2011 Globe - International College of Dentists
2011 Globe - International College of Dentists
THE 2011 JOURNAL OF THE International College of Dentists THE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN The International College of Dentists has wonderful stories to tell. Humanitarian projects are supported by ICD Fellows around the world. Leadership roles throughout the dental programs for both dentists and the public are being presented. Getting these stories told is essential for the future growth and success of The College. Only when ICD Fellows know what the College is doing will they develop the sense of pride and ownership necessary to continue being active and engaged members. At The International College of Dentists we have expanded our communications to include both electronic and printed publications. The cost of printing and delivering The Globe 2011 around the world has risen dramatically even though most of the work is done by our staff and volunteers. The Globe has become the “calling card” of The College and receives wide distribution and approval. $20 US. Please use the return envelope enclosed in The Globe. ATTENTION LIFE MEMBERS………. to REQUIRE Fellows who are and therefore exempt from annual dues to pay $20 US in order to continue to receive The Globe through the mail. The support of Life Members through the years is recognized and appreciated. They have earned their dues free status. The Globe may be downloaded from the College At Large web site at www.icd.org as an optional choice. PLEASE SUPPORT COLLEGE AT LARGE COMMUNICATIONS BY CONTRIBUTING $20 TO THE GLOBAL COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN THANK YOU! ll eg !"#$%! is published annually by the International College of Dentists, Inc. for members only. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Globe, Journal of the International College of Dentists, 1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 510, Rockville, Maryland 20852-1482, U.S.A. Correspondence relating to The Globe should be addressed to Editor, International College of Dentists, 1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 510, Rockville, Maryland 20852-1482, U.S.A. (Electronic mail: ) MEMBERS SEND ALL ADDRESS CHANGES to: Kathleen Bula, !"#$%!$&'%$*+&/ 01) Display Advertising Rates2 www.icd.org or 78+*&$'&'<&=$'>?614 511@#7# 7# 1 21 2#45278 Instructions for Authors The Globe2 7 7@77 72#2 14 54 12 1J61 2 The Globe is December 15. All materials should be sent to the Editor at . Digital photographs must not be imbedded with the text but sent separately as indi5L7171+# 118#31 71712?#2111I.C.D. Editor, International College of Dentists, 1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 510, Rockville, Maryland 20852-1482 USA. The Editor can be reached at (240) 403-7246. s e of D en t MISSION The International College of Dentists is a leading honorary dental organization dedicated to the recognition of outstanding 7 1 17 1 7 # 12 MOTTO & ' OBJECTIVES All statements of opinion and supposed facts are published with the authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not #213 14 561 1 7# 72#72#31 18 of any inaccurate or misleading statements made by the contributors to the publication. 197 1;2#27 transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, 717## #31137 17218 should be addressed to the Editor. is t In , . rnation te al + Co "()** of the International College of Dentists F 67 1 relations within the profession. F 6 131 3 F 6H117 to the public worldwide. F 677 of oral health. F 6 2 1 1 7 dentistry internationally. F 6777@ 1ture. F 671111 7 7tence and personal ethics. F 671117277 1 profession. F 67711# 17 its dignity and stature. Publication Member of the American Association of Dental Editors T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Editor John V. Hinterman, D.D.S. e-mail: @1!><! Copy, Production and Assistant Editor Kathleen W. Bula e-mail: 01 Cover Art, Design Support 1O# ()** INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ' ! = k $ < ' Q1J .....................John V. Hinterman 4$45 ..................................................... 1R# $j7 ................................... $45" 41q61v5O q""X 614& 1 41$451R# "5R5 "5##qJj6Q ............................................... 15## e-mail: 17132 THE COLLEGE FORUM CONTACT US: International College of Dentists ! "#$%!$* 6/+$'?'<&=$'> QL/+$'?'<&=$!> e-mail: > = % $ $ $$ $< $' 41#; ..........................................................John V. Hinterman 65j9116145 ................................. X 61{5 ......................................Victor J. Lanctis 4 ............................................................................................................. Phillip Dowell R17 ........................................................................................1\; ;JL7 ............................................................................................ "1 *\3 ...................................................................\QH 614 5/9#v ;31.........." Website: www.icd.org REPORTS OF THE SECTIONS AND REGIONS OF THE COLLEGE 2011 I.C.D. O ers 1R# Garry W. Lunn, President-Elect " 4 President I. Leon Aronson, Vice President X6 15##J John V. Hinterman, Secretary General YZ57## General 2JX##; Emeritus 1;1 #; Emeritus James P. Kerrigan, Treasurer Emeritus [JO3JJ 2011 I.C.D. Section Editors 1\;* C. Filippo Cappa, Canada Q^H&5_H"L 1 15##J7 04R97 "#\7 Jennifer Smyth, Australasia 24J81774 O"J "\R0 Ying-Kwei Tseng, Chinese Taipei Hu, Tao, China 00"3"# $% <' <= ' '! ! !! *4 44 "L444 14Y J7Y 4R97Y4 \7Y44 !% >< >> = =< =! =% % %$ %< %' J;49<4 J;49<<"# J;49<>" [15J1[ 1 Y444 1774| "J| 0|4 167|44 1|444 "#|4Y GLOBE SPONSORS 4Q/ ... 4Y*}"L .....................5\#* !.......................................6;45* '' ........................................................................................ 81 ! ...................................................................................... Henry Schein Endodontics, Europe =$ ...................................................................................................... Spident Co., Ltd., Korea =' .............................................................................. Wei Cheng Technology, Chinese Taipei == .......................................................................... West China School of Stomatology, China 4X/ ....................................................................................\"7\7 X .............................................................................. G.C. Corporation, Japan Please visit our new FACEBOOK website. Go to your Facebook account and search for INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF DENTISTS COLLEGE-AT-LARGE. Then, “LIKE” our page. 3 THE INTERNAT ION A L C OU N C IL THE GLOBE THE COLLEGE IS FINDING SUCCESS IN ... THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE A gainst all odds, the International College of Dentists continues year after year on its path of success and growth in 1+?# 3311357 71 311745Q31361R ways to accomplish its mission of supporting the dental pro 2 1161 413 ## Here are a few of the barriers that stand in our way. F Forms Of Government: In some parts of the world, ICD Fellows are not allowed to send money out of their country to pay their dues. Also, ICD Fellows in some countries are not allowed to communicate with Fellows located in certain other countries. F Economic Disparities:Q37# ~145+<*? are a bargain, especially when the international currency 1 1Q3#7 131 be a burden, especially when international currency differ1 F Keeping The Rolls: Imagine trying to build an accurate database of international names and addresses when in some 1Q3j# or their street name is listed before the numerical address 3117771 3 #7 F Section Autonomy: Our Bylaws permit ICD Sections 121# # when there is agreement on a common goal. F Language Barriers: Enough said! 124532Q3 #7271# 1 thrill of being selected for ICD Fellowship passes. Lapses of 45177Q3 time. Other priorities or commitments can get in the way as ICD Q3131#72#1 1 1# extended family. 4 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 31 61 3 [1 the glue that holds the International College 5 1 4 starts with the steely determination in the minds 1 45 17 /01 #31 1 ! special organization a 61#127 ternational community of dentists. They are united in a common mission: being the promoters and protectors of oral health care #3361231# #71 1#2# being part of a larger organization. O# 836112H77 1 # 45 61 Registrars of the 7117# for successful ICD operations. Also to be recognized are those who sustain The College by bringing new candidates into ICD Q317QL71*172# falls to the Deputy Regents14eral Councilors 1777 3# 7X1 12 #j3 Q3172#7117 And so, we are able to say that today that The International College of Dentists is a model organization for creating international goodwill between professionals and for being of assis 41~111 in the face of worldwide deteriorating economic conditions. This is no accident. The College is succeeding around the world despite its many challenges because of the determined mindset 45Q3 \1Y+\?O55Q45 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S T HE I N TE R N A TION A L C OU N C IL The GLOBE OUR I.C.D. YEAR 2011 ... #12 3 ()** ... AND THEN SOME. T 145 R17OJ 11 H1H# k$ 4 321323 12 111L; $/ ? [1j711 #1 45Q317 O Do you remember the excitement you felt on being named a Q3 1[71 1 111 245Q3171 Q361732#1# #31Q3771j 7@7117[1 Q31717813 $? [17345Q3#31271[3 1[1211371Q3 311 [11 1#2#1O Q31742 #O@6123Q312 7#11 <? [1137@2 7 4 1 61 7 771 32#2#1 Fellows and externally throughout the world community of dentistry and the public. '? [ 7 [11;2 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 616#211X3 1#1Q3111 1#j9 961 most important piece of all, though, is the personal correspondence with Fellows. It must be friendly and cordial, yet 7 214 of Dentists. !? Continuing Growth of the College both numerically and geographically is critical. We remember those highly 8Q33173H 1 1 O 45&Q317 We, too, were recognized - and we must ensure the continuum. The College should be present in all areas of the world not currently represented. >? [ 1 3 7# and image in our business practices through Enhanced Cen [ 7 [ 3 7 3&77q 2 7#|| q 7 31 17 Your efforts towards these ends are most important for the con #2 [11 31 331# 1 I N T E R N A T I O N A L 1R#55Q45 C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 5 THE IN TERNAT IO NAL THE GLOBE CO U N C IL INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL 2010 2010 COLLEGE OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL COUNCILORS 4* 4R 1" 1#R5" \6 James E. Felix Carol I. Turner \710# R1[ 615# YZ Section II Canada ;#[R "H 42 6! #12 3 444"L \X1 , 512 3 4Y17174 Pericles Correa de Freitas 0 "71# 7 1 ! /01 Section V Europe Phillip Dowell Joseph F. Lemasney QO"0 Section VI India @11 001 Section VII Japan 0@O1 Section VIII Australasia X 2" /1 4|1774 Primo E. Gonzales |"J Cedric P. Haddad .2" 019 |40 Woong Yang 2"8! !1% |44167 Yuh-Yuan Shiau |4441 Z1| 2"8! "12 |4Y"# Tun Tun Thwe 8! /1: ||4 X+71722? 171+J1722? Jin Fei Yeo (Asia) ! 8! 7 !1 3 .2"8! ".12 6 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S THE IN TE R N A TION A L C OU N C IL The GLOBE 2010 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 42 ()*) IT IS THE ICD FELLOWS WHO MAKE AND MARK THE DIFFERENCE! L #j3345&L7 3# 12 61#3 31 2~45& Q317#261# 3117 2H143 2~#1 #77# #$&451177041nese-Taipei, Japan, Europe, Australasia, South America, China, *1"J31Y 7q11&J1#j 1#5 The College’s Custodians – Protecting the Founders’ Vision 612 14JL j61#1 1#72# # 133 sure that our organization remains faithful to the Vision of its Founding Fathers and its Core Values. 8# 32#7 4562 #77#Lq72 ##q7##68# Q3 3 2R#2 3172# X#32@R17 – the College’s Pillars The College can and always should be proud of its Fellows: 1#1 121#&7 dental institution. They are the ones who are carrying forward A Universal Organization 1k$ #&Y7# 6145H61 31Q33#12# 8# 614 5jQ- College cannot belong to any particular country. To facilitate lows. And it is precisely the Fellows who constitute our Col- worldwide communication, our Organization adopted English j77 18#1457 # R7O8 1#2 11 1Q3 1*1[15q13 13# 3111 #&- could be anywhere in the world. 4#31j31L7 17 432manages the ICD and guides the Fellows with the Heart and the lutely apolitical, in the broadest sense of the term. In our ICD, Head, as well as with Common Sense. 11232#77126145Q33145 58761# one College! T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 7 T HE INT ERNATIO NA L C OU N C IL THE GLOBE A Rock-Solid Foundation 452& J103Q# # image and essence. This must always be communicated through 3 23 11 Well-Prepared for the Future #377 1 4331Q3 317 713L722 145j233 A Constant Stream of Noble Contributions 4 31#2213 3 3#j#2 well as constant, contributions: - *Q317 ethnic origins, races, nationalities, languages, religions, specialties, economic conditions, political preferences, 271locations. - Fostering understanding, respect and concern for our fellow human beings. - 12137 and academic pride. - 7#33L7tions throughout the dental profession. - 13# R 31L7 1<<1"1 #jR17R1 3 7 31 7 1 means to rise to greater heights. Let us unite under the local and 245&R1739317j O#2;##;263 O[2131Q17;3 and Fellowship. ICD Fellows, simply: “Do the right thing,” not for the applause or a reward, but because it is “the right thing to do.” An Altruistic Spirit Q#*#;#6[72#17ous, altruistic response by the Korean Section, as well as Fellows 9"#[v1jQ2#$= $1861 1145&5#7 # 3 1#211Q32# int45 4Q3 73 #877 " 55"45 #4|&1771L7 1 characteristic ICD dedication to dentistry and community, as 3445&030+?@7242@ 1212#1 7#32#21 &61 1<%%&177#2#Q3Q7;HO # 7#7#& 1131# 2#Q3QL7$1Q3YO#31 61&X1/[1159031 Q3621Q35\1 1311""Q 8 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L 2010 President Seidemann served as mentor to China during the formation of the China Section. In Orlando, he awarded the Councilor Medallion to C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S T HE IN TE R N A TION A L C OU N C IL The GLOBE I.C.D. International Council Meeting, Orlando, Florida 2010 First Row, Seated, L-R: John V. Hinterman, William R. Clitheroe, Richard A. Shick, Charles L. Siroky, Manfred Seidemann, Garry W. Lunn, Vangel R. Zissi, J. Terrell Hoffeld Middle Row, L-R: Mike Suzuki, Clive B. Ross, Zhou, Xuedong, Tun Tun Thwe, Pericles Correa de Freitas, Woong Yang, Thomas D. Pryse, Rajesh Chandna, Anthony L. Di Mango, Antonio Bello, Joseph Lemasney, I. Leon Aronson, Leighton A. Wier, Charles M. Simons Top Row, L-R: Frans H. M. Kroon, Christopher Ogunsalu, J. Steven Tonelli, Akira Senda, Koji Hashimoto, Joseph R. Kenneally, Rajiv Chugh, Cedric P. Haddad, James E. Felix, Phillip Dowell, Yuh-Yuan Shiau, Chen Qianming, Jiang Yan THANK YOU, FELLOW HOFFELD The International College of Dentists extends its appreciation and gratitude 5\ #6+6#?O 31#; 61 R1#$5O 1 21 3 61"#61 R817 32 #3 7R1 3 325O j73161 #11 1# Dr. Hoffeld assumed his duties with the I.C.D. after retiring from a thirty #5 1*2O1O 153"2#4#1331 1##;172#61 17 J Based Dentistry. We hope his contributions to the I.C.D. will continue through 17 12@ future I.C.D. publications. 