BOSU® KidS -


BOSU® KidS -
BOSU® Kids
Instruction Manual
L.M. Meijers b.v.
Kokkelertstraat 6
6116 AR Roosteren - NL
Tel. +31 (0)46-4496100
[email protected]
Copyright 2011 L.M. Meijers b.v.
All rights reserved.
No part from the BOSU® KIDS edition may be reproduced in any form, be it through xerography, photocopy or any other copying or recording
method without written permission of L.M. Meijers b.v.
Applying the information provided on the following pages remains under the sole responsibility and at the risk of the reader.
Photography: Bregje Crolla and Stephan Willen
Page and cover design: Nicole Seegers
BOSU® inventor: David Weck
BOSU® KIDS developed by: Bregje Crolla
BOSU® is a registered trademark of DW Fitness, LLC.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Table of contents
The Movement lessons......................................................................7
Methodical organization............................................................ 9 - 13
Lesson conditions............................................................................14
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Dear sports and games specialist,
What an excellent choice, integrating BOSU® KIDS in
your exercise offer. Because in doing so, you can help
kids have fun exercising again. They will be extra enthusiastic. This is good for their physical development and
makes your work even more enjoyable.
You probably recognized the BOSU® Balance Trainer
from our training programs for adults. Scientific re-
Bregje Crolla is a 6-times Dutch-
search has proven that it is better for kids from six to
javelin-throwing Champion and
ten to improve their motor skills rather than to focus
Dutch Record holder in this dis-
on training sports-specific skills. That is why, with all
cipline. After her graduation as a
my experience as a top athlete and my knowledge on
physical education licentiate, the
movement, I developed a BOSU® program especially
top athlete widened her sporting
for kids.
career by working as a sports
teacher and instructor. Currently,
BOSU® KIDS presents a challenge for every movement
Bregje works for Meijers Fit &
level and can be focused on every movement situation.
Gezond and helps adults, senior
Moreover, it’s a great stimulus for (sensory and) motor
citizens and children keep fit and
skills, stamina, creativity and collaborative potential.
On behalf of Meijers Fit & Gezond, I wish you and the
children a lot of fun exercising with BOSU® KIDS!
Sporty greetings,
Bregje Crolla
Physical education teacher and 6-times
Dutchjavelin-throwing Champion
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
BOSU® KIDS is a unique movement programme for
For whom was BOSU® KIDS developed?
primary school level children. BOSU® KIDS is unique
BOSU® KIDS is very useful during primary school level
because the child partakes in fun and challenging
gym classes. BOSU® KIDS can be used for groups of 3
exercises and games by means of the BOSU
to 8 children. Owing to the methodical organization of
Balance Trainer, thereby developing its motor and
the exercises and games, the programme can be adapt-
sensory skills, stamina, creativity and cooperative skills.
ed to the movement level of the group in question. The
The programme combines fun and movement in one
easily useable lesson cards allow a gym teacher or a
same movement lesson.
group teacher to develop a meaningful, challenging and
safe gym class. BOSU® KIDS contains a supplementary
BOSU® Balance Trainer
The BOSU® Balance Trainer is a perfect training product that adds balance to every exercise. Training on the
BOSU® Balance Trainer requires much more stability
core element in which basic movement patterns can be
trained. The basic movement patterns and the sporty,
playful exercises have a low threshold and are also very
suitable for children with a motor retardation.
of your body, which makes the exercise much more
efficient. Stability stems from the core of your body.
The core of your body is the first to react during effort.
If the core muscles function efficiently, the response
from the other muscles of your body will be better.
As a result, you gain more control over your movements. The functional advantages of this half ball
make the BOSU® KIDS movement exercises fun,
challenging and efficient.
When training on the BOSU® Balance Trainer,
make sure that your basic body posture is correct.
This means that head, shoulders, hips and knees
are located along the same axis. Pull in your bellybutton and tighten your tummy and back muscles.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
The Movement lessons
BOSU® KIDS is composed of four written-out
Core: basic movement patterns
movement lessons that each have their own theme.
