Hong Kong - Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy Foundation


Hong Kong - Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy Foundation
Hong Kong - Vienna
Music Festival 15 Jul - 28 Aug, 2016 Sponsorship Proposal
15 Jul, 2016
Opening Concert
Hong Kong
18 - 30 Jul, 2016
Summer Music Academy
Hong Kong
31 Jul - 13 Aug, 2016
Professional Training Tour
14 - 17 Aug, 2016
Hong Kong Week
28 Aug, 2016
Finale Concert- Mahler Symphony No.8
Hong Kong
Prior to the establishment of the Foundation, Vienna Boys Choir has already been implementing music
programmes for kindergarten and primary students in Hong Kong. Over the years, these programmes have
given hundreds of students access to quality music education and have ignited a passion for the arts in many.
The very first concert of the Festival will see participants of these programmes gathering and demonstrating their
transformation through a public performance. The Opening Concert is an epilogue of our pervious efforts and
also a prologue marking the beginning of a new chapter in the Foundation’s cause.
15 Jul, 2016 (Fri)
Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong (Capacity: 1400 seats)
• Performance by participants of Vienna Boys Choir (VBC) programmes in Hong Kong
• Performance by VBC pedagogues
• Complimentary tickets for community programme participants and the under-privileged to offer access to a
unique and inspiring concert-going experience
VBC Pedagogues
Without our professional teachers, none of our community programmes would have been possible. Our
pedagogues possess high musical competency and are formally trained in Vienna by the Vienna Boys Choir.
Two of them will join us in the Opening Concert to celebrate the Foundation’s initial achievements in the
Eunice Suen
Graduated from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Suen is
competent in performing an extensive range of musical work. Her operatic
repertoire includes Carmen, Così fan tutte, King Arthur, L’incoronazione di Poppea
and A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream. She has also been engaged in opera scenes
from Aïda, Le nozze di Figaro, Idomeneo, Giulio Cesare, Eugene Onegin and a
number of productions by Opera Hong Kong. In 2009, Suen performed The
Magic Flute with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in Beijing National Grand
Theatre. Besides theatrical works, she also gives regular departmental solo,
ensemble and choir concerts. She was also an active member of the Philharmonia Chorus (London). Numerous
performance opportunities led her to many world-renowned halls including the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal
Festival Hall (London), Chapel of King’s College (Cambridge), Palau de la Música (Spain) and so on.
Agnes Quilicot
Agnes Quilicot attended the University of Philippines College of Music, where she
obtained her degree in Choral Conducting with concentration in Voice. After that
she finished her Liturgical Music Composition Studies at the Paul VI Institute of
Liturgy in Philippines.
Quilicot was trained as a conductor and chorist with the three-time World Grand
Prix Champion choir, the Philippine Madrigal Singers under the late Prof. Andrea
O. Veneracion and Mark Carpio. As an opera singer, Quilicot has done various
opera productions in the Philippines, Hong Kong and China. Examples are The
Magic Flute, Cosi Fan Tutte, Carmen, La Traviata etc. Extensive experiences round
up her portfolio as an all-round musician: a vocalist, a conductor, an instrumentalist and a composer.
As the Capital of Music, Austria’s music education has not only cultivated many talents but also managed to
promote music as a life-long companion. Summer Music Academy is a once-in-a-life-time opportunity for local
students to experience Austrian music education without leaving Hong Kong. Our Austrian conductors will lead
the participants through a musical journey, not only to sharpen their musical skills but also their intercultural
competence. 50 students will participate on full scholarship to ensure that music is accessible for all regardless
of background.
Group 1: 18 - 23 Jul, 2016 (Mon - Sat)
Group 2: 25 - 30 Jul, 2016 (Mon - Sat)
* Programmes for Group 1 and Group 2 are identical
Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Individual / Ensemble vocal training
• Resonance training
• Body awareness and breathing training
• Musical aural training and sight reading skills
• Composition
The cultivation of a creative culture in the general population relies heavily on the educators. Professional Training Tour will open the mind of our educators and expose them to the Austrian education model in which the art
is taught as a part of everyday life. After the tour, participants will be able to bring the Austrian model to Hong
Kong and synthesise it with local educational needs.