475O j 1R# 5O j3#;eral for an additional three month period which facilitated a smooth and timely transition. Said #/ 21 1 JL Committee, The International Council, and Fellows worldwide, I wish you well in all your future The Central OfficeAdministrator. Kathleen Bula "1 O8 1 :% ~ Employed with the I.C.D. since April $!qJ7#311454 \#$qJL#; 5\6O q 52"2175+?q} Liaison; Copy, Production and Editorial Assistant; Website Rq"J77 J. Terrell Hoffeld, B.S., D.D.S., PhD 2010 Secretary General T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 9 TH E INT ERNATIO NAL C OU N C IL GLOBE THE GLOBE THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL IN ORLANDO ... #; Dr. Raymond Gist, President of the American Dental Association, with President Manfred Seidemann in Orlando. CARING FOR THE COLLEGE S 11 61 members of The International Council from around the world 1Q*2!&=$$ 4" 17 12311#71 # 2# 61#$72L7# 31 7 61R317"4J#7 72# committees will direct the course of action during the year ahead. 511 # 1 14533111 61R2# 21Q3R "2 111771Q31 71 Q33!*$$R "2317#32176177 31111 7 10 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E Photo credits: Dr. Garry W. Lunn 132#$2 " through the mail. Excellence in commuH2#141# 45Q3#311Q3 are aware of what The College is doing around the world will 1#7 73172 77$&J1# There were many highlights during The International Counj$#;J2JX# 45j11161 #&34 11121 614$'17 6 XX717 11 7@772#45Q3133 61177#Q 311 1*77 1 $!3 *Q3$4" described The International College of Dentists as the opportu#17 7 2 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S T HE INT ERNATIO NA L C OU N C IL THE GLOBE MEET OUR 2011 PRESIDENT, CHARLES SIROKY - An Abridged Biography C 1 # 3 2[4 a long time ago. His mom and dad decided on greener pastures and left for sunny Southern California after he 1 1 His two brothers, who are 3 $ # younger than he, had yet to 161 #71L#3 1; 22+<&!? 11+>&k?Q11 # 1H1## 3##1# 111111Q H 1#111 11 long bus ride twice a day. 9L1317&71*# H6[1111@ #LO372#1 schools he applied to after his third year, but chose to attend the *# 1 [113# there, he began a long distance correspondence relationship with ##11Q 61#k> during the summer holiday before the third year clinical studies began. They set up home near the Los Angeles Coliseum and @ 3 11;#31# studied and, in due time, Kathryn was born. Then, they both 31#01#3O k>$17 1311 61#jL713311*# 1%=th"511#;# 01#92;# 1L1# J7311#31J 2# O;#X1 301#211#" Dad had been on a short trip to the Benelux countries and the 732XX61 1 to a remote base near the south end of Death Valley, California, 12 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 172391 # 22#;#@01#1#\ 721LHO 17#711121 senior position as the other two soon retired. Through good for1312 17H## 111O2 1 1 1 31R#321#1 his local Central Arizona Dental Society, the Arizona Dental Association, and as both a Vice President and Trustee of the Ameri 5 O 5 1 5 H 2#61 J311 1 committees and as the President of the AAE Foundation. During this same period he was inducted into ICD and, in no time, was 13O1*57# HY 1'th District, 114 #2 1 1 7Q554 1317#7#12 1 #137 1 #2 1L1 17 \71jO71#71 church. Other stuff, too. "193132$%31 1 1 4 2H 3 2 J 1#O17#1ing and talented young lady who soon was molded into a new ICD Fellow. She is a true leader in her own right. Charley still 21773 171 221O 1j3#3112X O;#31$11 well on their way to great things of their own. He feels he is well suited to lead the International College of 51#1171 1O714 171#2 14 sure he will. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S TH E IN TE R N A TION A L C OU N C IL The GLOBE GARRY W. LUNN, D.D.S., ELECTED COLLEGE 2011 PRESIDENT ELECT 5;#R2111*# 2J2k=!Q11#171 X122 Y X123111217 #k%<OY32#1 2# 72177O17& #1Q# 5#1*# X1217 # #7& @7##3#2;#1& ##22 1#21*# X12O1 #277#17 7# and the use of lasers. 5 1 ;# 1 3# 2 H # 1 7 3 4145112Q3 '#14 #3111O317#311 3111321O 227117 31 1112 12#O771#17117 1#H#X11 Q317;#211 11 7@ 7;#j3 11#117 7 1# X12 $ years has been an educator at the Community College. You can bet that there is not a #2#1131#22 1 O1"711*# [R 1271;#1171 #1#11 317 3# 1 ;# @# # 1 7 7171# 1956 1 O#5 I. LEON ARONSON, D.D.S., ELECTED COLLEGE 2011 VICE PRESIDENT 5R 1;3#Y& 14 5O 1Q3171"[1kk11145# 7*5!57#2 1# 1* kk>O71113# R1743145 7173117431#11*231Q32# 3# 1#&O* $=&$131 1 23 11X#&3 117714 553#15 Association, including holding the position of President of the Georgia Dental Association from kk&kk$ 5155 J#*#k><1* Q k><&k>!1"j51 R*#k>=O711; <<#7 $O77 11J1Q2 in Saint Louis. O312#1#13 21 J#*#R*#O1117R*#1" ;7&2 O13 X2111L1[145 1@# 31216#24;31 he resides. 13 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S T HE INT ERNATIO NA L C OU N C IL THE GLOBE SHELDON DOV SYDNEY, D.D.S., APPOINTED COLLEGE 2011 EDITOR 15##55Q45 X"#*2@# 1#131*# "#51J1 1j377 2 k=!R171#J#*#; * 32#X O3J1 1"# J 1\ 1"#542 1\ #615123 77 1 72 1 R2# 1 Dr. Sydney is Editor of the ICD European Section (V), as well as Editor of their online-newslet32@1454;J631*j\3 51 1J6Q3145114 Council meetings to deliberate on a wide range of issues affecting dental publications. He also 1145&5J+ 5J?R L73 45311@ globally. 5##2 11 1*# "# #16*#1 5"5 747#43113113 11 2 # 131 !"# %&'%('))# 611 1J6Q+J6Q?32#7 1 world who discussed a wide range of issues effecting editors and ICD publications. Code for Dental Editors 617 721@1113 2#311451 18#1@ L712 137 # Communication with the Media 4 13&77 Media Resource Document and Tag Press Release22H2# 2 and Editors describing suggested uses of the two documents, as well as guidelines on how to access them from the ICD website. Advertising Guidelines for ICD Publications 61 45 2 17 15317145 Creating a Recognizable ICD Logo 411J6Q17H2 11 7 322#J6Q2 311713217#77 14 ICD Editors and AADE A dialogue was initiated with the American Association of Dental Editors (AADE) to explore an as231H131371245 @ Targeting Dental Editors for Fellowship 5#172 1 H3221217 1"# 73 45 Next Meeting in India [ 31L77# && 31 3451441#62272 77 177 11L 1J6Q 14 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Register Now: Winter Getaway February 12~19 2012 Los Cabos, Mexico with J.P. Gobetti, D.D.S., M.S. International College of Dentists presents CE & Sunshine Seminar 12 CEU Credit Ho ourrs (P (Pai a n Co C ntrol ~ Ca Card rdio iova vasc scul ular ar Imp mpli lica cati tion onss ~ Me Medi dica call Em Emer erge genc ncie iess) Reggistraation & Dettails at www.iicd.o org TouringWhale WatchingSunshineBeaches Fishing T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Golf Eco ToursKayaking Water SportsContinuing Education Shopping Snorkel and Scuba Diving Restaurants T HE COL L E GE F ORUM Introducing The Secretary General Q3\1Y+\? O+*? has been appointed Secretary General of The International College of Dentists. An ICD Fellow since k=%1121 Editor of The College during the past six years. His long time experience in dental association leadership positions prepares him well for his new duties as Secretary General of The College At Large. Q1'#5O12 177@311 77 #Q"1* O3 1"15 "5 L#5O 211 1X "54 4"5472 dentists. Dr. Hinterman is a former member of the Board of Trustees of The American Dental Association where he 71 "1[O 115j 315j71X 5 ADA Publishers, Inc. then, publishers of the Journal of The 51593 5O3 1*# 5 "#X1 +1#?5 5#61*5"1 5#1 since named him an Alumnus of The Year. Other professional 077*7O# 1513 1; District Dental Society. An award that had a great impact on 1k%$3121 337 1 2#145* Section I Dental Journalism Awards Program. As Secretary General of The International College of 55Oj721 administration, professional relations, planning and growth of The College. He will contribute to long term continuity for College internal and external relationships. He will assist 16712 7# 6141 3775O 33#312 1 61O31L7 11 145 for whom the International Council is directly responsible, will be the greatest challenge. Says Secretary General Hinterman, “The Secretary General 7 #L7 4113H#1# 114771 L122#1JL# appointment. I will need the support of all ICD Fellows in the #14L2 Meet Carol Hinterman O7772 17#; 2 61611\j##17O1 7713#1117 13777 H7QL71J 1 1531\245 #;117217 61[X#4v7Q"141 #j7+7?77 177#7 311Q#71#161131 2 6172 ;10 61O111+?L1 16 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Submitted by...... 5X+93Z? Treasurer and Councilor International College Of Dentists and Neither Should The ICD The College has a 72 record, from its inception inspired 2#1 k$% this day, as a forward 17 body. Drs. Louis Ottofy 61 3 be astonished if 1#31 2118# and the growth of their international dream as it exists 5X today. ICD Sections 7H 12# ## 13 H1 #7 97 11H1#7# with the extraordinary explosion of information, immediacy of world 33 8 811 still or rest on its laurels. The ICD is no exception! R#614 #7 1* appointed its own Secretary General. As with any change there are growing pains and the College is adapting to this autonomous 61L71 131 ##1 Q3421# 72#1 A process of self examination has begun with a committee of the International Council addressing a number of issues, some of which will be discussed in this paper. Size of the International Council The size of the Council is at 23#L74 the Council is allowed to grow in an unfettered way, discussion 2 22 O3 7112 7 8211# 7L77 #21 #7131 2#~7 1R1 12 7 # 2 71j contribution to the College. A maximum of four has been recommended. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E T HE COL L E GE F ORUM 65j 7 Growth is exciting and healthy and 2@2H3 11313# 22#72 2#7112 2112 31 12 The Council will assist these emerging regions by appointing 1731" communication encourages this consolidation and we should 11# The recommendation to the Council is that a maximum number %32 #1 232$<@# Y1 This is always a contentious issue among 7211 1117611 recommendation for the Council to consider is that only those 31#1217 1111 61 1 11 177 2 1JL " 614 As the breadth of the representation at the Council at Large increases, with 72# 77 #4777 to an International President with the responsibility of directing the annual meeting in English, sometimes as a second language, under rules of meeting protocols which are unfamiliar. The recommendation to the Council is therefore to establish the 7 71 772#74Q13 1H2 1 1H8 1 1777# 112## 1 #7 1311 17 8 614/ 12277 717 7717 477@2 L7 1712712@ 12 113#32 # 6118172# 1 International Council to address, but it welcomes and relies on 27 Q3#31 1 3H614 College of Dentists, the preeminent, nonpolitical Dental College 2# 1H I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 17 T HE COL L E GE F ORUM The International College of Dentists: T of Professionalism? Submitted by...... Brigadier-General (ret) Y\R"XX\5X55"Q45 Past President, International College of Dentists “An outstanding athlete... An agency known for its ... A plumber skilled in his ... Sound advice... The oldest in the world... The work of thieves...” etc1 j 12 what is ordinarily done by unpaid amateurs, the widely accepted etymological lineage of the term as well as 7772#1 appear to suggest much more than what is commonly 3# “Though seldom an accurate guide to a word’s use, etymology is often the best guide”— Michael Davis "1#31 2@2137 j2 #7"J17 O3 #j 1Q12#21R highly enterprising and professio311 73 3j 72j61 one read or hear about 227 1 7 j word , a multi-part construct signifying to In most instances, the j8j27# term is used in association of this is the somewhat transparent ethical, not to say with an act or deed moral, connotation attached to the word. While such particularly well executed 711## 318 not slightly ambiguous insights into the matter, it does Victor J. Lanctis 2 727 131 7H7#43111 86 1 137 j772 L 113 readily --- if not indiscriminately --- applied to a wide deeper search into human social and cultural history, # 177# 7#1 1" 771 1177 12 7 j 1#22# or partly for more mundane reasons, i.e. material 1 13231 [11#2 7## 82/[111 1 +7 ?1 12 #22# ###17# While contemporary dictionaries and lexicons 2;1#11 introduce a number of interpretations, including the status and academic standing of its adherents, as well act of openly asserting an opinion or a belief, formally 1788 18 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S “Historically, there are three ideas involved in a profession: organization, learning, and a spirit of public service. These are essential. The remaining idea, that of gaining a livelihood, is incidental.” Roscoe Pound. 42117 #773 211282 1617 j3L7# 1211413 to be regarded as 7 j entailed a manifest commitment to the 3 of others, often without material compensation, 3111 1 related to the 1 11 @ 613# #L71# 71&7 1 2 2#;\1O1 3212#17 31#j~ commitment to national interests, including being placed in 13##3j 7 j#61#17 1#21# 1; J7311j3 considered to be one of the noblest of all callings. Thus can it be #177L#1 1kth #17 j3 77 most readily associated with theology, the practice of law and medicine (and its ancillary disciplines), and soldiering. 617 1 11 117 ~71 T HE COL L E GE F ORUM acceptance into such orders, these clerics constituted a somewhat L113#7 1+7 ? 13#21 J7#71 highly respected and erudite groups gradually coalesced into what soon became recognized as a distinguished and prestigious # 77+7 ?#31 all of the traditional religious and missionary functions normally associated with the clergy, but also with the solemn charge of 7731 [11 1#&7 j7 1331 1 312 7 2; 1#[1#L#1 1#13# religious communities in general as well as to a limited number 1&77 21111 7 3613##1 sense of the term, but also its rather limited scope, which remained basically unaltered for centuries. 2113361 J1#1L7 171## #7#712 H57 1 blur the original context and meaning of many commonly L7QL7317 j 7HjL7j312 12##7 [1#231 opening statement regarding the true meaning of the term 7 j377114 5217#311 Q3#17# 1 #[12 1 7 &#2 7172#1 311 7# 1 1711 7 1112 77 317 R7 experience within two of those traditional professions leads this author to conclude that most ICD Fellows decidedly fall into the latter category. 4121## meaningful if it carries with it a practical purpose. What 1321777 1{ 7#71H1 13173 and expertise may be standard attributes expected of all so7 j17&3 1 H11 welfare of their fellow human beings that authentically entitles them to that designation. Such generosity of spirit and abiding readiness to ~#11 7 remain the ultimate litmus test distinguishing them from all other occupations. In the #1 7 j 1211#1& honored status. X# L7 +3 "?32@ particularly as they pertain to the sponsorship of humanitarian 711712 31 17 12 114 57H 1# 7 ##j7 terms but, most notably, in a genuine historical and philosophical sense. X&;+?Y\R"XX\5X 55"Q45@#7 Past President, International College of Dentists & 8 ; 8 8 1 1 8 8 1' T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E “Recognizing Service and the Opportunity to Serve” I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 19 T HE COL L E GE F ORUM Submitted by...... Professor Phillip Dowell Councilor, Section V Europe International College of Dentists Image 47 someone or something produced by the ## 21777 to the public by a person or organization. J#11 internalized as a self image and one that 7@L#31 H14547 2~ # 1731Q31 of the ICD and are they aware of all the 7@114531 regarding education and humanitarian 03217@ 2# it is of paramount importance that all Fellows are made to feel that they can be 261# 77 3 should be heralded as an important part 618#1 case in promoting our image to not only the dental profession who are outside the College, but also the public in general. It is certainly the case that the ICD is 3#321 Districts and Sections of the College&R4 311 no image, seemingly a statement of 1221451 to address this problem by publishing @H 12 7@ by gaining exposure in the local and national press. In this respect a lot has 212#17 1j7 with regular college newsletters and the 72 1j@ 61;2913 must remain mindful of communicating not only within the College but also to the profession worldwide as well as the general public. This is why image and 11 Professor Phillip Dowell 20 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L [j27 7 1#Q3 145j 8#172## 1vj9j2471 Q317j 6182# 12@ ;3157 611 2@311 117 1 cordial relations within the profession, the fostering of growth and diffusion of 312 1 17 dentistry internationally. Image is fundamentally important in 3171 2#871 23#j2# 45Q33113171 this growth. 