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PAGE 5 You Are Invited To Join Second Innings PAGE 8 Hospital Liaison Officer - Bev Modlin PAGE 7 Protected Employment NY Marathon PAGES 10 Enrich Your Life Programme 2015 NEWS for our friends Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE REFRESH! A Message From Our Chairman A NEW APPROACH TO OLD CHALLENGES In searching for the right words to explain current thinking and transformation at the Chev, we checked the dictionary definition of refresh and found that it means... “give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate; revitalize; revive; restore; energize”... Being a computer-age term, it also means “to cause an updated version of (something to appear on a c o m p u t e r screen)” - F5 on your keyboard. redefining our financial reporting systems and reinventing the way we dispense assistance. In addition to consolidating and aligning our services, we are also adopting proactive positions in anticipation of community needs and benchmarking our services against the highest international standards. FACELIFTS: OUR PARENT’S HOME When Kirsty Ross’s uncle, Harold Hockman, passed away suddenly last year, Kirsty (seen here with husband Brendan and children) decided she wanted to do something wonderful for the Chev in his memory. Harold was the first person to join our World of Work protected employment programme in 2002. In this edition of Chevrah News we share with our readers the many ways in which the Chev is building a new legacy in order to leave a great one for future generations. Physically, we are performing facelifts, upgrading, renovating and maintaining our facilities. Financially, we are revolutionising our fundraising structures; The Chev in Numbers R16 795 000 Amount paid annually for municipal charges - water, rates, electricity etc. 11 400 Number of routine maintenance jobs done each year I am pleased to have this opportunity to talk to you about living and leaving legacies. The topic fits in well with the theme of refreshing and renewing the Chev, and is at the very heart of what we are trying to accomplish. 224 Number of security cameras in place throughout Organisation 1440 Number of smoke detectors throughout Sandringham Gardens plus 10km of cabling Throughout my Chairmanship I have felt a great appreciation for the wonderful legacy that our current Board of Governors inherited from the generations that preceded us. Not only did they give us our culture of lasting Jewish values: compassion, integrity, commitment and more – they also gave us our physical infrastructure of paid-up properties and debt-free institutions. That is no small achievement and it enabled us to focus our energies on the immediate challenges of meeting operational costs to support those in need. As our CEO and Management teams work tirelessly to care for the community every day, we simultaneously have our eyes on the future goal of leaving our own sustainable legacy for the generations that succeed us. A legacy that will, please G-d, ensure the available resources to help those unable to help themselves. Just as the legacy left to us was a lifeline, so too should be the one we leave 1 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE Continued from front page 1 From a long list of priority facilities projects identified by our Operations team, Kirsty chose the ground floor of Our Parents Home. Only months later, on 2nd December, a cocktail party was held at the Home to celebrate the official “opening” of the beautifully refurbished entrance, lounge and dining room. All participants were invited, including donors, suppliers and service providers who had either contributed their time and expertise pro bono, or offered free or hugely discounted prices on paint, carpeting, wallpaper, curtaining and furniture. “Kirsty’s energy and determination was inspiring” said COO Corene Breedt, who worked closely with her to complete the project. “And the results speak for themselves – the residents are delighted!” to tomorrow’s community leaders. What’s most important is that the Chev should always be able to fulfil its mandate and that no Jews should ever find themselves with nowhere to turn for help. Wishing you and your families a Chag Kosher v’Sameach – a joyous and happy Pesach! COLIN DATNOW And to prove that you’re never too young to be socially aware, 11 year old Gabriella Rosen responded to Kirsty’s appeal for project support by posting a video ( com/watch?v=v88UpucQwsc) challenging all other Bar and Bat Mitzvah children worldwide to do as she had done: choose to forego (or downgrade) a celebratory party in preference to donating the costs to charity. Ultimately Gabriella and her parents, Michelle and Brian, bought 150 new dining room chairs, new furniture for the bridge room and library and new curtaining throughout the ground floor. Contractor, Brian Abrahamson, donated his team’s time free of charge, Jacks Paint provided all the paint and interior decorator, Dominique, was onsite to offer advice. Michelle Rosen, a photography hobbyist, did a magnificent series of black and white photographs of residents and their families which adorn the long corridor from the entrance to the dining room, and presented the pictures on disk as gifts for