Council Addendum Agenda - March 3, 2016
Council Addendum Agenda - March 3, 2016
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, November 5, 2015 Council Chambers - Municipal Office 7:00 P.M. ADDENDUM AGENDA J. CORRESPONDENCE (for information) 4 Page # Correspondence re Proposed Communication Tower at 4219 Wainman Line (a) Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit - Medical Officer of Health 3-4 (b) Thomson Rogers 5-8 (c) Rogers Communications - Community Feedback 9-156 (d) Rebecca Vanierset 157-158 (e) Heather Mallard 159-160 (f) Jennifer Padmore 161-162 (g) Suzanne Prosser 163-164 (h) Brian Mawdley 165-166 O. GENERAL BY-LAWS 3 167-174 By-law No. 2016-14, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Contract Between the Corporation of the Township of Severn and Alexman Contracting Inc. for the Replacement of Bridge No. 3 (Town Line) Q. CONFIRMING BY-LAW 1 175 By-law No. 2016-15, Being a By-law to Adopt the Proceedings of a Council Meeting held on the 3rd day of March, 2016 and to Authorize Their Execution This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank J-4 (a) simcoe muskoka OI$TReII HEAUF UMt March 3, 2016 Sharon Goerke Clerk, Township of Severn 1024 Hurlwood Lane P.O Box 159 Orillia, ON L3V 6J3 Dear Ms. Goerke: The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is providing this letter in response to a request received from the Township of Severn to obtain information on the potential health impacts of radio frequencies (RF) emitted from cell phone towers. This request has been made in consideration of a proposal to place a new cell tower in their community. The rise in wireless communication technologies over the past few years naturally leads to questions about the potential health impacts of the energy fields associated with these technologies in particular, exposure to radio frequencies emitted from cell phone towers. — Health Canada (HC) has developed safety guidelines to protect workers as well as the general public from harmful exposures to radio frequencies. These safety guidelines, in particular Safety Code 6 (SC6) ‘Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields in Frequency Range from 3kHz to 300 GHz’ have been developed to ensure exposure limits are far below thresholds that could potentially cause adverse health effects. Health Canada regularly reviews published scientific evidence and health research on the health impacts of radio frequencies to ensure the guidelines set out in SC6 are protective and reduce the risk to the public. SC6 was last updated in 2015. • • • Radiofrequency exposures from cell phone towers are typically well below HCs exposure standards; Public exposure limits are 50 times lower than the threshold where potentially adverse health effects are seen; As long as the RF emitted from cell phone towers respect the limits set out in SC6, “there is no scientific reason to consider cell phone towers dangerous to the public .” 1 Industry Canada has adopted SC6 as the scientific basis for equipment certification and RF field exposure compliance specifications within regulatory documents that govern the use of wireless devices . This includes cell 2 phones, cell towers and broadcast antennas. Industry Canada has made compliance with SC6 mandatory as a condition of licencing and placement of cell phone towers. Industry Canada is also responsible for regular auditing of antenna installations, wireless devices and equipment to ensure compliance with SC6 . Provincially, research on 3 RE levels has been conducted in the City of Toronto, 2007 and City of Vaughan, 2012 and has shown levels substantially lower than the guidelines set out in SC6. Government of Canada (2015). Safety of cell phones and cell phone towers. Online: htto://healthycanadians, disoositifs/consumer-consommateur/celI-eng.oho 2 Health Canada (2015). Safety Code 6— Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3kHz to 300 GHz. Online: htto:/Iwww. 2014/safety code 6-code securite 6/final finale-eno.pho Industry Canada (2015) Facts about toers. Online: http:I/w.ic.c.c&eic)sit&ic-c.nsfIenaI07422.html U Barrier 15 Spern3 GIve l3azri. ON L4M6K9 /05-7210520 LAX: 705-721-1195 U ColHngwood 250 Prctiy fl-cr Plw, U Cookstown 2-25 Kae Street S. Co8ngwccxl. ON LOY $35 Cookatowr ON 705-445-0834 F7’X: 705-4.15-64913 705-458-1103 FAX 705-458-0105 LOL ILO U Gravenhurst: U Huntsville: 2-5 Pirrerdqe Gate l3ravor,lyjrsl, ON PIP 1Z3 34 C-halley S. H:jnisy9e. ON P1H IK1 795.7595303 FAX: 705-1307245 705 1-509’ FAX. 705-584-983? U Midland: 8-865 Hug U Orillia: Mcjiarc, ON 12C- 193 Fra4 St. S. Cells, ON L4R 1X8 705 526-0324 L.3V4S3 70.5-325-956 FAX: 705526.1513 fAX: 705 325-2091 Ave. Your HealTh Connection Page 3 of 175 Public Health and Electromagnetic Field Risks The health risks associated with exposure to RFs are considered very low for the majority of the general public. The RFs given off by cell phone towers are considered non-ionizing” radiation. This type of radiation is similar to AM/FM radio and TV broadcast signals. This type of radiation cannot break chemical bonds in your body. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated the only health effects observed with exposure to RFs is an increase in body temperature, however this type of exposure is limited to industrial type facilities and not through exposures to traditional cell phone towers (also known as base towers) . According to Health Canada and the World Health 4 Organization, no adverse health effects, either short term or long term have been shown to occur from signals produced by base stations which must operate within Industry Canada’s standards. Additionally, the consensus of the scientific community is that radiofrequency energy from cell phone towers is too low to cause adverse health effects in humans. Although the majority of the public do not experience any health effects from RF exposure, some individuals do and are considered hypersensitive. The World Health Organization characterizes electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) as a variety of non-specific health symptoms (fatigue, irritability, headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.), which afflicted individuals attribute to EHS. A number of studies have been conducted, but while these symptoms are real for the individual, there is no convincing scientific evidence to link exposure to electromagnetic fields to these symptoms. More specifically, the World Health Organization concludes that “no adverse short-or longer-term health effects have been shown to occur from the radiofrequency signals produced by base stations .” Health 5 Canada has reviewed this information and has also stated that although certain individuals experience symptoms, there is no scientific evidence that the symptoms are caused by RFs. The SMDHU is satisfied that the scientific evidence provided by Health Canada, Public Health Ontario 678 and the WHO supports a position that adverse health effects are not associated with cell phone towers as long as exposures respect the limits set in Health Canada’s SC6. There is no scientific reason to consider cell phone towers a health hazard to the public. Should you have any additional questions or require clarification on the content of this letter please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned below. Sincerely, Charles Gardner, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health World Health Organization (2006). Backgrounder: Electromagnetic Fields and public health Base stations and wireless technologies. Online: http:Ilwww.who.intloeh-emflpublicationslfacts/fs304/enl. WHO (2006). 6 Public Health Ontario (2010). Wireless Technology and Health Outcomes: Evidence and Review. Online: https:I/wwi,,. Public Health Ontario (2012). Measurements of Radiofrequency (9KHZ to 6GHZ) Exposure at the Al Palladini Centre and the Pierre Berton Library in the City of Vaughan. Public Health Ontario (2014). Presentation: Radiofrequency Update. Online: — 2014. pdf Page 4 of 175 J-4 (b) THOMSON ROGERS LAWYERS Stephen I D ‘Agostino 416868-3126 sdagostino(äjthomsonrogers. corn SENT BY E-MAIL AN]) FACSIMILE ONLY February 29, 2016 Township of Severn P.O. Box 159 1024 Huriwood Lane Orillia, Ontario L3V6J3 Attention: Ms. Sharon Goerke, Clerk Dear Ms. Goerke: Rogers Wireless Inc. re Proposed Telecommunication Facility at 4219 Wainman Line Rogers Site Number: C7509 (Orillia II) Council Date: March 3, 2016 Our File No: 050682 We are the solicitors for Rogers Communications Inc. (“Rogers”) in connection with the above-captioned wireless telecommunication proposal. rd We are writing to Council to advise that we will be in attendance at its March 3 meeting to answer questions and to provide additional information with respect to Rogers’ proposal. Accordingly we request that Council receive this communication at its March 3rd Council meeting notwithstanding that the agenda deadline has passed. If necessary, we request that any rule preventing the receipt of this communication be suspended pursuant to Section 21 of Procedural Bylaw 2014—70. Council is aware from earlier submissions that Rogers’ proposal is required because the existing 92 m tower located North West of Sunset Crescent and Hwy. 12 (“Old Site”) must be removed prior to June 1, 2016 to make way for the new development approved by Bylaw 2005-143. The current proposal is a result of Council’s decision to rescind the THOMSON ROGERS SUITE 3100, 390 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ON, CANADA M5H 1W2 I TF: 1-888-223-0448 I I F: 416-868-3134 Page 5 of 175 T: 416-868-3100 THOMSON ROGERS LAWYERS -2- concurrence it granted for a proposed replacement tower at the Davey Gravel site. Should Rogers not be successful in obtaining concurrence for a replacement site, prior to the decommissioning of the Old Site, a coverage hole will be created in its network along Hwy 12 from Marchmont to Murphy Rd and an equivalent distance to the North and South. Area of no or marginal service Phones relying on the Rogers network will be unable to make voice or data connections in this area. Where the intended connection is being made for personal or business reasons the lack of connectivity will be disruptive. Should a connection be required for emergency service reasons the result would be much more serious. Council knows from Rogers’ submission that its facility will operate 55,000 times below the Health Canada limit. These facts are important for the reasons that follow. Council has been asked by Rogers to grant its concurrence for the above captioned facility in accordance with Industry Canada’s policy document CPC—2—0—03 (“CPC”). In doing so, Council must make its decision in good faith and in accordance with the law. Notwithstanding that Rogers’ proposal is Federally regulated, Council must make its decision in accordance with the legal framework that governs Council including the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement (“PPS”), the Township’s Official Plan THOMSON ROGERS Page 6 of 175 THOMSON ROGl’RS LAWYERS -3- (“Official Plan”) and its Zoning Bylaw. Should Council come to a decision that results in a significant area without wireless service for Rogers’ users and emergency service users then its decision will be contrary to these requirements. The adequate provision of communications is a matter of Provincial interest. Section 2 of the Planning Act identifies the provision of adequate communication systems as a matter of Provincial interest and directs Council to have regard for the Provincial interest in adequate communication systems in carrying out its responsibilities. Even though jurisdiction over wireless telecommunication facilities is Federally regulated, Council continues to be obliged to make its decision in accordance Section 2 and 3 of the Planning Act. That is why the Provincial interest in adequate communication systems is repeated in the County’s Official Plan and the Township’s Official Plan. Section 3 (5) of the Planning Act requires that all decisions of Council that affect a planning matter be consistent with the PPS. The Ontario Municipal Board has determined that this requirement applies to all planning decisions and not just those pursuant to the Planning Act. Concurrence with the CPC is a planning determination. The relevant policies in the PPS for Council’s consideration are: • Policy 1.1.1 (g) and 1.6.1 (b) requires Council to ensure that necessary infrastructure is available to meet current and projected needs. Infrastructure is defined by the PPS to include telecommunication facilities such as the one proposed by Rogers. • Policy 1.2.1 (d) requires Council to make it infrastructure decisions in a coordinated, integrated and comprehensive manner when other orders of government are involved. • Policy 1.6.4 requires Council to ensure that infrastructure such as Rogers proposed facility is strategically located to support the delivery of emergency management services. Emergency communication services with be impossible on Rogers’ network in this area without a replacement facility. According to Section 24 of the Planning Act no Bylaw of Council shall be passed for any purpose that does not conform to its Official Plan. This section captures all Bylaws, even THOMSON ROGERS 66 Page 7 of 175 THOMSON ROGIRS LAWYERS -4- the confirmatory bylaw at the end of Council’s meeting. Policy F5 a) of the Official Plan requires Council to ensure that adequate telecommunication networks be available to serve anticipated development. A decision by Council that results in a significant area without service for Rogers’ users does not conform to this policy. Rogers’ proposal meets the requirements for development