The second core component is composed of basic
The themes are: sports, steps and dance, circus and
movement patterns. Especially for BOSU® KIDS, ex-
animals. Every movement lesson consists of the follow-
ercises have been integrated to train basic movement
ing components:
patterns like running, rolling and balancing. Each les-
• Warming-up
son, four basic movement patterns are trained. The
• Core: game
emphasis in this core component is put on the correct
• Core: basic movement patterns
execution of the exercise. Here, coordination and the
• Conclusion
right body posture play an important role.
Each lesson component is described on a lesson card.
Every movement lesson thus consists of four lesson
Each movement lesson is concluded with a predeter-
mined assignment or game situation. The organization
of the game or the assignment is clearly specified and,
A BOSU® KIDS movement lesson consists of a
in order to promote safety and freedom of movement,
warming-up session with sporty, playful exercises.
a few fixed rules are determined. The actual content of
Each warming-up session is made up of about five
the game and the assignment are determined by the
exercises of which three are performed during the
children. Thus, the children use movement creatively.
lesson. The exercises have to be repeated as many
times as possible so that the warming-up session
gets as intensive as possible.
Core: game
The first core component of BOSU® KIDS is a game.
During this game, cooperation and moving as part of a
group are central elements. The aim of the game, the
starting situation and the rules are clearly described
so that safety and a desirable course of the game are
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
When developing BOSU® KIDS, we mainly used twenty
The approach
KIDS and ten BOSU Balance Trainers as a starting
The lesson cards provide a description of the exercises/
point. Depending on the number of available BOSU
games, the instructions, organization and necessary
Balance Trainers, the KIDS work alone or in pairs.
equipment. The exercises are clearly explained on the
Threesomes aren’t advisable because this reduces
lesson card and can be immediately applied during
the active movement duration.
class, after discovering the BOSU® Balance Trainer.
Attention! Some exercises were specifically developed
Follow the exercise instructions in order to guarantee
for pairs. A BOSU KIDS movement lesson fills one full
safety. Organization and equipment can be adapted
class period, but the parts of the lesson themselves can
to the sporting location, available equipment and
also be integrated into other gym classes. By combin-
the movement level of the participating children.
ing the lesson cards for the different themes, you can
The recommended time frame (pure moving time)
create a completely new lesson in no-time.
can be adapted to the available time for the lesson.
A BOSU® KIDS movement lesson takes about an hour.
The duration of pure movement adds up to about thirty
minutes, but depends on how active the KIDS and
the teacher are. Every component of the lesson takes
about fifteen minutes. The exercises from the Warmingup session and the basic movement patterns are
performed 3 times 30 seconds for each child. Breaks
between training sets are also of 30 seconds. Right
after the instructions for the game and the conclusion,
you can start playing / training.
BOSU® KIDS is mostly made up of an ongoing teaching
situation, which allows for minimal waste of time due
to moving equipment around, thereby maximizing the
available time for movement. You can even use BOSU®
KIDS for an active out-of-school programme.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Methodical organization
By adapting the exercises and games to the movement
• The tempo of the exercise itself
level of the children, the programme can be adapted
The tempo of an exercise can be either increased or
for children aged 6 as well as for children aged 11 to
decreased. The higher the tempo, the higher the inten-
12.The exercises and games explained in BOSU KIDS
sity of the movement. The lower the tempo, the more
are meant for the basic movement level of children
control over the exercise.
aged 8 to 9. Depending on the movement level of the
groups and the KIDS individually, the warming-up ex-
• The number of repeats of an exercise
ercises and basic movement patterns can be adapted
The number of repeats can increase. For instance,
to the movement level in several ways. By applying dif-
not 10 repeats in 30 seconds, but 20. The number of
ferent methodical organization principles, an exercise/
repeats can also decrease, e.g. from 15 repeats to only
game can be organized methodically.
10 in 30 seconds.
Training variables
• The number of sets
Different organization principles can be used to
organize the exercises and games methodically.