1742@1 part of the communication committee remit of the College-At-Large as well as 7 1J6Q4# 31 711 regular liaison. As a to do list, we must: Inform the broader world of dentistry what the ICD is and what it stands for. F31 other institutions. F humanitarian functions and resources F # Q3177 meeting costs down so that poorer 7 F41Q3 1 11 3 #43 it is! Professor Phillip Dowell \#&>&$ 7173273 C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Submitted by...... 51\; J4* International College of Dentists The young Thomas Jefferson wrote much of the *5 of Independence in his upstairs apartment on " in Philadelphia. His were many of the original ideas found in the document, but he also freely borrowed from the Virginia Constitution and the enlightenment principles of J1 \1R 1\; Jefferson accepted 112#X@Q1 61\ 3121 3#13Y13j #743#11 13HO3272 73#211 often had others read his speeches. \13 1 393J3 passionate about gaining freedom from the rule of King George 44461X1 1#[11 113jRL"1 j1#3#3 1 #2 11717 "11 727 delegates from the other colonies to adopt the Declaration of Independence. The genius of both Jefferson and Adams was 3177 1 93#17 1 1 1111#3 8 3 112 Jefferson was tall and stately. In old age Adams went bald. Jefferson maintained his mane of rust-colored hair. Jefferson spent many years as Ambassador to France. Adams actually 21 \\ 3 723Q\ 1 11 11 in debt. Adams was frugal and left an estate worth a hundred T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E T HE COL L E GE F ORUM On Leadership 1\1\#'%$>{# "1 ##1# 15 of Independence. Incredibly, Thomas Jefferson also died on \#'%$>"Y ##1# signing the Declaration of Independence. The two men had more differences than similarities. The styles 1738 Q 211773173@# 11113 77# 72\ 3 13# # with the common man. The inauguration of Adams resembled 1 \ 1 unaccompanied in a simple horse-drawn buggy. But, with all their differences, America needed the talents of both men to #2#\#'==> The International College of Dentists and the dental profession 81 ##7 1 13[#2We 2~J#7 1# 2#1#7 #1 2773271#@3 2711 [22# [23\ 11#39 politicians, but we need them to interact with our elected 7" 331 3172 products for our members, but we need those who do. O3# @#73O 5 12 1721 7 9#X111#1 1137 37# dues and hire professionals. 4311 832 14 dental profession. ICD leaders should always be willing to step forward and help with the issues that confront the dental community. 5#31L72731 7131173131 311171 7313@#17 arena. Being a dental leader means so much more than being 7 ##41 2X1#X17 X R173# 1 j @!k I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 21 T HE COL L E GE F ORUM Great Expectations Submitted by....... 5"12&1 ;JL7" 454* Great Expectations, Mentoring Professionalism is a mentoring program started at Baylor Dental School by "#L1#45156L$>4127 O;63 1712315j prestigious Golden Apple Award. Great Expectations7 717~171 toward more professional and ethical conduct. At its core the new student is assigned an upper classmate who 1#17 2161 #7 1#313131j 7173 61 1#3#2 @#231 pressure. The intent is to create a trusting and collegial atmosphere for the maturing professional, thereby 17 1212#L7112#L The concepts underlying this program are contained in the precepts fostered by Dr. Arthur Dugoni during his ##15 1*# 1151 5#O in a nutshell are his principles. F X77&2#7 F X &31&2#217 F # F 7# F # F 2# F 7 F J1 F Z6 / F F F 521 F # 18 1 Great Expectations #7#1 #3312772 41 1* 14 5+*&45? 17 17H2#1 # 17141 1*&4517177O37 #*&452137Great Expectations a success. The International College welcomes the participation of other organizations that ascribe to the tenets of this program. There is 1321Q3 145171177 "12&1'k! ;JL7" 22 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S T HE COL L E GE F ORUM *\3 Submitted by ..... 5\QH 454* 1#&#k!$1* to sponsor Awards for Dental Journalism each year. At that time, 1 13 7 publications and the establishment of an annual award program 131771 publication. 6#1373 77L#!726137 annually at the meeting of the American Association of Dental J\2# @ 3111LL7@61 @j7 1#131111L7 1317 3 publications according to size, budget and use of personnel. In the 213#13 1361 172 compete with those who had access to greater funding and staff. 61*13233 172 enter the contest. There are many dental publications that may 1#171777# 22772X#11 3 1 ones, each publication can be placed in a situation where they can 7187#61 72715#315 $1 315 1#61 7311 77861 3/ Silver Scroll- For the publication showing the most 7 Platinum Pencil- Best use of Graphics Best Editorial or Article on Leadership Best Newsletter Golden Pen-An article of current interest to the profession Special Citation- an article or publication showing an unusual concept or presentation Outstanding Cover T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E Standing (left to right) Dr. Barry Taylor (Accepting for Dr. Bruce Burton, Honorable "R17? 5\QH+45Q3? 5 +544O2";? "02#+7 5XQ 54?"\07 55Q+54O2";? 5L+544? Dr. Jeffrey Galler (Leadership Article) 5"107+7? "J#X+7 55J7 Citation) 5[+544? 5\"+544? Seated (left to right) 5R1[+445* Section) 50##+54;93} O2"? 571"+54O2"; }O2"93? 55X+7 "" 54? 51;+J45*? 6145\3172#77 3131771# #42@1311 3371 8# 1#72111* 61* 131 171717 X1\31*17 7@317#Q2#1 for new and current dental editors. http://www.usa-icd.org/information/awardees.htm. &$! 1' I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 23 T HE COL L E GE F ORUM The International College of Dentists: 9#v ;31 Qk$[1$Q3$ $[1$><Q3$ Submitted by ....... 5" $4 International College of Dentists Introduction 4\7k$3H13 7&&3311#3 7#1117 61361 \7R # 1*14 14 546#145371 3 5 #6137 217 7 3 5" Volunteer Network Q1#2Q Fathers were clear and emphatic regarding 1j3 global responsibility and commitment, 17&&3 promoting cordial relations. Their ethicalprofessional-humanitarian legacy can be H3/61# 12 1 Early on, the decision was made to create #312#132 and gifted, as well as the most ethical, 33 information to their peers. Selecting 131 7 2 ICD-Fellows. Initially, each country in the world, as 3#7 1 larger nations, was to be represented by at least one Fellow. The global membership 32<Q3Q1 773 1272& 17O3 this system was recognized as being too J#3 2#11#81 2 177# ICD-Fellowship. Genesis of ICD Growth 4k< and usefulness, as well as to stimulate its geographic and numerical growth, the 45771H R&&R 24 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L ||14 k=% 321 include those geographic areas of the 2 Fellows to form Autonomous Entities (Sections or Districts). Presently, Section || African, English Caribbean and Spanish 22 31 % The two accompanying charts present the j 4" Seidemann, a Keynote Speech and a Fellowship Orientation Program. Kazakhstan (Section XX) International Councilor Woong Yang, 2#|4Q3\1 03#2145 0H1 27 $613||3 represent an important contribution to our jL7 Mongolia (Region 36) 2010 ICD Expansion 61#13 1#1451 performed by International Past President to steadily expand through growth within O6\14 existing Sections and the addition of [v21 34$7 "j was made to encourage the Fellows to 72%*2kk! identify and recommend outstanding and 4O6\1 highly ethical colleagues for the honor #1345<> of ICD Fellowship. Through this and and conducted an Initiation (Induction) 173 Ceremony. He presented a Fellowship 151#1j Orientation Program and the Keynote organizational growth was largely Speech. Fifteen distinguished colleagues ||61 11 45Q317 in particular holds enormous promise Q3XH15 1 for enabling the ICD to incorporate new nations and geographic areas into its global School of Dentistry, Health Sciences, *# "1|| 3 <>Q3\1 Section XX’s Asia Sector: v193j" Iran Section (Region 30) 5$Q3O&9@ Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei (Region 25) 92$k4 1H7 14 (Induction) Ceremony in Singapore, a 45&"#<; colleague from Brunei was granted the 2# honor of ICD Fellowship. Thus, Brunei 145431 2745 Initiation (Induction) Ceremony. For these $!313 #1 #;6#O 74X 777 O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S Section XX’s Africa Sector: Cameroon (Region 34) *Q32j9 7$ 1 Honor of ICD Fellowship. Both 377$3 be inducted with the other African $ Egypt (Region 29) |"J3 to guide the Egypt Territory in the formation of a formal ICD 61R251 particularly close academic relations 31J#7*Q3 "1O331 an Egyptian Implant Group, has < the honor of ICD Fellowship, and more are to be selected. During $1J#7L7 to hold its Inauguration Celebration, which will be accompanied by an Initiation (Induction) Ceremony. This 7331 International Continuing Education Program. Eritrea (in the future, it will be ? 5$%Q3 51\2 sponsored Dr. Laynesh GhebreHiwot #1 outstanding colleague from Eritrea 11 45Q317 4$k1 4 Ceremony, Dr. GhebreHiwot was T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L 45Q3174$ an attempt was made with Dr. GhebreHiwot to begin expanding the College throughout the country. Nigeria, Ghana (Region 34) Kenya, Uganda (Region 35) Tanzania (Region 38) During the year, International Councilor Christopher Ogunsalu ##3 21 our College. In each country, he 177 group of academicians. A number of outstanding and distinguished dentists were selected as possible candidates for the honor of ICD Fellowship. Presently, their submitted 82 23 5$452 177 will be granted the honor of ICD Fellowship. Section XX’s Spanish Caribbean Sector: Q3J7+ $O? X3L71 College throughout Central America. 611H $ Year Section Name Countries Included 1934 I U.S.A. United States of America 1949 II Canada Canada 1955 V Europe European countries, Israel and Malta Japan 1958 VII Japan 1964 VIII Australasia Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Papua, New Guinea, and other islands of the South 1964 VI India, Sri Lanka and Nepal India, Sri Lanka, Nepal 1966 IX Philippines Philippine Islands 1967 X Middle East Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar 1978 XX 1980 III Mexico Mexico 1981 IV South America South American countries 1986 XI Korea 1994 XII Chinese Taipei 2009 XIII China 2009 XIV Myanmar O F T H E South Korea Chinese Taipei People’s Republic of China Myanmar Section XX – International Sector Region Countries Included ASIAN Conclusion Philosophically and practically, 45;3157 Expansion are a fundamental 7 j Therefore, our College has the obligation to establish its presence 45 71R3 recognize and honor the ablest, most distinguished, most honorable and most ethical dentists by offering them the opportunity for ICD Fellowship. J1Q3v\Q O"1O O9171 [v1 # to bring our College and its message 4571 Their exemplary efforts are truly an inspiration, demonstrating to all ICD Fellows the power of committed 77 in our College and in the dental profession around the world. International Asian Sector, African Sector, English Caribbean Sector, Spanish Caribbean Sector T HE COL L E GE F ORUM International Councilor Yeo Jin Fei was responsible for bringing X61$ 4# $ 7 2$!j3 commitment to annual growth. Vietnam (Region 31) X392$<$= 4" Seidemann was in Hue City, Vietnam. Through the enthusiastic efforts of Q3O9+? Yeo Jin Fei (Singapore), contacts and meetings were established with 74Y Q3 317# mentioned Fellows began forming a team with Vietnam Fellows Huynh Anh Lan, Hoang Tu Hung and Tran Y6H1 $ 22 Hong Kong, Macau 23 South Asian – Thailand, Laos, Kampuchea 24 South West Asian – Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh 25 South East Asian – Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei 30 Iran 31 Vietnam 33 Malaysia 36 Mongolia 37 Turkey 26 North Africa – Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia 27 South African – South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia 28 Central African 29 Egypt, Sudan 34 West Africa – Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana 35 East Africa – Kenya, Uganda 38 Tanzania 32 Bermuda, Bahamas, English-speaking Caribbean Islands 21 Central America, Panama, Non-English-speaking Caribbean Islands AFRICAN ENGLISH CARIBBEAN SPANISH CARIBBEAN I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 25 Autonomous Sections I ~ XIII V IV I VI VII X VIII II III IX XII XIII XI XIV II I V 30 26 III 32 29 21 X XI VII 22 XIII 24 VI XII XIV 31 23 IX 33 28 25 IV VIII 27 Section XX ~ International Regions 21 ~ 33 Region 21 Region 22 Region 25 Region 23 g Region 26 Region 24 Region 28 Region 31 Region 29 Region 32 Region 30 Region 33 Region 27 26 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S The Sections and Regions of the College “Recognizing Service and the Opportunity to Serve” International Section XX Section I \1YO *94R Jin Fei Yeo (Asia) 171+J1722? X+71722? * Section II Canada Section III "L Region 21 /X+? Section IV South America, non-English and non-Spanish 7224 Section V Region 22 O0/\1v0R Europe Thailand, Laos, Kampuchea Region 24 /"+? 4R97 Section VII 1X1 Region 25 /\Qv+7? Japan South East Asia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Section VIII O0" Region 23 /["1+61? Section VI 717 Caribbean Islands &93ZQ@4 793;1 11 Region 26 91 R2#"6 Region 27 1 Z223Z2 Region 28 Central Africa Section IX Philippine Islands Region 29 Egypt, Sudan Section X "455RJJ6&R2\48 2#03X1{ "2Jv Iran Region 31 /O6O+Y? Vietnam Section XI Region 32 /171+6? Korea Section XII Chinese Taipei China nation ter Region 35 9;1 al In "# Region 36 /XH1 is t ll J O U R N A L " s Co eg 2 0 1 1 "# Region 34 0#* Section XIV T H E XX1J17 Caribbean Islands Region 33 /01&0v Section XIII Region 30 /O&9@+4? e of D en O F t T H E Region 37 6# Region 38 Tanzania I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 27 <25+2!,$=, > President ..............................61"2 President-Elect ............................... \[ Vice-President ..........................["10# Immediate Past-President .............Leighton A. Wier Treasurer ..................................... 1"1 Editor ......................................... 1\; ...........................................Carol I. Turner 57# ............................. YZ J ..........................2JX# J ......................1;1 Editor Emeritus ............................... R1\ 57#J .......George D. Selfridge International Councilors T H E 2 0 1 1 61*1# 1#/JL+12HH 91 Y?q7X 1q 1X QR 13#71371 1*R3"9v 1 "1X 2 R0O2 \1Q O#R5\ \ \"9 01[1# James J. Conrardy \1 5LJX 0 [#55 90O J22 \1 \1\\ J O U R N A L O F 11 1 45 * $ ## # 1#[111 173 with this great organization. It has always been our feeling that the 1*145Q#7 171H[1 11731 Regents 28 W &'41 X4#711177()*) I. Leon Aronson 1#R5" James E. Felix \710# Thomas D. Pryse 1" \6 Carol I. Turner Leighton A. Wier YZ 5 5$ 5< 5' 5! 5> 5= 5% District 9 5 5 5$ 5< 5' 5! 