By influencing the future generations with their passion, our participants are expected to take an active role in
giving Hong Kong an artistic glamour and making it a place where everyone treasures the value of art and
recognises its profound effect on life. Date
31 Jul, 2016 (Sun) -13 Aug, 2016 (Sat)
Pielachtal — Sekirn — Vienna
• Intensive training programme led by Gerald Wirth, Artistic Director of Vienna Boys Choir (VBC)
- Strategies to achieve sustainable voice development with a choir or music group
- Training on effective choir conducting and teaching technique
- Training on sight-reading, resonance and sound awareness
- Post-training concert to present repertoire participants have worked on all week
Hong Kong - Vienna Music Festival
師資培訓交流團 (15日12夜)
Date 日期 :
30 Jul - 13 Aug, 2016
Location 地點
Vienna, Pielachtal, Sekirn
維也納 Pielachtal Sekirn
(Photo up: Lukas Beck)
Featured Programme 精選行程
・ Intensive training programme led by the Artistic Director of VBC, Gerald Wirth
密集式培訓課程(由維也納兒童合唱團藝術總監格洛德 韋特主持)
・ Observe rehearsals at Vienna Boys Choir (VBC) summer camp
・ Participate in VBC s vocal training
・ Round-table discussion with VBC music staff
Training Content 訓練內容
・ Strategies to achieve sustainable voice development with a choir
Target 對象
Choirmasters / Music Teachers /
Music Majors*
合唱團指揮 / 音樂老師 /音樂系學生*
*18 or above 18歲或以上
Quota 名額 25
(First come, first served 先到先得)
Price 價錢 $48,500
Enrolment close on 截止報名
30 April, 2016
・ Training on effective choir conducting and teaching techniques
・ Training on sight-reading, resonance and sound awareness
視唱 共鳴和聽覺敏感度訓練
Enquiries 查詢
Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy Foundation
Tel. 電話
(852) 2339 1132
Add. 地址 603A, 6/F, OfficePlus@Prince Edward, 794-802 Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港九龍彌敦道794-802 號協成行太子中心6樓603A室
Email 電郵 [email protected]
For Enrolment Forms, please visit 報名表格請瀏覽
格洛德 韋特
- Artistic Director, Vienna Boys Choir
- 維也納兒童合唱團藝術總監
Gerald Wirth received his first musical training as a member of the Vienna Boys
Choir and at the Anton Bruckner Konservatorium in Linz, Austria, where he studied
voice, oboe and piano. He was one of the youngest ever choir directors of the Vienna
Boys Choir and Chorus Director at the Salzburg Opera company “ Landestheater”. In
1991, Gerald Wirth moved to Calgary Canada to take on the position as Artistic
Director of the Calgary Boys Choir Organisation. He was the Music Director
of the Calgary Civic Symphony as well as Associate Conductor of the
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. He has conducted choirs and
orchestras all over the world, and sings and plays himself in a
number of ensembles. Gerald is regularly invited throughout
the globe as a clinician to conduct workshops about music
pedagogy and all aspects of choral music.
In 2001, Gerald Wirth became the artistic director of the
Vienna Boys Choir. While he is keenly aware of the choir’s
rich tradition, Wirth also explores new ways to create and make
music. He has instigated a number of projects involving world
music, a cappella pop and film music. Wirth’s first love is the voice;
as is evident from his own compositions: his works include three
children’s operas, several oratorios, theatre projects, music especially written
for festivals and countless arrangements for choirs. He finds much of his inspiration
in myths and philosophical texts. His works are commissioned and performed
internationally. Wirth is convinced that intensive engagement in music has a positive
impact on every realm of the personality, and motivates his students to utilise their
格洛德 韋特早年是維也納兒童合唱團團員 在團中接受音樂啟蒙教育
其後於奧地利林茲的安東 布魯克納大學進修聲樂 雙簧管和鋼琴 他是
維也納兒童合唱團最年輕的藝術總監及薩爾斯堡歌劇公司 Landestheatre 最年輕的合唱總監之一 1991年移居加拿大後 曾任卡爾嘉利兒童
合唱團藝術總監 卡爾嘉利公民樂團音樂總監和卡爾嘉利愛樂樂團
副指揮 韋特指揮過世界各地的合唱團和樂團 其本人也在
許多不同的合奏團裡演奏與演唱 他是炙手可熱的合唱
2001年 韋特成為維也納兒童合唱團藝術總監 他一
方面保留合唱團源遠流長的傳統 一方面追求以創新
的方法表達音樂 他策劃了多個音樂項目 如世界音
樂 無伴奏合唱流行曲及電影音樂 他對歌唱的熱愛在
其作品包括三齣兒童歌劇 數齣神
劇 劇場作品 音樂節歌曲 還有數之不盡的改編曲 韋特
喜歡在神話和哲學文本中尋找靈感 其作品亦在世界不同角落的
舞台公演 韋特相信 投入音樂對人格的各個方面也有正面影響 因此他
Boys have been singing at the court in Vienna since the 14th century. In 1498, more
than half a millennium ago, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I moved his court and
his court musicians to Vienna. He gave instructions that there were to be six singing
boys among his musicians; the boys came from different parts of the Holy Roman
Empire, from the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and Austria. Historians have settled
on 1498 as the foundation date of the Vienna Chapel Imperial (Hofmusikkapelle) and
in consequence, the Vienna Boys Choir. Until 1918, the choir sang exclusively
for the imperial court, at mass, concerts and private functions, and on
state occasions.