A distinction is operated between the organization
principles for exercises and the ones for games.
Below, you will find an overview of all methodical
organization principles:
Methodical organization principles
for exercises:
On the lesson cards, it is
recommended to perform 3
sets of 30 seconds of training
during the warming-up session and the basic movement
patterns. This can also be increased to 4 times 30 seconds
of training. Or also less, e.g. 2
times 30 seconds of training.
• Time
How long an exercise needs
The speed at which exercises are performed or the
to be performed. During the
speed at which different exercises follow each other
warming-up session and the
is the first organization principle. The speed often
basic movement patterns, 30
determines the intensity of the exercises. Speed can
seconds of training time are
be divided into several variables.
recommended. This duration
can be increased or decreased.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Methodical organization
Build up an exercise methodically in
this order
Movement amplitude
methodically organize the exercise in this order.
So, always start with a large bearing surface and
end with a small bearing surface.
The size of the performed movement. The larger the
• Extra point of support
movement amplitude, the more intensive the exercise.
An extra point of support can help provide more
Examples of adapting movement amplitude are:
balance. A partner can hold the hand of the training
• Lift knees and arms higher
child, which allows for more balance. Equipment, e.g.
• Stretch legs and arms further
a pole or a stick, can also be used as extra point of
• Spread arms and legs wider
support. For a low movement level, you can start
As the movement level and thus movement control
improve, movement amplitude can also increase
further and further.
with one extra point of support. As the movement
level increases, the point of support disappears and
the child trains on its own.
Bearing surface
Bearing surface is related to the stability of the exer-
With combination, we mean a combination between
cise. With bearing surface, we mean e.g. the hands or
the upper body and the lower body. That way, both
feet. The larger the bearing surface, the more stable the
can work together during an exercise, but both can
child’s posture will be and the easier the exercise gets.
also move individually. The methodical line starts
• Feet slightly apart – feet joined – 1 foot
When the feet are positioned slightly apart, the bearing
surface is the largest. When the child stands on one
foot, the bearing surface is the smallest. You organize
the exercise methodically in the abovementioned order.
• Resting on elbows - resting on hands - 1 hand
While resting on elbows, the largest bearing surface
is achieved. Resting on hands is the next most stable
bearing surface, then comes resting on one hand.
with training forms in which the upper and lower
body portions move separately. For instance, first
work with only the upper body. Next, only with the
lower body. As the movement level increases,
combine both body
portions. By combining, the children
have to coordinate
the movements
even better.
In order to complicate the movement level, you
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Methodical organization
With children from a low movement level, always start
The organization principle of guidance is itself divided
with auditory as well as visual guidance. As the level
into different principles. The more guidance from out-
improves, the children are able to guide themselves,
side, the better the child can focus its attention on the
as it where.
movement in itself. The less guidance, the more the
child has to divide its attention between performing
the movement, coordination, balance, rhythm, etc.
Extra equipment is used as an organization principle.
Depending on the size, the weight and the height of
The different organization principles
the extra equipment, the exercises are methodically
• Auditory guidance
• Larger/smaller equipment
With auditory guidance, we mean e.g. counting during
The principle of “the smaller the equipment, the easier
the step dance. By counting aloud, the teacher guides
the exercise” isn’t always applicable. If the child has
the child while it searches the right rhythm. Auditory
trouble catching a ball, training may be more pleasant
guidance can also mean literally naming the individual
with a slightly larger ball. Children of group 3 do pre-
sub-movements of the exercises. An example is given
fer to catch a small ball, because they also have small
for the breast stroke swimming exercise during warm-
hands. When throwing, the same principle applies.
ing-up for the sports theme; “Around the roundabout
A large ball has a larger chance to hit a target, but a
and through the alley” (arm movement) or “Backside,
smaller ball is easier to hold and thus easier to throw.
adapted to the movement level of the children.
circle, BOOM” (leg movement). Music can also provide
auditory guidance for the steps and dance theme.