set out in the Township’s Zoning Bylaw. Section 3.23 of the Zoning Bylaw permits radio antenna towers in any zone provided it is located a minimum distance of 150 m. from the boundary of the closest Residential Zone and meets the minimum 2 ha. lot area. Section 3.10 relieves radio antenna towers from the height provisions in the bylaw. It is uncontroversial that Rogers’ proposal meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. There is no basis in the zoning bylaw to substantiate a finding of non-concurrence. From our review of this matter we see no issue which justifies Council from deviating from the legal requirements afore mentioned. We request that concurrence be granted for the above captioned wireless facility in a timely manner to avoid the creation of a significant area without coverage. We trust that these submissions are of use to Council in its deliberations and look forward Id• to an opportunity to answer questions at Council’s meeting on March 3 Yours very truly, Stephen J. D’Agostino Stephen Joseph D’Agostino Law Professional Corporation SJD/sjd THOMSON ROGERS Page 8 of 175 J-4 (c) From: Tatyana Moro [mailto:Tatyana.Moro©] Sent: March-01-16 10:30 PM To: Mike Burkett; Judith Cox; Mark Taylor; Jane Dunlop; Tan Crichton; Ron Stevens; Donald Westcott; Sharon Goerke; Andrew Fyfe Subject: Re: RogersT tower relocation proposal Community Feedback on service need - Dear Mayor Burkett and Council, As you may be aware, Rogers sent an SMS message on Feb.29th (as per below specifications) to our customers in the Township in efforts to inform our customers of a possible site termination that would affect their service starting iun.1, 2016. As this site is imperative for our network, and will effect 12000 customers as well as access to emergency services, Rogers’ provided our customers with an opportunity to comment. In response to the message sent out, Rogers has received a large amount of correspondence from our customers providing comments on the issue, 138 of which were in support of the proposed relocation. Please see attached file containing the comments received for Council’s review. As this is a large tile, a secondary e-mail with the remaining comments will be submitted separately. Important Rogers Service Message: The cell tower on Hwy. 12 must be shut down by June 1, 2016. We need to build a replacement tower so that you can continue to receive service in your area. Let the Township of Severn know you want great wireless service by emailing us at tatyana.moroä or attending the Council Meeting March 3, 7pm, 1024 Hudwood Lane, Orillia Thank you. Sincerely, Tatyana Morn Municipal Relations Specialist Rogers Communications 8200 Dixie Road Brampton, ON L6T 001 Tatyana, corn municipal consultations 647.747.2351 0647.962.9879 0 ROGERS. Page 9 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Matthew Bowers <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 10:55 AM Tatyana Moro New cell phone tower As a family we rely heavy on our cell phones and with out them we would not be able to get in contact with our medical transportation,we have to be able to get in contact with ppl on a regular basis so please let them build a cell tower somewhere,we have went this long with great service lets do another twenty years with no hiccups. Yours truly Matthew L Bowers Severn township resident. Sent from my iPhone Page 10 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: Janet Doering <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 10:08 PM Tatyana Moro Tower on HWY 12 We will be out of the country for the March meeting but we wanted to let you know that we rely on the service provided by the Hwy 12 tower as we are seniors with no home phone and we use our Rogers cell phones. Please let us know if you need any more information from us. Janet & Al Doering Sent from my iPhone Page 11 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Ted Vincent <[email protected]’ Tuesday. March 01, 2016 7:37 AM Tatyana Moro; [email protected] ; [email protected] Severn Twp Rogers Tower Cellular Tower - Good day. I live in the area of Bass lake in Oro-Medonte, and can actually see the curren t tower from my yard. I am writing in response to the message received that the Rogers Cellular Mobile Telephone signal tower just off Highway 12, near Bass lake may be removed this summer and not replaced. Your message indicated that this will be discussed at Severn Township Council meeting on March 3/2016. I run a small business, and am dependent on my Mobile phone for conducting telecon ferences, and receiving text messages, that are critical elements used to secure confidential information sent by email. In my home office, I already receive a very weak wireless signal, that often will provide only minimal, or will not suppor t Lit wireless signals, resulting in many missed calls to my phone, or intermittent signal strength on calls, and delayed reception of messages. Bass lake is surrounded by hills on almost all sides, providing no clear any to potential tower locations that may be constructed closer to Orillia. The Bass Lake Provincial Park, is visited by numer ous tourists, and there have been multiple occasions where there have been drownings, boating accidents, potent ial fires and injuries to visitors to the park, and to the public beach areas of the lake, where good mobile phone coverage has made the difference in people being able to connect to emergency service providers effectively. The potential relocation of that signal tower closerto Orillia, or the potential removal of the cellular site all together will most definitely have a detrimental business communications for me personally, and will almost certainly degrade, what might be considered vital communications capabilities to numerous visitors to the area of Bass Lake (Oro-Medonte) due to its position in the surrounding terrain that will inhibit mobile phone signals sources from locations further away being available. Increasingly, home phone users have been transitioning from traditional land-line telephony, to leverage less expensive and more capable Internet VOW based services. These services are generally depend ent on available Electrical Utility power to operate. Many areas surrounding Bass Lake are more rural, and prone experiencing to electrical power outages, (our last power outage in November 2015 was>15 hours) where the land-based telephone services using VOIP become unavailable, and mobile phones are the only viable alternative available reach to emergency services. Loss of a strong mobile signal supporting this area will increase risk to citizens. Finally, If this tower is not replaced, the mobile phone traffic will need to be added to existing towers that are further away in, I suspect, more densely populated urban areas, reducing the availability mobile of network band-width for which users in our coverage area will now have to compete. I strongly urge support for a replacement tower of some sort to ensure and improve mobile phone coverage to the areas surrounding Bass Lake. I have sent a copy of this email to Oro-Medonte Mayor Harry Hughes, Deputy Mayor Ralph Hough, and Ward 2 Councilor Scott MacPherson, in anticipation that they may review the contents of this message and add their support to the need for a reliable mobile phone service for this area to Severn Township Council Page 12 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: bbuckley234 <[email protected]> Monday! February 29, 2016 3:55 PM Tatyana Moro Hwy 12 tower. I feel very strongly that without the hwy 12 tower there will be an area of poor cell coverage that could cost lives in emergency situations and restrict people from conducting business in a way they need to stay competitive. Thanks Bert Buckley 1 inn ‘in Sirnqine de’ ac Page 13 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Al Craig [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:50 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower highway 12 We do not have a home phone so we need that tower for good service in case of an emergency. My wile has a heart condition. Sent from my iPhone Page 14 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: Shannon [email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 2:12 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers tower Hi. We are customer5 living at 3205 line 12 north Cr0 medonte. We moved here in May 2015 and had bell mobile products. As bell service was nil at this location and after an exhausting fight involving the CRC and Bell, we were released from our contracts free as they could not provide product We came to Rogers as the service reception is good at our house. It concerns me greatly that removing this tower will put us back in same place as before with respect to service. We have 2 children that rely on their Rogers phones for emergencies etc when they get home from school or are home alone. Please advise as soon as possible what how the remov al of this tower will affect the service of our usage. Yours, Mr. Shannon and Lisa Lamarche Sent from my iPhone Page 15 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent To: Cc Subject: Vaniersel, Rebecca <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:59 PM Tatyana More Computer Van lersel Cell service in Severn I require cellular service in the affected area for both the provision of both health system leadership and the provision of patient care. I appreciate being made aware of this situatio n today. Additionally, my data is the only reliable internet at home. I would like to know what Rogers plan Is to ensure continuous service to affected clients, As Rogers expands high speed internet service into new housing developments along highway 12 it has not been inclusive to the established neighbourhoods in Basslake or March mont. Carriage Court has no high speed internet despite several requests. I would like to know Rogers plan to bring high speed internet to my house prior to committing my time to attend and advocate on their behalf with Severn town council. Rebecca van lersel, MD CCFP Physician Lead NSM LHIN Sent from my iPhone Page 16 of 175 Tatyana More From: Sent: To: Subject: Cecelia lee [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:02 PM Tatyana Marc cell tower Yes, please build a new tower to have better service in some dead zone areas As I use my phone for business purposes. I am in the healtheare field and it is very important to have terrific cell service. Thank you Cecelia Lee 1 Page 17 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Bill Brown <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:04 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Service To Whom ft May Concern I need good cell service to maintain my patient contacts and contact from the hospital. Thanks for your consideration. Bill Brown RN Page 18 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Tina Jensen <TinaJensen@hotmaiLca> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:13 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower on HWY 12 Hello, my name is Tina Jen5en and I am responding to a text messag e I received regarding the cell tower on HWY 12 closing come June 1, 2016. This concerns me deeply as I just signed a 2 year contract with Rogers for two of my services. I have been a loyal Rogers customer for years and have no interest at all in switching to another company. I really hope that Rogers can replace this tower that is coming down, since! know not only myself, but a number of my neighbors are also Rogers customers. I will not be able to attend the Council Meeting as lam working and cannot take time off of work. I hope my email is enough to voice my opinion that my family, neighbors, and I all are in desperate need of the Rogers tower on HWY 12. Thank you, Tina Jensen Page 19 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Hune, Brandon <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:09 PM Tatyana Moro Cell coverage I need mobile access for work purposes and the coverage in snowvalley is already poor by Rogers. My wife’s bell coverage is great. All the neighbors who use Rogers compl ain. If the signal becomes worse Iwill be forced to switch providers. Brandon Hune (corporate phone client) Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers networ k. Respecting your privacy and preferences for electronic commu nications is important to us. If you would prefer not to receive emails from me, please reply with “UNSUBSCR IBE’ in the subject line or body of the email. If you would also prefer not to receive emails from our firm, please cc: [email protected] in your reply. Please note that you will continue to receive messages related to transactions or service5 that we provid e to you. To speak to us about how your preferences are managed, please email: contactRBCDominio [email protected]. This email may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this email or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this email in error, please advise the sender (by return email or otherwise) immediately le respect de votre vie privée et de vos préférences pour les communications electroniques est important pour nous. Si vous ne souhaitez plus que je vous envoic des courriels, veuillcz répondre en inscrivant c< DESABONNER n dans Ia Iigne d’objet ou dons le corps de votre message. Si vous ne voulez non plus recevoir des courriels de notre soclété, veuillez indiquer: unsubs [email protected] > en copie conforme (Cc) dans votre réponse. Veuillez toutefois noter que vous continuerez de recevoir des messages lies aux operations effectuees ou aux services que nous vous fournissons. Si vous avez des questions sur Ia façon