swai{sea motor club - Swansea Motor Club
swai{sea motor club - Swansea Motor Club
SWAI{SEA MOTOR CLUB LIys y Fran Hillclimb 25thJulv 2oo4 No Name Club Car Prac 1 Prac 2 Run I Run 2 Class 1A Road Modified up to 1400cc. Excluding kiq replica and spaceframed. I 3 703 4 6 7 8 l0 Nick Stephens SteveEnglish Les English Colin Duncalf Clare Sullivan lvhke Cooper David West Anthony Bailey Westfield Peugeot106 Rallye 59.82 Hadry & District RoverMini Cooper 54.79 Hagley& District RoverMini Cooper 65.93 LDMC,Mini Cooper Mini Cooper 65.82 Mini CooperReg Austin Mini 59.17 Mini CooperReg kurocentiMini 53.65 Hagley& Drstrict AustinCooper'S' 54.61 SwanseaMC VauxhallTisa 59.49 58.00 53.1I 59.43 63.66 54.39 52.08 53.31 59.16 58.00 53.00 56.68 63.12 54.33 51.51 52.79 59.02 57.38 52.68 2n 56.30 61.33 53.85 51.39 lt' 53.88 57.93 Class 1B Road Modified 1400 cc up to 2000cc. Excluding kit, replica and spaceframed. 9 12 14 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 729 44 88 107 Alex Mihailois RichardClement PaulDavies JamieBurrell Roy Nicholls Andy Webber Gralnm Oxlvy David Wiltiams NeilWatkins David Marshall GarethGriffiths SteveKipping Dyrr Ardash TomPedersen BaryGower CleeveJenkins Daniel Whittington WynneJones Honda CRX SwanseaMC Peugeot205 Gti SwanseaMC Ammanford MC Renault Clio JaguarApp MC MazdaMX5 Sevenoaks & Dis Peugeot205 Sevenoaks& Dis Lotus Elan +2 Lotus DC/IVIidSpeed Lotus Elan 53 Gwendra€thMC Ford Escort2000 SwanseaMC Ford EscortRS2000 H,S,A & Mid Speed Peugeot205 Gti GwendraethMC RenaultWms Clio Nottingham SCC Peugeot205 Gti Haeley & District Peugeot106 Gti Bridgend MC Peugeot205 Gti Bri<tgendMC Peirgeot205 Gti BridgendMC Peugeot205 Gti Sevenoaks ToyotaMR2 HRCR Lotus Elan 63.73 s7.47 56.29 57.49 54.04 53.54 57.05 58.47 62.55 51.90 54.09 s8.72 53.93 58.05 56.87 62.07 59.43 55.52 59.45 55.85 55.86 56.l6 s2.90 52.99 s2.60 54.98 52.73 51.t2 53.49 57.60 52.9t 56.48 s6.22 58.31 58.03 53.62 57.30 55.87 55.46 55.I i 52.s7 52.39 s2.21 56.00 52.36 51.58 52.78 57.43 52.71 56.75 56.16 59.29 58.08 53.s3 57.44 55.96 55.07 54.45 52.49 s1.90 2"d J 52.38 ard 55.31 52.62 51.06 tFail 56.65 52.52 56.31 56.47 58.14 57.48 53.24 Class lC Road Modified Saloon& Sportscars over 2000cc. Excluding kit, replica & spaceframedcars 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 Andrew Meek David Wood Mike Bartlett David Balderson SimonBridge SteveRichards Jon Williams SwanseaMC MidlanCAC BARC Sevenoaks & Dis SubaruImpreza Forsche993 RS TVR Chimaera TVRTasmin rLS,A TVRGriffittr400 SwanseaMC SubaruImpreza CIub Alpine Renault Fiat Xl9 53.69 62.03 55.64 62.24 52.67 55.32 57.tt 52.41 57.01 55.03 58.92 5t.21 53.77 56.18 52.17 55.40 55.24 56.85 65.79 51.86 56.86 5r.79 2n" 54.21 55.09 54.35 50.56 l"' 53.14 56.13 Class lD Road Production & kit cars up to l400cc 42 Joy Hoyle H,S,A Rover25 TD 60.01 58.38 57.89 57.95 I't No Name Club Car Prac 1 Prac 2 Run 1 Run 2 \ \ Class 2A Road Modified, kits, replica & spaceframedcarsup to 1700cc 47 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Chris Jones Stuart Cardell Martin Parkes Roland Garratt Richard Green Adrian Galtress Mark Stanton Tim Ponington TimNrmn Brian Carter Kevin Bamber M,A,C &H,S,A BreconMC WesffieldSCC Westfield SCC Westfield SCC Wesdeld SCC WestfieldSCC Westfield SCC WestfieldSCC Welsh Courties CC Westfield SCC 50.78 51.78 53.26 58.20 55.75 53.53 55.99 51.5r 48.85 52.45 49.10 51.32 51.89 51.27 51.81 56.66 54.69 51.95 55.87 49.46 51.53 54.79 48.57 50.06 49,24 50.31 55.23 52.87 Fail 52.08 50.67 52.68 60.84 48.36 48.60 Irt 49.69 49.94 3d= 49.4 49.98 2d 50.35 50.65 54.55 56.30 52.58 51.62 51.92 51.74 52.53 52.63 50.11 50.21 rd50.75 49.69 aJ _ 51.54 50.28 WestfieldMegabird 56.54 WesffieldMegabusa 50.47 55.53 47.96 53.11 47.68 82.91 53.17 53.54 59.38 56.87 54.98 