• Visual guidance
Visual guidance helps the child, e.g. during placement
of hands or feet. By indicating the placement of the
feet with chalk, the child knows where it is supposed
to put its feet. The child can also be stimulated or
guided visually by bright colours. A brightly coloured
ball attracts more attention than a white one. A model
exercise performed by the teacher or a classmate can
also serve as a visual aid.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Methodical organization
Methodical organization principles
for games:
• Heavier / lighter equipment
Always start with lightweight extra equipment.
Use heavier equipment as soon as the KIDS have
acquired control over the movement and can also
handle the extra weight.
Adapting or adding rules to a game can completely
change that game. Depending on the adapted or added
• BOSU Stax system
rule or the removal of a rule, the game can be made
The BOSU® Stax system is a lifting system for the
easier or more complicated. For a good methodical
BOSU® Balance Trainer. By heightening the BOSU®
line, start with as little possible, but also with very clear
Balance Trainer, some exercises become heavier on
rules to a game. About four rules will do.
the level of their intensity. The higher the BOSU Bal®
ance Trainer is lifted off the ground, the more unstable
Number of participants
it becomes when performing the exercises on it. Some
The more players/participants, the more difficult the
exercises become easier when using the lifting system.
game gets. More players mean more playing points
For instance, the exercise where you have to stand up
but also more opponents and more diversion from the
starting from basic movement patterns for the sports
assignment. A known aspect is “cluttered playing”
theme. Because the BOSU® Balance Trainer is lifted,
because more players are participating. Game aspects
the child can stand up from a less deep position.
like running freely and keeping an overview are learned
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Methodical organization
more quickly with fewer players. For a good methodical
organization, start with games where 2 play against 2 or
In this instruction manual, it is mentioned that most of
3 against 3. Later on, expand to a game with 5 against 5.
the BOSU® KIDS lesson elements can be performed
Size of the playing field
by twenty children. Only two children can perform
the exercises on one single BOSU® Balance Trainer.
With a smaller amount of players, you need a smaller
Some lesson elements, like the “Chinese wrestling”
playing field. Adapt the playing field to the number of
are made up in such a way that only one child is active
players. A playing field that is too large or too small can
per BOSU® Balance Trainer. For instance, to let twenty
exert a huge influence on the game. Playing football
KIDS partake in this lesson element, you could choose
on a large field with few players makes for many long
to acquire several BOSU® Balance Trainers. With a little
distance shots, but there is no guarantee that those
creativity, the same exercise or game could also be
will reach the goal. Playing football on a field that is too
performed by means of other equipment.
small, with few players, leaves little space to move and
to take action. The ball will be out more often and it will
also be hard to score.
The game can be made more difficult on a methodical level by assigning tasks. One child or a small
group of children can have specific tasks assigned
to them, which lends another dimension to the game.
Thus, a child can get the assignment to only defend
or attack. Another example of assigning tasks is when
children only want to tag their little friends. In that case,
the task for all children could be that the boys only tag
the girls and vice versa.
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
Lesson conditions
Using the equipment
•Get to know the BOSU Balance Trainer before start
•Keep your BOSU® Balance Trainer clean. Remove ing with the programme.
perspiration with a towel after every use and do the ®
•KIDS always have to be under the supervision of an adult who is familiar with the correct use of this product.
•In order to reduce the risk of injuries, use a falling mat on top of a wooden or hard floor.
same for dust and other dirt. The platform and the ball can be cleaned with water and gentle soap.
•The BOSU® Balance Trainer can be easily stored in
inflated as well as in deflated state. Don’t store the BOSU® in direct sunlight (like e.g. outdoors or near a •It is advised to wear gym shoes or other suitable window) or next to a heating source. Direct sunlight or shoes during BOSU® KIDS. NEVER only socks.
excess heat can deform the top of the inflated ball.
•Make sure you have enough space when working with the BOSU® Balance Trainer. Also, never set up the BOSU® Balance Trainer next to a wall or other large objects like e.g. a cabinet.
In that event, the BOSU® can still be used, but the deformation can modify the ball’s original balancing characteristics.