them. As always, Norman and Michael Stein stepped up to assist with last-minute funding for the project. When the dust settled, the front entrance had been rebuilt, the entire ground floor area had been re-carpeted and painted and new furniture installed. A huge flat screen TV, reception desk, creative lighting, artwork and a state of the art sound system completed the job. Dr Hilton Price lives in St Louis, Missouri in the USA and recently visited his mother, a resident of Our Parents Home for the past 3 years. He said, “When my mom first came into the Home my sister and I had some issues with the accommodation and care, but our complaints have been taken to heart and each year when I visit I see great improvements. Now that my mom has to go into the Sunshine Circle, I am reassured again: the place is beautiful, clean and attractive and the care is of a high standard. Overall there has been very positive progress during Michael Sieff’s tenure!” 2 Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 SANDRINGHAM GARDENS print but already we can see that the décor is classic, the colours soothing and elegant, the ambiance timeless. From floor to ceiling, everything will have been revamped. Two large multi-functional universal bathrooms (flat-level flooring) have been installed and soon new medical equipment and furnishings will be in place. Even the linen and dining area will be tasteful and consistent throughout the Unit. “It is our intention to refurbish this entire facility,” said CEO Michael Sieff. But anyone familiar with Sandringham Gardens will know that’s an ambitious plan. With its 3 floors and 9 wings, the building is enormous. “The only way we can do it is section by section in manageable, bitesized chunks as part of our donor-driven prioritised facilities projects”. A generous benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous has recently provided the funds to launch this massive project. Builders and interior decorators were brought in to renovate Unit 3D, one of Sandringham Gardens’ 4 Frail Care units. The unit consists of 6 rooms and a total of 22 beds (5 rooms with 4 beds and one with 2). Outside each unit is a small dining area and residents are encouraged to leave their rooms for meals for a change of scenery. 3D will likely reach completion soon after this publication goes to Ridding the facility of its disjointed, institutionalised, hospital environment and making the rooms less sterile and more comforting and functional - with cupboards next to the beds and notice-boards nearby for personal family photos – will help to make the Unit feel more like home for those who are there long-term. 3D will be the model upon which future renovations are based in order to achieve a flow of harmonious colours and a theme throughout the Home. Although the process will be gradual, an elegant, Chevbranded look and feel will emerge, one section at a time. Having developed a blueprint, anyone wanting to assist with sponsorship for the renovation of a wing or unit, will now have a visual example and projected costs to go on. “Every cent of this project was donor-driven” said Saul Tomson, the Chev’s Chief Revenue Officer, “over and above regular donations for welfare and operating costs.” CARE OF THE AGED From the Desk of Group CEO MICHAEL SIEFF It’s been 5 years since I joined the Chev as CEO. Looking back through the wide lens of hindsight, I am gratified to see just how much refreshing the Organisation has undergone. From the start, my mandate and strategy has been to focus on alignment and consolidation for the purpose of sustainability. In his letter our Chairman addresses the crucial responsibility we have to plan for the future and to ensure a viable Chev legacy. That is not a quick fix, but I see it happening daily through the concerted efforts of our Board, Exco team, Management and staff. As you read through this Chevrah News you will see for yourselves the positive progress and evolvement that has taken place. It is evident in the transformation of our residential facilities and the well-defined plans in place for restoration, maintenance and refurbishment. Over R10 million has been spent on this project to date, driven by donor funds over and above commitments to welfare. The to-do list, understandably dynamic, still stands at more than R40 million. It is evident in the consolidation of services such as Finkelstein TLC into Selwyn Segal; the divestment of properties remote and financially draining, and the alignment of all facets of our rapidlygrowing protected employment division. It is evident in the reinvention of our fundraising structures and practices and the streamlining of our financial budgeting, reporting, and welfare distribution. The work of our Social Services professionals reflects the highest international standards, and the department’s outreach programmes, like Marriage Week and Enrich your Life, are eagerly embraced. Most of all, it is evident in the standard of care we strive to provide to those who depend upon us. This is a work in progress and with vision, projection and careful planning, already charted, the next five years will please G-d offer enhanced security and clarity to the community we serve. As we continue the sacred work of this 126 year