Musicians like Heinrich Isaac, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber,
Johann Joseph Fux, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio
Caldara, Antonio Salieri, Christoph Willibald Gluck, and Anton
Bruckner worked with the choir. Composers Jacobus Gallus,
and Franz Schubert were themselves choristers. Brothers Joseph
Haydn and Michael Haydn, members of the choir of St. Stephen’s
Cathedral frequently sang with the imperial boys choir.
Today there are 100 choristers from 30 different nations between the
ages of ten and fourteen, divided into four touring choirs. Between them, the
four choirs give around 300 concerts and performances each year in front of almost
half a million people. Each group spends nine to eleven weeks of the school year on
tour. They visit virtually all European countries, and they are frequent guests in
Asia, Australia and the Americas.
維也納兒童合唱團前身是 維也納宮廷樂師 裡的兒童合唱團 自十四世
紀起 維也納宮中就有男童演唱 1498年 神聖羅馬皇帝馬克斯米廉一世
將朝廷和宮廷樂師遷往維也納 並下令樂師裡要有六名男童歌手 這六名
來自神聖羅馬帝國的不同地區 包括荷蘭 意大利 德國和奧地利 的男
童歌手 就是維也納兒童合唱團的創團成員 歷史學家將1498定為 維也
納宮廷樂師 的成立年份 因此 維也納兒童合唱團 也同時成立
1918年以前 團員只會在奧地利皇宮 彌撒 音樂會 私人
聚會和官方場合上獻唱 五百多年來 與維也納兒童合唱
團合作過的著名音樂家不計其數 包括艾薩克 比伯
富斯 莫扎特 卡達拉 薩里耶利 格魯克和布魯克
納 作曲家格魯斯和舒伯特早年都是團員 約瑟 海頓
和弟弟米高在聖史提芬大教堂當詩班員時 也經常與維
維也納兒童合唱團現有100位團員 分別來自30個國家 年齡
介乎10至14歲 團員分為四個巡迴演出團 每年合共演出約300場音
樂會 觀眾近50萬人 每個巡迴演出團每學年外訪演出9至11週 足跡遍
佈所有歐洲國家 也是亞洲 澳洲和美洲的常客
Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy Foundation (VBCMAF) is a member of the
Vienna Boys Choir Family. We are dedicated to cultivating talents with global
consciousness and cross-cultural competence. We aspire to promote harmony
among different nations, races and populations through the proven means of music.
‘Hong Kong-Vienna Music Festival’ is an annual signature event of VBCMAF.
維也納兒童合唱團音樂學院基金是維也納兒童合唱團的成員 旨
在培育具備環球視野及跨文化能力的人才 並以音樂促進不同國家
不同種族 不同人群之間的和諧 維港音樂節為基金的年度盛事
Tour Operator 旅行社:
Hong Kong Oriental Travel Ltd
License no. 牌照號碼 351842
31 Jul, 2016 (Sun 日
・ Morning - Arrival in Vienna
・ Afternoon - Visit the Vienna Central
Cemetery and pay respects at the graves of
world-known composers such as Ludwig van
・ 早上
・ 下午
到維也納中央公墓 向偉大的古典
音樂家如貝多芬 舒伯特
Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Strauss and
史特勞斯 格魯克等致敬
・ 前往 Steinschalerhof
・ Transfer to Steinschalerhof
・ 於 Naturhotel Steinschalerhof 留宿
・ Overnight at the Naturhotel Steinschalerhof
1 - 6 Aug, 2016 (Mon - Sat 一至六)
・ Morning and Afternoon - Intensive Training
・ 早上及下午
・ Evening - Cultural Events such as bonfire and
・ 傍晚
文化活動 如營火晚會及民族舞蹈
・ 6/8 設有音樂會
folk dance
・ 於 Naturhotel Steinschalerhof 留宿
・ Final Concert on 6/8
・ Overnight at the Naturhotel Steinschalerhof
7 Aug, 2016 (Sun 日)
・ Morning - Transfer to Sekirn
・ 早上
・ Afternoon - Sightseeing
Villa Siegel: Admire the lakeside villa on the
前往 Sekirn
Lake Woerth that Mahler purchased in 1899
Villa Siegel : 從外面觀賞馬勒於1899年在韋
(now privately owned) from the outside.