dont sera géré votre préfCrence, veuillez nous les envoyer par courriel, a l’adresse [email protected]. Ce courrier électronique est confidentiel et protege. Lexpéd iteur ne renonce pas aux droits et obligations qui sy rapportent. Toute diffusion, utiflsation ou copie de ce message ou des renseignements quil contient par une personne autre que le (les) destinataire(s) désigné(s) est interdite. Si vous recevez ce courrier électronique par erreur, veuillez m’en aviser immédiatement, par retour de courrier électronique ou par un autre moyen. Page 20 of 175 Tatyana Marc From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ted Vincent <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 7:37 AM Tatyana Morn’ [email protected]; ra [email protected] Severn Twp Rogers Tower Cellular Tower - Good day. I live in the area of Bass lake in Oro-Medonte, and can actually see the current tower from my yard. lam writing in response to the message received that the Rogers Cellular Mobile Telephone signal tower just off Highway 12, near Bass lake may be removed this summer and not replaced. Your message indicated that this will be discussed at Severn Town5hip Council meeting on March 3/2016. I run a small business, and am dependent on my Mobile phone for conduc ting teleconferences, and receiving text messages, that are critical elements used to secure confidential Information sent by email. In my home office, I already receive a very weak wireless signal, that often will provide only minimal, or will not support LTE wireless signals, resulting in many missed calls to my phone, or intermittent signal strength on calls, and delayed reception of messages. Bass lake is surrounded by hills on almost all sides, providing no clear line-of-site to any potential tower locations that may be constructed closer to Orillia. The Bass Lake Provincial Park, is visited by numer ous tourists, and there have been multiple occasions where there have been drownings, boating accidents, potent ial fires and injuries to visitors to the park, and to the public beach areas of the lake, where good mobile phone covera ge has made the difference in people being able to connect to emergency service providers effectively. The potential relocation of that signal tower closer to Orillia, or the potent ial removal of the cellular site all together will most definitely have a detrimental business communications for me personally, and will almost certainly degrade, what might be considered vital communications capabilities to numerous visitor s to the area of Bass Lake (Oro-Medonte) due to its position in the surrounding terrain that will inhibit mobile phone signals sources from locations further away being available. Increasingly, home phone users have been transitioning from traditional land-line telephony, to leverage less expensive and more capable Internet VOIP based services. These services are genera lly dependent on available Electrical Utility power to operate. Many areas surrounding Bass Lake are more rural, and prone to experiencing electrical power outages, (our last power outage in November lOiS was> 15 hours) where the land-based telephone services using VOIP become unavailable, and mobile phones are the only viable alternative availab le to reach emergency services. Loss of a strong mobile signal supporting this area will increase risk to citizens. Finally, If this tower is not replaced, the mobile phone traffic will need to be added to existing towers that are further away in, I suspect, more densely populated urban areas, reducing the availab ility of mobile network band-width for which users in our coverage area will now have to compete. I strongly urge support for a replacement tower of some sort to ensure and improve mobile phone coverage to the areas surrounding Bass Lake. I have sent a copy of this email to Oro-Medonte Mayor Harry Hughes, Deputy MayDT Ralph Hough, and Ward 2 Councilor Scott MacPherson, in anticipation that they may review the conten ts of this message and add their support to the need for a reliable mobile phone service for this area to Severn Township Council Page 21 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Christopher Huddart <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:33 PM Tatyana Moro Hwy 12 Cell Tower The only cellular telephone and internet data service lam able to receive on Anderson Line comes through a cell tower. There is nothing else. Cell towers do not take up much 5pace, are not unsightly, and are not harmful to people. lam not in favour of turning off a cell tower that serves an important purpose, is one of the most important advancements in connecting the world, and is used by thousands of people each and every day. If the land lease is up then move it. Never turn it off and never consid er it harmful or unsightly. Christopher Huddart Broker of Record Christopher J. Huddart Ltd., Brokerage 1(705) 323-5405 [email protected] Realtor Full M.L.S. Celebrating over 25 years of quality service selling Six Mile Lake Page 22 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: 8ev Rankin <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:34 PM Tatyana Morn ROGERS CELL PHONE TOWER To Whom it May Concern: I have been informed of the tower of Hwy. 12 being shut down, effecti ve June 1/16. We, as a family use Rogers cell phones and would greatly appreciate having great cell phone service for all our family needs. It is how we stay in contact and keep each other up to date in our very busy family of school, work and children’s sports and activities. Thank you in advance, 8ev Rankin Xciii hni ii’ Saiiisune Galacv siiiiitplioii 1 Page 23 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: K Robson <robsonsl369@gmaiLcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:57 PM Tatyana Moro Severn Township/Rogers bickering costs customers. As a Rogers customer and tax paycr in Severn Urn appalled that this situation cannot be resolved without the “paying residents suffering. Will Rogers reimburse for loss of service? Highly unlikely. Will Severn township take ownership of their tax paying residen ts losing any service from the townships decision making? Highly unlikely. Please resolve this situation without your paying customers/res idents needless inconvenience. 1 Page 24 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryan Hicks <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:00 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower Replacement Hi my name is Ryan and my family and I have been loyal Rogers customers for the past many years now. We really enjoy the amazing cell service that we get with our Rogers phones . Especially at home, which is located in a remote area. Before Rogers we were with bell and the cell signal is very week at home. But we were amazed when we switched to Rogers because of how strong the signal it is for us! We really appreciate the full bars of signal because we are unable to afford expensive satellite internet (which is the only kind we can get in our area unfortunately). Having the signal on our phones has been really handy and allows us to continue functio ning on the Internet when our terrible home wifi doesn’t work (which is pretty often). In other words my family and I are really hoping that Rogers can continue to provid e great cell phone service to our area, by building a new cell tower to replace the one we are losing on June 1st of this year. Without this tower I feel Rogers will lose a sharp edge compe In tition over bell. We happy with Rogers because it provides good cell service for all of us, please do not mess this up for us! Sincerely, Your loyal customer I Page 25 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Guy Hammond <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:40 PM Tatyana Moro Please build a new tower! Hello, lm writing to ask that a new tower is built to replace the one that is to be torn down so that we can continue our service with Rogers. This would be incredibly important to our family and business. Thank you. Guy Hammond Page 26 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Scott Martin <[email protected]> Monday, February 2, 2016 4:40 PM Tatyana Moro Severn cell tower It’s very important that a cell tower is in Severn. Without it our cell phones my not be as affective, considering the landscaping around us. The population in Severn, and most house hold are limited on the compa ny’s that offer a phone line. Most people today because of the limited providers in the area, use there cell phones as landlines as well. Sent from my iPhone Page 27 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Sheri Tasse csheritasse@gmailcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:50 PM Tatyana Moro Roger service Iwant to email you to tell you that I love my Rogers service. I pay allot of money for it and I want it to continue just the way it is. I hope that the township will support that and not stand in the way of it. I pay allot to the township from my houses and businesses. I hope that they will give back to me by supporting my Rogers service. Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 28 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: John MacFadyen <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:51 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower Orillia While I appreciate the concerns of others with regards to the locatio n of a replacement cell tower, on our street (carriage court) we have no cable, poor reception with both bell and Telus which we have tried in the past for wireless, and have antiquated phone lines which do not support high speed. If a new tower is not built somewhere, we will have no wireless or Internet service to speak of. John MacFadyen Sent from my iPhone Page 29 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Barb Brazier <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:59 PM Tatyana Morn Rogers cell tower We arc a family here in Severn Bridge. We live MI time on the Trent on Sparrow Lake right by Grandview Lodge Resort. We work from home and depend on our Aircard portable internet connec tion. Please replace the Rogers Tower and keep our internet. Barb and Dan Brazier 416 419 2067 Still loin nv S;iinsnng (inlaxy sniitiplione I Page 30 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Rick Carr [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:22 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower Tell these stupid home owners that not having any cell service at their houses ivill also bring down there home value. I definitely would never buy a house if I had no cell seiwice...1 dropped my land line years ago. And so did alot of people I know. We absolutely need ccli service at home.. . Thanks Rick Carr 2076 Eastside Dr Severn, ON DV 0V3 Scm Ironi fl)v Smmn%tmii1 t1c cc Page 31 of 175 Tatyana Moro Prom: Sent To: Subject: Katrin Georgi ck.georgi66@idoudcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:15 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless service Dear Madame, dear Sir, Thank you for your text and the thumb up for the reconstruction of the service tower on Hwy. 12 in June. Yes, I agree with Roger’s we do need better services and reception in our area and are in need of better towers. Especially the reception in the Moonstone area needs some upgrades most of the time my celiphone looses the connection once I am in thk area! - - I would greatly appreciate if this tower would be upgraded. Regards, Katrin Sent from my iPhonc 1 Page 32 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: MARK BARTLETT <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:11 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers Cell Tower Hwy 12 lay Township Rogers and Fido are the only cell services available on my property. Bell and Telus have no bars- Unless Bell Telus or are willing to put up their own Cell Towers or boost the one’s they have, Roger’s is the only service available to me. Page 33 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: ii’ [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:11 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower hwy 12 - I live in Tay Township. I switched to Rogers because the Bell signal does not reach my home. I need cell service for work. I support the immediate replacement of the Rogers tower. JP Roszell 705-725-4104 Page 34 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Pat Tryon <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:06 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless Rogers is the only internet that we have available to us. It is like a cell phone. We have great Rogers service right now please don’t take that away from us. This will affect many person al and business negatively. Please reconsider Pat and Joe Tryon Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 35 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Nathan Cadeau <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:05 PM Tatyana Moro Don’t take down my tower on highway 12 I work in this area and rely on Rogers cellular for work. Witho ut it will make my job difficult or impossible to do. Possibly even making me have to move away from the area. Nathan Cadeau 2S90 uhthoff line, orillia Ontario Sent from my iPhone Page 36 of 175 Tatyana Mow From: Sent: To: Subject: Karen Traycheff <ktraycheff@rogers,com> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:58 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers service in Orillia and area I have been a Rogers mobile customer since 2012 when we moved out of the then Fido coverage to Orillia. It is essential for many to have this service please add my name to whatever