IronMan εSeries
IronMan εSeries
IronMan e Series High Efficiency Gear Reducers Patent Pending A Regal Brand The Grove Gear IronMan E Series is a high efficiency, right angle gear reducer designed for increased torque density, reduced inventory and improved efficiency. By utilizing modified helical-bevel technology, the E Series is able to operate at 90% efficiency and can provide up to 60% higher torque than a typical worm gear reducer. Through various accessories and modular components, the E Series recreates the critical dimensions of a standard worm gearbox and provides the opportunity to reduce inventory. More Power 60% more torque than a typical worm gear reducer Opportunity to downsize motor and gear reducer Less Inventory Four models replace 10 typical worm gear reducer center distances Plug-in shafts and mounting accessories create hundreds of style combinations Higher Efficiency 90% operating efficiency Rapid payback through energy cost savings 2 More Power The Grove Gear IronMan E Series offers more torque density than a typical worm reducer in the same mounting footprint. It allows for motor and gear reducer downsizing opportunities. Less Inventory With this modular design, 10 typical worm gear center distances can be replaced with just four E Series units. Plug-in shafts and mounting accessories create hundreds of style combinations. By utilizing these modular features, the E Series can be used as a drop in replacement to worm gear reducers. 3 Higher Efficiency The Grove Gear IronMan E Series Gear Reducer yields 90% operating efficiency and meets the increasing demand for high efficiency products in industrial applications. This revolutionary product utilizes modified helical-bevel technology to provide superior efficiency with the same dimensional footprint as worm gear reducers. The compact design is an ideal alternative to traditional high efficiency units. Placing greater attention on the efficiency of the entire power transmission system can reduce energy costs while boosting productivity, reliability and profitability. Gearbox Description Input Speed (rpm) Gearbox Ratio (Input RPM / Output RPM) Desired Output Torque (in-lbs) Gearbox Operating Efficiency (%) Select Motor Motor HP Motor Efficiency Duty Cycle (hrs/day) Duty Cycle (days/week) Energy Cost ($/kW-hr) Cost of usable power Cost of gearbox inefficiency (unusable energy) Cost of motor inefficiency (unusable energy) Annual Energy Cost Savings ($) Annual Energy Savings (kW-hrs) Typical operating example, actual savings will vary. Operating Cost Example Annual Energy Cost ($) 4 e Series Worm Drive 3" worm 60 68.0% Standard 3-ph 1.50 83.0% 1750 1950 30HE 59.79 90.0% LEESON WATTSAVERe® 1.00 85.0% 24 7 $0.10 $588 $277 $177 $590 $66 $116 $270 2,704 Premium Features Precision mounting surfaces and extra threaded bolt holes on top and bottom for flexibility and to accept a wide range of stock mounting accessories. Oversized positively-retained high speed input shaft bearing for higher shock load capacity, shaft alignment and seal life. Ideal for frequent starting