爾特湖購買的別墅 (現為私人物業)
Komponierhaeuschen: visit the refuge in which
Komponierhaeuschen : 參觀馬勒 1900至
Mahler spent his summer time from 1900 to
1907 年的夏季居所
・ 於 Hotel Ibis Woerthersee 或同級旅店留宿
・Overnight at the Hotel Ibis Woerthersee or
8 - 9 Aug, 2016 (Mon - Tue 一至二
・ All day : Programme at VBC Summer Camp
- Observe rehearsals
- Participate in VBC s vocal training
- Round-table discussion with VBC Pedagogues
・ Overnight at the Hotel Ibis Woerthersee or
・ 全日 維也納兒童合唱團夏令營交流活動
- 觀摩排練
- 參與維也納兒童合唱團聲樂訓練
- 與VBC導師進行圓桌討論
・ 於 Hotel Ibis Woerthersee 或同級旅店留宿
10 Aug, 2016 (Wed 三)
・ Morning - Transfer to Vienna
・ Afternoon - Music-themed city tour of Viennathe Ring Avenue, the Hofburg Palace, the
・ 早上
・ 下午
音樂主題的城市觀光 環城大道
霍夫堡 歌劇院 聖史蒂芬大教堂和莫札特之
Opera House, St. Stephen s Cathedral and
家 自費入場
Mozart s Figaro House (no entrance incuded)
・ 於 Hotel Ibis Messe 或同級旅店留宿
・ Overnight in Hotel Ibis Messe or similar
11 Aug, 2016 (Thur 四)
・ Morning - Guided Tour at Musikverein / State
・ 早上
Opera House / Vienna Concert House
・ Afternoon- Visit the Sound Museum (Haus der
・ 下午
Musik), an interactive sound museum which
參觀音樂殿堂 現代化的互動體驗式博
物館 以有趣又科學的嶄新角度體驗音樂 (包入
provides a new approach to music on a playful
as well as scientific level (incl. entrance)
・ 於 Hotel Ibis Messe 或同級旅店留宿
・ Overnight in Hotel Ibis Messe or similar
12 Aug, 2016 (Fri 五)
・ Morning - Enjoy some shopping on the famous
・ Afternoon- Transfer to airport
・ Departure to Hong Kong
*Lunch not included
・ Hong Kong-Vienna round trip Economy Class flight ticket
・ Accommodation (Shared twin room basis)
・ Three meals each day (except stated otherwise)
・ Programmes
・ Air-conditioned coach for transfer and sightseeing
・ Entrance fees for sightseeing spots (except stated otherwise)
・ Travel insurance
・ Tips for guide and escort
・ Tour Briefing
・ Visa fee & travel document application fee (HKSAR or BNO passport holders do not need
Austrian Visa; passports must have at least 6 months validity)
・ Excess luggage charges
• Other personal expenses, including but not limited to medical, laundry, long distance call and
* Quotation is based on the rates in Dec 2015, subject to adjustment for peak season loading
and currency fluctuation up to 5%.
* VBCMAF retains the right to alter the itinerary.
・ 早上
在著名的 Kaertnerstrasse 觀光及購物
・ 下午
・ 飛返香港
* 不包括午餐
・ 香港 維也納往返經濟艙機票
・ 住宿 雙人雙床房 佔半房
・ 每日三餐(註明者除外)
・ 課程
・ 往來上課及參觀地點之空調旅遊車
・ 行程所列之參觀地點入場費(註明者除外)
・ 旅遊保險
・ 導遊及司機小費
・ 簡介會
• 旅遊證件及入境簽證費(香港特區護照或英國國民海
外護照無需申請簽證 護照須至少六個月內有效)
• 行李超重費用
・ 個人支出 如 醫療 洗衣 長途電話及上網等
* 此為2015年12月之報價 視乎報名時的旺季附加費及
匯率浮動 或有不多於5%的調整
* 維也納也童合唱團音樂學院基金保留更改行程的權利
Hong Kong Week provides talented Hong Kong artists more exposure
and connection to the international stage of musical performance. Weeklong events will also bring Viennese audience a refreshing multi-sensory
experience with a blend of oriental and western music. The cross-cultural
experience Hong Kong Week offers is a prime example of the multinational collaboration that the Festival is fostering.
14 Aug, 2016 (Sun) - 17 Aug, 2016 (Wed)
MuTh - Concert Hall of the Vienna Boys Choir, Vienna
(Capacity: 400 seats)
• Solo and ensemble performances by HK Musicians
• Performances include commissioned works by Hong Kong composers
Programme 1 - Opening Concert
14 Aug, 2016 (Sun)
- Gustav Mahler’s Das Leid von der Erde (with Chinese libretto)
Philharmonia APA
Programme 2 - Beethoven Piano Sonatas Marathon
15 Aug, 2016 (Mon) - 16 Aug, 2016 (Tue)
Programme (Day 1):
- Pre-concert Talk by John Wilson
- Ludwig von Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Op. 14/2, 31/1, 49/2, 79, 10/2, 54, 7, 10/1, 13 ‘Pathetique’, 27/1,
31/3, 81a ‘Lebewohl’, 22, 49/1, 106 ‘Hammerklavier’
Programme (Day 2):
- Ludwig von Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Op.10/3, 28, 31/2 ‘Sturm’, 2/1, 26, 57 ‘Appassionata’, 110, 27/2
‘Mondschein’, 14/1, 90, 109, 2/2, 78, 101, 2/3, 53 ‘Waldstein’, 111
- Hong Kong: Colleen Lee, Tony Chan, Warren Lee, Charles Tam, Chiyan Wong, Raymond Young
- Vienna: Jimmy Chiang, Stephan Möller, John Wilson
Programme 3 - Chinese Night
17 Aug, 2016 (Wed)
Chinese Instrumental Music :
- Cantonese Music Ensemble
- Chiu Chow Music Ensemble
- Guqin solo
- Dizi solo
- Nanyin etc
Chinese University Chinese Music Ensemble
The Finale Concert of the Hong Kong - Vienna Festival gathers the artistic crème de la crème of both cities to
present one of the greatest orchestral-choral masterpieces. Our 300 performers and dozens of art administrators all come from diverse backgrounds and speak a variety of languages. It is music that connects these otherwise unrelated people and puts them on the very same stage. This chemistry of music and cultures will create
an unpredictable spark that makes our Mahler symphony unique to the audience and the players.