list you need to, in order to continue to have Rogers mobile service available to me. - Thank you, Karen Traycheff Sent from my iPhone Page 37 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 3:53 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower on Hwy 12 I live on Hwy 12 in Coidwater. And when lam not at work the only way they can reach me at home is by calling my cell. If this tower is removed it could jeopardize my ability to be in contact with my employer and co-workers. Please don’t take away that cell tower. Laura Telford I Page 38 of 175 Tatyana Moro From; Sent: To; Subject: Sharon Jones <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:52 PM Tatyana Moro I need great cell service I run my business from Coldwater and use my phone a lot I need to have continuity and an ability to connect with my clients whereveram and wherever they are. Sharon Jones - Sent from my iPhone Page 39 of 175 Tatyana Moro From; Sent: Ta: Subject: [email protected] on behalf of Wendy Harvey <wendyharve [email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 3:52 PM Tatyana Moro Hwy 12 tower It is very important to us that a new cell tower be built as we only use our cell phones for work and pieasure. We rely heavily on this service as it is our lively hood and without that coverage we will not be able to service our customers. Trendy 1lan)ey Comenied reside,,! ofSeveni I Page 40 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: kjohnston@cthtca Sent To Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Mow Subject: Tower on Hwy 12 it is very important tome to have a new tower built. I do not have a land line. My cell phone is my only phone. If I no longer have service, I will have to change providers. Kimm Johnston Sent from Outlook Mobile 1 Page 41 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: Bill Freeman [email protected]> To: Subject: Tatyana Moro Cell phone coverage Monday, February 29, 2016 3:48 PM I have come to expect the level of cell phone coverage from Rogers, which shave received in the past, to continue into the future. Please consider the needs of Orillia subscribers when making your decision. Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers networ k. Page 42 of 175 Tatyana Mora From: Sent To: Subject: Cathy Van Valkenburg <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:05 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers Wireless Important Rogers Service Message: The cell tower on Hwy.12 must be shut down by June 1,2016. We need to build a replacement tower so that you can continue to receive service in your area. Let the Township of Severn know you want great wireless service by emailing us at [email protected] or attending the Council Meeting March 3, 7pm, 1024 Hurlwood Lane, Orillia. am unable to attend the meeting as) will be away. However, it would be nice to have coverage with Rogers in this area. I would also like to extend that it would be even nicer if this area was able to have more options with Internet and cable. We are unable to have either of these things herein this part of Severn Township. It makes it hard when you could save money by bundling. Thank you for your time, Cathy Prince Page 43 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Jeffrey <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:48 PM Tatyana Moro Tower It may concern lam a Tesident of ow medonte and am curren tly a Rogers customer. I would appreciate it if we were to continue to receive excellent service from Rogers. Please build the tower. Thanksl JFK Page 44 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Bruce Mann <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:06 PM Tatyana Mow We want great cell service We want great cell service in Severn unable to attend Council meetin g Mar 3rd But put me down for the best location needed. Bruce Mann Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 45 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent To: Subject: Kathy Mann <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:07 PM Tatyana Morn Severn cell service Hello, We live in Severn,ON and have received a notice from Rogers that the tower serving our cell phones must be relocated. It is extremely important that we have excellent cell service at our home for work, pleasure and most importantly EMERGENCIES. Kathy Mann Sent from my iPhone Page 46 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Tony Audia (home) <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 9:22 AM tatyana Moro tower on Highway 12 Severn Township We use our cell phones exclusively for home and work. We cancelled our home phone a few years ago and use our cell phones exclusively. The loss of the tower and service would be extremely detrimental to our home and work activities. I would attend the meeting this week but am traveling and unable. The tower is essential for us and the many others in this area who have Rogers accounts. This needs to be resolved. Please contact me if additional information is required. Thank you, Tony and Sondra AUDIA Cell 416 895-1951 Sent from my iPhone Page 47 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Janet Doering [email protected]> Tuesday. March 01, 2016 9:18 AM Tatyana Moro Tower on Hwy 12 My husband and I live full time on Bass Lake, off HWY 12. We do not have a home phone and we rely on our two cell phones that we have with Rogers to keep in touch with family. We are very concerned with any disruption to our phone service. Janet Doering Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 48 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: The Lakings [email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 9:24 PM Tatyana Moro wireless! WE WOULD LOVE TO JOIN INTO THE WIRELESS POSSIBILITIES ON THE TOWN LINE. We have lived in our house for nearly 30 years and do not have access to cable or Internet. We have used a hub and satellite dish in the past,We have grown children and have spent a small fortune in data usage Both end of our street have access to internetlil Iwe are the only street to be without this normalcy! Let’s hope we can join in with the norm. Frances. Robin Lauren and William Laking Sent from my iphone I Page 49 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Aimee Bedell [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 7:16 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower Yes, please build the new tower as we need cell service. My job requires me to use a cellphone and some areas have dropped calls or horrible reception. lam in the healthcare fieid and many patients rely on me to help them, Upgrades are needed in this area. Please we need it done. Thank you Aimee Bedell Sent from my HTC Page 50 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Nancy Buchanan <[email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 7:16 PM Tatyana Marc Severn tower service Thank you for the message. I pay for the same services other Rogers customers have. I feel it is borderline at best and deserve better. It is too bad in this day in age that Severn Township can not come to a better business relationship with Rogers to ensure that customers in their tax paying area could have the same services as others. Maybe Severn township should step up to the plate and look into the future and see that technology is pad of future. I depend on my service and hope that the disagreement of a few doesn’ t disrupt the service for all. Thanks Nancy Buchanan Sent from my iPhone Page 51 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: R.f. David Buchanan <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 7:10 PM Tatyana Marc New cell tower In this day and age communication is a necessary part of every day life. I operate a business in the Township and depend on, and require dependable cell phone recepti on to conduct business. Loss of reception would be extremely disruptive to my business. It is unfortunate that a vocal few hold up progressive action over and over again. The Township needs to do what is necessary to allow a new tower to be built) Regards, David Buchanan, SAMS-AMS #505 Accredited Marine Surveyor, Y & SC (705) 327-7870 Website : Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. Page 52 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Diane Mandeville <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 S:54 PM Tatyana Moro Severn Twp CeO Tower I am a long time customer of Rogers cellular service and a resident of Oro-Medonte Twp. I frequently travel to Orillia for appointments and shopping and like others, need cellular service in that area. I understand that some people might not like the look of cell tower in their immed iate area but, like other eyesores, they will grow accustomed to seeing it there and not even notice it after a while. We have one right across the lake from our cottage & have to look at it (and it’s bright red blinkin g light at night) but at least we know we can use our cellphones! Cellular service is vital, especially with Hwy 11 and 12 running through the area. We need that tower! Sincerely, Diane Mandeville Moonstone, ON Cell U 705-241-2025 I Page 53 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent; To: Subject; Novosky, Peter [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:27 PM Tatyana Moro Tower in Severn The tower in Severn must be replaced. My wife and myself ONLY have cell phones we DO NOT have a land line our work, lifeline to everything depends on Rogersitli Sent from my iPhone This message is being sent on behalf of the Simcoe County District School Board and/or your child’s school in compliance with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. Questions regarding this electro nic communication may be referred to: CASL, Simcoe County District School Board, 1170 Highway 26, Midhu rst, Ontario, LOL 1XO. You may unsubscribe from receiving the5e messages by FORWARDING this email to [email protected],ca. This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the use of the addres see{s) and may contain information that is privileged or confidential and protected under the Education Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, or responsibte for delivering the information to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distrib ution, printing or copying of this e-mail and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If this e-mail and any attachments were received in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Please consider the environment before printing this email or attachment5. Page 54 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject Sherry Gouglas <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:11 PM Tatyana Moro Cell service I understand the the Rogers cell service will be greatly impair with ed the removal of the tower on hwy 12 this year. As a rural customer it Is imperative to have reliable service in this area. Surely Rogers will stand by their loyal customers and make this transition seamless West and Sent from my iphone 1 Page 55 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Mike Szalay <mike@jscustomxa> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:01 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower in Severn We (as a business) would love better reception. Hopefully a new tower would provide this. We are however managing with your Rogers wifi coverage when we are in the shop. M Ike Page 56 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 5:26 PM Tatyana Moro New tower I depend on my phone for service in all areas please build a new tower. D Roberts Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network Page 57 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Norma Carli <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:21 PM Tatyana Moro I want a new tower so I can receive the service for my phone. Thank you. Norma Carli Sent from my iphone Page 58 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Stephanie Tapping <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:13 PM Tatyana Moro great wireless service The lannelli’s want great wireless servicel Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 59 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathy Howarth <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:38 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower Yes please replace cell tower on Hwy 12. Allan Howarth Sent from my iphone Page 60 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Orest sochanwskyj [email protected]> Monday. February 29, 2016 5:27 PM Tatyana Moro Tower As long as I get reception. Is the Bell serice on the tower? Crest Sent magically by my iPhone Page 61 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Tami Lymburner <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 5:52 PM Tatyana Moro Subject Cell tower town meeting We rely solely on our cell service, we have no landilne so I really hope there is resolution in this tower asap. Tami Lymbumer Kilworthy Page 62 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Scott Switzer <[email protected]> Monday, Februaiy 29, 2016 7:05 PM Tatyana Moro We need a tower Page 63 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Mi Lawson <mjlisin@hotmailcom> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 10:56 AM Tatyana Moro Cell service I depend on my cell very much since! have no home phone I would appreciate better service buy pulling up a bcttcr tower it will help greatly thanks for asking for our opinion please keep me informed thanks Mary Jane Lawson St’ni I ruin my S:iinsunt (1c icc 1 Page 64 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Teal Fiye <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 11:41 AM Tatyana Moro Rogers/Fido cell tower Hello there. I recently received a message from my service provider Fido notifying me that come summer lime the reception tower would be taken down and I would no longer be receiving cell recepti on. I want to remain having cell service so please rebuild a reception tower. Sent from Outlook Page 65 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: waterevolutionl <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 7:02 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers cell tower Having no cell phone at home is not a option. 