old Organisation – one of a kind in the entire world – we do so with energy, dedication and an enlightened, refreshing approach. And we do so with you, our encouraging and supportive partners! I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2015 and chag kasher v’sameach MICHAEL SIEFF 3 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE FINKELSTEIN TLC’s MOVE When staff and FTLC students and their families attended the year-end celebration in 2014, there were a number of items on the programme. One was to bid a very fond farewell to Headmistress, Caron Levy, who had been at the helm of the school since the Chev incorporated it under its wing in 2005. Caron’s service has been exemplary – dedicated and professional. She will be missed by both her students and colleagues. The other important item was to introduce everyone to FTLC’s new location from 2015. Two bright, colourful classrooms and a well-equipped stimulation room (our version of a snoezelen) have been set up on the Selwyn Segal campus. The outside playground features a trampoline and variety of games, toys and bikes for fun and therapeutic stimulation. “This move is extremely positive for the children and will provide best opportunities to all FLTC learners for growth and development,” said Lijahne Beetge, GM of the Chev’s Disability Division, under whose supervision the school will now be run. “Their day to day education will be largely unchanged as their teachers have moved across with them, but here they will have the support of the whole Selwyn Segal team and will enjoy the benefit of all the additional services available.” “This transformation is a natural, inevitable progression and positive testament to the accomplishments of FTLC over the past ten years.” FTLC’s name and incredible legacy will be retained. Special thanks to the Selwyn Segal Gift Shop for their generous sponsorship of the refurbishment of FTLC. A HUGE MAZALTOV to the Selwyn Segal Gift Shop which was awarded 2nd place in the Star Readers Choice last year for best gift shop! This is a great and well-deserved achievement. Well done and thank you to all our wonderful staff and volunteers! 4 Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN SECOND INNINGS If you’re 60 or older, active, independent and interested in socialising and learning, you would enjoy being part of our exciting Second Innings programme. Initiated almost 20 years ago by the Chev Social Services division, the programme has been very successful, providing enjoyable, educational and stimulating activities. Its membership today exceeds 250 regular participants. Three Sunday mornings a month a Tea and Talk takes place at the Gerald Horwitz Lounge in Golden Acres. There is either a guest speaker or another form of entertainment. “The standard of our guest speakers is remarkable. They are chosen for their relevance to our members and their expert knowledge,” said Glynne Zackon, Chev Social Services GM. “Each one is an authority in his or her field and members and visitors are consistently enlightened and enriched!” Here are some of the highlights: • Mandy Wiener, Eyewitness News reporter “Behind the Door: the Oscar Pistorius Trial” • Brenda Lasersohn, Clinical Psychologist “The Healthy Ageing Brain: Inspire to Re-wire” • Prof. Adriano Duse, Head of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Wits - “Superbug: Ebola West Africa 2014” • Tony Bentel, pianist, actor, musician extraordinaire - “Tony Bentel Plays Again” A number of day-time outings are arranged to sites of cultural and historical interest, nature reserves, flower farms and other interesting places which are selected for their significance, accessibility, proximity to Johannesburg and reasonable cost. In February there was a visit to Doonholm Herb Farm, a wholesale farm in Midrand, with a guided tour by renowned gardening personality and owner, Doug Watson. In March members went to “The View” on Parktown Ridge, the only remaining mansion of Randlord, Thomas Cullinan (of diamond mine fame), for a guided tour by the Transvaal Scottish Regiment, who refurbished the mansion some years ago. The cherry on the top for many members may well be the quarterly trip to the theatre - usually Montecasino or Mandela Theatre on Sunday evenings. Group bookings yield very reasonable prices and the standard of theatre is seldom disappointing. At the end of 2014 Second Innings was fortunate to get very inexpensive tickets to the world-famous production of War Horse at the Teatro. And more recently members attended Pieter Toerien’s Main Theatre at Montecasino to enjoy a hilarious show by Alan Committie entitled “Sound of Laughter”. Kate Turkington (centre), well-known radio personality & travel writer, with Selwyn Klass and Grecia Gabriel. SECOND INNINGS COSTS Annual membership fees are R150 for individuals and R200 for couples. Entrance fee for Sunday Tea and Talk meetings is R20 per person for members and R30 for visitors (who are always welcome). Light refreshments are Throughout the year interest groups meet to engage in their preferred activities: exercise, Israeli dancing, scrabble, walking, book discussions and a group conferring on themes of interest. The year-end function is always a highlight event celebrating good friendships and