March 2012 ‰ Volume 19, Issue 1
March 2012 ‰ Volume 19, Issue 1
Expressions March 2012 Volume 19, Issue 1 0DNLQJWKHGLIIHUHQFHLQPHHWLQJOLIHORQJQHHGVZ Z ZSRUWDJHGGRUJ Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities Dennis M. Coble Administration Building 2606 Brady Lake Rd. Ravenna, OH 44266-1657 6XSHULQWHQGHQW·V2IÀFH 330-297-7261 %RDUG2IÀFH 330-297-6209 )D[ 330-297-1202 :HEVLWH %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 330-297-8991 6HUYLFH6XSSRUW $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 330-297-4100 Family Support 6HUYLFHV3URJUDP 800-237-6828 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ 330-297-6462 AGXOW6HUYLFHV Portage Industries 7008 State Rte. 88 Ravenna, OH 44266-9134 330-296-2839 Fax 330-297-8994 CKLOGUHQ·V6HUYLFHV Happy Day School 2500 Brady Lake Rd. Ravenna, OH 44266-1698 330-678-2400 Fax 330-673-3714 PCBDD Emergency Number 330-678-7559 PCBDD does not discriminate in provision of services or employment because of handicap, race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age. Board President, Jeanne Schmidlin, left, presented Mary and Luigi Lettieri with the 2011 Earl and Mary Lohr Distinguished Service Award. Board President, Jeanne Schmidlin, left, also presented Board member Denise McCoy the 2011 Earl and Mary Lohr Distinguished Service Award. 2011 Earl and Mary Lohr Distinguished Service Award On January 18, 2012, the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities awarded the 2011 Earl and Mary Lohr Distinguished Service Award to current DD Board member 'HQLVH0F&R\ and former longtime Board employees Luigi and Mary Lettieri. Ms. McCoy was recognized for her long-term involvement with the Board’s Parent Council, the soap box GHUE\IRUNLGVZLWKVSHFLDOQHHGVDQGFRXQWOHVVYROXQWHHUKRXUVIRUHYHQWVDQGIXQGUDLVHUVWREHQH¿W individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. The Lettieris were recognized for their efforts in founding the Portage County Special Olympics program, more than 30 years of involvement in Special Olympics events as well as the positive impact they have on the lives of Special Olympics’ athletes and the DD community in Portage County. The award is in honor of Earl and Mary Lohr who were tireless advocates for people with developmental disabilities in Portage County for more than 50 years. The award was established by the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities in 2007 on the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of County Boards of DD. 7KH/RKUVZHUHWKH¿UVWUHFLSLHQWVRIWKLVDZDUG Celebrating DD Awareness Month The month of March is Developmental Disabilities awareness month. The campaign theme for 2012 is Our Community is Better Together. The 2012 awareness theme encourages people to understand that when people with disabilities are welcomed into local neighborhoods, workplaces, houses of worship, and schools everyone wins! ]]]VUXZGMKJJUXM3GXIN<UR[SK/YY[K Manager’s Corner Department News From Around the PCBDD Medicaid Services Update Transportation Department News :HKDYHQRZPRYHGWRRXUQHZRI¿FHORFDWLRQZKLFKLV beside the bus garage and behind Happy Day School. The entire Department is most appreciative of our new accommodations! Our telephone number is still 330-297-6462, but we do have a new address, 2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266. The Transportation Department recently received three (3) new vehicles - two (2) Mini transit buses for adult transportation and (1) new small school bus for mid-day transportation of the toddlers at Happy Day School. :HKDYHVWDUWHGGRLQJHYHQLQJDQGZHHNHQG¿HOGWULSVIRU the Special Olympics basketball teams (Flashes & Thunder) and their cheerleaders to attend away games. Both teams have been doing great! Investigative Agent Department Happenings The PCBDD recently added a new Investigative Agent (IA), Kendall Smith. Kendall