5> 5= www.usa-icd.org T H E [1#77 77313H11771#563 *71 #7# 2#* O 3711#1 1JL X 7 L76145 *237731 X*621"9v7731712 of this organization with their efforts and attention. This is due 1Q31+1Y57# J?31724 #1 *Q37 to see it includes the prominent leaders of the dental profession in 1#61# #277 v1L7*45/X R"5 5\5"0#5227#771*77 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S USA 1L<# 1177#3311 1L#17#4#1145*3~1 161#3121 organization as well as their fellow man. Our future success depends on our ability to sustain and strengthen the “I.C.D. Family” concept. In Fellowship, [1#1# 1* 1731 1*1*Q61 3# 3 7 1#31317@133771 *45H7 1 37 321*Q3771*Q$31 Q77 1* 61*17#$477#j 11774 3 to continuing to contribute to this great organization and Brenda 4311 #3 $13231 happiness, health and success. Ted and Brenda Roberson 2010 USA SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and BOARD OF REGENTS Top Row: Keith Suchy, Robert Seminara, Henry Diversi, Jr., Dexter Barnes, Christine Benoit, Paul Stubbs, James Conrardy, Curtis Johnson, James Allen Middle Row: John Ricciani, Jeanne Nicolette, John Jordan, Jr., Nora Harmsen, Allen Keenan, John Olmsted, Wayne Del Carlo, Linda Himmelberger Bottom Row: Richard Galeone, Carol Turner, Jack Clinton, Ted Roberson, Michael Kenney, Leighton Wier, Vangel Zissi, Richard Smith T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 29 USA > 61*11 2# JL"3191Y Q2#47 1222HH 3 13377 align and set baselines for progress. Building on a strong foundation was paramount. We spent a great deal of energy clarifying expenses with spreadsheets, 2311 1*Q3 and focused. cause of its newness some of the last minute 1 3 2 7 "1 717172#5\X"1 71611 3#71 31$$!* Q1$!1 *# QjQ 1 [1122 77 3 remembered for the generosity of the Peabody Hotel. 7 X 3 111 the weather was perfect. This meeting was for the ,1 61#13L7#11 1233 1 137\#521711 #$# 31 1371#5561131 mittees and current issues. 7 1 3#311 $313 2#O 611 7713Q61 #33#3 tionery and the Treasurer time to close out the annual budget by 1 1#311 3127 17X- "1*j O8 1* 4/7J7#31145Q2#$q "qJL546q 52"2175+?q*Rq "J77q / " J7#31145$>qJL546q93q\}R173qR 7@q" J77q L-R: Mary Jo Webster and Jennifer Greenville [",#@145*273#311 and our webmaster. This part-time position will ensure that 132 #7313 1 72323177177 1 Q3 7 37@77 Paula has thirteen years of experience in the continuing medical education industry and has 11 " +"?$O722 #71&&71 !&11L7732 2"J7117111# 2"#k%$17\"R 693111217\55"5Q4561# 1 11R 30 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E Paula W. Rinaudo O F D E N T I S T S USA 2010 PRESIDENT TED ROBERSON REPORTS In 2010, the I.C.D. USA Section: O #31317 772# and transparency $ 4572610# 0#9 < 72 1 7 k Journalism Awards ' 4Q 1$ ! 7# 1$ > 57777# 1*77 = 7 #H317#1 % O77L## #7 k O1# 431 4H# $ 77 1 Q317 Program < 7177+ though it is an ongoing effort) ' 57 13 and progress of each ! 4JL1gram > 4O1777 *@ = 47O7 1457/Y 57#J+93#L? % #1*17ties, especially the White Coat Ceremonies and Great Expectation Programs k 1 1 2 7#22$$ $ 7717X $ 3771*j $$ 4O17 7717 1*Q 72 $< 1 3 21*Q $' 45777 J492 $! *71 J7#" $> #77*R $= 4 O1 7 @3115 $% 77 17# part-time employee who will assist with public relations, 3277727 and dissemination and transfer of information throughout the I.C.D. as well as with outside constituencies $k 1 17 31 32 #33117$311 potential to employ a different agency < 5771727 *45 < 571145 5 <$ 11 45 # 2$ << 1*Q 1 Peabody Orlando Hotel To Enhance our USA Foundation and Section Relationship, We ... 572 2173#32#77 $ 1Qj2#31QjX 6j 7@1# 31 < 371777 *Q1 #23 $ +<!?311L7 ' X17 73#11@+Q217?7@ J 1 [111271 7@223 111Q12#H1\@ [11+7#111\J?317J # 45Q331Q317 1*45 717# 3# T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 31 USA USA Section Statistics for 2010 4$ $'$ O#Q3 $ R Q32 '< 5Q3 %= Q3 < Q36 !k Q3 k International Councilors X#"0 Q1&# 3 Elected/"1X13+$?# 4Rj Councilor. Elections2$ \#$ \[6 &J ["10#Q "# 4 61"2 5191 Y J22;3 Texas 6 1"16L J 1\;R # 46YY 57# YZ[1 "1 3 $*@ t Outstanding Student Leader Awards at USA Dental Schools (57) t International Student Exchange (16) t Journalism Awards (19) t Fellowship Orientation Program the evening before Convocation t KEY published – Summer distribution t KeyNotes published – January and December t KEY-mail – Six (6) USA Section electronic newsletters t Peace Corps – Free dental exams and X-rays for applicants t Humanitarian Outreach continued t Great Expectation Program – Mentoring professionalism in eight dental schools t White Coat Ceremony – Sponsorship (22) 93Y/ 5 \710# 5' ""&9 D-4 Regent John F. Ricciani died on 12/28/10 5> 11 5! [X3 5> [\X Y 5 5$ 5' 5> 5! 5> 32 T H E USA Section Sect ction tion CON CONVOCATION NVO VOCA OCAT ATION ATION & DINNER DAN DANC DANCE DA ANCE E Q\ 3;Y \R" ;0 1"1 71X" 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F Monday Mo Monday, onday ay, y, October Oct cto tob ober 10, 2011 ober 2011 T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S USA <25 “WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE” 13# 1*Q437#7 1Qj3L7#77 #77 51#317311* Section, strengthening our commitment to support worthy 7@23371 L33217# 1* j713#7 [11# 1 1#7 7172331 311*1743 71 1@ [171710# 5 0# 61 1 ! 77 Kenya. $ We funded two operatories in a Tanzanian dental 1177 =! refugees (from a war in the Congo where certain tribes were trying to completely eliminate other tribes). < [12777@1east Asia whereby we supported a program that 7"j52O15#161 311 graduates of that effort in Vietnam and Cambodia and plan for graduates in Laos. ' We support a program that helped treat children 0 ! We supported the Haiti Health Foundation to as311# 1phe. Foundation’s Immediate Past President Michael Luberto with Section’s Student Exchange Program Chair, Jeanne Nicolette. > [17771* 31 1 # # practices in the area. = [ 1 # 77 1 61 Q 311 17 correct the Cleft Palate problems in our Indian populations. % [177*j4national Student Exchange Program and Student Awards Program. 61&2@ 1 7@ 3 1 77 [ # H 7 1 7 1 0#1v3 as we proudly support some of the dental needs of this our 361*Q1* "049;54QQJJ9J \#$332 11 7@ 1*61 #3 2112 45Q331 1*Q317 #1 11#[# L777 77#14JL14#11 7327 1*j 7@ v["5 1 21113@12### 7332#7731317@ 61#XR"5 Dr. Jim Allen Foundation President Dr. Michael Luberto presents a check to Dr. William Hunter for help replace three operatories in the Chogoria Clinic in Kenya, Africa. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 33 5=5.5+2!,$=,, > President .................................["4 President-Elect.......................................;Z1 Vice-President ............................... Dennis G. Fuchs Immediate Past President .......Gene D. Solmundson .........................................2X Treasurer ...........................................XX Editor .............................................C. Filippo Cappa International Councilors www.icd-canada.com T "H 5"X Regents and Deputy Regents 5 - British Columbia .......................LR21+Y? 57# ................. \"+03? 5$ - Alberta ................. H+2? 57# ............ Cliff H. Swanlund (Calgary) 5<&13 .........................J;+R? 57# ........."5R 2+? 1 $ "ing of the Canadian Section was held in Toronto, Ontario, on "#!1 @ 31 the Ontario Dental Association [31 that President-Elect Charles William A. MacInnis # 3 2 President #7721 1" 41 &J#1111 312 11Q3 1 31147 " H 4 Y ;# RJ Q77 5'&"2 .................... William H. Christie (Winnipeg) 57# ..............0+[7? Canadian Section President Gene Solmundson, with the assistance of 4&J#k3Q3 3Q3 1 X 3 #2#7;61X77 1[\745 "Q77 7@/ 5! - Ontario ........................... \"R+R? 57# ............... Arlene P. Dagys (Toronto) 57# . Peter J. DeGiacomo (Thunder Bay) F> 1#XH F=! 1;#11 7@ Guatemala. F' 11517@1177 F% 13" 5>&{2 ......................... 5X+R2? 57# .......\#Q""\+0? 5= - Atlantic Canada ............................4"5#+##9? 57# .......... JO+v19? 34 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 61X77 1 1[\745"Q11 1 @2 1 1Q 3132723177 12#1X 17@31# 77 Q18 1Q3 5%+"# "217?1X771 X#&3 15%761Q3 5%32Q3 the district in which they reside. The Board also considered a proposal I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S CANADA Q3"1 potential to identify a tartan which would 27161 was great excitement about this proposal O3 7 1 1X 4$= 43 3 X2 X 7 1 resource for our Canadian Section. With X2j#211 21 43111 11Lpress my belief that with the commitment 311231 177# impact on oral health. The next meeting of the Canadian Section will be held at the Prince George Hotel in O L 9 31 1 28 !$4courage all I.C.D. Fellows and their guests @ 1 1 $ Class. For additional information, please X2X2 mymts.net. with a well-organized and documented 7212#erous with his, sometimes daily, help and 6X1 17 17 43j17 4312 Gene Solmundson during his Presidency, but we somehow made it through the year and the annual meeting. I hope I can be of X"4 this year. Excitement is running high in the Canadian Section these days as our own Canadian Section Past President Garry W. Lunn prepares to assume the Presidency of the International College of Dentists. 1%3 Garry will be installed as the President for $$ 1 4 4 92 $ 3 X "4 1 11- ing in the footsteps of the last Canadian 1 1 $ 31117"Q3Y 3113# R$$ P 17#1Q3 17#1 2 1 X 1 2#7741# 1 j 7 Q77#7 Garry was inducted in the Canadian Seckk= 5 kk%$ $<&'4 $<13 Y $. Front row (l to r): K. D. Sandilands (Edmonton AB), P. D. Brandt (Pretoria, South Africa), President-Elect W. A. MacInnis (Halifax NS), President G. D. Solmundson (Winnipeg MB), International President-Elect Charles L. Siroky (Phoenix, AZ, USA), Registrar R. C. Baker (Winnipeg MB), P. C. Romanson (London ON), A. T. Worth (Thamesville ON). Middle row (l to r): R. B. Carson (London ON), M. J. Miller (Edmonton AB), T. Boron (Halifax NS), B. M. Cleghorn (Halifax NS), A. J. Palencar (Thorald ON), L. M. Stanleigh (Calgary AB), M. Taillon (Assiniboia SK), A. D. Smith (London ON), R. G. Thompson (Edmonton AB). Top Row (l to r): P. H. Downing (Dartmouth NS), B. T. Gardner (Burlington ON), J. L. Tomkins (Toronto ON), P. Pellerin (Lachine QC), C. K. Fialka-Eshenko (Edmonton AB), P. A. Kmet (Winnipeg MB), R. H. Carroll (Toronto ON). T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 35 CANADA Student Awards for 2011 The Canadian Section continues to offer an annual award to one student who has completed the penultimate year in each of the ten Faculties of Dentistry 61321 77L&1 2#617 chosen by the Faculty awards committee. Fellow Harinder Sandhu, Dean of Schulich Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, presenting the plaque to Crystal Riley. 2 61111[\7"Q# 17@ 7 134$k1"Y+? $717287 7@14$1 3 grants were made: F 4L1# 77+ 'k?1#3 > 8777 1&1 dental clinic in the Dona Aurora slum neighbourhood 1 X1XH F 61;#11[7 =!7 7 dental clinic in San Pedro, Guatemala. F 611517 ' 7787 7@117792$ F 61513533 "% 77 District #6 Regent Ian Doyle operating with the portable equipment provided by the Canadian Section. Remote Area Medical Volunteers Dental Project in Nicaragua 4"1$7 ##9311 included two dentists, one physician, one dental hygienist, one reg 73 111 \ X9" 172877 2#1 137 1 112 The Sydney volunteer group with some of the San Juan villagers. 36 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 4!B,$+2!,$=,,, > President .....................Alfonso González Campderá President-Elect.....................J86XH Past President ...........................Federico Pérez Díez Vice President................. ;7Q ......................... Hector L. Caba; 57#................ {H;^H JL ............. {H;H ........................................... Treasurer ................... "1H&Rero Editor ........................................Federico Pérez Díez www.dentistasicdmexico.com O n November 5th, 2009, I had the 7 2 the International College of Dentists X1 5"áá 444 "L 4 1 been a great responsibility to conRegents 331#2 of directors and all the regencies, which include the different regions 913 .................................... "8 of the country, to enlarge our dear College. 91 .......................... José Angel Sifuentes 5 $ 7 91 ....... "_H 1!1# 1"L1761 1 Central .....................2[5_H2 732 1Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz ....... O^^HX 2j 7#Q1 South ................................. 1" was chosen with the theme “Alcoholism, drugs and gambling...how ...........................JYH8H 1 #6117#31 Sonora and Sinaloa ........Gilberto Tostado Escobosa 77#7721L only in our country, but through the entire world. International Councilor Also in April31 111X*1"#2 45"L1 1v311Q35" 1517 3311 *1"#27 7 procedures on mobile dental units. After the breakfast and lecture. Fellows from Section III, Mexico: (L/R) Lic. Hector Flores (Honorary), Drs. Joaquín González, Miguel Sánchez Aedo, Nestor Schejtman, Miguel Colín, Hector Cabañas, Carlos Quiroz (Past President), Alfonso González (President) and Alfredo Sakar (Past President. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E At the lecture over Alcoholism, Drug abuse and Gambling, Dr. Alfonso González Campderá (President I.C.D. Mexico), Lic. Claudio Calva (Lecturer) and Dr. Alfredo Sakar (Past-president I.C.D. Mexico). I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 37 MEXICO In June, as in previous years, the social project of the Sierra Tarahumara took place, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ciudad Juárez. A group of members of the International College of Dentists participated with the leadership of Drs. Rubén and Numa Escobar, distinguished members of the I.C.D.-M. This year more than 300 patients, mostly native children, were treated with procedures that included prophylaxis, composite resin restorations, extractions and surgery. I am sure they received good dental treatments, but we received much more in gratitude and affection from Little girl in Sierra Tarahumara these wonderful patients, most of whom had never received dental treatments because of their extreme poverty 21#H311# 1 I consider it very important to mention Dr. Jose Angel Sifuentes who is in charge of the North-Center Regency and whose contributions to the organization of this social project and the contact between the Rotary Club and the I.C.D.-Mexico were outstanding. The many donations by the International College of Dentists to different institutions of the North-Center Region of our country are also commendable. The South Regency members with their committed and active regent, Dr. Rolando Peniche, also the Dean of the Dental School, had its 6th Dental "v@723 the University Anahuac- Mayab and I.C.D. Section III, Mexico. This took place September 23 and 24, 2010. Dr. Rolando Velasco S. lectured to over 400 students and dentists who assisted to this important meeting. On November 3, another series of lectures took place during the Scien 155Q61 3 distinguished professors, also members of the I.C.D.-Mexico contributed 1 311/X@58 X54@5R5_H5"Q+&?5OH+&?5@425 J805R5Q^H5_H+&? 521H[315 +&? 5 _ Z +&? 61 7 3 with two-hour duration in three simultaneous rooms for 450 people. We had a great attendance. My personal view is that this is the way in which our College positions itself in the highest ranks of our dental society. 1332#Q51R Chapultepec Restaurant with the attendance of a great number of the I.C.D.Mexico members, such as our beloved Master Dr. Abraham Chisikovsky 3 5J&3 ROQO#Q3 145&"L11 75X41 news during dinner, that Dra. Cristina Eguiarte has been chosen as Master Q3172# 14@#ous reaction among attendees and of course in Dra. Eguiarte herself. To end the I.C.D.-Mexico’s 50th Anniversary festivities, a cultural event was decided upon. This was a piano concert in charge of Master Mauricio Haneine at the majestic San Ildefonso Museum located in downtown Mexico City. The event started with dinner at the restaurant “El Mayor” 38 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E Dr. Mario Sosa Correa, FICD, and a dental student treating a patient during the Dental Brigades conducted by the Universidad Anahuac Mayab and I.C.D. Section III Mexico in the rural zone of Cholul Yucatán. Students and Dr. Rolando Velasco, FICD speaker of the “VI Congreso Magno I.C.D. Anahuac Mayab University, Merida, Yucatán, Mexico. An autoclave machine was donated for communitary services to the local dental association in Cd. Juarez. L/R: Fellows Numa Escobar, Ruben Escobar, Enrique Trevino, Alfonso Gonzalez and Jose Angel Sifuentes. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S MEXICO located beside the museum and later a guided tour within the museum of the wonderful col \^Hj7 145&"LQ37 j171311L831 "Oj 6113# 3 1"L 14 College of Dentists. In January of next year3311 1 by the International College of Dentists, Section III, to the community of Jalmolonga, " "L31131 17#!7# 343272# 1 *6"^L1 7 The agreement between the International College of Dentists and the Ciudad Juarez *# 1 cational and faculty exchange starting next January is also a reality. #1#31 31161 World Congress of the FDI, will be held on L 72 1 '1 1 =1 4 L 1 the members of the International College of 5@131132 7 #61!1 September, which commemorates the Inde7 "^L32 4# 51#214 7 3 31 1 tion. With the help of my Board of Directors, 3 3 1 4 573[37#formed through our website on this and other important happenings of Section III of our 4 5"L At the dinner celebrating the 50th Anniversary of I.C.D.’s Section III Mexico Second Row, L/R: Fellows Joaquín González, Cesar Camón, Lic. Héctor Flores, Hector Cabañas, Guadalupe Rivas and Miguel Sanchez-Aedo. Seated, L/R: Mrs. Maricruz González Campderá, Mrs. Camón, Dr. Patricia Flores and Dr. Marcela Cabañas. Seated, L/R: Mrs. Mary Bello; Mrs. Adrian Quiroz; Dr. Carlos Quiroz (Past President). Second Row, L/R: Fellows Jorge Parás (Past President); J. Angel Sifuentes (Regent, Central North Zone); Patricia and Ramón Braojos; Antonio Bello (International Councilor); Georgina and Roberto Sánchez-Woodworth. 233 all our Fellows and from me as well. 5 ;HH 7 President 444"^L T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F Seated, L/R: Rolando Peniche (Regent, Southern Zone); Armando Hernandez (Past President); Cristina Eguiarte (Master) and distinguished guests. Second Row, L/R: Fellows Liliana Acuña, Saúl Gutierrez; Laura Díaz-Guzmán; Abraham Chisikovsky (Master); Federico Pérez-Diez (Past President); Ernesto Acuña (International Past President) and Enrique Treviño (President-Elect, Mexico). T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 39 2$< 54!,5+2!,$=,0 President .............................\O+? Past President .... Péricles Corrêa de Freitas (Brazil) ................. ;^H+1? Treasurer ..................................... \^"+1? Editor ............................... +1? Historian ..............Paulo Affonso de Freitas (Brazil) International Councilor Péricles Corrêa de Freitas (Brazil) Regents / C Argentina ....................................... ;^H Brazil ..............................H Chile ....................................;^H Ecuador ........................................... 21H Paraguay ............................................ 2^56 Perú ......................................................Esther Flores *# ............................................ ¢; Venezuela .........................................Valentina Páez www.icdsouthamerica.org > S 4Y#71 Q35 " 145j1Hj 117O1237#1 College in recent years, as well as for Section IV, together with Q3;^q\^"6q\ Oq 4$3L771q#3 #1$ Humanitarian Projects 145j2@7 7 177[#2 114 52 17@731 22717@ L 73717 ing more sponsors from around the world which, in turn, boosts 177 1 61@Q#1 217@13 and will forward this information to all Sections. The trend 3131# started at the College and in its constituent Sections. And Section 4Y77 17/ 40 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E é ê , District Argentina A national campaign - entitled “The world worries about the current increase in sexually transmitted diseases. Does the population recognize their oral 61 j 12131 conferences that emphasize 7 61 2@ this campaign is to assess the 3 # 12@7port from local institutions and state corporations and from the World Health Organization to implement educational and 77 District Brazil 61 127@311 31 45#unteers from other organizations. This is a true exercise towards citizenship. 491XH1H@7 351 177 7#2112712# Q332 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S SOUTH AMERICA 7171711 1 region. 177 113 partnership with the Kidney and Hypertension Hospital of the Q*# £1# £311 1 1 77 61 17 1 3 1712 #745 111 #731#772lated to oral health and need a close follow-up. Volunteer dentists from I.C.D. Brazil and Kidney and Hypertension Hospital. L/R - Péricles C. Freitas (I.C.D.’s Coordinator), Carlos E. Fonseca, José Medina Pestana (Hospital Director), Emil A. Razuk (President, São Paulo State Dental Association, Pinheiros), Alex Y. Otani (I.C.D.’s Coordinator), Maria Alice P. Avila and Maria Amélia C. Pestana (Hospital Coordinators) and Ricardo S. Souza (Brazil District Regent). District Chile 615171v8 9311318$ 11J 18 18# public healthcare is unsatisfactory. The dental clinic will be rebuilt with donations from the Korea Section, from a Japanese Q3 1Q31 &# monitoring period by the Chilean District, this clinic will be 197# T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E District Peru 5117#@1 R31177L 7#3111#8761 1 2@ a strategic alliance will be established with a local Faculty of Dentistry so that sustainable and continuous 73211177 teachers and students. Registrar’s Report 471j12 13234Yj 7431#7114 5j7171#72 #1 L771 45 # ; Q " 03 3 j 17 13O31 j177O 131#1 1 IV. He was the bonding agent that united countries and personalities with the College. Indeed, he was the pillar for South Q317"Q3Q"033 4545Q317O1 many solid friendships. The South American countries were fertile grounds. 4"*#2$kk> 4Yj |Y " 3 4YRO11 American Section has three authorized languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. The abstracts of the South American j72";Z49J45&4Y 71J1"Q3 de Freitas and Fellow Péricles Corrêa de Freitas, from the Brazilian District, performed the Portuguese translation. The described fraternal expressions demonstrate that 14572estandings. By spreading goodwill and building understanding, the College grows and expands. THE SECTION Administration 4Y1X#J#3 years, in a pre-established order, a different District hosts the j#Y#61#33 877 61212 towards the elimination of cultural and national barriers. Since 152[¤¥3¥ 1¦ # # 3 # ent styles are applied to reach the same goal. The described I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 41 SOUTH AMERICA arrangement has stimulated our Section to operate competently 7 93#& 5tricts would be incorporated at the end of the presently arranged 8 61;2&$ 6145 71#j72 14Y611Q37# 4Y##1# The comments indicate that the Fellows are learning about the 45 1 3 with their College. 4Y # j ##7261 #7# # &7 61;2\8_ 81#7761 Globe. ||4|" X 61||4|4Y 1j" 772&$31 Excelsior Hotel, Asuncion, Paraguay, during the International #5" [111 &J1#j7ence, who attended the entire meeting, made a presentation about 1Q317714duction Ceremony. 61 37 1"/ ;^15q ^§Qq ;^H 5q2^5#5q 5q; *#5 61 3 3 L 1 "/\Oq\"6q QJq QOq HXH5 61 37 /"Q3 Y Y Y # 5 Q3 J0*#5 61L"37X $ 5 1 4 # 311 7 1 OJL+=? 1ean District, the Brazilian District, the Paraguayan District and 1*#51Q317 Continuing Education Program 7H3 2#91 7 3177 11"Q (Section I). Fellow Paul Kudiba (professor at the Dental School 1;"?7\£XH17"1=&$$O7tation on the theme “Treatment Planning (simple to complex). 7 The Chilean District offered a course dictated by ProfesYXO#352<&'$ taught a course on “Dental Bleaching, what the Dentists has to 3 Induction Ceremony: President-Elect Dr. Charles Siroky (Front, third from the left), Regents and new Fellows. Board of Regents Meeting in Assuncion, Paraguay: (L/R) Péricles Corrêa de Freitas, Councilor (Brazil); Rubén Ditore, Regent Paraguay; Charles Siroky, President-Elect I.C.D.; Gustavo Pizarro, Registrar (Chile); Sergio Alvarez, Regent Peru; Rafael Gutiérrez, Regent Argentina; and Alvaro Gadola, Regent Uruguay. Rubén Ditore, Regent Paraguay; Gustavo Cortés, Registrar (Chile); Charles Siroky, President-Elect I.C.D.; and Péricles Corrêa de Freitas, Councilor (Brazil). 42 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S SOUTH AMERICA Program of Prevention and Oral Health Promotion in Kidney Transplant Patients The Brazilian District, Section IV, of the International Col 537173110#O#7O7 1Q*# £ 1# £XH According to the Brazilian Association for Organ Trans7 1 $ $$k # 7 were performed in Brazil. During this period, the Kidney and O#7O7+O7O7£&OO? ''$7@2$¨ #71#Q#1171 213#7413 7#717 1!7 1 311!37 last year. 617 7117#&771 @ 2# specialists in the areas of Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Or1;61 77$# 31 3&7 1j6761&7 71#71 #~31#771#771 are normally associated with some immunosuppressant drugs, such as cyclosporine. 4172# 3111182# 77111612@ 1 717j2111 and oral hygiene, encouraging them to incorporate good habits, 121~1# 6131392> $2#1#45O7+3#? under the coordination of Fellow Péricles Corrêa de Freitas and OO17"^ "¢ 617 3/ &Q1 317cal history. $& L1 7 2#1[O311L71 2 #1 <&71#121 ~187 # out their oral hygiene. '&617 72111 17 13177 3872#71 Detailed exams of enamel hypoplasia and oral disease occurrences were performed by stomatology and pediatric dentistry specialists. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 1 3L7 711111 ~71#7611 L 1172# and clowns and food stalls that offered all types of traditional foods. 17171 1377 2#7 61#7 #27 71# Y17173/L Yoshiharu Otani, Ana Cristina Senzi, Andrea Tessler, Carlos JQ_"21 5 Q7 J R 6 R© "R5RQ"Q "61H|"ª56 S. Souza, Stella Vieira and Thiago Brazolotto. The program 17 1 also/426R6 ""H" @"R5§ Q 5 § Q 61Yamini. The XH572#Q3HO@ Alex Yoshiharu Otani and Péricles Corrêa de Freitas, is dedi776112@177772#Q3 21 117711 3# 71 1 2 Péricles Corrêa de Freitas, Councilor Oral Hygiene Instructions. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 43 9<% =><'<1 6+!>&$?$'!$$ J&/@781 www.pacareu.cl WORLD-WIDE DELIVERY !<$!+2!,$=0 > President ........................................ Peter Brandstätter President-Elect ...................... [ X2 Vice President ................... OO Past President .........................................Frans Kroon ......................................... Argirios Pissiotis Treasurer ........................................ [5 Editor ........................................ 15## International Councilors QO"0 Joseph F. Lemasney Phillip Dowell www.icd-europe.com Regents Austria ........................................... Peter Brandstätter Benelux +X91RL2? .. [5 ....................... OO *0(England, Scotland, Wales) ....................... Shelagh Farrell France ......................................... Jean Louis Portugal Germany ................................ [ X2 Greece-Cyprus................................ Argirios Pissiotis Ireland ....................................................Tom Feeney 4"X ....... 15## Italy ............................................... Corrado Paganelli Portugal ................................... ; Spain .................................................... Juan Salsench Switzerland ..........................................2 }JJ7 ....................R@2" 141: DE())F6DE()*) T 12#1J 1;2# 37# 1J7\$k \$ 77#1~21j 12#5##5"11Jropean contributors in this Globe issue, and reading the report of our 5122&&3112 11@7 1#2#1H 1"&&111# 771 1H2##Q3#3111 431#37#2## #7&4122 1117# 71 7@O1" L 17#217@1[1 71X1 51131L0#7/ 5\" 1 # 5933 O1X1 3311#77 61 31L7Qj 7@21 7@ 612# 5[OO71 1787 +?& 57OO32+2?5O1 2j1117@Q 13 # J#&7Q133 217Q 172J&1111161 #32#553 417313111 @}Qj31121J& 11175Q 1221157174 11L717 Q12Lq17@1117 1 7 117Q326112 7L1 ##3 #1$kR2"61 1217 Q1##111 1X T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 45 EUROPE 6112@ ;31}57j17 J71 Educational Programs. I fully agree with the statement made by Dr. Seidemann in his speech at the Induction Ceremony, that +1 ?13#1L part of the world to become incorporated in the I.C.D. In that 7#71311 <% 1 934 1 O37 1#5" 13#5 }JJ7 17 L14 1Q3 111 12L727#2# problems. Together with my Fellow International Councilors, Dr. Lemasney and Dr. Dowell, the Section has shown its full interest 1R2#211mittees. The structure of the College at Large with autonomous Sec3# 7 O3 1 2 1 1 College at Large is strong enough to carry on as a worldwide 12#7@7 77#@ #111 of the separate Sections and their Districts R2#7#4331 31##X2311177q7 1#12 1 755553121L# 21 1" 47 #11R 11 1"31 1 J7!!th year. European Section Board of Regents with International President Manfred Seidemann (7th from left). /8()*)+/8()** > 417 #Y@1!>1" 1J7 14 521 June >&%$61"
Y131 7 33 # 72#XY 1 13j777 17 $ years of history. 61 11OO1 1#1# [311 1147# [ Schnitzel and Sacher Torte. 6173211X1;25*#[37 731111 #1L#1 J#147#5"5#617#773Q#311«271 1 2" 614#3211 %G *# 31;51 1Q3113DE()*)6DE()** 1*# 21 #Q343Q3;Y The latest information about our meeting you can get through the European web site: www.icd-europe.com. Vienna waits for you! 46 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S EUROPE > T # 1 @ 7 1##cerns the organization of the " 61 #j !!th"H 2#5$31"16191 the Presidency of Dr. Frans H. "0 61 X twice this year. In addition to 1X ment of new inductees, updated contact information of Fel5 37 the Constitution and Bylaws of the Section, incorporating the 1171 3#"5 11 1Q31 7 on the agenda their interests in the goals and mission of the College. Our publications, the ICDIGEST, the ICD Eurogram and the 4 X1323117#1454;J682 1X 7@87 31711L 17 7872613 32# J515## 61 1X L71 1 *117# spearheaded by the Committee for Central and Eastern Europe, 12#5[ X25'5 R@2"311#!3Q3 1 72 2$ 61175Q7@ 5 "#O1[JL7111#7 13L7617 1 1#7@+61311# "4 51 *?34175X61 3 145JJ71#@261 continues to be a great need for dental supplies in order for the 7 17 17117 131 L2 1#12#* T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 61QL2R#;7+QR;?12# 517531#2 LJ&R7@1*5J96J+ #3 4Y45J96?71 727@2#71H7 117 77 The International Council of the I.C.D. met this year in OrQ*J7j4cillors Drs. Joseph Lemasney, Frans Kroon and Phillip Dowell +31 501#?77 132 Last but not least, there are important changes on the Board of 1J7/61 5OO 5<593#3 Q+?Y5\R 5!Q5X X7[31131 I.C.D. Annual Meeting: Maastricht Forewarned about the unpredictable weather, delegates, new inductees, friends and family -with raincoats and umbrellas in tow- made their way to the most southern part of Holland to the 8771 1#j #"1 1!!th" 1J7tion under the presidency of Dr. Frans Kroon. *72 137761731 accessories were left in our hotel rooms as the sun shined for 1 #17321# 12#31311122 streets of the historical town. From the many opportunities to meet new friends and renew 171111 #13L 7 1#11#@#2#Q3 Social Events 4731137& 61#131@12 XjO&17; 315; 7171 # 61#332#1"# "11163O[7portunity to enter the generally closed surrounding rooms of the 12 7 13 3111# 7 2# 17 7 7formance from Dr. Kroon, the assembled strolled down to the " L#1O; 311L713 1 31131717 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 47 EUROPE 71[32311 172# Q#3311 2 RX21#L1# actors intermingled with and encouraged the participation of the #711 2 of surprises and humor. Induction Ceremony and Gala Dinner #j4#17 131<%3Q31 #3#13HO 3117Q31 ¬#717132 12 62@1 ;1312 18;5 7 #377- locations in recent memory. The food, music and toasts were all 11 X1 5 11#@#2#612 O1 32## 117 501#3 41H Forum presentation where participants learned of the current !!th" 45175Q7@and where Fellows "1 were able to experience 17& &1&1 &1 ! 7O4Y1572 71 1 sential dental care; to the Odessa orphanage Across Europe and internationally dentistry 31#j 11 7 1 72j 3# professions. Curiously, firemen, physicians, 2 1 7 77 1 # 1 2q X Q higher positions, possibly buoyed by the 3131#= > j H 1 habitants, patients desperately lumbered the 61 71#~ !3# # #731L7 another inspired I.C.D. dentist. 772#12 Dentistry not only creates healthy smiles on association with opinion of an esteemed profession the faces of those with the greatest needs on embedded in the public mind-set. the planet, but concomitantly arouses a spirit 5#j7111 of renewal, hope and faith in the basic good 2 &1& j 3312# We can be proud that despite# 2 2.2 optimism, passion and concern for those less 6Y&17 ! 