•Avoid touching the BOSU® Balance Trainer ball with sharp or abrasive objects. Sharp or abrasive objects Getting to know the equipment
can tear the vinyl surface. Always check the soles of The BOSU® Balance Trainer is a balance ball. As soon
the shoes for glass, rocks, etc. before standing on the as you stand on the ball, your muscles are immediately
BOSU® Balance Trainer.
prompted to work in order to preserve balance. As soon
as you start to lose your balance, you should always
safely step off the BOSU® Balance Trainer onto the
floor. It is possible to use both sides of the BOSU® Balance Trainer. Firstly, put your feet on the rounded (blue)
side and secondly, sit or use your hands as support
•To let the BOSU® Balance Trainer deflate or to store it, you will have to pull the valve powerfully in order
to remove it. The BOSU® Balance Trainer will not be
damaged if you pull the valve powerfully to extract it from the ball.
on the platform. For some BOSU® KIDS exercises, you
need extra equipment like e.g. a little falling mat, a soft
ball, a BOSU® Stax, small soft weights and music.
Bladder weight of 8 lbs.
Dually overmolded
platform for extra
Non-skid, non-marking base, no rubberized “feet’’
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual
BOSU ® KIDS - Thema: Sport 1
Warming-up: Sportieve oefeningen - 15 min
1. Roeien
2. Zwemmen
- Zittend op de BOSU® Balance
Trainer met de voeten van de
In buiklig op de BOSU® Balance Trainer met de voeten
en armen van de grond.
- Maak een roeibeweging met
armen en benen.
Maak met je handen en benen
de schoolslag, of borstcrawl.
3. Skiën
- In skihouding op de BOSU®
Balance Trainer.
- Twist heen en weer met je
knieën en voeten.
4. Langlaufen
5. Schaaten
In schredestand met één voet
op de BOSU® Balance Trainer
en één voet op de grond.
Spring zijwaarts van de ene
naar de andere BOSU® Balance Trainer.
Spring om en wissel je benen
in de lucht.
Land op één been.
Neem je armen actief mee.
Benodigd materiaal:
- Kies 3 van de 5 oefeningen en ga aan de slag.
- Voer elke oefening 3 x 30 seconden uit.
- Rustpauze is ook 30 seconden.
- BOSU® Balance Trainers.
BOSU ® KIDS - Thema: Circus 1
Warming-up: Speelse oefeningen - 15 min
1. Parachute zweven
2. Fietsen
3. Vliegtuig
- In buiklig op de BOSU®
Balance Trainer met je armen
en benen gestrekt.
- In ruglig op de BOSU® Balance
Trainer en steun met je handen op de grond.
- Til je armen, benen en romp
hoog van de grond.
- Til je benen draaiend van
de grond en maak fietsbewegingen.
- Zak na 5 seconde weer terug
in startpositie.
4. Dobberen
5. Jumping Jacks
- Sta op één been op de BOSU®
Balance Trainer.
- Zit op een omgedraaide BOSU® - Sta op de BOSU® Balance Trainer
met je armen naast je lichaam.
Balance Trainer.
- Strek je andere been recht
naar achter en buig met je
bovenlichaam naar voren.
- Pak met je handen de handvaten aan de binnenkant van
het platform vast.
- Houd je bovenlichaam en het
vrije been in een rechte lijn en
spreid je armen opzij.
- Dobber nu heen en weer.
- Spring in een spreidsprong met
beide voeten aan één zijkant
van de BOSU® Balance Trainer
en klap boven je hoofd in je
- Spring weer met twee voeten op
de BOSU® Balance Trainer.
Benodigd materiaal:
- Kies 3 van de 5 oefeningen en ga aan de slag.
- Voer elke oefening 3 x 30 seconden uit.
- Rustpauze is ook 30 seconden.
- BOSU® Balance Trainers.
BOSU® KidS - dieren
BOSU® KidS - Steps en dans
Cheeta sprint
Have fun with BOSU ® KIDS!
BOSU® Kids - Instruction Manual