joined the unit in November having previ- ously worked at the Summit County Board as an IA. She is very happy to be in Portage County! On February 23rd the Board’s Annual Stakeholder Committee Meeting was held to review trends and patterns of last year’s MUI occurrences. Some of the information from this review will be shared with Board staff at the all-staff in-service training on March 9, 2012. At this in-service training, all Board staff go through an annual MUI and Client Rights Rules review. This is an event that everyone looks forward to every year and we are sure that this year will be exceptional!! Adult Services News On February 15, 2012, the Lake Erie Monsters, Cleveland’s professional hockey team, hosted an educational day. Individuals from Beth Gregg’s group at Portage Industries attended the event. Before the start of the game, those attending had an opportunity to participate in activities that educated them about ice hockey and team sports. The Monsters beat the Texas Stars 4 to 3. Everyone had a great time! 2 The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) revised and enhanced their web site in December 2011. One of the major enhancements is a new waiver provider search IXQFWLRQWKDWLVOLQNHGWRDQHZSURYLGHUFHUWL¿FDWLRQDSSOLFDWLRQ 7KLVQHZSURYLGHUFHUWL¿FDWLRQSURJUDPDOORZVSURYLGHUVWRPDNH LQLWLDODVZHOODVUHQHZDOFHUWL¿FDWLRQDSSOLFDWLRQVDOPRVW completely on-line. There is also the ability for providers to complete a provider SUR¿OHLQZKLFKWKH\FDQGHVFULEHWKHLUH[SHULHQFHZRUN preferences, expertise/special training, types of individuals they desire to provide or not provide services for, location/area of county they are willing to work, and in which counties they prefer to work. The provider can also indicate wether they are accepting or not accepting new individuals. All of this information is searchable by the county, city, zip code of the provider, as well as WKHVHUYLFHVWKH\DUHFHUWL¿HGWRSURYLGH To access additional state information and information for Families and Individuals, about Providers and County Boards, click the DD Gateway button (see below) in the left hand column of the DODD home page. Just below this button are several video tutorials on navigating the redesigned web site. The DD website homepage is: KWWSGRGGRKLRJRY. Celiac Disease & Gluten Free Workshop Potluck Celiac Disease Foundation Northeast Ohio Chapter will sponsor a potluck and speaker on Sunday, March 25, from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. at the Independence Library. Potluck starts promptly at 2:00 p.m. At 3:15 p.m., 'U0DUJDUHW 5LFKDUGV, Cleveland Clinic psychologist will speak on the social challenges of Celiac disease and the gluten free diet. Registration is required at ZZZQHRKLRFHOLDFFRP. Speaker only participation is free with required registration. Expressions Parent Council for Portage County Developmental Disabilities Callie Cunningham, Alice Cunningham, Liam Cunningham, Jenny Boyden, Early Intervention Specialist, and Gail McAlister, Director of Children’s Services at Happy Day School. New Early Intervention Program at Happy Day Happy Day School has initiated a new service in the Early Intervention (EI) Program. The program known as TEACCH (treatment and education of autistic and related communication- handicapped children), is now an option that is offered to two- \HDUROGVWKDWZRXOGEHQH¿WIURPDKLJKO\VWUXFWXUHGVHWWLQJDQGDKLJKVWDIIWRVWXGHQW ratio. The EI program has seen the need for such a program as more children coming WKURXJK(,KDYHDGLDJQRVLVRI$XWLVPRU6HQVRU\DQG/DQJXDJHGH¿FLWV7KHSURJUDP started in October and has seen some remarkable results with the children enrolled. The success and set-up of the TEACCH classroom was spearheaded by Jenny Boyden, Early Intervention Specialist. The class runs four ½ days per week and is supported by Language, Psychology and Occupational Therapy. Interactions with the child’s family occur daily, strategies are trialed and shared with family members. 