1 do not have a land line and don’t want one. Do not want the bill. Having my own business for many years I relic on my service for I do work from home. Thank you Mark Sunt lit ‘in n tv Sn i Isunu dc Ice Page 66 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Amanda Folkes <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 6:46 PM latyana Moro Hello. I received this email from Rogers to email thiss email. I still use Rogers and I want good wireless service. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Page 67 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Shed Jennett <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 6:17 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers tower I received a text about removal of the cell tower on hwy 12-What will this be replace d by? I just switched service providers so that my cell works at my place of work not far from hwy 12. How will this effect my service? Sheri iennett-Wirsching Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 68 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Chelsea Strik [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 6:11 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless service Hello, I received a message today from Rogers Wireless regarding the new tower that will be constructed after June. I would like to state that I would like to continue to receive excellent wireless services from Rogers in this matter. Thank you. Chelsea Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 69 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Troy <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 6:08 PM Tatyana Moro We want a new cell tower at hwy 12 Page 70 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Jacob Fountain <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 8:15 PM Tatyana Mao Hi I want good service and I am from severn township. Seni ftoin in; SilIfl%LIiiU dc’ ice Page 71 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: be&y bussoui <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 7:51 PM Tatyana Moro Tower in orillia I live in oñllia..Definitcly need wireless Internet access for work! H Thx Rebecca Page 72 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Courtney <[email protected]> Monday. February 29, 2016 8:42 PM Tatyana Moro Hwyl2 Cell Tower Please pass along my request to Severn council, that I suppor t the reconstruction of the cell tower on Hwy.12. Our home on Birchcliffe crescent relie5 on this tower for our only means of Internet access, as there is no cable, fibre, dsl or other means of attaining internet service. Thank you for your time, Courtney Moloney Sent from my iPhone Page 73 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 8:43 PM Tatyana Moro Severn cell tower Hi Tatyana, I was sent a tex regarding the shut down of the tower on highway 12, and needing support for a location of of a new tower is Severn township. I have been looking on the Web for more into on this subject and I can’t seem to find any. Do you have locations for the new towe r and Severn is not allowing it? I sadly cannot make the council meeting on Thursday night. lam in supp ort of a new tower but I would like more info before stating it. Incidentally I am a land owner and I would allow the tower on my property, so not a NIMBY issue, I do however doubt that the township/MNR would allow it due to my proximity to Matchadash bay. I assume you have online resorces of all the issues around the new tower if you could direct me that would be great. Keith Prentice Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. 1 Page 74 of 175 Tatyana Morn From; Sent: To: Subject: Edward Balko <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 9:22 PM Tatyana Moro Re: Service (need for new tower) I definitely need the new tower built to maintain my phone service and my wireless computer service. Please add my support to your list of names. thank you Ed Balko Page 75 of 175 Tatyana Marc From: Sent: To: Subject: A nne Newman [email protected]> Monday. February 29, 2016 9:31 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless service I want great wireless serviceflP1 Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 76 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: haileigh fraser <[email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 10:05 PM Tatyana Moro Regarding an email I got about Rogers towers Hi, lam I long time Rogers customer, and I received an email stating they have to re build a Rogers tower to receive service. I am a customer who would like to continue service in my area. Thank you Sent from my iPhone Page 77 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Janet Doering <[email protected]> Monday, Februaty 29, 2016 10:08 PM Tatyana Moro Tower on HWY 12 We will be out of the country for the March meeting but we wanted to let you know that we rely on the service provided by the Hwy 12 tower as we are seniors with no home phone and we use our Rogers cell phones. Please let us know if you need any more information from us. Janet & Al Doering Sent from my iphone Page 78 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Jane Ravenshaw <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 11:04 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers cell phone tower Hi Tatyana I got a message about a cell tower that needs to be replace d. I live in Horseshoe valley and work at of my home so It is really important that I have cell phone coverage. Jane From the iPhone of Jane Ravenshaw 416-432-0271 1 Page 79 of 175 Tatyana Morn Prom: Sent To: Subject: Ronald Gaston <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 7:02 AM Tatyana Morn Wireless service Need the service got my vote Sent from my iphone Page 80 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Linda Hannath <bihannath@gmailcom> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 8:24 AM Tatyana Moro tower we need a great wireless service here in the countr y!!! Linda Hannath Cambrian road Page 81 of 175 Tatyana Maro From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Bodnaruk <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 9:24 AM Tatyana Moro Wireless service Yes I want great wireless service to continue in my area Sent from my iphone 1 Page 82 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Frank Brazda <[email protected]> Tuesday. March 01, 2016 9:30 AM Tatyana Moro Rogers If service is disrupted I will be forced to change to bell. Not sure why you need me to attend your meeting with township. Take your money and invest in the infrast ructure a world class country deserves. Third world countr ies have better wireless infrastructure. We are only 100 miles from Toronto. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Netwo rk Page 83 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Tim dOhvat [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Mao Cell tower Yes we really need to keep good service lam a business owner and really need good cefl service thank you Tim Dolivat Page 84 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Timmy <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Moro I want great wireless service for my phone Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 85 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: Jessica B [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Marc Re cell tower I am just one of many cellular users in the area we wou ld like to have this service readily available. I recie ved a message stating that one cell tower would be shut down. In order for customers as my self to recievc qual ity service the tower along hwy 12 needs to be opoa rting. This email is to help keep that tower going. Thanks Still Ii,i, in S jiiittiiii_ (,.,Ijs. lnl:IIlP ill Page 86 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Attachments: [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Moro text_O.txt This message is brought to you by Rogers Yes we want to get service from Rodgers. 0 ROGERS Page 87 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul Miller <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower replacement I support your need to replace the older lower for contin ued good service Page 88 of 175 Tatyana Moro From; Sent: To; Subject [email protected] Monday. February 29,20163:49 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless service We need great service Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. 1 Page 89 of 175 Tatyana Moro cram: Sent: To: Subject; tammy [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:49 PM Tatyana Marc Internet Hi, We need Internet in cur area that is reliable and fast. It’s not a want it’s a need to run my businesses, If you need property for a tower I have property at 3736 concession 8, ramara, ontario. Tammy Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. Page 90 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: ion cameron [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:50 PM Tatyana Mow Yes Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Page 91 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: waynegibsonsO <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:50 PM Tatyana Marc We want Rodgers service ScM ham my Saumsuni GnIaxy imaflphon. I Page 92 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Arnie Snider <[email protected]> Monday, February 2, 2016 3:50 PM Tatyana Mow Rogers tower I received a text from you guys about a Rogers tower being torn down on hwy 12. I would like to say I want great wireless service in Severn! Barely get it now. Sent from my Phone Page 93 of 175 Tatyana Marc From: Sent To: Subject: quisite66@yahooca Monday, February 29, 2016 3:50 PM Tatyana Moro Roger’s tower I need this tower to continue my Rogers service. Sent from my HTC 1 Page 94 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Stu Elder <stuelder7@gmailcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana More Cell tower hwy 12 Well we defiantly need a lower in this area. It would he ridiculous to go backwards at this point. If no tower is built Ihen Rogers can not honor our contract...and that would be a court matter at that point. Page 95 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: JoAnne Barr cjoannel7coldwater@gmaiLcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Moro Build new tower I journey north of Orillia at least 3 times a week. shop & have friends in Bracebridge Huntsfield. My grand daughter is in university in Sudbury. I need great service Sent from my iPhone Page 96 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Jacqueline Stewart <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Moro Great wireless service I want great wireless service in my area of Port Severn Towns hip. Jacqueline Stewart Sent from my iPhone Page 97 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Moro Cell service My husband and my self+ one of my children still need good cell service where we live on hwy 12. As the cell phones is our only means of communicaijon.. thank you. Sent from my LG Mobile Page 98 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject natalie noonan <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower LLL1 tIL• 1 Page 99 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Michael Scott michaelscott2O05@aolcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Mow New Tower. A new replacement tower would be very much appreciated. Michael Scott Page 100 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Attachments: 17053211182 © mms.rogerscorn Monday, February 29, 2016 3:51 PM Tatyana Moro text_0.txt This message is brought to you by Rogers Yes we want Rodgers service 0 ROGERS I Page 101 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: loriisreadingemails@gmai[com Monday, February 29, 2016 3:52 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless SeMce (would like to have great wireless service because rely I heavily on my reliphone since I don’t have a landline. Therefore I need excellent wireless service. Sent from my iphone Sent from my iPhone Page 102 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Karley Potter <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:52 PM Tatyana Moro TOWER We want great wireless service so please allow a anothe r tower to be built Thanks for your time and consideration . Karley and John Potter Sent from my iphone Page 103 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: landonvincent <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:S3 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers tower I would very much want to receive good service froni rogers. Landon Vincent Sent ruin rn Sulihullu (,aI:I\v spIIiflpIuu1L. Page 104 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Melanie McFadden [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:54 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers Cell Tower Hwy 12 to whom it may concern.... We live in moonstone & need that cell tower as we have no home phone just cell phones. That is also my business phone. Does Rogers want to lose business??? I know there are a lot of Rogers customers out my way. And if there is no cell tower will Rogers let us out of our contracts with no penalties?? I would like a lot more info on this. thx u Melanie customer since 1998 Page 105 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Alan Kerr <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:54 PM Tatyana Mow Tower We certainly need a tower for proper service I hope the powers to be certainly will act properly a! kerr Page 106 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: steve donovan <sljsteve@hotmaiLca> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:56 PM Tatyana Morn Tower Yes I need wireless service in my area. Thanks Steve SCIIT ti,)Ill IU\ Sani,tint (iaii> sl)T3rII1lItn Page 107 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Carry harrigan <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:53 PM Tatyana Moro Cell service I still need good cell service where I live on hwy 12 the cells phones is the only phone have. I Thank you Sent from my iPhone I Page 108 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 3:55 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers Tower Hello, We are on Rogers 5ervice for phone, Internet and cable. We can not get Bell here at this address at 58 Hoyt in Victoria Harbour. Hope you can work with them to continue our service . Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. Page 109 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Attachments: [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 3:57 PM Tatyana Moro text_O.txt This message is brought to you by Rogers we need this coverage, must not loose service Jim Sorensen 0 ROGERSU Page 110 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: GGM Morriso <outoftownagain@hotmaiLcom’ Monday. February 29, 2016 3:58 PM Tatyana Moro New tower Yes I want a new tower in Severn Twp 1 Page 111 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Brenda Reynolds <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:58 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers cell tower We need great wireless lower service in this area, please allow Rogers to replace the tower so we don’t loose service as of June 1st! Thank you! Brenda Brenda Reynolds Sent from my iPad Page 112 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: randy.fraser <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 3:59 PM Tatyana Moro Service.washago.randy.fraser Yes I would like better service in my washago residence. SLId nv S:iinciii’ Lit’ ftc. I Page 113 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: t-IIL from michael dean [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:00 PM Tatyana Moro I want my wireless service to continue without interruption. Give approval. rim’ S:,rnunu Lle\ ice Page 114 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Carol Crawford <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:00 PM Tatyana Morn Tower Sent from my iPhoneHow long and what services will be affected 1 Page 115 of 175 Tatyana More From: Sent: To: Subject: Nicole Carrick <nikki_carrotl8@msncom> Monday. February 29, 2016 4:00 PM Tatyana Moro Hwy 12 cell tower I want to receive great wireless connection -Nicole Canick Seni iriini Al’ Suinsung dcvit e Page 116 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin McLeod <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:01 PM Tatyana Moro Severn tower I am am rogers cell customer and value reliable cell service. If a new tower in severn will serve to maintain quality service. i am in support of a new tower being built. Kevin McLeod I Page 117 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: wayne.gibsonso [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:02 PM Tatyana Morn Yes we want Rodgers service to continue Scm 1mm my Samsung Galaxy xmanphinic Page 118 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Thompson, John (Maintenance) <[email protected]’ Monday, Febmary 29, 2016 4:04 PM Tatyana Mow NEED GOOD SERVICE Service is crappy here already. NEED GOOD SERVICE Sent from my iPhone Thi5 message is being sent on behalf of the Simcoe County District School Board and/or your childs school in compliance with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. Questions regarding this electronic communication may he referred to: CASL, Simcoe County District School Board, 1170 highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario, LOL 1XO. You may unsubscribe from receiving these messages by FORWARDING this email to unsubscribe@ This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is privileged or confidential and protected under the Education Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, or responsible for delivering the information to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this e-mail and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If this e-mail and any attachments were received in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Please consider the environment before printing this email or attachments. Page 119 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Helma Meyer <[email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 4:05 PM Tatyana Moro CeN tower on Hwy 12 How can we help? Sent from my iPhone I Page 120 of 175 Tatyana Moro Prom: Sent: To: Subject: Wayne Scott <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:07 PM Tatyana Moro Tower We want continued Rogers service. Address. 43 3oss Road Oro Medonte. L3V 0116 Cheers Wayne Page 121 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To; Subject: [email protected] Monday, February 29. 2016 4:13 PM Tatyana Moro Roger service needed Hi Tatjana, Please print e-mail for my vote that I need un-interrupted Servicem Birit Hoesterey 705-345-4411 Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network Page 122 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: annebrenkeete <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:15 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless service Please allow the new tower for Rogers so we can get weat wireless service. Thank you Anne-Made Keefe Ifly Suinsiij,g ( iIix> sTII:LJ(pIlohIL Page 123 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Katie-Jane Williams [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:15 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower hey 12 Orillia I am a Fido user and would like to continue to have good cell phone service. Please let the cell lower on hwy 12 be rebuilt so that this can be possible. Thank your Katie-Jane Williams Sent from my IPhone Page 124 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent: To: Subject: david holmes <[email protected]’ Monday, February 29, 2016 4:16 PM Tatyana Moro Tower Lets improve pir cell service. .nol destroy it by tenaing dowm our cell towers!! h,iii S,iiit.u, ‘IlL 1 Page 125 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject nextstep.rene <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:16 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower Please rebuild the cell phone tower. Without it our daily wouid have to relocate due to our business solely using cell phone service. Thank you Craig & ReTle Brannan rns .Siiiisuii ( ,alas i)irIiiIIiiiit I Page 126 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: John Carriere <carrierejohn99@gmaiLcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:18 PM Tatyana Moro I wish to continue to have awesome call service in orillia Page 127 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Warren Bush <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:20 PM Tatyana Moro Cell Service To Whom it May Concern It is very important to my business that I receive great cell service. Please allow another cell tower to be built in our area. Warren Bush Sent from my iPhone Page 128 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: [email protected] Monday, Februay 29, 2016 4:23 PM Tatyana Moro Wireless Tower Hello Tatyana, As per notification we will be losing a wireless tower in Severn June 1st 2016, lam in support of keeping a tower or providing a new one to keep wireless service in the area. Thank you, Julia Moniz Sent from my iPhone Page 129 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Christin Meyer <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:23 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower on Hwy 12 Hello, I received a text from Rogers explaining the situation regarding the cell tower on hwy 12. How can I help? What does this mean’? Thanks, Chñstin Meyei Page 130 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Sal Scaglione <[email protected]> Monday. February 29, 2016 4:30 PM Tatyana Mow Service Please maintain our great service and build a replacement tower, as the cellular phone is our source of communication I bluffing 911. (Electronic Signature) Sal SCAGLIONE Vice President South Simcoe Police Association C: 705-718-9510 [email protected] Page 131 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To; Subject vleatherdale [email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:33 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower Please add my voice to concerned cell customers that want and need excellent senice in the OHilia area!H Vicki Leatherdale 114 Gerald Ave OHilia ON ii tin, ‘liv S;ll,i—iIin! dc\ lit Page 132 of 175 Tatyana More From: Sent: To: Attachments: [email protected] Monday, February 29, 2016 4:34 PM Tatyana Moro lext_O.txt This message is brought to you by Rogers Please allow the Rogers tower to be rebuilt as I would like to have great wireless service Thank you Bob Donald Loyal Rogers customer for many years O ROGERS 1 Page 133 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Steve Baker <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:36 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower I send you this email because I am already disappointed with the cell sevice I gel from rogers. I am just waiting for my contract to end so I can switch to your competitors. I don’t know if Ihis new cell tower will provide a more consistent signal or not but it is worth a try. It’s very frustrating trying to do business on my cell when it keeps cutting pit during important conversations. It’s just not professional. Good luck and thanks for letting me spout my opinion. Page 134 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Steve thurlow <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:37 PM Tatyana Moro Phone service Hi my name is Steve thurlow i would like a new tower to be put in severn so i have continous service in washago with rogers. Thanks Sent from my iphone Page 135 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: jennifer kerr <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 442 PM Tatyana Moro Rogers tower Certainly need and expect great service from Rogers! Please build the tower so we can continue to receive service in Oro and Orillia. We would love to see Internet out there too! We are currently bell satellite customers and we would love to have all of our services with Rogers! I Thank you!! Jennifer Kerr [email protected] 416-720-1124 Page 136 of 175 Tatyana Moro From; Sent: To: vera cameronvanam ‘vera_row@hotmailcom> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:44 PM Tatyana Moro We want and need great service!!!! Vera and Gerry and 3 kids all with cells Sent from my Phone Page 137 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To; Subject: ADAM TOVELL <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 4:45 PM Tatyana Moro cell phone Hi, My name is Diane Tovell and my husband Adam Tovell and I have account with Rogers for our cell phone uses. I got a text today saying that I have to contact you in regards to this. I would like to have the service for our cell phones. Could someone please email me back and let me know what steps I have to take to make sure that we can still use them. Thank You Diane Tovell 1 Page 138 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent To: Subject: Ronald Gaston <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 7:02 AM Tatyana Moro WIreess service Need the service got my vote Sent from my iphone Page 139 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Jane Ravenshaw <[email protected]> Monday, February 29, 2016 11:04 PM Tatyana Morn Rogers cell phone tower Hi Tatyana I got a message about a cell tower that needs to be replaced. I live in Horseshoe valley and work at of my home so it is really important that I have cell phone coverage. Jane From the iPhone of Jane Ravenshaw 416-432-0271 1 Page 140 of 175 Tatyana Moro From; Sent: To: Subject: [email protected] Thursday, March 03, 2016 10:20 AM Tatyana Moro New Tower I for one would like a new tower and better theii before. Torn M Hitcon Page 141 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: [email protected] Thursday, March 03, 2016 10:37 AM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower I feel it is very important to replace this cell tower if it will have an effect on our wireless service. We have become much more dependent on wireless networ ks & reducing the level of service seems like a step backwards. I support replacing this tower. Karen Brown 705-718-7535 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network. Page 142 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: 8horseshoe <Shorseshoe@gmaiLcom> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 12:04 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower Yes I want a new tower for cell service in the area. S nl Iii n ‘iy S :‘ n si mu dcvi cc Page 143 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: tnapp, Tara <[email protected] > Wednesday, March 02, 2016 12:01 PM Tatyana Moro Service in Severn Township Hello, I received a text about the tower being shut dow n on hwy 12 byiune 1st. I have a work phone and a personal phone both by Rogers. Ill don’t have service in the Tow nship of Severn then I will need to change carri ers. As the cell phone will no one work for me if I can’t get service. Thank you Tara Sent from my iphone. 