and reversing applications. Push-off holes drilled and tapped into flange for quick motor removal on quill input styles (56 & 140TC frames). Premium Grade 5 zinc-plated heattreated bolts used throughout. Factory filled with premium Mobil Glygoyle 460 polyalkalene glycol (PAG) lubricant. Cast iron IEC and NEMA C input flange with machined fits for precision alignment of motor and bearings. Multiple venting options for multi-position mounting. Tapered roller bearings on output shaft for high overhung and thrust load capacities. Robust output shaft of high strength steel alloy for superior torque and overhung load capacities. Quick Selection Based on required output RPM and input motor horsepower, read across chart to see where an e Series reducer would be appropriate. As a rule of thumb, use 1.00 service factor chart for applications having uniform loads with up to 10 hours service duration per day. This chart is to be considered as a guide only. Contact Factory with specific application information. Nom. Ratio 7/1 10/1 15/1 20/1 30/1 40/1 50/1 60/1 1/2 18HE 18HE 3/4 18HE 24HE 24HE 1 18HE 24HE 24HE 24HE 1-1/2 18HE 24HE 24HE 24HE 33HE 2 18HE 24HE 24HE 24HE 33HE 33HE 3 18HE 18HE 24HE 24HE 33HE 33HE 43HE 43HE 5 24HE 24HE 24HE 33HE 43HE 43HE 7-1/2 24HE 33HE 33HE 43HE 43HE 10 33HE 33HE 43HE 43HE 15 20 43HE 43HE 43HE Sample Model Numbers e Solid Output Shaft - Series BMQ24HE-11.36- L - 56 StyleSizeRatioShaftInput Orientation Type e Hollow Output Shaft - Series HMQ 26HE -11.36- H - 56 - 23 Style SizeRatio Shaft Input Bore Orientation Type Code 5 Rating Tables 1 Select Reducer Maximum Ratings - 18HE OutputNEMA Input Input Output Input TQ Ratio RPM RPM HP (lb-in) Frame 1750218.20 4.23 Style HMQ Quill Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t Style HM Style HMQ Maximum Ratings - 24HE Coupling Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t 56C E180508.XXE180524.XX 1150143.39 2.78 8.02 1100 850105.992.06 143-5TC E180516.XXE180532.XX 10012.470.24 1750153.24 2.97 56C E180509.XXE180525.XX 1150 101.70 1.95 11.42 1100 85074.431.44 143-5TC E180517.XXE180533.XX 1008.760.17 1750112.18 2.18 56C E180510.XXE180526.XX 1150 73.72 1.43 15.60 1100 85054.491.06 143-5TC E180518.XXE180534.XX 1006.410.12 175087.81 1.70 56C E180511.XXE180527.XX 1150 57.70 1.12 19.93 1100 85042.650.83 143-5TC E180519.XXE180535.XX 1005.020.10 175060.14 1.17 56C E180512.XXE180528.XX 1150 39.52 0.77 29.10 1100 85029.210.57 143-5TC E180520.XXE180536.XX 1003.440.07 175040.20 0.78 56C E180513.XXE180529.XX 1150 26.42 0.51 43.53 1100 85019.530.38 143-5TC E180521.XXE180537.XX 1002.300.04 175033.33 0.65 56C E180514.XXE180530.XX 1150 21.90 0.42 52.50 1100 85016.190.31 143-5TC E180522.XXE180538.XX 1001.900.04 175030.00 0.58 56C E180515.XXE180531.XX 1150 19.72 0.38 58.33 1100 85014.570.28 143-5TC E180523.XXE180539.XX 1001.710.03 OutputNEMA Input Input Output Input TQ Ratio RPM RPM HP (lb-in) Frame 1750224.4 8.50 Quill Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t t Catalog numbers are for hollow output shaft reducers. When ordering, substitute the XX suffix with