8VLQJIXQGVGHULYHGIURPWKHLUIDOOFUDIWVKRZVDOHV/LDP¶V/HJLRQDQRQSUR¿W IDPLO\EDVHGJURXSOHDUQHGRIWKHSURJUDPDQGHQWKXVLDVWLFDOO\ZDQWHGWR¿QGDZD\ to help! After hearing about the trial runs and how the children responded so quickly to this electronic device, they were able to donate $700.00 of their earnings to purchase an IPAD to be used in the classroom. There was already one IPAD for the room and with Liam’s donation the program now has two. Consequently, since the full article about the donation ran in the Record Courier, another parent of a former student has contacted the school and made another donation of $500.00 to be used to purchase a third IPAD! The community support for the program is overwhelming! The EI program is very appreciative that they are able to access some RIWKHQHZHVWWHFKQRORJ\RXWWKHUHWREHQH¿WWKHFKLOGUHQWKDWDUHVHUYHG Parent Council was very active during the fall and winter months. Besides providing emergency funding for families with unex- pected needs, many activities happened. The Auction was held in October and was great fun for all who attended and contributed. In December, Santa’s Shop was held at Portage Industries and at Happy Day School. Many folks purchased gifts and many more received them. Throughout December and January, Parent Council hosted a collection for socks and undergarments to donate to children in the Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Portage County. Approximately $400.00 worth of clothing was collected. Parent Council wishes to thank everyone who contributed to this collection. On March 10, 2012, a rummage sale will be held at Portage Industries. All donations are welcome. Please deliver them to Portage Industries during the regular work hours of 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Happy Day School will host The Annual Carnival on April 14, 2012 and the May Dinner on May 15, 2012. More information will be sent home regarding these events. If anyone would like to volunteer or has questions, please contact any member of Parent Council or call Happy Day School and speak with Debbie at 330-678-2400. 3 ]]]VUXZGMKJJUXM3GXIN<UR[SK/YY[K 4 Expressions 2011 State Aquatics Meet Results The 2011 State Special Olympics Aquatics Meet was held December 17 & 18, 2011 in Columbus. Events & Results 25 Freestyle 50 Freestyle Deanna Judd – 4 Joe Persavich – 1st Donald F. – 1st th 25 Butterfly Cainan Mizer – 2nd 4 x 50 Free Relay-2nd Craig Hughes Adam Moss Joe Persavich Donald F. 4 x 50 Free Relay-5th Kathy Wagar Deanna Judd Lorena Gouvas Carly Domres Deanna Judd – 5th Lorena Gouvas – 5th Carly Domres – 1st Shelby Martell – 4th Danielle Wadkins – 1st Chrissy Motz – 3rd Megan Rothermel – 3rd Lucas Neer – 3rd Cainan Mizer – 4th Tyler Furness – 4th Jacob Harper – 1st Craig Hughes – 2nd Adam Moss – 5th Joe Persavich – 1st Michael Mohan – 4th Donald F. – 4th 4 x 25 Medley Relay-2nd Chrissy Motz - back Carrie Harper - breast &DLQDQ0L]HU±À\ Vincent Harper – free 25 Backstroke Carly Domres – 5th Lorena Guovas – 2nd Shelby Martell – 2nd Chrissy Motz – 3rd Danielle Wadkins – 2nd Megan Rothermel – 3rd Jacob Harper – 2nd Tyler Furness – 3rd Craig Hughes – 1st Adam Moss – 2nd Michael Mohan – 4th 100 Freestyle 200 Freestyle Kathy Wagar – 2nd 4 x 25 Free Relay-1st Austin Starkey Connor Huston Tyler Rossi Nicholas Menasian 4 x 25 Free Relay-4th Kathy Sisley Shelby Martell Danielle Wadkins Megan Rothermel 4 x 25 Unified Free Relay-4th Lucas Neer Jacob Harper Vincent Harper Carrie Harper Kathy Wagar – 1st 5 ]]]VUXZGMKJJUXM3GXIN<UR[SK/YY[K Valentine’s Day Dance The Valentine’s Day dance was held February 3, 2012 at Happy Day School. Attendees enjoyed great music, dancing and refreshments. Our condolences go out to the families of $GDP0F)DUODQG, Rose Cain and Bradley Stepp. Adam, Rose and Bradley passed away in February. 