1 Page 144 of 175 Tatyana Morn From: Sent To: Subject: Brian Mawdsley <[email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 10:49 AM Tatyana Moro Tower Severn Twp. Dear Tatyana: Please contact me by email or Phone 705-345-4747 in regard to this issue. lam not only a long term customer of Rogers, but also a life long resid ent of the Orillia Area. This is of great concern to me and I will contact Mayor Mike Burkett and any other members of Severn Council you feel necessary to resolve this matter. Look forw ard hearing from You. I am a member of numerous Boards and Committee’s within the City of Orillia. Thanks in Advance, Brian R. Mawdsley 1 Page 145 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Pamela Dempsey [email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 10:16 AM Tatyana Moro Cell Tower Hello, Cot the text regarding the tower on hywyl2. Is there really a chance that it wont get re-built right away? Does this only affect cell phones or other Rogers services as well? Do I need to start looking for a new provider now?? Thanks, Pamela Sent from my iphone Page 146 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: abbott4 <[email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:52 AM Tatyana More Re tower down Oriflia Save our wireless network. We need our signal for networking! !! Please help Seni ii’ii n Sainsung dc 1 Page 147 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Abbott <[email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:48 AM latyana Moro Oriflia tower Hi. Our wireless.tower is being torn down. I am worried about my cell signal. Please enure that our signal remains strong. 1 Page 148 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject Paul Graham <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01. 2016 10:58 PM Tatyana Morn Cell tower We live at 1720 peninsula pt Rd in Severn and our Rogers recepti on is very poor. We’d like to use the Rogers Internet hub for faster internet but the current signal to far too weak. Putting up a new tower in our area would greatly improve our signal and allow us to receive the high speed interne everyo t ne else already takes for granted. Paul graham Sent from my iphone 1 Page 149 of 175 Tatyana Mow From: Sent To: Subject: Patti Vandereyken <[email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 7:26 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower I rely on my cell phone service here in Severn Tow nship. If the old tower is torn down then a new one needs to replace it asap. I really don’t want to have to change my provider Siiil%uii! (,Ij’ , Page 150 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: To: Subject: Margaret Gravel <marg.gravel@gma’ Tuesday, March 01, 2016 S:4S PM Tatyana Marc Fast speed wireless service I would love to have hi speed wireles5 servi ce Sent from my iphone Page 151 of 175 Tatyana Maro from: Sent To: Subject GmaiI [email protected]> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 4:39 PM Tatyana Moro Cell tower on hwy 12 With the shutdown of the tower on high way 12 will we be losing our Rogers cell phon e service temporarily or permanently? What is the purpose of the coun cil meeting on March 3? Do you have a site for the replacement tower and when will it be in operation? Sent from my Phone Page 152 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Jessica Haftenden <jessicahatfenden@> Tuesday, March 01, 2016 4:26 PM Tatyana Moro Hwy 12 cell phone tower Ta whom it may concern: Having a cell phone tower on hwy 12 is very important. I’m not sure why this is even being debated people have cell phone and man in a time when most y of those rely on cell phones inst ead of land lines. When conside argued that not having a cell pho ring this it could be ne tower on Hwy 12 and thereby making reception more difficult is a safety issue Thanks, Jessica Haffenden Page 153 of 175 4 Tatyana Moro From: Sent To: Subject: Ri Fitches <[email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:02 AM Tatyana Mow Wireless We need to maintain our wireles5 service. Ri (Bob) Fitches 1140 Birchcliffe Cres. Severn Page 154 of 175 Tatyana Moro From: Sent: Ta: Subject: vinod pate) <[email protected]> Wednesday, March 02, 2016 2:15 PM Tatyana Moro Fido tower lam fido customer last 5 years and I always pass ing highway 12 and I heard they remove replace tower before I loss my services thanks vinod fib tower so please Page 155 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 156 of 175 J-4 (d) Michelle Prophet-Healy From: Sent: To: Subject: Vaniersel, Rebecca <Rebecca.Vaniersel@ LHINS.ON.CA> February-29-16 7:00 PM Ian Crichton Rogers service Mr. Crichton I thank you for taking the time to read this email and for advocating on behalf of the people of ward 3. As you know, this ward is rapidly expanding bringing young families to the area. This is ensuring the financial viability and sustainability of our community. My family, including our four school aged children, is blessed to live on Carriage Court. Unfortunately, neither Rogers or Bell provide high speed internet to our road despite both serving Wainman and Division roads. Both serve the newly developing communities in Basslake and Warminster. We have tried other solutions, mobile hubs and Xplornet. None of those solutions offer speeds that enable modern life, including remote access to my medical records. There are four physicians who live on Carriage Court, all in the same position. I received notice today from my cell carrier, Rogers, that the cell tower on hwy 12 is being removed. I appreciate the tower is located on prime development land. The notice sent from Rogers requested my attendance at the upcoming council meeting to advocate on their behalf. I certainly need reliable cell service to ensure that I am available to the hospital after hours. My cell service also provides my only reliable internet currently. However, I believe that these companies need to be held accountable for the service they provide. I am asking that while council contemplates Rogers requests, it recognizes this as an opportunity to negotiate on behalf of the needs of its residents without high speed internet and demand Rogers extend service down Carriage Court and any other roads in similar circumstances. I contacted the CRTC on this matter and today received a reply that they were unable to tell the companies how to manage their business. I am over thoroughly frustrated by the situation. My son is often unable to complete homework, which is increasingly reliant on home high speed internet. Again, thank you for your time and consideration. I would be grateful for any assistance you could provide towards assuring equitable access to service. Rebecca van lersel, MD CCFP Physician Lead NSM LHIN Sent from my iPhone 1 Page 157 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 158 of 175 J-4 (e) Sharon Goerke From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: [email protected] February-25-16 5:22 PM Sharon Goerke; Andrew Fyfe [email protected]; Fay McFarlane cell tower / rogers issue HI I was contacted by Jane and actually my lawyer in regards to my involvement with the Rogers Cell tower movement. I would like please if you could share this letter with councillors and mayor. This basically a copy of the letter that I sent to my rep after your council meeting and after I heard of our letter being presented. Prior to this I had no idea that there were so many issues over this tower and what was actually going on. Lesson learned never assume. - As follows My rep was asked by Rogers to get letters of support to not have the tower moved as there was push back from the public. I assumed this was so that the tower could stay where it was not so that it could be moved to a different area that is apparently in the view of home owners back yards. I feel mislead by this however do accept the fact that I didn’t investigate enough into why there was pushback from the public before I wrote the letter. I was not told of the true situation. Good reception and signal strength is very important for our business yes but being a home owner myself what I see from my back yard or front yard is also very important to me. In todays world that little piece of happiness on a daily basis can be ones home and the surroundings around it. I would be opposing this move also if it were in my area. I do not support the proposed move of the tower. There is a lot of land out there and I am sure that there can be some found for a tower to go on that would not pose a negative impact to families and homeowners. My rep was under the assumption as I was and is also writing a letter to township in regards to the same. - - - - - Thanking you in advance for sharing this at your meeting Heather Mallard Severn TlmberMart 1 Page 159 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 160 of 175 J-4 (f) Sharon Goerke From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jennifer Padmore <[email protected]> February-29-16 4:58 PM Sharon Goerke; Andrew Fyfe [email protected] Rogers cell tower Hwy 12 (Severn township) - Sharon and Andrew, I would like you to know that Heather Mallard, of Severn Timbermart, was not aware or the specific proposed placement and the publics issues regarding the cellular tower, off of highway 12 in Severn Township, when she wrote a letter to explain how valuable consistent cellular coverage is to her business. Heather agrees that these towers need to go somewhere to maintain a level of service for the community but not somewhere that is cumbersome to property owners. Heather strives every day to run a business that helps and encourages people to make their homes and properties the best they can be and does not support any construction of a cellular tower that would do anything less than that. Thank you for your time Jennifer Padmore, Business Sales Specialist Rogers Authorized Dealer M: 705-345-0442 Fax to email: 1 -866-526-0331 [email protected] 1 Page 161 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 162 of 175 J-4 (g) From: Suzanne Prosser <[email protected]> Sent: March 2, 2016 9:28 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Rogers communication tower Dear Mayor Burkett and Council, Two days ago I received a text message from Rogers regarding the relocation of the Rogers communication tower on Hwy 12. The message stated that there was an issue with relocation of the tower and this could impact the service that I have currently. I must say Mayor Burkett, I was quite annoyed that as a taxpayer of this township I was not notified of this potential problem. When I moved to Hawk Ridge some 10 years ago, Rogers was the only service that provided high speed service. Being as I work remotely my home office must have access to high speed services and good cell reception. I also have a small home based business and telecommunication is crucial to my success. I went to the Severn township office and spoke with the clerk who was very helpful in providing me with the information I requested. I have also spoken with one of the councillors and after gathering all of the information I have come to the conclusion that the residence who are objecting to this tower are doing so based solely on the cosmetic appearance of the tower. This is a blatant disregard for those who work at home and rely on technology for their livelihood. I have a contract with Rogers for my services. If the tower is not replaced I will need to change my providers which will put me in breach of my contract. Who will be responsible for the fees that will be connected with this change? Certainly it won’t be the residence who are complaining about the tower, I’m sure the township will frown on this request should I make one, which leaves the financial responsibility to me. This is truly unfair when there is a suitable location and no legal reason for the tower not to be installed. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend tomorrow nights council meeting on such short notice due to work commitments. But I assure you had I received appropriate notification of this issue I would have been in attendance. I respectfully request that Mayor and Council of the Township of Severn consider the negative impact this will have on many residents in the Severn community and support the installation of the new tower in the recommended location by June 1st, 2016. I would also appreciate notification of the outcome of this issue as soon as possible. Sincerely Suzanne Prosser 1360 Hawk Ridge Cres. Severn On. L3V 0Y6 705 325 0931 Sent from my iPad Page 163 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 164 of 175 J-4 (h) Sharon Goerke From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brian Mawdsley <[email protected]> March-03-16 12:01 PM Sharon Goerke Scott Jeremy; jeff clark Rogers Tower Madam Clerk: Please accept my apologies for such a late letter. Further to our discussion at 11:30 this morning. I have found that this tower is of serious concern for the west Orillia area the east area of Oro Medonte and of coarse Severn Twp. and the Highway 11 Corridor and Highway 12 west. I was informed the catchment service area could exceed 12000 service accounts.this is of great concern to us all. Best Regards Brian R. Mawdsley 1 Page 165 of 175 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 166 of 175 O-3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2016-14 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN AND ALEXMAN CONTRACTING INC. FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO. 3 (Town Line) WHEREAS the Municipal/tot, 5.0.2001 (the ‘Act”), Section 9., provides a Municipality with the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purposes of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Municipal/tot, 5.0. 