an inspirational, rewarding programme. A comprehensive quarterly newsletter keeps members informed of the extensive activities on offer and provides news about the members. Contact Linda Fleishman on 011 532 9616 for further details. included. Costs for outings vary as do coach transport costs. DON’T HESITATE! CHANGING! THIS COULD BE LIFE- 5 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE A HIVE OF PROGRESS AND ACTIVITY Over the past 5 years this department has evolved, consolidated and achieved great things! Until recently the Kadimah Occupational Centre – a multiracial non-denominational workshop established over 35 years ago and incorporated into the Chev in 2008, and the World of Work programme, in which workers are employed within the Organisation, were separate entities run in different locations. Kadimah ran from its premises in Berea and it was not until the beginning of 2014 that it moved to a consolidated Protected Employment centre on the campus of Our Parents’ Home in Gardens. The official opening of its new premises was held in December 2014 and many supporters were invited. Special tribute was paid to the late Willie Miller who was Chairman and Hon Life President of Kadimah for close to 30 years. Working for Kadimah was a true labour of love for Willie. In the picture his two sons, Roy and Michael, and granddaughter Ora, frame the plaque erected in Willie’s honour. JOZI FORUM The Chev Protected employment team was at the forefront of establishing a national forum for Protected Workshops in the Johannesburg region under the MEC of Social Development, Ms. Faith Muzibuko. Its vision is to develop these Workshops (which include Selwyn Segal and Kadimah workshops) for the benefit of their clients and beneficiaries by sharing ideas and teaching skills. The launch was held at Forest Farm Centre, William Nicol in October 2014 and was attended by the MEC and some 400 guests representing their Workshops. As part of the Jozi Forum initiative, the Dept. of Social Development allocated funds to Chev Protected Employment to roll out a project for 57 Protected Workshops. This involves providing training and equipment to knit beanies, scarves and other items which would then be sold to raise funds for the Workshops. Tracy Mayhew, Protected Emploment GM, and her team purchased 6,475 balls of wool and 1,086 sets of looms and set about delivering and training. 6 Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 OUR PROTECTED EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT RUNNING THE NY MARATHON Recent successes for Kadimah include a partnership with Achilles International, a running programme for people with disabilities. Dennis Taubakin, who manages Achilles, gave 2 disabled Kadimah workers the opportunity to run in the New York Marathon in November 2014. He trained the runners himself and the winners, Buthi Murule and Vincent Gwebu, competed for their spots against 8 other contestants. The World of Work graduation event was celebrated with great excitement in December when over 100 workers received certificates for their hard work and progress in different Chev departments: It was an incredible experience for these two young men, neither of whom had ever been on a plane or travelled anywhere, least of all to the bustling metropolis of New York City! Dennis wrote to Tracy Mayhew, GM of our Protected Employment department, from NY after the race: “It was a very cold day today with subzero wind gusting through the roads. All the teams did very well, and finished. They ran with volunteers who took good care of them all the way. Both Buti and Vincent are pretty stiff but are very happy wearing their medals I am very proud of them both!” MAKING MEMORIES MEANINGFUL All children deserve to be able to collect wonderful family memories growing up - memories of annual holiday rituals, birthday parties and special occasions; learning to ride a bike, dance, play an instrument or bask in the praise of parents and siblings when achievements are celebrated. The needs of the children are personalised and their talents, whether in sport or the arts, are developed. They are “parented” and encouraged to make friends and to spend time with them at their homes or at Arcadia. “It’s most definitely not a case of one size fits all – there’s nothing institutional about Arcadia and the focus is firmly on the individual. Each child is placed in a school that meets their specific educational and social needs – even though it means we have to deliver and collect them from 9 different schools each day!” But children in Arcadia too often come to us with sad and frightening “As much as it’s Arcadia’s responsibility to feed, memories of life at home. “As much clothe, educate and care for our children, it’s also our responsibility to normalise their worlds and Two matriculants graduated last year. They both as it’s Arcadia’s responsibility to to influence negative childhood experiences by did extremely well and are off to further their feed, clothe, educate and care for our creating opportunities for them to collect positive studies in different fields. When it came time to children,” says GM, Adina Menhard, memories.” prepare for their matric dances, the girls fitted “it’s also our responsibility to normalise