the required output bore code. Available bore codes 18HE Available bore codes 24HE 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1-1/8”1-3/16” 1-1/4” 1-7/16” Decimal Size 0.7500.8751.0001.1251.188 1.250 1.438 Output Bore Code 1214161819 20 23 Fraction Size 1” 1-1/8”1-3/16”1-1/4”1-7/16”1-1/2” Decimal Size 1.000 1.1251.1881.2501.4381.500 Output Bore Code 16 1819202324 If a solid output shaft is required for size 18HE, replace “XX” with “23” output bore code on basic reducer. If a solid output shaft is required for size 24HE, replace “XX” with “23” output bore code on basic reducer. 6 Coupling Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t 56C E240511.XXE240541.XX 1150147.4 6.76 7.80 2149 143-5TC E240521.XXE240551.XX 850109.05.00 182-4TC E240531.XXE240561.XX 10012.80.59 1750154.0 7.06 56C E240513.XXE240543.XX 1150 101.2 4.64 11.36 2600 143-5TC E240523.XXE240553.XX 85074.83.43 182-4TC E240533.XXE240563.XX 1008.800.40 1750112.2 5.14 56C E240514.XXE240544.XX 1150 73.7 3.38 15.60 2600 143-5TC E240524.XXE240554.XX 85054.52.50 182-4TC E240534.XXE240564.XX 1006.400.29 175089.7 4.11 56C E240515.XXE240545.XX 1150 59.0 2.70 19.50 2600 143-5TC E240525.XXE240555.XX 85043.62.00 182-4TC E240535.XXE240565.XX 100 5.1 0.24 175062.5 2.86 56C E240516.XXE240546.XX 1150 41.1 1.88 28.01 2600 143-5TC E240526.XXE240556.XX 85030.31.39 182-4TC E240536.XXE240566.XX 1003.600.16 175043.8 2.01 56C E240518.XXE240548.XX 1150 28.8 1.32 39.98 2600 143-5TC E240528.XXE240558.XX 85021.30.97 182-4TC E240538.XXE240568.XX 1002.500.11 175033.3 1.53 56C E240519.XXE240549.XX 1150 21.9 1.00 52.50 2600 143-5TC E240529.XXE240559.XX 85016.20.74 182-4TC E240539.XXE240569.XX 1001.900.09 175029.3 1.34 56C E240520.XXE240550.XX 1150 19.2 0.88 59.79 2600 143-5TC E240530.XXE240560.XX 85014.20.65 182-4TC E240540.XXE240570.XX 1001.700.08 t Catalog numbers are for hollow output shaft reducers. When ordering, substitute the XX suffix with the required output bore code. Fraction Size Style HM 1 Select Reducer (cont.) Maximum Ratings - 33HE OutputNEMA Input Input Output Input TQ Ratio RPM RPM HP (lb-in) Frame Style HMQ Quill Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t Style HM Maximum Ratings - 43HE Coupling Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t 1750220.413.00 56C E330508.XXE330548.XX 1150144.811.49 3346143-5TC E330516.XXE330556.XX 7.94 850107.18.49 182-4TC E330524.XXE330564.XX 10012.591.00 213-5TC E330532.XXE330572.XX 1750162.512.89 56C E330509.XXE330549.XX 1150 106.8 8.47 4500143-5TC E330517.XXE330557.XX 10.77 85078.96.26 182-4TCE330525.XXE330565.XX 1009.290.74 213-5TCE330533.XXE330573.XX 1750116.3 9.22 56C E330510.XXE330550.XX 1150 76.4 6.06 4500143-5TC E330518.XXE330558.XX 15.05 85056.54.48 182-4TCE330526.XXE330566.XX 1006.640.53 213-5TCE330534.XXE330574.XX 175082.7 6.56 56C E330511.XXE330551.XX 1150 54.4 4.31 4500143-5TC E330519.XXE330559.XX 21.15 85040.23.19 182-4TCE330527.XXE330567.XX 1004.730.38 213-5TCE330535.XXE330575.XX 175058.1 4.61 56C E330512.XXE330552.XX 1150 38.2 3.03 4500143-5TC E330520.XXE330560.XX 30.14 85028.22.24 