2001, Section 8(1), provides that Section 8. of the Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on Municipalities to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into a Contract to provide for the replacement of Bridge No. 3 (Town Line); NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Corporation of the Township of Severn enter into a Contract with Alexman Contracting Inc. in the form of Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation a Contract in the form of Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this By law. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and effect on the date of passing thereof. By-law read a first and second time this 3Id day of March, 2016. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of March, 2016. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK Page 167 of 175 SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW NO. 2016-14 Document C Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 Page 1 — G. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Severn Bridge 3 Replacement Contract No. 300037472 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 20_ BY AND BETWEEN: ALEXMAN CONTRACTING INC. (herein and throughout the Contract Documents called the “Contractor”) - and - TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (herein and throughout the Contract Documents called the “Owner”) WITNESSETH That the Owner and the Contractor in consideration of the fulfilment of their respective promises and obligations herein set forth covenant and agree with each other as follows: ARTICLE I (a) This Agreement applies to the supply of all labour, material and equipment necessary to complete the Work as set out in this Contract. (b) This Agreement, together with Documents A to F of the Contract Documents constitute the “Contract” and are to be read herewith and form part of the Contract as fully and completely to all intents and purposes as though all the stipulations thereof had been embodied herein. (c) The date from which this Contract is to be in force is the — day of Page 168 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2016-14 (cont’d) Document G Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 — (d) (e) Page 2 interest (I) Subject to GC, Interest for Late Payment and GC, Interest for Negotiations and Claims, should either party fail to make payments as they become due under the terms of the Contract or in an award by arbitration or court, Interest at a variable nominal rate per annum equal on each day to the Bank Rate then in effect plus one and one-half percent (1’%%) on the outstanding payment shall also become due and payable until payment. Such Interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis. (ii) Subject to GC, Interest for Late Payment and GC, Interest for Negotiations and Claims, interest shall apply at the rate and In the manner prescribed by the preceding section on the amount of any claim advanced and for which the Contractor is thereafter enUtled to payment, either pursuant to GC 3.14, Dispute Resolution of the General Conditions, or otherwise, from the date the amount would have been due and payable under the Contract, had it not been In dispute, until the date It Is paid. The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, relating In any manner to the Work, including the Bid Documents that are not expressly listed as forming part of the Contract Documents. The Contract may be amended only as provided in the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and permitted assigns. Page 169 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2016-14 (cont’d) Document 0— Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 Page 3 ARTICLE II THE CONTRACTOR UNDERTAKES AND AGREES: (a) To do all the work and furnish all the labour, equipment, materials, tools, plant, appliances and transportation necessary or proper for the performing and completing of the Work, as set forth in the Contract Documents, and in the manner and within the time specified in the Contract Documents and otherwise do and fulfill everything indicated by the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents are intended to cover and provide for proper completed work in all respects, and everything necessary to carry out this intent which may reasonably be implied from the Contract Documents must be done by the Contractor, even if not explicitly referred to. (b) The Contractor shall guarantee the Work free from any defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating conditions throughout the Warranty Period as defined in the Contract. (c) The decision of (he Contract Administrator is to be final and binding on the Contractor and the Owner as to the nature and cause of any defects and deficiencies In the Work and as to the remedy required for each and as to which party shall bear the cost of such remedy. Failure to comply with the directions of the Contract Administrator within forty-eight (48) hours after written notice may result in the Contract Administrator having the work performed by others and the cost thereof being deducted from the amount due to the Contractor. (d) To furnish the following: i) Performance Bond and Labour and Materials Payment Bond each in the amount of one hundred present (100%) of the Total Bid Price (per Appendix “0” of Document B) including HST, or an acceptable Letter ‘of Credit Security (or alternate security, if applicable). ii) Evidence of all Insurance required by the Contract Documents. üi) Current Clearance Certificate from the Workplace Safety & insurance Board (WSIB). (e) The Contractor hereby acknowledges and agrees that the cost of any item of work reasonably inferred to be necessary for proper completion of the Work, yet not specifically listed in the Schedule of Unit Prices is considered to be incorporated in the prices that are listed in Schedule of Unit Prices. The Contractor further acknowledges and agrees (hat the prices listed in Schedule of Unit Prices include, without limitation, duties, Page 170 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2016-14 (cont’d) Document G Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 — Page 4 taxes, royalties, permits, customs, insurance, bonds, handling, transportation, overhead, profit and all other charges and expenses, except only for the Value Added Tax. (U The Contractor also acknowledges and agrees That: (I) The estimated quantities in the Schedule of Unit Prices are only approximate and are not a representation, warranty or guarantee of the number of units of each item that will be a part of the Work and the measured quantities of work or materials may vary from such estimated quantities. Such variation will not invalidate the Conlract or the prices in Schedule of Unit Prices and the Owner shall have no liability or obligation to the Contractor including, without limitation, incidental, consequential, direct, special or other damages including, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of good will and loss of revenue in regard to such variation; and (ii) With the exception of the lump sum amounts for completed items set out in Schedule of Unit Prices, payment will only be made for the actual measured quantities of work performed or materials furnished as a part of the Work, as determined in accordance with the Contract Documents. (g) These amounts shall be subject to adjustments as provided in the Contract Documents. (h) As such payments become due, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the terms of its agreements with any Subcontractors, pay all of its Subcontractors in full on account of work properly performed or Materials properly supplied, as applicable, less any holdback monies retained in compliance with the Construction Lien Act (Ontario). Page 171 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2016-14 (cont’d) Document G Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 — Page 5 ARTICLE III THE OWNER UNDERTAKES AND AGREES: (a) The Owner shall pay Contractor, for the performance of the Work, in accordance with the Contract Documents, the following: (I) (b) for the completed lump sum components of the Work, the lump sum amounts set out in Schedule of Unit Prices; and (ii) for the completed unit price components of the Work, the aggregate amount of the actual number of units of measurement of each item multiplied by the appropriate unit price that is set out in the Schedule of Unit Prices. Subject to, and In accordance with, the provisions of the Contract Documents, and the Construction Lien Act (Ontario), the Owner shall: (i) Make monthly progress payments to the Contractor on account of the Work performed when due in the amount certified by the Contract Administrator together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such amount certified by the Contract Administrator; (ii) Upon Substantial Performance of the Work, pay to Contractor eighty percent (80%) of the statutory holdback (i.e., eight percent (8%) of the value of completed work) in respect of Work performed up to the date of Substantial Performance when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment. (iii) Upon the expiry of the Warranty Period pay to Contractor the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the statutory holdback (i.e., two percent (2%) of the value of completed work) in respect of the Work performed up to the date of Substantial Performance, which the Owner has retained, when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment. Page 172 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No. 2016-14 (cont’d) Document G Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 Page 6 — ARTICLE IV All communications In writing between the parties or between them and the Contract Administrator shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee if sent to: The Contractor at: Kirk Helleman Aiexman Contracting Inc. 270 Barrie Street Thornton ON LoL 2ND Or by fax 705-458-2488 Or by email [email protected] - and to the Owner at: Township of Severn Eric Marshall, Acting Director of Public Works 1024 Hurlwood Lane, P.O. Box 159 Orillia, ON L3V 6J3 Or by fax 705-327-5818 Or by email - and to the Contract Administrator at: R.J. Burnslde & Associates Limited Matthew Brooks, P.Eng. 3 RonelI Crescent Collingwood ON L9Y 4J6 Or by fax 705-446-2399 Or by email [email protected] Page 173 of 175 Schedule “A” to By-law No.2016-14 (cont’d) Document S Articles of Agreement Contract No. 300037472 Page 7 — ARTICLE V This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors, executors, administrators and assigns. Note that the use of seals, while encouraged when available, is not mandatory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Contractor and the Owner have respectively affixed their corporate seals and the hands of their proper officers on or about the day and year first above written. Fb.k,ntY ,gt( Date Signed -2nlc- dFt Owner For the Owner/Signature & Seal Dale Signed Witness Page 174 of 175 Q-1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2016-15 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE PROCEEDINGS OF A COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE 3RD DAY OF MARCH, 2016 AND TO AUTHORIZE THEIR EXECUTION WHEREAS the MunicipalAct, SO. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 5(3), provides that a Municipal power, including a Municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges, shall be exercised by By-law unless the Municipality is specifically authorized to do so otherwise; AND WHEREAS certain actions of Council do not require the enactment of a specific By-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That subject to Paragraph 3. of this By-law, the proceedings of the abovereferenced Council Meeting, including all Resolutions, By-laws, Recommendations, Adoptions of Committee Reports and all other motions and matters decided in the said Council Meeting are hereby adopted and confirmed, and shall have the same force and effect, as if such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-law. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all such documents, and to direct other officials of the Township of Severn to take all other action, that may be required to give effect to the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1. of this By-law. 3. That nothing in this By-law has the effect of conferring the status of a By-law upon any of the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1. of this By-law where any legal pre-requisite to the enactment of a specific By-law has not been satisfied. 4, That any Member of Council who complied with the provisions of Section 5. of the Municipal Conflict of interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.50, respecting the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1. of this By-law shall be deemed to have complied with said provisions in respect of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 3rd day of March, 2016. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of March, 2016. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK Page 175 of 175