82 0 #21L7 23 7 1 617 7 11 77 1 77 7 grettably gone unsung in the media, is not the product of a few While some may still shelter conscious or unconscious fears 72712 1 3 1 science of the profession. Volunteer dentists, hygienists and asdentists are trusted and counted upon for honest counseling. 2 71# 4# 8#172j7###1113 ception is the face of dentistry whose features are accentuated 1j#H11j 2# &31 2171 1 healthcare throughout the world. Whether mobilizing the rapid deployment of personnel and & This charitable and compassionate face of dentistry is mani8777 17232#13 7#1 3117 12H1 tices and across the borders of foreign countries; a face that [#3jQ3 - 12121 2#2ing examples of such dedication while promulgating the College ing the limelight of center stage. 177#/' The Hidden Face of Dentistry 48 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S EUROPE Fellow Feature Remote Access to Learning; Overcoming the Challenge 542" The International College of Dentistry has a great resource in its membership. The College attracts members from a worldwide cohort of experienced practitioners, whose 3L77 high standards of training to assist colleagues throughout the dental community. 1j7733 11 3 11 1 7 solar-powered laptop computers. 61 J7 j QL2 R#;7+QR;? 123# 7 77 materials. With the assistance of 01 X 1 4Y45J96 Addressing the Problem of Ac12 cess prepared in a format which can be Discussion among colleagues 2 5 31 1 3 7 Children living in remote areas of Nepal will be targeted by teachers in remote areas. Currently, healthcare workers equipped with skills acquired from the in- modules in basic anatomy, oral to address the problem of access to structional program established by European Section Fellows health education, hand washing and and the Nepal Trust. healthcare learning materials. The 2#1277 L2 2 3 12@ 8#q11 37 L7713 61777129732 3 7 2#1976O1331 3#321 * 11 1 [ 3 31 1# 1 6j 12 1 7 2 ~Lthese hub centres, administrators who 2 7 3&461 32&2 1" 1combination of face-to-face and self13 J12 directed teaching methods. These in 1 18 7 the hub. traditional concepts, but expand access to learning materials in a format that is Assessments of the learning modfamiliar to most students using com322 7@ puter-based documents which can be 3 61 studied electronically or downloaded. sessments are intended to be com61#27 1 pleted electronically, and results can 1 1 23117 311 13 #61 1 well with the principles of I.C.D.. 1 2 2 1 1J7$ CD’s and Laptops: Working with hoped that the program will expand to the Nepal Trust colleagues in other areas. 1Y17 J13311 I.C.D. members who can contribute 97 6 7# learning materials will be encouraged 97 31 11 31 1 7 1 Dr. Richard Vaughan 37117 2 ciplines following the established principles of remote and rural bution to the maintenance of high standards of dental teaching 761 113- 334 3~11 #edge of oral healthcare is basic, and resources are limited. mote areas, we must address the problem of access to resources. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 49 Future Meetings $!&k\ Vienna, Austria $$$&$<\ "1;# $<k&$<\ 715 50 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S ,=.,582,#5=:58=!5#+2!,$=0, > President............................................ "11Y President-Elect ...................................... 5907 Imm. Past President ............"16@ Vice President ............................*019# .....................................@011 #;J...J.C. Chandna Deputy Secretary .............................. O.P. Kharbanda Assistant Secretary .......................... Yogesh Virmani Treasurer ............................................... K.K. Chopra Chief Editor..................................... 10 J .................................... Pradip Jayna X" .......................................0X International Councilors Anil Kohli @11 Regents Z 91Z ....................................... O1 1Z ........................................."X@ JZ ............................. *7"171# [Z ..................................A. Kumarswamy RZ.................................... Hilary Cooray www.dentistindia.com 40 ()*) G reetings to you. It was indeed a 1 1 1497R Section of the “International College of 51# 4727 114 112@ 1 5# 1113 172# 412# 143111 Bearers for their truly exceptional efforts. I intend with all sincerity to #72# 1 4#127171# 451 4 177##3145&497 R3211454 2231111 92$ Q3 X 31L 57#Z Best regards, 91Z .......................................... ;7 1Z .................................. S. Jayachandran JZ ........................................... @R [Z .................................... ;1* "11Y International President Manfred Seidemann (sixth from left) and Secretary General Terry Hoffeld (seventh from left) with senior Fellows and the Board of Regents of Section VI on their visit to New Delhi on May 18, 2010. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 51 INDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPAL > T 1#$3### 1Q3 Y4 1 of course, succesful in terms of implementing our programmes. 75" #;56#O 9351"#$61117 #7471#Q3 17 17 611 771 7 1#4 75"11Y 1[Z5 03# 12 17 61JX77 #1161 @12772#15 417772 , 3 H 2 ()** 4 =. =*)6*J8()**12 0, 3 , 17 1 [1##77$ @011 45 4R}97 REPORT OF THE I.C.D. ANNUAL CONVOCATION AND AWARD FUNCTION SECTION IV ~ April p 25,, 2010 The Annual Convocation and Award Ceremony of the International College of Dentists India, Sri Lanka & Nepal Section was held on April 25, 2010, at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi. H.E. Honorable Sh. Tejendra Khanna, Lt. Governor of Delhi was the Chief Guest at the occasion. The Convocation and the Award Function started with a very interesting and informative panel discussion called “OralSystemic Corelationship and a Holistic Approach to deal with it.” The Eminent Panelists were Dr. T.D. Chugh, Microbiologist, Chairman, Dept. Of Microbiology and Infection Control; Dr. B.L. Kapur, Memorial Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi; Dr. Sanjay Tyagi, Cardiologist, Professor and Head, Dept. Of Cardiology, G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi; Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Gynecologist, Professor, Dept. Of Gynecology, Lok Nayak Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi; and Dr. Jocelyne S. Feine, Periodontist, Professor, McGill University, Quebec, Canada. The discussion was moderated by Dr. A. Kumarswamy, Periodontist, Mumbai and Dr. Ajay Kakar, "26173#3 attended by the Fellows of the I.C.D., members of the dental fraternity, as well as many students and award winners from all over the country. On arrival of the Chief Guest H.E. Honorable Sh. Tejendra Khanna, President Dr. S.M. Taneja lead the Ceremonial Procession followed by Registrar Dr. Rajiv K. Chugh, President-Elect Dr Mahesh Verma along with the other members of the B.O.R., and all Past Presidents present and the new inductees. The Convocation started with the prayer and lighting of the lamp by Chief Guest H.E. Honorable Sh. Tejendra Khanna, Dr. 52 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E S.M. Taneja, Dr. Anil Kohli, Dr. Mahesh Verma, Dr. Rajiv K. Chugh and Dr. R.C. Kakar. Chief Guest H.E. Honorable Sh. Tejendra Khanna distributed the following awards for the panel discussion held earlier in the evening: Dr. M.L. Soni Memorial Award: Dr. Jocelyne S. Feine Dr. H.D. Merchant Memorial Award: Dr. T.D. Chugh Dr. Ratan H. Doctor Memorial Award: Dr. Sanjay Tyagi Dr. S.L. Bali Memorial Award: Dr. Sangeeta Gupta Dr. Prabhu Dayal Grover Award: Dr. A. Kumarswamy Dr. Arun P. Setia Award: Dr. Ajay Kakar Eighteen (18) dentists from all over India were inducted as Fellows to this prestigious College by the President, Dr. S.M. Taneja. The College awards Fellowship to the dentists who have, by their actions, demonstrated an abiding interest and concern for 17 122#3# participation in social causes. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S INDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPAL 61 45 Y4 3 1 12#3#16*5J96R{*J [545"J46[561#&3 1#332#15" 6@q 15 4501q 45"11Y613 made possible through contributions and donations to the I.C.D. 2#Q3 # 45Y4#7## 137317H17 61#1#&3#3 46OJ45Jv"J64649[5371 3 1 competition. 5"6@3#1J4649 [5Q3503#5*7"171#5;7 121 of the Section VI. 1 J5071 1 I.C.D. Journal which was released by the Chief Guest on the occasion. The Journal was well appreciated for its contents and the 8# 72 5 " 6@ # 1 2 11 15"11 Y61375"11Y11Q3 114R}97tion. 61 3#32#$7fessionals and guests. Chief Guest, Mr. Tejendra Khanna, lighting the inauguration lamp. 2010 President Dr. S.M. Taneja presenting his address. Fellow Achievements Prof. Ashima Valiathan, Manipal: Elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow). She is also the Adjunct Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Dr. Gautam Manjal, l Chandigarh: Invited as a Guest Speaker at the 7th International Orthodontic Congress in Sydney, Australia in February, 2010. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 53 INDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPAL ACTIVITIES OF SECTION VI,, 2010 February 6, 2010: A CDE programme with IDA Delhi State Branch “Soft Tissue 1 3 1 " H 4 5 93 51 61 7 3 5 0 X1 5 03# "2 $! delegates attended the CDE programme. May 15, 2010: 1&317 X 171# 3 H " 2# X " 4 5 and I.C.D. Section VI. Vice President Dr. * 01 9# 3 organizing this programme. June 4-6, 2010: The I.C.D. was 7 1 Q "2' 1Q3 12 7 1 Q "2 3121 45 August 3-4, 2010: An Oral Health Exam-ination camp was organized by the 45311#211 1 1 1 93 2 1 % 11 2 ! 1 3 L 61 21 18 3 demonstrated. The children were also told about good dietary habits. August 8, 2010: The International 5 4 R } 97 +45? day lecture and hands-on programme % $ 31 1 45 51 X1 61 programme titled “A Day with the Clinical " 3 2# 1 7 5 1 R "2 Dr. Lele is an aesthetic dentist of repute 1 77# 3 1 2 77 1 # 61 2 3$ October 10, 2010: The I.C.D. and the "115 a single platform to discuss the ethical issues in the dental profession and the enigmatic endodontic dilemmas at the 91 61 7 5 Y 1"#"11Y+& 45? \ 1 54 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L 1 professional code of conduct and also the 1 #j 7 7711 dotted line. 61 3 7 7 31 872#17 and they also interacted with the esteemed 71{ The post-lunch session saw Dr. Sonal \1 5 @# 0 1 tenets of a perio-endo complex and their treatment execution . 6171=! It was a well attended and well J# 7 3 3 2# 11# { A. Dr. Sucheta Tella and Dr. Santosh 31@ 1 All Participants were then awarded 1 1 311 1 3 1 I.C.D. trophies from Dr. A. Kumarswamy. The winners were: ? 45;3 5# O X $? 453 5121 1 ;2 <? 45XH3 5Y # O#2 Fellow Achievements Tamilnadu Scientist Award President. Mahesh Verma, Fellow K.K. Mistry, Fellow Sandesh Mayekar and other dignitaries. 1.121/ received the Tamilnadu Scientist Award from the Honorable Dr. K. Ponmudy, Minister for Higher Education, Govt. of Tamilnadu, in recognition of the outstanding contribution made by $ Fellowship to the International Medical Science Academy !"#$$ %!&' at the function. November 28, 2010: The International College of Dentists paper presentation 7 3 1 1 Q"5J96 $ 13 1 O#2 61 7& gram started on schedule at noon in Hall $ 194 4 3 L 31 state of the art facilities - an ideal setting for a competition of this stature. Three presenters remained absent, but the remaining ten more than made up for that with their excellent presentations. O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L 4 11:3 :1 were awarded Fellowship to the International Medical Science Academy in recognition of their outstanding contributions for advancement of medical sciences. Pictured above is Master Fellow R.C. Kakar receiving Fellowship from Dr. Jagdishan, President of International Medical Sciences Academy at a Convocation Ceremony held at the Royal College of Medicine, London, on September 9, 2010. C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S /55=+2!,$=0,, President ......................................... " President-Elect.................................Yoshinori Satoh Immediate Past President ..................Tsuyoshi Saito Vice President......................................Shigeru Isobe Vice President................................002#1 ..................................... "021 57#.........................612 Editor ................................................... "# Treasurer .......................................... 691 Auditor....................................................Yasuo Suga Auditor........................................... Hiroshi Enomoto International Councilors 0@O1 www.icd-japan.gr.jp 4 5 T 1\711##/1"& [ " 1 " 4#1v&J1" "#+Q2#'1$): 611 1#3[15# "QJL7561#3# #777#7#1 611 131\7#11 "#$%$ 61$4# 33Q331"#$k$11#O#43 77 145 145O 6\1 105\v145[v 10 1Q3 1"#Q#131#\777 Exchange Program of the Japan Section. We hope they will be the Fellows of the I.C.D. in the future after they return to their home #61 X"311#413 #71 217377#311$2712613 2#$Q3 #261L"#<13171#9 The Year-End Party31147O5216#13H" Q314"Q*271" 53212 17#"1$1#7 ()*)6()**$C (Back, left to right): Mayumi Sato, Yoshinori Satoh, Megumi Amano, Tsuyoshi Saito, Shigeru Isobe, Makoto Koitabashi, Toshinobu Sakuma and Yasuo Suga. (Front, left to right): Koji Hashimoto, Akira Senda, Tatsuro Negishi, Hiroshi Enomoto and Kikuo Kobayashi. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 55 JAPAN Projects and Programs of the I.C.D. Section VII @ !! 7 2# 4 &J5#1\717 1 2 7@7 311 3 1 been continuing. They are as follows: International Exchange Program 6L11 3112111\7 1"v&J" 1# between countries. 'Supporting and Mentoring Mongolian Dentistry in I.C.D. activities 54 Y44 1277"#12 treatments in rural areas and seminars at the Dental School of "kk=512" 3311 113171# and surgeons registered to the Japanese Cleft Pallet Foundation, 311 # H 31 5 j 1 "1@22 455 1277 1" by the I.C.D.-At-Large, the Japan Section will be supporting and 773315j "#Q3"H1911 277"# 1 #"77L#$# \#'1$> 7<1$%#31171 O#"2 "5 Invited Exchange Researchers. $ International Humanitarian Program 2 1 "# 1 2 # 1#$>J##1\7 87 1 1 1 O 1"# 1st Induction Ceremony of Mongolian section (Fellow Nishino attended) Myanmar Section Inductees. < Asian Dentists Supporting Project #1#131 are doing research in Japan. Some of them continue to do their 1 1#21\76131 18 145\7 3\7 3#3 245\732 45Q3[[#721 they become a member of the Japan Section they would be able to be members of I.C.D. in their home countries in the future. 56 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E The Japan Section has been contributing and will continue to 21117@7 OTHER EVENTS "1$<$>1/616&5 +!%1 ?31193O6# This dental conference is held by the Society of Dentists in the #19#1Q\7Q3\ O0H#4H7615 217L*Y2#1 table clinic. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S JAPAN General Meeting and Convocation ("#$k$): 1 !< 1 <% 77 "#$%11\717& @#71Q13 37#\7+"&? 10 #45! "# <1 Fellows and family participated. '= Q3 #1 International President, trip to the ancient Manfred Seidemann # 9 Pre-Meeting Party @# 1 there. Past and New Presidents Excursion to Nara City Report from the Editor 61 4 # 3 1 1 1 R 5 " 4 5 O 6 \1 International Councilor of the Korean Section Dr. Woong v 0 j 5 \ v 1 77233Q3 5"#1 Editor of the Japan Section as successor 5 " 61 J 1721$\ The main theme of this issue was “What 1 [ 5 61 5 q " 6 61 9L ; 5 61 17 1 \7 1 2 3 our homepage at 333&@7@7. 4 2 ! The 2010 Convocation and Induction Ceremony of the I.C.D. Japan Section in Osaka City. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 57 5<25#52,5+2!,$=0,,, > President ....................................1" Immediate Past President.............Braham Pearlman ...............................\8\2 Treasurer ......................................92" Editor .......................................... \##1" International Councilor 9Z" Regents 561 5+69Z? 3854 O k$14# 1311119Z1 9Z5 45" 11X1#1 [ 1 9Z5 3 31 1 1 131111133 118 4 13 118471#71#231 145 President to all those affected. 6133$3Q33 inducted (six in absentia). \2 1Y 5;#573#%th August after a long battle with illness. His loss to the College, and to me as a personal friend and <#133 be missed. 61LY4444# X21<'th Australian Dental Congress on Fri st7$X232#1~ 1#\#$311 !3 [ 1 1 1 #71# 2 wishes. 61 1 1 recent years has been one of steady growth in numbers of Fellows, and continued performance in support of oral health related 7@111J "# 17@2#Q3 1 121#j@!! 7@13 2009-2011 Left to Right:David Crum, Clive Ross, Jackie Robinson, Braham Pearlman, Peter Noblet, International President Manfred Seidemann, Dick Cook, Jenny Smyth and David Thomson. 58 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S AUSTRALASIA 2010 INDUCTION OF SECTION VIII NEW FELLOWS Section VIII hosted an induction ceremony and luncheon in 11193Zk7 193 Z5X 61 132#>Q3>3 Q331#31>3 Fellows inducted in absentia. The highlight of the Christchurch induction was the presence 4" 41 1#52~#11 of the International College of Dentists and of Section VIII. O 2 1 1 Q Q1 1 5 # 5 Y44477 117@ O2145&;30@ 1177L7 4531 local communities. Dr. Seidemann reminded all Fellows that, 4 581 enthusiastic participation of each one of its Fellows. Without this collaboration and commitment, our College could not carry 2 New Fellows inducted in Christchurch, New Zealand, August 19, 2010 Bradley P. Wright, Queensland, Australia; Soni Stephen, Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia; Mohammed Shorab, Auckland, New Zealand; Edward Peel, Gordon, New South Wales, Australia; Sathananthan Kanagaratnam, Auckland, New Zealand; Alan Isaac, Hamilton, New Zealand; Susan Gorrie, Christchurch, New Zealand; Peter Fowler, Christchurch, New Zealand; Irene Euler-Kennedy, New South Wales, Australia; Mary Cullinan, Dunedin, New Zealand; Neil Croucher, Whangarei, New Zealand; Malcolm Coombs, New South Wales, Australia; John Boyens, Dunedin, New Zealand; Elizabeth Ashby, Christchurch, New Zealand; Jules Kieser, Dunedin, New Zealand; Morris Rapaport, Bellevue Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Australian Fellows Inducted In Absentia: Helen Boocock, Queensland; Peter Russell, Queensland; Guy Burnett, South Australia; Alastair Stevenson, New South Wales; Tim Cutler, Victoria; Paul Taylor, New South Wales. 50th ANNIVERSTARY OF SECTION VIII VALE FELLOWS OF SECTION VIII #501J {5 ;R 93Z73#$ $' 3 1 !th # 1 Section (Section VIII) of the International College of Dentists. 21!th# Y444 2011 SECTION VIII INDUCTION The next induction ceremony to be held in Australia will be 61 4 1 2 1 Q#7$X21 1 11$'7 Australian Dental Association Biennial Congress. Contact the 1!th#2 Y444 1 /\¥2. MEMBERSHIP OF SECTION VIII The Australasian Section of the International College of 5#1!=<Q37 / "2 '%' "2 == O#R "2 k O#"2 < 'k= Q3 >k 93 Z = 17 13+2JQ@"# 7*? An analysis of ages of Fellows within Section VIII shows a healthy balance of experience and new talent which bodes well for the future of the Section. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E v X1/92 Q3/ k kk !+¨? k$ k$k '$+=¨? k< k<k =!+<¨? k' k'k >'+$k¨? k! k!k %$+<$¨? k> k>k %+'¨? k= k=k '+$¨? vX3 +$¨? 2010 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HONOURS 5 \1 3 +[? 5 X [7 +9[? 3 1${jX1# 1 2#1Y444# years. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 59 AUSTRALASIA 4 11 7 ;# 7 1 7 $% ;# 3 2 1 5 +5?Qk>=k=%;#1 Fluoridation Committee of the ADAVB and, together with ;#311~ "2j377612#172 11"2O15j Qj7## 3$1X1j51 3 1131kk<5 ;# 1 < # the Australian Society of Orthodontists, commencing on the YX1Lk=!11$=311 1 1 1 Q 1 and Education. Between those years, Gerry was Chairman of k%'Q kk<kk> 4$>133O#R "217 1 In Memorium Dr. Gerald Dickinson Section VIII also mourned the passing of its Vice President, 5;5 "261 3 is a memorial tribute written by friend and colleague, Dr John O 3 31 1 *# "2 Armitage: 1#1Q#" #1322 1&71 ;#32#3Yj O13113#31 31 2 4 k!k 1 5# "2 J#;#3# *#k>< 11"j donation which will form the nucleus of a trust fund to support the 1k>%1377"2 111"251 until his retirement. "1#1'1!1 Gerry became a Fellow of the International College of Dentists 137 1O13 k%!O28#1X 1 731#1 Australasian Section of the International College of Dentists for many interests. $# kk%$ ;# 2 1 7 Dentistry, to the International College, to the specialty of kk%$ 11*# "2J#1 6 $$$! he did, he did with enthusiasm and passion. He will be greatly Y $>$ 2#3131 SECTION VIII ORAL HEALTH PROJECT SUPPORT 87 117@11 annual membership renewal notices was introduced within Y444 $= 61 1 #1#/$=&$<%!q$%&'q $k&%$37 1#L1 $k Y4447717 1131 471Y444X1 build relationships and support the dental schools in the South 11217 77 60 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 631Y4447 15 1Q@31 57 5+$%$k?57# 151 \7+$?4\$5X1 Y44411 17@772#Y444$k$/ x O1J797 x 6 317 11517 93; x Treatment of preschool children and oral health education in Long Tan, Vietnam I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S AUSTRALASIA FIJI SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY (Report by Dr. Braham Pearlman) 61 X5 7 1 Q@ 1 "3kk<4 1kk=[11 1 2# 3 21 Q@ ; 1 and facilities. "# 3 521 4 3 7 2# \ 1 *#313#7# L # 1 1#31 commentary, to the Dental School. There 3 3 2# 5 R " Acting Head of Department, in the School of Dentistry, which is an integral part of 1 Q@ 1 " Q@ 9 Dr. Braham Pearlman lecturing in Fiji School of Dentistry. *# 61 7 "13111 7#231; 9Z1J7*[O7 #177715 We toured the Faculty facilities. The Dental School, while #!#3771 older. The physical facilities, which are integrated with 1 " 1 2 11 31 fractionated by distribution throughout the larger medical faculty. Whilst some areas of Dentistry are well catered for, others, such as Dental Laboratory facilities, are small, cramped and rudimentary. By far the biggest problem is that *# and it remains for a dedicated few to carry the burden of 71 61 # 7 71#22117 8L7#311 great need for treatment of patients, and though Operating 61 2 1 77 1 311Q#* 1 1 1 1 1 61 " 1 1 #8771#2#21 # 61 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 61 AUSTRALASIA 17#QL7 radiographic processor sits unused in the Dental School because there is no one trained to render it functional. 1@727 87 We were shown an OPG radiographic machine, which was donated 2#7!7# 1133771 212 #77187722 113311712 <! 7 11Q@ "##37X5$1 # 1761517 1Q@ 9*# 1 1%#1k 1 Islands, two Samoans, one each from Vanuatu and Kiribati, as 3!Q@6121 labelled International: a Korean whose parents were resident in the #311217[11; funding for students from surrounding nations is an essential 1j71 program, the transfer of moneys is often delayed, causing anxiety for the students. I presented a lecture with following discussion on Cause-related "617#61##7 7#13761# L7@11#3#7 communities with only slight awareness of dental therapy and low education in personal dental care. Students from the region 772#1711 1#4 Q@7 3 graduation. ;7Q@311L7 & &1& 7 1 7 limited by extremely low fees, rudimentary dental awareness in the 1#82 7 2# 43717 dentists are obligated to complete their own dental laboratory 7 21 2# 2 3 4717#3R1 62 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E whitening, Orthodontics, Veneers and other Cosmetic Dental # 1 X5 2 1 2# 17 7 #31 17"#512 recently, but expectations are unrealistic because so few dentists 117# 1 1 Online learning will be a long-term solution. 6157 O1Q@1 "1 arranged for me to present a hands-on course on Periodontal 3R111Q11 locally to general dental practitioners, most of the attendees were members of the Faculty. Following a lecture presentation and 7 2 2# # 6 3 5 1 5 9[ 57 1 77 3 2 # 7 @3 7 1 1 79Z6132#5 Y1 1 31 4 1 7#/ 11# 7 practitioner and teacher at the School, also current President of 1Q@5Y1R 122 1Q521#177# 3 create a stable infrastructure. 1 1O7*#O1 3 31 5 " 5 X Pushpaangaeli, Senior Lecture in Dental Public Health. Bernadette was inducted as a Fellow of the I.C.D. at the most recent Australian 1"1$k61Q#1817 145 7731 111 57617@ 77 76171 773 "j5417 that apart from local tuition, electronic means might be utilised for remote learning from dental schools in Australasia. 6 7 1 # 3 3 2# R 7 1 1 # JL7 7 6111731 8 L 1 72 The limitations in resources and staff at the Dental School are 2 2# 1 1 313there and the Expo was an example of them 1 7 7 72 111 1JL73 1L 44 cuisine. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S ,#,,=!2+2!,$=,B President ................................... 5 President-Elect .....................................6 Vice President ..............................."#R Immediate Past President........Elizabeth C. Carrasco ......................................... Y;2 Editor ....................................... 24J8 Treasurer .................................J5 Auditor ............................ #v1 Director ................................."RH Director ......................................... R6 Pro ......................................... Emmanuel T. Centeno www.icd-philippines.org 41 .156 . International Councilor Primo E. Gonzales 43rd ANNUAL CONVOCATION & BANQUET January 30, 2010 The Fellows of the I.C.D. of the Philippine Section, Inc. were 77# 1 31&&R5" 61#3 1;7 1613'3Q3313 and inducted by Dr. Seidemann. 51X"37315 145O#7# 1" for the I.C.D.-GK Oral Health Community Based Program. 17372# *R2323311772#1 Philippine Guest Speaker, International President Manfred Seidemann. "+%%$ International President Seidemann inducted Dr. Rosario Achacoso-Dam*%+ <=>=?!" Fellow Paul Achacoso, Fellow Victor Damatac and Dr. Pia Achacoso as witnesses. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 63 PHILIPPINES Groundbreaking Ceremony of the I.C.D.-GK Village, Bagac, Bataan Januaryy 31,, 2010 I.C.D. Fellow Felipe Gonzales donated 3-hectares of land at Bagac, Bataan, to be converted to a GK VILLAGE. The I.C.D. 177 131 GK Head, Mr. Tony Meloto (plus staff), held the groundbreaking #131177 1# 3R1 312 Q3;H31131 beach. Meeting with President Seidemann and I.C.D. Leaders February y 1,, 2010 61382#3 held at the Linden Suites coffee shop. Present were the follow/44 X154;HQ3Y553 #217 3 Forum on Problems of Philippine Dentistry April 16, 2010 Immediately after their induction as new Fellows to the I.C.D., President Damatac sat down with Drs. Irene Porter, Victoria Pan#17 1Q2 1775#Q337 j7 3Q3 77j3Q3# 7211 j361 372#57#17761"" 1Q337 1QRQ3RQ3RH313 311 3 15"#RX2J8 1372 17#777 612 1Q3 35&JQ326@45& JQ36 17772 3&7 64 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S PHILIPPINES Third Board Meeting May 17, 2010 61311{H#72 1X"21 3Q33qQ3"5RJ3O61#33 17 145&;0 YXX61#31&1*# 1177+*?*# 1J+*J?J*#+J*?&17;011Q36 3111 1*94RX5 #73717@1 #711177 Third Quarterly Meeting - July 26, 2010 Installation of Dental Chair at Towerville October 1, 2010 Meeting with Kadebu President November 8, 2010 5Q3JQ3Y55571 13 163O1\X61 3 2# 93 Hj 5 77# " Antoniette. A local plumber was on hand to help with installation. This 332#11 15\#"2 616331 ;0Y35# 1 187371172 # 53152 incoming President of the Kapisanan ng mga Dentista X+05JX*?145&;0@63\X1L713 163531 clinic for all GK Villages nationwide. Dr. Santiago was #177#3117@#8 for all details to be forwarded to her. She planned to 1217@1 92>$ T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 65 4,..#!!52+2!,$=B > President ....................................................#2 President Emeritus .......................Joseph W. Tamari Vice President .................................... Youssef Talic President-Elect ....................................... X1 ....................................92\ Treasurer ..........................................42191 Editor .................................................Cedric Haddad Councilor Emeritus ............................R0@ International Councilor Cedric Haddad Regents 5# 5$&J12 2 61 4 5 1 3j and most prestigious honorary dental organization. What a great 11# 452 1"J\#$4 2H1L7 $>>Q3 15k<=<> Q3#2$61L7 21712731# around the world. www.icdme.com #1#H21717 2H 33#07 3112@ 131 3 11132 1 72j$th1" 52 17 613152'$1 *# X 7# # 3#71#3312#17 61 " J 45" k>=12 1*# X past section President Dr. Joseph Tamari was the International has pledged to continue in the footsteps of our College Founding k%131 Q15R #5619# 2*2JR21 @X $ @!"Z[+\Z]*+? X$X+ Sabri, Vice President Talic, Registrar AbouJaoude and Regent Sacy. X $ @X#!"^[_^$!$"]?X"[%[?[! Haddad Chidiac, Felipe Rezk and Hani Salam. 66 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S MIDDLE EAST 17 2312#4 315" 171311# Fellow of the Section, helped strengthen our understanding of 1#772@H and guiding spirit. 41 47#11 17 43#Qlows of the Section, that you are an elite group of professionals 3111ing to Fellowship. 61# #771#j#;[3 I.C.D. Fellowship as a distinction and great honor. Your continu7745@2# ##7 # 61# # 145 Induction Ceremony: Section President Sabri reading the pledge to the Inductees. > @1[11 3 Q3 5$13 61"J3 1k%Q3/>>5<$5$ 714$=1 61L312\*J Ali Awada the Dection inducted ten Fellows from 7#761#j31 5$L7161 under the title: Management of the Dental Prob#72#1lems of the Ageing Patients. This theme was choernance of the Section to create a nucleus in each sen to emphasize the importance of the problems country instead of inducting Fellows from differ177|13172@4$k ready initiated this awareness program through its and in the presence of Past President (President at 7@ 225j 1?11Q3 nd R#22 231$ 9; th the dentists, hospitals and organizations managing 5"1$ " = 5/ elderly patients. 15##161 O7 #L#j 2117kQ3 377#1 = bia represented in the Section by Vice President k 2$#L7131 v 6 5$&J12 This year again, the Section was honored by the presence of 132 11 " 31#771 Q3 5$ As a matter of fact, in his message to Fellows of our Section, $th"1 111 #XR23- #21#771ing the effort to meet as many Fellows of the Section as possible, j21 13 31 1 71 1 - ~177# #17 11 2 Annual Section Report T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 67 MIDDLE EAST ! > 1 8/1 , ! Although the Section has carried 31 7@ education and its contribution to the library of the Lebanese Dental 1 1 1# 71 1H 17@"O1 131111Qj1 77 17@3 1 11#161 33#2#117@33 7 717 593 \# $% $ 3 / 1 1 3 1 11 1R# 7@ 6152<'31 1 #j / 52 $nd 1 X j meeting was held in the presence of International President " 7 3 1 1 1 j X#&3 establish autonomous Districts within the Section. These changes should be completed within this calendar year. The election was immediately 32#1#31111j 2 5j R# X 5Y5 1 3 1 Y 1 [ 2 6 O R2 " RO11 1R2*#j1 #q Q3 " 5 7 R2j " O1q17 1R2# 115 "@1 \71*#qQ3991 1R255;1v 5$J12717 1 Dental Society, and Section Vice President Youssif Talic and all 1j 3#Q3 The Orientation program and Induction Ceremony were held Q# 52 <rd 1 induction message and welcomed the ten new Fellows into the 728 31# #52'13 # Education Program with as its central theme: Managing of Dental Problems for the Ageing Population617 135Q"#7 17 2711*# ;611'3Q3 1 2R29#! 17 Q3 X 51 2 7 1 # 11113 R21"J 32#13 1 Oral Longevity Launch: Seated in front row from right: Section President Megarbane, Member of Parliament Atef Majdalani, Vice President of Al Waleed Bin Talal Foundation Leila Hamadeh, Dean of Lebanese Universit Mounir Doumit, and President of the Lebanese Dental Association Ghassan Yared. 