58.82 55.37 50.22 54.59 50.18 50.78 51.69 52.38 s6.47 53.60 54.1I 55.08 51.00 49.25 52.01 48.93 .rd J 50.90 52.53 53.32 56.64 54.48 53.44 56.50 55.53 49.34 s2.78 50.10 WesffieldSE Roadsport WestfieldSE DuttonB tlpe WestfieldSEW WestfieldSEI Wide WestfieldSEI W westfield sE WesffieldSE SylvaFury Westfield 1tt 20d Class 28 Road Modified, kiq replica and spaceframedcars over l700cc 60 6l 65 66 766 67 68 768 70 770 99 Ash Mason Barry Singsby Mike Allard GordonHick GwynJenkins Michael Smith JamesTumer Ray Tumer PeterBishop Alex Hoyle Keith Anderson Westfield SCC Westfield WestfteldSCC westfieldSEI WestfieldSCC WestfieldDucksport Ecurie Cymraeg ProcompLA Gold Ecurie Cymraeg ProcompLA Gold WestfieldSCC WestfieldSE WestfieldSCC wesdeld s Eight Westfield SCC WestfieldS Eight Westfield/Ivlid Speed WestfieldSEIW 11S,A WestfieldSEI W WestEeldSCC WestfieldSEIW Class 2C Road Modified - Kits plus (Motorcycle engines) 75 76 SteveBatchelor NickAlgar Westfield SCC WesffieldSCC 52.73 48.13 lo Class 3A Modifield Productioncars excludingkiq replica & spaceframedcars up to l400cc 78 79 80 8l 82 David Moss GrahamLloyd PeterFlills Giles Beck Nicholas Meakin BARC Wales Liverpool MC BARC Wales PembrokeMC SwanseaMC Rover Mini AustinMini Rover Mini FiatXl9 Austin Mini 54.51 56.01 50.48 53.11 64.70 54.91 52.82 49.33 51.06 62.07 53.1r 52.20 49.02 50.46 60.91 52.32 52.38 49.0r lt' -50.03 2"n 59.41 Class 3B Modified Production cars excludingkit, replica & spaceframedcars 1400ccto 2000cc 84 85 86 lll GarryFurber Paul Perkin Andrew Meyrick Ian Charles Ha$ey & District WelshCountiesCC SwanseaMC SwanseaMC Ford RS2000 Peugeot205 VauxhallChevette Ford Escort 50.58 50.32 56.40 52.64 51.04 49.85 54.75 50.29 48.81 49.49 54.53 50.66 Fail 49.44 53.86 50.01 Irt No Neme Club Car Pracl Prac2 Runl Run2 Class 3C Modified Production cars excludinght replica & spaceframedcars over 2000cc Class 3D Modified Production ht, replica & spacefrarnedcars up to 1800cc Class 3f, Modified Production ht, replica & spaceframedcars over l800cc 7l 9l 92 93 98 118 JohnTomlinson WestfieldSCC Kevin Cole SwanseaMC Brian Jones Bridgend RobNavin WestfieldSCC Adrian Clinton-Williams WestfreldSCC MartinFerris SwanseaMC WestfieldSEI W 49.30 Imp Spaceframe 50.62 WesffieldSEI Wide 48.82 WestfieldSEI 51.36 WestfieldSEI W 45.68 Sunbeamlotus 54.30 48.26 48.36 47.86 Fail 45.58 52.79 48.77 51.26 47.61 50.75 45.17 52.52 47.90 47.88 48.24 Ford HscortRS Jedi Mk 1/6 OMS SF 1100 OMS SF 1100 JediMk l/6 53.67 44.64 46.21 48.58 48.34 5O.2A 43.45 44.98 45.17 48.60 48.83 44.29 44.55 45.05 47.77 48.04 71.88 44.03 45.08 47.69 Austin Mini Talbot Sunbeam Talbot Sunbeam Mini Clubman Vawhall Astra ToyotaCorollaGti Ford EscortMk II Nova 56.93 57.46 58.23 57.37 57.74 55.09 54.86 53.50 55.92 Fail 58.05 56.85 56.47 57.12 53.87 51.72 55.40 55.51 58.91 Fail 56.57 Fail 56.09 61.16 54.87 53.il 53.24 55.20 5?.37 51.69 FordEscortMkl FordEscortMktr FordEscortMkll 50.17 48.69 51.52 50.91 lD2.l7 48.72 45.75 53.39 SMC 2d ld Class4B SportLibre carsover l700cc Class58 Racrngcarsover 600ccup to 1100cc Class5D Racingcarsover l100cc up to l600cc 101 104 105 705 125 BernardArmitage Henryk Kozlowski JohnBurton JohnOpie Bob Tansell BARC BARC WalesH,S,A BARCAMoolbridge BARC Welsh Cornrties lo FID Class 78 RoadRally carsover l600cc Class 7C StageRally carsup to 1600c{ 108 109 709 110 112 113 l2l 128 SimonHowells JamesChappelle Martin Leonard Stwe Griggs Danen Pugh MikeJones WyndhamRees Neil Evans Amrnanford Ecurie Cymraeg Brecon Blackmill Gwendraeth/A'ford CarmarttrenMC Crymmych Ammanford 2d 1o Class 7D StageRally cars over l600cc 117 Mikecriffitbs 119 SueHollis 120 GratramHollis SwanseaMC Carmarthen Carmarthen 49.54 48.77 51.32 51.30 Bestlady 48.20 49.22 lo
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