‘Passion of a thousand voices’ in an add-on programme of the finale concert. 1000 local students will receive
training and join us at the rehearsal to sing excerpts of the choral part, offering them a precious opportunity to
take part in large scale productions and experience world-class music training.
‘Passion of a thousand voices’: May - Aug, 2016
Open Dress Rehearsal: 27 Aug, 2016 (Sat)
Concert: 28 Aug, 2016 (Sun)
Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong (Capacity: 1400 seats)
• Joint performance by world-class artists from Vienna and Hong Kong
• Orchestra tutti includes pre-professionals from Vienna and Hong Kong recommended by the above artists
• Conducted by Mr Jimmy Chiang, Hong Kong-born conductor appointed as Kapellmeister of Vienna Boys
Choir in 2013
Hong Kong
Jimmy Chiang
Anna Baxter, soprano
Christina Baader, mezzo-soprano
Vincent Schirrmacher, tenor
Clemens Unterreiner, baritone
Yuki Ip, soprano
Louise Kwong, soprano
Samantha Chong, mezzo-soprano
Apollo Wong, bass-baritone
Adult Choir
50 (Arnold Schönberg Choir)
Children Choir
10-12 (Vienna Boys Choir)
20 (Hong Kong Treble Choir)
Jimmy Chiang, conductor (Hong Kong / Vienna)
’Versatility comes through Hard Work, Discipline and Respect’, a title which described Jimmy Chiang in a front-page article written by the international opera
magazine ‘Orpheus’ in 2009. The Hong Kong born conductor and pianist has
started his musical career already at the age of 13 with his first public appearance as concert pianist. His major breakthrough as a conductor came with the
winning of the renowned ‘Lovro von Matacic' International Competition for Young
Conductors in Zagreb in 2007. Chiang was also recipient of awards and honours
of numerous international competitions such as the International Competition for
Young Choir Directors in Vienna (2004) and the Golden Key International Society Performing Arts Showcase in
USA (2000). His versatility as a well-rounded musician has been proven by his convincing interpretation of a
wide-ranging operatic, symphonic, choral, solo piano, chamber music and song recital repertoires, whether in
opera pits or on concert stages.
While serving as principal conductor of the Hong Kong Pan Asia Symphony since 2008, he has worked as assistant music director of the Wagner’s Ring cycle at Theater Lübeck from 2007 to 2009, as well as Kapellmeister
at Theater Freiburg, where he led from 2009 to 2011 numerous premiere productions, including a howling success of Ligeti’s opera Le Grand Macabre with celebrated stage director Calixto Bieito. Starting autumn of 2013,
Chiang is appointed as Kapellmeister of the world famous Vienna Boys Choir, with whom he leads in concerts
in Vienna as well as concert tours worldwide.
Anna Baxter, soprano (Vienna)
Baxter was a prize winner at the 2007 International Singing Competition of Passau. Her European debut in 2006 as Violetta in La Traviata was highly acclaimed
by audience and critics alike. She has also given concerts and recitals in the USA,
Europe and Asia. She has sung with orchestras such as the Zagreb Philharmonic,
Philharmonic Orchestra of the Hansestadt Lübeck and the Hong Kong Pan Asia
Symphony Orchestra. She has been a regular guest soloist at Theater Lübeck,
Theater Freiburg, Stadttheater Bern and Oper Halle. Her roles include Arabella,
Salome, Vitellia, Elisabeth (Tannhäuser), Rosalinde, Saffi, Freia, Liu, Mařenka as
well as a wide range of concert repertoire.
Yuki Ip, soprano (Hong Kong)
Highlights of Hong Kong soprano, Ip Po-Ching's career, so far, included performing
as soloist with José Carreras for the inaugural season of the National Centre of the
Performing Arts, Beijing, China, taking the role of Cio-Cio San in Puccini’s Madame
Butterfly with MusicaViva, and making her European debut at the Basilica di San
Vitale, Ravenna, Italy in Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. Ip was also the soprano soloist in
a Hong Kong performance of Bach’s B Minor Mass conducted by Maestro Helmuth Rilling in 2011.