68 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L Mrs. Leila Hamadeh receiving a shield commemorating the event from Section President Megarbane. C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S MIDDLE EAST 24 by Dr. Zahi Khalaf 4 kk> 4 1 1 L7 1 1"J Section of the International College of Den3|41#41 already been in uninterrupted dental prac <!#$!# 311 membership of the I.C.D. Section. The group 13$2# from Lebanon. Our meetings were simply and casually 31 1 cers and the President. The transfer of the du 13#24 111361 was nothing ceremonial; nothing symbolic 3L131 In my many years of practice, I was ex7# 61#33# 3@# and relaxation. What caught my eye in all of those meetings was 311;111/# 78#71 131#7 tion. [1# j 1 45 3 1 #2 4 # 61 3 3 7/ 3 j 11 31612##@2dent! 63141<31/ 61 #11231#2 132 7#1 this medal. $61 22 145 logo. <612 27 other than yellow gold. 6147721# /X3 1 #3 Q 77 # 7 #1 17j17 [133131 1"#7117ment gets collected slowly in a bottom drawer of our cabinet, 32& 113 Fifteen minutes later I was on the phone discussing the idea 31=% 16173#13 61 L 7 # X# 4 1 1 inlays, crowns and bridges. We meticulously cleaned them with the high-speed drill, then sterH3771@3 3137# 1L@2 3 @ # 2 1 # #2L[1 4712L3&71 2 7 @3# 2# my expectations - I was really amazed at the artis 11 1#3 31 peep at what had become of those pieces of “gold 11132 312 131#31732#1 gold chain was the answer, but got ruled out be 11 The haberdashery shop became my only immediate destination. Proudly producing the medal in the palm of my hand, the elderly lady in the shop helped me to choose a green and yellow 22# 1[111461 1501 Happy as a child who got a toy he badly needed, I dashed 1#21 [11327# 2 / 7311 4L72 114 21<> $ 1#3#3111 indeed. >``{\+# |}~+dential medal from Councilman Levon Karjian. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 69 :$!5+2!,$=B, President.........................................Jae Young Chung President-Elect ..................................... Sang Phil Lee Vice President .....................................J0 Vice President ...................................... 4O3 Vice President ...................................... 61 Vice President .................................. Kyung Sun Kim Immediate Past President ...................v1v .............................................. Hwan Ho Yeo Treasurer ......................................... "\ International Director ............................Ho Yeol Jang International Director ................................ 44 Editor.....................................................Jae Chun Lee www.icd-korea.org /N International Councilor Woong Yang Date Lecturer Subject \ Q2% "% 7$ "#> \$ \#k 7< > 9! 5O6\1 "#R 5 5v0O 477"1 501 O#7X1 5X#O0 6161 11# I.C.D Korea Section’s Convocation and Induction Ceremony 5[Ov [6 5O\R 0j47"2#0J1 5X5O 61214747 Classical Gala Dinner for the I.C.D 5X#6R "5 910 Monthly Meeting Lecture: Implant Pros and Cons Monthly Meeting Lecture: Liberation Movement of King Eui Chin 70 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L Monthly Meeting Lecture: Dentistry in North Korea O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S KOREA I.C.D. Korean Section Spring Convocation and Induction Ceremony I.C.D Japan Section visit and Dr. Seidemann’s Visitation to Korea 5454450 "#>1j4# 11O05O6\1+45?5\v1+450 ?5[v+45?\7 "#$k1j411 #O Humanitarian Project 5 O 6 \1 1 3 7 #1711" and performing dental treatment and education. Dr. O 6 \1 5 \ v 1 5[ Hwan Choi (Past President I.C.D Korea Section) and Dr. Chong Yeol Kim (Past President I.C.D Korea ?"61#17771 1 3<>5[v 111j3#2 1177717 1 1 3j I.C.D. Korea Section sponsored the Mongolian Region’s Foundation and First Induction Ceremony 1910@ Q391011 1311+L51\1#v#50#"0[ #?3910 O33111 1 171#Q+Q?# " help with the dental treatment of disabled people. (www.smilefund.org) T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 71 ,=!2!5,!,+2!,$=B,, President............................................ Wan Hong Lan Past President .................................. Yuh Yuan Shiau Editor............................................. Ying-Kwei Tseng ........................................... Hsin Cheng Liu > International Councilor Yuh Yuan Shiau I Council $ 1 I.C.D. Taiwan Section was held at the Ambassador Hotel Taipei on "#$<431 15" mann, the International President of 7 # 451 cation Ceremony here in Taiwan. In 50@O14 145 Directors \713 "O11Ing-Hsiang Lee 614#332#5 Jenn-Hua Yao Q 3Q3377 [&OR Tzee-Hawi Lin 16451371611171 Lan congratulated the new Fellows and pronounced that Fellows of I.C.D. are pillars of the society, elites of the country, and must be professionally capable to help their patients. Dr. Seidemann also 7L717171321L7 1 6113 14# R1571 13125R 64513Q3j2 professional records, and contributions to dentistry along with a PowerPoint presentation to recognize their accomplishments and dedication to the society. 14#Q31 77#17 61Q31 2 7131 R512 Chao Chang Chan Yuh Yuan Shiau Chin-Kuang Wen Ying-Kwei Tseng R&1" Chih-Chien Lee <=>=|* *%X***+? X$ line. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 73 CHINESE TAIPEI moment. At dinnertime, Dr. Seidemann and Dr. Hashimoto were on the stage again, amid the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, to express their gratitude and compliments to TICD. On behalf of TICD, Professor R7 211 1 participation and support. Dr. Seidemann presented a speech on “Den#J11Q3O11 7 7 ## 11 7 7X1121 7 3##3 Fellows of I.C.D. Taiwan Section are senior staffs of dental schools and chairmen of local dental associations, and we are committed to the goals 2@ 45311H177# TICD arranged a tour for our guests after the meeting. The tour in\ v1919 " 1 8 3 \ 7831 61#@#173 163 v19#131 9"31#371 7 Prof. Wan-Hong Lan presents a plaque of appreciation to International I.C.D. President, Dr. Manfred Seidemann during the 2010 Induction Ceremony. ,=5+2!,$=B,,, President........................................Z1| President Elect ............................. Z1Z1# Treasurer ..............................................Gong, Ping .......................................1{ Historian.....................................Z1Z1 Historian..................................... Wang, Hanzhang Editor.........................................................Hu, Tao International Councilor Z1| Administrative Assistant O| I 98B , nduction Ceremony of I.C.D. China Section 72 $%th, the Autonomous I.C.D. Section |444&111$4###1 <k27 1#23Q3 145 # 131mendous contributions to the practice of the dental profes3123H7 "# 1 3 schools of famous uni foremost explorations into dentistry. Section |444 {& 1 1 4tion Ceremony. Vice-President of Chinese Stomatology +? [&RL7113Q3&J61|444 |& Z1 3 7113Q3&J 145&&R" 1# the Fellowship Orientation Program with a Power Point 7611 1Q3&3 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 1 4523 31 #23Q3 the I.C.D. I.C.D. International Council Meeting in Orlando Q2>1=11454"3112 # Q*7145 |444&1 |& Z1 {& 1 "v\1 311 1 7 11 2 1$<4" |444 1 won their bid. Chengdu is a beautiful city with pleasant weather and 21ɣ# 1#2 <#6111111 lions of tourists. Located in this city is the number one 11311##2##61 |444&11# 2 1 4 " Chengdu will be a full success. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 75 CHINA Continuing Education ?7&$1$6191[1 #31 1 |444&1 |&Z11 11ogy Association, chaired 1 Q3 Z1&1 Z1 Qlow Ping Gong and Fellow R&@ R 3derful academic lectures tal implantology and standardized treatment for oral 61 L7 J $?2$k&<161$1&J9 Q 5# 3 1 9 ;L 7|&Z1{& ming Chen and other Fellows attended this forum, 31171tistry. The 2nd China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry. <?61Q;2 15 +;5?31 52'1" 1Q3 |4441 61|&Z1 1 " J311Llent forum for all Chinese dentists to better understand the importance of education in the practice of dental science. The First Global Congress of Chinese Dentists. '? Q3 |444 1 L12;H1X@7pating in continuing education programs. 76 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E International Cooperation |&Z1172 1*0\71123# 2# 111#1 1 academic cooperation. Earthquake Victims. Social Service ?v1J18 7'1=1871 v1 # {1 7 $>k% 77 118@7712[ 1O7 #31Q3 |444#717 $?Z18&~3 %1 & ~3 7 1 Z18 # ;7alties and loss of property. This unimaginable natural disaster was caused by too much rain during a short time. Fellows of |444#77 1@77 +\ making a donation for the <? 61 $$ 9 R 615#72 $1 [ 1 O7 Stomatology offered diagnostic 1 72 charge. Fellows at this college 771#71# '?1"5H 92!1111"5H 3 3 X@ " Q3 |444& Professor Da-zhang Wang was one of the awardees. The China "5H 2#1"# O1 is the highest prize for doctors in the country with greatest contributions. I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 4N5=45+2!,$=B,0 President...................................................... Cho Sitt President-Elect ........................................Thein Htut Vice-President ........................................ "#61 Vice-President ........................................ Aung Than ........................................... Tun Tun Thwe Editor.................................................... 00"3 Treasurer .......................................... "#Z30 Auditor .............................................. 6"61 .................................................."# 57# .................................. 0#3"# JL"2 ......... Soe Soe Thein JL"2 ........ 619 " ................................. Lin Htet Aung J ............................6" > www.icdmyanmar.org 2 International Councilor Tun Tun Thwe S |4Y"#73"#$k <'"#1113# 1Q311 1 61#$33117#11#771 Q337v "J737245Q35"#9#47# 1 "#451&1"#54 5"#9#777X47#7$Q3 1"#45tended that symposium in Thailand in December. 5; 6 1j7 14537#72$61j7 3311"#453<' 4j7 1\7j42 3\77 1"#451\74#"#$ R#4371H13#282 12@ 1 College-at-Large. 78 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S MYANMAR > "#=$/*1 Q\#$ Q3 145"#tion is reorganized with new editor Dr. Kyaw mar Section went to Kyone Village, Eastern Shan Sein as well as other new position for some Of61# dentures to the edentulous patients, and donated 121111 $4"#$k$/LQ3 1"#emony of the International College of Dentists, 771 |4Y"#31\#> Induction Ceremony of the Japan Section. $4#ROv \# $: Free Dental Treatment was 7 O3 X " "# 2# SECTION PUBLICATIONS I.C.D. Fellows and the new Inductees of the year AND WEBPAGE: $61#1<7 The Journal of the International College of 72$$: A Continuing Educa5|4Y"#3721 145"#3 52$k1$&$72 11O6173 3721\#$2 5"#9#471 Induction Ceremony. Both publications can be v5*#Q #Q3 seen on our web site. our program of “Dental Implant Treatment: Basic Principles for R62 Our Section web site www.icdmyanmar.org was launched on 72k$: The I.C.D. President Cup Golf Tour- \#th$ nament was played at Than Lyin Golf Club and twenty Fellows participated. Continuing Education Dental Treatment in Hmaw Bi Dental Treatment in Kyone Village Continuing Education T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 79 2!,$=BB J)+, I 17117zation of renowned dentists in our country. It will be a challenge 17 7 leaders in their own right. 6 173231 151#2 #1H454 1 311 16ish Dental Association. THE FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY "#<$;2#31@311!1 45Y4 O "61 45Q32 7 international and regional dental organizations were among in33152Y+Q54 ? The Session was directed and managed by Dr. Smaeil Yazdi, a highly respected senior Fellow of I.C.D. and former Dean of 1 5#61*#O31H17 52Y1 O1 1 lows: 7 / 5 " +dent of I.C.D.) and Dr. Terry Hoffeld (Secretary General), the speech of Dr. Vienna regarding I.C.D. and its relation to FDI, 1j72#5O&9@1O#""2@H; 45O3132 the assigning of short and long term plans for this region. Election of the Board of Directors was the next step in the meeting. THE YEAR IN REVIEW 61#314514#3113 # 1$<rd72$1 O 14 Dental Association. This meeting was directed by Dr. Gholam 2"H+Y 45 O1 45?O31Q3 177 45H13517+6?31L71 7 1# 1 80 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E 5 6=C $ .............. O&9@ Vice-President ................. ;12"H .......................................... 01# Treasurer ............................ 2\17 Legal Consultant ...................... "Y Left to right: Registrar Kaveh Seyedan; Vice President Gholam Abass Mortazavi; Presi!"$% I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S IRAN L/R: Past President of the Iranian Dental Association M. Eftekhari; President of FDI Roberto Vienna; &'"* Smaeil Yazdi. THE YEAR AHEAD Top in our agenda this year, is to hold a logical planning session to identify 113 1H2 31452@617# Presentation of Fellowship and key to President of IDA, Gholamreza Ghaznavi. of them are: & Standardization and Documentation of I.C.D. roles, guidelines, systems and forms. $& 7 231452 <& R17 '& H7717 Q317 !& 6 731112H [45<322711137317 L1 13Q3 31711 1 7731 113717#2#1 [1Q3 4533 #1 O&9@ L/R: Amir Reza Rokn; Jaleh Mahmoudian; Morteza Mosaffa; Mahnaz sahebjamei; Hosein Behnia; Mohammad Reza Taherian; Mohamadali Eftekhari; Gholamreza Ghaznavi; Mohsen Shirazi; Ali Mohammad Kalantar Motamed. Mohammad Bayat and Mohammad Sadegh Akhoundi are not in the picture. T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 81 2!,$=BB JJ+4 $ < T he t217 52<$/ Q3/ '< O#Q3/ $ "Q3/ 93$/ O#Q3/ $ Q3/ ! Honorary Fellows 61"#45|| <<171 1O2" O1"#5jR36R : 6:8N,4 Honorary Fellow of the International College of Dentists. #31%th7$10R7 .; "#615010v1 #3 ! 1O2" O1O#Q3 14 517 1"# O1" .1 %8#,4 #7 @77Q3 145 and members of the media. 1Y4731#; 1"# O115 15 1"# O11 1 "#5611+"#?;L& 10"#371# 5XR 1"#51 1O#Q315 010v1O#Q32#71311Q31777145# Induction of New I.C.D. Fellows 4@311=thQ54"56JL124#3H = \#$"##13# 3Q31 "#45 th #E; Dr. Norain Abu Talib, Dr. Yim Khai Kee, The Honorable Minister of Health, Malaysia, YB. Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Dr. Lee Soon Boon and Dr. Lim Chee Shin. Induction Ceremony 82 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 2!,$=BB JD+4 %5 3 I 1#1"1345Qlows were extended the hand of Fellowship in September. The International College of 511# 1311 1"3177L 145O6\1+0? 1" 133"45[v+0?+\7?[v #71 13Q310 conducted the Ceremonies. Induction Ceremony T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S 83 2!,$=BB WHERE DENTAL EDUCATION IS THE WORK OF THE COLLEGE ,11.1#.!,11.1,O P %' *' '' %% has Regent for I.C.D. Region 24 k>k + Afghanistan, Bangladesh). Four 4 1 2 ' I.C.D. Fellows has been main 7 3112H 1311 " Q3 1 41512C 13 $5"482 2 BB8 (Q 371#71Q3 31L* 1172#2 71 7 O1L 145 4$ 5" 1 15partment of Public Health and Principal of The College of Com#"R11 1#4 5#"O"lege. His topic was Dentistry in the Past, Today and Tomorrow. O 1 2 1 3 1 1#17 17 5"7131 1145Q32161# 475#+45?kk<191 4592$k45Q351@5 {1 2 457 his roles as patron and lecturer. Another I.C.D. Fellow from 59HvH+71? 3 17 by the International Association of Disability and Oral Health in Ghent, Belgium. 84 T H E 2 0 1 1 J O U R N A L O F T H E D r. Christopher Ogunsalu 377$<College At Large Councilor representing the I.C.D. International Section XX and is also Regent for Region 32 +J1722? O12cation programs located in the Caribbean, for example, assisting in the planning and curriculum de7 31 in Jamaica. Through his interests $ and participation as an educator with The International Congress 2 BB8 J( of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), Dr. Ogunsalu has been able to reach out to multiple areas out1227# 311 future I.C.D. Fellows can be established. 452$0#616H5+65?1511"12*# O1+"*O?445 27317 at sensitizing Tazmanians dentist regarding Oral Implantology. Dr. Ogunsalu was the course instructor and TDA President Professor Flora Fabian Taylor directed local arrangements and 7 17L#&7717771 L713 77 55j # 11'=45Q31761R1H1 H 17L 6152 111 2#1J1722 7771 1712 2##j4 5361 I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O L L E G E O F D E N T I S T S