right in! Hairdressers, manicurists and make-up artists volunteered their worlds and to influence negative childhood experiences by their time and they wore stunning dresses. Just like all the other creating opportunities for them to collect positive memories.” matric girls, they looked and felt like princesses! That’s why Arcadia’s care and youth care workers do their best to We’ve all heard the expression: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child. In attend parent-teachers evenings, year-end functions, sports events, Arcadia’s case, it takes our amazing Jewish community to do that. school plays and prize-giving ceremonies. It’s why milestones “It’s important to know that Arcadia doesn’t do this alone”, said CEO like Bar and Bat mitzvahs are honoured with simple but beautiful Michael Sieff. “We could not cope without the functions to which family, friends and volunteers are invited. It’s support of our generous community. Volunteers not often that Arcadia’s children are actually orphans in the literal take the children on planned outings, visit, sense and family preservation is important, so Arcadia keeps the mentor and support them. They are our village”. kids in touch with their family members wherever possible. 7 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE OUR HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICER BEV MODLIN Can you imagine how lost and frightened a patient may feel in a big and busy hospital - especially if they’re elderly, alone, disabled or disorientated? The Chev can. That’s why Bev Modlin, a qualified, ICU-trained Nursing Sister with many years of experience, has been employed since 2008 to provide that essential liaison between patients and the world around them. It often happens that residents of the various Chev facilities such as Our Parents Home, Sandringham Gardens, Selwyn Segal, Sandringham Lodge, etc. are transferred to off-site hospitals for surgeries or treatments that are beyond the scope of the Sandringham Garden’s Medical Centre. While away from their homes these patients may feel anxious, alienated and lonely with no-one to talk to and no one to talk for them. Bev visits her patients daily, sometimes driving to as many as six hospitals in a day. “I love my work” she says. “My job is to make their stay in hospital as comfortable and non-threatening as possible. I act as the intermediary between patients and their doctors, their families and the healthcare services of the Chevrah Group. They often have no family here. I am their voice and make sure they understand what’s going on.” Bev is responsible for reporting back daily to the Chev medical staff. She facilitates the signing of consent forms when residents are unable to sign and have no family to do so, and examines patient charts to assess their condition and progress so that she can inform the doctors and matrons at the Homes. “I do whatever a loving daughter would do for them,” she explains. Most of all, Bev ensures that her patients are being welltreated. “I have to be diplomatic and humble in my dealings with State hospital nursing staff in order to earn their trust and respect so that they will co-operate with me.” But she has seen a definite 8 improvement in levels of care over the years “…they see there is someone around who is concerned with the patient’s wellbeing”. She gets emotional as she tells the story of an old woman in very poor health who was put onto a ventilator in hospital. She was unresponsive and comatose. “I spoke to her, just in case she could hear me, and told her that there were people around her who loved and cared for her. To my astonishment I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. She heard me! And she recovered.” Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 NORMAN & MICHAEL STEIN OUR PARTNERS ON MAINTENANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY PROJECTS Our front page story describes the refurbishment of Our Parents Home, and the Stein family certainly came to that party! But neither could the Chev afford to delay maintenance and upgrading any longer and the plan was launched in September 2013 with the aim of carrying out urgent projects that address the need to upgrade ageing Chev buildings, acquire much-needed vehicles, install new generators, and so on. But that’s not the only sustainability project they’ve been involved with. In fact, they are the Chev’s steadfast and committed partners in facilities sustainability. Long-time friends and supporters of the Chev, Norman and Michael Stein are Lifetime Platinum Pillars donors. This generous, dedicated father and son team, seen here with COO Corene Breedt outside Our Parents Home, have personally funded a large number of projects over the years and recruited people “in the business” to help, over and above their regular commitments to welfare support. “Naturally we cannot afford for our Pillars donors to reroute their funding,” says CEO Michael Sieff. “We still need to feed, house and provide health care to our 1,000 residents and many more welfare recipients. This has to be a separate initiative”. More than R10 million has been spent to date and the ever-changing to-do list still stands at more than R40 million. In addition to that list there is the hope