182-4TCE330528.XXE330568.XX 1003.320.26 213-5TCE330536.XXE330576.XX 175039.8 3.16 56C E330513.XXE330553.XX 1150 26.2 2.07 4500143-5TC E330521.XXE330561.XX 43.97 85019.31.53 182-4TCE330529.XXE330569.XX 1002.270.18 213-5TCE330537.XXE330577.XX 175033.0 2.62 56C E330514.XXE330554.XX 1150 21.7 1.72 4500143-5TC E330522.XXE330562.XX 53.03 85016.01.27 182-4TCE330530.XXE330570.XX 1001.890.15 213-5TCE330538.XXE330578.XX 175029.7 2.36 56C E330515.XXE330555.XX 1150 19.5 1.55 4500143-5TC E330523.XXE330563.XX 58.92 85014.41.14 182-4TCE330531.XXE330571.XX 1001.700.13 213-5TCE330539.XXE330579.XX t Catalog numbers are for hollow output shaft reducers. When ordering, substitute the XX suffix with the required output bore code. Available bore codes 33HE Style HMQ OutputNEMA Input Input Output Input TQ Ratio RPM RPM HP (lb-in) Frame Quill Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t Style HM Coupling Input / Hollow Output Catalog No. t 1750182.6727.37 56C E430507.XXE430542.XX 1150120.0417.99 8500143-5TC E430514.XXE430549.XX 9.58 850 88.7313.30 182-4TC E430521.XXE430556.XX 10010.441.56 213-5TC E430528.XXE430563.XX 1750116.2817.42 56C E430508.XXE430543.XX 1150 76.41 11.45 8500143-5TC E430515.XXE430550.XX 15.05 85056.488.46 182-4TC E430522.XXE430557.XX 1006.641.00 213-5TCE430529.XXE430564.XX 175082.7412.40 56C E430509.XXE430544.XX 1150 54.37 8.15 8500143-5TC E430516.XXE430551.XX 21.15 85040.196.02 182-4TC E430523.XXE430558.XX 1004.730.71 213-5TCE430530.XXE430565.XX 175058.06 8.70 56C E430510.XXE430545.XX 1150 38.16 5.72 8500143-5TC E430517.XXE430552.XX 30.14 85028.204.23 182-4TC E430524.XXE430559.XX 1003.320.50 213-5TCE430531.XXE430566.XX 175046.88 7.02 56C E430511.XXE430546.XX 1150 30.81 4.62 8500143-5TC E430518.XXE430553.XX 37.33 85022.773.41 182-4TC E430525.XXE430560.XX 1002.680.40 213-5TCE430532.XXE430567.XX 175033.00 4.95 56C E430512.XXE430547.XX 1150 21.69 3.25 8500143-5TC E430519.XXE430554.XX 53.03 85016.032.40 182-4TC E430526.XXE430561.XX 1001.890.28 213-5TCE430533.XXE430568.XX 175029.70 4.45 56C E430513.XXE430548.XX 1150 19.52 2.92 8500143-5TC E430520.XXE430555.XX 58.92 85014.432.16 182-4TC E430527.XXE430562.XX 1001.700.25 213-5TCE430534.XXE430569.XX t Catalog numbers are for hollow output shaft reducers. When ordering, substitute the XX suffix with the required output bore code. Available bore codes 43HE Fraction Size 1-7/16” 1-1/2”1-15/16” 2” 2-3/16” 2-7/16” 3” 3-7/16” Decimal Size 1.4381.5001.9382.0002.188 2.438 3.000 3.438 Output Bore Code 2324313535 39 48 55 If a solid output shaft is required for size 43HE, replace “XX” with “39” output bore code on basic reducer. Fraction Size 1-3/16”1-1/4”1-7/16”1-1/2” 1-5/8”1-11/16”1-3/4” 1-7/8” 1-15/16”2” 2-3/16” Decimal Size 1.1881.2501.4381.5001.625 1.688 1.750 1.875 1.9382.000 2.188 Output Bore Code 1920232426 27 28 30 3132 35 If a solid output shaft is required for size 33HE, replace “XX” with “31” output bore code on basic reducer. 