In addition, she recently performed Villa-Lobos’s Bachianas Brasileiras No.5 in Verona and Cremona, Italy, and
was guest soloist at the Shanghai World Exposition with Shanghai Opera House Orchestra.
Christina Baader, mezzo-soprano (Vienna)
Christina Baader performed in recitals and as soloist in Vienna, as well as in
France and in Germany, including the inauguration of 'Ottobeurer Konzerte im
Kaisersaal' together with Taiwanese pianist Yu-Wei Ku, and performed in the
musical scores of several films. In 2001 she toured through Japan as soloist with
the Vienna State Opera ensemble, returning to Japan in 2009 as soloist in
Beethoven's 9th Symphony in Hiroshima with the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra under conductor Kazufumi Yamashita.
Louise Kwong, soprano (Hong Kong)
Being the awardee of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Young Artist
Award 2014, Kwong is one of the youngest and most active soprano in Hong
Kong. She has sung title roles in numerous local and overseas opera productions, such as Liù in Puccini’s Turandot, Santuzza in Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana, Anna in Donizetti’s Anna Bolena and La Contessa in Mozart’s Le Nozze
di Figaro and Fiordiligi in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte in the Grachten Festival Netherlands. Locally, Kwong is one of the most active young solo vocalist in Hong
Kong. She has worked with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in A National Day Celebration as soprano soloist (Sept 2015), Opera Hong Kong in
production Cosi fan tutte as Fiordiligi (August 2015), Learners’ Chorus as soprano soloist in Rossini’s Stabat Mater (July 2015) etc.
Vincent Schirrmacher, tenor (Vienna)
Vincent Schirrmacher received vocal tuition from Prof. Raimund Gilvan in Saarbruecken, Germany. From 2003 he studied with Prof. Josef Protschka at the
Cologne Academy of Music, Germany until his graduation.
The ‘Gottlob Frick’ Medal was given to him in 2006 for his contribution to stage
success. In the same year he won the ‘Johan Strauss Prize’ in Coburg, Germany.
At the International Robert Stolz competition in Hamburg, Germany in 2007 the jury awarded Schirrmacher the
First Prize. He was also the vote of the audience.
At the International ‘Belvedere’ competition, which took place in Vienna, Austria in 2008, he was awarded the
3rd Operetta Prize and Special Opera Prize from the Norske Opera Oslo and the Gran Teatro del Liceu
Barcelona. In the same year he was the finalist of the ‘Placido Domingo – Operalia’ competition in Quebec,
Since 2008, Schirrmacher was engaged at the States Theater Schleswig-Holstein’s ensemble. There he sang
roles such as the Octavio in Lehar’s operetta Giuditta, Duke in Verdi’s Rigoletto, Prince in Dvorak’s Rusalka,
Julien in Charpentier’s Louise and Busoni’s Doktor Faust.
Samantha Chong, mezzo-soprano (Hong Kong)
Mezzo-soprano Samantha Chong graduated with the Master of Music Degree,
having earlier earned her Bachelor of Music Degree both at The Hong Kong
Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). Chong was a young artist at the Opera
Studio Melbourne in 2010-2011.
In 2014, Chong made her débuts with Opera Hong Kong (as Marthe Schwerlein in
Gounod’s Faust) as well as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. She then
sang the role of the Page in Richard Strauss’s Salome, Dorabella in Mozart’s Così
fan tutte, again with Opera Hong Kong. In January 2016, Chong will appear as a
soloist in Drama Rashomon at the Sunbeam Theater. Chong is now a singer in
Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Program.
Clemens Unterreiner, baritone (Vienna)
Unterreiner started his career at the annual Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen)
and performed in concert tours in Bulgaria, Syria, Italy, Spain and Germany. He
performed at the Grand Hall of the Wiener Musikverein, at the Vienna Concert
House (Wiener Konzerthaus), Palao de la Musica Barcelona and other international concert halls. He sang concert performances of La Traviata as Germont, Fidelio as Pizarro and Tosca as Scarpia. In October 2002 he made his
opera debut at the State Theatre in Linz for the European première of 'The Voyage' by Philip Glass. During the summer of 2003 he sang Count Baccellone in La
Contessina. Further engagements took him 2004 at the Vienna State Opera
where he performed in the première of Massenet’s Werther. He sang Sharpless in
Madama Butterfly in Chur, Straßburg and Großes Festspielhaus Salzburg which was awarded the Prize of the
Music Theatre 2004 season. During the summer of 2005 he sang the title role in Don Giovanni at the Heidenheim Opera Festival in Germany and Bartolo in Paisiello's Barber of Seville. On September 4th 2005 he had his
house debut in Puccini´s Manon Lescaut where he started his career a soloist and ensemble member of the
Vienna State Opera.