that the Chev can stay ahead of the game and ensure long term sustainability by implementing cost saving strategies like energy saving, improving payroll efficiency and enhancing communication strategies in IT and telecoms that will ultimately improve efficiencies. While R50m is a lot of money, careful planning and having the right people on board, will make it manageable. Our sincere thanks to the Stein family for partnering with us! A LIFE TOUCHED BY... Arcadia and Golden Acres Mary Hill is tiny, funny, immaculately groomed and has just celebrated her 100th birthday! Her mind is razor-sharp and she walks briskly, unaided. Mary makes her own bed every morning and showers by herself. Her only problem is that her eyesight is no longer good. To counter that, she gets her literature on Tapes for the Blind and commends the efficiency of their delivery and collections. She tells me that she’s not a “party girl”; that “a sense of humour is a necessary part of life” and cautions that during our interview she’ll be “keeping her secrets to herself”. Born Mary Rovinsky on 4th February 1915 in Johannesburg, she says her amazing longevity and good health is inherited. “I have good genes!” Her mother lived into her nineties and all of her sisters, (two of whom spent their last years at Golden Acres and the other at Sandringham Gardens) lived well into their 80’s with one making it to 102. Good genes indeed! From age five, Mary spent ten years in Arcadia Jewish Children’s Home with her little sister, then three. “We were four girls and my father had passed away during the flu epidemic of 1918. My mother couldn’t afford to keep us all at home, so the youngest two were sent to Arcadia.” How was that for her? “Wonderful!” she exclaims. “We were very happy in Arcadia. We were fed, clothed, educated, cared for and even allowed to go home for a visit once a month.” At the time there were over 200 children in the residence. Good genes may explain her advanced age, but looking at her outfit, styled hair and carefully applied make-up, it’s easy to detect her strength of character, resolve and independence. Mary’s quality of life is sustained by these attributes. The cherry on the top is her positive outlook. “I’m happy in Golden Acres,” she says, “life has been good to me.” That may be true, but her contentment has more to do with attitude than anything else. Her life has not always been easy. One of her three sons, Bernard (obm) contracted diphtheria and tragically passed away at age four. She worked hard to help provide for her family from the age of 15 and after her marriage to Israel Hill in 1940 moved to Botswana with him where they ran a trading store for 20 years. It was the one time she confesses to being unhappy: the heat was oppressive and her children were far away in Herber House. Finally, they moved back to Johannesburg and bought a home in Highlands North. One son, Stanley, qualified as a dentist and lives in London where he worked until he retired and Lionel lives here and is in the hardware business. To her delight, Mary’s family came from Australia and England to celebrate her 100 year young party on 8th February. May she continue to spread light and joy for many years to come. It was an honour to meet her. Happy Birthday Mary! 9 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE Common Cents Applying Science To Welfare Distribution Rabbi Jonathan Fox, who has a degree in actuarial science and statistics, supervises the decision-making process when it comes to dispensing welfare. He has implemented a model that adds scientific criteria to the existing compassion in order to make the process evenhanded and more efficient. “Accurate assessment of the needs of recipients is essential because, for obvious reasons, under-providing could be disastrous for them,” he says. “On the other hand, over-providing may disincentivise them from striving for independence, which is counter to healthy objectives and would be prejudicial to our donors.” Analytical financial tools are being used effectively to assist in providing quite an accurate picture of the needs of each individual or family unit. The financial model estimates basic living costs depending on: • the number of people in household • the demographics of those people • the cost of living: medical requirements, accommodation, food, education, transport, telephones, etc. But, having said that, we all know that providing for people in need is not an exact science. Our Financial Assistance team, led by Shirley Resnick, has a combined experience of 60 years and is well aware that each case is unique and that individual circumstances must be taken into account. We call that the humane factor. 