7 Selection - Accessories 2 3 4 Add Accessory Kit Base P/N CB21HE CB23HE CB26HE CB30HE CB32HE CB38HE CB42HE CB52HE CB60HE Interchange to Traditional Worm Center Distance 2.06" 2.38" 2.62" 3.00" 3.25" 3.75" 4.25" 5.25" 6.00" Add Output Shaft Single Output P/N S185040 S185041 S185042 S185000 S185001 S185002 S185003 S185020 S185021 S185022 S185030 S185031 S185032 Double Output P/N Shaft Length (in) S185043 4.31 S185044 4.69 S185045 5.14 S185004 5.14 S185005 5.63 S185006 6.75 S185007 7.06 S185023 7.06 S185024 7.75 S185025 8.12 S185033 8.12 S185034 9.06 S185035 10.00 (if replacing larger worm reducer) “B” Base mounts to basic reducer and allows simple interchange to larger center distance worm reducers. “B” Bases will be assembled to a reducer at no charge upon request. Contact Factory for details. (if solid output shaft is needed) Shaft Dia. (in) 0.875 1.000 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.250 1.375 1.375 1.625 1.875 1.875 2.000 2.250 Interchange to Traditional Worm Center Distance 1.75" 2.06" 2.38" 2.38" 2.62" 3.00" 3.25" 3.25" 3.75" 4.25" 4.25" 5.25" 6.00" If solid shaft is required, substitute the XX suffix in the catalog number with the appropriate bore code. Shaft kits will be assembled into a reducer at no charge upon request. Contact Factory for details (if replacing worm reducer) Converts Basic Reducer + "B" Base Kit to Worm Reducers Below: Horizontal Vertical Output Output Flange Torque Arm Base (T-Mount) (VL/VH Mount) n (F Mount) Kit 18HE 24HE 33HE 43HE 8 Add “B” Interchange Base Worm Reducer Size 1.75" CD 2.06" CD* 2.38" CD* 2.38" CD 2.62" CD* 3.00" CD* 3.25" CD* 3.25" CD 3.75" CD* 4.25" CD* 4.25" CD 5.25" CD* 6.00" CD* * A “B” Base is required to mount accessories to base units for retrofit to larger center distance worm reducers. n VL & VH bases must be installed at Factory. Accessory kits will be assembled to a reducer at no charge upon request. Contact Factory for details. E185005.00 E185010.00 E185015.00 E185015.00 E185020.00 E185121.00 E185025.00 E185025.00 E185026.00 E185030.00 E185030.00 E185035.00 E185040.00 E185717.00 --E185017.00 ---E185027.00 --E185032.00 --- E185132.00 E185133.00 E185734.00 E185134.00 E185135.00 E185136.00 -E185137.00 -E185138.00 E185738.00 E185139.00 E185140.00 E185753.00 E185454.00 E185152.00 E185754.00 Cross Reference Reference Cross e Grove Gear Ironman High Efficiency Series gear reducers are designed to be dimensional and functional replacements of most worm reducer brands. This chart is meant to be a quick reference guide only. For specific dimensions and ratings of brands listed below, consult manufacturer’s catalog information. Baldor Boston Morse (Browning) Raider Dodge Tigear-2 Falk Omnibox B18HE B21HE B23HE B24HE B26HE B30HE B32HE B33HE B38HE B42HE B43HE B52HE B60HE S918 S921 S924 S924 S926 S930 S932 S932 S938 --S952 S960 718 721 724 724 726 730 732 732 738 --752 760 175U 206U 237U 237U 262U 300U 325U 325U 375U --516U 600U 17S 20S 23S 23S 26S 30S --35S 40S 40S 47S -- 1175WB 1206WB 1238WB 1238WB 1262WB 1300WB 1325WB 1325WB -1425WB 1425WB 1525WB 1600WB BM18HE BM21HE BM23HE BM24HE BM26HE BM30HE BM32HE BM33HE BM38HE BM42HE BM43HE BM52HE BM60HE LF918 LF912 LF924 LF924 LF926 LF930 LF932 LF932 FL938 ----- RF718 RF721 RF724 RF724 