Apollo Wong, bass-baritone (Hong Kong)
Bass-baritone and conductor Apollo Wong received his education in vocal
studies at the University of California, Los Angeles under the supervision of
Vladimir Chernov and Juliana Gondek. He has also studied with Sami Kustaloglu in Berlin.
Wong has sung operatic and musical roles including Zuniga in BIZET’s Carmen, the Superintendent Budd and Bottom in Britten’s Albert Herring and A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Frère Laurent and Le Duc in Gounod’s Roméo et
Juliette, Ariodate in Handel’s Serse, Benoit and Alcindoro in Puccini’s La Bohème, Barone Trombonok in Rossini’s Il Viaggio a Reims, Javert in Les Miserables, among others. He was also
in the role of Lu Xun in 2013 Hong Kong Arts Festival’s world premiere production of Heart of Coral by Dr Chan
Hing Yan; and in the roles of King Oryant/Markes in the 2014 premiere of Jeffrey Ching’s Before Brabant in the
same festival. His concert and oratorio repertoire include Bach’s St. John Passion and St. Matthew Passion,
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem, Faure’s Requiem, Handel’s Messiah and Dixit
Dominus, Haydn’s Stabat Mater, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Mozart’s Requiem, Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, among
others. He has sung under conductors such as Paolo Olmi, Renato Palumbo, Joseph Rescigno, Helmuth Rilling
and Francois-Xavier Roth.
Arnold Schönberg Choir (Vienna)
The Arnold Schoenberg Choir was founded in 1972 by current
artistic director Erwin Ortner and remains one of the most sought
after and versatile vocal ensembles in Austria. The choir’s repertoire ranges from renaissance and baroque to the present day
with a focus on contemporary music. The choir has a particular
interest in a cappella music, however it also regularly performs
large scale works for choir and orchestra.
As well as concert performances, the choir has also regularly taken part in opera productions, beginning with
Schubert's Fierrabras at the Vienna Festwochen in 1988 (directed by Ruth Berghaus and conducted by Claudio
Abbado), and including Messiaen's Saint François d'Assise in 1992 (directed by Peter Sellars and conducted by
Esa-Pekka Salonen) and the world premiere of Berio's Cronaca del Luogo at the Salzburg Festival in 1999 (directed by Claus Guth and conducted by Sylvain Cambreling).
The Choir is also regularly engaged in opera productions at the Theatre an der Wien; among others Janaceks’
Aus einem Totenhaus, which was directed by Patrice Chéreau and conducted by Pierre Boulez. This production
was voted ‘Best Opera production in German speaking countries 2007’.
Learners Chorus (Hong Kong)
The Learners Chorus was founded in 1979 by former members of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union
Choir. Recent major performances include Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem, Lully’s Te Deum, Mahler’s Symphony Nos. 2 and 8, Rachmaninov’s The Bells, Rossini’s Messa di Gloria and Stabat Mater, Verdi’s Messa da
Requiem and Quattro pezzi sacri. In 2013 and 2014, Learners performed Britten’s War Requiem with the Hong
Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and its Chorus under the baton of the late Maestro Lorin Maazel, and to celebrate
'Hong Kong Cultural Centre – Celebrating 25 Years', respectively. In May 2015, Learners was invited to perform
'Macao Soul' with Macao Orchestra and the Macao Perosi Choir at the 26th Macao Arts Festival.
Learners is devoted to promoting music among youth. Students are often invited to sing with the Chorus or play
in the Learners Orchestra alongside professional musicians. Young choir members are offered the chance to
conduct the Chorus. Student members receive sponsored vocal training by our Music Director. Young musicians
also give guest performances in our concerts. Over 6,400 students have benefited from our Student Ticket
Sponsorship Programme, which aims to extend music appreciation opportunities to the younger generation.
Vienna Boys Choir (Vienna)
The Vienna Boys Choir, with more than 500 years of
history, is one of the oldest choirs in the world.
Today there are around 100 choristers between the
ages of 10 to 14, divided into 4 touring choirs named
after famous Austrian composers – Bruckner, Haydn,
Mozart and Schubert. The 4 choirs give around 300
concerts each year for almost 500,000 people in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas, which include world
leaders and artists.
The Choir’s repertoire includes everything from medieval to contemporary and experimental music. Since 1920s,
the Choir has collected music from around the world and recently produced a number of world music projects.
Hong Kong Treble Choir (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Treble Choir (HKTC) was founded in 2000 as a registered charitable organisation. HKTC is honoured to invite a group of
renowned choral experts and masters as directors and consultants,
including Honorary Advisor Mdm. Barbara Fei, SBS, Honorary
Artistic Director Prof. Wing-wah Chan, JP, Honorary Music Directors Ms. Nancy Loo, MH, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor
Prof. Leon Shiu-wai Tong and several overseas advisors.