6 Handmade Blankets, Scarves and Ponchos at Portage Industries Linda Hodgen’s group at Portage Industries has been busy making items for themselves and family members. With the assistance of Sue Barnett, PSA and Valerie Marker, RSA, nineteen blankets, two ponchos and a warm scarf for each to wear during inclement weather have been handmade by individuals served in Linda’s group. The pictures depict the following activities: Cody assisted Sue by knotting the ends of the blanket together;; Laura proudly displays collegiate team KSU’s colors;; -DFTXHOLQH is proud of her homemade colorful creation and LarryLVUHDG\IRUDQ\RSSRUWXQLW\WRVKRZKLVFDPRXÀDJH Sherry is very proud of the blanket that she helped make to keep her grandson warm on those cold Northeast Ohio winter nights. Dave is quite pleased with his creation, too. Thank you to Sue Barnett, PSA, for her creativity and photography. This was an enjoyable craft for all involved. A heartfelt thank you is extended to all parents and residential providers that assisted by contributing cash to purchase the materials to make this project possible. Expressions Annual Easter Eggstravaganza Sponsored By: Ravenna Parks and Recreation & United Healthcare Community Plan Saturday, April 7, 2012 at Ravenna City Park (corner of Oakwood St. and Highland) Schedule of Events DP3DUWLFLSDQWVEHJLQWRDUULYH DP(DVWHUEXQQ\DUULYHVYLDÀUHWUXFN DP(JJ+XQW²FKLOGUHQZLWK disabilities age 1 to 18 years old 35th Annual Special Population Basketball Shooting Contest The 35 Annual Special Population Basketball Shooting Contest was held on January 14, 2012 at Happy Day School with 70 consumers participating in the contest. Carly Domres, 3DWULFLD&ROH, Teresa Strahler, Kathy Wagar, 6KDQQRQ6FKPLGW, and Angela Nutter were the winners in the female division. Donald Parobek, 'RQDOG), Shawn Hostler, Kevin Garlitz, and Ray Markward won for the male division. An Award was presented to Luigi Lettieri and +XJK,FNHV for 35 years of volunteering for the basketball shootout. Linda Fiorentino also received an award for volunteering with the Knights of Columbus at their many events. A BIG thank you goes out to all who attended to support our athletes. WRDP(DVWHU*DPH%RRWKV DP3KRWRVZLWK(DVWHU%XQQ\ DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWRZLWKSDUHQWV th DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWRZLWKRXW parents DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWR\HDUV DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWR\HDUV DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWR\HDUV DP&KLOGUHQDJHVWR\HDUV DP$OOERRWKVFORVH 7 2606 Brady Lake Road Ravenna, OH 44266-1657 March/April 2012 0DUFK $JHQF\,QVHUYLFH 3URJUDPV&ORVHG 0DUFK 5XPPDJH6DOH DP²SP 3RUWDJH,QGXVWULHV 0DUFK Programs Resume 0DUFK %RDUG0HHWLQJ SP $SULO Spring Break Programs Closed $SULO Programs Resume $SULO $QQXDO&DUQLYDO SP²SP +DSS\'D\6FKRRO $SULO %RDUG0HHWLQJ SP 'HQQLV0&REOH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ%XLOGLQJ 'HQQLV0&REOH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ%XLOGLQJ The mission of the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities is to ensure the availability of programs, services, and supports that assist eligible individuals with developmental disabilities in choosing and achieving a life of increasing capability such that they can live, work, and socialize in the community, and to assist and support the families of these individuals in achieving this objective. 8
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Mak ing t he dif ference in mee t ing lifelong need s • w w w.por t
Making the difference in meeting lifelong needs
Portage County Board of
Developmental Disabilities
Dennis M. Coble
Administration Building
2606 Brady Lake Rd.
Ravenna, OH 44266-1657