RF726 RF730 RF732 RF732 RF738 --RF752 RF760 175C 206C 237C 237C 262C 300C 325C 325C 375C --516C 600C 17A 20A 23A 23A 26A 30A --35A 40A 40A 47A -- 1175WBF 1206WBF 1238WBF 1238WBF 1262WBF 1230WBF 1325WBF 1325WBF -1425WBF 1425WBF 1525WBF 1600WBF BMQ18HE BMQ21HE BMQ23HE BMQ24HE BMQ26HE BMQ30HE BMQ32HE BMQ33HE BMQ38HE BMQ42HE BMQ43HE BMQ52HE BMQ60HE F918 F921 F924 F924 F926 F930 F932 F932 F928 ----- F718 F721 F724 F724 F726 F730 F732 F732 F738 --F752 F760 175Q 206Q 237Q 237Q 262Q 300Q 325Q 325Q 375Q --516Q 600Q 17Q 20Q 23Q 23Q 26Q 30Q --35Q 40Q 40Q 47Q -- 1175WBM 1206WMB 1238WBM 1238WBM 1262WBM 1300WBM 1325WBM 1325WBM -1425WBM 1425WBM 1525WBM 1600WBM H18HE H21HE H23HE H24HE H26HE H30HE H32HE H33HE H38HE H42HE H43HE H52HE H60HE HS918 HS912 HS924 HS924 HS926 HS930 HS932 HS932 HS938 ----- H718 H721 H724 H724 H726 H730 H732 H732 H738 ----- 175UH 206UH 237UH 237UH 262UH 300UH 325UH 325UH 375UH --516UH 600UH 17SH 20SH 23SH 23SH 26SH 30SH --35SH 40SH 40SH 47SH -- 1175WBQ 1206WBQ 1238WBQ 1238WBQ 1262WBQ 1300WBQ 1325WBQ 1325WBQ -1425WBQ 1425WBQ 1525WBQ 1600WBQ HM18HE HM21HE HM23HE HM24HE HM26HE HM30HE HM32HE HM33HE HM38HE HM42HE HM43HE HM52HE HM60HE HLF918 HLF921 HLF924 HLF924 HLF926 HLF930 HLF932 HLF932 HLF938 ----- HRF718 HRF721 HRF724 HRF724 HRF726 HRF730 HRF732 HRF732 HRF738 ----- 175CH 206CH 237CH 237CH 262CH 300CH 325CH 325CH 375CH --516CH 600CH 17AH 20AH 23AH 23AH 26AH 30AH --35AH 40AH 40AH 47AH -- 1175WBQF 1206WBQF 1238WBQF 1238WBQF 1262WBQF 1300WBQF 1325WBQF 1325WBQF -1425WBQF 1425WBQF 1525WBQF 1600WBQF HMQ18HE HMQ21HE HMQ23HE HMQ24HE HMQ26HE HMQ30HE HMQ32HE HMQ33HE HMQ38HE HMQ42HE HMQ43HE HMQ52HE HMQ60HE HF918 HF921 HF924 HF924 HF926 HF930 HF932 HF932 HF938 ----- HF718 HF721 HF724 HF724 HF726 HF730 HF732 HF732 HF738 ----- 175QH 206QH 237QH 237QH 262QH 300QH 325QH 325QH 375QH --516QH 600QH 17QH 20QH 23QH 23QH 26QH 30QH --35QH 40QH 40QH 47QH -- 1175WBQM 1206WBQM 1238WBQM 1238WBQM 1262WBQM 1300WBQM 1325WBQM 1325WBQM -1425WBQM 1425WBQM 1525WBQM 1600WBQM For overlapping units, determine torque and dimensional requirements. 43HE 33HE 43HE 33HE 43HE 33HE 43HE 33HE 43HE 33HE 43HE 33HE Grove Gear Style HMQ 24HE 18HE Grove Gear Style HM 24HE 18HE Grove Gear Style H 24HE 18HE Grove Gear Style BMQ 24HE 18HE Grove Gear Style BM 24HE 18HE Grove Gear Style B 24HE 18HE Grove Gear 9 Dimensions Style HMQ, HM, H • Hollow Output Shaft (Inches) T MAX BORE 43HE 33HE 24HE 18HE Reducer Size A 18HE 21HE 23HE 24HE 26HE 30HE 32HE 33HE 38HE 42HE 43HE 52HE 60HE N/A 3.85 3.87 4.06 4.43 5.24 5.74 N/A 6.00 6.12 N/A 7.20 8.14 AE AG B N/A 2.75 5.50 5.84 5.86 6.28 7.11 3.13 6.25 8.11 8.49 N/A 3.75 7.50 10.00 10.25 N/A 4.75 9.50 13.00 14.50 C CD D D1t N/A 5.75 2.51 2.06 2.28 2.50 N/A 2.94 6.94 3.26 2.50 3.25 3.50 N/A 9.38 3.68 3.50 3.88 4.44 N/A 11.38 5.96 4.44 5.31 6.50 F F1t N/A 2.75 2.88 2.88 N/A 3.38 2.88 4.00 4.00 N/A 4.00 4.75 5.00 N/A 5.00 5.81 6.38 G G1t N/A 1.38 1.44 1.44 N/A 1.69 1.44 2.00 2.00 N/A 2.00 2.38 2.50 N/A 2.50 2.91 3.19 H H1t N/A 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 N/A 3/8-16 3/8-16 7/16-14 7/16-14 N/A 7/16-14 1/2-13 5/8-11 