Under the leadership of Prof. Leon Shiu-wai Tong, HKTC has participated in various performances and cultural
exchanges. The significant performances includesthe International Society for Music Education (ISME) World
Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2006, the concerts with Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc in Lyon
and Paris, France in 2008, 'The World Sings for Olympics Concert' and 'The World Youth Choir Concert' in
2008 Hong Kong International Youth and Children’s Choir Festival. In 2009, HKTC was invited as the guest performer at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2008 and Les Choristes in Concert. Touring performances
were held in different cities in China.
Marketing Plan
[Hong Kong
Summer Music Academy - Enrollment
- Distribution of Poster and Programme Leaflets to
• 1000 local primary and secondary
schools, reaching parents and
• 75 international primary and secondary schools, reaching parents
and students
- E-version on Partner Websites
• Vienna Tourism Board
• Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Vienna Boys Choir
• 600k - 1m views per month
• 4 million views per month
• 20k views per month
• Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy
- Press Release to local and international media
- Placement on South China Morning Post / Mingpao Daily / Singtao Daily
29/30 June Festival – Press Conference
- Press Conference on Festival with local artists
- Press Release to local and international media
- Launch of Promotional Video
• Promotion on Youtube 7 days in a row targeting
up to 21k
up to 217k
up to 68k
min. 5000
classical music enthusiasts.
• Promotion on Facebook 7 days in a row targeting classical music enthusiasts
• Promotional on Instagram 7 days in a row targeting classical music enthusiasts
- Launch of Festival Facebook Page
- Distribution of Programme Booklets
- E-news on Official and Partner Websites
• Vienna Tourism Board
• Vienna Boys Choir
• 600k - 1m views per month
• 20k views per month
• Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy
- EDM to music, social organisations and schools in
Hong Kong
- E-promotion via partner channels
1-30 Jun
Opening Concert – Ticket Sales
- Advertisement of Festival on Fine Music (June Is-
Free distribution at 77 music
venues and music centres in
Hong Kong.
Free online version, whose website has 55-75k views per month
- E-news on Official and Partner Website
- E-promotional via partner channels
Finale Concert – Ticket Sales
- Poster and Leaflet at all Urbtix outlets and ad
Urbtix Outlets: 36
20 government venues
Free distribution at 77 music
- Placement in house programmes in concerts presented by LCSD
- Advertisement on Fine Music (July issue)
venues and music centres in
Hong Kong.
Free online version, whose website has 55-75k views per month
- Promotion on Facebook for 14 days in a row
up to 434k impressions
- Promotion on Instagram for 14 days in a row
up to 136k impressions
- E-news on Official and Partner Website
(see above)
- E-promotional via partner channels
(see above)
Hong Kong Week – Ticket Sales
- Distribution of posters and leaflets around Vienna
- Festival video played in Muth
loop once every ten minutes
15 Jul
Opening Concert
- 1400 House Programmes
- Souvenir counter with joint promotion opportunities
18 - 30 Jul
Summer Music Academy
- 300 camp brochures
- 300 camp T-shirts
- 400 House Programme for community concerts
- banners around the campus of Chinese University
of Hong Kong
high exposure due to the venue’s
proximity to MTR station
- Daily Facebook updates
31 - 13 Jul
Professional Training Tour
- 30 tour brochures
Overseas exposure
Overseas exposure
- 30 tour T-shirts
14 - 19 Aug Hong Kong Week
- Chinese-themed on-site decoration, including
wall-sized outdoor banners, columns etc
- 200 house programmes per concerts
- Souvenir counter with joint promotion opportunities
- Daily Facebook updates
- Artists’ interviews online
- Sponsors’ interviews online
27 - 28 Aug Open Dress Rehearsal and Finale Concert
- 2800 house programmes distributed
- Recording, broadcast and archive by RTHK
- Outdoor wall-banners in Hong Kong City Hall
- Pre-concert cock-tail reception
- Artists’ interviews on online
Sep, 2016
Post-festival reports to sponsors
In-kind Sponsorship Request
Finale Concert- Mahler Symphony No.8
Instrument Rental and Transportation
: 24-28/8/2016
Venue : Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong City Hall
Instruments needed
: A set of Low-pitched bells
1 Celesta
2 Full-sized Double Bass
1 Electronic Organ
1 Harp: Lyon and Healy, Style 30
Financial Sponsorship Request
Bronze Sponsor Benefits
Highlight Benefits
Speech at Press Conference and Pre-concert Cocktail Reception at Finale Concert
Joint Promotion Opportunities
Pre-Festival Publicity
Press Conference - Booth / Counter set-up
Press Conference - Acknowledgement
Press Kit - Insertion opportunity
Press Release - Acknowledgement
Festival Website - Hyperlink and Acknowledgement
Festival promotional video - Hyperlink and Acknowledgement
Promotional materials (poster, leaflet, edm) - logo
On-Site Publicity
House Programme (3,000 pcs) - Acknowledgement
4 Complimentary tickets to concerts in Hong Kong or Vienna (best available)
Tailor-made arrangement is available.
All programmes and benefits are subject to change without prior notice.