10 Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 GRANT THORNTON’S GRACIOUS GIFT Grant Thornton is celebrating its 95th birthday this year. For 90 of those years, this premier firm has been responsible for the Chev’s annual audit. Now, Grant Thornton has joined the ranks of our Pillars donors with the exalted status of Lifetime Platinum. Their pledge will be honoured by providing time and professional expertise auditing all 8 sets of books for every division within the Chev. belief in supporting causes that sustain and grow SA communities. Under his leadership, Grant Thornton is committed to contributing 2% of its fees to charitable institutions, and over one-third of that figure goes specifically to Jewish causes, mainly in kind and some in cash. With the Chev’s rapid growth over the past 10 years and the many organisations that were incorporated under its banner, CEO Michael Sieff encouraged the alignment of audits, bringing them all under Grant Thornton’s management. Coupled with Grant Thornton’s own incredible growth and its merge with PKF in 2013, this collaboration between our organisations has become increasingly meaningful and valuable over the passage of time. “Grant Thornton flies the Chevrah flag with pride, humility and appreciation for the wonderful work they do,” Pamela says. The CSI (Corporate Social Investment) team is headed by Andrew together with Pamela and Jenny Gillwald. They scrutinise all charitable candidates to ensure proper governance and the extent to which donor funds actually reach their beneficiaries. “We have a great sense of comfort in supporting the Chev because our research has shown it to be in the highest percentile when it comes to donor funds being properly used to support the people who need them”. “The merging of Grant Thornton and PKF brought together the two largest mid-tier firms in SA,” said Pamela Grayman, Partner and Grant Thornton’s head of marketing, communication and business development. “Both organisations have similar cultural philosophies and strong roots in the Jewish community: the late Julius Feinstein on the Grant Thornton side, and founding partner of PKF, Rupert Hoffman, on the other”. David Reuben, who heads Grant Thornton’s audit division, has been championing this donation of audits and allied services to the Chev for many years. “I am always impressed by the enthusiasm of our trainees to be on the Chev assignment,” he observes. “Regardless of their religion, they are fascinated by the way in which the Chev runs so much like a business, but with challenges of unpredictable income. There are no sales, no steady revenue, yet the organisation accomplishes so much!” The Chev too is humbled and deeply grateful to Grant Thornton for their magnificent support. “We get the highest level of professional service from this prestigious, award-winning firm, and it comes with a large measure of encouragement for the work we do,” said CFO Jacques Simmons. “This is a partnership in which our donors can feel totally secure”. Andrew Hannington, Grant Thornton Johannesburg CEO (the firm has 10 offices in SA and another 20 throughout Africa), has an ardent 11 AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY WELFARE Our Details NUMBERS TO KNOW: • Main Switchboard (011) 532 9600 • Residential Services (011) 532 9600 ext 9669 • Donations (011) 532 9752/9643/9667 • Gift Certificates (011) 532 9667/9757 • Westpark Cemetery (011) 673 2057/8 • Healthcare Services Outpatients Department (011) 483 7444 • Community Social Services (011) 532 9616 • E-cards and Gift Cards (011) 532 9698 Emergency Services: • 24-hour Helpline 082 499 1010 • Burial Services 24-hour standby (011) 321 0000 code 4284 or 083 704 3994 • Trauma Response 011 532 9616 or 0824991010 a/h WEBSITES BANK DETAILS Pesach • April 2015 • Volume 44 Biblical Bytes with Rabbi Fox REJEWVENATION In keeping with the theme of this Chev News, let’s talk about Rejewvenation. Many of us can picture in our mind’s eye the little child standing on the chair singing “Ma Nishtana” at the start of the Pesach Seder. As the child finishes the song with an extended final note (usually off key), the whole mishpocha erupts with a “Shkeyach” and a round of applause as though the child has just graduated cum laude. This tradition is an example of the great emphasis that we place on the youth during Pesach. G-d Himself fondly calls the Jewish people who left Egypt “a delightful child”. Just as a small child has perfect trust in his/her parents, so did the Jewish people show pure trust in G-d as they entered an ominous wilderness. Just as a young child is excited to discover life and the world, so were the Jewish people filled with enthusiasm and excitement about their future mission in the world. The underlying message of all of this is that Pesach is a time for us to rediscover and connect with that youthfulness within us all. It is that youth within us that can dream, it is that youth within us that has a pure faith in Hashem and it is that youth within us that can keep us so excited and enthused about every aspect of life. Chevrah Kadisha Standard Bank - Johannesburg Account Number - 000 154 253 Branch Code - 00 02 05 Use your full name as a reference Send proof to [email protected] 12 So much of Pesach is about youthfulness and new beginnings. Pesach is called the Festival of Spring, which is the time of newness in nature. A large focus of the Seder is on the children. And of course, Pesach celebrates the birth of the nation of Israel. So when we look into the eyes of that child singing “Ma nishtana”, let us look for that child within ourselves and renew our pure faith in G-d, our care for our fellow Jew and our enthusiasm for life. Lechayim! Editor: Tzivia Grauman, Head of Group Communications. [email protected]
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