N/A 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 I J 4.25 4.190 4.88 5.00 6.15 7.50 8.36 8.50 J1t N/A 5.00 5.00 N/A 6.38 7.00 7.50 N/A 8.50 8.50 N/A 11.00 12.75 K K1t N/A 2.09 2.50 2.50 N/A 3.19 2.50 3.50 3.75 N/A 3.75 4.25 4.25 N/A 5.00 5.50 6.38 L 4.88 5.13 5.31 5.50 6.31 6.88 7.44 6.75 8.38 9.56 7.63 9.56 10.69 -0.0000 +0.0015 M 1.44 2.13 2.75 2.00 2.81 3.44 4.00 2.07 3.70 4.88 2.07 4.00 5.00 1.438 1.500 2.188 3.438 t Dimensions refer to “B Base” mounted to Size 18HE, 24HE, 33HE & 43HE reducer. STYLE BM LQ LQ1 H(4) TAPPED HOLES TOP RQ I J K L1 BORE DIA. LM LM1 BF,(4) HOLES BD AK DIA. U DIA. AJ SQ. INPUT KEY CD (2) HOLES 3/8-16 UNC C 2 SETSCREWS EACH END 120° APART T MAX BORE K1 J1 B H1(4) TAPPED HOLES BOTTOM G G1 AE F F1 A AG STANDARD HOLLOW O/P SHAFT N P USEABLE T DIA O 10 SQ. INPUT KEY M U DIA. BE BE1 D STYLE B L W DIA. D1 BE BE1 SOLID O/P SHAFT CL OF GEARBOX INPUT N P USEABLE T DIA O* Style BMQ, BM, B • Solid Output Shaft Model (Inches) 0.750 0.875 0.875 1.000 1.250 0.875 1.250 3/16 sq X 1-1/4 1.94 3/16 sq X 1-1/8 1/4 sq X 1-1/2 1/4 sq X 1-3/4 1/4 sq X 1-1/2 1/4 sq X 1-3/4 1/4 sq X 2-1/4 3/16 sq X 1-1/2 1.94 Reducer Size 3/16 sq. X 1-1/2 18HE 0.750 W O/P key Style (B,BM,BMQ) 24HE 0.625 I/P key Style (B,BM) 5/16 sq X 2-3/8 2.62 3/8 sq X 2-1/2 1/2 sq X 3-1/4 1/2 sq X 2-1/2 1/4 sq. X 2-1/4 3/16 sq X 1-1/2 1/4 sq X 2-1/4 1/4 sq X 3 4.25 33HE 18HE 21HE 23HE 24HE 26HE 30HE 32HE 33HE 38HE 42HE 43HE 52HE 60HE U -0.0000 +0.0015 43HE 43HE 33HE 24HE 18HE Reducer Size 1/2 sq X 3-1/2 18HE 21HE 23HE 24HE 26HE 30HE 32HE 33HE 38HE 42HE 43HE 52HE 60HE T N 4.31 4.69 5.14 5.14 5.63 6.75 7.06 7.06 7.75 8.12 8.12 9.06 10.00 O 1.38 1.76 2.21 1.77 2.25 3.38 3.69 3.06 3.75 4.12 3.06 4.00 4.94 O* 1.34 1.72 2.17 1.69 2.18 3.30 3.64 3.00 3.69 4.03 3.00 3.94 4.88 P 1.13 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.81 3.31 2.56 3.56 3.56 +0.0000 -0.0015 0.875 1.000 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.250 1.375 1.375 1.625 1.875 1.875 2.000 2.250 Motor Mounting Dimensions NEMA Dimensions (Inches) RQ 56/140 RQ 180/210/ 250 18HE LQ1 LQ 180TC/210TC/ 56/140TC 250TC 5.32 7.57 N/A 4.44 N/A 3.88 N/A 24HE LM1 LM 180TC/ 56/140TC 210TC 5.51 7.76 8.76 4.63 5.06 4.07 4.56 33HE L1 All 6.75 9.00 10.00 5.57 6.33 5.01 5.83 43HE Reducer Size 18HE 21HE 23HE 24HE 26HE 30HE 32HE 33HE 38HE 42HE 43HE 52HE 60HE 7.63 9.88 10.88 6.45 7.21 5.89 6.71 NEMA Dimensions (Inches) Frame 48CZ 56C 140TC 180TC 210TC 250TC AJ 3.75 5.88 5.88 7.25 7.25 7.25 AK 3.00 4.50 4.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 BD 4.36 6.50 6.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 BE 0.38 0.38 0.38 N/A N/A N/A BE1 Bore Dia. Keywayu N/A .500 1/8 X 1/16 N/A .625 3/16 X 3/32 N/A .875 3/16 X 3/32 0.50 1.125 1/4 X 1/8 0.50 1.375 5/16 X 5/32 0.50 1.625 3/8 X 3/16 BF 0.28 0.41 0.41 0.53 0.53 0.53 u Keyway width by depth 11 A Regal Brand Grove Gear Union Grove, Wisconsin 53182 PH: 262-878-1221 FAX: 262-878-1968 © 2012 Regal-Beloit Corporation 7304G-SK/8-12/2.5K/TRAVER Printed on 10% Recycled Paper
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