman, J. C. Hallman Mfg. Co. Limited Hallman Silo Company Hardie l.\1fg. Co. Harris Mfg. Hastings County Local Committee Heavy Duty Products (Preston) Ltd. Henderson Started Chicks Limited Hurst Equipment Service Ltd. Imperial Oil Limited International Harvester Company J James Manufacturing, Division of Colson (Canada) Ltd. J. B. & D. Company Limited Johnson, Chas. K. Johnson K Kitchener Silo Company Limited Klassen Bronze Koolside P roducts Limited L Lamberton Distributors Lely Ltd. Lincoln Electric Co. of Canada Ltd. Lobsinger Bros. Ltd. London Farm & Garden Tractor Co. Ltd. Logsdon H. & N. Hatcheries Ltd. London Free Press Longworth Milling Co. Ltd. Loomis & Loomis M Manley, F. Manley & Sons Limited Mastex Industries Ltd. Matheson, George A. Matheson & Sons Ltd. Massey-Ferguson Ltd. Maynard, C. Maynard Wholesale Meadowbrae Nutria Fur Farms Ltd. Montreal, Bank of Montreal Montreal, The Montreal Star Company Limited McDougall, E. G. McDougall & Son McDougall, The R. McDougall Co. Division, Upton Bradeen & James Limited McKee Bros. Ltd. N Natural Health New Idea Farm Equipment Co. Niagara Cyclo Massage Kitchener Ltd. Nova Scotia, The Bank of Nova Scotia 0 Ontario Agricultural College, Safety League O'Keefe Brewing -co. Ltd. Ontario Credut Union League , Ltd. Ontario Department of Agriculture Ontario Department of Highways Ontario Department of H ealth Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Ontario Department of Planning & Development Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity Ontario Farmers Union Ontario Fire Marshal's Office Ontario Hospital Services Commission Ass'n. Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission Ontario Plant Foods Limited Ontario Provincial Police Otto Pick Oxford & District Cattle Breeding Association Oxford County Temperance Federation p Pedlar, The Pedlar People Limi-ted Peerless Siding & Roofing (London) Ltd. P·f ister Hybrids Ltd. Phillips Dry Goods Pike, The D. Pike Company Ltd. Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co. Pumps & Softeners Limited Purity Seed Co. Ltd. Pyrofax Gas Limited Q Quaker, The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Ltd. R Richardson, C. Richardson & Company Limited Roe Tractor & Equipment Ltd. Row, Harold Row & Sons Rowe, G. G. Rowe & Co. Royal, The Royal Bank of Canada Page thirty;9n• ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION - PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1960 E X H I B I T 0 R S (continued) s St. John Ambulance Srt. Thomas Times Journal Schneider Farm Equipment Limited Shell Oil Company of Canada Ltd. Solar Permanent, Division of U.S. Ind. Inc. Soper, Robert Soper Limited Southern Ontario .Seed & Supply Co. Spramotor Limited Spray Products Corporation Stad Manufacturers Starr, Paul S. 1Starr & Company Ltd. Stewa11t, Alex. M . .Stewart & Son Ltd. Stone, William Stone •C ompany .Superior Propane Limited Supertest Petroleum Corporation Ltd. T Terrehill Machine Company Terry Machinery Co. Ltd. T exaco Canada Ltd. Texpack Limited Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Thomas Tidewater Oil Company (Canada) Ltd. Tillsonburg Grain & Feeds Ltd. Travelator Army Page thirty,two Truck and Tractor Equipment Ltd. Turner, H. L. Turner Ltd. u United Co-,Operatives of Ontario Uni•t ed Farm Supplies v Vanden Bussche Irrigation Vincent Farm Equipment Viobin (Canada) Limited w Warwick Seed Co . Weber Chick Hatchery Witts Fertilizer Co. Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Company White, George White & Sons Co. Ltd. Williams Supply Company Wiltsie Woodworking Wood, The W. C. Wood Company Limited Wright, James Wright & Company Ltd. Wraith, George X Xenon Company 47th YEAR OFFICIAL PROGRAMME &; PRIZE LIST